path: root/openecomp-be/tools/build/scripts/cassandra-commands.json
diff options
authorMichael Lando <ml636r@att.com>2017-02-19 12:35:04 +0200
committerMichael Lando <ml636r@att.com>2017-02-19 12:35:04 +0200
commitf5f13c4f6b6fe3b4d98e349dfd7db59339803436 (patch)
tree72caffc93fab394ffa3b761505775331f1c559b9 /openecomp-be/tools/build/scripts/cassandra-commands.json
parent451a3400b76511393c62a444f588a4ed15f4a549 (diff)
push addional code
Change-Id: Ia427bb3460cda3a896f8faced2de69eaf3807b74 Signed-off-by: Michael Lando <ml636r@att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'openecomp-be/tools/build/scripts/cassandra-commands.json')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openecomp-be/tools/build/scripts/cassandra-commands.json b/openecomp-be/tools/build/scripts/cassandra-commands.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8354ff2532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openecomp-be/tools/build/scripts/cassandra-commands.json
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ "create": {
+ "version": "CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS version (major int, minor int)",
+ "user_candidate_version": "CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS user_candidate_version (version frozen<version>, user text)",
+ "version_info": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version_info (entity_type text, entity_id text, active_version frozen<version>, status text, candidate frozen<user_candidate_version>, viewable_versions set<frozen<version>>, latest_final_version frozen<version>, PRIMARY KEY (entity_type, entity_id))",
+ "version_info_deleted": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version_info_deleted (entity_type text, entity_id text, active_version frozen<version>, status text, candidate frozen<user_candidate_version>, viewable_versions set<frozen<version>>, latest_final_version frozen<version>, PRIMARY KEY (entity_type, entity_id))",
+ "unique_value" : "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS unique_value (type text, value text, PRIMARY KEY ((type, value)))",
+ "choice_or_other": "CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS choice_or_other (result text)",
+ "multi_choice_or_other": "CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS multi_choice_or_other (results set<text>)",
+ "vendor_license_model": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vendor_license_model (vlm_id text, version frozen<version>, vendor_name text, description text, icon text, PRIMARY KEY ((vlm_id, version)))",
+ "license_agreement": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS license_agreement (vlm_id text, version frozen<version>, la_id text, name text, description text, lic_term frozen<choice_or_other>, req_const text, fg_ids set<text>, PRIMARY KEY ((vlm_id, version), la_id))",
+ "feature_group": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feature_group (vlm_id text, version frozen<version>, fg_id text, name text, description text, part_num text, ep_ids set<text>, lkg_ids set<text>, ref_la_ids set<text>, PRIMARY KEY ((vlm_id, version), fg_id))",
+ "license_key_group": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS license_key_group (vlm_id text, version frozen<version>, lkg_id text,name text,description text, type text, operational_scope frozen<multi_choice_or_other>, ref_fg_ids set<text>, version_uuid text, PRIMARY KEY ((vlm_id, version), lkg_id))",
+ "entitlement_pool": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entitlement_pool (vlm_id text, version frozen<version>, ep_id text,name text,description text,threshold float,threshold_unit text,entitlement_metric frozen<choice_or_other>,increments text,aggregation_func frozen<choice_or_other>, operational_scope frozen<multi_choice_or_other>, time frozen<choice_or_other>,manufacturer_ref_num text,ref_fg_ids set<text>, version_uuid text, PRIMARY KEY ((vlm_id, version), ep_id))",
+ "vsp_information": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vsp_information (VSP_ID text, version frozen<version>, NAME text,DESCRIPTION text,CATEGORY text,SUB_CATEGORY text,ICON text,PACKAGE_NAME text,PACKAGE_VERSION text,vendor_name text, vendor_id text,LICENSE_AGREEMENT text,FEATURE_GROUPS list<text>,VALIDATION_DATA text,CONTENT_DATA blob, questionnaire_data text, vlm_version frozen<version>, PRIMARY KEY ((VSP_ID, version)))",
+ "package_details": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS package_details (VSP_ID text, version frozen<version>,DISPLAY_NAME text,vsp_name text,vsp_description text,VENDOR_NAME text,CATEGORY text,SUB_CATEGORY text,VENDOR_RELEASE text,PACKAGE_CHECKSUM text,PACKAGE_TYPE text,TRANSLATE_CONTENT blob,PRIMARY KEY ((VSP_ID, version)))",
+ "vsp_network": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vsp_network (vsp_id text, version frozen<version>, network_id text, composition_data text, questionnaire_data text, PRIMARY KEY ((vsp_id, version), network_id))",
+ "vsp_component": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vsp_component (vsp_id text, version frozen<version>, component_id text, composition_data text, questionnaire_data text, PRIMARY KEY ((vsp_id, version), component_id))",
+ "vsp_component_nic": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vsp_component_nic (vsp_id text, version frozen<version>, component_id text, nic_id text, composition_data text, questionnaire_data text, PRIMARY KEY ((vsp_id, version), component_id, nic_id))",
+ "vsp_process" : "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vsp_process (vsp_id text, version frozen<version>, component_id text, process_id text, name text, description text, artifact_name text, artifact blob, PRIMARY KEY ((vsp_id, version), component_id, process_id))",
+ "vsp_service_artifact" : "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vsp_service_artifact (vsp_id text, version frozen<version>, name text, content_data blob, PRIMARY KEY ((vsp_id, version), name))",
+ "vsp_service_template" : "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vsp_service_template (vsp_id text, version frozen<version>, base_name text static, name text, content_data blob, PRIMARY KEY ((vsp_id, version), name))",
+ "vsp_enriched_service_template" : "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vsp_enriched_service_template (vsp_id text, version frozen<version>, base_name text static, name text, content_data blob, PRIMARY KEY ((vsp_id, version), name))",
+ "vsp_enriched_service_artifact" : "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vsp_enriched_service_artifact (vsp_id text, version frozen<version>, name text, content_data blob, PRIMARY KEY ((vsp_id, version), name))",
+ "application_config" : "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS application_config (namespace text, key text, value text, PRIMARY KEY (namespace, key))",
+ "action" : "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dox.Action (actionUUID text, actionInvariantUUID text, version frozen<version>, status text, name text, vendor_list set<text>, category_list set<text>, timestamp timestamp, user text, supportedModels set<text>, supportedComponents set<text>, data text, PRIMARY KEY ((actionInvariantUUID, version)))",
+ "supportedComponents_index" : "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS action_supportedComponents ON dox.Action (supportedComponents)",
+ "category_list_index" : "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS action_category_list ON dox.Action (category_list)",
+ "supportedModels_index" : "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS action_supportedModels ON dox.Action (supportedModels)",
+ "vendor_list_index" : "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS action_vendor_list ON dox.Action (vendor_list)",
+ "actionUUID_index" : "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS action_actionUUID ON dox.Action (actionUUID)",
+ "ecomp_component": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dox.ecompcomponent(id text PRIMARY KEY, name text)",
+ "vsp_component_artifact": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vsp_component_artifact (vsp_id text, version frozen<version>, component_id text, artifact_type text, artifact_id text, name text, description text, artifact blob, PRIMARY KEY ((vsp_id, version), component_id, artifact_type, artifact_id))",
+ "name_index": "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS action_name ON dox.Action (name)",
+ "action_artifact":"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS action_artifact(artifactuuid text, effective_version int, artifact blob, PRIMARY KEY(artifactuuid, effective_version)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (effective_version DESC)"
+ },
+ "drop": {
+ "version_info": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS version_info",
+ "version_info_deleted": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS version_info_deleted",
+ "unique_value": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unique_value",
+ "entitlement_pool": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS entitlement_pool",
+ "vendor_license_model": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vendor_license_model",
+ "license_agreement": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS license_agreement",
+ "feature_group": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS feature_group",
+ "license_key_group": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS license_key_group",
+ "vsp_information": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsp_information",
+ "package_details": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS package_details",
+ "vsp_network": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsp_network",
+ "vsp_component": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsp_component",
+ "vsp_component_nic": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsp_component_nic",
+ "vsp_process":"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsp_process",
+ "choice_or_other": "DROP TYPE IF EXISTS choice_or_other",
+ "multi_choice_or_other": "DROP TYPE IF EXISTS multi_choice_or_other",
+ "application_config" : "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS application_config",
+ "vsp_service_artifact" :"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsp_service_artifact",
+ "vsp_service_template" :"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsp_service_template",
+ "vsp_enriched_service_artifact" :"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsp_enriched_service_artifact",
+ "vsp_enriched_service_template" :"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsp_enriched_service_template",
+ "action" : "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS action",
+ "supportedComponents_index" : "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS dox.action_supportedComponents",
+ "category_list_index" : "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS dox.action_category_list",
+ "supportedModels_index" : "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS dox.action_supportedModels",
+ "vendor_list_index" : "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS dox.action_vendor_list",
+ "actionUUID_index" : "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS dox.action_actionUUID",
+ "name_index" : "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS dox.action_name",
+ "ecomp_component": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dox.ecompcomponent",
+ "vsp_component_artifact": "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dox.vsp_component_artifact",
+ "action_artifact":"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS action_artifact"
+ },
+ "alter": {
+ "vsp_information": "ALTER TABLE vsp_information ADD questionnaire_data text",
+ "vsp_information_1": "ALTER TABLE vsp_information ADD vlm_version frozen<version>",
+ "entitlement_pool": "alter table entitlement_pool ADD version_uuid text",
+ "license_key_group": "alter table license_key_group ADD version_uuid text"
+ }