path: root/utils
diff options
authorLiang Ding <liang.ding@intel.com>2019-08-21 21:58:54 -0700
committerLiang Ding <liang.ding@intel.com>2019-09-06 11:55:52 +0000
commita30778c360c0bcb8051e395e0ac4e9a3225c903a (patch)
treed3aad47794569838d9a949af0b647d787dfb2238 /utils
parent06b4321bfa2a0aa5dd7529205b557ef587647c94 (diff)
fix a nested node type issue
the newly added node type is considered as nested when substitution_mapping is enabled in TOSCA yaml file Change-Id: Ibdee29d7a553c7b1ce085cbe971ceace6c4488f5 Issue-ID: SDC-2282 Signed-off-by: Liang Ding <liang.ding@intel.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
'n127' href='#n127'>127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166
# Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) 
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).

## [2.12.1]

* Run as non-root

## [2.12.0]

* Add HTTP support using Flask/flask-restplus
* Add APIs for component (list, show, add, update, status change)
* Add APIs for data format (list, show, add, update, status change)
* Change the default value for `enforce_image` from true to false
* Enhance Docker image creation to generate the dcae-cli configuration at runtime rather than at build time
* Fix format_description to handle no description case
* Add filtering by name, version for GET /components
* Modify server url in start.sh to point to new spec file
* Change dcae cli version in start.sh to 2.12.0
* Change werkzeug dependency version in setup.py

## [2.11.3]

* Fix Format class definition of "description" to match JSON schema

## [2.11.2]

* Upgrade to use docker 4.x.x from docker-py 1.x.x

## [2.11.1]

* Change to policy reconfiguration functions to pass consul_host as a parameter

## [2.11.0]

* Add Policy Configuration Support.
* Update and improve the Help Text that is displayed to the user.
* Component Spec schema additions for parameters section (policy, volumes).
* Component Spec schema updates to make the following required: (designer_editable, sourced_at_deployment, policy_editable).

## [2.10.2]

* Fix dependency conflict with python-consul
* Fix psycopg2 warning by requiring psycopg2-binary
* Use Docker client from env when checking images

## [2.10.1]

* Fix DCAEGEN2-402

## [2.10.0]

* Make server url (url to webserver that has static artifacts like json schemas) a configuration parameter
* Seeding configuration is no longer a fatal issue
* Setup database connection via manual user inputs if seed config not there
* Seeding profiles is no longer a fatal issue
* Dynamically fetch Docker login credentials from Consul to use to authenticate when creating Docker client.
* Make docker login key into a configuration param
* Clean up the hard coupling to the user configuration particularly in the discovery module

## [2.9.0]

* Add data format generate command
* Fix issue with data router config keys

## [2.8.1]

* Improve error message when inputs map is missing item. Show the specific parameters that are causing issues.

## [2.8.0]

* Enhance to support parameters that are sourced at deployment
* Provide new command line arg --inputs-file
* Use inputs file to bind values to generated configuration for parameters that have been specified to be `sourced_at_deployment` true.

## [2.7.0]

* Rip out Docker related code and use common python-dockering library
    - Using 1.2.0 of python-dockering supports Docker exec based health checks
* Add support for volumes
* Add support for special DNS configuration in Docker containers to enable use of Consul DNS interface

## [2.6.0]

* Use port mappings from component spec when running Docker containers

## [2.5.0]

* Define the data structure for the input dmaap map items for data router that are passed in `--dmaap-file`. Enhance the json schema.
* Create the appropriate delivery url
* Enhance spec validation for cdap. Throw error when cdap specs have data router subscribes.
* Verify container is up in order to construct and to display data router subscriber delivery urls

## [2.4.0]

* Define the data structure for the input dmaap map items that are passed in `--dmaap-file`. Create and use json schema for validation and applying defaults.
* Group config keys by `streams_publishes`, `streams_subscribes`, and `services_calls` in generating the application config for both Docker and CDAP

## [2.3.2]

* Fix issue where components with dashes can't be found when running components that depend upon them. This one addressed the issue in the catalog and in the config creation part of discovery.
* Fix misleading "missing downstream component" warning that should be an error.

## [2.3.1]

* Fix issue where components with dashes can't be found when running components that depend upon them.
EDIT: This one addressed the issue in the catalog

## [2.3.0]

* Enhance the `component dev` command to print all the environment variables needed to work with the platform for development
* Display the component type in the `catalog list` view

## [2.2.0]

* Add fields `cli_version` and `schema_path` to both the components and data formats tables to be used as metadata which can be used for debugging.

## [2.1.0]

* (Re)Initialize both config and profiles by first grabbing files from Nexus
* Change `--reinit` to be eager and to be used to reinit config and profiles
* Remove *default* profile
* Replace the use of backports.tempfile with a combo of pytest `tmpdir` and `monkeypatch`

## [2.0.0]

* Update sqlalchemy and catalog to support postgres and remove mysql support. Still compatible with sqlite.
* Add the `catalog` command used to tap into the shared catalog
* Change the `component` and the `data_format` command to be for the particular user of the dcae-cli
* Changes to support component spec v3: folding of the auxiliary specs into the component spec and adding of the property artifacts
* Add the ability to publish components and data formats

## [1.6.0]

* Enhance `component run` to take in dmaap json using the `--dmaap-file` option. This is used to generate configuration that will provide client-side dmaap configuration.

## [1.5.0]

* Enhance `component dev` to take in dmaap json using the `--dmaap-file` option. This is used to generate configuration that will provide client-side dmaap configuration.
* Make json schema remote file paths configurable.

## [1.4.0]

* Enhance component list view to show running instances. The standard view shows number of deployments associated with a component and an expanded view that show details of those deployments.

## [1.3.0]

* Fix queries to find unhealthy and defective instances to force dashes to be dots to ensure proper matching

## [1.2.0]

* Expand the undeploy command to include undeploying defective instances
* Remove suffix from name to fix mis-naming

## [0.12.0]

* Go back to setting of uid, expose setting of db url
* Add ability to *reinit* configuration via `--reinit`

## [0.11.0]

* Make CDAP Parameters follow parameters definitions