path: root/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 1293 deletions
diff --git a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/bower.json b/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/bower.json
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--- a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/bower.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "name": "angular-material-select",
- "version": "0.9.8",
- "dependencies": {
- "angular-material-core": "0.9.8",
- "angular-material-backdrop": "0.9.8"
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select-default-theme.css b/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select-default-theme.css
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--- a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select-default-theme.css
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- * Angular Material Design
- *
- * @license MIT
- * v0.9.8
- */
-/* mixin definition ; sets LTR and RTL within the same style call */ .md-select-label {
- color: '{{warn-500}}' !important;
- border-bottom-color: '{{warn-500}}' !important; }[disabled]):focus .md-select-label {
- border-bottom-color: '{{primary-color}}';
- color: '{{ foreground-1 }}'; }
-[disabled]):focus {
- color: '{{ foreground-1 }}'; }[disabled]) .md-select-label {
- border-bottom-color: '{{accent-color}}'; }[disabled]) .md-select-label {
- border-bottom-color: '{{warn-color}}'; }[disabled] .md-select-label {
- color: '{{foreground-3}}'; }
-[disabled] {
- color: '{{foreground-3}}'; } .md-select-label {
- border-bottom-color: '{{foreground-4}}'; }
- {
- color: '{{foreground-2}}'; }
- md-optgroup {
- color: '{{foreground-2}}'; }
- md-optgroup md-option {
- color: '{{foreground-1}}'; } md-option[selected] {
- color: '{{primary-500}}'; }
- md-option[selected]:focus {
- color: '{{primary-600}}'; }
- md-option[selected].md-accent {
- color: '{{accent-500}}'; }
- md-option[selected].md-accent:focus {
- color: '{{accent-600}}'; } md-option:focus:not([selected]) {
- background: '{{background-200}}'; }
diff --git a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select-default-theme.min.css b/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select-default-theme.min.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f51cc2c..00000000
--- a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select-default-theme.min.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- * Angular Material Design
- *
- * @license MIT
- * v0.9.8
- */ .md-select-label{color:'{{warn-500}}'!important;border-bottom-color:'{{warn-500}}'!important}[disabled]):focus .md-select-label{border-bottom-color:'{{primary-color}}';color:'{{ foreground-1 }}'}[disabled]):focus{color:'{{ foreground-1 }}'}[disabled]) .md-select-label{border-bottom-color:'{{accent-color}}'}[disabled]) .md-select-label{border-bottom-color:'{{warn-color}}'}[disabled] .md-select-label,[disabled]{color:'{{foreground-3}}'} .md-select-label{border-bottom-color:'{{foreground-4}}'} md-optgroup,{color:'{{foreground-2}}'} md-optgroup md-option{color:'{{foreground-1}}'} md-option[selected]{color:'{{primary-500}}'} md-option[selected]:focus{color:'{{primary-600}}'} md-option[selected].md-accent{color:'{{accent-500}}'} md-option[selected].md-accent:focus{color:'{{accent-600}}'} md-option:focus:not([selected]){background:0 0} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select.css b/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select.css
deleted file mode 100644
index d1744af9..00000000
--- a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
- * Angular Material Design
- *
- * @license MIT
- * v0.9.8
- */
-/* mixin definition ; sets LTR and RTL within the same style call */ {
- position: fixed;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
- z-index: 99;
- opacity: 0; }
- .md-select-menu-container:not(.md-clickable) {
- pointer-events: none; }
- .md-select-menu-container md-progress-circular {
- display: table;
- margin: 24px auto !important; }
- {
- opacity: 1; }
- md-select-menu {
- transition: -webkit-transform all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1);
- transition: transform all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1);
- transition-duration: 200ms; }
- md-select-menu > * {
- opacity: 1;
- transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2);
- transition-duration: 200ms;
- transition-delay: 100ms; }
- {
- opacity: 0;
- transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2);
- transition-duration: 250ms; }
-md-input-container > md-select {
- margin: 0;
- margin-top: 3px; }
-md-select {
- padding: 24px 2px 26px;
- display: -webkit-flex;
- display: -ms-flexbox;
- display: flex; }
- md-select:focus {
- outline: none; }
- md-select[disabled]:hover {
- cursor: default; }
- md-select:not([disabled]):hover {
- cursor: pointer; }
- md-select:not([disabled]) .md-select-label {
- border-bottom: 2px solid;
- padding-bottom: 0; }
- md-select:not([disabled]):focus .md-select-label {
- border-bottom: 2px solid;
- padding-bottom: 0; }
- {
- display: -webkit-flex;
- display: -ms-flexbox;
- display: flex;
- -webkit-align-items: center;
- -ms-flex-align: center;
- align-items: center;
- padding: 2px 2px 1px;
- border-bottom: 1px solid;
- position: relative;
- box-sizing: content-box;
- min-width: 64px;
- min-height: 26px; }
- .md-select-label *:first-child {
- -webkit-flex: 1;
- -ms-flex: 1;
- flex: 1;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- white-space: nowrap;
- overflow: hidden;
- max-width: calc(100% - 2*8px);
- -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 2px, 0);
- transform: translate3d(0, 2px, 0); }
- .md-select-label .md-select-icon {
- -webkit-align-items: flex-end;
- -ms-flex-align: end;
- align-items: flex-end;
- text-align: end;
- width: 24px;
- margin: 0 4px;
- -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 1px, 0);
- transform: translate3d(0, 1px, 0); }
- .md-select-label .md-select-icon:after {
- display: block;
- content: '\25BC';
- position: relative;
- top: 2px;
- speak: none;
- -webkit-transform: scaleY(0.6) scaleX(1);
- transform: scaleY(0.6) scaleX(1); }
-md-select-menu {
- display: -webkit-flex;
- display: -ms-flexbox;
- display: flex;
- -webkit-flex-direction: column;
- -ms-flex-direction: column;
- flex-direction: column;
- box-shadow: 0px 3px 1px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0px 2px 2px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.098), 0px 1px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.084);
- max-height: 256px;
- min-height: 48px;
- overflow-y: hidden;
- -webkit-transform-origin: left top;
- transform-origin: left top;
- -webkit-transform: scale(1);
- transform: scale(1); }
- {
- -webkit-flex-direction: column-reverse;
- -ms-flex-direction: column-reverse;
- flex-direction: column-reverse; }
- md-select-menu:not(.md-overflow) md-content {
- padding-top: 8px;
- padding-bottom: 8px; }
- html[dir=rtl] md-select-menu {
- -webkit-transform-origin: right top;
- transform-origin: right top; }
- md-select-menu md-content {
- min-width: 136px;
- min-height: 48px;
- max-height: 256px;
- overflow-y: auto; }
- md-select-menu > * {
- opacity: 0; }
-md-option {
- cursor: pointer;
- position: relative;
- display: -webkit-flex;
- display: -ms-flexbox;
- display: flex;
- -webkit-align-items: center;
- -ms-flex-align: center;
- align-items: center;
- width: auto;
- padding: 0 16px 0 16px;
- height: 48px; }
- md-option:focus {
- outline: none; }
- md-option .md-text {
- width: auto;
- white-space: nowrap;
- overflow: hidden;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- font-size: 16px; }
-md-optgroup {
- display: block; }
- md-optgroup label {
- display: block;
- font-size: 14px;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- padding: 16px;
- font-weight: 500; }
- md-optgroup md-option {
- padding-left: 32px;
- padding-right: 32px; }
-@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
- .md-select-backdrop {
- background-color: transparent; }
- md-select-menu {
- border: 1px solid #fff; } }
diff --git a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select.js b/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 969e06b7..00000000
--- a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/angular-material/modules/js/select/select.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1056 +0,0 @@
- * Angular Material Design
- *
- * @license MIT
- * v0.9.8
- */
-(function( window, angular, undefined ){
-"use strict";
- * @ngdoc module
- * @name
- */
-### TODO ###
-- [ ] ng-model with child mdOptions (basic)
-- [ ] ng-model="foo" ng-model-options="{ trackBy: '$' }" for objects
-- [ ] mdOption with value
-- [ ] Usage with input inside
-### TODO - POST RC1 ###
-- [ ] Abstract placement logic in $mdSelect service to $mdMenu service
-var selectNextId = 0;
-angular.module('', [
- 'material.core',
- 'material.components.backdrop'
-.directive('mdSelect', SelectDirective)
-.directive('mdSelectMenu', SelectMenuDirective)
-.directive('mdOption', OptionDirective)
-.directive('mdOptgroup', OptgroupDirective)
-.provider('$mdSelect', SelectProvider);
- * @ngdoc directive
- * @name mdSelect
- * @restrict E
- * @module
- *
- * @description Displays a select box, bound to an ng-model.
- *
- * @param {expression} ng-model The model!
- * @param {boolean=} multiple Whether it's multiple.
- * @param {string=} placeholder Placeholder hint text.
- * @param {string=} aria-label Optional label for accessibility. Only necessary if no placeholder or
- * explicit label is present.
- *
- * @usage
- * With a placeholder (label and aria-label are added dynamically)
- * <hljs lang="html">
- * <md-select
- * ng-model="someModel"
- * placeholder="Select a state">
- * <md-option ng-value="opt" ng-repeat="opt in neighborhoods2">{{ opt }}</md-option>
- * </md-select>
- * </hljs>
- *
- * With an explicit label
- * <hljs lang="html">
- * <md-select
- * ng-model="someModel">
- * <md-select-label>Select a state</md-select-label>
- * <md-option ng-value="opt" ng-repeat="opt in neighborhoods2">{{ opt }}</md-option>
- * </md-select>
- * </hljs>
- */
-function SelectDirective($mdSelect, $mdUtil, $mdTheming, $mdAria, $interpolate, $compile, $parse) {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- require: ['mdSelect', 'ngModel', '?^form'],
- compile: compile,
- controller: function() { } // empty placeholder controller to be initialized in link
- };
- function compile(element, attr) {
- // The user is allowed to provide a label for the select as md-select-label child
- var labelEl = element.find('md-select-label').remove();
- // If not provided, we automatically make one
- if (!labelEl.length) {
- labelEl = angular.element('<md-select-label><span></span></md-select-label>');
- } else {
- if (!labelEl[0].firstElementChild) {
- var spanWrapper = angular.element('<span>');
- spanWrapper.append(labelEl.contents());
- labelEl.append(spanWrapper);
- }
- }
- labelEl.append('<span class="md-select-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>');
- labelEl.addClass('md-select-label');
- if (!labelEl[0].hasAttribute('id')) {
- labelEl.attr('id', 'select_label_' + $mdUtil.nextUid());
- }
- // There's got to be an md-content inside. If there's not one, let's add it.
- if (!element.find('md-content').length) {
- element.append( angular.element('<md-content>').append(element.contents()) );
- }
- // Add progress spinner for md-options-loading
- if (attr.mdOnOpen) {
- element.find('md-content').prepend(
- angular.element('<md-progress-circular>')
- .attr('md-mode', 'indeterminate')
- .attr('ng-hide', '$$loadingAsyncDone')
- .wrap('<div>')
- .parent()
- );
- }
- if ( {
- var autofillClone = angular.element('<select class="md-visually-hidden">');
- autofillClone.attr({
- 'name': '.' +,
- 'ng-model': attr.ngModel,
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- 'tabindex': '-1'
- });
- var opts = element.find('md-option');
- angular.forEach(opts, function(el) {
- var newEl = angular.element('<option>' + el.innerHTML + '</option>');
- if (el.hasAttribute('ng-value')) newEl.attr('ng-value', el.getAttribute('ng-value'));
- else if (el.hasAttribute('value')) newEl.attr('value', el.getAttribute('value'));
- autofillClone.append(newEl);
- });
- element.parent().append(autofillClone);
- }
- // Use everything that's left inside element.contents() as the contents of the menu
- var selectTemplate = '<div class="md-select-menu-container">' +
- '<md-select-menu ' +
- (angular.isDefined(attr.multiple) ? 'multiple' : '') + '>' +
- element.html() +
- '</md-select-menu></div>';
- element.empty().append(labelEl);
- attr.tabindex = attr.tabindex || '0';
- return function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
- var isOpen;
- var isDisabled;
- var mdSelectCtrl = ctrls[0];
- var ngModel = ctrls[1];
- var formCtrl = ctrls[2];
- var labelEl = element.find('md-select-label');
- var customLabel = labelEl.text().length !== 0;
- var selectContainer, selectScope, selectMenuCtrl;
- createSelect();
- $mdTheming(element);
- if ( && formCtrl) {
- var selectEl = element.parent()[0].querySelector('select[name=".' + + '"]')
- formCtrl.$removeControl(angular.element(selectEl).controller());
- }
- var originalRender = ngModel.$render;
- ngModel.$render = function() {
- originalRender();
- syncLabelText();
- };
- mdSelectCtrl.setLabelText = function(text) {
- if (customLabel) return; // Assume that user is handling it on their own
- mdSelectCtrl.setIsPlaceholder(!text);
- text = text || attr.placeholder || '';
- var target = customLabel ? labelEl : labelEl.children().eq(0);
- target.text(text);
- };
- mdSelectCtrl.setIsPlaceholder = function(val) {
- val ? labelEl.addClass('md-placeholder') : labelEl.removeClass('md-placeholder');
- };
- scope.$$postDigest(function() {
- setAriaLabel();
- syncLabelText();
- });
- function setAriaLabel() {
- var labelText = element.attr('placeholder');
- if (!labelText) {
- labelText = element.find('md-select-label').text();
- }
- $mdAria.expect(element, 'aria-label', labelText);
- }
- function syncLabelText() {
- if (selectContainer) {
- selectMenuCtrl = selectMenuCtrl || selectContainer.find('md-select-menu').controller('mdSelectMenu');
- mdSelectCtrl.setLabelText(selectMenuCtrl.selectedLabels());
- }
- }
- var deregisterWatcher;
- attr.$observe('ngMultiple', function(val) {
- if (deregisterWatcher) deregisterWatcher();
- var parser = $parse(val);
- deregisterWatcher = scope.$watch(function() { return parser(scope); }, function(multiple, prevVal) {
- if (multiple === undefined && prevVal === undefined) return; // assume compiler did a good job
- if (multiple) {
- element.attr('multiple', 'multiple');
- } else {
- element.removeAttr('multiple');
- }
- if (selectContainer) {
- selectMenuCtrl.setMultiple(multiple);
- originalRender = ngModel.$render;
- ngModel.$render = function() {
- originalRender();
- syncLabelText();
- };
- selectMenuCtrl.refreshViewValue();
- ngModel.$render();
- }
- });
- });
- attr.$observe('disabled', function(disabled) {
- if (typeof disabled == "string") {
- disabled = true;
- }
- // Prevent click event being registered twice
- if (isDisabled !== undefined && isDisabled === disabled) {
- return;
- }
- isDisabled = disabled;
- if (disabled) {
- element.attr({'tabindex': -1, 'aria-disabled': 'true'});
-'click', openSelect);
-'keydown', handleKeypress);
- } else {
- element.attr({'tabindex': attr.tabindex, 'aria-disabled': 'false'});
- element.on('click', openSelect);
- element.on('keydown', handleKeypress);
- }
- });
- if (!attr.disabled && !attr.ngDisabled) {
- element.attr({'tabindex': attr.tabindex, 'aria-disabled': 'false'});
- element.on('click', openSelect);
- element.on('keydown', handleKeypress);
- }
- var ariaAttrs = {
- role: 'combobox',
- 'aria-expanded': 'false'
- };
- if (!element[0].hasAttribute('id')) {
- = 'select_' + $mdUtil.nextUid();
- }
- element.attr(ariaAttrs);
- scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
- if (isOpen) {
- $mdSelect.cancel().then(function() {
- selectContainer.remove();
- });
- } else {
- selectContainer.remove();
- }
- });
- // Create a fake select to find out the label value
- function createSelect() {
- selectContainer = angular.element(selectTemplate);
- var selectEl = selectContainer.find('md-select-menu');
-'$ngModelController', ngModel);
-'$mdSelectController', mdSelectCtrl);
- selectScope = scope.$new();
- selectContainer = $compile(selectContainer)(selectScope);
- selectMenuCtrl = selectContainer.find('md-select-menu').controller('mdSelectMenu');
- }
- function handleKeypress(e) {
- var allowedCodes = [32, 13, 38, 40];
- if (allowedCodes.indexOf(e.keyCode) != -1 ) {
- // prevent page scrolling on interaction
- e.preventDefault();
- openSelect(e);
- } else {
- if (e.keyCode <= 90 && e.keyCode >= 31) {
- e.preventDefault();
- var node = selectMenuCtrl.optNodeForKeyboardSearch(e);
- if (!node) return;
- var optionCtrl = angular.element(node).controller('mdOption');
- if (!selectMenuCtrl.isMultiple) {
- selectMenuCtrl.deselect( Object.keys(selectMenuCtrl.selected)[0] );
- }
-, optionCtrl.value);
- selectMenuCtrl.refreshViewValue();
- ngModel.$render();
- }
- }
- }
- function openSelect() {
- scope.$evalAsync(function() {
- isOpen = true;
- ${
- scope: selectScope,
- preserveScope: true,
- skipCompile: true,
- element: selectContainer,
- target: element[0],
- hasBackdrop: true,
- loadingAsync: attr.mdOnOpen ? scope.$eval(attr.mdOnOpen) || true : false,
- }).then(function(selectedText) {
- isOpen = false;
- });
- });
- }
- };
- }
-SelectDirective.$inject = ["$mdSelect", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming", "$mdAria", "$interpolate", "$compile", "$parse"];
-function SelectMenuDirective($parse, $mdUtil, $mdTheming) {
- SelectMenuController.$inject = ["$scope", "$attrs", "$element"];
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- require: ['mdSelectMenu', '?ngModel'],
- controller: SelectMenuController,
- link: { pre: preLink }
- };
- // We use preLink instead of postLink to ensure that the select is initialized before
- // its child options run postLink.
- function preLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
- var selectCtrl = ctrls[0];
- var ngModel = ctrls[1];
- $mdTheming(element);
- element.on('click', clickListener);
- element.on('keypress', keyListener);
- if (ngModel) selectCtrl.init(ngModel);
- configureAria();
- function configureAria() {
- element.attr({
- 'id': 'select_menu_' + $mdUtil.nextUid(),
- 'role': 'listbox',
- 'aria-multiselectable': (selectCtrl.isMultiple ? 'true' : 'false')
- });
- }
- function keyListener(e) {
- if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) {
- clickListener(e);
- }
- }
- function clickListener(ev) {
- var option = $mdUtil.getClosest(, 'md-option');
- var optionCtrl = option && angular.element(option).data('$mdOptionController');
- if (!option || !optionCtrl) return;
- var optionHashKey = selectCtrl.hashGetter(optionCtrl.value);
- var isSelected = angular.isDefined(selectCtrl.selected[optionHashKey]);
- scope.$apply(function() {
- if (selectCtrl.isMultiple) {
- if (isSelected) {
- selectCtrl.deselect(optionHashKey);
- } else {
-, optionCtrl.value);
- }
- } else {
- if (!isSelected) {
- selectCtrl.deselect( Object.keys(selectCtrl.selected)[0] );
- optionHashKey, optionCtrl.value );
- }
- }
- selectCtrl.refreshViewValue();
- });
- }
- }
- function SelectMenuController($scope, $attrs, $element) {
- var self = this;
- self.isMultiple = angular.isDefined($attrs.multiple);
- // selected is an object with keys matching all of the selected options' hashed values
- self.selected = {};
- // options is an object with keys matching every option's hash value,
- // and values matching every option's controller.
- self.options = {};
- $scope.$watch(function() { return self.options; }, function() {
- self.ngModel.$render();
- }, true);
- var deregisterCollectionWatch;
- self.setMultiple = function(isMultiple) {
- var ngModel = self.ngModel;
- self.isMultiple = isMultiple;
- if (deregisterCollectionWatch) deregisterCollectionWatch();
- if (self.isMultiple) {
- ngModel.$validators['md-multiple'] = validateArray;
- ngModel.$render = renderMultiple;
- // watchCollection on the model because by default ngModel only watches the model's
- // reference. This allowed the developer to also push and pop from their array.
- $scope.$watchCollection($attrs.ngModel, function(value) {
- if (validateArray(value)) renderMultiple(value);
- });
- } else {
- delete ngModel.$validators['md-multiple'];
- ngModel.$render = renderSingular;
- }
- function validateArray(modelValue, viewValue) {
- // If a value is truthy but not an array, reject it.
- // If value is undefined/falsy, accept that it's an empty array.
- return angular.isArray(modelValue || viewValue || []);
- }
- };
- var searchStr = '';
- var clearSearchTimeout, optNodes, optText;
- self.optNodeForKeyboardSearch = function(e) {
- clearSearchTimeout && clearTimeout(clearSearchTimeout);
- clearSearchTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
- clearSearchTimeout = undefined;
- searchStr = '';
- optText = undefined;
- optNodes = undefined;
- searchStr += String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
- var search = new RegExp('^' + searchStr, 'i');
- if (!optNodes) {
- optNodes = $element.find('md-option');
- optText = new Array(optNodes.length);
- angular.forEach(optNodes, function(el, i) {
- optText[i] = el.textContent.trim();
- });
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < optText.length; ++i) {
- if (search.test(optText[i])) {
- return optNodes[i];
- }
- }
- };
- self.init = function(ngModel) {
- self.ngModel = ngModel;
- // Allow users to provide `ng-model="foo" ng-model-options="{trackBy: ''}"` so
- // that we can properly compare objects set on the model to the available options
- if (ngModel.$options && ngModel.$options.trackBy) {
- var trackByLocals = {};
- var trackByParsed = $parse(ngModel.$options.trackBy);
- self.hashGetter = function(value, valueScope) {
- trackByLocals.$value = value;
- return trackByParsed(valueScope || $scope, trackByLocals);
- };
- // If the user doesn't provide a trackBy, we automatically generate an id for every
- // value passed in
- } else {
- self.hashGetter = function getHashValue(value) {
- if (angular.isObject(value)) {
- return 'object_' + (value.$$mdSelectId || (value.$$mdSelectId = ++selectNextId));
- }
- return value;
- };
- }
- self.setMultiple(self.isMultiple);
- };
- self.selectedLabels = function() {
- var selectedOptionEls = nodesToArray($element[0].querySelectorAll('md-option[selected]'));
- if (selectedOptionEls.length) {
- return { return el.textContent; }).join(', ');
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- };
- = function(hashKey, hashedValue) {
- var option = self.options[hashKey];
- option && option.setSelected(true);
- self.selected[hashKey] = hashedValue;
- };
- self.deselect = function(hashKey) {
- var option = self.options[hashKey];
- option && option.setSelected(false);
- delete self.selected[hashKey];
- };
- self.addOption = function(hashKey, optionCtrl) {
- if (angular.isDefined(self.options[hashKey])) {
- throw new Error('Duplicate md-option values are not allowed in a select. ' +
- 'Duplicate value "' + optionCtrl.value + '" found.');
- }
- self.options[hashKey] = optionCtrl;
- // If this option's value was already in our ngModel, go ahead and select it.
- if (angular.isDefined(self.selected[hashKey])) {
-, optionCtrl.value);
- self.refreshViewValue();
- }
- };
- self.removeOption = function(hashKey) {
- delete self.options[hashKey];
- // Don't deselect an option when it's removed - the user's ngModel should be allowed
- // to have values that do not match a currently available option.
- };
- self.refreshViewValue = function() {
- var values = [];
- var option;
- for (var hashKey in self.selected) {
- // If this hashKey has an associated option, push that option's value to the model.
- if ((option = self.options[hashKey])) {
- values.push(option.value);
- } else {
- // Otherwise, the given hashKey has no associated option, and we got it
- // from an ngModel value at an earlier time. Push the unhashed value of
- // this hashKey to the model.
- // This allows the developer to put a value in the model that doesn't yet have
- // an associated option.
- values.push(self.selected[hashKey]);
- }
- }
- self.ngModel.$setViewValue(self.isMultiple ? values : values[0]);
- };
- function renderMultiple() {
- var newSelectedValues = self.ngModel.$modelValue || self.ngModel.$viewValue;
- if (!angular.isArray(newSelectedValues)) return;
- var oldSelected = Object.keys(self.selected);
- var newSelectedHashes =;
- var deselected = oldSelected.filter(function(hash) {
- return newSelectedHashes.indexOf(hash) === -1;
- });
- deselected.forEach(self.deselect);
- newSelectedHashes.forEach(function(hashKey, i) {
-, newSelectedValues[i]);
- });
- }
- function renderSingular() {
- var value = self.ngModel.$viewValue || self.ngModel.$modelValue;
- Object.keys(self.selected).forEach(self.deselect);
- self.hashGetter(value), value );
- }
- }
-SelectMenuDirective.$inject = ["$parse", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming"];
-function OptionDirective($mdButtonInkRipple, $mdUtil) {
- OptionController.$inject = ["$element"];
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- require: ['mdOption', '^^mdSelectMenu'],
- controller: OptionController,
- compile: compile
- };
- function compile(element, attr) {
- // Manual transclusion to avoid the extra inner <span> that ng-transclude generates
- element.append( angular.element('<div class="md-text">').append(element.contents()) );
- element.attr('tabindex', attr.tabindex || '0');
- return postLink;
- }
- function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
- var optionCtrl = ctrls[0];
- var selectCtrl = ctrls[1];
- if (angular.isDefined(attr.ngValue)) {
- scope.$watch(attr.ngValue, setOptionValue);
- } else if (angular.isDefined(attr.value)) {
- setOptionValue(attr.value);
- } else {
- scope.$watch(function() { return element.text(); }, setOptionValue);
- }
- scope.$$postDigest(function() {
- attr.$observe('selected', function(selected) {
- if (!angular.isDefined(selected)) return;
- if (selected) {
- if (!selectCtrl.isMultiple) {
- selectCtrl.deselect( Object.keys(selectCtrl.selected)[0] );
- }
-, optionCtrl.value);
- } else {
- selectCtrl.deselect(optionCtrl.hashKey);
- }
- selectCtrl.refreshViewValue();
- selectCtrl.ngModel.$render();
- });
- });
- $mdButtonInkRipple.attach(scope, element);
- configureAria();
- function setOptionValue(newValue, oldValue) {
- var oldHashKey = selectCtrl.hashGetter(oldValue, scope);
- var newHashKey = selectCtrl.hashGetter(newValue, scope);
- optionCtrl.hashKey = newHashKey;
- optionCtrl.value = newValue;
- selectCtrl.removeOption(oldHashKey, optionCtrl);
- selectCtrl.addOption(newHashKey, optionCtrl);
- }
- scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
- selectCtrl.removeOption(optionCtrl.hashKey, optionCtrl);
- });
- function configureAria() {
- var ariaAttrs = {
- 'role': 'option',
- 'aria-selected': 'false'
- };
- if (!element[0].hasAttribute('id')) {
- = 'select_option_' + $mdUtil.nextUid();
- }
- element.attr(ariaAttrs);
- }
- }
- function OptionController($element) {
- this.selected = false;
- this.setSelected = function(isSelected) {
- if (isSelected && !this.selected) {
- $element.attr({
- 'selected': 'selected',
- 'aria-selected': 'true'
- });
- } else if (!isSelected && this.selected) {
- $element.removeAttr('selected');
- $element.attr('aria-selected', 'false');
- }
- this.selected = isSelected;
- };
- }
-OptionDirective.$inject = ["$mdButtonInkRipple", "$mdUtil"];
-function OptgroupDirective() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- compile: compile
- };
- function compile(el, attrs) {
- var labelElement = el.find('label');
- if (!labelElement.length) {
- labelElement = angular.element('<label>');
- el.prepend(labelElement);
- }
- if (attrs.label) labelElement.text(attrs.label);
- }
-function SelectProvider($$interimElementProvider) {
- selectDefaultOptions.$inject = ["$mdSelect", "$mdConstant", "$$rAF", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming", "$timeout", "$window"];
- return $$interimElementProvider('$mdSelect')
- .setDefaults({
- methods: ['target'],
- options: selectDefaultOptions
- });
- /* ngInject */
- function selectDefaultOptions($mdSelect, $mdConstant, $$rAF, $mdUtil, $mdTheming, $timeout, $window ) {
- return {
- parent: 'body',
- onShow: onShow,
- onRemove: onRemove,
- hasBackdrop: true,
- disableParentScroll: true,
- themable: true
- };
- function onShow(scope, element, opts) {
- if (! {
- throw new Error('$ expected a target element in but got ' +
- '"' + + '"!');
- }
- angular.extend(opts, {
- isRemoved: false,
- target: angular.element(, //make sure it's not a naked dom node
- parent: angular.element(opts.parent),
- selectEl: element.find('md-select-menu'),
- contentEl: element.find('md-content'),
- backdrop: opts.hasBackdrop && angular.element('<md-backdrop class="md-select-backdrop md-click-catcher">')
- });
- opts.resizeFn = function() {
- $$rAF(function() {
- $$rAF(function() {
- animateSelect(scope, element, opts);
- });
- });
- };
- angular.element($window).on('resize', opts.resizeFn);
- angular.element($window).on('orientationchange', opts.resizeFn);
- configureAria();
- element.removeClass('md-leave');
- var optionNodes = opts.selectEl[0].getElementsByTagName('md-option');
- if (opts.loadingAsync && opts.loadingAsync.then) {
- opts.loadingAsync.then(function() {
- scope.$$loadingAsyncDone = true;
- // Give ourselves two frames for the progress loader to clear out.
- $$rAF(function() {
- $$rAF(function() {
- // Don't go forward if the select has been removed in this time...
- if (opts.isRemoved) return;
- animateSelect(scope, element, opts);
- });
- });
- });
- } else if (opts.loadingAsync) {
- scope.$$loadingAsyncDone = true;
- }
- if (opts.disableParentScroll && !$mdUtil.getClosest(, 'MD-DIALOG')) {
- opts.restoreScroll = $mdUtil.disableScrollAround(;
- } else {
- opts.disableParentScroll = false;
- }
- // Only activate click listeners after a short time to stop accidental double taps/clicks
- // from clicking the wrong item
- $timeout(activateInteraction, 75, false);
- if (opts.backdrop) {
- $mdTheming.inherit(opts.backdrop, opts.parent);
- opts.parent.append(opts.backdrop);
- }
- opts.parent.append(element);
- // Give the select a frame to 'initialize' in the DOM,
- // so we can read its height/width/position
- $$rAF(function() {
- $$rAF(function() {
- if (opts.isRemoved) return;
- animateSelect(scope, element, opts);
- });
- });
- return $mdUtil.transitionEndPromise(opts.selectEl, {timeout: 350});
- function configureAria() {
-'aria-expanded', 'true');
- }
- function activateInteraction() {
- if (opts.isRemoved) return;
- var selectCtrl = opts.selectEl.controller('mdSelectMenu') || {};
- element.addClass('md-clickable');
- opts.backdrop && opts.backdrop.on('click', function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- opts.restoreFocus = false;
- scope.$apply($mdSelect.cancel);
- });
- // Escape to close
- opts.selectEl.on('keydown', function(ev) {
- switch (ev.keyCode) {
- case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.SPACE:
- case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER:
- var option = $mdUtil.getClosest(, 'md-option');
- if (option) {
- opts.selectEl.triggerHandler({
- type: 'click',
- target: option
- });
- ev.preventDefault();
- }
- break;
- case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.TAB:
- case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE:
- ev.preventDefault();
- opts.restoreFocus = true;
- scope.$apply($mdSelect.cancel);
- }
- });
- // Cycling of options, and closing on enter
- opts.selectEl.on('keydown', function(ev) {
- switch (ev.keyCode) {
- case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.UP_ARROW: return focusPrevOption();
- case $mdConstant.KEY_CODE.DOWN_ARROW: return focusNextOption();
- default:
- if (ev.keyCode >= 31 && ev.keyCode <= 90) {
- var optNode = opts.selectEl.controller('mdSelectMenu').optNodeForKeyboardSearch(ev);
- optNode && optNode.focus();
- }
- }
- });
- function focusOption(direction) {
- var optionsArray = nodesToArray(optionNodes);
- var index = optionsArray.indexOf(opts.focusedNode);
- if (index === -1) {
- // We lost the previously focused element, reset to first option
- index = 0;
- } else if (direction === 'next' && index < optionsArray.length - 1) {
- index++;
- } else if (direction === 'prev' && index > 0) {
- index--;
- }
- var newOption = opts.focusedNode = optionsArray[index];
- newOption && newOption.focus();
- }
- function focusNextOption() {
- focusOption('next');
- }
- function focusPrevOption() {
- focusOption('prev');
- }
- opts.selectEl.on('click', checkCloseMenu);
- opts.selectEl.on('keydown', function(e) {
- if (e.keyCode == 32 || e.keyCode == 13) {
- checkCloseMenu();
- }
- });
- function checkCloseMenu() {
- if (!selectCtrl.isMultiple) {
- opts.restoreFocus = true;
- scope.$evalAsync(function() {
- $mdSelect.hide(selectCtrl.ngModel.$viewValue);
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function onRemove(scope, element, opts) {
- opts.isRemoved = true;
- element.addClass('md-leave')
- .removeClass('md-clickable');
-'aria-expanded', 'false');
- angular.element($window).off('resize', opts.resizeFn);
- angular.element($window).off('orientationchange', opts.resizefn);
- opts.resizeFn = undefined;
- var mdSelect = opts.selectEl.controller('mdSelect');
- if (mdSelect) {
- mdSelect.setLabelText(opts.selectEl.controller('mdSelectMenu').selectedLabels());
- }
- return $mdUtil.transitionEndPromise(element, { timeout: 350 }).then(function() {
- element.removeClass('md-active');
- opts.backdrop && opts.backdrop.remove();
- if (element[0].parentNode === opts.parent[0]) {
- opts.parent[0].removeChild(element[0]); // use browser to avoid $destroy event
- }
- if (opts.disableParentScroll) {
- opts.restoreScroll();
- }
- if (opts.restoreFocus);
- });
- }
- function animateSelect(scope, element, opts) {
- var containerNode = element[0],
- targetNode =[0].firstElementChild.firstElementChild, // target the first span, functioning as the label
- parentNode = opts.parent[0],
- selectNode = opts.selectEl[0],
- contentNode = opts.contentEl[0],
- parentRect = parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
- targetRect = targetNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
- shouldOpenAroundTarget = false,
- bounds = {
- left: parentRect.left + SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN,
- bottom: parentRect.height - SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN,
- right: parentRect.width - SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN - ($mdUtil.floatingScrollbars() ? 16 : 0)
- },
- spaceAvailable = {
- top: -,
- left: targetRect.left - bounds.left,
- right: bounds.right - (targetRect.left + targetRect.width),
- bottom: bounds.bottom - ( + targetRect.height)
- },
- maxWidth = parentRect.width - SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN * 2,
- isScrollable = contentNode.scrollHeight > contentNode.offsetHeight,
- selectedNode = selectNode.querySelector('md-option[selected]'),
- optionNodes = selectNode.getElementsByTagName('md-option'),
- optgroupNodes = selectNode.getElementsByTagName('md-optgroup');
- var centeredNode;
- // If a selected node, center around that
- if (selectedNode) {
- centeredNode = selectedNode;
- // If there are option groups, center around the first option group
- } else if (optgroupNodes.length) {
- centeredNode = optgroupNodes[0];
- // Otherwise, center around the first optionNode
- } else if (optionNodes.length){
- centeredNode = optionNodes[0];
- // In case there are no options, center on whatever's in there... (eg progress indicator)
- } else {
- centeredNode = contentNode.firstElementChild || contentNode;
- }
- if (contentNode.offsetWidth > maxWidth) {
-['max-width'] = maxWidth + 'px';
- }
- if (shouldOpenAroundTarget) {
-['min-width'] = targetRect.width + 'px';
- }
- // Remove padding before we compute the position of the menu
- if (isScrollable) {
- selectNode.classList.add('md-overflow');
- }
- // Get the selectMenuRect *after* max-width is possibly set above
- var selectMenuRect = selectNode.getBoundingClientRect();
- var centeredRect = getOffsetRect(centeredNode);
- if (centeredNode) {
- var centeredStyle = $window.getComputedStyle(centeredNode);
- centeredRect.paddingLeft = parseInt(centeredStyle.paddingLeft, 10) || 0;
- centeredRect.paddingRight = parseInt(centeredStyle.paddingRight, 10) || 0;
- }
- var focusedNode = centeredNode;
- if ((focusedNode.tagName || '').toUpperCase() === 'MD-OPTGROUP') {
- focusedNode = optionNodes[0] || contentNode.firstElementChild || contentNode;
- }
- if (isScrollable) {
- var scrollBuffer = contentNode.offsetHeight / 2;
- contentNode.scrollTop = + centeredRect.height / 2 - scrollBuffer;
- if ( < scrollBuffer) {
- contentNode.scrollTop = Math.min(
- contentNode.scrollTop + scrollBuffer -
- );
- } else if (spaceAvailable.bottom < scrollBuffer) {
- contentNode.scrollTop = Math.max(
- + centeredRect.height - selectMenuRect.height,
- contentNode.scrollTop - scrollBuffer + spaceAvailable.bottom
- );
- }
- }
- var left, top, transformOrigin;
- if (shouldOpenAroundTarget) {
- left = targetRect.left;
- top = + targetRect.height;
- transformOrigin = '50% 0';
- if (top + selectMenuRect.height > bounds.bottom) {
- top = - selectMenuRect.height;
- transformOrigin = '50% 100%';
- }
- } else {
- left = targetRect.left + centeredRect.left - centeredRect.paddingLeft;
- top = Math.floor( + targetRect.height / 2 - centeredRect.height / 2 -
- + contentNode.scrollTop);
- transformOrigin = (centeredRect.left + targetRect.width / 2) + 'px ' +
- ( + centeredRect.height / 2 - contentNode.scrollTop) + 'px 0px';
- = targetRect.width + centeredRect.paddingLeft +
- centeredRect.paddingRight + 'px';
- }
- // Keep left and top within the window
- var containerRect = containerNode.getBoundingClientRect();
- = clamp(bounds.left, left, bounds.right - containerRect.width) + 'px';
- = clamp(, top, bounds.bottom - containerRect.height) + 'px';
-[$mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM_ORIGIN] = transformOrigin;
-[$mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'scale(' +
- Math.min(targetRect.width / selectMenuRect.width, 1.0) + ',' +
- Math.min(targetRect.height / selectMenuRect.height, 1.0) +
- ')';
- $$rAF(function() {
- element.addClass('md-active');
-[$mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM] = '';
- if (focusedNode) {
- opts.focusedNode = focusedNode;
- focusedNode.focus();
- }
- });
- }
- }
- function clamp(min, n, max) {
- return Math.max(min, Math.min(n, max));
- }
- function getOffsetRect(node) {
- return node ? {
- left: node.offsetLeft,
- top: node.offsetTop,
- width: node.offsetWidth,
- height: node.offsetHeight
- } : { left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
- }
-SelectProvider.$inject = ["$$interimElementProvider"];
-// Annoying method to copy nodes to an array, thanks to IE
-function nodesToArray(nodes) {
- var results = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
- results.push(nodes.item(i));
- }
- return results;
-})(window, window.angular); \ No newline at end of file
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index 21fe130d..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- * Angular Material Design
- *
- * @license MIT
- * v0.9.8
- */.md-select-menu-container{position:fixed;left:0;top:0;z-index:99;opacity:0}.md-select-menu-container:not(.md-clickable){pointer-events:none}.md-select-menu-container md-progress-circular{display:table;margin:24px auto!important}{opacity:1} md-select-menu{transition:-webkit-transform all .4s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1);transition:transform all .4s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1);transition-duration:200ms} md-select-menu>*{opacity:1;transition:all .3s cubic-bezier(.55,0,.55,.2);transition-duration:200ms;transition-delay:100ms}{opacity:0;transition:all .3s cubic-bezier(.55,0,.55,.2);transition-duration:250ms}md-input-container>md-select{margin:3px 0 0}md-select{padding:24px 2px 26px;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}md-select:focus{outline:0}md-select[disabled]:hover{cursor:default}md-select:not([disabled]):hover{cursor:pointer}md-select:not([disabled]) .md-select-label,md-select:not([disabled]):focus .md-select-label{border-bottom:2px solid;padding-bottom:0}.md-select-label{display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;padding:2px 2px 1px;border-bottom:1px solid;position:relative;box-sizing:content-box;min-width:64px;min-height:26px}.md-select-label :first-child{-webkit-flex:1;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;max-width:calc(100% - 2*8px);-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,2px,0);transform:translate3d(0,2px,0)}.md-select-label .md-select-icon{-webkit-align-items:flex-end;-ms-flex-align:end;align-items:flex-end;text-align:end;width:24px;margin:0 4px;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,1px,0);transform:translate3d(0,1px,0)}.md-select-label .md-select-icon:after{display:block;content:'\25BC';position:relative;top:2px;speak:none;-webkit-transform:scaleY(.6) scaleX(1);transform:scaleY(.6) scaleX(1)}md-select-menu{display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;box-shadow:0 3px 1px -2px rgba(0,0,0,.14),0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.098),0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.084);max-height:256px;min-height:48px;overflow-y:hidden;-webkit-transform-origin:left top;transform-origin:left top;-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}{-webkit-flex-direction:column-reverse;-ms-flex-direction:column-reverse;flex-direction:column-reverse}md-select-menu:not(.md-overflow) md-content{padding-top:8px;padding-bottom:8px}html[dir=rtl] md-select-menu{-webkit-transform-origin:right top;transform-origin:right top}md-select-menu md-content{min-width:136px;min-height:48px;max-height:256px;overflow-y:auto}md-select-menu>*{opacity:0}md-option{cursor:pointer;position:relative;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;width:auto;padding:0 16px;height:48px}md-option:focus{outline:0}md-option .md-text{width:auto;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;font-size:16px}md-optgroup{display:block}md-optgroup label{display:block;font-size:14px;text-transform:uppercase;padding:16px;font-weight:500}md-optgroup md-option{padding-left:32px;padding-right:32px}@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active){.md-select-backdrop{background-color:transparent}md-select-menu{border:1px solid #fff}} \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- * Angular Material Design
- *
- * @license MIT
- * v0.9.8
- */
-!function(e,t,n){"use strict";function l(e,l,o,i,r,a,d){function c(r,c){var s=r.find("md-select-label").remove();if(s.length){if(!s[0].firstElementChild){var u=t.element("<span>");u.append(s.contents()),s.append(u)}}else s=t.element("<md-select-label><span></span></md-select-label>");if(s.append('<span class="md-select-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>'),s.addClass("md-select-label"),s[0].hasAttribute("id")||s.attr("id","select_label_"+l.nextUid()),r.find("md-content").length||r.append(t.element("<md-content>").append(r.contents())),c.mdOnOpen&&r.find("md-content").prepend(t.element("<md-progress-circular>").attr("md-mode","indeterminate").attr("ng-hide","$$loadingAsyncDone").wrap("<div>").parent()),{var p=t.element('<select class="md-visually-hidden">');p.attr({name:".","ng-model":c.ngModel,"aria-hidden":"true",tabindex:"-1"});var f=r.find("md-option");t.forEach(f,function(e){var n=t.element("<option>"+e.innerHTML+"</option>");e.hasAttribute("ng-value")?n.attr("ng-value",e.getAttribute("ng-value")):e.hasAttribute("value")&&n.attr("value",e.getAttribute("value")),p.append(n)}),r.parent().append(p)}var m='<div class="md-select-menu-container"><md-select-menu '+(t.isDefined(c.multiple)?"multiple":"")+">"+r.html()+"</md-select-menu></div>";return r.empty().append(s),c.tabindex=c.tabindex||"0",function(r,c,s,u){function p(){var e=c.attr("placeholder");e||(e=c.find("md-select-label").text()),i.expect(c,"aria-label",e)}function f(){y&&(w=w||y.find("md-select-menu").controller("mdSelectMenu"),E.setLabelText(w.selectedLabels()))}function h(){y=t.element(m);var e=y.find("md-select-menu");"$ngModelController",k),"$mdSelectController",E),C=r.$new(),y=a(y)(C),w=y.find("md-select-menu").controller("mdSelectMenu")}function g(e){var n=[32,13,38,40];if(-1!=n.indexOf(e.keyCode))e.preventDefault(),v(e);else if(e.keyCode<=90&&e.keyCode>=31){e.preventDefault();var 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t(r)},function(e,t){(e!==n||t!==n)&&(e?c.attr("multiple","multiple"):c.removeAttr("multiple"),y&&(w.setMultiple(e),A=k.$render,k.$render=function(){A(),f()},w.refreshViewValue(),k.$render()))})}),s.$observe("disabled",function(e){"string"==typeof e&&(e=!0),(b===n||b!==e)&&(b=e,e?(c.attr({tabindex:-1,"aria-disabled":"true"}),"click",v),"keydown",g)):(c.attr({tabindex:s.tabindex,"aria-disabled":"false"}),c.on("click",v),c.on("keydown",g)))}),s.disabled||s.ngDisabled||(c.attr({tabindex:s.tabindex,"aria-disabled":"false"}),c.on("click",v),c.on("keydown",g));var R={role:"combobox","aria-expanded":"false"};c[0].hasAttribute("id")||("select_"+l.nextUid()),c.attr(R),r.$on("$destroy",function(){$?e.cancel().then(function(){y.remove()}):y.remove()})}}return{restrict:"E",require:["mdSelect","ngModel","?^form"],compile:c,controller:function(){}}}function o(e,l,o){function i(e,n,i,r){function 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e=d(i[0].querySelectorAll("md-option[selected]"));return e.length?{return e.textContent}).join(", "):""},,t){var n=c.options[e];n&&n.setSelected(!0),c.selected[e]=t},c.deselect=function(e){var t=c.options[e];t&&t.setSelected(!1),delete c.selected[e]},c.addOption=function(e,n){if(t.isDefined(c.options[e]))throw new Error('Duplicate md-option values are not allowed in a select. 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new Error('$ expected a target element in but got "''"!');t.extend(i,{isRemoved:!1,target:t.element(,parent:t.element(i.parent),selectEl:o.find("md-select-menu"),contentEl:o.find("md-content"),backdrop:i.hasBackdrop&&t.element('<md-backdrop class="md-select-backdrop md-click-catcher">')}),i.resizeFn=function(){r(function(){r(function(){h(n,o,i)})})},t.element(p).on("resize",i.resizeFn),t.element(p).on("orientationchange",i.resizeFn),c(),o.removeClass("md-leave");var m=i.selectEl[0].getElementsByTagName("md-option");return i.loadingAsync&&i.loadingAsync.then?i.loadingAsync.then(function(){n.$$loadingAsyncDone=!0,r(function(){r(function(){i.isRemoved||h(n,o,i)})})}):i.loadingAsync&&(n.$$loadingAsyncDone=!0),i.disableParentScroll&&!a.getClosest(,"MD-DIALOG")?i.restoreScroll=a.disableScrollAround(!1,u(f,75,!1),i.backdrop&&(s.inherit(i.backdrop,i.parent),i.parent.append(i.backdrop)),i.parent.append(o),r(function(){r(function(){i.isRemoved||h(n,o,i)})}),a.transitionEndPromise(i.selectEl,{timeout:350})}function m(e,l,o){o.isRemoved=!0,l.addClass("md-leave").removeClass("md-clickable"),"aria-expanded","false"),t.element(p).off("resize",o.resizeFn),t.element(p).off("orientationchange",o.resizefn),o.resizeFn=n;var i=o.selectEl.controller("mdSelect");return i&&i.setLabelText(o.selectEl.controller("mdSelectMenu").selectedLabels()),a.transitionEndPromise(l,{timeout:350}).then(function(){l.removeClass("md-active"),o.backdrop&&o.backdrop.remove(),l[0].parentNode===o.parent[0]&&o.parent[0].removeChild(l[0]),o.disableParentScroll&&o.restoreScroll(),o.restoreFocus&&})}function h(e,t,n){var d,s=t[0],[0].firstElementChild.firstElementChild,f=n.parent[0],m=n.selectEl[0],h=n.contentEl[0],g=f.getBoundingClientRect(),v=u.getBoundingClientRect(),$=!1,b={left:g.left+c,top:c,bottom:g.height-c,right:g.width-c-(a.floatingScrollbars()?16:0)},y={,left:v.left-b.left,right:b.right-(v.left+v.width),bottom:b.bottom-(},C=g.width-2*c,w=h.scrollHeight>h.offsetHeight,E=m.querySelector("md-option[selected]"),k=m.getElementsByTagName("md-option"),S=m.getElementsByTagName("md-optgroup");d=E?E:S.length?S[0]:k.length?k[0]:h.firstElementChild||h,h.offsetWidth>C&&(["max-width"]=C+"px"),$&&(["min-width"]=v.width+"px"),w&&m.classList.add("md-overflow");var x=m.getBoundingClientRect(),M=i(d);if(d){var O=p.getComputedStyle(d);M.paddingLeft=parseInt(O.paddingLeft,10)||0,M.paddingRight=parseInt(O.paddingRight,10)||0}var A=d;if("MD-OPTGROUP"===(A.tagName||"").toUpperCase()&&(A=k[0]||h.firstElementChild||h),w){var D=h.offsetHeight/2;,<D?h.scrollTop=Math.min(,<D&&(h.scrollTop=Math.max(,h.scrollTop-D+y.bottom))}var R,T,V;$?(R=v.left,,V="50% 0",T+x.height>b.bottom&&(,V="50% 100%")):(R=v.left+M.left-M.paddingLeft,T=Math.floor(,V=M.left+v.width/2+"px "+("px 0px","px");var N=s.getBoundingClientRect();,R,b.right-N.width)+"px",,T,b.bottom-N.height)+"px",[l.CSS.TRANSFORM_ORIGIN]=V,[l.CSS.TRANSFORM]="scale("+Math.min(v.width/x.width,1)+","+Math.min(v.height/x.height,1)+")",r(function(){t.addClass("md-active"),[l.CSS.TRANSFORM]="",A&&(n.focusedNode=A,A.focus())})}return{parent:"body",onShow:f,onRemove:m,hasBackdrop:!0,disableParentScroll:!0,themable:!0}}function o(e,t,n){return Math.max(e,Math.min(t,n))}function i(e){return e?{left:e.offsetLeft,top:e.offsetTop,width:e.offsetWidth,height:e.offsetHeight}:{left:0,top:0,width:0,height:0}}return l.$inject=["$mdSelect","$mdConstant","$$rAF","$mdUtil","$mdTheming","$timeout","$window"],e("$mdSelect").setDefaults({methods:["target"],options:l})}function d(e){for(var t=[],n=0;n<e.length;++n)t.push(e.item(n));return t}var c=8,s=0;t.module("",["material.core","material.components.backdrop"]).directive("mdSelect",l).directive("mdSelectMenu",o).directive("mdOption",i).directive("mdOptgroup",r).provider("$mdSelect",a),l.$inject=["$mdSelect","$mdUtil","$mdTheming","$mdAria","$interpolate","$compile","$parse"],o.$inject=["$parse","$mdUtil","$mdTheming"],i.$inject=["$mdButtonInkRipple","$mdUtil"],a.$inject=["$$interimElementProvider"]}(window,window.angular); \ No newline at end of file