path: root/catalog-ui/src/app/directives/ecomp-header/ecomp-header.ts
diff options
authorMichael Lando <>2017-06-09 03:19:04 +0300
committerMichael Lando <>2017-06-09 03:19:04 +0300
commited64b5edff15e702493df21aa3230b81593e6133 (patch)
treea4cb01fdaccc34930a8db403a3097c0d1e40914b /catalog-ui/src/app/directives/ecomp-header/ecomp-header.ts
parent280f8015d06af1f41a3ef12e8300801c7a5e0d54 (diff)
[SDC-29] catalog 1707 rebase commit.
Change-Id: I43c3dc5cf44abf5da817649bc738938a3e8388c1 Signed-off-by: Michael Lando <>
Diffstat (limited to 'catalog-ui/src/app/directives/ecomp-header/ecomp-header.ts')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catalog-ui/src/app/directives/ecomp-header/ecomp-header.ts b/catalog-ui/src/app/directives/ecomp-header/ecomp-header.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba96e80484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog-ui/src/app/directives/ecomp-header/ecomp-header.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+'use strict';
+import {IAppConfigurtaion, User, IUser} from "app/models";
+import {IUserResourceClass, IUserResource} from "app/services";
+export class MenuItem {
+ menuId:number;
+ column:number;
+ text:string;
+ parentMenuId:number;
+ url:string;
+ children:Array<MenuItem>
+export interface IEcompHeaderDirectiveScope extends ng.IScope {
+ menuData:Array<MenuItem>;
+ version:string;
+ clickableLogo:string;
+ contactUsUrl:string;
+ getAccessUrl:string;
+ megaMenuDataObjectTemp:Array<any>;
+ megaMenuDataObject:Array<any>;
+ selectedTopMenu:MenuItem;
+ selectedSubMenu:MenuItem;
+ firstMenuLevelClick:Function;
+ subMenuEnterAction:Function;
+ subMenuLeaveAction:Function;
+ memuItemClick:Function;
+ user:IUser;
+export class EcompHeaderDirective implements ng.IDirective {
+ constructor(private $http:ng.IHttpService,
+ private sdcConfig:IAppConfigurtaion,
+ private UserResourceClass:IUserResourceClass) {
+ }
+ scope = {
+ menuData: '=',
+ version: '@',
+ clickableLogo: '@?'
+ };
+ public replace = true;
+ public restrict = 'E';
+ public controller = EcompHeaderController;
+ template = ():string => {
+ return 'src/app/directives/ecomp-header/ecomp-header.html';
+ };
+ link = ($scope:IEcompHeaderDirectiveScope, $elem:JQuery, attr:any) => {
+ if (!$scope.clickableLogo) {
+ $scope.clickableLogo = "true";
+ }
+ let findMenuItemById = (menuId):MenuItem => {
+ let selectedMenuItem:MenuItem = _.find($scope.menuData, (item:MenuItem)=> {
+ if (item.menuId === menuId) {
+ return item;
+ }
+ });
+ return selectedMenuItem;
+ };
+ let initUser = ():void => {
+ let defaultUserId:string;
+ let user:IUserResource = this.UserResourceClass.getLoggedinUser();
+ if (!user) {
+ defaultUserId = this.$http.defaults.headers.common[this.sdcConfig.cookie.userIdSuffix];
+ user = this.UserResourceClass.get({id: defaultUserId}, ():void => {
+ $scope.user = new User(user);
+ });
+ } else {
+ $scope.user = new User(user);
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.firstMenuLevelClick = (menuId:number):void => {
+ let selectedMenuItem:MenuItem = _.find($scope.megaMenuDataObjectTemp, (item:MenuItem)=> {
+ if (item.menuId === menuId) {
+ return item;
+ }
+ });
+ if (selectedMenuItem) {
+ $scope.selectedTopMenu = selectedMenuItem;
+ //console.log("Selected menu item: " + selectedMenuItem.text);
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.subMenuEnterAction = (menuId:number):void => {
+ $scope.selectedSubMenu = findMenuItemById(menuId);
+ };
+ $scope.subMenuLeaveAction = (menuId:number):void => {
+ $scope.selectedTopMenu = undefined;
+ };
+ $scope.memuItemClick = (menuItem:MenuItem):void => {
+ if (menuItem.url) {
+ window.location.href = menuItem.url;
+ } else {
+ console.log("Menu item: " + menuItem.text + " does not have defined URL!");
+ }
+ };
+ initUser();
+ };
+ public static factory = ($http:ng.IHttpService,
+ sdcConfig:IAppConfigurtaion,
+ UserResourceClass:IUserResourceClass)=> {
+ return new EcompHeaderDirective($http, sdcConfig, UserResourceClass);
+ };
+export class EcompHeaderController {
+ messages:any;
+ getAttachId:Function;
+ render:any;
+ reRender:Function;
+ register:Function;
+ deregister:Function;
+ head:any;
+ static '$inject' = [
+ '$element',
+ '$scope',
+ '$attrs',
+ '$animate'
+ ];
+ constructor(private $element:JQuery,
+ private $scope:IEcompHeaderDirectiveScope,
+ private $attrs:ng.IAttributes,
+ private $animate:any) {
+ this.$scope = $scope;
+ this.$scope.$watch('menuData', (newVal, oldVal) => {
+ if (newVal) {
+ this.init();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ init = ():void => {
+ this.$scope.contactUsUrl = "";
+ this.$scope.getAccessUrl = "";
+ let unflatten = (array, parent?, tree?) => {
+ tree = typeof tree !== 'undefined' ? tree : [];
+ parent = typeof parent !== 'undefined' ? parent : {menuId: null};
+ let children = _.filter(array, function (child) {
+ return child["parentMenuId"] == parent.menuId;
+ });
+ if (!_.isEmpty(children)) {
+ if (parent.menuId === null) {
+ tree = children;
+ } else {
+ parent['children'] = children
+ }
+ _.each(children, function (child) {
+ unflatten(array, child)
+ });
+ }
+ return tree;
+ };
+ let menuStructureConvert = (menuItems) => {
+ console.log(menuItems);
+ this.$scope.megaMenuDataObjectTemp = [
+ {
+ menuId: 1001,
+ text: "ECOMP",
+ children: menuItems
+ },
+ {
+ menuId: 1002,
+ text: "Help",
+ children: [
+ {
+ text: "Contact Us",
+ url: this.$scope.contactUsUrl
+ }]
+ }
+ ];
+ /*{
+ text:"Get Access",
+ url: this.$scope.getAccessUrl
+ }*/
+ return this.$scope.megaMenuDataObjectTemp;
+ };
+ let a = unflatten(this.$scope.menuData);
+ this.$scope.megaMenuDataObject = menuStructureConvert(a);
+ //console.log(this.$scope.megaMenuDataObject);
+ };
+EcompHeaderDirective.factory.$inject = ['$http', 'sdcConfig', 'Sdc.Services.UserResourceService'];