path: root/vid-ext-services-simulator/README.txt
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+VID Simulator
+Allow intuitive and extensible framework for mocking REST calls towards VID external peers,
+both for dev and testing purposes.
+Spring MVC
+MockServer (Apache License 2.0)
+High-level description:
+The Simulator uses MockServer instance running "under the hood" listening to its own HTTP port.
+the Simulator allows to register the expected request and response to the MockServer instance
+with an exposed REST call (see details below), and all other requests are automatically redirected to MockServer.
+If a request was properly registered, the MockServer will reply with an expected response, which will be in turn
+returned by the Simulator to the caller.
+The Simulator supports both dynamic and preset (static) registration, looking for JSON files in correct registration format and
+registrating them on startup - see details below under "Preset registration"
+Note that the behaviour is generic, and no additional code is expected to be added when there are new
+MSO/AAI/any other component APIs to be mocked. They will just need to be properly registered using the existing API.
+Simulator can be used in both test and dev modes. You can change the server root of any of VID external REST peers
+to the one of the simulator (see details in "Usage"), and either register the expected request/response dynamically or preset it
+to be loaded during startup. That's it - you're ready to use the simulator either in dev mode, or in test mode by running integration tests vs VID.
+Simulator configuration:
+Under src/main/resources/:
+1) - currently allows to configure the connection details of MockServer, preset registration mode, and other simulator-related props.
+2) - TBD (MockServer logging, SSL etc.)
+Preset registration:
+If enabled in the properties, the Simulator will also run preset registration, looking for JSON files in correct registration format and
+registrating them on startup.
+The files must be placed under src/main/resources/preset_registration.
+If preset registration is enabled, the simulator will run the scheduler "schedulerDetails" API registration, and any other JSON file which it will find under the folder.
+ "simulatorRequest": {
+ "method": "GET",
+ "path": "/scheduler/v1/ChangeManagement/schedules/scheduleDetails"
+ } ,
+ "simulatorResponse": {
+ "responseCode": 200,
+ "body": "[{\"vnfName\":\"ZRDM1MMSC04c53a\",\"status\":\"Pending Schedule\",\"groupId\":\"\",\"policyId\":\"SNIRO.Config_MS_Demo_TimeLimitAndVerticalTopology_zone\",\"scheduleRequest\":{\"id\":1,\"createDateTime\":\"2017-09-06T13:29:43Z\",\"optimizerDateTime\":\"2017-09-06T13:29:55Z\",\"optimizerMessage\":\"\\n{\\n \\\"requestError\\\": {\\n \\\"serviceException\\\": {\\n \\\"messageId\\\": \\\"SVC0001\\\",\\n \\\"requestId\\\": \\\"CM-c098bd33-a51e-461b-8fd2-6c4d2666c706\\\",\\n \\\"text\\\": \\\"sniro.operation.exceptions.PolicyNotFoundException: Cannot fetch policy SNIRO.Config_MS_Demo_TimeLimitAndVerticalTopology_zone: : HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8081): Max retries exceeded with url: \/pdp\/getConfig (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f0ecc00d6d8>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=6.5)'))\\\",\\n \\\"variables\\\": [\\\"severity\\\", 400]\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"optimizerStatus\":\"HTTP Status: 400\",\"optimizerAttemptsToSchedule\":1,\"optimizerTransactionId\":\"08fb4c32-ecb4-4d72-b618-a6156d3fc53a\",\"scheduleId\":\"08fb4c32-ecb4-4d72-b618-a6156d3fc53a\",\"scheduleName\":\"08fb4c32-ecb4-4d72-b618-a6156d3fc53a\",\"status\":\"Schedule Failed\",\"userId\":\"su7376\",\"domain\":\"ChangeManagement\",\"domainData\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"CallbackData\",\"value\":\"{\\\"requestDetails\\\": [{\\\"vnfInstanceId\\\": \\\"Test\\\", \\\"relatedInstanceList\\\": [{\\\"relatedInstance\\\": {\\\"instanceId\\\": \\\"{serviceInstanceId}\\\", \\\"modelInfo\\\": {\\\"modelName\\\": \\\"{parent service model name}\\\", \\\"modelVersion\\\": \\\"2.0\\\", \\\"modelType\\\": \\\"service\\\", \\\"modelInvariantId\\\": \\\"ff3514e3-5a33-55df-13ab-12abad84e7ff\\\", \\\"modelCustomizationName\\\": \\\"vSAMP12 1\\\", \\\"modelVersionId\\\": \\\"9ebb1521-2e74-47a4-aac7-e71a79f73a79\\\", \\\"modelCustomizationId\\\": \\\"c539433a-84a6-4082-a12e-5c9b00c3b960\\\"}}}], \\\"requestParameters\\\": {\\\"usePreload\\\": \\\"True\\\"}, \\\"requestInfo\\\": {\\\"source\\\": \\\"VID\\\", \\\"requestorId\\\": \\\"az2016\\\", \\\"suppressRollback\\\": \\\"False\\\"}, \\\"vnfName\\\": \\\"Name\\\", \\\"modelInfo\\\": {\\\"modelName\\\": \\\"vSAMP12\\\", \\\"modelVersion\\\": \\\"2.0\\\", \\\"modelType\\\": \\\"vnf\\\", \\\"modelInvariantId\\\": \\\"ff5256d1-5a33-55df-13ab-12abad84e7ff\\\", \\\"modelCustomizationName\\\": \\\"vSAMP12 1\\\", \\\"modelVersionId\\\": \\\"254583ad-b38c-498b-bdbd-b8de5e07541b\\\", \\\"modelCustomizationId\\\": \\\"c539433a-84a6-4082-a12e-5c9b00c3b960\\\"}, \\\"cloudConfiguration\\\": {\\\"lcpCloudRegionId\\\": \\\"mdt1\\\", \\\"tenantId\\\": \\\"88a6ca3ee0394ade9403f075db23167e\\\"}}]}\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"WorkflowName\",\"value\":\"Build Software Upgrade for vNFs\"},{\"id\":3,\"name\":\"CallbackUrl\",\"value\":\"http:\/\/\/scheduler\/v1\/loopbacktest\/vid\"}],\"scheduleApprovals\":[]},\"schedulesId\":0}]"
+ }
+Dynamic registration:
+If you need dynamic registration, register API for dynamic registration:
+POST {protocol}://{Tomcat host}:{Tomcat port}/vidSimulator/registerToVidSimulator
+To unregister and clear *all* expectations, use DELETE action:
+DELETE {protocol}://{Tomcat host}:{Tomcat port}/vidSimulator/registerToVidSimulator
+Registration body JSON specification (see and copy/paste examples below):
+ "simulatorRequest" - request wrapper.
+ Note that from the below fields, it's mandatory to populate at least one.
+ No field is mandatory by itself.
+ "id" - String, will be expected as a value in an X-header with a key "x-simulator-id"
+ "method" - String, HTTP method of the request.
+ "path" - String, relative path of the request, MUST be WITH leading slash and WITHOUT trailing slash.
+ "queryParams" - Map<String, List<String>>, query params of key-->list of values.
+ "body" - String, body of the request in case of POST/PUT.
+ Note that JSON String should be properly escaped.
+ "simulatorResponse" - response wrapper.
+ Note that from the below fields, it's mandatory to populate at least "responseCode".
+ "responseCode" - integer, HTTP response code.
+ "responseHeaders" - Dictionary Object with HTTP headers and values.
+ "body" - String, body of the response.
+ Note that JSON String should be properly escaped.
+ "file" - String, a filename of the file sitting in "vid-ext-services-simulator\src\main\resources\download_files"
+ Used for simulating file download requests.
+ "misc" - optional configurations.
+ "numberOfTimes" - Integer. Limit this expectation to fire only a
+ given amount of times. Values like -1 or less are
+ treated as "unlimited". Default is unlimited.
+ "replace" - Boolean. If there is already a registered expectation with
+ same simulatorRequest, remove the old registered expectation.
+ If set to 'False' -- the result will be appended to fire
+ after the old registered expectation(s) will fulfill their
+ numberOfTimes. Default is 'True'.
+1) In, change the API you want to mock - set server root to be
+{protocol}://{Tomcat host}:{Tomcat port}/vidSimulator (for example http://localhost:7080/vidSimulator)
+Example of mocking the scheduler:
+2) Check the file under /resources to verify the desired properties of the inner MockServer instance.
+ * Default MockServer URI is http://localhost:1080
+3) Build VID and VID Simulator WARs
+4) Deploy the Simulator WAR under Tomcat, either same as VID or another instance.
+ * Application context path of the Simulator is /vidSimulator
+Some more examples of usage with demo requests/responses:
+1) Getting a response by "id" (method and path are insignificant in this case)
+ Request:
+ POST /vidSimulator/registerToVidSimulator HTTP/1.1
+ Host: localhost:7080
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ {
+ "simulatorRequest": {
+ "id": "pavelId"
+ } ,
+ "simulatorResponse": {
+ "responseCode": 200,
+ "responseHeaders": {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json"
+ },
+ "body": "{\"value1\": \"kuku\",\"value2\": \"shmuku\"}"
+ }
+ }
+ Response:
+ 200 OK
+ Registration successful!
+ Request:
+ GET /vidSimulator/scheduler/testApi HTTP/1.1
+ Host: localhost:7080
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ X-Simulator-Id: pavelId
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ Response:
+ 200 OK
+ {
+ "value1": "kuku",
+ "value2": "shmuku"
+ }
+2) Getting a response by "id", "method" and "path" - sunny and rainy flows
+ Request:
+ POST /vidSimulator/registerToVidSimulator HTTP/1.1
+ Host: localhost:7080
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ {
+ "simulatorRequest": {
+ "id": "pavelIdGet",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "path": "/scheduler/testApiGet"
+ } ,
+ "simulatorResponse": {
+ "responseCode": 200,
+ "responseHeaders": {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json"
+ },
+ "body": "{\"value1\": \"kukuResponse\",\"value2\": \"shmukuResponse\"}"
+ }
+ }
+ Response:
+ 200 OK
+ Registration successful!
+Running - sunny flow:
+ Request:
+ GET /vidSimulator/scheduler/testApiGet HTTP/1.1
+ Host: localhost:7080
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ X-Simulator-Id: pavelId
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ Response:
+ 200 OK
+ {
+ "value1": "kukuResponse",
+ "value2": "shmukuResponse"
+ }
+Running POST - will return 404 since GET method was explicitly registered:
+ Request:
+ POST /vidSimulator/scheduler/testApiGet HTTP/1.1
+ Host: localhost:7080
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ X-Simulator-Id: pavelIdGet
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ {
+ "id": "pavelId",
+ "responseCode": 200,
+ "body": {
+ "value1": "kuku",
+ "value2": "shmuku"
+ }
+ }
+ Response:
+ 404 Not Found
+3) Getting an error HTTP response (based on "id" in this example)
+ Request:
+ POST /vidSimulator/registerToVidSimulator HTTP/1.1
+ Host: localhost:7080
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ {
+ "simulatorRequest": {
+ "id": "pavelIdError"
+ } ,
+ "simulatorResponse": {
+ "responseCode": 417
+ }
+ }
+ Response:
+ 200 OK
+ Registration successful!
+ Request:
+ GET /vidSimulator/scheduler/anyApi HTTP/1.1
+ Host: localhost:7080
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ X-Simulator-Id: pavelIdError
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ Response:
+ 417 Expectation Failed.
+4) Query params
+ Request:
+ POST /vidSimulator/registerToVidSimulator HTTP/1.1
+ Host: localhost:7080
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ Postman-Token: 0bbfeb0f-b8b6-368e-6fbd-38a90fc544b4
+ {
+ "simulatorRequest": {
+ "method": "GET",
+ "path": "/cloudResourcesRequests/v1",
+ "queryParams": {
+ "requestId" : ["3212b08c-0dcd-4d20-8c84-51e4f325c14a", "3212b08c-0dcd-4d20-8c84-51e4f325c14b"]
+ }
+ } ,
+ "simulatorResponse": {
+ "responseCode": 200,
+ "body": "{\"requestId1\": \"3212b08c-0dcd-4d20-8c84-51e4f325c14a\",\"requestId2\": \"3212b08c-0dcd-4d20-8c84-51e4f325c14b\"}"
+ }
+ }
+ Response:
+ 200 OK
+ Registration successful!
+ Request:
+ GET /vidSimulator/cloudResourcesRequests/v1?requestId=3212b08c-0dcd-4d20-8c84-51e4f325c14b&amp;requestId=3212b08c-0dcd-4d20-8c84-51e4f325c14a HTTP/1.1
+ Host:
+ Accept: application/json
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ Postman-Token: 9ef5d9d2-77f4-7631-7e9f-4404df10acb6
+ Response:
+ 200 OK
+ {"requestId1": "3212b08c-0dcd-4d20-8c84-51e4f325c14a","requestId2": "3212b08c-0dcd-4d20-8c84-51e4f325c14b"}
+5) File Download
+ Request:
+ POST /vidSimulator/registerToVidSimulator HTTP/1.1
+ Host: localhost:7080
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ Postman-Token: 0bbfeb0f-b8b6-368e-6fbd-38a90fc544b4
+ {
+ "simulatorRequest": {
+ "method": "GET",
+ "path": "/vidSimulator/getSomeFile"
+ } ,
+ "simulatorResponse": {
+ "responseCode": 200,
+ "file": ""
+ }
+ }
+ Response:
+ 200 OK
+ Registration successful!
+ Request:
+ GET /vidSimulator/getSomeFile HTTP/1.1
+ Host:
+ Cache-Control: no-cache
+ Postman-Token: 9ef5d9d2-77f4-7631-7e9f-4404df10acb6
+ Response:
+ 200 OK
+ File for download.