path: root/vid/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/fusion/raptor/wizard_adhoc_schedule.jsp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vid/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/fusion/raptor/wizard_adhoc_schedule.jsp')
1 files changed, 733 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vid/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/fusion/raptor/wizard_adhoc_schedule.jsp b/vid/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/fusion/raptor/wizard_adhoc_schedule.jsp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76fe7a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vid/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/fusion/raptor/wizard_adhoc_schedule.jsp
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+ ================================================================================
+ eCOMP Portal SDK
+ ================================================================================
+ Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
+ ================================================================================
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ================================================================================
+ --%>
+ Name: wizard_adhoc_schedule.jsp
+ Use : This JSP is used for accepting user parameters for scheduling the report.
+ Change Log
+ ==========
+ 28-Aug-2009 : Version 8.4 (Sundar); initFormFields function is removed as it is handled in back end.
+ 23-Jun-2009 : Version 8.4 (Sundar);
+ <UL>
+ <LI> Bug related to creating startDate variable (in Javascript) for the Validation purpose is fixed.</LI>
+ </UL>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="java.util.Vector" %>
+<%@ page import="java.util.List" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="java.util.Iterator" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
+ ReportSchedule reportSchedule = (ReportSchedule) request.getSession().getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_REPORT_SCHEDULE);
+ ReportDefinition rdefRecurrance = (ReportDefinition) request.getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_REPORT_DEFINITION);
+ session.setAttribute("login_id", AppUtils.getUserBackdoorLoginId(request));
+ if(reportSchedule==null) reportSchedule = (ReportSchedule) request.getAttribute(AppConstants.SI_REPORT_SCHEDULE);
+ String remoteDbPrefix = (String) session.getAttribute("remoteDB");
+ boolean isSQLAllowed = Globals.getAllowSQLBasedReports();
+<%@page import="java.util.Calendar"%>
+<%@page import="java.text.DateFormat"%>
+<%@page import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat"%>
+<%@page import="java.util.TimeZone"%>
+<%@page import="java.util.Date"%>
+<%@page import=""%>
+<script language="JavaScript">
+function showTestConditionPopup() {
+ var w ="<%= AppUtils.getRaptorActionURL() %>report.popup.test.cond&remoteDbPrefix=<%=remoteDbPrefix%>&<%= AppConstants.RI_FORMATTED_SQL %>="+escape(""+document.forma.conditionSQL.value), "testCondSQLPopup", "width=450,height=180,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes");
+ w.focus();
+ w.opener = this;
+} // showTestConditionPopup
+function exclusiveCheckBox(which) {
+ var size = 2;
+ for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
+ if(document.getElementById("notify" + i) != which) {
+ document.getElementById("notify" + i).checked = false;
+ }
+ }
+ //alert("exclusive " + which.form.notify_type.value);
+<script language="javascript" src="<%= AppUtils.getBaseFolderURL() %>js/other_scripts.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= AppUtils.getBaseFolderURL() %>js/CalendarPopup.js"></script>
+<script language="JavaScript" src="<%= AppUtils.getBaseFolderURL() %>js/rounded-corners.js"></script>
+<script language="JavaScript" src="<%= AppUtils.getBaseFolderURL() %>js/form-field-tooltip.js"></script>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%= AppUtils.getBaseFolderURL() %>css/calendar.css">
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+var stat;
+var delay=0;//delay in milliseconds
+function show(){
+var oIfr = document.getElementById('calendarFrame');
+var oCal = document.getElementById('calendarDiv');'block')?'none':'block';
+function hide(){
+// added to show Iframe behind calender
+var oIfr = document.getElementById('calendarFrame');
+var oCal = document.getElementById('calendarDiv');'none')?'block':'none';
+ function findPosX()
+ {
+ var obj= oCalendar
+ var curleft = 0;
+ if(obj.offsetParent)
+ while(1)
+ {
+ curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
+ if(!obj.offsetParent)
+ break;
+ obj = obj.offsetParent;
+ }
+ else if(obj.x)
+ curleft += obj.x;
+ return curleft;
+ }
+ function findPosY()
+ {
+ var obj= oCalendar
+ var curtop = 0;
+ if(obj.offsetParent)
+ while(1)
+ {
+ curtop += obj.offsetTop;
+ if(!obj.offsetParent)
+ break;
+ obj = obj.offsetParent;
+ }
+ else if(obj.y)
+ curtop += obj.y;
+ //alert(curtop)
+ return curtop;
+ }
+ //frameborder="0"
+<iframe id="calendarFrame" class="nav" z-index:199; scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width=165px height=165px src="" style="position:absolute; display:none;">
+ <div id="calendarDiv" name="calendarDiv" style="position:absolute; z-index:200; visibility:none; background-color:white;layer-background-color:white;"></div>
+ <%
+ Calendar startCalendarDate = Calendar.getInstance();
+ startCalendarDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, - 540);
+ Calendar endCalendarDate = Calendar.getInstance();
+ endCalendarDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 540);
+ SimpleDateFormat dtf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
+ SimpleDateFormat oracleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy kk:mm:ss");
+ Date sysdate = oracleDateFormat.parse(ReportLoader.getSystemDateTime());
+ SimpleDateFormat dtimestamp = new SimpleDateFormat(Globals.getScheduleDatePattern());
+ Calendar systemCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
+ systemCalendar.setTime(sysdate);
+ Date sysNext15date = oracleDateFormat.parse(ReportLoader.getNext15MinutesOfSystemDateTime());
+ //dtimestamp = new SimpleDateFormat(Globals.getScheduleDatePattern());
+ Calendar systemNext15Calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
+ systemNext15Calendar.setTime(sysNext15date);
+ Date sysNext30date = oracleDateFormat.parse(ReportLoader.getNext30MinutesOfSystemDateTime());
+ //dtimestamp = new SimpleDateFormat(Globals.getScheduleDatePattern());
+ Calendar systemNext30Calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
+ systemNext30Calendar.setTime(sysNext30date);
+ System.out.println(" systemNext15Calendar " + systemNext15Calendar);
+ System.out.println(" systemNext30Calendar " + systemNext30Calendar);
+ //dtimestamp.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(Globals.getTimeZone()));
+ <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
+ var oCalendar = new CalendarPopup("calendarDiv", "calendarFrame");
+ oCalendar.addDisabledDates(null, "<%=dtf.format(startCalendarDate.getTime())%>");
+ oCalendar.addDisabledDates("<%=dtf.format(endCalendarDate.getTime())%>", null);
+ oCalendar.setCssPrefix("raptor");
+ function fillStartEndDate(varSelect) {
+ var flag = 0;
+ <% if(!(nvl(reportSchedule.getStartDate()).length() > 0)) { %>
+ a:
+ for (var i = 0; i < varSelect.options.length; i++) {
+ if (varSelect.options[ i ].selected) {
+ if(!(varSelect.options[i].value.length > 0)) {
+ var d = new Date();
+ //alert(d.getMonth() + " " + d.getDate() + " " + d.getYear());
+ //alert(d.getMonth()+1+"/"+d.getDate()+"/"+d.getYear());
+ document.forma.schedStartDate.value = addZero(d.getMonth()+1)+"/"+addZero(d.getDate())+"/"+addZero(d.getYear());
+ document.forma.schedEndDate.value = addZero(d.getMonth()+1)+"/"+addZero(d.getDate())+"/"+addZero(d.getYear());
+ //alert(document.forma.schedStartDate.value);
+ flag = 1;
+ break a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(flag == 0) {
+ //alert("Here");
+ document.forma.schedStartDate.value = "";
+ document.forma.schedEndDate.value = "";
+ }
+ <% } %>
+ }
+ function initStartEndDate() {
+ var flag = 0;
+ var varSelect = document.forma.schedRecurrence;
+ var d = new Date();
+ var d_end = null;
+ d.setFullYear(<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)%>, <%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)%>,<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)%>);
+ d.setHours(<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)%>);
+ d.setMinutes(<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)%>);
+ d.setSeconds(<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)%>);
+ d_end = new Date();
+ d_end.setFullYear(<%=systemNext15Calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)%>, <%=systemNext15Calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)%>,<%=systemNext15Calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)%>);
+ d_end.setHours(<%=23%>);
+ d_end.setMinutes(<%=45%>);
+ d_end.setSeconds(<%=systemNext15Calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)%>);
+ if(d.getHours() == 23 && d.getMinutes()>=30) {
+ d_end.setFullYear(<%=systemNext30Calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)%>, <%=systemNext30Calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)%>,<%=systemNext30Calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)%>);
+ d_end.setHours(<%=23%>);
+ d_end.setMinutes(<%=45%>);
+ d_end.setSeconds(<%=systemNext30Calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)%>);
+ document.forma.schedEndDate.value = addZero(d_end.getMonth()+1)+"/"+addZero(d_end.getDate())+"/"+addZero(d_end.getYear());
+ var obj = document.forma.schedEndHour;
+ var hr = d_end.getHours();
+ //alert("end hr " + hr);
+ //if(d_end.getMinutes()>=45)
+ // hr = hr + 1;
+ if(hr > 12) hr = hr - 12;
+ if(hr == 0) hr = 12;
+ for (var i=0; i<obj.options.length; i++) {
+ if (eval(obj.options[i].value) == hr) {
+ obj.options[i].selected = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var obj1 = document.forma.schedEndMin;
+ for (var i=0; i<obj1.options.length; i++) {
+ if (d_end.getMinutes() <= eval(obj1.options[i].value)) {
+ obj1.options[i].selected = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var obj2 = document.forma.schedEndAMPM;
+ for (var i=0; i<obj2.options.length; i++) {
+ if (d_end.getHours() < 12 && obj2.options[i].value == 'AM') {
+ obj2.options[i].selected = true;
+ } else if (d_end.getHours() >= 12 && obj2.options[i].value == 'PM')
+ obj2.options[i].selected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ <% if(!(nvl(reportSchedule.getStartDate()).length() > 0)) { %>
+ //alert(d.getMonth() + " " + d.getDate() + " " + d.getYear());
+ //alert(d.getMonth()+1+"/"+d.getDate()+"/"+d.getYear());
+ //alert(d.getHours());
+ <%-- System.out.println(reportSchedule.getStartDate());
+ if(!(nvl(reportSchedule.getStartDate()).length() > 0)) { --%>
+ if(d.getHours() == 23 && d.getMinutes() > 45) {
+ //d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1);
+ document.forma.schedStartDate.value = addZero(d.getMonth()+1)+"/"+addZero(d.getDate()+1)+"/"+addZero(d.getYear());
+ }
+ else
+ document.forma.schedStartDate.value = addZero(d.getMonth()+1)+"/"+addZero(d.getDate())+"/"+addZero(d.getYear());
+ //document.forma.schedEndDate.value = addZero(d.getMonth()+1)+"/"+addZero(d.getDate())+"/"+addZero(d.getYear());
+ document.forma.schedEndDate.value = addZero(d_end.getMonth()+1)+"/"+addZero(d_end.getDate())+"/"+addZero(d_end.getYear());
+ var obj = document.forma.schedHour;
+ var hr = d.getHours();
+ if(d.getMinutes()>=45)
+ hr = hr + 1;
+ if(hr > 12) hr = hr - 12;
+ if(hr == 0) hr = 12;
+ for (var i=0; i<obj.options.length; i++) {
+ if (eval(obj.options[i].value) == hr) {
+ obj.options[i].selected = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var obj1 = document.forma.schedMin;
+ for (var i=0; i<obj1.options.length; i++) {
+ if (d.getMinutes() <= eval(obj1.options[i].value)) {
+ obj1.options[i].selected = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var obj2 = document.forma.schedAMPM;
+ for (var i=0; i<obj2.options.length; i++) {
+ //alert(d.getHours() + " " + d.getMinutes());
+ if(d.getHours() == 23 && d.getMinutes() >= 45) {
+ if(obj2.options[i].value == 'AM') {
+ //alert("hello");
+ obj2.options[i].selected = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //alert("hello2");
+ if ((d.getHours() < 12) && obj2.options[i].value == 'AM') {
+ obj2.options[i].selected = true;
+ } else if ((d.getHours() >= 12) && obj2.options[i].value == 'PM') {
+ obj2.options[i].selected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ <% } %>
+ }
+ function addZero(num) {
+ var numInt = 0;
+ numInt = num;
+ if(numInt < 10) {
+ return "0"+numInt;
+ }
+ else return ""+numInt;
+ }
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" align=center>
+ <tr class="rbg1">
+ <td class=rbg1 colspan="2" align="left">
+ <%if(nvl(Globals.getScheduleHelpMessage()).trim().length()>0) { %>
+ <a href="javascript:uitmpl_qh('sch_help_text'); if(typeof window.parent.resizeWindow == 'function') window.parent.resizeWindow();" class="qh-link" style="position:fixed;"></a>
+ <% } %>
+ <b class=rtableheader>Please enter Time in <%= Globals.getTimeZone()%>. The Current System Time is <%=dtimestamp.format(sysdate)%>&nbsp;<%=Globals.getTimeZone()%></b>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <%if(nvl(Globals.getScheduleHelpMessage()).length()>0) { %>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" class="nopad"><!-- quick help text -->
+ <div id="sch_help_text" class="mQH">
+ <p><span class="label">Report Desc:</span>
+ <%= Globals.getScheduleHelpMessage() %></p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- /quick help text --></td>
+ </tr>
+ <% } %>
+ <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext>Schedule Emails: </font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%" valign="middle" nowrap><font class=rtabletext>
+ <input type='radio' name='schedEnabled' id='schedEnabled' value='Y' <%= reportSchedule.getSchedEnabled().equals("Y")?" checked":"" %> toolTipText="This is used for the enabling or disabling the scheduling feature for this report."/>Yes
+ &nbsp;
+ <input type='radio' name='schedEnabled' id='schedEnabled' value='N' <%= reportSchedule.getSchedEnabled().equals("N")?" checked":"" %> toolTipText="This is used for the enabling or disabling the scheduling feature for this report."/>No
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext>Email Attachment:</font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%" valign="middle" nowrap>
+ <font class=rtabletext>
+ <%if(!rdefRecurrance.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_HIVE)) {%>
+ <input type='radio' name='notify' id='notify' value='2' <%= reportSchedule.getNotify_type().equals("2")?" checked":(reportSchedule.getNotify_type().length()<=0)?" checked":(!reportSchedule.getNotify_type().equals("4"))? " checked " :"" %> toolTipText="Provides the capability to attach reports as PDF format to the email."/>PDF Attachment
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <input type='radio' name='notify' id='notify' value='4' <%= reportSchedule.getNotify_type().equals("4")?" checked":"" %> toolTipText="Provides the capability to attach reports as Excel format to the email."/>Excel Attachment
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <% } %>
+ <input type='radio' name='notify' id='notify' value='5' <%= reportSchedule.getNotify_type().equals("5")?" checked":"" %> toolTipText="Provides the capability to attach reports as Excel format to the email."/>Excelx Attachment
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <input type='radio' name='notify' id='notify' value='3' <%= reportSchedule.getNotify_type().equals("3")?" checked":"" %> toolTipText="Provides the capability to attach reports as CSV format to the email."/>CSV Attachment
+ <%if(!rdefRecurrance.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_HIVE)) {%>
+ <% if(nvl(Globals.getShellScriptDir()).length()>1) { %>
+ <input type='radio' name='notify' id='notify' value='6' <%= reportSchedule.getNotify_type().equals("6")?" checked":"" %> toolTipText="Provides the capability to send only links to the generated report in the email."/>Link to Generated report
+ <% } %>
+ <% } %>
+ <input type='hidden' name='notify_type' value='1'/>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext>Recurrence: </font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%"><font class=rtabletext>
+ <select name="schedRecurrence" toolTipText="This is used to select recurrence frequency.">
+ <%if (rdefRecurrance.getIsOneTimeScheduleAllowed() == null || rdefRecurrance.getIsOneTimeScheduleAllowed().equals("Y")){ %><option value="" <%= reportSchedule.getRecurrence().equals("" )?" selected":"" %>>One Time<%} %>
+ <%if (rdefRecurrance.getIsHourlyScheduleAllowed() == null || rdefRecurrance.getIsHourlyScheduleAllowed().equals("Y")){ %><option value="<%= AppConstants.SR_HOURLY %>"<%= reportSchedule.getRecurrence().equals(AppConstants.SR_HOURLY )?" selected":"" %>>Hourly<%} %>
+ <%if (rdefRecurrance.getIsDailyScheduleAllowed() == null || rdefRecurrance.getIsDailyScheduleAllowed().equals("Y")){ %><option value="<%= AppConstants.SR_DAILY %>"<%= reportSchedule.getRecurrence().equals(AppConstants.SR_DAILY )?" selected":"" %>>Daily<%} %>
+ <%if (rdefRecurrance.getIsDailyMFScheduleAllowed() == null || rdefRecurrance.getIsDailyMFScheduleAllowed().equals("Y")){ %><option value="<%= AppConstants.SR_DAILY_MO_FR %>"<%= reportSchedule.getRecurrence().equals(AppConstants.SR_DAILY_MO_FR)?" selected":"" %>>Daily Mo-Fr<%} %>
+ <%if (rdefRecurrance.getIsWeeklyScheduleAllowed() == null || rdefRecurrance.getIsWeeklyScheduleAllowed().equals("Y")){ %><option value="<%= AppConstants.SR_WEEKLY %>"<%= reportSchedule.getRecurrence().equals(AppConstants.SR_WEEKLY )?" selected":"" %>>Weekly<%} %>
+ <%if (rdefRecurrance.getIsMonthlyScheduleAllowed() == null || rdefRecurrance.getIsMonthlyScheduleAllowed().equals("Y")){ %><option value="<%= AppConstants.SR_MONTHLY %>"<%= reportSchedule.getRecurrence().equals(AppConstants.SR_MONTHLY )?" selected":"" %>>Monthly<%} %>
+ </select></font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext>First Schedule Date: </font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%" nowrap><font class=rtabletext>
+ <input type="text" size="10" maxlength="10" name="schedStartDate" value="<%= reportSchedule.getStartDate() %>" toolTipText="Enter the date and time scheduling is to start.">
+ <!--<a href="#" onClick="window.dateField = document.forma.schedStartDate;calendar ='<%= AppUtils.getRaptorActionURL() %>popup.calendar','cal','WIDTH=200,HEIGHT=250');return false;">
+ <img src="<%= AppUtils.getImgFolderURL() %>calender_icon.gif" align=absmiddle border=0 width="20" height="20">
+ </a>-->
+ <img src="<%= AppUtils.getImgFolderURL() %>calender_icon.gif" align=absmiddle border=0 width="20" height="20" onClick="oCalendar = new CalendarPopup('calendarDiv', 'calendarFrame');oCalendar.addDisabledDates(null, '<%=dtf.format(startCalendarDate.getTime())%>');oCalendar.addDisabledDates('<%=dtf.format(endCalendarDate.getTime())%>', null);oCalendar.setCssPrefix('raptor');'schedStartDate'),event,'MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;" style="cursor:hand">
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <select name="schedHour">
+ <option value="01"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("01")?" selected":"" %>>1
+ <option value="02"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("02")?" selected":"" %>>2
+ <option value="03"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("03")?" selected":"" %>>3
+ <option value="04"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("04")?" selected":"" %>>4
+ <option value="05"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("05")?" selected":"" %>>5
+ <option value="06"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("06")?" selected":"" %>>6
+ <option value="07"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("07")?" selected":"" %>>7
+ <option value="08"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("08")?" selected":"" %>>8
+ <option value="09"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("09")?" selected":"" %>>9
+ <option value="10"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("10")?" selected":"" %>>10
+ <option value="11"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("11")?" selected":"" %>>11
+ <option value="12"<%= reportSchedule.getRunHour().equals("12")?" selected":"" %>>12
+ </select>
+ <select name="schedMin">
+ <option value="00"<%= reportSchedule.getRunMin().equals("00")?" selected":"" %>>00
+ <option value="15"<%= reportSchedule.getRunMin().equals("15")?" selected":"" %>>15
+ <option value="30"<%= reportSchedule.getRunMin().equals("30")?" selected":"" %>>30
+ <option value="45"<%= reportSchedule.getRunMin().equals("45")?" selected":"" %>>45
+ </select>
+ <select name="schedAMPM">
+ <option value="AM"<%= reportSchedule.getRunAMPM().equals("AM")?" selected":"" %>>AM
+ <option value="PM"<%= reportSchedule.getRunAMPM().equals("PM")?" selected":"" %>>PM
+ </select>
+ <%= Globals.getTimeZone()%>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<!-- /quick help text -->
+ <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext>Last Schedule Date: </font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%" nowrap><font class=rtabletext>
+ <input type="text" size="10" maxlength="10" name="schedEndDate" value="<%= reportSchedule.getEndDate() %>" toolTipText="Enter the date scheduling is to end. This is mandatory for recurring reports.">
+ <!--<a href="#" onClick="window.dateField = document.forma.schedEndDate;calendar ='<%= AppUtils.getRaptorActionURL() %>popup.calendar','cal','WIDTH=200,HEIGHT=250');return false;">
+ <img src="<%= AppUtils.getImgFolderURL() %>calender_icon.gif" align=absmiddle border=0 width="20" height="20">
+ </a>-->
+ <img src="<%= AppUtils.getImgFolderURL() %>calender_icon.gif" align=absmiddle border=0 width="20" height="20" onClick="oCalendar = new CalendarPopup('calendarDiv', 'calendarFrame');oCalendar.addDisabledDates(null, '<%=dtf.format(startCalendarDate.getTime())%>');oCalendar.addDisabledDates('<%=dtf.format(endCalendarDate.getTime())%>', null);oCalendar.setCssPrefix('raptor');'schedEndDate'),event,'MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;" style="cursor:hand">
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <select name="schedEndHour">
+ <option value="01"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("01")?" selected":"" %>>1
+ <option value="02"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("02")?" selected":"" %>>2
+ <option value="03"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("03")?" selected":"" %>>3
+ <option value="04"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("04")?" selected":"" %>>4
+ <option value="05"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("05")?" selected":"" %>>5
+ <option value="06"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("06")?" selected":"" %>>6
+ <option value="07"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("07")?" selected":"" %>>7
+ <option value="08"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("08")?" selected":"" %>>8
+ <option value="09"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("09")?" selected":"" %>>9
+ <option value="10"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("10")?" selected":"" %>>10
+ <option value="11"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("11")?" selected":"" %>>11
+ <option value="12"<%= reportSchedule.getEndHour().equals("12")?" selected":"" %>>12
+ </select>
+ <select name="schedEndMin">
+ <option value="00"<%= reportSchedule.getEndMin().equals("00")?" selected":"" %>>00
+ <option value="15"<%= reportSchedule.getEndMin().equals("15")?" selected":"" %>>15
+ <option value="30"<%= reportSchedule.getEndMin().equals("30")?" selected":"" %>>30
+ <option value="45"<%= reportSchedule.getEndMin().equals("45")?" selected":"" %>>45
+ </select>
+ <select name="schedEndAMPM">
+ <option value="AM"<%= reportSchedule.getEndAMPM().equals("AM")?" selected":"" %>>AM
+ <option value="PM"<%= reportSchedule.getEndAMPM().equals("PM")?" selected":"" %>>PM
+ </select>
+ <%= Globals.getTimeZone()%>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <script type="text/javascript">initStartEndDate();</script>
+ <% if(AppUtils.isAdminUser(request) || isSQLAllowed ) { %>
+ <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext>Use Condition:</font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%" valign="middle" nowrap><font class=rtabletext>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="conditional" value="Y"<%= reportSchedule.getConditional().equals("Y")?" checked":"" %>> Send Emails Only When Condition Is Met
+ </font></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext>Condition SQL:</font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%" valign="middle" nowrap>
+ <textarea name="conditionSQL" cols="40" rows="3"><%= nvl(reportSchedule.getConditionSQL()) %></textarea>
+ <input type="Button" class=button value="Test" onClick="showTestConditionPopup()">
+ &nbsp;
+ </font></td>
+ </tr>
+ <% } %>
+ <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext>Max rows in attachment:</font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%" valign="middle" nowrap>
+ <input type='text' name='downloadLimit' value="<%=Integer.parseInt(reportSchedule.getDownloadLimit())>0?reportSchedule.getDownloadLimit(): Integer.toString(rdefRecurrance.getMaxRowsInExcelDownload())%>" size='4' toolTipText="Specify the maximum number of rows that can be sent in an attachment."/>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="rbg1">
+ <td class=rbg1 colspan="2" align="left">
+ <b class=rtableheader>Form Fields</b>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <jsp:include page="wizard_schedule_formfield_include.jsp" flush="true" />
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=4><hr></hr></td>
+ </tr>
+ <input type="hidden" name="toListUpdated" value="false" />
+<% List emailToUsers = reportSchedule.getEmailToUsers();
+ for(int i=0; i<emailToUsers.size(); i++) {
+ IdNameValue userValue = (IdNameValue) emailToUsers.get(i); %>
+ <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext><%= (i==0)?"Email To: ":"&nbsp;" %></font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%" nowrap><font class=rtabletext>
+ <%= userValue.getName() %>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <input type=image border="0" src="<%= AppUtils.getImgFolderURL() %>deleteicon.gif" alt="Remove" width="12" height="12" onClick="if(! dataValidate()) {return false;} else if(! confirm('Are you sure?')) {return false;} else {document.forma.<%= AppConstants.RI_WIZARD_ACTION %>.value='<%= AppConstants.WA_DELETE_USER %>'; document.all.toListUpdated.value='true'; document.forma.<%= AppConstants.RI_DETAIL_ID %>.value='<%= userValue.getId() %>'; }">
+ </font></td>
+ </tr>
+<% } // for
+ List emailToRoles = reportSchedule.getEmailToRoles();
+ for(int i=0; i<emailToRoles.size(); i++) {
+ IdNameValue roleValue = (IdNameValue) emailToRoles.get(i); %>
+ <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext><%= (emailToUsers.size()==0&&i==0)?"Email To: ":"&nbsp;" %></font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%" nowrap><font class=rtabletext>Everyone With Role:&nbsp;
+ <%= roleValue.getName() %>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <input type=image border="0" src="<%= AppUtils.getImgFolderURL() %>deleteicon.gif" alt="Remove" width="12" height="12" onClick="if(! dataValidate()) {return false;} else if(! confirm('Are you sure?')) {return false;} else {document.forma.<%= AppConstants.RI_WIZARD_ACTION %>.value='<%= AppConstants.WA_DELETE_ROLE %>'; document.all.toListUpdated.value='true'; document.forma.<%= AppConstants.RI_DETAIL_ID %>.value='<%= roleValue.getId() %>'; }">
+ </font></td>
+ </tr>
+<% } // for
+ Vector remainingUsers = Utils.getUsersNotInList(emailToUsers,request);
+ Vector remainingRoles = Utils.getRolesNotInList(emailToRoles,request);
+ if((emailToUsers.size()+emailToRoles.size()==0)||(remainingUsers.size()>0)||(remainingRoles.size()>0)) { %>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center">
+ <table width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" align="center" border="0"> <tr>
+ <td class=rbg2 align="right" width="25%" height="30"><font class=rtabletext><%= (emailToUsers.size()+emailToRoles.size()==0)?"Email To: ":"&nbsp;" %></font></td>
+ <td class=rbg3 align="left" width="50%" nowrap><font class=rtabletext>
+<% if(remainingUsers.size()>0) { %>
+ <select name="schedEmailAdd" onChange="if(! dataValidate()) {selectedIndex=0;} else {document.forma.<%= AppConstants.RI_WIZARD_ACTION %>.value='<%= AppConstants.WA_ADD_USER %>'; document.all.toListUpdated.value='true'; document.forma.submit();}" toolTipText="Select users and/or roles the report should be sent to">
+ <option value="" selected>--- Select User ---
+<% for(int i=0; i<remainingUsers.size(); i++) {
+ IdNameValue userValue = (IdNameValue) remainingUsers.get(i); %>
+ <option value="<%= userValue.getId() %>"><%= userValue.getName() %>
+<% } // for %>
+ </select>
+<% } else { %>
+ No user emails available
+<% } %>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+<% if(remainingRoles.size()>0) { %>
+ <select name="schedEmailAddRole" onChange="if(! dataValidate()) {selectedIndex=0;} else {document.forma.<%= AppConstants.RI_WIZARD_ACTION %>.value='<%= AppConstants.WA_ADD_ROLE %>'; document.all.toListUpdated.value='true'; document.forma.submit();}" toolTipText="Select users and/or roles the report should be sent to">
+ <option value="" selected>--- Select Role ---
+<% for(int i=0; i<remainingRoles.size(); i++) {
+ IdNameValue roleValue = (IdNameValue) remainingRoles.get(i); %>
+ <option value="<%= roleValue.getId() %>"><%= roleValue.getName() %>
+<% } // for %>
+ </select>
+<% } else { %>
+ No roles available
+<% } %>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ <% if ( nvl(Globals.getEncryptedSMTPServer(),"").length() > 0 ) { %>
+ <td align="right" width="27%"><font class=rtabletext>Encrypt Attachment</font>
+ <input type='radio' name='encryptMode' id='encryptMode' value='Y' <%= reportSchedule.getEncryptMode().equals("Y")?"":" checked" %> toolTipText="Choose the encryption mode."/>Yes
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <input type='radio' name='encryptMode' id='encryptMode' value='N' <%= reportSchedule.getEncryptMode().equals("N")?"":(reportSchedule.getEncryptMode().length()<=0)?" checked":(!reportSchedule.getEncryptMode().equals("N"))? " " :" checked " %> toolTipText="Choose the encryption mode."/>No
+ </td>
+ <% } %>
+ <% if (Globals.generateSchedReportsInFileSystem()) { %>
+ <td align="right" width="27%"><font class=rtabletext>Send as Attachment</font>
+ <input type='radio' name='sendAttachment' id='sendAttachment' value='Y' <%= reportSchedule.isAttachmentMode()?" checked ":""%> toolTipText="Send As Attachment"/>Yes
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <input type='radio' name='sendAttachment' id='sendAttachment' value='N' <%= !reportSchedule.isAttachmentMode()?" checked":"" %> toolTipText="Store it in file system."/>No
+ </td>
+ <% } %>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<% } // if
+<script language="JavaScript">
+function dataValidate() {
+ //alert("dataValidate called");
+ var startDate = new Date(document.forma.schedStartDate.value);
+ var startHour = eval(document.forma.schedHour.value);
+ if(document.forma.schedAMPM.value == 'PM') {
+ if (startHour != 12) startHour = startHour + 12;
+ } else {
+ if (startHour == 12) startHour = startHour - 12;
+ }
+ startDate.setHours(startHour);
+ startDate.setMinutes(eval(document.forma.schedMin.value));
+ var endDate = new Date(document.forma.schedEndDate.value);
+ var endHour = eval(document.forma.schedEndHour.value);
+ if(document.forma.schedEndAMPM.value == 'PM') {
+ if (endHour != 12) endHour = endHour + 12;
+ } else {
+ if (endHour == 12) endHour = endHour - 12;
+ }
+ endDate.setHours(endHour);
+ endDate.setMinutes(eval(document.forma.schedEndMin.value));
+ //alert ("System Calendar " + "<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)+ " " + (systemCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)+ " " + systemCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + " " + systemCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + " " + systemCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + " " + systemCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)%>");
+ var currDate = new Date();
+ var curr1Date = new Date();
+ currDate.setFullYear(<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)%>, <%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)%>,<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)%>);
+ currDate.setHours(<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)%>);
+ currDate.setMinutes(<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)%>);
+ currDate.setSeconds(<%=systemCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)%>);
+ //alert(startDate+ " " + currDate + " " + (startDate-currDate) + " " + (startDate.toString()==currDate.toString()));
+ if(! checkDate(document.forma.schedStartDate.value, false)) {
+ alert("Invalid Start Date. The date format should be MM/DD/YYYY");
+ document.forma.schedStartDate.focus();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(! checkDate(document.forma.schedEndDate.value, false)) {
+ alert("Invalid End Date. The date format should be MM/DD/YYYY");
+ document.forma.schedEndDate.focus();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (startDate >= endDate){
+ alert("Start Date has to be less than the End Date.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (startDate - currDate < 0){
+ if(startDate.toString()!=currDate.toString()) {
+ var m_names = new Array("January", "February", "March",
+ "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September",
+ "October", "November", "December");
+ var curr_min = currDate.getMinutes();
+ curr_min = curr_min + "";
+ if (curr_min.length == 1) {
+ curr_min = "0" + curr_min;
+ }
+ alert("Start Date/Time has to be greater or equal to the System Date/Time ("+m_names[currDate.getMonth()]+" "+ currDate.getDate() + ", " + currDate.getYear() + " " + currDate.getHours()+ ":" + curr_min+ ").");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*if(! checkDate(document.forma.schedRunDate.value, true)) {
+ alert("Invalid Execution Date. The date format should be MM/DD/YYYY");
+ document.forma.schedRunDate.focus();
+ return false;
+ }*/
+<% if (AppUtils.isAdminUser(request) || isSQLAllowed){ %>
+ if(document.forma.conditional.checked&&document.forma.conditionSQL.value=="") {
+ alert("Please provide Condition SQL");
+ document.forma.conditionSQL.focus();
+ return false;
+ }
+<% } %>
+ if(! checkNonNegativeInteger(document.forma.downloadLimit.value)) {
+ alert("Max row in attachment is not a valid integer.\nPlease enter a valid value.");
+ document.forma.downloadLimit.focus();
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((document.forma.downloadLimit.value) > <%=Globals.getDownloadLimit()%>) {
+ alert("Max row you can download should not be more than <%=Globals.getDownloadLimit()%> rows.\nPlease enter a valid value.");
+ document.forma.downloadLimit.focus();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i=0; i < document.forma.notify.length; i++) {
+ if (document.forma.notify[i].checked) {
+ document.forma.notify_type.value = document.forma.notify[i].value;
+ }
+ }
+ return validateForm();
+ return true;
+} // dataValidate
+<script type="text/javascript">
+var tooltipObj = new DHTMLgoodies_formTooltip();
+ private String nvl(String s) { return (s==null)?"":s; }
+ private String nvl(String s, String sDefault) { return nvl(s).equals("")?sDefault:s; }