path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..297457a339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# Introduction
+OpenECOMP SDC is delivered with 5 Docker containers:
+1. sdc-FE - frontend SDC application running on jetty server
+2. sdc-BE - backend SDC application running on jetty server
+3. sdc-kbn - hosting kibana application
+4. sdc-cs - hosting cassandra
+5. sdc-es - hosting elastic search
+All containers runs on the same machine and can be started by runnin the command:
+/data/scripts/ -e <environment name> -r <release> -p <docker-hub-port>
+Example: /data/scripts/ -e OS-ETE-DFW -p 51220
+# Compiling SDC
+SDC is built from several projects, while "sdc-main" contains the main pom.xml for all project:
+- catalog-be - backend code
+- catalog-fe - frontend java code (servlet, proxy)
+- catalog-dao - database layer
+- catalog-model - data model of the application
+- catalog-ui - front end code (javascript, html, css)
+- common-app-api - common code for frontend and backend
+- common-be - utilities, datatypes and enums
+- security-utils - handle encryption/decryption of passwords
+SDC projects can be compiled easily using maven command: `mvn clean install`.
+In order to build all projects, enter to sdc-main project and run the command: `mvn clean install`.
+By default unit test will run when compiling
+** igor **
+Docker containers are build with the following profile
+`-P docker -Ddocker.buildArg.chef_repo_branch_name=bugfix/external_adress -Ddocker.buildArg.chef_repo_git_username=git -Ddocker.buildArg.chef_repo_address= -Ddocker.buildArg.chef_repo_git_name=chef-repo`
+# Getting the containers
+***to be changed for rrelease*** OpenECOMP SDC containers are stored on the Rackspace Nexus Docker Registry
+The following Docker images are the actual deployment images used for running SDC
+| Name | Tag | Description |
+| sdc-FE | 1610.2.16 | Contains Jetty + OpenJDK + SDC frontend code + **3rd party jars** |
+| sdc-BE | 1610.2.16 | Contains Jetty + OpenJDK + SDC backend code + **3rd party jars** |
+| sdc-kbn | 1610.2.16 | Contains nodeJs + Kibana application |
+| sdc-cs | 1610.2.16 | OpenJDK + Contains cassandra application |
+| sdc-es | 1610.2.16 | Elastic search application |
+*********************** Israel ************************
+# Starting SDC
+There are several ways to start OpenECOMP SDC:
+TBD - Israel
+# Accessing SDC
+SDC UI can be accessed from:
+### Ecomp portal
+Login to ecomp portal URL with user that has permission for SDC application.
+Define in your hosts file the following:
+<ip address of SDC application>
+<ip address of Ecomp portal URL>
+Open browser and navigate to:
+### Webseal simulator
+This options is for developers to run locally SDC
+1. Build web simulator WAR file: run `mvn clean install` on project "webseal simulator". This will generate war file (WSSimulator.war) in the target folder.
+2. Copy the war to: /home/vagrant/webseal-simulator/webapps
+3. Add users to simulator: open configuration file - /home/vagrant/webseal-simulator/config/webseal.conf and add new user to the user list.
+ Note: You need to define the user in the SDC as well.
+4. Restart the simulator:
+ Stop the simulator:
+ Start the simulator:
+5. Enter to UI: http://<ip address>:8285/sdc1/login
+### SDC import normatives from CLI
+SDC needs to work with predefined basic normatives, in order to update the database with the normatives need to:
+1. From catalog-be project copy:
+ src\main\resources\import\tosca -> to <machine ip address>:catalog-be/import/tosca
+ src\main\resources\scripts\import\tosca ->to <machine ip address>:catalog-be/scripts/import/tosca
+2. cd catalog-be/scripts/import/tosca
+3. Run: python
+4. Wait until all normatives are loaded to the database
+### SDC APIs
+##### Main API endpoints in the first open source release
+- ***to be completed*** APIHandler health checks
+# Configuration of SDC
+Here are the main parameters you could change:
+The credentials are defined in 2 places:
+# Logging
+### Jetty
+### Debuging
+# Testing SDC Functionalities
+### Frontend Local Env - onboarding
+Install nodejs & gulp
+1. download nodejs from here: (take the "current" version with latest features) & install it.
+2. install gulp by running the following command: npm install --global gulp-cli
+Install DOX-UI a:
+1. pull for latest changes
+2. go to folder dox-sequence-diagram-ui
+3. run npm install
+4. wait for it...
+5. go to folder dox-ui
+6. run npm install
+7. create a copy of devConfig.defaults.json file and name it devConfig.json (we already configured git to ignore it so it will not be pushed)
+8. in that file, populate the fields of the IP addresses of your BE machine you'd like to connect (pay attention, it is a JSON file): For example http://<host>:<port>
+9. after everything was successful, run gulp
+10. after server was up, your favorite UI will wait for you at: http://localhost:9000/sdc1/proxy-designer1#/onboardVendor
+| Problem | Why is this happening | Solution |
+| npm cannot reach destination | onboarding proxy | When within onboarding network, you should set onboarding proxy to NPM as the following: |
+| | | npm config set proxy http://genproxy:8080 |
+| | | npm config set https-proxy http://genproxy:8080 |
+| | | |
+| git protocol is blocked | onboarding network | When within onboarding network, you should set globally that when git |
+| and cannot connect | rules for protocols | protocol is used, then it will be replaced with "https" |
+| | | git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git:// |
+# Getting Help
+*** to be completed on rrelease ***
+SDC Javadoc and Maven site
+*** to be completed on rrelease ***