diff options
130 files changed, 25866 insertions, 1835 deletions
diff --git a/.gitreview b/.gitreview
index 45f66c9..b30bfa7 100644
--- a/.gitreview
+++ b/.gitreview
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/.maven-dockerignore b/.maven-dockerignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8897bd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.maven-dockerignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..053dd43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+FROM onap/base_sdc-sanity:1.3.1
+RUN apk add --no-cache \
+ shadow \
+ && :
+RUN mkdir ExtentReport logs
+COPY chef-solo chef-solo
+COPY target/dcae-ci-tests-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar dcae-ci-tests-jar-with-dependencies.jar
+COPY target/classes/testSuite/testSuite.xml /testSuite/testSuite.xml
+COPY target/classes/conf conf
+RUN set -x ; \
+ groupadd -g 35953 -f dcae ; \
+ useradd -u 352070 -g dcae -Gdcae -m -d /home/dcae dcae && exit 0 ; exit 1
+RUN chmod 775 /testSuite/testSuite.xml /chef-solo /conf /ExtentReport /logs ; \
+ chown dcae:dcae /testSuite/testSuite.xml /chef-solo /conf /ExtentReport /logs
+USER dcae
+ENTRYPOINT ["./"] \ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab2a6d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-* ============LICENSE_START==========================================
-* ===================================================================
-* Copyright © 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property.
-* All rights reserved.
-* ===================================================================
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-* ============LICENSE_END============================================
diff --git a/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/.gitignore b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..064f878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Bundler
+######### Private \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/.kitchen.yml b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/.kitchen.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c108d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/.kitchen.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ name: vagrant
+ name: chef_zero
+ - name: ubuntu-16.04
+ - name: centos-7.1
+ - name: default
+ run_list:
+ - recipe[dcae-ci-tests::default]
+ attributes:
diff --git a/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/ b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27aba53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Deploy-DCAE
+TODO: Enter the cookbook description here.
diff --git a/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/attributes/default.rb b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/attributes/default.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59149fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/attributes/default.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# App Versions
+default['DCAE']['BE'][:http_port] = 8082
+default['DCAE']['BE'][:https_port] = 8444
+default['DCAE']['FE'][:http_port] = 8183
+default['DCAE']['FE'][:https_port] = 9444
+default['disableHttp'] = true \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/metadata.rb b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/metadata.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b61d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/metadata.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+name 'dcae-ci-tests'
+maintainer 'Avishai G'
+maintainer_email ''
+license 'all_rights'
+description 'Installs/Configures dcae-ci-tests'
+long_description 'Installs/Configures DCAE-CI'
+version '1.0.0'
diff --git a/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/recipes/dcae-ci_setup.rb b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/recipes/dcae-ci_setup.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bf9260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/recipes/dcae-ci_setup.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+url = "#{node['Webseal_URL']}"
+be_vip = node['DCAE_BE_VIP']
+fe_vip = node['DCAE_FE_VIP']
+if node['disableHttp']
+ protocol = "https"
+ be_port = node['DCAE']['BE'][:https_port]
+ fe_port = node['DCAE']['FE'][:https_port]
+ protocol = "http"
+ be_port = node['DCAE']['BE'][:http_port]
+ fe_port = node['DCAE']['FE'][:http_port]
+template "dcae-ci-tests-conf" do
+ sensitive true
+ path "/conf/conf.yaml"
+ source "conf.yaml.erb"
+ owner "dcae"
+ group "dcae"
+ mode "0755"
+ variables ({
+ :catalogbe_ip => be_vip,
+ :catalogbe_port => be_port,
+ :protocol => protocol,
+ :url => url,
+ :catalogfe_ip => fe_vip,
+ :catalogfe_port => fe_port
+ })
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/templates/default/conf.yaml.erb b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/templates/default/conf.yaml.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd9cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/cookbooks/dcae-ci-tests/templates/default/conf.yaml.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+dcaeBeHost: <%= @protocol %>://<%= @catalogbe_ip %>
+dcaeBePort: <%= @catalogbe_port %>
+sdcBeHost: <%= @protocol %>://<%= @catalogbe_ip %>
+sdcBePort: 8443
+apiPath: "/dcae"
+url: <%= @url %>
+reportDBhost: null
+reportDBport: 88
+captureTraffic: false
+useBrowserMobProxy: false
+stopOnClassFailure: null
+reportFileName: UI_Extent_Report.html
+reportFolder: ./ExtentReport/
+numOfAttemptsToRefresh: 22
+rerun: false
+windowsDownloadDirectory: null
+screenshotFolder: ./ExtentReport/screenshots/
+harFilesFolder: ./ExtentReport/har_files/
+toscaLabUrl: http://<%= @catalogbe_ip %>:8085 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chef-solo/environments/.keep b/chef-solo/environments/.keep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/environments/.keep
diff --git a/chef-solo/roles/dcae-ci.json b/chef-solo/roles/dcae-ci.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd9449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/roles/dcae-ci.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "name": "dcae-ci-tests",
+ "description": "Installation application Setup - dcae-ci-tests",
+ "json_class": "Chef::Role",
+ "default_attributes": {
+ },
+ "override_attributes": {
+ },
+ "chef_type": "role",
+ "run_list": [
+ "recipe[dcae-ci-tests::dcae-ci_setup]"
+ ],
+ "env_run_lists": {
+ }
diff --git a/chef-solo/solo.json b/chef-solo/solo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..399e809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/solo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "run_list": [ "role[dcae-ci]" ]
diff --git a/chef-solo/solo.rb b/chef-solo/solo.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06c1af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chef-solo/solo.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+root = File.absolute_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+file_cache_path root
+cookbook_path root + '/cookbooks'
+json_attribs root + '/solo.json'
+checksum_path root + '/checksums'
+data_bag_path root + '/data_bags'
+environment_path root + '/environments'
+file_backup_path root + '/backup'
+file_cache_path root + '/cache'
+log_level :info
+log_location STDOUT
+rest_timeout 300
+role_path root + '/roles'
+umask 0022
+verbose_logging nil
diff --git a/cypress-docker/.gitignore b/cypress-docker/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbb5d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/cypress-docker/ b/cypress-docker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb65de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Contributor Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at []( All
+complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
+is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
+obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
+Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
+faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
+members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
+available at
diff --git a/cypress-docker/ b/cypress-docker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cd77f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Contributing to Cypress
+Thanks for taking the time to contribute! :smile:
+## Code of Conduct
+All contributors are expecting to abide by our [Code of Conduct](
diff --git a/cypress-docker/ b/cypress-docker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e8c532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Cypress Docker Images
+./node_modules/.bin/stop-only cypress
+These images provide all of the required dependencies for running Cypress in Docker.
+We have two main images:
+| Image | Default | CI Build | Description |
+| ---------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [cypress/base](base) | `cypress/base:8` | [![Docker Build Status](]( | All system dependencies, no browsers. |
+| [cypress/browsers](browsers) | `cypress/browsers` | [![Docker Build Status](]( | All system dependencies and Chrome and Firefox browsers. |
+Of these images, we provide multiple tags for various operating systems and specific browser versions. These allow you to target specific combinations you need. We only provide browsers for `Debian`, but you can use our base images and build your own.
+| Name + Tag | Node | Operating System | Dependences | Browsers |
+| -------------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- | ----------- | ---------------- |
+| [cypress/base:4](base/4) | 4 | Debian | ✅ | 🚫 |
+| [cypress/base:6](base/6) | 6 | Debian | ✅ | 🚫 |
+| [cypress/base:8](base/8) | 8 | Debian | ✅ | 🚫 |
+| [cypress/base:10](base/10) | 10 | Debian | ✅ | 🚫 |
+| [cypress/base:centos7](base/centos7) | 6 | CentOS | ✅ | 🚫 |
+| [cypress/base:ubuntu16](base/ubuntu16) | 6 | Ubuntu | ✅ | 🚫 |
+| [cypress/browsers:chrome65-ff57](browsers/chrome65-ff57) | 8 | Debian | ✅ | Chrome 65, FF 57 |
+## DockerHub
+All of the images and tags are [published to DockerHub here](
+## Examples
+We utilize many of these docker images in our own projects, with different CI providers.
+[Check out our docs for examples.](
+## Contributing
+See [](
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/10/Dockerfile b/cypress-docker/base/10/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db4eaaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/10/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+FROM node:10.0
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y \
+ libgtk2.0-0 \
+ libnotify-dev \
+ libgconf-2-4 \
+ libnss3 \
+ libxss1 \
+ libasound2 \
+ xvfb
+RUN npm i -g npm@6
+# versions of local tools
+RUN node -v
+RUN npm -v
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/10/ b/cypress-docker/base/10/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd80d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/10/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# cypress/base:10
+## Example
+Sample Dockerfile
+FROM cypress/base:10
+RUN npm install --save-dev cypress
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress verify
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/10/ b/cypress-docker/base/10/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e16db5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/10/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set e+x
+# build image with Cypress dependencies
+echo "Building $LOCAL_NAME"
+docker build -t $LOCAL_NAME .
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/4/Dockerfile b/cypress-docker/base/4/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4298ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/4/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+FROM node:4.8.4
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y \
+ libgtk2.0-0 \
+ libnotify-dev \
+ libgconf-2-4 \
+ libnss3 \
+ libxss1 \
+ libasound2 \
+ xvfb
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/4/ b/cypress-docker/base/4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6213bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/4/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# cypress/base:4
+## Example
+Sample Dockerfile
+FROM cypress/base:4
+RUN npm install --save-dev cypress
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress verify
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/4/ b/cypress-docker/base/4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed2436a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/4/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set e+x
+# build image with Cypress dependencies
+echo "Building $LOCAL_NAME"
+docker build -t $LOCAL_NAME .
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/6/Dockerfile b/cypress-docker/base/6/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..268108e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/6/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+FROM node:6.11.1
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y \
+ libgtk2.0-0 \
+ libnotify-dev \
+ libgconf-2-4 \
+ libnss3 \
+ libxss1 \
+ libasound2 \
+ xvfb
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/6/ b/cypress-docker/base/6/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52297f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/6/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# cypress/base:6
+## Example
+Sample Dockerfile
+FROM cypress/base:6
+RUN npm install --save-dev cypress
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress verify
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/6/ b/cypress-docker/base/6/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a767e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/6/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set e+x
+# build image with Cypress dependencies
+echo "Building $LOCAL_NAME"
+docker build -t $LOCAL_NAME .
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/8/Dockerfile b/cypress-docker/base/8/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..294e2f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/8/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+FROM node:8.11
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y \
+ libgtk2.0-0 \
+ libnotify-dev \
+ libgconf-2-4 \
+ libnss3 \
+ libxss1 \
+ libasound2 \
+ xvfb
+RUN npm install npm@5.8.0 -g
+# versions of local tools
+RUN node -v
+RUN npm -v
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/8/ b/cypress-docker/base/8/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2078c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/8/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# cypress/base:8
+## Example
+Sample Dockerfile
+FROM cypress/base:8
+RUN npm install --save-dev cypress
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress verify
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/8/ b/cypress-docker/base/8/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e34b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/8/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set e+x
+# build image with Cypress dependencies
+echo "Building $LOCAL_NAME"
+docker build -t $LOCAL_NAME .
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/ b/cypress-docker/base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cec89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# cypress/base
+Main images that include all dependencies necessary to run Cypress.
+Each tag is in a sub folder, named after Node version or OS it is built on.
+Name + Tag | Node | Operating System | Link | Yarn version
+--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
+cypress/base:4 | 4 | Debian | [/4](4) | 0.24.4
+cypress/base:6 | 6 | Debian | [/6](6) | 0.24.6
+cypress/base:8 | 8 | Debian | [/8](8) | 1.5.1
+cypress/base:10 | 10 | Debian | [/10](10) | 1.6.0
+cypress/base:centos7 | 6 | CentOS | [/centos7](centos7) | 🚫
+cypress/base:ubuntu16 | 6 | Ubuntu | [/ubuntu16](ubuntu16) | 🚫
+**note** Cypress no longer supports Node 0.12
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/centos7/Dockerfile b/cypress-docker/base/centos7/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..045f33f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/centos7/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+FROM centos:7
+# To find which package provides missing dependency, for example
+# yum whatprovides libXss*
+# and then install displayed answer like
+# yum install -y libXScrnSaver*
+# Install dependencies
+RUN yum install -y xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
+RUN yum install -y gtk2-2.24*
+RUN yum install -y libXtst*
+# provides libXss
+RUN yum install -y libXScrnSaver*
+# provides libgconf-2
+RUN yum install -y GConf2*
+# provides libasound
+RUN yum install -y alsa-lib*
+# Install Node
+RUN yum install -y epel-release
+RUN yum install -y nodejs-6.11.3
+# comment out installing NPM 5 because fails
+# with error:
+# Error: Cannot find module 'semver'
+# RUN npm install -g npm@5
+RUN node -v
+RUN npm -v
+# there is some dependency I cannot figure out missing
+# which gets installed when installing "git*"
+RUN yum install -y git*
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/centos7/ b/cypress-docker/base/centos7/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dd6a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/centos7/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# cypress/base:centos7
+This image was built to resolve [issue #18](
+## Example
+Sample Dockerfile
+FROM cypress/base:centos7
+RUN npm install --save-dev cypress
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress verify
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/centos7/ b/cypress-docker/base/centos7/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4ff1b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/centos7/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set e+x
+# build image with Cypress dependencies
+echo "Building $LOCAL_NAME"
+docker build -t $LOCAL_NAME .
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/ubuntu16/Dockerfile b/cypress-docker/base/ubuntu16/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..619f603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/ubuntu16/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+FROM ubuntu:16.04
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl
+RUN touch /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list
+RUN echo "deb xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list
+RUN echo "deb-src xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list
+RUN curl -s | apt-key add -
+RUN apt-get update
+# Should install Node 6
+RUN apt-get install -y nodejs
+# Install Git client
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git
+RUN git --version
+# Install Cypress dependencies (separate commands to avoid time outs)
+RUN apt-get install -y \
+ libgtk2.0-0
+RUN apt-get install -y \
+ libnotify-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y \
+ libgconf-2-4 \
+ libnss3 \
+ libxss1
+RUN apt-get install -y \
+ libasound2 \
+ xvfb
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/ubuntu16/ b/cypress-docker/base/ubuntu16/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..908c1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/ubuntu16/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# cypress/base:ubuntu16
+This image was built to resolve [issue #19](
+## Example
+Sample Dockerfile
+FROM cypress/base:ubuntu16
+RUN npm install --save-dev cypress
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress verify
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run
diff --git a/cypress-docker/base/ubuntu16/ b/cypress-docker/base/ubuntu16/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80e79b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/base/ubuntu16/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set e+x
+# build image with Cypress dependencies
+echo "Building $LOCAL_NAME"
+docker build -t $LOCAL_NAME .
diff --git a/cypress-docker/browsers/ b/cypress-docker/browsers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c95932d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/browsers/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# cypress/browsers
+> Image with all dependencies and a browser
+- Node 6 + Chrome 63 + Firefox 57 [/chrome63-ff57](chrome63-ff57)
+- Node 8 + Chrome 65 + Firefox 57 [/chrome65-ff57](chrome65-ff57)
+See Cypress on CI using these images [here](
diff --git a/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome63-ff57/Dockerfile b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome63-ff57/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93379e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome63-ff57/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+FROM cypress/base:6
+USER root
+RUN node --version
+RUN echo "force new chrome here"
+# install Chromebrowser
+RUN \
+ wget -q -O - | apt-key add - && \
+ echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list && \
+ apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y dbus-x11 google-chrome-stable && \
+ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+# "fake" dbus address to prevent errors
+# install Firefox browser
+RUN wget --no-verbose -O /tmp/firefox.tar.bz2$FIREFOX_VERSION/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-$FIREFOX_VERSION.tar.bz2 \
+ && tar -C /opt -xjf /tmp/firefox.tar.bz2 \
+ && rm /tmp/firefox.tar.bz2 \
+ && ln -fs /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox
+# Add zip utility - it comes in very handy
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y zip
+# versions of local tools
+RUN google-chrome --version
+RUN firefox --version
+RUN zip --version
+RUN git --version
+# a few environment variables to make NPM installs easier
+# good colors for most applications
+ENV TERM xterm
+# avoid million NPM install messages
+ENV npm_config_loglevel warn
+# allow installing when the main user is root
+ENV npm_config_unsafe_perm true
diff --git a/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome63-ff57/ b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome63-ff57/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aec940c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome63-ff57/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# cypress/browsers:chrome63-ff57
+A complete image with all dependencies for Cypress included browsers Chrome, Firefox
+## Example
+If you want to build your image
+FROM cypress/browsers:chrome63-ff57
+RUN npm i cypress
+RUN firefox --version
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser firefox
+This image uses the `root` user. You might want to switch to non-root
+user when running this container for security.
diff --git a/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome63-ff57/ b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome63-ff57/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36ead7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome63-ff57/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+set e+x
+echo "Building $LOCAL_NAME"
+docker build -t $LOCAL_NAME .
diff --git a/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome65-ff57/Dockerfile b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome65-ff57/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fdabfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome65-ff57/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+FROM cypress/base:8
+USER root
+RUN node --version
+RUN echo "force new chrome here"
+# install Chromebrowser
+RUN \
+ wget -q -O - | apt-key add - && \
+ echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list && \
+ apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y dbus-x11 google-chrome-stable && \
+ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+# "fake" dbus address to prevent errors
+# install Firefox browser
+RUN wget --no-verbose -O /tmp/firefox.tar.bz2$FIREFOX_VERSION/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-$FIREFOX_VERSION.tar.bz2 \
+ && tar -C /opt -xjf /tmp/firefox.tar.bz2 \
+ && rm /tmp/firefox.tar.bz2 \
+ && ln -fs /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox
+# Add zip utility - it comes in very handy
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y zip
+# versions of local tools
+RUN google-chrome --version
+RUN firefox --version
+RUN zip --version
+RUN git --version
+# a few environment variables to make NPM installs easier
+# good colors for most applications
+ENV TERM xterm
+# avoid million NPM install messages
+ENV npm_config_loglevel warn
+# allow installing when the main user is root
+ENV npm_config_unsafe_perm true
diff --git a/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome65-ff57/ b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome65-ff57/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d308004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome65-ff57/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# cypress/browsers:chrome65-ff57
+A complete image with all dependencies for Cypress included browsers Chrome, Firefox
+## Example
+If you want to build your image
+FROM cypress/browsers:chrome65-ff57
+RUN npm i cypress
+RUN firefox --version
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome
+RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser firefox
+This image uses the `root` user. You might want to switch to non-root
+user when running this container for security.
diff --git a/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome65-ff57/ b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome65-ff57/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f8b6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/browsers/chrome65-ff57/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+set e+x
+echo "Building $LOCAL_NAME"
+docker build -t $LOCAL_NAME .
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/Dockerfile b/cypress-docker/test/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cb534e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+FROM cypress/browsers:chrome65-ff57
+USER root
+ENV PATH /home/node/app/node_modules/.bin:$PATH
+ENV npm_config_loglevel=warn
+WORKDIR /home/node/app
+COPY src/package.json .
+RUN npm i npm@latest -g
+RUN npm config set proxy
+RUN npm config set https-proxy
+RUN npm install --verbose --save \
+ mocha@5.0.0 \
+ mochawesome@3.0.2 \
+ cypress@2.1.0 \
+ cypress-testing-library@2.2.0
+RUN /home/node/app/node_modules/.bin/cypress verify && \
+ /home/node/app/node_modules/.bin/cypress --version
+CMD ["cypress", "run", "--browser", "chrome"]
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/ b/cypress-docker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e8ed64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+set e+x
+echo "[INFO] Building $LOCAL_NAME"
+docker build -t $LOCAL_NAME \
+ --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= \
+ --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY= \
+ .
+echo "[INFO] Done"
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress.json b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0967ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress.json.tpl b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress.json.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a33747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress.json.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "chromeWebSecurity": false,
+ "requestTimeout": 60000,
+ "responseTimeout": 100000,
+ "videoRecording": false,
+ "baseUrl": "https://<dcae_fe_ip>:<dcae_fe_port>/dcaed/#/",
+ "env": {
+ "backendUrl":
+ "https://<dcae_fe_ip>:<dcae_fe_port>/dcaed/dcaeProxy"
+ },
+ "reporter": "/home/node/app/node_modules/mochawesome"
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/TranslateSimpleCopy.json b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/TranslateSimpleCopy.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2741f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/TranslateSimpleCopy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ "processing": [
+ {
+ "phase": "snmp_map",
+ "processors": [
+ {
+ "array": "varbinds",
+ "datacolumn": "varbind_value",
+ "keycolumn": "varbind_oid",
+ "class": "SnmpConvertor"
+ },
+ {
+ "phase": "sto2",
+ "class": "RunPhase"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "phase": "sto2",
+ "processors": [
+ {
+ "updates": {
+ "event.commonEventHeader.domain": "a"
+ },
+ "class": "Set"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "phase": "sto2",
+ "processors": [
+ {
+ "phase": "map_publish",
+ "class": "RunPhase"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/createMcHp.json b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/createMcHp.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb1f234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/createMcHp.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8251 @@
+ "vfcmt": {
+ "uuid": "6b1f2556-f395-465a-863c-9fe3e3cb9155",
+ "name": "liav",
+ "description": "qqq1"
+ },
+ "cdump": {
+ "cid": "e6a151b1-4645-4bc6-86cb-845ddb5b615d",
+ "flowType": "SNMP MSE",
+ "version": 0,
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "requirements": [
+ {
+ "node": "topic0",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_0",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic1",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_1",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic2",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_2",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic3",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_3",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic4",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_4",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic5",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_5",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic6",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_6",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic7",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_7",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic8",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_8",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic9",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_9",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic10",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_10",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic11",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_11",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic12",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_12",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic13",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_13",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic14",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_14",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic15",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_15",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic16",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_16",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic17",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_0",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic18",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_1",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic19",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_2",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic20",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_3",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic21",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_4",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic22",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_5",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic23",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_6",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic24",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_7",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic25",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_8",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic26",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_9",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic27",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_10",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic28",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_11",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic29",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_12",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": "topic30",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_publish_13",
+ "relationship": { "type": "dcae.relationships.publish_events" }
+ },
+ {
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dockerHost",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dockerHost"
+ },
+ "name": "host",
+ "relationship": {
+ "type": "dcae.relationships.component_contained_in"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "",
+ "id": "template.yaml/"
+ },
+ "name": "composition"
+ },
+ {
+ "occurrences": [0, "UNBOUNDED"],
+ "node": "tosca.nodes.Root",
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "tosca.capabilities.Node",
+ "id": "template.yaml/tosca.capabilities.Node"
+ },
+ "name": "dependency",
+ "relationship": { "type": "tosca.relationships.DependsOn" }
+ }
+ ],
+ "capabilities": [
+ {
+ "name": "feature",
+ "type": {
+ "name": "tosca.capabilities.Node",
+ "id": "template.yaml/tosca.capabilities.Node"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "Highlandpark_18.06.006",
+ "description":
+ "/sdc/v1/catalog/resources/d696074a-2237-4ae4-a180-2cf7388c9a78/toscaModel/",
+ "type": { "name": "tosca.dcae.nodes.dockerApp.Highlandpark_18.06.006" },
+ "properties": [
+ {
+ "assignment": { "value": { "get_input": "centralOrEdge" } },
+ "name": "centralOrEdge",
+ "type": "string",
+ "constraints": [{ "valid_values": ["central", "edge"] }],
+ "value": { "get_input": "centralOrEdge" }
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": { "get_input": "globalDmaapClusterHosts" }
+ },
+ "name": "globalDmaapClusterHosts",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": { "get_input": "globalDmaapClusterHosts" }
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": { "value": { "get_input": "scopes" } },
+ "name": "scopes",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": { "get_input": "scopes" }
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": { "value": { "get_input": "systemEnv" } },
+ "name": "systemEnv",
+ "type": "string",
+ "constraints": [{ "valid_values": ["FTL", "IST", "ETE", "PROD"] }],
+ "value": { "get_input": "systemEnv" }
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": { "value": { "get_input": "waitOnErrorMs" } },
+ "name": "waitOnErrorMs",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": { "get_input": "waitOnErrorMs" }
+ },
+ { "name": "image", "type": "string", "required": true },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": {
+ "get_property": ["SELF", "composition", "location_id"]
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "location_id",
+ "type": "string",
+ "required": true,
+ "value": { "get_property": ["SELF", "composition", "location_id"] }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "service_component_type",
+ "type": "string",
+ "required": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "typeinfo": {
+ "itemId":
+ "d696074a-2237-4ae4-a180-2cf7388c9a78/tosca.dcae.nodes.dockerApp.Highlandpark_18.06.006",
+ "requirements": [
+ {
+ "node": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id":
+ "d696074a-2237-4ae4-a180-2cf7388c9a78/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id":
+ "d696074a-2237-4ae4-a180-2cf7388c9a78/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_0",
+ "id": "d696074a-2237-4ae4-a180-2cf7388c9a78/stream_subscribe_0",
+ "relationship": {
+ "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id":
+ "d696074a-2237-4ae4-a180-2cf7388c9a78/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
+ "id":
+ "d696074a-2237-4ae4-a180-2cf7388c9a78/dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic"
+ },
+ "name": "stream_subscribe_1",
+ "id": "d696074a-2237-4ae4-a180-2cf7388c9a78/stream_subscribe_1",
+ "relationship": {
+ "type": "dcae.relationships.subscribe_to_events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "node": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dmmap.topic",
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diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/createMcRes.json b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/createMcRes.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8f6573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/createMcRes.json
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+ "id": "template.yaml/"
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.cdapHost"
+ },
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+ }
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+ "id": "template.yaml/"
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+ "get_input": "mappingType"
+ }
+ },
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+ "CSV to VES mapping, from the file to generate multiple events or single event",
+ "type": "string",
+ "constraints": [
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+ }
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "type": "string"
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+ },
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+ },
+ "name": "postConfig",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "type": "string"
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+ }
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "30d0b4f4-efc5-424a-9d26-6d7843a0971d/tosca.dcae.nodes.cdapApp"
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+ "The TOSCA Node Type all other TOSCA base Node Types derive from",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7ce16a
--- /dev/null
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+ "condition": null,
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+ },
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index 0000000..eb7e930
--- /dev/null
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+ {
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+ },
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+ }
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index 0000000..da18d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/example.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "name": "Using fixtures to represent data",
+ "email": "",
+ "body": "Fixtures are a great way to mock data for responses to routes"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/getMCMock.json b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/getMCMock.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..602d2e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/fixtures/getMCMock.json
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "juniperSwitch",
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+ },
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+ "name": "tosca.dcae.nodes.Root",
+ "id": "3c473efc-57fc-4a47-b3fc-190bd3b02bd2/tosca.dcae.nodes.Root"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "tosca.nodes.Root",
+ "description":
+ "The TOSCA Node Type all other TOSCA base Node Types derive from",
+ "id": "3c473efc-57fc-4a47-b3fc-190bd3b02bd2/tosca.nodes.Root"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "tosca.dcae.nodes.dmaap.topic",
+ "id": 0
+ },
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "requirements": [
+ {
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "dcae.capabilities.dockerHost",
+ "id": "template.yaml/dcae.capabilities.dockerHost"
+ },
+ "name": "host",
+ "relationship": {
+ "type": "dcae.relationships.component_contained_in"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "capability": {
+ "name": "",
+ "id": "template.yaml/"
+ },
+ "name": "composition"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "type": "tosca.relationships.DependsOn"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "name": "feature",
+ "type": {
+ "name": "tosca.capabilities.Node",
+ "id": "template.yaml/tosca.capabilities.Node"
+ }
+ }
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+ "/sdc/v1/catalog/resources/c8db6f9b-6173-4d7d-bd25-c20bfc154daa/artifacts/66b05681-a407-4e46-9239-86f245c68b81",
+ "type": {
+ "name": "tosca.dcae.nodes.dockerApp.fm_poller"
+ },
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+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": "ciscoRouter"
+ },
+ "name": "DeviceCategory",
+ "type": "string",
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "valid_values": [
+ "ciscoSwitch",
+ "ciscoRouter",
+ "juniperSwitch",
+ "juniperRouter"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "value": "ciscoRouter"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": "/opt/app/discovery/seed"
+ },
+ "name": "DeviceToWalkJson",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": "/opt/app/discovery/seed"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "DisoveryInterval"
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "DisoveryInterval",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "DisoveryInterval"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "FlatironHost"
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "FlatironHost",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "FlatironHost"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "FlatironScope"
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "FlatironScope",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "FlatironScope"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": "/opt/app/discovery/curloutput"
+ },
+ "name": "SeedFilePath",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": "/opt/app/discovery/curloutput"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/conf/app_config.json"
+ },
+ "name": "app_config_file",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/conf/app_config.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/data/ciscorouteroids"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/data/ciscorouteroids"
+ },
+ {
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+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/data/ciscoswitchoids"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/data/ciscoswitchoids"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "clientUri"
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "clientUri",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "clientUri"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "dcae_service_location"
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "dcae_service_location"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": "rv1-dis / rv1-mib"
+ },
+ "name": "dcae_target_type",
+ "type": "string",
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+ {
+ "valid_values": [
+ "rv1-dis / rv1-mib",
+ "rv2- dis / rv2-mib",
+ "rv3- dis / rv3-mib",
+ "rv4- dis / rv4-mib",
+ "rv5- dis / rv5-mib",
+ "rv6- dis / rv6-mib",
+ "rv7- dis / rv7-mib",
+ "me6- dis / me6- mib"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
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+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/data/defaultoids"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/data/defaultoids"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": ""
+ },
+ "name": "dmaapSeedFilePath",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/conf/dmaap_config.json"
+ },
+ "name": "dmaap_conf_file",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/conf/dmaap_config.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/conf/dti_config.json"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/conf/dti_config.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": {
+ "get_input": "environment"
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "environment",
+ "type": "string",
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+ }
+ },
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+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/data/juniperrouteroids"
+ },
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+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/data/juniperrouteroids"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/data/juniperswitchoids"
+ },
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+ "value":
+ "/opt/app/topologyCollector/TopologyCollector-1.0.0/data/juniperswitchoids"
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": "/opt/app/discovery/outdata"
+ },
+ "name": "outdata",
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+ "value": "/opt/app/discovery/outdata"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "image",
+ "type": "string",
+ "required": true
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment": {
+ "value": {
+ "get_property": ["SELF", "composition", "location_id"]
+ }
+ },
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+ "required": true,
+ "value": {
+ "get_property": ["SELF", "composition", "location_id"]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "service_component_type",
+ "type": "string",
+ "required": true
+ }
+ ],
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+ "id":
+ "c8db6f9b-6173-4d7d-bd25-c20bfc154daa/dcae.capabilities.dockerHost"
+ },
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+ "c8db6f9b-6173-4d7d-bd25-c20bfc154daa/dcae.capabilities.dockerHost"
+ },
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+ "id": "c8db6f9b-6173-4d7d-bd25-c20bfc154daa/host",
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+ "type": "dcae.relationships.component_contained_in"
+ }
+ },
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+ "c8db6f9b-6173-4d7d-bd25-c20bfc154daa/"
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+ "c8db6f9b-6173-4d7d-bd25-c20bfc154daa/tosca.capabilities.Node"
+ }
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+ },
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+ "id": "c8db6f9b-6173-4d7d-bd25-c20bfc154daa/tosca.dcae.nodes.Root"
+ },
+ {
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+ "description":
+ "The TOSCA Node Type all other TOSCA base Node Types derive from",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ }
+ }
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+ "outputs": []
+ }
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+ }
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index 0000000..d036788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/e2e/e2eWithIntegration-spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// const randomNodeName = () => Math .random() .toString(36)
+// .substr(2, 7); const NODE_NAME = randomNodeName(); const serverGetDDLData =
+// () => { return cy .server() .route('GET',
+// Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/getResourcesByMonitoringTemplateCategory')
+// .as('templateAPi') .route('GET', Cypress.env('backendUrl') +
+// '/service/**') .as('vfniListAPi'); }; const saveAndDoneHttp = () => {
+// cy.server(); cy.route({ method: 'POST', url:
+// Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/rule-editor/rule/**/**/**/**'
+// }).as('doneSaveCopyRule'); }; const createNewMC = () => { cy
+// .get('input[data-tests-id="nameMc"]') .type(`Hello${NODE_NAME}`)
+// .get('textarea[data-tests-id="descMc"]') .type('Hello
+// Description') .get('select[data-tests-id="templateDdl"]')
+// .then($els => { const opt = $els.find('option');
+// const first = opt.get(1); return $els.val(first.value);
+// }) .trigger('change') .get('select[data-tests-id="vfniDdl"]')
+// .then($els => { const opt = $els.find('option');
+// const first = opt.get(1); return $els.val(first.value);
+// }) .trigger('change')
+// .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]') .not('[disabled]')
+// .should('not.contain', 'Disabled'); cy .server()
+// .route({ method: 'POST', url:
+// Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/createMC' }) .as('newMC')
+// .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]') .click()
+// .wait('@newMC'); }; import {buttonCreateMC} from
+// '../mocks/newApp/homePage-spec'; import {selectVersionAndTypeAndAddFirstRule,
+// fillRuleDescription, addCopyAction, editFirstRule} from
+// '../mocks/newApp/ruleEngine-spec'; //
+// describe('DCAED - forntend e2e and inagration test ', () => {
+// context('Empty Monitoring Configuration list for service ', () => {
+// it(' Loads ', () => {
+// cy.visit('home?userId=ym903w&userRole=DESIGNER&displayType=context&contextType
+// =SERVICE&uui' +
+// 'd=a94a0c90-5549-4c3a-a5fd-b122cac085cd&lifecycleState=NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT&
+// isO' + 'wner=true&
+// version=0.2&parentUrl=' +
+// 'ED'); }); }); context('Create new monitoring
+// configuration', () => { beforeEach(() => {
+// serverGetDDLData();
+// cy.visit('home?userId=ym903w&userRole=DESIGNER&displayType=context&contextType
+// =SERVICE&uui' +
+// 'd=a94a0c90-5549-4c3a-a5fd-b122cac085cd&lifecycleState=NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT&
+// isO' + 'wner=true&
+// version=0.2&parentUrl=' +
+// 'ED'); buttonCreateMC() .click()
+// .wait(['@templateAPi', '@vfniListAPi']); });
+// it('After api call success verify create button is disabled', () => {
+// cy .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+// .should('be.visible') .and('be.disabled');
+// }); it('click on create mc - more then one tab should be visible', ()
+// => { createNewMC(); cy
+// .get('ul[p-tabviewnav]') .children()
+// .should($el => { expect($el.length)
+// .to .be .greaterThan(1);
+// }); }); it('should enter rule engine in map tab
+// and create new rule', () => { createNewMC(); cy
+// .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label') .should('contain',
+// 'map') .click();
+// selectVersionAndTypeAndAddFirstRule();
+// fillRuleDescription('newRule'); addCopyAction();
+// saveAndDoneHttp(); cy
+// .get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]') .click();
+// cy .wait('@doneSaveCopyRule')
+// .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+// .should('be.visible') .then(function ($lis) {
+// expect($lis) .to .have
+// .length(1); expect($lis.eq(0))
+// .to .contain('newRule');
+// }); editFirstRule();
+// fillRuleDescription('LiavRule'); saveAndDoneHttp();
+// cy .get('button[data-tests-id="btnSave"]')
+// .click() .wait('@doneSaveCopyRule')
+// .get('a[data-tests-id="btnBackRule"]') .click()
+// .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+// .should('be.visible') .then(function ($lis) {
+// expect($lis) .to .have
+// .length(1); expect($lis.eq(0))
+// .to .contain('LiavRule');
+// }); }); }); });
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/errorDialog-spec.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/errorDialog-spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9c889e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/errorDialog-spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+describe("Dialog error - E2E test flow with mock", () => {
+ describe("Simulate errors", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.getTemplateApiError();
+ });
+ it("Simulate error dialog is visible", () => {
+ cy.get(".ui-dialog").should("be.visible");
+ });
+ it("Simulate error dialog is close by cancel button ", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="error-cancel"]')
+ .first()
+ .click({ force: true });
+ cy.get(".ui-dialog").should("");
+ });
+ it("Simulate error dialog is close by X button ", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="error-cancel-icon"]')
+ .first()
+ .click({ force: true });
+ cy.get(".ui-dialog").should("");
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/generalPage-spec.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/generalPage-spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45badf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/generalPage-spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+describe("General Page - E2E test flow with mock", () => {
+ describe("Check Boolean DDL", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMcWithBooleanDDL();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ });
+ // it.only("Check boolean DDL with value undefined - using true, true - using
+ // true and false" + " - using false.", () => { cy.fillNewMcForm(); cy
+ // .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]') .as("createButton")
+ // .not("[disabled]") .should("not.contain", "Disabled");
+ // cy.httpCreateNewMcWithBooleanDDL(); cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1"); cy
+ // .get("@createButton") .click(); cy .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ // .should("contain", "map") .click(); cy
+ // .get('button[data-tests-id="setting-gear"]') .should("be.visible")
+ // .first() .click({multiple: true}); cy .get(".map-setting-list
+ // #mappingType > .field-text") .should("have.value", ""); cy
+ // .get(".map-setting-list > form > #valueUndefined > select")
+ // .should("have.value", "true"); cy .get(".map-setting-list > form >
+ // #valueTrue > select") .should("have.value", "true"); cy
+ // .get(".map-setting-list > form > #valueFalse > select")
+ // .should("have.value", "false"); });
+ });
+ describe("Create new MC", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ });
+ it("Create button need to be disabled", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .and("be.disabled");
+ });
+ it("After submit advenced setting description exist in first input", () => {
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .as("createButton")
+ .not("[disabled]")
+ .should("not.contain", "Disabled");
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy.get("@createButton").click();
+ cy
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="setting-gear"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .first()
+ .click({ multiple: true });
+ cy
+ .get(".map-setting-list #Type1 .help-description")
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get(".ui-tooltip")
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .should(
+ "contain",
+ "CSV to VES mapping, from the file to generate multiple events or single event"
+ );
+ });
+ it("Fill form then click to submit verify setting button and constrain ddl", () => {
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .as("createButton")
+ .not("[disabled]")
+ .should("not.contain", "Disabled");
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy.get("@createButton").click();
+ cy
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="setting-gear"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .first()
+ .click({ multiple: true });
+ cy
+ .get(".map-setting-list #mappingType > .field-text")
+ .should("have.value", "");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Flow diagram", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]').click();
+ });
+ it("should flow diagram need to exist", () => {
+ cy.get("#diagram").should("be.visible");
+ });
+ it("should flow diagram need to contain 4 connections", () => {
+ cy
+ .get("#diagram line")
+ .its("length")
+ .should("be.equal", 4);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Tabs after MC created", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]').click();
+ });
+ // it('should have 4 icon buttons in map tab', () => { cy
+ // .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label') .should('contain', 'map') .click(); cy
+ // .get('.map-bar-icon-container>button') .should('have.length', 2)
+ // .get('.map-bar-icon-container>div>button') .should('have.length', 2)
+ // .and('be.visible'); }); it('should have 2 icon buttons in supplement tab', ()
+ // => { cy .get('#ui-tabpanel-2-label') .should('contain',
+ // 'supplement') .click(); cy
+ // .get('.supplement-bar-icon-container>button') .should('have.length', 2)
+ // .and('be.visible') .get('.supplement-bar-icon-container') .children()
+ // .should('have.length', 3); });
+ });
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/homePage-spec.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/homePage-spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4be1dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/homePage-spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+export const buttonCreateMC = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]');
+export const buttonCreateMCSpan = () => {
+ return cy.get('span[data-tests-id="btn-span-create-mc"]');
+export const tableItems = () => {
+ return cy.get("datatable-row-wrapper");
+export const monitoringComponentTable = () => {
+ return cy.get('ngx-datatable[data-tests-id="monitoringComponentTable"]');
+export const tableItemsDeleteButton = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="tableItemsButtonDelete"]');
+export const tableItemsInfoButton = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="tableItemsButtonInfo"]');
+export const popupGetDeleteBtn = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDelete"]');
+export const popupGetCancelBtn = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnCancel"]');
+export const getMonitoringConfiguration = () => {
+ return cy.get('div[data-tests-id="tableItemsMonitoringConfiguration"]');
+export const doHoverOverFirstLine = () => {
+ return tableItems()
+ .first()
+ .trigger("mouseover");
+export const doHoverOverFirstLineMonitoringConfiguration = () => {
+ tableItems()
+ .first()
+ .trigger("mouseover");
+ return getMonitoringConfiguration();
+const NUMBER_OF_ITEMS = 12;
+const navigateButtonDisabled = () => {
+ return buttonCreateMC()
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .and("be.disabled")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btn-fab-create-mc"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .and("be.disabled");
+describe("Home Page - E2E test flow with mock", () => {
+ describe("MC List empty", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ });
+ it("Shouldn't have create table with headers", () => {
+ monitoringComponentTable().should("");
+ });
+ it("Shouldn't have create table with items", () => {
+ buttonCreateMC()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="new-monitoring-title"]')
+ .should("contain", "Monitoring");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Check Edit Save and Submit", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCList();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.getMC();
+ cy.submitMonitoringComponent();
+ cy.saveMonitoringComponent();
+ });
+ it("Edit VFCMT", () => {
+ doHoverOverFirstLineMonitoringConfiguration()
+ .first()
+ .click({ force: true });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("MC List", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCList();
+ cy.homePage();
+ });
+ it("Should have create button on top of the screen", () => {
+ buttonCreateMC().should("be.visible");
+ });
+ it("Should have create table with headers", () => {
+ monitoringComponentTable().should("be.visible");
+ });
+ it("Should have create table with items", () => {
+ tableItems().should("have.length", NUMBER_OF_ITEMS);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("MC List Delete Tests", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCList();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.deleteMonitoringComponent();
+ cy.deleteMonitoringComponentWithBlueprint();
+ });
+ it("Mouse hover over item, delete is visible, info not visible", () => {
+ doHoverOverFirstLine();
+ tableItemsDeleteButton().should("be.visible");
+ tableItemsInfoButton().should("");
+ });
+ it(
+ "Mouse hover over item, call delete and remove not submitted (call delete without" +
+ " blueprint api)",
+ () => {
+ tableItems().should("have.length", NUMBER_OF_ITEMS);
+ doHoverOverFirstLine();
+ tableItemsDeleteButton()
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .click({ force: true });
+ popupGetDeleteBtn().click({ force: true });
+ tableItems().should("have.length", NUMBER_OF_ITEMS - 1);
+ }
+ );
+ it(
+ "Mouse hover over item, call delete and remove submitted (call delete with bluepr" +
+ "int api)",
+ () => {
+ tableItems()
+ .should("have.length", NUMBER_OF_ITEMS)
+ .last()
+ .trigger("mouseover");
+ tableItemsDeleteButton()
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .click({ force: true });
+ popupGetDeleteBtn().click({ force: true });
+ tableItems().should("have.length", NUMBER_OF_ITEMS - 1);
+ }
+ );
+ it("Mouse hover over item, call delete and cancelOperation", () => {
+ tableItems().should("have.length", NUMBER_OF_ITEMS);
+ doHoverOverFirstLine();
+ tableItemsDeleteButton()
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .click({ force: true });
+ popupGetCancelBtn().click({ force: true });
+ tableItems().should("have.length", NUMBER_OF_ITEMS);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Show Info icon", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.getMCList();
+ cy.homePageCertified();
+ });
+ it("Mouse hover over item, delete is not visible, info visible", () => {
+ doHoverOverFirstLine();
+ tableItemsInfoButton().should("be.visible");
+ tableItemsDeleteButton().should("");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Successfully Entry Home Page Monitoring Configuration", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ });
+ it("Buttons looks Assertion", () => {
+ buttonCreateMC()
+ .should("contain", "Create New MC")
+ .and("be.visible")
+ .and("");
+ buttonCreateMCSpan()
+ .should("contain", "Add First MC")
+ .and("be.visible")
+ .and("");
+ });
+ it("Buttons Functionality Assertion", () => {
+ buttonCreateMC()
+ .click()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="new-monitorying-titie"]')
+ .should("contain", "Monitoring");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Not Auth Entry Home Page Monitoring Configuration", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ });
+ it("Buttons disabled when user not owner", () => {
+ cy.sdcIsOwnerFalse();
+ navigateButtonDisabled();
+ });
+ it("Buttons disabled when user not checkout", () => {
+ cy.sdcUserNotCheckout();
+ navigateButtonDisabled();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/importPage-spec.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/importPage-spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..446409c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/importPage-spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+const loadVfcmtList = () => {
+ return cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: 'GET',
+ url:
+ Cypress.env('backendUrl') +
+ '/SERVICES/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/0.1/getVfcmtsForMigration',
+ response: 'fixture:importVfcmt'
+ })
+ .as('importVfcmtList');
+const getVfcmtRefData = data => {
+ return cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: 'GET',
+ url:
+ Cypress.env('backendUrl') +
+ '/getVfcmtReferenceData/cb06b8a9-c7e0-4451-a941-89fc338303c9',
+ response: data
+ })
+ .as('vfcmtRef');
+const getFlowType = () => {
+ return cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: 'GET',
+ url: Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/conf/composition',
+ response: {
+ flowTypes: ['Syslog', 'SNMP', 'FOI']
+ }
+ })
+ .as('flowTypes');
+const getVfniList = () => {
+ return cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: 'GET',
+ url:
+ Cypress.env('backendUrl') +
+ '/service/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ response: 'fixture:serviceDdl'
+ })
+ .as('vfniListApi');
+const importMCServerApi = () => {
+ return cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: 'POST',
+ url: Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/importMC',
+ response: 'fixture:createMcRes'
+ })
+ .as('importMC');
+const chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion = () => {
+ return cy
+ .get('.ng-input > input')
+ .click()
+ .type('liav')
+ .type('{enter}')
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="vfcmtVersion"]')
+ .select('0.1');
+const getName = () => {
+ return cy.get('input[data-tests-id="nameMc"]');
+const getDescription = () => {
+ return cy.get('textarea[data-tests-id="descMc"]');
+const getFlowTypeSelect = () => {
+ return cy.get('select[data-tests-id="flowTypeDdl"]');
+const getVfniSelect = () => {
+ return cy.get('select[data-tests-id="vfniDdl"]');
+const getImportButton = () => {
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="importMonitoring"]');
+describe('Import Page', () => {
+ context('First step - get vfcmts list and pick one', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ loadVfcmtList();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-import-mc"]').click();
+ });
+ it('should have values in ddl', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('ng-select')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .click()
+ .get('.ng-option')
+ .should('contain', 7);
+ });
+ it('should have value on typing and press enter key', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('.ng-input > input')
+ .click()
+ .type('liav')
+ .type('{enter}')
+ .get('.ng-value-label')
+ .should('contain', 'LiavSprint10.3');
+ });
+ it('should have version when pick vfcmt from list', () => {
+ cy
+ .get('.ng-input > input')
+ .click()
+ .type('liav')
+ .type('{enter}')
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="vfcmtVersion"]')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .and('contain', '0.1');
+ });
+ });
+ context('second step - fill fileds according to server response', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ loadVfcmtList();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-import-mc"]').click();
+ });
+ it('get flow type true and service is match to context service', () => {
+ getVfcmtRefData({
+ serviceUuid: '06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ name: 'test',
+ description: 'test',
+ flowType: 'FOI',
+ vfiName: 'LiavSrv'
+ });
+ chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion();
+ getName()
+ .should('have.value', 'test')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getDescription()
+ .should('have.value', 'test')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getFlowTypeSelect().should('have.value', 'FOI');
+ getVfniSelect().should('have.value', 'LiavSrv');
+ getImportButton()
+ .not('[disabled]')
+ .should('not.contain', 'Disabled');
+ });
+ it('get flow type true but service not match', () => {
+ getVfcmtRefData({
+ serviceUuid: '555555-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ name: 'test',
+ description: 'test',
+ flowType: 'FOI',
+ vfiName: 'ChcoSrv'
+ });
+ getVfniList();
+ chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion();
+ getFlowTypeSelect().should('have.value', 'FOI');
+ });
+ it('get flow type false service match', () => {
+ getVfcmtRefData({
+ serviceUuid: '06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ name: 'test',
+ description: 'test',
+ vfiName: 'LiavSrv'
+ });
+ getImportButton()
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getFlowType();
+ chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion();
+ getName()
+ .should('have.value', 'test')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getDescription()
+ .should('have.value', 'test')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getVfniSelect().should('have.value', 'LiavSrv');
+ });
+ it('get flow type false service not match', () => {
+ getVfcmtRefData({
+ serviceUuid: '555555-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ name: 'test',
+ description: 'test',
+ vfiName: 'ChcoSrv'
+ });
+ getImportButton()
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .and('be.disabled');
+ getFlowType();
+ getVfniList();
+ chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion();
+ getName().should('have.value', '');
+ getDescription().should('have.value', '');
+ });
+ });
+ context('final step - import vfcmt and getting cdump for tabs', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ loadVfcmtList();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-import-mc"]').click();
+ getVfcmtRefData({
+ serviceUuid: '06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a',
+ name: 'test',
+ description: 'test',
+ flowType: 'FOI',
+ vfiName: 'LiavSrv'
+ });
+ chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion();
+ });
+ it('should get cdump after import and vfcmt import not visible', () => {
+ importMCServerApi();
+ getImportButton().click({ force: true });
+ cy
+ .get('.import-wrapper')
+ .should('')
+ .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label')
+ .should('contain', 'map');
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/ruleEngine-spec.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/ruleEngine-spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cca70cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/newApp/ruleEngine-spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1295 @@
+export const mappingTragetDDL = () => {
+ return cy.get('select[data-tests-id="mappingDdl"]');
+export const getExistRulesList = () => {
+ return cy.get('option[data-tests-id="templateOptionsExist"]');
+export const getNotExistRulesList = () => {
+ return cy.get('option[data-tests-id="templateOptionsNotExist"]');
+function verifyCopyActionNotExist(actionType) {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select(actionType)
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click();
+ cy.get('[data-tests-id="makeCopyOfAction"]').should("");
+export const selectVersionAndTypeAndAddFirstRule = () => {
+ return cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectVersion"]')
+ .select("4.1")
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectEventType"]')
+ .select("syslog")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddFirstRule"]')
+ .click();
+export const fillRuleDescription = text => {
+ return cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="inputDescription"]')
+ .clear()
+ .type(text);
+export const addMapAndDeleteRowAction = () => {
+ cy.get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]').select("map");
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]').click();
+ // fill map action
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .first()
+ .type("B")
+ .should("have.value", "B");
+ return cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="key"]')
+ .type("Key1")
+ .should("have.value", "Key1")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="value"]')
+ .type("Key1")
+ .should("have.value", "Key1")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btn-add-row"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="key"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("Key2")
+ .should("have.value", "Key2")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="value"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("Key2")
+ .should("have.value", "Key2")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btn-add-row"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="key"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("Key3")
+ .should("have.value", "Key3")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="value"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("Key3")
+ .should("have.value", "Key3")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btn-remove-row"]')
+ .last()
+ .click();
+export const addCopyAction = () => {
+ return cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("copy")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .type("A")
+ .should("have.value", "A")
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="openTargetTree"]')
+ .click()
+ .get(".bottom-select")
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .find(".toggle-children")
+ .first()
+ .click()
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="targetNode"]')
+ .should(node => {
+ expect(node.eq(0)).to.contain("commonEventHeader");
+ expect(node.eq(1)).to.contain("domain");
+ })
+ .each(($el, index) => {
+ if (index === 1) {
+ cy.wrap($el).click();
+ }
+ });
+export const editFirstRule = () => {
+ return cy
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .first()
+ .trigger("mouseover")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="editRule"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .click();
+export const editLastRule = () => {
+ return cy
+ .wait("@doneSaveMapRule")
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .last()
+ .trigger("mouseover")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="editRule"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .click();
+export const deleteFirstRule = () => {
+ cy
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .first()
+ .trigger("mouseover")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="deleteRule"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .click()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="delete-popup"]');
+ cy.deleteRule();
+ return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDelete"]').click();
+export const translateValue = () => {
+ return (
+ '{"processing":[{"phase":"snmp_map","processors":[{"array":"varbinds","datacolumn' +
+ '":"varbind_value","keycolumn":"varbind_oid","class":"SnmpConvertor"},{"phase":"s' +
+ 'to2","class":"RunPhase"}]},{"phase":"sto2","processors":[{"updates":{"event.comm' +
+ 'onEventHeader.domain":"a"},"class":"Set"}]},{"phase":"sto2","processors":[{"phas' +
+ 'e":"map_publish","class":"RunPhase"}]}]}'
+ );
+describe("Rule engine - E2E test flow with mock", () => {
+ describe("Checking rules exist and not exist separation", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]').click();
+ cy
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ });
+ // it("In exist group contain 3 visible options and not exist 16 visible", () =>
+ // { mappingTragetDDL() .should("be.visible") .contains("json");
+ // getExistRulesList() .not("[hidden]") .should("have.length",
+ // NUMBER_OF_EXIST_ITEMS); getNotExistRulesList() .not("[hidden]")
+ // .should("have.length", NUMBER_OF_NOT_EXIST_ITEMS); });
+ });
+ describe("Mapping target select", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.getPhases();
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy.httpTargetTree();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]').click();
+ cy
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ });
+ it("should exist and contain options", () => {
+ mappingTragetDDL()
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .contains("json");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("group list - enrich 4 new actions ", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewHpMc();
+ cy.getPhases();
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "Highlandpark")
+ .click();
+ cy.httpTargetTree();
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectVersion"]')
+ .select("4.1")
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectEventType"]')
+ .select("syslog");
+ cy
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnEnrich"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addMoreRule"]')
+ .click();
+ });
+ it("add hp metric action", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("hp metric")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="hp metric"]')
+ .click()
+ .get(".ng-input >input ")
+ .type("SYSL")
+ .type("{enter}")
+ .get(".ng-value-label")
+ .should("contain", "Jericho_SYSLOG");
+ });
+ it("add search action", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("Topology Search")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="searchField"]')
+ .type("searchField")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="searchValue"]')
+ .type("searchValue")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="searchLeft"]')
+ .type("searchLeft")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="searchOperator"]')
+ .select("notEqual")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="searchRight"]')
+ .type("searchRight")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="updatesKey"]')
+ .type("updatesKey")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="updatesValue"]')
+ .type("updatesValue")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="radioEnrich"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="searchFieldValue"]')
+ .type("searchFieldValue")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="searchPrefix"]')
+ .type("searchPrefix");
+ });
+ it("add string transform action ", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("string transform")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="startValue"]')
+ .type("start")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="inputTarget"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("target")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="targetCase"]')
+ .type("target-case")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="isTrimString"]')
+ .click();
+ });
+ it("add clear nfs action", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("clear nsf")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .type("ABC")
+ .should("have.value", "ABC");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddInput"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("DEA")
+ .should("have.value", "DEA");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnDelete"]')
+ .first()
+ .click();
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Group list section", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewHpMc();
+ cy.getPhases();
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "Highlandpark")
+ .click();
+ cy.httpTargetTree();
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectVersion"]')
+ .select("4.1")
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectEventType"]')
+ .select("syslog");
+ });
+ it("should fill entry and publish phase ", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('[data-tests-id="entryPhase"]')
+ .get('[data-tests-id="publishPhase"]');
+ });
+ it("should add map enrich map ", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnMap"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnMap"]')
+ .should("be.disabled")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnEnrich"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnEnrich"]')
+ .should("be.disabled")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnMap"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnMap"]')
+ .should("be.disabled")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnEnrich"]')
+ .should("be.disabled");
+ });
+ it("should disabled delete when their is more then one of a kind", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnMap"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnEnrich"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnMap"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="deleteGroup"]')
+ .each(($el, index) => {
+ if (index === 0 || index === 2) {
+ cy.wrap($el).should("");
+ } else {
+ cy.wrap($el).should("be.disabled");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ it("should map group name need to match default value ", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnMap"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="phase"]')
+ .should("have.value", "standard_Highlandpark_18.06.006");
+ });
+ it("should enrich group name need to match default value", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnEnrich"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="phase"]')
+ .should("have.value", "standard_Highlandpark_18.06.006_enrich");
+ });
+ it("should have default actions", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnMap"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addMoreRule"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .find("option")
+ .should("have.length", 9); // .should('not.have.value', 'hp metric') });
+ it("should have more actions for enrich", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addGroup"]')
+ .trigger("mouseenter")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnEnrich"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="addMoreRule"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .find("option")
+ .should("have.length", 13);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Fill all available Actions", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ cy.httpTargetTree();
+ selectVersionAndTypeAndAddFirstRule();
+ fillRuleDescription("newRule");
+ });
+ it("add copy action", () => {
+ addCopyAction();
+ });
+ it("add concat action", () => {
+ cy.get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]').select("concat");
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]').click();
+ // fill concat action
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .first()
+ .type("A")
+ .should("have.value", "A");
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("B")
+ .should("have.value", "B");
+ cy
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="openTargetTree"]')
+ .click()
+ .get(".bottom-select")
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .find(".toggle-children")
+ .first()
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="targetNode"]')
+ .should(node => {
+ expect(node.eq(0)).to.contain("commonEventHeader");
+ expect(node.eq(1)).to.contain("domain");
+ })
+ .each(($el, index) => {
+ if (index === 1) {
+ cy.wrap($el).click();
+ }
+ });
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="inputTarget"]')
+ .should("have.value", "event.commonEventHeader.domain");
+ });
+ it("add map action", () => {
+ addMapAndDeleteRowAction();
+ cy
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="openTargetTree"]')
+ .click()
+ .get(".bottom-select")
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .find(".toggle-children")
+ .first()
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="targetNode"]')
+ .should(node => {
+ expect(node.eq(0)).to.contain("commonEventHeader");
+ expect(node.eq(1)).to.contain("domain");
+ })
+ .each(($el, index) => {
+ if (index === 1) {
+ cy.wrap($el).click();
+ }
+ });
+ cy.get('input[data-tests-id="defaultCheckbox"]').click();
+ cy.get('input[data-tests-id="defaultInput"]').type("default value");
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="inputTarget"]')
+ .should("have.value", "event.commonEventHeader.domain");
+ });
+ it("add date-formatter action", () => {
+ cy.get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]').select("date formatter");
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]').click();
+ // fill date-formatter action Section 1
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .first()
+ .type("A")
+ .should("have.value", "A")
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="openTargetTree"]')
+ .click()
+ .get(".bottom-select")
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .find(".toggle-children")
+ .first()
+ .click()
+ .get('span[data-tests-id="targetNode"]')
+ .should(node => {
+ expect(node.eq(0)).to.contain("commonEventHeader");
+ expect(node.eq(1)).to.contain("domain");
+ })
+ .each(($el, index) => {
+ if (index === 1) {
+ cy.wrap($el).click();
+ }
+ });
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="inputTarget"]')
+ .should("have.value", "event.commonEventHeader.domain");
+ // Section 2
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputFromFormat"]')
+ .type("04/03/2018")
+ .should("have.value", "04/03/2018")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputFromTimezone"]')
+ .type("11:50:00")
+ .should("have.value", "11:50:00")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputToFormat"]')
+ .type("04/08/2018")
+ .should("have.value", "04/08/2018")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputToTimezone"]')
+ .type("11:50:00")
+ .should("have.value", "11:50:00");
+ });
+ it("add conditional action", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="isCondition"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="left"]')
+ .type("ABC")
+ .should("have.value", "ABC");
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectOperator"]')
+ .select("startsWith")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="right"]')
+ .type("A")
+ .should("have.value", "A");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="addCondition"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="left"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("DEF")
+ .should("have.value", "DEF");
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectOperator"]')
+ .last()
+ .select("endsWith")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="right"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("F")
+ .should("have.value", "F");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="addCondition"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="left"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("HIJ")
+ .should("have.value", "HIJ");
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectOperator"]')
+ .last()
+ .select("equals")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="right"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("HHH")
+ .should("have.value", "HHH");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="RemoveCondition"]')
+ .last()
+ .click()
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="addConditionGroup"]')
+ .click();
+ // try to delete element (1 of 2 items in group)
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="RemoveCondition"]')
+ .last()
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="left"]')
+ .eq(2)
+ .type("KLM")
+ .should("have.value", "KLM");
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectOperator"]')
+ .eq(2)
+ .select("notEqual")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="right"]')
+ .eq(2)
+ .type("MMM")
+ .should("have.value", "MMM")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="left"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("NOP")
+ .should("have.value", "NOP");
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectOperator"]')
+ .last()
+ .select("contains")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="right"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("PPP")
+ .should("have.value", "PPP");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="addCondition"]')
+ .last()
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="left"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("QQQ")
+ .should("have.value", "QQQ");
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectOperator"]')
+ .last()
+ .select("endsWith")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="right"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("Q")
+ .should("have.value", "Q")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="RemoveCondition"]')
+ .last()
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="removeConditionNode"]')
+ .last()
+ .click();
+ });
+ it("add clear action", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("clear")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .type("ABC")
+ .should("have.value", "ABC");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddInput"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .last()
+ .type("DEA")
+ .should("have.value", "DEA");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnDelete"]')
+ .first()
+ .click();
+ });
+ it("add replace text action", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("replace text")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .type("ABC")
+ .should("have.value", "ABC");
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputFindWhat"]')
+ .type("AAA")
+ .should("have.value", "AAA");
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputReplaceWith"]')
+ .type("BBB")
+ .should("have.value", "BBB");
+ });
+ it("add log text action", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("log text")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputLogText"]')
+ .type("ABC")
+ .should("have.value", "ABC");
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputLogName"]')
+ .type("AAA")
+ .should("have.value", "AAA");
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputLogLevel"]')
+ .type("BBB")
+ .should("have.value", "BBB");
+ });
+ it("add log event action", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("log event")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputLogTitle"]')
+ .type("Title test")
+ .should("have.value", "Title test");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("rule and Actions CRUD Procedure", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ cy.httpTargetTree();
+ selectVersionAndTypeAndAddFirstRule();
+ fillRuleDescription("newRule");
+ });
+ it("add clear action", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("copy")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("concat")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("map")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("date formatter")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("log text")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("log event")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("replace text")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("clear")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click();
+ });
+ it("add rule with copy action CRUD procedure", () => {
+ // Create action
+ addCopyAction();
+ cy.getLatestMcUuid();
+ cy.doneSaveRule();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]').click();
+ // value approve
+ editFirstRule();
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .should("have.value", "a")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="inputTarget"]')
+ .should("have.value", "event.commonEventHeader.domain")
+ // change value
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .type("B")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnSave"]')
+ .click();
+ cy.getLatestMcUuid();
+ cy.doneSaveAndEditRule();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]').click();
+ // Delete copy action
+ cy.getLatestMcUuid();
+ cy.wait("@doneSaveAndEditRule");
+ deleteFirstRule();
+ });
+ it("add multiple rules CRUD procedure", () => {
+ // Create actions
+ addCopyAction();
+ cy.getLatestMcUuid();
+ cy.doneSaveRule();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]').click();
+ // Edit copy action - verify values
+ editFirstRule();
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .should("have.value", "a")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="inputTarget"]')
+ .should("have.value", "event.commonEventHeader.domain")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]')
+ .click();
+ // Add new rule with map action
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="addMoreRule"]').click();
+ fillRuleDescription("newRule2");
+ addMapAndDeleteRowAction();
+ cy.getLatestMcUuid();
+ cy.doneSaveMapRule();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]').click();
+ // Verify map values
+ editLastRule();
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="key"]')
+ .first()
+ .should("have.value", "Key1")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="value"]')
+ .first()
+ .should("have.value", "Key1")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="key"]')
+ .last()
+ .should("have.value", "Key2")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="value"]')
+ .last()
+ .should("have.value", "Key2");
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]').click();
+ // Delete copy Action
+ cy.getLatestMcUuid();
+ deleteFirstRule();
+ });
+ it("add rule with log text action CRUD procedure", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('select[data-tests-id="selectAction"]')
+ .select("log text")
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnAddAction"]')
+ .click();
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputLogText"]')
+ .type("ABC")
+ .should("have.value", "ABC");
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputLogName"]')
+ .type("AAA")
+ .should("have.value", "AAA");
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputLogLevel"]')
+ .type("BBB")
+ .should("have.value", "BBB");
+ cy.getLatestMcUuid();
+ cy.doneSaveLogTextRule();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]').click();
+ // value assertion
+ editFirstRule();
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputLogText"]')
+ .should("have.value", "ABC")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputLogName"]')
+ .should("have.value", "AAA")
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputLogLevel"]')
+ .should("have.value", "BBB");
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]').click();
+ });
+ });
+ // describe("import rules", () => { beforeEach(() => {
+ // cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName(); cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ // cy.getMCListEmpty(); cy.homePage();
+ // cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click(); cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ // cy.httpCreateNewMc(); cy.emptyRuleEngine("json"); cy
+ // .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]') .click()
+ // .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label") .should("contain", "map") .click();
+ // cy.httpTargetTree(); }); it("should open import rules", () => { cy
+ // .get('[data-tests-id="import-rules"]') .should("be.visible") .click()
+ // .get('[data-tests-id="import-rules-container"]') .should("be.visible"); });
+ // });
+ describe("copy rules", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ cy.httpTargetTree();
+ selectVersionAndTypeAndAddFirstRule();
+ fillRuleDescription("newRule");
+ addCopyAction();
+ cy.getLatestMcUuid();
+ cy.doneSaveRule();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]').click();
+ });
+ it("should copy rule to edit mode", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .first()
+ .trigger("mouseover")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="copyRule"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .click()
+ .get(".toast-container")
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="inputDescription"]')
+ .should("have.value", "newRule_Copy");
+ });
+ it("should get one rule in list after copy rule and click on back", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .first()
+ .trigger("mouseover")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="copyRule"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="btnBackRule"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .should("", 2);
+ });
+ it("should get two rules in list after copy rule and click on done", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .first()
+ .trigger("mouseover")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="copyRule"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .click();
+ cy.getLatestMcUuid();
+ cy.doneSaveCopyRule();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .should("have.length", 2);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("copy actions", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ cy.httpTargetTree();
+ selectVersionAndTypeAndAddFirstRule();
+ fillRuleDescription("newRule");
+ });
+ it("should copy actions", () => {
+ addCopyAction();
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .first()
+ .trigger("mouseover")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="makeCopyOfAction"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .click()
+ .get('[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .last()
+ .should("have.value", "A")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="inputTarget"]')
+ .last()
+ .should("have.value", "event.commonEventHeader.domain");
+ });
+ it("should not have copy actions in ", () => {
+ verifyCopyActionNotExist("map");
+ verifyCopyActionNotExist("clear");
+ verifyCopyActionNotExist("log text");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Load all actions and condition from server", () => {
+ it("should load rule action type correct", () => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.getListOfRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ editFirstRule();
+ const listOfRules = [
+ "COPY",
+ "MAP",
+ ];
+ cy.get(".action-info").each(($el, index, $list) => {
+ expect($el.text().trim()).to.equal(listOfRules[index]);
+ });
+ });
+ it("should load rule replace text action data correct", () => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.server();
+ cy.route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url: `${Cypress.env(
+ "backendUrl"
+ )}/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/Type1`,
+ response: "fixture:ruleEngineLoadServerReplaceText"
+ });
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ editFirstRule();
+ cy.get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]').should("have.value", "i");
+ cy.get('input[data-tests-id="InputFindWhat"]').should("have.value", "a1");
+ cy
+ .get('input[data-tests-id="InputReplaceWith"]')
+ .should("have.value", "a2");
+ });
+ it("should load rule clear action data correct", () => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.server();
+ cy.route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url: `${Cypress.env(
+ "backendUrl"
+ )}/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/Type1`,
+ response: "fixture:ruleEngineLoadServerClear"
+ });
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ editFirstRule();
+ cy.get('input[data-tests-id="valueInput"]').should("have.value", "j");
+ });
+ it("should load rule copy action data correct", () => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.server();
+ cy.route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url: `${Cypress.env(
+ "backendUrl"
+ )}/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/Type1`,
+ response: "fixture:ruleEngineLoadServerCopy"
+ });
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ editFirstRule();
+ cy
+ .get('[data-tests-id="valueInput"]')
+ .should("have.value", "a")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="inputTarget"]')
+ .should("have.value", "c")
+ .get('[data-tests-id="inputFromRegex"]')
+ .should("have.value", "b");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Translate and save Rule List", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.httpGetDDLData();
+ cy.getMCListEmpty();
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+ cy.fillNewMcForm();
+ cy.httpCreateNewMc();
+ cy.getPhases();
+ cy.httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName();
+ cy.emptyRuleEngine("Type1");
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="createMonitoring"]')
+ .click()
+ .get("#ui-tabpanel-1-label")
+ .should("contain", "map")
+ .click();
+ cy.httpTargetTree();
+ selectVersionAndTypeAndAddFirstRule();
+ fillRuleDescription("newRule");
+ addCopyAction();
+ cy.getLatestMcUuid();
+ cy.doneSaveRule();
+ });
+ context("Play with save, back and done button", () => {
+ it("should rule exist in list after save rule and click back", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnSave"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('a[data-tests-id="btnBackRule"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .then(function($lis) {
+ expect($lis).to.have.length(1);
+ expect($lis.eq(0)).to.contain("newRule");
+ });
+ });
+ it("should rule exist in list after done edit rule", () => {
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]')
+ .click()
+ .get('div[data-tests-id="ruleElement"]')
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .then(function($lis) {
+ expect($lis).to.have.length(1);
+ expect($lis.eq(0)).to.contain("newRule");
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ context("Translate", () => {
+ it("should open advanced setting when translate successfuly", () => {
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btnDone"]').click();
+ cy.wait("@doneSaveCopyRule").httpTransalte();
+ cy
+ .get('button[data-tests-id="btnTranslate"]')
+ .click()
+ .get(".toast-container")
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .get(".map-setting-list > form > #Type1 > input")
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .and("have.value", translateValue());
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/oldApp/tiles-spec.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/oldApp/tiles-spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c48f169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/integration/mocks/oldApp/tiles-spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// describe('home screen', () => {
+// beforeEach(() => {
+// cy.visit('http://localhost:9000/#/dcae/home');
+// });
+// it('should verify create new asset button', () => {
+// cy.get('[data-tests-id=AddButtonsArea]').should('be.visible');
+// });
+// it('should get vfcmt from server', () => {
+// cy.server()
+// .route('GET', 'getResourcesByCategory', [{
+// category: "Template",
+// invariantUUID: "6cab2212-24c0-424f-8b67-e7ea48e005f1",
+// lastUpdaterUserId: "is8413",
+// lifecycleState: "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT",
+// name: "Igortest1",
+// resourceType: "VFCMT",
+// subCategory: "Monitoring Template",
+// toscaModelURL: "/sdc/v1/catalog/resources/29161df9-f550-41be-9d7a-750eb72b39f1/",
+// uuid: "29161df9-f550-41be-9d7a-750eb72b39f1",
+// version: "0.1"
+// }])
+// .get('.dcae-dashboard-card').should('be.greaterThan', '1');
+// });
+// })
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/plugins/index.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/plugins/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c93abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/plugins/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// *********************************************************** This example
+// plugins/index.js can be used to load plugins
+// You can change the location of this file or turn off loading the plugins file
+// with the 'pluginsFile' configuration option.
+// You can read more here:
+// *********************************************************** This function is
+// called when a project is opened or re-opened (e.g. due to the project's
+// config changing)
+module.exports = (on, config) => {
+ // `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits `config` is the
+ // resolved Cypress config
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/commands.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/commands.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..562bb4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/commands.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// *********************************************** This example commands.js
+// shows you how to create the custom command: 'login'.
+// The commands.js file is a great place to modify existing commands and create
+// custom commands for use throughout your tests.
+// You can read more about custom commands here:
+// ***********************************************
+// Cypress.Commands.add("login", function(email, password){ var email =
+// email || "" var password = password || "foobar"
+// var log = Cypress.Log.command({ name: "login", message: [email,
+// password], consoleProps: function(){ return { email: email,
+// password: password } } })
+// cy .visit("/login", {log: false}) .contains("Log In", {log: false})
+// .get("#email", {log: false}).type(email, {log: false}) .get("#password",
+// {log: false}).type(password, {log: false}) .get("button", {log:
+// false}).click({log: false}) //this should submit the form .get("h1",
+// {log: false}).contains("Dashboard", {log: false}) //we should be on the
+// dashboard now .url({log: false}).should("match", /dashboard/, {log:
+// false}) .then(function(){ log.snapshot().end() }) }) import
+// "/home/node/app/node_modules/cypress-testing-library/add-commands";
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/defaults.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24d28fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// ***********************************************
+// This example defaults.js shows you how to
+// customize the internal behavior of Cypress.
+// The defaults.js file is a great place to
+// override defaults used throughout all tests.
+// ***********************************************
+// Cypress.Server.defaults({
+// delay: 500,
+// whitelist: function(xhr){}
+// })
+// Cypress.Cookies.defaults({
+// whitelist: ["session_id", "remember_token"]
+// }) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/generalCommands.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/generalCommands.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ace8f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/generalCommands.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+function httpGetDDLData() {
+ cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/service/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a",
+ response: "fixture:serviceDdl"
+ })
+ .as("vfniListApi")
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") + "/getResourcesByMonitoringTemplateCategory",
+ response: [
+ {
+ name: "AviStone1234"
+ }
+ ]
+ })
+ .as("templateAPi");
+function fillNewMcForm() {
+ cy.get('input[data-tests-id="nameMc"]').type("new mc");
+ cy.get('textarea[data-tests-id="descMc"]').type("Hello Description");
+ cy.get('select[data-tests-id="templateDdl"]').select("AviStone1234");
+ cy.get('select[data-tests-id="vfniDdl"]').select("LiavSrv");
+function httpCreateNewMc() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url: Cypress.env("backendUrl") + "/createMC",
+ response: "fixture:createMcRes"
+ })
+ .as("newMC");
+function httpCreateNewHpMc() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url: Cypress.env("backendUrl") + "/createMC",
+ response: "fixture:createMcHp"
+ })
+ .as("newMC");
+function httpCreateNewMcWithBooleanDDL() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url: Cypress.env("backendUrl") + "/createMC",
+ response: "fixture:createMcResWithBooleanDDL"
+ })
+ .as("newMCWithBooleanDDL");
+// Add cypress commands
+Cypress.Commands.add("httpGetDDLData", httpGetDDLData);
+Cypress.Commands.add("fillNewMcForm", fillNewMcForm);
+Cypress.Commands.add("httpCreateNewMc", httpCreateNewMc);
+Cypress.Commands.add("httpCreateNewHpMc", httpCreateNewHpMc);
+ "httpCreateNewMcWithBooleanDDL",
+ httpCreateNewMcWithBooleanDDL
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/homeCommands.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/homeCommands.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77b4010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/homeCommands.js
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// functionality
+function sdcIsOwnerFalse() {
+ cy.visit(
+ "home?userId=cs0008&userRole=DESIGNER&displayType=context&contextType=SERVICES&uu" +
+ "id=06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a&lifecycleState=NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT&is" +
+ "Owner=false&version=0.1"
+ );
+function sdcUserNotCheckout() {
+ cy.visit(
+ "home?userId=cs0008&userRole=DESIGNER&displayType=context&contextType=SERVICES&uu" +
+ "id=06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a&lifecycleState=READY_FOR_CERTIFICATION&i" +
+ "sOwner=true&version=0.1"
+ );
+function homePage() {
+ cy.visit(
+ "home?userId=cs0008&userRole=DESIGNER&displayType=context&contextType=SERVICES&uu" +
+ "id=06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a&lifecycleState=NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT&is" +
+ "Owner=true&version=0.1"
+ );
+function homePageCertified() {
+ cy.visit(
+ "home?userId=cs0008&userRole=DESIGNER&displayType=context&contextType=SERVICES&uu" +
+ "id=06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a&lifecycleState=CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT&isOwne" +
+ "r=true&version=0.1"
+ );
+function deleteMonitoringComponent() {
+ cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: "DELETE",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/SERVICES/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/vfb53dd48360ff4fa2b66e6ceb1961bd9" +
+ "b0/cba37ed8-94e1-406f-b4f5-b5edbc31ac85/deleteVfcmtReference",
+ response: "{}"
+ })
+ .as("deleteMonitoringComponent");
+function saveMonitoringComponent() {
+ cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/SERVICES/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/vfb53dd48360ff4fa2b66e6ceb1961bd9" +
+ "b0/saveComposition/cba37ed8-94e1-406f-b4f5-b5edbc31ac85",
+ response: "{}"
+ })
+ .as("saveMonitoringComponent");
+function submitMonitoringComponent() {
+ cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/SERVICES/createBluePrint/cba37ed8-94e1-406f-b4f5-b5edbc31ac85/06c7d927-4e2f-47e" +
+ "1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/vfb53dd48360ff4fa2b66e6ceb1961bd9b0/",
+ response: "{}"
+ })
+ .as("submitMonitoringComponent");
+function deleteMonitoringComponentWithBlueprint() {
+ cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: "DELETE",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/SERVICES/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/dump0/64471437-8feb-40d9-a8b0-940" +
+ "7a81dd5c0/deleteVfcmtReference",
+ response: "{}"
+ })
+ .as("deleteMonitoringComponentWithBlueprint");
+function getMCList() {
+ cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/SERVICES/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/0.1/monitoringComponents",
+ response: "fixture:monitoringComponentsMock"
+ })
+ .as("mcList");
+function getMC() {
+ cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/getMC/cba37ed8-94e1-406f-b4f5-b5edbc31ac85",
+ response: "fixture:getMCMock"
+ })
+ .as("getMC");
+function getMCListEmpty() {
+ cy
+ .server()
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/SERVICES/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/0.1/monitoringComponents",
+ response: "{}"
+ })
+ .as("mcListEmpty");
+function getTemplateApiError() {
+ cy.server().route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/service/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a",
+ status: 500,
+ response: {
+ requestError: {
+ policyException: {
+ messageId: "POL5000",
+ text: "Error: Internal Server Error. Please try again later.",
+ variables: [],
+ formattedErrorMessage:
+ "Error: Internal Server Error. Please try again later."
+ }
+ },
+ notes: 'Error: Requested "123" resource was not found.'
+ }
+ });
+ cy.homePage();
+ cy.get('button[data-tests-id="btn-create-mc"]').click();
+// Add cypress commands
+Cypress.Commands.add("homePage", homePage);
+Cypress.Commands.add("getTemplateApiError", getTemplateApiError);
+Cypress.Commands.add("homePageCertified", homePageCertified);
+Cypress.Commands.add("sdcIsOwnerFalse", sdcIsOwnerFalse);
+Cypress.Commands.add("sdcUserNotCheckout", sdcUserNotCheckout);
+Cypress.Commands.add("getMCList", getMCList);
+Cypress.Commands.add("getMCListEmpty", getMCListEmpty);
+Cypress.Commands.add("deleteMonitoringComponent", deleteMonitoringComponent);
+ "deleteMonitoringComponentWithBlueprint",
+ deleteMonitoringComponentWithBlueprint
+Cypress.Commands.add("submitMonitoringComponent", submitMonitoringComponent);
+Cypress.Commands.add("saveMonitoringComponent", saveMonitoringComponent);
+Cypress.Commands.add("getMC", getMC);
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/index.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db18940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// ***********************************************************
+// This example support/index.js is processed and
+// loaded automatically before your other test files.
+// This is a great place to put global configuration and
+// behavior that modifies Cypress.
+// You can change the location of this file or turn off
+// automatically serving support files with the
+// 'supportFile' configuration option.
+// You can read more here:
+// ***********************************************************
+// Import commands.js and defaults.js
+// using ES2015 syntax:
+import "./commands";
+import "./defaults";
+import "./generalCommands";
+import "./homeCommands";
+import "./ruleEngineCommands";
+// Alternatively you can use CommonJS syntax:
+// require("./commands")
+// require("./defaults") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/ruleEngineCommands.js b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/ruleEngineCommands.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70f1a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/support/ruleEngineCommands.js
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+function getListOfRuleEngine(targetFiled) {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url: `${Cypress.env(
+ "backendUrl"
+ )}/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/${targetFiled}`,
+ response: "fixture:loadAllActionsForRuleEngine"
+ })
+ .as("serverWithRuleList");
+function emptyRuleEngine(targetFiled) {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url: `${Cypress.env(
+ "backendUrl"
+ )}/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/${targetFiled}`,
+ response: {}
+ })
+ .as("serverRuleList")
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url: Cypress.env("backendUrl") + "/rule-editor/list-events-by-versions",
+ response: "fixture:list-events-by-version"
+ })
+ .as("serverEventsAndVersion");
+function getLatestMcUuid() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/SERVICES/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/LiavSrv/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d" +
+ "65b4740f8d6/getLatestMcUuid",
+ response: {
+ uuid: "6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6"
+ }
+ })
+ .as("getLatestMcUuid");
+function httpTargetTree() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") + "/rule-editor/definition/4.1/syslogFields",
+ response: "fixture:syslogTargetTree"
+ })
+ .as("targetData");
+function getPhases() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url: Cypress.env("backendUrl") + "/conf/getPhases/default",
+ response: "fixture:getPhases"
+ })
+ .as("phase");
+function doneSaveRule() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/Typ" +
+ "e1",
+ response: "fixture:doneSaveSimpleCopy"
+ })
+ .as("doneSaveCopyRule");
+function doneSaveCopyRule() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/Typ" +
+ "e1",
+ response: "fixture:doneSaveSimpleEditCopy"
+ })
+ .as("doneSaveCopyRule");
+function deleteRule() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "DELETE",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/Typ" +
+ "e1/f620724b-7170-43e1-8a8b-55e98cabe658",
+ response: "{}"
+ })
+ .as("deleteCopyRule");
+function doneSaveAndEditRule() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/Typ" +
+ "e1",
+ response: "fixture:doneSaveEditSimpleCopy"
+ })
+ .as("doneSaveAndEditRule");
+function doneSaveMapRule() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/Typ" +
+ "e1",
+ response: "fixture:doneSaveSimpleMap"
+ })
+ .as("doneSaveMapRule");
+function doneSaveLogTextRule() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/rule-editor/rule/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1517823219961.0/Typ" +
+ "e1",
+ response: "fixture:doneSaveSimpleLogText"
+ })
+ .as("doneSaveLogTextRule");
+function httpTransalte() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "POST",
+ url: Cypress.env("backendUrl") + "/rule-editor/rule/translate",
+ response: "fixture:TranslateSimpleCopy"
+ })
+ .as("TranslateSimpleCopy");
+function httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName() {
+ cy.server();
+ cy
+ .route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url:
+ Cypress.env("backendUrl") +
+ "/rule-editor/getExistingRuleTargets/6d436c07-8006-4335-8c84-d65b4740f8d6/map/n.1" +
+ "517823219961.0",
+ response: ["Type1", "json", "name"]
+ })
+ .as("TranslateSimpleCopy");
+// Add cypress commands
+Cypress.Commands.add("emptyRuleEngine", emptyRuleEngine);
+Cypress.Commands.add("getListOfRuleEngine", getListOfRuleEngine);
+Cypress.Commands.add("getLatestMcUuid", getLatestMcUuid);
+Cypress.Commands.add("httpTargetTree", httpTargetTree);
+Cypress.Commands.add("doneSaveRule", doneSaveRule);
+Cypress.Commands.add("doneSaveCopyRule", doneSaveCopyRule);
+Cypress.Commands.add("doneSaveAndEditRule", doneSaveAndEditRule);
+Cypress.Commands.add("doneSaveMapRule", doneSaveMapRule);
+Cypress.Commands.add("doneSaveLogTextRule", doneSaveLogTextRule);
+Cypress.Commands.add("deleteRule", deleteRule);
+Cypress.Commands.add("getPhases", getPhases);
+Cypress.Commands.add("httpTransalte", httpTransalte);
+ "httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName",
+ httpGenerateMappingRulesFileName
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/tsconfig.json b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36de33d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/cypress/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "allowJs": true,
+ "baseUrl": "../node_modules",
+ "types": ["cypress"]
+ },
+ "include": ["**/*.*"]
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/package-lock.json b/cypress-docker/test/src/package-lock.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8947289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/package-lock.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2551 @@
+ "name": "src",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "lockfileVersion": 1,
+ "requires": true,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@cypress/listr-verbose-renderer": {
+ "version": "0.4.1",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-p3SS9LEdzHxEajSz4ochr9M8ZCo=",
+ "requires": {
+ "chalk": "1.1.3",
+ "cli-cursor": "1.0.2",
+ "date-fns": "1.29.0",
+ "figures": "1.7.0"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "ansi-styles": {
+ "version": "2.2.1",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-tDLdM1i2NM914eRmQ2gkBTPB3b4="
+ },
+ "chalk": {
+ "version": "1.1.3",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-qBFcVeSnAv5NFQq9OHKCKn4J/Jg=",
+ "requires": {
+ "ansi-styles": "2.2.1",
+ "escape-string-regexp": "1.0.5",
+ "has-ansi": "2.0.0",
+ "strip-ansi": "3.0.1",
+ "supports-color": "2.0.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "supports-color": {
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-U10EXOa2Nj+kARcIRimZXp3zJMc="
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "@cypress/xvfb": {
+ "version": "1.1.3",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-EfRzw+wgI0Zdb4ZlhSvjh3q7I+oenqEYPXvr7oH/2RnzQqGDrPr7IU1Pi2yzGwoXmkNUQbo6qvntnItvQj0F4Q==",
+ "requires": {
+ "lodash.once": "4.1.1"
+ }
+ },
+ "@types/blob-util": {
+ "version": "1.3.3",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-4ahcL/QDnpjWA2Qs16ZMQif7HjGP2cw3AGjHabybjw7Vm1EKu+cfQN1D78BaZbS1WJNa1opSMF5HNMztx7lR0w=="
+ },
+ "@types/bluebird": {
+ "version": "3.5.18",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-OTPWHmsyW18BhrnG5x8F7PzeZ2nFxmHGb42bZn79P9hl+GI5cMzyPgQTwNjbem0lJhoru/8vtjAFCUOu3+gE2w=="
+ },
+ "@types/chai": {
+ "version": "4.0.8",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-m812CONwdZn/dMzkIJEY0yAs4apyTkTORgfB2UsMOxgkUbC205AHnm4T8I0I5gPg9MHrFc1dJ35iS75c0CJkjg=="
+ },
+ "@types/chai-jquery": {
+ "version": "1.1.35",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-7aIt9QMRdxuagLLI48dPz96YJdhu64p6FCa6n4qkGN5DQLHnrIjZpD9bXCvV2G0NwgZ1FAmfP214dxc5zNCfgQ==",
+ "requires": {
+ "@types/chai": "4.0.8",
+ "@types/jquery": "3.2.16"
+ }
+ },
+ "@types/jquery": {
+ "version": "3.2.16",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
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+ "sha512-q2WC02YxQoX2nY1HRKlYGHpGP1saPmD7GN0pwCDlTz35a4eOtJG+aHRlXyjCuXokUukSrR2aXyBhSW3j+jPc0A=="
+ },
+ "@types/lodash": {
+ "version": "4.14.87",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-AqRC+aEF4N0LuNHtcjKtvF9OTfqZI0iaBoe3dA6m/W+/YZJBZjBmW/QIZ8fBeXC6cnytSY9tBoFBqZ9uSCeVsw=="
+ },
+ "@types/minimatch": {
+ "version": "3.0.1",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-rUO/jz10KRSyA9SHoCWQ8WX9BICyj5jZYu1/ucKEJKb4KzLZCKMURdYbadP157Q6Zl1x0vHsrU+Z/O0XlhYQDw=="
+ },
+ "@types/mocha": {
+ "version": "2.2.44",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-k2tWTQU8G4+iSMvqKi0Q9IIsWAp/n8xzdZS4Q4YVIltApoMA00wFBFdlJnmoaK1/z7B0Cy0yPe6GgXteSmdUNw=="
+ },
+ "@types/sinon": {
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+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-cuK4xM8Lg2wd8cxshcQa8RG4IK/xfyB6TNE6tNVvkrShR4xdrYgsV04q6Dp6v1Lp6biEFdzD8k8zg/ujQeiw+A=="
+ },
+ "@types/sinon-chai": {
+ "version": "2.7.29",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-EkI/ZvJT4hglWo7Ipf9SX+J+R9htNOMjW8xiOhce7+0csqvgoF5IXqY5Ae1GqRgNtWCuaywR5HjVa1snkTqpOw==",
+ "requires": {
+ "@types/chai": "4.0.8",
+ "@types/sinon": "4.0.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "ajv": {
+ "version": "4.11.8",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-gv+wKynmYq5TvcIK8VlHcGc5xTY=",
+ "requires": {
+ "co": "4.6.0",
+ "json-stable-stringify": "1.0.1"
+ }
+ },
+ "amdefine": {
+ "version": "1.0.1",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-SlKCrBZHKek2Gbz9OtFR+BfOkfU="
+ },
+ "ansi-escapes": {
+ "version": "1.4.0",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-06ioOzGapneTZisT52HHkRQiMG4="
+ },
+ "ansi-regex": {
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+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-7QMXwyIGT3lGbAKWa922Bas32Zg="
+ },
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+ "color-convert": "1.9.2"
+ }
+ },
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+ "version": "2.0.6",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-5QNHYR1+aQlDIIu9r+vLwvuGbUY="
+ },
+ "asn1": {
+ "version": "0.2.3",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-2sh4dxPJlmhJ/IGAd36+nB3fO4Y="
+ },
+ "assert-plus": {
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+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-104bh+ev/A24qttwIfP+SBAasjQ="
+ },
+ "async": {
+ "version": "2.1.4",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-LSFgx3iAMuTdbL4lAvH5osj2zeQ=",
+ "requires": {
+ "lodash": "4.17.4"
+ }
+ },
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+ "integrity": "sha1-x57Zf380y48robyXkLzDZkdLS3k="
+ },
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+ "integrity": "sha1-ri1acpR38onWDdf5amMUoi3Wwio="
+ },
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+ "version": "0.6.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-FDQt0428yU0OW4fXY81jYSwOeU8="
+ },
+ "aws4": {
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+ "sha512-32NDda82rhwD9/JBCCkB+MRYDp0oSvlo2IL6rQWA10PQi7tDUM3eqMSltXmY+Oyl/7N3P3qNtAlv7X0d9bI28w=="
+ },
+ "babel-runtime": {
+ "version": "6.26.0",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-llxwWGaOgrVde/4E/yM3vItWR/4=",
+ "requires": {
+ "core-js": "2.5.7",
+ "regenerator-runtime": "0.11.1"
+ }
+ },
+ "balanced-match": {
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-ibTRmasr7kneFk6gK4nORi1xt2c="
+ },
+ "bcrypt-pbkdf": {
+ "version": "1.0.2",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-pDAdOJtqQ/m2f/PKEaP2Y342Dp4=",
+ "optional": true,
+ "requires": {
+ "tweetnacl": "0.14.5"
+ }
+ },
+ "bluebird": {
+ "version": "3.5.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-eRQg1/VR7qKJdFOop3ZT+WYG1nw="
+ },
+ "boom": {
+ "version": "2.10.1",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-OciRjO/1eZ+D+UkqhI9iWt0Mdm8=",
+ "requires": {
+ "hoek": "2.16.3"
+ }
+ },
+ "brace-expansion": {
+ "version": "1.1.11",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-iCuPHDFgrHX7H2vEI/5xpz07zSHB00TpugqhmYtVmMO6518mCuRMoOYFldEBl0g187ufozdaHgWKcYFb61qGiA==",
+ "requires": {
+ "balanced-match": "1.0.0",
+ "concat-map": "0.0.1"
+ }
+ },
+ "browser-stdout": {
+ "version": "1.3.1",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
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+ "sha512-qhAVI1+Av2X7qelOfAIYwXONood6XlZE/fXaBSmW/T5SzLAmCgzi+eiWE7fUvbHaeNBQH13UftjpXxsfLkMpgw=="
+ },
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+ "version": "0.2.13",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-DTM+PwDqxQqhRUq9MO+MKl2ackI="
+ },
+ "camelcase": {
+ "version": "4.1.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-1UVjW+HjPFQmScaRc+Xeas+uNN0="
+ },
+ "caseless": {
+ "version": "0.12.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-G2gcIf+EAzyCZUMJBolCDRhxUdw="
+ },
+ "chalk": {
+ "version": "2.4.1",
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+ }
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+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-Rb8dny19wJvtgfHDB8Qw5ouEz/4="
+ },
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+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-EYvfW4zcUaKn5w0hHgfisLmxB9M=",
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+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ "",
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+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ }
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+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "resolved": "",
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+ }
+ },
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+ "requires": {
+ "punycode": "1.4.1"
+ }
+ },
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+ "version": "0.6.0",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-J6XeoGs2sEoKmWZ3SykIaPD8QP0=",
+ "requires": {
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+ }
+ },
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+ "integrity": "sha1-WuaBd/GS1EViadEIr6k/+HQ/T2Q=",
+ "optional": true
+ },
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+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-hnrHTjhkGHsdPUfZlqeOxciDB3c="
+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ }
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+ "",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "sha512-YV5KjzvRmSyJ1ee/Dm5UED0G+1L4GZnLN3w6/T+zZm8scVua4sOhYKWTUrKa0H/tMiJyO9QLHMPN+9mB/aMunA=="
+ },
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+ "version": "1.10.0",
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+ },
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+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "",
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+ "sha512-itHoJUKL5P8abjhWRlp3F5QLDY7LokcJkgD78tjrX08ozBakfy9YD4bgxUVuSld8yqjza3ld6Sj7UMMOH/twFA=="
+ },
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+ "sha512-dcQ1GWpOD/eEQ97k66aiEVpNnapVj90/+R+SXTPYGHpYBBypfKJEQjLrvMZ7YXbKm21gXd4NcuxUTjiv1YtLng=="
+ },
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+ "sha512-HxJdYWq1MTIQbJ3nw0cqssHoTNU267KlrDuGZ1WYlxDStUtKUhOaJmh112/TZmHxxUfuJqPXSOm7tDyas0OSIQ==",
+ "requires": {
+ "isexe": "2.0.0"
+ }
+ },
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+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-2e8H3Od7mQK4o6j6SzHD4/fm6Ho="
+ },
+ "wrap-ansi": {
+ "version": "2.1.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-2Pw9KE3QV5T+hJc8rs3Rz4JP3YU=",
+ "requires": {
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+ }
+ },
+ "wrappy": {
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+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-tSQ9jz7BqjXxNkYFvA0QNuMKtp8="
+ },
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+ "integrity": "sha1-bRX7qITAhnnA136I53WegR4H+kE="
+ },
+ "yallist": {
+ "version": "2.1.2",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-HBH5IY8HYImkfdUS+TxmmaaoHVI="
+ },
+ "yargs": {
+ "version": "10.1.2",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-ivSoxqBGYOqQVruxD35+EyCFDYNEFL/Uo6FcOnz+9xZdZzK0Zzw4r4KhbrME1Oo2gOggwJod2MnsdamSG7H9ig==",
+ "requires": {
+ "cliui": "4.1.0",
+ "decamelize": "1.2.0",
+ "find-up": "2.1.0",
+ "get-caller-file": "1.0.3",
+ "os-locale": "2.1.0",
+ "require-directory": "2.1.1",
+ "require-main-filename": "1.0.1",
+ "set-blocking": "2.0.0",
+ "string-width": "2.1.1",
+ "which-module": "2.0.0",
+ "y18n": "3.2.1",
+ "yargs-parser": "8.1.0"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "is-fullwidth-code-point": {
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-o7MKXE8ZkYMWeqq5O+764937ZU8="
+ },
+ "string-width": {
+ "version": "2.1.1",
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+ "",
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+ "sha512-nOqH59deCq9SRHlxq1Aw85Jnt4w6KvLKqWVik6oA9ZklXLNIOlqg4F2yrT1MVaTjAqvVwdfeZ7w7aCvJD7ugkw==",
+ "requires": {
+ "is-fullwidth-code-point": "2.0.0",
+ "strip-ansi": "4.0.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "strip-ansi": {
+ "version": "4.0.0",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-qEeQIusaw2iocTibY1JixQXuNo8=",
+ "requires": {
+ "ansi-regex": "3.0.0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "yargs-parser": {
+ "version": "8.1.0",
+ "resolved":
+ "",
+ "integrity":
+ "sha512-yP+6QqN8BmrgW2ggLtTbdrOyBNSI7zBa4IykmiV5R1wl1JWNxQvWhMfMdmzIYtKU7oP3OOInY/tl2ov3BDjnJQ==",
+ "requires": {
+ "camelcase": "4.1.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "yauzl": {
+ "version": "2.8.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-eUUK/yKyqcWkHvVOAtuQfM+/nuI=",
+ "requires": {
+ "buffer-crc32": "0.2.13",
+ "fd-slicer": "1.0.1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d8b8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ "name": "src",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "description": "",
+ "main": "index.js",
+ "scripts": {
+ "cy:run": "cypress run",
+ "cy:open":
+ "cypress open --config baseUrl=http://localhost:4300/#/ --env backendUrl=http://localhost:8446/",
+ "cy:report": "cypress run --reporter mochawesome",
+ "cy:only": "stop-only cypress",
+ "cy:verify": "cypress verify",
+ "precommit": "pretty-quick --staged"
+ },
+ "keywords": [],
+ "author": "",
+ "license": "ISC",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "cypress": "^2.1.0",
+ "cypress-testing-library": "^2.2.0",
+ "mocha": "^5.2.0",
+ "mochawesome": "^3.0.2"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "cypress-testing-library": "^2.2.0",
+ "husky": "^0.14.3",
+ "prettier": "^1.12.1",
+ "pretty-quick": "^1.5.1",
+ "stop-only": "^1.2.1"
+ }
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/yarn-error.log b/cypress-docker/test/src/yarn-error.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d320930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/yarn-error.log
@@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@
+ C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Yarn\bin\yarn.js add mochawesome
+ C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin;C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;C:\Program Files\Git\cygdrive\c\Users\ym903w\.local\bin;C:\Users\ym903w\.windows-build-tools\python27;C:\Users\ym903w\.windows-build-tools\python27\Scripts;C:\OCaml\bin;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\RSA SecurID Token Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin;C:\Program Files\PuTTY;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\tools\go\bin;C:\Go\bin;C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\bin;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\ProgramData\nvm;C:\Program Files\nodejs;C:\Android\android-sdk\tools;C:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools;C:\Program Files (x86)\GtkSharp\2.12\bin;C:\Program Files\dotnet;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Elixir\bin;C:\Program Files\Rust stable GNU 1.23\bin;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\data\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Windows Performance Toolkit;C:\Program Files\nodejs;C:\Program Files (x86)\Yarn\bin;C:\Users\ym903w\.cargo\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Elm Platform\0.18\bin;C:\Python35\Scripts;C:\Python35;C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox;C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin;C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox;C:\Users\ym903w\.babun;C:\Program Files\kdiff3;C:\Users\ym903w\AppData\Roaming\Dashlane\\bin\Firefox_Extension\{442718d9-475e-452a-b3e1-fb1ee16b8e9f}\components;C:\Users\ym903w\AppData\Roaming\Dashlane\\ucrt;C:\Users\ym903w\AppData\Local\Programs\Fiddler;C:\Users\ym903w\.rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\bin;C:\Users\ym903w\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Users\ym903w\AppData\Local\Yarn\bin;C:\Users\ym903w\AppData\Roaming\Dashlane\\bin\Firefox_Extension\{442718d9-475e-452a-b3e1-fb1ee16b8e9f}\components;C:\Users\ym903w\AppData\Roaming\Dashlane\\ucrt;C:\Users\ym903w\AppData\Local\Yarn
+Yarn version:
+ 1.6.0
+Node version:
+ 9.11.1
+ win32 x64
+ Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
+ at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1174:14)
+npm manifest:
+ {
+ "name": "src",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "description": "",
+ "main": "index.js",
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+ },
+ "keywords": [],
+ "author": "",
+ "license": "ISC",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "cypress": "^2.1.0"
+ }
+ }
+yarn manifest:
+ No manifest
+ # yarn lockfile v1
+ "@cypress/listr-verbose-renderer@0.4.1":
+ version "0.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.1.3"
+ cli-cursor "^1.0.2"
+ date-fns "^1.27.2"
+ figures "^1.7.0"
+ "@cypress/xvfb@1.1.3":
+ version "1.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ lodash.once "^4.1.1"
+ "@types/blob-util@1.3.3":
+ version "1.3.3"
+ resolved ""
+ "@types/bluebird@3.5.18":
+ version "3.5.18"
+ resolved ""
+ "@types/chai-jquery@1.1.35":
+ version "1.1.35"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ "@types/chai" "*"
+ "@types/jquery" "*"
+ "@types/chai@*":
+ version "4.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ "@types/chai@4.0.8":
+ version "4.0.8"
+ resolved ""
+ "@types/jquery@*":
+ version "3.3.2"
+ resolved ""
+ "@types/jquery@3.2.16":
+ version "3.2.16"
+ resolved ""
+ "@types/lodash@4.14.87":
+ version "4.14.87"
+ resolved ""
+ "@types/minimatch@3.0.1":
+ version "3.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ "@types/mocha@2.2.44":
+ version "2.2.44"
+ resolved ""
+ "@types/sinon-chai@2.7.29":
+ version "2.7.29"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ "@types/chai" "*"
+ "@types/sinon" "*"
+ "@types/sinon@*":
+ version "4.3.3"
+ resolved ""
+ "@types/sinon@4.0.0":
+ version "4.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ ajv@^4.9.1:
+ version "4.11.8"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ co "^4.6.0"
+ json-stable-stringify "^1.0.1"
+ ansi-escapes@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ ansi-regex@^2.0.0:
+ version "2.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ ansi-styles@^2.2.1:
+ version "2.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ ansi-styles@^3.1.0:
+ version "3.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ color-convert "^1.9.0"
+ asn1@~0.2.3:
+ version "0.2.3"
+ resolved ""
+ assert-plus@1.0.0, assert-plus@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ assert-plus@^0.2.0:
+ version "0.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ async@2.1.4:
+ version "2.1.4"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ lodash "^4.14.0"
+ asynckit@^0.4.0:
+ version "0.4.0"
+ resolved ""
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+ version "0.6.0"
+ resolved ""
+ aws4@^1.2.1:
+ version "1.7.0"
+ resolved ""
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+ version "6.26.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ core-js "^2.4.0"
+ regenerator-runtime "^0.11.0"
+ balanced-match@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ bcrypt-pbkdf@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ tweetnacl "^0.14.3"
+ bluebird@3.5.0:
+ version "3.5.0"
+ resolved ""
+ boom@2.x.x:
+ version "2.10.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ hoek "2.x.x"
+ brace-expansion@^1.1.7:
+ version "1.1.11"
+ resolved ""
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+ balanced-match "^1.0.0"
+ concat-map "0.0.1"
+ buffer-crc32@~0.2.3:
+ version "0.2.13"
+ resolved ""
+ caseless@~0.12.0:
+ version "0.12.0"
+ resolved ""
+ chalk@2.1.0:
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles "^3.1.0"
+ escape-string-regexp "^1.0.5"
+ supports-color "^4.0.0"
+ chalk@^1.0.0, chalk@^1.1.1, chalk@^1.1.3:
+ version "1.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles "^2.2.1"
+ escape-string-regexp "^1.0.2"
+ has-ansi "^2.0.0"
+ strip-ansi "^3.0.0"
+ supports-color "^2.0.0"
+ check-more-types@2.24.0:
+ version "2.24.0"
+ resolved ""
+ ci-info@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ cli-cursor@^1.0.2:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ restore-cursor "^1.0.1"
+ cli-spinners@^0.1.2:
+ version "0.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ cli-truncate@^0.2.1:
+ version "0.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ slice-ansi "0.0.4"
+ string-width "^1.0.1"
+ co@^4.6.0:
+ version "4.6.0"
+ resolved ""
+ code-point-at@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ color-convert@^1.9.0:
+ version "1.9.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ color-name "^1.1.1"
+ color-name@^1.1.1:
+ version "1.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ combined-stream@^1.0.5, combined-stream@~1.0.5:
+ version "1.0.6"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ delayed-stream "~1.0.0"
+ commander@2.11.0:
+ version "2.11.0"
+ resolved ""
+ common-tags@1.4.0:
+ version "1.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ babel-runtime "^6.18.0"
+ concat-map@0.0.1:
+ version "0.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ concat-stream@1.6.0:
+ version "1.6.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ inherits "^2.0.3"
+ readable-stream "^2.2.2"
+ typedarray "^0.0.6"
+ core-js@^2.4.0:
+ version "2.5.6"
+ resolved ""
+ core-util-is@1.0.2, core-util-is@~1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ cryptiles@2.x.x:
+ version "2.0.5"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ boom "2.x.x"
+ cypress@^2.1.0:
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ "@cypress/listr-verbose-renderer" "0.4.1"
+ "@cypress/xvfb" "1.1.3"
+ "@types/blob-util" "1.3.3"
+ "@types/bluebird" "3.5.18"
+ "@types/chai" "4.0.8"
+ "@types/chai-jquery" "1.1.35"
+ "@types/jquery" "3.2.16"
+ "@types/lodash" "4.14.87"
+ "@types/minimatch" "3.0.1"
+ "@types/mocha" "2.2.44"
+ "@types/sinon" "4.0.0"
+ "@types/sinon-chai" "2.7.29"
+ bluebird "3.5.0"
+ chalk "2.1.0"
+ check-more-types "2.24.0"
+ commander "2.11.0"
+ common-tags "1.4.0"
+ debug "3.1.0"
+ extract-zip "1.6.6"
+ fs-extra "4.0.1"
+ getos "2.8.4"
+ glob "7.1.2"
+ is-ci "1.0.10"
+ is-installed-globally "0.1.0"
+ lazy-ass "1.6.0"
+ listr "0.12.0"
+ lodash "4.17.4"
+ minimist "1.2.0"
+ progress "1.1.8"
+ ramda "0.24.1"
+ request "2.81.0"
+ request-progress "0.3.1"
+ supports-color "5.1.0"
+ tmp "0.0.31"
+ url "0.11.0"
+ yauzl "2.8.0"
+ dashdash@^1.12.0:
+ version "1.14.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ assert-plus "^1.0.0"
+ date-fns@^1.27.2:
+ version "1.29.0"
+ resolved ""
+ debug@2.6.9:
+ version "2.6.9"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ms "2.0.0"
+ debug@3.1.0:
+ version "3.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ms "2.0.0"
+ delayed-stream@~1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ ecc-jsbn@~0.1.1:
+ version "0.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ jsbn "~0.1.0"
+ elegant-spinner@^1.0.1:
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ escape-string-regexp@^1.0.2, escape-string-regexp@^1.0.5:
+ version "1.0.5"
+ resolved ""
+ exit-hook@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ extend@~3.0.0:
+ version "3.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ extract-zip@1.6.6:
+ version "1.6.6"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ concat-stream "1.6.0"
+ debug "2.6.9"
+ mkdirp "0.5.0"
+ yauzl "2.4.1"
+ extsprintf@1.3.0:
+ version "1.3.0"
+ resolved ""
+ extsprintf@^1.2.0:
+ version "1.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ fd-slicer@~1.0.1:
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ pend "~1.2.0"
+ figures@^1.7.0:
+ version "1.7.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ escape-string-regexp "^1.0.5"
+ object-assign "^4.1.0"
+ forever-agent@~0.6.1:
+ version "0.6.1"
+ resolved ""
+ form-data@~2.1.1:
+ version "2.1.4"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ asynckit "^0.4.0"
+ combined-stream "^1.0.5"
+ mime-types "^2.1.12"
+ fs-extra@4.0.1:
+ version "4.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ graceful-fs "^4.1.2"
+ jsonfile "^3.0.0"
+ universalify "^0.1.0"
+ fs.realpath@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ getos@2.8.4:
+ version "2.8.4"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ async "2.1.4"
+ getpass@^0.1.1:
+ version "0.1.7"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ assert-plus "^1.0.0"
+ glob@7.1.2:
+ version "7.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ fs.realpath "^1.0.0"
+ inflight "^1.0.4"
+ inherits "2"
+ minimatch "^3.0.4"
+ once "^1.3.0"
+ path-is-absolute "^1.0.0"
+ global-dirs@^0.1.0:
+ version "0.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ini "^1.3.4"
+ graceful-fs@^4.1.2, graceful-fs@^4.1.6:
+ version "4.1.11"
+ resolved ""
+ har-schema@^1.0.5:
+ version "1.0.5"
+ resolved ""
+ har-validator@~4.2.1:
+ version "4.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ajv "^4.9.1"
+ har-schema "^1.0.5"
+ has-ansi@^2.0.0:
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-regex "^2.0.0"
+ has-flag@^2.0.0:
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ hawk@~3.1.3:
+ version "3.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ boom "2.x.x"
+ cryptiles "2.x.x"
+ hoek "2.x.x"
+ sntp "1.x.x"
+ hoek@2.x.x:
+ version "2.16.3"
+ resolved ""
+ http-signature@~1.1.0:
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ assert-plus "^0.2.0"
+ jsprim "^1.2.2"
+ sshpk "^1.7.0"
+ indent-string@^2.1.0:
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ repeating "^2.0.0"
+ indent-string@^3.0.0:
+ version "3.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ inflight@^1.0.4:
+ version "1.0.6"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ once "^1.3.0"
+ wrappy "1"
+ inherits@2, inherits@^2.0.3, inherits@~2.0.3:
+ version "2.0.3"
+ resolved ""
+ ini@^1.3.4:
+ version "1.3.5"
+ resolved ""
+ is-ci@1.0.10:
+ version "1.0.10"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ci-info "^1.0.0"
+ is-finite@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ number-is-nan "^1.0.0"
+ is-fullwidth-code-point@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ number-is-nan "^1.0.0"
+ is-installed-globally@0.1.0:
+ version "0.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ global-dirs "^0.1.0"
+ is-path-inside "^1.0.0"
+ is-path-inside@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ path-is-inside "^1.0.1"
+ is-promise@^2.1.0:
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ is-stream@^1.1.0:
+ version "1.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ is-typedarray@~1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ isarray@~1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ isstream@~0.1.2:
+ version "0.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ jsbn@~0.1.0:
+ version "0.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ json-schema@0.2.3:
+ version "0.2.3"
+ resolved ""
+ json-stable-stringify@^1.0.1:
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ jsonify "~0.0.0"
+ json-stringify-safe@~5.0.1:
+ version "5.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ jsonfile@^3.0.0:
+ version "3.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ optionalDependencies:
+ graceful-fs "^4.1.6"
+ jsonify@~0.0.0:
+ version "0.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ jsprim@^1.2.2:
+ version "1.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ assert-plus "1.0.0"
+ extsprintf "1.3.0"
+ json-schema "0.2.3"
+ verror "1.10.0"
+ lazy-ass@1.6.0:
+ version "1.6.0"
+ resolved ""
+ listr-silent-renderer@^1.1.1:
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ listr-update-renderer@^0.2.0:
+ version "0.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.1.3"
+ cli-truncate "^0.2.1"
+ elegant-spinner "^1.0.1"
+ figures "^1.7.0"
+ indent-string "^3.0.0"
+ log-symbols "^1.0.2"
+ log-update "^1.0.2"
+ strip-ansi "^3.0.1"
+ listr-verbose-renderer@^0.4.0:
+ version "0.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.1.3"
+ cli-cursor "^1.0.2"
+ date-fns "^1.27.2"
+ figures "^1.7.0"
+ listr@0.12.0:
+ version "0.12.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.1.3"
+ cli-truncate "^0.2.1"
+ figures "^1.7.0"
+ indent-string "^2.1.0"
+ is-promise "^2.1.0"
+ is-stream "^1.1.0"
+ listr-silent-renderer "^1.1.1"
+ listr-update-renderer "^0.2.0"
+ listr-verbose-renderer "^0.4.0"
+ log-symbols "^1.0.2"
+ log-update "^1.0.2"
+ ora "^0.2.3"
+ p-map "^1.1.1"
+ rxjs "^5.0.0-beta.11"
+ stream-to-observable "^0.1.0"
+ strip-ansi "^3.0.1"
+ lodash.once@^4.1.1:
+ version "4.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ lodash@4.17.4:
+ version "4.17.4"
+ resolved ""
+ lodash@^4.14.0:
+ version "4.17.10"
+ resolved ""
+ log-symbols@^1.0.2:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.0.0"
+ log-update@^1.0.2:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-escapes "^1.0.0"
+ cli-cursor "^1.0.2"
+ mime-db@~1.33.0:
+ version "1.33.0"
+ resolved ""
+ mime-types@^2.1.12, mime-types@~2.1.7:
+ version "2.1.18"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ mime-db "~1.33.0"
+ minimatch@^3.0.4:
+ version "3.0.4"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ brace-expansion "^1.1.7"
+ minimist@0.0.8:
+ version "0.0.8"
+ resolved ""
+ minimist@1.2.0:
+ version "1.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ mkdirp@0.5.0:
+ version "0.5.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ minimist "0.0.8"
+ ms@2.0.0:
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ number-is-nan@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ oauth-sign@~0.8.1:
+ version "0.8.2"
+ resolved ""
+ object-assign@^4.0.1, object-assign@^4.1.0:
+ version "4.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ once@^1.3.0:
+ version "1.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ wrappy "1"
+ onetime@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ ora@^0.2.3:
+ version "0.2.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.1.1"
+ cli-cursor "^1.0.2"
+ cli-spinners "^0.1.2"
+ object-assign "^4.0.1"
+ os-tmpdir@~1.0.1:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ p-map@^1.1.1:
+ version "1.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ path-is-absolute@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ path-is-inside@^1.0.1:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ pend@~1.2.0:
+ version "1.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ performance-now@^0.2.0:
+ version "0.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ process-nextick-args@~2.0.0:
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ progress@1.1.8:
+ version "1.1.8"
+ resolved ""
+ punycode@1.3.2:
+ version "1.3.2"
+ resolved ""
+ punycode@^1.4.1:
+ version "1.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ qs@~6.4.0:
+ version "6.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ querystring@0.2.0:
+ version "0.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ ramda@0.24.1:
+ version "0.24.1"
+ resolved ""
+ readable-stream@^2.2.2:
+ version "2.3.6"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ core-util-is "~1.0.0"
+ inherits "~2.0.3"
+ isarray "~1.0.0"
+ process-nextick-args "~2.0.0"
+ safe-buffer "~5.1.1"
+ string_decoder "~1.1.1"
+ util-deprecate "~1.0.1"
+ regenerator-runtime@^0.11.0:
+ version "0.11.1"
+ resolved ""
+ repeating@^2.0.0:
+ version "2.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ is-finite "^1.0.0"
+ request-progress@0.3.1:
+ version "0.3.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ throttleit "~0.0.2"
+ request@2.81.0:
+ version "2.81.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ aws-sign2 "~0.6.0"
+ aws4 "^1.2.1"
+ caseless "~0.12.0"
+ combined-stream "~1.0.5"
+ extend "~3.0.0"
+ forever-agent "~0.6.1"
+ form-data "~2.1.1"
+ har-validator "~4.2.1"
+ hawk "~3.1.3"
+ http-signature "~1.1.0"
+ is-typedarray "~1.0.0"
+ isstream "~0.1.2"
+ json-stringify-safe "~5.0.1"
+ mime-types "~2.1.7"
+ oauth-sign "~0.8.1"
+ performance-now "^0.2.0"
+ qs "~6.4.0"
+ safe-buffer "^5.0.1"
+ stringstream "~0.0.4"
+ tough-cookie "~2.3.0"
+ tunnel-agent "^0.6.0"
+ uuid "^3.0.0"
+ restore-cursor@^1.0.1:
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ exit-hook "^1.0.0"
+ onetime "^1.0.0"
+ rxjs@^5.0.0-beta.11:
+ version "5.5.10"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ symbol-observable "1.0.1"
+ safe-buffer@^5.0.1, safe-buffer@~5.1.0, safe-buffer@~5.1.1:
+ version "5.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ slice-ansi@0.0.4:
+ version "0.0.4"
+ resolved ""
+ sntp@1.x.x:
+ version "1.0.9"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ hoek "2.x.x"
+ sshpk@^1.7.0:
+ version "1.14.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ asn1 "~0.2.3"
+ assert-plus "^1.0.0"
+ dashdash "^1.12.0"
+ getpass "^0.1.1"
+ optionalDependencies:
+ bcrypt-pbkdf "^1.0.0"
+ ecc-jsbn "~0.1.1"
+ jsbn "~0.1.0"
+ tweetnacl "~0.14.0"
+ stream-to-observable@^0.1.0:
+ version "0.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ string-width@^1.0.1:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ code-point-at "^1.0.0"
+ is-fullwidth-code-point "^1.0.0"
+ strip-ansi "^3.0.0"
+ string_decoder@~1.1.1:
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ safe-buffer "~5.1.0"
+ stringstream@~0.0.4:
+ version "0.0.6"
+ resolved ""
+ strip-ansi@^3.0.0, strip-ansi@^3.0.1:
+ version "3.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-regex "^2.0.0"
+ supports-color@5.1.0:
+ version "5.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ has-flag "^2.0.0"
+ supports-color@^2.0.0:
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ supports-color@^4.0.0:
+ version "4.5.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ has-flag "^2.0.0"
+ symbol-observable@1.0.1:
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ throttleit@~0.0.2:
+ version "0.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ tmp@0.0.31:
+ version "0.0.31"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ os-tmpdir "~1.0.1"
+ tough-cookie@~2.3.0:
+ version "2.3.4"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ punycode "^1.4.1"
+ tunnel-agent@^0.6.0:
+ version "0.6.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ safe-buffer "^5.0.1"
+ tweetnacl@^0.14.3, tweetnacl@~0.14.0:
+ version "0.14.5"
+ resolved ""
+ typedarray@^0.0.6:
+ version "0.0.6"
+ resolved ""
+ universalify@^0.1.0:
+ version "0.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ url@0.11.0:
+ version "0.11.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ punycode "1.3.2"
+ querystring "0.2.0"
+ util-deprecate@~1.0.1:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ uuid@^3.0.0:
+ version "3.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ verror@1.10.0:
+ version "1.10.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ assert-plus "^1.0.0"
+ core-util-is "1.0.2"
+ extsprintf "^1.2.0"
+ wrappy@1:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ yauzl@2.4.1:
+ version "2.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ fd-slicer "~1.0.1"
+ yauzl@2.8.0:
+ version "2.8.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ buffer-crc32 "~0.2.3"
+ fd-slicer "~1.0.1"
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/src/yarn.lock b/cypress-docker/test/src/yarn.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7a640b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/src/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,1675 @@
+# yarn lockfile v1
+ version "0.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.1.3"
+ cli-cursor "^1.0.2"
+ date-fns "^1.27.2"
+ figures "^1.7.0"
+ version "1.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ lodash.once "^4.1.1"
+ version "1.3.3"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.5.18"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.1.35"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ "@types/chai" "*"
+ "@types/jquery" "*"
+ version "4.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ version "4.0.8"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.3.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.2.16"
+ resolved ""
+ version "4.14.87"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.2.44"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.7.29"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ "@types/chai" "*"
+ "@types/sinon" "*"
+ version "4.3.3"
+ resolved ""
+ version "4.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "4.11.8"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ co "^4.6.0"
+ json-stable-stringify "^1.0.1"
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ansi-styles@^3.1.0, ansi-styles@^3.2.0, ansi-styles@^3.2.1:
+ version "3.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ color-convert "^1.9.0"
+ version "2.0.6"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.2.3"
+ resolved ""
+assert-plus@1.0.0, assert-plus@^1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.1.4"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ lodash "^4.14.0"
+ version "0.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.6.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.7.0"
+ resolved ""
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+ version "6.26.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ core-js "^2.4.0"
+ regenerator-runtime "^0.11.0"
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ tweetnacl "^0.14.3"
+ version "3.5.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.10.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ hoek "2.x.x"
+ version "1.1.11"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ balanced-match "^1.0.0"
+ concat-map "0.0.1"
+ version "1.3.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.2.13"
+ resolved ""
+ version "4.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.12.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles "^3.1.0"
+ escape-string-regexp "^1.0.5"
+ supports-color "^4.0.0"
+chalk@^1.0.0, chalk@^1.1.1, chalk@^1.1.3:
+ version "1.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles "^2.2.1"
+ escape-string-regexp "^1.0.2"
+ has-ansi "^2.0.0"
+ strip-ansi "^3.0.0"
+ supports-color "^2.0.0"
+chalk@^2.0.1, chalk@^2.3.0, chalk@^2.4.1:
+ version "2.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles "^3.2.1"
+ escape-string-regexp "^1.0.5"
+ supports-color "^5.3.0"
+ version "2.24.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ restore-cursor "^1.0.1"
+ version "0.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ slice-ansi "0.0.4"
+ string-width "^1.0.1"
+ version "4.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ string-width "^2.1.1"
+ strip-ansi "^4.0.0"
+ wrap-ansi "^2.0.0"
+ version "4.6.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.9.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ color-name "^1.1.1"
+ version "1.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+combined-stream@^1.0.5, combined-stream@~1.0.5:
+ version "1.0.6"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ delayed-stream "~1.0.0"
+ version "2.11.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.15.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ babel-runtime "^6.18.0"
+ version "0.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.6.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ inherits "^2.0.3"
+ readable-stream "^2.2.2"
+ typedarray "^0.0.6"
+ version "1.2.7"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.5.6"
+ resolved ""
+core-util-is@1.0.2, core-util-is@~1.0.0:
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "5.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ lru-cache "^4.0.1"
+ shebang-command "^1.2.0"
+ which "^1.2.9"
+ version "2.0.5"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ boom "2.x.x"
+ version "2.2.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ inherits "^2.0.1"
+ source-map "^0.1.38"
+ source-map-resolve "^0.5.1"
+ urix "^0.1.0"
+ version "2.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ dom-testing-library "^2.0.0"
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ "@cypress/listr-verbose-renderer" "0.4.1"
+ "@cypress/xvfb" "1.1.3"
+ "@types/blob-util" "1.3.3"
+ "@types/bluebird" "3.5.18"
+ "@types/chai" "4.0.8"
+ "@types/chai-jquery" "1.1.35"
+ "@types/jquery" "3.2.16"
+ "@types/lodash" "4.14.87"
+ "@types/minimatch" "3.0.1"
+ "@types/mocha" "2.2.44"
+ "@types/sinon" "4.0.0"
+ "@types/sinon-chai" "2.7.29"
+ bluebird "3.5.0"
+ chalk "2.1.0"
+ check-more-types "2.24.0"
+ commander "2.11.0"
+ common-tags "1.4.0"
+ debug "3.1.0"
+ extract-zip "1.6.6"
+ fs-extra "4.0.1"
+ getos "2.8.4"
+ glob "7.1.2"
+ is-ci "1.0.10"
+ is-installed-globally "0.1.0"
+ lazy-ass "1.6.0"
+ listr "0.12.0"
+ lodash "4.17.4"
+ minimist "1.2.0"
+ progress "1.1.8"
+ ramda "0.24.1"
+ request "2.81.0"
+ request-progress "0.3.1"
+ supports-color "5.1.0"
+ tmp "0.0.31"
+ url "0.11.0"
+ yauzl "2.8.0"
+ version "1.14.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ assert-plus "^1.0.0"
+ version "1.29.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.0.3"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.6.9"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ms "2.0.0"
+ version "3.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ms "2.0.0"
+ version "1.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
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+ version "3.5.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.6.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ jest-dom "^1.0.0"
+ mutationobserver-shim "^0.3.2"
+ pretty-format "^22.4.3"
+ wait-for-expect "^0.4.0"
+ version "0.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ jsbn "~0.1.0"
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.1.12"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ iconv-lite "~0.4.13"
+escape-string-regexp@1.0.5, escape-string-regexp@^1.0.2, escape-string-regexp@^1.0.5:
+ version "1.0.5"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.7.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ cross-spawn "^5.0.1"
+ get-stream "^3.0.0"
+ is-stream "^1.1.0"
+ npm-run-path "^2.0.0"
+ p-finally "^1.0.0"
+ signal-exit "^3.0.0"
+ strip-eof "^1.0.0"
+ version "0.8.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ cross-spawn "^5.0.1"
+ get-stream "^3.0.0"
+ is-stream "^1.1.0"
+ npm-run-path "^2.0.0"
+ p-finally "^1.0.0"
+ signal-exit "^3.0.0"
+ strip-eof "^1.0.0"
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.6.6"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ concat-stream "1.6.0"
+ debug "2.6.9"
+ mkdirp "0.5.0"
+ yauzl "2.4.1"
+ version "1.3.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.8.16"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ core-js "^1.0.0"
+ isomorphic-fetch "^2.1.1"
+ loose-envify "^1.0.0"
+ object-assign "^4.1.0"
+ promise "^7.1.1"
+ setimmediate "^1.0.5"
+ ua-parser-js "^0.7.9"
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ pend "~1.2.0"
+ version "1.7.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ escape-string-regexp "^1.0.5"
+ object-assign "^4.1.0"
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ locate-path "^2.0.0"
+ version "0.6.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.1.4"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ asynckit "^0.4.0"
+ combined-stream "^1.0.5"
+ mime-types "^2.1.12"
+ version "4.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ graceful-fs "^4.1.2"
+ jsonfile "^3.0.0"
+ universalify "^0.1.0"
+ version "4.0.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ graceful-fs "^4.1.2"
+ jsonfile "^4.0.0"
+ universalify "^0.1.0"
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.8.4"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ async "2.1.4"
+ version "0.1.7"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ assert-plus "^1.0.0"
+ version "7.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ fs.realpath "^1.0.0"
+ inflight "^1.0.4"
+ inherits "2"
+ minimatch "^3.0.4"
+ once "^1.3.0"
+ path-is-absolute "^1.0.0"
+ version "0.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ini "^1.3.4"
+graceful-fs@^4.1.2, graceful-fs@^4.1.6:
+ version "4.1.11"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.10.5"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.5"
+ resolved ""
+ version "4.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ajv "^4.9.1"
+ har-schema "^1.0.5"
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-regex "^2.0.0"
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ boom "2.x.x"
+ cryptiles "2.x.x"
+ hoek "2.x.x"
+ sntp "1.x.x"
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.16.3"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ assert-plus "^0.2.0"
+ jsprim "^1.2.2"
+ sshpk "^1.7.0"
+ version "0.14.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ is-ci "^1.0.10"
+ normalize-path "^1.0.0"
+ strip-indent "^2.0.0"
+ version "0.4.23"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ safer-buffer ">= 2.1.2 < 3"
+ version "3.3.8"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ repeating "^2.0.0"
+ version "3.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.6"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ once "^1.3.0"
+ wrappy "1"
+inherits@2, inherits@^2.0.1, inherits@^2.0.3, inherits@~2.0.3:
+ version "2.0.3"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.3.5"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.10"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ci-info "^1.0.0"
+ version "1.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ci-info "^1.0.0"
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ number-is-nan "^1.0.0"
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ number-is-nan "^1.0.0"
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ global-dirs "^0.1.0"
+ is-path-inside "^1.0.0"
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ path-is-inside "^1.0.1"
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+is-stream@^1.0.1, is-stream@^1.1.0:
+ version "1.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.2.1"
+ resolved ""
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+ node-fetch "^1.0.1"
+ whatwg-fetch ">=0.10.0"
+ version "0.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "22.4.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^2.0.1"
+ diff "^3.2.0"
+ jest-get-type "^22.4.3"
+ pretty-format "^22.4.3"
+ version "1.3.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^2.4.1"
+ css "^2.2.3"
+ jest-diff "^22.4.3"
+ jest-matcher-utils "^22.4.3"
+ pretty-format "^23.0.1"
+ redent "^2.0.0"
+ version "22.4.3"
+ resolved ""
+ version "22.4.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^2.0.1"
+ jest-get-type "^22.4.3"
+ pretty-format "^22.4.3"
+ version "3.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.2.3"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ jsonify "~0.0.0"
+json-stringify-safe@^5.0.1, json-stringify-safe@~5.0.1:
+ version "5.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ optionalDependencies:
+ graceful-fs "^4.1.6"
+ version "4.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ optionalDependencies:
+ graceful-fs "^4.1.6"
+ version "0.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ assert-plus "1.0.0"
+ extsprintf "1.3.0"
+ json-schema "0.2.3"
+ verror "1.10.0"
+ version "1.6.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ invert-kv "^1.0.0"
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.1.3"
+ cli-truncate "^0.2.1"
+ elegant-spinner "^1.0.1"
+ figures "^1.7.0"
+ indent-string "^3.0.0"
+ log-symbols "^1.0.2"
+ log-update "^1.0.2"
+ strip-ansi "^3.0.1"
+ version "0.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.1.3"
+ cli-cursor "^1.0.2"
+ date-fns "^1.27.2"
+ figures "^1.7.0"
+ version "0.12.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.1.3"
+ cli-truncate "^0.2.1"
+ figures "^1.7.0"
+ indent-string "^2.1.0"
+ is-promise "^2.1.0"
+ is-stream "^1.1.0"
+ listr-silent-renderer "^1.1.1"
+ listr-update-renderer "^0.2.0"
+ listr-verbose-renderer "^0.4.0"
+ log-symbols "^1.0.2"
+ log-update "^1.0.2"
+ ora "^0.2.3"
+ p-map "^1.1.1"
+ rxjs "^5.0.0-beta.11"
+ stream-to-observable "^0.1.0"
+ strip-ansi "^3.0.1"
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ p-locate "^2.0.0"
+ path-exists "^3.0.0"
+ version "3.0.9"
+ resolved ""
+ version "4.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "4.17.4"
+ resolved ""
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+ version "4.17.10"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.0.0"
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-escapes "^1.0.0"
+ cli-cursor "^1.0.2"
+loose-envify@^1.0.0, loose-envify@^1.1.0, loose-envify@^1.3.1:
+ version "1.3.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ js-tokens "^3.0.0"
+ version "4.1.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ pseudomap "^1.0.2"
+ yallist "^2.1.2"
+ version "1.1.0"
+ resolved ""
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+ version "1.33.0"
+ resolved ""
+mime-types@^2.1.12, mime-types@~2.1.7:
+ version "2.1.18"
+ resolved ""
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+ mime-db "~1.33.0"
+ version "1.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+minimatch@3.0.4, minimatch@^3.0.4:
+ version "3.0.4"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ brace-expansion "^1.1.7"
+ version "0.0.8"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.5.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ minimist "0.0.8"
+ version "0.5.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ minimist "0.0.8"
+ version "5.2.0"
+ resolved ""
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+ browser-stdout "1.3.1"
+ commander "2.15.1"
+ debug "3.1.0"
+ diff "3.5.0"
+ escape-string-regexp "1.0.5"
+ glob "7.1.2"
+ growl "1.10.5"
+ he "1.1.1"
+ minimatch "3.0.4"
+ mkdirp "0.5.1"
+ supports-color "5.4.0"
+ version "3.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^2.3.0"
+ dateformat "^3.0.2"
+ fs-extra "^4.0.2"
+ fsu "^1.0.2"
+ lodash.isfunction "^3.0.8"
+ opener "^1.4.2"
+ prop-types "^15.5.8"
+ react "^16.0.0"
+ react-dom "^16.0.0"
+ tcomb "^3.2.17"
+ tcomb-validation "^3.3.0"
+ validator "^9.1.2"
+ yargs "^10.0.3"
+ version "3.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ babel-runtime "^6.20.0"
+ chalk "^2.3.0"
+ diff "^3.4.0"
+ json-stringify-safe "^5.0.1"
+ lodash "^4.17.3"
+ mochawesome-report-generator "^3.0.1"
+ strip-ansi "^4.0.0"
+ uuid "^3.0.1"
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.3.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.7.3"
+ resolved ""
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+ encoding "^0.1.11"
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+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.0.2"
+ resolved ""
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+ path-key "^2.0.0"
+ version "1.0.1"
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+ resolved ""
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+ version "4.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ wrappy "1"
+ version "1.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.4.3"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.2.3"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^1.1.1"
+ cli-cursor "^1.0.2"
+ cli-spinners "^0.1.2"
+ object-assign "^4.0.1"
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ execa "^0.7.0"
+ lcid "^1.0.0"
+ mem "^1.1.0"
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.2.0"
+ resolved ""
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+ p-try "^1.0.0"
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
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+ version "1.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.0"
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+ resolved ""
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+ resolved ""
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+ resolved ""
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+ ansi-regex "^3.0.0"
+ ansi-styles "^3.2.0"
+ version "23.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-regex "^3.0.0"
+ ansi-styles "^3.2.0"
+ version "1.5.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ chalk "^2.3.0"
+ execa "^0.8.0"
+ find-up "^2.1.0"
+ ignore "^3.3.7"
+ mri "^1.1.0"
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
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+ resolved ""
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+ resolved ""
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+ asap "~2.0.3"
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+ version "15.6.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ fbjs "^0.8.16"
+ loose-envify "^1.3.1"
+ object-assign "^4.1.1"
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.3.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.4.1"
+ resolved ""
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+ resolved ""
+ version "0.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.24.1"
+ resolved ""
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+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ fbjs "^0.8.16"
+ loose-envify "^1.1.0"
+ object-assign "^4.1.1"
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+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ fbjs "^0.8.16"
+ loose-envify "^1.1.0"
+ object-assign "^4.1.1"
+ prop-types "^15.6.0"
+ version "2.3.6"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ core-util-is "~1.0.0"
+ inherits "~2.0.3"
+ isarray "~1.0.0"
+ process-nextick-args "~2.0.0"
+ safe-buffer "~5.1.1"
+ string_decoder "~1.1.1"
+ util-deprecate "~1.0.1"
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ indent-string "^3.0.0"
+ strip-indent "^2.0.0"
+ version "0.11.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ is-finite "^1.0.0"
+ version "0.3.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ throttleit "~0.0.2"
+ version "2.81.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ aws-sign2 "~0.6.0"
+ aws4 "^1.2.1"
+ caseless "~0.12.0"
+ combined-stream "~1.0.5"
+ extend "~3.0.0"
+ forever-agent "~0.6.1"
+ form-data "~2.1.1"
+ har-validator "~4.2.1"
+ hawk "~3.1.3"
+ http-signature "~1.1.0"
+ is-typedarray "~1.0.0"
+ isstream "~0.1.2"
+ json-stringify-safe "~5.0.1"
+ mime-types "~2.1.7"
+ oauth-sign "~0.8.1"
+ performance-now "^0.2.0"
+ qs "~6.4.0"
+ safe-buffer "^5.0.1"
+ stringstream "~0.0.4"
+ tough-cookie "~2.3.0"
+ tunnel-agent "^0.6.0"
+ uuid "^3.0.0"
+ version "2.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ exit-hook "^1.0.0"
+ onetime "^1.0.0"
+ version "5.5.10"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ symbol-observable "1.0.1"
+safe-buffer@^5.0.1, safe-buffer@~5.1.0, safe-buffer@~5.1.1:
+ version "5.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+"safer-buffer@>= 2.1.2 < 3":
+ version "2.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.5"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.2.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ shebang-regex "^1.0.0"
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.0.4"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.9"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ hoek "2.x.x"
+ version "0.5.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ atob "^2.1.1"
+ decode-uri-component "^0.2.0"
+ resolve-url "^0.2.1"
+ source-map-url "^0.4.0"
+ urix "^0.1.0"
+ version "0.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.1.43"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ amdefine ">=0.0.4"
+ version "1.14.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ asn1 "~0.2.3"
+ assert-plus "^1.0.0"
+ dashdash "^1.12.0"
+ getpass "^0.1.1"
+ optionalDependencies:
+ bcrypt-pbkdf "^1.0.0"
+ ecc-jsbn "~0.1.1"
+ jsbn "~0.1.0"
+ tweetnacl "~0.14.0"
+ version "1.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ code-point-at "^1.0.0"
+ is-fullwidth-code-point "^1.0.0"
+ strip-ansi "^3.0.0"
+string-width@^2.0.0, string-width@^2.1.1:
+ version "2.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ is-fullwidth-code-point "^2.0.0"
+ strip-ansi "^4.0.0"
+ version "1.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ safe-buffer "~5.1.0"
+ version "0.0.6"
+ resolved ""
+strip-ansi@^3.0.0, strip-ansi@^3.0.1:
+ version "3.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-regex "^2.0.0"
+ version "4.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-regex "^3.0.0"
+ version "1.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "5.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ has-flag "^2.0.0"
+supports-color@5.4.0, supports-color@^5.3.0:
+ version "5.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ has-flag "^3.0.0"
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "4.5.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ has-flag "^2.0.0"
+ version "1.0.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ tcomb "^3.0.0"
+tcomb@^3.0.0, tcomb@^3.2.17:
+ version "3.2.27"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.0.31"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ os-tmpdir "~1.0.1"
+ version "2.3.4"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ punycode "^1.4.1"
+ version "0.6.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ safe-buffer "^5.0.1"
+tweetnacl@^0.14.3, tweetnacl@~0.14.0:
+ version "0.14.5"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.0.6"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.7.18"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.1.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "0.11.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ punycode "1.3.2"
+ querystring "0.2.0"
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+uuid@^3.0.0, uuid@^3.0.1:
+ version "3.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "9.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.10.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ assert-plus "^1.0.0"
+ core-util-is "1.0.2"
+ extsprintf "^1.2.0"
+ version "0.4.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.0.4"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.0.0"
+ resolved ""
+ version "1.3.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ isexe "^2.0.0"
+ version "2.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ string-width "^1.0.1"
+ strip-ansi "^3.0.1"
+ version "1.0.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "3.2.1"
+ resolved ""
+ version "2.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ version "8.1.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ camelcase "^4.1.0"
+ version "10.1.2"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ cliui "^4.0.0"
+ decamelize "^1.1.1"
+ find-up "^2.1.0"
+ get-caller-file "^1.0.1"
+ os-locale "^2.0.0"
+ require-directory "^2.1.1"
+ require-main-filename "^1.0.1"
+ set-blocking "^2.0.0"
+ string-width "^2.0.0"
+ which-module "^2.0.0"
+ y18n "^3.2.1"
+ yargs-parser "^8.1.0"
+ version "2.4.1"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ fd-slicer "~1.0.1"
+ version "2.8.0"
+ resolved ""
+ dependencies:
+ buffer-crc32 "~0.2.3"
+ fd-slicer "~1.0.1"
diff --git a/cypress-docker/test/ b/cypress-docker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07d99e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress-docker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+set e+x
+echo "Running tests against $LOCAL_NAME"
+docker run -it --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} -v $PWD/src:/test -w /test $LOCAL_NAME
+docker rm ${CONTAINER_NAME}
diff --git a/dcae-ci-tests.iml b/dcae-ci-tests.iml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed326e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dcae-ci-tests.iml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<module org.jetbrains.idea.maven.project.MavenProjectsManager.isMavenModule="true" type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
+ <component name="FacetManager">
+ <facet type="Spring" name="Spring">
+ <configuration />
+ </facet>
+ </component>
+ <component name="NewModuleRootManager" LANGUAGE_LEVEL="JDK_1_8">
+ <output url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/target/classes" />
+ <output-test url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/target/test-classes" />
+ <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
+ <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/main/java" isTestSource="false" />
+ <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/main/resources" type="java-resource" />
+ <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/target" />
+ </content>
+ <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
+ <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.assertj:assertj-core:3.8.0" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="module" module-name="DCAE-DT-PROPERTY" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.springframework:spring-beans:4.3.17.RELEASE" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.springframework:spring-core:4.3.17.RELEASE" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.springframework:spring-context:4.3.17.RELEASE" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.springframework:spring-aop:4.3.17.RELEASE" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.springframework:spring-expression:4.3.17.RELEASE" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: log4j:log4j:1.2.17" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.json:json:20140107" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.9.4" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.springframework:spring-web:4.3.17.RELEASE" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-guava:2.9.4" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven:" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.9.4" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.9.4" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.6" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: junit:junit:4.12" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:1.3" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:2.4.13" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.codehaus.janino:janino:3.0.6" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: org.codehaus.janino:commons-compiler:3.0.6" level="project" />
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+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: commons-logging:commons-logging:1.2" level="project" />
+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven: commons-codec:commons-codec:1.10" level="project" />
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+ <orderEntry type="library" name="Maven:" level="project" />
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+ </component>
+</module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/blueprint/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/blueprint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cde8659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/blueprint/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+import com.aventstack.extentreports.Status;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
+public class ToscaLabApiTests extends DcaeRestBaseTest {
+ private String validInput = "{\"template\":\"dG9wb2xvZ3lfdGVtcGxhdGU6CiAgbm9kZV90ZW1wbGF0ZXM6CiAgICBzdXAuc3VwcGxlbWVudF9uLjE1MjU3ODE5NzY1MDAuODoKICAgICAgcmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzOgogICAgICAtIHN0cmVhbV9wdWJsaXNoXzA6IHtjYXBhYmlsaXR5OiBkY2FlLmNhcGFiaWxpdGll"
+ + "cy5zdHJlYW0uc3Vic2NyaWJlLCByZWxhdGlvbnNoaXA6IGRjYWUucmVsYXRpb25zaGlwcy5yZXdvcmtfY29ubmVjdGVkX3RvfQogICAgICAtIGhvc3Q6IHtjYXBhYmlsaXR5OiBkY2FlLmNhcGFiaWxpdGllcy5jZGFwSG9zdCwgcmVsYXRpb25zaGlwOiBkY2FlLnJlbGF0aW9uc2hpcHMuY29tcG9uZW50X2Nvb"
+ + "nRhaW5lZF9pbn0KICAgICAgLSBkZXBlbmRlbmN5OiB7Y2FwYWJpbGl0eTogdG9zY2EuY2FwYWJpbGl0aWVzLk5vZGUsIHJlbGF0aW9uc2hpcDogdG9zY2EucmVsYXRpb25zaGlwcy5EZXBlbmRzT259CiAgICAgIGNhcGFiaWxpdGllczoKICAgICAgICBzdHJlYW1fc3Vic2NyaWJlXzA6CiAgICAgICAgICBwcm"
+ + "9wZXJ0aWVzOiB7cm91dGU6IElHTk9SRSwgZm9ybWF0OiBWRVNfc3BlY2lmaWNhdGlvbiwgdmVyc2lvbjogNS4yOC40fQogICAgICBkZXNjcmlwdGlvbjogL3NkYy92MS9jYXRhbG9nL3Jlc291cmNlcy81YzFiY2FlMC1lMWQxLTRiNTMtOWVkMS1kNzI1N2UzYWVhYWIvYXJ0aWZhY3RzL2ZiZGFjYjhhLWViYzMt"
+ + "NGEyZC04Nzg3LTM2MWI5YWI1NzQyMwogICAgICB0eXBlOiB0b3NjYS5kY2FlLm5vZGVzLmNkYXBBcHAuc3VwcGxlbWVudAogICAgICBwcm9wZXJ0aWVzOgogICAgICAgIGNvbm5lY3RlZF9icm9rZXJfZG5zX25hbWU6IHtnZXRfaW5wdXQ6IGNvbm5lY3RlZF9icm9rZXJfZG5zX25hbWV9CiAgICAgICAgcGhhc2"
+ + "VzLnN1cHBsZW1lbnQucGhhc2VOYW1lOiBzdXBwbGVtZW50CiAgICAgICAgcGhhc2VzLnZlc19zdXBwbGVtZW50LnBoYXNlTmFtZTogdmVzX3N1cHBsZW1lbnQKICAgICAgICBqc29uOiAneyJwcm9jZXNzaW5nIjpbeyJwaGFzZSI6InN1cHBsZW1lbnQiLCJmaWx0ZXIiOnsiY2xhc3MiOiJPbmVPZiIsImZpZWx"
+ + "kIjoiZXZlbnQuY29tbW9uRXZlbnRIZWFkZXIuZXZlbnRUeXBlIiwidmFsdWVzIjpbInZQQ1JGX0FsYXJtcyIsInZNb0dfQWxhcm1zIiwiYXBwbGljYXRpb25WbmYiLCJHdWVzdE9TX0FsYXJtcyIsIkNvbnRyb2wiXX0sInByb2Nlc3NvcnMiOlt7ImNsYXNzIjoiTG9nVGV4dCIsImxvZ0xldmVsIjoiSU5GTyIs"
+ + "ImxvZ1RleHQiOiJFbnRlcmluZwogICAgICAgICAgc3VwcGxlbWVudCBQaGFzZSAtIEZJTFRFUiBwYXJhbWV0ZXIgIC0gJHtldmVudC5jb21tb25FdmVudEhlYWRlci5ldmVudFR5cGV9In0seyJjbGFzcyI6IkRhdGVGb3JtYXR0ZXIiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IiR7ZXZlbnQuY29tbW9uRXZlbnRIZWFkZXIuc3RhcnRFc"
+ + "G9jaE1pY3Jvc2VjfSIsImZyb21Gb3JtYXQiOiIjbXMiLCJmcm9tVHoiOiJHTVQiLCJ0b0ZpZWxkIjoiZXZlbnQuY29tbW9uRXZlbnRIZWFkZXIuaW50ZXJuYWxIZWFkZXJGaWVsZHMuZmlyc3REYXRldGltZSIsInRvRm9ybWF0IjoiRUVFLAogICAgICAgICAgZGQgTU0geXl5eSBISDptbTpzcyB6enoiLCJ0b"
+ + "1R6IjoiR01UIn0seyJjbGFzcyI6IkRhdGVGb3JtYXR0ZXIiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IiR7ZXZlbnQuY29tbW9uRXZlbnRIZWFkZXIubGFzdEVwb2NoTWljcm9zZWN9IiwiZnJvbUZvcm1hdCI6IiNtcyIsImZyb21UeiI6IkdNVCIsInRvRmllbGQiOiJldmVudC5jb21tb25FdmVudEhlYWRlci5pbnRlcm5hbEhlYWRlc"
+ + "kZpZWxkcy5sYXN0RGF0ZXRpbWUiLCJ0b0Zvcm1hdCI6IkVFRSwKICAgICAgICAgIGRkIE1NIHl5eXkgSEg6bW06c3Mgenp6IiwidG9UeiI6IkdNVCJ9LHsiY2xhc3MiOiJEYXRlRm9ybWF0dGVyIiwidmFsdWUiOiIle25vdy5tc30iLCJmcm9tRm9ybWF0IjoiI21zIiwiZnJvbVR6IjoiR01UIiwidG9GaWVsZ"
+ + "CI6ImV2ZW50LmNvbW1vbkV2ZW50SGVhZGVyLmludGVybmFsSGVhZGVyRmllbGRzLmNvbGxlY3RvclRpbWVTdGFtcCIsInRvRm9ybWF0IjoiRUVFLAogICAgICAgICAgZGQgTU0geXl5eSBISDptbTpzcyB6enoiLCJ0b1R6IjoiR01UIn0seyJjbGFzcyI6IlNldCIsInVwZGF0ZXMiOnsiZXZlbnQuY29tbW9uRX"
+ + "ImNsYXNzIjoiTG9nRXZlbnRQcmV0dHkiLCJ0aXRsZSI6IlN1cHBsZW1lbnRfRXZlbnRfUGFyc2VkOiIsImxvZ05hbWUiOiJjb20uYXR0LmdmcC5kY2FlLmV2ZW50UHJvY2Vzc29yLm91dHB1dCJ9LHsiY2xhc3MiOiJSdW5QaGFzZSIsInBoYXNlIjoic3VwcGxlbWVudF9wdWJsaXNoIn1dfSx7InBoYXNlIjoidm"
+ + "VzX3N1cHBsZW1lbnQiLCJmaWx0ZXIiOnsiY2xhc3MiOiJPbmVPZiIsImZpZWxkIjoiZXZlbnQuY29tbW9uRXZlbnRIZWFkZXIuZXZlbnRUeXBlIiwidmFsdWVzIjpbInZJUkNfQWxhcm1zIl19LCJwcm9jZXNzb3JzIjpbeyJjbGFzcyI6IlJ1blBoYXNlIiwicGhhc2UiOiJzdXBwbGVtZW50X3B1Ymxpc2gifV1"
+ + "9XX0nCiAgICAgICAgcGhhc2VzLnZlc19zdXBwbGVtZW50LnN0cmVhbVBhdHRlcm46IC4qc2VjLWZhdWx0LioKICAgICAgICBkZWZhdWx0Q2F0YWxvZ3M6IGNvbS5hdHQuZ2ZwLmRjYWUuZXZlbnRQcm9jZXNzb3IuQ2F0YWxvZyxjb20uYXR0LmVjb21wLmRjYWUuZXZlbnRwcm9jLmNkYXAuY29tbW9uLnByb2Nl"
+ + "c3NvcnMuQ2F0YWxvZwogICAgICAgIHBvc3RDb25maWc6ICd7InBoYXNlIjoic3VwcGxlbWVudF9wdWJsaXNoIiwicHJvY2Vzc29ycyI6W3siY2xhc3MiOiJFdmVudFByb2Nlc3Nvck1ldHJpYyIsIm1ldHJpYyI6Im91dC5ldmVudHMifSx7ImNsYXNzIjoiU2VuZEV2ZW50IiwiY2hhbm5lbCI6IjI0MjU2LURDQ"
+ + "UUtU1VQUExFTUVOVC1FVkVOVC1PVVQtdjEifV19JwogICAgICAgIHBoYXNlcy5zdXBwbGVtZW50LnN0cmVhbVBhdHRlcm46IC4qc3VwcGxlbWVudC1pbi4qCmltcG9ydHM6IFtdCnRvc2NhX2RlZmluaXRpb25zX3ZlcnNpb246IHRvc2NhX3NpbXBsZV95YW1sXzFfMF8wCg==\","
+ +"\"models\":[{\"template\": \"dG9zY2FfZGVmaW5pdGlvbnNfdmVyc2lvbjogdG9zY2Ffc2ltcGxlX3lhbWxfMV8wXzANCm1ldGFkYXRhOg0KICB0ZW1wbGF0ZV9uYW1lOiBzdXBwbGVtZW50DQppbXBvcnRzOg0KLSBzY2hlbWE6IHNjaGVtYS55YW1sDQp0b3BvbG9neV90ZW1wbGF0ZToNCiAgaW5wdXRzO"
+ + "HJvcGVydGllczoNCiAgICAgICAgY29ubmVjdGVkX2Jyb2tlcl9kbnNfbmFtZToNCiAgICAgICAgICBnZXRfaW5wdXQ6IGNvbm5lY3RlZF9icm9rZXJfZG5zX25hbWUNCiAgICAgICAgZGVmYXVsdENhdGFsb2dzOiBjb20uYXR0LmdmcC5kY2FlLmV2ZW50UHJvY2Vzc29yLkNhdGFsb2csY29tLmF0dC5lY29tc"
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+ + "F1aXJlbWVudHM6DQogICAgLSBjb21wb3NpdGlvbjoNCiAgICAgICAgY2FwYWJpbGl0eTogZGNhZS5jYXBhYmlsaXRpZXMuY29tcG9zaXRpb24uaG9zdA0KICB0b3NjYS5kY2FlLm5vZGVzLmRtYWFwLnRvcGljOg0KICAgIGNhcGFiaWxpdGllczoNCiAgICAgIHRvcGljOg0KICAgICAgICB0eXBlOiBkY2FlLmN"
+ + "hcGFiaWxpdGllcy5kbW1hcC50b3BpYw0KICAgIGRlcml2ZWRfZnJvbTogdG9zY2EuZGNhZS5ub2Rlcy5Sb290DQogICAgcHJvcGVydGllczoNCiAgICAgIGFhZl9wYXNzd29yZDoNCiAgICAgICAgdHlwZTogc3RyaW5nDQogICAgICBhYWZfdXNlcm5hbWU6DQogICAgICAgIHR5cGU6IHN0cmluZw0KICAgICAg"
+ + "iAgICAtIGNvbXBvc2l0aW9uOg0KICAgICAgICBjYXBhYmlsaXR5OiBkY2FlLmNhcGFiaWxpdGllcy5jb21wb3NpdGlvbi5ob3N0DQogIHRvc2NhLmRjYWUubm9kZXMuZG9ja2VyQXBwOg0KICAgIGF0dHJpYnV0ZXM6DQogICAgICBzZXJ2aWNlX2NvbXBvbmVudF9uYW1lOg0KICAgICAgICB0eXBlOiBzdHJpb"
+ + "CAgICAgIHJlbGF0aW9uc2hpcDogZGNhZS5yZWxhdGlvbnNoaXBzLmNvbXBvbmVudF9jb250YWluZWRfaW4NCiAgICAtIGNvbXBvc2l0aW9uOg0KICAgICAgICBjYXBhYmlsaXR5OiBkY2FlLmNhcGFiaWxpdGllcy5jb21wb3NpdGlvbi5ob3N0DQogIHRvc2NhLmRjYWUubm9kZXMuZG9ja2VySG9zdDoNCiAgIC"
+ + "BjYXBhYmlsaXRpZXM6DQogICAgICBob3N0Og0KICAgICAgICB0eXBlOiBkY2FlLmNhcGFiaWxpdGllcy5kb2NrZXJIb3N0DQogICAgZGVyaXZlZF9mcm9tOiB0b3NjYS5kY2FlLm5vZGVzLlJvb3QNCiAgICBwcm9wZXJ0aWVzOg0KICAgICAgZG9ja2VyX2hvc3Rfb3ZlcnJpZGU6DQogICAgICAgIHR5cGU6IHN"
+ + "0cmluZw0KICAgICAgbG9jYXRpb25faWQ6DQogICAgICAgIHJlcXVpcmVkOiB0cnVlDQogICAgICAgIHR5cGU6IHN0cmluZw0KICAgIHJlcXVpcmVtZW50czoNCiAgICAtIGNvbXBvc2l0aW9uOg0KICAgICAgICBjYXBhYmlsaXR5OiBkY2FlLmNhcGFiaWxpdGllcy5jb21wb3NpdGlvbi5ob3N0DQogIHRvc2Nh"
+ + "LmRjYWUubm9kZXMucG9saWN5Og0KICAgIGNhcGFiaWxpdGllczoNCiAgICAgIHBvbGljeToNCiAgICAgICAgdHlwZTogZGNhZS5jYXBhYmlsaXRpZXMucG9saWN5DQogICAgZGVyaXZlZF9mcm9tOiB0b3NjYS5kY2FlLm5vZGVzLlJvb3QNCiAgICBwcm9wZXJ0aWVzOg0KICAgICAgcG9saWN5X2lkOg0KICAgI"
+ +"\"translate\": \"dG9zY2FfZGVmaW5pdGlvbnNfdmVyc2lvbjogdG9zY2Ffc2ltcGxlX3lhbWxfMV8wXzANCm1ldGFkYXRhOg0KICB0ZW1wbGF0ZV9uYW1lOiBzdXBwbGVtZW50X3RyYW5zbGF0ZQ0KaW1wb3J0czoNCi0gJzAnOiBodHRwOi8vZG9ja2VyY2VudHJhbC5pdC5hdHQuY29tOjgwOTMvbmV4dXMvcm"
+ + "Vwb3NpdG9yeS9yYXdjZW50cmFsL2NvbS5hdHQuZGNhZS5jb250cm9sbGVyL3R5cGVfZmlsZXMvZG9ja2VycGx1Z2luLzIuNC4wK3QuMC44L25vZGUtdHlwZS55YW1sDQotICcxJzogaHR0cDovL2RvY2tlcmNlbnRyYWwuaXQuYXR0LmNvbTo4MDkzL25leHVzL3JlcG9zaXRvcnkvcmF3Y2VudHJhbC9jb20uYXR0"
+ + "LmRjYWUuY29udHJvbGxlci90eXBlX2ZpbGVzL2RtYWFwLzEuMi4wK3QuMC45L2RtYWFwLnlhbWwNCi0gJzInOiBodHRwOi8vZG9ja2VyY2VudHJhbC5pdC5hdHQuY29tOjgwOTMvbmV4dXMvcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9yYXdjZW50cmFsL2NvbS5hdHQuZGNhZS5jb250cm9sbGVyL3R5cGVfZmlsZXMvcmVsYXRpb25za"
+ + "GlwLzEuMC4wK3QuMC4xL3JlbGF0aW9uc2hpcC10eXBlcy55YW1sDQp0b3BvbG9neV90ZW1wbGF0ZToNCiAgaW5wdXRzOg0KICAgIGNvbm5lY3RlZF9icm9rZXJfZG5zX25hbWU6DQogICAgICB0eXBlOiBzdHJpbmcNCiAgICAgIGRlZmF1bHQ6IGNkYXBfYnJva2VyDQogICAgZGVmYXVsdENhdGFsb2dzOg0KIC"
+ + "AgICAgdHlwZTogc3RyaW5nDQogICAgamFyX3VybDoNCiAgICAgIHR5cGU6IHN0cmluZw0KICAgIGpzb246DQogICAgICB0eXBlOiBzdHJpbmcNCiAgICBwaGFzZXMuc3VwcGxlbWVudC5waGFzZU5hbWU6DQogICAgICB0eXBlOiBzdHJpbmcNCiAgICBwaGFzZXMuc3VwcGxlbWVudC5zdHJlYW1QYXR0ZXJuOg0"
+ + "KICAgICAgdHlwZTogc3RyaW5nDQogICAgcGhhc2VzLnZlc19zdXBwbGVtZW50LnBoYXNlTmFtZToNCiAgICAgIHR5cGU6IHN0cmluZw0KICAgIHBoYXNlcy52ZXNfc3VwcGxlbWVudC5zdHJlYW1QYXR0ZXJuOg0KICAgICAgdHlwZTogc3RyaW5nDQogICAgcG9zdENvbmZpZzoNCiAgICAgIHR5cGU6IHN0cmlu"
+ + "Zw0KICAgIHNlcnZpY2VfY29tcG9uZW50X3R5cGU6DQogICAgICB0eXBlOiBzdHJpbmcNCiAgc3Vic3RpdHV0aW9uX21hcHBpbmdzOg0KICAgIG5vZGVfdHlwZTogdG9zY2EuZGNhZS5ub2Rlcy5jZGFwQXBwLnN1cHBsZW1lbnQNCiAgICBjYXBhYmlsaXRpZXM6DQogICAgICBzdHJlYW1fc3Vic2NyaWJlXzA6D"
+ + "CAganNvbjoNCiAgICAgICAgICAgIGdldF9pbnB1dDoganNvbg0KICAgICAgICAgIHBoYXNlcy5zdXBwbGVtZW50LnBoYXNlTmFtZToNCiAgICAgICAgICAgIGdldF9pbnB1dDogcGhhc2VzLnN1cHBsZW1lbnQucGhhc2VOYW1lDQogICAgICAgICAgcGhhc2VzLnN1cHBsZW1lbnQuc3RyZWFtUGF0dGVybjoNCi"
+ + "VzX3N1cHBsZW1lbnQuc3RyZWFtUGF0dGVybjoNCiAgICAgICAgICAgIGdldF9pbnB1dDogcGhhc2VzLnZlc19zdXBwbGVtZW50LnN0cmVhbVBhdHRlcm4NCiAgICAgICAgICBwb3N0Q29uZmlnOg0KICAgICAgICAgICAgZ2V0X2lucHV0OiBwb3N0Q29uZmlnDQogICAgICAgIGFydGlmYWN0X25hbWU6IGRjYWU"
+ + "tZXZlbnQtcHJvYy1jZGFwLXN1cHBsZW1lbnQNCiAgICAgICAgYXJ0aWZhY3RfdmVyc2lvbjogMS4wLjE2DQogICAgICAgIGNvbm5lY3Rpb25zOg0KICAgICAgICAgIHN0cmVhbXNfcHVibGlzaGVzOiBbXQ0KICAgICAgICAgIHN0cmVhbXNfc3Vic2NyaWJlczogW10NCiAgICAgICAgamFyX3VybDogaHR0cDo"
+ + "vL21hdmVuY2VudHJhbC5pdC5hdHQuY29tOjgwODQvbmV4dXMvY29udGVudC9yZXBvc2l0b3JpZXMvYXR0LXJlcG9zaXRvcnktcmVsZWFzZXMvY29tL2F0dC9lY29tcC9kY2FlL2V2ZW50cHJvYy9kY2FlLWV2ZW50LXByb2MtY2RhcC1zdXBwbGVtZW50LzEuMC4xNi9kY2FlLWV2ZW50LXByb2MtY2RhcC1zdXB"
+ + "wbGVtZW50LTEuMC4xNi5qYXINCiAgICAgICAgbmFtZXNwYWNlOiBldmVudF9wcm9jX3N1cHBsZW1lbnQNCiAgICAgICAgcHJvZ3JhbXM6DQogICAgICAgIC0gcHJvZ3JhbV9pZDogc3VwcGxlbWVudE1TV29ya2VyDQogICAgICAgICAgcHJvZ3JhbV90eXBlOiB3b3JrZXJzDQogICAgICAgIHNlcnZpY2VfY29"
+ + "tcG9uZW50X3R5cGU6IGNkYXBfYXBwX3N1cHBsZW1lbnQNCiAgICAgICAgc3RyZWFtbmFtZTogaW5wdXRfc3RyZWFtDQogICAgICBpbnRlcmZhY2VzOg0KICAgICAgICBjbG91ZGlmeS5pbnRlcmZhY2VzLmxpZmVjeWNsZToNCiAgICAgICAgICB0eXBlOiB0b3NjYS5pbnRlcmZhY2VzLlJvb3QNCiAgICAgICA"
+ + "gICBjcmVhdGU6DQogICAgICAgICAgICBpbnB1dHM6DQogICAgICAgICAgICAgIGNvbm5lY3RlZF9icm9rZXJfZG5zX25hbWU6DQogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgZ2V0X2lucHV0OiBjb25uZWN0ZWRfYnJva2VyX2Ruc19uYW1lDQo=\"}]}";
+ private String expectedOutput = "tosca_definitions_version: cloudify_dsl_1_3\nimports:\n-\n"
+ + "-\n-\n"
+ + "inputs:\n sup.supplement_n.1525781976500.8_connected_broker_dns_name:\n"
+ + " type: string\n default: cdap_broker\nnode_templates:\n sup.supplement_n.1525781976500.8_supplement:\n type: dcae.nodes.MicroService.cdap\n properties:\n app_config:\n "
+ + "description: Supplement Microservice\n eventFactory: ''\n monitorThreads: true\n name: supplementMS\n ruleKeyPattern: vnfTypes.*\n startNoChannels: false\n app_preferences:\n"
+ + " defaultCatalogs: com.att.gfp.dcae.eventProcessor.Catalog,com.att.ecomp.dcae.eventproc.cdap.common.processors.Catalog\n defaultObjects: ''\n dmaapConsumerGrp: DCAE-CDAP-SUPPLEMENT-MS\n "
+ + "json: '{\"processing\":[{\"phase\":\"supplement\",\"filter\":{\"class\":\"OneOf\",\"field\":\"event.commonEventHeader.eventType\",\"values\":[\"vPCRF_Alarms\",\"vMoG_Alarms\",\"applicationVnf\",\"GuestOS_Alarms\",\"Control\"]},"
+ + "\"processors\":[{\"class\":\"LogText\",\"logLevel\":\"INFO\",\"logText\":\"Entering supplement Phase - FILTER parameter - ${event.commonEventHeader.eventType}\"},{\"class\":\"DateFormatter\","
+ + "\"value\":\"${event.commonEventHeader.startEpochMicrosec}\",\"fromFormat\":\"#ms\",\"fromTz\":\"GMT\",\"toField\":\"event.commonEventHeader.internalHeaderFields.firstDatetime\",\"toFormat\":\"EEE, dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz\","
+ + "\"toTz\":\"GMT\"},{\"class\":\"DateFormatter\",\"value\":\"${event.commonEventHeader.lastEpochMicrosec}\",\"fromFormat\":\"#ms\",\"fromTz\":\"GMT\",\"toField\":\"event.commonEventHeader.internalHeaderFields.lastDatetime\","
+ + "\"toFormat\":\"EEE, dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz\",\"toTz\":\"GMT\"},{\"class\":\"DateFormatter\",\"value\":\"%{}\",\"fromFormat\":\"#ms\",\"fromTz\":\"GMT\","
+ + "\"toField\":\"event.commonEventHeader.internalHeaderFields.collectorTimeStamp\",\"toFormat\":\"EEE, dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz\",\"toTz\":\"GMT\"},{\"class\":\"Set\",\"updates\":"
+ + "{\"event.commonEventHeader.internalHeaderFields.internalHeaderFieldsVersion\":\"9.9\",\"event.commonEventHeader.internalHeaderFields.eventTag\":\"${hp.tag}\"}}]},{\"phase\":\"supplement\",\"processors\":[{\"class\":\"LogEventPretty\","
+ + "\"title\":\"Supplement_Event_Parsed:\",\"logName\":\"com.att.gfp.dcae.eventProcessor.output\"},{\"class\":\"RunPhase\",\"phase\":\"supplement_publish\"}]},{\"phase\":\"ves_supplement\",\"filter\":{\"class\":\"OneOf\","
+ + "\"field\":\"event.commonEventHeader.eventType\",\"values\":[\"vIRC_Alarms\"]},\"processors\":[{\"class\":\"RunPhase\",\"phase\":\"supplement_publish\"}]}]}'\n phases.supplement.phaseName: supplement\n "
+ + "phases.supplement.streamPattern: .*supplement-in.*\n phases.ves_supplement.phaseName: ves_supplement\n phases.ves_supplement.streamPattern: .*sec-fault.*\n postConfig: '{\"phase\":\"supplement_publish\","
+ + "\"processors\":[{\"class\":\"EventProcessorMetric\",\"metric\":\"\"},{\"class\":\"SendEvent\",\"channel\":\"24256-DCAE-SUPPLEMENT-EVENT-OUT-v1\"}]}'\n artifact_name: dcae-event-proc-cdap-supplement\n "
+ + "artifact_version: 1.0.16\n connections:\n streams_publishes: []\n streams_subscribes: []\n "
+ + "jar_url:\n "
+ + "namespace: event_proc_supplement\n programs:\n - program_id: supplementMSWorker\n program_type: workers\n service_component_type: cdap_app_supplement\n streamname: input_stream\n interfaces:\n"
+ + " cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:\n create:\n inputs:\n connected_broker_dns_name:\n get_input: sup.supplement_n.1525781976500.8_connected_broker_dns_name\n";
+ @Test
+ // already covered by HealthCheckTest since ToscaLab healthCheck is a component in the DCAE BE aggregated healthCheck
+ public void healthCheckSuccessTest() throws IOException{
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.getToscaLabHealthCheck();
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "HealthCheck response: " + res.getResponse());
+ HealthResponse hc = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(),HealthResponse.class);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ assertThat(hc.getHealthCheckComponent()).isEqualTo("TOSCA_LAB");
+ assertThat(hc.getHealthCheckStatus()).isEqualTo("UP");
+ assertThat(hc.getDescription()).isEqualTo("OK");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void translateToBlueprintSuccessTest() throws IOException {
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.translateModelToBlueprint(validInput);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "Blueprint result: " + res.getResponse());
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedOutput);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void invalidInputFailureTest() throws IOException {
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.translateModelToBlueprint("{\"template\":\"aW52YWxpZCBUb3NjYQ==\"}");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "Blueprint result: " + res.getResponse());
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(500);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/
index 0193df1..00b3f31 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/
@@ -1,27 +1,24 @@
-import java.lang.reflect.Type;
-import java.util.List;
+import com.aventstack.extentreports.Status;
import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertions;
import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.model.Model;
-import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
+import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.model.Node;
+import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.canvas.DcaeComponentCatalog;
+import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.sdc.Resource;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
-import com.aventstack.extentreports.Status;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
public class CompositionElementsControllerTests extends DcaeRestBaseTest {
@@ -30,57 +27,24 @@ public class CompositionElementsControllerTests extends DcaeRestBaseTest {
public void test_getAllElements() throws IOException{
Report.log(Status.INFO, "test_getAllElements start");
- RestResponse response = DcaeRestClient.getElements();
+ RestResponse response = DcaeRestClient.getCatalog();
Report.log(Status.INFO, "getElements response=%s", response);
- JsonElement getElementJsonResponse = getElementsJson(response);
- Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Element>>(){}.getType();
- List<Element> responseData = gson.fromJson(getElementJsonResponse, listType);
- SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> {
- softly.assertThat(response.getStatusCode()).as("response status").isEqualTo(200);
- softly.assertThat(getElementJsonResponse.toString()).isNotEmpty();
- softly.assertThat(responseData).extracting("itemId")
- .containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Policy","Utility","Microservice","Database","Collector","Analytics","Source");
- });
- }
- @DataProvider(name="item")
- public static Object[][] allElementsItems() throws IOException{
- RestResponse response = DcaeRestClient.getElements();
- JsonElement getElementJsonResponse = getElementsJson(response);
- Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Element>>(){}.getType();
- List<Element> responseData = gson.fromJson(getElementJsonResponse, listType);
- return responseData
- .stream()
- .map(x -> new Object[]{ x.getItemId() } )
- .collect(Collectors.toList())
- .toArray(new Object[responseData.size()][1]);
- }
- @Test(dataProvider ="item")
- public void test_getAllElementsByItemId(String itemName) throws IOException{
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "test_getAllElementsByItemId start");
- RestResponse response = DcaeRestClient.getItem(itemName);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getItem response=%s", response);
+ DcaeComponentCatalog getCatalogResponse = gson.fromJson(response.getResponse(), DcaeComponentCatalog.class);
SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> {
softly.assertThat(response.getStatusCode()).as("response status").isEqualTo(200);
+ softly.assertThat(getCatalogResponse.toString()).isNotEmpty();
+ softly.assertThat(Arrays.asList("Policy","Utility","Microservice","Database","Collector","Analytics","Source"))
+ .containsAll(getCatalogResponse.getElements().stream().map(DcaeComponentCatalog.SubCategoryFolder::getItemId).collect(Collectors.toList()));
public void test_getModelData() throws IOException{
Report.log(Status.INFO, "test_getModelData start");
- RestResponse responseGetElements = DcaeRestClient.getElements();
- JsonElement obj = getElementsJson(responseGetElements);
- String elementItemName = getElementItemName(obj);
- RestResponse responseElementsItem = DcaeRestClient.getItem(elementItemName);
- JsonElement elementsById = parser.parse(responseElementsItem.getResponse());
- JsonElement itemData = elementsById.getAsJsonObject().get("data").getAsJsonObject().get("element").getAsJsonObject().get("items");
- String elemId = getElementItemID(itemData);
+ DcaeComponentCatalog getCatalogResponse = gson.fromJson(DcaeRestClient.getCatalog().getResponse(), DcaeComponentCatalog.class);
+ List<Resource> itemsData = getCatalogResponse.getElements().stream().filter(p -> DcaeTestConstants.Composition.Microservice.equals(p.getItemId())).findAny().get().getItems();
+ String elemId = -> "map".equalsIgnoreCase(p.getName())).findAny().get().getUuid();
Report.log(Status.INFO, "test_getModelData start");
RestResponse response = DcaeRestClient.getItemModel(elemId);
@@ -97,21 +61,15 @@ public class CompositionElementsControllerTests extends DcaeRestBaseTest {
public void test_getTypeData() throws IOException{
Report.log(Status.INFO, "test_getTypeData start");
- RestResponse responseGetElements = DcaeRestClient.getElements();
- JsonElement obj = getElementsJson(responseGetElements);
- String elementItemName = getElementItemName(obj);
- RestResponse responseElementsItem = DcaeRestClient.getItem(elementItemName);
- JsonElement elementsById = parser.parse(responseElementsItem.getResponse());
- JsonElement itemData = elementsById.getAsJsonObject().get("data").getAsJsonObject().get("element").getAsJsonObject().get("items");
- String elemId = getElementItemID(itemData);
+ DcaeComponentCatalog getCatalogResponse = gson.fromJson(DcaeRestClient.getCatalog().getResponse(), DcaeComponentCatalog.class);
+ List<Resource> itemsData = getCatalogResponse.getElements().stream().filter(p -> DcaeTestConstants.Composition.Microservice.equals(p.getItemId())).findAny().get().getItems();
+ String elemId = -> "map".equalsIgnoreCase(p.getName())).findAny().get().getUuid();
RestResponse responseModel = DcaeRestClient.getItemModel(elemId);
JsonElement jsonRes = parser.parse(responseModel.getResponse());
JsonElement jsonModel = jsonRes.getAsJsonObject().get("data").getAsJsonObject().get("model").getAsJsonObject();
Model model = gson.fromJson(jsonModel, Model.class);
List<String> nodesDataTypes = model.getNodes().stream()
- .map(y -> y.getType())
+ .map(Node::getType)
nodesDataTypes.forEach(z -> Report.log(Status.INFO, "All types inside model: " + z));
@@ -126,26 +84,14 @@ public class CompositionElementsControllerTests extends DcaeRestBaseTest {
- /**************** nagative ***************/
- @Test
- public void test_getAllElementsByNonExistItemId() throws IOException{
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "test_getAllElementsByNonExistItemId start");
- RestResponse response = DcaeRestClient.getItem("notExist");
- JsonElement elementsById = parser.parse(response.getResponse());
- JsonElement exception = elementsById.getAsJsonObject().get("error").getAsJsonObject().get("exception");
- SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> {
- softly.assertThat(response.getStatusCode()).as("response status").isEqualTo(200);
- softly.assertThat(exception.toString()).isNotEmpty();
- });
- }
+ /**************** negative ***************/
public void test_getErrorNonExistingModelData() throws IOException{
Report.log(Status.INFO, "test_getErrorNonExistingModelData start");
RestResponse response = DcaeRestClient.getItemModel("notExist");
- JsonElement elementsById = parser.parse(response.getResponse());
- JsonElement exception = elementsById.getAsJsonObject().get("error");
+ JsonElement error = parser.parse(response.getResponse());
+ JsonElement exception = error.getAsJsonObject().get("requestError");
SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> {
softly.assertThat(response.getStatusCode()).as("response status").isEqualTo(500);
@@ -157,44 +103,13 @@ public class CompositionElementsControllerTests extends DcaeRestBaseTest {
public void test_getErrorNonExistingItemType() throws IOException{
Report.log(Status.INFO, "test_getErrorNonExistingItemType start");
RestResponse response = DcaeRestClient.getItemType("notExistId","nonType");
- JsonElement elementsById = parser.parse(response.getResponse());
- JsonElement exception = elementsById.getAsJsonObject().get("error");
+ JsonElement error = parser.parse(response.getResponse());
+ JsonElement exception = error.getAsJsonObject().get("requestError");
SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> {
softly.assertThat(response.getStatusCode()).as("response status").isEqualTo(500);
- /******************** private ********************/
- private static JsonElement getElementsJson(RestResponse response) {
- JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
- JsonElement element = parser.parse(response.getResponse());
- JsonElement obj = element.getAsJsonObject().get("data").getAsJsonObject().get("elements");
- return obj;
- }
- private String getElementItemName(JsonElement obj) {
- Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Element>>(){}.getType();
- List<Element> fromJson = gson.fromJson(obj, listType);
- List<Element> collect =>x.getName().equals("Microservice")).collect(Collectors.toList());
- Element element = collect.get(0);
- String elementItemName = element.getName();
- return elementItemName;
- }
- private String getElementItemID(JsonElement data) {
- Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Item>>(){}.getType();
- List<Item> elementsItemFoi = gson.fromJson(data, listType);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getElementItemID for map");
- List<Item> foiItemData =>x.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("map")).collect(Collectors.toList());
- if(foiItemData!=null && foiItemData.size()>0){
- Item item = foiItemData.get(0);
- String elemId = item.getItemId();
- return elemId;
- }else{
- Report.log(Status.ERROR, "getElementItemID for map failed. Does the CI environment has map component in it??");
- return null;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/
index 9808400..6847b16 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/
@@ -27,30 +27,13 @@ public class CompositionMicroServicesApiTests extends DcaeRestBaseTest {
public void getAllElementsTest() throws IOException, ParseException{
Report.log(Status.INFO, "getAllElementsTest start");
- RestResponse services = DcaeRestClient.getElements();
+ RestResponse services = DcaeRestClient.getCatalog();
Report.log(Status.INFO, "getAllElementsTest response=%s", services);
String response = services.getResponse();
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
JSONObject o = (JSONObject) parser.parse(response);
- JSONObject ele = (JSONObject) o.get("data");
- String arrString = ele.get("elements").toString();
- assertThat(arrString)
- .as("Check that elements not empty")
- .isNotEmpty();
- }
- @Test
- public void getMsElementsTest() throws IOException, ParseException{
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getMsElementsTest start");
- RestResponse services = DcaeUtil.SdcElementsModelType.getMsElements();
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getMsElementsTest response=%s", services);
- assertThat(services.getStatusCode().intValue()).isEqualTo(200);
- String response = services.getResponse();
- JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
- JSONObject o = (JSONObject) parser.parse(response);
- JSONObject ele = (JSONObject) o.get("data");
- String arrString = ele.get("element").toString();
+ String arrString = o.get("elements").toString();
.as("Check that elements not empty")
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/
index 566a028..f2d7a24 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/composition/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import;
import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.CreateMcResponse;
import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.CreateVFCMTRequest;
import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.MonitoringComponent;
+import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.VfcmtData;
import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.sdc.Resource;
import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.sdc.ResourceDetailed;
@@ -113,4 +114,63 @@ public class SaveAndSubmitCompositionFullFlowTest extends DcaeRestBaseTest {
+ @Test
+ public void certifiedMcCheckoutAndBindToServiceSuccessTest() throws IOException {
+ CreateVFCMTRequest request = new CreateVFCMTRequest();
+ // If you crashed here (below) it is because your environment has no Base Monitoring Templates
+ request.setTemplateUuid(baseTemplate.getUuid());
+ Service service = createServiceWithVFiAsSdcDesigner();
+ request.setVfiName(service.getResources().get(0).getResourceInstanceName());
+ request.setServiceUuid(service.getUuid());
+ DcaeRestClient.fillCreateMcRequestMandatoryFields(request);
+ RestResponse response = DcaeRestClient.createMc(gson.toJson(request));
+ assertThat(response.getStatusCode())
+ .as("status code")
+ .isEqualTo(200);
+ CreateMcResponse mcResponse = gson.fromJson(response.getResponse(), CreateMcResponse.class);
+ String initialUuid = mcResponse.getVfcmt().getUuid();
+ response = DcaeRestClient.getLatestMcUuid(request.getContextType(), request.getServiceUuid(), request.getVfiName(), initialUuid);
+ assertThat(response.getStatusCode())
+ .as("status code")
+ .isEqualTo(200);
+ VfcmtData getLatestUuidRes = gson.fromJson(response.getResponse(), VfcmtData.class);
+ assertThat(initialUuid).isEqualTo(getLatestUuidRes.getUuid());
+ response = DcaeRestClient.getServiceExternalReferences(service.getUuid(), service.getVersion());
+ assertThat(response.getStatusCode())
+ .as("status code")
+ .isEqualTo(200);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "Verify service vfi only references initial mc version");
+ Type typeToken = new TypeToken<Map<String, List<MonitoringComponent>>>(){}.getType();
+ Map<String, List<MonitoringComponent>> monitoringComponents = gson.fromJson(response.getResponse(), typeToken);
+ assertThat(monitoringComponents.get("monitoringComponents").size()).isEqualTo(1);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "About to submit the composition");
+ response = DcaeRestClient.submitComposition(request.getServiceUuid(), request.getVfiName(), initialUuid);
+ assertThat(response.getStatusCode())
+ .as("status code")
+ .isEqualTo(200);
+ response = DcaeRestClient.getLatestMcUuid(request.getContextType(), request.getServiceUuid(), request.getVfiName(), initialUuid);
+ assertThat(response.getStatusCode())
+ .as("status code")
+ .isEqualTo(200);
+ getLatestUuidRes = gson.fromJson(response.getResponse(), VfcmtData.class);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "Verify latest Mc uuid is not the initial one");
+ assertThat(initialUuid).isNotEqualTo(getLatestUuidRes.getUuid());
+ response = DcaeRestClient.getServiceExternalReferences(service.getUuid(), service.getVersion());
+ assertThat(response.getStatusCode())
+ .as("status code")
+ .isEqualTo(200);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "Verify service vfi has references to both mc versions");
+ monitoringComponents = gson.fromJson(response.getResponse(), typeToken);
+ assertThat(monitoringComponents.get("monitoringComponents").size()).isEqualTo(2);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/configuration/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/configuration/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62e7e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/configuration/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import com.aventstack.extentreports.Status;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
+public class ConfigurationControllerApiTest extends DcaeRestBaseTest {
+ @Test
+ public void getFlowTypesAndConfiguredPhases() throws IOException {
+ String entryPhase = "entryPhase";
+ String publishPhase = "publishPhase";
+ RestResponse response = DcaeRestClient.getConfiguredFlowTypes();
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "get flowTypes response=%s", response);
+ assertThat(response.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ String flowType = gson.fromJson(response.getResponse(),JsonObject.class).get("flowTypes").getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsString();
+ response = DcaeRestClient.getConfiguredPhasesByFlowType(flowType);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "get phases by flowType %s response=%s", flowType, response);
+ assertThat(response.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ JsonObject phases = gson.fromJson(response.getResponse(), JsonObject.class);
+ assertThat(phases.get(entryPhase)).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(phases.get(publishPhase)).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(phases.get(entryPhase).getAsString()).isNotEqualTo("");
+ assertThat(phases.get(publishPhase).getAsString()).isNotEqualTo("");
+ response = DcaeRestClient.getConfiguredPhasesByFlowType("noSuchFlowType");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "get phases by none existing flowType response=%s", response);
+ assertThat(response.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ phases = gson.fromJson(response.getResponse(), JsonObject.class);
+ assertThat(phases.get(entryPhase)).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(phases.get(publishPhase)).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(phases.get(entryPhase).getAsString()).isEqualTo("");
+ assertThat(phases.get(publishPhase).getAsString()).isEqualTo("");
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/ruleEditor/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/ruleEditor/
index 45de16a..8d91ce7 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/ruleEditor/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/api/tests/ruleEditor/
@@ -1,353 +1,517 @@
+import com.aventstack.extentreports.Status;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
+import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertions;
-import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.vfcmt.Vfcmt;
-import com.aventstack.extentreports.Status;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.ruleeditor.MappingRules;
import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.ruleeditor.Rule;
+import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.ruleeditor.TranslateRequest;
+import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.util.DcaeBeConstants;
+import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.vfcmt.Vfcmt;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
-import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertions;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import static;
-import java.util.List;
public class RuleEditorControllerTest extends DcaeRestBaseTest {
- private String ruleRequestBody =
- "{version:4.1,eventType:syslogFields,description:newRule,actions:[{from:{value:fromField,regex:\"\"},,id:id,actionType:copy},"
- + "{actionType:concat,from:{values:[{value:concat1},{value:_concat2}]},target:concatTargetField},{actionType:copy,from:{value:extractFromHere,regex:\"([^:]*):.*\"},target:regexTargetField},"
- + "{actionType:\"Log Text\",logText:{text:\"some text\",level:WARN}},{actionType:CLear,from:{values:[{value:first_input},{value:second_input}]}},"
- + "{actionType:map,from:{value:fromField},target:mapTargetField,map:{values:[{key:sourceVal1,value:targetVal1},{key:sourceVal2,value:targetVal2}],haveDefault:true,default:'\"\"'}},"
- + "{actionType:\"Date Formatter\",id:98908,from:{value:\"${dateFormatterFrom}\"},target:dateFormatterTarget,dateFormatter:{toTimezone:UVW,fromTimezone:XYZ,fromFormat:inputFormat,toFormat:outputFormat}},"
- + "{actionType:\"Log Event\",id:465456,logEvent:{title:\"some log title\"}},{actionType:\"Replace Text\",from:{value:fromField},replaceText:{find:findText,replace:replacement}}],"
- + "condition:{left:\"${leftOperand}\",operator:contains,right:[rightOperand1,rightOperand2]}}";
+ private String notifyOid = ".";
+ private String ruleRequestBody =
+ "{version:4.1,eventType:syslogFields,notifyId:.,description:newRule,actions:[{from:{state:closed,value:fromField,regex:\"\"},,id:id,actionType:copy},"
+ + "{actionType:concat,id:id1,from:{state:closed,values:[{value:concat1},{value:_concat2}]},target:concatTargetField},{actionType:copy,id:id2,from:{state:open,value:extractFromHere,regex:\"([^:]*):.*\"},target:regexTargetField},"
+ + "{actionType:\"Log Text\",id:id3,logText:{text:\"some text\",level:WARN}},{actionType:CLear,id:id4,from:{state:closed,values:[{value:first_input},{value:second_input}]}},"
+ + "{actionType:map,id:id5,from:{state:closed,value:fromField},target:mapTargetField,map:{values:[{key:sourceVal1,value:targetVal1},{key:sourceVal2,value:targetVal2}],haveDefault:true,default:'\"\"'}},"
+ + "{actionType:\"Date Formatter\",id:98908,from:{state:closed,value:\"${dateFormatterFrom}\"},target:dateFormatterTarget,dateFormatter:{toTimezone:UVW,fromTimezone:XYZ,fromFormat:inputFormat,toFormat:outputFormat}},"
+ + "{actionType:\"Log Event\",id:465456,logEvent:{title:\"some log title\"}},{actionType:\"Replace Text\",id:id6,from:{state:closed,value:fromField},replaceText:{find:findText,replace:replacement}},"
+ + "{actionType:\"Clear NSF\",id:id6,from:{state:closed,values:[{value:single_input}]}},{actionType:\"hp metric\",id:7776,selectedHpMetric:xxxxxxx},"
+ + "{actionType:\"string Transform\",id:76,target:targetField,stringTransform:{startValue:source,targetCase:same,isTrimString:true}},"
+ + "{actionType:\"Topology Search\",id:76,search:{searchField:sourceToSearch,searchValue:\"${whatever}\",radio:'',searchFilter:{left:leftO,right:[rightO],operator:OneOf},enrich:{fields:[{value:e_field1},{value:e_field2}],prefix:e_prefix}}},"
+ + "{actionType:\"Topology Search\",id:746,search:{searchField:sourceToSearch,searchValue:\"${whatever}\",radio:updates,enrich:{fields:[],prefix:''},updates:[{key:firstKey,value:firstValue},{key:secondKey,value:secondValue}]}}],"
+ + "condition:{id:idc,level:0,name:elvis,left:\"${leftOperand}\",operator:contains,right:[rightOperand1,rightOperand2]}}";
- @Test
- public void saveNewMappingRulesArtifactSuccessTest() throws Exception {
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "test start");
- Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
- JsonObject jsonRes = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class);
- assertThat(jsonRes.get("version").getAsString()).isEqualTo("4.1");
- assertThat(jsonRes.get("eventType").getAsString()).isEqualTo("syslogFields");
- assertThat(jsonRes.get("uid")).isNotNull();
- String expectedArtifactName = "map_n.1.map_param1_MappingRules.json";
- Artifact savedArtifact = fetchVfcmtArtifactMetadataByName(vfcmt.getUuid(), expectedArtifactName);
- assertThat(savedArtifact).isNotNull();
- }
+ @Test
+ public void saveNewMappingRulesArtifactSuccessTest() throws Exception {
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "test start");
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ JsonObject jsonRes = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class);
+ assertThat(jsonRes.get("version").getAsString()).isEqualTo("4.1");
+ assertThat(jsonRes.get("eventType").getAsString()).isEqualTo("syslogFields");
+ assertThat(jsonRes.get("uid")).isNotNull();
+ String expectedArtifactName = "map_n.1.map_param1_MappingRules.json";
+ Artifact savedArtifact = fetchVfcmtArtifactMetadataByName(vfcmt.getUuid(), expectedArtifactName);
+ assertThat(savedArtifact).isNotNull();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void translateMappingRuleWithAllActionTypesSuccessTest() throws Exception {
+ String expectedTranslation = "{\"processing\":[{\"phase\":\"foi_map\",\"processors\":[{\"phase\":\"%s\",\"class\":\"RunPhase\"}]},"
+ + "{\"phase\":\"%s\",\"filter\":{\"filters\":[{\"string\":\"${leftOperand}\",\"value\":\"rightOperand1\",\"class\":\"Contains\"},"
+ + "{\"string\":\"${leftOperand}\",\"value\":\"rightOperand2\",\"class\":\"Contains\"}],\"class\":\"Or\"},"
+ + "\"processors\":[{\"updates\":{\"\":\"fromField\",\"concatTargetField\":\"concat1_concat2\"},\"class\":\"Set\"},"
+ + "{\"regex\":\"([^:]*):.*\",\"field\":\"regexTargetField\",\"value\":\"extractFromHere\",\"class\":\"ExtractText\"},"
+ + "{\"logLevel\":\"WARN\",\"logText\":\"some text\",\"class\":\"LogText\"},{\"fields\":[\"first_input\",\"second_input\"],\"class\":\"Clear\"},"
+ + "{\"map\":{\"sourceVal1\":\"targetVal1\",\"sourceVal2\":\"targetVal2\"},\"field\":\"fromField\",\"toField\":\"mapTargetField\",\"default\":\"\",\"class\":\"MapAlarmValues\"},"
+ + "{\"fromFormat\":\"inputFormat\",\"fromTz\":\"XYZ\",\"toField\":\"dateFormatterTarget\",\"toFormat\":\"outputFormat\",\"toTz\":\"UVW\",\"value\":\"${dateFormatterFrom}\",\"class\":\"DateFormatter\"},"
+ + "{\"title\":\"some log title\",\"class\":\"LogEvent\"},{\"field\":\"fromField\",\"find\":\"findText\",\"replace\":\"replacement\",\"class\":\"ReplaceText\"},{\"reservedFields\":[\"single_input\"],\"class\":\"ClearNoneStandardFields\"},"
+ + "{\"updates\":{\"parserType\":\"xxxxxxx\"},\"class\":\"Set\"},{\"targetCase\":\"same\",\"trim\":\"true\",\"toField\":\"targetField\",\"class\":\"StringTransform\"},"
+ + "{\"searchField\":\"sourceToSearch\",\"searchValue\":\"${whatever}\",\"searchFilter\":{\"field\":\"leftO\",\"values\":[\"rightO\"],\"class\":\"OneOf\"},\"enrichFields\":[\"e_field1\",\"e_field2\"],\"enrichPrefix\":\"e_prefix\",\"class\":\"TopoSearch\"},"
+ + "{\"searchField\":\"sourceToSearch\",\"searchValue\":\"${whatever}\",\"updates\":{\"firstKey\":\"firstValue\",\"secondKey\":\"secondValue\",\"isEnriched\":true},\"class\":\"TopoSearch\"},{\"phase\":\"map_publish\",\"class\":\"RunPhase\"}]}]}";
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ String name = vfcmt.getName();
+ saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ TranslateRequest request = new TranslateRequest(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1", null);
+ request.setPublishPhase("map_publish");
+ request.setEntryPhase("foi_map");
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.translateRules(gson.toJson(request));
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "translateRules response= "+res);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(String.format(expectedTranslation, name, name, name));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void translateSnmpMappingRuleWithAllActionTypesAndNotifyOidSuccessTest() throws Exception {
+ String expectedTranslation = "{\"processing\":[{\"phase\":\"snmp_map\",\"filter\":{\"string\":\"${notify OID}\",\"value\":\".\",\"class\":\"StartsWith\"},"
+ + "\"processors\":[{\"array\":\"varbinds\",\"datacolumn\":\"varbind_value\",\"keycolumn\":\"varbind_oid\",\"class\":\"SnmpConvertor\"},"
+ + "{\"phase\":\"%s\",\"class\":\"RunPhase\"}]},{\"phase\":\"%s\",\"filter\":{\"filters\":[{\"string\":\"${leftOperand}\",\"value\":\"rightOperand1\",\"class\":\"Contains\"},"
+ + "{\"string\":\"${leftOperand}\",\"value\":\"rightOperand2\",\"class\":\"Contains\"}],\"class\":\"Or\"},"
+ + "\"processors\":[{\"updates\":{\"\":\"fromField\",\"concatTargetField\":\"concat1_concat2\"},\"class\":\"Set\"},"
+ + "{\"regex\":\"([^:]*):.*\",\"field\":\"regexTargetField\",\"value\":\"extractFromHere\",\"class\":\"ExtractText\"},"
+ + "{\"logLevel\":\"WARN\",\"logText\":\"some text\",\"class\":\"LogText\"},{\"fields\":[\"first_input\",\"second_input\"],\"class\":\"Clear\"},"
+ + "{\"map\":{\"sourceVal1\":\"targetVal1\",\"sourceVal2\":\"targetVal2\"},\"field\":\"fromField\",\"toField\":\"mapTargetField\",\"default\":\"\",\"class\":\"MapAlarmValues\"},"
+ + "{\"fromFormat\":\"inputFormat\",\"fromTz\":\"XYZ\",\"toField\":\"dateFormatterTarget\",\"toFormat\":\"outputFormat\",\"toTz\":\"UVW\",\"value\":\"${dateFormatterFrom}\",\"class\":\"DateFormatter\"},"
+ + "{\"title\":\"some log title\",\"class\":\"LogEvent\"},{\"field\":\"fromField\",\"find\":\"findText\",\"replace\":\"replacement\",\"class\":\"ReplaceText\"},{\"reservedFields\":[\"single_input\"],\"class\":\"ClearNoneStandardFields\"},"
+ + "{\"updates\":{\"parserType\":\"xxxxxxx\"},\"class\":\"Set\"},{\"targetCase\":\"same\",\"trim\":\"true\",\"toField\":\"targetField\",\"class\":\"StringTransform\"},"
+ + "{\"searchField\":\"sourceToSearch\",\"searchValue\":\"${whatever}\",\"searchFilter\":{\"field\":\"leftO\",\"values\":[\"rightO\"],\"class\":\"OneOf\"},\"enrichFields\":[\"e_field1\",\"e_field2\"],\"enrichPrefix\":\"e_prefix\",\"class\":\"TopoSearch\"},"
+ + "{\"searchField\":\"sourceToSearch\",\"searchValue\":\"${whatever}\",\"updates\":{\"firstKey\":\"firstValue\",\"secondKey\":\"secondValue\",\"isEnriched\":true},\"class\":\"TopoSearch\"},{\"phase\":\"snmp_publish\",\"class\":\"RunPhase\"}]}]}";
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ String name = vfcmt.getName();
+ saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ TranslateRequest request = new TranslateRequest(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", notifyOid);
+ request.setEntryPhase("snmp_map");
+ request.setPublishPhase("snmp_publish");
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.translateRules(gson.toJson(request));
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "translateRules response= "+res);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(String.format(expectedTranslation, name, name, name));
+ }
- public void translateSnmpMappingRuleWithAllActionTypesSuccessTest() throws Exception {
- String expectedTranslation = "{\"processing\":[{\"phase\":\"snmp_map\",\"processors\":[{\"array\":\"varbinds\",\"datacolumn\":\"varbind_value\",\"keycolumn\":\"varbind_oid\",\"class\":\"SnmpConvertor\"},"
- + "{\"phase\":\"%s\",\"class\":\"RunPhase\"}]},{\"phase\":\"%s\",\"filter\":{\"filters\":[{\"string\":\"${leftOperand}\",\"value\":\"rightOperand1\",\"class\":\"Contains\"},"
+ public void saveAndTranslateMappingRuleWithUserDefinedPhasesSuccessTest() throws Exception {
+ String expectedTranslation = "{\"processing\":[{\"phase\":\"foi_map\",\"processors\":[{\"phase\":\"phase_1\",\"class\":\"RunPhase\"}]},"
+ + "{\"phase\":\"phase_1\",\"filter\":{\"filters\":[{\"string\":\"${leftOperand}\",\"value\":\"rightOperand1\",\"class\":\"Contains\"},"
+ "{\"string\":\"${leftOperand}\",\"value\":\"rightOperand2\",\"class\":\"Contains\"}],\"class\":\"Or\"},"
+ "\"processors\":[{\"updates\":{\"\":\"fromField\",\"concatTargetField\":\"concat1_concat2\"},\"class\":\"Set\"},"
+ "{\"regex\":\"([^:]*):.*\",\"field\":\"regexTargetField\",\"value\":\"extractFromHere\",\"class\":\"ExtractText\"},"
+ "{\"logLevel\":\"WARN\",\"logText\":\"some text\",\"class\":\"LogText\"},{\"fields\":[\"first_input\",\"second_input\"],\"class\":\"Clear\"},"
+ "{\"map\":{\"sourceVal1\":\"targetVal1\",\"sourceVal2\":\"targetVal2\"},\"field\":\"fromField\",\"toField\":\"mapTargetField\",\"default\":\"\",\"class\":\"MapAlarmValues\"},"
+ "{\"fromFormat\":\"inputFormat\",\"fromTz\":\"XYZ\",\"toField\":\"dateFormatterTarget\",\"toFormat\":\"outputFormat\",\"toTz\":\"UVW\",\"value\":\"${dateFormatterFrom}\",\"class\":\"DateFormatter\"},"
- + "{\"title\":\"some log title\",\"class\":\"LogEvent\"},{\"field\":\"fromField\",\"find\":\"findText\",\"replace\":\"replacement\",\"class\":\"ReplaceText\"}]},"
- + "{\"phase\":\"%s\",\"processors\":[{\"phase\":\"snmp_publish\",\"class\":\"RunPhase\"}]}]}";
+ + "{\"title\":\"some log title\",\"class\":\"LogEvent\"},{\"field\":\"fromField\",\"find\":\"findText\",\"replace\":\"replacement\",\"class\":\"ReplaceText\"},{\"reservedFields\":[\"single_input\"],\"class\":\"ClearNoneStandardFields\"},"
+ + "{\"updates\":{\"parserType\":\"xxxxxxx\"},\"class\":\"Set\"},{\"targetCase\":\"same\",\"trim\":\"true\",\"toField\":\"targetField\",\"class\":\"StringTransform\"},"
+ + "{\"searchField\":\"sourceToSearch\",\"searchValue\":\"${whatever}\",\"searchFilter\":{\"field\":\"leftO\",\"values\":[\"rightO\"],\"class\":\"OneOf\"},\"enrichFields\":[\"e_field1\",\"e_field2\"],\"enrichPrefix\":\"e_prefix\",\"class\":\"TopoSearch\"},"
+ + "{\"searchField\":\"sourceToSearch\",\"searchValue\":\"${whatever}\",\"updates\":{\"firstKey\":\"firstValue\",\"secondKey\":\"secondValue\",\"isEnriched\":true},\"class\":\"TopoSearch\"},"
+ + "{\"phase\":\"phase_2\",\"class\":\"RunPhase\"}]},{\"phase\":\"phase_2\",\"processors\":[{\"targetCase\":\"same\",\"trim\":\"true\",\"toField\":\"targetField\",\"class\":\"StringTransform\"},"
+ + "{\"searchField\":\"sourceToSearch\",\"searchValue\":\"${whatever}\",\"searchFilter\":{\"field\":\"leftO\",\"values\":[\"rightO\"],\"class\":\"OneOf\"},\"enrichFields\":[\"e_field1\",\"e_field2\"],"
+ + "\"enrichPrefix\":\"e_prefix\",\"class\":\"TopoSearch\"}]},{\"phase\":\"phase_1\",\"processors\":[{\"reservedFields\":[\"single_input\"],\"class\":\"ClearNoneStandardFields\"},{\"updates\":{\"parserType\":\"xxxxxx\"},\"class\":\"Set\"},"
+ + "{\"phase\":\"map_publish\",\"class\":\"RunPhase\"}]}]}";
Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- String name = vfcmt.getName();
- saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
- RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.translateRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1", "SNMP MSE");
+ Rule firstRulePhase1 = gson.fromJson(ruleRequestBody, Rule.class);
+ firstRulePhase1.setPhase("phase_1");
+ firstRulePhase1.setGroupId("group_1");
+ saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", firstRulePhase1.toJson());
+ String secondRulePhase2 = "{groupId:group_2,phase:phase_2,description:newRule,actions:[{actionType:\"string Transform\",id:706,target:targetField,stringTransform:{startValue:source,targetCase:same,isTrimString:true}},"
+ + "{actionType:\"Topology Search\",id:72336,search:{searchField:sourceToSearch,searchValue:\"${whatever}\",radio:'',searchFilter:{left:leftO,right:[rightO],operator:OneOf},enrich:{fields:[{value:e_field1},{value:e_field2}],prefix:e_prefix}}}]}";
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", secondRulePhase2);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ String thirdRulePhase1 = "{groupId:group_3,phase:phase_1,description:newRule,actions:[{actionType:\"Clear NSF\",id:id86,from:{state:closed,values:[{value:single_input}]}},{actionType:\"hp metric\",id:7788876,selectedHpMetric:xxxxxx}]}";
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", thirdRulePhase1);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ TranslateRequest request = new TranslateRequest(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1", null);
+ request.setPublishPhase("map_publish");
+ request.setEntryPhase("foi_map");
+ res = DcaeRestClient.translateRules(gson.toJson(request));
Report.log(Status.INFO, "translateRules response= "+res);
- assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(String.format(expectedTranslation, name, name, name));
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedTranslation);
- @Test
- public void addNewRuleToExistingArtifact() throws Exception {
- Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- String nid = "n.565663636.0";
- RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", nid, "param1", ruleRequestBody);
- Rule rule1 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), Rule.class);
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", nid, "param1", ruleRequestBody);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule response= "+res);
- Rule rule2 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), Rule.class);
- RestResponse responseGetRules = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", nid, "param1");
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules response= "+responseGetRules);
- MappingRules rules = gson.fromJson(responseGetRules.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules="+responseGetRules.getResponse());
- assertThat(rules.getRules()).hasSize(2);
- assertThat(rules.getRules().keySet()).containsOnly(rule1.getUid(), rule2.getUid());
- }
+ @Test
+ public void addNewRuleToExistingArtifactAndClearNotifyOid() throws Exception {
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ String nid = "n.565663636.0";
+ RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", nid, "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ Rule rule1 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), Rule.class);
+ RestResponse responseGetRules = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", nid, "param1");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules response= "+responseGetRules);
+ MappingRules rules = gson.fromJson(responseGetRules.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
+ assertThat(rules.getNotifyId()).isEqualTo(notifyOid);
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", nid, "param1", ruleRequestBody.replace(notifyOid,"\"\""));
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule response= "+res);
+ Rule rule2 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), Rule.class);
+ responseGetRules = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", nid, "param1");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules response= "+responseGetRules);
+ rules = gson.fromJson(responseGetRules.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules="+responseGetRules.getResponse());
+ assertThat(rules.getNotifyId()).isEqualTo("");
+ assertThat(rules.getRules()).hasSize(2);
+ assertThat(rules.getRules().keySet()).containsOnly(rule1.getUid(), rule2.getUid());
+ }
- @Test
- public void editExistingRuleInArtifact() throws Exception{
- Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- String updated = "This is an update";
- RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
- Rule rule = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), Rule.class);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "save rule response=%s", res.getResponse());
- res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules3 response= "+res);
- MappingRules rules = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules1="+res.getResponse());
- assertThat(rules.getRules().get(rule.getUid()).getDescription()).isEqualTo("newRule");
- assertThat(rules.getRules().keySet()).containsOnly(rule.getUid());
- rule.setDescription(updated);
- DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", rule.toJson());
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule response= "+res);
- res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules2 response= "+res);
- rules = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules2="+res.getResponse());
- assertThat(rules.getRules()).hasSize(1);
- assertThat(rules.getRules().get(rule.getUid()).getDescription()).isEqualTo(updated);
- }
+ @Test
+ public void editExistingRuleInArtifact() throws Exception{
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ String updated = "This is an update";
+ RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ Rule rule = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), Rule.class);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "save rule response=%s", res.getResponse());
+ res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules3 response= "+res);
+ MappingRules rules = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules1="+res.getResponse());
+ assertThat(rules.getRules().get(rule.getUid()).getDescription()).isEqualTo("newRule");
+ assertThat(rules.getRules().keySet()).containsOnly(rule.getUid());
+ rule.setDescription(updated);
+ DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", rule.toJson());
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule response= "+res);
+ res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules2 response= "+res);
+ rules = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules2="+res.getResponse());
+ assertThat(rules.getRules()).hasSize(1);
+ assertThat(rules.getRules().get(rule.getUid()).getDescription()).isEqualTo(updated);
+ }
- @Test
- public void editRuleInArtifactNoSuchIdErrorTest() throws Exception {
- String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6036\",\"text\":\"Error - Failed to save rule. Internal persistence error\",\"variables\":[],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Error - Failed to save rule. Internal persistence error\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
- Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
- Rule rule = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), Rule.class);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "rule="+rule);
- rule.setUid("NoSuchUid");
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", rule.toJson());
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule response= "+res);
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(409);
- assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
- }
+ @Test
+ public void editRuleInArtifactNoSuchIdErrorTest() throws Exception {
+ String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6036\",\"text\":\"Error - Failed to save rule. Internal persistence error\",\"variables\":[],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Error - Failed to save rule. Internal persistence error\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ Rule rule = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), Rule.class);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "rule="+rule);
+ rule.setUid("NoSuchUid");
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", rule.toJson());
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule response= "+res);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(409);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
+ }
- @Test
- public void getAllRules() throws Exception{
- Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
- String uid1 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get("uid").getAsString();
- //save two more rules
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule1 response= "+res);
- String uid2 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get("uid").getAsString();
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule2 response= "+res);
- String uid3 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get("uid").getAsString();
- res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules response= "+res);
- JsonObject jsonRes = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "jsonRes="+jsonRes);
- assertThat(jsonRes.get("schema")).isNotNull();
- MappingRules actualRules = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules="+res.getResponse());
- assertThat(actualRules.getRules()).hasSize(3);
- assertThat(actualRules.getRules().keySet()).containsOnly(uid1, uid2, uid3);
- }
+ @Test
+ public void getAllRules() throws Exception{
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ String uid1 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get("uid").getAsString();
+ //save two more rules
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule1 response= "+res);
+ String uid2 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get("uid").getAsString();
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule2 response= "+res);
+ String uid3 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get("uid").getAsString();
+ res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules response= "+res);
+ JsonObject jsonRes = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "jsonRes="+jsonRes);
+ assertThat(jsonRes.get("schema")).isNotNull();
+ MappingRules actualRules = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules="+res.getResponse());
+ assertThat(actualRules.getRules()).hasSize(3);
+ assertThat(actualRules.getRules().keySet()).containsOnly(uid1, uid2, uid3);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void deleteRuleSuccessTest() throws Exception {
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ //save first rule
+ RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ String uid1 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get("uid").getAsString();
+ // save second rule
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule response= "+res);
+ String uid2 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get("uid").getAsString();
+ res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules1 response= "+res);
+ MappingRules actualRules = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules1="+res.getResponse());
+ // get all rules should return both
+ assertThat(actualRules.getRules()).hasSize(2);
+ assertThat(actualRules.getRules().keySet()).containsOnly(uid1, uid2);
+ // delete a rule
+ res = DcaeRestClient.deleteRule(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1", uid2);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "deleteRule1 response= "+res);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules2 response= "+res);
+ actualRules = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules2="+res.getResponse());
+ // get rules should return one rule
+ assertThat(actualRules.getRules()).hasSize(1);
+ assertThat(actualRules.getRules().keySet()).containsOnly(uid1);
+ // delete the last rule - artifact should be deleted
+ res = DcaeRestClient.deleteRule(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1", uid1);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "deleteRule2 response= "+res);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ String expectedArtifactName = "map_map_param1_MappingRules.json";
+ Artifact savedArtifact = fetchVfcmtArtifactMetadataByName(vfcmt.getUuid(), expectedArtifactName);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "savedArtifact= "+savedArtifact);
+ assertThat(savedArtifact).isNull();
+ // get rules should return empty
+ res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules3 response= "+res);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo("{}");
+ }
- public void deleteRuleSuccessTest() throws Exception{
+ public void deleteGroupOfRulesSuccessTest() throws Exception{
Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
//save first rule
- RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ Rule rule = gson.fromJson(ruleRequestBody, Rule.class);
+ rule.setGroupId("group_0");
+ rule.setPhase("phase_0");
+ String rulePayload = rule.toJson();
+ RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", rulePayload);
String uid1 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get("uid").getAsString();
// save second rule
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "param1", rulePayload);
Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule response= "+res);
String uid2 = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get("uid").getAsString();
res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules1 response= "+res);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules response= "+res);
MappingRules actualRules = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules1="+res.getResponse());
// get all rules should return both
assertThat(actualRules.getRules().keySet()).containsOnly(uid1, uid2);
// delete a rule
- res = DcaeRestClient.deleteRule(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1", uid2);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "deleteRule1 response= "+res);
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
- res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules2 response= "+res);
- actualRules = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "MappingRules2="+res.getResponse());
- // get rules should return one rule
- assertThat(actualRules.getRules()).hasSize(1);
- assertThat(actualRules.getRules().keySet()).containsOnly(uid1);
- // delete the last rule - artifact should be deleted
- res = DcaeRestClient.deleteRule(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1", uid1);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "deleteRule2 response= "+res);
+ res = DcaeRestClient.deleteGroupOfRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1", "group_0");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "deleteGroup response= "+res);
+ // no more rules - artifact should be deleted
String expectedArtifactName = "map_map_param1_MappingRules.json";
Artifact savedArtifact = fetchVfcmtArtifactMetadataByName(vfcmt.getUuid(), expectedArtifactName);
Report.log(Status.INFO, "savedArtifact= "+savedArtifact);
// get rules should return empty
res = DcaeRestClient.getRules(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1");
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules3 response= "+res);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "getRules response= "+res);
- @Test
- public void invalidJsonRuleFormatTest() throws Exception{
- String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6035\",\"text\":\"Error - Rule format is invalid: %1.\",\"variables\":[\"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $\"],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Error - Rule format is invalid: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $.\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
- RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule("someId", "someName", "someNid", "someParam", "gibberish" );
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
- assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
- }
+ @Test
+ public void invalidJsonRuleFormatTest() throws Exception{
+ String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6035\",\"text\":\"Error - Rule format is invalid: %1.\",\"variables\":[\"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $\"],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Error - Rule format is invalid: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $.\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule("someId", "someName", "someNid", "someParam", "gibberish" );
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
+ }
- @Test
- public void invalidActionTypeTest() throws Exception {
- String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6035\",\"text\":\"Error - Rule format is invalid: %1.\",\"variables\":[\"Undefined action type: gibberish\"],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Error - Rule format is invalid: Undefined action type: gibberish.\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
- RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule("someId", "someName", "someNid", "someParam", "{actions:[{actionType:gibberish}]}");
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
- assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
- }
+ @Test
+ public void invalidActionTypeTest() throws Exception {
+ String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6035\",\"text\":\"Error - Rule format is invalid: %1.\",\"variables\":[\"Undefined action type: gibberish\"],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Error - Rule format is invalid: Undefined action type: gibberish.\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule("someId", "someName", "someNid", "someParam", "{actions:[{actionType:gibberish}]}");
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
+ }
- @Test
- public void conflictingUsersErrorTest() throws Exception {
- Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveComposition(vfcmt.getUuid(), vfcmt.getLastUpdaterUserId(), "{\"nid\":\"map\"}");
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
- //check out by other user then try to save rule by current user
- res = DcaeRestClient.checkoutVfcmt(vfcmt.getUuid(), DcaeRestClient.getDesigner2UserId());
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "someParam", ruleRequestBody);
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(403);
- }
+ @Test
+ public void conflictingUsersErrorTest() throws Exception {
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveComposition(vfcmt.getUuid(), vfcmt.getLastUpdaterUserId(), "{\"nid\":\"map\"}");
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ //check out by other user then try to save rule by current user
+ res = DcaeRestClient.checkoutVfcmt(vfcmt.getUuid(), DcaeRestClient.getDesigner2UserId());
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "someParam", ruleRequestBody);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(403);
+ }
- @Test
- public void uploadArtifactSdcErrorTest() throws Exception {
- String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6036\",\"text\":\"Error - Failed to save rule. Internal persistence error\",\"variables\":[],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Error - Failed to save rule. Internal persistence error\"}},\"notes\":\"Error: Invalid content.\"}";
- Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveComposition(vfcmt.getUuid(), vfcmt.getLastUpdaterUserId(), "{\"nid\":\"map\"}");
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
- // Generated artifact label would be invalid and should fail when submitted to SDC
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "()someParam", ruleRequestBody);
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(409);
- assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
- }
+ @Test
+ public void uploadArtifactSdcErrorTest() throws Exception {
+ String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6036\",\"text\":\"Error - Failed to save rule. Internal persistence error\",\"variables\":[],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Error - Failed to save rule. Internal persistence error\"}},\"notes\":\"Error: Invalid content.\"}";
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveComposition(vfcmt.getUuid(), vfcmt.getLastUpdaterUserId(), "{\"nid\":\"map\"}");
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ // Generated artifact label would be invalid and should fail when submitted to SDC
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "map", "()someParam", ruleRequestBody);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(409);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
+ }
- @Test
- public void saveMappingRuleNoSuchNidErrorTest() throws Exception {
- String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6114\",\"text\":\"DCAE component %1 not found in composition\",\"variables\":[\"noSuchComponent\"],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"DCAE component noSuchComponent not found in composition\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
- Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveComposition(vfcmt.getUuid(), vfcmt.getLastUpdaterUserId(), "{\"nid\":\"map\"}");
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "noSuchComponent", "noSuchComponent", "someParam", ruleRequestBody);
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
- assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
- }
+ @Test
+ public void saveMappingRuleNoSuchNidErrorTest() throws Exception {
+ String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6114\",\"text\":\"DCAE component %1 not found in composition\",\"variables\":[\"noSuchComponent\"],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"DCAE component noSuchComponent not found in composition\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveComposition(vfcmt.getUuid(), vfcmt.getLastUpdaterUserId(), "{\"nid\":\"map\"}");
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "noSuchComponent", "noSuchComponent", "someParam", ruleRequestBody);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
+ }
- @Test
- public void deleteRuleNoSuchIdTest() throws Exception {
- String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6115\",\"text\":\"Delete rule failed. Internal persistence error\",\"variables\":[],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Delete rule failed. Internal persistence error\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
- Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- //save rule
- saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
- RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.deleteRule(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1", "noSuchRuleId");
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "deleteRule response=%s", res);
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(409);
- assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
- }
- // After first rule is saved the mappingRules.json artifact is available for get/delete/edit tests
- private RestResponse saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(Vfcmt vfcmt, String dcaeCompName, String nid, String configParam, String body) throws Exception {
- // generate and save a composition.yml
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess start");
- RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveComposition(vfcmt.getUuid(), vfcmt.getLastUpdaterUserId(), String.format("{\"nid\":\"%s\"}", nid));
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveComposition response=%s", res);
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), dcaeCompName, nid, configParam, body);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule response=%s", res);
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
- return res;
- }
+ @Test
+ public void deleteRuleNoSuchIdTest() throws Exception {
+ String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6115\",\"text\":\"Delete rule failed. Internal persistence error\",\"variables\":[],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Delete rule failed. Internal persistence error\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ //save rule
+ saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "map", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.deleteRule(vfcmt.getUuid(),"map", "map", "param1", "noSuchRuleId");
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "deleteRule response=%s", res);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(409);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
+ }
+ // After first rule is saved the mappingRules.json artifact is available for get/delete/edit tests
+ private RestResponse saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(Vfcmt vfcmt, String dcaeCompName, String nid, String configParam, String body) throws Exception {
+ // generate and save a composition.yml
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess start");
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveComposition(vfcmt.getUuid(), vfcmt.getLastUpdaterUserId(), String.format("{\"nid\":\"%s\"}", nid));
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveComposition response=%s", res);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
- @Test
- public void saveMappingRuleNegativeTest_BadResponse() throws Exception {
- // arrange
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "Arrangeing test...");
- ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
- String badRuleRequestBody = "{\"version\":\"5.3\",\"eventType\":\"syslogFields\",\"uid\":\"\",\"description\":\"map rules\","
- + "\"actions\":[{actionType:\"Date Formatter\",from:{value:whatever}},{\"id\":\"22fdded0-c9eb-11e7-83c1-3592231134a4\",\"actionType\":\"map\",\"from\":{\"value\":\"AAA\",\"regex\":\"\",\"state\":\"closed\",\"values\":[{\"value\":\"\"},{\"value\":\"\"}]},\"target\":\"BBB\",\"map\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"}],\"haveDefault\":true,\"default\":\"\"}},{\"id\":\"2d6fab00-c9eb-11e7-83c1-3592231134a4\",\"actionType\":\"map\",\"from\":{\"value\":\"\",\"regex\":\"\",\"state\":\"closed\",\"values\":[{\"value\":\"\"},{\"value\":\"\"}]},\"target\":\"DDD\",\"map\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"}],\"haveDefault\":false,\"default\":\"\"}},{\"id\":\"60bff5a0-c9eb-11e7-83c1-3592231134a4\",\"actionType\":\"map\",\"from\":{\"value\":\"EEE\",\"regex\":\"\",\"state\":\"closed\",\"values\":[{\"value\":\"\"},{\"value\":\"\"}]},\"target\":\"\",\"map\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"}],\"haveDefault\":false,\"default\":\"\"}},{\"id\":\"75ea0ce0-c9eb-11e7-83c1-3592231134a4\",\"actionType\":\"map\",\"from\":{\"value\":\"FFF\",\"regex\":\"\",\"state\":\"closed\",\"values\":[{\"value\":\"\"},{\"value\":\"\"}]},\"target\":\"GGG\",\"map\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"},{\"key\":\"\",\"value\":\"\"}],\"haveDefault\":false,\"default\":\"\"}},{\"id\":\"75ea0ce0-c9eb-11e7-83c1-3592231134a4\",\"actionType\":\"map\",\"from\":{\"value\":\"FFF\",\"regex\":\"\",\"state\":\"closed\",\"values\":[{\"value\":\"\"},{\"value\":\"\"}]},\"target\":\"GGG\",\"map\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"},{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"not bar\"}],\"haveDefault\":false,\"default\":\"\"}}],\"condition\":null}";
- Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "Saving composition of a fake cdump...");
- RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveComposition(vfcmt.getUuid(), vfcmt.getLastUpdaterUserId(), "{\"nid\":\"map\"}");
- Report.logDebug("saveComposition response", res);
- if (res.getStatusCode() != 200) {
- fail("Unable to arrange test, save composition failed\n" + res.toString());
- }
- // act
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "Executing...");
- Report.logDebug("Request body", badRuleRequestBody);
- RestResponse targetRes = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "noSuchComponent", "map", "someParam", badRuleRequestBody);
- Report.logDebug("saveRule response", targetRes);
- // assert
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "Asserting...");
- List<String> errors = mapper.readValue(targetRes.getResponse(), SaveRuleError.class).getFormattedErrors(); // parse response
- SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> {
- softly.assertThat(targetRes.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
- softly.assertThat(errors).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(
- "Please fill the default value of map action to BBB",
- "Please fill the from field of map action to DDD",
- "Please fill the target field of map action to ",
- "Please fill all key-value pairs of map action to GGG",
- "Error: Duplication in map keys exists, please modify rule configuration",
- "Please fill the target field of Date Formatter action to null",
- "Please fill the to timezone field of Date Formatter action to null",
- "Please fill the from timezone field of Date Formatter action to null",
- "Please fill the from format field of Date Formatter action to null",
- "Please fill the to format field of Date Formatter action to null"
- );
- });
- }
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), dcaeCompName, nid, configParam, body);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule response=%s", res);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ return res;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void saveMappingRuleNegativeTest_BadResponse() throws Exception {
+ // arrange
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "Arranging test...");
+ ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
+ String badRuleRequestBody = "{\"version\":\"5.3\",\"eventType\":\"syslogFields\",\"uid\":\"\",\"description\":\"map rules\","
+ + "\"actions\":[{id:id,actionType:\"Date Formatter\",from:{state:closed,value:whatever}},{\"id\":\"22fdded0-c9eb-11e7-83c1-3592231134a4\",\"actionType\":\"map\",\"from\":{\"value\":\"AAA\",\"regex\":\"\",\"state\":\"closed\",\"values\":[{\"value\":\"\"},{\"value\":\"\"}]},\"target\":\"BBB\",\"map\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"}],\"haveDefault\":true,\"default\":\"\"}},{\"id\":\"2d6fab00-c9eb-11e7-83c1-3592231134a4\",\"actionType\":\"map\",\"from\":{\"value\":\"\",\"regex\":\"\",\"state\":\"closed\",\"values\":[{\"value\":\"\"},{\"value\":\"\"}]},\"target\":\"DDD\",\"map\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"}],\"haveDefault\":false,\"default\":\"\"}},{\"id\":\"60bff5a0-c9eb-11e7-83c1-3592231134a4\",\"actionType\":\"map\",\"from\":{\"value\":\"EEE\",\"regex\":\"\",\"state\":\"closed\",\"values\":[{\"value\":\"\"},{\"value\":\"\"}]},\"target\":\"\",\"map\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"}],\"haveDefault\":false,\"default\":\"\"}},{\"id\":\"75ea0ce0-c9eb-11e7-83c1-3592231134a4\",\"actionType\":\"map\",\"from\":{\"value\":\"FFF\",\"regex\":\"\",\"state\":\"closed\",\"values\":[{\"value\":\"\"},{\"value\":\"\"}]},\"target\":\"GGG\",\"map\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"},{\"key\":\"\",\"value\":\"\"}],\"haveDefault\":false,\"default\":\"\"}},{\"id\":\"75ea0ce0-c9eb-11e7-83c1-3592231134a4\",\"actionType\":\"map\",\"from\":{\"value\":\"FFF\",\"regex\":\"\",\"state\":\"closed\",\"values\":[{\"value\":\"\"},{\"value\":\"\"}]},\"target\":\"GGG\",\"map\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"},{\"key\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"not bar\"}],\"haveDefault\":false,\"default\":\"\"}}],\"condition\":null}";
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "Saving composition of a fake cdump...");
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.saveComposition(vfcmt.getUuid(), vfcmt.getLastUpdaterUserId(), "{\"nid\":\"map\"}");
+ Report.logDebug("saveComposition response", res);
+ if (res.getStatusCode() != 200) {
+ fail("Unable to arrange test, save composition failed\n" + res.toString());
+ }
+ // act
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "Executing...");
+ Report.logDebug("Request body", badRuleRequestBody);
+ RestResponse targetRes = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), "noSuchComponent", "map", "someParam", badRuleRequestBody);
+ Report.logDebug("saveRule response", targetRes);
+ // assert
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "Asserting...");
+ List<String> errors = mapper.readValue(targetRes.getResponse(), SaveRuleError.class).getFormattedErrors(); // parse response
+ SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> {
+ softly.assertThat(targetRes.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
+ softly.assertThat(errors).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(
+ "Please fill the default value of map action to BBB",
+ "Please fill the from field of map action to DDD",
+ "Please fill the target field of map action to ",
+ "Please fill all key-value pairs of map action to GGG",
+ "Error: Duplication in map keys exists, please modify rule configuration",
+ "Please fill the target field of Date Formatter action to null",
+ "Please fill the to timezone field of Date Formatter action to null",
+ "Please fill the from timezone field of Date Formatter action to null",
+ "Please fill the from format field of Date Formatter action to null",
+ "Please fill the to format field of Date Formatter action to null"
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void translateWithoutPhasesFailureTest() throws Exception {
+ TranslateRequest translateRequest = new TranslateRequest("someId","map", "map", "param1", "xxx");
+ String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6116\",\"text\":\"Translation failed. Reason: %1\",\"variables\":[\"please enter valid request parameters\"],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Translation failed. Reason: please enter valid request parameters\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.translateRules(gson.toJson(translateRequest));
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
+ translateRequest.setPublishPhase("publishPhaseWithoutEntryPhaseIsNotEnough");
+ res = DcaeRestClient.translateRules(gson.toJson(translateRequest));
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
+ assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(expectedError);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void getExistingRuleTargetsTest() throws Exception {
+ String dcaeCompName = "theComponent";
+ String nid = "theNid";
+ String configParam1 = "ConfigParam1";
+ String configParam2 = "ConfigParam2";
+ final String UID = "uid";
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, dcaeCompName, nid, configParam1, ruleRequestBody);
+ gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get(UID).getAsString();
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), dcaeCompName, nid, configParam2, ruleRequestBody);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule1 response= "+res);
+ gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get(UID).getAsString();
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), dcaeCompName, nid, configParam1, ruleRequestBody);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule2 response= "+res);
+ gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get(UID).getAsString();
+ res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), dcaeCompName, nid, configParam1, ruleRequestBody);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule3 response= "+res);
+ res = DcaeRestClient.getExistingRuleTargets(vfcmt.getUuid(),dcaeCompName,nid);
+ if (res.getStatusCode() != 200) {
+ fail("Unable to arrange test, get existing rule targets test failed\n" + res.toString());
+ }
+ String response = res.getResponse();
+ assertThat(response.contains(configParam1));
+ assertThat(response.contains(configParam2));
+ }
- public void translateInvalidFlowTypeFailureTest() throws Exception {
- String expectedError = "{\"requestError\":{\"serviceException\":{\"messageId\":\"SVC6116\",\"text\":\"Translation failed. Reason: %s\",\"variables\":[\"%s\"],\"formattedErrorMessage\":\"Translation failed. Reason: %s\"}},\"notes\":\"\"}";
- RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.translateRules("someId","map", "map", "param1", "noSuchFlowType");
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
- assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(String.format(expectedError, "%1", "Flow type noSuchFlowType not found", "Flow type noSuchFlowType not found"));
- res = DcaeRestClient.translateRules("someId","map", "map", "param1", null);
- assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(400);
- assertThat(res.getResponse()).isEqualTo(String.format(expectedError, "%1", "Flow type null not found", "Flow type null not found"));
+ public void exportRulesArtifactSuccessTest() throws Exception {
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "test start");
+ Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
+ RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, "map", "", "param1", ruleRequestBody);
+ MappingRules expectedResponse = new MappingRules(gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), Rule.class));
+ res = DcaeRestClient.exportRules(vfcmt.getUuid(), "map", "", "param1");
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ assertThat(gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), MappingRules.class)).isEqualTo(expectedResponse);
+ String fileNameHeader = "attachment; filename=\""
+ .concat(vfcmt.getName())
+ .concat("_")
+ .concat("map")
+ .concat("_")
+ .concat("param1")
+ .concat(DcaeBeConstants.Composition.fileNames.MAPPING_RULE_POSTFIX)
+ .concat("\"");
+ assertThat(res.getHeaderFields().get("Content-Disposition")).contains(fileNameHeader);
- public void getExistingRuleTargetsTest() throws Exception {
- String dcaeCompName = "theComponent";
- String nid = "theNid";
- String configParam1 = "ConfigParam1";
- String configParam2 = "ConfigParam2";
- final String UID = "uid";
+ public void importRulesArtifactSuccessTest() throws Exception {
+ String dcaeCompName = "map";
+ String nid = "";
+ String param1 = "param1";
+ String param2 = "param2";
Vfcmt vfcmt = createVfcmt();
- RestResponse res = saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, dcaeCompName, nid, configParam1, ruleRequestBody);
- gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get(UID).getAsString();
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), dcaeCompName, nid, configParam2, ruleRequestBody);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule1 response= "+res);
- gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get(UID).getAsString();
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), dcaeCompName, nid, configParam1, ruleRequestBody);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule2 response= "+res);
- gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), JsonObject.class).get(UID).getAsString();
- res = DcaeRestClient.saveRule(vfcmt.getUuid(), dcaeCompName, nid, configParam1, ruleRequestBody);
- Report.log(Status.INFO, "saveRule3 response= "+res);
+ saveCompositionAndFirstRuleSuccess(vfcmt, dcaeCompName, nid, param1, ruleRequestBody);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "verifying rule definition exists for 'param1' only");
+ RestResponse res = DcaeRestClient.getExistingRuleTargets(vfcmt.getUuid(),dcaeCompName,nid);
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ String[] existingTargets = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), String[].class);
+ assertThat(existingTargets.length).isEqualTo(1);
+ assertThat(existingTargets[0]).isEqualTo(param1);
+ Rule rule = gson.fromJson(ruleRequestBody, Rule.class);
+ MappingRules inputRules = new MappingRules(rule);
+ res = DcaeRestClient.importRules(vfcmt.getUuid(), dcaeCompName, nid, param2, new Gson().toJson(inputRules));
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ Report.log(Status.INFO, "verifying that after import success rule definition exists for both 'param1' and 'param2'");
res = DcaeRestClient.getExistingRuleTargets(vfcmt.getUuid(),dcaeCompName,nid);
- if (res.getStatusCode() != 200) {
- fail("Unable to arrange test, get existing rule targets test failed\n" + res.toString());
- }
- String response = res.getResponse();
- assertThat(response.contains(configParam1));
- assertThat(response.contains(configParam2));
+ assertThat(res.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200);
+ existingTargets = gson.fromJson(res.getResponse(), String[].class);
+ assertThat(Arrays.asList(existingTargets)).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(param1, param2);
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/config/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/config/
index 0631800..e3d00fd 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/config/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/config/
@@ -12,17 +12,10 @@ import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class Configuration {
private String apiPath;
private String dcaeBeHost;
- private String beHost;
- private String feHost;
- private int bePort;
- private int fePort;
private String dcaeBePort;
+ private String sdcBeHost;
+ private int sdcBePort;
private String url;
- private String remoteTestingMachineIP;
- private int remoteTestingMachinePort;
- private boolean remoteTesting;
- private String browser;
- private String systemUnderDebug;
private String reportDBhost;
private int reportDBport;
private boolean captureTraffic;
@@ -35,7 +28,7 @@ public class Configuration {
private String windowsDownloadDirectory;
private String screenshotFolder;
private String harFilesFolder;
- private String ruleEditorUrl;
+ private String toscaLabUrl;
public Configuration() {
this.basicInit((String) null);
@@ -50,48 +43,30 @@ public class Configuration {
private void basicInit(String url) {
- this.remoteTesting = false;
this.captureTraffic = false;
this.useBrowserMobProxy = false;
this.reportFolder = "." + File.separator + "ExtentReport" + File.separator;
this.reportFileName = "UI_Extent_Report.html";
this.screenshotFolder = this.reportFolder + "screenshots" + File.separator;
this.harFilesFolder = this.reportFolder + "har_files" + File.separator;
- this.browser = "firefox";
this.url = url;
this.numOfAttemptsToRefresh = 2;
- public String getBeHost() {
- return this.beHost;
+ public String getSdcBeHost() {
+ return this.sdcBeHost;
- public void setBeHost(String beHost) {
- this.beHost = beHost;
+ public void setSdcBeHost(String sdcBeHost) {
+ this.sdcBeHost = sdcBeHost;
- public String getFeHost() {
- return this.feHost;
+ public int getSdcBePort() {
+ return this.sdcBePort;
- public void setFeHost(String feHost) {
- this.feHost = feHost;
- }
- public int getBePort() {
- return this.bePort;
- }
- public void setBePort(int bePort) {
- this.bePort = bePort;
- }
- public int getFePort() {
- return this.fePort;
- }
- public void setFePort(int fePort) {
- this.fePort = fePort;
+ public void setSdcBePort(int sdcBePort) {
+ this.sdcBePort = sdcBePort;
public String getUrl() {
@@ -102,46 +77,6 @@ public class Configuration {
this.url = url;
- public String getRemoteTestingMachineIP() {
- return this.remoteTestingMachineIP;
- }
- public void setRemoteTestingMachineIP(String remoteTestingMachineIP) {
- this.remoteTestingMachineIP = remoteTestingMachineIP;
- }
- public int getRemoteTestingMachinePort() {
- return this.remoteTestingMachinePort;
- }
- public void setRemoteTestingMachinePort(int remoteTestingMachinePort) {
- this.remoteTestingMachinePort = remoteTestingMachinePort;
- }
- public boolean isRemoteTesting() {
- return this.remoteTesting;
- }
- public void setRemoteTesting(boolean remoteTesting) {
- this.remoteTesting = remoteTesting;
- }
- public String getBrowser() {
- return this.browser;
- }
- public void setBrowser(String browser) {
- this.browser = browser;
- }
- public String getSystemUnderDebug() {
- return this.systemUnderDebug;
- }
- public void setSystemUnderDebug(String systemUnderDebug) {
- this.systemUnderDebug = systemUnderDebug;
- }
public String getReportDBhost() {
return this.reportDBhost;
@@ -262,12 +197,12 @@ public class Configuration {
this.apiPath = apiPath;
- public String getRuleEditorUrl() {
- return ruleEditorUrl;
+ public String getToscaLabUrl() {
+ return toscaLabUrl;
- public void setRuleEditorUrl(String ruleEditorUrl) {
- this.ruleEditorUrl = ruleEditorUrl;
+ public void setToscaLabUrl(String toscaLabUrl) {
+ this.toscaLabUrl = toscaLabUrl;
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
deleted file mode 100644
index eae61ea..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-public class Artifact {
- @SerializedName("artifactChecksum")
- @Expose
- private String artifactChecksum;
- @SerializedName("artifactType")
- @Expose
- private String artifactType;
- @SerializedName("artifactUUID")
- @Expose
- private String artifactUUID;
- @SerializedName("artifactVersion")
- @Expose
- private String artifactVersion;
- @SerializedName("artifactName")
- @Expose
- private String artifactName;
- @SerializedName("artifactGroupType")
- @Expose
- private String artifactGroupType;
- @SerializedName("artifactURL")
- @Expose
- private String artifactURL;
- @SerializedName("artifactDescription")
- @Expose
- private String artifactDescription;
- @SerializedName("artifactLabel")
- @Expose
- private String artifactLabel;
- public String getArtifactChecksum() {
- return artifactChecksum;
- }
- public void setArtifactChecksum(String artifactChecksum) {
- this.artifactChecksum = artifactChecksum;
- }
- public String getArtifactType() {
- return artifactType;
- }
- public void setArtifactType(String artifactType) {
- this.artifactType = artifactType;
- }
- public String getArtifactUUID() {
- return artifactUUID;
- }
- public void setArtifactUUID(String artifactUUID) {
- this.artifactUUID = artifactUUID;
- }
- public String getArtifactVersion() {
- return artifactVersion;
- }
- public void setArtifactVersion(String artifactVersion) {
- this.artifactVersion = artifactVersion;
- }
- public String getArtifactName() {
- return artifactName;
- }
- public void setArtifactName(String artifactName) {
- this.artifactName = artifactName;
- }
- public String getArtifactGroupType() {
- return artifactGroupType;
- }
- public void setArtifactGroupType(String artifactGroupType) {
- this.artifactGroupType = artifactGroupType;
- }
- public String getArtifactURL() {
- return artifactURL;
- }
- public void setArtifactURL(String artifactURL) {
- this.artifactURL = artifactURL;
- }
- public String getArtifactDescription() {
- return artifactDescription;
- }
- public void setArtifactDescription(String artifactDescription) {
- this.artifactDescription = artifactDescription;
- }
- public String getArtifactLabel() {
- return artifactLabel;
- }
- public void setArtifactLabel(String artifactLabel) {
- this.artifactLabel = artifactLabel;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7f44d3..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-public class Data {
- @SerializedName("element")
- @Expose
- private Element element;
- public Element getElement() {
- return element;
- }
- public void setElement(Element element) {
- this.element = element;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
deleted file mode 100644
index c434a0d..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-import java.lang.*;
-public class DcaeComponents {
- @SerializedName("id")
- @Expose
- private Object id;
- @SerializedName("timestamp")
- @Expose
- private Integer timestamp;
- @SerializedName("data")
- @Expose
- private Data data;
- @SerializedName("error")
- @Expose
- private java.lang.Error error;
- public Object getId() {
- return id;
- }
- public void setId(Object id) {
- = id;
- }
- public Integer getTimestamp() {
- return timestamp;
- }
- public void setTimestamp(Integer timestamp) {
- this.timestamp = timestamp;
- }
- public Data getData() {
- return data;
- }
- public void setData(Data data) {
- = data;
- }
- public java.lang.Error getError() {
- return error;
- }
- public void setError(java.lang.Error error) {
- this.error = error;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
deleted file mode 100644
index 64c6601..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.List;
-public class Element {
- @SerializedName("itemId")
- @Expose
- private String itemId;
- @SerializedName("name")
- @Expose
- private String name;
- @SerializedName("id")
- @Expose
- private String id;
- @SerializedName("items")
- @Expose
- private List<Item> items = null;
- public String getItemId() {
- return itemId;
- }
- public void setItemId(String itemId) {
- this.itemId = itemId;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- = name;
- }
- public String getId() {
- return id;
- }
- public void setId(String id) {
- = id;
- }
- public List<Item> getItems() {
- return items;
- }
- public void setItems(List<Item> items) {
- this.items = items;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
deleted file mode 100644
index bad41a1..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-public class Error {
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
deleted file mode 100644
index a184886..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.List;
-public class Item {
- @SerializedName("lifecycleState")
- @Expose
- private String lifecycleState;
- @SerializedName("models")
- @Expose
- private List<Model> models = null;
- @SerializedName("subCategory")
- @Expose
- private String subCategory;
- @SerializedName("catalog")
- @Expose
- private String catalog;
- @SerializedName("lastUpdaterUserId")
- @Expose
- private String lastUpdaterUserId;
- @SerializedName("description")
- @Expose
- private String description;
- @SerializedName("uuid")
- @Expose
- private String uuid;
- @SerializedName("version")
- @Expose
- private String version;
- @SerializedName("itemId")
- @Expose
- private String itemId;
- @SerializedName("catalogId")
- @Expose
- private Integer catalogId;
- @SerializedName("toscaModelURL")
- @Expose
- private String toscaModelURL;
- @SerializedName("name")
- @Expose
- private String name;
- @SerializedName("invariantUUID")
- @Expose
- private String invariantUUID;
- @SerializedName("id")
- @Expose
- private Integer id;
- @SerializedName("category")
- @Expose
- private String category;
- @SerializedName("lastUpdaterFullName")
- @Expose
- private String lastUpdaterFullName;
- @SerializedName("toscaResourceName")
- @Expose
- private String toscaResourceName;
- @SerializedName("resourceType")
- @Expose
- private String resourceType;
- @SerializedName("artifacts")
- @Expose
- private List<Artifact> artifacts = null;
- public String getLifecycleState() {
- return lifecycleState;
- }
- public void setLifecycleState(String lifecycleState) {
- this.lifecycleState = lifecycleState;
- }
- public List<Model> getModels() {
- return models;
- }
- public void setModels(List<Model> models) {
- this.models = models;
- }
- public String getSubCategory() {
- return subCategory;
- }
- public void setSubCategory(String subCategory) {
- this.subCategory = subCategory;
- }
- public String getCatalog() {
- return catalog;
- }
- public void setCatalog(String catalog) {
- this.catalog = catalog;
- }
- public String getLastUpdaterUserId() {
- return lastUpdaterUserId;
- }
- public void setLastUpdaterUserId(String lastUpdaterUserId) {
- this.lastUpdaterUserId = lastUpdaterUserId;
- }
- public String getDescription() {
- return description;
- }
- public void setDescription(String description) {
- this.description = description;
- }
- public String getUuid() {
- return uuid;
- }
- public void setUuid(String uuid) {
- this.uuid = uuid;
- }
- public String getVersion() {
- return version;
- }
- public void setVersion(String version) {
- this.version = version;
- }
- public String getItemId() {
- return itemId;
- }
- public void setItemId(String itemId) {
- this.itemId = itemId;
- }
- public Integer getCatalogId() {
- return catalogId;
- }
- public void setCatalogId(Integer catalogId) {
- this.catalogId = catalogId;
- }
- public String getToscaModelURL() {
- return toscaModelURL;
- }
- public void setToscaModelURL(String toscaModelURL) {
- this.toscaModelURL = toscaModelURL;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- = name;
- }
- public String getInvariantUUID() {
- return invariantUUID;
- }
- public void setInvariantUUID(String invariantUUID) {
- this.invariantUUID = invariantUUID;
- }
- public Integer getId() {
- return id;
- }
- public void setId(Integer id) {
- = id;
- }
- public String getCategory() {
- return category;
- }
- public void setCategory(String category) {
- this.category = category;
- }
- public String getLastUpdaterFullName() {
- return lastUpdaterFullName;
- }
- public void setLastUpdaterFullName(String lastUpdaterFullName) {
- this.lastUpdaterFullName = lastUpdaterFullName;
- }
- public String getToscaResourceName() {
- return toscaResourceName;
- }
- public void setToscaResourceName(String toscaResourceName) {
- this.toscaResourceName = toscaResourceName;
- }
- public String getResourceType() {
- return resourceType;
- }
- public void setResourceType(String resourceType) {
- this.resourceType = resourceType;
- }
- public List<Artifact> getArtifacts() {
- return artifacts;
- }
- public void setArtifacts(List<Artifact> artifacts) {
- this.artifacts = artifacts;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b3a85b..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/items/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-public class Model {
- @SerializedName("itemId")
- @Expose
- private String itemId;
- @SerializedName("name")
- @Expose
- private String name;
- @SerializedName("description")
- @Expose
- private String description;
- @SerializedName("id")
- @Expose
- private String id;
- @SerializedName("version")
- @Expose
- private String version;
- public String getItemId() {
- return itemId;
- }
- public void setItemId(String itemId) {
- this.itemId = itemId;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- = name;
- }
- public String getDescription() {
- return description;
- }
- public void setDescription(String description) {
- this.description = description;
- }
- public String getId() {
- return id;
- }
- public void setId(String id) {
- = id;
- }
- public String getVersion() {
- return version;
- }
- public void setVersion(String version) {
- this.version = version;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d095ab..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-public class Artifact {
- @SerializedName("artifactChecksum")
- @Expose
- private String artifactChecksum;
- @SerializedName("artifactType")
- @Expose
- private String artifactType;
- @SerializedName("artifactUUID")
- @Expose
- private String artifactUUID;
- @SerializedName("artifactVersion")
- @Expose
- private String artifactVersion;
- @SerializedName("artifactName")
- @Expose
- private String artifactName;
- @SerializedName("artifactGroupType")
- @Expose
- private String artifactGroupType;
- @SerializedName("artifactURL")
- @Expose
- private String artifactURL;
- @SerializedName("artifactDescription")
- @Expose
- private String artifactDescription;
- @SerializedName("artifactLabel")
- @Expose
- private String artifactLabel;
- public String getArtifactChecksum() {
- return artifactChecksum;
- }
- public void setArtifactChecksum(String artifactChecksum) {
- this.artifactChecksum = artifactChecksum;
- }
- public String getArtifactType() {
- return artifactType;
- }
- public void setArtifactType(String artifactType) {
- this.artifactType = artifactType;
- }
- public String getArtifactUUID() {
- return artifactUUID;
- }
- public void setArtifactUUID(String artifactUUID) {
- this.artifactUUID = artifactUUID;
- }
- public String getArtifactVersion() {
- return artifactVersion;
- }
- public void setArtifactVersion(String artifactVersion) {
- this.artifactVersion = artifactVersion;
- }
- public String getArtifactName() {
- return artifactName;
- }
- public void setArtifactName(String artifactName) {
- this.artifactName = artifactName;
- }
- public String getArtifactGroupType() {
- return artifactGroupType;
- }
- public void setArtifactGroupType(String artifactGroupType) {
- this.artifactGroupType = artifactGroupType;
- }
- public String getArtifactURL() {
- return artifactURL;
- }
- public void setArtifactURL(String artifactURL) {
- this.artifactURL = artifactURL;
- }
- public String getArtifactDescription() {
- return artifactDescription;
- }
- public void setArtifactDescription(String artifactDescription) {
- this.artifactDescription = artifactDescription;
- }
- public String getArtifactLabel() {
- return artifactLabel;
- }
- public void setArtifactLabel(String artifactLabel) {
- this.artifactLabel = artifactLabel;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa96b43..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.List;
-public class Item {
- @SerializedName("lifecycleState")
- @Expose
- private String lifecycleState;
- @SerializedName("models")
- @Expose
- private List<Model> models = null;
- @SerializedName("subCategory")
- @Expose
- private String subCategory;
- @SerializedName("catalog")
- @Expose
- private String catalog;
- @SerializedName("lastUpdaterUserId")
- @Expose
- private String lastUpdaterUserId;
- @SerializedName("description")
- @Expose
- private String description;
- @SerializedName("uuid")
- @Expose
- private String uuid;
- @SerializedName("version")
- @Expose
- private String version;
- @SerializedName("itemId")
- @Expose
- private String itemId;
- @SerializedName("catalogId")
- @Expose
- private Integer catalogId;
- @SerializedName("toscaModelURL")
- @Expose
- private String toscaModelURL;
- @SerializedName("name")
- @Expose
- private String name;
- @SerializedName("invariantUUID")
- @Expose
- private String invariantUUID;
- @SerializedName("id")
- @Expose
- private Integer id;
- @SerializedName("category")
- @Expose
- private String category;
- @SerializedName("lastUpdaterFullName")
- @Expose
- private String lastUpdaterFullName;
- @SerializedName("toscaResourceName")
- @Expose
- private String toscaResourceName;
- @SerializedName("resourceType")
- @Expose
- private String resourceType;
- @SerializedName("artifacts")
- @Expose
- private List<Artifact> artifacts = null;
- public String getLifecycleState() {
- return lifecycleState;
- }
- public void setLifecycleState(String lifecycleState) {
- this.lifecycleState = lifecycleState;
- }
- public List<Model> getModels() {
- return models;
- }
- public void setModels(List<Model> models) {
- this.models = models;
- }
- public String getSubCategory() {
- return subCategory;
- }
- public void setSubCategory(String subCategory) {
- this.subCategory = subCategory;
- }
- public String getCatalog() {
- return catalog;
- }
- public void setCatalog(String catalog) {
- this.catalog = catalog;
- }
- public String getLastUpdaterUserId() {
- return lastUpdaterUserId;
- }
- public void setLastUpdaterUserId(String lastUpdaterUserId) {
- this.lastUpdaterUserId = lastUpdaterUserId;
- }
- public String getDescription() {
- return description;
- }
- public void setDescription(String description) {
- this.description = description;
- }
- public String getUuid() {
- return uuid;
- }
- public void setUuid(String uuid) {
- this.uuid = uuid;
- }
- public String getVersion() {
- return version;
- }
- public void setVersion(String version) {
- this.version = version;
- }
- public String getItemId() {
- return itemId;
- }
- public void setItemId(String itemId) {
- this.itemId = itemId;
- }
- public Integer getCatalogId() {
- return catalogId;
- }
- public void setCatalogId(Integer catalogId) {
- this.catalogId = catalogId;
- }
- public String getToscaModelURL() {
- return toscaModelURL;
- }
- public void setToscaModelURL(String toscaModelURL) {
- this.toscaModelURL = toscaModelURL;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- = name;
- }
- public String getInvariantUUID() {
- return invariantUUID;
- }
- public void setInvariantUUID(String invariantUUID) {
- this.invariantUUID = invariantUUID;
- }
- public Integer getId() {
- return id;
- }
- public void setId(Integer id) {
- = id;
- }
- public String getCategory() {
- return category;
- }
- public void setCategory(String category) {
- this.category = category;
- }
- public String getLastUpdaterFullName() {
- return lastUpdaterFullName;
- }
- public void setLastUpdaterFullName(String lastUpdaterFullName) {
- this.lastUpdaterFullName = lastUpdaterFullName;
- }
- public String getToscaResourceName() {
- return toscaResourceName;
- }
- public void setToscaResourceName(String toscaResourceName) {
- this.toscaResourceName = toscaResourceName;
- }
- public String getResourceType() {
- return resourceType;
- }
- public void setResourceType(String resourceType) {
- this.resourceType = resourceType;
- }
- public List<Artifact> getArtifacts() {
- return artifacts;
- }
- public void setArtifacts(List<Artifact> artifacts) {
- this.artifacts = artifacts;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/
deleted file mode 100644
index d7ed2cb..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.List;
-public class ItemsElement {
- @SerializedName("itemId")
- @Expose
- private String itemId;
- @SerializedName("name")
- @Expose
- private String name;
- @SerializedName("id")
- @Expose
- private Integer id;
- @SerializedName("items")
- @Expose
- private List<Item> items = null;
- public String getItemId() {
- return itemId;
- }
- public void setItemId(String itemId) {
- this.itemId = itemId;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- = name;
- }
- public Integer getId() {
- return id;
- }
- public void setId(Integer id) {
- = id;
- }
- public List<Item> getItems() {
- return items;
- }
- public void setItems(List<Item> items) {
- this.items = items;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4541aaf..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-public class Model {
- @SerializedName("itemId")
- @Expose
- private String itemId;
- @SerializedName("name")
- @Expose
- private String name;
- @SerializedName("description")
- @Expose
- private String description;
- @SerializedName("id")
- @Expose
- private String id;
- @SerializedName("version")
- @Expose
- private String version;
- public String getItemId() {
- return itemId;
- }
- public void setItemId(String itemId) {
- this.itemId = itemId;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- = name;
- }
- public String getDescription() {
- return description;
- }
- public void setDescription(String description) {
- this.description = description;
- }
- public String getId() {
- return id;
- }
- public void setId(String id) {
- = id;
- }
- public String getVersion() {
- return version;
- }
- public void setVersion(String version) {
- this.version = version;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c33535..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/element/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-public class Service {
- @SerializedName("element")
- @Expose
- private ItemsElement element;
- public ItemsElement getElement() {
- return element;
- }
- public void setElement(ItemsElement element) {
- this.element = element;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/elements/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/elements/
deleted file mode 100644
index 350a350..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/elements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.List;
-public class Element {
-private String itemId;
-private Integer catalogId;
-private String catalog;
-private String name;
-private Integer id;
-private List<String> labels = null;
-public String getItemId() {
-return itemId;
-public void setItemId(String itemId) {
-this.itemId = itemId;
-public Integer getCatalogId() {
-return catalogId;
-public void setCatalogId(Integer catalogId) {
-this.catalogId = catalogId;
-public String getCatalog() {
-return catalog;
-public void setCatalog(String catalog) {
-this.catalog = catalog;
-public String getName() {
-return name;
-public void setName(String name) { = name;
-public Integer getId() {
-return id;
-public void setId(Integer id) { = id;
-public List<String> getLabels() {
-return labels;
-public void setLabels(List<String> labels) {
-this.labels = labels;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/elements/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/elements/
deleted file mode 100644
index b5dad46..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/entities/composition/rightMenu/elements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.List;
-public class Elements {
- @SerializedName("elements")
- @Expose
- private List<Element> elements = null;
- public List<Element> getElements() {
- return elements;
- }
- public void setElements(List<Element> elements) {
- this.elements = elements;
- }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/
index cbf28cb..ae6e52d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ public class ExtentManager {
private static ExtentHtmlReporter htmlReporter;
private static ExtentXReporter extentxReporter;
private static final String icon = "$(document).ready(function() {" + "\n"
- + "$('.brand-logo').html('').prepend(\"<span><img src='"
+ + "$('.brand-logo').html('').prepend(\"<span><img src='' style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 7px; width: 89px;'/></span>\").width(\"120px\").css(\"float\",\"left\").css(\"padding-left\",\"0\");$('.report-name').css(\"font-weight\",\"bold\");"
+ "\n" + "})";
private static String suiteName;
- public synchronized static ExtentReports setReporter(String filepath, String htmlFile, String dbIp, int dbPort, Boolean isAppend) {
+ private static synchronized ExtentReports setReporter(String filepath, String htmlFile, String dbIp, int dbPort, Boolean isAppend) {
if (extent == null) {
extentxReporter = new ExtentXReporter(dbIp, dbPort);
extent = new ExtentReports();
@@ -41,19 +41,20 @@ public class ExtentManager {
return extent;
+ private ExtentManager(){}
- public synchronized static void setExtentXReporter(Boolean isAppend) {
+ private static synchronized void setExtentXReporter(Boolean isAppend) {
- public synchronized static void initAndSetExtentHtmlReporter(String filePath, String htmlFile, Boolean isAppend) {
+ private static synchronized void initAndSetExtentHtmlReporter(String filePath, String htmlFile, Boolean isAppend) {
setHtmlReportConfiguration(filePath, htmlFile);
- public synchronized static ExtentReports getReporter() {
+ static synchronized ExtentReports getReporter() {
return extent;
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ public class ExtentManager {
return suiteName;
- public synchronized static void setHtmlReportConfiguration(String filePath, String htmlFile) {
+ private static synchronized void setHtmlReportConfiguration(String filePath, String htmlFile) {
htmlReporter = new ExtentHtmlReporter(filePath + htmlFile);
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ public class ExtentManager {
- public static void setTrafficCaptue(Configuration config) {
+ private static void setTrafficCaptue(Configuration config) {
@@ -185,8 +186,8 @@ public class ExtentManager {
computerName = computerName.substring(0,
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
- System.out.println("Uknown hostAddress");
+ System.out.println("Unknown hostAddress");
- return computerName != null ? computerName : "Uknown hostAddress";
+ return computerName != null ? computerName : "Unknown hostAddress";
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/
index 1b98001..b3b07dd 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ public class ExtentTestManager {
return extentTest;
+ private ExtentTestManager(){}
public static synchronized void endTest() {
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ public class ExtentTestManager {
return startTest(testName, "");
- public static synchronized ExtentTest startTest(String testName, String desc) {
+ private static synchronized ExtentTest startTest(String testName, String desc) {
ExtentTest test = extent.createTest(testName, desc);
extentTestMap.put(Thread.currentThread().getId(), test);
return test;
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/
index bd74d49..02632c5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/report/
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import com.aventstack.extentreports.Status;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.markuputils.ExtentColor;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.markuputils.Markup;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.markuputils.MarkupHelper;
import org.testng.ITestResult;
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
index def25fd..1246d71 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
@@ -13,19 +13,19 @@ public class BaseRestUtils {
protected static final String acceptHeaderData = "application/json";
protected static final String contentTypeHeaderData = "application/json";
- public BaseRestUtils() {
+ BaseRestUtils() {
- protected static String getApiUrl(String path) {
+ static String getApiUrl(String path) {
Configuration configuration = SetupReport.getConfiguration();
- return String.format("%s:%s/sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/%s", configuration.getBeHost(), configuration.getBePort(), path);
+ return String.format("%s:%s/sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/%s", configuration.getSdcBeHost(), configuration.getSdcBePort(), path);
- protected static Map<String, String> prepareHeadersMap(String userId) {
+ private static Map<String, String> prepareHeadersMap(String userId) {
return prepareHeadersMap(userId, acceptHeaderData);
- protected static Map<String, String> prepareHeadersMap(String userId, String accept) {
+ private static Map<String, String> prepareHeadersMap(String userId, String accept) {
Map<String, String> headersMap = new HashMap<>();
headersMap.put(HttpHeaderEnum.CONTENT_TYPE.getValue(), contentTypeHeaderData);
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class BaseRestUtils {
return headersMap;
- protected static RestResponse sendGet(String url, String userId) throws IOException {
+ static RestResponse sendGet(String url, String userId) throws IOException {
return sendGet(url, userId, (Map) null);
@@ -52,45 +52,41 @@ public class BaseRestUtils {
HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
- RestResponse getResourceResponse = http.httpSendGet(url, headersMap);
- return getResourceResponse;
+ return http.httpSendGet(url, headersMap);
- protected static RestResponse sendPut(String url, String userBodyJson, String userId, String cont) throws IOException {
+ static RestResponse sendPut(String url, String userBodyJson, String userId, String cont) throws IOException {
Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId, cont);
HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
- RestResponse updateResourceResponse = http.httpSendByMethod(url, "PUT", userBodyJson, headersMap);
- return updateResourceResponse;
+ return http.httpSendByMethod(url, "PUT", userBodyJson, headersMap);
- public static RestResponse sendPost(String url, String userBodyJson, String userId, String accept) throws IOException {
+ static RestResponse sendPost(String url, String userBodyJson, String userId, String accept) throws IOException {
return sendPost(url, userBodyJson, userId, accept, (Map) null);
- protected static RestResponse sendPost(String url, String userBodyJson, String userId, String accept, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws IOException {
+ private static RestResponse sendPost(String url, String userBodyJson, String userId, String accept, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws IOException {
Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId, accept);
if (additionalHeaders != null) {
HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
- RestResponse postResourceResponse = http.httpSendPost(url, userBodyJson, headersMap);
- return postResourceResponse;
+ return http.httpSendPost(url, userBodyJson, headersMap);
- protected static RestResponse sendDelete(String url, String userId) throws IOException {
+ static RestResponse sendDelete(String url, String userId) throws IOException {
return sendDelete(url, userId, (Map) null);
- protected static RestResponse sendDelete(String url, String userId, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws IOException {
+ private static RestResponse sendDelete(String url, String userId, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws IOException {
Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId);
if (additionalHeaders != null) {
HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
- RestResponse deleteResourceResponse = http.httpSendDelete(url, headersMap);
- return deleteResourceResponse;
+ return http.httpSendDelete(url, headersMap);
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
index 1e45829..687a256 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
import com.aventstack.extentreports.Status;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.CreateVFCMTRequest;
public class DcaeRestClient extends BaseRestUtils {
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ public class DcaeRestClient extends BaseRestUtils {
private static String designer2UserId = "me0009";
private static String adminDefaultId = "jh0003";
private static String testerDefaultId = "jm0007";
+ private static Configuration configuration = ConfigurationReader.getConfiguration();
public static String getDefaultUserId() {
return designerDefaultId;
@@ -38,7 +39,6 @@ public class DcaeRestClient extends BaseRestUtils {
protected static String getApiUrl(String path) {
- Configuration configuration = ConfigurationReader.getConfiguration();
String dcaeBePort = configuration.getDcaeBePort();
String dcaeBeHost = configuration.getDcaeBeHost();
@@ -137,12 +137,10 @@ public class DcaeRestClient extends BaseRestUtils {
return sendGet(getApiUrl("/resource/"+ componentId), designerDefaultId);
- public static RestResponse getElements() throws IOException{
- return sendGet(getApiUrl("/elements"), designerDefaultId);
- }
- public static RestResponse getItem(String element) throws IOException{
- return sendGet(getApiUrl("/"+ element +"/elements"), designerDefaultId);
- }
+ public static RestResponse getCatalog() throws IOException{
+ return sendGet(getApiUrl("/catalog"), designerDefaultId);
+ }
public static RestResponse getItemModel(String elementId) throws IOException{
return sendGet(getApiUrl("/"+ elementId +"/model"), designerDefaultId);
@@ -219,15 +217,52 @@ public class DcaeRestClient extends BaseRestUtils {
return sendDelete(getApiUrl(String.format("/rule-editor/rule/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", vfcmtUid, dcaeCompName, nid, configParam, ruleUid)), designerDefaultId);
- public static RestResponse translateRules(String vfcmtUid, String dcaeCompName, String nid, String configParam, String flowType) throws IOException {
- return sendGet(getApiUrl(String.format("/rule-editor/rule/translate/%s/%s/%s/%s?flowType=%s", vfcmtUid, dcaeCompName, nid, configParam, flowType)), designerDefaultId);
- }
+ public static RestResponse deleteGroupOfRules(String vfcmtUid, String dcaeCompName, String nid, String configParam, String groupId) throws IOException {
+ return sendDelete(getApiUrl(String.format("/rule-editor/group/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", vfcmtUid, dcaeCompName, nid, configParam, groupId)), designerDefaultId);
+ }
+ public static RestResponse translateRules(String request) throws IOException {
+ return sendPost(getApiUrl("/rule-editor/rule/translate"), request, designerDefaultId, "application/json");
+ }
public static RestResponse getExistingRuleTargets(String vfcmtUuid, String dcaeCompName, String nid) throws IOException {
String url = getApiUrl(String.format("/rule-editor/getExistingRuleTargets/%s/%s/%s", vfcmtUuid, dcaeCompName, nid));
return sendGet(url, designerDefaultId);
+ public static RestResponse exportRules(String vfcmtUuid, String dcaeCompName, String nid, String configParam) throws IOException {
+ String url = getApiUrl(String.format("/rule-editor/export/%s/%s/%s/%s", vfcmtUuid, dcaeCompName, nid, configParam));
+ return sendGet(url, designerDefaultId, new SingletonMap<>(HttpHeaderEnum.ACCEPT.getValue(), "application/octet-stream"));
+ }
+ public static RestResponse importRules(String vfcmtUuid, String dcaeCompName, String nid, String configParam, String request) throws IOException {
+ String url = getApiUrl(String.format("/rule-editor/import/%s/%s/%s/%s", vfcmtUuid, dcaeCompName, nid, configParam));
+ return sendPost(url, request, designerDefaultId, "application/json");
+ }
+ public static RestResponse getLatestMcUuid(String contextType, String serviceUuid, String vfiName, String vfcmtUuid) throws IOException {
+ return sendGet(getApiUrl(String.format("/%s/%s/%s/%s/getLatestMcUuid", contextType, serviceUuid, UrlEscapers.urlFragmentEscaper().escape(vfiName), vfcmtUuid)), designerDefaultId);
+ }
+ // Configuration
+ public static RestResponse getConfiguredFlowTypes() throws IOException {
+ return sendGet(getApiUrl("/conf/composition"), designerDefaultId);
+ }
+ public static RestResponse getConfiguredPhasesByFlowType(String flowType) throws IOException {
+ return sendGet(getApiUrl(String.format("/conf/getPhases/%s", flowType)), designerDefaultId);
+ }
+ // TOSCA LAB //
+ public static RestResponse getToscaLabHealthCheck() throws IOException {
+ return new HttpRequest().httpSendGet(configuration.getToscaLabUrl().concat("/healthcheck"), null);
+ }
+ public static RestResponse translateModelToBlueprint(String payload) throws IOException {
+ return new HttpRequest().httpSendPost(configuration.getToscaLabUrl().concat("/translate"), payload);
+ }
private static JSONObject newVfcmtJSON(String name, String description) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
index 6bca647..a5538dc 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ public class DcaeTestConstants {
public static final String CONFLICT = "Conflict";
public static final String CERTIFIED = "CERTIFIED";
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
index 5d6eff4..c010c26 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
@@ -1,146 +1,40 @@
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
+import com.aventstack.extentreports.Status;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
-import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.util.DcaeBeConstants;
-import org.testng.Assert;
+import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.canvas.DcaeComponentCatalog;
+import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.restmodels.sdc.Resource;
-import org.onap.sdc.dcae.composition.vfcmt.Vfcmt;
-import com.aventstack.extentreports.Status;
+import java.util.List;
public class DcaeUtil {
public static Gson gson = new Gson();
- public static class CatalogReources {
- public static Vfcmt[] getAllReourcesFromAsdc() throws IOException{
- RestResponse allResources = DcaeRestClient.getAllVfcmts();
- return gson.fromJson(allResources.getResponse(), Vfcmt[].class);
- }
- public static Vfcmt getResourceByName(String resName) throws IOException{
- Vfcmt[] vfcmts = getAllReourcesFromAsdc();
- List<Vfcmt> vfcmtsStr =
- filter(item -> item.getName().equals(resName)).
- collect(Collectors.toList());
- return vfcmtsStr.get(0);
- }
- public static Vfcmt getOneResourceFromList(int index) throws IOException{
- Vfcmt[] vfcmtList = getAllReourcesFromAsdc();
- return vfcmtList[index];
- }
- public static String getComponentID(int index) throws IOException{
- Vfcmt vfcmt = getOneResourceFromList(0);
- return vfcmt.getUuid();
- }
- public static Resource createNewVfcmtObject() throws IOException{
- Resource res = new Resource();
- res.setResourceInstanceName("LiavNewVFCMT" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(20));
- res.setDescription("This is a test VFCMT");
- return res;
- }
- public static Vfcmt notCheckoutVFCMT() throws IOException{ /* TODO: remove this function and use instead in DcaeEntityClient.getCheckedoutVfcmt() */
- Vfcmt[] vfcmtList = getAllReourcesFromAsdc();
- List<Vfcmt> vfcmtsStr =
- filter(item -> (item.getLifecycleState().equals(DcaeTestConstants.Sdc.State.NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT) == false)).
- collect(Collectors.toList());
- return vfcmtsStr.get(0);
- }
- public static Vfcmt vfcmtNotUserOwner(String user) throws IOException{
- Vfcmt[] vfcmtList = getAllReourcesFromAsdc();
- List<Vfcmt> vfcmtsStr =
- .filter(item -> (item.getLastUpdaterUserId().equals(user) == false))
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
- return vfcmtsStr.get(0);
- }
- }
- public static class Services{
- public static ThinService[] getServices(String VFCMTId, String userId) throws IOException{
- RestResponse services = null;
- try{
- services = DcaeRestClient.getServices(VFCMTId, userId);
- }catch(Exception e){
- System.err.println("Exception occurred while trying to fetch all resources from SDC: "+e);
- return null;
- }
- Assert.assertTrue(services.getStatusCode().intValue() == 200);
- String response = services.getResponse();
- ThinService[] serviceList = gson.fromJson(response, ThinService[].class);
- return serviceList.length > 0 ? serviceList : null;
- }
- public static ThinService getOneService(String VFCMTId,int index, String userId) throws IOException {
- ThinService[] services = getServices(VFCMTId, userId);
- return services[index];
- }
- public static List<Resource> getVfListInstance(ThinService thinService) throws IOException {
- RestResponse serviceInstancRes = null;
- try{
- serviceInstancRes = DcaeRestClient.getServicesInstance(thinService.getUuid());
- }catch(Exception e){
- System.err.println("Exception occurred while trying to fetch List of VF instances from SDC service ("+thinService+"). Exception: "+e);
- return null;
- }
- Assert.assertTrue(serviceInstancRes.getStatusCode().intValue() == 200);
- String serviceInstancList = serviceInstancRes.getResponse();
- Service service = gson.fromJson(serviceInstancList, Service.class);
- return service.getResources();
- }
- public static Resource getOneVfInstance(ThinService thinService,int index) throws IOException {
- List<Resource> resources = getVfListInstance(thinService);
- return resources.get(index);
- }
- }
public static class SdcElementsModelType{
- public static RestResponse getMsElements() throws IOException{
- return DcaeRestClient.getItem(DcaeTestConstants.Composition.Microservice);
+ public static DcaeComponentCatalog.SubCategoryFolder getMsElements() throws IOException{
+ DcaeComponentCatalog getCatalogResponse = gson.fromJson(DcaeRestClient.getCatalog().getResponse(), DcaeComponentCatalog.class);
+ return getCatalogResponse.getElements().stream().filter(p -> DcaeTestConstants.Composition.Microservice.equals(p.getItemId())).findAny().get();
public static JsonArray getSNMPModelItemFromSdc() throws Exception {
- RestResponse resMsElements = getMsElements();
- JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser();
- JsonObject responseJson = (JsonObject)jsonParser.parse(resMsElements.getResponse());
- JsonArray itemJsonArray = responseJson.get("data").getAsJsonObject().get("element").getAsJsonObject().get("items").getAsJsonArray();
- Report.logDebug("DCAE Components items", itemJsonArray);
- Service[] services = gson.fromJson(itemJsonArray, Service[].class);
+ List<Resource> itemList = getMsElements().getItems();
+ Report.logDebug("DCAE Components items", itemList);
Report.log(Status.DEBUG, "Trying to find a certified VF which its name starts with supplement/map/enrich");
- List<String> collectIds =
- .filter(x -> DcaeBeConstants.LifecycleStateEnum.CERTIFIED == DcaeBeConstants.LifecycleStateEnum.valueOf(x.getLifecycleState())&& !x.getModels().isEmpty())
+ List<String> collectIds =
.filter(x -> x.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("supplement") || x.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("map") || x.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("enrich"))
- .map(Service::getUuid)
+ .map(Resource::getUuid)
if(collectIds.isEmpty()) {
Report.log(Status.WARNING, "Could not find any SNMP DCAE Component");
@@ -160,14 +54,8 @@ public class DcaeUtil {
public static String getItemUuid(int itemNumber) throws IOException{
- DcaeComponents dcaeComponents = getDcaeComponents();
- return dcaeComponents.getData().getElement().getItems().get(itemNumber).getUuid();
- }
- public static DcaeComponents getDcaeComponents() throws IOException{
- RestResponse services = getMsElements();
- String response = services.getResponse();
- return gson.fromJson(response, DcaeComponents.class);
+ DcaeComponentCatalog.SubCategoryFolder dcaeComponents = getMsElements();
+ return dcaeComponents.getItems().get(itemNumber).getUuid();
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
index 3b58109..5b1eff5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ import;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.List;
@@ -156,7 +153,6 @@ public class HttpRequest {
public RestResponse httpSendPost(String url, String body, Map<String, String> headers) throws IOException {
return httpSendPost(url, body, headers, "POST");
@@ -236,6 +232,59 @@ public class HttpRequest {
+ public RestResponse httpSendPost(String url, String body) throws IOException {
+ RestResponse restResponse = new RestResponse();
+ URL obj = new URL(url);
+ HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
+ // Send post request
+ if (body != null) {
+ con.setDoOutput(true);
+ DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(con.getOutputStream());
+ wr.writeBytes(body);
+ wr.flush();
+ wr.close();
+ }
+ int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
+ StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
+ try {
+ response.append(IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.debug("response body is null");
+ }
+ String result;
+ try {
+ result = IOUtils.toString(con.getErrorStream());
+ response.append(result);
+ } catch (Exception e2) {
+ result = null;
+ }
+ logger.debug("Response body: {}",response);
+ // print result
+ restResponse.setStatusCode(responseCode);
+ if (response != null) {
+ restResponse.setResponse(response.toString());
+ }
+ Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = con.getHeaderFields();
+ restResponse.setHeaderFields(headerFields);
+ String responseMessage = con.getResponseMessage();
+ restResponse.setResponseMessage(responseMessage);
+ con.disconnect();
+ return restResponse;
+ }
public RestResponse httpSendDelete(String url, Map<String, String> headers) throws IOException {
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
index 3010de0..acf7fb7 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ci/utilities/
@@ -66,13 +66,11 @@ public class SdcInternalApiClient extends BaseRestUtils {
return new Vfi(DcaeUtil.getValueFromJsonResponse(createResourceInstance.getResponse(), "name"), service);
public static RestResponse changeResourceLifeCycleState(String assetUniqueId, String lifeCycleOperation) throws IOException {
String url = getApiUrl(String.format("resources/%s/lifecycleState/%s", assetUniqueId, lifeCycleOperation));
return sendPost(url, "{\"userRemarks\":\"Ci lifecycle operation\"}", defaultUserId, acceptHeaderData);
// DELETE - Clean up //
public static RestResponse deleteAssetFromSdc(String context, String uniqueId) throws IOException {
@@ -82,22 +80,21 @@ public class SdcInternalApiClient extends BaseRestUtils {
public static RestResponse deleteMarkedResources() throws IOException {
- String url = String.format("%s:%s/sdc2/rest/v1/inactiveComponents/resource", configuration.getBeHost(), configuration.getBePort());
+ String url = String.format("%s:%s/sdc2/rest/v1/inactiveComponents/resource", configuration.getSdcBeHost(), configuration.getSdcBePort());
return sendDelete(url, adminUserId);
public static RestResponse deleteMarkedServices() throws IOException {
- String url = String.format("%s:%s/sdc2/rest/v1/inactiveComponents/service", configuration.getBeHost(), configuration.getBePort());
+ String url = String.format("%s:%s/sdc2/rest/v1/inactiveComponents/service", configuration.getSdcBeHost(), configuration.getSdcBePort());
return sendDelete(url, adminUserId);
public static Map<String, List<SdcComponent>> getAssetsByUser(String userId) throws IOException {
- String url = String.format("%s:%s/sdc2/rest/v1/followed", configuration.getBeHost(), configuration.getBePort());
+ String url = String.format("%s:%s/sdc2/rest/v1/followed", configuration.getSdcBeHost(), configuration.getSdcBePort());
RestResponse restResponse = sendGet(url, userId);
return 200 == restResponse.getStatusCode() ? gson.fromJson(restResponse.getResponse(), new TypeToken<Map<String, List<SdcComponent>>>(){}.getType()) : new HashMap<>();
public static SdcComponentMetadata getAssetMetadata(String context, String uniqueId, String userId) throws IOException {
String url = getApiUrl(String.format("%s/%s/filteredDataByParams?include=metadata", context, uniqueId));
RestResponse restResponse = sendGet(url, userId);
diff --git a/src/main/resources/conf/conf.yaml b/src/main/resources/conf/conf.yaml
index 41a7d82..c3862e2 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/conf/conf.yaml
+++ b/src/main/resources/conf/conf.yaml
@@ -1,19 +1,9 @@
dcaeBeHost: http://localhost
-dcaeBePort: 8080
-#dcaeBePort: 8446 --> [in local PC testing] 8080 --> [in remote CI]
-bePort: 8443
-fePort: 8181
-ruleEditorUrl: http://localhost:4200
-#apiPath: "/dcae" --> [in local PC testing]
+dcaeBePort: 8446
+sdcBePort: 8443
apiPath: ""
-remoteTestingMachineIP: null
-remoteTestingMachinePort: 88
-remoteTesting: false
-browser: null
-systemUnderDebug: null
reportDBhost: null
reportDBport: 88
captureTraffic: false
@@ -25,4 +15,5 @@ numOfAttemptsToRefresh: 22
rerun: false
windowsDownloadDirectory: null
screenshotFolder: ./ExtentReport/screenshots/
-harFilesFolder: ./ExtentReport/har_files/ \ No newline at end of file
+harFilesFolder: ./ExtentReport/har_files/
+toscaLabUrl: http://localhost:8080 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/resources/conf/dcae_tests_conf.yaml.erb b/src/main/resources/conf/dcae_tests_conf.yaml.erb
index 46784ba..1dd9cee 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/conf/dcae_tests_conf.yaml.erb
+++ b/src/main/resources/conf/dcae_tests_conf.yaml.erb
@@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
dcaeBeHost: <%= @protocol %>://<%= @catalogbe_ip %>
dcaeBePort: <%= @catalogbe_port %>
-beHost: <%= @protocol %>://<%= @catalogbe_ip %>
-bePort: <%= @catalogbe_port %>
-feHost: <%= @protocol %>://<%= @catalogfe_ip %>
-fePort: <%= @catalogfe_port %>
+sdcBeHost: <%= @protocol %>://<%= @catalogbe_ip %>
+sdcBePort: 8443
apiPath: "/dcae"
url: <%= @url %>
-remoteTestingMachineIP: null
-remoteTestingMachinePort: 88
-remoteTesting: false
-browser: null
-systemUnderDebug: null
reportDBhost: null
reportDBport: 88
captureTraffic: false
@@ -23,6 +16,4 @@ rerun: false
windowsDownloadDirectory: null
screenshotFolder: ./ExtentReport/screenshots/
harFilesFolder: ./ExtentReport/har_files/
-ruleEditorUrl: <%= @url %>/../../rule_engine
+toscaLabUrl: http://<%= @catalogbe_ip %>:8085 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/resources/scripts/ b/src/main/resources/scripts/
index 158f497..48d6935 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/scripts/
+++ b/src/main/resources/scripts/
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ fi
+# # # # #
cmd="java -Dconfig.resource=${CONF_FILE} -Dcredentials.file=${CREDENTIALS_FILE} -Dlog4j.configuration=${LOGS_PROP_FILE} -DtestSuite=${SUITE_FILE} -cp $JAR_FILE ${MainClass} &"
diff --git a/src/main/resources/testSuite/testSuite.xml b/src/main/resources/testSuite/testSuite.xml
index da131eb..982193c 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/testSuite/testSuite.xml
+++ b/src/main/resources/testSuite/testSuite.xml
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
<class name=""></class>
<class name=""></class>
<class name=""></class>
+ <class name=""></class>
+ <class name=""></class>
</test> <!-- Test -->
</suite> <!-- Suite -->
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0b6297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+set -x
+# Run chef-solo for configuration
+cd chef-solo
+chef-solo -c solo.rb -E ${ENVNAME} --log_level "debug" --logfile "/tmp/Chef-Solo.log"
+if [ $status != 0 ]; then
+ echo "[ERROR] Problem detected while running chef. Aborting !"
+ exit 1
+# Set command parameters
+# Execute dcae-ci-tests
+cd /
+java -Dconfig.resource=${CONF_FILE} \
+ -Dcredentials.file=${CREDENTIALS_FILE} \
+ -Dlog4j.configuration=${LOGS_PROP_FILE} \
+ -DtestSuite=${SUITE_FILE} \
+ -cp $JAR_FILE ${MainClass} \
+ > /logs/dcae_testSuite.out
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8471f55..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Versioning variables
-# Note that these variables cannot be structured (e.g. : version.release or version.snapshot etc... )
-# because they are used in Jenkins, whose plug-in doesn't support