path: root/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/.travis.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/.travis.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/.travis.yml b/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 476e2e20..00000000
--- a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-language: node_js
-sudo: false
- - "6"
- global:
- - BIN="node" ISTANBUL=false OPTION=""
- - SAUCE_LABS=false SAUCE_USERNAME="lodash"
- - secure: "tg1JFsIFnxzLaTboFPOnm+aJCuMm5+JdhLlESlqg9x3fwro++7KCnwHKLNovhchaPe4otC43ZMB/nfWhDnDm11dKbm/V6HlTkED+dadTsaLxVDg6J+7yK41QhokBPJOxLV78iDaNaAQVYEirAgZ0yn8kFubxmNKV+bpCGQNc9yU="
- matrix:
- -
- - BIN="phantomjs"
- - ISTANBUL=true
- - SAUCE_LABS=true
- include:
- - node_js: "0.10"
- env:
- - node_js: "0.12"
- env:
- - node_js: "4"
- env:
- - node_js: "5"
- env:
- depth: 10
- only:
- - master
- webhooks:
- urls:
- -
- on_success: change
- on_failure: always
- - "nvm use $TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION"
- - "npm set loglevel error"
- - "npm set progress false"
- - "npm i -g npm@\"^2.0.0\""
- - |
- PATTERN[0]="|\s*if\s*\(isHostObject\b[\s\S]+?\}(?=\n)|"
- PATTERN[1]="|\s*if\s*\(enumerate\b[\s\S]+?\};\s*\}|"
- PATTERN[2]="|\s*while\s*\([^)]+\)\s*\{\s*iteratee\(index\);\s*\}|"
- PATTERN[3]="|\s*else\s*\{\s*assocSet\(data\b[\s\S]+?\}|"
- PATTERN[4]="|\bcase\s+(?:dataView|promise|set|map|weakMap)CtorString:.+|g"
- PATTERN[5]="|\bindex,\s*iterable\)\s*===\s*false\)[^}]+?(break;)|"
- PATTERN[6]="|\s*if\s*\(\!lodashFunc\)\s*\{\s*return;\s*\}|"
- PATTERN[7]="|\s*define\([\s\S]+?\);|"
- PATTERN[8]="|\s*root\._\s*=\s*_;|"
- if [ $ISTANBUL == true ]; then
- set -e
- for PTRN in ${PATTERN[@]}; do
- node ./test/remove.js "$PTRN" ./lodash.js
- done
- fi
- - "git clone --depth=10 --branch=master git:// ./node_modules/lodash-cli"
- - "mkdir -p ./node_modules/lodash-cli/node_modules/lodash && cd $_ && cp ../../../../lodash.js ./lodash.js && cp ../../../../package.json ./package.json"
- - "cd ../../ && npm i && cd ../../"
-# Detect code coverage.
- - "[ $ISTANBUL == false ] || istanbul cover -x \"**/vendor/**\" --report lcovonly ./test/test.js -- ./lodash.js"
- - "[ $ISTANBUL == false ] || [ $TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS == false ] || (cat ./coverage/ | coveralls) || true"
- - "[ $ISTANBUL == false ] || [ $TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS == false ] || (cat ./coverage/coverage.json | codecov) || true"
-# Test in Node.js and PhantomJS.
- - "[ $ISTANBUL == true ] || node ./node_modules/lodash-cli/bin/lodash -o ./dist/lodash.js"
- - "[ $ISTANBUL == true ] || (node ./node_modules/lodash-cli/bin/lodash modularize exports=node -o ./ && node ./node_modules/lodash-cli/bin/lodash -d -o ./lodash.js)"
- - "[ $ISTANBUL == true ] || [ $SAUCE_LABS == true ] || cd ./test"
- - "[ $ISTANBUL == true ] || [ $SAUCE_LABS == true ] || $BIN $OPTION ./test.js ../lodash.js"
- - "[ $ISTANBUL == true ] || [ $SAUCE_LABS == true ] || [ $TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS == false ] || $BIN $OPTION ./test.js ../dist/lodash.min.js"
-# Test in Sauce Labs.
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || node ./node_modules/lodash-cli/bin/lodash core -o ./dist/lodash.core.js"
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || npm run build"
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || $BIN ./test/saucelabs.js name=\"lodash tests\" runner=\"test/index.html?build=../dist/lodash.js&noglobals=true\" tags=\"development\""
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || $BIN ./test/saucelabs.js name=\"lodash tests\" runner=\"test/index.html?build=../dist/lodash.min.js&noglobals=true\" tags=\"production\""
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || $BIN ./test/saucelabs.js name=\"lodash-fp tests\" runner=\"test/fp.html?noglobals=true\" tags=\"development\""
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || $BIN ./test/saucelabs.js name=\"underscore tests\" runner=\"test/underscore.html?build=../dist/lodash.js\" tags=\"development,underscore\""
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || $BIN ./test/saucelabs.js name=\"underscore tests\" runner=\"test/underscore.html?build=../dist/lodash.min.js\" tags=\"production,underscore\""
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || $BIN ./test/saucelabs.js name=\"backbone tests\" runner=\"test/backbone.html?build=../dist/lodash.js\" tags=\"development,backbone\""
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || $BIN ./test/saucelabs.js name=\"backbone tests\" runner=\"test/backbone.html?build=../dist/lodash.min.js\" tags=\"production,backbone\""
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || $BIN ./test/saucelabs.js name=\"backbone tests\" runner=\"test/backbone.html?build=../dist/lodash.core.js\" tags=\"development,backbone\""
- - "[ $SAUCE_LABS == false ] || $BIN ./test/saucelabs.js name=\"backbone tests\" runner=\"test/backbone.html?build=../dist/lodash.core.min.js\" tags=\"production,backbone\""