path: root/vid-app-common/src/main/java/org/onap/vid/job/command/ResourceCommand.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'vid-app-common/src/main/java/org/onap/vid/job/command/ResourceCommand.kt')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vid-app-common/src/main/java/org/onap/vid/job/command/ResourceCommand.kt b/vid-app-common/src/main/java/org/onap/vid/job/command/ResourceCommand.kt
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/vid-app-common/src/main/java/org/onap/vid/job/command/ResourceCommand.kt
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+package org.onap.vid.job.command
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.convertValue
+import org.onap.portalsdk.core.logging.logic.EELFLoggerDelegate
+import org.onap.vid.changeManagement.RequestDetailsWrapper
+import org.onap.vid.job.Job
+import org.onap.vid.job.Job.JobStatus
+import org.onap.vid.job.JobAdapter
+import org.onap.vid.job.JobCommand
+import org.onap.vid.job.NextCommand
+import org.onap.vid.job.impl.JobSharedData
+import org.onap.vid.model.Action
+import org.onap.vid.model.RequestReferencesContainer
+import org.onap.vid.model.serviceInstantiation.BaseResource
+import org.onap.vid.mso.RestMsoImplementation
+import org.onap.vid.utils.JACKSON_OBJECT_MAPPER
+import org.onap.vid.utils.getEnumFromMapOfStrings
+import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod
+import java.util.*
+const val INTERNAL_STATE = "internalState"
+const val ACTION_PHASE = "actionPhase"
+const val CHILD_JOBS = "childJobs"
+const val MSO_RESOURCE_ID = "msoResourceIds"
+const val CUMULATIVE_STATUS = "cumulativeStatus"
+enum class InternalState constructor(val immediate:Boolean=false) {
+data class NextInternalState(val nextActionPhase: Action, val nextInternalState: InternalState)
+data class MsoRestCallPlan(
+ val httpMethod: HttpMethod,
+ val path: String,
+ val payload: Optional<RequestDetailsWrapper<out Any>>,
+ val userId: Optional<String>,
+ val actionDescription: String
+abstract class ResourceCommand(
+ protected val restMso: RestMsoImplementation,
+ protected val inProgressStatusService: InProgressStatusService,
+ protected val msoResultHandlerService: MsoResultHandlerService,
+ protected val watchChildrenJobsBL: WatchChildrenJobsBL
+) : CommandBase(), JobCommand {
+ companion object {
+ private val Logger = EELFLoggerDelegate.getLogger(ResourceCommand::class.java)
+ }
+ abstract fun createChildren():JobStatus
+ abstract fun planCreateMyselfRestCall(commandParentData: CommandParentData, request: JobAdapter.AsyncJobRequest, userId: String): MsoRestCallPlan
+ abstract fun planDeleteMyselfRestCall(commandParentData: CommandParentData, request: JobAdapter.AsyncJobRequest, userId: String): MsoRestCallPlan
+ private val commandByInternalState: Map<InternalState, () -> JobStatus> = hashMapOf(
+ Pair(InternalState.CREATING_CHILDREN, ::createChildren),
+ Pair(InternalState.WATCHING, ::watchChildren),
+ Pair(InternalState.CREATE_MYSELF, ::createMyself),
+ Pair(InternalState.DELETE_MYSELF, ::deleteMyself),
+ Pair(InternalState.IN_PROGRESS, ::inProgress)
+ )
+ private lateinit var internalState:InternalState
+ protected lateinit var actionPhase: Action
+ private var commandParentData: CommandParentData = CommandParentData()
+ private var msoResourceIds: MsoResourceIds = EMPTY_MSO_RESOURCE_ID
+ protected var childJobs:List<String> = emptyList()
+ private lateinit var cumulativeStatus:JobStatus
+ override fun call(): NextCommand {
+ var jobStatus:JobStatus = invokeCommand()
+ jobStatus = comulateStatusAndUpdatePropertyIfFinal(jobStatus)
+ Logger.debug("command for job ${sharedData.jobUuid} invoked and finished with jobStatus $jobStatus")
+ if (shallStopJob(jobStatus)) {
+ onFinal(jobStatus)
+ return NextCommand(jobStatus)
+ }
+ val (nextActionPhase, nextInternalState) = calcNextInternalState(jobStatus, internalState, actionPhase)
+ Logger.debug("next state for job ${sharedData.jobUuid} is $nextInternalState")
+ actionPhase = nextActionPhase
+ internalState = nextInternalState
+ if (internalState==InternalState.TERMINAL) {
+ onFinal(jobStatus)
+ return NextCommand(jobStatus)
+ }
+ jobStatus = getExternalInProgressStatus()
+ Logger.debug("next status for job ${sharedData.jobUuid} is $jobStatus")
+// if (internalState.immediate) return call() //shortcut instead of execute another command
+ return NextCommand(jobStatus, this)
+ }
+ //we want to stop in faliures, except for service witn no action, since service with no action trigger 2 phases (delete and create)
+ protected fun shallStopJob(jobStatus: JobStatus) =
+ jobStatus.isFailure && !(isServiceCommand() && getActionType()==Action.None)
+ //this method is used to expose the job status after successful completion of current state
+ //should be override by subclass (like ServiceCommand) that need to return other default job status
+ protected open fun getExternalInProgressStatus() = JobStatus.RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS
+ private fun invokeCommand(): JobStatus {
+ return commandByInternalState.getOrDefault (internalState, ::throwIllegalState).invoke()
+ }
+ private fun throwIllegalState():JobStatus {
+ throw IllegalStateException("can't find action for pashe $actionPhase and state $internalState")
+ }
+ private fun calcNextInternalState(jobStatus: JobStatus, internalState: InternalState, actionPhase: Action): NextInternalState {
+ val nextInternalState = when (actionPhase) {
+ Action.Delete -> calcNextStateDeletePhase(jobStatus, internalState)
+ Action.Create -> calcNextStateCreatePhase(jobStatus, internalState)
+ else -> InternalState.TERMINAL
+ }
+ if (nextInternalState == InternalState.TERMINAL
+ && actionPhase == Action.Delete
+ && isServiceCommand()) {
+ // Loop over to "Create" phase
+ return NextInternalState(Action.Create, InternalState.INITIAL)
+ }
+ return NextInternalState(actionPhase, nextInternalState)
+ }
+ //no need to refer to failed (final) states here
+ //This method is called only for non final states or COMPLETED
+ protected fun calcNextStateDeletePhase(jobStatus: JobStatus, internalState: InternalState): InternalState {
+ return when (internalState) {
+ InternalState.CREATING_CHILDREN -> InternalState.WATCHING
+ InternalState.WATCHING -> {
+ when {
+ !jobStatus.isFinal -> InternalState.WATCHING
+ isNeedToDeleteMyself() -> InternalState.DELETE_MYSELF
+ else -> InternalState.TERMINAL
+ }
+ }
+ InternalState.DELETE_MYSELF -> InternalState.IN_PROGRESS
+ InternalState.IN_PROGRESS -> {
+ if (jobStatus == Job.JobStatus.COMPLETED) InternalState.TERMINAL else InternalState.IN_PROGRESS
+ }
+ else -> InternalState.TERMINAL
+ }
+ }
+ protected fun calcNextStateCreatePhase(jobStatus: JobStatus, internalState: InternalState): InternalState {
+ return when (internalState) {
+ InternalState.CREATE_MYSELF -> InternalState.IN_PROGRESS
+ InternalState.IN_PROGRESS -> {
+ if (jobStatus == Job.JobStatus.COMPLETED) InternalState.CREATING_CHILDREN else InternalState.IN_PROGRESS
+ }
+ InternalState.CREATING_CHILDREN -> InternalState.WATCHING
+ InternalState.WATCHING -> {
+ when {
+ !jobStatus.isFinal -> InternalState.WATCHING
+ else -> InternalState.TERMINAL
+ }
+ }
+ else -> InternalState.TERMINAL
+ }
+ }
+ override fun getData(): Map<String, Any?> {
+ return mapOf(
+ ACTION_PHASE to actionPhase,
+ INTERNAL_STATE to internalState,
+ MSO_RESOURCE_ID to msoResourceIds,
+ CHILD_JOBS to childJobs,
+ CUMULATIVE_STATUS to cumulativeStatus
+ )
+ }
+ override fun init(sharedData: JobSharedData, commandData: Map<String, Any>): ResourceCommand {
+ init(sharedData)
+ val resourceIdsRaw:Any? = commandData[MSO_RESOURCE_ID]
+ commandParentData.initParentData(commandData)
+ msoResourceIds =
+ if (resourceIdsRaw != null) JACKSON_OBJECT_MAPPER.convertValue(resourceIdsRaw)
+ childJobs = JACKSON_OBJECT_MAPPER.convertValue(commandData.getOrDefault(CHILD_JOBS, emptyList<String>()))
+ cumulativeStatus = getEnumFromMapOfStrings(commandData, CUMULATIVE_STATUS, JobStatus.COMPLETED_WITH_NO_ACTION)
+ actionPhase = getEnumFromMapOfStrings(commandData, ACTION_PHASE, Action.Delete)
+ internalState = calcInitialState(commandData, actionPhase)
+ return this
+ }
+ private fun calcInitialState(commandData: Map<String, Any>, phase: Action):InternalState {
+ val status:InternalState = getEnumFromMapOfStrings(commandData, INTERNAL_STATE, InternalState.INITIAL)
+ if (status == InternalState.INITIAL) {
+ onInitial(phase)
+ return when (phase) {
+ Action.Delete -> InternalState.CREATING_CHILDREN
+ Action.Create -> if (isNeedToCreateMyself()) InternalState.CREATE_MYSELF else InternalState.CREATING_CHILDREN
+ else -> throw IllegalStateException("state $internalState is not supported yet")
+ }
+ }
+ return status
+ }
+ //command may override it in order to do something while init state
+ protected open fun onInitial(phase: Action) {
+ //do nothing
+ }
+ //command may override it in order to do something while final status
+ protected open fun onFinal(jobStatus: JobStatus) {
+ //do nothing
+ }
+ protected open fun getRequest(): BaseResource {
+ return sharedData.request as BaseResource
+ }
+ protected open fun getActionType(): Action {
+ return getRequest().action
+ }
+ protected open fun isServiceCommand(): Boolean = false
+ protected open fun isNeedToDeleteMyself(): Boolean = getActionType() == Action.Delete
+ protected open fun isNeedToCreateMyself(): Boolean = getActionType() == Action.Create
+ protected open fun inProgress(): Job.JobStatus {
+ val requestId:String = msoResourceIds.requestId;
+ return try {
+ val jobStatus = inProgressStatusService.call(getExpiryChecker(), sharedData, requestId)
+ handleInProgressStatus(jobStatus)
+ } catch (e: javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException) {
+ // Retry when we can't connect MSO during getStatus
+ Logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "Cannot get orchestration status for {}, will retry: {}", requestId, e, e)
+ Job.JobStatus.IN_PROGRESS;
+ } catch (e: InProgressStatusService.BadResponseFromMso) {
+ inProgressStatusService.handleFailedMsoResponse(sharedData.jobUuid, requestId, e.msoResponse)
+ Job.JobStatus.IN_PROGRESS
+ } catch (e: RuntimeException) {
+ Logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "Cannot get orchestration status for {}, stopping: {}", requestId, e, e)
+ Job.JobStatus.STOPPED
+ }
+ }
+ fun createMyself(): Job.JobStatus {
+ val createMyselfCommand = planCreateMyselfRestCall(commandParentData, sharedData.request, sharedData.userId)
+ return executeAndHandleMsoInstanceRequest(createMyselfCommand)
+ }
+ fun deleteMyself(): Job.JobStatus {
+ val deleteMyselfCommand = planDeleteMyselfRestCall(commandParentData, sharedData.request, sharedData.userId)
+ return executeAndHandleMsoInstanceRequest(deleteMyselfCommand)
+ }
+ private fun executeAndHandleMsoInstanceRequest(restCallPlan: MsoRestCallPlan): JobStatus {
+ val msoResponse = restMso.restCall(
+ restCallPlan.httpMethod,
+ RequestReferencesContainer::class.java,
+ restCallPlan.payload.orElse(null),
+ restCallPlan.path,
+ restCallPlan.userId
+ )
+ val msoResult = if (isServiceCommand()) {
+ msoResultHandlerService.handleRootResponse(sharedData.jobUuid, msoResponse)
+ } else {
+ msoResultHandlerService.handleResponse(msoResponse, restCallPlan.actionDescription)
+ }
+ this.msoResourceIds = msoResult.msoResourceIds
+ return msoResult.jobStatus
+ }
+ protected open fun getExpiryChecker(): ExpiryChecker = ExpiryChecker {false}
+ protected open fun handleInProgressStatus(jobStatus: JobStatus): JobStatus {
+ return if (jobStatus == Job.JobStatus.PAUSE) Job.JobStatus.IN_PROGRESS else jobStatus
+ }
+ protected open fun watchChildren():JobStatus {
+ return watchChildrenJobsBL.retrieveChildrenJobsStatus(childJobs)
+ }
+ private fun comulateStatusAndUpdatePropertyIfFinal(internalStateStatus: JobStatus): JobStatus {
+ val status = watchChildrenJobsBL.cumulateJobStatus(internalStateStatus, cumulativeStatus)
+ //we want to update cumulativeStatus only for final status
+ if (status.isFinal) {
+ cumulativeStatus = status;
+ }
+ return status
+ }