path: root/ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/directives/search-users/search-users.controller.spec.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/directives/search-users/search-users.controller.spec.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/directives/search-users/search-users.controller.spec.js b/ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/directives/search-users/search-users.controller.spec.js
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index 96f5b0df..00000000
--- a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/directives/search-users/search-users.controller.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
- * ================================================================================
- * eCOMP Portal
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ================================================================================
- */
-//'use strict';
-//describe('Controller: NewAdminCtrl ', () => {
-// beforeEach(module('ecompApp'));
-// //destroy $http default cache before starting to prevent the error 'default cache already exists'
-// beforeEach(inject((_CacheFactory_)=> {
-// _CacheFactory_.destroyAll();
-// }));
-// let newCtrl, $controller, $q, $rootScope, $log;
-// beforeEach(inject((_$controller_, _$q_, _$rootScope_, _$log_)=> {
-// [$controller, $q, $rootScope, $log] = [_$controller_, _$q_, _$rootScope_, _$log_];
-// }));
-// let deferredUsersList, deferredAdminAppsRoles, deferredUpdateRolesRes;
-// let usersServiceMock, adminsServiceMock;
-// beforeEach(()=> {
-// [deferredUsersList, deferredAdminAppsRoles, deferredUpdateRolesRes] = [$q.defer(), $q.defer(), $q.defer()];
-// //usersServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('usersServiceMock', ['searchUsers']);
-// usersServiceMock = {
-// searchUsers: () => {
-// var promise = () => {return deferredUsersList.promise};
-// var cancel = jasmine.createSpy();
-// return {
-// promise: promise,
-// cancel: cancel
-// }
-// }
-// };
-// adminsServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('adminsServiceMock', ['getAdminAppsRoles', 'updateAdminAppsRoles']);
-// //usersServiceMock.searchUsers.and.returnValue(deferredUsersList.promise);
-// adminsServiceMock.getAdminAppsRoles.and.returnValue(deferredAdminAppsRoles.promise);
-// adminsServiceMock.updateAdminAppsRoles.and.returnValue(deferredUpdateRolesRes.promise);
-// newCtrl = $controller('NewAdminModalCtrl', {
-// $log: $log,
-// usersService: usersServiceMock,
-// adminsService: adminsServiceMock,
-// $scope: $rootScope
-// });
-// });
-// it('should init default values when loading the controller', ()=> {
-// //expect(newCtrl.searchUsersInProgress).toBe(false);
-// expect(newCtrl.dialogState).toBe(1);
-// expect(newCtrl.selectedUser).toBe(null);
-// });
-// it('should populate retrieved users when search users service returns a list ', ()=> {
-// //spyOn(usersServiceMock, 'searchUsers');
-// let usersListRes = [{user: 1}, {user: 2}];
-// newCtrl.searchUserString = 'some user name';
-// deferredUsersList.resolve(usersListRes);
-// newCtrl.searchUsers();
-// $rootScope.$apply();
-// //expect(usersServiceMock.searchUsers).toHaveBeenCalledWith(newCtrl.searchUserString);
-// expect(newCtrl.searchUsersResults).toEqual(usersListRes);
-// expect(newCtrl.searchUsersInProgress).toBe(false);
-// });
-// it('should log the error when search users fails', ()=> {
-// spyOn($log, 'error');
-// deferredUsersList.reject('oh snap!');
-// newCtrl.searchUsers();
-// $rootScope.$apply();
-// expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
-// });
-// it('should populate admin apps roles and move to the next screen when adminsService.getAdminAppsRoles succeeded', ()=> {
-// let userApps = {appsRoles: [{id: 1, isAdmin: false}, {id: 2, isAdmin: true}]};
-// deferredAdminAppsRoles.resolve(userApps);
-// newCtrl.searchUsersInProgress = false;
-// newCtrl.selectedUser = {userId: 'userId'};
-// newCtrl.getAdminAppsRoles();
-// $rootScope.$apply();
-// expect(adminsServiceMock.getAdminAppsRoles).toHaveBeenCalledWith(newCtrl.selectedUser.userId);
-// expect(newCtrl.adminAppsRoles).toEqual(userApps.appsRoles);
-// expect(newCtrl.dialogState).toBe(2);
-// });
-// it('should log the error when adminsService.getAdminAppsRoles fails', ()=> {
-// spyOn($log, 'error');
-// deferredAdminAppsRoles.reject('some error');
-// newCtrl.searchUsersInProgress = false;
-// newCtrl.selectedUser = {userId: 'userId'};
-// newCtrl.getAdminAppsRoles();
-// $rootScope.$apply();
-// expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
-// });
-// it('should log the error when trying to getAdminAppsRoles without selecting user ', ()=> {
-// spyOn($log, 'error');
-// newCtrl.searchUsersInProgress = false;
-// newCtrl.selectedUser = null;
-// newCtrl.getAdminAppsRoles();
-// $rootScope.$apply();
-// expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
-// });
-// //it('should setSelectedUser when choosing user', ()=> {
-// //
-// //});
-// //it('should set isAdmin as false when removing app from the administrated apps list', ()=> {
-// //});
-// it('should set isAdmin as true when adding app via the dropdown menu', ()=> {
-// newCtrl.adminAppsRoles = [{id: 1, isAdmin: false},{id: 2, isAdmin: true}];
-// //simulate UI change
-// $rootScope.$apply('newAdmin.selectedNewApp = null');
-// $rootScope.$apply('newAdmin.selectedNewApp = {id: 1, isAdmin: true}');
-// expect(newCtrl.adminAppsRoles[0].isAdmin).toBe(true);
-// expect(newCtrl.selectedNewApp).toBe(null);
-// });
-// it('should close the modal when updating apps roles succeeded', ()=> {
-// $rootScope.closeThisDialog = () => {};
-// spyOn($rootScope,'closeThisDialog');
-// newCtrl.selectedUser = {userId: 'userId'};
-// newCtrl.adminAppsRoles = [{id: 1}];
-// deferredUpdateRolesRes.resolve();
-// newCtrl.updateAdminAppsRoles();
-// $rootScope.$apply();
-// expect(adminsServiceMock.updateAdminAppsRoles).toHaveBeenCalledWith({userId: newCtrl.selectedUser.userId, appsRoles: newCtrl.adminAppsRoles});
-// expect($rootScope.closeThisDialog).toHaveBeenCalled();
-// });
-// it('should log the error when updating apps roles fails', ()=> {
-// newCtrl.selectedUser = {userId: 'userId'};
-// newCtrl.adminAppsRoles = [{id: 1}];
-// spyOn($log,'error');
-// deferredUpdateRolesRes.reject();
-// newCtrl.updateAdminAppsRoles();
-// $rootScope.$apply();
-// expect($log.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
-// });
-// //it('should display the add admin dropdown when clicking the add button', ()=> {
-// //});