path: root/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/static/fusion/raptor/ebz/date_time_picker.js
diff options
authorTATTAVARADA <>2017-04-27 07:53:18 -0400
committerst782s <>2017-04-27 08:31:27 -0400
commit6beb446925c967aca92f5513adf36c5db77c00d6 (patch)
tree9392057ed0739de2445c5b2a2a8bee6dcdacbcf7 /ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/static/fusion/raptor/ebz/date_time_picker.js
parent246b225194e3e8dc1926294de591a94fd9787fa7 (diff)
[PORTAL-7] Rebase
This rebasing includes common libraries and common overlays projects abstraction of components Change-Id: Ia1efa4deacdc5701e6205104ac021a6c80ed60ba Signed-off-by: st782s <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/static/fusion/raptor/ebz/date_time_picker.js')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/static/fusion/raptor/ebz/date_time_picker.js b/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/static/fusion/raptor/ebz/date_time_picker.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae69a913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/static/fusion/raptor/ebz/date_time_picker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+ String.prototype.paddingLeft = function (paddingValue) {
+ return String(paddingValue + this).slice(-paddingValue.length);
+ };
+angular.module("app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/dateTimePickerPopup.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
+ $templateCache.put("app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/dateTimePickerPopup.html",
+ "<div class=\"calendar\">\n" +
+ " <div class=\"box\" ng-class=\"{'active': isOpen}\">\n" +
+ " <span ng-transclude></span>\n" +
+ " <i class=\"calendar-icon\" tabindex=\"0\" att-accessibility-click=\"13,32\" ng-click=\"toggle()\" alt=\"Calendar Icon\" ></i>\n" +
+ " </div>\n" +
+ '<div class="datetimepicker datepicker-wrapper datepicker-wrapper-display-none" style="z-index:10000;width:292px" ng-style="{display: (isOpen && \'block\') || \'none\'}" aria-hidden=\"false\" role=\"dialog\" tabindex=\"-1\">'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-content">'
+ + '<ul class="tabsbid--small">'
+ + '<li class="tabsbid__item" ng-class="{\'tabsbid__item--active\':tab==\'date\'}" ng-click="setTab(\'date\')">'
+ + '<a class="tabsbid__item-link" href="" tabindex="0" att-accessibility-click="32,13">Date</a>'
+ + '</li>'
+ + '<li class="tabsbid__item " ng-class="{\'tabsbid__item--active\':tab==\'time\'}" ng-click="setTab(\'time\')">'
+ + '<a class="tabsbid__item-link" href="" tabindex="0" att-accessibility-click="32,13">Time</a>'
+ + '</li>'
+ + '</ul>'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-section datetimepicker-date-section" ng-if="tab==\'date\'">'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-month">'
+ +'<div class="icons-list left" style="margin:5px;cursor: pointer;" data-size="medium" ng-click="addMonth(-1)"><i class="icon-arrow-left-circle" ng-class="{\'disabled\': disablePrev}" alt="Left Arrow"></i></div>'
+ +'<div class="icons-list right" style="margin:5px;cursor: pointer;" data-size="medium" ng-click="addMonth(1)"><i class="icon-arrow-right-circle" ng-class="{\'disabled\': disableNext}" alt="Right Arrow"></i></div>'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-current-month">{{displayMonth}} {{year}}</div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-calendar">'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-day" ng-repeat="day in dayNames">{{day | limitTo: 1}}</div>'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-day datetimepicker-leading-day" ng-repeat="d in days.leadingDays">{{d}}</div>'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-day datetimepicker-active-day" ng-class="{\'selected\':day==d}" ng-click="setDay(d)" ng-repeat="d in days.days">{{d}}</div>'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-day datetimepicker-trailing-day" ng-repeat="d in days.trailingDays">{{d}}</div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-section datetimepicker-date-time" ng-if="tab==\'time\'">'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-month">'
+ + '<div class="datetimepicker-current-month">{{hour}}:{{minute}}</div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '<div class="time-circle-outer">'
+ + '<div class="time-meridian time-left" ng-click="setMeridian(\'AM\')" ng-class="{\'selected\':meridian==\'AM\'}">AM</div>'
+ + '<div class="time-meridian time-right" ng-click="setMeridian(\'PM\')" ng-class="{\'selected\':meridian==\'PM\'}">PM</div>'
+ + '<div class="time-circle-center"></div>'
+ + '<div class="time-circle-hand time-circle-hand-large deg-{{minute/5}}" ></div>'
+ + '<div class="time time-{{$index+1}}" ng-class="{\'selected\':minute==time}" ng-click="setMinutes(time)" ng-repeat="time in [5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,0]">{{time}}</div>'
+ + '<div class="time-circle-inner">'
+ + '<div class="time-circle-hand deg-{{hour}}" ></div>'
+ + '<div class="time time-{{$index+1}}" ng-class="{\'selected\':hour==time}" ng-click="setHour(time)" ng-repeat="time in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]">{{time}}</div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '</div>' +
+ "</div>\n" +
+ "");
+.directive('dateTimePickerPopup', ['$document', 'datepickerService', '$isElement', '$documentBind', function($document, datepickerService, $isElement, $documentBind) {
+ var link = function (scope, elem, attr) {
+ datepickerService.bindScope(attr, scope);
+ scope.isOpen = false;
+ var toggle = scope.toggle = function (show) {
+ if(show === true || show === false) {
+ scope.isOpen = show;
+ } else {
+ scope.isOpen = !scope.isOpen;
+ }
+ };
+// scope.$watch('current', function () {
+// toggle(false);
+// });
+ var outsideClick = function (e) {
+ var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(, elem, $document);
+ if(!isElement) {
+ toggle(false);
+ scope.$apply();
+ }
+ };
+ $'isOpen', outsideClick, scope);
+ scope.tabs = [{
+ title: 'DATE',
+ url: '#option1'
+ }, {
+ title: 'TIME',
+ url: '#option2',
+ selected: true
+ }
+ ];
+ //--------------------------------------
+ scope.state = false;
+ = 'time';
+ scope.setTab = function(tab){
+ = tab;
+ };
+ scope.config = {
+ modal: true,
+ color:'rgba(5, 116, 172, 1)',
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.75)'
+ };
+ scope.months = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","Augusta","September","October","November","December"];
+ scope.dayNames = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"];
+ scope.$watch('current',function(value){
+ var m;
+ if(value)
+ m = moment(value);
+ else
+ m = moment();
+ m = m.minute(5*Math.ceil(m.minute()/5));
+ scope.display = m.format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm A');
+ scope.days = scope.getDaysInMonth(m.year(),m.month());
+ scope.minute = m.minute();
+ scope.meridian = m.format('A');
+ scope.hour = scope.meridian == 'PM' ? m.hour() - 12: m.hour();
+ if(scope.hour==0) scope.hour = 12;
+ scope.datePreview = m.format('YYYY-MM-DD');
+ scope.timePreview = m.format('hh:mm A');
+ scope.displayMonth = scope.months[m.month()];
+ =;
+ scope.year = m.year();
+ });
+ scope.setDay = function(date){
+ scope.current = moment(scope.current).date(date).toDate();
+ };
+ scope.setState = function(state){
+ scope.state = false;
+ };
+ scope.setHour = function(hour){
+ if(scope.meridian == 'PM' && hour < 12)
+ hour = hour + 12;
+ if(scope.meridian == 'AM' && hour == 12)
+ hour = hour - 12;
+ scope.current = moment(scope.current).hour(hour).toDate();
+ };
+ scope.setMeridian = function(meridian){
+ var m = moment(scope.current);
+ if(meridian == 'AM'){
+ if(m.hours()>=12){
+ m = m.add(-12,'hours');
+ scope.current = m.toDate();
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(m.hours()<12){
+ m = m.add(12,'hours');
+ scope.current = m.toDate();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ scope.setMinutes = function(minutes){
+ scope.current = moment(scope.current).minute(minutes).toDate();
+ };
+ var days = [];
+ for(var i=1;i<=31;i++){
+ days.push(i);
+ }
+ scope.getDaysInMonth = function(year,month){
+ var firstDayOfWeek = 0;
+ var firstDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1),
+ lastDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month + 1, 0),
+ lastDayOfPreviousMonth = new Date(year, month, 0),
+ daysInMonth = lastDayOfMonth.getDate(),
+ daysInLastMonth = lastDayOfPreviousMonth.getDate(),
+ dayOfWeek = firstDayOfMonth.getDay(),
+ leadingDays = (dayOfWeek - firstDayOfWeek + 7) % 7 || 7,
+ trailingDays = days.slice(0, 6 * 7 - (leadingDays + daysInMonth));
+ if (trailingDays.length > 7) {
+ trailingDays = trailingDays.slice(0, trailingDays.length-7);
+ }
+ return {
+ year: year,
+ month: month,
+ days: days.slice(0, daysInMonth),
+ leadingDays: days.slice(- leadingDays - (31 - daysInLastMonth), daysInLastMonth),
+ trailingDays: trailingDays
+ };
+ };
+ scope.addMonth = function(increment){
+ scope.current = moment(scope.current).add(increment,'months').toDate();
+ };
+ };
+ return {
+ restrict: 'EA',
+ replace: true,
+ transclude: true,
+ templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/dateTimePickerPopup.html',
+ scope: {
+ current: "=current"
+ },
+ compile: function (elem, attr) {
+ var wrapperElement = elem.find('span').eq(1);
+ wrapperElement.attr('current', 'current');
+ datepickerService.setAttributes(attr, wrapperElement);
+ return link;
+ }
+ };
+.directive('attDateTimePicker', ['$log', function($log) {
+ return {
+ restrict: 'A',
+ require: 'ngModel',
+ scope: {},
+ controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', '$compile', 'datepickerConfig', 'datepickerService', function($scope, $element, $attrs, $compile, datepickerConfig, datepickerService) {
+ var dateFormatString = angular.isDefined($attrs.dateFormat) ? $scope.$parent.$eval($attrs.dateFormat) : datepickerConfig.dateFormat;
+ var selectedDateMessage = '<div class="sr-focus hidden-spoken" tabindex="-1">the date you selected is {{$parent.current | date : \'' + dateFormatString + '\'}}</div>';
+ $element.removeAttr('att-date-time-picker');
+ $element.removeAttr('ng-model');
+ $element.attr('ng-model', '$parent.current');
+ $element.attr('aria-describedby', 'datepicker');
+ $element.attr('format-date', dateFormatString);
+ $element.attr('att-input-deny', '[^0-9ampAMP \/:-]');
+ $element.attr('maxlength', 20);
+ var wrapperElement = angular.element('<div></div>');
+ wrapperElement.attr('date-time-picker-popup', '');
+ wrapperElement.attr('current', 'current');
+ datepickerService.setAttributes($attrs, wrapperElement);
+ datepickerService.bindScope($attrs, $scope);
+ wrapperElement.html('');
+ wrapperElement.append($element.prop('outerHTML'));
+ if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 8/) === null) {
+ wrapperElement.append(selectedDateMessage);
+ }
+ var elm = wrapperElement.prop('outerHTML');
+ elm = $compile(elm)($scope);
+ $element.replaceWith(elm);
+ }],
+ link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {
+ if (!ctrl) {
+ // do nothing if no ng-model
+ $log.error("ng-model is required.");
+ return;
+ }
+ scope.$watch('current', function(value) {
+ ctrl.$setViewValue(value);
+ });
+ ctrl.$render = function() {
+ scope.current = ctrl.$viewValue;
+ };
+ }
+ };