path: root/build.gradle
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build.gradle')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1487 deletions
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dcc3d27b6..0000000000
--- a/build.gradle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1487 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.concurrent.Callable
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
-import java.awt.AWTException
-import java.awt.Font
-import java.awt.Image
-import java.awt.Menu
-import java.awt.MenuItem
-import java.awt.PopupMenu
-import java.awt.SystemTray
-import java.awt.TrayIcon
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener
-import javax.swing.JOptionPane
-import javax.imageio.ImageIO
-import static Services.*
-import static ServiceControl.*
-* open CMD -> gradle health
-* */
-group 'org.onap.sdc'
-version '1.01-SNAPSHOT'
-apply plugin: 'groovy'
-apply plugin: 'java'
-apply plugin: "org.hidetake.ssh"
-apply plugin: 'java-gradle-plugin'
-apply plugin: 'idea'
-sourceCompatibility = 1.8
-buildscript {
- repositories {
- jcenter()
- mavenCentral()
- }
- dependencies {
- classpath 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.12'
- classpath "org.hidetake:gradle-ssh-plugin:2.9.0"
- }
-enum Services {
- BACKEND , //be
- FRONTEND , //fe
- DB , //cassandra
- CACHING , //elawsrticsearch
- SECURITY , //webseal
- ALL //all services
-enum ServiceControl {
- STOP ,
-enum Environment {
-//env variables
-project.ext.set("VM_TYPE", Environment.ONAP_VAGRANT) //flags to use new vagrant configuration
-//project.ext.set("NEW_VAG",Boolean.FALSE) //flags to use new vagrant configuration
-project.ext.set("IS_HOTSWAP",Boolean.FALSE) //flags to use new vagrant configuration
-project.ext.set("PROJECT_PATH", System.getenv("SDC")) //ex. 'C:\\GIT_WORK\\asdc\\sdc')
-project.ext.set("VAGRANT_HOME", isProductionVM() ? System.getenv("NEW_VAG") : isOnapVM() ? System.getenv("ONAP_VAG") :System.getenv("VAG")) //ex. 'C:\\GIT_WORK\\vagrant-asdc-all-in-one')
-project.ext.set("USER_HOME", "${System.getenv("USERPROFILE")}\\.ssh")
-project.ext.set("BE_REMOTE", isProductionVM() ? '/opt/app/jetty/base/be' : '/home/vagrant/catalog-be' )
-project.ext.set("FE_REMOTE", isProductionVM() ? '/opt/app/jetty/base/fe' : '/home/vagrant/catalog-fe' )
-project.ext.set("VAGRANT_USER", isProductionVM() ? 'm11981' : 'vagrant' )
-project.ext.set("RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH", isProductionVM() ? "$VAGRANT_HOME/id_rsa" : '' )
-project.ext.set("VAGRANT_PASSWORD", isProductionVM() ? 'Aa123456' : 'vagrant' )
-project.ext.set("X_FOLDER",'/xFolder' )
-project.ext.set("BE_DEPENDENCIES", 'common-be,common-app-api,catalog-dao,catalog-model,security-utils' )
-project.ext.set("command", [ (ALL) : [ (HEALTH) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo curl -i http://localhost:8181/sdc1/rest/healthCheck' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i /data/scripts/docker_health.sh' : 'curl -i localhost:8080/sdc2/rest/healthCheck' } ,
- (KILL) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo pkill java' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker kill $(docker ps -q)' : 'pkill java'} ] , // TODO: refine kill only for services
- (BACKEND) : [ (START) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo service jettyBE start' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker start sdc-BE' : 'service catalog-be start'} ,
- (STOP) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo service jettyBE stop' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker stop sdc-BE' : 'service catalog-be stop'} ,
- (RESTART) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo service jettyBE restart' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker restart sdc-BE' : 'service catalog-be restart'}] ,
- (DB) : [ (START) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo service cassandra start' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker start sdc-cs' : 'start-asdc-storage.sh' } ,
- (STOP) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo service cassandra stop' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker stop sdc-cs' : 'service cassandra stop'} ,
- (RESTART) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo service cassandra restart' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker restart sdc-cs' : 'service cassandra restart'} ] ,
- (FRONTEND): [ (START) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo service jettyFE start' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker start sdc-FE' : 'service catalog-fe start' } ,
- (STOP) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo service jettyFE stop' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker stop sdc-FE' : 'service catalog-fe stop'} ,
- (RESTART) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo service jettyFE restart' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker restart sdc-FE' : 'service catalog-fe restart' } ] ,
- (CACHING): [ (START) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo service elasticsearch start' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker start sdc-es' : 'echo "starting es is not yet supported"' } ],
- (SECURITY): [ (START) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo docker start sdc-WebSeal-Simulator' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i /data/scripts/simulator_docker_run.sh -r $(echo $(sudo -i docker images onap/sdc-simulator | grep onap/sdc-simulator | head -1 | awk \'{print $2}\'))' : 'service webseal-simulator start' } ,
- (STOP) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo docker stop sdc-WebSeal-Simulator' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker stop sdc-sim' : 'service webseal-simulator stop'} ,
- (RESTART) : { isProductionVM() ? 'sudo docker restart sdc-WebSeal-Simulator' : isOnapVM() ? 'sudo -i docker restart sdc-sim' : 'service webseal-simulator restart'}]
- ] ) //abstraction level to shell scripts , support old and new vagrant bash commands
-project.ext.set("unavailableImg" , '')
-//health params
-project.ext.set("trayIcon", null)
-project.ext.set("lastStatus", null)
-project.ext.set("isStopHealthCheck", false)
-project.ext.set("isHaltHealth", new AtomicBoolean(false) )
-project.ext.set("startedAwait", Long.MAX_VALUE)
-project.ext.set("logFile", 'C:/ProgramData/all.log')
-project.ext.set("pomList" , ["${System?.getenv('SDC')}/catalog-fe/pom.xml" ,"${System?.getenv('SDC')}/catalog-be/pom.xml" ] ) //empty list will scan all openecomp poms
-project.ext.set("pomChangesMap" , [:] )
-project.ext.set("beConfigFilesToCopyMapping" , [ 'src/main/resources/config/*.yaml' : 'config/catalog-be/' ,
- 'src/main/resources/config/*.properties' : 'config/catalog-be/'] )
-//menu item strings
-project.ext.set("toggleHealthString" , "Halt Health" )
-//menu item
-project.ext.set("toggleHealthItemView" , null )
-project.ext.set("executor" , null )
-project.ext.set("lockObj" , new Object() )
-def hash( List list ){
- def map = list?.collectEntries { File file -> [(file?.absolutePath) : file?.text?.hashCode() ]}
- map
-def pomChanges(){
- long started = System.currentTimeMillis()
- if ( !pomList )
- listPom()
- //find hash changes
- def changes = pomList?.findAll {
- def File file = new File(it);
- pomChangesMap[it] != file?.text?.hashCode()
- }
- println "\n\n[MasterD][POM]--> detected changes for -> $changes"
- //update changes in map
- changes?.each { pomChangesMap[it] = new File(it)?.text?.hashCode() }
- println "\n\n[MasterD][POM]--> pom map -> $pomChangesMap"
- println """
- ****** POM changes detection finished after -> ${System.currentTimeMillis()- started}ms ******
- """
- changes
-//list pom with updated file hashes
-def listPom(){
- long started = System.currentTimeMillis()
- if (!pomList) {
- def tree = fileTree( PROJECT_PATH ).include '**/pom.xml'//.filter { it.isFile() && it?.toString()?.toLowerCase()?.endsWith('pom.xml') }
- //println "$PROJECT_PATH list is ->${ list?.collect { it?.absolutePath } }"
- //flatten and filter openecomp poms
- pomList = tree?.flatten()?.findAll { File file -> file?.text?.contains('org.openecomp.sdc') }?.collect {File file -> file?.absolutePath }
- }
- pomChangesMap = pomList.collectEntries { absolutePath ->[ ( absolutePath ) : new File(absolutePath)?.text?.hashCode() ] }
- println """ [MasterD][Init] intializing POM detector
- ********* POM listing finished after -> ${System.currentTimeMillis()- started}ms *********
- """
- return pomList
-task initialization(){
- listPom()
- executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
-def parallel( closure ){
- executor?.submit(new Callable<Object>(){
- @Override
- public Object call() {
- closure();
- return null;
- }
- })
-/*class Preferences {
- def String Username
- def String IsNewVagrant
- def String IsRapidMode
-def initXFolder(){
- def folder = new File(X_FOLDER);
- folder?.exists() ?: folder?.mkdirs()
- new File("${folder?.absolutePath}/$PREFERENCES_FILENAME")
-task tester{
- /*doLast{
- //postStat(10000, "shay" , "report/index")
- listPom()
- new File('catalog-be\\pom.xml') << "#hello"
- pomChanges()
- }*/
-def fetchFilesByExtention(remote, local , ext ){
- ssh.run {
- def started = System.currentTimeMillis()
- println "folder diff"
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- //execute "cd /home/vagrant/catalog-be/tmp ; ls -lt | grep catalog-be" //todo- use my dates to filter
- get from: remote , into: local , filter: { it?.absolutePath =~ /jetty.*catalog-be.*\.dir.*\.$ext/ } // { it?.absolutePath =~ /.*catalog-be.*dir.*classes.*/ }
- }
- println "fetched files in ${System.currentTimeMillis() - started} ms"
- }
-def updateRemoteFile(String remote , String local){
- ssh.run {
- def to = "$BE_REMOTE${remote[remote?.indexOf("tmp\\")..remote.size()-1].replaceAll("\\\\","/")}"
- println "copying $local \nto\n $to"
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- put from: local , into: to }
- }
-def compareAndSwap(){
- def final LIMIT = 10
- def newClasses = new File("$PROJECT_PATH\\catalog-be\\target\\classes")
- def File jettyClasses ;
- //locate classes
- println "traversing.."
- new File("build/hotswap").traverse { if (it?.directory && it?.name?.equals("classes")){
- jettyClasses = it
- return;
- } }
- def jettyClassesList = []
- jettyClasses?.traverse { jettyClassesList << it }
- println "$jettyClasses"
- //Sort compiled classes
- def files = []
- newClasses?.traverse { files << it }
- def result = files.sort{ a,b -> b.lastModified() <=> a.lastModified() }
- println "show only last $LIMIT changes"
- result[0..LIMIT]?.each{ println it?.lastModified() +" | "+ it?.name + (it?.directory ? "[Directory]" : "") } //show only last 10 changes
- //update
- def changesMap = [ : ] //<old,new>
- println "updating changes"
- result[0..LIMIT]?.each { File f -> def File other = jettyClassesList.find{ File other-> other?.absolutePath?.endsWith(f?.name) };
- if ( !(f.directory) && f?.text?.hashCode() != other?.text?.hashCode() )
- updateRemoteFile( other?.getAbsolutePath() , f?.getAbsolutePath() )
- } //use hashing
-task hotswap(){
- doLast {
- new File("build/hotswap")?.deleteDir()
- new File("build/hotswap")?.mkdirs()
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- fetchFilesByExtention( "$BE_REMOTE/tmp/" , 'build/hotswap' , "class")
- compareAndSwap()
- }
-remotes {
- vagrant {
- host = ''
- port = 2222
- identity = isProductionVM() ? new File(RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH) : null
- }
-def isProductionVM(){
- return VM_TYPE?.equals(Environment.PROD_VAGRANT)
-def isOnapVM(){
- return VM_TYPE?.equals(Environment.ONAP_VAGRANT)
-def gitLatest(){
-def newEcoSystem(){
- //cleanJanusGraph()
- backupDB() //and clean all
- //restoreDB() //restore latest
- createSchema()
- fillSchema()
- postCreate()
- startAll()
- //todo- conside updating from git
- updaterBEFull()
- updaterFE()
-def importHeatTypes(){
- //todo- impl
-def postCreate(){
- importNormative()
- importHeatTypes()
-def fillSchema(){
- // add conformence level
-def createSchemaPreStep(){
- //todo- DB up
-def createSchemaPostStep(){
- ////todo- impl create amdocs dox
-def createSchema(){
- createSchemaPreStep()
- //todo- create schema
- //todo- create JanusGraph
- createSchemaPostStep()
-def cleanJanusGraph(){
- execSafe{
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- execute "sudo cqlsh -e 'DROP KEYSPACE titan;'"
- println "[MasterD][DB_DROP]-> Dropped 'titan' KEYSPACE."
- }
- }
- }
-task cleanJanusGraph {
- doLast{
- cleanJanusGraph()
- }
-task fetchE2EDB(){
- doLast{
- fetchE2EDB()
- }
-def fetchE2EDB(){
- execSafe{
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- def tmp = '$CASSANDRA_HOME/backup/e2e'
- //execute 'mkdir $CASSANDRA_HOME/backup/e2e/'
- //execute 'wget -P /vagrant/db'
- println "[MasterD] download finished, unzipping.."
- execute "unzip -u $tmp/latest_ETE_backup_file.zip" //execute 'unzip -u /vagrant/db/latest_ETE_backup_file.zip'//'
- def folder = execute "cd $tmp; ls -d -- */"
- println "[MasterD] unzipping finished into -> $folder , untaring.."
- execute "tar zxf $tmp/$folder/* --strip 3 -C" +'$CASSANDRA_HOME/data | pv -l >/dev/null'
- println "[MasterD][E2E_DB]-> Downloaded & unzipped e2e data successfully."
- }
- }
- }
-def copyExplodedBE() {
- execSafe{
- println "[MasterD][BackEnd] copying exploded war."
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- long started = System.currentTimeMillis()
- def dirPath = "${PROJECT_PATH}/catalog-be/target/catalog-be-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
- def dir = new File(dirPath);
- println "[MasterD][BackEnd] copying ${dir?.directorySize()/(1024*1024)} MB, from ${dir?.name} to $BE_REMOTE/webapps"
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- execute "rm -R $BE_REMOTE/webapps/catalog-be-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
- put from: dir?.absolutePath , into: "$BE_REMOTE/webapps"
- }
- }
- println "[MasterD][BackEnd] Successfully copied exploded war in ${System.currentTimeMillis()-started}ms."
- }
-task copyExplodedBE(){
- doLast{
- copyExplodedBE()
- }
-def backupDB() {
- execSafe{
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- execute 'mkdir -p $CASSANDRA_HOME/backup'
- def res = execute 'mv $CASSANDRA_HOME/data $CASSANDRA_HOME/backup/data_$(date +\'%Y_%m_%d__%H:%M:%S\')'
- println "[MasterD][DB_BACKUP]-> snapshot DB finished. $res"
- }
- }
- }
-task backupDB{
- doLast{
- backupDB()
- }
-def restoreDB(){
- execSafe{
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- println "[MasterD]-> restoring DB"
- execute 'mkdir -p $CASSANDRA_HOME/data'
- def res = execute 'mv $CASSANDRA_HOME/backup/data_*/* $CASSANDRA_HOME/data'
- println "[MasterD]-> DB restore FINISHED!! $res"
- }
- }
- }
-task restoreDB() {
- doLast {
- restoreDB()
- }
-def vm( ){
- exec{
- workingDir VAGRANT_HOME //vagrant path
- println "*****************\nworking dir -> $VAGRANT_HOME"
- commandLine "cmd","/c", "vagrant up"
- //args = [ ]
- } else {
- println "[MasterD]--> please define windows enviroment variable VAG pointing to vagrant project"
- }
- }
-task vm{
- doLast{
- vm()
- }
-def copyFE() {
- println "[MasterD][FrontEnd] starting war copy."
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- long started = System.currentTimeMillis()
- def target = "${PROJECT_PATH}/catalog-fe/target/"
- def files = GFileUtils.listFiles( new File(target) , ["war"] as String[] , false);
- files?.each{ File file ->
- if (!file?.name?.contains('classes')){
- println "[MasterD][FrontEnd] copying ${file.length()/(1024*1024)} MB, from ${file?.name} to $FE_REMOTE/webapps"
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- if ( isProductionVM() )
- execute 'sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/app/jetty/base/fe/webapps'
- put from: file?.absolutePath , into: "$FE_REMOTE/webapps"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- println "[MasterD][FrontEnd] Successfully copied war in ${System.currentTimeMillis()-started}ms."
-task deployFE{
- doLast {
- copyFE()
- }
-def copyBE(){
- println "[MasterD][BackEnd] starting war copy."
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- def target = "${PROJECT_PATH}/catalog-be/target/"
- def files = GFileUtils.listFiles( new File(target) , ["war"] as String[] , false);
- long started = System.currentTimeMillis()
- files?.each{ File file ->
- if (!file?.name?.contains('classes')){
- println "[MasterD][BackEnd] copying ${file.length()/(1024*1024)} MB, from ${file?.name} to $BE_REMOTE/webapps"
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- if (isProductionVM())
- execute 'sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/app/jetty/base/be/webapps'
- put from: file?.absolutePath , into: "$BE_REMOTE/webapps"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- println "[MasterD][BackEnd] SUCCESSFULY copied be war in ${System.currentTimeMillis()-started}ms."
-task deployBE {
- doLast {
- copyBE()
- }
-def compileFE(){
- exec{
- println "[MasterD][FE]--> compiling project at -> ${PROJECT_PATH}\\catalog-fe"
- workingDir "${PROJECT_PATH}" //vagrant path
- commandLine 'cmd','/c','mvn -T 2 compile -pl catalog-fe,catalog-ui -am -Pcatalog -Dmaven.test.skip'
- }
-task compileFE(){
- doLast{
- compileFE()
- }
-def compileBE(){
- exec{
- println "[MasterD][BE]--> compiling project at -> ${PROJECT_PATH}\\catalog-be"
- workingDir "${PROJECT_PATH}" //vagrant path
- commandLine 'cmd','/c','mvn -T 2 compile -pl catalog-be -Pcatalog -Dmaven.test.skip'
- }
-task compileBE{
- doLast{
- compileBE()
- }
-def compile(){
- exec{
- println "[MasterD]--> compiling project at -> ${PROJECT_PATH}"
- workingDir "${PROJECT_PATH}" //vagrant path
- commandLine 'cmd','/c','mvn -T 2 compile -am -Pcatalog -Dmaven.test.skip'
- }
-task compile{
- doLast{
- compile()
- }
-def compileDependencies(){
- def cmd = IS_MVN_INSTALL ? 'install' : 'compile'
- exec{
- println "[MasterD]--> compiling BE dependencies -> $BE_DEPENDENCIES [ SKIPPING TESTS!! ]"
- workingDir "${PROJECT_PATH}" //vagrant path
- commandLine 'cmd','/c',"mvn $cmd -pl $BE_DEPENDENCIES -Pcatalog -Dmaven.test.skip" //commandLine 'cmd', '/c','mvn -T 1C package -pl catalog-model,catalog-dao,catalog-be -P catalog -Dmaven.test.skip'
- }
-task compileDependencies {
- doLast{
- compileDependencies()
- }
-def compileWar(){
- def cmd = IS_MVN_INSTALL ? 'install' : 'compile'
- exec{
- println "--> compiling project at -> ${PROJECT_PATH}\\catalog-be"
- workingDir "${PROJECT_PATH}" //vagrant path
- commandLine 'cmd','/c',"mvn -T 1 $cmd war:war -pl catalog-be -Pcatalog -Dmaven.test.skip" //commandLine 'cmd', '/c','mvn -T 1C package -pl catalog-model,catalog-dao,catalog-be -P catalog -Dmaven.test.skip'
- }
-task compileWar(){
- doLast{
- compileWar()
- }
-//deprecated - use deployBE()
-task be() {
- doLast{
- def started = System.currentTimeMillis();
- exec{
- println "[MasterD]--> copying be... [from $VAGRANT_HOME]"
- workingDir VAGRANT_HOME //vagrant path
- commandLine 'cmd','/c', 'copy_war_be.bat','localhost' , "$PROJECT_PATH\\catalog-be\\target\\catalog-be*.war" , "$BE_REMOTE/webapps"
- //args = [ ]
- }
- println """
- **** copying finished in -> ${System.currentTimeMillis() - started}ms ****
- """
- }
-task beConfig( ) {
- doLast{
- exec{
- workingDir "${System.env.VAG}" //vagrant path
- commandLine 'cmd','/c','copy_war_be_with_configuration','localhost' , "$PROJECT_PATH\\catalog-be\\target\\catalog-be*.war" , "$BE_REMOTE/webapps"
- //args = [ ]
- }
- }
-task feConfig( ) {
- doLast{
- exec{
- workingDir "${System.env.VAG}" //vagrant path
- commandLine 'cmd','/c','copy_war_fe_with_configuration','localhost' , "$PROJECT_PATH\\catalog-fe\\target\\catalog-fe*.war" , "$FE_REMOTE/webapps"
- //args = [ ]
- }
- }
-task fe() {
- doLast{
- exec {
- workingDir "${System.env.VAG}" //vagrant path
- commandLine 'cmd','/c', 'copy_war_fe.bat', 'localhost', "$PROJECT_PATH\\catalog-fe\\target\\catalog-fe*.war", "$FE_REMOTE/webapps"
- //args = [ ]
- }
- }
-def installAllProject(){
- exec{
- println "[MasterD]--> Compiling&Installing project at -> ${PROJECT_PATH}"
- workingDir "${PROJECT_PATH}" //vagrant path
- commandLine 'cmd','/c','mvn -T 2 clean install -U -Pcatalog -Dmaven.test.skip'
- }
-task installAllProject {
- doLast {
- installAllProject()
- }
-task installAll {
- doLast{
- println '[MasterD]--> Finished!!'
- }
-installAll.dependsOn { tasks.findAll { task -> task.name.startsWith('install_') } }
-def install_BE(){
- exec {
- println '[MasterD][Install]--> Installing BE!!'
- workingDir "${PROJECT_PATH}"
- commandLine 'cmd','/c', 'mvn clean install -pl catalog-be -am -Pcatalog -Dmaven.test.skip'
- //args = [ ]
- }
-task install_BE() {
- doLast{
- install_BE()
- }
-def install_FE() {
- exec {
- workingDir "${PROJECT_PATH}"
- commandLine 'cmd','/c', 'mvn clean install -pl catalog-ui,catalog-fe -am -Pcatalog -Dmaven.test.skip'
- }
-task install_FE() {
- doLast {
- install_FE()
- }
-def updaterBERapid(){
- /* if ( ticket() > PREVIOUS_BUILD_VAR ){
- PREVIOUS_BUILD_VAR = ticket()*/
- def started = System.currentTimeMillis();
- println "[MasterD][Rapid]--> compiling changes using maven"
- compileWar()
- println "[MasterD][Rapid]--> copying war"
- copyBE() //use this if you want to deploy entire war //hotswap.execute()
- restartBackend()
- println msg(" redeploy finished in -> ${System.currentTimeMillis() - started}ms ")
-task updaterBERapid(){
- doLast {
- updaterBERapid()
- }
-def updaterBE(){
- def started = System.currentTimeMillis();
- IS_MVN_INSTALL = pomChanges() ? true : false
- println "[MasterD]--> compiling changes using maven"
- compileDependencies()
- compileWar()
- println "[MasterD]--> copying war"
- IS_HOTSWAP ? copyExplodedBE() : copyBE() //execute() //use this if you want to deploy entire war //hotswap.execute()
- restartBackend()
- println msg("redeploy finished in -> ${System.currentTimeMillis() - started}ms ")
-task updaterBE(){
- doLast {
- updaterBE()
- }
-def copyBEConfiguration(){
-/* execSafe {
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- println msg("Stopping BackEnd Server")
- execute command[BACKEND][STOP]()
- }
- }
- }*/
-def updaterBEFull(){
- def started = System.currentTimeMillis();
- compile()
- println "[MasterD]--> copying war"
- copyBE() //use this if you want to deploy entire war //hotswap.execute()
- copyBEConfiguration()
- println msg("redeploy finished in -> ${System.currentTimeMillis() - started}ms ")
-task updaterBEFull(){
- doLast {
- updaterBEFull()
- }
-def copyFEConfiguration(){
- //todo- implement
-def updaterFE(){
- def started = System.currentTimeMillis();
- println "[MasterD]--> compiling changes using maven"
- compileFE()
- println "[MasterD]--> copying war"
- copyFE() //.execute() //use this if you want to deploy entire war //hotswap.execute()
- copyFEConfiguration()
- println msg("redeploy finished in -> ${System.currentTimeMillis() - started}ms ")
-task updaterFE(){
- doLast {
- updaterFE()
- }
-def stopBackend(){
- execSafe {
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- println msg("Stopping BackEnd Server")
- execute command[BACKEND][STOP]()
- }
- }
- }
-task stopBackend(){
- doLast {
- stopBackend()
- }
-def startBackend(){
- execSafe {
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- println msg("[MasterD] starting backend sever")
- execute command[BACKEND][START]()
- }
- }
- }
- println """[MasterD]-> finished !!
- """
-task startBackend(){
- doLast{
- startBackend()
- }
-def restartBackend(){
- execSafe {
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- println msg("[MasterD] restarting backend server")
- execute command[BACKEND][RESTART]()
- }
- }
- }
- println """[MasterD]-> finished !!
- """
-def startSecurity(){
- println "[MasterD] starting security&simulator engine"
- execSafe {
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- execute command[SECURITY][START]()
- }
- }
- }
- println """[MasterD]-> finished !!
- """
-task startSecurity(){
- doLast {
- startSecurity()
- }
-def stopSecurity(){
- println "[MasterD] stopping security&simulator engine"
- execSafe {
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- execute command[SECURITY][STOP]()
- }
- }
- }
- println """[MasterD]-> finished !!
- """
-task stopSecurity(){
- doLast {
- stopSecurity()
- }
-//todo- remove this if you want to auto-deploy on every file save
- updater?.execute()
-task health(){
- doLast {
- prepareTray()
- }
-def execSafe( closure){
- if (!lockObj) {
- [0..4].forEach( {println "Critical ERROR : lock object is not initialized\n\nCritical ERROR : cannot run tasks\n"}() )
- return;
- }
- synchronized (lockObj){
- boolean prev = isHaltHealth.get()
- try {
- isHaltHealth.set(true)
- closure()
- } catch (Exception e) {
- println e
- } finally {
- isHaltHealth.set(prev)
- }
- }
-def fetchFiles( remote, local ){
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- //execute "cd /home/vagrant/catalog-be/tmp ; ls -lt | grep catalog-be" //todo- use my dates to filter
- def f = get from: remote , into: local
- println f?.name
- //return f
- }
- //println "fetched files in ${System.currentTimeMillis() - started} ms"
- }
- //return null
-def killJava(){
- execSafe {
- def res
- ssh.run {
- session( remotes.vagrant ) {
- println """ *-*-****************************-*-*
- killing all java proccesses
- *-*-****************************-*-*
- """
- res = execute command[ALL][KILL]()
- }
- }
- println res?.toString()
- }
-def importNormative(){
- execSafe {
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- println """ *-*-************************************-*-*
- importNormative
- *-*-************************************-*-*
- """
- execute "sudo python -v $BE_REMOTE/scripts/import/tosca/importNormativeAll.py"
- }
- }
- }
-def startAll(){
- def startCassandra = """
- #!/bin/bash
- cassandra&
- elasticsearch -d
- #Wait until ES is up
- until curl localhost:9200/_cluster/health;
- do
- printf "."
- sleep 3
- done
- # Create Elastic Mapping if not exist in ES
- createESMapping.sh
- """
- execSafe {
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- println """ *-*-************************************-*-*
- starting all SDC services(DB,BE,FE,Webseal)
- *-*-************************************-*-*
- """
- if ( isProductionVM() ){
- execute command[DB][START]()
- Thread.sleep(5000)
- execute command[CACHING][START]()
- }
- else
- execute startCassandra
- //[0..4]?.forEach( Thread?.sleep(2000) )
- Thread?.sleep(10000)
- Thread?.sleep(10000)
- execute command[BACKEND][START]()
- execute command[FRONTEND][START]()
- execute command[SECURITY][START]()
- }
- }
- }
-/*def clearLog(type: Delete){
- delete{
- delete 'C:/ProgramData/all.log'
- followSymlinks = true
- }
-task clearLog(type: Delete){
- doLast{
- delete 'C:/ProgramData/all.log'
- followSymlinks = true
- }
-def logBE(){
- try{
- println "\n*** logging BE all.log ***\n"
- ssh.run {
- session( remotes.vagrant ) {
- //String now = execute 'echo \"\$(date +\'%Y_%m_%d\')\"'
- //println "\n\n*******************************************************\n\n"+now?.toString()
- clearLog?.execute() //todo- remove this .execute()
- fetchFiles( '/home/vagrant/catalog-be/logs/SDC/SDC-BE/all.log' , 'C:/ProgramData') //"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\")
- //project.ext.set( "logFile" , 'C:/ProgramData/all.log' )
- // -f /home/vagrant/catalog-fe/logs/*$now.stderrout.log -f /home/vagrant/catalog-be/logs/*$now.stderrout.log -f /home/vagrant/catalog-be/logs/ASDC/ASDC-BE/debug.log*'
- }
- }
- parallel {
- exec {
- //if ( logFile ){
- String notepad = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe'
- println "logging $logFile to notepad++ [$notepad]"
- commandLine 'cmd','/c' , notepad ,logFile
- }
- }
- }catch(Exception e){
- println "cannot open logs!!!"
- e.printStackTrace()
- }
-task logBE(){
- doLast{
- logBE()
- }
-def toggleHealthPolling(){
- isHaltHealth.set(!isHaltHealth.get())
-//converts predefined icon to Image
-def Image convert( imageName ){
- String encodedimage = project.ext.get(imageName);
- byte[] byteImage = encodedimage?.split(',')[1]?.decodeBase64()
- Image image = ImageIO.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteImage));
-def refreshMenu(String imageName){
- switch( imageName ) {
- case 'unavailableImg' : toggleHealthString = "Resume Health"; break;
- default : toggleHealthString = "Halt Health";
- }
- if (((MenuItem)toggleHealthItemView).getLabel() != toggleHealthString)
- ((MenuItem)toggleHealthItemView).setLabel(toggleHealthString);
-def startDB(){
- println "[MasterD] Starting database.."
- execSafe {
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- execute command[DB][START]()
- }
- }
- }
-task startDB(){
- doLast {
- startDB()
- }
-def stopDB(){
- execSafe {
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- execute command[DB][STOP]()
- }
- }
- }
-task stopDB(){
- doLast {
- stopDB()
- }
-def startFE(){
- execSafe {
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- execute command[FRONTEND][START]()
- }
- }
- }
-task startFE(){
- doLast {
- startFE()
- }
-def stopFE(){
- execSafe {
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- execute command[FRONTEND][STOP]()
- }
- }
- }
-task stopFE(){
- doLast {
- stopFE()
- }
-def ActionListener newListener( closure ){
- ActionListener listener = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- closure()
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- }
- listener
-ext.updateTray = { STATUS status ->
- lastStatus = status
- if (SystemTray.isSupported()) {
- // get the SystemTray instance
- SystemTray tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray();
- // load an image
- String imageName = status==STATUS.UP ? (Math.random()>0.5 ?'okImg1':'okImg2') : status==STATUS.UNAVAILABLE ? 'unavailableImg' : status==STATUS.DOWN ? 'errorImg' : 'warnImg'
- Image image = convert imageName
- if (trayIcon != null) {
- trayIcon.setImage(image)
- refreshMenu(imageName);
- return ;
- }
- //region -> Menu UI
- // create a popup menu
- PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu();
- // create menu item for the default action
- MenuItem hotswapItem = new MenuItem("===> WAR <===");
- hotswapItem.setFont(new Font("MONOSPACED" , Font.BOLD ,15f ))
- //region Multilevel Menus
- Menu deployMasterMenu = new Menu("DeployMaster");
- Menu backendMenu = new Menu("Backend");
- Menu frontendMenu = new Menu("Frontend");
- Menu dbMenu = new Menu("Database");
- Menu securityMenu = new Menu("Security");
- try{
- deployMasterMenu.setFont(new Font("Cooper Black" ,Font.BOLD ,14f ))
- backendMenu.setFont(new Font("Cooper Black" ,Font.PLAIN ,13f ))
- frontendMenu.setFont(new Font("Cooper Black" ,Font.PLAIN ,13f ))
- dbMenu.setFont(new Font("Cooper Black" ,Font.PLAIN ,13f ))
- securityMenu.setFont(new Font("Cooper Black" ,Font.PLAIN ,13f ))
- }catch(Exception e){
- println e
- }
- //DeployMaster Menu
- MenuItem updaterBeWithDependenciesItem = new MenuItem("[BE] Quick Compile -> Deploy");
- MenuItem updaterFullBeItem = new MenuItem("[BE] Full Install -> Deploy");
- MenuItem updaterFeItem = new MenuItem("[FE] Quick Compile -> Deploy");
- MenuItem updaterFullFeItem = new MenuItem("[FE] Full Install -> Deploy");
- //Menu UI build
- deployMasterMenu.add(updaterFullBeItem);
- deployMasterMenu.add(updaterBeWithDependenciesItem);
- deployMasterMenu.addSeparator();
- deployMasterMenu.add(updaterFullFeItem);
- deployMasterMenu.add(updaterFeItem);
- //BE menu
- MenuItem startItem = new MenuItem("[BE] Start");
- MenuItem stopItem = new MenuItem("[BE] Stop BackEnd");
- MenuItem copyBeWarItem = new MenuItem("[BE] Copy War");
- backendMenu.add(startItem);
- backendMenu.add(stopItem);
- (isOnapVM()) ?: backendMenu.add(copyBeWarItem);
- //FE menu
- MenuItem startFEItem = new MenuItem("[FE] Start");
- MenuItem stopFEItem = new MenuItem("[FE] Stop");
- MenuItem copyFeWarItem = new MenuItem("[FE] Copy War");
- frontendMenu.add(startFEItem);
- frontendMenu.add(stopFEItem);
- (isOnapVM()) ?: frontendMenu.add(copyFeWarItem);
- //DB menu
- MenuItem startDBItem = new MenuItem("[DB] Start");
- MenuItem stopDBItem = new MenuItem("[DB] Stop");
- MenuItem backupDBItem = new MenuItem("[DB] Backup");
- MenuItem restoreDBItem = new MenuItem("[DB] Restore");
- dbMenu.add(startDBItem);
- dbMenu.add(stopDBItem);
- dbMenu.add(backupDBItem);
- dbMenu.add(restoreDBItem);
- //endregion
- //Security Menu
- MenuItem startSecurityItem = new MenuItem("[Security] Start");
- MenuItem stopSecurityItem = new MenuItem("[Security] Stop");
- securityMenu.add(startSecurityItem)
- securityMenu.add(stopSecurityItem)
- MenuItem killItem = new MenuItem("Kill All");
- MenuItem startAllItem = new MenuItem("Start All");
- MenuItem importItem = new MenuItem("Import Normative");
- MenuItem healthInfoItem = new MenuItem("[Info] Health");
- MenuItem toggleHealthItem = new MenuItem(toggleHealthString);
- MenuItem logsItem = new MenuItem("Logs [Beta]");
- MenuItem exitItem = new MenuItem("Exit");
- toggleHealthItemView = toggleHealthItem;
- (isOnapVM()) ?: popup.add(hotswapItem);
- (isOnapVM()) ?:popup?.addSeparator();
- (isOnapVM()) ?: popup.add(deployMasterMenu);
- (isOnapVM()) ?:popup?.addSeparator();
- popup.add(backendMenu)
- popup.add(frontendMenu)
- (isOnapVM()) ?: popup.add(dbMenu)
- popup?.addSeparator();
- popup?.add(securityMenu)
- popup?.addSeparator();
- popup.add(startAllItem);
- popup.add(killItem);
- popup?.addSeparator();
- popup.add(toggleHealthItem);
- popup.add(healthInfoItem);
- (isOnapVM()) ?:popup?.addSeparator();
- (isOnapVM()) ?: popup.add(importItem);
- (isOnapVM()) ?: popup.add(logsItem);
- popup?.addSeparator();
- popup.add(exitItem);
- //endregion UI
- // construct a TrayIcon
- trayIcon = new TrayIcon(image, "HealthTray", popup);
- //region -> Button actions
- def listenerHotswap = newListener { project.ext.set("IS_HOTSWAP", !IS_HOTSWAP); hotswapItem?.setLabel( IS_HOTSWAP ? "==> HotSwap <==" : "===> WAR <===") }
- // create a action listener to listen for default action executed on the tray icon
- def listenerFullBE = newListener { parallel { install_BE(); IS_HOTSWAP ? copyExplodedBE() : copyBE(); restartBackend() } }
- def listenerFullFE = newListener { parallel { install_FE(); copyFE() } }
- ActionListener listenerFE = newListener { parallel { updaterFE() } }
- ActionListener listenerBE = newListener { parallel { updaterBE() } }
- ActionListener exitListener = newListener {
- executor?.isShutdown() ?: executor?.shutdown()
- tray.remove(trayIcon);
- project.ext.set("isStopHealthCheck", true)
- println "Shutting down.. bye bye.."
- }
- ActionListener stopBackendListener = newListener { stopBackend() }
- ActionListener startBEListener = newListener { parallel { startBackend() } }
- ActionListener killJavaListener = newListener { killJava() }
- ActionListener startAllListener = newListener { parallel { startAll() } }
- ActionListener startSecurityListener = newListener { startSecurity() }
- ActionListener stopSecurityListener = newListener { stopSecurity() }
- ActionListener listener5 = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- parallel { importNormative() }
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- };
- ActionListener listener6 = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- parallel { healthPopup() }
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- };
- ActionListener listener7 = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- logBE()//tasks.logger.execute()
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- };
- ActionListener listener8 = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- toggleHealthPolling()//tasks.logger.execute()
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- };
- ActionListener copyBeWarListener = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- parallel { copyBE() }//.execute()//tasks.logger.execute()
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- };
- ActionListener startDBListener = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- parallel {
- startDB()
- }//tasks.logger.execute()
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- }
- ActionListener stopDBListener = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- stopDB()//tasks.logger.execute()
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- }
- ActionListener dbBackupListener = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- parallel {
- backupDB()//tasks.logger.execute()
- }
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- }
- ActionListener feStartListener = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- parallel {
- startFE()
- }//tasks.logger.execute()
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- }
- ActionListener feStopListener = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- stopFE()//tasks.logger.execute()
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- }
- ActionListener feCopyListener = new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- try {
- parallel {
- copyFE() //.execute()//tasks.logger.execute()
- }
- } catch (AWTException e1) {
- System.err.println(e1);
- }
- }
- }
- //def listenerFullModules = newListener { parallel { installAllProject() } }
- //region -> Button<=Listener
- hotswapItem.addActionListener(listenerHotswap)
- updaterFeItem.addActionListener(listenerFE)
- updaterFullBeItem.addActionListener( listenerFullBE )
- updaterBeWithDependenciesItem.addActionListener( listenerBE )
- updaterFullFeItem.addActionListener( listenerFullFE )
- stopItem.addActionListener(stopBackendListener)
- startItem.addActionListener(startBEListener)
- copyBeWarItem.addActionListener(copyBeWarListener);
- startSecurityItem.addActionListener(startSecurityListener)
- stopSecurityItem.addActionListener(stopSecurityListener)
- killItem.addActionListener(killJavaListener)
- startAllItem.addActionListener(startAllListener)
- importItem.addActionListener(listener5)
- healthInfoItem.addActionListener(listener6)
- toggleHealthItem.addActionListener(listener8)
- logsItem.addActionListener(listener7)
- exitItem.addActionListener(exitListener)
- startDBItem.addActionListener( startDBListener )
- stopDBItem.addActionListener( stopDBListener )
- backupDBItem.addActionListener( dbBackupListener )
- copyFeWarItem.addActionListener( feCopyListener )
- startFEItem.addActionListener( feStartListener )
- stopFEItem.addActionListener( feStopListener )
- //endregion
- //endregion
- // set the TrayIcon properties
- // ...
- // add the tray image
- try {
- tray.add(trayIcon);
- } catch (AWTException e) {
- System.err.println(e);
- }
- // ...
- } else {
- println "Java TrayIcon Option is not supported in your System, try enabling it. Bye Bye"
- }
-def prepareTray(){
- long UPDATE_THRESHOLD = 3500
- float SCALAR = 1
- ssh.settings {
- knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
- }
- while(!isStopHealthCheck) {
- if (!isHaltHealth.get()) { //if await or await is more then 60 second return health check
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- try {
- def healthOutput = execute command[ALL][HEALTH]()
- if (healthOutput?.contains("Failed command .* with status 7") || healthOutput?.contains("Problem accessing /sdc2/rest/healthCheck"))
- updateTray(STATUS.DOWN)
- def statusCollecion = healthOutput?.findAll "\"healthCheckStatus\": \".*\""
- def upCount = statusCollecion?.count { it?.contains("UP") }
- def downCount = statusCollecion?.count { it?.contains("DOWN") }
- def uknownCount = (statusCollecion?.size() - upCount) - downCount
- println " UP -> $upCount | downCount=$downCount | uknownCount=$uknownCount "
- (uknownCount > 0 || (downCount > 0 && upCount > 0)) ? updateTray(STATUS.UNKNOWN) : ((upCount > 0) ? updateTray(STATUS.UP) : updateTray(STATUS.DOWN))
- SCALAR = 1
- } catch (Exception e) {
- updateTray(STATUS.DOWN)
- println e
- SCALAR = Math.min(SCALAR * 1.1, 5) //slow down on errors
- }
- //green color effects
- if (lastStatus && lastStatus == STATUS.UP) {
- trayIcon.setImage(convert(Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'okImg1' : 'okImg2'))
- //randomly green change color
- }
- Thread.yield()
- Thread?.sleep((long) (UPDATE_THRESHOLD * SCALAR))
- }
- }
- }else{
- Thread.yield()
- }
- }
-def healthPopup(){
- ssh.run {
- session(remotes.vagrant) {
- def healthOutput = execute command[ALL][HEALTH]()
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
- healthOutput,
- }
- }
-project.ext.set("msg", { content -> """
- ************************************************************************************************
- ************************************************************************************************
- ******* *********
- ************** ****************
- $content
- ************************************************************************************************
- ************************************************************************************************
- """} )