path: root/vid/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vid/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.js')
1 files changed, 763 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vid/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.js b/vid/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa3b5223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vid/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/aaiSubscriberController.js
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * VID
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+"use strict";
+app.controller("aaiSubscriberController", [ "COMPONENT", "DataService", "PropertyService", "$scope", "$http", "$timeout", "$location", "$log", "$route", "UtilityService", "vidService",
+ function(COMPONENT, DataService, PropertyService, $scope, $http, $timeout, $location, $log, $route, UtilityService, vidService) {
+ $scope.showVnfDetails = function(vnf) {
+ console.log("showVnfDetails");
+ DataService.setVnfInstanceId("VNF_INSTANCE_ID_12345");
+ DataService
+ .setInventoryItem(aaiResult["inventory-response-items"]["inventory-response-item"][0]);
+ $scope.$broadcast("showComponentDetails", {
+ componentId : COMPONENT.VNF,
+ callbackFunction : callbackFunction
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.popup = new Object();
+ $scope.isPopupVisible = false;
+ $scope.defaultBaseUrl = "";
+ $scope.responseTimeoutMsec = 60000;
+ $scope.serviceTypes=[ "Select a service type" ];
+ $scope.defaultSubscriberName=[ "Select a subscriber name" ];
+ var callbackFunction = function(response) {
+ alert(response);
+ };
+ $scope.getSubs = function() {
+ $scope.status = "Fetching subscriber list from A&AI...";
+ $scope.init();
+ $http.get( PropertyService.getAaiBaseUrl() + "/aai_get_full_subscribers" + '?r=' + Math.random(), {
+ },{
+ timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec
+ }).then($scope.handleInitialResponse)
+ ["catch"]($scope.handleServerError);
+ var serviceIdList = [];
+ $http.get(PropertyService.getAaiBaseUrl() + "/aai_get_services" + '?r=' + Math.random(), {
+ },{
+ timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec
+ }).then(function(response) {
+ angular.forEach(response.data, function(value, key) {
+ angular.forEach(value, function(subVal, key) {
+ var newVal = { "id" : subVal["service-id"], "description" : subVal["service-description"] };
+ serviceIdList.push(newVal);
+ DataService.setServiceIdList(serviceIdList);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.refreshSubs = function() {
+ $scope.status = "Fetching subscriber list from A&AI...";
+ $scope.init();
+ $http.get(PropertyService.getAaiBaseUrl() + "/aai_refresh_full_subscribers" + '?r=' + Math.random(), {
+ },{
+ timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec
+ }).then($scope.handleInitialResponse)
+ ["catch"]($scope.handleServerError);
+ };
+ $scope.getSubDetails = function(request) {
+ $scope.init();
+ $scope.selectedSubscriber = $location.search().selectedSubscriber;
+ $scope.selectedServiceInstance = $location.search().selectedServiceInstance;
+ $scope.status = "Fetching subscriber details from A&AI for " + $scope.selectedSubscriber;
+ $http.get(PropertyService.getAaiBaseUrl() + "/aai_sub_details/" + $scope.selectedSubscriber + '?r=' + Math.random(), {
+ },{
+ timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec
+ }).then(function(response) {
+ $scope.subscriber = response.data;
+ $scope.selectedSubscriberName = $scope.subscriber["subscriber-name"];
+ $scope.displayData= [];
+ if ($scope.subscriber["service-subscriptions"] != null) {
+ angular.forEach($scope.subscriber["service-subscriptions"]["service-subscription"], function(serviceSubscription, key) {
+ $scope.serviceInstanceId = [];
+ if (serviceSubscription["service-type"] != null) {
+ $scope.serviceType = serviceSubscription["service-type"];
+ } else {
+ $scope.serviceType = "No Service Subscription Found";
+ }
+ if (serviceSubscription["service-instances"] != null) {
+ angular.forEach(serviceSubscription["service-instances"]["service-instance"], function(instValue, instKey) {
+ // put them together, i guess
+ var inst = { "serviceInstanceId": instValue["service-instance-id"],
+ "personaModelId": instValue["persona-model-id"],
+ "personaModelVersion": instValue["persona-model-version"],
+ "serviceInstanceName": instValue["service-instance-name"]
+ };
+ if ($scope.selectedServiceInstance != null) {
+ if (instValue["service-instance-id"] == $scope.selectedServiceInstance) {
+ $scope.serviceInstanceId.push(inst);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $scope.serviceInstanceId.push(inst);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ if ($scope.serviceInstanceId == []) {
+ $scope.serviceInstanceId = [ "No Service Instance Found" ];
+ }
+ }
+ angular.forEach($scope.serviceInstanceId, function(subVal, subKey) {
+ $scope.displayData.push({
+ globalCustomerId : $scope.selectedSubscriber,
+ subscriberName : $scope.selectedSubscriberName,
+ serviceType : $scope.serviceType,
+ serviceInstanceId : subVal.serviceInstanceId,
+ personaModelId : subVal.personaModelId,
+ personaModelVersion : subVal.personaModelVersion,
+ serviceInstanceName : subVal.serviceInstanceName
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ $scope.displayData.push({
+ globalCustomerId : $scope.selectedSubscriber,
+ subscriberName : $scope.selectedSubscriberName,
+ serviceType : "No Service Subscription Found",
+ serviceInstanceId : "No Service Instance Found"
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.viewPerPage=10;
+ $scope.totalPage=$scope.displayData.length/$scope.viewPerPage;
+ $scope.scrollViewPerPage=2;
+ $scope.currentPage=1;
+ $scope.searchCategory;
+ $scope.searchString="";
+ $scope.currentPageNum=1;
+ $scope.defaultSort="subscriberName"
+ $scope.setProgress(100); // done
+ $scope.status = "Done";
+ $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.$on("deleteInstance", function(event, request) {
+ // $log.debug("deleteInstance: request:");
+ // $log.debug(request);
+ $scope.init();
+ // Use this line instead of the subsequent $http.post to change from POST to DELETE
+ // $http["delete"]($scope.baseUrl + request.url,{timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec}).then($scope.requestOkay
+ $http.post($scope.baseUrl + request.url, {
+ requestDetails: request.requestDetails
+ },{
+ timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec
+ }).then($scope.handleInitialResponse)
+ ["catch"]($scope.handleServerError);
+ });
+ $scope.init = function() {
+ //PropertyService.setAaiBaseUrl("testaai");
+ //PropertyService.setAsdcBaseUrl("testasdc");
+ // takes a default value, retrieves the prop value from the file system and sets it
+ var msecs = PropertyService.retrieveMsoMaxPollingIntervalMsec(1000);
+ PropertyService.setMsoMaxPollingIntervalMsec(msecs);
+ // takes a default value, retrieves the prop value from the file system and sets it
+ var polls = PropertyService.retrieveMsoMaxPolls(7);
+ PropertyService.setMsoMaxPolls(polls);
+ //PropertyService.setMsoBaseUrl("testmso");
+ PropertyService.setServerResponseTimeoutMsec(10000);
+ /*
+ * Common parameters that would typically be set when the page is
+ * displayed for a specific service instance id.
+ */
+// DataService.setSubscriberName("Mobility");
+// DataService.setGlobalCustomerId("CUSTID12345")
+// DataService.setServiceType("Mobility Type 1");
+// DataService.setServiceName("Mobility Service 1");
+// DataService.setServiceInstanceId("mmsc-test-service-instance");
+ $scope.baseUrl = $scope.defaultBaseUrl;
+ $scope.isSpinnerVisible = true;
+ $scope.isProgressVisible = true;
+ $scope.isPopupVisible = true;
+ $scope.requestId = "";
+ $scope.error = "";
+ $scope.pollAttempts = 0;
+ $scope.log = "";
+ $scope.enableCloseButton(false);
+ $scope.resetProgress();
+ $scope.setProgress(2); // Show "a little" progress
+ }
+ $scope.getComponentList = function(event, request) {
+ $scope.isSpinnerVisible = true;
+ $scope.isProgressVisible = true;
+ $scope.isPopupVisible = true;
+ $scope.requestId = "";
+ $scope.error = "";
+ $scope.pollAttempts = 0;
+ $scope.log = "";
+ $scope.resetProgress();
+ $scope.setProgress(2); // Show "a little" progress
+ //subscriberId=jimmy-testing&serviceType=gamma-01%2F1&serviceInstanceId=jimmy2-01%2F01%2F%2F01
+ $scope.globalCustomerId = $location.search().subscriberId;
+ $scope.serviceType = $location.search().serviceType;
+ $scope.serviceInstanceId = $location.search().serviceInstanceId;
+ //$scope.getAsdcModel($location.search().modelUuid);
+ // this should be in a config file?
+ $scope.namedQueryId = "ed0a0f5b-cf79-4784-88b2-911cd726cd3d";
+ $scope.url = PropertyService.getAaiBaseUrl() + "/aai_sub_viewedit" +
+ "/" + encodeURIComponent($scope.namedQueryId) +
+ "/" + encodeURIComponent($scope.globalCustomerId) +
+ "/" + encodeURIComponent($scope.serviceType) +
+ "/" + encodeURIComponent($scope.serviceInstanceId) + '?r=' + Math.random();
+ $scope.status = "Fetching service instance data from A&AI for service-instance-id=" + $scope.serviceInstanceId;
+ $http.get($scope.url, {
+ },{
+ timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec
+ }).then($scope.handleInitialResponseInventoryItems)
+ ["catch"]($scope.handleServerError);
+ }
+ $scope.handleServerError = function(response, status) {
+ alert(response.statusText);
+ }
+ $scope.getAsdcModel = function(disData) {
+ $http.get(PropertyService.getAaiBaseUrl() + '/rest/models/services')
+ .then(function successCallback(response) {
+ var myUuid = null;
+ var lastVersion = -1;
+ angular.forEach(response.data, function(model, key) {
+ if (angular.equals(model.invariantUUID,disData.personaModelId)) {
+ if (model.version > lastVersion) {
+ lastVersion = model.version;
+ myUuid = model.uuid;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (myUuid == null)
+ {
+ console.log("aaiSubscriber getAsdcModel - No matching model found matching the persona Model Id = " + disData.personaModelId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ console.log(myUuid);
+ $http.get(PropertyService.getAaiBaseUrl() + '/rest/models/services/' + myUuid)
+ .then(function successCallback(response2) {
+ vidService.setModel(response2.data);
+ window.location.href = "#/instantiate?subscriberId=" + disData.globalCustomerId + "&serviceType=" + disData.serviceType + "&serviceInstanceId=" + disData.serviceInstanceId;
+ console.log("aaiSubscriber getAsdcModel DONE!!!!");
+ });
+ }
+ }, function errorCallback(response) {
+ //TODO
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.getTenants = function(globalCustomerId) {
+ $http.get(PropertyService.getAaiBaseUrl() + '/aai_get_tenants' + globalCustomerId + '?r=' + Math.random())
+ .then(function successCallback(response) {
+ return response.data;
+ //$location.path("/instantiate");
+ }, function errorCallback(response) {
+ //TODO
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.handleInitialResponseInventoryItems = function(response) {
+ // $log.debug("handleInitialResponse: response contents:");
+ // $log.debug(response);
+ try {
+ if (response.status < 200 || response.status > 202) {
+ $scope.handleServerError(response, response.status);
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.inventoryResponseItemList = response.data["inventory-response-item"]; // get data from json
+ console.log($scope.inventoryResponseItemList.toString());
+ $scope.displayData = [];
+ $scope.vnfs = [];
+ $scope.counter = 100;
+ angular.forEach($scope.inventoryResponseItemList, function(inventoryResponseItem, key) {
+ $scope.inventoryResponseItem = inventoryResponseItem;
+ $scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer = DataService.getServiceInstanceToCustomer();
+ var subscriberName = "";
+ angular.forEach($scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer, function(servInst, key2) {
+ if (servInst.serviceInstanceId === $scope.serviceInstanceId) {
+ subscriberName = servInst.subscriberName;
+ }
+ });
+ $scope.service.instance = {
+ "name": $scope.inventoryResponseItem["service-instance"]["service-instance-name"],
+ "serviceInstanceId": $scope.serviceInstanceId,
+ "serviceType": $scope.serviceType,
+ "globalCustomerId": $scope.globalCustomerId,
+ "subscriberName": subscriberName,
+ "id": $scope.serviceInstanceId,
+ "inputs": {
+ "a": {
+ "type": "String",
+ "description": "This variable is 'a'",
+ "default": "A default"
+ },
+ "b": {
+ "type": "String",
+ "description": "This variable is 'b'",
+ "default": "B default"
+ },
+ },
+ "object": $scope.inventoryResponseItem["service-instance"],
+ "vnfs": [],
+ "networks": []
+ }
+ if (inventoryResponseItem["inventory-response-items"] != null) {
+ angular.forEach(inventoryResponseItem["inventory-response-items"]["inventory-response-item"], function(subInventoryResponseItem, key) {
+ // i expect to find vnfs now
+ if (subInventoryResponseItem["l3-network"] != null) {
+ var l3NetworkObject = subInventoryResponseItem["l3-network"];
+ var l3Network = { "id": $scope.counter++,
+ "name": l3NetworkObject["network-name"],
+ "itemType": "l3-network",
+ "nodeId": l3NetworkObject["network-id"],
+ "nodeType": l3NetworkObject["network-type"],
+ "nodeStatus": l3NetworkObject["orchestration-status"],
+ "object": l3NetworkObject,
+ "nodes": []
+ };
+ $scope.service.instance["networks"].push(l3Network);
+ }
+ if (subInventoryResponseItem["generic-vnf"] != null) {
+ var genericVnfObject = subInventoryResponseItem["generic-vnf"];
+ var genericVnf = {
+ "name": genericVnfObject["vnf-name"],
+ "id": $scope.counter++,
+ "itemType": "vnf",
+ "nodeType": genericVnfObject["vnf-type"],
+ "nodeId": genericVnfObject["vnf-id"],
+ "nodeStatus": genericVnfObject["orchestration-status"],
+ "object": genericVnfObject,
+ "vfModules": [],
+ "volumeGroups": [],
+ "availableVolumeGroups": []
+ };
+ $scope.service.instance["vnfs"].push(genericVnf);
+ // look for volume-groups
+ if (subInventoryResponseItem["inventory-response-items"] != null) {
+ angular.forEach(subInventoryResponseItem["inventory-response-items"]["inventory-response-item"], function(vfmodules, key) {
+ if (vfmodules["volume-group"] != null) {
+ var volumeGroupObject = vfmodules["volume-group"];
+ var volumeGroup = { "id": $scope.counter++,
+ "name": volumeGroupObject["volume-group-name"],
+ "itemType": "volume-group",
+ "nodeId": volumeGroupObject["volume-group-id"],
+ "nodeType": volumeGroupObject["vnf-type"],
+ "nodeStatus": volumeGroupObject["orchestration-status"],
+ "object": volumeGroupObject,
+ "nodes": []
+ };
+ genericVnf["volumeGroups"].push(volumeGroup);
+ genericVnf["availableVolumeGroups"].push(volumeGroup);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // now we've loaded up the availableVolumeGroups, we can use it
+ if (subInventoryResponseItem["inventory-response-items"] != null) {
+ angular.forEach(subInventoryResponseItem["inventory-response-items"]["inventory-response-item"], function(vfmodules, key) {
+ if (vfmodules["vf-module"] != null) {
+ var vfModuleObject = vfmodules["vf-module"];
+ var vfModule = { "id": $scope.counter++,
+ "name": vfModuleObject["vf-module-name"],
+ "itemType": "vf-module",
+ "nodeType": "vf-module",
+ "nodeStatus": vfModuleObject["orchestration-status"],
+ "volumeGroups": [],
+ "object": vfModuleObject,
+ "networks": []
+ };
+ genericVnf["vfModules"].push(vfModule);
+ if (vfmodules["inventory-response-items"] != null) {
+ angular.forEach(vfmodules["inventory-response-items"]["inventory-response-item"], function(networks, key) {
+ if (networks["l3-network"] != null) {
+ var l3NetworkObject = networks["l3-network"];
+ var l3Network = { "id": $scope.counter++,
+ "name": l3NetworkObject["network-name"],
+ "itemType": "l3-network",
+ "nodeId": l3NetworkObject["network-id"],
+ "nodeType": l3NetworkObject["network-type"],
+ "nodeStatus": l3NetworkObject["orchestration-status"],
+ "object": l3NetworkObject,
+ "nodes": []
+ };
+ vfModule["networks"].push(l3Network);
+ }
+ if (networks["volume-group"] != null) {
+ var volumeGroupObject = networks["volume-group"];
+ var volumeGroup = { "id": $scope.counter++,
+ "name": volumeGroupObject["volume-group-name"],
+ "itemType": "volume-group",
+ "nodeId": volumeGroupObject["volume-group-id"],
+ "nodeType": volumeGroupObject["vnf-type"],
+ "nodeStatus": volumeGroupObject["orchestration-status"],
+ "object": volumeGroupObject,
+ "nodes": []
+ };
+ var tmpVolGroup = [];
+ angular.forEach(genericVnf["availableVolumeGroups"], function(avgroup, key) {
+ if (avgroup.name != volumeGroup.name) {
+ tmpVolGroup.push(avgroup);
+ }
+ });
+ genericVnf["availableVolumeGroups"] = tmpVolGroup;
+ vfModule["volumeGroups"].push(volumeGroup);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $scope.setProgress(100); // done
+ $scope.status = "Done";
+ $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
+ console.log("HERE!!!");
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.handleInitialResponse = function(response) {
+ try {
+ $scope.enableCloseButton(true);
+ $scope.updateLog(response);
+ if (response.data.status < 200 || response.data.status > 202) {
+ $scope.showError("MSO failure - see log below for details")
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.setProgress(100); // done
+ $scope.status = "Done";
+ $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
+ $scope.customer = response.data.customer; // get data from json
+ $scope.customerList = [];
+ $scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer = [];
+ //$scope.serviceIdList = [];
+ angular.forEach($scope.customer, function(subVal, subKey) {
+ var cust = { "globalCustomerId": subVal["global-customer-id"], "subscriberName": subVal["subscriber-name"] };
+ $scope.customerList.push(cust);
+ if (subVal["service-subscriptions"] != null) {
+ angular.forEach(subVal["service-subscriptions"]["service-subscription"], function(serviceSubscription, key) {
+ $scope.serviceInstanceId = [];
+ if (serviceSubscription["service-type"] != null) {
+// var newVal = { "id" : serviceSubscription["service-type"], "description" : serviceSubscription["service-type"] };
+// if ($scope.serviceIdList.indexOf(newVal) == -1) {
+// $scope.serviceIdList.push(newVal);
+// }
+ $scope.serviceType = serviceSubscription["service-type"];
+ } else {
+ $scope.serviceType = "No Service Subscription Found";
+ }
+ if (serviceSubscription["service-instances"] != null) {
+ angular.forEach(serviceSubscription["service-instances"]["service-instance"], function(instValue, instKey) {
+ var foo = { "serviceInstanceId": instValue["service-instance-id"],
+ "globalCustomerId": subVal["global-customer-id"],
+ "subscriberName": subVal["subscriber-name"] };
+ $scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer.push(foo);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+// DataService.setServiceIdList($scope.serviceIdList);
+ DataService.setServiceInstanceToCustomer($scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer);
+ } catch (error) {
+ $scope.showContentError(error);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.autoGetSubs = function() {
+ /*
+ * Optionally comment in / out one of these method calls (or add a similar
+ * entry) to auto-invoke an entry when the test screen is redrawn.
+ */
+ $scope.getSubs();
+ }
+ $scope.pollStatus = function () {
+ /*
+ * The "?r=" argument overrides caching. This was needed for Internet Explorer 11.
+ *
+ * Ideally this should NOT be needed and appears to be an Angular bug.
+ */
+ $http.get($scope.baseUrl + "mso_get_orch_req/" + $scope.requestId + "?r=" + Math.random(), {
+ cache: false, // This alternative did NOT seem to disable caching but was retained as a reference
+ timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec
+ }).then($scope.handlePollResponse)
+ ["catch"]($scope.handleServerError);
+ }
+ $scope.handlePollResponse = function(response) {
+ try {
+ // $log.debug("handlePollResponse: response contents:");
+ // $log.debug(response);
+ $scope.updateLog(response);
+ if (response.data.status < 200 || response.data.status > 202) {
+ $scope.showError("MSO failure - see log below for details")
+ return;
+ }
+// UtilityService.checkUndefined("request", response.data.entity.request);
+// UtilityService.checkUndefined("requestStatus", response.data.entity.request.requestStatus);
+// $scope.setProgress(response.data.entity.request.requestStatus.percentProgress);
+// var requestState = response.data.entity.request.requestStatus.requestState;
+// if (requestState == "InProgress") {
+// requestState = "In Progress";
+// }
+// var statusMessage = response.data.entity.request.requestStatus.statusMessage;
+// if (UtilityService.hasContents(statusMessage)) {
+// $scope.status = requestState + " - " + statusMessage;
+// } else {
+// $scope.status = requestState;
+// }
+// if (requestState == "Complete") {
+// $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
+// return;
+// }
+// if (requestState == "Failure") {
+// $scope.showError("MSO failure - see log below for details")
+// return;
+// }
+// if (++$scope.pollAttempts > $scope.properties.msoMaxPolls) {
+// $scope.showError("Maximum number of poll attempts exceeded");
+// } else {
+// $scope.timer = $timeout($scope.pollStatus, $scope.properties.msoMaxPollingIntervalMsec);
+// }
+ } catch (error) {
+ $scope.showContentError(error);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.updateLog = function(response) {
+// $scope.log = UtilityService.getCurrentTime() + " HTTP Status: " +
+// UtilityService.getHttpStatusText(response.data.status) + "\n" +
+// angular.toJson(response.data.entity, true) + "\n\n" + $scope.log;
+// UtilityService.checkUndefined("entity", response.data.entity);
+// UtilityService.checkUndefined("status", response.data.status);
+ }
+ $scope.handleServerError = function(response, status) {
+ $scope.enableCloseButton(true);
+ var message = UtilityService.getHttpErrorMessage(response);
+ if (message != ""){
+ message = " (" + message + ")";
+ }
+ $scope.showError("System failure" + message);
+ }
+ $scope.showContentError = function(message) {
+ // $log.debug(message);
+ console.log(message);
+ if (UtilityService.hasContents(message)) {
+ $scope.showError("System failure (" + message + ")");
+ } else {
+ $scope.showError("System failure");
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.showError = function(message) {
+ $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
+ $scope.isProgressVisible = false;
+ $scope.error = message;
+ $scope.status = "Error";
+ }
+ $scope.close = function() {
+ if ($scope.timer != undefined) {
+ $timeout.cancel($scope.timer);
+ }
+ $scope.isPopupVisible = false;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Consider converting the progress bar mechanism, the disabled button handling
+ * and the following methods to generic Angular directive(s) and/or approach.
+ */
+ $scope.enableCloseButton = function(isEnabled) {
+ var selector = "div[ng-controller=msoCommitController] button";
+ $scope.isCloseEnabled = isEnabled;
+ if (isEnabled) {
+ $(selector).addClass("button--primary").removeClass("button--inactive").attr("btn-type", "primary");
+ } else {
+ $(selector).removeClass("button--primary").addClass("button--inactive").attr("btn-type", "disabled");
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.resetProgress = function() {
+ $scope.percentProgress = 0;
+ $scope.progressClass = "progress-bar progress-bar-info";
+ }
+ $scope.setProgress = function(percentProgress) {
+ percentProgress = parseInt(percentProgress);
+ if (percentProgress >= 100) {
+ $scope.progressClass = "progress-bar progress-bar-success";
+ }
+ if (percentProgress < $scope.percentProgress) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.percentProgress = percentProgress;
+ $scope.progressWidth = {width: percentProgress + "%"};
+ if (percentProgress >= 5) {
+ $scope.progressText = percentProgress + " %";
+ } else {
+ // Hidden since color combination is barely visible when progress portion is narrow.
+ $scope.progressText = "";
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.reloadRoute = function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ }
+ $scope.prevPage = function() {
+ $scope.currentPage--;
+ }
+ $scope.nextPage = function() {
+ $scope.currentPage++;
+ }
+ $scope.getSubscriberDet = function(selectedCustomer,selectedServiceInstance){
+ if (selectedCustomer != null) {
+ window.location.href = '#/instances/subdetails?selectedSubscriber=' + selectedCustomer;
+ } else if (selectedServiceInstance != null) {
+ selectedServiceInstance.trim();
+ var serviceInstanceToCustomer = $scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer;
+ var notFound = true;
+ angular.forEach(serviceInstanceToCustomer, function(inst, key) {
+ if (inst.serviceInstanceId == selectedServiceInstance) {
+ notFound = false;
+ window.location.href = '#/instances/subdetails?selectedSubscriber=' + inst.globalCustomerId + '&selectedServiceInstance=' + selectedServiceInstance;
+ }
+ });
+ if (notFound) {
+ alert("That service instance does not exist. Please try again.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ alert("Please select a subscriber or enter a service instance");
+ }
+ };
+app.controller('TreeCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
+ $scope.remove = function (scope) {
+ scope.remove();
+ };
+ $scope.toggle = function (scope) {
+ scope.toggle();
+ };
+ $scope.moveLastToTheBeginning = function () {
+ var a = $scope.data.pop();
+ $scope.data.splice(0, 0, a);
+ };
+ $scope.newSubItem = function (scope) {
+ var nodeData = scope.$modelValue;
+ nodeData.nodes.push({
+ id: nodeData.id * 10 + nodeData.nodes.length,
+ title: nodeData.title + '.' + (nodeData.nodes.length + 1),
+ nodes: []
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.collapseAll = function () {
+ $scope.$broadcast('angular-ui-tree:collapse-all');
+ };
+ $scope.expandAll = function () {
+ $scope.$broadcast('angular-ui-tree:expand-all');
+ };