path: root/app/toscalib/templates/
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authorStone, Avi (as206k) <>2018-04-12 16:41:45 +0300
committerStone, Avi (as206k) <>2018-04-12 16:41:45 +0300
commit879e94b78193798e8b170fca9b924d2c3881f7ba (patch)
tree150de697138a7593869eaae455add025b06a6e04 /app/toscalib/templates/
parent7e02c7aaab14828ef8baaef98865f26d98e3b795 (diff)
DCAE-D tosca-lab initial commit
DCAE-D tosca-lab initial commit Change-Id: Ia42934ce7c75abe05fa106585c9334c8b048ee36 Issue-ID: SDC-1218 Signed-off-by: Stone, Avi (as206k) <>
Diffstat (limited to 'app/toscalib/templates/')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/toscalib/templates/ b/app/toscalib/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8c00ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/toscalib/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+#Author: Shu Shi
+from toscalib.templates.constant import *
+from toscalib.templates.heat_constants import *
+from toscalib.templates.substitution_rule import SubstitutionRule
+from import PropertyDefinition
+from toscalib.templates.property_item import PropertyItem
+from toscalib.templates.heat_constants import HOT_VERSION_NUM
+import copy, logging
+class ToscaTopology(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, metadata_section=None, content_section=None):
+ = name
+ self.metadata = metadata_section
+ self.raw_content = content_section
+ self.db = None
+ self.node_dict = {}
+ self.inputs = {}
+ self.aux_inputs = {}
+ self.outputs = {}
+ self.sub_rules = []
+ self.node_index = 0
+ self.temp_index = 0
+ self.extra_imports = []
+ def _parse_content(self, db):
+ if self.db is not None:
+ return
+ self.db = db
+ if self.raw_content is None:
+ return
+# if self.raw_content.has_key(TOPO_INPUTS):
+ if TOPO_INPUTS in self.raw_content:
+ self._parse_input(db, self.raw_content[TOPO_INPUTS])
+# if self.raw_content.has_key(TOPO_NODE_TEMPLATES):
+ if TOPO_NODE_TEMPLATES in self.raw_content:
+ self._parse_node_template(db, self.raw_content[TOPO_NODE_TEMPLATES])
+ else:
+ logging.warning( 'Topology template: ' + ' has NO node templates!')
+# if self.raw_content.has_key(TOPO_OUTPUTS):
+ if TOPO_OUTPUTS in self.raw_content:
+ self._parse_output(db, self.raw_content[TOPO_OUTPUTS])
+# if self.raw_content.has_key(TOPO_SUBSTITUION_MAPPINGS):
+ if TOPO_SUBSTITUION_MAPPINGS in self.raw_content:
+ self._parse_substitution(db, self.raw_content[TOPO_SUBSTITUION_MAPPINGS])
+ else:
+ self.sub_type = None
+ self._verify_substitution()
+ self._update_function_pointer()
+ def _parse_substitution(self, db, sub_sec):
+# if sub_sec.has_key(SUB_NODE_TYPE):
+ if SUB_NODE_TYPE in sub_sec:
+ self.sub_type = sub_sec[SUB_NODE_TYPE]
+# if db.NODE_TYPES.has_key(self.sub_type):
+ if self.sub_type in db.NODE_TYPES:
+ db.NODE_TYPES[self.sub_type].mapping_template = self
+ else:
+ logging.warning( 'substitution mapping section does not have node_type defined')
+ return
+# if sub_sec.has_key(SUB_PROPERTY):
+# sub_prop = sub_sec[SUB_PROPERTY]
+# for sub_prop_name in sub_prop.keys():
+# self.sub_rules.append(SubstitutionRule(SUB_PROPERTY, None, sub_prop_name, sub_prop[sub_prop_name]))
+ for sub_prop in db.NODE_TYPES[self.sub_type].properties.keys():
+# if self.inputs.has_key(sub_prop):
+ if sub_prop in self.inputs:
+ self.sub_rules.append(SubstitutionRule(SUB_PROPERTY, None, sub_prop, [SUB_INPUT, sub_prop]))
+ for sub_attr in db.NODE_TYPES[self.sub_type].attributes.keys():
+# if self.outputs.has_key(sub_attr):
+ if sub_attr in self.outputs:
+ self.sub_rules.append(SubstitutionRule(SUB_ATTRIBUTE, None, sub_attr, [SUB_OUTPUT, sub_attr]))
+# if sub_sec.has_key(SUB_CAPABILITY):
+ if SUB_CAPABILITY in sub_sec:
+ sub_cap = sub_sec[SUB_CAPABILITY]
+ for sub_cap_name in sub_cap.keys():
+ sub_cap_item = sub_cap[sub_cap_name]
+ #standard capability mapping rule
+ if type(sub_cap_item) is not dict:
+ self.sub_rules.append(SubstitutionRule(SUB_CAPABILITY, sub_cap_name, None, sub_cap_item))
+ #self-proposed capability mapping rules
+ else:
+# if sub_cap_item.has_key(SUB_CAP_ID):
+ if SUB_CAP_ID in sub_cap_item:
+ self.sub_rules.append(SubstitutionRule(SUB_CAPABILITY, sub_cap_name, SUB_CAP_ID, sub_cap_item[SUB_CAP_ID]))
+# if sub_cap_item.has_key(SUB_CAP_PROPERTY):
+ if SUB_CAP_PROPERTY in sub_cap_item:
+ sub_cap_item_prop = sub_cap_item[SUB_CAP_PROPERTY]
+ for sub_cap_item_prop_name in sub_cap_item_prop.keys():
+ self.sub_rules.append(SubstitutionRule(SUB_CAPABILITY, sub_cap_name, sub_cap_item_prop_name, sub_cap_item_prop[sub_cap_item_prop_name]))
+# if sub_sec.has_key(SUB_REQUIREMENT):
+ if SUB_REQUIREMENT in sub_sec:
+ sub_req = sub_sec[SUB_REQUIREMENT]
+ for sub_req_name in sub_req.keys():
+ sub_req_item = sub_req[sub_req_name]
+ #standard requirement mapping rule
+ if type(sub_req_item) is not dict:
+ self.sub_rules.append(SubstitutionRule(SUB_REQUIREMENT, sub_req_name, None, sub_req_item))
+ #self-proposed requirement mapping rules
+ else:
+# if sub_req_item.has_key(SUB_REQ_ID):
+ if SUB_REQ_ID in sub_req_item:
+ self.sub_rules.append(SubstitutionRule(SUB_REQUIREMENT, sub_req_name, SUB_REQ_ID, sub_req_item[SUB_REQ_ID]))
+ else:
+ logging.warning( 'Incorrect substitution mapping rules')
+ def _verify_substitution(self, target_node=None):
+ for rule in self.sub_rules:
+ rule._update_pointer(target_node, self)
+ def _parse_input(self, db, input_sec):
+ for input_name in input_sec.keys():
+ input_def = PropertyDefinition(input_name, input_sec[input_name])
+ input_def._parse_content(db)
+ self.inputs[input_name] = PropertyItem(input_def)
+ def _parse_output(self, db, output_sec):
+ for output_name in output_sec.keys():
+ output_def = PropertyDefinition(output_name)
+# output_def._parse_content(db)
+ self.outputs[output_name] = PropertyItem(output_def)
+# if output_sec[output_name].has_key('value'):
+ if 'value' in output_sec[output_name]:
+ self.outputs[output_name]._assign(output_sec[output_name]['value'])
+ def _parse_node_template(self, db, template_sec):
+ self.node_dict = {}
+ for name in template_sec.keys():
+# if template_sec[name].has_key(NOD_TYPE):
+ if NOD_TYPE in template_sec[name]:
+ node_type_name = template_sec[name][NOD_TYPE]
+ else:
+ logging.warning( 'Invalid template: node section has no type')
+ continue
+# if db.NODE_TYPES.has_key(node_type_name) is False:
+ if node_type_name not in db.NODE_TYPES:
+ logging.warning( 'Invalid template: node type: '+ str(node_type_name)+ ' not defined or imported')
+ continue
+ from toscalib.templates.node import Node
+ new_node = Node(self, name, db.NODE_TYPES[node_type_name])
+ new_node._parse_pre_defined_content(template_sec[name])
+ self._add_node(new_node)
+ for node in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ node._verify_requirements(self.node_dict)
+ node._verify_functions()
+ self.edge_list = self._create_edges()
+ def _create_edges(self):
+ edges = []
+ for node in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ for req in node.requirements:
+ if req.filled is True:
+ new_edge = (node, self.node_dict[req.str_value])
+ logging.debug( 'edge created: '+ new_edge[0].name+ ' --> '+ new_edge[1].name)
+ edges.append(new_edge)
+ return edges
+ def _update_function_pointer(self):
+ for node in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ #node._verify_requirements(self.node_dict)
+ node._verify_functions()
+ for output in iter(self.outputs.values()):
+ if output.value is not None:
+ output.value._update_function_reference(self)
+ def _update_translation_function_pointer(self):
+ for node in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ if node.tran_template is not None:
+ node.tran_template._update_function_pointer()
+ def _update_prefix(self, prefix):
+ exist_key_list = list(self.node_dict.keys())
+ for node_key in exist_key_list:
+ if node_key == 'NO_PREFIX':
+ new_node_key = prefix[:len(prefix)-1]
+ else:
+ new_node_key = prefix + node_key
+ node = self.node_dict.pop(node_key)
+ node._update_prefix(prefix)
+ self.node_dict[new_node_key] = node
+ exist_key_list = list(self.inputs.keys())
+ for item_key in exist_key_list:
+ new_item_key = prefix + item_key
+ item = self.inputs.pop(item_key)
+ item._update_prefix(prefix)
+ self.inputs[new_item_key] = item
+ exist_key_list = list(self.outputs.keys())
+ for item_key in exist_key_list:
+ ###don't update output name prefix here
+ ###temporary solution for cloudify generation
+ ###but still need to update pointer for the value
+ new_item_key = prefix + item_key
+ #item = self.outputs.pop(item_key)
+ #item._update_prefix(prefix)
+ item = self.outputs[item_key]
+ item.value._update_prefix(prefix)
+ item.value._update_function_reference(self)
+ #self.outputs[new_item_key] = item
+ #self._update_function_pointer()
+ def _update_used_tag_for_translation(self):
+ for item in iter(self.inputs.values()):
+ item.used = False
+ for node_item in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ for prop_item in iter(
+ prop_item.used = False
+ def _add_node(self, new_node):
+ if new_node is None:
+ return
+ self.node_dict[] = new_node
+ def _propagate_substitution_value(self):
+ converge = False
+ while converge is not True:
+ converge = True
+ for node_item in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ converge = converge and node_item._propagate_substitution_value()
+ def _auto_generate_aux_inputs(self):
+ for node_name in self.node_dict.keys():
+ node = self.node_dict[node_name]
+ for prop_name in
+ prop_item =[prop_name]
+ if prop_item.value is None or prop_item.filled is False:
+ new_input_name = node_name + '_' + prop_name
+# while self.inputs.has_key(new_input_name) or self.aux_inputs.has_key(new_input_name):
+ while new_input_name in self.inputs or new_input_name in self.aux_inputs:
+ new_input_name = new_input_name + '_'
+ def_item = copy.deepcopy(prop_item.definition)
+ = new_input_name
+ self.aux_inputs[new_input_name] = PropertyItem(def_item)
+ fun_item = {}
+ fun_item['get_input'] = new_input_name
+ prop_item._assign(fun_item)
+ prop_item.value._update_function_reference(self)
+ def _prepare_node_types(self):
+ for node_type in iter(self.db.NODE_TYPES.values()):
+ node_type.used = False
+ for node in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ node_type = node.type_obj
+ while node_type is not None:
+ self.db.NODE_TYPES[].used = True
+ node_type = node_type.parent
+ def _prepare_node_types_output(self, tags=''):
+ self._prepare_node_types()
+ node_type = {}
+ if 'noexpand' not in tags:
+ for node in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ if node.tran_template is not None:
+ node_type.update(node.tran_template._prepare_node_types_output(tags))
+ if len(node_type) < 1:
+ for ntype in iter(self.db.NODE_TYPES.values()):
+ if ntype.used is False:
+ continue
+ type_content = copy.deepcopy(ntype.raw_content)
+ if 'cloudify' in tags:
+ if == 'cloudify.nodes.Root':
+ continue
+ type_content.pop('capabilities', None)
+ type_content.pop('requirements', None)
+ type_content.pop('attributes', None)
+ else:
+ if == 'tosca.nodes.Root':
+ continue
+ node_type[] = type_content
+ return node_type
+ def _prepare_extra_imports(self, tags):
+ if 'cloudify' in tags:
+ ret_val = []
+ for item in self.extra_imports:
+ ret_val += list(item.values())
+ return ret_val
+ else:
+ return self.extra_imports
+ def _prepare_output(self, tags=''):
+ output ={}
+ import_sec = []
+ if 'cloudify' in tags:
+ output[YMO_VERSION]= 'cloudify_dsl_1_3'
+ for item in self.extra_imports:
+ import_sec += list(item.values())
+ #import_sec.append('')
+ else:
+ import_sec += self.extra_imports
+ output[YMO_VERSION]= 'tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0'
+ if 'import_schema' in tags:
+ output[YMO_IMPORT] = [{'schema': 'schema.yaml'}]
+ if self.metadata is not None and 'java_sim' not in tags:
+ output[YMO_METADATA] = self.metadata
+ topo_sec = {}
+ node_temp = {}
+ for node in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ node_temp.update(node._prepare_output(tags))
+ import_sec += node._prepare_extra_imports(tags)
+ if 'part' in tags:
+ return node_temp
+ if len(node_temp.keys())> 0:
+ topo_sec[YMO_TOPO_NODE_TEMPLATES] = node_temp
+ input_sec = {}
+ for name in self.inputs.keys():
+ input_sec.update(self.inputs[name]._prepare_input_type_output(tags))
+ for name in self.aux_inputs.keys():
+ input_sec.update(self.aux_inputs[name]._prepare_input_type_output(tags))
+ if (len(input_sec.keys())> 0) and 'java_sim' not in tags:
+ topo_sec[YMO_TOPO_INPUTS] = input_sec
+ output_sec = {}
+ for name in self.outputs.keys():
+ output_sec.update(self.outputs[name]._prepare_output_type_output())
+ if (len(output_sec.keys())> 0) and 'java_sim' not in tags:
+ topo_sec[YMO_TOPO_OUTPUTS] = output_sec
+ if 'w_sub' in tags and self.sub_type is not None:
+ sub_sec = {}
+ sub_sec[YMO_SUB_NODE_TYPE] = self.sub_type
+ sub_cap = {}
+ sub_req = {}
+ for sub_rule in self.sub_rules:
+ if sub_rule.type is SUB_CAPABILITY:
+ sub_cap[sub_rule.item] = sub_rule.value
+ if sub_rule.type is SUB_REQUIREMENT:
+ sub_req[sub_rule.item] = sub_rule.value
+ sub_sec[YMO_SUB_CAPABILITY] = sub_cap
+ sub_sec[YMO_SUB_REQUIREMENT] = sub_req
+ if 'cloudify' in tags:
+ output.update(topo_sec)
+ else:
+ output[YMO_TOPOLOGY] = topo_sec
+ if 'nodetype' in tags and 'java_sim' not in tags:
+ output[YMO_NODE_TYPE] = self._prepare_node_types_output(tags)
+ if len(import_sec) > 0:
+ output[YMO_IMPORT] = import_sec
+ return output
+ def _prepare_heat_output(self, parameters_type = {}, parameters_val = {}, stripped = False):
+ output = {}
+ env_output = {}
+ for input_item in iter(self.inputs.values()):
+ out1, out2 = input_item._prepare_heat_output()
+ parameters_type.update(out1)
+ parameters_val.update(out2)
+ resources = {}
+ for node in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ resources.udpate(node._prepare_heat_output(parameters_type, parameters_val))
+ output[YMO_HOT_PARAMETERS] = parameters_type
+ output[YMO_HOT_RESOURCES] = resources
+ env_output[YMO_HOT_PARAMETERS] = parameters_val
+ if stripped is True:
+ return resources
+ else:
+ return output, env_output
+ def toJson(self):
+ ret_json = {}
+ tmp_json = {}
+ for node in iter(self.node_dict.values()):
+ tmp_json[] = node.toJson()
+ ret_json['nodes'] = tmp_json
+ ret_json['relations'] = {}
+ ret_json['inputs'] = {}
+ ret_json['outputs'] = {}
+ return ret_json
+ \ No newline at end of file