path: root/catalog-ui/typings/lodash/lodash.d.ts
diff options
authorMichael Lando <ml636r@att.com>2017-06-09 03:19:04 +0300
committerMichael Lando <ml636r@att.com>2017-06-09 03:19:04 +0300
commited64b5edff15e702493df21aa3230b81593e6133 (patch)
treea4cb01fdaccc34930a8db403a3097c0d1e40914b /catalog-ui/typings/lodash/lodash.d.ts
parent280f8015d06af1f41a3ef12e8300801c7a5e0d54 (diff)
[SDC-29] catalog 1707 rebase commit.
Change-Id: I43c3dc5cf44abf5da817649bc738938a3e8388c1 Signed-off-by: Michael Lando <ml636r@att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'catalog-ui/typings/lodash/lodash.d.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 22949 deletions
diff --git a/catalog-ui/typings/lodash/lodash.d.ts b/catalog-ui/typings/lodash/lodash.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d23982103..0000000000
--- a/catalog-ui/typings/lodash/lodash.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22949 +0,0 @@
-// Type definitions for Lo-Dash 4.14
-// Project: http://lodash.com/
-// Definitions by: Brian Zengel <https://github.com/bczengel>, Ilya Mochalov <https://github.com/chrootsu>, Stepan Mikhaylyuk <https://github.com/stepancar>
-// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
- ### 4.0.0 Changelog (https://github.com/lodash/lodash/wiki/Changelog)
- #### TODO:
- removed:
- - [x] Removed _.support
- - [x] Removed _.findWhere in favor of _.find with iteratee shorthand
- - [x] Removed _.where in favor of _.filter with iteratee shorthand
- - [x] Removed _.pluck in favor of _.map with iteratee shorthand
- renamed:
- - [x] Renamed _.first to _.head
- - [x] Renamed _.indexBy to _.keyBy
- - [x] Renamed _.invoke to _.invokeMap
- - [x] Renamed _.overArgs to _.overArgs
- - [x] Renamed _.padLeft & _.padRight to _.padStart & _.padEnd
- - [x] Renamed _.pairs to _.toPairs
- - [x] Renamed _.rest to _.tail
- - [x] Renamed _.restParam to _.rest
- - [x] Renamed _.sortByOrder to _.orderBy
- - [x] Renamed _.trimLeft & _.trimRight to _.trimStart & _.trimEnd
- - [x] Renamed _.trunc to _.truncate
- split:
- - [x] Split _.indexOf & _.lastIndexOf into _.sortedIndexOf & _.sortedLastIndexOf
- - [x] Split _.max & _.min into _.maxBy & _.minBy
- - [x] Split _.omit & _.pick into _.omitBy & _.pickBy
- - [x] Split _.sample into _.sampleSize
- - [x] Split _.sortedIndex into _.sortedIndexBy
- - [x] Split _.sortedLastIndex into _.sortedLastIndexBy
- - [x] Split _.uniq into _.sortedUniq, _.sortedUniqBy, & _.uniqBy
- changes:
- - [x] Absorbed _.sortByAll into _.sortBy
- - [x] Changed the category of _.at to “Object”
- - [x] Changed the category of _.bindAll to “Utility”
- - [x] Made _.capitalize uppercase the first character & lowercase the rest
- - [x] Made _.functions return only own method names
- added 23 array methods:
- - [x] _.concat
- - [x] _.differenceBy
- - [x] _.differenceWith
- - [x] _.flatMap
- - [x] _.fromPairs
- - [x] _.intersectionBy
- - [x] _.intersectionWith
- - [x] _.join
- - [x] _.pullAll
- - [x] _.pullAllBy
- - [x] _.reverse
- - [x] _.sortedIndexBy
- - [x] _.sortedIndexOf
- - [x] _.sortedLastIndexBy
- - [x] _.sortedLastIndexOf
- - [x] _.sortedUniq
- - [x] _.sortedUniqBy
- - [x] _.unionBy
- - [x] _.unionWith
- - [x] _.uniqBy
- - [x] _.uniqWith
- - [x] _.xorBy
- - [x] _.xorWith
- added 18 lang methods:
- - [x] _.cloneDeepWith
- - [x] _.cloneWith
- - [x] _.eq
- - [x] _.isArrayLike
- - [x] _.isArrayLikeObject
- - [x] _.isEqualWith
- - [x] _.isInteger
- - [x] _.isLength
- - [x] _.isMatchWith
- - [x] _.isNil
- - [x] _.isObjectLike
- - [x] _.isSafeInteger
- - [x] _.isSymbol
- - [x] _.toInteger
- - [x] _.toLength
- - [x] _.toNumber
- - [x] _.toSafeInteger
- - [x] _.toString
- added 13 object methods:
- - [x] _.assignIn
- - [x] _.assignInWith
- - [x] _.assignWith
- - [x] _.functionsIn
- - [x] _.hasIn
- - [x] _.mergeWith
- - [x] _.omitBy
- - [x] _.pickBy
- added 8 string methods:
- - [x] _.lowerCase
- - [x] _.lowerFirst
- - [x] _.upperCase
- - [x] _.upperFirst
- - [x] _.toLower
- - [x] _.toUpper
- added 8 utility methods:
- - [x] _.toPath
- added 4 math methods:
- - [x] _.maxBy
- - [x] _.mean
- - [x] _.minBy
- - [x] _.sumBy
- added 2 function methods:
- - [x] _.flip
- - [x] _.unary
- added 2 number methods:
- - [x] _.clamp
- - [x] _.subtract
- added collection method:
- - [x] _.sampleSize
- Added 3 aliases
- - [x] _.first as an alias of _.head
- Removed 17 aliases
- - [x] Removed aliase _.all
- - [x] Removed aliase _.any
- - [x] Removed aliase _.backflow
- - [x] Removed aliase _.callback
- - [x] Removed aliase _.collect
- - [x] Removed aliase _.compose
- - [x] Removed aliase _.contains
- - [x] Removed aliase _.detect
- - [x] Removed aliase _.foldl
- - [x] Removed aliase _.foldr
- - [x] Removed aliase _.include
- - [x] Removed aliase _.inject
- - [x] Removed aliase _.methods
- - [x] Removed aliase _.object
- - [x] Removed aliase _.run
- - [x] Removed aliase _.select
- - [x] Removed aliase _.unique
- Other changes
- - [x] Added support for array buffers to _.isEqual
- - [x] Added support for converting iterators to _.toArray
- - [x] Added support for deep paths to _.zipObject
- - [x] Changed UMD to export to window or self when available regardless of other exports
- - [x] Ensured debounce cancel clears args & thisArg references
- - [x] Ensured _.add, _.subtract, & _.sum don’t skip NaN values
- - [x] Ensured _.clone treats generators like functions
- - [x] Ensured _.clone produces clones with the source’s [[Prototype]]
- - [x] Ensured _.defaults assigns properties that shadow Object.prototype
- - [x] Ensured _.defaultsDeep doesn’t merge a string into an array
- - [x] Ensured _.defaultsDeep & _.merge don’t modify sources
- - [x] Ensured _.defaultsDeep works with circular references
- - [x] Ensured _.keys skips “length” on strict mode arguments objects in Safari 9
- - [x] Ensured _.merge doesn’t convert strings to arrays
- - [x] Ensured _.merge merges plain-objects onto non plain-objects
- - [x] Ensured _#plant resets iterator data of cloned sequences
- - [x] Ensured _.random swaps min & max if min is greater than max
- - [x] Ensured _.range preserves the sign of start of -0
- - [x] Ensured _.reduce & _.reduceRight use getIteratee in their array branch
- - [x] Fixed rounding issue with the precision param of _.floor
- - [x] Added flush method to debounced & throttled functions
- ** LATER **
- Misc:
- - [ ] Made _.forEach, _.forIn, _.forOwn, & _.times implicitly end a chain sequence
- - [ ] Removed thisArg params from most methods
- - [ ] Made “By” methods provide a single param to iteratees
- - [ ] Made _.words chainable by default
- - [ ] Removed isDeep params from _.clone & _.flatten
- - [ ] Removed _.bindAll support for binding all methods when no names are provided
- - [ ] Removed func-first param signature from _.before & _.after
- - [ ] _.extend as an alias of _.assignIn
- - [ ] _.extendWith as an alias of _.assignInWith
- - [ ] Added clear method to _.memoize.Cache
- - [ ] Added support for ES6 maps, sets, & symbols to _.clone, _.isEqual, & _.toArray
- - [ ] Enabled _.flow & _.flowRight to accept an array of functions
- - [ ] Ensured “Collection” methods treat functions as objects
- - [ ] Ensured _.assign, _.defaults, & _.merge coerce object values to objects
- - [ ] Ensured _.bindKey bound functions call object[key] when called with the new operator
- - [ ] Ensured _.isFunction returns true for generator functions
- - [ ] Ensured _.merge assigns typed arrays directly
- - [ ] Made _(...) an iterator & iterable
- - [ ] Made _.drop, _.take, & right forms coerce n of undefined to 0
- Methods:
- - [ ] _.concat
- - [ ] _.differenceBy
- - [ ] _.differenceWith
- - [ ] _.flatMap
- - [ ] _.fromPairs
- - [ ] _.intersectionBy
- - [ ] _.intersectionWith
- - [ ] _.join
- - [ ] _.pullAll
- - [ ] _.pullAllBy
- - [ ] _.reverse
- - [ ] _.sortedLastIndexOf
- - [ ] _.unionBy
- - [ ] _.unionWith
- - [ ] _.uniqWith
- - [ ] _.xorBy
- - [ ] _.xorWith
- - [ ] _.toString
- - [ ] _.invoke
- - [ ] _.setWith
- - [ ] _.toPairs
- - [ ] _.toPairsIn
- - [ ] _.unset
- - [ ] _.replace
- - [ ] _.split
- - [ ] _.cond
- - [ ] _.conforms
- - [ ] _.nthArg
- - [ ] _.over
- - [ ] _.overEvery
- - [ ] _.overSome
- - [ ] _.rangeRight
- - [ ] _.next
- */
-declare var _: _.LoDashStatic;
-declare module _ {
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a lodash object which wraps the given value to enable intuitive method chaining.
- *
- * In addition to Lo-Dash methods, wrappers also have the following Array methods:
- * concat, join, pop, push, reverse, shift, slice, sort, splice, and unshift
- *
- * Chaining is supported in custom builds as long as the value method is implicitly or
- * explicitly included in the build.
- *
- * The chainable wrapper functions are:
- * after, assign, bind, bindAll, bindKey, chain, chunk, compact, compose, concat, countBy,
- * createCallback, curry, debounce, defaults, defer, delay, difference, filter, flatten,
- * forEach, forEachRight, forIn, forInRight, forOwn, forOwnRight, functions, groupBy,
- * keyBy, initial, intersection, invert, invoke, keys, map, max, memoize, merge, min,
- * object, omit, once, pairs, partial, partialRight, pick, pluck, pull, push, range, reject,
- * remove, rest, reverse, sample, shuffle, slice, sort, sortBy, splice, tap, throttle, times,
- * toArray, transform, union, uniq, unset, unshift, unzip, values, where, without, wrap, and zip
- *
- * The non-chainable wrapper functions are:
- * clone, cloneDeep, contains, escape, every, find, findIndex, findKey, findLast,
- * findLastIndex, findLastKey, has, identity, indexOf, isArguments, isArray, isBoolean,
- * isDate, isElement, isEmpty, isEqual, isFinite, isFunction, isNaN, isNull, isNumber,
- * isObject, isPlainObject, isRegExp, isString, isUndefined, join, lastIndexOf, mixin,
- * noConflict, parseInt, pop, random, reduce, reduceRight, result, shift, size, some,
- * sortedIndex, runInContext, template, unescape, uniqueId, and value
- *
- * The wrapper functions first and last return wrapped values when n is provided, otherwise
- * they return unwrapped values.
- *
- * Explicit chaining can be enabled by using the _.chain method.
- **/
- (value: number): LoDashImplicitWrapper<number>;
- (value: string): LoDashImplicitStringWrapper;
- (value: boolean): LoDashImplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- (value: Array<number>): LoDashImplicitNumberArrayWrapper;
- <T>(value: Array<T>): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- <T extends {}>(value: T): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- (value: any): LoDashImplicitWrapper<any>;
- /**
- * The semantic version number.
- **/
- VERSION: string;
- /**
- * By default, the template delimiters used by Lo-Dash are similar to those in embedded Ruby
- * (ERB). Change the following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
- **/
- templateSettings: TemplateSettings;
- }
- /**
- * By default, the template delimiters used by Lo-Dash are similar to those in embedded Ruby
- * (ERB). Change the following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
- **/
- interface TemplateSettings {
- /**
- * The "escape" delimiter.
- **/
- escape?: RegExp;
- /**
- * The "evaluate" delimiter.
- **/
- evaluate?: RegExp;
- /**
- * An object to import into the template as local variables.
- **/
- imports?: Dictionary<any>;
- /**
- * The "interpolate" delimiter.
- **/
- interpolate?: RegExp;
- /**
- * Used to reference the data object in the template text.
- **/
- variable?: string;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a cache object to store key/value pairs.
- */
- interface MapCache {
- /**
- * Removes `key` and its value from the cache.
- * @param key The key of the value to remove.
- * @return Returns `true` if the entry was removed successfully, else `false`.
- */
- delete(key: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Gets the cached value for `key`.
- * @param key The key of the value to get.
- * @return Returns the cached value.
- */
- get(key: string): any;
- /**
- * Checks if a cached value for `key` exists.
- * @param key The key of the entry to check.
- * @return Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.
- */
- has(key: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Sets `value` to `key` of the cache.
- * @param key The key of the value to cache.
- * @param value The value to cache.
- * @return Returns the cache object.
- */
- set(key: string, value: any): _.Dictionary<any>;
- }
- interface MapCacheConstructor {
- new (): MapCache;
- }
- interface LoDashWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> { }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> extends LoDashWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> { }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> extends LoDashWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> { }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> extends LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, LoDashImplicitWrapper<T>> { }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> extends LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, LoDashExplicitWrapper<T>> { }
- interface LoDashImplicitStringWrapper extends LoDashImplicitWrapper<string> { }
- interface LoDashExplicitStringWrapper extends LoDashExplicitWrapper<string> { }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> extends LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>> { }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> extends LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>> { }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> extends LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T[], LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>> {
- pop(): T;
- push(...items: T[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- shift(): T;
- sort(compareFn?: (a: T, b: T) => number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- splice(start: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: any[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- unshift(...items: T[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> extends LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T[], LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>> {
- pop(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- push(...items: T[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- shift(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- sort(compareFn?: (a: T, b: T) => number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- splice(start: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: any[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- unshift(...items: T[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitNumberArrayWrapper extends LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<number> { }
- interface LoDashExplicitNumberArrayWrapper extends LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<number> { }
- /*********
- * Array *
- *********/
- //_.chunk
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of size. If collection can’t be split evenly, the
- * final chunk will be the remaining elements.
- *
- * @param array The array to process.
- * @param size The length of each chunk.
- * @return Returns the new array containing chunks.
- */
- chunk<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- size?: number
- ): T[][];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.chunk
- */
- chunk(size?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.chunk
- */
- chunk<TResult>(size?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.chunk
- */
- chunk(size?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.chunk
- */
- chunk<TResult>(size?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- }
- //_.compact
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array with all falsey values removed. The values false, null, 0, "", undefined, and NaN are
- * falsey.
- *
- * @param array The array to compact.
- * @return (Array) Returns the new array of filtered values.
- */
- compact<T>(array?: List<T>): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.compact
- */
- compact(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.compact
- */
- compact<TResult>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.compact
- */
- compact(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.compact
- */
- compact<TResult>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.concat DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a new array concatenating `array` with any additional arrays
- * and/or values.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to concatenate.
- * @param {...*} [values] The values to concatenate.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new concatenated array.
- * @example
- *
- * var array = [1];
- * var other = _.concat(array, 2, [3], [[4]]);
- *
- * console.log(other);
- * // => [1, 2, 3, [4]]
- *
- * console.log(array);
- * // => [1]
- */
- concat<T>(array: T[]|List<T>, ...values: (T|T[]|List<T>)[]) : T[];
- }
- //_.difference
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of unique array values not included in the other provided arrays using SameValueZero for
- * equality comparisons.
- *
- * @param array The array to inspect.
- * @param values The arrays of values to exclude.
- * @return Returns the new array of filtered values.
- */
- difference<T>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- ...values: Array<T[]|List<T>>
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.difference
- */
- difference(...values: (T[]|List<T>)[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.difference
- */
- difference<TValue>(...values: (TValue[]|List<TValue>)[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.difference
- */
- difference(...values: (T[]|List<T>)[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.difference
- */
- difference<TValue>(...values: (TValue[]|List<TValue>)[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- }
- //_.differenceBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.difference except that it accepts iteratee which is invoked for each element of array
- * and values to generate the criterion by which uniqueness is computed. The iteratee is invoked with one
- * argument: (value).
- *
- * @param array The array to inspect.
- * @param values The values to exclude.
- * @param iteratee The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns Returns the new array of filtered values.
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- values?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- values?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- values5?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- values5?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- array: T[]|List<T>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- values5?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- values5?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- ...values: any[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- values5?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- values5?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- ...values: any[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- values5?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- values5?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- ...values: any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- values5?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: ((value: T) => any)|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T, W extends Object>(
- values1?: T[]|List<T>,
- values2?: T[]|List<T>,
- values3?: T[]|List<T>,
- values4?: T[]|List<T>,
- values5?: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.differenceBy
- */
- differenceBy<T>(
- ...values: any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.differenceWith DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of unique `array` values not included in the other
- * provided arrays using [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-samevaluezero)
- * for equality comparisons.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
- * @param {...Array} [values] The values to exclude.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.
- * @example
- *
- * _.difference([3, 2, 1], [4, 2]);
- * // => [3, 1]
- */
- differenceWith(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.drop
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a slice of array with n elements dropped from the beginning.
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @param n The number of elements to drop.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- drop<T>(array: T[]|List<T>, n?: number): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.drop
- */
- drop(n?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.drop
- */
- drop<T>(n?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.drop
- */
- drop(n?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.drop
- */
- drop<T>(n?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.dropRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a slice of array with n elements dropped from the end.
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @param n The number of elements to drop.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- dropRight<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- n?: number
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropRight
- */
- dropRight(n?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropRight
- */
- dropRight<TResult>(n?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropRight
- */
- dropRight(n?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropRight
- */
- dropRight<TResult>(n?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.dropRightWhile
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a slice of array excluding elements dropped from the end. Elements are dropped until predicate
- * returns falsey. The predicate is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * match the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of predicate.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- dropRightWhile<TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): TValue[];
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile<TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: string
- ): TValue[];
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): TValue[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile<TWhere>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile<TWhere>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropRightWhile
- */
- dropRightWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- }
- //_.dropWhile
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a slice of array excluding elements dropped from the beginning. Elements are dropped until predicate
- * returns falsey. The predicate is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of predicate.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- dropWhile<TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): TValue[];
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile<TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: string
- ): TValue[];
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): TValue[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile<TWhere>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile<TWhere>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.dropWhile
- */
- dropWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- }
- //_.fill
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Fills elements of array with value from start up to, but not including, end.
- *
- * Note: This method mutates array.
- *
- * @param array The array to fill.
- * @param value The value to fill array with.
- * @param start The start position.
- * @param end The end position.
- * @return Returns array.
- */
- fill<T>(
- array: any[],
- value: T,
- start?: number,
- end?: number
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.fill
- */
- fill<T>(
- array: List<any>,
- value: T,
- start?: number,
- end?: number
- ): List<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.fill
- */
- fill<T>(
- value: T,
- start?: number,
- end?: number
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.fill
- */
- fill<T>(
- value: T,
- start?: number,
- end?: number
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<List<T>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.fill
- */
- fill<T>(
- value: T,
- start?: number,
- end?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.fill
- */
- fill<T>(
- value: T,
- start?: number,
- end?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<List<T>>;
- }
- //_.findIndex
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.find except that it returns the index of the first element predicate returns truthy
- * for instead of the element itself.
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param array The array to search.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param fromIndex The index to search from.
- * @return Returns the index of the found element, else -1.
- */
- findIndex<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex<W, T>(
- array: List<T>,
- predicate?: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex(
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex<W>(
- predicate?: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex(
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex<W>(
- predicate?: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex(
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex<W>(
- predicate?: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex(
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.findIndex
- */
- findIndex<W>(
- predicate?: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.findLastIndex
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.findIndex except that it iterates over elements of collection from right to left.
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param array The array to search.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param fromIndex The index to search from.
- * @return Returns the index of the found element, else -1.
- */
- findLastIndex<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex<W, T>(
- array: List<T>,
- predicate?: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex(
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex<W>(
- predicate?: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex(
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex<W>(
- predicate?: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex(
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex<W>(
- predicate?: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex(
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastIndex
- */
- findLastIndex<W>(
- predicate?: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.first
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- first<T>(array: List<T>): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- first(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- first(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- first<T>(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- first(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- first<T>(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- first<T>(): T;
- }
- interface RecursiveArray<T> extends Array<T|RecursiveArray<T>> {}
- interface ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<T> extends List<T|RecursiveArray<T>> {}
- //_.flatten
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Flattens a nested array. If isDeep is true the array is recursively flattened, otherwise it’s only
- * flattened a single level.
- *
- * @param array The array to flatten.
- * @param isDeep Specify a deep flatten.
- * @return Returns the new flattened array.
- */
- flatten<T>(array: ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<T>, isDeep: boolean): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatten
- */
- flatten<T>(array: List<T|T[]>): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatten
- */
- flatten<T>(array: ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<T>): RecursiveArray<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatten
- */
- flatten(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatten
- */
- flatten<TResult>(isDeep?: boolean): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatten
- */
- flatten<TResult>(isDeep?: boolean): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatten
- */
- flatten(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatten
- */
- flatten<TResult>(isDeep?: boolean): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatten
- */
- flatten<TResult>(isDeep?: boolean): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.flattenDeep
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Recursively flattens a nested array.
- *
- * @param array The array to recursively flatten.
- * @return Returns the new flattened array.
- */
- flattenDeep<T>(array: ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<T>): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flattenDeep
- */
- flattenDeep(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flattenDeep
- */
- flattenDeep<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flattenDeep
- */
- flattenDeep<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flattenDeep
- */
- flattenDeep(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flattenDeep
- */
- flattenDeep<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flattenDeep
- */
- flattenDeep<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- // _.flattenDepth
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Recursively flatten array up to depth times.
- *
- * @param array The array to recursively flatten.
- * @param number The maximum recursion depth.
- * @return Returns the new flattened array.
- */
- flattenDepth<T>(array: ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<T>, depth?: number): T[];
- }
- //_.fromPairs
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * The inverse of `_.toPairs`; this method returns an object composed
- * from key-value `pairs`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} pairs The key-value pairs.
- * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.
- * @example
- *
- * _.fromPairs([['fred', 30], ['barney', 40]]);
- * // => { 'fred': 30, 'barney': 40 }
- */
- fromPairs<T>(
- array: List<[_.StringRepresentable, T]>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- @see _.fromPairs
- */
- fromPairs(
- array: List<any[]>
- ): Dictionary<any>;
- }
- //_.fromPairs DUMMY
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.fromPairs
- */
- fromPairs(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<any>;
- }
- //_.fromPairs DUMMY
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.fromPairs
- */
- fromPairs(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<any>;
- }
- //_.head
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Gets the first element of array.
- *
- * @alias _.first
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @return Returns the first element of array.
- */
- head<T>(array: List<T>): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- head(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- head(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- head<T>(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- head(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- head<T>(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.head
- */
- head<T>(): T;
- }
- //_.indexOf
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Gets the index at which the first occurrence of `value` is found in `array`
- * using [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-samevaluezero)
- * for equality comparisons. If `fromIndex` is negative, it's used as the offset
- * from the end of `array`. If `array` is sorted providing `true` for `fromIndex`
- * performs a faster binary search.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to search.
- * @param {*} value The value to search for.
- * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from.
- * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2);
- * // => 1
- *
- * // using `fromIndex`
- * _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2, 2);
- * // => 3
- */
- indexOf<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- fromIndex?: boolean|number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.indexOf
- */
- indexOf(
- value: T,
- fromIndex?: boolean|number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.indexOf
- */
- indexOf<TValue>(
- value: TValue,
- fromIndex?: boolean|number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.indexOf
- */
- indexOf(
- value: T,
- fromIndex?: boolean|number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.indexOf
- */
- indexOf<TValue>(
- value: TValue,
- fromIndex?: boolean|number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.intersectionBy DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.intersection` except that it accepts `iteratee`
- * which is invoked for each element of each `arrays` to generate the criterion
- * by which uniqueness is computed. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of shared values.
- * @example
- *
- * _.intersectionBy([2.1, 1.2], [4.3, 2.4], Math.floor);
- * // => [2.1]
- *
- * // using the `_.property` iteratee shorthand
- * _.intersectionBy([{ 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x');
- * // => [{ 'x': 1 }]
- */
- intersectionBy(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.intersectionWith DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.intersection` except that it accepts `comparator`
- * which is invoked to compare elements of `arrays`. The comparator is invoked
- * with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.
- * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of shared values.
- * @example
- *
- * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }];
- * var others = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }];
- *
- * _.intersectionWith(objects, others, _.isEqual);
- * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }]
- */
- intersectionWith(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.join
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts all elements in `array` into a string separated by `separator`.
- *
- * @param array The array to convert.
- * @param separator The element separator.
- * @returns Returns the joined string.
- */
- join(
- array: List<any>,
- separator?: string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.join
- */
- join(separator?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.join
- */
- join(separator?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.join
- */
- join(separator?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.join
- */
- join(separator?: string): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.join
- */
- join(separator?: string): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.join
- */
- join(separator?: string): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.pullAll DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.pull` except that it accepts an array of values to remove.
- *
- * **Note:** Unlike `_.difference`, this method mutates `array`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to modify.
- * @param {Array} values The values to remove.
- * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.
- * @example
- *
- * var array = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3];
- *
- * _.pull(array, [2, 3]);
- * console.log(array);
- * // => [1, 1]
- */
- pullAll(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.pullAllBy DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.pullAll` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is
- * invoked for each element of `array` and `values` to to generate the criterion
- * by which uniqueness is computed. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * **Note:** Unlike `_.differenceBy`, this method mutates `array`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to modify.
- * @param {Array} values The values to remove.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.
- * @example
- *
- * var array = [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 3 }, { 'x': 1 }];
- *
- * _.pullAllBy(array, [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 3 }], 'x');
- * console.log(array);
- * // => [{ 'x': 2 }]
- */
- pullAllBy(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.reverse DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Reverses `array` so that the first element becomes the last, the second
- * element becomes the second to last, and so on.
- *
- * **Note:** This method mutates `array` and is based on
- * [`Array#reverse`](https://mdn.io/Array/reverse).
- *
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.
- * @example
- *
- * var array = [1, 2, 3];
- *
- * _.reverse(array);
- * // => [3, 2, 1]
- *
- * console.log(array);
- * // => [3, 2, 1]
- */
- reverse(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.sortedIndexOf
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.indexOf` except that it performs a binary
- * search on a sorted `array`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to search.
- * @param {*} value The value to search for.
- * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.sortedIndexOf([1, 1, 2, 2], 2);
- * // => 2
- */
- sortedIndexOf<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexOf
- */
- sortedIndexOf(
- value: T
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexOf
- */
- sortedIndexOf<TValue>(
- value: TValue
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexOf
- */
- sortedIndexOf(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexOf
- */
- sortedIndexOf<TValue>(
- value: TValue
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.initial
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Gets all but the last element of array.
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- initial<T>(array: List<T>): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.initial
- */
- initial(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.initial
- */
- initial<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.initial
- */
- initial(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.initial
- */
- initial<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.intersection
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of unique values that are included in all of the provided arrays using SameValueZero for
- * equality comparisons.
- *
- * @param arrays The arrays to inspect.
- * @return Returns the new array of shared values.
- */
- intersection<T>(...arrays: (T[]|List<T>)[]): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.intersection
- */
- intersection<TResult>(...arrays: (TResult[]|List<TResult>)[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.intersection
- */
- intersection<TResult>(...arrays: (TResult[]|List<TResult>)[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.intersection
- */
- intersection<TResult>(...arrays: (TResult[]|List<TResult>)[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.intersection
- */
- intersection<TResult>(...arrays: (TResult[]|List<TResult>)[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.last
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Gets the last element of array.
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @return Returns the last element of array.
- */
- last<T>(array: List<T>): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.last
- */
- last(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.last
- */
- last(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.last
- */
- last<T>(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.last
- */
- last(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.last
- */
- last<T>(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.last
- */
- last<T>(): T;
- }
- //_.lastIndexOf
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.indexOf except that it iterates over elements of array from right to left.
- *
- * @param array The array to search.
- * @param value The value to search for.
- * @param fromIndex The index to search from or true to perform a binary search on a sorted array.
- * @return Returns the index of the matched value, else -1.
- */
- lastIndexOf<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- fromIndex?: boolean|number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.lastIndexOf
- */
- lastIndexOf(
- value: T,
- fromIndex?: boolean|number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.lastIndexOf
- */
- lastIndexOf<TResult>(
- value: TResult,
- fromIndex?: boolean|number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.lastIndexOf
- */
- lastIndexOf(
- value: T,
- fromIndex?: boolean|number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.lastIndexOf
- */
- lastIndexOf<TResult>(
- value: TResult,
- fromIndex?: boolean|number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.pull
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Removes all provided values from array using SameValueZero for equality comparisons.
- *
- * Note: Unlike _.without, this method mutates array.
- *
- * @param array The array to modify.
- * @param values The values to remove.
- * @return Returns array.
- */
- pull<T>(
- array: T[],
- ...values: T[]
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.pull
- */
- pull<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- ...values: T[]
- ): List<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pull
- */
- pull(...values: T[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pull
- */
- pull<TValue>(...values: TValue[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<List<TValue>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pull
- */
- pull(...values: T[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pull
- */
- pull<TValue>(...values: TValue[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<List<TValue>>;
- }
- //_.pullAt
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Removes elements from array corresponding to the given indexes and returns an array of the removed elements.
- * Indexes may be specified as an array of indexes or as individual arguments.
- *
- * Note: Unlike _.at, this method mutates array.
- *
- * @param array The array to modify.
- * @param indexes The indexes of elements to remove, specified as individual indexes or arrays of indexes.
- * @return Returns the new array of removed elements.
- */
- pullAt<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- ...indexes: (number|number[])[]
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pullAt
- */
- pullAt(...indexes: (number|number[])[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pullAt
- */
- pullAt<T>(...indexes: (number|number[])[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pullAt
- */
- pullAt(...indexes: (number|number[])[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pullAt
- */
- pullAt<T>(...indexes: (number|number[])[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.remove
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Removes all elements from array that predicate returns truthy for and returns an array of the removed
- * elements. The predicate is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * Note: Unlike _.filter, this method mutates array.
- *
- * @param array The array to modify.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of predicate.
- * @return Returns the new array of removed elements.
- */
- remove<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- predicate?: string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove<W, T>(
- array: List<T>,
- predicate?: W
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove<W>(
- predicate?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove<TResult>(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove<W, TResult>(
- predicate?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove<W>(
- predicate?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove<TResult>(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.remove
- */
- remove<W, TResult>(
- predicate?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.tail
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Gets all but the first element of array.
- *
- * @alias _.tail
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- tail<T>(array: List<T>): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.tail
- */
- tail(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.tail
- */
- tail<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.tail
- */
- tail(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.tail
- */
- tail<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.slice
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a slice of array from start up to, but not including, end.
- *
- * @param array The array to slice.
- * @param start The start position.
- * @param end The end position.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- slice<T>(
- array: T[],
- start?: number,
- end?: number
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.slice
- */
- slice(
- start?: number,
- end?: number
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.slice
- */
- slice(
- start?: number,
- end?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.sortedIndex
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Uses a binary search to determine the lowest index at which `value` should
- * be inserted into `array` in order to maintain its sort order.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.
- * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.
- * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted into `array`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.sortedIndex([30, 50], 40);
- * // => 1
- *
- * _.sortedIndex([4, 5], 4);
- * // => 0
- */
- sortedIndex<T, TSort>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<W, T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<TSort>(
- value: string
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<TSort>(
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex(
- value: T
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<T, TSort>(
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<T>(
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<W, T>(
- value: T
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<TSort>(
- value: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<TSort>(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<W>(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<T, TSort>(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<T>(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndex
- */
- sortedIndex<W, T>(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.sortedIndexBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.sortedIndex` except that it accepts `iteratee`
- * which is invoked for `value` and each element of `array` to compute their
- * sort ranking. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.
- * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted into `array`.
- * @example
- *
- * var dict = { 'thirty': 30, 'forty': 40, 'fifty': 50 };
- *
- * _.sortedIndexBy(['thirty', 'fifty'], 'forty', _.propertyOf(dict));
- * // => 1
- *
- * // using the `_.property` iteratee shorthand
- * _.sortedIndexBy([{ 'x': 4 }, { 'x': 5 }], { 'x': 4 }, 'x');
- * // => 0
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T, TSort>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => TSort
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => any
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- iteratee: string
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<W, T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- iteratee: W
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- iteratee: Object
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<TSort>(
- value: string,
- iteratee: (x: string) => TSort
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<TSort>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => TSort
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy(
- value: T,
- iteratee: string
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<W>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: W
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T, TSort>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => TSort
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => any
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: string
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<W, T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: W
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: Object
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<TSort>(
- value: string,
- iteratee: (x: string) => TSort
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<TSort>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => TSort
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy(
- value: T,
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<W>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: W
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T, TSort>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => TSort
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<W, T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: W
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedIndexBy
- */
- sortedIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: Object
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.sortedLastIndex
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.sortedIndex` except that it returns the highest
- * index at which `value` should be inserted into `array` in order to
- * maintain its sort order.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.
- * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.
- * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted into `array`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.sortedLastIndex([4, 5], 4);
- * // => 1
- */
- sortedLastIndex<T, TSort>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<W, T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<TSort>(
- value: string
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<TSort>(
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex(
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<W>(
- value: T
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<T, TSort>(
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<T>(
- value: T
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<W, T>(
- value: T
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<TSort>(
- value: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<TSort>(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<T, TSort>(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<T>(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndex
- */
- sortedLastIndex<W, T>(
- value: T
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.sortedLastIndexBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.sortedLastIndex` except that it accepts `iteratee`
- * which is invoked for `value` and each element of `array` to compute their
- * sort ranking. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.
- * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted into `array`.
- * @example
- *
- * // using the `_.property` iteratee shorthand
- * _.sortedLastIndexBy([{ 'x': 4 }, { 'x': 5 }], { 'x': 4 }, 'x');
- * // => 1
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T, TSort>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => TSort
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => any
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- iteratee: string
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<W, T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- iteratee: W
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- value: T,
- iteratee: Object
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<TSort>(
- value: string,
- iteratee: (x: string) => TSort
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<TSort>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => TSort
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy(
- value: T,
- iteratee: string
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<W>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: W
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T, TSort>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => TSort
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => any
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: string
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<W, T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: W
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: Object
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<TSort>(
- value: string,
- iteratee: (x: string) => TSort
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<TSort>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => TSort
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy(
- value: T,
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<W>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: W
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T, TSort>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => TSort
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: (x: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<W, T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: W
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedLastIndexBy
- */
- sortedLastIndexBy<T>(
- value: T,
- iteratee: Object
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.sortedLastIndexOf DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.lastIndexOf` except that it performs a binary
- * search on a sorted `array`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to search.
- * @param {*} value The value to search for.
- * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.sortedLastIndexOf([1, 1, 2, 2], 2);
- * // => 3
- */
- sortedLastIndexOf(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.tail
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * @see _.rest
- */
- tail<T>(array: List<T>): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.rest
- */
- tail(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.rest
- */
- tail<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.rest
- */
- tail(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.rest
- */
- tail<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.take
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a slice of array with n elements taken from the beginning.
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @param n The number of elements to take.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- take<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- n?: number
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.take
- */
- take(n?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.take
- */
- take<TResult>(n?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.take
- */
- take(n?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.take
- */
- take<TResult>(n?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.takeRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a slice of array with n elements taken from the end.
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @param n The number of elements to take.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- takeRight<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- n?: number
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeRight
- */
- takeRight(n?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeRight
- */
- takeRight<TResult>(n?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeRight
- */
- takeRight(n?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeRight
- */
- takeRight<TResult>(n?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.takeRightWhile
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a slice of array with elements taken from the end. Elements are taken until predicate returns
- * falsey. The predicate is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of predicate.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- takeRightWhile<TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): TValue[];
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile<TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: string
- ): TValue[];
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): TValue[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile<TWhere>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile<TWhere>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeRightWhile
- */
- takeRightWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- }
- //_.takeWhile
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a slice of array with elements taken from the beginning. Elements are taken until predicate returns
- * falsey. The predicate is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param array The array to query.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of predicate.
- * @return Returns the slice of array.
- */
- takeWhile<TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): TValue[];
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile<TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: string
- ): TValue[];
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- array: List<TValue>,
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): TValue[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile<TWhere>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile<TWhere>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TValue, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile<TValue>(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- /**
- * @see _.takeWhile
- */
- takeWhile<TWhere, TValue>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TValue>;
- }
- //_.union
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of unique values, in order, from all of the provided arrays using SameValueZero for
- * equality comparisons.
- *
- * @param arrays The arrays to inspect.
- * @return Returns the new array of combined values.
- */
- union<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.union
- */
- union(...arrays: List<T>[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.union
- */
- union<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.union
- */
- union<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.union
- */
- union(...arrays: List<T>[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.union
- */
- union<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.union
- */
- union<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.unionBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.union` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is
- * invoked for each element of each `arrays` to generate the criterion by which
- * uniqueness is computed. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @param arrays The arrays to inspect.
- * @param iteratee The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @return Returns the new array of combined values.
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays1: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays1: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays1: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays1: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays1: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays1: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays1: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays5: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays1: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays5: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays: T[]|List<T>,
- ...iteratee: any[]
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays5: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays5: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- ...iteratee: any[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays5: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays5: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- ...iteratee: any[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays5: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays5: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- ...iteratee: any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays5: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: (value: T) => any
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T, W extends Object>(
- arrays2: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays3: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays4: T[]|List<T>,
- arrays5: T[]|List<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.unionBy
- */
- unionBy<T>(
- ...iteratee: any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.uniq
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a duplicate-free version of an array, using
- * [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-samevaluezero)
- * for equality comparisons, in which only the first occurrence of each element
- * is kept.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.
- * @example
- *
- * _.uniq([2, 1, 2]);
- * // => [2, 1]
- */
- uniq<T>(
- array: List<T>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.uniq
- */
- uniq<T, TSort>(
- array: List<T>
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniq
- */
- uniq<TSort>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniq
- */
- uniq<TSort>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniq
- */
- uniq(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- uniq<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniq
- */
- uniq<T, TSort>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniq
- */
- uniq<TSort>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniq
- */
- uniq<TSort>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniq
- */
- uniq(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniq
- */
- uniq<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniq
- */
- uniq<T, TSort>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.uniqBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.uniq` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is
- * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the criterion by which
- * uniqueness is computed. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.
- * @example
- *
- * _.uniqBy([2.1, 1.2, 2.3], Math.floor);
- * // => [2.1, 1.2]
- *
- * // using the `_.property` iteratee shorthand
- * _.uniqBy([{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x');
- * // => [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }]
- */
- uniqBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T, TSort>(
- array: List<T>,
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- iteratee: string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- iteratee: Object
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<TWhere extends {}, T>(
- array: List<T>,
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy(
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<TWhere extends {}>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T, TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: Object
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<TWhere extends {}, T>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy(
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<TWhere extends {}>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T, TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: Object
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.uniqBy
- */
- uniqBy<TWhere extends {}, T>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.sortedUniq
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.uniq` except that it's designed and optimized
- * for sorted arrays.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.
- * @example
- *
- * _.sortedUniq([1, 1, 2]);
- * // => [1, 2]
- */
- sortedUniq<T>(
- array: List<T>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniq
- */
- sortedUniq<T, TSort>(
- array: List<T>
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniq
- */
- sortedUniq<TSort>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniq
- */
- sortedUniq<TSort>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniq
- */
- sortedUniq(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- sortedUniq<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniq
- */
- sortedUniq<T, TSort>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniq
- */
- sortedUniq<TSort>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniq
- */
- sortedUniq<TSort>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniq
- */
- sortedUniq(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniq
- */
- sortedUniq<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniq
- */
- sortedUniq<T, TSort>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.sortedUniqBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.uniqBy` except that it's designed and optimized
- * for sorted arrays.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
- * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.
- * @example
- *
- * _.sortedUniqBy([1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 2.4], Math.floor);
- * // => [1.1, 2.2]
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T, TSort>(
- array: List<T>,
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- iteratee: string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- iteratee: Object
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<TWhere extends {}, T>(
- array: List<T>,
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy(
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<TWhere extends {}>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T, TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: Object
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<TWhere extends {}, T>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy(
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<TWhere extends {}>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T, TSort>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<T>(
- iteratee: Object
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortedUniqBy
- */
- sortedUniqBy<TWhere extends {}, T>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.unionWith DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.union` except that it accepts `comparator` which
- * is invoked to compare elements of `arrays`. The comparator is invoked
- * with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.
- * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of combined values.
- * @example
- *
- * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }];
- * var others = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }];
- *
- * _.unionWith(objects, others, _.isEqual);
- * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }]
- */
- unionWith(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.uniqWith DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.uniq` except that it accepts `comparator` which
- * is invoked to compare elements of `array`. The comparator is invoked with
- * two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
- * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.
- * @example
- *
- * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }];
- *
- * _.uniqWith(objects, _.isEqual);
- * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }]
- */
- uniqWith(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.unzip
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.zip except that it accepts an array of grouped elements and creates an array
- * regrouping the elements to their pre-zip configuration.
- *
- * @param array The array of grouped elements to process.
- * @return Returns the new array of regrouped elements.
- */
- unzip<T>(array: List<List<T>>): T[][];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unzip
- */
- unzip<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unzip
- */
- unzip<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unzip
- */
- unzip<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unzip
- */
- unzip<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- //_.unzipWith
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.unzip except that it accepts an iteratee to specify how regrouped values should be
- * combined. The iteratee is bound to thisArg and invoked with four arguments: (accumulator, value, index,
- * group).
- *
- * @param array The array of grouped elements to process.
- * @param iteratee The function to combine regrouped values.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns the new array of regrouped elements.
- */
- unzipWith<TArray, TResult>(
- array: List<List<TArray>>,
- iteratee?: MemoIterator<TArray, TResult>
- ): TResult[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unzipWith
- */
- unzipWith<TArr, TResult>(
- iteratee?: MemoIterator<TArr, TResult>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unzipWith
- */
- unzipWith<TArr, TResult>(
- iteratee?: MemoIterator<TArr, TResult>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.without
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array excluding all provided values using SameValueZero for equality comparisons.
- *
- * @param array The array to filter.
- * @param values The values to exclude.
- * @return Returns the new array of filtered values.
- */
- without<T>(
- array: List<T>,
- ...values: T[]
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.without
- */
- without(...values: T[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.without
- */
- without<T>(...values: T[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.without
- */
- without(...values: T[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.without
- */
- without<T>(...values: T[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.xor
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of unique values that is the symmetric difference of the provided arrays.
- *
- * @param arrays The arrays to inspect.
- * @return Returns the new array of values.
- */
- xor<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.xor
- */
- xor(...arrays: List<T>[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.xor
- */
- xor<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.xor
- */
- xor(...arrays: List<T>[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.xor
- */
- xor<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.xorBy DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.xor` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is
- * invoked for each element of each `arrays` to generate the criterion by which
- * uniqueness is computed. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of values.
- * @example
- *
- * _.xorBy([2.1, 1.2], [4.3, 2.4], Math.floor);
- * // => [1.2, 4.3]
- *
- * // using the `_.property` iteratee shorthand
- * _.xorBy([{ 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x');
- * // => [{ 'x': 2 }]
- */
- xorBy(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.xorWith DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.xor` except that it accepts `comparator` which is
- * invoked to compare elements of `arrays`. The comparator is invoked with
- * two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Array
- * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.
- * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of values.
- * @example
- *
- * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }];
- * var others = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }];
- *
- * _.xorWith(objects, others, _.isEqual);
- * // => [{ 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }]
- */
- xorWith(
- array: any[]|List<any>,
- ...values: any[]
- ): any[];
- }
- //_.zip
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of grouped elements, the first of which contains the first elements of the given arrays,
- * the second of which contains the second elements of the given arrays, and so on.
- *
- * @param arrays The arrays to process.
- * @return Returns the new array of grouped elements.
- */
- zip<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): T[][];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.zip
- */
- zip<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): _.LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.zip
- */
- zip<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): _.LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.zip
- */
- zip<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): _.LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.zip
- */
- zip<T>(...arrays: List<T>[]): _.LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- //_.zipObject
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * The inverse of _.pairs; this method returns an object composed from arrays of property names and values.
- * Provide either a single two dimensional array, e.g. [[key1, value1], [key2, value2]] or two arrays, one of
- * property names and one of corresponding values.
- *
- * @param props The property names.
- * @param values The property values.
- * @return Returns the new object.
- */
- zipObject<TValues, TResult extends {}>(
- props: List<StringRepresentable>|List<List<any>>,
- values?: List<TValues>
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject<TResult extends {}>(
- props: List<StringRepresentable>|List<List<any>>,
- values?: List<any>
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject(
- props: List<StringRepresentable>|List<List<any>>,
- values?: List<any>
- ): _.Dictionary<any>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject<TValues, TResult extends {}>(
- values?: List<TValues>
- ): _.LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject<TResult extends {}>(
- values?: List<any>
- ): _.LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject(
- values?: List<any>
- ): _.LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<_.Dictionary<any>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject<TValues, TResult extends {}>(
- values?: List<TValues>
- ): _.LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject<TResult extends {}>(
- values?: List<any>
- ): _.LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject(
- values?: List<any>
- ): _.LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<_.Dictionary<any>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject<TValues, TResult extends {}>(
- values?: List<TValues>
- ): _.LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject<TResult extends {}>(
- values?: List<any>
- ): _.LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject(
- values?: List<any>
- ): _.LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<_.Dictionary<any>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject<TValues, TResult extends {}>(
- values?: List<TValues>
- ): _.LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject<TResult extends {}>(
- values?: List<any>
- ): _.LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.zipObject
- */
- zipObject(
- values?: List<any>
- ): _.LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<_.Dictionary<any>>;
- }
- //_.zipWith
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.zip except that it accepts an iteratee to specify how grouped values should be
- * combined. The iteratee is bound to thisArg and invoked with four arguments: (accumulator, value, index,
- * group).
- * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to process.
- * @param {Function} [iteratee] The function to combine grouped values.
- * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.
- * @return Returns the new array of grouped elements.
- */
- zipWith<TResult>(...args: any[]): TResult[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.zipWith
- */
- zipWith<TResult>(...args: any[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- /*********
- * Chain *
- *********/
- //_.chain
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a lodash object that wraps value with explicit method chaining enabled.
- *
- * @param value The value to wrap.
- * @return Returns the new lodash wrapper instance.
- */
- chain(value: number): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- chain(value: string): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- chain(value: boolean): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- chain<T>(value: T[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- chain<T extends {}>(value: T): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- chain(value: any): LoDashExplicitWrapper<any>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.chain
- */
- chain(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.chain
- */
- chain(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.chain
- */
- chain(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.chain
- */
- chain(): TWrapper;
- }
- //_.tap
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method invokes interceptor and returns value. The interceptor is bound to thisArg and invoked with one
- * argument; (value). The purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain in order to perform operations
- * on intermediate results within the chain.
- *
- * @param value The value to provide to interceptor.
- * @param interceptor The function to invoke.
- * @parem thisArg The this binding of interceptor.
- * @return Returns value.
- **/
- tap<T>(
- value: T,
- interceptor: (value: T) => void
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.tap
- */
- tap(
- interceptor: (value: T) => void
- ): TWrapper;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.tap
- */
- tap(
- interceptor: (value: T) => void
- ): TWrapper;
- }
- //_.thru
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.tap except that it returns the result of interceptor.
- *
- * @param value The value to provide to interceptor.
- * @param interceptor The function to invoke.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of interceptor.
- * @return Returns the result of interceptor.
- */
- thru<T, TResult>(
- value: T,
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.thru
- */
- thru<TResult extends number>(
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult): LoDashImplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.thru
- */
- thru<TResult extends string>(
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult): LoDashImplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.thru
- */
- thru<TResult extends boolean>(
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult): LoDashImplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.thru
- */
- thru<TResult extends {}>(
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.thru
- */
- thru<TResult>(
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.thru
- */
- thru<TResult extends number>(
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.thru
- */
- thru<TResult extends string>(
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.thru
- */
- thru<TResult extends boolean>(
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.thru
- */
- thru<TResult extends {}>(
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.thru
- */
- thru<TResult>(
- interceptor: (value: T) => TResult[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.prototype.commit
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * Executes the chained sequence and returns the wrapped result.
- *
- * @return Returns the new lodash wrapper instance.
- */
- commit(): TWrapper;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.commit
- */
- commit(): TWrapper;
- }
- //_.prototype.concat
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * Creates a new array joining a wrapped array with any additional arrays and/or values.
- *
- * @param items
- * @return Returns the new concatenated array.
- */
- concat<TItem>(...items: Array<TItem|Array<TItem>>): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TItem>;
- /**
- * @see _.concat
- */
- concat(...items: Array<T|Array<T>>): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.concat
- */
- concat<TItem>(...items: Array<TItem|Array<TItem>>): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TItem>;
- /**
- * @see _.concat
- */
- concat(...items: Array<T|Array<T>>): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.prototype.plant
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * Creates a clone of the chained sequence planting value as the wrapped value.
- * @param value The value to plant as the wrapped value.
- * @return Returns the new lodash wrapper instance.
- */
- plant(value: number): LoDashImplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant(value: string): LoDashImplicitStringWrapper;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant(value: boolean): LoDashImplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant(value: number[]): LoDashImplicitNumberArrayWrapper;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant<T>(value: T[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant<T extends {}>(value: T): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant(value: any): LoDashImplicitWrapper<any>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant(value: number): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant(value: string): LoDashExplicitStringWrapper;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant(value: boolean): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant(value: number[]): LoDashExplicitNumberArrayWrapper;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant<T>(value: T[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant<T extends {}>(value: T): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.plant
- */
- plant(value: any): LoDashExplicitWrapper<any>;
- }
- //_.prototype.reverse
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * Reverses the wrapped array so the first element becomes the last, the second element becomes the second to
- * last, and so on.
- *
- * Note: This method mutates the wrapped array.
- *
- * @return Returns the new reversed lodash wrapper instance.
- */
- reverse(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.reverse
- */
- reverse(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.prototype.toJSON
- interface LoDashWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.value
- */
- toJSON(): T;
- }
- //_.prototype.toString
- interface LoDashWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * Produces the result of coercing the unwrapped value to a string.
- *
- * @return Returns the coerced string value.
- */
- toString(): string;
- }
- //_.prototype.value
- interface LoDashWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * Executes the chained sequence to extract the unwrapped value.
- *
- * @alias _.toJSON, _.valueOf
- *
- * @return Returns the resolved unwrapped value.
- */
- value(): T;
- }
- //_.valueOf
- interface LoDashWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.value
- */
- valueOf(): T;
- }
- /**************
- * Collection *
- **************/
- //_.at
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of elements corresponding to the given keys, or indexes, of collection. Keys may be
- * specified as individual arguments or as arrays of keys.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param props The property names or indexes of elements to pick, specified individually or in arrays.
- * @return Returns the new array of picked elements.
- */
- at<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- ...props: (number|string|(number|string)[])[]
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.at
- */
- at(...props: (number|string|(number|string)[])[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.at
- */
- at<T>(...props: (number|string|(number|string)[])[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.at
- */
- at(...props: (number|string|(number|string)[])[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.at
- */
- at<T>(...props: (number|string|(number|string)[])[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.countBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running each element of collection through
- * iteratee. The corresponding value of each key is the number of times the key was returned by iteratee. The
- * iteratee is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments:
- * (value, index|key, collection).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for iteratee the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for iteratee the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns the composed aggregate object.
- */
- countBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<T>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: string
- ): Dictionary<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<W, T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): Dictionary<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: Object
- ): Dictionary<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<W>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<T>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>|DictionaryIterator<T, any>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<W>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<W>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<T>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>|DictionaryIterator<T, any>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- /**
- * @see _.countBy
- */
- countBy<W>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<number>>;
- }
- //_.each
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each<T>(
- collection: T[],
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): List<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each<T extends {}>(
- collection: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<any, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each<T extends {}, TValue>(
- collection: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<TValue, any>
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each(
- iteratee: ListIterator<string, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each<TValue>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TValue, any>|DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each(
- iteratee: ListIterator<string, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- each<TValue>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TValue, any>|DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.eachRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight<T>(
- collection: T[],
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): List<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight<T extends {}>(
- collection: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<any, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight<T extends {}, TValue>(
- collection: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<TValue, any>
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight(
- iteratee: ListIterator<string, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight<TValue>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TValue, any>|DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight(
- iteratee: ListIterator<string, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- eachRight<TValue>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TValue, any>|DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.every
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if predicate returns truthy for all elements of collection. Iteration is stopped once predicate
- * returns falsey. The predicate is invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @return Returns true if all elements pass the predicate check, else false.
- */
- every<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every<T>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<T>,
- predicate?: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- predicate?: string|any[]
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every<TObject extends {}, T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- predicate?: TObject
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every(
- predicate?: string|any[]
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every<TObject extends {}>(
- predicate?: TObject
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>|DictionaryIterator<TResult, boolean>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every(
- predicate?: string|any[]
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every<TObject extends {}>(
- predicate?: TObject
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every(
- predicate?: string|any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every<TObject extends {}>(
- predicate?: TObject
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>|DictionaryIterator<TResult, boolean>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every(
- predicate?: string|any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.every
- */
- every<TObject extends {}>(
- predicate?: TObject
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.filter
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Iterates over elements of collection, returning an array of all elements predicate returns truthy for. The
- * predicate is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of predicate.
- * @return Returns the new filtered array.
- */
- filter<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter(
- collection: string,
- predicate?: StringIterator<boolean>
- ): string[];
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- predicate: string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<W extends {}, T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- predicate: W
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter(
- predicate?: StringIterator<boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter(
- predicate: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter(
- predicate: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<W>(predicate: W): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<T>(
- predicate: ListIterator<T, boolean>|DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<T>(
- predicate: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<W, T>(predicate: W): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter(
- predicate?: StringIterator<boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter(
- predicate: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter(
- predicate: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<W>(predicate: W): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<T>(
- predicate: ListIterator<T, boolean>|DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<T>(
- predicate: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.filter
- */
- filter<W, T>(predicate: W): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.find
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Iterates over elements of collection, returning the first element predicate returns truthy for.
- * The predicate is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to search.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param fromIndex The index to search from.
- * @return Returns the matched element, else undefined.
- */
- find<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- */
- find<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- */
- find<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- */
- find<TObject extends {}, T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- predicate?: TObject,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.find
- */
- find(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- */
- find(
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- */
- find<TObject extends {}>(
- predicate?: TObject,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.find
- */
- find<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>|DictionaryIterator<TResult, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- */
- find<TResult>(
- predicate?: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- */
- find<TObject extends {}, TResult>(
- predicate?: TObject,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): TResult;
- }
- //_.findLast
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.find except that it iterates over elements of a collection from
- * right to left.
- * @param collection Searches for a value in this list.
- * @param callback The function called per iteration.
- * @param fromIndex The index to search from.
- * @return The found element, else undefined.
- **/
- findLast<T>(
- collection: Array<T>,
- callback: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- **/
- findLast<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- callback: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- **/
- findLast<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- callback: DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- * @param _.pluck style callback
- **/
- findLast<W, T>(
- collection: Array<T>,
- whereValue: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- * @param _.pluck style callback
- **/
- findLast<W, T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- whereValue: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- * @param _.pluck style callback
- **/
- findLast<W, T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- whereValue: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- * @param _.where style callback
- **/
- findLast<T>(
- collection: Array<T>,
- pluckValue: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- * @param _.where style callback
- **/
- findLast<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- pluckValue: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.find
- * @param _.where style callback
- **/
- findLast<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- pluckValue: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findLast
- */
- findLast(
- callback: ListIterator<T, boolean>,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.findLast
- * @param _.where style callback
- */
- findLast<W>(
- whereValue: W,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.findLast
- * @param _.where style callback
- */
- findLast(
- pluckValue: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): T;
- }
- //_.flatMap
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of flattened values by running each element in collection through iteratee
- * and concating its result to the other mapped values. The iteratee is invoked with three arguments:
- * (value, index|key, collection).
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @return Returns the new flattened array.
- */
- flatMap<T, TResult>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- collection: List<any>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<any, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<T, TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<any>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<any, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<T, TResult>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<any>,
- iteratee?: NumericDictionaryIterator<any, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TObject extends Object, TResult>(
- collection: TObject,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<any, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- collection: Object,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<any, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TWhere extends Object, TObject extends Object>(
- collection: TObject,
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): boolean[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TObject extends Object, TResult>(
- collection: TObject,
- iteratee: Object|string
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TObject extends Object>(
- collection: TObject,
- iteratee: [string, any]
- ): boolean[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- collection: string
- ): string[];
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- collection: Object,
- iteratee?: Object|string
- ): TResult[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<string, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TWhere extends Object>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap(
- iteratee: [string, any]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<T, TResult>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>|DictionaryIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- iteratee: ObjectIterator<any, TResult|TResult[]>|string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TWhere extends Object>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap(
- iteratee: [string, any]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<string, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TWhere extends Object>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap(
- iteratee: [string, any]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<T, TResult>(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>|DictionaryIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, TResult|TResult[]>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(
- iteratee: ObjectIterator<any, TResult|TResult[]>|string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TWhere extends Object>(
- iteratee: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap(
- iteratee: [string, any]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.flatMap
- */
- flatMap<TResult>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.forEach
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Iterates over elements of collection invoking iteratee for each element. The iteratee is bound to thisArg
- * and invoked with three arguments:
- * (value, index|key, collection). Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly returning false.
- *
- * Note: As with other "Collections" methods, objects with a "length" property are iterated like arrays. To
- * avoid this behavior _.forIn or _.forOwn may be used for object iteration.
- *
- * @alias _.each
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- */
- forEach<T>(
- collection: T[],
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- forEach<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): List<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- forEach<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- forEach<T extends {}>(
- collection: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<any, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- forEach<T extends {}, TValue>(
- collection: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<TValue, any>
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- forEach(
- iteratee: ListIterator<string, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- forEach(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- forEach<TValue>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TValue, any>|DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- forEach(
- iteratee: ListIterator<string, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- forEach(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEach
- */
- forEach<TValue>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TValue, any>|DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.forEachRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.forEach except that it iterates over elements of collection from right to left.
- *
- * @alias _.eachRight
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function called per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of callback.
- */
- forEachRight<T>(
- collection: T[],
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- forEachRight<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): List<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- forEachRight<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- forEachRight<T extends {}>(
- collection: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<any, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- forEachRight<T extends {}, TValue>(
- collection: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<TValue, any>
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- forEachRight(
- iteratee: ListIterator<string, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- forEachRight(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- forEachRight<TValue>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TValue, any>|DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- forEachRight(
- iteratee: ListIterator<string, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- forEachRight(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forEachRight
- */
- forEachRight<TValue>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TValue, any>|DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.groupBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running each element of collection through
- * iteratee. The corresponding value of each key is an array of the elements responsible for generating the
- * key. The iteratee is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments:
- * (value, index|key, collection).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for iteratee the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for iteratee the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns the composed aggregate object.
- */
- groupBy<T, TKey>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TKey>
- ): Dictionary<T[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T>(
- collection: List<any>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T, TKey>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, TKey>
- ): Dictionary<T[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<any>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T, TValue>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: string
- ): Dictionary<T[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: string
- ): Dictionary<T[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TWhere, T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: TWhere
- ): Dictionary<T[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: Object
- ): Dictionary<T[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TKey>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TKey>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TKey>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TKey>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TValue>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TWhere>(
- iteratee?: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T, TKey>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TKey>|DictionaryIterator<T, TKey>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>|DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T, TValue>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TWhere, T>(
- iteratee?: TWhere
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T>(
- iteratee?: Object
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TKey>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TKey>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TKey>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TKey>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TValue>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TWhere>(
- iteratee?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T, TKey>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TKey>|DictionaryIterator<T, TKey>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>|DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T, TValue>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<TWhere, T>(
- iteratee?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.groupBy
- */
- groupBy<T>(
- iteratee?: Object
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T[]>>;
- }
- //_.includes
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if target is in collection using SameValueZero for equality comparisons. If fromIndex is negative,
- * it’s used as the offset from the end of collection.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to search.
- * @param target The value to search for.
- * @param fromIndex The index to search from.
- * @return True if the target element is found, else false.
- */
- includes<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- target: T,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.includes
- */
- includes(
- collection: string,
- target: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.includes
- */
- includes(
- target: T,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.includes
- */
- includes<TValue>(
- target: TValue,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.includes
- */
- includes(
- target: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.includes
- */
- includes(
- target: T,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.includes
- */
- includes<TValue>(
- target: TValue,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.includes
- */
- includes(
- target: string,
- fromIndex?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.keyBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running each element of collection through
- * iteratee. The corresponding value of each key is the last element responsible for generating the key. The
- * iteratee function is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments:
- * (value, index|key, collection).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for iteratee the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for iteratee the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns the composed aggregate object.
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>|NumericDictionary<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: string
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<W extends Object, T>(
- collection: List<T>|NumericDictionary<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: W
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>|NumericDictionary<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: Object
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<W extends Object>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<W extends Object, T>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- iteratee?: Object
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<W extends Object>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<W extends Object, T>(
- iteratee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.keyBy
- */
- keyBy<T>(
- iteratee?: Object
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- }
- //_.invoke
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Invokes the method at path of object.
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @param path The path of the method to invoke.
- * @param args The arguments to invoke the method with.
- **/
- invoke<TObject extends Object, TResult>(
- object: TObject,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- ...args: any[]): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.invoke
- **/
- invoke<TValue, TResult>(
- object: Dictionary<TValue>|TValue[],
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- ...args: any[]): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.invoke
- **/
- invoke<TResult>(
- object: any,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- ...args: any[]): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invoke
- **/
- invoke<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- ...args: any[]): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invoke
- **/
- invoke<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- ...args: any[]): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invoke
- **/
- invoke<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- ...args: any[]): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invoke
- **/
- invoke<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- ...args: any[]): TResult;
- }
- //_.invokeMap
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Invokes the method named by methodName on each element in the collection returning
- * an array of the results of each invoked method. Additional arguments will be provided
- * to each invoked method. If methodName is a function it will be invoked for, and this
- * bound to, each element in the collection.
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param methodName The name of the method to invoke.
- * @param args Arguments to invoke the method with.
- **/
- invokeMap<TValue extends {}, TResult>(
- collection: TValue[],
- methodName: string,
- ...args: any[]): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TValue extends {}, TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<TValue>,
- methodName: string,
- ...args: any[]): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- collection: {}[],
- methodName: string,
- ...args: any[]): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<{}>,
- methodName: string,
- ...args: any[]): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TValue extends {}, TResult>(
- collection: TValue[],
- method: (...args: any[]) => TResult,
- ...args: any[]): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TValue extends {}, TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<TValue>,
- method: (...args: any[]) => TResult,
- ...args: any[]): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- collection: {}[],
- method: (...args: any[]) => TResult,
- ...args: any[]): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<{}>,
- method: (...args: any[]) => TResult,
- ...args: any[]): TResult[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- methodName: string,
- ...args: any[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- method: (...args: any[]) => TResult,
- ...args: any[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- methodName: string,
- ...args: any[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- method: (...args: any[]) => TResult,
- ...args: any[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- methodName: string,
- ...args: any[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- method: (...args: any[]) => TResult,
- ...args: any[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- methodName: string,
- ...args: any[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.invokeMap
- **/
- invokeMap<TResult>(
- method: (...args: any[]) => TResult,
- ...args: any[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.map
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of values by running each element in collection through iteratee. The iteratee is bound to
- * thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for iteratee the created _.property style callback returns the property value
- * of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for iteratee the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * Many lodash methods are guarded to work as iteratees for methods like _.every, _.filter, _.map, _.mapValues,
- * _.reject, and _.some.
- *
- * The guarded methods are:
- * ary, callback, chunk, clone, create, curry, curryRight, drop, dropRight, every, fill, flatten, invert, max,
- * min, parseInt, slice, sortBy, take, takeRight, template, trim, trimLeft, trimRight, trunc, random, range,
- * sample, some, sum, uniq, and words
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns the new mapped array.
- */
- map<T, TResult>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TResult>
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<T extends {}, TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, TResult>
- ): TResult[];
- map<T extends {}, TResult>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, TResult>
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<T, TResult>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: string
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<T, TObject extends {}>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: TObject
- ): boolean[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TResult>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TResult>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TResult>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TObject extends {}>(
- iteratee?: TObject
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TValue, TResult>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TValue, TResult>|DictionaryIterator<TValue, TResult>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TValue, TResult>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TObject extends {}>(
- iteratee?: TObject
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TResult>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TResult>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TObject extends {}>(
- iteratee?: TObject
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TValue, TResult>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TValue, TResult>|DictionaryIterator<TValue, TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TValue, TResult>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.map
- */
- map<TObject extends {}>(
- iteratee?: TObject
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.partition
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of elements split into two groups, the first of which contains elements predicate returns truthy for,
- * while the second of which contains elements predicate returns falsey for.
- * The predicate is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback
- * returns the property value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback
- * returns true for elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns
- * true for elements that have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param callback The function called per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of predicate.
- * @return Returns the array of grouped elements.
- **/
- partition<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- callback: ListIterator<T, boolean>): T[][];
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- **/
- partition<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- callback: DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>): T[][];
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- **/
- partition<W, T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- whereValue: W): T[][];
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- **/
- partition<W, T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- whereValue: W): T[][];
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- **/
- partition<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- path: string,
- srcValue: any): T[][];
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- **/
- partition<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- path: string,
- srcValue: any): T[][];
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- **/
- partition<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- pluckValue: string): T[][];
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- **/
- partition<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- pluckValue: string): T[][];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitStringWrapper {
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- */
- partition(
- callback: ListIterator<string, boolean>): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- */
- partition(
- callback: ListIterator<T, boolean>): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- */
- partition<W>(
- whereValue: W): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- */
- partition(
- path: string,
- srcValue: any): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- */
- partition(
- pluckValue: string): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- */
- partition<TResult>(
- callback: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- */
- partition<TResult>(
- callback: DictionaryIterator<TResult, boolean>): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- */
- partition<W, TResult>(
- whereValue: W): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- */
- partition<TResult>(
- path: string,
- srcValue: any): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.partition
- */
- partition<TResult>(
- pluckValue: string): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- }
- //_.reduce
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Reduces a collection to a value which is the accumulated result of running each
- * element in the collection through the callback, where each successive callback execution
- * consumes the return value of the previous execution. If accumulator is not provided the
- * first element of the collection will be used as the initial accumulator value. The callback
- * is bound to thisArg and invoked with four arguments; (accumulator, value, index|key, collection).
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param callback The function called per iteration.
- * @param accumulator Initial value of the accumulator.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of callback.
- * @return Returns the accumulated value.
- **/
- reduce<T, TResult>(
- collection: Array<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<T, TResult>(
- collection: List<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<T, TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<T, TResult>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<T, TResult>(
- collection: Array<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<T, TResult>(
- collection: List<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<T, TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<T, TResult>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<TResult>(
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<TResult>(
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<TValue, TResult>(
- callback: MemoIterator<TValue, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<TValue, TResult>(
- callback: MemoIterator<TValue, TResult>): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<TValue, TResult>(
- callback: MemoIterator<TValue, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- **/
- reduce<TValue, TResult>(
- callback: MemoIterator<TValue, TResult>): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**LoDashExplicitWrapper
- * @see _.reduce
- */
- reduce<TResult>(
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.reduce
- */
- reduce<TResult>(
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.reduceRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.reduce except that it iterates over elements of a collection from
- * right to left.
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param callback The function called per iteration.
- * @param accumulator Initial value of the accumulator.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of callback.
- * @return The accumulated value.
- **/
- reduceRight<T, TResult>(
- collection: Array<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduceRight
- **/
- reduceRight<T, TResult>(
- collection: List<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduceRight
- **/
- reduceRight<T, TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>,
- accumulator: TResult): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduceRight
- **/
- reduceRight<T, TResult>(
- collection: Array<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduceRight
- **/
- reduceRight<T, TResult>(
- collection: List<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.reduceRight
- **/
- reduceRight<T, TResult>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- callback: MemoIterator<T, TResult>): TResult;
- }
- //_.reject
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * The opposite of _.filter; this method returns the elements of collection that predicate does not return
- * truthy for.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of predicate.
- * @return Returns the new filtered array.
- */
- reject<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject(
- collection: string,
- predicate?: StringIterator<boolean>
- ): string[];
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- predicate: string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<W extends {}, T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- predicate: W
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject(
- predicate?: StringIterator<boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject(
- predicate: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject(
- predicate: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<W>(predicate: W): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<T>(
- predicate: ListIterator<T, boolean>|DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<T>(
- predicate: string
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<W, T>(predicate: W): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject(
- predicate?: StringIterator<boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject(
- predicate: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject(
- predicate: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<W>(predicate: W): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<T>(
- predicate: ListIterator<T, boolean>|DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<T>(
- predicate: string
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.reject
- */
- reject<W, T>(predicate: W): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.sample
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Gets a random element from collection.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to sample.
- * @return Returns the random element.
- */
- sample<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.sample
- */
- sample<O extends Object, T>(
- collection: O
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.sample
- */
- sample<T>(
- collection: Object
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sample
- */
- sample(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sample
- */
- sample(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sample
- */
- sample<T>(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sample
- */
- sample(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sample
- */
- sample<TWrapper>(): TWrapper;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sample
- */
- sample<TWrapper>(): TWrapper;
- }
- //_.sampleSize
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Gets n random elements at unique keys from collection up to the size of collection.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to sample.
- * @param n The number of elements to sample.
- * @return Returns the random elements.
- */
- sampleSize<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- n?: number
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sampleSize
- */
- sampleSize<O extends Object, T>(
- collection: O,
- n?: number
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sampleSize
- */
- sampleSize<T>(
- collection: Object,
- n?: number
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sampleSize
- */
- sampleSize(
- n?: number
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sampleSize
- */
- sampleSize(
- n?: number
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sampleSize
- */
- sampleSize<T>(
- n?: number
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sampleSize
- */
- sampleSize(
- n?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sampleSize
- */
- sampleSize(
- n?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sampleSize
- */
- sampleSize<T>(
- n?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.shuffle
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of shuffled values, using a version of the Fisher-Yates shuffle.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to shuffle.
- * @return Returns the new shuffled array.
- */
- shuffle<T>(collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.shuffle
- */
- shuffle(collection: string): string[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.shuffle
- */
- shuffle(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.shuffle
- */
- shuffle(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.shuffle
- */
- shuffle<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.shuffle
- */
- shuffle(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.shuffle
- */
- shuffle(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.shuffle
- */
- shuffle<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.size
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Gets the size of collection by returning its length for array-like values or the number of own enumerable
- * properties for objects.
- *
- * @param collection The collection to inspect.
- * @return Returns the size of collection.
- */
- size<T>(collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>): number;
- /**
- * @see _.size
- */
- size(collection: string): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.size
- */
- size(): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.size
- */
- size(): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.size
- */
- size(): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.size
- */
- size(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.size
- */
- size(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.size
- */
- size(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.some
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if predicate returns truthy for any element of collection. Iteration is stopped once predicate
- * returns truthy. The predicate is invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).
- *
- * @param collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @return Returns true if any element passes the predicate check, else false.
- */
- some<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<T>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<T>,
- predicate?: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some(
- collection: Object,
- predicate?: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- predicate?: string|[string, any]
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some(
- collection: Object,
- predicate?: string|[string, any]
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<TObject extends {}, T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- predicate?: TObject
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>,
- predicate?: Object
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<TObject extends {}>(
- collection: Object,
- predicate?: TObject
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some(
- predicate?: string|[string, any]
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<TObject extends {}>(
- predicate?: TObject
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>|DictionaryIterator<TResult, boolean>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, boolean>|ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some(
- predicate?: string|[string, any]
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<TObject extends {}>(
- predicate?: TObject
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some(
- predicate?: ListIterator<T, boolean>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some(
- predicate?: string|[string, any]
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<TObject extends {}>(
- predicate?: TObject
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<TResult>(
- predicate?: ListIterator<TResult, boolean>|DictionaryIterator<TResult, boolean>|NumericDictionaryIterator<T, boolean>|ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some(
- predicate?: string|[string, any]
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.some
- */
- some<TObject extends {}>(
- predicate?: TObject
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.sortBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of elements, sorted in ascending order by the results of
- * running each element in a collection through each iteratee. This method
- * performs a stable sort, that is, it preserves the original sort order of
- * equal elements. The iteratees are invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Collection
- * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param {...(Function|Function[]|Object|Object[]|string|string[])} [iteratees=[_.identity]]
- * The iteratees to sort by, specified individually or in arrays.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array.
- * @example
- *
- * var users = [
- * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 48 },
- * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },
- * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 42 },
- * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 }
- * ];
- *
- * _.sortBy(users, function(o) { return o.user; });
- * // => objects for [['barney', 36], ['barney', 34], ['fred', 48], ['fred', 42]]
- *
- * _.sortBy(users, ['user', 'age']);
- * // => objects for [['barney', 34], ['barney', 36], ['fred', 42], ['fred', 48]]
- *
- * _.sortBy(users, 'user', function(o) {
- * return Math.floor(o.age / 10);
- * });
- * // => objects for [['barney', 36], ['barney', 34], ['fred', 48], ['fred', 42]]
- */
- sortBy<T, TSort>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T, TSort>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, TSort>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee: string
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<W extends {}, T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- whereValue: W
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T>(
- collection: (Array<T>|List<T>),
- iteratees: (ListIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[]): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T>(
- collection: (Array<T>|List<T>),
- ...iteratees: (ListIterator<T, boolean>|Object|string)[]): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<TSort>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy(iteratee: string): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<W extends {}>(whereValue: W): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy(...iteratees: (ListIterator<T, boolean>|Object|string)[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- **/
- sortBy(iteratees: (ListIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T, TSort>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TSort>|DictionaryIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T>(iteratee: string): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<W extends {}, T>(whereValue: W): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<TSort>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy(iteratee: string): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<W extends {}>(whereValue: W): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T, TSort>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TSort>|DictionaryIterator<T, TSort>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T>(iteratee: string): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<W extends {}, T>(whereValue: W): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.sortBy
- */
- sortBy<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.orderBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.sortBy` except that it allows specifying the sort
- * orders of the iteratees to sort by. If `orders` is unspecified, all values
- * are sorted in ascending order. Otherwise, specify an order of "desc" for
- * descending or "asc" for ascending sort order of corresponding values.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Collection
- * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.
- * @param {Function[]|Object[]|string[]} [iteratees=[_.identity]] The iteratees to sort by.
- * @param {string[]} [orders] The sort orders of `iteratees`.
- * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for functions like `_.reduce`.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array.
- * @example
- *
- * var users = [
- * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 48 },
- * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 },
- * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 42 },
- * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }
- * ];
- *
- * // sort by `user` in ascending order and by `age` in descending order
- * _.orderBy(users, ['user', 'age'], ['asc', 'desc']);
- * // => objects for [['barney', 36], ['barney', 34], ['fred', 48], ['fred', 42]]
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object, T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratees: ListIterator<T, any>|string|W|(ListIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratees: ListIterator<T, any>|string|Object|(ListIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object, T>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratees: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W|(NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<T>(
- collection: NumericDictionary<T>,
- iteratees: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object|(NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object, T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratees: DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W|(DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratees: DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object|(DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy(
- iteratees: ListIterator<T, any>|string|(ListIterator<T, any>|string)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object>(
- iteratees: ListIterator<T, any>|string|W|(ListIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object, T>(
- iteratees: ListIterator<T, any>|string|W|(ListIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<T>(
- iteratees: ListIterator<T, any>|string|Object|(ListIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object, T>(
- iteratees: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W|(NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<T>(
- iteratees: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object|(NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object, T>(
- iteratees: DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W|(DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<T>(
- iteratees: DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object|(DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy(
- iteratees: ListIterator<T, any>|string|(ListIterator<T, any>|string)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object>(
- iteratees: ListIterator<T, any>|string|W|(ListIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object, T>(
- iteratees: ListIterator<T, any>|string|W|(ListIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<T>(
- iteratees: ListIterator<T, any>|string|Object|(ListIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object, T>(
- iteratees: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W|(NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<T>(
- iteratees: NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object|(NumericDictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<W extends Object, T>(
- iteratees: DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W|(DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|W)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.orderBy
- */
- orderBy<T>(
- iteratees: DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object|(DictionaryIterator<T, any>|string|Object)[],
- orders?: boolean|string|(boolean|string)[]
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- /********
- * Date *
- ********/
- //_.now
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Gets the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
- *
- * @return The number of milliseconds.
- */
- now(): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.now
- */
- now(): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.now
- */
- now(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- /*************
- * Functions *
- *************/
- //_.after
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * The opposite of _.before; this method creates a function that invokes func once it’s called n or more times.
- *
- * @param n The number of calls before func is invoked.
- * @param func The function to restrict.
- * @return Returns the new restricted function.
- */
- after<TFunc extends Function>(
- n: number,
- func: TFunc
- ): TFunc;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.after
- **/
- after<TFunc extends Function>(func: TFunc): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TFunc>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.after
- **/
- after<TFunc extends Function>(func: TFunc): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TFunc>;
- }
- //_.ary
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that accepts up to n arguments ignoring any additional arguments.
- *
- * @param func The function to cap arguments for.
- * @param n The arity cap.
- * @returns Returns the new function.
- */
- ary<TResult extends Function>(
- func: Function,
- n?: number
- ): TResult;
- ary<T extends Function, TResult extends Function>(
- func: T,
- n?: number
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.ary
- */
- ary<TResult extends Function>(n?: number): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.ary
- */
- ary<TResult extends Function>(n?: number): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.before
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that invokes func, with the this binding and arguments of the created function, while
- * it’s called less than n times. Subsequent calls to the created function return the result of the last func
- * invocation.
- *
- * @param n The number of calls at which func is no longer invoked.
- * @param func The function to restrict.
- * @return Returns the new restricted function.
- */
- before<TFunc extends Function>(
- n: number,
- func: TFunc
- ): TFunc;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.before
- **/
- before<TFunc extends Function>(func: TFunc): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TFunc>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.before
- **/
- before<TFunc extends Function>(func: TFunc): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TFunc>;
- }
- //_.bind
- interface FunctionBind {
- placeholder: any;
- <T extends Function, TResult extends Function>(
- func: T,
- thisArg: any,
- ...partials: any[]
- ): TResult;
- <TResult extends Function>(
- func: Function,
- thisArg: any,
- ...partials: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that invokes func with the this binding of thisArg and prepends any additional _.bind
- * arguments to those provided to the bound function.
- *
- * The _.bind.placeholder value, which defaults to _ in monolithic builds, may be used as a placeholder for
- * partially applied arguments.
- *
- * Note: Unlike native Function#bind this method does not set the "length" property of bound functions.
- *
- * @param func The function to bind.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of func.
- * @param partials The arguments to be partially applied.
- * @return Returns the new bound function.
- */
- bind: FunctionBind;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.bind
- */
- bind<TResult extends Function>(
- thisArg: any,
- ...partials: any[]
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.bind
- */
- bind<TResult extends Function>(
- thisArg: any,
- ...partials: any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.bindAll
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Binds methods of an object to the object itself, overwriting the existing method. Method names may be
- * specified as individual arguments or as arrays of method names. If no method names are provided all
- * enumerable function properties, own and inherited, of object are bound.
- *
- * Note: This method does not set the "length" property of bound functions.
- *
- * @param object The object to bind and assign the bound methods to.
- * @param methodNames The object method names to bind, specified as individual method names or arrays of
- * method names.
- * @return Returns object.
- */
- bindAll<T>(
- object: T,
- ...methodNames: (string|string[])[]
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.bindAll
- */
- bindAll(...methodNames: (string|string[])[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.bindAll
- */
- bindAll(...methodNames: (string|string[])[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.bindKey
- interface FunctionBindKey {
- placeholder: any;
- <T extends Object, TResult extends Function>(
- object: T,
- key: any,
- ...partials: any[]
- ): TResult;
- <TResult extends Function>(
- object: Object,
- key: any,
- ...partials: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that invokes the method at object[key] and prepends any additional _.bindKey arguments
- * to those provided to the bound function.
- *
- * This method differs from _.bind by allowing bound functions to reference methods that may be redefined
- * or don’t yet exist. See Peter Michaux’s article for more details.
- *
- * The _.bindKey.placeholder value, which defaults to _ in monolithic builds, may be used as a placeholder
- * for partially applied arguments.
- *
- * @param object The object the method belongs to.
- * @param key The key of the method.
- * @param partials The arguments to be partially applied.
- * @return Returns the new bound function.
- */
- bindKey: FunctionBindKey;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.bindKey
- */
- bindKey<TResult extends Function>(
- key: any,
- ...partials: any[]
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.bindKey
- */
- bindKey<TResult extends Function>(
- key: any,
- ...partials: any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.createCallback
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Produces a callback bound to an optional thisArg. If func is a property name the created
- * callback will return the property value for a given element. If func is an object the created
- * callback will return true for elements that contain the equivalent object properties,
- * otherwise it will return false.
- * @param func The value to convert to a callback.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of the created callback.
- * @param argCount The number of arguments the callback accepts.
- * @return A callback function.
- **/
- createCallback(
- func: string,
- argCount?: number): () => any;
- /**
- * @see _.createCallback
- **/
- createCallback(
- func: Dictionary<any>,
- argCount?: number): () => boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.createCallback
- **/
- createCallback(
- argCount?: number): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<() => any>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.createCallback
- **/
- createCallback(
- argCount?: number): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<() => any>;
- }
- //_.curry
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that accepts one or more arguments of func that when called either invokes func returning
- * its result, if all func arguments have been provided, or returns a function that accepts one or more of the
- * remaining func arguments, and so on. The arity of func may be specified if func.length is not sufficient.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curry<T1, R>(func: (t1: T1) => R):
- CurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
- /**
- * Creates a function that accepts one or more arguments of func that when called either invokes func returning
- * its result, if all func arguments have been provided, or returns a function that accepts one or more of the
- * remaining func arguments, and so on. The arity of func may be specified if func.length is not sufficient.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curry<T1, T2, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R):
- CurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R>;
- /**
- * Creates a function that accepts one or more arguments of func that when called either invokes func returning
- * its result, if all func arguments have been provided, or returns a function that accepts one or more of the
- * remaining func arguments, and so on. The arity of func may be specified if func.length is not sufficient.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curry<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R):
- CurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
- /**
- * Creates a function that accepts one or more arguments of func that when called either invokes func returning
- * its result, if all func arguments have been provided, or returns a function that accepts one or more of the
- * remaining func arguments, and so on. The arity of func may be specified if func.length is not sufficient.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curry<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R):
- CurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
- /**
- * Creates a function that accepts one or more arguments of func that when called either invokes func returning
- * its result, if all func arguments have been provided, or returns a function that accepts one or more of the
- * remaining func arguments, and so on. The arity of func may be specified if func.length is not sufficient.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curry<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => R):
- CurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
- /**
- * Creates a function that accepts one or more arguments of func that when called either invokes func returning
- * its result, if all func arguments have been provided, or returns a function that accepts one or more of the
- * remaining func arguments, and so on. The arity of func may be specified if func.length is not sufficient.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @param arity The arity of func.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curry<TResult extends Function>(
- func: Function,
- arity?: number): TResult;
- }
- interface CurriedFunction1<T1, R> {
- (): CurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
- (t1: T1): R;
- }
- interface CurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R> {
- (): CurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R>;
- (t1: T1): CurriedFunction1<T2, R>;
- (t1: T1, t2: T2): R;
- }
- interface CurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R> {
- (): CurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
- (t1: T1): CurriedFunction2<T2, T3, R>;
- (t1: T1, t2: T2): CurriedFunction1<T3, R>;
- (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3): R;
- }
- interface CurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R> {
- (): CurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
- (t1: T1): CurriedFunction3<T2, T3, T4, R>;
- (t1: T1, t2: T2): CurriedFunction2<T3, T4, R>;
- (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3): CurriedFunction1<T4, R>;
- (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4): R;
- }
- interface CurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> {
- (): CurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
- (t1: T1): CurriedFunction4<T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
- (t1: T1, t2: T2): CurriedFunction3<T3, T4, T5, R>;
- (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3): CurriedFunction2<T4, T5, R>;
- (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4): CurriedFunction1<T5, R>;
- (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5): R;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.curry
- **/
- curry<TResult extends Function>(arity?: number): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.curryRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.curry except that arguments are applied to func in the manner of _.partialRight
- * instead of _.partial.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curryRight<T1, R>(func: (t1: T1) => R):
- CurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
- /**
- * This method is like _.curry except that arguments are applied to func in the manner of _.partialRight
- * instead of _.partial.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curryRight<T1, T2, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R):
- CurriedFunction2<T2, T1, R>;
- /**
- * This method is like _.curry except that arguments are applied to func in the manner of _.partialRight
- * instead of _.partial.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curryRight<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R):
- CurriedFunction3<T3, T2, T1, R>;
- /**
- * This method is like _.curry except that arguments are applied to func in the manner of _.partialRight
- * instead of _.partial.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curryRight<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R):
- CurriedFunction4<T4, T3, T2, T1, R>;
- /**
- * This method is like _.curry except that arguments are applied to func in the manner of _.partialRight
- * instead of _.partial.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curryRight<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => R):
- CurriedFunction5<T5, T4, T3, T2, T1, R>;
- /**
- * This method is like _.curry except that arguments are applied to func in the manner of _.partialRight
- * instead of _.partial.
- * @param func The function to curry.
- * @param arity The arity of func.
- * @return Returns the new curried function.
- */
- curryRight<TResult extends Function>(
- func: Function,
- arity?: number): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.curryRight
- **/
- curryRight<TResult extends Function>(arity?: number): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.debounce
- interface DebounceSettings {
- /**
- * Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout.
- */
- leading?: boolean;
- /**
- * The maximum time func is allowed to be delayed before it’s invoked.
- */
- maxWait?: number;
- /**
- * Specify invoking on the trailing edge of the timeout.
- */
- trailing?: boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a debounced function that delays invoking func until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since
- * the last time the debounced function was invoked. The debounced function comes with a cancel method to
- * cancel delayed invocations and a flush method to immediately invoke them. Provide an options object to
- * indicate that func should be invoked on the leading and/or trailing edge of the wait timeout. Subsequent
- * calls to the debounced function return the result of the last func invocation.
- *
- * Note: If leading and trailing options are true, func is invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout only
- * if the the debounced function is invoked more than once during the wait timeout.
- *
- * See David Corbacho’s article for details over the differences between _.debounce and _.throttle.
- *
- * @param func The function to debounce.
- * @param wait The number of milliseconds to delay.
- * @param options The options object.
- * @param options.leading Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout.
- * @param options.maxWait The maximum time func is allowed to be delayed before it’s invoked.
- * @param options.trailing Specify invoking on the trailing edge of the timeout.
- * @return Returns the new debounced function.
- */
- debounce<T extends Function>(
- func: T,
- wait?: number,
- options?: DebounceSettings
- ): T & Cancelable;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.debounce
- */
- debounce(
- wait?: number,
- options?: DebounceSettings
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & Cancelable>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.debounce
- */
- debounce(
- wait?: number,
- options?: DebounceSettings
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & Cancelable>;
- }
- //_.defer
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Defers invoking the func until the current call stack has cleared. Any additional arguments are provided to
- * func when it’s invoked.
- *
- * @param func The function to defer.
- * @param args The arguments to invoke the function with.
- * @return Returns the timer id.
- */
- defer<T extends Function>(
- func: T,
- ...args: any[]
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.defer
- */
- defer(...args: any[]): LoDashImplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.defer
- */
- defer(...args: any[]): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.delay
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Invokes func after wait milliseconds. Any additional arguments are provided to func when it’s invoked.
- *
- * @param func The function to delay.
- * @param wait The number of milliseconds to delay invocation.
- * @param args The arguments to invoke the function with.
- * @return Returns the timer id.
- */
- delay<T extends Function>(
- func: T,
- wait: number,
- ...args: any[]
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.delay
- */
- delay(
- wait: number,
- ...args: any[]
- ): LoDashImplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.delay
- */
- delay(
- wait: number,
- ...args: any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that invokes `func` with arguments reversed.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Function
- * @param {Function} func The function to flip arguments for.
- * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
- * @example
- *
- * var flipped = _.flip(function() {
- * return _.toArray(arguments);
- * });
- *
- * flipped('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
- * // => ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']
- */
- flip<T extends Function>(func: T): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flip
- */
- flip(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flip
- */
- flip(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.flow
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that returns the result of invoking the provided functions with the this binding of the
- * created function, where each successive invocation is supplied the return value of the previous.
- *
- * @param funcs Functions to invoke.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- // 1-argument first function
- flow<A1, R1, R2>(f1: (a1: A1) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2): (a1: A1) => R2;
- flow<A1, R1, R2, R3>(f1: (a1: A1) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3): (a1: A1) => R3;
- flow<A1, R1, R2, R3, R4>(f1: (a1: A1) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4): (a1: A1) => R4;
- flow<A1, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>(f1: (a1: A1) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5): (a1: A1) => R5;
- flow<A1, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>(f1: (a1: A1) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6): (a1: A1) => R6;
- flow<A1, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7>(f1: (a1: A1) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6, f7: (a: R6) => R7): (a1: A1) => R7;
- // 2-argument first function
- flow<A1, A2, R1, R2>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2): (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R2;
- flow<A1, A2, R1, R2, R3>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3): (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R3;
- flow<A1, A2, R1, R2, R3, R4>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4): (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R4;
- flow<A1, A2, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5): (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R5;
- flow<A1, A2, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6): (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R6;
- flow<A1, A2, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6, f7: (a: R6) => R7): (a1: A1, a2: A2) => R7;
- // 3-argument first function
- flow<A1, A2, A3, R1, R2>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R2;
- flow<A1, A2, A3, R1, R2, R3>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R3;
- flow<A1, A2, A3, R1, R2, R3, R4>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R4;
- flow<A1, A2, A3, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R5;
- flow<A1, A2, A3, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R6;
- flow<A1, A2, A3, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6, f7: (a: R6) => R7): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => R7;
- // 4-argument first function
- flow<A1, A2, A3, A4, R1, R2>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R2;
- flow<A1, A2, A3, A4, R1, R2, R3>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R3;
- flow<A1, A2, A3, A4, R1, R2, R3, R4>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R4;
- flow<A1, A2, A3, A4, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R5;
- flow<A1, A2, A3, A4, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R6;
- flow<A1, A2, A3, A4, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7>(f1: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6, f7: (a: R6) => R7): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => R7;
- // generic function
- flow<TResult extends Function>(...funcs: Function[]): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flow
- */
- flow<TResult extends Function>(...funcs: Function[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flow
- */
- flow<TResult extends Function>(...funcs: Function[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.flowRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.flow except that it creates a function that invokes the provided functions from right
- * to left.
- *
- * @param funcs Functions to invoke.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- flowRight<TResult extends Function>(...funcs: Function[]): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flowRight
- */
- flowRight<TResult extends Function>(...funcs: Function[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.flowRight
- */
- flowRight<TResult extends Function>(...funcs: Function[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.memoize
- interface MemoizedFunction extends Function {
- cache: MapCache;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that memoizes the result of func. If resolver is provided it determines the cache key for
- * storing the result based on the arguments provided to the memoized function. By default, the first argument
- * provided to the memoized function is coerced to a string and used as the cache key. The func is invoked with
- * the this binding of the memoized function.
- *
- * @param func The function to have its output memoized.
- * @param resolver The function to resolve the cache key.
- * @return Returns the new memoizing function.
- */
- memoize: {
- <T extends Function>(func: T, resolver?: Function): T & MemoizedFunction;
- Cache: MapCacheConstructor;
- }
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.memoize
- */
- memoize(resolver?: Function): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & MemoizedFunction>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.memoize
- */
- memoize(resolver?: Function): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & MemoizedFunction>;
- }
- //_.overArgs (was _.modArgs)
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that runs each argument through a corresponding transform function.
- *
- * @param func The function to wrap.
- * @param transforms The functions to transform arguments, specified as individual functions or arrays
- * of functions.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- overArgs<T extends Function, TResult extends Function>(
- func: T,
- ...transforms: Function[]
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.overArgs
- */
- overArgs<T extends Function, TResult extends Function>(
- func: T,
- transforms: Function[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.overArgs
- */
- overArgs<TResult extends Function>(...transforms: Function[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.overArgs
- */
- overArgs<TResult extends Function>(transforms: Function[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.overArgs
- */
- overArgs<TResult extends Function>(...transforms: Function[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.overArgs
- */
- overArgs<TResult extends Function>(transforms: Function[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.negate
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that negates the result of the predicate func. The func predicate is invoked with
- * the this binding and arguments of the created function.
- *
- * @param predicate The predicate to negate.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- negate<T extends Function>(predicate: T): (...args: any[]) => boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.negate
- */
- negate<T extends Function, TResult extends Function>(predicate: T): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.negate
- */
- negate(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.negate
- */
- negate<TResult extends Function>(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.negate
- */
- negate(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.negate
- */
- negate<TResult extends Function>(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.once
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that is restricted to invoking func once. Repeat calls to the function return the value
- * of the first call. The func is invoked with the this binding and arguments of the created function.
- *
- * @param func The function to restrict.
- * @return Returns the new restricted function.
- */
- once<T extends Function>(func: T): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.once
- */
- once(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.once
- */
- once(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.partial
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that, when called, invokes func with any additional partial arguments
- * prepended to those provided to the new function. This method is similar to _.bind except
- * it does not alter the this binding.
- * @param func The function to partially apply arguments to.
- * @param args Arguments to be partially applied.
- * @return The new partially applied function.
- **/
- partial: Partial;
- }
- type PH = LoDashStatic;
- interface Function0<R> {
- (): R;
- }
- interface Function1<T1, R> {
- (t1: T1): R;
- }
- interface Function2<T1, T2, R> {
- (t1: T1, t2: T2): R;
- }
- interface Function3<T1, T2, T3, R> {
- (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3): R;
- }
- interface Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R> {
- (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4): R;
- }
- interface Partial {
- // arity 0
- <R>(func: Function0<R>): Function0<R>;
- // arity 1
- <T1, R>(func: Function1<T1, R>): Function1<T1, R>;
- <T1, R>(func: Function1<T1, R>, arg1: T1): Function0<R>;
- // arity 2
- <T1, T2, R>(func: Function2<T1, T2, R>): Function2<T1, T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, R>(func: Function2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1): Function1< T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, R>(func: Function2<T1, T2, R>, plc1: PH, arg2: T2): Function1<T1, R>;
- <T1, T2, R>(func: Function2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): Function0< R>;
- // arity 3
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>): Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1): Function2< T2, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, plc1: PH, arg2: T2): Function2<T1, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): Function1< T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, plc1: PH, plc2: PH, arg3: T3): Function2<T1, T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH, arg3: T3): Function1< T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, plc1: PH, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): Function1<T1, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): Function0< R>;
- // arity 4
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>): Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1): Function3< T2, T3, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: PH, arg2: T2): Function3<T1, T3, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): Function2< T3, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: PH, plc2: PH, arg3: T3): Function3<T1, T2, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH, arg3: T3): Function2< T2, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: PH, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): Function2<T1, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): Function1< T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: PH, plc2: PH, plc3: PH, arg4: T4): Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH, plc3: PH, arg4: T4): Function2< T2, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: PH, arg2: T2, plc3: PH, arg4: T4): Function2<T1, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, plc3: PH, arg4: T4): Function1< T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: PH, plc2: PH, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): Function2<T1, T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): Function1< T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: PH, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): Function1<T1, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): Function0< R>;
- // catch-all
- (func: Function, ...args: any[]): Function;
- }
- //_.partialRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.partial except that partial arguments are appended to those provided
- * to the new function.
- * @param func The function to partially apply arguments to.
- * @param args Arguments to be partially applied.
- * @return The new partially applied function.
- **/
- partialRight: PartialRight
- }
- interface PartialRight {
- // arity 0
- <R>(func: Function0<R>): Function0<R>;
- // arity 1
- <T1, R>(func: Function1<T1, R>): Function1<T1, R>;
- <T1, R>(func: Function1<T1, R>, arg1: T1): Function0<R>;
- // arity 2
- <T1, T2, R>(func: Function2<T1, T2, R>): Function2<T1, T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, R>(func: Function2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH): Function1< T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, R>(func: Function2<T1, T2, R>, arg2: T2): Function1<T1, R>;
- <T1, T2, R>(func: Function2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): Function0< R>;
- // arity 3
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>): Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH, plc3: PH): Function2< T2, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg2: T2, plc3: PH): Function2<T1, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, plc3: PH): Function1< T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg3: T3): Function2<T1, T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH, arg3: T3): Function1< T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): Function1<T1, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): Function0< R>;
- // arity 4
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>): Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH, plc3: PH, plc4: PH): Function3< T2, T3, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg2: T2, plc3: PH, plc4: PH): Function3<T1, T3, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, plc3: PH, plc4: PH): Function2< T3, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg3: T3, plc4: PH): Function3<T1, T2, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH, arg3: T3, plc4: PH): Function2< T2, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, plc4: PH): Function2<T1, T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, plc4: PH): Function1< T4, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg4: T4): Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH, plc3: PH, arg4: T4): Function2< T2, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg2: T2, plc3: PH, arg4: T4): Function2<T1, T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, plc3: PH, arg4: T4): Function1< T3, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): Function2<T1, T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, plc2: PH, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): Function1< T2, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): Function1<T1, R>;
- <T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): Function0< R>;
- // catch-all
- (func: Function, ...args: any[]): Function;
- }
- //_.rearg
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that invokes func with arguments arranged according to the specified indexes where the
- * argument value at the first index is provided as the first argument, the argument value at the second index
- * is provided as the second argument, and so on.
- * @param func The function to rearrange arguments for.
- * @param indexes The arranged argument indexes, specified as individual indexes or arrays of indexes.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- rearg<TResult extends Function>(func: Function, indexes: number[]): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.rearg
- */
- rearg<TResult extends Function>(func: Function, ...indexes: number[]): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.rearg
- */
- rearg<TResult extends Function>(indexes: number[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.rearg
- */
- rearg<TResult extends Function>(...indexes: number[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.rest
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that invokes func with the this binding of the created function and arguments from start
- * and beyond provided as an array.
- *
- * Note: This method is based on the rest parameter.
- *
- * @param func The function to apply a rest parameter to.
- * @param start The start position of the rest parameter.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- rest<TResult extends Function>(
- func: Function,
- start?: number
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.rest
- */
- rest<TResult extends Function, TFunc extends Function>(
- func: TFunc,
- start?: number
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.rest
- */
- rest<TResult extends Function>(start?: number): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.rest
- */
- rest<TResult extends Function>(start?: number): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.spread
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that invokes func with the this binding of the created function and an array of arguments
- * much like Function#apply.
- *
- * Note: This method is based on the spread operator.
- *
- * @param func The function to spread arguments over.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- spread<F extends Function, T extends Function>(func: F): T;
- /**
- * @see _.spread
- */
- spread<T extends Function>(func: Function): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.spread
- */
- spread<T extends Function>(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.spread
- */
- spread<T extends Function>(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.throttle
- interface ThrottleSettings {
- /**
- * If you'd like to disable the leading-edge call, pass this as false.
- */
- leading?: boolean;
- /**
- * If you'd like to disable the execution on the trailing-edge, pass false.
- */
- trailing?: boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a throttled function that only invokes func at most once per every wait milliseconds. The throttled
- * function comes with a cancel method to cancel delayed invocations and a flush method to immediately invoke
- * them. Provide an options object to indicate that func should be invoked on the leading and/or trailing edge
- * of the wait timeout. Subsequent calls to the throttled function return the result of the last func call.
- *
- * Note: If leading and trailing options are true, func is invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout only if
- * the the throttled function is invoked more than once during the wait timeout.
- *
- * @param func The function to throttle.
- * @param wait The number of milliseconds to throttle invocations to.
- * @param options The options object.
- * @param options.leading Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout.
- * @param options.trailing Specify invoking on the trailing edge of the timeout.
- * @return Returns the new throttled function.
- */
- throttle<T extends Function>(
- func: T,
- wait?: number,
- options?: ThrottleSettings
- ): T & Cancelable;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.throttle
- */
- throttle(
- wait?: number,
- options?: ThrottleSettings
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & Cancelable>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.throttle
- */
- throttle(
- wait?: number,
- options?: ThrottleSettings
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & Cancelable>;
- }
- //_.unary
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that accepts up to one argument, ignoring any
- * additional arguments.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Function
- * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for.
- * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
- * @example
- *
- * _.map(['6', '8', '10'], _.unary(parseInt));
- * // => [6, 8, 10]
- */
- unary<T extends Function>(func: T): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unary
- */
- unary(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unary
- */
- unary(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.wrap
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that provides value to the wrapper function as its first argument. Any additional
- * arguments provided to the function are appended to those provided to the wrapper function. The wrapper is
- * invoked with the this binding of the created function.
- *
- * @param value The value to wrap.
- * @param wrapper The wrapper function.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- wrap<V, W extends Function, R extends Function>(
- value: V,
- wrapper: W
- ): R;
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<V, R extends Function>(
- value: V,
- wrapper: Function
- ): R;
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<R extends Function>(
- value: any,
- wrapper: Function
- ): R;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<W extends Function, R extends Function>(wrapper: W): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<R extends Function>(wrapper: Function): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<W extends Function, R extends Function>(wrapper: W): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<R extends Function>(wrapper: Function): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<W extends Function, R extends Function>(wrapper: W): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<R extends Function>(wrapper: Function): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<W extends Function, R extends Function>(wrapper: W): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<R extends Function>(wrapper: Function): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<W extends Function, R extends Function>(wrapper: W): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<R extends Function>(wrapper: Function): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<W extends Function, R extends Function>(wrapper: W): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- /**
- * @see _.wrap
- */
- wrap<R extends Function>(wrapper: Function): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<R>;
- }
- /********
- * Lang *
- ********/
- //_.castArray
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Casts value as an array if it’s not one.
- *
- * @param value The value to inspect.
- * @return Returns the cast array.
- */
- castArray<T>(value: T): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.castArray
- */
- castArray(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.castArray
- */
- castArray(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.castArray
- */
- castArray(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.castArray
- */
- castArray(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.castArray
- */
- castArray(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.castArray
- */
- castArray(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.clone
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a shallow clone of value.
- *
- * Note: This method is loosely based on the structured clone algorithm and supports cloning arrays,
- * array buffers, booleans, date objects, maps, numbers, Object objects, regexes, sets, strings, symbols,
- * and typed arrays. The own enumerable properties of arguments objects are cloned as plain objects. An empty
- * object is returned for uncloneable values such as error objects, functions, DOM nodes, and WeakMaps.
- *
- * @param value The value to clone.
- * @return Returns the cloned value.
- */
- clone<T>(value: T): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.clone
- */
- clone(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.clone
- */
- clone(): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.clone
- */
- clone(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.clone
- */
- clone(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.clone
- */
- clone(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.clone
- */
- clone(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.cloneDeep
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.clone except that it recursively clones value.
- *
- * @param value The value to recursively clone.
- * @return Returns the deep cloned value.
- */
- cloneDeep<T>(value: T): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeep
- */
- cloneDeep(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeep
- */
- cloneDeep(): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeep
- */
- cloneDeep(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeep
- */
- cloneDeep(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeep
- */
- cloneDeep(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeep
- */
- cloneDeep(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.cloneDeepWith
- interface CloneDeepWithCustomizer<TValue, TResult> {
- (value: TValue): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.cloneWith except that it recursively clones value.
- *
- * @param value The value to recursively clone.
- * @param customizer The function to customize cloning.
- * @return Returns the deep cloned value.
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult>(
- value: any,
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<any, TResult>
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.clonDeepeWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<T, TResult>(
- value: T,
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T[], TResult>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult extends (number|string|boolean)>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T, TResult[]>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult extends Object>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult extends (number|string|boolean)>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T[], TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T[], TResult[]>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult extends Object>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T[], TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult extends (number|string|boolean)>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T, TResult[]>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneDeepWith
- */
- cloneDeepWith<TResult extends Object>(
- customizer?: CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.cloneWith
- interface CloneWithCustomizer<TValue, TResult> {
- (value: TValue): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.clone except that it accepts customizer which is invoked to produce the cloned value.
- * If customizer returns undefined cloning is handled by the method instead.
- *
- * @param value The value to clone.
- * @param customizer The function to customize cloning.
- * @return Returns the cloned value.
- */
- cloneWith<TResult>(
- value: any,
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<any, TResult>
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<T, TResult>(
- value: T,
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T[], TResult>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult extends (number|string|boolean)>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult[]>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult extends Object>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult extends (number|string|boolean)>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T[], TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T[], TResult[]>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult extends Object>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T[], TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult extends (number|string|boolean)>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult[]>
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.cloneWith
- */
- cloneWith<TResult extends Object>(
- customizer?: CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.eq
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Performs a [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-samevaluezero)
- * comparison between two values to determine if they are equivalent.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to compare.
- * @param {*} other The other value to compare.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * var object = { 'user': 'fred' };
- * var other = { 'user': 'fred' };
- *
- * _.eq(object, object);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.eq(object, other);
- * // => false
- *
- * _.eq('a', 'a');
- * // => true
- *
- * _.eq('a', Object('a'));
- * // => false
- *
- * _.eq(NaN, NaN);
- * // => true
- */
- eq(
- value: any,
- other: any
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isEqual
- */
- eq(
- other: any
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isEqual
- */
- eq(
- other: any
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.gt
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is greater than other.
- *
- * @param value The value to compare.
- * @param other The other value to compare.
- * @return Returns true if value is greater than other, else false.
- */
- gt(
- value: any,
- other: any
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.gt
- */
- gt(other: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.gt
- */
- gt(other: any): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.gte
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is greater than or equal to other.
- *
- * @param value The value to compare.
- * @param other The other value to compare.
- * @return Returns true if value is greater than or equal to other, else false.
- */
- gte(
- value: any,
- other: any
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.gte
- */
- gte(other: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.gte
- */
- gte(other: any): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isArguments
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as an arguments object.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isArguments(value?: any): value is IArguments;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isArguments
- */
- isArguments(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isArguments
- */
- isArguments(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isArray
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as an Array object.
- * @param value The value to check.
- *
- * @return Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isArray<T>(value?: any): value is T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T,TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isArray
- */
- isArray(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T,TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isArray
- */
- isArray(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isArrayBuffer
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as an ArrayBuffer object.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isArrayBuffer(value?: any): value is ArrayBuffer;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isArrayBuffer
- */
- isArrayBuffer(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isArrayBuffer
- */
- isArrayBuffer(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isArrayLike
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if `value` is array-like. A value is considered array-like if it's
- * not a function and has a `value.length` that's an integer greater than or
- * equal to `0` and less than or equal to `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @type Function
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is array-like, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.isArrayLike([1, 2, 3]);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isArrayLike(document.body.children);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isArrayLike('abc');
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isArrayLike(_.noop);
- * // => false
- */
- isArrayLike<T>(value?: any): value is T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T,TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isArrayLike
- */
- isArrayLike(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T,TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isArrayLike
- */
- isArrayLike(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isArrayLikeObject
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.isArrayLike` except that it also checks if `value`
- * is an object.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @type Function
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array-like object, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.isArrayLikeObject([1, 2, 3]);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isArrayLikeObject(document.body.children);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isArrayLikeObject('abc');
- * // => false
- *
- * _.isArrayLikeObject(_.noop);
- * // => false
- */
- isArrayLikeObject<T>(value?: any): value is T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T,TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isArrayLikeObject
- */
- isArrayLikeObject(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T,TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isArrayLikeObject
- */
- isArrayLikeObject(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isBoolean
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a boolean primitive or object.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isBoolean(value?: any): value is boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isBoolean
- */
- isBoolean(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isBoolean
- */
- isBoolean(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isBuffer
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is a buffer.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is a buffer, else false.
- */
- isBuffer(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isBuffer
- */
- isBuffer(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isBuffer
- */
- isBuffer(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isDate
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a Date object.
- * @param value The value to check.
- *
- * @return Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isDate(value?: any): value is Date;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isDate
- */
- isDate(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isDate
- */
- isDate(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isElement
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is a DOM element.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is a DOM element, else false.
- */
- isElement(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isElement
- */
- isElement(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isElement
- */
- isElement(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isEmpty
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is empty. A value is considered empty unless it’s an arguments object, array, string, or
- * jQuery-like collection with a length greater than 0 or an object with own enumerable properties.
- *
- * @param value The value to inspect.
- * @return Returns true if value is empty, else false.
- */
- isEmpty(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isEmpty
- */
- isEmpty(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isEmpty
- */
- isEmpty(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isEqual
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Performs a deep comparison between two values to determine if they are
- * equivalent.
- *
- * **Note:** This method supports comparing arrays, array buffers, booleans,
- * date objects, error objects, maps, numbers, `Object` objects, regexes,
- * sets, strings, symbols, and typed arrays. `Object` objects are compared
- * by their own, not inherited, enumerable properties. Functions and DOM
- * nodes are **not** supported.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to compare.
- * @param {*} other The other value to compare.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * var object = { 'user': 'fred' };
- * var other = { 'user': 'fred' };
- *
- * _.isEqual(object, other);
- * // => true
- *
- * object === other;
- * // => false
- */
- isEqual(
- value: any,
- other: any
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isEqual
- */
- isEqual(
- other: any
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isEqual
- */
- isEqual(
- other: any
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- // _.isEqualWith
- interface IsEqualCustomizer {
- (value: any, other: any, indexOrKey?: number|string): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.isEqual` except that it accepts `customizer` which is
- * invoked to compare values. If `customizer` returns `undefined` comparisons are
- * handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with up to seven arguments:
- * (objValue, othValue [, index|key, object, other, stack]).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to compare.
- * @param {*} other The other value to compare.
- * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * function isGreeting(value) {
- * return /^h(?:i|ello)$/.test(value);
- * }
- *
- * function customizer(objValue, othValue) {
- * if (isGreeting(objValue) && isGreeting(othValue)) {
- * return true;
- * }
- * }
- *
- * var array = ['hello', 'goodbye'];
- * var other = ['hi', 'goodbye'];
- *
- * _.isEqualWith(array, other, customizer);
- * // => true
- */
- isEqualWith(
- value: any,
- other: any,
- customizer: IsEqualCustomizer
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isEqualWith
- */
- isEqualWith(
- other: any,
- customizer: IsEqualCustomizer
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isEqualWith
- */
- isEqualWith(
- other: any,
- customizer: IsEqualCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isError
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is an Error, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, or URIError
- * object.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is an error object, else false.
- */
- isError(value: any): value is Error;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isError
- */
- isError(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isError
- */
- isError(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isFinite
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is a finite primitive number.
- *
- * Note: This method is based on Number.isFinite.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is a finite number, else false.
- */
- isFinite(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isFinite
- */
- isFinite(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isFinite
- */
- isFinite(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isFunction
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a Function object.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isFunction(value?: any): value is Function;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isFunction
- */
- isFunction(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isFunction
- */
- isFunction(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isInteger
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if `value` is an integer.
- *
- * **Note:** This method is based on [`Number.isInteger`](https://mdn.io/Number/isInteger).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an integer, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.isInteger(3);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE);
- * // => false
- *
- * _.isInteger(Infinity);
- * // => false
- *
- * _.isInteger('3');
- * // => false
- */
- isInteger(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isInteger
- */
- isInteger(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isInteger
- */
- isInteger(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isLength
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like length.
- *
- * **Note:** This function is loosely based on [`ToLength`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-tolength).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid length, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.isLength(3);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isLength(Number.MIN_VALUE);
- * // => false
- *
- * _.isLength(Infinity);
- * // => false
- *
- * _.isLength('3');
- * // => false
- */
- isLength(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isLength
- */
- isLength(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isLength
- */
- isLength(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isMap
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a Map object.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @returns Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isMap<K, V>(value?: any): value is Map<K, V>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isMap
- */
- isMap(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isMap
- */
- isMap(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isMatch
- interface isMatchCustomizer {
- (value: any, other: any, indexOrKey?: number|string): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Performs a deep comparison between `object` and `source` to determine if
- * `object` contains equivalent property values.
- *
- * **Note:** This method supports comparing the same values as `_.isEqual`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.
- * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` is a match, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * var object = { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 };
- *
- * _.isMatch(object, { 'age': 40 });
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isMatch(object, { 'age': 36 });
- * // => false
- */
- isMatch(object: Object, source: Object): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.isMatch
- */
- isMatch(source: Object): boolean;
- }
- //_.isMatchWith
- interface isMatchWithCustomizer {
- (value: any, other: any, indexOrKey?: number|string): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.isMatch` except that it accepts `customizer` which
- * is invoked to compare values. If `customizer` returns `undefined` comparisons
- * are handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with three
- * arguments: (objValue, srcValue, index|key, object, source).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.
- * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.
- * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` is a match, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * function isGreeting(value) {
- * return /^h(?:i|ello)$/.test(value);
- * }
- *
- * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) {
- * if (isGreeting(objValue) && isGreeting(srcValue)) {
- * return true;
- * }
- * }
- *
- * var object = { 'greeting': 'hello' };
- * var source = { 'greeting': 'hi' };
- *
- * _.isMatchWith(object, source, customizer);
- * // => true
- */
- isMatchWith(object: Object, source: Object, customizer: isMatchWithCustomizer): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.isMatchWith
- */
- isMatchWith(source: Object, customizer: isMatchWithCustomizer): boolean;
- }
- //_.isNaN
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is NaN.
- *
- * Note: This method is not the same as isNaN which returns true for undefined and other non-numeric values.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is NaN, else false.
- */
- isNaN(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isNaN
- */
- isNaN(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isNaN
- */
- isNaN(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isNative
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is a native function.
- * @param value The value to check.
- *
- * @retrun Returns true if value is a native function, else false.
- */
- isNative(value: any): value is Function;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isNative
- */
- isNative(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isNative
- */
- isNative(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isNil
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if `value` is `null` or `undefined`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is nullish, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.isNil(null);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isNil(void 0);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isNil(NaN);
- * // => false
- */
- isNil(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isNil
- */
- isNil(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isNil
- */
- isNil(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isNull
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is null.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is null, else false.
- */
- isNull(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isNull
- */
- isNull(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isNull
- */
- isNull(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isNumber
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a Number primitive or object.
- *
- * Note: To exclude Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN, which are classified as numbers, use the _.isFinite method.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isNumber(value?: any): value is number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isNumber
- */
- isNumber(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isNumber
- */
- isNumber(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isObject
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is the language type of Object. (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, new Number(0),
- * and new String(''))
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is an object, else false.
- */
- isObject(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isObject
- */
- isObject(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isObject
- */
- isObject(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isObjectLike
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`
- * and has a `typeof` result of "object".
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.isObjectLike({});
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isObjectLike(_.noop);
- * // => false
- *
- * _.isObjectLike(null);
- * // => false
- */
- isObjectLike(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isObjectLike
- */
- isObjectLike(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isObjectLike
- */
- isObjectLike(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isPlainObject
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is a plain object, that is, an object created by the Object constructor or one with a
- * [[Prototype]] of null.
- *
- * Note: This method assumes objects created by the Object constructor have no inherited enumerable properties.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is a plain object, else false.
- */
- isPlainObject(value?: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isPlainObject
- */
- isPlainObject(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isPlainObject
- */
- isPlainObject(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isRegExp
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a RegExp object.
- * @param value The value to check.
- *
- * @return Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isRegExp(value?: any): value is RegExp;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isRegExp
- */
- isRegExp(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isRegExp
- */
- isRegExp(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isSafeInteger
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if `value` is a safe integer. An integer is safe if it's an IEEE-754
- * double precision number which isn't the result of a rounded unsafe integer.
- *
- * **Note:** This method is based on [`Number.isSafeInteger`](https://mdn.io/Number/isSafeInteger).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a safe integer, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.isSafeInteger(3);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isSafeInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE);
- * // => false
- *
- * _.isSafeInteger(Infinity);
- * // => false
- *
- * _.isSafeInteger('3');
- * // => false
- */
- isSafeInteger(value: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isSafeInteger
- */
- isSafeInteger(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isSafeInteger
- */
- isSafeInteger(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isSet
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a Set object.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @returns Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isSet<T>(value?: any): value is Set<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isSet
- */
- isSet(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isSet
- */
- isSet(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isString
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a String primitive or object.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isString(value?: any): value is string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isString
- */
- isString(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isString
- */
- isString(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isSymbol
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Symbol` primitive or object.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is correctly classified, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * _.isSymbol(Symbol.iterator);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.isSymbol('abc');
- * // => false
- */
- isSymbol(value: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isSymbol
- */
- isSymbol(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isSymbol
- */
- isSymbol(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isTypedArray
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a typed array.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isTypedArray(value: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isTypedArray
- */
- isTypedArray(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isTypedArray
- */
- isTypedArray(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isUndefined
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is undefined.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @return Returns true if value is undefined, else false.
- */
- isUndefined(value: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isUndefined
- */
- isUndefined(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * see _.isUndefined
- */
- isUndefined(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isWeakMap
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a WeakMap object.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @returns Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isWeakMap<K, V>(value?: any): value is WeakMap<K, V>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isSet
- */
- isWeakMap(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isSet
- */
- isWeakMap(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.isWeakSet
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is classified as a WeakSet object.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @returns Returns true if value is correctly classified, else false.
- */
- isWeakSet<T>(value?: any): value is WeakSet<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isWeakSet
- */
- isWeakSet(): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.isWeakSet
- */
- isWeakSet(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.lt
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is less than other.
- *
- * @param value The value to compare.
- * @param other The other value to compare.
- * @return Returns true if value is less than other, else false.
- */
- lt(
- value: any,
- other: any
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.lt
- */
- lt(other: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.lt
- */
- lt(other: any): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.lte
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if value is less than or equal to other.
- *
- * @param value The value to compare.
- * @param other The other value to compare.
- * @return Returns true if value is less than or equal to other, else false.
- */
- lte(
- value: any,
- other: any
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.lte
- */
- lte(other: any): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.lte
- */
- lte(other: any): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.toArray
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts value to an array.
- *
- * @param value The value to convert.
- * @return Returns the converted array.
- */
- toArray<T>(value: List<T>|Dictionary<T>|NumericDictionary<T>): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.toArray
- */
- toArray<TValue, TResult>(value: TValue): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.toArray
- */
- toArray<TResult>(value?: any): TResult[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toArray
- */
- toArray<TResult>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toArray
- */
- toArray(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toArray
- */
- toArray<TResult>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toArray
- */
- toArray<TResult>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toArray
- */
- toArray(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toArray
- */
- toArray<TResult>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.toPlainObject
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts value to a plain object flattening inherited enumerable properties of value to own properties
- * of the plain object.
- *
- * @param value The value to convert.
- * @return Returns the converted plain object.
- */
- toPlainObject<TResult extends {}>(value?: any): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toPlainObject
- */
- toPlainObject<TResult extends {}>(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.toInteger
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts `value` to an integer.
- *
- * **Note:** This function is loosely based on [`ToInteger`](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-tointeger).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to convert.
- * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer.
- * @example
- *
- * _.toInteger(3);
- * // => 3
- *
- * _.toInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE);
- * // => 0
- *
- * _.toInteger(Infinity);
- * // => 1.7976931348623157e+308
- *
- * _.toInteger('3');
- * // => 3
- */
- toInteger(value: any): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toInteger
- */
- toInteger(): LoDashImplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toInteger
- */
- toInteger(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.toLength
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts `value` to an integer suitable for use as the length of an
- * array-like object.
- *
- * **Note:** This method is based on [`ToLength`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-tolength).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to convert.
- * @return {number} Returns the converted integer.
- * @example
- *
- * _.toLength(3);
- * // => 3
- *
- * _.toLength(Number.MIN_VALUE);
- * // => 0
- *
- * _.toLength(Infinity);
- * // => 4294967295
- *
- * _.toLength('3');
- * // => 3
- */
- toLength(value: any): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toLength
- */
- toLength(): LoDashImplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toLength
- */
- toLength(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.toNumber
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts `value` to a number.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to process.
- * @returns {number} Returns the number.
- * @example
- *
- * _.toNumber(3);
- * // => 3
- *
- * _.toNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE);
- * // => 5e-324
- *
- * _.toNumber(Infinity);
- * // => Infinity
- *
- * _.toNumber('3');
- * // => 3
- */
- toNumber(value: any): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toNumber
- */
- toNumber(): LoDashImplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toNumber
- */
- toNumber(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.toSafeInteger
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts `value` to a safe integer. A safe integer can be compared and
- * represented correctly.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to convert.
- * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer.
- * @example
- *
- * _.toSafeInteger(3);
- * // => 3
- *
- * _.toSafeInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE);
- * // => 0
- *
- * _.toSafeInteger(Infinity);
- * // => 9007199254740991
- *
- * _.toSafeInteger('3');
- * // => 3
- */
- toSafeInteger(value: any): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toSafeInteger
- */
- toSafeInteger(): LoDashImplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toSafeInteger
- */
- toSafeInteger(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.toString DUMMY
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts `value` to a string if it's not one. An empty string is returned
- * for `null` and `undefined` values. The sign of `-0` is preserved.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to process.
- * @returns {string} Returns the string.
- * @example
- *
- * _.toString(null);
- * // => ''
- *
- * _.toString(-0);
- * // => '-0'
- *
- * _.toString([1, 2, 3]);
- * // => '1,2,3'
- */
- toString(value: any): string;
- }
- /********
- * Math *
- ********/
- //_.add
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Adds two numbers.
- *
- * @param augend The first number to add.
- * @param addend The second number to add.
- * @return Returns the sum.
- */
- add(
- augend: number,
- addend: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.add
- */
- add(addend: number): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.add
- */
- add(addend: number): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.ceil
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Calculates n rounded up to precision.
- *
- * @param n The number to round up.
- * @param precision The precision to round up to.
- * @return Returns the rounded up number.
- */
- ceil(
- n: number,
- precision?: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.ceil
- */
- ceil(precision?: number): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.ceil
- */
- ceil(precision?: number): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.floor
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Calculates n rounded down to precision.
- *
- * @param n The number to round down.
- * @param precision The precision to round down to.
- * @return Returns the rounded down number.
- */
- floor(
- n: number,
- precision?: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.floor
- */
- floor(precision?: number): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.floor
- */
- floor(precision?: number): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.max
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Computes the maximum value of `array`. If `array` is empty or falsey
- * `undefined` is returned.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Math
- * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.
- * @returns {*} Returns the maximum value.
- */
- max<T>(
- collection: List<T>
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.max
- */
- max(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.max
- */
- max<T>(): T;
- }
- //_.maxBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.max` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is
- * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the criterion by which
- * the value is ranked. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Math
- * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns {*} Returns the maximum value.
- * @example
- *
- * var objects = [{ 'n': 1 }, { 'n': 2 }];
- *
- * _.maxBy(objects, function(o) { return o.a; });
- * // => { 'n': 2 }
- *
- * // using the `_.property` iteratee shorthand
- * _.maxBy(objects, 'n');
- * // => { 'n': 2 }
- */
- maxBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.maxBy
- */
- maxBy<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.maxBy
- */
- maxBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: string
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.maxBy
- */
- maxBy<TObject extends {}, T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- whereValue?: TObject
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.maxBy
- */
- maxBy(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.maxBy
- */
- maxBy(
- iteratee?: string
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.maxBy
- */
- maxBy<TObject extends {}>(
- whereValue?: TObject
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.maxBy
- */
- maxBy<T>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>|DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.maxBy
- */
- maxBy<T>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.maxBy
- */
- maxBy<TObject extends {}, T>(
- whereValue?: TObject
- ): T;
- }
- //_.mean
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Computes the mean of the values in `array`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Math
- * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.
- * @returns {number} Returns the mean.
- * @example
- *
- * _.mean([4, 2, 8, 6]);
- * // => 5
- */
- mean<T>(
- collection: List<T>
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.mean
- */
- mean<T>(): number;
- /**
- * @see _.mean
- */
- mean(): number;
- }
- //_.min
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Computes the minimum value of `array`. If `array` is empty or falsey
- * `undefined` is returned.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Math
- * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.
- * @returns {*} Returns the minimum value.
- */
- min<T>(
- collection: List<T>
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.min
- */
- min(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.min
- */
- min<T>(): T;
- }
- //_.minBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.min` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is
- * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the criterion by which
- * the value is ranked. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Math
- * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns {*} Returns the minimum value.
- * @example
- *
- * var objects = [{ 'n': 1 }, { 'n': 2 }];
- *
- * _.minBy(objects, function(o) { return o.a; });
- * // => { 'n': 1 }
- *
- * // using the `_.property` iteratee shorthand
- * _.minBy(objects, 'n');
- * // => { 'n': 1 }
- */
- minBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.minBy
- */
- minBy<T>(
- collection: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.minBy
- */
- minBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: string
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.minBy
- */
- minBy<TObject extends {}, T>(
- collection: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- whereValue?: TObject
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.minBy
- */
- minBy(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.minBy
- */
- minBy(
- iteratee?: string
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.minBy
- */
- minBy<TObject extends {}>(
- whereValue?: TObject
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.minBy
- */
- minBy<T>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, any>|DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.minBy
- */
- minBy<T>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): T;
- /**
- * @see _.minBy
- */
- minBy<TObject extends {}, T>(
- whereValue?: TObject
- ): T;
- }
- //_.round
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Calculates n rounded to precision.
- *
- * @param n The number to round.
- * @param precision The precision to round to.
- * @return Returns the rounded number.
- */
- round(
- n: number,
- precision?: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.round
- */
- round(precision?: number): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.round
- */
- round(precision?: number): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.sum
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Computes the sum of the values in `array`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Math
- * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.
- * @returns {number} Returns the sum.
- * @example
- *
- * _.sum([4, 2, 8, 6]);
- * // => 20
- */
- sum<T>(collection: List<T>): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sum
- */
- sum(collection: List<number>|Dictionary<number>): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sum
- */
- sum(): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sum
- **/
- sum<TValue>(): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sum
- */
- sum(): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sum
- */
- sum(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sum
- */
- sum<TValue>(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sum
- */
- sum(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.sumBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.sum` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is
- * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the value to be summed.
- * The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Math
- * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @returns {number} Returns the sum.
- * @example
- *
- * var objects = [{ 'n': 4 }, { 'n': 2 }, { 'n': 8 }, { 'n': 6 }];
- *
- * _.sumBy(objects, function(o) { return o.n; });
- * // => 20
- *
- * // using the `_.property` iteratee shorthand
- * _.sumBy(objects, 'n');
- * // => 20
- */
- sumBy<T>(
- collection: List<T>,
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, number>
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(
- collection: List<{}>,
- iteratee: string
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(
- collection: List<number>
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(
- collection: List<{}>,
- iteratee: Dictionary<{}>
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, number>
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(iteratee: string): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(iteratee: Dictionary<{}>): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(
- iteratee: ListIterator<{}, number>
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(iteratee: string): number;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(iteratee: Dictionary<{}>): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(
- iteratee: ListIterator<T, number>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(iteratee: string): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(iteratee: Dictionary<{}>): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(
- iteratee: ListIterator<{}, number>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(iteratee: string): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.sumBy
- */
- sumBy(iteratee: Dictionary<{}>): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- /**********
- * Number *
- **********/
- //_.subtract
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Subtract two numbers.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Math
- * @param {number} minuend The first number in a subtraction.
- * @param {number} subtrahend The second number in a subtraction.
- * @returns {number} Returns the difference.
- * @example
- *
- * _.subtract(6, 4);
- * // => 2
- */
- subtract(
- minuend: number,
- subtrahend: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.subtract
- */
- subtract(
- subtrahend: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.subtract
- */
- subtract(
- subtrahend: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.clamp
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Clamps `number` within the inclusive `lower` and `upper` bounds.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Number
- * @param {number} number The number to clamp.
- * @param {number} [lower] The lower bound.
- * @param {number} upper The upper bound.
- * @returns {number} Returns the clamped number.
- * @example
- *
- * _.clamp(-10, -5, 5);
- * // => -5
- *
- * _.clamp(10, -5, 5);
- * // => 5
- */
- clamp(
- number: number,
- lower: number,
- upper: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.clamp
- */
- clamp(
- lower: number,
- upper: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.clamp
- */
- clamp(
- lower: number,
- upper: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.inRange
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if n is between start and up to but not including, end. If end is not specified it’s set to start
- * with start then set to 0.
- *
- * @param n The number to check.
- * @param start The start of the range.
- * @param end The end of the range.
- * @return Returns true if n is in the range, else false.
- */
- inRange(
- n: number,
- start: number,
- end: number
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.inRange
- */
- inRange(
- n: number,
- end: number
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.inRange
- */
- inRange(
- start: number,
- end: number
- ): boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.inRange
- */
- inRange(end: number): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.inRange
- */
- inRange(
- start: number,
- end: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.inRange
- */
- inRange(end: number): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.random
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Produces a random number between min and max (inclusive). If only one argument is provided a number between
- * 0 and the given number is returned. If floating is true, or either min or max are floats, a floating-point
- * number is returned instead of an integer.
- *
- * @param min The minimum possible value.
- * @param max The maximum possible value.
- * @param floating Specify returning a floating-point number.
- * @return Returns the random number.
- */
- random(
- min?: number,
- max?: number,
- floating?: boolean
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.random
- */
- random(
- min?: number,
- floating?: boolean
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.random
- */
- random(floating?: boolean): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.random
- */
- random(
- max?: number,
- floating?: boolean
- ): number;
- /**
- * @see _.random
- */
- random(floating?: boolean): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.random
- */
- random(
- max?: number,
- floating?: boolean
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- /**
- * @see _.random
- */
- random(floating?: boolean): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- /**********
- * Object *
- **********/
- //_.assign
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Assigns own enumerable properties of source objects to the destination
- * object. Source objects are applied from left to right. Subsequent sources
- * overwrite property assignments of previous sources.
- *
- * **Note:** This method mutates `object` and is loosely based on
- * [`Object.assign`](https://mdn.io/Object/assign).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The destination object.
- * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.
- * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
- * @example
- *
- * function Foo() {
- * this.c = 3;
- * }
- *
- * function Bar() {
- * this.e = 5;
- * }
- *
- * Foo.prototype.d = 4;
- * Bar.prototype.f = 6;
- *
- * _.assign({ 'a': 1 }, new Foo, new Bar);
- * // => { 'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'e': 5 }
- */
- assign<TObject, TSource>(
- object: TObject,
- source: TSource
- ): TObject & TSource;
- /**
- * @see assign
- */
- assign<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
- /**
- * @see assign
- */
- assign<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
- /**
- * @see assign
- */
- assign<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
- /**
- * @see _.assign
- */
- assign<TObject>(object: TObject): TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.assign
- */
- assign<TResult>(
- object: any,
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assign
- */
- assign<TSource>(
- source: TSource
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see assign
- */
- assign<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see assign
- */
- assign<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see assign
- */
- assign<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assign
- */
- assign(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assign
- */
- assign<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assign
- */
- assign<TSource>(
- source: TSource
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see assign
- */
- assign<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see assign
- */
- assign<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see assign
- */
- assign<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assign
- */
- assign(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assign
- */
- assign<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.assignWith
- interface AssignCustomizer {
- (objectValue: any, sourceValue: any, key?: string, object?: {}, source?: {}): any;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.assign` except that it accepts `customizer` which
- * is invoked to produce the assigned values. If `customizer` returns `undefined`
- * assignment is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked
- * with five arguments: (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source).
- *
- * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The destination object.
- * @param {...Object} sources The source objects.
- * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values.
- * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
- * @example
- *
- * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) {
- * return _.isUndefined(objValue) ? srcValue : objValue;
- * }
- *
- * var defaults = _.partialRight(_.assignWith, customizer);
- *
- * defaults({ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }, { 'a': 3 });
- * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }
- */
- assignWith<TObject, TSource>(
- object: TObject,
- source: TSource,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource;
- /**
- * @see assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
- /**
- * @see assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
- /**
- * @see assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
- /**
- * @see _.assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TObject>(object: TObject): TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TResult>(
- object: any,
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TSource>(
- source: TSource,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignWith
- */
- assignWith(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TSource>(
- source: TSource,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignWith
- */
- assignWith(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignWith
- */
- assignWith<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.assignIn
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.assign` except that it iterates over own and
- * inherited source properties.
- *
- * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @alias extend
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The destination object.
- * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.
- * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
- * @example
- *
- * function Foo() {
- * this.b = 2;
- * }
- *
- * function Bar() {
- * this.d = 4;
- * }
- *
- * Foo.prototype.c = 3;
- * Bar.prototype.e = 5;
- *
- * _.assignIn({ 'a': 1 }, new Foo, new Bar);
- * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'e': 5 }
- */
- assignIn<TObject, TSource>(
- object: TObject,
- source: TSource
- ): TObject & TSource;
- /**
- * @see assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
- /**
- * @see assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
- /**
- * @see assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TObject>(object: TObject): TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TResult>(
- object: any,
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TSource>(
- source: TSource
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- assignIn(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TSource>(
- source: TSource
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- assignIn(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- assignIn<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.assignInWith
- interface AssignCustomizer {
- (objectValue: any, sourceValue: any, key?: string, object?: {}, source?: {}): any;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.assignIn` except that it accepts `customizer` which
- * is invoked to produce the assigned values. If `customizer` returns `undefined`
- * assignment is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked
- * with five arguments: (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source).
- *
- * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @alias extendWith
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The destination object.
- * @param {...Object} sources The source objects.
- * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values.
- * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
- * @example
- *
- * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) {
- * return _.isUndefined(objValue) ? srcValue : objValue;
- * }
- *
- * var defaults = _.partialRight(_.assignInWith, customizer);
- *
- * defaults({ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }, { 'a': 3 });
- * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }
- */
- assignInWith<TObject, TSource>(
- object: TObject,
- source: TSource,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource;
- /**
- * @see assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
- /**
- * @see assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
- /**
- * @see assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TObject>(object: TObject): TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TResult>(
- object: any,
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TSource>(
- source: TSource,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TSource>(
- source: TSource,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- assignInWith<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.create
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an object that inherits from the given prototype object. If a properties object is provided its own
- * enumerable properties are assigned to the created object.
- *
- * @param prototype The object to inherit from.
- * @param properties The properties to assign to the object.
- * @return Returns the new object.
- */
- create<T extends Object, U extends Object>(
- prototype: T,
- properties?: U
- ): T & U;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.create
- */
- create<U extends Object>(properties?: U): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & U>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.create
- */
- create<U extends Object>(properties?: U): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & U>;
- }
- //_.defaults
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Assigns own enumerable properties of source object(s) to the destination object for all destination
- * properties that resolve to undefined. Once a property is set, additional values of the same property are
- * ignored.
- *
- * Note: This method mutates object.
- *
- * @param object The destination object.
- * @param sources The source objects.
- * @return The destination object.
- */
- defaults<TObject, TSource>(
- object: TObject,
- source: TSource
- ): TSource & TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): TSource2 & TSource1 & TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): TSource3 & TSource2 & TSource1 & TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): TSource4 & TSource3 & TSource2 & TSource1 & TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TObject>(object: TObject): TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TResult>(
- object: any,
- ...sources: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TSource>(
- source: TSource
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TSource & T>;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TSource2 & TSource1 & T>;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TSource3 & TSource2 & TSource1 & T>;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TSource4 & TSource3 & TSource2 & TSource1 & T>;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TResult>(...sources: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TSource>(
- source: TSource
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TSource & T>;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TSource2 & TSource1 & T>;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TSource3 & TSource2 & TSource1 & T>;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TSource4 & TSource3 & TSource2 & TSource1 & T>;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.defaults
- */
- defaults<TResult>(...sources: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.defaultsDeep
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.defaults except that it recursively assigns default properties.
- * @param object The destination object.
- * @param sources The source objects.
- * @return Returns object.
- **/
- defaultsDeep<T, TResult>(
- object: T,
- ...sources: any[]): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.defaultsDeep
- **/
- defaultsDeep<TResult>(...sources: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>
- }
- // _.extend
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TObject, TSource>(
- object: TObject,
- source: TSource
- ): TObject & TSource;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TObject>(object: TObject): TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TResult>(
- object: any,
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TSource>(
- source: TSource
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TSource>(
- source: TSource
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignIn
- */
- extend<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TObject, TSource>(
- object: TObject,
- source: TSource,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TObject>(object: TObject): TObject;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TResult>(
- object: any,
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TSource>(
- source: TSource,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TSource>(
- source: TSource,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: AssignCustomizer
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.assignInWith
- */
- extendWith<TResult>(...otherArgs: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.findKey
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.find except that it returns the key of the first element predicate returns truthy for
- * instead of the element itself.
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param object The object to search.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of predicate.
- * @return Returns the key of the matched element, else undefined.
- */
- findKey<TValues, TObject>(
- object: TObject,
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<TValues, boolean>
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey<TObject>(
- object: TObject,
- predicate?: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey<TObject>(
- object: TObject,
- predicate?: string
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey<TWhere extends Dictionary<any>, TObject>(
- object: TObject,
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey<TValues>(
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<TValues, boolean>
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey(
- predicate?: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey(
- predicate?: string
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey<TWhere extends Dictionary<any>>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey<TValues>(
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<TValues, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey(
- predicate?: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- /**
- * @see _.findKey
- */
- findKey<TWhere extends Dictionary<any>>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.findLastKey
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.findKey except that it iterates over elements of a collection in the opposite order.
- *
- * If a property name is provided for predicate the created _.property style callback returns the property
- * value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the created _.matchesProperty style callback returns true for
- * elements that have a matching property value, else false.
- *
- * If an object is provided for predicate the created _.matches style callback returns true for elements that
- * have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param object The object to search.
- * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of predicate.
- * @return Returns the key of the matched element, else undefined.
- */
- findLastKey<TValues, TObject>(
- object: TObject,
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<TValues, boolean>
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey<TObject>(
- object: TObject,
- predicate?: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey<TObject>(
- object: TObject,
- predicate?: string
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey<TWhere extends Dictionary<any>, TObject>(
- object: TObject,
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey<TValues>(
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<TValues, boolean>
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey(
- predicate?: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey(
- predicate?: string
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey<TWhere extends Dictionary<any>>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey<TValues>(
- predicate?: DictionaryIterator<TValues, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey(
- predicate?: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey(
- predicate?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- /**
- * @see _.findLastKey
- */
- findLastKey<TWhere extends Dictionary<any>>(
- predicate?: TWhere
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.forIn
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Iterates over own and inherited enumerable properties of an object invoking iteratee for each property. The
- * iteratee is bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, key, object). Iteratee functions may
- * exit iteration early by explicitly returning false.
- *
- * @param object The object to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns object.
- */
- forIn<T>(
- object: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forIn
- */
- forIn<T extends {}>(
- object: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<any, any>
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forIn
- */
- forIn<TValue>(
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): _.LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forIn
- */
- forIn<TValue>(
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): _.LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.forInRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.forIn except that it iterates over properties of object in the opposite order.
- *
- * @param object The object to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns object.
- */
- forInRight<T>(
- object: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forInRight
- */
- forInRight<T extends {}>(
- object: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<any, any>
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forInRight
- */
- forInRight<TValue>(
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): _.LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forInRight
- */
- forInRight<TValue>(
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): _.LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.forOwn
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Iterates over own enumerable properties of an object invoking iteratee for each property. The iteratee is
- * bound to thisArg and invoked with three arguments: (value, key, object). Iteratee functions may exit
- * iteration early by explicitly returning false.
- *
- * @param object The object to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns object.
- */
- forOwn<T>(
- object: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forOwn
- */
- forOwn<T extends {}>(
- object: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<any, any>
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forOwn
- */
- forOwn<TValue>(
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): _.LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forOwn
- */
- forOwn<TValue>(
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): _.LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.forOwnRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.forOwn except that it iterates over properties of object in the opposite order.
- *
- * @param object The object to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns object.
- */
- forOwnRight<T>(
- object: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, any>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.forOwnRight
- */
- forOwnRight<T extends {}>(
- object: T,
- iteratee?: ObjectIterator<any, any>
- ): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forOwnRight
- */
- forOwnRight<TValue>(
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): _.LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.forOwnRight
- */
- forOwnRight<TValue>(
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<TValue, any>
- ): _.LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.functions
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of function property names from own enumerable properties
- * of `object`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of property names.
- * @example
- *
- * function Foo() {
- * this.a = _.constant('a');
- * this.b = _.constant('b');
- * }
- *
- * Foo.prototype.c = _.constant('c');
- *
- * _.functions(new Foo);
- * // => ['a', 'b']
- */
- functions<T extends {}>(object: any): string[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.functions
- */
- functions(): _.LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.functions
- */
- functions(): _.LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.functionsIn
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of function property names from own and inherited
- * enumerable properties of `object`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of property names.
- * @example
- *
- * function Foo() {
- * this.a = _.constant('a');
- * this.b = _.constant('b');
- * }
- *
- * Foo.prototype.c = _.constant('c');
- *
- * _.functionsIn(new Foo);
- * // => ['a', 'b', 'c']
- */
- functionsIn<T extends {}>(object: any): string[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.functionsIn
- */
- functionsIn(): _.LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.functionsIn
- */
- functionsIn(): _.LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.get
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Gets the property value at path of object. If the resolved value is undefined the defaultValue is used
- * in its place.
- *
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @param path The path of the property to get.
- * @param defaultValue The value returned if the resolved value is undefined.
- * @return Returns the resolved value.
- */
- get<TObject, TResult>(
- object: TObject,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: TResult
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.get
- */
- get<TResult>(
- object: any,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: TResult
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.get
- */
- get<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: TResult
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.get
- */
- get<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: TResult
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.get
- */
- get<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: TResult
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.get
- */
- get<TResultWrapper>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: any
- ): TResultWrapper;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.get
- */
- get<TResultWrapper>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: any
- ): TResultWrapper;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.get
- */
- get<TResultWrapper>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: any
- ): TResultWrapper;
- }
- //_.has
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if `path` is a direct property of `object`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The object to query.
- * @param {Array|string} path The path to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `path` exists, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * var object = { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': 3 } } };
- * var other = _.create({ 'a': _.create({ 'b': _.create({ 'c': 3 }) }) });
- *
- * _.has(object, 'a');
- * // => true
- *
- * _.has(object, 'a.b.c');
- * // => true
- *
- * _.has(object, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.has(other, 'a');
- * // => false
- */
- has<T extends {}>(
- object: T,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.has
- */
- has(path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.has
- */
- has(path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.hasIn
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if `path` is a direct or inherited property of `object`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The object to query.
- * @param {Array|string} path The path to check.
- * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `path` exists, else `false`.
- * @example
- *
- * var object = _.create({ 'a': _.create({ 'b': _.create({ 'c': 3 }) }) });
- *
- * _.hasIn(object, 'a');
- * // => true
- *
- * _.hasIn(object, 'a.b.c');
- * // => true
- *
- * _.hasIn(object, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
- * // => true
- *
- * _.hasIn(object, 'b');
- * // => false
- */
- hasIn<T extends {}>(
- object: T,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.hasIn
- */
- hasIn(path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.hasIn
- */
- hasIn(path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.invert
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an object composed of the inverted keys and values of object. If object contains duplicate values,
- * subsequent values overwrite property assignments of previous values unless multiValue is true.
- *
- * @param object The object to invert.
- * @param multiValue Allow multiple values per key.
- * @return Returns the new inverted object.
- */
- invert<T extends {}, TResult extends {}>(
- object: T,
- multiValue?: boolean
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.invert
- */
- invert<TResult extends {}>(
- object: Object,
- multiValue?: boolean
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invert
- */
- invert<TResult extends {}>(multiValue?: boolean): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invert
- */
- invert<TResult extends {}>(multiValue?: boolean): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.inverBy
- interface InvertByIterator<T> {
- (value: T): any;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.invert except that the inverted object is generated from the results of running each
- * element of object through iteratee. The corresponding inverted value of each inverted key is an array of
- * keys responsible for generating the inverted value. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @param object The object to invert.
- * @param interatee The iteratee invoked per element.
- * @return Returns the new inverted object.
- */
- invertBy(
- object: Object,
- interatee?: InvertByIterator<any>|string
- ): Dictionary<string[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy<T>(
- object: _.Dictionary<T>|_.NumericDictionary<T>,
- interatee?: InvertByIterator<T>|string
- ): Dictionary<string[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy<W>(
- object: Object,
- interatee?: W
- ): Dictionary<string[]>;
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy<T, W>(
- object: _.Dictionary<T>,
- interatee?: W
- ): Dictionary<string[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy(
- interatee?: InvertByIterator<any>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<string[]>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy(
- interatee?: InvertByIterator<T>|string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<string[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy<W>(
- interatee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<string[]>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy(
- interatee?: InvertByIterator<any>|string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<string[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy<W>(
- interatee?: W
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<string[]>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy(
- interatee?: InvertByIterator<any>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<string[]>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy(
- interatee?: InvertByIterator<T>|string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<string[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy<W>(
- interatee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<string[]>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy(
- interatee?: InvertByIterator<any>|string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<string[]>>;
- /**
- * @see _.invertBy
- */
- invertBy<W>(
- interatee?: W
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<string[]>>;
- }
- //_.keys
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of the own enumerable property names of object.
- *
- * Note: Non-object values are coerced to objects. See the ES spec for more details.
- *
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @return Returns the array of property names.
- */
- keys(object?: any): string[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.keys
- */
- keys(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.keys
- */
- keys(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.keysIn
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of the own and inherited enumerable property names of object.
- *
- * Note: Non-object values are coerced to objects.
- *
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @return An array of property names.
- */
- keysIn(object?: any): string[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.keysIn
- */
- keysIn(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.keysIn
- */
- keysIn(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.mapKeys
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * The opposite of _.mapValues; this method creates an object with the same values as object and keys generated
- * by running each own enumerable property of object through iteratee.
- *
- * @param object The object to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns the new mapped object.
- */
- mapKeys<T, TKey>(
- object: List<T>,
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TKey>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<T, TKey>(
- object: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: DictionaryIterator<T, TKey>
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<T, TObject extends {}>(
- object: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: TObject
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<T>(
- object: List<T>|Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: string
- ): Dictionary<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<TKey>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TKey>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<TObject extends {}>(
- iteratee?: TObject
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<TResult, TKey>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TResult, TKey>|DictionaryIterator<TResult, TKey>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<TResult, TObject extends {}>(
- iteratee?: TObject
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<TResult>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<TKey>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<T, TKey>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<TObject extends {}>(
- iteratee?: TObject
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<T>>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<TResult, TKey>(
- iteratee?: ListIterator<TResult, TKey>|DictionaryIterator<TResult, TKey>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<TResult, TObject extends {}>(
- iteratee?: TObject
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapKeys
- */
- mapKeys<TResult>(
- iteratee?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- }
- //_.mapValues
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an object with the same keys as object and values generated by running each own
- * enumerable property of object through iteratee. The iteratee function is bound to thisArg
- * and invoked with three arguments: (value, key, object).
- *
- * If a property name is provided iteratee the created "_.property" style callback returns
- * the property value of the given element.
- *
- * If a value is also provided for thisArg the creted "_.matchesProperty" style callback returns
- * true for elements that have a matching property value, else false;.
- *
- * If an object is provided for iteratee the created "_.matches" style callback returns true
- * for elements that have the properties of the given object, else false.
- *
- * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param {Object} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `iteratee`.
- * @return {Object} Returns the new mapped object.
- */
- mapValues<T, TResult>(obj: Dictionary<T>, callback: ObjectIterator<T, TResult>): Dictionary<TResult>;
- mapValues<T>(obj: Dictionary<T>, where: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<boolean>;
- mapValues<T, TMapped>(obj: T, pluck: string): TMapped;
- mapValues<T>(obj: T, callback: ObjectIterator<any, any>): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.mapValues
- * TValue is the type of the property values of T.
- * TResult is the type output by the ObjectIterator function
- */
- mapValues<TValue, TResult>(callback: ObjectIterator<TValue, TResult>): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapValues
- * TResult is the type of the property specified by pluck.
- * T should be a Dictionary<Dictionary<TResult>>
- */
- mapValues<TResult>(pluck: string): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapValues
- * TResult is the type of the properties of each object in the values of T
- * T should be a Dictionary<Dictionary<TResult>>
- */
- mapValues<TResult>(where: Dictionary<TResult>): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.mapValues
- * TValue is the type of the property values of T.
- * TResult is the type output by the ObjectIterator function
- */
- mapValues<TValue, TResult>(callback: ObjectIterator<TValue, TResult>): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapValues
- * TResult is the type of the property specified by pluck.
- * T should be a Dictionary<Dictionary<TResult>>
- */
- mapValues<TResult>(pluck: string): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- /**
- * @see _.mapValues
- * TResult is the type of the properties of each object in the values of T
- * T should be a Dictionary<Dictionary<TResult>>
- */
- mapValues<TResult>(where: Dictionary<TResult>): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.merge
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Recursively merges own and inherited enumerable properties of source
- * objects into the destination object, skipping source properties that resolve
- * to `undefined`. Array and plain object properties are merged recursively.
- * Other objects and value types are overridden by assignment. Source objects
- * are applied from left to right. Subsequent sources overwrite property
- * assignments of previous sources.
- *
- * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The destination object.
- * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.
- * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
- * @example
- *
- * var users = {
- * 'data': [{ 'user': 'barney' }, { 'user': 'fred' }]
- * };
- *
- * var ages = {
- * 'data': [{ 'age': 36 }, { 'age': 40 }]
- * };
- *
- * _.merge(users, ages);
- * // => { 'data': [{ 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }, { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }] }
- */
- merge<TObject, TSource>(
- object: TObject,
- source: TSource
- ): TObject & TSource;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TResult>(
- object: any,
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TSource>(
- source: TSource
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TResult>(
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TSource>(
- source: TSource
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.merge
- */
- merge<TResult>(
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.mergeWith
- interface MergeWithCustomizer {
- (value: any, srcValue: any, key?: string, object?: Object, source?: Object): any;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.merge` except that it accepts `customizer` which
- * is invoked to produce the merged values of the destination and source
- * properties. If `customizer` returns `undefined` merging is handled by the
- * method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with seven arguments:
- * (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source, stack).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The destination object.
- * @param {...Object} sources The source objects.
- * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize assigned values.
- * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
- * @example
- *
- * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) {
- * if (_.isArray(objValue)) {
- * return objValue.concat(srcValue);
- * }
- * }
- *
- * var object = {
- * 'fruits': ['apple'],
- * 'vegetables': ['beet']
- * };
- *
- * var other = {
- * 'fruits': ['banana'],
- * 'vegetables': ['carrot']
- * };
- *
- * _.merge(object, other, customizer);
- * // => { 'fruits': ['apple', 'banana'], 'vegetables': ['beet', 'carrot'] }
- */
- mergeWith<TObject, TSource>(
- object: TObject,
- source: TSource,
- customizer: MergeWithCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource;
- /**
- * @see _.mergeWith
- */
- mergeWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: MergeWithCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
- /**
- * @see _.mergeWith
- */
- mergeWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: MergeWithCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
- /**
- * @see _.mergeWith
- */
- mergeWith<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- object: TObject,
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: MergeWithCustomizer
- ): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
- /**
- * @see _.mergeWith
- */
- mergeWith<TResult>(
- object: any,
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.mergeWith
- */
- mergeWith<TSource>(
- source: TSource,
- customizer: MergeWithCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource>;
- /**
- * @see _.mergeWith
- */
- mergeWith<TSource1, TSource2>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- customizer: MergeWithCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2>;
- /**
- * @see _.mergeWith
- */
- mergeWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- customizer: MergeWithCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3>;
- /**
- * @see _.mergeWith
- */
- mergeWith<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(
- source1: TSource1,
- source2: TSource2,
- source3: TSource3,
- source4: TSource4,
- customizer: MergeWithCustomizer
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4>;
- /**
- * @see _.mergeWith
- */
- mergeWith<TResult>(
- ...otherArgs: any[]
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.omit
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * The opposite of `_.pick`; this method creates an object composed of the
- * own and inherited enumerable properties of `object` that are not omitted.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The source object.
- * @param {...(string|string[])} [props] The property names to omit, specified
- * individually or in arrays..
- * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.
- * @example
- *
- * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 };
- *
- * _.omit(object, ['a', 'c']);
- * // => { 'b': '2' }
- */
- omit<TResult extends {}, T extends {}>(
- object: T,
- ...predicate: (StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[])[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.omit
- */
- omit<TResult extends {}>(
- ...predicate: (StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[])[]
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.omit
- */
- omit<TResult extends {}>(
- ...predicate: (StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[])[]
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.omitBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * The opposite of `_.pickBy`; this method creates an object composed of the
- * own and inherited enumerable properties of `object` that `predicate`
- * doesn't return truthy for.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The source object.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per property.
- * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.
- * @example
- *
- * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 };
- *
- * _.omitBy(object, _.isNumber);
- * // => { 'b': '2' }
- */
- omitBy<TResult extends {}, T extends {}>(
- object: T,
- predicate: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.omitBy
- */
- omitBy<TResult extends {}>(
- predicate: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.omitBy
- */
- omitBy<TResult extends {}>(
- predicate: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.pick
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an object composed of the picked `object` properties.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The source object.
- * @param {...(string|string[])} [props] The property names to pick, specified
- * individually or in arrays.
- * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.
- * @example
- *
- * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 };
- *
- * _.pick(object, ['a', 'c']);
- * // => { 'a': 1, 'c': 3 }
- */
- pick<TResult extends {}, T extends {}>(
- object: T,
- ...predicate: (StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[])[]
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pick
- */
- pick<TResult extends {}>(
- ...predicate: (StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[])[]
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pick
- */
- pick<TResult extends {}>(
- ...predicate: (StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[])[]
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.pickBy
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an object composed of the `object` properties `predicate` returns
- * truthy for. The predicate is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Object
- * @param {Object} object The source object.
- * @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per property.
- * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.
- * @example
- *
- * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 };
- *
- * _.pickBy(object, _.isNumber);
- * // => { 'a': 1, 'c': 3 }
- */
- pickBy<TResult extends {}, T extends {}>(
- object: T,
- predicate?: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pickBy
- */
- pickBy<TResult extends {}>(
- predicate?: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pickBy
- */
- pickBy<TResult extends {}>(
- predicate?: ObjectIterator<any, boolean>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.result
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.get except that if the resolved value is a function it’s invoked with the this binding
- * of its parent object and its result is returned.
- *
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @param path The path of the property to resolve.
- * @param defaultValue The value returned if the resolved value is undefined.
- * @return Returns the resolved value.
- */
- result<TObject, TResult>(
- object: TObject,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: TResult|((...args: any[]) => TResult)
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.result
- */
- result<TResult>(
- object: any,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: TResult|((...args: any[]) => TResult)
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.result
- */
- result<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: TResult|((...args: any[]) => TResult)
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.result
- */
- result<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: TResult|((...args: any[]) => TResult)
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.result
- */
- result<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: TResult|((...args: any[]) => TResult)
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.result
- */
- result<TResultWrapper>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: any
- ): TResultWrapper;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.result
- */
- result<TResultWrapper>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: any
- ): TResultWrapper;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.result
- */
- result<TResultWrapper>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- defaultValue?: any
- ): TResultWrapper;
- }
- //_.set
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Sets the value at path of object. If a portion of path doesn’t exist it’s created. Arrays are created for
- * missing index properties while objects are created for all other missing properties. Use _.setWith to
- * customize path creation.
- *
- * @param object The object to modify.
- * @param path The path of the property to set.
- * @param value The value to set.
- * @return Returns object.
- */
- set<TResult>(
- object: Object,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: any
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.set
- */
- set<V, TResult>(
- object: Object,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: V
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.set
- */
- set<O, V, TResult>(
- object: O,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: V
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.set
- */
- set<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: any
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.set
- */
- set<V, TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: V
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.set
- */
- set<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: any
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.set
- */
- set<V, TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: V
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.setWith
- interface SetWithCustomizer<T> {
- (nsValue: any, key: string, nsObject: T): any;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.set except that it accepts customizer which is invoked to produce the objects of
- * path. If customizer returns undefined path creation is handled by the method instead. The customizer is
- * invoked with three arguments: (nsValue, key, nsObject).
- *
- * @param object The object to modify.
- * @param path The path of the property to set.
- * @param value The value to set.
- * @parem customizer The function to customize assigned values.
- * @return Returns object.
- */
- setWith<TResult>(
- object: Object,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: any,
- customizer?: SetWithCustomizer<Object>
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.setWith
- */
- setWith<V, TResult>(
- object: Object,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: V,
- customizer?: SetWithCustomizer<Object>
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.setWith
- */
- setWith<O, V, TResult>(
- object: O,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: V,
- customizer?: SetWithCustomizer<O>
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.setWith
- */
- setWith<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: any,
- customizer?: SetWithCustomizer<T>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.setWith
- */
- setWith<V, TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: V,
- customizer?: SetWithCustomizer<T>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.setWith
- */
- setWith<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: any,
- customizer?: SetWithCustomizer<T>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.setWith
- */
- setWith<V, TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- value: V,
- customizer?: SetWithCustomizer<T>
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.toPairs
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of own enumerable key-value pairs for object.
- *
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @return Returns the new array of key-value pairs.
- */
- toPairs<T extends {}>(object?: T): any[][];
- toPairs<T extends {}, TResult>(object?: T): TResult[][];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toPairs
- */
- toPairs<TResult>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toPairs
- */
- toPairs<TResult>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- }
- //_.toPairsIn
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of own and inherited enumerable key-value pairs for object.
- *
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @return Returns the new array of key-value pairs.
- */
- toPairsIn<T extends {}>(object?: T): any[][];
- toPairsIn<T extends {}, TResult>(object?: T): TResult[][];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toPairsIn
- */
- toPairsIn<TResult>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toPairsIn
- */
- toPairsIn<TResult>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult[]>;
- }
- //_.transform
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * An alternative to _.reduce; this method transforms object to a new accumulator object which is the result of
- * running each of its own enumerable properties through iteratee, with each invocation potentially mutating
- * the accumulator object. The iteratee is bound to thisArg and invoked with four arguments: (accumulator,
- * value, key, object). Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly returning false.
- *
- * @param object The object to iterate over.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @param accumulator The custom accumulator value.
- * @param thisArg The this binding of iteratee.
- * @return Returns the accumulated value.
- */
- transform<T, TResult>(
- object: T[],
- iteratee?: MemoVoidArrayIterator<T, TResult[]>,
- accumulator?: TResult[]
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.transform
- */
- transform<T, TResult>(
- object: T[],
- iteratee?: MemoVoidArrayIterator<T, Dictionary<TResult>>,
- accumulator?: Dictionary<TResult>
- ): Dictionary<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.transform
- */
- transform<T, TResult>(
- object: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: MemoVoidDictionaryIterator<T, Dictionary<TResult>>,
- accumulator?: Dictionary<TResult>
- ): Dictionary<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.transform
- */
- transform<T, TResult>(
- object: Dictionary<T>,
- iteratee?: MemoVoidDictionaryIterator<T, TResult[]>,
- accumulator?: TResult[]
- ): TResult[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.transform
- */
- transform<TResult>(
- iteratee?: MemoVoidArrayIterator<T, TResult[]>,
- accumulator?: TResult[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.transform
- */
- transform<TResult>(
- iteratee?: MemoVoidArrayIterator<T, Dictionary<TResult>>,
- accumulator?: Dictionary<TResult>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.transform
- */
- transform<T, TResult>(
- iteratee?: MemoVoidDictionaryIterator<T, Dictionary<TResult>>,
- accumulator?: Dictionary<TResult>
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<Dictionary<TResult>>;
- /**
- * @see _.transform
- */
- transform<T, TResult>(
- iteratee?: MemoVoidDictionaryIterator<T, TResult[]>,
- accumulator?: TResult[]
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.unset
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Removes the property at path of object.
- *
- * Note: This method mutates object.
- *
- * @param object The object to modify.
- * @param path The path of the property to unset.
- * @return Returns true if the property is deleted, else false.
- */
- unset<T>(
- object: T,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unset
- */
- unset(path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]): LoDashImplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unset
- */
- unset(path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.update
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like _.set except that accepts updater to produce the value to set. Use _.updateWith to
- * customize path creation. The updater is invoked with one argument: (value).
- *
- * @param object The object to modify.
- * @param path The path of the property to set.
- * @param updater The function to produce the updated value.
- * @return Returns object.
- */
- update<TResult>(
- object: Object,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- updater: Function
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.update
- */
- update<U extends Function, TResult>(
- object: Object,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- updater: U
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.update
- */
- update<O extends {}, TResult>(
- object: O,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- updater: Function
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.update
- */
- update<O, U extends Function, TResult>(
- object: O,
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- updater: U
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.update
- */
- update<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- updater: any
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.update
- */
- update<U extends Function, TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- updater: U
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.update
- */
- update<TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- updater: any
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.update
- */
- update<U extends Function, TResult>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- updater: U
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.values
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of the own enumerable property values of object.
- *
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @return Returns an array of property values.
- */
- values<T>(object?: Dictionary<T>): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.values
- */
- values<T>(object?: any): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.values
- */
- values<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.values
- */
- values<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.valuesIn
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of the own and inherited enumerable property values of object.
- *
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @return Returns the array of property values.
- */
- valuesIn<T>(object?: Dictionary<T>): T[];
- /**
- * @see _.valuesIn
- */
- valuesIn<T>(object?: any): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.valuesIn
- */
- valuesIn<T>(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.valuesIn
- */
- valuesIn<T>(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- /**********
- * String *
- **********/
- //_.camelCase
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts string to camel case.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @return Returns the camel cased string.
- */
- camelCase(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.camelCase
- */
- camelCase(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.camelCase
- */
- camelCase(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.capitalize
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts the first character of string to upper case and the remaining to lower case.
- *
- * @param string The string to capitalize.
- * @return Returns the capitalized string.
- */
- capitalize(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.capitalize
- */
- capitalize(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.capitalize
- */
- capitalize(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.deburr
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Deburrs string by converting latin-1 supplementary letters to basic latin letters and removing combining
- * diacritical marks.
- *
- * @param string The string to deburr.
- * @return Returns the deburred string.
- */
- deburr(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.deburr
- */
- deburr(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.deburr
- */
- deburr(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.endsWith
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if string ends with the given target string.
- *
- * @param string The string to search.
- * @param target The string to search for.
- * @param position The position to search from.
- * @return Returns true if string ends with target, else false.
- */
- endsWith(
- string?: string,
- target?: string,
- position?: number
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.endsWith
- */
- endsWith(
- target?: string,
- position?: number
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.endsWith
- */
- endsWith(
- target?: string,
- position?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- // _.escape
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts the characters "&", "<", ">", '"', "'", and "`" in string to their corresponding HTML entities.
- *
- * Note: No other characters are escaped. To escape additional characters use a third-party library like he.
- *
- * hough the ">" character is escaped for symmetry, characters like ">" and "/" don’t need escaping in HTML
- * and have no special meaning unless they're part of a tag or unquoted attribute value. See Mathias Bynens’s
- * article (under "semi-related fun fact") for more details.
- *
- * Backticks are escaped because in IE < 9, they can break out of attribute values or HTML comments. See #59,
- * #102, #108, and #133 of the HTML5 Security Cheatsheet for more details.
- *
- * When working with HTML you should always quote attribute values to reduce XSS vectors.
- *
- * @param string The string to escape.
- * @return Returns the escaped string.
- */
- escape(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.escape
- */
- escape(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.escape
- */
- escape(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- // _.escapeRegExp
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Escapes the RegExp special characters "^", "$", "\", ".", "*", "+", "?", "(", ")", "[", "]",
- * "{", "}", and "|" in string.
- *
- * @param string The string to escape.
- * @return Returns the escaped string.
- */
- escapeRegExp(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.escapeRegExp
- */
- escapeRegExp(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.escapeRegExp
- */
- escapeRegExp(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.kebabCase
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts string to kebab case.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @return Returns the kebab cased string.
- */
- kebabCase(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.kebabCase
- */
- kebabCase(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.kebabCase
- */
- kebabCase(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.lowerCase
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts `string`, as space separated words, to lower case.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @return Returns the lower cased string.
- */
- lowerCase(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.lowerCase
- */
- lowerCase(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.lowerCase
- */
- lowerCase(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.lowerFirst
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts the first character of `string` to lower case.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @return Returns the converted string.
- */
- lowerFirst(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.lowerFirst
- */
- lowerFirst(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.lowerFirst
- */
- lowerFirst(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.pad
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Pads string on the left and right sides if it’s shorter than length. Padding characters are truncated if
- * they can’t be evenly divided by length.
- *
- * @param string The string to pad.
- * @param length The padding length.
- * @param chars The string used as padding.
- * @return Returns the padded string.
- */
- pad(
- string?: string,
- length?: number,
- chars?: string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pad
- */
- pad(
- length?: number,
- chars?: string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.pad
- */
- pad(
- length?: number,
- chars?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.padEnd
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Pads string on the right side if it’s shorter than length. Padding characters are truncated if they exceed
- * length.
- *
- * @param string The string to pad.
- * @param length The padding length.
- * @param chars The string used as padding.
- * @return Returns the padded string.
- */
- padEnd(
- string?: string,
- length?: number,
- chars?: string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.padEnd
- */
- padEnd(
- length?: number,
- chars?: string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.padEnd
- */
- padEnd(
- length?: number,
- chars?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.padStart
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Pads string on the left side if it’s shorter than length. Padding characters are truncated if they exceed
- * length.
- *
- * @param string The string to pad.
- * @param length The padding length.
- * @param chars The string used as padding.
- * @return Returns the padded string.
- */
- padStart(
- string?: string,
- length?: number,
- chars?: string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.padStart
- */
- padStart(
- length?: number,
- chars?: string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.padStart
- */
- padStart(
- length?: number,
- chars?: string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.parseInt
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts string to an integer of the specified radix. If radix is undefined or 0, a radix of 10 is used
- * unless value is a hexadecimal, in which case a radix of 16 is used.
- *
- * Note: This method aligns with the ES5 implementation of parseInt.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @param radix The radix to interpret value by.
- * @return Returns the converted integer.
- */
- parseInt(
- string: string,
- radix?: number
- ): number;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.parseInt
- */
- parseInt(radix?: number): number;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.parseInt
- */
- parseInt(radix?: number): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.repeat
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Repeats the given string n times.
- *
- * @param string The string to repeat.
- * @param n The number of times to repeat the string.
- * @return Returns the repeated string.
- */
- repeat(
- string?: string,
- n?: number
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.repeat
- */
- repeat(n?: number): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.repeat
- */
- repeat(n?: number): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.replace
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Replaces matches for pattern in string with replacement.
- *
- * Note: This method is based on String#replace.
- *
- * @param string
- * @param pattern
- * @param replacement
- * @return Returns the modified string.
- */
- replace(
- string: string,
- pattern: RegExp|string,
- replacement: Function|string
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.replace
- */
- replace(
- pattern?: RegExp|string,
- replacement?: Function|string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.replace
- */
- replace(
- pattern?: RegExp|string,
- replacement?: Function|string
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.replace
- */
- replace(
- replacement?: Function|string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.replace
- */
- replace(
- pattern?: RegExp|string,
- replacement?: Function|string
- ): string;
- /**
- * @see _.replace
- */
- replace(
- replacement?: Function|string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.replace
- */
- replace(
- pattern?: RegExp|string,
- replacement?: Function|string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- /**
- * @see _.replace
- */
- replace(
- replacement?: Function|string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.replace
- */
- replace(
- pattern?: RegExp|string,
- replacement?: Function|string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- /**
- * @see _.replace
- */
- replace(
- replacement?: Function|string
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.snakeCase
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts string to snake case.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @return Returns the snake cased string.
- */
- snakeCase(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.snakeCase
- */
- snakeCase(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.snakeCase
- */
- snakeCase(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.split
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Splits string by separator.
- *
- * Note: This method is based on String#split.
- *
- * @param string
- * @param separator
- * @param limit
- * @return Returns the new array of string segments.
- */
- split(
- string: string,
- separator?: RegExp|string,
- limit?: number
- ): string[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.split
- */
- split(
- separator?: RegExp|string,
- limit?: number
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.split
- */
- split(
- separator?: RegExp|string,
- limit?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.startCase
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts string to start case.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @return Returns the start cased string.
- */
- startCase(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.startCase
- */
- startCase(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.startCase
- */
- startCase(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.startsWith
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks if string starts with the given target string.
- *
- * @param string The string to search.
- * @param target The string to search for.
- * @param position The position to search from.
- * @return Returns true if string starts with target, else false.
- */
- startsWith(
- string?: string,
- target?: string,
- position?: number
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.startsWith
- */
- startsWith(
- target?: string,
- position?: number
- ): boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.startsWith
- */
- startsWith(
- target?: string,
- position?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<boolean>;
- }
- //_.template
- interface TemplateOptions extends TemplateSettings {
- /**
- * The sourceURL of the template's compiled source.
- */
- sourceURL?: string;
- }
- interface TemplateExecutor {
- (data?: Object): string;
- source: string;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a compiled template function that can interpolate data properties in "interpolate" delimiters,
- * HTML-escape interpolated data properties in "escape" delimiters, and execute JavaScript in "evaluate"
- * delimiters. Data properties may be accessed as free variables in the template. If a setting object is
- * provided it takes precedence over _.templateSettings values.
- *
- * Note: In the development build _.template utilizes
- * [sourceURLs](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/sourcemaps/#toc-sourceurl) for easier
- * debugging.
- *
- * For more information on precompiling templates see
- * [lodash's custom builds documentation](https://lodash.com/custom-builds).
- *
- * For more information on Chrome extension sandboxes see
- * [Chrome's extensions documentation](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/sandboxingEval).
- *
- * @param string The template string.
- * @param options The options object.
- * @param options.escape The HTML "escape" delimiter.
- * @param options.evaluate The "evaluate" delimiter.
- * @param options.imports An object to import into the template as free variables.
- * @param options.interpolate The "interpolate" delimiter.
- * @param options.sourceURL The sourceURL of the template's compiled source.
- * @param options.variable The data object variable name.
- * @return Returns the compiled template function.
- */
- template(
- string: string,
- options?: TemplateOptions
- ): TemplateExecutor;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.template
- */
- template(options?: TemplateOptions): TemplateExecutor;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.template
- */
- template(options?: TemplateOptions): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TemplateExecutor>;
- }
- //_.toLower
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts `string`, as a whole, to lower case.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @return Returns the lower cased string.
- */
- toLower(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toLower
- */
- toLower(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toLower
- */
- toLower(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.toUpper
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts `string`, as a whole, to upper case.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @return Returns the upper cased string.
- */
- toUpper(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toUpper
- */
- toUpper(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.toUpper
- */
- toUpper(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.trim
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Removes leading and trailing whitespace or specified characters from string.
- *
- * @param string The string to trim.
- * @param chars The characters to trim.
- * @return Returns the trimmed string.
- */
- trim(
- string?: string,
- chars?: string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.trim
- */
- trim(chars?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.trim
- */
- trim(chars?: string): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.trimEnd
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Removes trailing whitespace or specified characters from string.
- *
- * @param string The string to trim.
- * @param chars The characters to trim.
- * @return Returns the trimmed string.
- */
- trimEnd(
- string?: string,
- chars?: string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.trimEnd
- */
- trimEnd(chars?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.trimEnd
- */
- trimEnd(chars?: string): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.trimStart
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Removes leading whitespace or specified characters from string.
- *
- * @param string The string to trim.
- * @param chars The characters to trim.
- * @return Returns the trimmed string.
- */
- trimStart(
- string?: string,
- chars?: string
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.trimStart
- */
- trimStart(chars?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.trimStart
- */
- trimStart(chars?: string): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.truncate
- interface TruncateOptions {
- /** The maximum string length. */
- length?: number;
- /** The string to indicate text is omitted. */
- omission?: string;
- /** The separator pattern to truncate to. */
- separator?: string|RegExp;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Truncates string if it’s longer than the given maximum string length. The last characters of the truncated
- * string are replaced with the omission string which defaults to "…".
- *
- * @param string The string to truncate.
- * @param options The options object or maximum string length.
- * @return Returns the truncated string.
- */
- truncate(
- string?: string,
- options?: TruncateOptions
- ): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.truncate
- */
- truncate(options?: TruncateOptions): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.truncate
- */
- truncate(options?: TruncateOptions): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.unescape
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * The inverse of _.escape; this method converts the HTML entities &amp;, &lt;, &gt;, &quot;, &#39;, and &#96;
- * in string to their corresponding characters.
- *
- * Note: No other HTML entities are unescaped. To unescape additional HTML entities use a third-party library
- * like he.
- *
- * @param string The string to unescape.
- * @return Returns the unescaped string.
- */
- unescape(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unescape
- */
- unescape(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.unescape
- */
- unescape(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.upperCase
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts `string`, as space separated words, to upper case.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @return Returns the upper cased string.
- */
- upperCase(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.upperCase
- */
- upperCase(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.upperCase
- */
- upperCase(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.upperFirst
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts the first character of `string` to upper case.
- *
- * @param string The string to convert.
- * @return Returns the converted string.
- */
- upperFirst(string?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.upperFirst
- */
- upperFirst(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.upperFirst
- */
- upperFirst(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- //_.words
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Splits `string` into an array of its words.
- *
- * @param string The string to inspect.
- * @param pattern The pattern to match words.
- * @return Returns the words of `string`.
- */
- words(
- string?: string,
- pattern?: string|RegExp
- ): string[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.words
- */
- words(pattern?: string|RegExp): string[];
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.words
- */
- words(pattern?: string|RegExp): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>;
- }
- /***********
- * Utility *
- ***********/
- //_.attempt
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Attempts to invoke func, returning either the result or the caught error object. Any additional arguments
- * are provided to func when it’s invoked.
- *
- * @param func The function to attempt.
- * @return Returns the func result or error object.
- */
- attempt<TResult>(func: (...args: any[]) => TResult, ...args: any[]): TResult|Error;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.attempt
- */
- attempt<TResult>(...args: any[]): TResult|Error;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.attempt
- */
- attempt<TResult>(...args: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult|Error>;
- }
- //_.constant
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that returns value.
- *
- * @param value The value to return from the new function.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- constant<T>(value: T): () => T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.constant
- */
- constant<TResult>(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<() => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.constant
- */
- constant<TResult>(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<() => TResult>;
- }
- //_.defaultTo
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Checks `value` to determine whether a default value should be returned in
- * its place. The `defaultValue` is returned if `value` is `NaN`, `null`,
- * or `undefined`.
- *
- * @param value The value to check.
- * @param defaultValue The default value.
- * @returns Returns the resolved value.
- */
- defaultTo<T>(value: T, defaultValue: T): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.defaultTo
- */
- defaultTo<TResult>(value: TResult): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.defaultTo
- */
- defaultTo<TResult>(value: TResult): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.identity
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method returns the first argument provided to it.
- *
- * @param value Any value.
- * @return Returns value.
- */
- identity<T>(value?: T): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.identity
- */
- identity(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.identity
- */
- identity(): T[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.identity
- */
- identity(): T;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.identity
- */
- identity(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.identity
- */
- identity(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.identity
- */
- identity(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T>;
- }
- //_.iteratee
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the arguments of the created
- * function. If `func` is a property name the created callback returns the
- * property value for a given element. If `func` is an object the created
- * callback returns `true` for elements that contain the equivalent object properties, otherwise it returns `false`.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Util
- * @param {*} [func=_.identity] The value to convert to a callback.
- * @returns {Function} Returns the callback.
- * @example
- *
- * var users = [
- * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },
- * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }
- * ];
- *
- * // create custom iteratee shorthands
- * _.iteratee = _.wrap(_.iteratee, function(callback, func) {
- * var p = /^(\S+)\s*([<>])\s*(\S+)$/.exec(func);
- * return !p ? callback(func) : function(object) {
- * return (p[2] == '>' ? object[p[1]] > p[3] : object[p[1]] < p[3]);
- * };
- * });
- *
- * _.filter(users, 'age > 36');
- * // => [{ 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }]
- */
- iteratee<TResult>(
- func: Function
- ): (...args: any[]) => TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.iteratee
- */
- iteratee<TResult>(
- func: string
- ): (object: any) => TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.iteratee
- */
- iteratee(
- func: Object
- ): (object: any) => boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.iteratee
- */
- iteratee<TResult>(): (value: TResult) => TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.iteratee
- */
- iteratee<TResult>(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(object: any) => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.iteratee
- */
- iteratee(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(object: any) => boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.iteratee
- */
- iteratee<TResult>(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.iteratee
- */
- iteratee<TResult>(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(object: any) => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.iteratee
- */
- iteratee(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(object: any) => boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.iteratee
- */
- iteratee<TResult>(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => TResult>;
- }
- //_.matches
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that performs a deep comparison between a given object and source, returning true if the
- * given object has equivalent property values, else false.
- *
- * Note: This method supports comparing arrays, booleans, Date objects, numbers, Object objects, regexes, and
- * strings. Objects are compared by their own, not inherited, enumerable properties. For comparing a single own
- * or inherited property value see _.matchesProperty.
- *
- * @param source The object of property values to match.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- matches<T>(source: T): (value: any) => boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.matches
- */
- matches<T, V>(source: T): (value: V) => boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.matches
- */
- matches<V>(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(value: V) => boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.matches
- */
- matches<V>(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(value: V) => boolean>;
- }
- //_.matchesProperty
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that compares the property value of path on a given object to value.
- *
- * Note: This method supports comparing arrays, booleans, Date objects, numbers, Object objects, regexes, and
- * strings. Objects are compared by their own, not inherited, enumerable properties.
- *
- * @param path The path of the property to get.
- * @param srcValue The value to match.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- matchesProperty<T>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- srcValue: T
- ): (value: any) => boolean;
- /**
- * @see _.matchesProperty
- */
- matchesProperty<T, V>(
- path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[],
- srcValue: T
- ): (value: V) => boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.matchesProperty
- */
- matchesProperty<SrcValue>(
- srcValue: SrcValue
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(value: any) => boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.matchesProperty
- */
- matchesProperty<SrcValue, Value>(
- srcValue: SrcValue
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(value: Value) => boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.matchesProperty
- */
- matchesProperty<SrcValue>(
- srcValue: SrcValue
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(value: any) => boolean>;
- /**
- * @see _.matchesProperty
- */
- matchesProperty<SrcValue, Value>(
- srcValue: SrcValue
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(value: Value) => boolean>;
- }
- //_.method
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that invokes the method at path on a given object. Any additional arguments are provided
- * to the invoked method.
- *
- * @param path The path of the method to invoke.
- * @param args The arguments to invoke the method with.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- method<TObject, TResult>(
- path: string|StringRepresentable[],
- ...args: any[]
- ): (object: TObject) => TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.method
- */
- method<TResult>(
- path: string|StringRepresentable[],
- ...args: any[]
- ): (object: any) => TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.method
- */
- method<TObject, TResult>(...args: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(object: TObject) => TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.method
- */
- method<TResult>(...args: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(object: any) => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.method
- */
- method<TObject, TResult>(...args: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(object: TObject) => TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.method
- */
- method<TResult>(...args: any[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(object: any) => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.method
- */
- method<TObject, TResult>(...args: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(object: TObject) => TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.method
- */
- method<TResult>(...args: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(object: any) => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.method
- */
- method<TObject, TResult>(...args: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(object: TObject) => TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.method
- */
- method<TResult>(...args: any[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(object: any) => TResult>;
- }
- //_.methodOf
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * The opposite of _.method; this method creates a function that invokes the method at a given path on object.
- * Any additional arguments are provided to the invoked method.
- *
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @param args The arguments to invoke the method with.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- methodOf<TObject extends {}, TResult>(
- object: TObject,
- ...args: any[]
- ): (path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]) => TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.methodOf
- */
- methodOf<TResult>(
- object: {},
- ...args: any[]
- ): (path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]) => TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.methodOf
- */
- methodOf<TResult>(
- ...args: any[]
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]) => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.methodOf
- */
- methodOf<TResult>(
- ...args: any[]
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]) => TResult>;
- }
- //_.mixin
- interface MixinOptions {
- chain?: boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Adds all own enumerable function properties of a source object to the destination object. If object is a
- * function then methods are added to its prototype as well.
- *
- * Note: Use _.runInContext to create a pristine lodash function to avoid conflicts caused by modifying
- * the original.
- *
- * @param object The destination object.
- * @param source The object of functions to add.
- * @param options The options object.
- * @param options.chain Specify whether the functions added are chainable.
- * @return Returns object.
- */
- mixin<TResult, TObject>(
- object: TObject,
- source: Dictionary<Function>,
- options?: MixinOptions
- ): TResult;
- /**
- * @see _.mixin
- */
- mixin<TResult>(
- source: Dictionary<Function>,
- options?: MixinOptions
- ): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.mixin
- */
- mixin<TResult>(
- source: Dictionary<Function>,
- options?: MixinOptions
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.mixin
- */
- mixin<TResult>(
- options?: MixinOptions
- ): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.mixin
- */
- mixin<TResult>(
- source: Dictionary<Function>,
- options?: MixinOptions
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.mixin
- */
- mixin<TResult>(
- options?: MixinOptions
- ): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.noConflict
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Reverts the _ variable to its previous value and returns a reference to the lodash function.
- *
- * @return Returns the lodash function.
- */
- noConflict(): typeof _;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.noConflict
- */
- noConflict(): typeof _;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.noConflict
- */
- noConflict(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<typeof _>;
- }
- //_.noop
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * A no-operation function that returns undefined regardless of the arguments it receives.
- *
- * @return undefined
- */
- noop(...args: any[]): void;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.noop
- */
- noop(...args: any[]): void;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.noop
- */
- noop(...args: any[]): _.LoDashExplicitWrapper<void>;
- }
- //_.nthArg
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that returns its nth argument.
- *
- * @param n The index of the argument to return.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- nthArg<TResult extends Function>(n?: number): TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.nthArg
- */
- nthArg<TResult extends Function>(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.nthArg
- */
- nthArg<TResult extends Function>(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<TResult>;
- }
- //_.over
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that invokes iteratees with the arguments provided to the created function and returns
- * their results.
- *
- * @param iteratees The iteratees to invoke.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- over<TResult>(...iteratees: (Function|Function[])[]): (...args: any[]) => TResult[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.over
- */
- over<TResult>(...iteratees: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => TResult[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.over
- */
- over<TResult>(...iteratees: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => TResult[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.over
- */
- over<TResult>(...iteratees: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => TResult[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.over
- */
- over<TResult>(...iteratees: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => TResult[]>;
- }
- //_.overEvery
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that checks if all of the predicates return truthy when invoked with the arguments
- * provided to the created function.
- *
- * @param predicates The predicates to check.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- overEvery(...predicates: (Function|Function[])[]): (...args: any[]) => boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.overEvery
- */
- overEvery(...predicates: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.overEvery
- */
- overEvery(...predicates: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.overEvery
- */
- overEvery(...predicates: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.overEvery
- */
- overEvery(...predicates: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => boolean>;
- }
- //_.overSome
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that checks if any of the predicates return truthy when invoked with the arguments
- * provided to the created function.
- *
- * @param predicates The predicates to check.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- overSome(...predicates: (Function|Function[])[]): (...args: any[]) => boolean;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.overSome
- */
- overSome(...predicates: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.overSome
- */
- overSome(...predicates: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.overSome
- */
- overSome(...predicates: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => boolean>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.overSome
- */
- overSome(...predicates: (Function|Function[])[]): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(...args: any[]) => boolean>;
- }
- //_.property
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates a function that returns the property value at path on a given object.
- *
- * @param path The path of the property to get.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- property<TObj, TResult>(path: StringRepresentable|StringRepresentable[]): (obj: TObj) => TResult;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.property
- */
- property<TObj, TResult>(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(obj: TObj) => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.property
- */
- property<TObj, TResult>(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(obj: TObj) => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.property
- */
- property<TObj, TResult>(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(obj: TObj) => TResult>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.property
- */
- property<TObj, TResult>(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(obj: TObj) => TResult>;
- }
- //_.propertyOf
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * The opposite of _.property; this method creates a function that returns the property value at a given path
- * on object.
- *
- * @param object The object to query.
- * @return Returns the new function.
- */
- propertyOf<T extends {}>(object: T): (path: string|string[]) => any;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.propertyOf
- */
- propertyOf(): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<(path: string|string[]) => any>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.propertyOf
- */
- propertyOf(): LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<(path: string|string[]) => any>;
- }
- //_.range
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Creates an array of numbers (positive and/or negative) progressing from start up to, but not including, end.
- * If end is not specified it’s set to start with start then set to 0. If end is less than start a zero-length
- * range is created unless a negative step is specified.
- *
- * @param start The start of the range.
- * @param end The end of the range.
- * @param step The value to increment or decrement by.
- * @return Returns a new range array.
- */
- range(
- start: number,
- end: number,
- step?: number
- ): number[];
- /**
- * @see _.range
- */
- range(
- end: number,
- step?: number
- ): number[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.range
- */
- range(
- end?: number,
- step?: number
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.range
- */
- range(
- end?: number,
- step?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.rangeRight
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * This method is like `_.range` except that it populates values in
- * descending order.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Util
- * @param {number} [start=0] The start of the range.
- * @param {number} end The end of the range.
- * @param {number} [step=1] The value to increment or decrement by.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of numbers.
- * @example
- *
- * _.rangeRight(4);
- * // => [3, 2, 1, 0]
- *
- * _.rangeRight(-4);
- * // => [-3, -2, -1, 0]
- *
- * _.rangeRight(1, 5);
- * // => [4, 3, 2, 1]
- *
- * _.rangeRight(0, 20, 5);
- * // => [15, 10, 5, 0]
- *
- * _.rangeRight(0, -4, -1);
- * // => [-3, -2, -1, 0]
- *
- * _.rangeRight(1, 4, 0);
- * // => [1, 1, 1]
- *
- * _.rangeRight(0);
- * // => []
- */
- rangeRight(
- start: number,
- end: number,
- step?: number
- ): number[];
- /**
- * @see _.rangeRight
- */
- rangeRight(
- end: number,
- step?: number
- ): number[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.rangeRight
- */
- rangeRight(
- end?: number,
- step?: number
- ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<number>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.rangeRight
- */
- rangeRight(
- end?: number,
- step?: number
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.runInContext
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Create a new pristine lodash function using the given context object.
- *
- * @param context The context object.
- * @return Returns a new lodash function.
- */
- runInContext(context?: Object): typeof _;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.runInContext
- */
- runInContext(): typeof _;
- }
- //_.times
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Invokes the iteratee function n times, returning an array of the results of each invocation. The iteratee
- * is invoked with one argument; (index).
- *
- * @param n The number of times to invoke iteratee.
- * @param iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
- * @return Returns the array of results.
- */
- times<TResult>(
- n: number,
- iteratee: (num: number) => TResult
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.times
- */
- times(n: number): number[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.times
- */
- times<TResult>(
- iteratee: (num: number) => TResult
- ): TResult[];
- /**
- * @see _.times
- */
- times(): number[];
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.times
- */
- times<TResult>(
- iteratee: (num: number) => TResult
- ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<TResult>;
- /**
- * @see _.times
- */
- times(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<number>;
- }
- //_.toPath
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Converts `value` to a property path array.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @category Util
- * @param {*} value The value to convert.
- * @returns {Array} Returns the new property path array.
- * @example
- *
- * _.toPath('a.b.c');
- * // => ['a', 'b', 'c']
- *
- * _.toPath('a[0].b.c');
- * // => ['a', '0', 'b', 'c']
- *
- * var path = ['a', 'b', 'c'],
- * newPath = _.toPath(path);
- *
- * console.log(newPath);
- * // => ['a', 'b', 'c']
- *
- * console.log(path === newPath);
- * // => false
- */
- toPath(value: any): string[];
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toPath
- */
- toPath(): LoDashImplicitWrapper<string[]>;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase<T, TWrapper> {
- /**
- * @see _.toPath
- */
- toPath(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string[]>;
- }
- //_.uniqueId
- interface LoDashStatic {
- /**
- * Generates a unique ID. If prefix is provided the ID is appended to it.
- *
- * @param prefix The value to prefix the ID with.
- * @return Returns the unique ID.
- */
- uniqueId(prefix?: string): string;
- }
- interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniqueId
- */
- uniqueId(): string;
- }
- interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<T> {
- /**
- * @see _.uniqueId
- */
- uniqueId(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>;
- }
- interface ListIterator<T, TResult> {
- (value: T, index: number, collection: List<T>): TResult;
- }
- interface DictionaryIterator<T, TResult> {
- (value: T, key?: string, collection?: Dictionary<T>): TResult;
- }
- interface NumericDictionaryIterator<T, TResult> {
- (value: T, key?: number, collection?: Dictionary<T>): TResult;
- }
- interface ObjectIterator<T, TResult> {
- (element: T, key?: string, collection?: any): TResult;
- }
- interface StringIterator<TResult> {
- (char: string, index?: number, string?: string): TResult;
- }
- interface MemoVoidIterator<T, TResult> {
- (prev: TResult, curr: T, indexOrKey?: any, list?: T[]): void;
- }
- interface MemoIterator<T, TResult> {
- (prev: TResult, curr: T, indexOrKey?: any, list?: T[]): TResult;
- }
- interface MemoVoidArrayIterator<T, TResult> {
- (acc: TResult, curr: T, index?: number, arr?: T[]): void;
- }
- interface MemoVoidDictionaryIterator<T, TResult> {
- (acc: TResult, curr: T, key?: string, dict?: Dictionary<T>): void;
- }
- //interface Collection<T> {}
- // Common interface between Arrays and jQuery objects
- interface List<T> {
- [index: number]: T;
- length: number;
- }
- interface Dictionary<T> {
- [index: string]: T;
- }
- interface NumericDictionary<T> {
- [index: number]: T;
- }
- interface StringRepresentable {
- toString(): string;
- }
- interface Cancelable {
- cancel(): void;
- flush(): void;
- }
-// Named exports
-declare module "lodash/after" {
- const after: typeof _.after;
- export = after;
-declare module "lodash/ary" {
- const ary: typeof _.ary;
- export = ary;
-declare module "lodash/assign" {
- const assign: typeof _.assign;
- export = assign;
-declare module "lodash/assignIn" {
- const assignIn: typeof _.assignIn;
- export = assignIn;
-declare module "lodash/assignInWith" {
- const assignInWith: typeof _.assignInWith;
- export = assignInWith;
-declare module "lodash/assignWith" {
- const assignWith: typeof _.assignWith;
- export = assignWith;
-declare module "lodash/at" {
- const at: typeof _.at;
- export = at;
-declare module "lodash/before" {
- const before: typeof _.before;
- export = before;
-declare module "lodash/bind" {
- const bind: typeof _.bind;
- export = bind;
-declare module "lodash/bindAll" {
- const bindAll: typeof _.bindAll;
- export = bindAll;
-declare module "lodash/bindKey" {
- const bindKey: typeof _.bindKey;
- export = bindKey;
-declare module "lodash/castArray" {
- const castArray: typeof _.castArray;
- export = castArray;
-declare module "lodash/chain" {
- const chain: typeof _.chain;
- export = chain;
-declare module "lodash/chunk" {
- const chunk: typeof _.chunk;
- export = chunk;
-declare module "lodash/compact" {
- const compact: typeof _.compact;
- export = compact;
-declare module "lodash/concat" {
- const concat: typeof _.concat;
- export = concat;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/cond" {
- const cond: typeof _.cond;
- export = cond;
- }
- */
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/conforms" {
- const conforms: typeof _.conforms;
- export = conforms;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash/constant" {
- const constant: typeof _.constant;
- export = constant;
-declare module "lodash/countBy" {
- const countBy: typeof _.countBy;
- export = countBy;
-declare module "lodash/create" {
- const create: typeof _.create;
- export = create;
-declare module "lodash/curry" {
- const curry: typeof _.curry;
- export = curry;
-declare module "lodash/curryRight" {
- const curryRight: typeof _.curryRight;
- export = curryRight;
-declare module "lodash/debounce" {
- const debounce: typeof _.debounce;
- export = debounce;
-declare module "lodash/defaults" {
- const defaults: typeof _.defaults;
- export = defaults;
-declare module "lodash/defaultsDeep" {
- const defaultsDeep: typeof _.defaultsDeep;
- export = defaultsDeep;
-declare module "lodash/defer" {
- const defer: typeof _.defer;
- export = defer;
-declare module "lodash/delay" {
- const delay: typeof _.delay;
- export = delay;
-declare module "lodash/difference" {
- const difference: typeof _.difference;
- export = difference;
-declare module "lodash/differenceBy" {
- const differenceBy: typeof _.differenceBy;
- export = differenceBy;
-declare module "lodash/differenceWith" {
- const differenceWith: typeof _.differenceWith;
- export = differenceWith;
-declare module "lodash/drop" {
- const drop: typeof _.drop;
- export = drop;
-declare module "lodash/dropRight" {
- const dropRight: typeof _.dropRight;
- export = dropRight;
-declare module "lodash/dropRightWhile" {
- const dropRightWhile: typeof _.dropRightWhile;
- export = dropRightWhile;
-declare module "lodash/dropWhile" {
- const dropWhile: typeof _.dropWhile;
- export = dropWhile;
-declare module "lodash/fill" {
- const fill: typeof _.fill;
- export = fill;
-declare module "lodash/filter" {
- const filter: typeof _.filter;
- export = filter;
-declare module "lodash/flatMap" {
- const flatMap: typeof _.flatMap;
- export = flatMap;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/flatMapDeep" {
- const flatMapDeep: typeof _.flatMapDeep;
- export = flatMapDeep;
- }
- */
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/flatMapDepth" {
- const flatMapDepth: typeof _.flatMapDepth;
- export = flatMapDepth;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash/flatten" {
- const flatten: typeof _.flatten;
- export = flatten;
-declare module "lodash/flattenDeep" {
- const flattenDeep: typeof _.flattenDeep;
- export = flattenDeep;
-declare module "lodash/flattenDepth" {
- const flattenDepth: typeof _.flattenDepth;
- export = flattenDepth;
-declare module "lodash/flip" {
- const flip: typeof _.flip;
- export = flip;
-declare module "lodash/flow" {
- const flow: typeof _.flow;
- export = flow;
-declare module "lodash/flowRight" {
- const flowRight: typeof _.flowRight;
- export = flowRight;
-declare module "lodash/fromPairs" {
- const fromPairs: typeof _.fromPairs;
- export = fromPairs;
-declare module "lodash/functions" {
- const functions: typeof _.functions;
- export = functions;
-declare module "lodash/functionsIn" {
- const functionsIn: typeof _.functionsIn;
- export = functionsIn;
-declare module "lodash/groupBy" {
- const groupBy: typeof _.groupBy;
- export = groupBy;
-declare module "lodash/initial" {
- const initial: typeof _.initial;
- export = initial;
-declare module "lodash/intersection" {
- const intersection: typeof _.intersection;
- export = intersection;
-declare module "lodash/intersectionBy" {
- const intersectionBy: typeof _.intersectionBy;
- export = intersectionBy;
-declare module "lodash/intersectionWith" {
- const intersectionWith: typeof _.intersectionWith;
- export = intersectionWith;
-declare module "lodash/invert" {
- const invert: typeof _.invert;
- export = invert;
-declare module "lodash/invertBy" {
- const invertBy: typeof _.invertBy;
- export = invertBy;
-declare module "lodash/invokeMap" {
- const invokeMap: typeof _.invokeMap;
- export = invokeMap;
-declare module "lodash/iteratee" {
- const iteratee: typeof _.iteratee;
- export = iteratee;
-declare module "lodash/keyBy" {
- const keyBy: typeof _.keyBy;
- export = keyBy;
-declare module "lodash/keys" {
- const keys: typeof _.keys;
- export = keys;
-declare module "lodash/keysIn" {
- const keysIn: typeof _.keysIn;
- export = keysIn;
-declare module "lodash/map" {
- const map: typeof _.map;
- export = map;
-declare module "lodash/mapKeys" {
- const mapKeys: typeof _.mapKeys;
- export = mapKeys;
-declare module "lodash/mapValues" {
- const mapValues: typeof _.mapValues;
- export = mapValues;
-declare module "lodash/matches" {
- const matches: typeof _.matches;
- export = matches;
-declare module "lodash/matchesProperty" {
- const matchesProperty: typeof _.matchesProperty;
- export = matchesProperty;
-declare module "lodash/memoize" {
- const memoize: typeof _.memoize;
- export = memoize;
-declare module "lodash/merge" {
- const merge: typeof _.merge;
- export = merge;
-declare module "lodash/mergeWith" {
- const mergeWith: typeof _.mergeWith;
- export = mergeWith;
-declare module "lodash/method" {
- const method: typeof _.method;
- export = method;
-declare module "lodash/methodOf" {
- const methodOf: typeof _.methodOf;
- export = methodOf;
-declare module "lodash/mixin" {
- const mixin: typeof _.mixin;
- export = mixin;
-declare module "lodash/negate" {
- const negate: typeof _.negate;
- export = negate;
-declare module "lodash/nthArg" {
- const nthArg: typeof _.nthArg;
- export = nthArg;
-declare module "lodash/omit" {
- const omit: typeof _.omit;
- export = omit;
-declare module "lodash/omitBy" {
- const omitBy: typeof _.omitBy;
- export = omitBy;
-declare module "lodash/once" {
- const once: typeof _.once;
- export = once;
-declare module "lodash/orderBy" {
- const orderBy: typeof _.orderBy;
- export = orderBy;
-declare module "lodash/over" {
- const over: typeof _.over;
- export = over;
-declare module "lodash/overArgs" {
- const overArgs: typeof _.overArgs;
- export = overArgs;
-declare module "lodash/overEvery" {
- const overEvery: typeof _.overEvery;
- export = overEvery;
-declare module "lodash/overSome" {
- const overSome: typeof _.overSome;
- export = overSome;
-declare module "lodash/partial" {
- const partial: typeof _.partial;
- export = partial;
-declare module "lodash/partialRight" {
- const partialRight: typeof _.partialRight;
- export = partialRight;
-declare module "lodash/partition" {
- const partition: typeof _.partition;
- export = partition;
-declare module "lodash/pick" {
- const pick: typeof _.pick;
- export = pick;
-declare module "lodash/pickBy" {
- const pickBy: typeof _.pickBy;
- export = pickBy;
-declare module "lodash/property" {
- const property: typeof _.property;
- export = property;
-declare module "lodash/propertyOf" {
- const propertyOf: typeof _.propertyOf;
- export = propertyOf;
-declare module "lodash/pull" {
- const pull: typeof _.pull;
- export = pull;
-declare module "lodash/pullAll" {
- const pullAll: typeof _.pullAll;
- export = pullAll;
-declare module "lodash/pullAllBy" {
- const pullAllBy: typeof _.pullAllBy;
- export = pullAllBy;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/pullAllWith" {
- const pullAllWith: typeof _.pullAllWith;
- export = pullAllWith;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash/pullAt" {
- const pullAt: typeof _.pullAt;
- export = pullAt;
-declare module "lodash/range" {
- const range: typeof _.range;
- export = range;
-declare module "lodash/rangeRight" {
- const rangeRight: typeof _.rangeRight;
- export = rangeRight;
-declare module "lodash/rearg" {
- const rearg: typeof _.rearg;
- export = rearg;
-declare module "lodash/reject" {
- const reject: typeof _.reject;
- export = reject;
-declare module "lodash/remove" {
- const remove: typeof _.remove;
- export = remove;
-declare module "lodash/rest" {
- const rest: typeof _.rest;
- export = rest;
-declare module "lodash/reverse" {
- const reverse: typeof _.reverse;
- export = reverse;
-declare module "lodash/sampleSize" {
- const sampleSize: typeof _.sampleSize;
- export = sampleSize;
-declare module "lodash/set" {
- const set: typeof _.set;
- export = set;
-declare module "lodash/setWith" {
- const setWith: typeof _.setWith;
- export = setWith;
-declare module "lodash/shuffle" {
- const shuffle: typeof _.shuffle;
- export = shuffle;
-declare module "lodash/slice" {
- const slice: typeof _.slice;
- export = slice;
-declare module "lodash/sortBy" {
- const sortBy: typeof _.sortBy;
- export = sortBy;
-declare module "lodash/sortedUniq" {
- const sortedUniq: typeof _.sortedUniq;
- export = sortedUniq;
-declare module "lodash/sortedUniqBy" {
- const sortedUniqBy: typeof _.sortedUniqBy;
- export = sortedUniqBy;
-declare module "lodash/split" {
- const split: typeof _.split;
- export = split;
-declare module "lodash/spread" {
- const spread: typeof _.spread;
- export = spread;
-declare module "lodash/tail" {
- const tail: typeof _.tail;
- export = tail;
-declare module "lodash/take" {
- const take: typeof _.take;
- export = take;
-declare module "lodash/takeRight" {
- const takeRight: typeof _.takeRight;
- export = takeRight;
-declare module "lodash/takeRightWhile" {
- const takeRightWhile: typeof _.takeRightWhile;
- export = takeRightWhile;
-declare module "lodash/takeWhile" {
- const takeWhile: typeof _.takeWhile;
- export = takeWhile;
-declare module "lodash/tap" {
- const tap: typeof _.tap;
- export = tap;
-declare module "lodash/throttle" {
- const throttle: typeof _.throttle;
- export = throttle;
-declare module "lodash/thru" {
- const thru: typeof _.thru;
- export = thru;
-declare module "lodash/toArray" {
- const toArray: typeof _.toArray;
- export = toArray;
-declare module "lodash/toPairs" {
- const toPairs: typeof _.toPairs;
- export = toPairs;
-declare module "lodash/toPairsIn" {
- const toPairsIn: typeof _.toPairsIn;
- export = toPairsIn;
-declare module "lodash/toPath" {
- const toPath: typeof _.toPath;
- export = toPath;
-declare module "lodash/toPlainObject" {
- const toPlainObject: typeof _.toPlainObject;
- export = toPlainObject;
-declare module "lodash/transform" {
- const transform: typeof _.transform;
- export = transform;
-declare module "lodash/unary" {
- const unary: typeof _.unary;
- export = unary;
-declare module "lodash/union" {
- const union: typeof _.union;
- export = union;
-declare module "lodash/unionBy" {
- const unionBy: typeof _.unionBy;
- export = unionBy;
-declare module "lodash/unionWith" {
- const unionWith: typeof _.unionWith;
- export = unionWith;
-declare module "lodash/uniq" {
- const uniq: typeof _.uniq;
- export = uniq;
-declare module "lodash/uniqBy" {
- const uniqBy: typeof _.uniqBy;
- export = uniqBy;
-declare module "lodash/uniqWith" {
- const uniqWith: typeof _.uniqWith;
- export = uniqWith;
-declare module "lodash/unset" {
- const unset: typeof _.unset;
- export = unset;
-declare module "lodash/unzip" {
- const unzip: typeof _.unzip;
- export = unzip;
-declare module "lodash/unzipWith" {
- const unzipWith: typeof _.unzipWith;
- export = unzipWith;
-declare module "lodash/update" {
- const update: typeof _.update;
- export = update;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/updateWith" {
- const updateWith: typeof _.updateWith;
- export = updateWith;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash/values" {
- const values: typeof _.values;
- export = values;
-declare module "lodash/valuesIn" {
- const valuesIn: typeof _.valuesIn;
- export = valuesIn;
-declare module "lodash/without" {
- const without: typeof _.without;
- export = without;
-declare module "lodash/words" {
- const words: typeof _.words;
- export = words;
-declare module "lodash/wrap" {
- const wrap: typeof _.wrap;
- export = wrap;
-declare module "lodash/xor" {
- const xor: typeof _.xor;
- export = xor;
-declare module "lodash/xorBy" {
- const xorBy: typeof _.xorBy;
- export = xorBy;
-declare module "lodash/xorWith" {
- const xorWith: typeof _.xorWith;
- export = xorWith;
-declare module "lodash/zip" {
- const zip: typeof _.zip;
- export = zip;
-declare module "lodash/zipObject" {
- const zipObject: typeof _.zipObject;
- export = zipObject;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/zipObjectDeep" {
- const zipObjectDeep: typeof _.zipObjectDeep;
- export = zipObjectDeep;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash/zipWith" {
- const zipWith: typeof _.zipWith;
- export = zipWith;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/entries" {
- const entries: typeof _.entries;
- export = entries;
- }
- */
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/entriesIn" {
- const entriesIn: typeof _.entriesIn;
- export = entriesIn;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash/extend" {
- const extend: typeof _.extend;
- export = extend;
-declare module "lodash/extendWith" {
- const extendWith: typeof _.extendWith;
- export = extendWith;
-declare module "lodash/add" {
- const add: typeof _.add;
- export = add;
-declare module "lodash/attempt" {
- const attempt: typeof _.attempt;
- export = attempt;
-declare module "lodash/camelCase" {
- const camelCase: typeof _.camelCase;
- export = camelCase;
-declare module "lodash/capitalize" {
- const capitalize: typeof _.capitalize;
- export = capitalize;
-declare module "lodash/ceil" {
- const ceil: typeof _.ceil;
- export = ceil;
-declare module "lodash/clamp" {
- const clamp: typeof _.clamp;
- export = clamp;
-declare module "lodash/clone" {
- const clone: typeof _.clone;
- export = clone;
-declare module "lodash/cloneDeep" {
- const cloneDeep: typeof _.cloneDeep;
- export = cloneDeep;
-declare module "lodash/cloneDeepWith" {
- const cloneDeepWith: typeof _.cloneDeepWith;
- export = cloneDeepWith;
-declare module "lodash/cloneWith" {
- const cloneWith: typeof _.cloneWith;
- export = cloneWith;
-declare module "lodash/deburr" {
- const deburr: typeof _.deburr;
- export = deburr;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/divide" {
- const divide: typeof _.divide;
- export = divide;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash/endsWith" {
- const endsWith: typeof _.endsWith;
- export = endsWith;
-declare module "lodash/eq" {
- const eq: typeof _.eq;
- export = eq;
-declare module "lodash/escape" {
- const escape: typeof _.escape;
- export = escape;
-declare module "lodash/escapeRegExp" {
- const escapeRegExp: typeof _.escapeRegExp;
- export = escapeRegExp;
-declare module "lodash/every" {
- const every: typeof _.every;
- export = every;
-declare module "lodash/find" {
- const find: typeof _.find;
- export = find;
-declare module "lodash/findIndex" {
- const findIndex: typeof _.findIndex;
- export = findIndex;
-declare module "lodash/findKey" {
- const findKey: typeof _.findKey;
- export = findKey;
-declare module "lodash/findLast" {
- const findLast: typeof _.findLast;
- export = findLast;
-declare module "lodash/findLastIndex" {
- const findLastIndex: typeof _.findLastIndex;
- export = findLastIndex;
-declare module "lodash/findLastKey" {
- const findLastKey: typeof _.findLastKey;
- export = findLastKey;
-declare module "lodash/floor" {
- const floor: typeof _.floor;
- export = floor;
-declare module "lodash/forEach" {
- const forEach: typeof _.forEach;
- export = forEach;
-declare module "lodash/forEachRight" {
- const forEachRight: typeof _.forEachRight;
- export = forEachRight;
-declare module "lodash/forIn" {
- const forIn: typeof _.forIn;
- export = forIn;
-declare module "lodash/forInRight" {
- const forInRight: typeof _.forInRight;
- export = forInRight;
-declare module "lodash/forOwn" {
- const forOwn: typeof _.forOwn;
- export = forOwn;
-declare module "lodash/forOwnRight" {
- const forOwnRight: typeof _.forOwnRight;
- export = forOwnRight;
-declare module "lodash/get" {
- const get: typeof _.get;
- export = get;
-declare module "lodash/gt" {
- const gt: typeof _.gt;
- export = gt;
-declare module "lodash/gte" {
- const gte: typeof _.gte;
- export = gte;
-declare module "lodash/has" {
- const has: typeof _.has;
- export = has;
-declare module "lodash/hasIn" {
- const hasIn: typeof _.hasIn;
- export = hasIn;
-declare module "lodash/head" {
- const head: typeof _.head;
- export = head;
-declare module "lodash/identity" {
- const identity: typeof _.identity;
- export = identity;
-declare module "lodash/includes" {
- const includes: typeof _.includes;
- export = includes;
-declare module "lodash/indexOf" {
- const indexOf: typeof _.indexOf;
- export = indexOf;
-declare module "lodash/inRange" {
- const inRange: typeof _.inRange;
- export = inRange;
-declare module "lodash/invoke" {
- const invoke: typeof _.invoke;
- export = invoke;
-declare module "lodash/isArguments" {
- const isArguments: typeof _.isArguments;
- export = isArguments;
-declare module "lodash/isArray" {
- const isArray: typeof _.isArray;
- export = isArray;
-declare module "lodash/isArrayBuffer" {
- const isArrayBuffer: typeof _.isArrayBuffer;
- export = isArrayBuffer;
-declare module "lodash/isArrayLike" {
- const isArrayLike: typeof _.isArrayLike;
- export = isArrayLike;
-declare module "lodash/isArrayLikeObject" {
- const isArrayLikeObject: typeof _.isArrayLikeObject;
- export = isArrayLikeObject;
-declare module "lodash/isBoolean" {
- const isBoolean: typeof _.isBoolean;
- export = isBoolean;
-declare module "lodash/isBuffer" {
- const isBuffer: typeof _.isBuffer;
- export = isBuffer;
-declare module "lodash/isDate" {
- const isDate: typeof _.isDate;
- export = isDate;
-declare module "lodash/isElement" {
- const isElement: typeof _.isElement;
- export = isElement;
-declare module "lodash/isEmpty" {
- const isEmpty: typeof _.isEmpty;
- export = isEmpty;
-declare module "lodash/isEqual" {
- const isEqual: typeof _.isEqual;
- export = isEqual;
-declare module "lodash/isEqualWith" {
- const isEqualWith: typeof _.isEqualWith;
- export = isEqualWith;
-declare module "lodash/isError" {
- const isError: typeof _.isError;
- export = isError;
-declare module "lodash/isFinite" {
- const isFinite: typeof _.isFinite;
- export = isFinite;
-declare module "lodash/isFunction" {
- const isFunction: typeof _.isFunction;
- export = isFunction;
-declare module "lodash/isInteger" {
- const isInteger: typeof _.isInteger;
- export = isInteger;
-declare module "lodash/isLength" {
- const isLength: typeof _.isLength;
- export = isLength;
-declare module "lodash/isMap" {
- const isMap: typeof _.isMap;
- export = isMap;
-declare module "lodash/isMatch" {
- const isMatch: typeof _.isMatch;
- export = isMatch;
-declare module "lodash/isMatchWith" {
- const isMatchWith: typeof _.isMatchWith;
- export = isMatchWith;
-declare module "lodash/isNaN" {
- const isNaN: typeof _.isNaN;
- export = isNaN;
-declare module "lodash/isNative" {
- const isNative: typeof _.isNative;
- export = isNative;
-declare module "lodash/isNil" {
- const isNil: typeof _.isNil;
- export = isNil;
-declare module "lodash/isNull" {
- const isNull: typeof _.isNull;
- export = isNull;
-declare module "lodash/isNumber" {
- const isNumber: typeof _.isNumber;
- export = isNumber;
-declare module "lodash/isObject" {
- const isObject: typeof _.isObject;
- export = isObject;
-declare module "lodash/isObjectLike" {
- const isObjectLike: typeof _.isObjectLike;
- export = isObjectLike;
-declare module "lodash/isPlainObject" {
- const isPlainObject: typeof _.isPlainObject;
- export = isPlainObject;
-declare module "lodash/isRegExp" {
- const isRegExp: typeof _.isRegExp;
- export = isRegExp;
-declare module "lodash/isSafeInteger" {
- const isSafeInteger: typeof _.isSafeInteger;
- export = isSafeInteger;
-declare module "lodash/isSet" {
- const isSet: typeof _.isSet;
- export = isSet;
-declare module "lodash/isString" {
- const isString: typeof _.isString;
- export = isString;
-declare module "lodash/isSymbol" {
- const isSymbol: typeof _.isSymbol;
- export = isSymbol;
-declare module "lodash/isTypedArray" {
- const isTypedArray: typeof _.isTypedArray;
- export = isTypedArray;
-declare module "lodash/isUndefined" {
- const isUndefined: typeof _.isUndefined;
- export = isUndefined;
-declare module "lodash/isWeakMap" {
- const isWeakMap: typeof _.isWeakMap;
- export = isWeakMap;
-declare module "lodash/isWeakSet" {
- const isWeakSet: typeof _.isWeakSet;
- export = isWeakSet;
-declare module "lodash/join" {
- const join: typeof _.join;
- export = join;
-declare module "lodash/kebabCase" {
- const kebabCase: typeof _.kebabCase;
- export = kebabCase;
-declare module "lodash/last" {
- const last: typeof _.last;
- export = last;
-declare module "lodash/lastIndexOf" {
- const lastIndexOf: typeof _.lastIndexOf;
- export = lastIndexOf;
-declare module "lodash/lowerCase" {
- const lowerCase: typeof _.lowerCase;
- export = lowerCase;
-declare module "lodash/lowerFirst" {
- const lowerFirst: typeof _.lowerFirst;
- export = lowerFirst;
-declare module "lodash/lt" {
- const lt: typeof _.lt;
- export = lt;
-declare module "lodash/lte" {
- const lte: typeof _.lte;
- export = lte;
-declare module "lodash/max" {
- const max: typeof _.max;
- export = max;
-declare module "lodash/maxBy" {
- const maxBy: typeof _.maxBy;
- export = maxBy;
-declare module "lodash/mean" {
- const mean: typeof _.mean;
- export = mean;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/meanBy" {
- const meanBy: typeof _.meanBy;
- export = meanBy;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash/min" {
- const min: typeof _.min;
- export = min;
-declare module "lodash/minBy" {
- const minBy: typeof _.minBy;
- export = minBy;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/multiply" {
- const multiply: typeof _.multiply;
- export = multiply;
- }
- */
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash/nth" {
- const nth: typeof _.nth;
- export = nth;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash/noConflict" {
- const noConflict: typeof _.noConflict;
- export = noConflict;
-declare module "lodash/noop" {
- const noop: typeof _.noop;
- export = noop;
-declare module "lodash/now" {
- const now: typeof _.now;
- export = now;
-declare module "lodash/pad" {
- const pad: typeof _.pad;
- export = pad;
-declare module "lodash/padEnd" {
- const padEnd: typeof _.padEnd;
- export = padEnd;
-declare module "lodash/padStart" {
- const padStart: typeof _.padStart;
- export = padStart;
-declare module "lodash/parseInt" {
- const parseInt: typeof _.parseInt;
- export = parseInt;
-declare module "lodash/random" {
- const random: typeof _.random;
- export = random;
-declare module "lodash/reduce" {
- const reduce: typeof _.reduce;
- export = reduce;
-declare module "lodash/reduceRight" {
- const reduceRight: typeof _.reduceRight;
- export = reduceRight;
-declare module "lodash/repeat" {
- const repeat: typeof _.repeat;
- export = repeat;
-declare module "lodash/replace" {
- const replace: typeof _.replace;
- export = replace;
-declare module "lodash/result" {
- const result: typeof _.result;
- export = result;
-declare module "lodash/round" {
- const round: typeof _.round;
- export = round;
-declare module "lodash/runInContext" {
- const runInContext: typeof _.runInContext;
- export = runInContext;
-declare module "lodash/sample" {
- const sample: typeof _.sample;
- export = sample;
-declare module "lodash/size" {
- const size: typeof _.size;
- export = size;
-declare module "lodash/snakeCase" {
- const snakeCase: typeof _.snakeCase;
- export = snakeCase;
-declare module "lodash/some" {
- const some: typeof _.some;
- export = some;
-declare module "lodash/sortedIndex" {
- const sortedIndex: typeof _.sortedIndex;
- export = sortedIndex;
-declare module "lodash/sortedIndexBy" {
- const sortedIndexBy: typeof _.sortedIndexBy;
- export = sortedIndexBy;
-declare module "lodash/sortedIndexOf" {
- const sortedIndexOf: typeof _.sortedIndexOf;
- export = sortedIndexOf;
-declare module "lodash/sortedLastIndex" {
- const sortedLastIndex: typeof _.sortedLastIndex;
- export = sortedLastIndex;
-declare module "lodash/sortedLastIndexBy" {
- const sortedLastIndexBy: typeof _.sortedLastIndexBy;
- export = sortedLastIndexBy;
-declare module "lodash/sortedLastIndexOf" {
- const sortedLastIndexOf: typeof _.sortedLastIndexOf;
- export = sortedLastIndexOf;
-declare module "lodash/startCase" {
- const startCase: typeof _.startCase;
- export = startCase;
-declare module "lodash/startsWith" {
- const startsWith: typeof _.startsWith;
- export = startsWith;
-declare module "lodash/subtract" {
- const subtract: typeof _.subtract;
- export = subtract;
-declare module "lodash/sum" {
- const sum: typeof _.sum;
- export = sum;
-declare module "lodash/sumBy" {
- const sumBy: typeof _.sumBy;
- export = sumBy;
-declare module "lodash/template" {
- const template: typeof _.template;
- export = template;
-declare module "lodash/times" {
- const times: typeof _.times;
- export = times;
-declare module "lodash/toInteger" {
- const toInteger: typeof _.toInteger;
- export = toInteger;
-declare module "lodash/toLength" {
- const toLength: typeof _.toLength;
- export = toLength;
-declare module "lodash/toLower" {
- const toLower: typeof _.toLower;
- export = toLower;
-declare module "lodash/toNumber" {
- const toNumber: typeof _.toNumber;
- export = toNumber;
-declare module "lodash/toSafeInteger" {
- const toSafeInteger: typeof _.toSafeInteger;
- export = toSafeInteger;
-declare module "lodash/toString" {
- const toString: typeof _.toString;
- export = toString;
-declare module "lodash/toUpper" {
- const toUpper: typeof _.toUpper;
- export = toUpper;
-declare module "lodash/trim" {
- const trim: typeof _.trim;
- export = trim;
-declare module "lodash/trimEnd" {
- const trimEnd: typeof _.trimEnd;
- export = trimEnd;
-declare module "lodash/trimStart" {
- const trimStart: typeof _.trimStart;
- export = trimStart;
-declare module "lodash/truncate" {
- const truncate: typeof _.truncate;
- export = truncate;
-declare module "lodash/unescape" {
- const unescape: typeof _.unescape;
- export = unescape;
-declare module "lodash/uniqueId" {
- const uniqueId: typeof _.uniqueId;
- export = uniqueId;
-declare module "lodash/upperCase" {
- const upperCase: typeof _.upperCase;
- export = upperCase;
-declare module "lodash/upperFirst" {
- const upperFirst: typeof _.upperFirst;
- export = upperFirst;
-declare module "lodash/each" {
- const each: typeof _.each;
- export = each;
-declare module "lodash/eachRight" {
- const eachRight: typeof _.eachRight;
- export = eachRight;
-declare module "lodash/first" {
- const first: typeof _.first;
- export = first;
-declare module "lodash/fp" {
- export = _;
-declare module "lodash" {
- export = _;
- * *
- * The lodash method _.XXX exported as a module. *
- * *
- *************************************************/
-declare module "lodash.after" {
- const after: typeof _.after;
- export = after;
-declare module "lodash.ary" {
- const ary: typeof _.ary;
- export = ary;
-declare module "lodash.assign" {
- const assign: typeof _.assign;
- export = assign;
-declare module "lodash.assignIn" {
- const assignIn: typeof _.assignIn;
- export = assignIn;
-declare module "lodash.assignInWith" {
- const assignInWith: typeof _.assignInWith;
- export = assignInWith;
-declare module "lodash.assignWith" {
- const assignWith: typeof _.assignWith;
- export = assignWith;
-declare module "lodash.at" {
- const at: typeof _.at;
- export = at;
-declare module "lodash.before" {
- const before: typeof _.before;
- export = before;
-declare module "lodash.bind" {
- const bind: typeof _.bind;
- export = bind;
-declare module "lodash.bindAll" {
- const bindAll: typeof _.bindAll;
- export = bindAll;
-declare module "lodash.bindKey" {
- const bindKey: typeof _.bindKey;
- export = bindKey;
-declare module "lodash.castArray" {
- const castArray: typeof _.castArray;
- export = castArray;
-declare module "lodash.chain" {
- const chain: typeof _.chain;
- export = chain;
-declare module "lodash.chunk" {
- const chunk: typeof _.chunk;
- export = chunk;
-declare module "lodash.compact" {
- const compact: typeof _.compact;
- export = compact;
-declare module "lodash.concat" {
- const concat: typeof _.concat;
- export = concat;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.cond" {
- const cond: typeof _.cond;
- export = cond;
- }
- */
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.conforms" {
- const conforms: typeof _.conforms;
- export = conforms;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash.constant" {
- const constant: typeof _.constant;
- export = constant;
-declare module "lodash.countBy" {
- const countBy: typeof _.countBy;
- export = countBy;
-declare module "lodash.create" {
- const create: typeof _.create;
- export = create;
-declare module "lodash.curry" {
- const curry: typeof _.curry;
- export = curry;
-declare module "lodash.curryRight" {
- const curryRight: typeof _.curryRight;
- export = curryRight;
-declare module "lodash.debounce" {
- const debounce: typeof _.debounce;
- export = debounce;
-declare module "lodash.defaults" {
- const defaults: typeof _.defaults;
- export = defaults;
-declare module "lodash.defaultsDeep" {
- const defaultsDeep: typeof _.defaultsDeep;
- export = defaultsDeep;
-declare module "lodash.defer" {
- const defer: typeof _.defer;
- export = defer;
-declare module "lodash.delay" {
- const delay: typeof _.delay;
- export = delay;
-declare module "lodash.difference" {
- const difference: typeof _.difference;
- export = difference;
-declare module "lodash.differenceBy" {
- const differenceBy: typeof _.differenceBy;
- export = differenceBy;
-declare module "lodash.differenceWith" {
- const differenceWith: typeof _.differenceWith;
- export = differenceWith;
-declare module "lodash.drop" {
- const drop: typeof _.drop;
- export = drop;
-declare module "lodash.dropRight" {
- const dropRight: typeof _.dropRight;
- export = dropRight;
-declare module "lodash.dropRightWhile" {
- const dropRightWhile: typeof _.dropRightWhile;
- export = dropRightWhile;
-declare module "lodash.dropWhile" {
- const dropWhile: typeof _.dropWhile;
- export = dropWhile;
-declare module "lodash.fill" {
- const fill: typeof _.fill;
- export = fill;
-declare module "lodash.filter" {
- const filter: typeof _.filter;
- export = filter;
-declare module "lodash.flatMap" {
- const flatMap: typeof _.flatMap;
- export = flatMap;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.flatMapDeep" {
- const flatMapDeep: typeof _.flatMapDeep;
- export = flatMapDeep;
- }
- */
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.flatMapDepth" {
- const flatMapDepth: typeof _.flatMapDepth;
- export = flatMapDepth;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash.flatten" {
- const flatten: typeof _.flatten;
- export = flatten;
-declare module "lodash.flattenDeep" {
- const flattenDeep: typeof _.flattenDeep;
- export = flattenDeep;
-declare module "lodash.flattenDepth" {
- const flattenDepth: typeof _.flattenDepth;
- export = flattenDepth;
-declare module "lodash.flip" {
- const flip: typeof _.flip;
- export = flip;
-declare module "lodash.flow" {
- const flow: typeof _.flow;
- export = flow;
-declare module "lodash.flowRight" {
- const flowRight: typeof _.flowRight;
- export = flowRight;
-declare module "lodash.fromPairs" {
- const fromPairs: typeof _.fromPairs;
- export = fromPairs;
-declare module "lodash.functions" {
- const functions: typeof _.functions;
- export = functions;
-declare module "lodash.functionsIn" {
- const functionsIn: typeof _.functionsIn;
- export = functionsIn;
-declare module "lodash.groupBy" {
- const groupBy: typeof _.groupBy;
- export = groupBy;
-declare module "lodash.initial" {
- const initial: typeof _.initial;
- export = initial;
-declare module "lodash.intersection" {
- const intersection: typeof _.intersection;
- export = intersection;
-declare module "lodash.intersectionBy" {
- const intersectionBy: typeof _.intersectionBy;
- export = intersectionBy;
-declare module "lodash.intersectionWith" {
- const intersectionWith: typeof _.intersectionWith;
- export = intersectionWith;
-declare module "lodash.invert" {
- const invert: typeof _.invert;
- export = invert;
-declare module "lodash.invertBy" {
- const invertBy: typeof _.invertBy;
- export = invertBy;
-declare module "lodash.invokeMap" {
- const invokeMap: typeof _.invokeMap;
- export = invokeMap;
-declare module "lodash.iteratee" {
- const iteratee: typeof _.iteratee;
- export = iteratee;
-declare module "lodash.keyBy" {
- const keyBy: typeof _.keyBy;
- export = keyBy;
-declare module "lodash.keys" {
- const keys: typeof _.keys;
- export = keys;
-declare module "lodash.keysIn" {
- const keysIn: typeof _.keysIn;
- export = keysIn;
-declare module "lodash.map" {
- const map: typeof _.map;
- export = map;
-declare module "lodash.mapKeys" {
- const mapKeys: typeof _.mapKeys;
- export = mapKeys;
-declare module "lodash.mapValues" {
- const mapValues: typeof _.mapValues;
- export = mapValues;
-declare module "lodash.matches" {
- const matches: typeof _.matches;
- export = matches;
-declare module "lodash.matchesProperty" {
- const matchesProperty: typeof _.matchesProperty;
- export = matchesProperty;
-declare module "lodash.memoize" {
- const memoize: typeof _.memoize;
- export = memoize;
-declare module "lodash.merge" {
- const merge: typeof _.merge;
- export = merge;
-declare module "lodash.mergeWith" {
- const mergeWith: typeof _.mergeWith;
- export = mergeWith;
-declare module "lodash.method" {
- const method: typeof _.method;
- export = method;
-declare module "lodash.methodOf" {
- const methodOf: typeof _.methodOf;
- export = methodOf;
-declare module "lodash.mixin" {
- const mixin: typeof _.mixin;
- export = mixin;
-declare module "lodash.negate" {
- const negate: typeof _.negate;
- export = negate;
-declare module "lodash.nthArg" {
- const nthArg: typeof _.nthArg;
- export = nthArg;
-declare module "lodash.omit" {
- const omit: typeof _.omit;
- export = omit;
-declare module "lodash.omitBy" {
- const omitBy: typeof _.omitBy;
- export = omitBy;
-declare module "lodash.once" {
- const once: typeof _.once;
- export = once;
-declare module "lodash.orderBy" {
- const orderBy: typeof _.orderBy;
- export = orderBy;
-declare module "lodash.over" {
- const over: typeof _.over;
- export = over;
-declare module "lodash.overArgs" {
- const overArgs: typeof _.overArgs;
- export = overArgs;
-declare module "lodash.overEvery" {
- const overEvery: typeof _.overEvery;
- export = overEvery;
-declare module "lodash.overSome" {
- const overSome: typeof _.overSome;
- export = overSome;
-declare module "lodash.partial" {
- const partial: typeof _.partial;
- export = partial;
-declare module "lodash.partialRight" {
- const partialRight: typeof _.partialRight;
- export = partialRight;
-declare module "lodash.partition" {
- const partition: typeof _.partition;
- export = partition;
-declare module "lodash.pick" {
- const pick: typeof _.pick;
- export = pick;
-declare module "lodash.pickBy" {
- const pickBy: typeof _.pickBy;
- export = pickBy;
-declare module "lodash.property" {
- const property: typeof _.property;
- export = property;
-declare module "lodash.propertyOf" {
- const propertyOf: typeof _.propertyOf;
- export = propertyOf;
-declare module "lodash.pull" {
- const pull: typeof _.pull;
- export = pull;
-declare module "lodash.pullAll" {
- const pullAll: typeof _.pullAll;
- export = pullAll;
-declare module "lodash.pullAllBy" {
- const pullAllBy: typeof _.pullAllBy;
- export = pullAllBy;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.pullAllWith" {
- const pullAllWith: typeof _.pullAllWith;
- export = pullAllWith;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash.pullAt" {
- const pullAt: typeof _.pullAt;
- export = pullAt;
-declare module "lodash.range" {
- const range: typeof _.range;
- export = range;
-declare module "lodash.rangeRight" {
- const rangeRight: typeof _.rangeRight;
- export = rangeRight;
-declare module "lodash.rearg" {
- const rearg: typeof _.rearg;
- export = rearg;
-declare module "lodash.reject" {
- const reject: typeof _.reject;
- export = reject;
-declare module "lodash.remove" {
- const remove: typeof _.remove;
- export = remove;
-declare module "lodash.rest" {
- const rest: typeof _.rest;
- export = rest;
-declare module "lodash.reverse" {
- const reverse: typeof _.reverse;
- export = reverse;
-declare module "lodash.sampleSize" {
- const sampleSize: typeof _.sampleSize;
- export = sampleSize;
-declare module "lodash.set" {
- const set: typeof _.set;
- export = set;
-declare module "lodash.setWith" {
- const setWith: typeof _.setWith;
- export = setWith;
-declare module "lodash.shuffle" {
- const shuffle: typeof _.shuffle;
- export = shuffle;
-declare module "lodash.slice" {
- const slice: typeof _.slice;
- export = slice;
-declare module "lodash.sortBy" {
- const sortBy: typeof _.sortBy;
- export = sortBy;
-declare module "lodash.sortedUniq" {
- const sortedUniq: typeof _.sortedUniq;
- export = sortedUniq;
-declare module "lodash.sortedUniqBy" {
- const sortedUniqBy: typeof _.sortedUniqBy;
- export = sortedUniqBy;
-declare module "lodash.split" {
- const split: typeof _.split;
- export = split;
-declare module "lodash.spread" {
- const spread: typeof _.spread;
- export = spread;
-declare module "lodash.tail" {
- const tail: typeof _.tail;
- export = tail;
-declare module "lodash.take" {
- const take: typeof _.take;
- export = take;
-declare module "lodash.takeRight" {
- const takeRight: typeof _.takeRight;
- export = takeRight;
-declare module "lodash.takeRightWhile" {
- const takeRightWhile: typeof _.takeRightWhile;
- export = takeRightWhile;
-declare module "lodash.takeWhile" {
- const takeWhile: typeof _.takeWhile;
- export = takeWhile;
-declare module "lodash.tap" {
- const tap: typeof _.tap;
- export = tap;
-declare module "lodash.throttle" {
- const throttle: typeof _.throttle;
- export = throttle;
-declare module "lodash.thru" {
- const thru: typeof _.thru;
- export = thru;
-declare module "lodash.toArray" {
- const toArray: typeof _.toArray;
- export = toArray;
-declare module "lodash.toPairs" {
- const toPairs: typeof _.toPairs;
- export = toPairs;
-declare module "lodash.toPairsIn" {
- const toPairsIn: typeof _.toPairsIn;
- export = toPairsIn;
-declare module "lodash.toPath" {
- const toPath: typeof _.toPath;
- export = toPath;
-declare module "lodash.toPlainObject" {
- const toPlainObject: typeof _.toPlainObject;
- export = toPlainObject;
-declare module "lodash.transform" {
- const transform: typeof _.transform;
- export = transform;
-declare module "lodash.unary" {
- const unary: typeof _.unary;
- export = unary;
-declare module "lodash.union" {
- const union: typeof _.union;
- export = union;
-declare module "lodash.unionBy" {
- const unionBy: typeof _.unionBy;
- export = unionBy;
-declare module "lodash.unionWith" {
- const unionWith: typeof _.unionWith;
- export = unionWith;
-declare module "lodash.uniq" {
- const uniq: typeof _.uniq;
- export = uniq;
-declare module "lodash.uniqBy" {
- const uniqBy: typeof _.uniqBy;
- export = uniqBy;
-declare module "lodash.uniqWith" {
- const uniqWith: typeof _.uniqWith;
- export = uniqWith;
-declare module "lodash.unset" {
- const unset: typeof _.unset;
- export = unset;
-declare module "lodash.unzip" {
- const unzip: typeof _.unzip;
- export = unzip;
-declare module "lodash.unzipWith" {
- const unzipWith: typeof _.unzipWith;
- export = unzipWith;
-declare module "lodash.update" {
- const update: typeof _.update;
- export = update;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.updateWith" {
- const updateWith: typeof _.updateWith;
- export = updateWith;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash.values" {
- const values: typeof _.values;
- export = values;
-declare module "lodash.valuesIn" {
- const valuesIn: typeof _.valuesIn;
- export = valuesIn;
-declare module "lodash.without" {
- const without: typeof _.without;
- export = without;
-declare module "lodash.words" {
- const words: typeof _.words;
- export = words;
-declare module "lodash.wrap" {
- const wrap: typeof _.wrap;
- export = wrap;
-declare module "lodash.xor" {
- const xor: typeof _.xor;
- export = xor;
-declare module "lodash.xorBy" {
- const xorBy: typeof _.xorBy;
- export = xorBy;
-declare module "lodash.xorWith" {
- const xorWith: typeof _.xorWith;
- export = xorWith;
-declare module "lodash.zip" {
- const zip: typeof _.zip;
- export = zip;
-declare module "lodash.zipObject" {
- const zipObject: typeof _.zipObject;
- export = zipObject;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.zipObjectDeep" {
- const zipObjectDeep: typeof _.zipObjectDeep;
- export = zipObjectDeep;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash.zipWith" {
- const zipWith: typeof _.zipWith;
- export = zipWith;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.entries" {
- const entries: typeof _.entries;
- export = entries;
- }
- */
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.entriesIn" {
- const entriesIn: typeof _.entriesIn;
- export = entriesIn;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash.extend" {
- const extend: typeof _.extend;
- export = extend;
-declare module "lodash.extendWith" {
- const extendWith: typeof _.extendWith;
- export = extendWith;
-declare module "lodash.add" {
- const add: typeof _.add;
- export = add;
-declare module "lodash.attempt" {
- const attempt: typeof _.attempt;
- export = attempt;
-declare module "lodash.camelCase" {
- const camelCase: typeof _.camelCase;
- export = camelCase;
-declare module "lodash.capitalize" {
- const capitalize: typeof _.capitalize;
- export = capitalize;
-declare module "lodash.ceil" {
- const ceil: typeof _.ceil;
- export = ceil;
-declare module "lodash.clamp" {
- const clamp: typeof _.clamp;
- export = clamp;
-declare module "lodash.clone" {
- const clone: typeof _.clone;
- export = clone;
-declare module "lodash.cloneDeep" {
- const cloneDeep: typeof _.cloneDeep;
- export = cloneDeep;
-declare module "lodash.cloneDeepWith" {
- const cloneDeepWith: typeof _.cloneDeepWith;
- export = cloneDeepWith;
-declare module "lodash.cloneWith" {
- const cloneWith: typeof _.cloneWith;
- export = cloneWith;
-declare module "lodash.deburr" {
- const deburr: typeof _.deburr;
- export = deburr;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.divide" {
- const divide: typeof _.divide;
- export = divide;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash.endsWith" {
- const endsWith: typeof _.endsWith;
- export = endsWith;
-declare module "lodash.eq" {
- const eq: typeof _.eq;
- export = eq;
-declare module "lodash.escape" {
- const escape: typeof _.escape;
- export = escape;
-declare module "lodash.escapeRegExp" {
- const escapeRegExp: typeof _.escapeRegExp;
- export = escapeRegExp;
-declare module "lodash.every" {
- const every: typeof _.every;
- export = every;
-declare module "lodash.find" {
- const find: typeof _.find;
- export = find;
-declare module "lodash.findIndex" {
- const findIndex: typeof _.findIndex;
- export = findIndex;
-declare module "lodash.findKey" {
- const findKey: typeof _.findKey;
- export = findKey;
-declare module "lodash.findLast" {
- const findLast: typeof _.findLast;
- export = findLast;
-declare module "lodash.findLastIndex" {
- const findLastIndex: typeof _.findLastIndex;
- export = findLastIndex;
-declare module "lodash.findLastKey" {
- const findLastKey: typeof _.findLastKey;
- export = findLastKey;
-declare module "lodash.floor" {
- const floor: typeof _.floor;
- export = floor;
-declare module "lodash.forEach" {
- const forEach: typeof _.forEach;
- export = forEach;
-declare module "lodash.forEachRight" {
- const forEachRight: typeof _.forEachRight;
- export = forEachRight;
-declare module "lodash.forIn" {
- const forIn: typeof _.forIn;
- export = forIn;
-declare module "lodash.forInRight" {
- const forInRight: typeof _.forInRight;
- export = forInRight;
-declare module "lodash.forOwn" {
- const forOwn: typeof _.forOwn;
- export = forOwn;
-declare module "lodash.forOwnRight" {
- const forOwnRight: typeof _.forOwnRight;
- export = forOwnRight;
-declare module "lodash.get" {
- const get: typeof _.get;
- export = get;
-declare module "lodash.gt" {
- const gt: typeof _.gt;
- export = gt;
-declare module "lodash.gte" {
- const gte: typeof _.gte;
- export = gte;
-declare module "lodash.has" {
- const has: typeof _.has;
- export = has;
-declare module "lodash.hasIn" {
- const hasIn: typeof _.hasIn;
- export = hasIn;
-declare module "lodash.head" {
- const head: typeof _.head;
- export = head;
-declare module "lodash.identity" {
- const identity: typeof _.identity;
- export = identity;
-declare module "lodash.includes" {
- const includes: typeof _.includes;
- export = includes;
-declare module "lodash.indexOf" {
- const indexOf: typeof _.indexOf;
- export = indexOf;
-declare module "lodash.inRange" {
- const inRange: typeof _.inRange;
- export = inRange;
-declare module "lodash.invoke" {
- const invoke: typeof _.invoke;
- export = invoke;
-declare module "lodash.isArguments" {
- const isArguments: typeof _.isArguments;
- export = isArguments;
-declare module "lodash.isArray" {
- const isArray: typeof _.isArray;
- export = isArray;
-declare module "lodash.isArrayBuffer" {
- const isArrayBuffer: typeof _.isArrayBuffer;
- export = isArrayBuffer;
-declare module "lodash.isArrayLike" {
- const isArrayLike: typeof _.isArrayLike;
- export = isArrayLike;
-declare module "lodash.isArrayLikeObject" {
- const isArrayLikeObject: typeof _.isArrayLikeObject;
- export = isArrayLikeObject;
-declare module "lodash.isBoolean" {
- const isBoolean: typeof _.isBoolean;
- export = isBoolean;
-declare module "lodash.isBuffer" {
- const isBuffer: typeof _.isBuffer;
- export = isBuffer;
-declare module "lodash.isDate" {
- const isDate: typeof _.isDate;
- export = isDate;
-declare module "lodash.isElement" {
- const isElement: typeof _.isElement;
- export = isElement;
-declare module "lodash.isEmpty" {
- const isEmpty: typeof _.isEmpty;
- export = isEmpty;
-declare module "lodash.isEqual" {
- const isEqual: typeof _.isEqual;
- export = isEqual;
-declare module "lodash.isEqualWith" {
- const isEqualWith: typeof _.isEqualWith;
- export = isEqualWith;
-declare module "lodash.isError" {
- const isError: typeof _.isError;
- export = isError;
-declare module "lodash.isFinite" {
- const isFinite: typeof _.isFinite;
- export = isFinite;
-declare module "lodash.isFunction" {
- const isFunction: typeof _.isFunction;
- export = isFunction;
-declare module "lodash.isInteger" {
- const isInteger: typeof _.isInteger;
- export = isInteger;
-declare module "lodash.isLength" {
- const isLength: typeof _.isLength;
- export = isLength;
-declare module "lodash.isMap" {
- const isMap: typeof _.isMap;
- export = isMap;
-declare module "lodash.isMatch" {
- const isMatch: typeof _.isMatch;
- export = isMatch;
-declare module "lodash.isMatchWith" {
- const isMatchWith: typeof _.isMatchWith;
- export = isMatchWith;
-declare module "lodash.isNaN" {
- const isNaN: typeof _.isNaN;
- export = isNaN;
-declare module "lodash.isNative" {
- const isNative: typeof _.isNative;
- export = isNative;
-declare module "lodash.isNil" {
- const isNil: typeof _.isNil;
- export = isNil;
-declare module "lodash.isNull" {
- const isNull: typeof _.isNull;
- export = isNull;
-declare module "lodash.isNumber" {
- const isNumber: typeof _.isNumber;
- export = isNumber;
-declare module "lodash.isObject" {
- const isObject: typeof _.isObject;
- export = isObject;
-declare module "lodash.isObjectLike" {
- const isObjectLike: typeof _.isObjectLike;
- export = isObjectLike;
-declare module "lodash.isPlainObject" {
- const isPlainObject: typeof _.isPlainObject;
- export = isPlainObject;
-declare module "lodash.isRegExp" {
- const isRegExp: typeof _.isRegExp;
- export = isRegExp;
-declare module "lodash.isSafeInteger" {
- const isSafeInteger: typeof _.isSafeInteger;
- export = isSafeInteger;
-declare module "lodash.isSet" {
- const isSet: typeof _.isSet;
- export = isSet;
-declare module "lodash.isString" {
- const isString: typeof _.isString;
- export = isString;
-declare module "lodash.isSymbol" {
- const isSymbol: typeof _.isSymbol;
- export = isSymbol;
-declare module "lodash.isTypedArray" {
- const isTypedArray: typeof _.isTypedArray;
- export = isTypedArray;
-declare module "lodash.isUndefined" {
- const isUndefined: typeof _.isUndefined;
- export = isUndefined;
-declare module "lodash.isWeakMap" {
- const isWeakMap: typeof _.isWeakMap;
- export = isWeakMap;
-declare module "lodash.isWeakSet" {
- const isWeakSet: typeof _.isWeakSet;
- export = isWeakSet;
-declare module "lodash.join" {
- const join: typeof _.join;
- export = join;
-declare module "lodash.kebabCase" {
- const kebabCase: typeof _.kebabCase;
- export = kebabCase;
-declare module "lodash.last" {
- const last: typeof _.last;
- export = last;
-declare module "lodash.lastIndexOf" {
- const lastIndexOf: typeof _.lastIndexOf;
- export = lastIndexOf;
-declare module "lodash.lowerCase" {
- const lowerCase: typeof _.lowerCase;
- export = lowerCase;
-declare module "lodash.lowerFirst" {
- const lowerFirst: typeof _.lowerFirst;
- export = lowerFirst;
-declare module "lodash.lt" {
- const lt: typeof _.lt;
- export = lt;
-declare module "lodash.lte" {
- const lte: typeof _.lte;
- export = lte;
-declare module "lodash.max" {
- const max: typeof _.max;
- export = max;
-declare module "lodash.maxBy" {
- const maxBy: typeof _.maxBy;
- export = maxBy;
-declare module "lodash.mean" {
- const mean: typeof _.mean;
- export = mean;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.meanBy" {
- const meanBy: typeof _.meanBy;
- export = meanBy;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash.min" {
- const min: typeof _.min;
- export = min;
-declare module "lodash.minBy" {
- const minBy: typeof _.minBy;
- export = minBy;
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.multiply" {
- const multiply: typeof _.multiply;
- export = multiply;
- }
- */
- * uncoment it if definition exists
- */
- declare module "lodash.nth" {
- const nth: typeof _.nth;
- export = nth;
- }
- */
-declare module "lodash.noConflict" {
- const noConflict: typeof _.noConflict;
- export = noConflict;
-declare module "lodash.noop" {
- const noop: typeof _.noop;
- export = noop;
-declare module "lodash.now" {
- const now: typeof _.now;
- export = now;
-declare module "lodash.pad" {
- const pad: typeof _.pad;
- export = pad;
-declare module "lodash.padEnd" {
- const padEnd: typeof _.padEnd;
- export = padEnd;
-declare module "lodash.padStart" {
- const padStart: typeof _.padStart;
- export = padStart;
-declare module "lodash.parseInt" {
- const parseInt: typeof _.parseInt;
- export = parseInt;
-declare module "lodash.random" {
- const random: typeof _.random;
- export = random;
-declare module "lodash.reduce" {
- const reduce: typeof _.reduce;
- export = reduce;
-declare module "lodash.reduceRight" {
- const reduceRight: typeof _.reduceRight;
- export = reduceRight;
-declare module "lodash.repeat" {
- const repeat: typeof _.repeat;
- export = repeat;
-declare module "lodash.replace" {
- const replace: typeof _.replace;
- export = replace;
-declare module "lodash.result" {
- const result: typeof _.result;
- export = result;
-declare module "lodash.round" {
- const round: typeof _.round;
- export = round;
-declare module "lodash.runInContext" {
- const runInContext: typeof _.runInContext;
- export = runInContext;
-declare module "lodash.sample" {
- const sample: typeof _.sample;
- export = sample;
-declare module "lodash.size" {
- const size: typeof _.size;
- export = size;
-declare module "lodash.snakeCase" {
- const snakeCase: typeof _.snakeCase;
- export = snakeCase;
-declare module "lodash.some" {
- const some: typeof _.some;
- export = some;
-declare module "lodash.sortedIndex" {
- const sortedIndex: typeof _.sortedIndex;
- export = sortedIndex;
-declare module "lodash.sortedIndexBy" {
- const sortedIndexBy: typeof _.sortedIndexBy;
- export = sortedIndexBy;
-declare module "lodash.sortedIndexOf" {
- const sortedIndexOf: typeof _.sortedIndexOf;
- export = sortedIndexOf;
-declare module "lodash.sortedLastIndex" {
- const sortedLastIndex: typeof _.sortedLastIndex;
- export = sortedLastIndex;
-declare module "lodash.sortedLastIndexBy" {
- const sortedLastIndexBy: typeof _.sortedLastIndexBy;
- export = sortedLastIndexBy;
-declare module "lodash.sortedLastIndexOf" {
- const sortedLastIndexOf: typeof _.sortedLastIndexOf;
- export = sortedLastIndexOf;
-declare module "lodash.startCase" {
- const startCase: typeof _.startCase;
- export = startCase;
-declare module "lodash.startsWith" {
- const startsWith: typeof _.startsWith;
- export = startsWith;
-declare module "lodash.subtract" {
- const subtract: typeof _.subtract;
- export = subtract;
-declare module "lodash.sum" {
- const sum: typeof _.sum;
- export = sum;
-declare module "lodash.sumBy" {
- const sumBy: typeof _.sumBy;
- export = sumBy;
-declare module "lodash.template" {
- const template: typeof _.template;
- export = template;
-declare module "lodash.times" {
- const times: typeof _.times;
- export = times;
-declare module "lodash.toInteger" {
- const toInteger: typeof _.toInteger;
- export = toInteger;
-declare module "lodash.toLength" {
- const toLength: typeof _.toLength;
- export = toLength;
-declare module "lodash.toLower" {
- const toLower: typeof _.toLower;
- export = toLower;
-declare module "lodash.toNumber" {
- const toNumber: typeof _.toNumber;
- export = toNumber;
-declare module "lodash.toSafeInteger" {
- const toSafeInteger: typeof _.toSafeInteger;
- export = toSafeInteger;
-declare module "lodash.toString" {
- const toString: typeof _.toString;
- export = toString;
-declare module "lodash.toUpper" {
- const toUpper: typeof _.toUpper;
- export = toUpper;
-declare module "lodash.trim" {
- const trim: typeof _.trim;
- export = trim;
-declare module "lodash.trimEnd" {
- const trimEnd: typeof _.trimEnd;
- export = trimEnd;
-declare module "lodash.trimStart" {
- const trimStart: typeof _.trimStart;
- export = trimStart;
-declare module "lodash.truncate" {
- const truncate: typeof _.truncate;
- export = truncate;
-declare module "lodash.unescape" {
- const unescape: typeof _.unescape;
- export = unescape;
-declare module "lodash.uniqueId" {
- const uniqueId: typeof _.uniqueId;
- export = uniqueId;
-declare module "lodash.upperCase" {
- const upperCase: typeof _.upperCase;
- export = upperCase;
-declare module "lodash.upperFirst" {
- const upperFirst: typeof _.upperFirst;
- export = upperFirst;
-declare module "lodash.each" {
- const each: typeof _.each;
- export = each;
-declare module "lodash.eachRight" {
- const eachRight: typeof _.eachRight;
- export = eachRight;
-declare module "lodash.first" {
- const first: typeof _.first;
- export = first;
-// Backward compatibility with --target es5
-interface Set<T> {}
-interface Map<K, V> {}
-interface WeakSet<T> {}
-interface WeakMap<K, V> {} \ No newline at end of file