path: root/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data
diff options
authorMichael Lando <ml636r@att.com>2017-06-09 03:19:04 +0300
committerMichael Lando <ml636r@att.com>2017-06-09 03:19:04 +0300
commited64b5edff15e702493df21aa3230b81593e6133 (patch)
treea4cb01fdaccc34930a8db403a3097c0d1e40914b /catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data
parent280f8015d06af1f41a3ef12e8300801c7a5e0d54 (diff)
[SDC-29] catalog 1707 rebase commit.
Change-Id: I43c3dc5cf44abf5da817649bc738938a3e8388c1 Signed-off-by: Michael Lando <ml636r@att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 4029 deletions
diff --git a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/artifact/artifact-types.json b/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/artifact/artifact-types.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b9cdabee51..0000000000
--- a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/artifact/artifact-types.json
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diff --git a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/category/category.json b/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/category/category.json
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index 2dabb50ba6..0000000000
--- a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/category/category.json
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- "name": "Web Servers"
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- {
- "name": "Web Applications"
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- {
- "name": "Network Elements"
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- {
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- "name": "Platform as a Service"
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- {
- "name": "Messaging"
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- {
- "name": "Abstract"
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- "icon": "network_l_4",
- "highestVersion": true
- },
- "artifacts": {
- },
- "category": "Infrastructure",
- "creatorUserId": "cs0008",
- "creatorFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "cs0008",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "serviceName": "clarin",
- "creationDate": 1436346144421,
- "icon": "network_l_4",
- "version": "0.1",
- "description": "soy yo",
- "tags": [
- "clarin"
- ],
- "uniqueId": "svc_clarin.0.1",
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436346144421,
- "lifecycleState": "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT"
- },
- {
- "componentMetadataDefinition": {
- "uniqueId": "svc_jkhkjh.0.1",
- "name": "jkhkjh",
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- "creationDate": 1436356292329,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436356292329,
- "description": "kjhlk",
- "tags": [
- "jkhkjh"
- ],
- "icon": "network_l_4",
- "highestVersion": true
- },
- "artifacts": {
- "Screenshot_1": {
- "uniqueId": "svc_jkhkjh.0.1.Screenshot_1",
- "artifactType": "PUPPET",
- "artifactName": "Screenshot_1.png",
- "userIdLastUpdater": "cs0008",
- "creatorFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "updaterFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "creationDate": 1436356484212,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436356484212,
- "esId": "svc_jkhkjh.0.1:Screenshot_1.png",
- "logicalName": "Screenshot_1",
- "description": "zfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdhzfvbgsadfgsdhsdghsdhdsghsdh"
- }
- },
- "category": "Call Control",
- "creatorUserId": "cs0008",
- "creatorFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "cs0008",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "resourceInstances": [
- {
- "uniqueId": "svc_jkhkjh.0.1.res_tosca.nodes.compute.1.0.compute_1",
- "name": "compute_1",
- "resourceUid": "res_tosca.nodes.compute.1.0",
- "creationTime": 1436356602608,
- "modificationTime": 1436356602608,
- "description": "Represents a real or virtual machine or server. Information specified on the Compute\r\t node will be used to find the machine that fits the given requirements in the cloud\r\t available machines. If no sizing information are specified the cloud provider default\r\t machine will be used. It is strongly recommended to specify the required CPUs and memory\r\t at least.",
- "posX": "781",
- "posY": "241",
- "icon": "defaulticon"
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "svc_jkhkjh.0.1.res_tosca.nodes.compute.1.0.compute_2",
- "name": "compute_2",
- "resourceUid": "res_tosca.nodes.compute.1.0",
- "creationTime": 1436356789445,
- "modificationTime": 1436356789445,
- "description": "Represents a real or virtual machine or server. Information specified on the Compute\r\t node will be used to find the machine that fits the given requirements in the cloud\r\t available machines. If no sizing information are specified the cloud provider default\r\t machine will be used. It is strongly recommended to specify the required CPUs and memory\r\t at least.",
- "posX": "695",
- "posY": "204",
- "icon": "defaulticon"
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "svc_jkhkjh.0.1.res_tosca.nodes.network.network.1.0.network_3",
- "name": "network_3",
- "resourceUid": "res_tosca.nodes.network.network.1.0",
- "creationTime": 1436356792215,
- "modificationTime": 1436356792215,
- "description": "Represents a simple , logical network service.",
- "posX": "706",
- "posY": "381",
- "icon": "defaulticon"
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "svc_jkhkjh.0.1.res_tosca.nodes.network.port.1.0.port_4",
- "name": "port_4",
- "resourceUid": "res_tosca.nodes.network.port.1.0",
- "creationTime": 1436356793840,
- "modificationTime": 1436356793840,
- "description": "Represents a logical entity that associates between Compute and Network normative types.",
- "posX": "662",
- "posY": "552",
- "icon": "defaulticon"
- }
- ],
- "resourceInstancesRelations": [
- ],
- "serviceName": "jkhkjh",
- "creationDate": 1436356292329,
- "icon": "network_l_4",
- "version": "0.1",
- "description": "kjhlk",
- "tags": [
- "jkhkjh"
- ],
- "uniqueId": "svc_jkhkjh.0.1",
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436356292329,
- "lifecycleState": "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT"
- },
- {
- "componentMetadataDefinition": {
- "uniqueId": "svc_resrw.0.1",
- "name": "resrw",
- "version": "0.1",
- "creationDate": 1436358721893,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436358721893,
- "description": "rer",
- "tags": [
- "resrwrer",
- "lklkl"
- ],
- "icon": "network_l_1-3",
- "highestVersion": true
- },
- "artifacts": {
- },
- "category": "Call Control",
- "creatorUserId": "cs0008",
- "creatorFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "cs0008",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "resourceInstances": [
- {
- "uniqueId": "svc_resrw.0.1.res_tosca.nodes.compute.1.0.compute_1",
- "name": "compute_1",
- "resourceUid": "res_tosca.nodes.compute.1.0",
- "creationTime": 1436358725759,
- "modificationTime": 1436358725759,
- "description": "Represents a real or virtual machine or server. Information specified on the Compute\r\t node will be used to find the machine that fits the given requirements in the cloud\r\t available machines. If no sizing information are specified the cloud provider default\r\t machine will be used. It is strongly recommended to specify the required CPUs and memory\r\t at least.",
- "posX": "221",
- "posY": "251",
- "icon": "defaulticon"
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "svc_resrw.0.1.res_tosca.nodes.network.network.1.0.network_2",
- "name": "network_2",
- "resourceUid": "res_tosca.nodes.network.network.1.0",
- "creationTime": 1436358727329,
- "modificationTime": 1436358727329,
- "description": "Represents a simple , logical network service.",
- "posX": "626",
- "posY": "340",
- "icon": "defaulticon"
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "svc_resrw.0.1.res_tosca.nodes.network.port.1.0.port_3",
- "name": "port_3",
- "resourceUid": "res_tosca.nodes.network.port.1.0",
- "creationTime": 1436358729466,
- "modificationTime": 1436358729466,
- "description": "Represents a logical entity that associates between Compute and Network normative types.",
- "posX": "558",
- "posY": "275",
- "icon": "defaulticon"
- }
- ],
- "resourceInstancesRelations": [
- ],
- "serviceName": "resrw",
- "creationDate": 1436358721893,
- "icon": "network_l_1-3",
- "version": "0.1",
- "description": "rer",
- "tags": [
- "resrwrer",
- "lklkl"
- ],
- "uniqueId": "svc_resrw.0.1",
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436358721893,
- "lifecycleState": "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT"
- },
- {
- "componentMetadataDefinition": {
- "uniqueId": "svc_coco.0.1",
- "name": "coco",
- "version": "0.1",
- "creationDate": 1436362653722,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436362653722,
- "description": "hhh",
- "tags": [
- "coco"
- ],
- "icon": "network_l_4",
- "highestVersion": true
- },
- "artifacts": {
- },
- "category": "Call Control",
- "creatorUserId": "cs0008",
- "creatorFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "cs0008",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "serviceName": "coco",
- "creationDate": 1436362653722,
- "icon": "network_l_4",
- "version": "0.1",
- "description": "hhh",
- "tags": [
- "coco"
- ],
- "uniqueId": "svc_coco.0.1",
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436362653722,
- "lifecycleState": "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT"
- },
- {
- "componentMetadataDefinition": {
- "uniqueId": "svc_nermartin.0.1",
- "name": "nerMartin",
- "version": "0.1",
- "creationDate": 1436366670488,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436366670488,
- "description": "gggggggggg",
- "tags": [
- "nerMartin"
- ],
- "icon": "network_l_4",
- "highestVersion": true
- },
- "artifacts": {
- },
- "category": "IMS",
- "creatorUserId": "cs0008",
- "creatorFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "cs0008",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "serviceName": "nerMartin",
- "creationDate": 1436366670488,
- "icon": "network_l_4",
- "version": "0.1",
- "description": "gggggggggg",
- "tags": [
- "nerMartin"
- ],
- "uniqueId": "svc_nermartin.0.1",
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436366670488,
- "lifecycleState": "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT"
- },
- {
- "componentMetadataDefinition": {
- "uniqueId": "svc_susana.0.1",
- "name": "susana",
- "version": "0.1",
- "creationDate": 1436367239625,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436367239625,
- "description": "fff",
- "tags": [
- "susana"
- ],
- "icon": "network_l_4",
- "highestVersion": true
- },
- "artifacts": {
- },
- "category": "Call Control",
- "creatorUserId": "cs0008",
- "creatorFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "cs0008",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Carlos Santana",
- "serviceName": "susana",
- "creationDate": 1436367239625,
- "icon": "network_l_4",
- "version": "0.1",
- "description": "fff",
- "tags": [
- "susana"
- ],
- "uniqueId": "svc_susana.0.1",
- "lastUpdateDate": 1436367239625,
- "lifecycleState": "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resource/properties.json b/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resource/properties.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ed7e78970..0000000000
--- a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resource/properties.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- {
- "uniqueId": "uniqueId_1",
- "name": "disk_size",
- "type": "integer",
- "required": false,
- "defaultValue": "10",
- "description": "Size of the local disk, in Gigabytes (GB), available to applications running on the Compute node.",
- "constraints": [
- {
- "inRange": [
- "100"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "isPassword": false
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "uniqueId_2",
- "name": "num_cpus",
- "type": "integer",
- "required": false,
- "defaultValue": "2",
- "description": "Number of (actual or virtual) CPUs associated with the Compute node.",
- "constraints": [
- {
- "inRange": [
- "1",
- "4"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "isPassword": false
- }
diff --git a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resource/resource.json b/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resource/resource.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bc04f40730..0000000000
--- a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resource/resource.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- "uniqueId": "my-resource.1.0.0",
- "isAbstract": false,
- "resourceName": "my-resource",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0.0",
- "isHighestVersion": false,
- "vendorName": "vendorName",
- "vendorRelease": "vendorRelease",
- "contactId": "contactId",
- "olderVersions": [
- "bla"
- ],
- "resourceIconSrc": "images/resource-icons/firewall.png",
- "icon":"icon-red2",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh000322",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "JHaval Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1431525184379,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1431525184394,
- "description": "Description bla bla",
- "tags": [
- "some tag",
- "tag2",
- "tag3",
- "tag4"
- ],
- "category": "Infrastructure",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "template1"
- ],
- "artifacts": {
- "db_content": {
- "uniqueId": "my-resource.1.0.0.db_content",
- "artifactType": "puppet",
- "artifactRef": "http://swift OR CATALOG FE /myfile",
- "artifactName": "some Artifact Name1",
- "artifactRepository": "SWIFT",
- "artifactData": "base 64 dajfvsd fsdfsfs s==",
- "artifactChecksum": "base 64 dsdsd==",
- "userIdCreator": "jh0003",
- "userIdLastUpdater": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "updaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1431525184377,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1431525184377
- },
- "db_content_2": {
- "uniqueId": "my-resource.1.0.0.db_content_2",
- "artifactType": "puppet",
- "artifactRef": "http://swift OR CATALOG FE /myfile",
- "artifactName": "some Artifact Name2",
- "artifactRepository": "SWIFT",
- "artifactData": "base 64 dajfvsd fsdfsfs s==",
- "artifactChecksum": "base 64 dsdsd==",
- "userIdCreator": "jh0003",
- "userIdLastUpdater": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "updaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1431525184377,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1431525184377
- },
- "db_content_3": {
- "uniqueId": "my-resource.1.0.0.db_content_3",
- "artifactType": "puppet",
- "artifactRef": "http://swift OR CATALOG FE /myfile",
- "artifactName": "some Artifact Name3",
- "artifactRepository": "SWIFT",
- "artifactData": "base 64 dajfvsd fsdfsfs s==",
- "artifactChecksum": "base 64 dsdsd==",
- "userIdCreator": "jh0003",
- "userIdLastUpdater": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "updaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1431525184377,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1431525184377
- }
- },
- "properties": {
- "disk_size": {
- "uniqueId": "uniqueId_1",
- "type": "integer",
- "required": false,
- "defaultValue": "10",
- "description": "Size of the local disk, in Gigabytes (GB), available to applications running on the Compute node.",
- "constraints": [
- {
- "inRange": [
- "100"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "isPassword": false
- },
- "num_cpus": {
- "uniqueId": "uniqueId_2",
- "type": "integer",
- "required": false,
- "defaultValue": "2",
- "description": "Number of (actual or virtual) CPUs associated with the Compute node.",
- "constraints": [
- {
- "inRange": [
- "1",
- "4"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "isPassword": false
- }
- },
- "attributes": {
- "tmp": {}
- },
- "interfaces": {
- "tmp": {
- "operations": {}
- }
- },
- "capabilities": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- }
- },
- "requirements": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent.1.0.host",
- "capability": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "node": "tosca.nodes.Compute",
- "requirementImpl": {
- "uniqueId": "requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host",
- "nodeId": "tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0",
- "requirementProperties": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capabilityInst.requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host.host",
- "properties": {
- "disk_size": "10",
- "num_cpus": "2"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "defaultCapabilities": [
- "defaultCapabilities"
- ]
diff --git a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resources/resourcesAbstract.json b/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resources/resourcesAbstract.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b678ea9b6b..0000000000
--- a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resources/resourcesAbstract.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.root.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.root",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412546396,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412546396,
- "description": "Represents a generic software component that can be managed and run by a Compute Node Type.",
- "icon": "icon-red1",
- "tags": [
- "Root"
- ],
- "category": "Abstract",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": true,
- "highestVersion": false
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.softwarecomponent.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.softwarecomponent",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412547841,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412547841,
- "description": "Represents a generic software component that can be managed and run by a Compute Node Type.",
- "icon": "icon-red2",
- "tags": [
- "Software Component"
- ],
- "category": "Abstract",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.root"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "component_version": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.softwarecomponent.1.0.component_version",
- "type": "version",
- "required": false,
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- },
- "admin_credential": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.softwarecomponent.1.0.admin_credential",
- "type": "tosca.datatypes.Credential",
- "required": false,
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- }
- },
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": true,
- "highestVersion": false
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.webserver.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.webserver",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412548140,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412548140,
- "description": "Represents an abstract software component or service that is capable of hosting and providing management operations for one or more Web Application nodes.",
- "icon": "icon-red1",
- "tags": [
- "Web Server"
- ],
- "category": "Abstract",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.softwarecomponent"
- ],
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": true,
- "highestVersion": false
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.webapplication.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.webapplication",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412548382,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412548382,
- "description": "Represents a software application that can be managed and run by a Web Server node. Specific types of web applications such as Java, etc. could be derived from this type.",
- "icon": "icon-red3",
- "tags": [
- "Web Application"
- ],
- "category": "Abstract",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.root"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "context_root": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.webapplication.1.0.context_root",
- "type": "string",
- "required": false,
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- }
- },
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": true,
- "highestVersion": false
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.dbms.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.dbms",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412548607,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412548607,
- "description": "Represents a typical relational, SQL Database Management System software component or service.",
- "icon": "icon-red4",
- "tags": [
- "DBMS"
- ],
- "category": "Abstract",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.softwarecomponent"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "port": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.dbms.1.0.port",
- "type": "integer",
- "required": false,
- "description": "the port the DBMS service will listen to for data and requests",
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- },
- "root_password": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.dbms.1.0.root_password",
- "type": "string",
- "required": false,
- "description": "the optional root password for the DBMS service",
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- }
- },
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": true,
- "highestVersion": false
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.database.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.database",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412548836,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412548836,
- "description": "Represents a logical database that can be managed and hosted by a DBMS node.",
- "icon": "icon-red3",
- "tags": [
- "Database"
- ],
- "category": "Abstract",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.root"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "port": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.database.1.0.port",
- "type": "integer",
- "required": false,
- "description": "the port the underlying database service will listen to for data",
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- },
- "name": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.database.1.0.name",
- "type": "string",
- "required": false,
- "description": "the logical name of the database",
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- },
- "user": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.database.1.0.user",
- "type": "string",
- "required": false,
- "description": "the optional user account name for DB administration",
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- },
- "password": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.database.1.0.password",
- "type": "string",
- "required": false,
- "description": "the optional password for the DB user account",
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- }
- },
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": true,
- "highestVersion": false
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.container.runtime.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.container.runtime",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412549532,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412549532,
- "description": "Represents operating system-level virtualization technology used to run multiple application services on a single Compute host.",
- "icon": "icon-red12",
- "tags": [
- "Container"
- ],
- "category": "Abstract",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.softwarecomponent"
- ],
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": true,
- "highestVersion": false
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.container.application.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.container.application",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412549709,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412549709,
- "description": "Represents an application that requires Container-level virtualization technology.",
- "icon": "icon-red4",
- "tags": [
- "Container Application"
- ],
- "category": "Abstract",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.root"
- ],
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": true,
- "highestVersion": false
- }
diff --git a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resources/resourcesNotAbstract.json b/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resources/resourcesNotAbstract.json
deleted file mode 100644
index eab325c9cf..0000000000
--- a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/resources/resourcesNotAbstract.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.compute.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.compute",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412547566,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412547566,
- "coordinates": {
- "x":150,
- "y":250
- },
- "description": "Represents a real or virtual machine or server. Information specified on the Compute\t node will be used to find the machine that fits the given requirements in the cloud\t available machines. If no sizing information are specified the cloud provider default\t machine will be used. It is strongly recommended to specify the required CPUs and memory\t at least.",
- "icon": "icon-red2",
- "tags": [
- "Compute"
- ],
- "category": "Infrastructure",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.root"
- ],
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": false,
- "highestVersion": false,
- "capabilities": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "db1": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "linux1": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- }
- },
- "requirements": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent.1.0.host",
- "capability": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "node": "tosca.nodes.Compute",
- "requirementImpl": {
- "uniqueId": "requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host",
- "nodeId": "tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0",
- "requirementProperties": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capabilityInst.requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host.host",
- "properties": {
- "disk_size": "10",
- "num_cpus": "2"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.objectstorage.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.objectstorage",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412549091,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412549091,
- "coordinates": {
- "x":150,
- "y":250
- },
- "description": "Represents storage that provides the ability to store data as objects (or BLOBs of data) without consideration for the underlying filesystem or devices.",
- "icon": "icon-red1",
- "tags": [
- "ObjectStorage"
- ],
- "category": "Infrastructure",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.root"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "maxsize": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.objectstorage.1.0.maxsize",
- "type": "scalar-unit.size",
- "required": false,
- "constraints": [
- {
- }
- ],
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- },
- "name": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.objectstorage.1.0.name",
- "type": "string",
- "required": false,
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- },
- "size": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.objectstorage.1.0.size",
- "type": "scalar-unit.size",
- "required": false,
- "constraints": [
- {
- }
- ],
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- }
- },
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": false,
- "highestVersion": false,
- "capabilities": {
- "host2": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "db": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "linux2": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- }
- },
- "requirements": {
- "db": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent.1.0.host",
- "capability": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "node": "tosca.nodes.Compute",
- "requirementImpl": {
- "uniqueId": "requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host",
- "nodeId": "tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0",
- "requirementProperties": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capabilityInst.requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host.host",
- "properties": {
- "disk_size": "10",
- "num_cpus": "2"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.blockstorage.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.blockstorage",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412549327,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412549327,
- "coordinates": {
- "x":150,
- "y":250
- },
- "description": "Represents a server-local block storage device (i.e., not shared) offering evenly sized blocks of data from which raw storage volumes can be created.",
- "icon": "icon-red3",
- "tags": [
- "BlockStorage"
- ],
- "category": "Infrastructure",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.root"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "volume_id": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.blockstorage.1.0.volume_id",
- "type": "string",
- "required": false,
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- },
- "snapshot_id": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.blockstorage.1.0.snapshot_id",
- "type": "string",
- "required": false,
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- },
- "size": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.blockstorage.1.0.size",
- "type": "scalar-unit.size",
- "required": false,
- "constraints": [
- {
- }
- ],
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- }
- },
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": false,
- "highestVersion": false,
- "capabilities": {
- "host3": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "db3": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "linux": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- }
- },
- "requirements": {
- "linux": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent.1.0.host",
- "capability": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "node": "tosca.nodes.Compute",
- "requirementImpl": {
- "uniqueId": "requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host",
- "nodeId": "tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0",
- "requirementProperties": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capabilityInst.requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host.host",
- "properties": {
- "disk_size": "10",
- "num_cpus": "2"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.loadbalancer.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.loadbalancer",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412549878,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412549878,
- "coordinates": {
- "x":150,
- "y":250
- },
- "description": "Represents logical function that be used in conjunction with a Floating Address to distribute an application’s traffic (load) across a number of instances of the application (e.g., for a clustered or scaled application).",
- "icon": "icon-red4",
- "tags": [
- "Load Balancer"
- ],
- "category": "Infrastructure",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.root"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "algorithm": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.loadbalancer.1.0.algorithm",
- "type": "string",
- "required": false,
- "definition": true,
- "password": false
- }
- },
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": false,
- "highestVersion": false,
- "capabilities": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "db4": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "linux4": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- }
- },
- "requirements": {
- "linux": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent.1.0.host",
- "capability": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "node": "tosca.nodes.Compute",
- "requirementImpl": {
- "uniqueId": "requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host",
- "nodeId": "tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0",
- "requirementProperties": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capabilityInst.requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host.host",
- "properties": {
- "disk_size": "10",
- "num_cpus": "2"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.titan.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.titan",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412550046,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412550046,
- "coordinates": {
- "x":150,
- "y":250
- },
- "description": "Titan is a scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying graphs containing hundreds of billions of vertices and edges distributed across a multi-machine cluster. Titan is a transactional database that can support thousands of concurrent users executing complex graph traversals in real time.",
- "icon": "icon-red4",
- "tags": [
- "Titan"
- ],
- "category": "Big Data",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.root"
- ],
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": false,
- "highestVersion": false,
- "capabilities": {
- "host5": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "db": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "linux5": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- }
- },
- "requirements": {
- "linux": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent.1.0.host",
- "capability": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "node": "tosca.nodes.Compute",
- "requirementImpl": {
- "uniqueId": "requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host",
- "nodeId": "tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0",
- "requirementProperties": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capabilityInst.requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host.host",
- "properties": {
- "disk_size": "10",
- "num_cpus": "2"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.tas.1.0",
- "resourceName": "tosca.nodes.tas",
- "resourceVersion": "1.0",
- "creatorUserId": "jh0003",
- "creatorFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "lastUpdaterUserId": "jh0003",
- "lastUpdaterFullName": "Jimmy Hendrix",
- "creationDate": 1433412550197,
- "lastUpdateDate": 1433412550197,
- "coordinates": {
- "x":150,
- "y":250
- },
- "description": "Telephony application server.",
- "icon": "icon-red1",
- "tags": [
- "TAS"
- ],
- "category": "VoIP",
- "lifecycleState": "CERTIFIED",
- "derivedFrom": [
- "tosca.nodes.root"
- ],
- "vendorName": "ATT (Tosca)",
- "vendorRelease": "1.0.0.wd03",
- "contactId": "jh0003",
- "abstract": false,
- "highestVersion": false,
- "capabilities": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "db6": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- },
- "linux6": {
- "uniqueId": "capability.tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0.host",
- "type": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "validSourceTypes": [
- "tosca.nodes.SC"
- ]
- }
- },
- "requirements": {
- "db": {
- "uniqueId": "tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent.1.0.host",
- "capability": "tosca.capabilities.Container",
- "node": "tosca.nodes.Compute",
- "requirementImpl": {
- "uniqueId": "requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host",
- "nodeId": "tosca.nodes.Compute.1.0",
- "requirementProperties": {
- "host": {
- "uniqueId": "capabilityInst.requirementImpl.my-resource.1.0.host.host",
- "properties": {
- "disk_size": "10",
- "num_cpus": "2"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/template/template.json b/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/template/template.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2747491c0e..0000000000
--- a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/template/template.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- {
- "uniqueId": "1",
- "resourceName": "template1",
- "description":"description description description description description "
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "2",
- "resourceName": "template2",
- "description":"description description description description description "
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "3",
- "resourceName": "template3",
- "description":"description description description description description "
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "4",
- "resourceName": "template4",
- "description":"description description description description description "
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "5",
- "resourceName": "template5",
- "description":"description description description description description "
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "6",
- "resourceName": "template6",
- "description":"description description description description description "
- },
- {
- "uniqueId": "7",
- "resourceName": "template7",
- "description":"description description description description description "
- }
- ]
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5e793db6c6..0000000000
--- a/catalog-ui/server-mock/mock-data/user/user.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "firstName": "James",
- "lastName": "Brown",
- "userId": "jb1234u",
- "email": "jb1234u@sdc.com",
- "role": "ADMIN"