path: root/services/activity-spec/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js
diff options
authorsheetalm <>2018-03-13 19:32:08 +0530
committersheetalm <>2018-03-26 14:38:06 +0530
commited12890b0bb0c07acd3eb7bcbd10bfcca3046a2b (patch)
treebd37e0e117fc9e8a1b818f94a9e5a120ca4df0a6 /services/activity-spec/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js
parentf2cee7829ae7d8fae58239dd0018b2aa790c0251 (diff)
Activity Spec Service - Dockerization
Resolving merge conflict Fixing todo items after rebase. URL to be /activity-spec-api. Removing unused image. Renaming css Configuring docker registry to push images and adding docker profile Add maven docker module to generate below docker images 1 activity-spec-init:1.2.0-SNAPSHOT - creates cassandra keyspace and tables in already running cassandra docker image 2 activity-spec-be:1.2.0-SNAPSHOT - deploys activity spec war and swagger war on base jetty docker image Change-Id: Ic638e2cb9c224e9e6c91cf0f7198594593a77ae5 Issue-ID: SDC-1048 Signed-off-by: sheetalm <>
Diffstat (limited to 'services/activity-spec/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 290 deletions
diff --git a/services/activity-spec/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js b/services/activity-spec/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bb1c2773a..0000000000
--- a/services/activity-spec/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-var appName;
-var popupMask;
-var popupDialog;
-var clientId;
-var realm;
-var oauth2KeyName;
-var redirect_uri;
-var clientSecret;
-var scopeSeparator;
-function handleLogin() {
- var scopes = [];
- var auths = window.swaggerUi.api.authSchemes || window.swaggerUi.api.securityDefinitions;
- if(auths) {
- var key;
- var defs = auths;
- for(key in defs) {
- var auth = defs[key];
- if(auth.type === 'oauth2' && auth.scopes) {
- oauth2KeyName = key;
- var scope;
- if(Array.isArray(auth.scopes)) {
- // 1.2 support
- var i;
- for(i = 0; i < auth.scopes.length; i++) {
- scopes.push(auth.scopes[i]);
- }
- }
- else {
- // 2.0 support
- for(scope in auth.scopes) {
- scopes.push({scope: scope, description: auth.scopes[scope]});
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(window.swaggerUi.api
- && {
- appName =;
- }
- $('.api-popup-dialog').remove();
- popupDialog = $(
- [
- '<div class="api-popup-dialog">',
- '<div class="api-popup-title">Select OAuth2.0 Scopes</div>',
- '<div class="api-popup-content">',
- '<p>Scopes are used to grant an application different levels of access to data on behalf of the end user. Each API may declare one or more scopes.',
- '<a href="#">Learn how to use</a>',
- '</p>',
- '<p><strong>' + appName + '</strong> API requires the following scopes. Select which ones you want to grant to Swagger UI.</p>',
- '<ul class="api-popup-scopes">',
- '</ul>',
- '<p class="error-msg"></p>',
- '<div class="api-popup-actions"><button class="api-popup-authbtn api-button green" type="button">Authorize</button><button class="api-popup-cancel api-button gray" type="button">Cancel</button></div>',
- '</div>',
- '</div>'].join(''));
- $(document.body).append(popupDialog);
- popup = popupDialog.find('ul.api-popup-scopes').empty();
- for (i = 0; i < scopes.length; i ++) {
- scope = scopes[i];
- str = '<li><input type="checkbox" id="scope_' + i + '" scope="' + scope.scope + '"/>' + '<label for="scope_' + i + '">' + scope.scope;
- if (scope.description) {
- str += '<br/><span class="api-scope-desc">' + scope.description + '</span>';
- }
- str += '</label></li>';
- popup.append(str);
- }
- var $win = $(window),
- dw = $win.width(),
- dh = $win.height(),
- st = $win.scrollTop(),
- dlgWd = popupDialog.outerWidth(),
- dlgHt = popupDialog.outerHeight(),
- top = (dh -dlgHt)/2 + st,
- left = (dw - dlgWd)/2;
- popupDialog.css({
- top: (top < 0? 0 : top) + 'px',
- left: (left < 0? 0 : left) + 'px'
- });
- popupDialog.find('button.api-popup-cancel').click(function() {
- popupMask.hide();
- popupDialog.hide();
- popupDialog.empty();
- popupDialog = [];
- });
- $('button.api-popup-authbtn').unbind();
- popupDialog.find('button.api-popup-authbtn').click(function() {
- popupMask.hide();
- popupDialog.hide();
- var authSchemes = window.swaggerUi.api.authSchemes;
- var host = window.location;
- var pathname = location.pathname.substring(0, location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"));
- var defaultRedirectUrl = host.protocol + '//' + + pathname + '/o2c.html';
- var redirectUrl = window.oAuthRedirectUrl || defaultRedirectUrl;
- var url = null;
- for (var key in authSchemes) {
- if (authSchemes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- var flow = authSchemes[key].flow;
- if(authSchemes[key].type === 'oauth2' && flow && (flow === 'implicit' || flow === 'accessCode')) {
- var dets = authSchemes[key];
- url = dets.authorizationUrl + '?response_type=' + (flow === 'implicit' ? 'token' : 'code');
- window.swaggerUi.tokenName = dets.tokenName || 'access_token';
- window.swaggerUi.tokenUrl = (flow === 'accessCode' ? dets.tokenUrl : null);
- }
- else if(authSchemes[key].grantTypes) {
- // 1.2 support
- var o = authSchemes[key].grantTypes;
- for(var t in o) {
- if(o.hasOwnProperty(t) && t === 'implicit') {
- var dets = o[t];
- var ep = dets.loginEndpoint.url;
- url = dets.loginEndpoint.url + '?response_type=token';
- window.swaggerUi.tokenName = dets.tokenName;
- }
- else if (o.hasOwnProperty(t) && t === 'accessCode') {
- var dets = o[t];
- var ep = dets.tokenRequestEndpoint.url;
- url = dets.tokenRequestEndpoint.url + '?response_type=code';
- window.swaggerUi.tokenName = dets.tokenName;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var scopes = []
- var o = $('.api-popup-scopes').find('input:checked');
- for(k =0; k < o.length; k++) {
- var scope = $(o[k]).attr('scope');
- if (scopes.indexOf(scope) === -1)
- scopes.push(scope);
- }
- // Implicit auth recommends a state parameter.
- var state = Math.random ();
- window.enabledScopes=scopes;
- redirect_uri = redirectUrl;
- url += '&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(redirectUrl);
- url += '&realm=' + encodeURIComponent(realm);
- url += '&client_id=' + encodeURIComponent(clientId);
- url += '&scope=' + encodeURIComponent(scopes.join(scopeSeparator));
- url += '&state=' + encodeURIComponent(state);
- });
- return;
-function handleLogout() {
- for(key in window.swaggerUi.api.clientAuthorizations.authz){
- window.swaggerUi.api.clientAuthorizations.remove(key)
- }
- window.enabledScopes = null;
- $('.api-ic.ic-on').addClass('ic-off');
- $('.api-ic.ic-on').removeClass('ic-on');
- // set the info box
- $('.api-ic.ic-warning').addClass('ic-error');
- $('.api-ic.ic-warning').removeClass('ic-warning');
-function initOAuth(opts) {
- var o = (opts||{});
- var errors = [];
- appName = (o.appName||errors.push('missing appName'));
- popupMask = (o.popupMask||$('#api-common-mask'));
- popupDialog = (o.popupDialog||$('.api-popup-dialog'));
- clientId = (o.clientId||errors.push('missing client id'));
- clientSecret = (o.clientSecret||errors.push('missing client secret'));
- realm = (o.realm||errors.push('missing realm'));
- scopeSeparator = (o.scopeSeparator||' ');
- if(errors.length > 0){
- log('auth unable initialize oauth: ' + errors);
- return;
- }
- $('pre code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e)});
- $('.api-ic').unbind();
- $('.api-ic').click(function(s) {
- if($('ic-off'))
- handleLogin();
- else {
- handleLogout();
- }
- false;
- });
-window.processOAuthCode = function processOAuthCode(data) {
- var params = {
- 'client_id': clientId,
- 'client_secret': clientSecret,
- 'code': data.code,
- 'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
- 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri
- }
- $.ajax(
- {
- url : window.swaggerUi.tokenUrl,
- type: "POST",
- data: params,
- success:function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
- {
- onOAuthComplete(data);
- },
- error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
- {
- onOAuthComplete("");
- }
- });
-window.onOAuthComplete = function onOAuthComplete(token) {
- if(token) {
- if(token.error) {
- var checkbox = $('input[type=checkbox],.secured')
- checkbox.each(function(pos){
- checkbox[pos].checked = false;
- });
- alert(token.error);
- }
- else {
- var b = token[window.swaggerUi.tokenName];
- if(b){
- // if all roles are satisfied
- var o = null;
- $.each($('.auth .api-ic .api_information_panel'), function(k, v) {
- var children = v;
- if(children && children.childNodes) {
- var requiredScopes = [];
- $.each((children.childNodes), function (k1, v1){
- var inner = v1.innerHTML;
- if(inner)
- requiredScopes.push(inner);
- });
- var diff = [];
- for(var i=0; i < requiredScopes.length; i++) {
- var s = requiredScopes[i];
- if(window.enabledScopes && window.enabledScopes.indexOf(s) == -1) {
- diff.push(s);
- }
- }
- if(diff.length > 0){
- o = v.parentNode.parentNode;
- $(o.parentNode).find('.api-ic.ic-on').addClass('ic-off');
- $(o.parentNode).find('.api-ic.ic-on').removeClass('ic-on');
- // sorry, not all scopes are satisfied
- $(o).find('.api-ic').addClass('ic-warning');
- $(o).find('.api-ic').removeClass('ic-error');
- }
- else {
- o = v.parentNode.parentNode;
- $(o.parentNode).find('.api-ic.ic-off').addClass('ic-on');
- $(o.parentNode).find('.api-ic.ic-off').removeClass('ic-off');
- // all scopes are satisfied
- $(o).find('.api-ic').addClass('ic-info');
- $(o).find('.api-ic').removeClass('ic-warning');
- $(o).find('.api-ic').removeClass('ic-error');
- }
- }
- });
- window.swaggerUi.api.clientAuthorizations.add(oauth2KeyName, new SwaggerClient.ApiKeyAuthorization('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + b, 'header'));
- }
- }
- }