path: root/vid-automation/TestNg-UI-half.xml
diff options
authorSonsino, Ofir (os0695) <os0695@intl.att.com>2018-08-12 14:51:28 +0300
committerSonsino, Ofir (os0695) <os0695@intl.att.com>2018-08-12 15:02:57 +0300
commit4a4dcc5185f8ba5a28c7f9fef509f32c0c2389e6 (patch)
tree23e55ee7e1ad9b91bcc3ef1dbe1fb7b183f8b2b6 /vid-automation/TestNg-UI-half.xml
parent661a24fd57de02869a9771761e0fcba7eb77d121 (diff)
vid-automation selenium tests
Change-Id: I6c1b0a0cf3bbfa4314c81f0cc72507db805ec632 Issue-ID: VID-281 Signed-off-by: Sonsino, Ofir (os0695) <os0695@intl.att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'vid-automation/TestNg-UI-half.xml')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vid-automation/TestNg-UI-half.xml b/vid-automation/TestNg-UI-half.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..025bd3f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vid-automation/TestNg-UI-half.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
+<suite verbose="1" name="VID UI Tests" annotations="JDK">
+ <listeners>
+ <listener class-name="vid.automation.test.infra.FeatureTogglingTestngTransformer"/>
+ </listeners>
+ <test name="test">
+ <method-selectors>
+ <method-selector>
+ <script language="beanshell">
+ <![CDATA[
+ String [] exclusionGroups = new String [] {
+ "shouldBeMigratedToWorkWithSimulator",
+ "underDevelopment",
+ "Angular2Tests",
+ "worksOnlyWithLocalhostVID",
+ "worksOnlyWithLocalASDC"
+ };
+ String [] classes2 = new String [] {
+ "vid.automation.test.test.AddNetworkTest",
+ "vid.automation.test.test.ALaCarteflowTest",
+ "vid.automation.test.test.AssociatePnfTest",
+ "vid.automation.test.test.BrowseASDCTest",
+ "vid.automation.test.test.ChangeManagementTest",
+ "vid.automation.test.test.CreateNewInstanceTest",
+ "vid.automation.test.test.CreatePortMirroringConfigurationTest"
+ };
+ String [] classes3 = new String [] {
+ "vid.automation.test.test.DrawingBoardTest"
+ };
+ String [] classes4 = new String [] {
+ "vid.automation.test.test.NewServiceInstanceTest"
+ };
+ int selectPart = 0;
+ for (g: exclusionGroups) {
+ if (groups.containsKey(g)) return false;
+ }
+ if (selectPart == 0) return true;
+ methodClass = method.getDeclaringClass().toString();
+ for (c: classes2) {
+ if (methodClass.contains(c)) return selectPart==2;
+ }
+ for (c: classes3) {
+ if (methodClass.contains(c)) return selectPart==3;
+ }
+ for (c: classes4) {
+ if (methodClass.contains(c)) return selectPart==4;
+ }
+ // else
+ return selectPart==1;
+ ]]>
+ </script>
+ </method-selector>
+ </method-selectors>
+ <groups>
+ <run>
+ <!-- These tests are legacy tests that should be converted from
+ working against IST to working against vid's 3rd party simulator-->
+ <exclude name="shouldBeMigratedToWorkWithSimulator"/>
+ <!-- These tests require the settings in asdc.properties to be like
+ asdc.client.type=LOCAL so cannot run on pipeline-->
+ <exclude name="worksOnlyWithLocalASDC"/>
+ <!-- these tests call to MaintenanceController which is restricted to
+ localhost, so it can not run on jenkins pipeline -->
+ <exclude name="worksOnlyWithLocalhostVID"/>
+ <!-- angular2 is not supported in CI yet. These tests can run only on
+ developers environment -->
+ <exclude name="Angular2Tests"/>
+ <!-- tests and features that are still under development but are pushed to develop -->
+ <exclude name="underDevelopment"/>
+ </run>
+ </groups>
+ <packages>
+ <package name="vid.automation.test.test.*"/>
+ </packages>
+ </test>
+</suite> \ No newline at end of file