path: root/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/vendor/firebug-lite/src/firebug-lite-debug.js
diff options
authorst782s <>2017-05-04 07:48:42 -0400
committerst782s <>2017-05-04 12:28:17 -0400
commitb54df0ddd0c6a0372327c5aa3668e5a6458fcd64 (patch)
treee69cfa9b314a801bd187cf0145d1d4306436229c /ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/vendor/firebug-lite/src/firebug-lite-debug.js
parent39d1e62c84041831bfc52cca73b5ed5efaf57d27 (diff)
[PORTAL-7] Rebase
This rebasing includes common libraries and common overlays projects abstraction of components Change-Id: I9a24a338665c7cd058978e8636bc412d9e2fdce8 Signed-off-by: st782s <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/vendor/firebug-lite/src/firebug-lite-debug.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 31176 deletions
diff --git a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/vendor/firebug-lite/src/firebug-lite-debug.js b/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/vendor/firebug-lite/src/firebug-lite-debug.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b1ae70..00000000
--- a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/bower_components/lodash/vendor/firebug-lite/src/firebug-lite-debug.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31176 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Firebug Lite 1.4.0
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007, Parakey Inc.
- * Released under BSD license.
- * More information:
- *
- **************************************************************/
- * CSS selectors powered by:
- *
- * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v1.0
- * Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
- * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
- * More information:
- */
-/** @namespace describe lib */
-// FIXME: xxxpedro if we use "var FBL = {}" the FBL won't appear in the DOM Panel in IE
-var FBL = {};
-( /** @scope s_lib @this FBL */ function() {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Constants
-var productionDir = "";
-var bookmarkletVersion = 4;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var reNotWhitespace = /[^\s]/;
-var reSplitFile = /:\/{1,3}(.*?)\/([^\/]*?)\/?($|\?.*)/;
-// Globals
-this.reJavascript = /\s*javascript:\s*(.*)/;
-this.reChrome = /chrome:\/\/([^\/]*)\//;
-this.reFile = /file:\/\/([^\/]*)\//;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// properties
-var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
-this.isFirefox = /firefox/.test(userAgent);
-this.isOpera = /opera/.test(userAgent);
-this.isSafari = /webkit/.test(userAgent);
-this.isIE = /msie/.test(userAgent) && !/opera/.test(userAgent);
-this.isIE6 = /msie 6/i.test(navigator.appVersion);
-this.browserVersion = (userAgent.match( /.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ) || [0,'0'])[1];
-this.isIElt8 = this.isIE && (this.browserVersion-0 < 8);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-this.NS = null;
-this.pixelsPerInch = null;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Namespaces
-var namespaces = [];
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-this.ns = function(fn)
- var ns = {};
- namespaces.push(fn, ns);
- return ns;
-var FBTrace = null;
-this.initialize = function()
- // Firebug Lite is already running in persistent mode so we just quit
- if (window.firebug && firebug.firebuglite || window.console && console.firebuglite)
- return;
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // initialize environment
- // point the FBTrace object to the local variable
- if (FBL.FBTrace)
- FBTrace = FBL.FBTrace;
- else
- FBTrace = FBL.FBTrace = {};
- // check if the actual window is a persisted chrome context
- var isChromeContext = window.Firebug && typeof window.Firebug.SharedEnv == "object";
- // chrome context of the persistent application
- if (isChromeContext)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro persist - make a better synchronization
- sharedEnv = window.Firebug.SharedEnv;
- delete window.Firebug.SharedEnv;
- FBL.Env = sharedEnv;
- FBL.Env.isChromeContext = true;
- FBTrace.messageQueue = FBL.Env.traceMessageQueue;
- }
- // non-persistent application
- else
- {
- FBL.NS = document.documentElement.namespaceURI;
- FBL.Env.browser = window;
- FBL.Env.destroy = destroyEnvironment;
- if (document.documentElement.getAttribute("debug") == "true")
- FBL.Env.Options.startOpened = true;
- // find the URL location of the loaded application
- findLocation();
- // TODO: get preferences here...
- // The problem is that we don't have the Firebug object yet, so we can't use
- // Firebug.loadPrefs. We're using the Store module directly instead.
- var prefs = FBL.Store.get("FirebugLite") || {};
- FBL.Env.DefaultOptions = FBL.Env.Options;
- FBL.Env.Options = FBL.extend(FBL.Env.Options, prefs.options || {});
- if (FBL.isFirefox &&
- typeof FBL.Env.browser.console == "object" &&
- FBL.Env.browser.console.firebug &&
- FBL.Env.Options.disableWhenFirebugActive)
- return;
- }
- // exposes the FBL to the global namespace when in debug mode
- if (FBL.Env.isDebugMode)
- {
- FBL.Env.browser.FBL = FBL;
- }
- // check browser compatibilities
- this.isQuiksMode = FBL.Env.browser.document.compatMode == "BackCompat";
- this.isIEQuiksMode = this.isIE && this.isQuiksMode;
- this.isIEStantandMode = this.isIE && !this.isQuiksMode;
- this.noFixedPosition = this.isIE6 || this.isIEQuiksMode;
- // after creating/synchronizing the environment, initialize the FBTrace module
- if (FBL.Env.Options.enableTrace) FBTrace.initialize();
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE && isChromeContext) FBTrace.sysout("FBL.initialize - persistent application", "initialize chrome context");
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // initialize namespaces
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("FBL.initialize", namespaces.length/2+" namespaces BEGIN");
- for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i += 2)
- {
- var fn = namespaces[i];
- var ns = namespaces[i+1];
- fn.apply(ns);
- }
- FBTrace.sysout("FBL.initialize", namespaces.length/2+" namespaces END");
- FBTrace.sysout("FBL waitForDocument", "waiting document load");
- }
- FBL.Ajax.initialize();
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // finish environment initialization
- FBL.Firebug.loadPrefs();
- if (FBL.Env.Options.enablePersistent)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro persist - make a better synchronization
- if (isChromeContext)
- {
- FBL.FirebugChrome.clone(FBL.Env.FirebugChrome);
- }
- else
- {
- FBL.Env.FirebugChrome = FBL.FirebugChrome;
- FBL.Env.traceMessageQueue = FBTrace.messageQueue;
- }
- }
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // wait document load
- waitForDocument();
-var waitForDocument = function waitForDocument()
- // document.body not available in XML+XSL documents in Firefox
- var doc = FBL.Env.browser.document;
- var body = doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- if (body)
- {
- calculatePixelsPerInch(doc, body);
- onDocumentLoad();
- }
- else
- setTimeout(waitForDocument, 50);
-var onDocumentLoad = function onDocumentLoad()
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("FBL onDocumentLoad", "document loaded");
- // fix IE6 problem with cache of background images, causing a lot of flickering
- if (FBL.isIE6)
- fixIE6BackgroundImageCache();
- // chrome context of the persistent application
- if (FBL.Env.Options.enablePersistent && FBL.Env.isChromeContext)
- {
- // finally, start the application in the chrome context
- FBL.Firebug.initialize();
- // if is not development mode, remove the shared environment cache object
- // used to synchronize the both persistent contexts
- if (!FBL.Env.isDevelopmentMode)
- {
- sharedEnv.destroy();
- sharedEnv = null;
- }
- }
- // non-persistent application
- else
- {
- FBL.FirebugChrome.create();
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Env
-var sharedEnv;
-this.Env =
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Env Options (will be transported to Firebug options)
- Options:
- {
- saveCookies: true,
- saveWindowPosition: false,
- saveCommandLineHistory: false,
- startOpened: false,
- startInNewWindow: false,
- showIconWhenHidden: true,
- overrideConsole: true,
- ignoreFirebugElements: true,
- disableWhenFirebugActive: true,
- disableXHRListener: false,
- disableResourceFetching: false,
- enableTrace: false,
- enablePersistent: false
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Library location
- Location:
- {
- sourceDir: null,
- baseDir: null,
- skinDir: null,
- skin: null,
- app: null
- },
- skin: "xp",
- useLocalSkin: false,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Env states
- isDevelopmentMode: false,
- isDebugMode: false,
- isChromeContext: false,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Env references
- browser: null,
- chrome: null
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var destroyEnvironment = function destroyEnvironment()
- setTimeout(function()
- {
- FBL = null;
- }, 100);
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Library location
-var findLocation = function findLocation()
- var reFirebugFile = /(firebug-lite(?:-\w+)?(?:\.js|\.jgz))(?:#(.+))?$/;
- var reGetFirebugSite = /(?:http|https):\/\/\//;
- var isGetFirebugSite;
- var rePath = /^(.*\/)/;
- var reProtocol = /^\w+:\/\//;
- var path = null;
- var doc = document;
- // Firebug Lite 1.3.0 bookmarklet identification
- var script = doc.getElementById("FirebugLite");
- var scriptSrc;
- var hasSrcAttribute = true;
- // If the script was loaded via bookmarklet, we already have the script tag
- if (script)
- {
- scriptSrc = script.src;
- file = reFirebugFile.exec(scriptSrc);
- var version = script.getAttribute("FirebugLite");
- var number = version ? parseInt(version) : 0;
- if (!version || !number || number < bookmarkletVersion)
- {
- FBL.Env.bookmarkletOutdated = true;
- }
- }
- // otherwise we must search for the correct script tag
- else
- {
- for(var i=0, s=doc.getElementsByTagName("script"), si; si=s[i]; i++)
- {
- var file = null;
- if ( si.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "script" )
- {
- if (file = reFirebugFile.exec(si.getAttribute("firebugSrc")))
- {
- scriptSrc = si.getAttribute("firebugSrc");
- hasSrcAttribute = false;
- }
- else if (file = reFirebugFile.exec(si.src))
- {
- scriptSrc = si.src;
- }
- else
- continue;
- script = si;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // mark the script tag to be ignored by Firebug Lite
- if (script)
- script.firebugIgnore = true;
- if (file)
- {
- var fileName = file[1];
- var fileOptions = file[2];
- // absolute path
- if (reProtocol.test(scriptSrc)) {
- path = rePath.exec(scriptSrc)[1];
- }
- // relative path
- else
- {
- var r = rePath.exec(scriptSrc);
- var src = r ? r[1] : scriptSrc;
- var backDir = /^((?:\.\.\/)+)(.*)/.exec(src);
- var reLastDir = /^(.*\/)[^\/]+\/$/;
- path = rePath.exec(location.href)[1];
- // "../some/path"
- if (backDir)
- {
- var j = backDir[1].length/3;
- var p;
- while (j-- > 0)
- path = reLastDir.exec(path)[1];
- path += backDir[2];
- }
- else if(src.indexOf("/") != -1)
- {
- // "./some/path"
- if(/^\.\/./.test(src))
- {
- path += src.substring(2);
- }
- // "/some/path"
- else if(/^\/./.test(src))
- {
- var domain = /^(\w+:\/\/[^\/]+)/.exec(path);
- path = domain[1] + src;
- }
- // "some/path"
- else
- {
- path += src;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- FBL.Env.isChromeExtension = script && script.getAttribute("extension") == "Chrome";
- if (FBL.Env.isChromeExtension)
- {
- path = productionDir;
- FBL.Env.bookmarkletOutdated = false;
- script = {innerHTML: "{showIconWhenHidden:false}"};
- }
- isGetFirebugSite = reGetFirebugSite.test(path);
- if (isGetFirebugSite && path.indexOf("/releases/lite/") == -1)
- {
- // See Issue 4587 - If we are loading the script from shortcut, like
- //, then we must manually add the full path,
- // otherwise the Env.Location will hold the wrong path, which will in turn lead to
- // undesirable effects like the problem in Issue 4587
- path += "releases/lite/" + (fileName == "firebug-lite-beta.js" ? "beta/" : "latest/");
- }
- var m = path && path.match(/([^\/]+)\/$/) || null;
- if (path && m)
- {
- var Env = FBL.Env;
- // Always use the local skin when running in the same domain
- // See Issue 3554: Firebug Lite should use local images when loaded locally
- Env.useLocalSkin = path.indexOf(location.protocol + "//" + + "/") == 0 &&
- // but we cannot use the locan skin when loaded from, otherwise
- // the bookmarklet won't work when visiting
- !isGetFirebugSite;
- // detecting development and debug modes via file name
- if (fileName == "firebug-lite-dev.js")
- {
- Env.isDevelopmentMode = true;
- Env.isDebugMode = true;
- }
- else if (fileName == "firebug-lite-debug.js")
- {
- Env.isDebugMode = true;
- }
- // process the <html debug="true">
- if (Env.browser.document.documentElement.getAttribute("debug") == "true")
- {
- Env.Options.startOpened = true;
- }
- // process the Script URL Options
- if (fileOptions)
- {
- var options = fileOptions.split(",");
- for (var i = 0, length = options.length; i < length; i++)
- {
- var option = options[i];
- var name, value;
- if (option.indexOf("=") != -1)
- {
- var parts = option.split("=");
- name = parts[0];
- value = eval(unescape(parts[1]));
- }
- else
- {
- name = option;
- value = true;
- }
- if (name == "debug")
- {
- Env.isDebugMode = !!value;
- }
- else if (name in Env.Options)
- {
- Env.Options[name] = value;
- }
- else
- {
- Env[name] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- // process the Script JSON Options
- if (hasSrcAttribute)
- {
- var innerOptions = FBL.trim(script.innerHTML);
- if (innerOptions)
- {
- var innerOptionsObject = eval("(" + innerOptions + ")");
- for (var name in innerOptionsObject)
- {
- var value = innerOptionsObject[name];
- if (name == "debug")
- {
- Env.isDebugMode = !!value;
- }
- else if (name in Env.Options)
- {
- Env.Options[name] = value;
- }
- else
- {
- Env[name] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!Env.Options.saveCookies)
- FBL.Store.remove("FirebugLite");
- // process the Debug Mode
- if (Env.isDebugMode)
- {
- Env.Options.startOpened = true;
- Env.Options.enableTrace = true;
- Env.Options.disableWhenFirebugActive = false;
- }
- var loc = Env.Location;
- var isProductionRelease = path.indexOf(productionDir) != -1;
- loc.sourceDir = path;
- loc.baseDir = path.substr(0, path.length - m[1].length - 1);
- loc.skinDir = (isProductionRelease ? path : loc.baseDir) + "skin/" + + "/";
- = loc.skinDir + "firebug.html";
- = path + fileName;
- }
- else
- {
- throw new Error("Firebug Error: Library path not found");
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Basics
-this.bind = function() // fn, thisObject, args => thisObject.fn(args, arguments);
- var args = cloneArray(arguments), fn = args.shift(), object = args.shift();
- return function() { return fn.apply(object, arrayInsert(cloneArray(args), 0, arguments)); };
-this.bindFixed = function() // fn, thisObject, args => thisObject.fn(args);
- var args = cloneArray(arguments), fn = args.shift(), object = args.shift();
- return function() { return fn.apply(object, args); };
-this.extend = function(l, r)
- var newOb = {};
- for (var n in l)
- newOb[n] = l[n];
- for (var n in r)
- newOb[n] = r[n];
- return newOb;
-this.descend = function(prototypeParent, childProperties)
- function protoSetter() {};
- protoSetter.prototype = prototypeParent;
- var newOb = new protoSetter();
- for (var n in childProperties)
- newOb[n] = childProperties[n];
- return newOb;
-this.append = function(l, r)
- for (var n in r)
- l[n] = r[n];
- return l;
-this.keys = function(map) // At least sometimes the keys will be on user-level window objects
- var keys = [];
- try
- {
- for (var name in map) // enumeration is safe
- keys.push(name); // name is string, safe
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // Sometimes we get exceptions trying to iterate properties
- }
- return keys; // return is safe
-this.values = function(map)
- var values = [];
- try
- {
- for (var name in map)
- {
- try
- {
- values.push(map[name]);
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // Sometimes we get exceptions trying to access properties
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("lib.values FAILED ", exc);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // Sometimes we get exceptions trying to iterate properties
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("lib.values FAILED ", exc);
- }
- return values;
-this.remove = function(list, item)
- for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i)
- {
- if (list[i] == item)
- {
- list.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
-this.sliceArray = function(array, index)
- var slice = [];
- for (var i = index; i < array.length; ++i)
- slice.push(array[i]);
- return slice;
-function cloneArray(array, fn)
- var newArray = [];
- if (fn)
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
- newArray.push(fn(array[i]));
- else
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
- newArray.push(array[i]);
- return newArray;
-function extendArray(array, array2)
- var newArray = [];
- newArray.push.apply(newArray, array);
- newArray.push.apply(newArray, array2);
- return newArray;
-this.extendArray = extendArray;
-this.cloneArray = cloneArray;
-function arrayInsert(array, index, other)
- for (var i = 0; i < other.length; ++i)
- array.splice(i+index, 0, other[i]);
- return array;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.createStyleSheet = function(doc, url)
- //TODO: xxxpedro
- //var style = doc.createElementNS("", "style");
- var style = this.createElement("link");
- style.setAttribute("charset","utf-8");
- style.firebugIgnore = true;
- style.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
- style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- style.setAttribute("href", url);
- //TODO: xxxpedro
- //style.innerHTML = this.getResource(url);
- return style;
-this.addStyleSheet = function(doc, style)
- var heads = doc.getElementsByTagName("head");
- if (heads.length)
- heads[0].appendChild(style);
- else
- doc.documentElement.appendChild(style);
-this.appendStylesheet = function(doc, uri)
- // Make sure the stylesheet is not appended twice.
- if (this.$(uri, doc))
- return;
- var styleSheet = this.createStyleSheet(doc, uri);
- styleSheet.setAttribute("id", uri);
- this.addStyleSheet(doc, styleSheet);
-this.addScript = function(doc, id, src)
- var element = doc.createElementNS("", "html:script");
- element.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
- element.setAttribute("id", id);
- if (!FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBL.unwrapObject(element).firebugIgnore = true;
- element.innerHTML = src;
- if (doc.documentElement)
- doc.documentElement.appendChild(element);
- else
- {
- // See issue 1079, the svg test case gives this error
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("lib.addScript doc has no documentElement:", doc);
- }
- return element;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.getStyle = this.isIE ?
- function(el, name)
- {
- return el.currentStyle[name] ||[name] || undefined;
- }
- :
- function(el, name)
- {
- return el.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,null)[name]
- ||[name] || undefined;
- };
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Whitespace and Entity conversions
-var entityConversionLists = this.entityConversionLists = {
- normal : {
- whitespace : {
- '\t' : '\u200c\u2192',
- '\n' : '\u200c\u00b6',
- '\r' : '\u200c\u00ac',
- ' ' : '\u200c\u00b7'
- }
- },
- reverse : {
- whitespace : {
- '&Tab;' : '\t',
- '&NewLine;' : '\n',
- '\u200c\u2192' : '\t',
- '\u200c\u00b6' : '\n',
- '\u200c\u00ac' : '\r',
- '\u200c\u00b7' : ' '
- }
- }
-var normal = entityConversionLists.normal,
- reverse = entityConversionLists.reverse;
-function addEntityMapToList(ccode, entity)
- var lists =, 2),
- len = lists.length,
- ch = String.fromCharCode(ccode);
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- var list = lists[i];
- normal[list]=normal[list] || {};
- normal[list][ch] = '&' + entity + ';';
- reverse[list]=reverse[list] || {};
- reverse[list]['&' + entity + ';'] = ch;
- }
-var e = addEntityMapToList,
- white = 'whitespace',
- text = 'text',
- attr = 'attributes',
- css = 'css',
- editor = 'editor';
-e(0x0022, 'quot', attr, css);
-e(0x0026, 'amp', attr, text, css);
-e(0x0027, 'apos', css);
-e(0x003c, 'lt', attr, text, css);
-e(0x003e, 'gt', attr, text, css);
-e(0xa9, 'copy', text, editor);
-e(0xae, 'reg', text, editor);
-e(0x2122, 'trade', text, editor);
-// See
-e(0x2012, '#8210', attr, text, editor); // figure dash
-e(0x2013, 'ndash', attr, text, editor); // en dash
-e(0x2014, 'mdash', attr, text, editor); // em dash
-e(0x2015, '#8213', attr, text, editor); // horizontal bar
-e(0x00a0, 'nbsp', attr, text, white, editor);
-e(0x2002, 'ensp', attr, text, white, editor);
-e(0x2003, 'emsp', attr, text, white, editor);
-e(0x2009, 'thinsp', attr, text, white, editor);
-e(0x200c, 'zwnj', attr, text, white, editor);
-e(0x200d, 'zwj', attr, text, white, editor);
-e(0x200e, 'lrm', attr, text, white, editor);
-e(0x200f, 'rlm', attr, text, white, editor);
-e(0x200b, '#8203', attr, text, white, editor); // zero-width space (ZWSP)
-// Entity escaping
-var entityConversionRegexes = {
- normal : {},
- reverse : {}
- };
-var escapeEntitiesRegEx = {
- normal : function(list)
- {
- var chars = [];
- for ( var ch in list)
- {
- chars.push(ch);
- }
- return new RegExp('([' + chars.join('') + '])', 'gm');
- },
- reverse : function(list)
- {
- var chars = [];
- for ( var ch in list)
- {
- chars.push(ch);
- }
- return new RegExp('(' + chars.join('|') + ')', 'gm');
- }
-function getEscapeRegexp(direction, lists)
- var name = '', re;
- var groups = [].concat(lists);
- for (i = 0; i < groups.length; i++)
- {
- name += groups[i].group;
- }
- re = entityConversionRegexes[direction][name];
- if (!re)
- {
- var list = {};
- if (groups.length > 1)
- {
- for ( var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++)
- {
- var aList = entityConversionLists[direction][groups[i].group];
- for ( var item in aList)
- list[item] = aList[item];
- }
- } else if (groups.length==1)
- {
- list = entityConversionLists[direction][groups[0].group]; // faster for special case
- } else {
- list = {}; // perhaps should print out an error here?
- }
- re = entityConversionRegexes[direction][name] = escapeEntitiesRegEx[direction](list);
- }
- return re;
-function createSimpleEscape(name, direction)
- return function(value)
- {
- var list = entityConversionLists[direction][name];
- return String(value).replace(
- getEscapeRegexp(direction, {
- group : name,
- list : list
- }),
- function(ch)
- {
- return list[ch];
- }
- );
- };
-function escapeGroupsForEntities(str, lists)
- lists = [].concat(lists);
- var re = getEscapeRegexp('normal', lists),
- split = String(str).split(re),
- len = split.length,
- results = [],
- cur, r, i, ri = 0, l, list, last = '';
- if (!len)
- return [ {
- str : String(str),
- group : '',
- name : ''
- } ];
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- cur = split[i];
- if (cur == '')
- continue;
- for (l = 0; l < lists.length; l++)
- {
- list = lists[l];
- r = entityConversionLists.normal[][cur];
- // if (cur == ' ' && == 'whitespace' && last == ' ') // only show for runs of more than one space
- // r = ' ';
- if (r)
- {
- results[ri] = {
- 'str' : r,
- 'class' : list['class'],
- 'extra' : list.extra[cur] ? list['class']
- + list.extra[cur] : ''
- };
- break;
- }
- }
- // last=cur;
- if (!r)
- results[ri] = {
- 'str' : cur,
- 'class' : '',
- 'extra' : ''
- };
- ri++;
- }
- return results;
-this.escapeGroupsForEntities = escapeGroupsForEntities;
-function unescapeEntities(str, lists)
- var re = getEscapeRegexp('reverse', lists),
- split = String(str).split(re),
- len = split.length,
- results = [],
- cur, r, i, ri = 0, l, list;
- if (!len)
- return str;
- lists = [].concat(lists);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- cur = split[i];
- if (cur == '')
- continue;
- for (l = 0; l < lists.length; l++)
- {
- list = lists[l];
- r = entityConversionLists.reverse[][cur];
- if (r)
- {
- results[ri] = r;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!r)
- results[ri] = cur;
- ri++;
- }
- return results.join('') || '';
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// String escaping
-var escapeForTextNode = this.escapeForTextNode = createSimpleEscape('text', 'normal');
-var escapeForHtmlEditor = this.escapeForHtmlEditor = createSimpleEscape('editor', 'normal');
-var escapeForElementAttribute = this.escapeForElementAttribute = createSimpleEscape('attributes', 'normal');
-var escapeForCss = this.escapeForCss = createSimpleEscape('css', 'normal');
-// deprecated compatibility functions
-//this.deprecateEscapeHTML = createSimpleEscape('text', 'normal');
-//this.deprecatedUnescapeHTML = createSimpleEscape('text', 'reverse');
-//this.escapeHTML = deprecated("use appropriate escapeFor... function", this.deprecateEscapeHTML);
-//this.unescapeHTML = deprecated("use appropriate unescapeFor... function", this.deprecatedUnescapeHTML);
-var escapeForSourceLine = this.escapeForSourceLine = createSimpleEscape('text', 'normal');
-var unescapeWhitespace = createSimpleEscape('whitespace', 'reverse');
-this.unescapeForTextNode = function(str)
- if (Firebug.showTextNodesWithWhitespace)
- str = unescapeWhitespace(str);
- if (!Firebug.showTextNodesWithEntities)
- str = escapeForElementAttribute(str);
- return str;
-this.escapeNewLines = function(value)
- return value.replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\n/g, "\\n");
-this.stripNewLines = function(value)
- return typeof(value) == "string" ? value.replace(/[\r\n]/g, " ") : value;
-this.escapeJS = function(value)
- return value.replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace('"', '\\"', "g");
-function escapeHTMLAttribute(value)
- function replaceChars(ch)
- {
- switch (ch)
- {
- case "&":
- return "&amp;";
- case "'":
- return apos;
- case '"':
- return quot;
- }
- return "?";
- };
- var apos = "&#39;", quot = "&quot;", around = '"';
- if( value.indexOf('"') == -1 ) {
- quot = '"';
- apos = "'";
- } else if( value.indexOf("'") == -1 ) {
- quot = '"';
- around = "'";
- }
- return around + (String(value).replace(/[&'"]/g, replaceChars)) + around;
-function escapeHTML(value)
- function replaceChars(ch)
- {
- switch (ch)
- {
- case "<":
- return "&lt;";
- case ">":
- return "&gt;";
- case "&":
- return "&amp;";
- case "'":
- return "&#39;";
- case '"':
- return "&quot;";
- }
- return "?";
- };
- return String(value).replace(/[<>&"']/g, replaceChars);
-this.escapeHTML = escapeHTML;
-this.cropString = function(text, limit)
- text = text + "";
- if (!limit)
- var halfLimit = 50;
- else
- var halfLimit = limit / 2;
- if (text.length > limit)
- return this.escapeNewLines(text.substr(0, halfLimit) + "..." + text.substr(text.length-halfLimit));
- else
- return this.escapeNewLines(text);
-this.isWhitespace = function(text)
- return !reNotWhitespace.exec(text);
-this.splitLines = function(text)
- var reSplitLines2 = /.*(:?\r\n|\n|\r)?/mg;
- var lines;
- if (text.match)
- {
- lines = text.match(reSplitLines2);
- }
- else
- {
- var str = text+"";
- lines = str.match(reSplitLines2);
- }
- lines.pop();
- return lines;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.safeToString = function(ob)
- if (this.isIE)
- {
- try
- {
- // FIXME: xxxpedro this is failing in IE for the global "external" object
- return ob + "";
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("Lib.safeToString() failed for ", ob);
- return "";
- }
- }
- try
- {
- if (ob && "toString" in ob && typeof ob.toString == "function")
- return ob.toString();
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // xxxpedro it is not safe to use ob+""?
- return ob + "";
- ///return "[an object with no toString() function]";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.hasProperties = function(ob)
- try
- {
- for (var name in ob)
- return true;
- } catch (exc) {}
- return false;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// String Util
-var reTrim = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
-this.trim = function(s)
- return s.replace(reTrim, "");
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Empty
-this.emptyFn = function(){};
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Visibility
-this.isVisible = function(elt)
- /*
- if (elt instanceof XULElement)
- {
- //FBTrace.sysout("isVisible elt.offsetWidth: "+elt.offsetWidth+" offsetHeight:"+ elt.offsetHeight+" localName:"+ elt.localName+" nameSpace:"+elt.nameSpaceURI+"\n");
- return (!elt.hidden && !elt.collapsed);
- }
- /**/
- return this.getStyle(elt, "visibility") != "hidden" &&
- ( elt.offsetWidth > 0 || elt.offsetHeight > 0
- || elt.tagName in invisibleTags
- || elt.namespaceURI == ""
- || elt.namespaceURI == "" );
-this.collapse = function(elt, collapsed)
- // IE6 doesn't support the [collapsed] CSS selector. IE7 does support the selector,
- // but it is causing a bug (the element disappears when you set the "collapsed"
- // attribute, but it doesn't appear when you remove the attribute. So, for those
- // cases, we need to use the class attribute.
- if (this.isIElt8)
- {
- if (collapsed)
- this.setClass(elt, "collapsed");
- else
- this.removeClass(elt, "collapsed");
- }
- else
- elt.setAttribute("collapsed", collapsed ? "true" : "false");
-this.obscure = function(elt, obscured)
- if (obscured)
- this.setClass(elt, "obscured");
- else
- this.removeClass(elt, "obscured");
-this.hide = function(elt, hidden)
- = hidden ? "hidden" : "visible";
-this.clearNode = function(node)
- var nodeName = " " + node.nodeName.toLowerCase() + " ";
- var ignoreTags = " table tbody thead tfoot th tr td ";
- // IE can't use innerHTML of table elements
- if (this.isIE && ignoreTags.indexOf(nodeName) != -1)
- this.eraseNode(node);
- else
- node.innerHTML = "";
-this.eraseNode = function(node)
- while (node.lastChild)
- node.removeChild(node.lastChild);
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Window iteration
-this.iterateWindows = function(win, handler)
- if (!win || !win.document)
- return;
- handler(win);
- if (win == top || !win.frames) return; // XXXjjb hack for chromeBug
- for (var i = 0; i < win.frames.length; ++i)
- {
- var subWin = win.frames[i];
- if (subWin != win)
- this.iterateWindows(subWin, handler);
- }
-this.getRootWindow = function(win)
- for (; win; win = win.parent)
- {
- if (!win.parent || win == win.parent || !this.instanceOf(win.parent, "Window"))
- return win;
- }
- return null;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Graphics
-this.getClientOffset = function(elt)
- var addOffset = function addOffset(elt, coords, view)
- {
- var p = elt.offsetParent;
- ///var style = isIE ? elt.currentStyle : view.getComputedStyle(elt, "");
- var chrome =;
- if (elt.offsetLeft)
- ///coords.x += elt.offsetLeft + parseInt(style.borderLeftWidth);
- coords.x += elt.offsetLeft + chrome.getMeasurementInPixels(elt, "borderLeft");
- if (elt.offsetTop)
- ///coords.y += elt.offsetTop + parseInt(style.borderTopWidth);
- coords.y += elt.offsetTop + chrome.getMeasurementInPixels(elt, "borderTop");
- if (p)
- {
- if (p.nodeType == 1)
- addOffset(p, coords, view);
- }
- else
- {
- var otherView = isIE ? elt.ownerDocument.parentWindow : elt.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- // IE will fail when reading the frameElement property of a popup window.
- // We don't need it anyway once it is outside the (popup) viewport, so we're
- // ignoring the frameElement check when the window is a popup
- if (!otherView.opener && otherView.frameElement)
- addOffset(otherView.frameElement, coords, otherView);
- }
- };
- var isIE = this.isIE;
- var coords = {x: 0, y: 0};
- if (elt)
- {
- var view = isIE ? elt.ownerDocument.parentWindow : elt.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- addOffset(elt, coords, view);
- }
- return coords;
-this.getViewOffset = function(elt, singleFrame)
- function addOffset(elt, coords, view)
- {
- var p = elt.offsetParent;
- coords.x += elt.offsetLeft - (p ? p.scrollLeft : 0);
- coords.y += elt.offsetTop - (p ? p.scrollTop : 0);
- if (p)
- {
- if (p.nodeType == 1)
- {
- var parentStyle = view.getComputedStyle(p, "");
- if (parentStyle.position != "static")
- {
- coords.x += parseInt(parentStyle.borderLeftWidth);
- coords.y += parseInt(parentStyle.borderTopWidth);
- if (p.localName == "TABLE")
- {
- coords.x += parseInt(parentStyle.paddingLeft);
- coords.y += parseInt(parentStyle.paddingTop);
- }
- else if (p.localName == "BODY")
- {
- var style = view.getComputedStyle(elt, "");
- coords.x += parseInt(style.marginLeft);
- coords.y += parseInt(style.marginTop);
- }
- }
- else if (p.localName == "BODY")
- {
- coords.x += parseInt(parentStyle.borderLeftWidth);
- coords.y += parseInt(parentStyle.borderTopWidth);
- }
- var parent = elt.parentNode;
- while (p != parent)
- {
- coords.x -= parent.scrollLeft;
- coords.y -= parent.scrollTop;
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- addOffset(p, coords, view);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (elt.localName == "BODY")
- {
- var style = view.getComputedStyle(elt, "");
- coords.x += parseInt(style.borderLeftWidth);
- coords.y += parseInt(style.borderTopWidth);
- var htmlStyle = view.getComputedStyle(elt.parentNode, "");
- coords.x -= parseInt(htmlStyle.paddingLeft);
- coords.y -= parseInt(htmlStyle.paddingTop);
- }
- if (elt.scrollLeft)
- coords.x += elt.scrollLeft;
- if (elt.scrollTop)
- coords.y += elt.scrollTop;
- var win = elt.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- if (win && (!singleFrame && win.frameElement))
- addOffset(win.frameElement, coords, win);
- }
- }
- var coords = {x: 0, y: 0};
- if (elt)
- addOffset(elt, coords, elt.ownerDocument.defaultView);
- return coords;
-this.getLTRBWH = function(elt)
- var bcrect,
- dims = {"left": 0, "top": 0, "right": 0, "bottom": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0};
- if (elt)
- {
- bcrect = elt.getBoundingClientRect();
- dims.left = bcrect.left;
- =;
- dims.right = bcrect.right;
- dims.bottom = bcrect.bottom;
- if(bcrect.width)
- {
- dims.width = bcrect.width;
- dims.height = bcrect.height;
- }
- else
- {
- dims.width = dims.right - dims.left;
- dims.height = dims.bottom -;
- }
- }
- return dims;
-this.applyBodyOffsets = function(elt, clientRect)
- var od = elt.ownerDocument;
- if (!od.body)
- return clientRect;
- var style = od.defaultView.getComputedStyle(od.body, null);
- var pos = style.getPropertyValue('position');
- if(pos === 'absolute' || pos === 'relative')
- {
- var borderLeft = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('border-left-width').replace('px', ''),10) || 0;
- var borderTop = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('border-top-width').replace('px', ''),10) || 0;
- var paddingLeft = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('padding-left').replace('px', ''),10) || 0;
- var paddingTop = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('padding-top').replace('px', ''),10) || 0;
- var marginLeft = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('margin-left').replace('px', ''),10) || 0;
- var marginTop = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('margin-top').replace('px', ''),10) || 0;
- var offsetX = borderLeft + paddingLeft + marginLeft;
- var offsetY = borderTop + paddingTop + marginTop;
- clientRect.left -= offsetX;
- -= offsetY;
- clientRect.right -= offsetX;
- clientRect.bottom -= offsetY;
- }
- return clientRect;
-this.getOffsetSize = function(elt)
- return {width: elt.offsetWidth, height: elt.offsetHeight};
-this.getOverflowParent = function(element)
- for (var scrollParent = element.parentNode; scrollParent; scrollParent = scrollParent.offsetParent)
- {
- if (scrollParent.scrollHeight > scrollParent.offsetHeight)
- return scrollParent;
- }
-this.isScrolledToBottom = function(element)
- var onBottom = (element.scrollTop + element.offsetHeight) == element.scrollHeight;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("isScrolledToBottom offsetHeight: "+element.offsetHeight +" onBottom:"+onBottom);
- return onBottom;
-this.scrollToBottom = function(element)
- element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("scrollToBottom reset scrollTop "+element.scrollTop+" = "+element.scrollHeight);
- if (element.scrollHeight == element.offsetHeight)
- FBTrace.sysout("scrollToBottom attempt to scroll non-scrollable element "+element, element);
- }
- return (element.scrollTop == element.scrollHeight);
-this.move = function(element, x, y)
- = x + "px";
- = y + "px";
-this.resize = function(element, w, h)
- = w + "px";
- = h + "px";
-this.linesIntoCenterView = function(element, scrollBox) // {before: int, after: int}
- if (!scrollBox)
- scrollBox = this.getOverflowParent(element);
- if (!scrollBox)
- return;
- var offset = this.getClientOffset(element);
- var topSpace = offset.y - scrollBox.scrollTop;
- var bottomSpace = (scrollBox.scrollTop + scrollBox.clientHeight)
- - (offset.y + element.offsetHeight);
- if (topSpace < 0 || bottomSpace < 0)
- {
- var split = (scrollBox.clientHeight/2);
- var centerY = offset.y - split;
- scrollBox.scrollTop = centerY;
- topSpace = split;
- bottomSpace = split - element.offsetHeight;
- }
- return {before: Math.round((topSpace/element.offsetHeight) + 0.5),
- after: Math.round((bottomSpace/element.offsetHeight) + 0.5) };
-this.scrollIntoCenterView = function(element, scrollBox, notX, notY)
- if (!element)
- return;
- if (!scrollBox)
- scrollBox = this.getOverflowParent(element);
- if (!scrollBox)
- return;
- var offset = this.getClientOffset(element);
- if (!notY)
- {
- var topSpace = offset.y - scrollBox.scrollTop;
- var bottomSpace = (scrollBox.scrollTop + scrollBox.clientHeight)
- - (offset.y + element.offsetHeight);
- if (topSpace < 0 || bottomSpace < 0)
- {
- var centerY = offset.y - (scrollBox.clientHeight/2);
- scrollBox.scrollTop = centerY;
- }
- }
- if (!notX)
- {
- var leftSpace = offset.x - scrollBox.scrollLeft;
- var rightSpace = (scrollBox.scrollLeft + scrollBox.clientWidth)
- - (offset.x + element.clientWidth);
- if (leftSpace < 0 || rightSpace < 0)
- {
- var centerX = offset.x - (scrollBox.clientWidth/2);
- scrollBox.scrollLeft = centerX;
- }
- }
- FBTrace.sysout("lib.scrollIntoCenterView ","Element:"+element.innerHTML);
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// CSS
-var cssKeywordMap = null;
-var cssPropNames = null;
-var cssColorNames = null;
-var imageRules = null;
-this.getCSSKeywordsByProperty = function(propName)
- if (!cssKeywordMap)
- {
- cssKeywordMap = {};
- for (var name in this.cssInfo)
- {
- var list = [];
- var types = this.cssInfo[name];
- for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
- {
- var keywords = this.cssKeywords[types[i]];
- if (keywords)
- list.push.apply(list, keywords);
- }
- cssKeywordMap[name] = list;
- }
- }
- return propName in cssKeywordMap ? cssKeywordMap[propName] : [];
-this.getCSSPropertyNames = function()
- if (!cssPropNames)
- {
- cssPropNames = [];
- for (var name in this.cssInfo)
- cssPropNames.push(name);
- }
- return cssPropNames;
-this.isColorKeyword = function(keyword)
- if (keyword == "transparent")
- return false;
- if (!cssColorNames)
- {
- cssColorNames = [];
- var colors = this.cssKeywords["color"];
- for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i)
- cssColorNames.push(colors[i].toLowerCase());
- var systemColors = this.cssKeywords["systemColor"];
- for (var i = 0; i < systemColors.length; ++i)
- cssColorNames.push(systemColors[i].toLowerCase());
- }
- return cssColorNames.indexOf ? // Array.indexOf is not available in IE
- cssColorNames.indexOf(keyword.toLowerCase()) != -1 :
- (" " + cssColorNames.join(" ") + " ").indexOf(" " + keyword.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1;
-this.isImageRule = function(rule)
- if (!imageRules)
- {
- imageRules = [];
- for (var i in this.cssInfo)
- {
- var r = i.toLowerCase();
- var suffix = "image";
- if (r.match(suffix + "$") == suffix || r == "background")
- imageRules.push(r);
- }
- }
- return imageRules.indexOf ? // Array.indexOf is not available in IE
- imageRules.indexOf(rule.toLowerCase()) != -1 :
- (" " + imageRules.join(" ") + " ").indexOf(" " + rule.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1;
-this.copyTextStyles = function(fromNode, toNode, style)
- var view = this.isIE ?
- fromNode.ownerDocument.parentWindow :
- fromNode.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- if (view)
- {
- if (!style)
- style = this.isIE ? fromNode.currentStyle : view.getComputedStyle(fromNode, "");
- = style.fontFamily;
- // TODO: xxxpedro need to create a FBL.getComputedStyle() because IE
- // returns wrong computed styles for inherited properties (like font-*)
- //
- // Also would be good to create a FBL.getStyle()
- = style.fontSize;
- = style.fontWeight;
- = style.fontStyle;
- return style;
- }
-this.copyBoxStyles = function(fromNode, toNode, style)
- var view = this.isIE ?
- fromNode.ownerDocument.parentWindow :
- fromNode.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- if (view)
- {
- if (!style)
- style = this.isIE ? fromNode.currentStyle : view.getComputedStyle(fromNode, "");
- = style.marginTop;
- = style.marginRight;
- = style.marginBottom;
- = style.marginLeft;
- = style.borderTopWidth;
- = style.borderRightWidth;
- = style.borderBottomWidth;
- = style.borderLeftWidth;
- return style;
- }
-this.readBoxStyles = function(style)
- var styleNames = {
- "margin-top": "marginTop", "margin-right": "marginRight",
- "margin-left": "marginLeft", "margin-bottom": "marginBottom",
- "border-top-width": "borderTop", "border-right-width": "borderRight",
- "border-left-width": "borderLeft", "border-bottom-width": "borderBottom",
- "padding-top": "paddingTop", "padding-right": "paddingRight",
- "padding-left": "paddingLeft", "padding-bottom": "paddingBottom",
- "z-index": "zIndex"
- };
- var styles = {};
- for (var styleName in styleNames)
- styles[styleNames[styleName]] = parseInt(style.getPropertyCSSValue(styleName).cssText) || 0;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INSPECT)
- FBTrace.sysout("readBoxStyles ", styles);
- return styles;
-this.getBoxFromStyles = function(style, element)
- var args = this.readBoxStyles(style);
- args.width = element.offsetWidth
- - (args.paddingLeft+args.paddingRight+args.borderLeft+args.borderRight);
- args.height = element.offsetHeight
- - (args.paddingTop+args.paddingBottom+args.borderTop+args.borderBottom);
- return args;
-this.getElementCSSSelector = function(element)
- var label = element.localName.toLowerCase();
- if (
- label += "#" +;
- if (element.hasAttribute("class"))
- label += "." + element.getAttribute("class").split(" ")[0];
- return label;
-this.getURLForStyleSheet= function(styleSheet)
- // For inline style sheets, the value of this attribute is null.
- return (styleSheet.href ? styleSheet.href : styleSheet.ownerNode.ownerDocument.URL);
-this.getDocumentForStyleSheet = function(styleSheet)
- while (styleSheet.parentStyleSheet && !styleSheet.ownerNode)
- {
- styleSheet = styleSheet.parentStyleSheet;
- }
- if (styleSheet.ownerNode)
- return styleSheet.ownerNode.ownerDocument;
- * Retrieves the instance number for a given style sheet. The instance number
- * is sheet's index within the set of all other sheets whose URL is the same.
- */
-this.getInstanceForStyleSheet = function(styleSheet, ownerDocument)
- // System URLs are always unique (or at least we are making this assumption)
- if (FBL.isSystemStyleSheet(styleSheet))
- return 0;
- // ownerDocument is an optional hint for performance
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS) FBTrace.sysout("getInstanceForStyleSheet: " + styleSheet.href + " " + + " " + (styleSheet.ownerNode && FBL.getElementXPath(styleSheet.ownerNode)), ownerDocument);
- ownerDocument = ownerDocument || FBL.getDocumentForStyleSheet(styleSheet);
- var ret = 0,
- styleSheets = ownerDocument.styleSheets,
- href = styleSheet.href;
- for (var i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++)
- {
- var curSheet = styleSheets[i];
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS) FBTrace.sysout("getInstanceForStyleSheet: compare href " + i + " " + curSheet.href + " " + + " " + (curSheet.ownerNode && FBL.getElementXPath(curSheet.ownerNode)));
- if (curSheet == styleSheet)
- break;
- if (curSheet.href == href)
- ret++;
- }
- return ret;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// HTML and XML Serialization
-var getElementType = this.getElementType = function(node)
- if (isElementXUL(node))
- return 'xul';
- else if (isElementSVG(node))
- return 'svg';
- else if (isElementMathML(node))
- return 'mathml';
- else if (isElementXHTML(node))
- return 'xhtml';
- else if (isElementHTML(node))
- return 'html';
-var getElementSimpleType = this.getElementSimpleType = function(node)
- if (isElementSVG(node))
- return 'svg';
- else if (isElementMathML(node))
- return 'mathml';
- else
- return 'html';
-var isElementHTML = this.isElementHTML = function(node)
- return node.nodeName == node.nodeName.toUpperCase();
-var isElementXHTML = this.isElementXHTML = function(node)
- return node.nodeName == node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-var isElementMathML = this.isElementMathML = function(node)
- return node.namespaceURI == '';
-var isElementSVG = this.isElementSVG = function(node)
- return node.namespaceURI == '';
-var isElementXUL = this.isElementXUL = function(node)
- return node instanceof XULElement;
-this.isSelfClosing = function(element)
- if (isElementSVG(element) || isElementMathML(element))
- return true;
- var tag = element.localName.toLowerCase();
- return (this.selfClosingTags.hasOwnProperty(tag));
-this.getElementHTML = function(element)
- var self=this;
- function toHTML(elt)
- {
- if (elt.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
- {
- if (unwrapObject(elt).firebugIgnore)
- return;
- html.push('<', elt.nodeName.toLowerCase());
- for (var i = 0; i < elt.attributes.length; ++i)
- {
- var attr = elt.attributes[i];
- // Hide attributes set by Firebug
- if (attr.localName.indexOf("firebug-") == 0)
- continue;
- // MathML
- if (attr.localName.indexOf("-moz-math") == 0)
- {
- // just hide for now
- continue;
- }
- html.push(' ', attr.nodeName, '="', escapeForElementAttribute(attr.nodeValue),'"');
- }
- if (elt.firstChild)
- {
- html.push('>');
- var pureText=true;
- for (var child = element.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
- pureText=pureText && (child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE);
- if (pureText)
- html.push(escapeForHtmlEditor(elt.textContent));
- else {
- for (var child = elt.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
- toHTML(child);
- }
- html.push('</', elt.nodeName.toLowerCase(), '>');
- }
- else if (isElementSVG(elt) || isElementMathML(elt))
- {
- html.push('/>');
- }
- else if (self.isSelfClosing(elt))
- {
- html.push((isElementXHTML(elt))?'/>':'>');
- }
- else
- {
- html.push('></', elt.nodeName.toLowerCase(), '>');
- }
- }
- else if (elt.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
- html.push(escapeForTextNode(elt.textContent));
- else if (elt.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
- html.push('<![CDATA[', elt.nodeValue, ']]>');
- else if (elt.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE)
- html.push('<!--', elt.nodeValue, '-->');
- }
- var html = [];
- toHTML(element);
- return html.join("");
-this.getElementXML = function(element)
- function toXML(elt)
- {
- if (elt.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
- {
- if (unwrapObject(elt).firebugIgnore)
- return;
- xml.push('<', elt.nodeName.toLowerCase());
- for (var i = 0; i < elt.attributes.length; ++i)
- {
- var attr = elt.attributes[i];
- // Hide attributes set by Firebug
- if (attr.localName.indexOf("firebug-") == 0)
- continue;
- // MathML
- if (attr.localName.indexOf("-moz-math") == 0)
- {
- // just hide for now
- continue;
- }
- xml.push(' ', attr.nodeName, '="', escapeForElementAttribute(attr.nodeValue),'"');
- }
- if (elt.firstChild)
- {
- xml.push('>');
- for (var child = elt.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
- toXML(child);
- xml.push('</', elt.nodeName.toLowerCase(), '>');
- }
- else
- xml.push('/>');
- }
- else if (elt.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
- xml.push(elt.nodeValue);
- else if (elt.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
- xml.push('<![CDATA[', elt.nodeValue, ']]>');
- else if (elt.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE)
- xml.push('<!--', elt.nodeValue, '-->');
- }
- var xml = [];
- toXML(element);
- return xml.join("");
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// CSS classes
-this.hasClass = function(node, name) // className, className, ...
- // TODO: xxxpedro when lib.hasClass is called with more than 2 arguments?
- // this function can be optimized a lot if assumed 2 arguments only,
- // which seems to be what happens 99% of the time
- if (arguments.length == 2)
- return (' '+node.className+' ').indexOf(' '+name+' ') != -1;
- if (!node || node.nodeType != 1)
- return false;
- else
- {
- for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; ++i)
- {
- var name = arguments[i];
- var re = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+name+"($|\\s)");
- if (!re.exec(node.className))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
-this.old_hasClass = function(node, name) // className, className, ...
- if (!node || node.nodeType != 1)
- return false;
- else
- {
- for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; ++i)
- {
- var name = arguments[i];
- var re = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+name+"($|\\s)");
- if (!re.exec(node.className))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
-this.setClass = function(node, name)
- if (node && (' '+node.className+' ').indexOf(' '+name+' ') == -1)
- ///if (node && !this.hasClass(node, name))
- node.className += " " + name;
-this.getClassValue = function(node, name)
- var re = new RegExp(name+"-([^ ]+)");
- var m = re.exec(node.className);
- return m ? m[1] : "";
-this.removeClass = function(node, name)
- if (node && node.className)
- {
- var index = node.className.indexOf(name);
- if (index >= 0)
- {
- var size = name.length;
- node.className = node.className.substr(0,index-1) + node.className.substr(index+size);
- }
- }
-this.toggleClass = function(elt, name)
- if ((' '+elt.className+' ').indexOf(' '+name+' ') != -1)
- ///if (this.hasClass(elt, name))
- this.removeClass(elt, name);
- else
- this.setClass(elt, name);
-this.setClassTimed = function(elt, name, context, timeout)
- if (!timeout)
- timeout = 1300;
- if (elt.__setClassTimeout)
- context.clearTimeout(elt.__setClassTimeout);
- else
- this.setClass(elt, name);
- elt.__setClassTimeout = context.setTimeout(function()
- {
- delete elt.__setClassTimeout;
- FBL.removeClass(elt, name);
- }, timeout);
-this.cancelClassTimed = function(elt, name, context)
- if (elt.__setClassTimeout)
- {
- FBL.removeClass(elt, name);
- context.clearTimeout(elt.__setClassTimeout);
- delete elt.__setClassTimeout;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// DOM queries
-this.$ = function(id, doc)
- if (doc)
- return doc.getElementById(id);
- else
- {
- return;
- }
-this.$$ = function(selector, doc)
- if (doc || !
- return FBL.Firebug.Selector(selector, doc);
- else
- {
- return FBL.Firebug.Selector(selector,;
- }
-this.getChildByClass = function(node) // ,classname, classname, classname...
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i)
- {
- var className = arguments[i];
- var child = node.firstChild;
- node = null;
- for (; child; child = child.nextSibling)
- {
- if (this.hasClass(child, className))
- {
- node = child;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return node;
-this.getAncestorByClass = function(node, className)
- for (var parent = node; parent; parent = parent.parentNode)
- {
- if (this.hasClass(parent, className))
- return parent;
- }
- return null;
-this.getElementsByClass = function(node, className)
- var result = [];
- for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
- {
- if (this.hasClass(child, className))
- result.push(child);
- }
- return result;
-this.getElementByClass = function(node, className) // className, className, ...
- var args = cloneArray(arguments); args.splice(0, 1);
- for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
- {
- var args1 = cloneArray(args); args1.unshift(child);
- if (FBL.hasClass.apply(null, args1))
- return child;
- else
- {
- var found = FBL.getElementByClass.apply(null, args1);
- if (found)
- return found;
- }
- }
- return null;
-this.isAncestor = function(node, potentialAncestor)
- for (var parent = node; parent; parent = parent.parentNode)
- {
- if (parent == potentialAncestor)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-this.getNextElement = function(node)
- while (node && node.nodeType != 1)
- node = node.nextSibling;
- return node;
-this.getPreviousElement = function(node)
- while (node && node.nodeType != 1)
- node = node.previousSibling;
- return node;
-this.getBody = function(doc)
- if (doc.body)
- return doc.body;
- var body = doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- if (body)
- return body;
- return doc.firstChild; // For non-HTML docs
-this.findNextDown = function(node, criteria)
- if (!node)
- return null;
- for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
- {
- if (criteria(child))
- return child;
- var next = this.findNextDown(child, criteria);
- if (next)
- return next;
- }
-this.findPreviousUp = function(node, criteria)
- if (!node)
- return null;
- for (var child = node.lastChild; child; child = child.previousSibling)
- {
- var next = this.findPreviousUp(child, criteria);
- if (next)
- return next;
- if (criteria(child))
- return child;
- }
-this.findNext = function(node, criteria, upOnly, maxRoot)
- if (!node)
- return null;
- if (!upOnly)
- {
- var next = this.findNextDown(node, criteria);
- if (next)
- return next;
- }
- for (var sib = node.nextSibling; sib; sib = sib.nextSibling)
- {
- if (criteria(sib))
- return sib;
- var next = this.findNextDown(sib, criteria);
- if (next)
- return next;
- }
- if (node.parentNode && node.parentNode != maxRoot)
- return this.findNext(node.parentNode, criteria, true);
-this.findPrevious = function(node, criteria, downOnly, maxRoot)
- if (!node)
- return null;
- for (var sib = node.previousSibling; sib; sib = sib.previousSibling)
- {
- var prev = this.findPreviousUp(sib, criteria);
- if (prev)
- return prev;
- if (criteria(sib))
- return sib;
- }
- if (!downOnly)
- {
- var next = this.findPreviousUp(node, criteria);
- if (next)
- return next;
- }
- if (node.parentNode && node.parentNode != maxRoot)
- {
- if (criteria(node.parentNode))
- return node.parentNode;
- return this.findPrevious(node.parentNode, criteria, true);
- }
-this.getNextByClass = function(root, state)
- var iter = function iter(node) { return node.nodeType == 1 && FBL.hasClass(node, state); };
- return this.findNext(root, iter);
-this.getPreviousByClass = function(root, state)
- var iter = function iter(node) { return node.nodeType == 1 && FBL.hasClass(node, state); };
- return this.findPrevious(root, iter);
-this.isElement = function(o)
- try {
- return o && this.instanceOf(o, "Element");
- }
- catch (ex) {
- return false;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// DOM Modification
-// TODO: xxxpedro use doc fragments in Context API
-var appendFragment = null;
-this.appendInnerHTML = function(element, html, referenceElement)
- // if undefined, we must convert it to null otherwise it will throw an error in IE
- // when executing element.insertBefore(firstChild, referenceElement)
- referenceElement = referenceElement || null;
- var doc = element.ownerDocument;
- // doc.createRange not available in IE
- if (doc.createRange)
- {
- var range = doc.createRange(); // a helper object
- range.selectNodeContents(element); // the environment to interpret the html
- var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(html); // parse
- var firstChild = fragment.firstChild;
- element.insertBefore(fragment, referenceElement);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!appendFragment || appendFragment.ownerDocument != doc)
- appendFragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
- var div = doc.createElement("div");
- div.innerHTML = html;
- var firstChild = div.firstChild;
- while (div.firstChild)
- appendFragment.appendChild(div.firstChild);
- element.insertBefore(appendFragment, referenceElement);
- div = null;
- }
- return firstChild;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// DOM creation
-this.createElement = function(tagName, properties)
- properties = properties || {};
- var doc = properties.document ||;
- var element = doc.createElement(tagName);
- for(var name in properties)
- {
- if (name != "document")
- {
- element[name] = properties[name];
- }
- }
- return element;
-this.createGlobalElement = function(tagName, properties)
- properties = properties || {};
- var doc = FBL.Env.browser.document;
- var element = this.NS && doc.createElementNS ?
- doc.createElementNS(FBL.NS, tagName) :
- doc.createElement(tagName);
- for(var name in properties)
- {
- var propname = name;
- if (FBL.isIE && name == "class") propname = "className";
- if (name != "document")
- {
- element.setAttribute(propname, properties[name]);
- }
- }
- return element;
-this.safeGetWindowLocation = function(window)
- try
- {
- if (window)
- {
- if (window.closed)
- return "(window.closed)";
- if ("location" in window)
- return window.location+"";
- else
- return "(no window.location)";
- }
- else
- return "(no context.window)";
- }
- catch(exc)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("TabContext.getWindowLocation failed "+exc, exc);
- FBTrace.sysout("TabContext.getWindowLocation failed window:", window);
- return "(getWindowLocation: "+exc+")";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Events
-this.isLeftClick = function(event)
- return (this.isIE && event.type != "click" && event.type != "dblclick" ?
- event.button == 1 : // IE "click" and "dblclick" button model
- event.button == 0) && // others
- this.noKeyModifiers(event);
-this.isMiddleClick = function(event)
- return (this.isIE && event.type != "click" && event.type != "dblclick" ?
- event.button == 4 : // IE "click" and "dblclick" button model
- event.button == 1) &&
- this.noKeyModifiers(event);
-this.isRightClick = function(event)
- return (this.isIE && event.type != "click" && event.type != "dblclick" ?
- event.button == 2 : // IE "click" and "dblclick" button model
- event.button == 2) &&
- this.noKeyModifiers(event);
-this.noKeyModifiers = function(event)
- return !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey;
-this.isControlClick = function(event)
- return (this.isIE && event.type != "click" && event.type != "dblclick" ?
- event.button == 1 : // IE "click" and "dblclick" button model
- event.button == 0) &&
- this.isControl(event);
-this.isShiftClick = function(event)
- return (this.isIE && event.type != "click" && event.type != "dblclick" ?
- event.button == 1 : // IE "click" and "dblclick" button model
- event.button == 0) &&
- this.isShift(event);
-this.isControl = function(event)
- return (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && !event.shiftKey && !event.altKey;
-this.isAlt = function(event)
- return event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey;
-this.isAltClick = function(event)
- return (this.isIE && event.type != "click" && event.type != "dblclick" ?
- event.button == 1 : // IE "click" and "dblclick" button model
- event.button == 0) &&
- this.isAlt(event);
-this.isControlShift = function(event)
- return (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && event.shiftKey && !event.altKey;
-this.isShift = function(event)
- return event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey;
-this.addEvent = function(object, name, handler, useCapture)
- if (object.addEventListener)
- object.addEventListener(name, handler, useCapture);
- else
- object.attachEvent("on"+name, handler);
-this.removeEvent = function(object, name, handler, useCapture)
- try
- {
- if (object.removeEventListener)
- object.removeEventListener(name, handler, useCapture);
- else
- object.detachEvent("on"+name, handler);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("FBL.removeEvent error: ", object, name);
- }
-this.cancelEvent = function(e, preventDefault)
- if (!e) return;
- if (preventDefault)
- {
- if (e.preventDefault)
- e.preventDefault();
- else
- e.returnValue = false;
- }
- if (e.stopPropagation)
- e.stopPropagation();
- else
- e.cancelBubble = true;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-this.addGlobalEvent = function(name, handler)
- var doc = this.Firebug.browser.document;
- var frames = this.Firebug.browser.window.frames;
- this.addEvent(doc, name, handler);
- if ( == "popup")
- this.addEvent(, name, handler);
- for (var i = 0, frame; frame = frames[i]; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- this.addEvent(frame.document, name, handler);
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- // Avoid acess denied
- }
- }
-this.removeGlobalEvent = function(name, handler)
- var doc = this.Firebug.browser.document;
- var frames = this.Firebug.browser.window.frames;
- this.removeEvent(doc, name, handler);
- if ( == "popup")
- this.removeEvent(, name, handler);
- for (var i = 0, frame; frame = frames[i]; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- this.removeEvent(frame.document, name, handler);
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- // Avoid acess denied
- }
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-this.dispatch = function(listeners, name, args)
- if (!listeners) return;
- try
- {/**/
- if (typeof listeners.length != "undefined")
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_DISPATCH) FBTrace.sysout("FBL.dispatch", name+" to "+listeners.length+" listeners");
- for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i)
- {
- var listener = listeners[i];
- if ( listener[name] )
- listener[name].apply(listener, args);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_DISPATCH) FBTrace.sysout("FBL.dispatch", name+" to listeners of an object");
- for (var prop in listeners)
- {
- var listener = listeners[prop];
- if ( listener[name] )
- listener[name].apply(listener, args);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout(" Exception in lib.dispatch "+ name, exc);
- //FBTrace.dumpProperties(" Exception in lib.dispatch listener", listener);
- }
- }
- /**/
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var disableTextSelectionHandler = function(event)
- FBL.cancelEvent(event, true);
- return false;
-this.disableTextSelection = function(e)
- if (typeof e.onselectstart != "undefined") // IE
- this.addEvent(e, "selectstart", disableTextSelectionHandler);
- else // others
- {
- = "user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none;";
- // canceling the event in FF will prevent the menu popups to close when clicking over
- // text-disabled elements
- if (!this.isFirefox)
- this.addEvent(e, "mousedown", disableTextSelectionHandler);
- }
- = "default";
-this.restoreTextSelection = function(e)
- if (typeof e.onselectstart != "undefined") // IE
- this.removeEvent(e, "selectstart", disableTextSelectionHandler);
- else // others
- {
- = "cursor: default;";
- // canceling the event in FF will prevent the menu popups to close when clicking over
- // text-disabled elements
- if (!this.isFirefox)
- this.removeEvent(e, "mousedown", disableTextSelectionHandler);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// DOM Events
-var eventTypes =
- composition: [
- "composition",
- "compositionstart",
- "compositionend" ],
- contextmenu: [
- "contextmenu" ],
- drag: [
- "dragenter",
- "dragover",
- "dragexit",
- "dragdrop",
- "draggesture" ],
- focus: [
- "focus",
- "blur" ],
- form: [
- "submit",
- "reset",
- "change",
- "select",
- "input" ],
- key: [
- "keydown",
- "keyup",
- "keypress" ],
- load: [
- "load",
- "beforeunload",
- "unload",
- "abort",
- "error" ],
- mouse: [
- "mousedown",
- "mouseup",
- "click",
- "dblclick",
- "mouseover",
- "mouseout",
- "mousemove" ],
- mutation: [
- "DOMSubtreeModified",
- "DOMNodeInserted",
- "DOMNodeRemoved",
- "DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument",
- "DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument",
- "DOMAttrModified",
- "DOMCharacterDataModified" ],
- paint: [
- "paint",
- "resize",
- "scroll" ],
- scroll: [
- "overflow",
- "underflow",
- "overflowchanged" ],
- text: [
- "text" ],
- ui: [
- "DOMActivate",
- "DOMFocusIn",
- "DOMFocusOut" ],
- xul: [
- "popupshowing",
- "popupshown",
- "popuphiding",
- "popuphidden",
- "close",
- "command",
- "broadcast",
- "commandupdate" ]
-this.getEventFamily = function(eventType)
- if (!this.families)
- {
- this.families = {};
- for (var family in eventTypes)
- {
- var types = eventTypes[family];
- for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
- this.families[types[i]] = family;
- }
- }
- return this.families[eventType];
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// URLs
-this.getFileName = function(url)
- var split = this.splitURLBase(url);
- return;
-this.splitURLBase = function(url)
- if (this.isDataURL(url))
- return this.splitDataURL(url);
- return this.splitURLTrue(url);
-this.splitDataURL = function(url)
- var mark = url.indexOf(':', 3);
- if (mark != 4)
- return false; // the first 5 chars must be 'data:'
- var point = url.indexOf(',', mark+1);
- if (point < mark)
- return false; // syntax error
- var props = { encodedContent: url.substr(point+1) };
- var metadataBuffer = url.substr(mark+1, point);
- var metadata = metadataBuffer.split(';');
- for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++)
- {
- var nv = metadata[i].split('=');
- if (nv.length == 2)
- props[nv[0]] = nv[1];
- }
- // Additional Firebug-specific properties
- if (props.hasOwnProperty('fileName'))
- {
- var caller_URL = decodeURIComponent(props['fileName']);
- var caller_split = this.splitURLTrue(caller_URL);
- if (props.hasOwnProperty('baseLineNumber')) // this means it's probably an eval()
- {
- props['path'] = caller_split.path;
- props['line'] = props['baseLineNumber'];
- var hint = decodeURIComponent(props['encodedContent'].substr(0,200)).replace(/\s*$/, "");
- props['name'] = 'eval->'+hint;
- }
- else
- {
- props['name'] =;
- props['path'] = caller_split.path;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!props.hasOwnProperty('path'))
- props['path'] = "data:";
- if (!props.hasOwnProperty('name'))
- props['name'] = decodeURIComponent(props['encodedContent'].substr(0,200)).replace(/\s*$/, "");
- }
- return props;
-this.splitURLTrue = function(url)
- var m = reSplitFile.exec(url);
- if (!m)
- return {name: url, path: url};
- else if (!m[2])
- return {path: m[1], name: m[1]};
- else
- return {path: m[1], name: m[2]+m[3]};
-this.getFileExtension = function(url)
- if (!url)
- return null;
- // Remove query string from the URL if any.
- var queryString = url.indexOf("?");
- if (queryString != -1)
- url = url.substr(0, queryString);
- // Now get the file extension.
- var lastDot = url.lastIndexOf(".");
- return url.substr(lastDot+1);
-this.isSystemURL = function(url)
- if (!url) return true;
- if (url.length == 0) return true;
- if (url[0] == 'h') return false;
- if (url.substr(0, 9) == "resource:")
- return true;
- else if (url.substr(0, 16) == "chrome://firebug")
- return true;
- else if (url == "XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper.cpp")
- return true;
- else if (url.substr(0, 6) == "about:")
- return true;
- else if (url.indexOf("firebug-service.js") != -1)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-this.isSystemPage = function(win)
- try
- {
- var doc = win.document;
- if (!doc)
- return false;
- // Detect pages for pretty printed XML
- if ((doc.styleSheets.length && doc.styleSheets[0].href
- == "chrome://global/content/xml/XMLPrettyPrint.css")
- || (doc.styleSheets.length > 1 && doc.styleSheets[1].href
- == "chrome://browser/skin/feeds/subscribe.css"))
- return true;
- return FBL.isSystemURL(win.location.href);
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // Sometimes documents just aren't ready to be manipulated here, but don't let that
- // gum up the works
- ERROR("tabWatcher.isSystemPage document not ready:"+ exc);
- return false;
- }
-this.isSystemStyleSheet = function(sheet)
- var href = sheet && sheet.href;
- return href && FBL.isSystemURL(href);
-this.getURIHost = function(uri)
- try
- {
- if (uri)
- return;
- else
- return "";
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- return "";
- }
-this.isLocalURL = function(url)
- if (url.substr(0, 5) == "file:")
- return true;
- else if (url.substr(0, 8) == "wyciwyg:")
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-this.isDataURL = function(url)
- return (url && url.substr(0,5) == "data:");
-this.getLocalPath = function(url)
- if (this.isLocalURL(url))
- {
- var fileHandler = ioService.getProtocolHandler("file").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
- var file = fileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(url);
- return file.path;
- }
-this.getURLFromLocalFile = function(file)
- var fileHandler = ioService.getProtocolHandler("file").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
- var URL = fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(file);
- return URL;
-this.getDataURLForContent = function(content, url)
- // data:text/javascript;fileName=x%2Cy.js;baseLineNumber=10,<the-url-encoded-data>
- var uri = "data:text/html;";
- uri += "fileName="+encodeURIComponent(url)+ ",";
- uri += encodeURIComponent(content);
- return uri;
-this.getDomain = function(url)
- var m = /[^:]+:\/{1,3}([^\/]+)/.exec(url);
- return m ? m[1] : "";
-this.getURLPath = function(url)
- var m = /[^:]+:\/{1,3}[^\/]+(\/.*?)$/.exec(url);
- return m ? m[1] : "";
-this.getPrettyDomain = function(url)
- var m = /[^:]+:\/{1,3}(www\.)?([^\/]+)/.exec(url);
- return m ? m[2] : "";
-this.absoluteURL = function(url, baseURL)
- return this.absoluteURLWithDots(url, baseURL).replace("/./", "/", "g");
-this.absoluteURLWithDots = function(url, baseURL)
- if (url[0] == "?")
- return baseURL + url;
- var reURL = /(([^:]+:)\/{1,2}[^\/]*)(.*?)$/;
- var m = reURL.exec(url);
- if (m)
- return url;
- var m = reURL.exec(baseURL);
- if (!m)
- return "";
- var head = m[1];
- var tail = m[3];
- if (url.substr(0, 2) == "//")
- return m[2] + url;
- else if (url[0] == "/")
- {
- return head + url;
- }
- else if (tail[tail.length-1] == "/")
- return baseURL + url;
- else
- {
- var parts = tail.split("/");
- return head + parts.slice(0, parts.length-1).join("/") + "/" + url;
- }
-this.normalizeURL = function(url) // this gets called a lot, any performance improvement welcome
- if (!url)
- return "";
- // Replace one or more characters that are not forward-slash followed by /.., by space.
- if (url.length < 255) // guard against monsters.
- {
- // Replace one or more characters that are not forward-slash followed by /.., by space.
- url = url.replace(/[^\/]+\/\.\.\//, "", "g");
- // Issue 1496, avoid #
- url = url.replace(/#.*/,"");
- // For some reason, JSDS reports file URLs like "file:/" instead of "file:///", so they
- // don't match up with the URLs we get back from the DOM
- url = url.replace(/file:\/([^\/])/g, "file:///$1");
- if (url.indexOf('chrome:')==0)
- {
- var m = reChromeCase.exec(url); // 1 is package name, 2 is path
- if (m)
- {
- url = "chrome://"+m[1].toLowerCase()+"/"+m[2];
- }
- }
- }
- return url;
-this.denormalizeURL = function(url)
- return url.replace(/file:\/\/\//g, "file:/");
-this.parseURLParams = function(url)
- var q = url ? url.indexOf("?") : -1;
- if (q == -1)
- return [];
- var search = url.substr(q+1);
- var h = search.lastIndexOf("#");
- if (h != -1)
- search = search.substr(0, h);
- if (!search)
- return [];
- return this.parseURLEncodedText(search);
-this.parseURLEncodedText = function(text)
- var maxValueLength = 25000;
- var params = [];
- // Unescape '+' characters that are used to encode a space.
- // See section RFC 3986:
- text = text.replace(/\+/g, " ");
- var args = text.split("&");
- for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)
- {
- try {
- var parts = args[i].split("=");
- if (parts.length == 2)
- {
- if (parts[1].length > maxValueLength)
- parts[1] = this.$STR("LargeData");
- params.push({name: decodeURIComponent(parts[0]), value: decodeURIComponent(parts[1])});
- }
- else
- params.push({name: decodeURIComponent(parts[0]), value: ""});
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("parseURLEncodedText EXCEPTION ", e);
- FBTrace.sysout("parseURLEncodedText EXCEPTION URI", args[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- params.sort(function(a, b) { return <= ? -1 : 1; });
- return params;
-// TODO: xxxpedro lib. why loops in domplate are requiring array in parameters
-// as in response/request headers and get/post parameters in Net module?
-this.parseURLParamsArray = function(url)
- var q = url ? url.indexOf("?") : -1;
- if (q == -1)
- return [];
- var search = url.substr(q+1);
- var h = search.lastIndexOf("#");
- if (h != -1)
- search = search.substr(0, h);
- if (!search)
- return [];
- return this.parseURLEncodedTextArray(search);
-this.parseURLEncodedTextArray = function(text)
- var maxValueLength = 25000;
- var params = [];
- // Unescape '+' characters that are used to encode a space.
- // See section RFC 3986:
- text = text.replace(/\+/g, " ");
- var args = text.split("&");
- for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)
- {
- try {
- var parts = args[i].split("=");
- if (parts.length == 2)
- {
- if (parts[1].length > maxValueLength)
- parts[1] = this.$STR("LargeData");
- params.push({name: decodeURIComponent(parts[0]), value: [decodeURIComponent(parts[1])]});
- }
- else
- params.push({name: decodeURIComponent(parts[0]), value: [""]});
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("parseURLEncodedText EXCEPTION ", e);
- FBTrace.sysout("parseURLEncodedText EXCEPTION URI", args[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- params.sort(function(a, b) { return <= ? -1 : 1; });
- return params;
-this.reEncodeURL = function(file, text)
- var lines = text.split("\n");
- var params = this.parseURLEncodedText(lines[lines.length-1]);
- var args = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < params.length; ++i)
- args.push(encodeURIComponent(params[i].name)+"="+encodeURIComponent(params[i].value));
- var url = file.href;
- url += (url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + args.join("&");
- return url;
-this.getResource = function(aURL)
- try
- {
- var channel=ioService.newChannel(aURL,null,null);
- var;
- return FBL.readFromStream(input);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("lib.getResource FAILS for "+aURL, e);
- }
-this.parseJSONString = function(jsonString, originURL)
- // See if this is a Prototype style *-secure request.
- var regex = new RegExp(/^\/\*-secure-([\s\S]*)\*\/\s*$/);
- var matches = regex.exec(jsonString);
- if (matches)
- {
- jsonString = matches[1];
- if (jsonString[0] == "\\" && jsonString[1] == "n")
- jsonString = jsonString.substr(2);
- if (jsonString[jsonString.length-2] == "\\" && jsonString[jsonString.length-1] == "n")
- jsonString = jsonString.substr(0, jsonString.length-2);
- }
- if (jsonString.indexOf("&&&START&&&"))
- {
- regex = new RegExp(/&&&START&&& (.+) &&&END&&&/);
- matches = regex.exec(jsonString);
- if (matches)
- jsonString = matches[1];
- }
- // throw on the extra parentheses
- jsonString = "(" + jsonString + ")";
- ///var s = Components.utils.Sandbox(originURL);
- var jsonObject = null;
- try
- {
- ///jsonObject = Components.utils.evalInSandbox(jsonString, s);
- //jsonObject = Firebug.context.eval(jsonString);
- jsonObject = Firebug.context.evaluate(jsonString, null, null, function(){return null;});
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- /***
- if (e.message.indexOf("is not defined"))
- {
- var parts = e.message.split(" ");
- s[parts[0]] = function(str){ return str; };
- try {
- jsonObject = Components.utils.evalInSandbox(jsonString, s);
- } catch(ex) {
- FBTrace.sysout("jsonviewer.parseJSON EXCEPTION", e);
- return null;
- }
- }
- else
- {/**/
- FBTrace.sysout("jsonviewer.parseJSON EXCEPTION", e);
- return null;
- ///}
- }
- return jsonObject;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.objectToString = function(object)
- try
- {
- return object+"";
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- return null;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Input Caret Position
-this.setSelectionRange = function(input, start, length)
- if (input.createTextRange)
- {
- var range = input.createTextRange();
- range.moveStart("character", start);
- range.moveEnd("character", length - input.value.length);
- }
- else if (input.setSelectionRange)
- {
- input.setSelectionRange(start, length);
- input.focus();
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Input Selection Start / Caret Position
-this.getInputSelectionStart = function(input)
- if (document.selection)
- {
- var range = input.ownerDocument.selection.createRange();
- var text = range.text;
- //console.log("range", range.text);
- // if there is a selection, find the start position
- if (text)
- {
- return input.value.indexOf(text);
- }
- // if there is no selection, find the caret position
- else
- {
- range.moveStart("character", -input.value.length);
- return range.text.length;
- }
- }
- else if (typeof input.selectionStart != "undefined")
- return input.selectionStart;
- return 0;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Opera Tab Fix
-function onOperaTabBlur(e)
- if (this.lastKey == 9)
- this.focus();
-function onOperaTabKeyDown(e)
- this.lastKey = e.keyCode;
-function onOperaTabFocus(e)
- this.lastKey = null;
-this.fixOperaTabKey = function(el)
- el.onfocus = onOperaTabFocus;
- el.onblur = onOperaTabBlur;
- el.onkeydown = onOperaTabKeyDown;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-this.Property = function(object, name)
- this.object = object;
- = name;
- this.getObject = function()
- {
- return object[name];
- };
-this.ErrorCopy = function(message)
- this.message = message;
-function EventCopy(event)
- // Because event objects are destroyed arbitrarily by Gecko, we must make a copy of them to
- // represent them long term in the inspector.
- for (var name in event)
- {
- try {
- this[name] = event[name];
- } catch (exc) { }
- }
-this.EventCopy = EventCopy;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Type Checking
-var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
-var reFunction = /^\s*function(\s+[\w_$][\w\d_$]*)?\s*\(/;
-this.isArray = function(object) {
- return === '[object Array]';
-this.isFunction = function(object) {
- if (!object) return false;
- try
- {
- // FIXME: xxxpedro this is failing in IE for the global "external" object
- return === "[object Function]" ||
- this.isIE && typeof object != "string" && reFunction.test(""+object);
- }
- catch (E)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("Lib.isFunction() failed for ", object);
- return false;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Instance Checking
-this.instanceOf = function(object, className)
- if (!object || typeof object != "object")
- return false;
- // Try to use the native instanceof operator. We can only use it when we know
- // exactly the window where the object is located at
- if (object.ownerDocument)
- {
- // find the correct window of the object
- var win = object.ownerDocument.defaultView || object.ownerDocument.parentWindow;
- // if the class is accessible in the window, uses the native instanceof operator
- // if the instanceof evaluates to "true" we can assume it is a instance, but if it
- // evaluates to "false" we must continue with the duck type detection below because
- // the native object may be extended, thus breaking the instanceof result
- // See Issue 3524: Firebug Lite Style Panel doesn't work if the native Element is extended
- if (className in win && object instanceof win[className])
- return true;
- }
- // If the object doesn't have the ownerDocument property, we'll try to look at
- // the current context's window
- else
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro context
- // Since we're not using yet a Firebug.context, we'll just use the top window
- // (browser) as a reference
- var win = Firebug.browser.window;
- if (className in win)
- return object instanceof win[className];
- }
- // get the duck type model from the cache
- var cache = instanceCheckMap[className];
- if (!cache)
- return false;
- // starts the hacky duck type detection
- for(var n in cache)
- {
- var obj = cache[n];
- var type = typeof obj;
- obj = type == "object" ? obj : [obj];
- for(var name in obj)
- {
- // avoid problems with extended native objects
- // See Issue 3524: Firebug Lite Style Panel doesn't work if the native Element is extended
- if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(name))
- continue;
- var value = obj[name];
- if( n == "property" && !(value in object) ||
- n == "method" && !this.isFunction(object[value]) ||
- n == "value" && (""+object[name]).toLowerCase() != (""+value).toLowerCase() )
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-var instanceCheckMap =
- // DuckTypeCheck:
- // {
- // property: ["window", "document"],
- // method: "setTimeout",
- // value: {nodeType: 1}
- // },
- Window:
- {
- property: ["window", "document"],
- method: "setTimeout"
- },
- Document:
- {
- property: ["body", "cookie"],
- method: "getElementById"
- },
- Node:
- {
- property: "ownerDocument",
- method: "appendChild"
- },
- Element:
- {
- property: "tagName",
- value: {nodeType: 1}
- },
- Location:
- {
- property: ["hostname", "protocol"],
- method: "assign"
- },
- HTMLImageElement:
- {
- property: "useMap",
- value:
- {
- nodeType: 1,
- tagName: "img"
- }
- },
- HTMLAnchorElement:
- {
- property: "hreflang",
- value:
- {
- nodeType: 1,
- tagName: "a"
- }
- },
- HTMLInputElement:
- {
- property: "form",
- value:
- {
- nodeType: 1,
- tagName: "input"
- }
- },
- HTMLButtonElement:
- {
- // ?
- },
- HTMLFormElement:
- {
- method: "submit",
- value:
- {
- nodeType: 1,
- tagName: "form"
- }
- },
- HTMLBodyElement:
- {
- },
- HTMLHtmlElement:
- {
- },
- CSSStyleRule:
- {
- property: ["selectorText", "style"]
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// DOM Constants
- - IE does not have window.Node, window.Element, etc
- - for (var name in Node.prototype) return nothing on FF
-var domMemberMap2 = {};
-var domMemberMap2Sandbox = null;
-var getDomMemberMap2 = function(name)
- if (!domMemberMap2Sandbox)
- {
- var doc =;
- var frame = doc.createElement("iframe");
- = "FirebugSandbox";
- = "none";
- frame.src = "about:blank";
- doc.body.appendChild(frame);
- domMemberMap2Sandbox = frame.window || frame.contentWindow;
- }
- var props = [];
- //var object = domMemberMap2Sandbox[name];
- //object = object.prototype || object;
- var object = null;
- if (name == "Window")
- object = domMemberMap2Sandbox.window;
- else if (name == "Document")
- object = domMemberMap2Sandbox.document;
- else if (name == "HTMLScriptElement")
- object = domMemberMap2Sandbox.document.createElement("script");
- else if (name == "HTMLAnchorElement")
- object = domMemberMap2Sandbox.document.createElement("a");
- else if (name.indexOf("Element") != -1)
- {
- object = domMemberMap2Sandbox.document.createElement("div");
- }
- if (object)
- {
- //object = object.prototype || object;
- //props = 'addEventListener,document,location,navigator,window'.split(',');
- for (var n in object)
- props.push(n);
- }
- /**/
- return props;
- return extendArray(props, domMemberMap[name]);
-// xxxpedro experimental get DOM members
-this.getDOMMembers = function(object)
- if (!domMemberCache)
- {
- FBL.domMemberCache = domMemberCache = {};
- for (var name in domMemberMap)
- {
- var builtins = getDomMemberMap2(name);
- var cache = domMemberCache[name] = {};
- /*
- if (name.indexOf("Element") != -1)
- {
- this.append(cache, this.getDOMMembers("Node"));
- this.append(cache, this.getDOMMembers("Element"));
- }
- /**/
- for (var i = 0; i < builtins.length; ++i)
- cache[builtins[i]] = i;
- }
- }
- try
- {
- if (this.instanceOf(object, "Window"))
- { return domMemberCache.Window; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "Document") || this.instanceOf(object, "XMLDocument"))
- { return domMemberCache.Document; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "Location"))
- { return domMemberCache.Location; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLImageElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLImageElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLAnchorElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLAnchorElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLInputElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLInputElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLButtonElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLButtonElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLFormElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLFormElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLBodyElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLBodyElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLHtmlElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLHtmlElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLScriptElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLScriptElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLTableElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLTableElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLTableRowElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLTableRowElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLTableCellElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLTableCellElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "HTMLIFrameElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLIFrameElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "SVGSVGElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.SVGSVGElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "SVGElement"))
- { return domMemberCache.SVGElement; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "Element"))
- { return domMemberCache.Element; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "Text") || this.instanceOf(object, "CDATASection"))
- { return domMemberCache.Text; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "Attr"))
- { return domMemberCache.Attr; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "Node"))
- { return domMemberCache.Node; }
- else if (this.instanceOf(object, "Event") || this.instanceOf(object, "EventCopy"))
- { return domMemberCache.Event; }
- else
- return {};
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("lib.getDOMMembers FAILED ", E);
- return {};
- }
-this.getDOMMembers = function(object)
- if (!domMemberCache)
- {
- domMemberCache = {};
- for (var name in domMemberMap)
- {
- var builtins = domMemberMap[name];
- var cache = domMemberCache[name] = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < builtins.length; ++i)
- cache[builtins[i]] = i;
- }
- }
- try
- {
- if (this.instanceOf(object, "Window"))
- { return domMemberCache.Window; }
- else if (object instanceof Document || object instanceof XMLDocument)
- { return domMemberCache.Document; }
- else if (object instanceof Location)
- { return domMemberCache.Location; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLImageElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLImageElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLAnchorElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLInputElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLInputElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLButtonElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLButtonElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLFormElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLFormElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLBodyElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLBodyElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLHtmlElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLHtmlElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLScriptElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLScriptElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLTableElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLTableElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLTableRowElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLTableRowElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLTableCellElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLTableCellElement; }
- else if (object instanceof HTMLIFrameElement)
- { return domMemberCache.HTMLIFrameElement; }
- else if (object instanceof SVGSVGElement)
- { return domMemberCache.SVGSVGElement; }
- else if (object instanceof SVGElement)
- { return domMemberCache.SVGElement; }
- else if (object instanceof Element)
- { return domMemberCache.Element; }
- else if (object instanceof Text || object instanceof CDATASection)
- { return domMemberCache.Text; }
- else if (object instanceof Attr)
- { return domMemberCache.Attr; }
- else if (object instanceof Node)
- { return domMemberCache.Node; }
- else if (object instanceof Event || object instanceof EventCopy)
- { return domMemberCache.Event; }
- else
- return {};
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- return {};
- }
-this.isDOMMember = function(object, propName)
- var members = this.getDOMMembers(object);
- return members && propName in members;
-var domMemberCache = null;
-var domMemberMap = {};
-domMemberMap.Window =
- "document",
- "frameElement",
- "innerWidth",
- "innerHeight",
- "outerWidth",
- "outerHeight",
- "screenX",
- "screenY",
- "pageXOffset",
- "pageYOffset",
- "scrollX",
- "scrollY",
- "scrollMaxX",
- "scrollMaxY",
- "status",
- "defaultStatus",
- "parent",
- "opener",
- "top",
- "window",
- "content",
- "self",
- "location",
- "history",
- "frames",
- "navigator",
- "screen",
- "menubar",
- "toolbar",
- "locationbar",
- "personalbar",
- "statusbar",
- "directories",
- "scrollbars",
- "fullScreen",
- "netscape",
- "java",
- "console",
- "Components",
- "controllers",
- "closed",
- "crypto",
- "pkcs11",
- "name",
- "property",
- "length",
- "sessionStorage",
- "globalStorage",
- "setTimeout",
- "setInterval",
- "clearTimeout",
- "clearInterval",
- "addEventListener",
- "removeEventListener",
- "dispatchEvent",
- "getComputedStyle",
- "captureEvents",
- "releaseEvents",
- "routeEvent",
- "enableExternalCapture",
- "disableExternalCapture",
- "moveTo",
- "moveBy",
- "resizeTo",
- "resizeBy",
- "scroll",
- "scrollTo",
- "scrollBy",
- "scrollByLines",
- "scrollByPages",
- "sizeToContent",
- "setResizable",
- "getSelection",
- "open",
- "openDialog",
- "close",
- "alert",
- "confirm",
- "prompt",
- "dump",
- "focus",
- "blur",
- "find",
- "back",
- "forward",
- "home",
- "stop",
- "print",
- "atob",
- "btoa",
- "updateCommands",
- "XPCNativeWrapper",
- "GeckoActiveXObject",
- "applicationCache" // FF3
-domMemberMap.Location =
- "href",
- "protocol",
- "host",
- "hostname",
- "port",
- "pathname",
- "search",
- "hash",
- "assign",
- "reload",
- "replace"
-domMemberMap.Node =
- "id",
- "className",
- "nodeType",
- "tagName",
- "nodeName",
- "localName",
- "prefix",
- "namespaceURI",
- "nodeValue",
- "ownerDocument",
- "parentNode",
- "offsetParent",
- "nextSibling",
- "previousSibling",
- "firstChild",
- "lastChild",
- "childNodes",
- "attributes",
- "dir",
- "baseURI",
- "textContent",
- "innerHTML",
- "addEventListener",
- "removeEventListener",
- "dispatchEvent",
- "cloneNode",
- "appendChild",
- "insertBefore",
- "replaceChild",
- "removeChild",
- "compareDocumentPosition",
- "hasAttributes",
- "hasChildNodes",
- "lookupNamespaceURI",
- "lookupPrefix",
- "normalize",
- "isDefaultNamespace",
- "isEqualNode",
- "isSameNode",
- "isSupported",
- "getFeature",
- "getUserData",
- "setUserData"
-domMemberMap.Document = extendArray(domMemberMap.Node,
- "documentElement",
- "body",
- "title",
- "location",
- "referrer",
- "cookie",
- "contentType",
- "lastModified",
- "characterSet",
- "inputEncoding",
- "xmlEncoding",
- "xmlStandalone",
- "xmlVersion",
- "strictErrorChecking",
- "documentURI",
- "URL",
- "defaultView",
- "doctype",
- "implementation",
- "styleSheets",
- "images",
- "links",
- "forms",
- "anchors",
- "embeds",
- "plugins",
- "applets",
- "width",
- "height",
- "designMode",
- "compatMode",
- "async",
- "preferredStylesheetSet",
- "alinkColor",
- "linkColor",
- "vlinkColor",
- "bgColor",
- "fgColor",
- "domain",
- "addEventListener",
- "removeEventListener",
- "dispatchEvent",
- "captureEvents",
- "releaseEvents",
- "routeEvent",
- "clear",
- "open",
- "close",
- "execCommand",
- "execCommandShowHelp",
- "getElementsByName",
- "getSelection",
- "queryCommandEnabled",
- "queryCommandIndeterm",
- "queryCommandState",
- "queryCommandSupported",
- "queryCommandText",
- "queryCommandValue",
- "write",
- "writeln",
- "adoptNode",
- "appendChild",
- "removeChild",
- "renameNode",
- "cloneNode",
- "compareDocumentPosition",
- "createAttribute",
- "createAttributeNS",
- "createCDATASection",
- "createComment",
- "createDocumentFragment",
- "createElement",
- "createElementNS",
- "createEntityReference",
- "createEvent",
- "createExpression",
- "createNSResolver",
- "createNodeIterator",
- "createProcessingInstruction",
- "createRange",
- "createTextNode",
- "createTreeWalker",
- "domConfig",
- "evaluate",
- "evaluateFIXptr",
- "evaluateXPointer",
- "getAnonymousElementByAttribute",
- "getAnonymousNodes",
- "addBinding",
- "removeBinding",
- "getBindingParent",
- "getBoxObjectFor",
- "setBoxObjectFor",
- "getElementById",
- "getElementsByTagName",
- "getElementsByTagNameNS",
- "hasAttributes",
- "hasChildNodes",
- "importNode",
- "insertBefore",
- "isDefaultNamespace",
- "isEqualNode",
- "isSameNode",
- "isSupported",
- "load",
- "loadBindingDocument",
- "lookupNamespaceURI",
- "lookupPrefix",
- "normalize",
- "normalizeDocument",
- "getFeature",
- "getUserData",
- "setUserData"
-domMemberMap.Element = extendArray(domMemberMap.Node,
- "clientWidth",
- "clientHeight",
- "offsetLeft",
- "offsetTop",
- "offsetWidth",
- "offsetHeight",
- "scrollLeft",
- "scrollTop",
- "scrollWidth",
- "scrollHeight",
- "style",
- "tabIndex",
- "title",
- "lang",
- "align",
- "spellcheck",
- "addEventListener",
- "removeEventListener",
- "dispatchEvent",
- "focus",
- "blur",
- "cloneNode",
- "appendChild",
- "insertBefore",
- "replaceChild",
- "removeChild",
- "compareDocumentPosition",
- "getElementsByTagName",
- "getElementsByTagNameNS",
- "getAttribute",
- "getAttributeNS",
- "getAttributeNode",
- "getAttributeNodeNS",
- "setAttribute",
- "setAttributeNS",
- "setAttributeNode",
- "setAttributeNodeNS",
- "removeAttribute",
- "removeAttributeNS",
- "removeAttributeNode",
- "hasAttribute",
- "hasAttributeNS",
- "hasAttributes",
- "hasChildNodes",
- "lookupNamespaceURI",
- "lookupPrefix",
- "normalize",
- "isDefaultNamespace",
- "isEqualNode",
- "isSameNode",
- "isSupported",
- "getFeature",
- "getUserData",
- "setUserData"
-domMemberMap.SVGElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "x",
- "y",
- "width",
- "height",
- "rx",
- "ry",
- "transform",
- "href",
- "ownerSVGElement",
- "viewportElement",
- "farthestViewportElement",
- "nearestViewportElement",
- "getBBox",
- "getCTM",
- "getScreenCTM",
- "getTransformToElement",
- "getPresentationAttribute",
- "preserveAspectRatio"
-domMemberMap.SVGSVGElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "x",
- "y",
- "width",
- "height",
- "rx",
- "ry",
- "transform",
- "viewBox",
- "viewport",
- "currentView",
- "useCurrentView",
- "pixelUnitToMillimeterX",
- "pixelUnitToMillimeterY",
- "screenPixelToMillimeterX",
- "screenPixelToMillimeterY",
- "currentScale",
- "currentTranslate",
- "zoomAndPan",
- "ownerSVGElement",
- "viewportElement",
- "farthestViewportElement",
- "nearestViewportElement",
- "contentScriptType",
- "contentStyleType",
- "getBBox",
- "getCTM",
- "getScreenCTM",
- "getTransformToElement",
- "getEnclosureList",
- "getIntersectionList",
- "getViewboxToViewportTransform",
- "getPresentationAttribute",
- "getElementById",
- "checkEnclosure",
- "checkIntersection",
- "createSVGAngle",
- "createSVGLength",
- "createSVGMatrix",
- "createSVGNumber",
- "createSVGPoint",
- "createSVGRect",
- "createSVGString",
- "createSVGTransform",
- "createSVGTransformFromMatrix",
- "deSelectAll",
- "preserveAspectRatio",
- "forceRedraw",
- "suspendRedraw",
- "unsuspendRedraw",
- "unsuspendRedrawAll",
- "getCurrentTime",
- "setCurrentTime",
- "animationsPaused",
- "pauseAnimations",
- "unpauseAnimations"
-domMemberMap.HTMLImageElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "src",
- "naturalWidth",
- "naturalHeight",
- "width",
- "height",
- "x",
- "y",
- "name",
- "alt",
- "longDesc",
- "lowsrc",
- "border",
- "complete",
- "hspace",
- "vspace",
- "isMap",
- "useMap"
-domMemberMap.HTMLAnchorElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "name",
- "target",
- "accessKey",
- "href",
- "protocol",
- "host",
- "hostname",
- "port",
- "pathname",
- "search",
- "hash",
- "hreflang",
- "coords",
- "shape",
- "text",
- "type",
- "rel",
- "rev",
- "charset"
-domMemberMap.HTMLIFrameElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "contentDocument",
- "contentWindow",
- "frameBorder",
- "height",
- "longDesc",
- "marginHeight",
- "marginWidth",
- "name",
- "scrolling",
- "src",
- "width"
-domMemberMap.HTMLTableElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "bgColor",
- "border",
- "caption",
- "cellPadding",
- "cellSpacing",
- "frame",
- "rows",
- "rules",
- "summary",
- "tBodies",
- "tFoot",
- "tHead",
- "width",
- "createCaption",
- "createTFoot",
- "createTHead",
- "deleteCaption",
- "deleteRow",
- "deleteTFoot",
- "deleteTHead",
- "insertRow"
-domMemberMap.HTMLTableRowElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "bgColor",
- "cells",
- "ch",
- "chOff",
- "rowIndex",
- "sectionRowIndex",
- "vAlign",
- "deleteCell",
- "insertCell"
-domMemberMap.HTMLTableCellElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "abbr",
- "axis",
- "bgColor",
- "cellIndex",
- "ch",
- "chOff",
- "colSpan",
- "headers",
- "height",
- "noWrap",
- "rowSpan",
- "scope",
- "vAlign",
- "width"
-domMemberMap.HTMLScriptElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "src"
-domMemberMap.HTMLButtonElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "accessKey",
- "disabled",
- "form",
- "name",
- "type",
- "value",
- "click"
-domMemberMap.HTMLInputElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "type",
- "value",
- "checked",
- "accept",
- "accessKey",
- "alt",
- "controllers",
- "defaultChecked",
- "defaultValue",
- "disabled",
- "form",
- "maxLength",
- "name",
- "readOnly",
- "selectionEnd",
- "selectionStart",
- "size",
- "src",
- "textLength",
- "useMap",
- "click",
- "select",
- "setSelectionRange"
-domMemberMap.HTMLFormElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "acceptCharset",
- "action",
- "author",
- "elements",
- "encoding",
- "enctype",
- "entry_id",
- "length",
- "method",
- "name",
- "post",
- "target",
- "text",
- "url",
- "reset",
- "submit"
-domMemberMap.HTMLBodyElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "aLink",
- "background",
- "bgColor",
- "link",
- "text",
- "vLink"
-domMemberMap.HTMLHtmlElement = extendArray(domMemberMap.Element,
- "version"
-domMemberMap.Text = extendArray(domMemberMap.Node,
- "data",
- "length",
- "appendData",
- "deleteData",
- "insertData",
- "replaceData",
- "splitText",
- "substringData"
-domMemberMap.Attr = extendArray(domMemberMap.Node,
- "name",
- "value",
- "specified",
- "ownerElement"
-domMemberMap.Event =
- "type",
- "target",
- "currentTarget",
- "originalTarget",
- "explicitOriginalTarget",
- "relatedTarget",
- "rangeParent",
- "rangeOffset",
- "view",
- "keyCode",
- "charCode",
- "screenX",
- "screenY",
- "clientX",
- "clientY",
- "layerX",
- "layerY",
- "pageX",
- "pageY",
- "detail",
- "button",
- "which",
- "ctrlKey",
- "shiftKey",
- "altKey",
- "metaKey",
- "eventPhase",
- "timeStamp",
- "bubbles",
- "cancelable",
- "cancelBubble",
- "isTrusted",
- "isChar",
- "getPreventDefault",
- "initEvent",
- "initMouseEvent",
- "initKeyEvent",
- "initUIEvent",
- "preventBubble",
- "preventCapture",
- "preventDefault",
- "stopPropagation"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-this.domConstantMap =
- "TEXT_NODE": 1,
- "STYLE_RULE": 1,
- "MEDIA_RULE": 1,
- "PAGE_RULE": 1,
- "AT_TARGET": 1,
- "MOUSEUP": 1,
- "MOUSEOUT": 1,
- "CLICK": 1,
- "DBLCLICK": 1,
- "KEYDOWN": 1,
- "KEYUP": 1,
- "KEYPRESS": 1,
- "DRAGDROP": 1,
- "FOCUS": 1,
- "BLUR": 1,
- "SELECT": 1,
- "CHANGE": 1,
- "RESET": 1,
- "SUBMIT": 1,
- "SCROLL": 1,
- "LOAD": 1,
- "UNLOAD": 1,
- "XFER_DONE": 1,
- "ABORT": 1,
- "ERROR": 1,
- "LOCATE": 1,
- "MOVE": 1,
- "RESIZE": 1,
- "FORWARD": 1,
- "HELP": 1,
- "BACK": 1,
- "TEXT": 1,
- "ALT_MASK": 1,
- "SHIFT_MASK": 1,
- "META_MASK": 1,
- "DOM_VK_TAB": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_CLEAR": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_ALT": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_SPACE": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_0": 1,
- "DOM_VK_1": 1,
- "DOM_VK_2": 1,
- "DOM_VK_3": 1,
- "DOM_VK_4": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_6": 1,
- "DOM_VK_7": 1,
- "DOM_VK_8": 1,
- "DOM_VK_9": 1,
- "DOM_VK_A": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_H": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_J": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_L": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_R": 1,
- "DOM_VK_S": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_NUMPAD1": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_NUMPAD3": 1,
- "DOM_VK_NUMPAD4": 1,
- "DOM_VK_NUMPAD5": 1,
- "DOM_VK_NUMPAD6": 1,
- "DOM_VK_NUMPAD7": 1,
- "DOM_VK_NUMPAD8": 1,
- "DOM_VK_NUMPAD9": 1,
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- "DOM_VK_F15": 1,
- "DOM_VK_F16": 1,
- "DOM_VK_F17": 1,
- "DOM_VK_F18": 1,
- "DOM_VK_F19": 1,
- "DOM_VK_F20": 1,
- "DOM_VK_F21": 1,
- "DOM_VK_F22": 1,
- "DOM_VK_F23": 1,
- "DOM_VK_F24": 1,
- "DOM_VK_COMMA": 1,
- "DOM_VK_SLASH": 1,
- "DOM_VK_QUOTE": 1,
- "DOM_VK_META": 1,
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- };
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Ajax
- * @namespace
- */
-this.Ajax =
- requests: [],
- transport: null,
- states: ["Uninitialized","Loading","Loaded","Interactive","Complete"],
- initialize: function()
- {
- this.transport = FBL.getNativeXHRObject();
- },
- getXHRObject: function()
- {
- var xhrObj = false;
- try
- {
- xhrObj = new XMLHttpRequest();
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- var progid = [
- ];
- for ( var i=0; i < progid.length; ++i ) {
- try
- {
- xhrObj = new ActiveXObject(progid[i]);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- return xhrObj;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Create a AJAX request.
- *
- * @name request
- * @param {Object} options request options
- * @param {String} options.url URL to be requested
- * @param {String} options.type Request type ("get" ou "post"). Default is "get".
- * @param {Boolean} options.async Asynchronous flag. Default is "true".
- * @param {String} options.dataType Data type ("text", "html", "xml" or "json"). Default is "text".
- * @param {String} options.contentType Content-type of the data being sent. Default is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
- * @param {Function} options.onLoading onLoading callback
- * @param {Function} options.onLoaded onLoaded callback
- * @param {Function} options.onInteractive onInteractive callback
- * @param {Function} options.onComplete onComplete callback
- * @param {Function} options.onUpdate onUpdate callback
- * @param {Function} options.onSuccess onSuccess callback
- * @param {Function} options.onFailure onFailure callback
- */
- request: function(options)
- {
- // process options
- var o = FBL.extend(
- {
- // default values
- type: "get",
- async: true,
- dataType: "text",
- contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- },
- options || {}
- );
- this.requests.push(o);
- var s = this.getState();
- if (s == "Uninitialized" || s == "Complete" || s == "Loaded")
- this.sendRequest();
- },
- serialize: function(data)
- {
- var r = [""], rl = 0;
- if (data) {
- if (typeof data == "string") r[rl++] = data;
- else if (data.innerHTML && data.elements) {
- for (var i=0,el,l=(el=data.elements).length; i < l; i++)
- if (el[i].name) {
- r[rl++] = encodeURIComponent(el[i].name);
- r[rl++] = "=";
- r[rl++] = encodeURIComponent(el[i].value);
- r[rl++] = "&";
- }
- } else
- for(var param in data) {
- r[rl++] = encodeURIComponent(param);
- r[rl++] = "=";
- r[rl++] = encodeURIComponent(data[param]);
- r[rl++] = "&";
- }
- }
- return r.join("").replace(/&$/, "");
- },
- sendRequest: function()
- {
- var t = FBL.Ajax.transport, r = FBL.Ajax.requests.shift(), data;
- // open XHR object
-, r.url, r.async);
- //setRequestHeaders();
- // indicates that it is a XHR request to the server
- t.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
- // if data is being sent, sets the appropriate content-type
- if (data = FBL.Ajax.serialize(
- t.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", r.contentType);
- /** @ignore */
- // onreadystatechange handler
- t.onreadystatechange = function()
- {
- FBL.Ajax.onStateChange(r);
- };
- // send the request
- t.send(data);
- },
- /**
- * Handles the state change
- */
- onStateChange: function(options)
- {
- var fn, o = options, t = this.transport;
- var state = this.getState(t);
- if (fn = o["on" + state]) fn(this.getResponse(o), o);
- if (state == "Complete")
- {
- var success = t.status == 200, response = this.getResponse(o);
- if (fn = o["onUpdate"])
- fn(response, o);
- if (fn = o["on" + (success ? "Success" : "Failure")])
- fn(response, o);
- t.onreadystatechange = FBL.emptyFn;
- if (this.requests.length > 0)
- setTimeout(this.sendRequest, 10);
- }
- },
- /**
- * gets the appropriate response value according the type
- */
- getResponse: function(options)
- {
- var t = this.transport, type = options.dataType;
- if (t.status != 200) return t.statusText;
- else if (type == "text") return t.responseText;
- else if (type == "html") return t.responseText;
- else if (type == "xml") return t.responseXML;
- else if (type == "json") return eval("(" + t.responseText + ")");
- },
- /**
- * returns the current state of the XHR object
- */
- getState: function()
- {
- return this.states[this.transport.readyState];
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Cookie, from
-this.createCookie = function(name,value,days)
- if ('cookie' in document)
- {
- if (days)
- {
- var date = new Date();
- date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000));
- var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
- }
- else
- var expires = "";
- document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
- }
-this.readCookie = function (name)
- if ('cookie' in document)
- {
- var nameEQ = name + "=";
- var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
- for(var i=0; i < ca.length; i++)
- {
- var c = ca[i];
- while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
- if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
- }
- }
- return null;
-this.removeCookie = function(name)
- this.createCookie(name, "", -1);
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var fixIE6BackgroundImageCache = function(doc)
- doc = doc || document;
- try
- {
- doc.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// calculatePixelsPerInch
-var resetStyle = "margin:0; padding:0; border:0; position:absolute; overflow:hidden; display:block;";
-var calculatePixelsPerInch = function calculatePixelsPerInch(doc, body)
- var inch = FBL.createGlobalElement("div");
- = resetStyle + "width:1in; height:1in; position:absolute; top:-1234px; left:-1234px;";
- body.appendChild(inch);
- FBL.pixelsPerInch = {
- x: inch.offsetWidth,
- y: inch.offsetHeight
- };
- body.removeChild(inch);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-this.SourceLink = function(url, line, type, object, instance)
- this.href = url;
- this.instance = instance;
- this.line = line;
- this.type = type;
- this.object = object;
-this.SourceLink.prototype =
- toString: function()
- {
- return this.href;
- },
- toJSON: function() // until 3.1...
- {
- return "{\"href\":\""+this.href+"\", "+
- (this.line?("\"line\":"+this.line+","):"")+
- (this.type?(" \"type\":\""+this.type+"\","):"")+
- "}";
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-this.SourceText = function(lines, owner)
- this.lines = lines;
- this.owner = owner;
-this.SourceText.getLineAsHTML = function(lineNo)
- return escapeForSourceLine(this.lines[lineNo-1]);
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns( /** @scope s_i18n */ function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// TODO: xxxpedro localization
-var oSTR =
- "NoMembersWarning": "There are no properties to show for this object.",
- "EmptyStyleSheet": "There are no rules in this stylesheet.",
- "EmptyElementCSS": "This element has no style rules.",
- "AccessRestricted": "Access to restricted URI denied.",
- "net.label.Parameters": "Parameters",
- "net.label.Source": "Source",
- "URLParameters": "Params",
- "EditStyle": "Edit Element Style...",
- "NewRule": "New Rule...",
- "NewProp": "New Property...",
- "EditProp": 'Edit "%s"',
- "DeleteProp": 'Delete "%s"',
- "DisableProp": 'Disable "%s"'
-// ************************************************************************************************
-FBL.$STR = function(name)
- return oSTR.hasOwnProperty(name) ? oSTR[name] : name;
-FBL.$STRF = function(name, args)
- if (!oSTR.hasOwnProperty(name)) return name;
- var format = oSTR[name];
- var objIndex = 0;
- var parts = parseFormat(format);
- var trialIndex = objIndex;
- var objects = args;
- for (var i= 0; i < parts.length; i++)
- {
- var part = parts[i];
- if (part && typeof(part) == "object")
- {
- if (++trialIndex > objects.length) // then too few parameters for format, assume unformatted.
- {
- format = "";
- objIndex = -1;
- parts.length = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- var result = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i)
- {
- var part = parts[i];
- if (part && typeof(part) == "object")
- {
- result.push(""+args.shift());
- }
- else
- result.push(part);
- }
- return result.join("");
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var parseFormat = function parseFormat(format)
- var parts = [];
- if (format.length <= 0)
- return parts;
- var reg = /((^%|.%)(\d+)?(\.)([a-zA-Z]))|((^%|.%)([a-zA-Z]))/;
- for (var m = reg.exec(format); m; m = reg.exec(format))
- {
- if (m[0].substr(0, 2) == "%%")
- {
- parts.push(format.substr(0, m.index));
- parts.push(m[0].substr(1));
- }
- else
- {
- var type = m[8] ? m[8] : m[5];
- var precision = m[3] ? parseInt(m[3]) : (m[4] == "." ? -1 : 0);
- var rep = null;
- switch (type)
- {
- case "s":
- rep = FirebugReps.Text;
- break;
- case "f":
- case "i":
- case "d":
- rep = FirebugReps.Number;
- break;
- case "o":
- rep = null;
- break;
- }
- parts.push(format.substr(0, m[0][0] == "%" ? m.index : m.index+1));
- parts.push({rep: rep, precision: precision, type: ("%" + type)});
- }
- format = format.substr(m.index+m[0].length);
- }
- parts.push(format);
- return parts;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns( /** @scope s_firebug */ function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Globals
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// Internals
-var modules = [];
-var panelTypes = [];
-var panelTypeMap = {};
-var reps = [];
-var parentPanelMap = {};
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Firebug
- * @namespace describe Firebug
- * @exports FBL.Firebug as Firebug
- */
-FBL.Firebug =
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- version: "Firebug Lite 1.4.0",
- revision: "$Revision$",
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- modules: modules,
- panelTypes: panelTypes,
- panelTypeMap: panelTypeMap,
- reps: reps,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Initialization
- initialize: function()
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("Firebug.initialize", "initializing application");
- Firebug.browser = new Context(Env.browser);
- Firebug.context = Firebug.browser;
- Firebug.loadPrefs();
- Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen = false;
- // Document must be cached before chrome initialization
- cacheDocument();
- if (Firebug.Inspector && Firebug.Inspector.create)
- Firebug.Inspector.create();
- if (FBL.CssAnalyzer && FBL.CssAnalyzer.processAllStyleSheets)
- FBL.CssAnalyzer.processAllStyleSheets(Firebug.browser.document);
- FirebugChrome.initialize();
- dispatch(modules, "initialize", []);
- if (Firebug.disableResourceFetching)
- Firebug.Console.logFormatted(["Some Firebug Lite features are not working because " +
- "resource fetching is disabled. To enabled it set the Firebug Lite option " +
- "\"disableResourceFetching\" to \"false\". More info at " +
- ""],
- Firebug.context, "warn");
- if (Env.onLoad)
- {
- var onLoad = Env.onLoad;
- delete Env.onLoad;
- setTimeout(onLoad, 200);
- }
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- if (Firebug.saveCookies)
- Firebug.savePrefs();
- if (Firebug.Inspector)
- Firebug.Inspector.destroy();
- dispatch(modules, "shutdown", []);
- var chromeMap = FirebugChrome.chromeMap;
- for (var name in chromeMap)
- {
- if (chromeMap.hasOwnProperty(name))
- {
- try
- {
- chromeMap[name].destroy();
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS) FBTrace.sysout("chrome.destroy() failed to: " + name);
- }
- }
- }
- Firebug.Lite.Cache.Element.clear();
- Firebug.Lite.Cache.StyleSheet.clear();
- Firebug.browser = null;
- Firebug.context = null;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Registration
- registerModule: function()
- {
- modules.push.apply(modules, arguments);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("Firebug.registerModule");
- },
- registerPanel: function()
- {
- panelTypes.push.apply(panelTypes, arguments);
- for (var i = 0, panelType; panelType = arguments[i]; ++i)
- {
- panelTypeMap[] = arguments[i];
- if (panelType.prototype.parentPanel)
- parentPanelMap[panelType.prototype.parentPanel] = 1;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
- FBTrace.sysout("Firebug.registerPanel", arguments[i];
- },
- registerRep: function()
- {
- reps.push.apply(reps, arguments);
- },
- unregisterRep: function()
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
- remove(reps, arguments[i]);
- },
- setDefaultReps: function(funcRep, rep)
- {
- FBL.defaultRep = rep;
- FBL.defaultFuncRep = funcRep;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Reps
- getRep: function(object)
- {
- var type = typeof object;
- if (isIE && isFunction(object))
- type = "function";
- for (var i = 0; i < reps.length; ++i)
- {
- var rep = reps[i];
- try
- {
- if (rep.supportsObject(object, type))
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM)
- FBTrace.sysout("getRep type: "+type+" object: "+object, rep);
- return rep;
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("firebug.getRep FAILS: ", exc.message || exc);
- FBTrace.sysout("firebug.getRep reps["+i+"/"+reps.length+"]: Rep="+reps[i].className);
- // TODO: xxxpedro add trace to FBTrace logs like in Firebug
- //firebug.trace();
- }
- }
- }
- return (type == 'function') ? defaultFuncRep : defaultRep;
- },
- getRepObject: function(node)
- {
- var target = null;
- for (var child = node; child; child = child.parentNode)
- {
- if (hasClass(child, "repTarget"))
- target = child;
- if (child.repObject)
- {
- if (!target && hasClass(child, "repIgnore"))
- break;
- else
- return child.repObject;
- }
- }
- },
- getRepNode: function(node)
- {
- for (var child = node; child; child = child.parentNode)
- {
- if (child.repObject)
- return child;
- }
- },
- getElementByRepObject: function(element, object)
- {
- for (var child = element.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
- {
- if (child.repObject == object)
- return child;
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Preferences
- getPref: function(name)
- {
- return Firebug[name];
- },
- setPref: function(name, value)
- {
- Firebug[name] = value;
- Firebug.savePrefs();
- },
- setPrefs: function(prefs)
- {
- for (var name in prefs)
- {
- if (prefs.hasOwnProperty(name))
- Firebug[name] = prefs[name];
- }
- Firebug.savePrefs();
- },
- restorePrefs: function()
- {
- var Options = Env.DefaultOptions;
- for (var name in Options)
- {
- Firebug[name] = Options[name];
- }
- },
- loadPrefs: function()
- {
- this.restorePrefs();
- var prefs = Store.get("FirebugLite") || {};
- var options = prefs.options;
- var persistedState = prefs.persistedState || FBL.defaultPersistedState;
- for (var name in options)
- {
- if (options.hasOwnProperty(name))
- Firebug[name] = options[name];
- }
- if (Firebug.context && persistedState)
- Firebug.context.persistedState = persistedState;
- },
- savePrefs: function()
- {
- var prefs = {
- options: {}
- };
- var EnvOptions = Env.Options;
- var options = prefs.options;
- for (var name in EnvOptions)
- {
- if (EnvOptions.hasOwnProperty(name))
- {
- options[name] = Firebug[name];
- }
- }
- var persistedState = Firebug.context.persistedState;
- if (!persistedState)
- {
- persistedState = Firebug.context.persistedState = FBL.defaultPersistedState;
- }
- prefs.persistedState = persistedState;
- Store.set("FirebugLite", prefs);
- },
- erasePrefs: function()
- {
- Store.remove("FirebugLite");
- this.restorePrefs();
- }
-// xxxpedro should we remove this?
-window.Firebug = FBL.Firebug;
-if (!Env.Options.enablePersistent ||
- Env.Options.enablePersistent && Env.isChromeContext ||
- Env.isDebugMode)
- Env.browser.window.Firebug = FBL.Firebug;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// Other methods
-FBL.cacheDocument = function cacheDocument()
- var ElementCache = Firebug.Lite.Cache.Element;
- var els = Firebug.browser.document.getElementsByTagName("*");
- for (var i=0, l=els.length, el; i<l; i++)
- {
- el = els[i];
- ElementCache(el);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
- * @class
- *
- * Support for listeners registration. This object also extended by Firebug.Module so,
- * all modules supports listening automatically. Notice that array of listeners
- * is created for each intance of a module within initialize method. Thus all derived
- * module classes must ensure that Firebug.Module.initialize method is called for the
- * super class.
- */
-Firebug.Listener = function()
- // The array is created when the first listeners is added.
- // It can't be created here since derived objects would share
- // the same array.
- this.fbListeners = null;
-Firebug.Listener.prototype =
- addListener: function(listener)
- {
- if (!this.fbListeners)
- this.fbListeners = []; // delay the creation until the objects are created so 'this' causes new array for each module
- this.fbListeners.push(listener);
- },
- removeListener: function(listener)
- {
- remove(this.fbListeners, listener); // if this.fbListeners is null, remove is being called with no add
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Module
- * @module Base class for all modules. Every derived module object must be registered using
- * <code>Firebug.registerModule</code> method. There is always one instance of a module object
- * per browser window.
- * @extends Firebug.Listener
- */
-Firebug.Module = extend(new Firebug.Listener(),
-/** @extend Firebug.Module */
- /**
- * Called when the window is opened.
- */
- initialize: function()
- {
- },
- /**
- * Called when the window is closed.
- */
- shutdown: function()
- {
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- /**
- * Called when a new context is created but before the page is loaded.
- */
- initContext: function(context)
- {
- },
- /**
- * Called after a context is detached to a separate window;
- */
- reattachContext: function(browser, context)
- {
- },
- /**
- * Called when a context is destroyed. Module may store info on persistedState for reloaded pages.
- */
- destroyContext: function(context, persistedState)
- {
- },
- // Called when a FF tab is create or activated (user changes FF tab)
- // Called after context is created or with context == null (to abort?)
- showContext: function(browser, context)
- {
- },
- /**
- * Called after a context's page gets DOMContentLoaded
- */
- loadedContext: function(context)
- {
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- showPanel: function(browser, panel)
- {
- },
- showSidePanel: function(browser, panel)
- {
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- updateOption: function(name, value)
- {
- },
- getObjectByURL: function(context, url)
- {
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Panel
- * @panel Base class for all panels. Every derived panel must define a constructor and
- * register with "Firebug.registerPanel" method. An instance of the panel
- * object is created by the framework for each browser tab where Firebug is activated.
- */
-Firebug.Panel =
- name: "HelloWorld",
- title: "Hello World!",
- parentPanel: null,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- options: {
- hasCommandLine: false,
- hasStatusBar: false,
- hasToolButtons: false,
- // Pre-rendered panels are those included in the skin file (firebug.html)
- isPreRendered: false,
- innerHTMLSync: false
- /*
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // To be used by external extensions
- panelHTML: "",
- panelCSS: "",
- toolButtonsHTML: ""
- /**/
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- tabNode: null,
- panelNode: null,
- sidePanelNode: null,
- statusBarNode: null,
- toolButtonsNode: null,
- panelBarNode: null,
- sidePanelBarBoxNode: null,
- sidePanelBarNode: null,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- sidePanelBar: null,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- searchable: false,
- editable: true,
- order: 2147483647,
- statusSeparator: "<",
- create: function(context, doc)
- {
- this.hasSidePanel = parentPanelMap.hasOwnProperty(;
- this.panelBarNode = $("fbPanelBar1");
- this.sidePanelBarBoxNode = $("fbPanelBar2");
- if (this.hasSidePanel)
- {
- this.sidePanelBar = extend({}, PanelBar);
- this.sidePanelBar.create(this);
- }
- var options = this.options = extend(Firebug.Panel.options, this.options);
- var panelId = "fb" +;
- if (options.isPreRendered)
- {
- this.panelNode = $(panelId);
- this.tabNode = $(panelId + "Tab");
- = "block";
- if (options.hasToolButtons)
- {
- this.toolButtonsNode = $(panelId + "Buttons");
- }
- if (options.hasStatusBar)
- {
- this.statusBarBox = $("fbStatusBarBox");
- this.statusBarNode = $(panelId + "StatusBar");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var containerSufix = this.parentPanel ? "2" : "1";
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Create Panel
- var panelNode = this.panelNode = createElement("div", {
- id: panelId,
- className: "fbPanel"
- });
- $("fbPanel" + containerSufix).appendChild(panelNode);
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Create Panel Tab
- var tabHTML = '<span class="fbTabL"></span><span class="fbTabText">' +
- this.title + '</span><span class="fbTabR"></span>';
- var tabNode = this.tabNode = createElement("a", {
- id: panelId + "Tab",
- className: "fbTab fbHover",
- innerHTML: tabHTML
- });
- if (isIE6)
- {
- tabNode.href = "javascript:void(0)";
- }
- var panelBarNode = this.parentPanel ?
- :
- this.panelBarNode;
- panelBarNode.appendChild(tabNode);
- = "block";
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // create ToolButtons
- if (options.hasToolButtons)
- {
- this.toolButtonsNode = createElement("span", {
- id: panelId + "Buttons",
- className: "fbToolbarButtons"
- });
- $("fbToolbarButtons").appendChild(this.toolButtonsNode);
- }
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // create StatusBar
- if (options.hasStatusBar)
- {
- this.statusBarBox = $("fbStatusBarBox");
- this.statusBarNode = createElement("span", {
- id: panelId + "StatusBar",
- className: "fbToolbarButtons fbStatusBar"
- });
- this.statusBarBox.appendChild(this.statusBarNode);
- }
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // create SidePanel
- }
- this.containerNode = this.panelNode.parentNode;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("Firebug.Panel.create",;
- // xxxpedro contextMenu
- this.onContextMenu = bind(this.onContextMenu, this);
- /*
- this.context = context;
- this.document = doc;
- this.panelNode = doc.createElement("div");
- this.panelNode.ownerPanel = this;
- setClass(this.panelNode, "panelNode panelNode-"" contextUID="+context.uid);
- doc.body.appendChild(this.panelNode);
- FBTrace.sysout("firebug.initialize panelNode for ""\n");
- this.initializeNode(this.panelNode);
- /**/
- },
- destroy: function(state) // Panel may store info on state
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("Firebug.Panel.destroy",;
- if (this.hasSidePanel)
- {
- this.sidePanelBar.destroy();
- this.sidePanelBar = null;
- }
- this.options = null;
- = null;
- this.parentPanel = null;
- this.tabNode = null;
- this.panelNode = null;
- this.containerNode = null;
- this.toolButtonsNode = null;
- this.statusBarBox = null;
- this.statusBarNode = null;
- //if (this.panelNode)
- // delete this.panelNode.ownerPanel;
- //this.destroyNode();
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("Firebug.Panel.initialize",;
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- if (this.hasSidePanel)
- {
- this.sidePanelBar.initialize();
- }
- var options = this.options = extend(Firebug.Panel.options, this.options);
- var panelId = "fb" +;
- this.panelNode = $(panelId);
- this.tabNode = $(panelId + "Tab");
- = "block";
- if (options.hasStatusBar)
- {
- this.statusBarBox = $("fbStatusBarBox");
- this.statusBarNode = $(panelId + "StatusBar");
- }
- if (options.hasToolButtons)
- {
- this.toolButtonsNode = $(panelId + "Buttons");
- }
- this.containerNode = this.panelNode.parentNode;
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // restore persistent state
- this.containerNode.scrollTop = this.lastScrollTop;
- // xxxpedro contextMenu
- addEvent(this.containerNode, "contextmenu", this.onContextMenu);
- /// TODO: xxxpedro infoTip Hack
- =
- && ?
- :
- Firebug.showInfoTips = true;
- if (Firebug.InfoTip)
- Firebug.InfoTip.initializeBrowser(;
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("Firebug.Panel.shutdown",;
- /// TODO: xxxpedro infoTip Hack
- if (Firebug.InfoTip)
- Firebug.InfoTip.uninitializeBrowser(;
- if (
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- if (this.hasSidePanel)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro firebug1.3a6
- // new PanelBar mechanism will need to call shutdown to hide the panels (so it
- // doesn't appears in other panel's sidePanelBar. Therefore, we need to implement
- // a "remember selected panel" feature in the sidePanelBar
- //this.sidePanelBar.shutdown();
- }
- // store persistent state
- this.lastScrollTop = this.containerNode.scrollTop;
- // xxxpedro contextMenu
- removeEvent(this.containerNode, "contextmenu", this.onContextMenu);
- },
- detach: function(oldChrome, newChrome)
- {
- if (oldChrome && oldChrome.selectedPanel && ==
- this.lastScrollTop = oldChrome.selectedPanel.containerNode.scrollTop;
- },
- reattach: function(doc)
- {
- if (this.options.innerHTMLSync)
- this.synchronizeUI();
- },
- synchronizeUI: function()
- {
- this.containerNode.scrollTop = this.lastScrollTop || 0;
- },
- show: function(state)
- {
- var options = this.options;
- if (options.hasStatusBar)
- {
- = "inline";
- = "inline";
- }
- if (options.hasToolButtons)
- {
- = "inline";
- }
- = "block";
- this.visible = true;
- if (!this.parentPanel)
- },
- hide: function(state)
- {
- var options = this.options;
- if (options.hasStatusBar)
- {
- = "none";
- = "none";
- }
- if (options.hasToolButtons)
- {
- = "none";
- }
- = "none";
- this.visible = false;
- },
- watchWindow: function(win)
- {
- },
- unwatchWindow: function(win)
- {
- },
- updateOption: function(name, value)
- {
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- /**
- * Toolbar helpers
- */
- showToolbarButtons: function(buttonsId, show)
- {
- try
- {
- if (!this.context.browser) // XXXjjb this is bug. Somehow the panel context is not FirebugContext.
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("firebug.Panel showToolbarButtons this.context has no browser, this:", this);
- return;
- }
- var buttons =$(buttonsId);
- if (buttons)
- collapse(buttons, show ? "false" : "true");
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- {
- FBTrace.dumpProperties("firebug.Panel showToolbarButtons FAILS", exc);
- if (!this.context.browser)FBTrace.dumpStack("firebug.Panel showToolbarButtons no browser");
- }
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- /**
- * Returns a number indicating the view's ability to inspect the object.
- *
- * Zero means not supported, and higher numbers indicate specificity.
- */
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return 0;
- },
- hasObject: function(object) // beyond type testing, is this object selectable?
- {
- return false;
- },
- select: function(object, forceUpdate)
- {
- if (!object)
- object = this.getDefaultSelection(this.context);
- if(FBTrace.DBG_PANELS)
- FBTrace.sysout(" "" forceUpdate: "+forceUpdate+" "+object+((object==this.selection)?"==":"!=")+this.selection);
- if (forceUpdate || object != this.selection)
- {
- this.selection = object;
- this.updateSelection(object);
- // TODO: xxxpedro
- // XXXjoe This is kind of cheating, but, feh.
- //, this);
- //if (uiListeners.length > 0)
- // dispatch(uiListeners, "onPanelSelect", [object, this]); // TODO: make a uiListener
- }
- },
- updateSelection: function(object)
- {
- },
- markChange: function(skipSelf)
- {
- if (this.dependents)
- {
- if (skipSelf)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.dependents.length; ++i)
- {
- var panelName = this.dependents[i];
- if (panelName !=
- this.context.invalidatePanels(panelName);
- }
- }
- else
- this.context.invalidatePanels.apply(this.context, this.dependents);
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- startInspecting: function()
- {
- },
- stopInspecting: function(object, cancelled)
- {
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- search: function(text, reverse)
- {
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves the search options that this modules supports.
- * This is used by the search UI to present the proper options.
- */
- getSearchOptionsMenuItems: function()
- {
- return [
- Firebug.Search.searchOptionMenu("search.Case Sensitive", "searchCaseSensitive")
- ];
- },
- /**
- * Navigates to the next document whose match parameter returns true.
- */
- navigateToNextDocument: function(match, reverse)
- {
- // This is an approximation of the UI that is displayed by the location
- // selector. This should be close enough, although it may be better
- // to simply generate the sorted list within the module, rather than
- // sorting within the UI.
- var self = this;
- function compare(a, b) {
- var locA = self.getObjectDescription(a);
- var locB = self.getObjectDescription(b);
- if(locA.path > locB.path)
- return 1;
- if(locA.path < locB.path)
- return -1;
- if( >
- return 1;
- if( <
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- var allLocs = this.getLocationList().sort(compare);
- for (var curPos = 0; curPos < allLocs.length && allLocs[curPos] != this.location; curPos++);
- function transformIndex(index) {
- if (reverse) {
- // For the reverse case we need to implement wrap around.
- var intermediate = curPos - index - 1;
- return (intermediate < 0 ? allLocs.length : 0) + intermediate;
- } else {
- return (curPos + index + 1) % allLocs.length;
- }
- };
- for (var next = 0; next < allLocs.length - 1; next++)
- {
- var object = allLocs[transformIndex(next)];
- if (match(object))
- {
- this.navigate(object);
- return object;
- }
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Called when "Options" clicked. Return array of
- // {label: 'name', nol10n: true, type: "checkbox", checked: <value>, command:function to set <value>}
- getOptionsMenuItems: function()
- {
- return null;
- },
- /*
- * Called by chrome.onContextMenu to build the context menu when this panel has focus.
- * See also FirebugRep for a similar function also called by onContextMenu
- * Extensions may monkey patch and chain off this call
- * @param object: the 'realObject', a model value, eg a DOM property
- * @param target: the HTML element clicked on.
- * @return an array of menu items.
- */
- getContextMenuItems: function(object, target)
- {
- return [];
- },
- getBreakOnMenuItems: function()
- {
- return [];
- },
- getEditor: function(target, value)
- {
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- getDefaultSelection: function()
- {
- return null;
- },
- browseObject: function(object)
- {
- },
- getPopupObject: function(target)
- {
- return Firebug.getRepObject(target);
- },
- getTooltipObject: function(target)
- {
- return Firebug.getRepObject(target);
- },
- showInfoTip: function(infoTip, x, y)
- {
- },
- getObjectPath: function(object)
- {
- return null;
- },
- // An array of objects that can be passed to getObjectLocation.
- // The list of things a panel can show, eg sourceFiles.
- // Only shown if panel.location defined and supportsObject true
- getLocationList: function()
- {
- return null;
- },
- getDefaultLocation: function()
- {
- return null;
- },
- getObjectLocation: function(object)
- {
- return "";
- },
- // Text for the location list menu eg script panel source file list
- // return.path: group/category label, item label
- getObjectDescription: function(object)
- {
- var url = this.getObjectLocation(object);
- return FBL.splitURLBase(url);
- },
- /*
- * UI signal that a tab needs attention, eg Script panel is currently stopped on a breakpoint
- * @param: show boolean, true turns on.
- */
- highlight: function(show)
- {
- var tab = this.getTab();
- if (!tab)
- return;
- if (show)
- tab.setAttribute("highlight", "true");
- else
- tab.removeAttribute("highlight");
- },
- getTab: function()
- {
- var chrome =;
- var tab = chrome.$("fbPanelBar2").getTab(;
- if (!tab)
- tab = chrome.$("fbPanelBar1").getTab(;
- return tab;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Support for Break On Next
- /**
- * Called by the framework when the user clicks on the Break On Next button.
- * @param {Boolean} armed Set to true if the Break On Next feature is
- * to be armed for action and set to false if the Break On Next should be disarmed.
- * If 'armed' is true, then the next call to shouldBreakOnNext should be |true|.
- */
- breakOnNext: function(armed)
- {
- },
- /**
- * Called when a panel is selected/displayed. The method should return true
- * if the Break On Next feature is currently armed for this panel.
- */
- shouldBreakOnNext: function()
- {
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Returns labels for Break On Next tooltip (one for enabled and one for disabled state).
- * @param {Boolean} enabled Set to true if the Break On Next feature is
- * currently activated for this panel.
- */
- getBreakOnNextTooltip: function(enabled)
- {
- return null;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // xxxpedro contextMenu
- onContextMenu: function(event)
- {
- if (!this.getContextMenuItems)
- return;
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- var menu = this.getContextMenuItems(this.selection, target);
- if (!menu)
- return;
- var contextMenu = new Menu(
- {
- id: "fbPanelContextMenu",
- items: menu
- });
-, event.clientY);
- return true;
- /*
- // TODO: xxxpedro move code to somewhere. code to get cross-browser
- // window to screen coordinates
- var box = Firebug.browser.getElementPosition(;
- var screenY = 0;
- // Firefox
- if (typeof window.mozInnerScreenY != "undefined")
- {
- screenY = window.mozInnerScreenY;
- }
- // Chrome
- else if (typeof window.innerHeight != "undefined")
- {
- screenY = window.outerHeight - window.innerHeight;
- }
- // IE
- else if (typeof window.screenTop != "undefined")
- {
- screenY = window.screenTop;
- }
- /**/
- }
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- * MeasureBox
- * To get pixels size.width and size.height:
- * <ul><li> this.startMeasuring(view); </li>
- * <li> var size = this.measureText(lineNoCharsSpacer); </li>
- * <li> this.stopMeasuring(); </li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * @namespace
- */
-Firebug.MeasureBox =
- startMeasuring: function(target)
- {
- if (!this.measureBox)
- {
- this.measureBox = target.ownerDocument.createElement("span");
- this.measureBox.className = "measureBox";
- }
- copyTextStyles(target, this.measureBox);
- target.ownerDocument.body.appendChild(this.measureBox);
- },
- getMeasuringElement: function()
- {
- return this.measureBox;
- },
- measureText: function(value)
- {
- this.measureBox.innerHTML = value ? escapeForSourceLine(value) : "m";
- return {width: this.measureBox.offsetWidth, height: this.measureBox.offsetHeight-1};
- },
- measureInputText: function(value)
- {
- value = value ? escapeForTextNode(value) : "m";
- if (!Firebug.showTextNodesWithWhitespace)
- value = value.replace(/\t/g,'mmmmmm').replace(/\ /g,'m');
- this.measureBox.innerHTML = value;
- return {width: this.measureBox.offsetWidth, height: this.measureBox.offsetHeight-1};
- },
- getBox: function(target)
- {
- var style = this.measureBox.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.measureBox, "");
- var box = getBoxFromStyles(style, this.measureBox);
- return box;
- },
- stopMeasuring: function()
- {
- this.measureBox.parentNode.removeChild(this.measureBox);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-if (FBL.domplate) Firebug.Rep = domplate(
- className: "",
- inspectable: true,
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- return false;
- },
- inspectObject: function(object, context)
- {
- },
- browseObject: function(object, context)
- {
- },
- persistObject: function(object, context)
- {
- },
- getRealObject: function(object, context)
- {
- return object;
- },
- getTitle: function(object)
- {
- var label = safeToString(object);
- var re = /\[object (.*?)\]/;
- var m = re.exec(label);
- ///return m ? m[1] : label;
- // if the label is in the "[object TYPE]" format return its type
- if (m)
- {
- return m[1];
- }
- // if it is IE we need to handle some special cases
- else if (
- // safeToString() fails to recognize some objects in IE
- isIE &&
- // safeToString() returns "[object]" for some objects like window.Image
- (label == "[object]" ||
- // safeToString() returns undefined for some objects like window.clientInformation
- typeof object == "object" && typeof label == "undefined")
- )
- {
- return "Object";
- }
- else
- {
- return label;
- }
- },
- getTooltip: function(object)
- {
- return null;
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(object, target, context)
- {
- return [];
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Convenience for domplates
- STR: function(name)
- {
- return $STR(name);
- },
- cropString: function(text)
- {
- return cropString(text);
- },
- cropMultipleLines: function(text, limit)
- {
- return cropMultipleLines(text, limit);
- },
- toLowerCase: function(text)
- {
- return text ? text.toLowerCase() : text;
- },
- plural: function(n)
- {
- return n == 1 ? "" : "s";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns( /** @scope s_gui */ function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Controller
-FBL.Controller = {
- controllers: null,
- controllerContext: null,
- initialize: function(context)
- {
- this.controllers = [];
- this.controllerContext = context ||;
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- this.removeControllers();
- //this.controllers = null;
- //this.controllerContext = null;
- },
- addController: function()
- {
- for (var i=0, arg; arg=arguments[i]; i++)
- {
- // If the first argument is a string, make a selector query
- // within the controller node context
- if (typeof arg[0] == "string")
- {
- arg[0] = $$(arg[0], this.controllerContext);
- }
- // bind the handler to the proper context
- var handler = arg[2];
- arg[2] = bind(handler, this);
- // save the original handler as an extra-argument, so we can
- // look for it later, when removing a particular controller
- arg[3] = handler;
- this.controllers.push(arg);
- addEvent.apply(this, arg);
- }
- },
- removeController: function()
- {
- for (var i=0, arg; arg=arguments[i]; i++)
- {
- for (var j=0, c; c=this.controllers[j]; j++)
- {
- if (arg[0] == c[0] && arg[1] == c[1] && arg[2] == c[3])
- removeEvent.apply(this, c);
- }
- }
- },
- removeControllers: function()
- {
- for (var i=0, c; c=this.controllers[i]; i++)
- {
- removeEvent.apply(this, c);
- }
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// PanelBar
-FBL.PanelBar =
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- panelMap: null,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- selectedPanel: null,
- parentPanelName: null,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- create: function(ownerPanel)
- {
- this.panelMap = {};
- this.ownerPanel = ownerPanel;
- if (ownerPanel)
- {
- ownerPanel.sidePanelBarNode = createElement("span");
- = "none";
- ownerPanel.sidePanelBarBoxNode.appendChild(ownerPanel.sidePanelBarNode);
- }
- var panels = Firebug.panelTypes;
- for (var i=0, p; p=panels[i]; i++)
- {
- if ( // normal Panel of the Chrome's PanelBar
- !ownerPanel && !p.prototype.parentPanel ||
- // Child Panel of the current Panel's SidePanelBar
- ownerPanel && p.prototype.parentPanel &&
- == p.prototype.parentPanel)
- {
- this.addPanel(;
- }
- }
- },
- destroy: function()
- {
- for (var name in this.panelMap)
- {
- this.removePanel(name);
- var panel = this.panelMap[name];
- panel.destroy();
- this.panelMap[name] = null;
- delete this.panelMap[name];
- }
- this.panelMap = null;
- this.ownerPanel = null;
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- if (this.ownerPanel)
- = "inline";
- for(var name in this.panelMap)
- {
- (function(self, name){
- // tab click handler
- var onTabClick = function onTabClick()
- {
- self.selectPanel(name);
- return false;
- };
-[self.panelMap[name].tabNode, "mousedown", onTabClick]);
- })(this, name);
- }
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- var selectedPanel = this.selectedPanel;
- if (selectedPanel)
- {
- removeClass(selectedPanel.tabNode, "fbSelectedTab");
- selectedPanel.hide();
- selectedPanel.shutdown();
- }
- if (this.ownerPanel)
- = "none";
- this.selectedPanel = null;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- addPanel: function(panelName, parentPanel)
- {
- var PanelType = Firebug.panelTypeMap[panelName];
- var panel = this.panelMap[panelName] = new PanelType();
- panel.create();
- },
- removePanel: function(panelName)
- {
- var panel = this.panelMap[panelName];
- if (panel.hasOwnProperty(panelName))
- panel.destroy();
- },
- selectPanel: function(panelName)
- {
- var selectedPanel = this.selectedPanel;
- var panel = this.panelMap[panelName];
- if (panel && selectedPanel != panel)
- {
- if (selectedPanel)
- {
- removeClass(selectedPanel.tabNode, "fbSelectedTab");
- selectedPanel.shutdown();
- selectedPanel.hide();
- }
- if (!panel.parentPanel)
- Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedPanelName = panelName;
- this.selectedPanel = panel;
- setClass(panel.tabNode, "fbSelectedTab");
- panel.initialize();
- }
- },
- getPanel: function(panelName)
- {
- var panel = this.panelMap[panelName];
- return panel;
- }
-// Button
- * options.element
- * options.caption
- * options.title
- *
- * options.owner
- * options.className
- * options.pressedClassName
- *
- * options.onPress
- * options.onUnpress
- * options.onClick
- *
- * @class
- * @extends FBL.Controller
- *
- */
-FBL.Button = function(options)
- options = options || {};
- append(this, options);
- this.state = "unpressed";
- this.display = "unpressed";
- if (this.element)
- {
- this.container = this.element.parentNode;
- }
- else
- {
- this.shouldDestroy = true;
- this.container = this.owner.getPanel().toolButtonsNode;
- this.element = createElement("a", {
- className: this.baseClassName + " " + this.className + " fbHover",
- innerHTML: this.caption
- });
- if (this.title)
- this.element.title = this.title;
- this.container.appendChild(this.element);
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-Button.prototype = extend(Controller,
-/**@extend FBL.Button.prototype*/
- type: "normal",
- caption: "caption",
- title: null,
- className: "", // custom class
- baseClassName: "fbButton", // control class
- pressedClassName: "fbBtnPressed", // control pressed class
- element: null,
- container: null,
- owner: null,
- state: null,
- display: null,
- destroy: function()
- {
- this.shutdown();
- // only remove if it is a dynamically generated button (not pre-rendered)
- if (this.shouldDestroy)
- this.container.removeChild(this.element);
- this.element = null;
- this.container = null;
- this.owner = null;
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- Controller.initialize.apply(this);
- var element = this.element;
- this.addController([element, "mousedown", this.handlePress]);
- if (this.type == "normal")
- this.addController(
- [element, "mouseup", this.handleUnpress],
- [element, "mouseout", this.handleUnpress],
- [element, "click", this.handleClick]
- );
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- Controller.shutdown.apply(this);
- },
- restore: function()
- {
- this.changeState("unpressed");
- },
- changeState: function(state)
- {
- this.state = state;
- this.changeDisplay(state);
- },
- changeDisplay: function(display)
- {
- if (display != this.display)
- {
- if (display == "pressed")
- {
- setClass(this.element, this.pressedClassName);
- }
- else if (display == "unpressed")
- {
- removeClass(this.element, this.pressedClassName);
- }
- this.display = display;
- }
- },
- handlePress: function(event)
- {
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- if (this.type == "normal")
- {
- this.changeDisplay("pressed");
- this.beforeClick = true;
- }
- else if (this.type == "toggle")
- {
- if (this.state == "pressed")
- {
- this.changeState("unpressed");
- if (this.onUnpress)
- this.onUnpress.apply(this.owner, arguments);
- }
- else
- {
- this.changeState("pressed");
- if (this.onPress)
- this.onPress.apply(this.owner, arguments);
- }
- if (this.onClick)
- this.onClick.apply(this.owner, arguments);
- }
- return false;
- },
- handleUnpress: function(event)
- {
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- if (this.beforeClick)
- this.changeDisplay("unpressed");
- return false;
- },
- handleClick: function(event)
- {
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- if (this.type == "normal")
- {
- if (this.onClick)
- this.onClick.apply(this.owner);
- this.changeState("unpressed");
- }
- this.beforeClick = false;
- return false;
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- * @class
- * @extends FBL.Button
- */
-FBL.IconButton = function()
- Button.apply(this, arguments);
-IconButton.prototype = extend(Button.prototype,
-/**@extend FBL.IconButton.prototype*/
- baseClassName: "fbIconButton",
- pressedClassName: "fbIconPressed"
-// Menu
-var menuItemProps = {"class": "$item.className", type: "$item.type", value: "$item.value",
- _command: "$item.command"};
-if (isIE6)
- menuItemProps.href = "javascript:void(0)";
-// Allow GUI to be loaded even when Domplate module is not installed.
-if (FBL.domplate)
-var MenuPlate = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- DIV({"class": "fbMenu fbShadow"},
- DIV({"class": "fbMenuContent fbShadowContent"},
- FOR("item", "$object.items|memberIterator",
- TAG("$item.tag", {item: "$item"})
- )
- )
- ),
- itemTag:
- A(menuItemProps,
- "$item.label"
- ),
- checkBoxTag:
- A(extend(menuItemProps, {checked : "$item.checked"}),
- "$item.label"
- ),
- radioButtonTag:
- A(extend(menuItemProps, {selected : "$item.selected"}),
- "$item.label"
- ),
- groupTag:
- A(extend(menuItemProps, {child: "$item.child"}),
- "$item.label"
- ),
- shortcutTag:
- A(menuItemProps,
- "$item.label",
- SPAN({"class": "fbMenuShortcutKey"},
- "$item.key"
- )
- ),
- separatorTag:
- SPAN({"class": "fbMenuSeparator"}),
- memberIterator: function(items)
- {
- var result = [];
- for (var i=0, length=items.length; i<length; i++)
- {
- var item = items[i];
- // separator representation
- if (typeof item == "string" && item.indexOf("-") == 0)
- {
- result.push({tag: this.separatorTag});
- continue;
- }
- item = extend(item, {});
- item.type = item.type || "";
- item.value = item.value || "";
- var type = item.type;
- // default item representation
- item.tag = this.itemTag;
- var className = item.className || "";
- className += "fbMenuOption fbHover ";
- // specific representations
- if (type == "checkbox")
- {
- className += "fbMenuCheckBox ";
- item.tag = this.checkBoxTag;
- }
- else if (type == "radiobutton")
- {
- className += "fbMenuRadioButton ";
- item.tag = this.radioButtonTag;
- }
- else if (type == "group")
- {
- className += "fbMenuGroup ";
- item.tag = this.groupTag;
- }
- else if (type == "shortcut")
- {
- className += "fbMenuShortcut ";
- item.tag = this.shortcutTag;
- }
- if (item.checked)
- className += "fbMenuChecked ";
- else if (item.selected)
- className += "fbMenuRadioSelected ";
- if (item.disabled)
- className += "fbMenuDisabled ";
- item.className = className;
- item.label = $STR(item.label);
- result.push(item);
- }
- return result;
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- * options
- * options.element
- *
- * options.items
- *
- * item.label
- * item.className
- * item.type
- * item.value
- * item.disabled
- * item.checked
- * item.selected
- * item.command
- * item.child
- *
- *
- * @class
- * @extends FBL.Controller
- *
- */
-FBL.Menu = function(options)
- // if element is not pre-rendered, we must render it now
- if (!options.element)
- {
- if (options.getItems)
- options.items = options.getItems();
- options.element = MenuPlate.tag.append(
- {object: options},
- getElementByClass(, "fbBody"),
- MenuPlate
- );
- }
- // extend itself with the provided options
- append(this, options);
- if (typeof this.element == "string")
- {
- = this.element;
- this.element = $(;
- }
- else if (
- {
- =;
- }
- this.element.firebugIgnore = true;
- this.elementStyle =;
- this.isVisible = false;
- this.handleMouseDown = bind(this.handleMouseDown, this);
- this.handleMouseOver = bind(this.handleMouseOver, this);
- this.handleMouseOut = bind(this.handleMouseOut, this);
- this.handleWindowMouseDown = bind(this.handleWindowMouseDown, this);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var menuMap = {};
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-Menu.prototype = extend(Controller,
-/**@extend FBL.Menu.prototype*/
- destroy: function()
- {
- //if (this.element) console.log("destroy",;
- this.hide();
- // if it is a childMenu, remove its reference from the parentMenu
- if (this.parentMenu)
- this.parentMenu.childMenu = null;
- // remove the element from the document
- this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
- // clear references
- this.element = null;
- this.elementStyle = null;
- this.parentMenu = null;
- this.parentTarget = null;
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- this.addController(
- [this.element, "mousedown", this.handleMouseDown],
- [this.element, "mouseover", this.handleMouseOver]
- );
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- },
- show: function(x, y)
- {
- this.initialize();
- if (this.isVisible) return;
- //console.log("show",;
- x = x || 0;
- y = y || 0;
- if (this.parentMenu)
- {
- var oldChildMenu = this.parentMenu.childMenu;
- if (oldChildMenu && oldChildMenu != this)
- {
- oldChildMenu.destroy();
- }
- this.parentMenu.childMenu = this;
- }
- else
- addEvent(, "mousedown", this.handleWindowMouseDown);
- this.elementStyle.display = "block";
- this.elementStyle.visibility = "hidden";
- var size =;
- x = Math.min(x, size.width - this.element.clientWidth - 10);
- x = Math.max(x, 0);
- y = Math.min(y, size.height - this.element.clientHeight - 10);
- y = Math.max(y, 0);
- this.elementStyle.left = x + "px";
- = y + "px";
- this.elementStyle.visibility = "visible";
- this.isVisible = true;
- if (isFunction(this.onShow))
- this.onShow.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- hide: function()
- {
- this.clearHideTimeout();
- this.clearShowChildTimeout();
- if (!this.isVisible) return;
- //console.log("hide",;
- this.elementStyle.display = "none";
- if(this.childMenu)
- {
- this.childMenu.destroy();
- this.childMenu = null;
- }
- if(this.parentTarget)
- removeClass(this.parentTarget, "fbMenuGroupSelected");
- this.isVisible = false;
- this.shutdown();
- if (isFunction(this.onHide))
- this.onHide.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- showChildMenu: function(target)
- {
- var id = target.getAttribute("child");
- var parent = this;
- var target = target;
- this.showChildTimeout ={
- //if (!parent.isVisible) return;
- var box =;
- var childMenuObject = menuMap.hasOwnProperty(id) ?
- menuMap[id] : {element: $(id)};
- var childMenu = new Menu(extend(childMenuObject,
- {
- parentMenu: parent,
- parentTarget: target
- }));
- var offsetLeft = isIE6 ? -1 : -6; // IE6 problem with fixed position
- + box.width + offsetLeft, -6);
- setClass(target, "fbMenuGroupSelected");
- },350);
- },
- clearHideTimeout: function()
- {
- if (this.hideTimeout)
- {
- delete this.hideTimeout;
- }
- },
- clearShowChildTimeout: function()
- {
- if(this.showChildTimeout)
- {
- this.showChildTimeout = null;
- }
- },
- handleMouseDown: function(event)
- {
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- var topParent = this;
- while (topParent.parentMenu)
- topParent = topParent.parentMenu;
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- target = getAncestorByClass(target, "fbMenuOption");
- if(!target || hasClass(target, "fbMenuGroup"))
- return false;
- if (target && !hasClass(target, "fbMenuDisabled"))
- {
- var type = target.getAttribute("type");
- if (type == "checkbox")
- {
- var checked = target.getAttribute("checked");
- var value = target.getAttribute("value");
- var wasChecked = hasClass(target, "fbMenuChecked");
- if (wasChecked)
- {
- removeClass(target, "fbMenuChecked");
- target.setAttribute("checked", "");
- }
- else
- {
- setClass(target, "fbMenuChecked");
- target.setAttribute("checked", "true");
- }
- if (isFunction(this.onCheck))
-, target, value, !wasChecked);
- }
- if (type == "radiobutton")
- {
- var selectedRadios = getElementsByClass(target.parentNode, "fbMenuRadioSelected");
- var group = target.getAttribute("group");
- for (var i = 0, length = selectedRadios.length; i < length; i++)
- {
- radio = selectedRadios[i];
- if (radio.getAttribute("group") == group)
- {
- removeClass(radio, "fbMenuRadioSelected");
- radio.setAttribute("selected", "");
- }
- }
- setClass(target, "fbMenuRadioSelected");
- target.setAttribute("selected", "true");
- }
- var handler = null;
- // target.command can be a function or a string.
- var cmd = target.command;
- // If it is a function it will be used as the handler
- if (isFunction(cmd))
- handler = cmd;
- // If it is a string it the property of the current menu object
- // will be used as the handler
- else if (typeof cmd == "string")
- handler = this[cmd];
- var closeMenu = true;
- if (handler)
- closeMenu =, target) !== false;
- if (closeMenu)
- topParent.hide();
- }
- return false;
- },
- handleWindowMouseDown: function(event)
- {
- //console.log("handleWindowMouseDown");
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- target = getAncestorByClass(target, "fbMenu");
- if (!target)
- {
- removeEvent(, "mousedown", this.handleWindowMouseDown);
- this.hide();
- }
- },
- handleMouseOver: function(event)
- {
- //console.log("handleMouseOver",;
- this.clearHideTimeout();
- this.clearShowChildTimeout();
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- target = getAncestorByClass(target, "fbMenuOption");
- if(!target)
- return;
- var childMenu = this.childMenu;
- if(childMenu)
- {
- removeClass(childMenu.parentTarget, "fbMenuGroupSelected");
- if (childMenu.parentTarget != target && childMenu.isVisible)
- {
- childMenu.clearHideTimeout();
- childMenu.hideTimeout ={
- childMenu.destroy();
- },300);
- }
- }
- if(hasClass(target, "fbMenuGroup"))
- {
- this.showChildMenu(target);
- }
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-/**@extend FBL.Menu*/
- register: function(object)
- {
- menuMap[] = object;
- },
- check: function(element)
- {
- setClass(element, "fbMenuChecked");
- element.setAttribute("checked", "true");
- },
- uncheck: function(element)
- {
- removeClass(element, "fbMenuChecked");
- element.setAttribute("checked", "");
- },
- disable: function(element)
- {
- setClass(element, "fbMenuDisabled");
- },
- enable: function(element)
- {
- removeClass(element, "fbMenuDisabled");
- }
-// Status Bar
-function StatusBar(){};
-StatusBar.prototype = extend(Controller, {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns( /**@scope s_context*/ function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Globals
-var refreshDelay = 300;
-// Opera and some versions of webkit returns the wrong value of document.elementFromPoint()
-// function, without taking into account the scroll position. Safari 4 (webkit/531.21.8)
-// still have this issue. Google Chrome 4 (webkit/532.5) does not. So, we're assuming this
-// issue was fixed in the 532 version
-var shouldFixElementFromPoint = isOpera || isSafari && browserVersion < "532";
-var evalError = "___firebug_evaluation_error___";
-var pixelsPerInch;
-var resetStyle = "margin:0; padding:0; border:0; position:absolute; overflow:hidden; display:block;";
-var offscreenStyle = resetStyle + "top:-1234px; left:-1234px;";
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Context
-/** @class */
-FBL.Context = function(win)
- this.window = win.window;
- this.document = win.document;
- this.browser = Env.browser;
- // Some windows in IE, like iframe, doesn't have the eval() method
- if (isIE && !this.window.eval)
- {
- // But after executing the following line the method magically appears!
- this.window.execScript("null");
- // Just to make sure the "magic" really happened
- if (!this.window.eval)
- throw new Error("Firebug Error: eval() method not found in this window");
- }
- // Create a new "black-box" eval() method that runs in the global namespace
- // of the context window, without exposing the local variables declared
- // by the function that calls it
- this.eval = this.window.eval("new Function('" +
- "try{ return window.eval.apply(window,arguments) }catch(E){ E."+evalError+"=true; return E }" +
- "')");
-FBL.Context.prototype =
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // partial-port of Firebug tabContext.js
- browser: null,
- loaded: true,
- setTimeout: function(fn, delay)
- {
- var win = this.window;
- if (win.setTimeout == this.setTimeout)
- throw new Error("setTimeout recursion");
- var timeout = win.setTimeout.apply ? // IE doesn't have apply method on setTimeout
- win.setTimeout.apply(win, arguments) :
- win.setTimeout(fn, delay);
- if (!this.timeouts)
- this.timeouts = {};
- this.timeouts[timeout] = 1;
- return timeout;
- },
- clearTimeout: function(timeout)
- {
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- if (this.timeouts)
- delete this.timeouts[timeout];
- },
- setInterval: function(fn, delay)
- {
- var win = this.window;
- var timeout = win.setInterval.apply ? // IE doesn't have apply method on setTimeout
- win.setInterval.apply(win, arguments) :
- win.setInterval(fn, delay);
- if (!this.intervals)
- this.intervals = {};
- this.intervals[timeout] = 1;
- return timeout;
- },
- clearInterval: function(timeout)
- {
- clearInterval(timeout);
- if (this.intervals)
- delete this.intervals[timeout];
- },
- invalidatePanels: function()
- {
- if (!this.invalidPanels)
- this.invalidPanels = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
- {
- var panelName = arguments[i];
- // avoid error. need to create a better getPanel() function as explained below
- if (! || !
- return;
- //var panel = this.getPanel(panelName, true);
- //TODO: xxxpedro context how to get all panels using a single function?
- // the current workaround to make the invalidation works is invalidating
- // only sidePanels. There's also a problem with panel name (LowerCase in Firebug Lite)
- var panel = ?
-, true) :
- null;
- if (panel && !panel.noRefresh)
- this.invalidPanels[panelName] = 1;
- }
- if (this.refreshTimeout)
- {
- this.clearTimeout(this.refreshTimeout);
- delete this.refreshTimeout;
- }
- this.refreshTimeout = this.setTimeout(bindFixed(function()
- {
- var invalids = [];
- for (var panelName in this.invalidPanels)
- {
- //var panel = this.getPanel(panelName, true);
- //TODO: xxxpedro context how to get all panels using a single function?
- // the current workaround to make the invalidation works is invalidating
- // only sidePanels. There's also a problem with panel name (LowerCase in Firebug Lite)
- var panel = ?
-, true) :
- null;
- if (panel)
- {
- if (panel.visible && !panel.editing)
- panel.refresh();
- else
- panel.needsRefresh = true;
- // If the panel is being edited, we'll keep trying to
- // refresh it until editing is done
- if (panel.editing)
- invalids.push(panelName);
- }
- }
- delete this.invalidPanels;
- delete this.refreshTimeout;
- // Keep looping until every tab is valid
- if (invalids.length)
- this.invalidatePanels.apply(this, invalids);
- }, this), refreshDelay);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Evalutation Method
- /**
- * Evaluates an expression in the current context window.
- *
- * @param {String} expr expression to be evaluated
- *
- * @param {String} context string indicating the global location
- * of the object that will be used as the
- * context. The context is referred in
- * the expression as the "this" keyword.
- * If no context is informed, the "window"
- * context is used.
- *
- * @param {String} api string indicating the global location
- * of the object that will be used as the
- * api of the evaluation.
- *
- * @param {Function} errorHandler(message) error handler to be called
- * if the evaluation fails.
- */
- evaluate: function(expr, context, api, errorHandler)
- {
- // the default context is the "window" object. It can be any string that represents
- // a global accessible element as: "my.namespaced.object"
- context = context || "window";
- var isObjectLiteral = trim(expr).indexOf("{") == 0,
- cmd,
- result;
- // if the context is the "window" object, we don't need a closure
- if (context == "window")
- {
- // If it is an object literal, then wrap the expression with parenthesis so we can
- // capture the return value
- if (isObjectLiteral)
- {
- cmd = api ?
- "with("+api+"){ ("+expr+") }" :
- "(" + expr + ")";
- }
- else
- {
- cmd = api ?
- "with("+api+"){ "+expr+" }" :
- expr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- cmd = api ?
- // with API and context, no return value
- "(function(arguments){ with(" + api + "){ " +
- expr +
- " } }).call(" + context + ",undefined)"
- :
- // with context only, no return value
- "(function(arguments){ " +
- expr +
- " }).call(" + context + ",undefined)";
- }
- result = this.eval(cmd);
- if (result && result[evalError])
- {
- var msg = ? ( + ": ") : "";
- msg += result.message || result;
- if (errorHandler)
- result = errorHandler(msg);
- else
- result = msg;
- }
- return result;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Window Methods
- getWindowSize: function()
- {
- var width=0, height=0, el;
- if (typeof this.window.innerWidth == "number")
- {
- width = this.window.innerWidth;
- height = this.window.innerHeight;
- }
- else if ((el=this.document.documentElement) && (el.clientHeight || el.clientWidth))
- {
- width = el.clientWidth;
- height = el.clientHeight;
- }
- else if ((el=this.document.body) && (el.clientHeight || el.clientWidth))
- {
- width = el.clientWidth;
- height = el.clientHeight;
- }
- return {width: width, height: height};
- },
- getWindowScrollSize: function()
- {
- var width=0, height=0, el;
- // first try the document.documentElement scroll size
- if (!isIEQuiksMode && (el=this.document.documentElement) &&
- (el.scrollHeight || el.scrollWidth))
- {
- width = el.scrollWidth;
- height = el.scrollHeight;
- }
- // then we need to check if document.body has a bigger scroll size value
- // because sometimes depending on the browser and the page, the document.body
- // scroll size returns a smaller (and wrong) measure
- if ((el=this.document.body) && (el.scrollHeight || el.scrollWidth) &&
- (el.scrollWidth > width || el.scrollHeight > height))
- {
- width = el.scrollWidth;
- height = el.scrollHeight;
- }
- return {width: width, height: height};
- },
- getWindowScrollPosition: function()
- {
- var top=0, left=0, el;
- if(typeof this.window.pageYOffset == "number")
- {
- top = this.window.pageYOffset;
- left = this.window.pageXOffset;
- }
- else if((el=this.document.body) && (el.scrollTop || el.scrollLeft))
- {
- top = el.scrollTop;
- left = el.scrollLeft;
- }
- else if((el=this.document.documentElement) && (el.scrollTop || el.scrollLeft))
- {
- top = el.scrollTop;
- left = el.scrollLeft;
- }
- return {top:top, left:left};
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Element Methods
- getElementFromPoint: function(x, y)
- {
- if (shouldFixElementFromPoint)
- {
- var scroll = this.getWindowScrollPosition();
- return this.document.elementFromPoint(x + scroll.left, y +;
- }
- else
- return this.document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
- },
- getElementPosition: function(el)
- {
- var left = 0;
- var top = 0;
- do
- {
- left += el.offsetLeft;
- top += el.offsetTop;
- }
- while (el = el.offsetParent);
- return {left:left, top:top};
- },
- getElementBox: function(el)
- {
- var result = {};
- if (el.getBoundingClientRect)
- {
- var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
- // fix IE problem with offset when not in fullscreen mode
- var offset = isIE ? this.document.body.clientTop || this.document.documentElement.clientTop: 0;
- var scroll = this.getWindowScrollPosition();
- = Math.round( - offset +;
- result.left = Math.round(rect.left - offset + scroll.left);
- result.height = Math.round(rect.bottom -;
- result.width = Math.round(rect.right - rect.left);
- }
- else
- {
- var position = this.getElementPosition(el);
- =;
- result.left = position.left;
- result.height = el.offsetHeight;
- result.width = el.offsetWidth;
- }
- return result;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Measurement Methods
- getMeasurement: function(el, name)
- {
- var result = {value: 0, unit: "px"};
- var cssValue = this.getStyle(el, name);
- if (!cssValue) return result;
- if (cssValue.toLowerCase() == "auto") return result;
- var reMeasure = /(\d+\.?\d*)(.*)/;
- var m = cssValue.match(reMeasure);
- if (m)
- {
- result.value = m[1]-0;
- result.unit = m[2].toLowerCase();
- }
- return result;
- },
- getMeasurementInPixels: function(el, name)
- {
- if (!el) return null;
- var m = this.getMeasurement(el, name);
- var value = m.value;
- var unit = m.unit;
- if (unit == "px")
- return value;
- else if (unit == "pt")
- return this.pointsToPixels(name, value);
- else if (unit == "em")
- return this.emToPixels(el, value);
- else if (unit == "%")
- return this.percentToPixels(el, value);
- else if (unit == "ex")
- return this.exToPixels(el, value);
- // TODO: add other units. Maybe create a better general way
- // to calculate measurements in different units.
- },
- getMeasurementBox1: function(el, name)
- {
- var sufixes = ["Top", "Left", "Bottom", "Right"];
- var result = [];
- for(var i=0, sufix; sufix=sufixes[i]; i++)
- result[i] = Math.round(this.getMeasurementInPixels(el, name + sufix));
- return {top:result[0], left:result[1], bottom:result[2], right:result[3]};
- },
- getMeasurementBox: function(el, name)
- {
- var result = [];
- var sufixes = name == "border" ?
- ["TopWidth", "LeftWidth", "BottomWidth", "RightWidth"] :
- ["Top", "Left", "Bottom", "Right"];
- if (isIE)
- {
- var propName, cssValue;
- var autoMargin = null;
- for(var i=0, sufix; sufix=sufixes[i]; i++)
- {
- propName = name + sufix;
- cssValue = el.currentStyle[propName] ||[propName];
- if (cssValue == "auto")
- {
- if (!autoMargin)
- autoMargin = this.getCSSAutoMarginBox(el);
- result[i] = autoMargin[sufix.toLowerCase()];
- }
- else
- result[i] = this.getMeasurementInPixels(el, propName);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(var i=0, sufix; sufix=sufixes[i]; i++)
- result[i] = this.getMeasurementInPixels(el, name + sufix);
- }
- return {top:result[0], left:result[1], bottom:result[2], right:result[3]};
- },
- getCSSAutoMarginBox: function(el)
- {
- if (isIE && " meta title input script link a ".indexOf(" "+el.nodeName.toLowerCase()+" ") != -1)
- return {top:0, left:0, bottom:0, right:0};
- /**/
- if (isIE && " h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 ul p ".indexOf(" "+el.nodeName.toLowerCase()+" ") == -1)
- return {top:0, left:0, bottom:0, right:0};
- /**/
- var offsetTop = 0;
- if (false && isIEStantandMode)
- {
- var scrollSize = Firebug.browser.getWindowScrollSize();
- offsetTop = scrollSize.height;
- }
- var box = this.document.createElement("div");
- // = "margin:0; padding:1px; border: 0; position:static; overflow:hidden; visibility: hidden;";
- = "margin:0; padding:1px; border: 0; visibility: hidden;";
- var clone = el.cloneNode(false);
- var text = this.document.createTextNode("&nbsp;");
- clone.appendChild(text);
- box.appendChild(clone);
- this.document.body.appendChild(box);
- var marginTop = clone.offsetTop - box.offsetTop - 1;
- var marginBottom = box.offsetHeight - clone.offsetHeight - 2 - marginTop;
- var marginLeft = clone.offsetLeft - box.offsetLeft - 1;
- var marginRight = box.offsetWidth - clone.offsetWidth - 2 - marginLeft;
- this.document.body.removeChild(box);
- return {top:marginTop+offsetTop, left:marginLeft, bottom:marginBottom-offsetTop, right:marginRight};
- },
- getFontSizeInPixels: function(el)
- {
- var size = this.getMeasurement(el, "fontSize");
- if (size.unit == "px") return size.value;
- // get font size, the dirty way
- var computeDirtyFontSize = function(el, calibration)
- {
- var div = this.document.createElement("div");
- var divStyle = offscreenStyle;
- if (calibration)
- divStyle += " font-size:"+calibration+"px;";
- = divStyle;
- div.innerHTML = "A";
- el.appendChild(div);
- var value = div.offsetHeight;
- el.removeChild(div);
- return value;
- };
- /*
- var calibrationBase = 200;
- var calibrationValue = computeDirtyFontSize(el, calibrationBase);
- var rate = calibrationBase / calibrationValue;
- /**/
- // the "dirty technique" fails in some environments, so we're using a static value
- // based in some tests.
- var rate = 200 / 225;
- var value = computeDirtyFontSize(el);
- return value * rate;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Unit Funtions
- pointsToPixels: function(name, value, returnFloat)
- {
- var axis = /Top$|Bottom$/.test(name) ? "y" : "x";
- var result = value * pixelsPerInch[axis] / 72;
- return returnFloat ? result : Math.round(result);
- },
- emToPixels: function(el, value)
- {
- if (!el) return null;
- var fontSize = this.getFontSizeInPixels(el);
- return Math.round(value * fontSize);
- },
- exToPixels: function(el, value)
- {
- if (!el) return null;
- // get ex value, the dirty way
- var div = this.document.createElement("div");
- = offscreenStyle + "width:"+value + "ex;";
- el.appendChild(div);
- var value = div.offsetWidth;
- el.removeChild(div);
- return value;
- },
- percentToPixels: function(el, value)
- {
- if (!el) return null;
- // get % value, the dirty way
- var div = this.document.createElement("div");
- = offscreenStyle + "width:"+value + "%;";
- el.appendChild(div);
- var value = div.offsetWidth;
- el.removeChild(div);
- return value;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- getStyle: isIE ? function(el, name)
- {
- return el.currentStyle[name] ||[name] || undefined;
- }
- : function(el, name)
- {
- return this.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,null)[name]
- ||[name] || undefined;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns( /**@scope ns-chrome*/ function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Globals
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// Window Options
-var WindowDefaultOptions =
- {
- type: "frame",
- id: "FirebugUI"
- //height: 350 // obsolete
- },
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// Instantiated objects
- commandLine,
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// Interface Elements Cache
- fbTop,
- fbContent,
- fbContentStyle,
- fbBottom,
- fbBtnInspect,
- fbToolbar,
- fbPanelBox1,
- fbPanelBox1Style,
- fbPanelBox2,
- fbPanelBox2Style,
- fbPanelBar2Box,
- fbPanelBar2BoxStyle,
- fbHSplitter,
- fbVSplitter,
- fbVSplitterStyle,
- fbPanel1,
- fbPanel1Style,
- fbPanel2,
- fbPanel2Style,
- fbConsole,
- fbConsoleStyle,
- fbHTML,
- fbCommandLine,
- fbLargeCommandLine,
- fbLargeCommandButtons,
-//* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// Cached size values
- topHeight,
- topPartialHeight,
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- chromeRedrawSkipRate = isIE ? 75 : isOpera ? 80 : 75,
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- lastSelectedPanelName,
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- focusCommandLineState = 0,
- lastFocusedPanelName,
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- lastHSplitterMouseMove = 0,
- onHSplitterMouseMoveBuffer = null,
- onHSplitterMouseMoveTimer = null,
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- lastVSplitterMouseMove = 0;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// FirebugChrome
-FBL.defaultPersistedState =
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- isOpen: false,
- height: 300,
- sidePanelWidth: 350,
- selectedPanelName: "Console",
- selectedHTMLElementId: null,
- htmlSelectionStack: []
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-FBL.FirebugChrome =
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- //isOpen: false,
- //height: 300,
- //sidePanelWidth: 350,
- //selectedPanelName: "Console",
- //selectedHTMLElementId: null,
- chromeMap: {},
- htmlSelectionStack: [],
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- create: function()
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("FirebugChrome.create", "creating chrome window");
- createChromeWindow();
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("FirebugChrome.initialize", "initializing chrome window");
- if ( == "frame" || == "div")
- ChromeMini.create(;
- var chrome = = new Chrome(;
- FirebugChrome.chromeMap[chrome.type] = chrome;
- addGlobalEvent("keydown", onGlobalKeyDown);
- if (Env.Options.enablePersistent && chrome.type == "popup")
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro persist - revise chrome synchronization when in persistent mode
- var frame = FirebugChrome.chromeMap.frame;
- if (frame)
- frame.close();
- //chrome.reattach(frame, chrome);
- //TODO: xxxpedro persist synchronize?
- chrome.initialize();
- }
- },
- clone: function(FBChrome)
- {
- for (var name in FBChrome)
- {
- var prop = FBChrome[name];
- if (FBChrome.hasOwnProperty(name) && !isFunction(prop))
- {
- this[name] = prop;
- }
- }
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Chrome Window Creation
-var createChromeWindow = function(options)
- options = extend(WindowDefaultOptions, options || {});
- //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Locals
- var browserWin = Env.browser.window;
- var browserContext = new Context(browserWin);
- var prefs = Store.get("FirebugLite");
- var persistedState = prefs && prefs.persistedState || defaultPersistedState;
- var chrome = {},
- context = options.context || Env.browser,
- type = chrome.type = Env.Options.enablePersistent ?
- "popup" :
- options.type,
- isChromeFrame = type == "frame",
- useLocalSkin = Env.useLocalSkin,
- url = useLocalSkin ?
- :
- "about:blank",
- // document.body not available in XML+XSL documents in Firefox
- body = context.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0],
- formatNode = function(node)
- {
- if (!Env.isDebugMode)
- {
- node.firebugIgnore = true;
- }
- var browserWinSize = browserContext.getWindowSize();
- var height = persistedState.height || 300;
- height = Math.min(browserWinSize.height, height);
- height = Math.max(200, height);
- = "0";
- = "hidden";
- = "2147483647"; // MAX z-index = 2147483647
- = noFixedPosition ? "absolute" : "fixed";
- = "100%"; // "102%"; IE auto margin bug
- = "0";
- = noFixedPosition ? "-1px" : "0";
- = height + "px";
- // avoid flickering during chrome rendering
- //if (isFirefox)
- // = "none";
- },
- createChromeDiv = function()
- {
- //Firebug.Console.warn("Firebug Lite GUI is working in 'windowless mode'. It may behave slower and receive interferences from the page in which it is installed.");
- var node = chrome.node = createGlobalElement("div"),
- style = createGlobalElement("style"),
- css = FirebugChrome.Skin.CSS
- /*
- .replace(/;/g, " !important;")
- .replace(/!important\s!important/g, "!important")
- .replace(/display\s*:\s*(\w+)\s*!important;/g, "display:$1;")*/,
- // reset some styles to minimize interference from the main page's style
- rules = ".fbBody *{margin:0;padding:0;font-size:11px;line-height:13px;color:inherit;}" +
- // load the chrome styles
- css +
- // adjust some remaining styles
- ".fbBody #fbHSplitter{position:absolute !important;} .fbBody #fbHTML span{line-height:14px;} .fbBody .lineNo div{line-height:inherit !important;}";
- /*
- if (isIE)
- {
- // IE7 CSS bug (FbChrome table bigger than its parent div)
- rules += ".fbBody table.fbChrome{position: static !important;}";
- }/**/
- style.type = "text/css";
- if (style.styleSheet)
- style.styleSheet.cssText = rules;
- else
- style.appendChild(context.document.createTextNode(rules));
- document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style);
- node.className = "fbBody";
- = "hidden";
- node.innerHTML = getChromeDivTemplate();
- if (isIE)
- {
- // IE7 CSS bug (FbChrome table bigger than its parent div)
- setTimeout(function(){
- = "1px";
- = "static";
- },0);
- /**/
- }
- formatNode(node);
- body.appendChild(node);
- chrome.window = window;
- chrome.document = document;
- onChromeLoad(chrome);
- };
- //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- try
- {
- //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // create the Chrome as a "div" (windowless mode)
- if (type == "div")
- {
- createChromeDiv();
- return;
- }
- //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // cretate the Chrome as an "iframe"
- else if (isChromeFrame)
- {
- // Create the Chrome Frame
- var node = chrome.node = createGlobalElement("iframe");
- node.setAttribute("src", url);
- node.setAttribute("frameBorder", "0");
- formatNode(node);
- body.appendChild(node);
- // must set the id after appending to the document, otherwise will cause an
- // strange error in IE, making the iframe load the page in which the bookmarklet
- // was created (like, before loading the injected UI HTML,
- // generating an "Access Denied" error.
- =;
- }
- //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // create the Chrome as a "popup"
- else
- {
- var height = persistedState.popupHeight || 300;
- var browserWinSize = browserContext.getWindowSize();
- var browserWinLeft = typeof browserWin.screenX == "number" ?
- browserWin.screenX : browserWin.screenLeft;
- var popupLeft = typeof persistedState.popupLeft == "number" ?
- persistedState.popupLeft : browserWinLeft;
- var browserWinTop = typeof browserWin.screenY == "number" ?
- browserWin.screenY : browserWin.screenTop;
- var popupTop = typeof persistedState.popupTop == "number" ?
- persistedState.popupTop :
- Math.max(
- 0,
- Math.min(
- browserWinTop + browserWinSize.height - height,
- // Google Chrome bug
- screen.availHeight - height - 61
- )
- );
- var popupWidth = typeof persistedState.popupWidth == "number" ?
- persistedState.popupWidth :
- Math.max(
- 0,
- Math.min(
- browserWinSize.width,
- // Opera opens popup in a new tab if it's too big!
- screen.availWidth-10
- )
- );
- var popupHeight = typeof persistedState.popupHeight == "number" ?
- persistedState.popupHeight : 300;
- var options = [
- "true,top=", popupTop,
- ",left=", popupLeft,
- ",height=", popupHeight,
- ",width=", popupWidth,
- ",resizable"
- ].join(""),
- node = chrome.node =
- url,
- "popup",
- options
- );
- if (node)
- {
- try
- {
- node.focus();
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- alert("Firebug Error: Firebug popup was blocked.");
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- alert("Firebug Error: Firebug popup was blocked.");
- return;
- }
- }
- //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Inject the interface HTML if it is not using the local skin
- if (!useLocalSkin)
- {
- var tpl = getChromeTemplate(!isChromeFrame),
- doc = isChromeFrame ? node.contentWindow.document : node.document;
- doc.write(tpl);
- doc.close();
- }
- //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Wait the Window to be loaded
- var win,
- waitDelay = useLocalSkin ? isChromeFrame ? 200 : 300 : 100,
- waitForWindow = function()
- {
- if ( // Frame loaded... OR
- isChromeFrame && (win=node.contentWindow) &&
- node.contentWindow.document.getElementById("fbCommandLine") ||
- // Popup loaded
- !isChromeFrame && (win=node.window) && node.document &&
- node.document.getElementById("fbCommandLine") )
- {
- chrome.window = win.window;
- chrome.document = win.document;
- // Prevent getting the wrong chrome height in FF when opening a popup
- setTimeout(function(){
- onChromeLoad(chrome);
- }, useLocalSkin ? 200 : 0);
- }
- else
- setTimeout(waitForWindow, waitDelay);
- };
- waitForWindow();
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- var msg = e.message || e;
- if (/access/i.test(msg))
- {
- // Firebug Lite could not create a window for its Graphical User Interface due to
- // a access restriction. This happens in some pages, when loading via bookmarklet.
- // In such cases, the only way is to load the GUI in a "windowless mode".
- if (isChromeFrame)
- body.removeChild(node);
- else if(type == "popup")
- node.close();
- // Load the GUI in a "windowless mode"
- createChromeDiv();
- }
- else
- {
- alert("Firebug Error: Firebug GUI could not be created.");
- }
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var onChromeLoad = function onChromeLoad(chrome)
- = chrome;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("Chrome onChromeLoad", "chrome window loaded");
- if (Env.Options.enablePersistent)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro persist - make better chrome synchronization when in persistent mode
- Env.FirebugChrome = FirebugChrome;
- chrome.window.Firebug = chrome.window.Firebug || {};
- chrome.window.Firebug.SharedEnv = Env;
- if (Env.isDevelopmentMode)
- {
- Env.browser.window.FBDev.loadChromeApplication(chrome);
- }
- else
- {
- var doc = chrome.document;
- var script = doc.createElement("script");
- script.src = + "#remote,persist";
- doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (chrome.type == "frame" || chrome.type == "div")
- {
- // initialize the chrome application
- setTimeout(function(){
- FBL.Firebug.initialize();
- },0);
- }
- else if (chrome.type == "popup")
- {
- var oldChrome = FirebugChrome.chromeMap.frame;
- var newChrome = new Chrome(chrome);
- // TODO: xxxpedro sync detach reattach attach
- dispatch(newChrome.panelMap, "detach", [oldChrome, newChrome]);
- newChrome.reattach(oldChrome, newChrome);
- }
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var getChromeDivTemplate = function()
- return FirebugChrome.Skin.HTML;
-var getChromeTemplate = function(isPopup)
- var tpl = FirebugChrome.Skin;
- var r = [], i = -1;
- r[++i] = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">';
- r[++i] = '<html><head><title>';
- r[++i] = Firebug.version;
- /*
- r[++i] = '</title><link href="';
- r[++i] = Env.Location.skinDir + 'firebug.css';
- r[++i] = '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />';
- /**/
- r[++i] = '</title><style>html,body{margin:0;padding:0;overflow:hidden;}';
- r[++i] = tpl.CSS;
- r[++i] = '</style>';
- /**/
- r[++i] = '</head><body class="fbBody' + (isPopup ? ' FirebugPopup' : '') + '">';
- r[++i] = tpl.HTML;
- r[++i] = '</body></html>';
- return r.join("");
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Chrome Class
-var Chrome = function Chrome(chrome)
- var type = chrome.type;
- var Base = type == "frame" || type == "div" ? ChromeFrameBase : ChromePopupBase;
- append(this, Base); // inherit from base class (ChromeFrameBase or ChromePopupBase)
- append(this, chrome); // inherit chrome window properties
- append(this, new Context(chrome.window)); // inherit from Context class
- FirebugChrome.chromeMap[type] = this;
- = this;
- = chrome.window;
- this.commandLineVisible = false;
- this.sidePanelVisible = false;
- this.create();
- return this;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ChromeBase
- * @namespace
- * @extends FBL.Controller
- * @extends FBL.PanelBar
- **/
-var ChromeBase = {};
-append(ChromeBase, Controller);
-append(ChromeBase, PanelBar);
-/**@extend ns-chrome-ChromeBase*/
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // inherited properties
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // inherited from createChrome function
- node: null,
- type: null,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // inherited from Context.prototype
- document: null,
- window: null,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // value properties
- sidePanelVisible: false,
- commandLineVisible: false,
- largeCommandLineVisible: false,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // object properties
- inspectButton: null,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- create: function()
- {
- if (Firebug.Inspector)
- this.inspectButton = new Button({
- type: "toggle",
- element: $("fbChrome_btInspect"),
- owner: Firebug.Inspector,
- onPress: Firebug.Inspector.startInspecting,
- onUnpress: Firebug.Inspector.stopInspecting
- });
- },
- destroy: function()
- {
- if(Firebug.Inspector)
- this.inspectButton.destroy();
- this.shutdown();
- },
- testMenu: function()
- {
- var firebugMenu = new Menu(
- {
- id: "fbFirebugMenu",
- items:
- [
- {
- label: "Open Firebug",
- type: "shortcut",
- key: isFirefox ? "Shift+F12" : "F12",
- checked: true,
- command: "toggleChrome"
- },
- {
- label: "Open Firebug in New Window",
- type: "shortcut",
- key: isFirefox ? "Ctrl+Shift+F12" : "Ctrl+F12",
- command: "openPopup"
- },
- {
- label: "Inspect Element",
- type: "shortcut",
- key: "Ctrl+Shift+C",
- command: "toggleInspect"
- },
- {
- label: "Command Line",
- type: "shortcut",
- key: "Ctrl+Shift+L",
- command: "focusCommandLine"
- },
- "-",
- {
- label: "Options",
- type: "group",
- child: "fbFirebugOptionsMenu"
- },
- "-",
- {
- label: "Firebug Lite Website...",
- command: "visitWebsite"
- },
- {
- label: "Discussion Group...",
- command: "visitDiscussionGroup"
- },
- {
- label: "Issue Tracker...",
- command: "visitIssueTracker"
- }
- ],
- onHide: function()
- {
- iconButton.restore();
- },
- toggleChrome: function()
- {
- },
- openPopup: function()
- {
-, true);
- },
- toggleInspect: function()
- {
- Firebug.Inspector.toggleInspect();
- },
- focusCommandLine: function()
- {
- },
- visitWebsite: function()
- {
- this.visit("");
- },
- visitDiscussionGroup: function()
- {
- this.visit("");
- },
- visitIssueTracker: function()
- {
- this.visit("");
- },
- visit: function(url)
- {
- }
- });
- /**@private*/
- var firebugOptionsMenu =
- {
- id: "fbFirebugOptionsMenu",
- getItems: function()
- {
- var cookiesDisabled = !Firebug.saveCookies;
- return [
- {
- label: "Start Opened",
- type: "checkbox",
- value: "startOpened",
- checked: Firebug.startOpened,
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- },
- {
- label: "Start in New Window",
- type: "checkbox",
- value: "startInNewWindow",
- checked: Firebug.startInNewWindow,
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- },
- {
- label: "Show Icon When Hidden",
- type: "checkbox",
- value: "showIconWhenHidden",
- checked: Firebug.showIconWhenHidden,
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- },
- {
- label: "Override Console Object",
- type: "checkbox",
- value: "overrideConsole",
- checked: Firebug.overrideConsole,
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- },
- {
- label: "Ignore Firebug Elements",
- type: "checkbox",
- value: "ignoreFirebugElements",
- checked: Firebug.ignoreFirebugElements,
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- },
- {
- label: "Disable When Firebug Active",
- type: "checkbox",
- value: "disableWhenFirebugActive",
- checked: Firebug.disableWhenFirebugActive,
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- },
- {
- label: "Disable XHR Listener",
- type: "checkbox",
- value: "disableXHRListener",
- checked: Firebug.disableXHRListener,
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- },
- {
- label: "Disable Resource Fetching",
- type: "checkbox",
- value: "disableResourceFetching",
- checked: Firebug.disableResourceFetching,
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- },
- {
- label: "Enable Trace Mode",
- type: "checkbox",
- value: "enableTrace",
- checked: Firebug.enableTrace,
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- },
- {
- label: "Enable Persistent Mode (experimental)",
- type: "checkbox",
- value: "enablePersistent",
- checked: Firebug.enablePersistent,
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- },
- "-",
- {
- label: "Reset All Firebug Options",
- command: "restorePrefs",
- disabled: cookiesDisabled
- }
- ];
- },
- onCheck: function(target, value, checked)
- {
- Firebug.setPref(value, checked);
- },
- restorePrefs: function(target)
- {
- Firebug.erasePrefs();
- if (target)
- this.updateMenu(target);
- },
- updateMenu: function(target)
- {
- var options = getElementsByClass(target.parentNode, "fbMenuOption");
- var firstOption = options[0];
- var enabled = Firebug.saveCookies;
- if (enabled)
- Menu.check(firstOption);
- else
- Menu.uncheck(firstOption);
- if (enabled)
- Menu.check(options[0]);
- else
- Menu.uncheck(options[0]);
- for (var i = 1, length = options.length; i < length; i++)
- {
- var option = options[i];
- var value = option.getAttribute("value");
- var pref = Firebug[value];
- if (pref)
- Menu.check(option);
- else
- Menu.uncheck(option);
- if (enabled)
- Menu.enable(option);
- else
- Menu.disable(option);
- }
- }
- };
- Menu.register(firebugOptionsMenu);
- var menu = firebugMenu;
- var testMenuClick = function(event)
- {
- //console.log("testMenuClick");
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- if (menu.isVisible)
- menu.hide();
- else
- {
- var offsetLeft = isIE6 ? 1 : -4, // IE6 problem with fixed position
- chrome =,
- box = chrome.getElementBox(target),
- offset = chrome.type == "div" ?
- chrome.getElementPosition(chrome.node) :
- {top: 0, left: 0};
- box.left + offsetLeft - offset.left,
- + box.height -5 -
- );
- }
- return false;
- };
- var iconButton = new IconButton({
- type: "toggle",
- element: $("fbFirebugButton"),
- onClick: testMenuClick
- });
- iconButton.initialize();
- //addEvent($("fbToolbarIcon"), "click", testMenuClick);
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- if (Env.bookmarkletOutdated)
- Firebug.Console.logFormatted([
- "A new bookmarklet version is available. " +
- "Please visit and update it."
- ], Firebug.context, "warn");
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- if (Firebug.Console)
- Firebug.Console.flush();
- if (Firebug.Trace)
- FBTrace.flush(Firebug.Trace);
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("", "initializing chrome application");
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // initialize inherited classes
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // create the interface elements cache
- fbTop = $("fbTop");
- fbContent = $("fbContent");
- fbContentStyle =;
- fbBottom = $("fbBottom");
- fbBtnInspect = $("fbBtnInspect");
- fbToolbar = $("fbToolbar");
- fbPanelBox1 = $("fbPanelBox1");
- fbPanelBox1Style =;
- fbPanelBox2 = $("fbPanelBox2");
- fbPanelBox2Style =;
- fbPanelBar2Box = $("fbPanelBar2Box");
- fbPanelBar2BoxStyle =;
- fbHSplitter = $("fbHSplitter");
- fbVSplitter = $("fbVSplitter");
- fbVSplitterStyle =;
- fbPanel1 = $("fbPanel1");
- fbPanel1Style =;
- fbPanel2 = $("fbPanel2");
- fbPanel2Style =;
- fbConsole = $("fbConsole");
- fbConsoleStyle =;
- fbHTML = $("fbHTML");
- fbCommandLine = $("fbCommandLine");
- fbLargeCommandLine = $("fbLargeCommandLine");
- fbLargeCommandButtons = $("fbLargeCommandButtons");
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // static values cache
- topHeight = fbTop.offsetHeight;
- topPartialHeight = fbToolbar.offsetHeight;
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- disableTextSelection($("fbToolbar"));
- disableTextSelection($("fbPanelBarBox"));
- disableTextSelection($("fbPanelBar1"));
- disableTextSelection($("fbPanelBar2"));
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Add the "javascript:void(0)" href attributes used to make the hover effect in IE6
- if (isIE6 && Firebug.Selector)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro change to getElementsByClass
- var as = $$(".fbHover");
- for (var i=0, a; a=as[i]; i++)
- {
- a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0)");
- }
- }
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // initialize all panels
- /*
- var panelMap = Firebug.panelTypes;
- for (var i=0, p; p=panelMap[i]; i++)
- {
- if (!p.parentPanel)
- {
- this.addPanel(;
- }
- }
- /**/
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- if(Firebug.Inspector)
- this.inspectButton.initialize();
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- this.addController(
- [$("fbLargeCommandLineIcon"), "click", this.showLargeCommandLine]
- );
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // Select the first registered panel
- // TODO: BUG IE7
- var self = this;
- setTimeout(function(){
- self.selectPanel(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedPanelName);
- if (Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedPanelName == "Console" && Firebug.CommandLine)
- },0);
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- //this.draw();
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- var onPanelMouseDown = function onPanelMouseDown(event)
- {
- //console.log("onPanelMouseDown", || event.srcElement, event);
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- if (FBL.isLeftClick(event))
- {
- var editable = FBL.getAncestorByClass(target, "editable");
- // if an editable element has been clicked then start editing
- if (editable)
- {
- Firebug.Editor.startEditing(editable);
- FBL.cancelEvent(event);
- }
- // if any other element has been clicked then stop editing
- else
- {
- if (!hasClass(target, "textEditorInner"))
- Firebug.Editor.stopEditing();
- }
- }
- else if (FBL.isMiddleClick(event) && Firebug.getRepNode(target))
- {
- // Prevent auto-scroll when middle-clicking a rep object
- FBL.cancelEvent(event);
- }
- };
- Firebug.getElementPanel = function(element)
- {
- var panelNode = getAncestorByClass(element, "fbPanel");
- var id =;
- var panel =[id];
- if (!panel)
- {
- if (
- panel =[id];
- }
- return panel;
- };
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // TODO: xxxpedro port to Firebug
- // Improved window key code event listener. Only one "keydown" event will be attached
- // to the window, and the onKeyCodeListen() function will delegate which listeners
- // should be called according to the event.keyCode fired.
- var onKeyCodeListenersMap = [];
- var onKeyCodeListen = function(event)
- {
- for (var keyCode in onKeyCodeListenersMap)
- {
- var listeners = onKeyCodeListenersMap[keyCode];
- for (var i = 0, listener; listener = listeners[i]; i++)
- {
- var filter = listener.filter || FBL.noKeyModifiers;
- if (event.keyCode == keyCode && (!filter || filter(event)))
- {
- listener.listener();
- FBL.cancelEvent(event, true);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- addEvent(, "keydown", onKeyCodeListen);
- /**
- * @name keyCodeListen
- * @memberOf FBL.FirebugChrome
- */
- = function(key, filter, listener, capture)
- {
- var keyCode = KeyEvent["DOM_VK_"+key];
- if (!onKeyCodeListenersMap[keyCode])
- onKeyCodeListenersMap[keyCode] = [];
- onKeyCodeListenersMap[keyCode].push({
- filter: filter,
- listener: listener
- });
- return keyCode;
- };
- /**
- * @name keyIgnore
- * @memberOf FBL.FirebugChrome
- */
- = function(keyCode)
- {
- onKeyCodeListenersMap[keyCode] = null;
- delete onKeyCodeListenersMap[keyCode];
- };
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- /**/
- // move to shutdown
- //removeEvent(, "keydown", listener[0]);
- /*
- = function(key, filter, listener, capture)
- {
- if (!filter)
- filter = FBL.noKeyModifiers;
- var keyCode = KeyEvent["DOM_VK_"+key];
- var fn = function fn(event)
- {
- if (event.keyCode == keyCode && (!filter || filter(event)))
- {
- listener();
- FBL.cancelEvent(event, true);
- return false;
- }
- }
- addEvent(, "keydown", fn);
- return [fn, capture];
- };
- = function(listener)
- {
- removeEvent(, "keydown", listener[0]);
- };
- /**/
- this.addController(
- [fbPanel1, "mousedown", onPanelMouseDown],
- [fbPanel2, "mousedown", onPanelMouseDown]
- );
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // menus can be used without domplate
- if (FBL.domplate)
- this.testMenu();
- /**/
- //test XHR
- /*
- setTimeout(function(){
- FBL.Ajax.request({url: "../content/firebug/boot.js"});
- FBL.Ajax.request({url: "../content/firebug/boot.js.invalid"});
- },1000);
- /**/
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- if(Firebug.Inspector)
- this.inspectButton.shutdown();
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // ************************************************************************************************
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // remove disableTextSelection event handlers
- restoreTextSelection($("fbToolbar"));
- restoreTextSelection($("fbPanelBarBox"));
- restoreTextSelection($("fbPanelBar1"));
- restoreTextSelection($("fbPanelBar2"));
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // shutdown inherited classes
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Remove the interface elements cache (this must happen after calling
- // the shutdown method of all dependent components to avoid errors)
- fbTop = null;
- fbContent = null;
- fbContentStyle = null;
- fbBottom = null;
- fbBtnInspect = null;
- fbToolbar = null;
- fbPanelBox1 = null;
- fbPanelBox1Style = null;
- fbPanelBox2 = null;
- fbPanelBox2Style = null;
- fbPanelBar2Box = null;
- fbPanelBar2BoxStyle = null;
- fbHSplitter = null;
- fbVSplitter = null;
- fbVSplitterStyle = null;
- fbPanel1 = null;
- fbPanel1Style = null;
- fbPanel2 = null;
- fbConsole = null;
- fbConsoleStyle = null;
- fbHTML = null;
- fbCommandLine = null;
- fbLargeCommandLine = null;
- fbLargeCommandButtons = null;
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // static values cache
- topHeight = null;
- topPartialHeight = null;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- toggle: function(forceOpen, popup)
- {
- if(popup)
- {
- this.detach();
- }
- else
- {
- if (isOpera && == "popup" &&
- {
- var frame = FirebugChrome.chromeMap.frame;
- frame.reattach();
- FirebugChrome.chromeMap.popup = null;
- return;
- }
- // If the context is a popup, ignores the toggle process
- if ( == "popup") return;
- var shouldOpen = forceOpen || !Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen;
- if(shouldOpen)
- else
- this.close();
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- detach: function()
- {
- if(!FirebugChrome.chromeMap.popup)
- {
- this.close();
- createChromeWindow({type: "popup"});
- }
- },
- reattach: function(oldChrome, newChrome)
- {
- Firebug.browser.window.Firebug = Firebug;
- // chrome synchronization
- var newPanelMap = newChrome.panelMap;
- var oldPanelMap = oldChrome.panelMap;
- var panel;
- for(var name in newPanelMap)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro innerHTML
- panel = newPanelMap[name];
- if (panel.options.innerHTMLSync)
- panel.panelNode.innerHTML = oldPanelMap[name].panelNode.innerHTML;
- }
- = newChrome;
- // TODO: xxxpedro sync detach reattach attach
- //dispatch(, "detach", [oldChrome, newChrome]);
- if (newChrome.type == "popup")
- {
- newChrome.initialize();
- //dispatch(Firebug.modules, "initialize", []);
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro only needed in persistent
- // should use FirebugChrome.clone, but popup FBChrome
- // isn't acessible
- Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedPanelName =;
- }
- dispatch(newPanelMap, "reattach", [oldChrome, newChrome]);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- draw: function()
- {
- var size = this.getSize();
- // Height related values
- var commandLineHeight = ? fbCommandLine.offsetHeight : 0,
- y = Math.max(size.height /* chrome height */, topHeight),
- heightValue = Math.max(y - topHeight - commandLineHeight /* fixed height */, 0),
- height = heightValue + "px",
- // Width related values
- sideWidthValue = ? Firebug.context.persistedState.sidePanelWidth : 0,
- width = Math.max(size.width /* chrome width */ - sideWidthValue, 0) + "px";
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Height related rendering
- fbPanelBox1Style.height = height;
- fbPanel1Style.height = height;
- if (isIE || isOpera)
- {
- // Fix IE and Opera problems with auto resizing the verticall splitter
- fbVSplitterStyle.height = Math.max(y - topPartialHeight - commandLineHeight, 0) + "px";
- }
- //xxxpedro FF2 only?
- /*
- else if (isFirefox)
- {
- // Fix Firefox problem with table rows with 100% height (fit height)
- fbContentStyle.maxHeight = Math.max(y - fixedHeight, 0)+ "px";
- }/**/
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Width related rendering
- fbPanelBox1Style.width = width;
- fbPanel1Style.width = width;
- // SidePanel rendering
- if (
- {
- sideWidthValue = Math.max(sideWidthValue - 6, 0);
- var sideWidth = sideWidthValue + "px";
- fbPanelBox2Style.width = sideWidth;
- fbVSplitterStyle.right = sideWidth;
- if (
- {
- fbLargeCommandLine = $("fbLargeCommandLine");
- = heightValue - 4 + "px";
- = sideWidthValue - 2 + "px";
- fbLargeCommandButtons = $("fbLargeCommandButtons");
- = sideWidth;
- }
- else
- {
- fbPanel2Style.height = height;
- fbPanel2Style.width = sideWidth;
- fbPanelBar2BoxStyle.width = sideWidth;
- }
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- getSize: function()
- {
- return this.type == "div" ?
- {
- height: this.node.offsetHeight,
- width: this.node.offsetWidth
- }
- :
- this.getWindowSize();
- },
- resize: function()
- {
- var self = this;
- // avoid partial resize when maximizing window
- setTimeout(function(){
- self.draw();
- if (noFixedPosition && (self.type == "frame" || self.type == "div"))
- self.fixIEPosition();
- }, 0);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- layout: function(panel)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CHROME) FBTrace.sysout("Chrome.layout", "");
- var options = panel.options;
- changeCommandLineVisibility(options.hasCommandLine);
- changeSidePanelVisibility(panel.hasSidePanel);
- },
- showLargeCommandLine: function(hideToggleIcon)
- {
- var chrome =;
- if (!chrome.largeCommandLineVisible)
- {
- chrome.largeCommandLineVisible = true;
- if (chrome.selectedPanel.options.hasCommandLine)
- {
- if (Firebug.CommandLine)
- Firebug.CommandLine.blur();
- changeCommandLineVisibility(false);
- }
- changeSidePanelVisibility(true);
- = "block";
- = "block";
- fbPanel2Style.display = "none";
- fbPanelBar2BoxStyle.display = "none";
- chrome.draw();
- fbLargeCommandLine.focus();
- if (Firebug.CommandLine)
- Firebug.CommandLine.setMultiLine(true);
- }
- },
- hideLargeCommandLine: function()
- {
- if (
- {
- = false;
- if (Firebug.CommandLine)
- Firebug.CommandLine.setMultiLine(false);
- fbLargeCommandLine.blur();
- fbPanel2Style.display = "block";
- fbPanelBar2BoxStyle.display = "block";
- = "none";
- = "none";
- changeSidePanelVisibility(false);
- if (
- changeCommandLineVisibility(true);
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- focusCommandLine: function()
- {
- var selectedPanelName =, panelToSelect;
- if (focusCommandLineState == 0 || selectedPanelName != "Console")
- {
- focusCommandLineState = 0;
- lastFocusedPanelName = selectedPanelName;
- panelToSelect = "Console";
- }
- if (focusCommandLineState == 1)
- {
- panelToSelect = lastFocusedPanelName;
- }
- this.selectPanel(panelToSelect);
- try
- {
- if (Firebug.CommandLine)
- {
- if (panelToSelect == "Console")
- Firebug.CommandLine.focus();
- else
- Firebug.CommandLine.blur();
- }
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- //TODO: xxxpedro trace error
- }
- focusCommandLineState = ++focusCommandLineState % 2;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ChromeFrameBase
- * @namespace
- * @extends ns-chrome-ChromeBase
- */
-var ChromeFrameBase = extend(ChromeBase,
-/**@extend ns-chrome-ChromeFrameBase*/
- create: function()
- {
- // restore display for the anti-flicker trick
- if (isFirefox)
- = "block";
- if (Env.Options.startInNewWindow)
- {
- this.close();
- this.toggle(true, true);
- return;
- }
- if (Env.Options.startOpened)
- else
- this.close();
- },
- destroy: function()
- {
- var size =;
- Firebug.context.persistedState.height = size.height;
- if (Firebug.saveCookies)
- Firebug.savePrefs();
- removeGlobalEvent("keydown", onGlobalKeyDown);
- this.document = null;
- delete this.document;
- this.window = null;
- delete this.window;
- this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node);
- this.node = null;
- delete this.node;
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- //FBTrace.sysout("Frame", "initialize();")
- this.addController(
- [Firebug.browser.window, "resize", this.resize],
- [$("fbWindow_btClose"), "click", this.close],
- [$("fbWindow_btDetach"), "click", this.detach],
- [$("fbWindow_btDeactivate"), "click", this.deactivate]
- );
- if (!Env.Options.enablePersistent)
- this.addController([Firebug.browser.window, "unload", Firebug.shutdown]);
- if (noFixedPosition)
- {
- this.addController(
- [Firebug.browser.window, "scroll", this.fixIEPosition]
- );
- }
- fbVSplitter.onmousedown = onVSplitterMouseDown;
- fbHSplitter.onmousedown = onHSplitterMouseDown;
- this.isInitialized = true;
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- fbVSplitter.onmousedown = null;
- fbHSplitter.onmousedown = null;
- ChromeBase.shutdown.apply(this);
- this.isInitialized = false;
- },
- reattach: function()
- {
- var frame = FirebugChrome.chromeMap.frame;
- ChromeBase.reattach(FirebugChrome.chromeMap.popup, this);
- },
- open: function()
- {
- if (!Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen)
- {
- Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen = true;
- if (Env.isChromeExtension)
- localStorage.setItem("Firebug", "1,1");
- var node = this.node;
- = "hidden"; // Avoid flickering
- if (Firebug.showIconWhenHidden)
- {
- if (ChromeMini.isInitialized)
- {
- ChromeMini.shutdown();
- }
- }
- else
- = "block";
- var main = $("fbChrome");
- // IE6 throws an error when setting this property! why?
- // = "table";
- = "";
- var self = this;
- /// TODO: xxxpedro FOUC
- = "visible";
- setTimeout(function(){
- /// = "visible";
- //dispatch(Firebug.modules, "initialize", []);
- self.initialize();
- if (noFixedPosition)
- self.fixIEPosition();
- self.draw();
- }, 10);
- }
- },
- close: function()
- {
- if (Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen)
- {
- if (this.isInitialized)
- {
- //dispatch(Firebug.modules, "shutdown", []);
- this.shutdown();
- }
- Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen = false;
- if (Env.isChromeExtension)
- localStorage.setItem("Firebug", "1,0");
- var node = this.node;
- if (Firebug.showIconWhenHidden)
- {
- = "hidden"; // Avoid flickering
- // TODO: xxxpedro - persist IE fixed?
- var main = $("fbChrome", FirebugChrome.chromeMap.frame.document);
- = "none";
- ChromeMini.initialize();
- = "visible";
- }
- else
- = "none";
- }
- },
- deactivate: function()
- {
- // if it is running as a Chrome extension, dispatch a message to the extension signaling
- // that Firebug should be deactivated for the current tab
- if (Env.isChromeExtension)
- {
- localStorage.removeItem("Firebug");
- Firebug.GoogleChrome.dispatch("FB_deactivate");
- // xxxpedro problem here regarding Chrome extension. We can't deactivate the whole
- // app, otherwise it won't be able to be reactivated without reloading the page.
- // but we need to stop listening global keys, otherwise the key activation won't work.
- }
- else
- {
- Firebug.shutdown();
- }
- },
- fixIEPosition: function()
- {
- // fix IE problem with offset when not in fullscreen mode
- var doc = this.document;
- var offset = isIE ? doc.body.clientTop || doc.documentElement.clientTop: 0;
- var size = Firebug.browser.getWindowSize();
- var scroll = Firebug.browser.getWindowScrollPosition();
- var maxHeight = size.height;
- var height = this.node.offsetHeight;
- var bodyStyle = doc.body.currentStyle;
- = maxHeight - height + + "px";
- if ((this.type == "frame" || this.type == "div") &&
- (bodyStyle.marginLeft || bodyStyle.marginRight))
- {
- = size.width + "px";
- }
- if (fbVSplitterStyle)
- fbVSplitterStyle.right = Firebug.context.persistedState.sidePanelWidth + "px";
- this.draw();
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ChromeMini
- * @namespace
- * @extends FBL.Controller
- */
-var ChromeMini = extend(Controller,
-/**@extend ns-chrome-ChromeMini*/
- create: function(chrome)
- {
- append(this, chrome);
- this.type = "mini";
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- Controller.initialize.apply(this);
- var doc = FirebugChrome.chromeMap.frame.document;
- var mini = $("fbMiniChrome", doc);
- = "block";
- var miniIcon = $("fbMiniIcon", doc);
- var width = miniIcon.offsetWidth + 10;
- miniIcon.title = "Open " + Firebug.version;
- var errors = $("fbMiniErrors", doc);
- if (errors.offsetWidth)
- width += errors.offsetWidth + 10;
- var node = this.node;
- = "27px";
- = width + "px";
- = "";
- = 0;
- if (this.node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "iframe")
- {
- node.setAttribute("allowTransparency", "true");
- = "transparent";
- }
- else
- = "transparent";
- if (noFixedPosition)
- this.fixIEPosition();
- this.addController(
- [$("fbMiniIcon", doc), "click", onMiniIconClick]
- );
- if (noFixedPosition)
- {
- this.addController(
- [Firebug.browser.window, "scroll", this.fixIEPosition]
- );
- }
- this.isInitialized = true;
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- var node = this.node;
- = Firebug.context.persistedState.height + "px";
- = "100%";
- = 0;
- = "";
- if (this.node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "iframe")
- {
- node.setAttribute("allowTransparency", "false");
- = "#fff";
- }
- else
- = "#fff";
- if (noFixedPosition)
- this.fixIEPosition();
- var doc = FirebugChrome.chromeMap.frame.document;
- var mini = $("fbMiniChrome", doc);
- = "none";
- Controller.shutdown.apply(this);
- this.isInitialized = false;
- },
- draw: function()
- {
- },
- fixIEPosition: ChromeFrameBase.fixIEPosition
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ChromePopupBase
- * @namespace
- * @extends ns-chrome-ChromeBase
- */
-var ChromePopupBase = extend(ChromeBase,
-/**@extend ns-chrome-ChromePopupBase*/
- initialize: function()
- {
- setClass(this.document.body, "FirebugPopup");
- this.addController(
- [, "resize", this.resize],
- [, "unload", this.destroy]
- //[, "beforeunload", this.destroy]
- );
- if (Env.Options.enablePersistent)
- {
- this.persist = bind(this.persist, this);
- addEvent(Firebug.browser.window, "unload", this.persist);
- }
- else
- this.addController(
- [Firebug.browser.window, "unload", this.close]
- );
- fbVSplitter.onmousedown = onVSplitterMouseDown;
- },
- destroy: function()
- {
- var chromeWin =;
- var left = chromeWin.screenX || chromeWin.screenLeft;
- var top = chromeWin.screenY || chromeWin.screenTop;
- var size =;
- Firebug.context.persistedState.popupTop = top;
- Firebug.context.persistedState.popupLeft = left;
- Firebug.context.persistedState.popupWidth = size.width;
- Firebug.context.persistedState.popupHeight = size.height;
- if (Firebug.saveCookies)
- Firebug.savePrefs();
- // TODO: xxxpedro sync detach reattach attach
- var frame = FirebugChrome.chromeMap.frame;
- if(frame)
- {
- dispatch(frame.panelMap, "detach", [this, frame]);
- frame.reattach(this, frame);
- }
- if (Env.Options.enablePersistent)
- {
- removeEvent(Firebug.browser.window, "unload", this.persist);
- }
- ChromeBase.destroy.apply(this);
- FirebugChrome.chromeMap.popup = null;
- this.node.close();
- },
- persist: function()
- {
- persistTimeStart = new Date().getTime();
- removeEvent(Firebug.browser.window, "unload", this.persist);
- Firebug.Inspector.destroy();
- Firebug.browser.window.FirebugOldBrowser = true;
- var persistTimeStart = new Date().getTime();
- var waitMainWindow = function()
- {
- var doc, head;
- try
- {
- if (window.opener && !window.opener.FirebugOldBrowser && (doc = window.opener.document)/* &&
- doc.documentElement && (head = doc.documentElement.firstChild)*/)
- {
- try
- {
- // exposes the FBL to the global namespace when in debug mode
- if (Env.isDebugMode)
- {
- window.FBL = FBL;
- }
- window.Firebug = Firebug;
- window.opener.Firebug = Firebug;
- Env.browser = window.opener;
- Firebug.browser = Firebug.context = new Context(Env.browser);
- Firebug.loadPrefs();
- registerConsole();
- // the delay time should be calculated right after registering the
- // console, once right after the console registration, call log messages
- // will be properly handled
- var persistDelay = new Date().getTime() - persistTimeStart;
- var chrome =;
- addEvent(Firebug.browser.window, "unload", chrome.persist);
- FBL.cacheDocument();
- Firebug.Inspector.create();
- Firebug.Console.logFormatted(
- ["Firebug could not capture console calls during " +
- persistDelay + "ms"],
- Firebug.context,
- "info"
- );
- setTimeout(function(){
- var htmlPanel = chrome.getPanel("HTML");
- htmlPanel.createUI();
- },50);
- }
- catch(pE)
- {
- alert("persist error: " + (pE.message || pE));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- window.setTimeout(waitMainWindow, 0);
- }
- } catch (E) {
- window.close();
- }
- };
- waitMainWindow();
- },
- close: function()
- {
- this.destroy();
- }
-// UI helpers
-var changeCommandLineVisibility = function changeCommandLineVisibility(visibility)
- var last =;
- var visible = =
- typeof visibility == "boolean" ? visibility : !;
- if (visible != last)
- {
- if (visible)
- {
- fbBottom.className = "";
- if (Firebug.CommandLine)
- Firebug.CommandLine.activate();
- }
- else
- {
- if (Firebug.CommandLine)
- Firebug.CommandLine.deactivate();
- fbBottom.className = "hide";
- }
- }
-var changeSidePanelVisibility = function changeSidePanelVisibility(visibility)
- var last =;
- =
- typeof visibility == "boolean" ? visibility : !;
- if ( != last)
- {
- fbPanelBox2.className = ? "" : "hide";
- fbPanelBar2Box.className = ? "" : "hide";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// F12 Handler
-var onGlobalKeyDown = function onGlobalKeyDown(event)
- var keyCode = event.keyCode;
- var shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
- var ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
- if (keyCode == 123 /* F12 */ && (!isFirefox && !shiftKey || shiftKey && isFirefox))
- {
-, ctrlKey);
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- // TODO: xxxpedro replace with a better solution. we're doing this
- // to allow reactivating with the F12 key after being deactivated
- if (Env.isChromeExtension)
- {
- Firebug.GoogleChrome.dispatch("FB_enableIcon");
- }
- }
- else if (keyCode == 67 /* C */ && ctrlKey && shiftKey)
- {
- Firebug.Inspector.toggleInspect();
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- }
- else if (keyCode == 76 /* L */ && ctrlKey && shiftKey)
- {
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- }
-var onMiniIconClick = function onMiniIconClick(event)
-, event.ctrlKey);
- cancelEvent(event, true);
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Horizontal Splitter Handling
-var onHSplitterMouseDown = function onHSplitterMouseDown(event)
- addGlobalEvent("mousemove", onHSplitterMouseMove);
- addGlobalEvent("mouseup", onHSplitterMouseUp);
- if (isIE)
- addEvent(Firebug.browser.document.documentElement, "mouseleave", onHSplitterMouseUp);
- fbHSplitter.className = "fbOnMovingHSplitter";
- return false;
-var onHSplitterMouseMove = function onHSplitterMouseMove(event)
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- var clientY = event.clientY;
- var win = isIE
- ? event.srcElement.ownerDocument.parentWindow
- : || &&;
- if (!win)
- return;
- if (win != win.parent)
- {
- var frameElement = win.frameElement;
- if (frameElement)
- {
- var framePos = Firebug.browser.getElementPosition(frameElement).top;
- clientY += framePos;
- if ( != "fixed")
- clientY -= Firebug.browser.getWindowScrollPosition().top;
- }
- }
- if (isOpera && isQuiksMode && == "FirebugUI")
- {
- clientY = Firebug.browser.getWindowSize().height - win.frameElement.offsetHeight + clientY;
- }
- /*
- console.log(
- typeof win.FBL != "undefined" ? "no-Chrome" : "Chrome",
- //,
- clientY
- );/**/
- onHSplitterMouseMoveBuffer = clientY; // buffer
- if (new Date().getTime() - lastHSplitterMouseMove > chromeRedrawSkipRate) // frame skipping
- {
- lastHSplitterMouseMove = new Date().getTime();
- handleHSplitterMouseMove();
- }
- else
- if (!onHSplitterMouseMoveTimer)
- onHSplitterMouseMoveTimer = setTimeout(handleHSplitterMouseMove, chromeRedrawSkipRate);
- // improving the resizing performance by canceling the mouse event.
- // canceling events will prevent the page to receive such events, which would imply
- // in more processing being expended.
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- return false;
-var handleHSplitterMouseMove = function()
- if (onHSplitterMouseMoveTimer)
- {
- clearTimeout(onHSplitterMouseMoveTimer);
- onHSplitterMouseMoveTimer = null;
- }
- var clientY = onHSplitterMouseMoveBuffer;
- var windowSize = Firebug.browser.getWindowSize();
- var scrollSize = Firebug.browser.getWindowScrollSize();
- // compute chrome fixed size (top bar and command line)
- var commandLineHeight = ? fbCommandLine.offsetHeight : 0;
- var fixedHeight = topHeight + commandLineHeight;
- var chromeNode =;
- var scrollbarSize = !isIE && (scrollSize.width > windowSize.width) ? 17 : 0;
- //var height = !isOpera ? chromeNode.offsetTop + chromeNode.clientHeight : windowSize.height;
- var height = windowSize.height;
- // compute the min and max size of the chrome
- var chromeHeight = Math.max(height - clientY + 5 - scrollbarSize, fixedHeight);
- chromeHeight = Math.min(chromeHeight, windowSize.height - scrollbarSize);
- Firebug.context.persistedState.height = chromeHeight;
- = chromeHeight + "px";
- if (noFixedPosition)
-var onHSplitterMouseUp = function onHSplitterMouseUp(event)
- removeGlobalEvent("mousemove", onHSplitterMouseMove);
- removeGlobalEvent("mouseup", onHSplitterMouseUp);
- if (isIE)
- removeEvent(Firebug.browser.document.documentElement, "mouseleave", onHSplitterMouseUp);
- fbHSplitter.className = "";
- // avoid text selection in IE when returning to the document
- // after the mouse leaves the document during the resizing
- return false;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Vertical Splitter Handling
-var onVSplitterMouseDown = function onVSplitterMouseDown(event)
- addGlobalEvent("mousemove", onVSplitterMouseMove);
- addGlobalEvent("mouseup", onVSplitterMouseUp);
- return false;
-var onVSplitterMouseMove = function onVSplitterMouseMove(event)
- if (new Date().getTime() - lastVSplitterMouseMove > chromeRedrawSkipRate) // frame skipping
- {
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- if (target && target.ownerDocument) // avoid error when cursor reaches out of the chrome
- {
- var clientX = event.clientX;
- var win = document.all
- ? event.srcElement.ownerDocument.parentWindow
- :;
- if (win != win.parent)
- clientX += win.frameElement ? win.frameElement.offsetLeft : 0;
- var size =;
- var x = Math.max(size.width - clientX + 3, 6);
- Firebug.context.persistedState.sidePanelWidth = x;
- }
- lastVSplitterMouseMove = new Date().getTime();
- }
- cancelEvent(event, true);
- return false;
-var onVSplitterMouseUp = function onVSplitterMouseUp(event)
- removeGlobalEvent("mousemove", onVSplitterMouseMove);
- removeGlobalEvent("mouseup", onVSplitterMouseUp);
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.Lite =
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.Lite.Cache =
- ID: "firebug-" + new Date().getTime()
-// ************************************************************************************************
- * TODO: if a cached element is cloned, the expando property will be cloned too in IE
- * which will result in a bug. Firebug Lite will think the new cloned node is the old
- * one.
- *
- * TODO: Investigate a possibility of cache validation, to be customized by each
- * kind of cache. For ElementCache it should validate if the element still is
- * inserted at the DOM.
- */
-var cacheUID = 0;
-var createCache = function()
- var map = {};
- var data = {};
- var CID = Firebug.Lite.Cache.ID;
- // better detection
- var supportsDeleteExpando = !document.all;
- var cacheFunction = function(element)
- {
- return cacheAPI.set(element);
- };
- var cacheAPI =
- {
- get: function(key)
- {
- return map.hasOwnProperty(key) ?
- map[key] :
- null;
- },
- set: function(element)
- {
- var id = getValidatedKey(element);
- if (!id)
- {
- id = ++cacheUID;
- element[CID] = id;
- }
- if (!map.hasOwnProperty(id))
- {
- map[id] = element;
- data[id] = {};
- }
- return id;
- },
- unset: function(element)
- {
- var id = getValidatedKey(element);
- if (!id) return;
- if (supportsDeleteExpando)
- {
- delete element[CID];
- }
- else if (element.removeAttribute)
- {
- element.removeAttribute(CID);
- }
- delete map[id];
- delete data[id];
- },
- key: function(element)
- {
- return getValidatedKey(element);
- },
- has: function(element)
- {
- var id = getValidatedKey(element);
- return id && map.hasOwnProperty(id);
- },
- each: function(callback)
- {
- for (var key in map)
- {
- if (map.hasOwnProperty(key))
- {
- callback(key, map[key]);
- }
- }
- },
- data: function(element, name, value)
- {
- // set data
- if (value)
- {
- if (!name) return null;
- var id = cacheAPI.set(element);
- return data[id][name] = value;
- }
- // get data
- else
- {
- var id = cacheAPI.key(element);
- return data.hasOwnProperty(id) && data[id].hasOwnProperty(name) ?
- data[id][name] :
- null;
- }
- },
- clear: function()
- {
- for (var id in map)
- {
- var element = map[id];
- cacheAPI.unset(element);
- }
- }
- };
- var getValidatedKey = function(element)
- {
- var id = element[CID];
- // If a cached element is cloned in IE, the expando property CID will be also
- // cloned (differently than other browsers) resulting in a bug: Firebug Lite
- // will think the new cloned node is the old one. To prevent this problem we're
- // checking if the cached element matches the given element.
- if (
- !supportsDeleteExpando && // the problem happens when supportsDeleteExpando is false
- id && // the element has the expando property
- map.hasOwnProperty(id) && // there is a cached element with the same id
- map[id] != element // but it is a different element than the current one
- )
- {
- // remove the problematic property
- element.removeAttribute(CID);
- id = null;
- }
- return id;
- };
- FBL.append(cacheFunction, cacheAPI);
- return cacheFunction;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// TODO: xxxpedro : check if we need really this on FBL scope
-Firebug.Lite.Cache.StyleSheet = createCache();
-Firebug.Lite.Cache.Element = createCache();
-// TODO: xxxpedro
-Firebug.Lite.Cache.Event = createCache();
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var sourceMap = {};
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.Lite.Proxy =
- // jsonp callbacks
- _callbacks: {},
- /**
- * Load a resource, either locally (directly) or externally (via proxy) using
- * synchronous XHR calls. Loading external resources requires the proxy plugin to
- * be installed and configured (see /plugin/proxy/proxy.php).
- */
- load: function(url)
- {
- var resourceDomain = getDomain(url);
- var isLocalResource =
- // empty domain means local URL
- !resourceDomain ||
- // same domain means local too
- resourceDomain ==; // TODO: xxxpedro context
- return isLocalResource ? fetchResource(url) : fetchProxyResource(url);
- },
- /**
- * Load a resource using JSONP technique.
- */
- loadJSONP: function(url, callback)
- {
- var script = createGlobalElement("script"),
- doc = Firebug.context.document,
- uid = "" + new Date().getTime(),
- callbackName = "callback=Firebug.Lite.Proxy._callbacks." + uid,
- jsonpURL = url.indexOf("?") != -1 ?
- url + "&" + callbackName :
- url + "?" + callbackName;
- Firebug.Lite.Proxy._callbacks[uid] = function(data)
- {
- if (callback)
- callback(data);
- script.parentNode.removeChild(script);
- delete Firebug.Lite.Proxy._callbacks[uid];
- };
- script.src = jsonpURL;
- if (doc.documentElement)
- doc.documentElement.appendChild(script);
- },
- /**
- * Load a resource using YQL (not reliable).
- */
- YQL: function(url, callback)
- {
- var yql = "*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D%22" +
- encodeURIComponent(url) + "%22&format=xml";
- this.loadJSONP(yql, function(data)
- {
- var source = data.results[0];
- // clean up YQL bogus elements
- var match = /<body>\s+<p>([\s\S]+)<\/p>\s+<\/body>$/.exec(source);
- if (match)
- source = match[1];
- console.log(source);
- });
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.Lite.Proxy.fetchResourceDisabledMessage =
- "/* Firebug Lite resource fetching is disabled.\n" +
- "To enabled it set the Firebug Lite option \"disableResourceFetching\" to \"false\".\n" +
- "More info at */";
-var fetchResource = function(url)
- if (Firebug.disableResourceFetching)
- {
- var source = sourceMap[url] = Firebug.Lite.Proxy.fetchResourceDisabledMessage;
- return source;
- }
- if (sourceMap.hasOwnProperty(url))
- return sourceMap[url];
- // Getting the native XHR object so our calls won't be logged in the Console Panel
- var xhr = FBL.getNativeXHRObject();
-"get", url, false);
- xhr.send();
- var source = sourceMap[url] = xhr.responseText;
- return source;
-var fetchProxyResource = function(url)
- if (sourceMap.hasOwnProperty(url))
- return sourceMap[url];
- var proxyURL = Env.Location.baseDir + "plugin/proxy/proxy.php?url=" + encodeURIComponent(url);
- var response = fetchResource(proxyURL);
- try
- {
- var data = eval("(" + response + ")");
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- return "ERROR: Firebug Lite Proxy plugin returned an invalid response.";
- }
- var source = data ? data.contents : "";
- return source;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.Lite.Style =
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.Lite.Script = function(window)
- this.fileName = null;
- this.isValid = null;
- this.baseLineNumber = null;
- this.lineExtent = null;
- this.tag = null;
- this.functionName = null;
- this.functionSource = null;
-Firebug.Lite.Script.prototype =
- isLineExecutable: function(){},
- pcToLine: function(){},
- lineToPc: function(){},
- toString: function()
- {
- return "Firebug.Lite.Script";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.Lite.Browser = function(window)
- this.contentWindow = window;
- this.contentDocument = window.document;
- this.currentURI =
- {
- spec: window.location.href
- };
-Firebug.Lite.Browser.prototype =
- toString: function()
- {
- return "Firebug.Lite.Browser";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
- 2010-03-20
- Public Domain.
- See
- This code should be minified before deployment.
- See
- This file creates a global JSON object containing two methods: stringify
- and parse.
- JSON.stringify(value, replacer, space)
- value any JavaScript value, usually an object or array.
- replacer an optional parameter that determines how object
- values are stringified for objects. It can be a
- function or an array of strings.
- space an optional parameter that specifies the indentation
- of nested structures. If it is omitted, the text will
- be packed without extra whitespace. If it is a number,
- it will specify the number of spaces to indent at each
- level. If it is a string (such as '\t' or '&nbsp;'),
- it contains the characters used to indent at each level.
- This method produces a JSON text from a JavaScript value.
- When an object value is found, if the object contains a toJSON
- method, its toJSON method will be called and the result will be
- stringified. A toJSON method does not serialize: it returns the
- value represented by the name/value pair that should be serialized,
- or undefined if nothing should be serialized. The toJSON method
- will be passed the key associated with the value, and this will be
- bound to the value
- For example, this would serialize Dates as ISO strings.
- Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
- function f(n) {
- // Format integers to have at least two digits.
- return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
- }
- return this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
- f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
- f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
- f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
- f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
- f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z';
- };
- You can provide an optional replacer method. It will be passed the
- key and value of each member, with this bound to the containing
- object. The value that is returned from your method will be
- serialized. If your method returns undefined, then the member will
- be excluded from the serialization.
- If the replacer parameter is an array of strings, then it will be
- used to select the members to be serialized. It filters the results
- such that only members with keys listed in the replacer array are
- stringified.
- Values that do not have JSON representations, such as undefined or
- functions, will not be serialized. Such values in objects will be
- dropped; in arrays they will be replaced with null. You can use
- a replacer function to replace those with JSON values.
- JSON.stringify(undefined) returns undefined.
- The optional space parameter produces a stringification of the
- value that is filled with line breaks and indentation to make it
- easier to read.
- If the space parameter is a non-empty string, then that string will
- be used for indentation. If the space parameter is a number, then
- the indentation will be that many spaces.
- Example:
- text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}]);
- // text is '["e",{"pluribus":"unum"}]'
- text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}], null, '\t');
- // text is '[\n\t"e",\n\t{\n\t\t"pluribus": "unum"\n\t}\n]'
- text = JSON.stringify([new Date()], function (key, value) {
- return this[key] instanceof Date ?
- 'Date(' + this[key] + ')' : value;
- });
- // text is '["Date(---current time---)"]'
- JSON.parse(text, reviver)
- This method parses a JSON text to produce an object or array.
- It can throw a SyntaxError exception.
- The optional reviver parameter is a function that can filter and
- transform the results. It receives each of the keys and values,
- and its return value is used instead of the original value.
- If it returns what it received, then the structure is not modified.
- If it returns undefined then the member is deleted.
- Example:
- // Parse the text. Values that look like ISO date strings will
- // be converted to Date objects.
- myData = JSON.parse(text, function (key, value) {
- var a;
- if (typeof value === 'string') {
- a =
- if (a) {
- return new Date(Date.UTC(+a[1], +a[2] - 1, +a[3], +a[4],
- +a[5], +a[6]));
- }
- }
- return value;
- });
- myData = JSON.parse('["Date(09/09/2001)"]', function (key, value) {
- var d;
- if (typeof value === 'string' &&
- value.slice(0, 5) === 'Date(' &&
- value.slice(-1) === ')') {
- d = new Date(value.slice(5, -1));
- if (d) {
- return d;
- }
- }
- return value;
- });
- This is a reference implementation. You are free to copy, modify, or
- redistribute.
-/*jslint evil: true, strict: false */
-/*members "", "\b", "\t", "\n", "\f", "\r", "\"", JSON, "\\", apply,
- call, charCodeAt, getUTCDate, getUTCFullYear, getUTCHours,
- getUTCMinutes, getUTCMonth, getUTCSeconds, hasOwnProperty, join,
- lastIndex, length, parse, prototype, push, replace, slice, stringify,
- test, toJSON, toString, valueOf
-// Create a JSON object only if one does not already exist. We create the
-// methods in a closure to avoid creating global variables.
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var JSON = window.JSON || {};
-// ************************************************************************************************
-(function () {
- function f(n) {
- // Format integers to have at least two digits.
- return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
- }
- if (typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== 'function') {
- Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
- return isFinite(this.valueOf()) ?
- this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
- f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
- f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
- f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
- f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
- f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z' : null;
- };
- String.prototype.toJSON =
- Number.prototype.toJSON =
- Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
- return this.valueOf();
- };
- }
- var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
- escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
- gap,
- indent,
- meta = { // table of character substitutions
- '\b': '\\b',
- '\t': '\\t',
- '\n': '\\n',
- '\f': '\\f',
- '\r': '\\r',
- '"' : '\\"',
- '\\': '\\\\'
- },
- rep;
- function quote(string) {
-// If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no
-// backslash characters, then we can safely slap some quotes around it.
-// Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe escape
-// sequences.
- escapable.lastIndex = 0;
- return escapable.test(string) ?
- '"' + string.replace(escapable, function (a) {
- var c = meta[a];
- return typeof c === 'string' ? c :
- '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
- }) + '"' :
- '"' + string + '"';
- }
- function str(key, holder) {
-// Produce a string from holder[key].
- var i, // The loop counter.
- k, // The member key.
- v, // The member value.
- length,
- mind = gap,
- partial,
- value = holder[key];
-// If the value has a toJSON method, call it to obtain a replacement value.
- if (value && typeof value === 'object' &&
- typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
- value = value.toJSON(key);
- }
-// If we were called with a replacer function, then call the replacer to
-// obtain a replacement value.
- if (typeof rep === 'function') {
- value =, key, value);
- }
-// What happens next depends on the value's type.
- switch (typeof value) {
- case 'string':
- return quote(value);
- case 'number':
-// JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null.
- return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
- case 'boolean':
- case 'null':
-// If the value is a boolean or null, convert it to a string. Note:
-// typeof null does not produce 'null'. The case is included here in
-// the remote chance that this gets fixed someday.
- return String(value);
-// If the type is 'object', we might be dealing with an object or an array or
-// null.
- case 'object':
-// Due to a specification blunder in ECMAScript, typeof null is 'object',
-// so watch out for that case.
- if (!value) {
- return 'null';
- }
-// Make an array to hold the partial results of stringifying this object value.
- gap += indent;
- partial = [];
-// Is the value an array?
- if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') {
-// The value is an array. Stringify every element. Use null as a placeholder
-// for non-JSON values.
- length = value.length;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
- partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null';
- }
-// Join all of the elements together, separated with commas, and wrap them in
-// brackets.
- v = partial.length === 0 ? '[]' :
- gap ? '[\n' + gap +
- partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' +
- mind + ']' :
- '[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
- gap = mind;
- return v;
- }
-// If the replacer is an array, use it to select the members to be stringified.
- if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') {
- length = rep.length;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
- k = rep[i];
- if (typeof k === 'string') {
- v = str(k, value);
- if (v) {
- partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
-// Otherwise, iterate through all of the keys in the object.
- for (k in value) {
- if (, k)) {
- v = str(k, value);
- if (v) {
- partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// Join all of the member texts together, separated with commas,
-// and wrap them in braces.
- v = partial.length === 0 ? '{}' :
- gap ? '{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' +
- mind + '}' : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
- gap = mind;
- return v;
- }
- }
-// If the JSON object does not yet have a stringify method, give it one.
- if (typeof JSON.stringify !== 'function') {
- JSON.stringify = function (value, replacer, space) {
-// The stringify method takes a value and an optional replacer, and an optional
-// space parameter, and returns a JSON text. The replacer can be a function
-// that can replace values, or an array of strings that will select the keys.
-// A default replacer method can be provided. Use of the space parameter can
-// produce text that is more easily readable.
- var i;
- gap = '';
- indent = '';
-// If the space parameter is a number, make an indent string containing that
-// many spaces.
- if (typeof space === 'number') {
- for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) {
- indent += ' ';
- }
-// If the space parameter is a string, it will be used as the indent string.
- } else if (typeof space === 'string') {
- indent = space;
- }
-// If there is a replacer, it must be a function or an array.
-// Otherwise, throw an error.
- rep = replacer;
- if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' &&
- (typeof replacer !== 'object' ||
- typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) {
- throw new Error('JSON.stringify');
- }
-// Make a fake root object containing our value under the key of ''.
-// Return the result of stringifying the value.
- return str('', {'': value});
- };
- }
-// If the JSON object does not yet have a parse method, give it one.
- if (typeof JSON.parse !== 'function') {
- JSON.parse = function (text, reviver) {
-// The parse method takes a text and an optional reviver function, and returns
-// a JavaScript value if the text is a valid JSON text.
- var j;
- function walk(holder, key) {
-// The walk method is used to recursively walk the resulting structure so
-// that modifications can be made.
- var k, v, value = holder[key];
- if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
- for (k in value) {
- if (, k)) {
- v = walk(value, k);
- if (v !== undefined) {
- value[k] = v;
- } else {
- delete value[k];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return, key, value);
- }
-// Parsing happens in four stages. In the first stage, we replace certain
-// Unicode characters with escape sequences. JavaScript handles many characters
-// incorrectly, either silently deleting them, or treating them as line endings.
- text = String(text);
- cx.lastIndex = 0;
- if (cx.test(text)) {
- text = text.replace(cx, function (a) {
- return '\\u' +
- ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
- });
- }
-// In the second stage, we run the text against regular expressions that look
-// for non-JSON patterns. We are especially concerned with '()' and 'new'
-// because they can cause invocation, and '=' because it can cause mutation.
-// But just to be safe, we want to reject all unexpected forms.
-// We split the second stage into 4 regexp operations in order to work around
-// crippling inefficiencies in IE's and Safari's regexp engines. First we
-// replace the JSON backslash pairs with '@' (a non-JSON character). Second, we
-// replace all simple value tokens with ']' characters. Third, we delete all
-// open brackets that follow a colon or comma or that begin the text. Finally,
-// we look to see that the remaining characters are only whitespace or ']' or
-// ',' or ':' or '{' or '}'. If that is so, then the text is safe for eval.
- if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.
-test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@').
-replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']').
-replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {
-// In the third stage we use the eval function to compile the text into a
-// JavaScript structure. The '{' operator is subject to a syntactic ambiguity
-// in JavaScript: it can begin a block or an object literal. We wrap the text
-// in parens to eliminate the ambiguity.
- j = eval('(' + text + ')');
-// In the optional fourth stage, we recursively walk the new structure, passing
-// each name/value pair to a reviver function for possible transformation.
- return typeof reviver === 'function' ?
- walk({'': j}, '') : j;
- }
-// If the text is not JSON parseable, then a SyntaxError is thrown.
- throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');
- };
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// registration
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Marcus Westin
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-var store = (function(){
- var api = {},
- win = window,
- doc = win.document,
- localStorageName = 'localStorage',
- globalStorageName = 'globalStorage',
- namespace = '__firebug__storejs__',
- storage
- api.disabled = false
- api.set = function(key, value) {}
- api.get = function(key) {}
- api.remove = function(key) {}
- api.clear = function() {}
- api.transact = function(key, transactionFn) {
- var val = api.get(key)
- if (typeof val == 'undefined') { val = {} }
- transactionFn(val)
- api.set(key, val)
- }
- api.serialize = function(value) {
- return JSON.stringify(value)
- }
- api.deserialize = function(value) {
- if (typeof value != 'string') { return undefined }
- return JSON.parse(value)
- }
- // Functions to encapsulate questionable FireFox 3.6.13 behavior
- // when === false
- // See
- function isLocalStorageNameSupported() {
- try { return (localStorageName in win && win[localStorageName]) }
- catch(err) { return false }
- }
- function isGlobalStorageNameSupported() {
- try { return (globalStorageName in win && win[globalStorageName] && win[globalStorageName][win.location.hostname]) }
- catch(err) { return false }
- }
- if (isLocalStorageNameSupported()) {
- storage = win[localStorageName]
- api.set = function(key, val) { storage.setItem(key, api.serialize(val)) }
- api.get = function(key) { return api.deserialize(storage.getItem(key)) }
- api.remove = function(key) { storage.removeItem(key) }
- api.clear = function() { storage.clear() }
- } else if (isGlobalStorageNameSupported()) {
- storage = win[globalStorageName][win.location.hostname]
- api.set = function(key, val) { storage[key] = api.serialize(val) }
- api.get = function(key) { return api.deserialize(storage[key] && storage[key].value) }
- api.remove = function(key) { delete storage[key] }
- api.clear = function() { for (var key in storage ) { delete storage[key] } }
- } else if (doc.documentElement.addBehavior) {
- var storage = doc.createElement('div')
- function withIEStorage(storeFunction) {
- return function() {
- var args =, 0)
- args.unshift(storage)
- // See
- // and
- // TODO: xxxpedro doc.body is not always available so we must use doc.documentElement.
- // We need to make sure this change won't affect the behavior of this library.
- doc.documentElement.appendChild(storage)
- storage.addBehavior('#default#userData')
- storage.load(localStorageName)
- var result = storeFunction.apply(api, args)
- doc.documentElement.removeChild(storage)
- return result
- }
- }
- api.set = withIEStorage(function(storage, key, val) {
- storage.setAttribute(key, api.serialize(val))
- })
- api.get = withIEStorage(function(storage, key) {
- return api.deserialize(storage.getAttribute(key))
- })
- api.remove = withIEStorage(function(storage, key) {
- storage.removeAttribute(key)
- })
- api.clear = withIEStorage(function(storage) {
- var attributes = storage.XMLDocument.documentElement.attributes
- storage.load(localStorageName)
- for (var i=0, attr; attr = attributes[i]; i++) {
- storage.removeAttribute(
- }
- })
- }
- try {
- api.set(namespace, namespace)
- if (api.get(namespace) != namespace) { api.disabled = true }
- api.remove(namespace)
- } catch(e) {
- api.disabled = true
- }
- return api
-if (typeof module != 'undefined') { module.exports = store }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// registration
-FBL.Store = store;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns( /**@scope s_selector*/ function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
- * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v1.0
- * Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
- * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
- * More information:
- */
-var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
- done = 0,
- toString = Object.prototype.toString,
- hasDuplicate = false,
- baseHasDuplicate = true;
-// Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of
-// optimization where it does not always call our comparision
-// function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value.
-// Thus far that includes Google Chrome.
-[0, 0].sort(function(){
- baseHasDuplicate = false;
- return 0;
- * @name Firebug.Selector
- * @namespace
- */
- * @exports Sizzle as Firebug.Selector
- */
-var Sizzle = function(selector, context, results, seed) {
- results = results || [];
- var origContext = context = context || document;
- if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
- return [];
- }
- if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
- return results;
- }
- var parts = [], m, set, checkSet, check, mode, extra, prune = true, contextXML = isXML(context),
- soFar = selector;
- // Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head)
- while ( (chunker.exec(""), m = chunker.exec(soFar)) !== null ) {
- soFar = m[3];
- parts.push( m[1] );
- if ( m[2] ) {
- extra = m[3];
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) {
- if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
- set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context );
- } else {
- set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
- [ context ] :
- Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
- while ( parts.length ) {
- selector = parts.shift();
- if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] )
- selector += parts.shift();
- set = posProcess( selector, set );
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
- // (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID)
- if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
- Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) {
- var ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
- context = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] : ret.set[0];
- }
- if ( context ) {
- var ret = seed ?
- { expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
- Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML );
- set = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) : ret.set;
- if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
- checkSet = makeArray(set);
- } else {
- prune = false;
- }
- while ( parts.length ) {
- var cur = parts.pop(), pop = cur;
- if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
- cur = "";
- } else {
- pop = parts.pop();
- }
- if ( pop == null ) {
- pop = context;
- }
- Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML );
- }
- } else {
- checkSet = parts = [];
- }
- }
- if ( !checkSet ) {
- checkSet = set;
- }
- if ( !checkSet ) {
- throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + (cur || selector);
- }
- if ( === "[object Array]" ) {
- if ( !prune ) {
- results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
- } else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
- for ( var i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
- if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
- results.push( set[i] );
- }
- }
- } else {
- for ( var i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
- if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
- results.push( set[i] );
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- makeArray( checkSet, results );
- }
- if ( extra ) {
- Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed );
- Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
- }
- return results;
-Sizzle.uniqueSort = function(results){
- if ( sortOrder ) {
- hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
- results.sort(sortOrder);
- if ( hasDuplicate ) {
- for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) {
- if ( results[i] === results[i-1] ) {
- results.splice(i--, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return results;
-Sizzle.matches = function(expr, set){
- return Sizzle(expr, null, null, set);
-Sizzle.find = function(expr, context, isXML){
- var set, match;
- if ( !expr ) {
- return [];
- }
- for ( var i = 0, l = Expr.order.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- var type = Expr.order[i], match;
- if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
- var left = match[1];
- match.splice(1,1);
- if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
- match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace(/\\/g, "");
- set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML );
- if ( set != null ) {
- expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( !set ) {
- set = context.getElementsByTagName("*");
- }
- return {set: set, expr: expr};
-Sizzle.filter = function(expr, set, inplace, not){
- var old = expr, result = [], curLoop = set, match, anyFound,
- isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && isXML(set[0]);
- while ( expr && set.length ) {
- for ( var type in Expr.filter ) {
- if ( (match = Expr.match[ type ].exec( expr )) != null ) {
- var filter = Expr.filter[ type ], found, item;
- anyFound = false;
- if ( curLoop == result ) {
- result = [];
- }
- if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
- match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter );
- if ( !match ) {
- anyFound = found = true;
- } else if ( match === true ) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ( match ) {
- for ( var i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
- if ( item ) {
- found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop );
- var pass = not ^ !!found;
- if ( inplace && found != null ) {
- if ( pass ) {
- anyFound = true;
- } else {
- curLoop[i] = false;
- }
- } else if ( pass ) {
- result.push( item );
- anyFound = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( found !== undefined ) {
- if ( !inplace ) {
- curLoop = result;
- }
- expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
- if ( !anyFound ) {
- return [];
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Improper expression
- if ( expr == old ) {
- if ( anyFound == null ) {
- throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + expr;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- old = expr;
- }
- return curLoop;
-/**#@+ @ignore */
-var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
- order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
- match: {
- ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)/,
- CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)/,
- NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
- ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/,
- TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*-]|\\.)+)/,
- CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+-]*)\))?/,
- POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^-]|$)/,
- PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]*)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\2\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
- },
- leftMatch: {},
- attrMap: {
- "class": "className",
- "for": "htmlFor"
- },
- attrHandle: {
- href: function(elem){
- return elem.getAttribute("href");
- }
- },
- relative: {
- "+": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
- var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
- isTag = isPartStr && !/\W/.test(part),
- isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag;
- if ( isTag && !isXML ) {
- part = part.toUpperCase();
- }
- for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) {
- if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) {
- while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
- checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName === part ?
- elem || false :
- elem === part;
- }
- }
- if ( isPartStrNotTag ) {
- Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
- }
- },
- ">": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
- var isPartStr = typeof part === "string";
- if ( isPartStr && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
- part = isXML ? part : part.toUpperCase();
- for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- var elem = checkSet[i];
- if ( elem ) {
- var parent = elem.parentNode;
- checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName === part ? parent : false;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- var elem = checkSet[i];
- if ( elem ) {
- checkSet[i] = isPartStr ?
- elem.parentNode :
- elem.parentNode === part;
- }
- }
- if ( isPartStr ) {
- Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
- }
- }
- },
- "": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
- var doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck;
- if ( !/\W/.test(part) ) {
- var nodeCheck = part = isXML ? part : part.toUpperCase();
- checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
- }
- checkFn("parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML);
- },
- "~": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
- var doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck;
- if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
- var nodeCheck = part = isXML ? part : part.toUpperCase();
- checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
- }
- checkFn("previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML);
- }
- },
- find: {
- ID: function(match, context, isXML){
- if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
- var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
- return m ? [m] : [];
- }
- },
- NAME: function(match, context, isXML){
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
- var ret = [], results = context.getElementsByName(match[1]);
- for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) {
- ret.push( results[i] );
- }
- }
- return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret;
- }
- },
- TAG: function(match, context){
- return context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
- }
- },
- preFilter: {
- CLASS: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML){
- match = " " + match[1].replace(/\\/g, "") + " ";
- if ( isXML ) {
- return match;
- }
- for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
- if ( elem ) {
- if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) {
- if ( !inplace )
- result.push( elem );
- } else if ( inplace ) {
- curLoop[i] = false;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- ID: function(match){
- return match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
- },
- TAG: function(match, curLoop){
- for ( var i = 0; curLoop[i] === false; i++ ){}
- return curLoop[i] && isXML(curLoop[i]) ? match[1] : match[1].toUpperCase();
- },
- CHILD: function(match){
- if ( match[1] == "nth" ) {
- // parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
- var test = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(
- match[2] == "even" && "2n" || match[2] == "odd" && "2n+1" ||
- !/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);
- // calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
- match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
- match[3] = test[3] - 0;
- }
- // TODO: Move to normal caching system
- match[0] = done++;
- return match;
- },
- ATTR: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML){
- var name = match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
- if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
- match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];
- }
- if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
- match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";
- }
- return match;
- },
- PSEUDO: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not){
- if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
- // If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one
- if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) {
- match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
- } else {
- var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
- if ( !inplace ) {
- result.push.apply( result, ret );
- }
- return false;
- }
- } else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) {
- return true;
- }
- return match;
- },
- POS: function(match){
- match.unshift( true );
- return match;
- }
- },
- filters: {
- enabled: function(elem){
- return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
- },
- disabled: function(elem){
- return elem.disabled === true;
- },
- checked: function(elem){
- return elem.checked === true;
- },
- selected: function(elem){
- // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
- // options in Safari work properly
- elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
- return elem.selected === true;
- },
- parent: function(elem){
- return !!elem.firstChild;
- },
- empty: function(elem){
- return !elem.firstChild;
- },
- has: function(elem, i, match){
- return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
- },
- header: function(elem){
- return /h\d/i.test( elem.nodeName );
- },
- text: function(elem){
- return "text" === elem.type;
- },
- radio: function(elem){
- return "radio" === elem.type;
- },
- checkbox: function(elem){
- return "checkbox" === elem.type;
- },
- file: function(elem){
- return "file" === elem.type;
- },
- password: function(elem){
- return "password" === elem.type;
- },
- submit: function(elem){
- return "submit" === elem.type;
- },
- image: function(elem){
- return "image" === elem.type;
- },
- reset: function(elem){
- return "reset" === elem.type;
- },
- button: function(elem){
- return "button" === elem.type || elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "BUTTON";
- },
- input: function(elem){
- return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(elem.nodeName);
- }
- },
- setFilters: {
- first: function(elem, i){
- return i === 0;
- },
- last: function(elem, i, match, array){
- return i === array.length - 1;
- },
- even: function(elem, i){
- return i % 2 === 0;
- },
- odd: function(elem, i){
- return i % 2 === 1;
- },
- lt: function(elem, i, match){
- return i < match[3] - 0;
- },
- gt: function(elem, i, match){
- return i > match[3] - 0;
- },
- nth: function(elem, i, match){
- return match[3] - 0 == i;
- },
- eq: function(elem, i, match){
- return match[3] - 0 == i;
- }
- },
- filter: {
- PSEUDO: function(elem, match, i, array){
- var name = match[1], filter = Expr.filters[ name ];
- if ( filter ) {
- return filter( elem, i, match, array );
- } else if ( name === "contains" ) {
- return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
- } else if ( name === "not" ) {
- var not = match[3];
- for ( var i = 0, l = not.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- if ( not[i] === elem ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- },
- CHILD: function(elem, match){
- var type = match[1], node = elem;
- switch (type) {
- case 'only':
- case 'first':
- while ( (node = node.previousSibling) ) {
- if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) return false;
- }
- if ( type == 'first') return true;
- node = elem;
- case 'last':
- while ( (node = node.nextSibling) ) {
- if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) return false;
- }
- return true;
- case 'nth':
- var first = match[2], last = match[3];
- if ( first == 1 && last == 0 ) {
- return true;
- }
- var doneName = match[0],
- parent = elem.parentNode;
- if ( parent && (parent.sizcache !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) {
- var count = 0;
- for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
- if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
- node.nodeIndex = ++count;
- }
- }
- parent.sizcache = doneName;
- }
- var diff = elem.nodeIndex - last;
- if ( first == 0 ) {
- return diff == 0;
- } else {
- return ( diff % first == 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
- }
- }
- },
- ID: function(elem, match){
- return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
- },
- TAG: function(elem, match){
- return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || elem.nodeName === match;
- },
- CLASS: function(elem, match){
- return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ")
- .indexOf( match ) > -1;
- },
- ATTR: function(elem, match){
- var name = match[1],
- result = Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ?
- Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) :
- elem[ name ] != null ?
- elem[ name ] :
- elem.getAttribute( name ),
- value = result + "",
- type = match[2],
- check = match[4];
- return result == null ?
- type === "!=" :
- type === "=" ?
- value === check :
- type === "*=" ?
- value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
- type === "~=" ?
- (" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
- !check ?
- value && result !== false :
- type === "!=" ?
- value != check :
- type === "^=" ?
- value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
- type === "$=" ?
- value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
- type === "|=" ?
- value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
- false;
- },
- POS: function(elem, match, i, array){
- var name = match[2], filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];
- if ( filter ) {
- return filter( elem, i, match, array );
- }
- }
- }
-var origPOS = Expr.match.POS;
-for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
- Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + /(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source );
- Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source );
-var makeArray = function(array, results) {
- array = array, 0 );
- if ( results ) {
- results.push.apply( results, array );
- return results;
- }
- return array;
-// Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of
-// converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods.
-try {
- document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 );
-// Provide a fallback method if it does not work
-} catch(e){
- makeArray = function(array, results) {
- var ret = results || [];
- if ( === "[object Array]" ) {
- Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
- } else {
- if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
- for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- ret.push( array[i] );
- }
- } else {
- for ( var i = 0; array[i]; i++ ) {
- ret.push( array[i] );
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
- };
-var sortOrder;
-if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
- sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
- if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) {
- if ( a == b ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- var ret = a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1;
- if ( ret === 0 ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- }
- return ret;
- };
-} else if ( "sourceIndex" in document.documentElement ) {
- sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
- if ( !a.sourceIndex || !b.sourceIndex ) {
- if ( a == b ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- var ret = a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
- if ( ret === 0 ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- }
- return ret;
- };
-} else if ( document.createRange ) {
- sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
- if ( !a.ownerDocument || !b.ownerDocument ) {
- if ( a == b ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- var aRange = a.ownerDocument.createRange(), bRange = b.ownerDocument.createRange();
- aRange.setStart(a, 0);
- aRange.setEnd(a, 0);
- bRange.setStart(b, 0);
- bRange.setEnd(b, 0);
- var ret = aRange.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, bRange);
- if ( ret === 0 ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- }
- return ret;
- };
-// Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when
-// querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround)
- // We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name
- var form = document.createElement("div"),
- id = "script" + (new Date).getTime();
- form.innerHTML = "<a name='" + id + "'/>";
- // Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly
- var root = document.documentElement;
- root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );
- // The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById
- // Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching)
- if ( !!document.getElementById( id ) ) {
- Expr.find.ID = function(match, context, isXML){
- if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
- var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
- return m ? === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ? [m] : undefined : [];
- }
- };
- Expr.filter.ID = function(elem, match){
- var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
- return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;
- };
- }
- root.removeChild( form );
- root = form = null; // release memory in IE
- // Check to see if the browser returns only elements
- // when doing getElementsByTagName("*")
- // Create a fake element
- var div = document.createElement("div");
- div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
- // Make sure no comments are found
- if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
- Expr.find.TAG = function(match, context){
- var results = context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
- // Filter out possible comments
- if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
- var tmp = [];
- for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
- if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
- tmp.push( results[i] );
- }
- }
- results = tmp;
- }
- return results;
- };
- }
- // Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes
- div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
- if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" &&
- div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) {
- Expr.attrHandle.href = function(elem){
- return elem.getAttribute("href", 2);
- };
- }
- div = null; // release memory in IE
-if ( document.querySelectorAll ) (function(){
- var oldSizzle = Sizzle, div = document.createElement("div");
- div.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>";
- // Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
- // in quirks mode.
- if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) {
- return;
- }
- Sizzle = function(query, context, extra, seed){
- context = context || document;
- // Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents
- // (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents)
- if ( !seed && context.nodeType === 9 && !isXML(context) ) {
- try {
- return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
- } catch(e){}
- }
- return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
- };
- for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) {
- Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ];
- }
- div = null; // release memory in IE
-if ( document.getElementsByClassName && document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName ) (function(){
- var div = document.createElement("div");
- div.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>";
- // Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
- if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 )
- return;
- // Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2)
- div.lastChild.className = "e";
- if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 )
- return;
- Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
- Expr.find.CLASS = function(match, context, isXML) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
- return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
- }
- };
- div = null; // release memory in IE
-function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
- var sibDir = dir == "previousSibling" && !isXML;
- for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- var elem = checkSet[i];
- if ( elem ) {
- if ( sibDir && elem.nodeType === 1 ){
- elem.sizcache = doneName;
- elem.sizset = i;
- }
- elem = elem[dir];
- var match = false;
- while ( elem ) {
- if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
- match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
- break;
- }
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){
- elem.sizcache = doneName;
- elem.sizset = i;
- }
- if ( elem.nodeName === cur ) {
- match = elem;
- break;
- }
- elem = elem[dir];
- }
- checkSet[i] = match;
- }
- }
-function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
- var sibDir = dir == "previousSibling" && !isXML;
- for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- var elem = checkSet[i];
- if ( elem ) {
- if ( sibDir && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- elem.sizcache = doneName;
- elem.sizset = i;
- }
- elem = elem[dir];
- var match = false;
- while ( elem ) {
- if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
- match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
- break;
- }
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- if ( !isXML ) {
- elem.sizcache = doneName;
- elem.sizset = i;
- }
- if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
- if ( elem === cur ) {
- match = true;
- break;
- }
- } else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
- match = elem;
- break;
- }
- }
- elem = elem[dir];
- }
- checkSet[i] = match;
- }
- }
-var contains = document.compareDocumentPosition ? function(a, b){
- return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16;
-} : function(a, b){
- return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
-var isXML = function(elem){
- return elem.nodeType === 9 && elem.documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" ||
- !!elem.ownerDocument && elem.ownerDocument.documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML";
-var posProcess = function(selector, context){
- var tmpSet = [], later = "", match,
- root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;
- // Position selectors must be done after the filter
- // And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end
- while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) {
- later += match[0];
- selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" );
- }
- selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector;
- for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet );
- }
- return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet );
-Firebug.Selector = Sizzle;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Inspector Module
-var ElementCache = Firebug.Lite.Cache.Element;
-var inspectorTS, inspectorTimer, isInspecting;
-Firebug.Inspector =
- create: function()
- {
- offlineFragment = Env.browser.document.createDocumentFragment();
- createBoxModelInspector();
- createOutlineInspector();
- },
- destroy: function()
- {
- destroyBoxModelInspector();
- destroyOutlineInspector();
- offlineFragment = null;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Inspect functions
- toggleInspect: function()
- {
- if (isInspecting)
- {
- this.stopInspecting();
- }
- else
- {
- this.startInspecting();
- }
- },
- startInspecting: function()
- {
- isInspecting = true;
- createInspectorFrame();
- var size = Firebug.browser.getWindowScrollSize();
- = size.width + "px";
- = size.height + "px";
- //addEvent(Firebug.browser.document.documentElement, "mousemove", Firebug.Inspector.onInspectingBody);
- addEvent(fbInspectFrame, "mousemove", Firebug.Inspector.onInspecting);
- addEvent(fbInspectFrame, "mousedown", Firebug.Inspector.onInspectingClick);
- },
- stopInspecting: function()
- {
- isInspecting = false;
- if (outlineVisible) this.hideOutline();
- removeEvent(fbInspectFrame, "mousemove", Firebug.Inspector.onInspecting);
- removeEvent(fbInspectFrame, "mousedown", Firebug.Inspector.onInspectingClick);
- destroyInspectorFrame();
- if ( == "popup")
- },
- onInspectingClick: function(e)
- {
- = "none";
- var targ = Firebug.browser.getElementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
- = "block";
- // Avoid inspecting the outline, and the FirebugUI
- var id =;
- if (id && /^fbOutline\w$/.test(id)) return;
- if (id == "FirebugUI") return;
- // Avoid looking at text nodes in Opera
- while (targ.nodeType != 1) targ = targ.parentNode;
- //Firebug.Console.log(targ);
- Firebug.Inspector.stopInspecting();
- },
- onInspecting: function(e)
- {
- if (new Date().getTime() - lastInspecting > 30)
- {
- = "none";
- var targ = Firebug.browser.getElementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
- = "block";
- // Avoid inspecting the outline, and the FirebugUI
- var id =;
- if (id && /^fbOutline\w$/.test(id)) return;
- if (id == "FirebugUI") return;
- // Avoid looking at text nodes in Opera
- while (targ.nodeType != 1) targ = targ.parentNode;
- if (targ.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "body") return;
- //Firebug.Console.log(e.clientX, e.clientY, targ);
- Firebug.Inspector.drawOutline(targ);
- if (ElementCache(targ))
- {
- var target = ""+ElementCache.key(targ);
- var lazySelect = function()
- {
- inspectorTS = new Date().getTime();
- if (Firebug.HTML)
- Firebug.HTML.selectTreeNode(""+ElementCache.key(targ));
- };
- if (inspectorTimer)
- {
- clearTimeout(inspectorTimer);
- inspectorTimer = null;
- }
- if (new Date().getTime() - inspectorTS > 200)
- setTimeout(lazySelect, 0);
- else
- inspectorTimer = setTimeout(lazySelect, 300);
- }
- lastInspecting = new Date().getTime();
- }
- },
- // TODO: xxxpedro remove this?
- onInspectingBody: function(e)
- {
- if (new Date().getTime() - lastInspecting > 30)
- {
- var targ =;
- // Avoid inspecting the outline, and the FirebugUI
- var id =;
- if (id && /^fbOutline\w$/.test(id)) return;
- if (id == "FirebugUI") return;
- // Avoid looking at text nodes in Opera
- while (targ.nodeType != 1) targ = targ.parentNode;
- if (targ.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "body") return;
- //Firebug.Console.log(e.clientX, e.clientY, targ);
- Firebug.Inspector.drawOutline(targ);
- if (ElementCache.has(targ))
- FBL.Firebug.HTML.selectTreeNode(""+ElementCache.key(targ));
- lastInspecting = new Date().getTime();
- }
- },
- /**
- *
- * llttttttrr
- * llttttttrr
- * ll rr
- * ll rr
- * llbbbbbbrr
- * llbbbbbbrr
- */
- drawOutline: function(el)
- {
- var border = 2;
- var scrollbarSize = 17;
- var windowSize = Firebug.browser.getWindowSize();
- var scrollSize = Firebug.browser.getWindowScrollSize();
- var scrollPosition = Firebug.browser.getWindowScrollPosition();
- var box = Firebug.browser.getElementBox(el);
- var top =;
- var left = box.left;
- var height = box.height;
- var width = box.width;
- var freeHorizontalSpace = scrollPosition.left + windowSize.width - left - width -
- (!isIE && scrollSize.height > windowSize.height ? // is *vertical* scrollbar visible
- scrollbarSize : 0);
- var freeVerticalSpace = + windowSize.height - top - height -
- (!isIE && scrollSize.width > windowSize.width ? // is *horizontal* scrollbar visible
- scrollbarSize : 0);
- var numVerticalBorders = freeVerticalSpace > 0 ? 2 : 1;
- var o = outlineElements;
- var style;
- style =;
- = top-border + "px";
- style.left = left + "px";
- style.height = border + "px"; // TODO: on initialize()
- style.width = width + "px";
- style =;
- = top-border + "px";
- style.left = left-border + "px";
- style.height = height+ numVerticalBorders*border + "px";
- style.width = border + "px"; // TODO: on initialize()
- style =;
- if (freeVerticalSpace > 0)
- {
- = top+height + "px";
- style.left = left + "px";
- style.width = width + "px";
- //style.height = border + "px"; // TODO: on initialize() or worst case?
- }
- else
- {
- = -2*border + "px";
- style.left = -2*border + "px";
- style.width = border + "px";
- //style.height = border + "px";
- }
- style =;
- if (freeHorizontalSpace > 0)
- {
- = top-border + "px";
- style.left = left+width + "px";
- style.height = height + numVerticalBorders*border + "px";
- style.width = (freeHorizontalSpace < border ? freeHorizontalSpace : border) + "px";
- }
- else
- {
- = -2*border + "px";
- style.left = -2*border + "px";
- style.height = border + "px";
- style.width = border + "px";
- }
- if (!outlineVisible) this.showOutline();
- },
- hideOutline: function()
- {
- if (!outlineVisible) return;
- for (var name in outline)
- offlineFragment.appendChild(outlineElements[name]);
- outlineVisible = false;
- },
- showOutline: function()
- {
- if (outlineVisible) return;
- if (boxModelVisible) this.hideBoxModel();
- for (var name in outline)
- Firebug.browser.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(outlineElements[name]);
- outlineVisible = true;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Box Model
- drawBoxModel: function(el)
- {
- // avoid error when the element is not attached a document
- if (!el || !el.parentNode)
- return;
- var box = Firebug.browser.getElementBox(el);
- var windowSize = Firebug.browser.getWindowSize();
- var scrollPosition = Firebug.browser.getWindowScrollPosition();
- // element may be occluded by the chrome, when in frame mode
- var offsetHeight = == "frame" ? Firebug.context.persistedState.height : 0;
- // if element box is not inside the viewport, don't draw the box model
- if ( > + windowSize.height - offsetHeight ||
- box.left > scrollPosition.left + windowSize.width ||
- > + box.height ||
- scrollPosition.left > box.left + box.width )
- return;
- var top =;
- var left = box.left;
- var height = box.height;
- var width = box.width;
- var margin = Firebug.browser.getMeasurementBox(el, "margin");
- var padding = Firebug.browser.getMeasurementBox(el, "padding");
- var border = Firebug.browser.getMeasurementBox(el, "border");
- = top - + "px";
- boxModelStyle.left = left - margin.left + "px";
- boxModelStyle.height = height + + margin.bottom + "px";
- boxModelStyle.width = width + margin.left + margin.right + "px";
- = + "px";
- boxBorderStyle.left = margin.left + "px";
- boxBorderStyle.height = height + "px";
- boxBorderStyle.width = width + "px";
- = + + "px";
- boxPaddingStyle.left = margin.left + border.left + "px";
- boxPaddingStyle.height = height - - border.bottom + "px";
- boxPaddingStyle.width = width - border.left - border.right + "px";
- = + + + "px";
- boxContentStyle.left = margin.left + border.left + padding.left + "px";
- boxContentStyle.height = height - - - padding.bottom - border.bottom + "px";
- boxContentStyle.width = width - border.left - padding.left - padding.right - border.right + "px";
- if (!boxModelVisible) this.showBoxModel();
- },
- hideBoxModel: function()
- {
- if (!boxModelVisible) return;
- offlineFragment.appendChild(boxModel);
- boxModelVisible = false;
- },
- showBoxModel: function()
- {
- if (boxModelVisible) return;
- if (outlineVisible) this.hideOutline();
- Firebug.browser.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(boxModel);
- boxModelVisible = true;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Inspector Internals
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// Shared variables
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// Internal variables
-var offlineFragment = null;
-var boxModelVisible = false;
-var boxModel, boxModelStyle,
- boxMargin, boxMarginStyle,
- boxBorder, boxBorderStyle,
- boxPadding, boxPaddingStyle,
- boxContent, boxContentStyle;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var resetStyle = "margin:0; padding:0; border:0; position:absolute; overflow:hidden; display:block;";
-var offscreenStyle = resetStyle + "top:-1234px; left:-1234px;";
-var inspectStyle = resetStyle + "z-index: 2147483500;";
-var inspectFrameStyle = resetStyle + "z-index: 2147483550; top:0; left:0; background:url(" +
- Env.Location.skinDir + "pixel_transparent.gif);";
-//if (Env.Options.enableTrace) inspectFrameStyle = resetStyle + "z-index: 2147483550; top: 0; left: 0; background: #ff0; opacity: 0.05; _filter: alpha(opacity=5);";
-var inspectModelOpacity = isIE ? "filter:alpha(opacity=80);" : "opacity:0.8;";
-var inspectModelStyle = inspectStyle + inspectModelOpacity;
-var inspectMarginStyle = inspectStyle + "background: #EDFF64; height:100%; width:100%;";
-var inspectBorderStyle = inspectStyle + "background: #666;";
-var inspectPaddingStyle = inspectStyle + "background: SlateBlue;";
-var inspectContentStyle = inspectStyle + "background: SkyBlue;";
-var outlineStyle = {
- fbHorizontalLine: "background: #3875D7;height: 2px;",
- fbVerticalLine: "background: #3875D7;width: 2px;"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var lastInspecting = 0;
-var fbInspectFrame = null;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var outlineVisible = false;
-var outlineElements = {};
-var outline = {
- "fbOutlineT": "fbHorizontalLine",
- "fbOutlineL": "fbVerticalLine",
- "fbOutlineB": "fbHorizontalLine",
- "fbOutlineR": "fbVerticalLine"
-var getInspectingTarget = function()
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Section
-var createInspectorFrame = function createInspectorFrame()
- fbInspectFrame = createGlobalElement("div");
- = "fbInspectFrame";
- fbInspectFrame.firebugIgnore = true;
- = inspectFrameStyle;
- Firebug.browser.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(fbInspectFrame);
-var destroyInspectorFrame = function destroyInspectorFrame()
- if (fbInspectFrame)
- {
- Firebug.browser.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].removeChild(fbInspectFrame);
- fbInspectFrame = null;
- }
-var createOutlineInspector = function createOutlineInspector()
- for (var name in outline)
- {
- var el = outlineElements[name] = createGlobalElement("div");
- = name;
- el.firebugIgnore = true;
- = inspectStyle + outlineStyle[outline[name]];
- offlineFragment.appendChild(el);
- }
-var destroyOutlineInspector = function destroyOutlineInspector()
- for (var name in outline)
- {
- var el = outlineElements[name];
- el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
- }
-var createBoxModelInspector = function createBoxModelInspector()
- boxModel = createGlobalElement("div");
- = "fbBoxModel";
- boxModel.firebugIgnore = true;
- boxModelStyle =;
- boxModelStyle.cssText = inspectModelStyle;
- boxMargin = createGlobalElement("div");
- = "fbBoxMargin";
- boxMarginStyle =;
- boxMarginStyle.cssText = inspectMarginStyle;
- boxModel.appendChild(boxMargin);
- boxBorder = createGlobalElement("div");
- = "fbBoxBorder";
- boxBorderStyle =;
- boxBorderStyle.cssText = inspectBorderStyle;
- boxModel.appendChild(boxBorder);
- boxPadding = createGlobalElement("div");
- = "fbBoxPadding";
- boxPaddingStyle =;
- boxPaddingStyle.cssText = inspectPaddingStyle;
- boxModel.appendChild(boxPadding);
- boxContent = createGlobalElement("div");
- = "fbBoxContent";
- boxContentStyle =;
- boxContentStyle.cssText = inspectContentStyle;
- boxModel.appendChild(boxContent);
- offlineFragment.appendChild(boxModel);
-var destroyBoxModelInspector = function destroyBoxModelInspector()
- boxModel.parentNode.removeChild(boxModel);
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Section
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Problems in IE
-// FIXED - eval return
-// FIXED - addEventListener problem in IE
-// FIXED doc.createRange?
-// class reserved word
-// test all honza examples in IE6 and IE7
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-( /** @scope s_domplate */ function() {
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-/** @class */
-FBL.DomplateTag = function DomplateTag(tagName)
- this.tagName = tagName;
- * @class
- * @extends FBL.DomplateTag
- */
-FBL.DomplateEmbed = function DomplateEmbed()
- * @class
- * @extends FBL.DomplateTag
- */
-FBL.DomplateLoop = function DomplateLoop()
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var DomplateTag = FBL.DomplateTag;
-var DomplateEmbed = FBL.DomplateEmbed;
-var DomplateLoop = FBL.DomplateLoop;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var womb = null;
-FBL.domplate = function()
- var lastSubject;
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
- lastSubject = lastSubject ? copyObject(lastSubject, arguments[i]) : arguments[i];
- for (var name in lastSubject)
- {
- var val = lastSubject[name];
- if (isTag(val))
- val.tag.subject = lastSubject;
- }
- return lastSubject;
-var domplate = FBL.domplate;
-FBL.domplate.context = function(context, fn)
- var lastContext = domplate.lastContext;
- domplate.topContext = context;
- fn.apply(context);
- domplate.topContext = lastContext;
-FBL.TAG = function()
- var embed = new DomplateEmbed();
- return embed.merge(arguments);
-FBL.FOR = function()
- var loop = new DomplateLoop();
- return loop.merge(arguments);
-FBL.DomplateTag.prototype =
- merge: function(args, oldTag)
- {
- if (oldTag)
- this.tagName = oldTag.tagName;
- this.context = oldTag ? oldTag.context : null;
- this.subject = oldTag ? oldTag.subject : null;
- this.attrs = oldTag ? copyObject(oldTag.attrs) : {};
- this.classes = oldTag ? copyObject(oldTag.classes) : {};
- this.props = oldTag ? copyObject(oldTag.props) : null;
- this.listeners = oldTag ? copyArray(oldTag.listeners) : null;
- this.children = oldTag ? copyArray(oldTag.children) : [];
- this.vars = oldTag ? copyArray(oldTag.vars) : [];
- var attrs = args.length ? args[0] : null;
- var hasAttrs = typeof(attrs) == "object" && !isTag(attrs);
- this.children = [];
- if (domplate.topContext)
- this.context = domplate.topContext;
- if (args.length)
- parseChildren(args, hasAttrs ? 1 : 0, this.vars, this.children);
- if (hasAttrs)
- this.parseAttrs(attrs);
- return creator(this, DomplateTag);
- },
- parseAttrs: function(args)
- {
- for (var name in args)
- {
- var val = parseValue(args[name]);
- readPartNames(val, this.vars);
- if (name.indexOf("on") == 0)
- {
- var eventName = name.substr(2);
- if (!this.listeners)
- this.listeners = [];
- this.listeners.push(eventName, val);
- }
- else if (name.indexOf("_") == 0)
- {
- var propName = name.substr(1);
- if (!this.props)
- this.props = {};
- this.props[propName] = val;
- }
- else if (name.indexOf("$") == 0)
- {
- var className = name.substr(1);
- if (!this.classes)
- this.classes = {};
- this.classes[className] = val;
- }
- else
- {
- if (name == "class" && this.attrs.hasOwnProperty(name) )
- this.attrs[name] += " " + val;
- else
- this.attrs[name] = val;
- }
- }
- },
- compile: function()
- {
- if (this.renderMarkup)
- return;
- this.compileMarkup();
- this.compileDOM();
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM) FBTrace.sysout("domplate renderMarkup: ", this.renderMarkup);
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM) FBTrace.sysout("domplate renderDOM:", this.renderDOM);
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM) FBTrace.sysout("domplate domArgs:", this.domArgs);
- },
- compileMarkup: function()
- {
- this.markupArgs = [];
- var topBlock = [], topOuts = [], blocks = [], info = {args: this.markupArgs, argIndex: 0};
- this.generateMarkup(topBlock, topOuts, blocks, info);
- this.addCode(topBlock, topOuts, blocks);
- var fnBlock = ['r=(function (__code__, __context__, __in__, __out__'];
- for (var i = 0; i < info.argIndex; ++i)
- fnBlock.push(', s', i);
- fnBlock.push(') {');
- if (this.subject)
- fnBlock.push('with (this) {');
- if (this.context)
- fnBlock.push('with (__context__) {');
- fnBlock.push('with (__in__) {');
- fnBlock.push.apply(fnBlock, blocks);
- if (this.subject)
- fnBlock.push('}');
- if (this.context)
- fnBlock.push('}');
- fnBlock.push('}})');
- function __link__(tag, code, outputs, args)
- {
- if (!tag || !tag.tag)
- return;
- tag.tag.compile();
- var tagOutputs = [];
- var markupArgs = [code, tag.tag.context, args, tagOutputs];
- markupArgs.push.apply(markupArgs, tag.tag.markupArgs);
- tag.tag.renderMarkup.apply(tag.tag.subject, markupArgs);
- outputs.push(tag);
- outputs.push(tagOutputs);
- }
- function __escape__(value)
- {
- function replaceChars(ch)
- {
- switch (ch)
- {
- case "<":
- return "&lt;";
- case ">":
- return "&gt;";
- case "&":
- return "&amp;";
- case "'":
- return "&#39;";
- case '"':
- return "&quot;";
- }
- return "?";
- };
- return String(value).replace(/[<>&"']/g, replaceChars);
- }
- function __loop__(iter, outputs, fn)
- {
- var iterOuts = [];
- outputs.push(iterOuts);
- if (iter instanceof Array)
- iter = new ArrayIterator(iter);
- try
- {
- while (1)
- {
- var value =;
- var itemOuts = [0,0];
- iterOuts.push(itemOuts);
- fn.apply(this, [value, itemOuts]);
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- if (exc != StopIteration)
- throw exc;
- }
- }
- var js = fnBlock.join("");
- var r = null;
- eval(js);
- this.renderMarkup = r;
- },
- getVarNames: function(args)
- {
- if (this.vars)
- args.push.apply(args, this.vars);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i)
- {
- var child = this.children[i];
- if (isTag(child))
- child.tag.getVarNames(args);
- else if (child instanceof Parts)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i <; ++i)
- {
- if ([i] instanceof Variable)
- {
- var name =[i].name;
- var names = name.split(".");
- args.push(names[0]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- generateMarkup: function(topBlock, topOuts, blocks, info)
- {
- topBlock.push(',"<', this.tagName, '"');
- for (var name in this.attrs)
- {
- if (name != "class")
- {
- var val = this.attrs[name];
- topBlock.push(', " ', name, '=\\""');
- addParts(val, ',', topBlock, info, true);
- topBlock.push(', "\\""');
- }
- }
- if (this.listeners)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i += 2)
- readPartNames(this.listeners[i+1], topOuts);
- }
- if (this.props)
- {
- for (var name in this.props)
- readPartNames(this.props[name], topOuts);
- }
- if ( this.attrs.hasOwnProperty("class") || this.classes)
- {
- topBlock.push(', " class=\\""');
- if (this.attrs.hasOwnProperty("class"))
- addParts(this.attrs["class"], ',', topBlock, info, true);
- topBlock.push(', " "');
- for (var name in this.classes)
- {
- topBlock.push(', (');
- addParts(this.classes[name], '', topBlock, info);
- topBlock.push(' ? "', name, '" + " " : "")');
- }
- topBlock.push(', "\\""');
- }
- topBlock.push(',">"');
- this.generateChildMarkup(topBlock, topOuts, blocks, info);
- topBlock.push(',"</', this.tagName, '>"');
- },
- generateChildMarkup: function(topBlock, topOuts, blocks, info)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i)
- {
- var child = this.children[i];
- if (isTag(child))
- child.tag.generateMarkup(topBlock, topOuts, blocks, info);
- else
- addParts(child, ',', topBlock, info, true);
- }
- },
- addCode: function(topBlock, topOuts, blocks)
- {
- if (topBlock.length)
- blocks.push('__code__.push(""', topBlock.join(""), ');');
- if (topOuts.length)
- blocks.push('__out__.push(', topOuts.join(","), ');');
- topBlock.splice(0, topBlock.length);
- topOuts.splice(0, topOuts.length);
- },
- addLocals: function(blocks)
- {
- var varNames = [];
- this.getVarNames(varNames);
- var map = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < varNames.length; ++i)
- {
- var name = varNames[i];
- if ( map.hasOwnProperty(name) )
- continue;
- map[name] = 1;
- var names = name.split(".");
- blocks.push('var ', names[0] + ' = ' + '__in__.' + names[0] + ';');
- }
- },
- compileDOM: function()
- {
- var path = [];
- var blocks = [];
- this.domArgs = [];
- path.embedIndex = 0;
- path.loopIndex = 0;
- path.staticIndex = 0;
- path.renderIndex = 0;
- var nodeCount = this.generateDOM(path, blocks, this.domArgs);
- var fnBlock = ['r=(function (root, context, o'];
- for (var i = 0; i < path.staticIndex; ++i)
- fnBlock.push(', ', 's'+i);
- for (var i = 0; i < path.renderIndex; ++i)
- fnBlock.push(', ', 'd'+i);
- fnBlock.push(') {');
- for (var i = 0; i < path.loopIndex; ++i)
- fnBlock.push('var l', i, ' = 0;');
- for (var i = 0; i < path.embedIndex; ++i)
- fnBlock.push('var e', i, ' = 0;');
- if (this.subject)
- fnBlock.push('with (this) {');
- if (this.context)
- fnBlock.push('with (context) {');
- fnBlock.push(blocks.join(""));
- if (this.subject)
- fnBlock.push('}');
- if (this.context)
- fnBlock.push('}');
- fnBlock.push('return ', nodeCount, ';');
- fnBlock.push('})');
- function __bind__(object, fn)
- {
- return function(event) { return fn.apply(object, [event]); };
- }
- function __link__(node, tag, args)
- {
- if (!tag || !tag.tag)
- return;
- tag.tag.compile();
- var domArgs = [node, tag.tag.context, 0];
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, tag.tag.domArgs);
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, args);
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM) FBTrace.dumpProperties("domplate__link__ domArgs:", domArgs);
- return tag.tag.renderDOM.apply(tag.tag.subject, domArgs);
- }
- var self = this;
- function __loop__(iter, fn)
- {
- var nodeCount = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < iter.length; ++i)
- {
- iter[i][0] = i;
- iter[i][1] = nodeCount;
- nodeCount += fn.apply(this, iter[i]);
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM) FBTrace.sysout("nodeCount", nodeCount);
- }
- return nodeCount;
- }
- function __path__(parent, offset)
- {
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM) FBTrace.sysout("domplate __path__ offset: "+ offset+"\n");
- var root = parent;
- for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i)
- {
- var index = arguments[i];
- if (i == 3)
- index += offset;
- if (index == -1)
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- else
- parent = parent.childNodes[index];
- }
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM) FBTrace.sysout("domplate: "+arguments[2]+", root: "+ root+", parent: "+ parent+"\n");
- return parent;
- }
- var js = fnBlock.join("");
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM) FBTrace.sysout(js.replace(/(\;|\{)/g, "$1\n"));
- var r = null;
- eval(js);
- this.renderDOM = r;
- },
- generateDOM: function(path, blocks, args)
- {
- if (this.listeners || this.props)
- this.generateNodePath(path, blocks);
- if (this.listeners)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i += 2)
- {
- var val = this.listeners[i+1];
- var arg = generateArg(val, path, args);
- //blocks.push('node.addEventListener("', this.listeners[i], '", __bind__(this, ', arg, '), false);');
- blocks.push('addEvent(node, "', this.listeners[i], '", __bind__(this, ', arg, '), false);');
- }
- }
- if (this.props)
- {
- for (var name in this.props)
- {
- var val = this.props[name];
- var arg = generateArg(val, path, args);
- blocks.push('node.', name, ' = ', arg, ';');
- }
- }
- this.generateChildDOM(path, blocks, args);
- return 1;
- },
- generateNodePath: function(path, blocks)
- {
- blocks.push("var node = __path__(root, o");
- for (var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i)
- blocks.push(",", path[i]);
- blocks.push(");");
- },
- generateChildDOM: function(path, blocks, args)
- {
- path.push(0);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i)
- {
- var child = this.children[i];
- if (isTag(child))
- path[path.length-1] += '+' + child.tag.generateDOM(path, blocks, args);
- else
- path[path.length-1] += '+1';
- }
- path.pop();
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-FBL.DomplateEmbed.prototype = copyObject(FBL.DomplateTag.prototype,
-/** @lends FBL.DomplateEmbed.prototype */
- merge: function(args, oldTag)
- {
- this.value = oldTag ? oldTag.value : parseValue(args[0]);
- this.attrs = oldTag ? oldTag.attrs : {};
- this.vars = oldTag ? copyArray(oldTag.vars) : [];
- var attrs = args[1];
- for (var name in attrs)
- {
- var val = parseValue(attrs[name]);
- this.attrs[name] = val;
- readPartNames(val, this.vars);
- }
- return creator(this, DomplateEmbed);
- },
- getVarNames: function(names)
- {
- if (this.value instanceof Parts)
- names.push([0].name);
- if (this.vars)
- names.push.apply(names, this.vars);
- },
- generateMarkup: function(topBlock, topOuts, blocks, info)
- {
- this.addCode(topBlock, topOuts, blocks);
- blocks.push('__link__(');
- addParts(this.value, '', blocks, info);
- blocks.push(', __code__, __out__, {');
- var lastName = null;
- for (var name in this.attrs)
- {
- if (lastName)
- blocks.push(',');
- lastName = name;
- var val = this.attrs[name];
- blocks.push('"', name, '":');
- addParts(val, '', blocks, info);
- }
- blocks.push('});');
- //this.generateChildMarkup(topBlock, topOuts, blocks, info);
- },
- generateDOM: function(path, blocks, args)
- {
- var embedName = 'e'+path.embedIndex++;
- this.generateNodePath(path, blocks);
- var valueName = 'd' + path.renderIndex++;
- var argsName = 'd' + path.renderIndex++;
- blocks.push(embedName + ' = __link__(node, ', valueName, ', ', argsName, ');');
- return embedName;
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-FBL.DomplateLoop.prototype = copyObject(FBL.DomplateTag.prototype,
-/** @lends FBL.DomplateLoop.prototype */
- merge: function(args, oldTag)
- {
- this.varName = oldTag ? oldTag.varName : args[0];
- this.iter = oldTag ? oldTag.iter : parseValue(args[1]);
- this.vars = [];
- this.children = oldTag ? copyArray(oldTag.children) : [];
- var offset = Math.min(args.length, 2);
- parseChildren(args, offset, this.vars, this.children);
- return creator(this, DomplateLoop);
- },
- getVarNames: function(names)
- {
- if (this.iter instanceof Parts)
- names.push([0].name);
- DomplateTag.prototype.getVarNames.apply(this, [names]);
- },
- generateMarkup: function(topBlock, topOuts, blocks, info)
- {
- this.addCode(topBlock, topOuts, blocks);
- var iterName;
- if (this.iter instanceof Parts)
- {
- var part =[0];
- iterName =;
- if (part.format)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < part.format.length; ++i)
- iterName = part.format[i] + "(" + iterName + ")";
- }
- }
- else
- iterName = this.iter;
- blocks.push('__loop__.apply(this, [', iterName, ', __out__, function(', this.varName, ', __out__) {');
- this.generateChildMarkup(topBlock, topOuts, blocks, info);
- this.addCode(topBlock, topOuts, blocks);
- blocks.push('}]);');
- },
- generateDOM: function(path, blocks, args)
- {
- var iterName = 'd'+path.renderIndex++;
- var counterName = 'i'+path.loopIndex;
- var loopName = 'l'+path.loopIndex++;
- if (!path.length)
- path.push(-1, 0);
- var preIndex = path.renderIndex;
- path.renderIndex = 0;
- var nodeCount = 0;
- var subBlocks = [];
- var basePath = path[path.length-1];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i)
- {
- path[path.length-1] = basePath+'+'+loopName+'+'+nodeCount;
- var child = this.children[i];
- if (isTag(child))
- nodeCount += '+' + child.tag.generateDOM(path, subBlocks, args);
- else
- nodeCount += '+1';
- }
- path[path.length-1] = basePath+'+'+loopName;
- blocks.push(loopName,' = __loop__.apply(this, [', iterName, ', function(', counterName,',',loopName);
- for (var i = 0; i < path.renderIndex; ++i)
- blocks.push(',d'+i);
- blocks.push(') {');
- blocks.push(subBlocks.join(""));
- blocks.push('return ', nodeCount, ';');
- blocks.push('}]);');
- path.renderIndex = preIndex;
- return loopName;
- }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-/** @class */
-function Variable(name, format)
- = name;
- this.format = format;
-/** @class */
-function Parts(parts)
- = parts;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-function parseParts(str)
- var re = /\$([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9.|]*)/g;
- var index = 0;
- var parts = [];
- var m;
- while (m = re.exec(str))
- {
- var pre = str.substr(index, (re.lastIndex-m[0].length)-index);
- if (pre)
- parts.push(pre);
- var expr = m[1].split("|");
- parts.push(new Variable(expr[0], expr.slice(1)));
- index = re.lastIndex;
- }
- if (!index)
- return str;
- var post = str.substr(index);
- if (post)
- parts.push(post);
- return new Parts(parts);
-function parseValue(val)
- return typeof(val) == 'string' ? parseParts(val) : val;
-function parseChildren(args, offset, vars, children)
- for (var i = offset; i < args.length; ++i)
- {
- var val = parseValue(args[i]);
- children.push(val);
- readPartNames(val, vars);
- }
-function readPartNames(val, vars)
- if (val instanceof Parts)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i <; ++i)
- {
- var part =[i];
- if (part instanceof Variable)
- vars.push(;
- }
- }
-function generateArg(val, path, args)
- if (val instanceof Parts)
- {
- var vals = [];
- for (var i = 0; i <; ++i)
- {
- var part =[i];
- if (part instanceof Variable)
- {
- var varName = 'd'+path.renderIndex++;
- if (part.format)
- {
- for (var j = 0; j < part.format.length; ++j)
- varName = part.format[j] + '(' + varName + ')';
- }
- vals.push(varName);
- }
- else
- vals.push('"'+part.replace(/"/g, '\\"')+'"');
- }
- return vals.join('+');
- }
- else
- {
- args.push(val);
- return 's' + path.staticIndex++;
- }
-function addParts(val, delim, block, info, escapeIt)
- var vals = [];
- if (val instanceof Parts)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i <; ++i)
- {
- var part =[i];
- if (part instanceof Variable)
- {
- var partName =;
- if (part.format)
- {
- for (var j = 0; j < part.format.length; ++j)
- partName = part.format[j] + "(" + partName + ")";
- }
- if (escapeIt)
- vals.push("__escape__(" + partName + ")");
- else
- vals.push(partName);
- }
- else
- vals.push('"'+ part + '"');
- }
- }
- else if (isTag(val))
- {
- info.args.push(val);
- vals.push('s'+info.argIndex++);
- }
- else
- vals.push('"'+ val + '"');
- var parts = vals.join(delim);
- if (parts)
- block.push(delim, parts);
-function isTag(obj)
- return (typeof(obj) == "function" || obj instanceof Function) && !!obj.tag;
-function creator(tag, cons)
- var fn = new Function(
- "var tag = arguments.callee.tag;" +
- "var cons = arguments.callee.cons;" +
- "var newTag = new cons();" +
- "return newTag.merge(arguments, tag);");
- fn.tag = tag;
- fn.cons = cons;
- extend(fn, Renderer);
- return fn;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-function copyArray(oldArray)
- var ary = [];
- if (oldArray)
- for (var i = 0; i < oldArray.length; ++i)
- ary.push(oldArray[i]);
- return ary;
-function copyObject(l, r)
- var m = {};
- extend(m, l);
- extend(m, r);
- return m;
-function extend(l, r)
- for (var n in r)
- l[n] = r[n];
-function addEvent(object, name, handler)
- if (document.all)
- object.attachEvent("on"+name, handler);
- else
- object.addEventListener(name, handler, false);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-/** @class */
-function ArrayIterator(array)
- var index = -1;
- = function()
- {
- if (++index >= array.length)
- throw StopIteration;
- return array[index];
- };
-/** @class */
-function StopIteration() {}
-FBL.$break = function()
- throw StopIteration;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/** @namespace */
-var Renderer =
- renderHTML: function(args, outputs, self)
- {
- var code = [];
- var markupArgs = [code, this.tag.context, args, outputs];
- markupArgs.push.apply(markupArgs, this.tag.markupArgs);
- this.tag.renderMarkup.apply(self ? self : this.tag.subject, markupArgs);
- return code.join("");
- },
- insertRows: function(args, before, self)
- {
- this.tag.compile();
- var outputs = [];
- var html = this.renderHTML(args, outputs, self);
- var doc = before.ownerDocument;
- var div = doc.createElement("div");
- div.innerHTML = "<table><tbody>"+html+"</tbody></table>";
- var tbody = div.firstChild.firstChild;
- var parent = before.tagName == "TR" ? before.parentNode : before;
- var after = before.tagName == "TR" ? before.nextSibling : null;
- var firstRow = tbody.firstChild, lastRow;
- while (tbody.firstChild)
- {
- lastRow = tbody.firstChild;
- if (after)
- parent.insertBefore(lastRow, after);
- else
- parent.appendChild(lastRow);
- }
- var offset = 0;
- if (before.tagName == "TR")
- {
- var node = firstRow.parentNode.firstChild;
- for (; node && node != firstRow; node = node.nextSibling)
- ++offset;
- }
- var domArgs = [firstRow, this.tag.context, offset];
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, this.tag.domArgs);
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, outputs);
- this.tag.renderDOM.apply(self ? self : this.tag.subject, domArgs);
- return [firstRow, lastRow];
- },
- insertBefore: function(args, before, self)
- {
- return this.insertNode(args, before.ownerDocument, before, false, self);
- },
- insertAfter: function(args, after, self)
- {
- return this.insertNode(args, after.ownerDocument, after, true, self);
- },
- insertNode: function(args, doc, element, isAfter, self)
- {
- if (!args)
- args = {};
- this.tag.compile();
- var outputs = [];
- var html = this.renderHTML(args, outputs, self);
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM)
- // FBTrace.sysout("domplate.insertNode html: "+html+"\n");
- var doc = element.ownerDocument;
- if (!womb || womb.ownerDocument != doc)
- womb = doc.createElement("div");
- womb.innerHTML = html;
- var root = womb.firstChild;
- if (isAfter)
- {
- while (womb.firstChild)
- if (element.nextSibling)
- element.parentNode.insertBefore(womb.firstChild, element.nextSibling);
- else
- element.parentNode.appendChild(womb.firstChild);
- }
- else
- {
- while (womb.lastChild)
- element.parentNode.insertBefore(womb.lastChild, element);
- }
- var domArgs = [root, this.tag.context, 0];
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, this.tag.domArgs);
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, outputs);
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM)
- // FBTrace.sysout("domplate.insertNode domArgs:", domArgs);
- this.tag.renderDOM.apply(self ? self : this.tag.subject, domArgs);
- return root;
- },
- /**/
- /*
- insertAfter: function(args, before, self)
- {
- this.tag.compile();
- var outputs = [];
- var html = this.renderHTML(args, outputs, self);
- var doc = before.ownerDocument;
- if (!womb || womb.ownerDocument != doc)
- womb = doc.createElement("div");
- womb.innerHTML = html;
- var root = womb.firstChild;
- while (womb.firstChild)
- if (before.nextSibling)
- before.parentNode.insertBefore(womb.firstChild, before.nextSibling);
- else
- before.parentNode.appendChild(womb.firstChild);
- var domArgs = [root, this.tag.context, 0];
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, this.tag.domArgs);
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, outputs);
- this.tag.renderDOM.apply(self ? self : (this.tag.subject ? this.tag.subject : null),
- domArgs);
- return root;
- },
- /**/
- replace: function(args, parent, self)
- {
- this.tag.compile();
- var outputs = [];
- var html = this.renderHTML(args, outputs, self);
- var root;
- if (parent.nodeType == 1)
- {
- parent.innerHTML = html;
- root = parent.firstChild;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!parent || parent.nodeType != 9)
- parent = document;
- if (!womb || womb.ownerDocument != parent)
- womb = parent.createElement("div");
- womb.innerHTML = html;
- root = womb.firstChild;
- //womb.removeChild(root);
- }
- var domArgs = [root, this.tag.context, 0];
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, this.tag.domArgs);
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, outputs);
- this.tag.renderDOM.apply(self ? self : this.tag.subject, domArgs);
- return root;
- },
- append: function(args, parent, self)
- {
- this.tag.compile();
- var outputs = [];
- var html = this.renderHTML(args, outputs, self);
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM) FBTrace.sysout("domplate.append html: "+html+"\n");
- if (!womb || womb.ownerDocument != parent.ownerDocument)
- womb = parent.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- womb.innerHTML = html;
- // TODO: xxxpedro domplate port to Firebug
- var root = womb.firstChild;
- while (womb.firstChild)
- parent.appendChild(womb.firstChild);
- // clearing element reference to avoid reference error in IE8 when switching contexts
- womb = null;
- var domArgs = [root, this.tag.context, 0];
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, this.tag.domArgs);
- domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, outputs);
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM) FBTrace.dumpProperties("domplate append domArgs:", domArgs);
- this.tag.renderDOM.apply(self ? self : this.tag.subject, domArgs);
- return root;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-function defineTags()
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
- {
- var tagName = arguments[i];
- var fn = new Function("var newTag = new arguments.callee.DomplateTag('"+tagName+"'); return newTag.merge(arguments);");
- fn.DomplateTag = DomplateTag;
- var fnName = tagName.toUpperCase();
- FBL[fnName] = fn;
- }
- "a", "button", "br", "canvas", "code", "col", "colgroup", "div", "fieldset", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "hr",
- "img", "input", "label", "legend", "li", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "p", "pre", "select",
- "span", "strong", "table", "tbody", "td", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr", "tt", "ul", "iframe"
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-var FirebugReps = FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Common Tags
- SPAN({"class": "objectBox objectBox-$className"});
- DIV({"class": "objectBox objectBox-$className"});
-var OBJECTLINK = this.OBJECTLINK = isIE6 ? // IE6 object link representation
- A({
- "class": "objectLink objectLink-$className a11yFocus",
- href: "javascript:void(0)",
- // workaround to show XPath (a better approach would use the tooltip on mouseover,
- // so the XPath information would be calculated dynamically, but we need to create
- // a tooltip class/wrapper around Menu or InfoTip)
- title: "$object|FBL.getElementXPath",
- _repObject: "$object"
- })
- : // Other browsers
- A({
- "class": "objectLink objectLink-$className a11yFocus",
- // workaround to show XPath (a better approach would use the tooltip on mouseover,
- // so the XPath information would be calculated dynamically, but we need to create
- // a tooltip class/wrapper around Menu or InfoTip)
- title: "$object|FBL.getElementXPath",
- _repObject: "$object"
- });
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Undefined = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag: OBJECTBOX("undefined"),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "undefined",
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- return type == "undefined";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Null = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag: OBJECTBOX("null"),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "null",
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- return object == null;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Nada = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag: SPAN(""),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "nada"
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Number = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag: OBJECTBOX("$object"),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "number",
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- return type == "boolean" || type == "number";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.String = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag: OBJECTBOX("&quot;$object&quot;"),
- shortTag: OBJECTBOX("&quot;$object|cropString&quot;"),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "string",
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- return type == "string";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Text = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag: OBJECTBOX("$object"),
- shortTag: OBJECTBOX("$object|cropString"),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "text"
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Caption = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag: SPAN({"class": "caption"}, "$object")
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Warning = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag: DIV({"class": "warning focusRow", role : 'listitem'}, "$object|STR")
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Func = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- OBJECTLINK("$object|summarizeFunction"),
- summarizeFunction: function(fn)
- {
- var fnRegex = /function ([^(]+\([^)]*\)) \{/;
- var fnText = safeToString(fn);
- var m = fnRegex.exec(fnText);
- return m ? m[1] : "function()";
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- copySource: function(fn)
- {
- copyToClipboard(safeToString(fn));
- },
- monitor: function(fn, script, monitored)
- {
- if (monitored)
- Firebug.Debugger.unmonitorScript(fn, script, "monitor");
- else
- Firebug.Debugger.monitorScript(fn, script, "monitor");
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "function",
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- return isFunction(object);
- },
- inspectObject: function(fn, context)
- {
- var sourceLink = findSourceForFunction(fn, context);
- if (sourceLink)
- FBTrace.sysout("reps.function.inspectObject selected sourceLink is ", sourceLink);
- },
- getTooltip: function(fn, context)
- {
- var script = findScriptForFunctionInContext(context, fn);
- if (script)
- return $STRF("Line", [normalizeURL(script.fileName), script.baseLineNumber]);
- else
- if (fn.toString)
- return fn.toString();
- },
- getTitle: function(fn, context)
- {
- var name = ? : "function";
- return name + "()";
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(fn, target, context, script)
- {
- if (!script)
- script = findScriptForFunctionInContext(context, fn);
- if (!script)
- return;
- var scriptInfo = getSourceFileAndLineByScript(context, script);
- var monitored = scriptInfo ? fbs.isMonitored(scriptInfo.sourceFile.href, scriptInfo.lineNo) : false;
- var name = script ? getFunctionName(script, context) :;
- return [
- {label: "CopySource", command: bindFixed(this.copySource, this, fn) },
- "-",
- {label: $STRF("ShowCallsInConsole", [name]), nol10n: true,
- type: "checkbox", checked: monitored,
- command: bindFixed(this.monitor, this, fn, script, monitored) }
- ];
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.jsdScript = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- copySource: function(script)
- {
- var fn = script.functionObject.getWrappedValue();
- return FirebugReps.Func.copySource(fn);
- },
- monitor: function(fn, script, monitored)
- {
- fn = script.functionObject.getWrappedValue();
- return FirebugReps.Func.monitor(fn, script, monitored);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "jsdScript",
- inspectable: false,
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- return object instanceof jsdIScript;
- },
- inspectObject: function(script, context)
- {
- var sourceLink = getSourceLinkForScript(script, context);
- if (sourceLink)
- },
- getRealObject: function(script, context)
- {
- return script;
- },
- getTooltip: function(script)
- {
- return $STRF("jsdIScript", [script.tag]);
- },
- getTitle: function(script, context)
- {
- var fn = script.functionObject.getWrappedValue();
- return FirebugReps.Func.getTitle(fn, context);
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(script, target, context)
- {
- var fn = script.functionObject.getWrappedValue();
- var scriptInfo = getSourceFileAndLineByScript(context, script);
- var monitored = scriptInfo ? fbs.isMonitored(scriptInfo.sourceFile.href, scriptInfo.lineNo) : false;
- var name = getFunctionName(script, context);
- return [
- {label: "CopySource", command: bindFixed(this.copySource, this, script) },
- "-",
- {label: $STRF("ShowCallsInConsole", [name]), nol10n: true,
- type: "checkbox", checked: monitored,
- command: bindFixed(this.monitor, this, fn, script, monitored) }
- ];
- }
-this.Obj = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- SPAN({"class": "objectTitle"}, "$object|getTitle "),
- SPAN({"class": "objectProps"},
- SPAN({"class": "objectLeftBrace", role: "presentation"}, "{"),
- FOR("prop", "$object|propIterator",
- SPAN({"class": "objectPropName", role: "presentation"}, "$"),
- SPAN({"class": "objectEqual", role: "presentation"}, "$prop.equal"),
- TAG("$prop.tag", {object: "$prop.object"}),
- SPAN({"class": "objectComma", role: "presentation"}, "$prop.delim")
- ),
- SPAN({"class": "objectRightBrace"}, "}")
- )
- ),
- propNumberTag:
- SPAN({"class": "objectProp-number"}, "$object"),
- propStringTag:
- SPAN({"class": "objectProp-string"}, "&quot;$object&quot;"),
- propObjectTag:
- SPAN({"class": "objectProp-object"}, "$object"),
- propIterator: function (object)
- {
- ///Firebug.ObjectShortIteratorMax;
- var maxLength = 55; // default max length for long representation
- if (!object)
- return [];
- var props = [];
- var length = 0;
- var numProperties = 0;
- var numPropertiesShown = 0;
- var maxLengthReached = false;
- var lib = this;
- var propRepsMap =
- {
- "boolean": this.propNumberTag,
- "number": this.propNumberTag,
- "string": this.propStringTag,
- "object": this.propObjectTag
- };
- try
- {
- var title = Firebug.Rep.getTitle(object);
- length += title.length;
- for (var name in object)
- {
- var value;
- try
- {
- value = object[name];
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- continue;
- }
- var type = typeof(value);
- if (type == "boolean" ||
- type == "number" ||
- (type == "string" && value) ||
- (type == "object" && value && value.toString))
- {
- var tag = propRepsMap[type];
- var value = (type == "object") ?
- Firebug.getRep(value).getTitle(value) :
- value + "";
- length += name.length + value.length + 4;
- if (length <= maxLength)
- {
- props.push({
- tag: tag,
- name: name,
- object: value,
- equal: "=",
- delim: ", "
- });
- numPropertiesShown++;
- }
- else
- maxLengthReached = true;
- }
- numProperties++;
- if (maxLengthReached && numProperties > numPropertiesShown)
- break;
- }
- if (numProperties > numPropertiesShown)
- {
- props.push({
- object: "...", //xxxHonza localization
- tag: FirebugReps.Caption.tag,
- name: "",
- equal:"",
- delim:""
- });
- }
- else if (props.length > 0)
- {
- props[props.length-1].delim = '';
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // Sometimes we get exceptions when trying to read from certain objects, like
- // StorageList, but don't let that gum up the works
- // XXXjjb also History.previous fails because object is a web-page object which does not have
- // permission to read the history
- }
- return props;
- },
- fb_1_6_propIterator: function (object, max)
- {
- max = max || 3;
- if (!object)
- return [];
- var props = [];
- var len = 0, count = 0;
- try
- {
- for (var name in object)
- {
- var value;
- try
- {
- value = object[name];
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- continue;
- }
- var t = typeof(value);
- if (t == "boolean" || t == "number" || (t == "string" && value)
- || (t == "object" && value && value.toString))
- {
- var rep = Firebug.getRep(value);
- var tag = rep.shortTag || rep.tag;
- if (t == "object")
- {
- value = rep.getTitle(value);
- tag = rep.titleTag;
- }
- count++;
- if (count <= max)
- props.push({tag: tag, name: name, object: value, equal: "=", delim: ", "});
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- if (count > max)
- {
- props[Math.max(1,max-1)] = {
- object: "more...", //xxxHonza localization
- tag: FirebugReps.Caption.tag,
- name: "",
- equal:"",
- delim:""
- };
- }
- else if (props.length > 0)
- {
- props[props.length-1].delim = '';
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // Sometimes we get exceptions when trying to read from certain objects, like
- // StorageList, but don't let that gum up the works
- // XXXjjb also History.previous fails because object is a web-page object which does not have
- // permission to read the history
- }
- return props;
- },
- /*
- propIterator: function (object)
- {
- if (!object)
- return [];
- var props = [];
- var len = 0;
- try
- {
- for (var name in object)
- {
- var val;
- try
- {
- val = object[name];
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- continue;
- }
- var t = typeof val;
- if (t == "boolean" || t == "number" || (t == "string" && val)
- || (t == "object" && !isFunction(val) && val && val.toString))
- {
- var title = (t == "object")
- ? Firebug.getRep(val).getTitle(val)
- : val+"";
- len += name.length + title.length + 1;
- if (len < 50)
- props.push({name: name, value: title});
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // Sometimes we get exceptions when trying to read from certain objects, like
- // StorageList, but don't let that gum up the works
- // XXXjjb also History.previous fails because object is a web-page object which does not have
- // permission to read the history
- }
- return props;
- },
- /**/
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "object",
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- return true;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Arr = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- OBJECTBOX({_repObject: "$object"},
- SPAN({"class": "arrayLeftBracket", role : "presentation"}, "["),
- FOR("item", "$object|arrayIterator",
- TAG("$item.tag", {object: "$item.object"}),
- SPAN({"class": "arrayComma", role : "presentation"}, "$item.delim")
- ),
- SPAN({"class": "arrayRightBracket", role : "presentation"}, "]")
- ),
- shortTag:
- OBJECTBOX({_repObject: "$object"},
- SPAN({"class": "arrayLeftBracket", role : "presentation"}, "["),
- FOR("item", "$object|shortArrayIterator",
- TAG("$item.tag", {object: "$item.object"}),
- SPAN({"class": "arrayComma", role : "presentation"}, "$item.delim")
- ),
- // TODO: xxxpedro - confirm this on Firebug
- //FOR("prop", "$object|shortPropIterator",
- // " $",
- // SPAN({"class": "objectPropValue"}, "$prop.value|cropString")
- //),
- SPAN({"class": "arrayRightBracket"}, "]")
- ),
- arrayIterator: function(array)
- {
- var items = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
- {
- var value = array[i];
- var rep = Firebug.getRep(value);
- var tag = rep.shortTag ? rep.shortTag : rep.tag;
- var delim = (i == array.length-1 ? "" : ", ");
- items.push({object: value, tag: tag, delim: delim});
- }
- return items;
- },
- shortArrayIterator: function(array)
- {
- var items = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length && i < 3; ++i)
- {
- var value = array[i];
- var rep = Firebug.getRep(value);
- var tag = rep.shortTag ? rep.shortTag : rep.tag;
- var delim = (i == array.length-1 ? "" : ", ");
- items.push({object: value, tag: tag, delim: delim});
- }
- if (array.length > 3)
- items.push({object: (array.length-3) + " more...", tag: FirebugReps.Caption.tag, delim: ""});
- return items;
- },
- shortPropIterator: this.Obj.propIterator,
- getItemIndex: function(child)
- {
- var arrayIndex = 0;
- for (child = child.previousSibling; child; child = child.previousSibling)
- {
- if (child.repObject)
- ++arrayIndex;
- }
- return arrayIndex;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "array",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return this.isArray(object);
- },
- //
- // BEGIN Yahoo BSD Source (modified here) YAHOO.lang.isArray, YUI 2.2.2 June 2007
- isArray: function(obj) {
- try {
- if (!obj)
- return false;
- else if (isIE && !isFunction(obj) && typeof obj == "object" && isFinite(obj.length) && obj.nodeType != 8)
- return true;
- else if (isFinite(obj.length) && isFunction(obj.splice))
- return true;
- else if (isFinite(obj.length) && isFunction(obj.callee)) // arguments
- return true;
- else if (instanceOf(obj, "HTMLCollection"))
- return true;
- else if (instanceOf(obj, "NodeList"))
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- catch(exc)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("isArray FAILS:", exc); /* Something weird: without the try/catch, OOM, with no exception?? */
- FBTrace.sysout("isArray Fails on obj", obj);
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- // END Yahoo BSD SOURCE See license below.
- getTitle: function(object, context)
- {
- return "[" + object.length + "]";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Property = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return object instanceof Property;
- },
- getRealObject: function(prop, context)
- {
- return prop.object[];
- },
- getTitle: function(prop, context)
- {
- return;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.NetFile = domplate(this.Obj,
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return object instanceof Firebug.NetFile;
- },
- browseObject: function(file, context)
- {
- openNewTab(file.href);
- return true;
- },
- getRealObject: function(file, context)
- {
- return null;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Except = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- OBJECTBOX({_repObject: "$object"}, "$object.message"),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "exception",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return object instanceof ErrorCopy;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Element = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- "&lt;",
- SPAN({"class": "nodeTag"}, "$object.nodeName|toLowerCase"),
- FOR("attr", "$object|attrIterator",
- "&nbsp;$attr.nodeName=&quot;", SPAN({"class": "nodeValue"}, "$attr.nodeValue"), "&quot;"
- ),
- "&gt;"
- ),
- shortTag:
- SPAN({"class": "$object|getVisible"},
- SPAN({"class": "selectorTag"}, "$object|getSelectorTag"),
- SPAN({"class": "selectorId"}, "$object|getSelectorId"),
- SPAN({"class": "selectorClass"}, "$object|getSelectorClass"),
- SPAN({"class": "selectorValue"}, "$object|getValue")
- )
- ),
- getVisible: function(elt)
- {
- return isVisible(elt) ? "" : "selectorHidden";
- },
- getSelectorTag: function(elt)
- {
- return elt.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- },
- getSelectorId: function(elt)
- {
- return ? "#" + : "";
- },
- getSelectorClass: function(elt)
- {
- return elt.className ? "." + elt.className.split(" ")[0] : "";
- },
- getValue: function(elt)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro
- return "";
- var value;
- if (elt instanceof HTMLImageElement)
- value = getFileName(elt.src);
- else if (elt instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)
- value = getFileName(elt.href);
- else if (elt instanceof HTMLInputElement)
- value = elt.value;
- else if (elt instanceof HTMLFormElement)
- value = getFileName(elt.action);
- else if (elt instanceof HTMLScriptElement)
- value = getFileName(elt.src);
- return value ? " " + cropString(value, 20) : "";
- },
- attrIterator: function(elt)
- {
- var attrs = [];
- var idAttr, classAttr;
- if (elt.attributes)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < elt.attributes.length; ++i)
- {
- var attr = elt.attributes[i];
- // we must check if the attribute is specified otherwise IE will show them
- if (!attr.specified || attr.nodeName && attr.nodeName.indexOf("firebug-") != -1)
- continue;
- else if (attr.nodeName == "id")
- idAttr = attr;
- else if (attr.nodeName == "class")
- classAttr = attr;
- else if (attr.nodeName == "style")
- attrs.push({
- nodeName: attr.nodeName,
- nodeValue: attr.nodeValue ||
- // IE won't recognize the attr.nodeValue of <style> nodes ...
- // and will return CSS property names in upper case, so we need to convert them
- function(m,g){return g.toLowerCase()+":"})
- });
- else
- attrs.push(attr);
- }
- }
- if (classAttr)
- attrs.splice(0, 0, classAttr);
- if (idAttr)
- attrs.splice(0, 0, idAttr);
- return attrs;
- },
- shortAttrIterator: function(elt)
- {
- var attrs = [];
- if (elt.attributes)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < elt.attributes.length; ++i)
- {
- var attr = elt.attributes[i];
- if (attr.nodeName == "id" || attr.nodeName == "class")
- attrs.push(attr);
- }
- }
- return attrs;
- },
- getHidden: function(elt)
- {
- return isVisible(elt) ? "" : "nodeHidden";
- },
- getXPath: function(elt)
- {
- return getElementTreeXPath(elt);
- },
- // TODO: xxxpedro remove this?
- getNodeText: function(element)
- {
- var text = element.textContent;
- if (Firebug.showFullTextNodes)
- return text;
- else
- return cropString(text, 50);
- },
- /**/
- getNodeTextGroups: function(element)
- {
- var text = element.textContent;
- if (!Firebug.showFullTextNodes)
- {
- text=cropString(text,50);
- }
- var escapeGroups=[];
- if (Firebug.showTextNodesWithWhitespace)
- escapeGroups.push({
- 'group': 'whitespace',
- 'class': 'nodeWhiteSpace',
- 'extra': {
- '\t': '_Tab',
- '\n': '_Para',
- ' ' : '_Space'
- }
- });
- if (Firebug.showTextNodesWithEntities)
- escapeGroups.push({
- 'group':'text',
- 'class':'nodeTextEntity',
- 'extra':{}
- });
- if (escapeGroups.length)
- return escapeGroupsForEntities(text, escapeGroups);
- else
- return [{str:text,'class':'',extra:''}];
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- copyHTML: function(elt)
- {
- var html = getElementXML(elt);
- copyToClipboard(html);
- },
- copyInnerHTML: function(elt)
- {
- copyToClipboard(elt.innerHTML);
- },
- copyXPath: function(elt)
- {
- var xpath = getElementXPath(elt);
- copyToClipboard(xpath);
- },
- persistor: function(context, xpath)
- {
- var elts = xpath
- ? getElementsByXPath(context.window.document, xpath)
- : null;
- return elts && elts.length ? elts[0] : null;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "element",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- //return object instanceof Element || object.nodeType == 1 && typeof object.nodeName == "string";
- return instanceOf(object, "Element");
- },
- browseObject: function(elt, context)
- {
- var tag = elt.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if (tag == "script")
- openNewTab(elt.src);
- else if (tag == "link")
- openNewTab(elt.href);
- else if (tag == "a")
- openNewTab(elt.href);
- else if (tag == "img")
- openNewTab(elt.src);
- return true;
- },
- persistObject: function(elt, context)
- {
- var xpath = getElementXPath(elt);
- return bind(this.persistor, top, xpath);
- },
- getTitle: function(element, context)
- {
- return getElementCSSSelector(element);
- },
- getTooltip: function(elt)
- {
- return this.getXPath(elt);
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(elt, target, context)
- {
- var monitored = areEventsMonitored(elt, null, context);
- return [
- {label: "CopyHTML", command: bindFixed(this.copyHTML, this, elt) },
- {label: "CopyInnerHTML", command: bindFixed(this.copyInnerHTML, this, elt) },
- {label: "CopyXPath", command: bindFixed(this.copyXPath, this, elt) },
- "-",
- {label: "ShowEventsInConsole", type: "checkbox", checked: monitored,
- command: bindFixed(toggleMonitorEvents, FBL, elt, null, monitored, context) },
- "-",
- {label: "ScrollIntoView", command: bindFixed(elt.scrollIntoView, elt) }
- ];
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.TextNode = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- "&lt;",
- SPAN({"class": "nodeTag"}, "TextNode"),
- "&nbsp;textContent=&quot;", SPAN({"class": "nodeValue"}, "$object.textContent|cropString"), "&quot;",
- "&gt;"
- ),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "textNode",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return object instanceof Text;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Document = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- OBJECTLINK("Document ", SPAN({"class": "objectPropValue"}, "$object|getLocation")),
- getLocation: function(doc)
- {
- return doc.location ? getFileName(doc.location.href) : "";
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "object",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- //return object instanceof Document || object instanceof XMLDocument;
- return instanceOf(object, "Document");
- },
- browseObject: function(doc, context)
- {
- openNewTab(doc.location.href);
- return true;
- },
- persistObject: function(doc, context)
- {
- return this.persistor;
- },
- persistor: function(context)
- {
- return context.window.document;
- },
- getTitle: function(win, context)
- {
- return "document";
- },
- getTooltip: function(doc)
- {
- return doc.location.href;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.StyleSheet = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- OBJECTLINK("StyleSheet ", SPAN({"class": "objectPropValue"}, "$object|getLocation")),
- getLocation: function(styleSheet)
- {
- return getFileName(styleSheet.href);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- copyURL: function(styleSheet)
- {
- copyToClipboard(styleSheet.href);
- },
- openInTab: function(styleSheet)
- {
- openNewTab(styleSheet.href);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "object",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- //return object instanceof CSSStyleSheet;
- return instanceOf(object, "CSSStyleSheet");
- },
- browseObject: function(styleSheet, context)
- {
- openNewTab(styleSheet.href);
- return true;
- },
- persistObject: function(styleSheet, context)
- {
- return bind(this.persistor, top, styleSheet.href);
- },
- getTooltip: function(styleSheet)
- {
- return styleSheet.href;
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(styleSheet, target, context)
- {
- return [
- {label: "CopyLocation", command: bindFixed(this.copyURL, this, styleSheet) },
- "-",
- {label: "OpenInTab", command: bindFixed(this.openInTab, this, styleSheet) }
- ];
- },
- persistor: function(context, href)
- {
- return getStyleSheetByHref(href, context);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Window = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- OBJECTLINK("Window ", SPAN({"class": "objectPropValue"}, "$object|getLocation")),
- getLocation: function(win)
- {
- try
- {
- return (win && win.location && !win.closed) ? getFileName(win.location.href) : "";
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("reps.Window window closed?");
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "object",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return instanceOf(object, "Window");
- },
- browseObject: function(win, context)
- {
- openNewTab(win.location.href);
- return true;
- },
- persistObject: function(win, context)
- {
- return this.persistor;
- },
- persistor: function(context)
- {
- return context.window;
- },
- getTitle: function(win, context)
- {
- return "window";
- },
- getTooltip: function(win)
- {
- if (win && !win.closed)
- return win.location.href;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Event = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag: TAG("$copyEventTag", {object: "$object|copyEvent"}),
- copyEventTag:
- OBJECTLINK("$object|summarizeEvent"),
- summarizeEvent: function(event)
- {
- var info = [event.type, ' '];
- var eventFamily = getEventFamily(event.type);
- if (eventFamily == "mouse")
- info.push("clientX=", event.clientX, ", clientY=", event.clientY);
- else if (eventFamily == "key")
- info.push("charCode=", event.charCode, ", keyCode=", event.keyCode);
- return info.join("");
- },
- copyEvent: function(event)
- {
- return new EventCopy(event);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "object",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- //return object instanceof Event || object instanceof EventCopy;
- return instanceOf(object, "Event") || instanceOf(object, "EventCopy");
- },
- getTitle: function(event, context)
- {
- return "Event " + event.type;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.SourceLink = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- OBJECTLINK({$collapsed: "$object|hideSourceLink"}, "$object|getSourceLinkTitle"),
- hideSourceLink: function(sourceLink)
- {
- return sourceLink ? sourceLink.href.indexOf("XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper") != -1 : true;
- },
- getSourceLinkTitle: function(sourceLink)
- {
- if (!sourceLink)
- return "";
- try
- {
- var fileName = getFileName(sourceLink.href);
- fileName = decodeURIComponent(fileName);
- fileName = cropString(fileName, 17);
- }
- catch(exc)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("reps.getSourceLinkTitle decodeURIComponent fails for \'"+fileName+"\': "+exc, exc);
- }
- return typeof sourceLink.line == "number" ?
- fileName + " (line " + sourceLink.line + ")" :
- fileName;
- // TODO: xxxpedro
- //return $STRF("Line", [fileName, sourceLink.line]);
- },
- copyLink: function(sourceLink)
- {
- copyToClipboard(sourceLink.href);
- },
- openInTab: function(sourceLink)
- {
- openNewTab(sourceLink.href);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "sourceLink",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return object instanceof SourceLink;
- },
- getTooltip: function(sourceLink)
- {
- return decodeURI(sourceLink.href);
- },
- inspectObject: function(sourceLink, context)
- {
- if (sourceLink.type == "js")
- {
- var scriptFile = getSourceFileByHref(sourceLink.href, context);
- if (scriptFile)
- return;
- }
- else if (sourceLink.type == "css")
- {
- // If an object is defined, treat it as the highest priority for
- // inspect actions
- if (sourceLink.object) {
- return;
- }
- var stylesheet = getStyleSheetByHref(sourceLink.href, context);
- if (stylesheet)
- {
- var ownerNode = stylesheet.ownerNode;
- if (ownerNode)
- {
-, "html");
- return;
- }
- var panel = context.getPanel("stylesheet");
- if (panel && panel.getRuleByLine(stylesheet, sourceLink.line))
- return;
- }
- }
- // Fallback is to just open the view-source window on the file
- viewSource(sourceLink.href, sourceLink.line);
- },
- browseObject: function(sourceLink, context)
- {
- openNewTab(sourceLink.href);
- return true;
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(sourceLink, target, context)
- {
- return [
- {label: "CopyLocation", command: bindFixed(this.copyLink, this, sourceLink) },
- "-",
- {label: "OpenInTab", command: bindFixed(this.openInTab, this, sourceLink) }
- ];
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.SourceFile = domplate(this.SourceLink,
- tag:
- OBJECTLINK({$collapsed: "$object|hideSourceLink"}, "$object|getSourceLinkTitle"),
- persistor: function(context, href)
- {
- return getSourceFileByHref(href, context);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "sourceFile",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return object instanceof SourceFile;
- },
- persistObject: function(sourceFile)
- {
- return bind(this.persistor, top, sourceFile.href);
- },
- browseObject: function(sourceLink, context)
- {
- },
- getTooltip: function(sourceFile)
- {
- return sourceFile.href;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.StackFrame = domplate(Firebug.Rep, // XXXjjb Since the repObject is fn the stack does not have correct line numbers
- tag:
- A({"class": "objectLink objectLink-function focusRow a11yFocus", _repObject: "$object.fn"}, "$object|getCallName"),
- " ( ",
- FOR("arg", "$object|argIterator",
- TAG("$arg.tag", {object: "$arg.value"}),
- SPAN({"class": "arrayComma"}, "$arg.delim")
- ),
- " )",
- SPAN({"class": "objectLink-sourceLink objectLink"}, "$object|getSourceLinkTitle")
- ),
- getCallName: function(frame)
- {
- //TODO: xxxpedro reps StackFrame
- return || "anonymous";
- //return getFunctionName(frame.script, frame.context);
- },
- getSourceLinkTitle: function(frame)
- {
- //TODO: xxxpedro reps StackFrame
- var fileName = cropString(getFileName(frame.href), 20);
- return fileName + (frame.lineNo ? " (line " + frame.lineNo + ")" : "");
- var fileName = cropString(getFileName(frame.href), 17);
- return $STRF("Line", [fileName, frame.lineNo]);
- },
- argIterator: function(frame)
- {
- if (!frame.args)
- return [];
- var items = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < frame.args.length; ++i)
- {
- var arg = frame.args[i];
- if (!arg)
- break;
- var rep = Firebug.getRep(arg.value);
- var tag = rep.shortTag ? rep.shortTag : rep.tag;
- var delim = (i == frame.args.length-1 ? "" : ", ");
- items.push({name:, value: arg.value, tag: tag, delim: delim});
- }
- return items;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "stackFrame",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return object instanceof StackFrame;
- },
- inspectObject: function(stackFrame, context)
- {
- var sourceLink = new SourceLink(stackFrame.href, stackFrame.lineNo, "js");
- },
- getTooltip: function(stackFrame, context)
- {
- return $STRF("Line", [stackFrame.href, stackFrame.lineNo]);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.StackTrace = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- FOR("frame", "$object.frames focusRow",
- TAG(this.StackFrame.tag, {object: "$frame"})
- ),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "stackTrace",
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return object instanceof StackTrace;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.jsdStackFrame = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- inspectable: false,
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return (object instanceof jsdIStackFrame) && (object.isValid);
- },
- getTitle: function(frame, context)
- {
- if (!frame.isValid) return "(invalid frame)"; // XXXjjb avoid frame.script == null
- return getFunctionName(frame.script, context);
- },
- getTooltip: function(frame, context)
- {
- if (!frame.isValid) return "(invalid frame)"; // XXXjjb avoid frame.script == null
- var sourceInfo = FBL.getSourceFileAndLineByScript(context, frame.script, frame);
- if (sourceInfo)
- return $STRF("Line", [sourceInfo.sourceFile.href, sourceInfo.lineNo]);
- else
- return $STRF("Line", [frame.script.fileName, frame.line]);
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(frame, target, context)
- {
- var fn = frame.script.functionObject.getWrappedValue();
- return FirebugReps.Func.getContextMenuItems(fn, target, context, frame.script);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.ErrorMessage = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- $hasTwisty: "$object|hasStackTrace",
- $hasBreakSwitch: "$object|hasBreakSwitch",
- $breakForError: "$object|hasErrorBreak",
- _repObject: "$object",
- _stackTrace: "$object|getLastErrorStackTrace",
- onclick: "$onToggleError"},
- DIV({"class": "errorTitle a11yFocus", role : 'checkbox', 'aria-checked' : 'false'},
- "$object.message|getMessage"
- ),
- DIV({"class": "errorTrace"}),
- DIV({"class": "errorSourceBox errorSource-$object|getSourceType"},
- IMG({"class": "errorBreak a11yFocus", src:"blank.gif", role : 'checkbox', 'aria-checked':'false', title: "Break on this error"}),
- A({"class": "errorSource a11yFocus"}, "$object|getLine")
- ),
- TAG(this.SourceLink.tag, {object: "$object|getSourceLink"})
- ),
- getLastErrorStackTrace: function(error)
- {
- return error.trace;
- },
- hasStackTrace: function(error)
- {
- var url = error.href.toString();
- var fromCommandLine = (url.indexOf("XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper") != -1);
- return !fromCommandLine && error.trace;
- },
- hasBreakSwitch: function(error)
- {
- return error.href && error.lineNo > 0;
- },
- hasErrorBreak: function(error)
- {
- return fbs.hasErrorBreakpoint(error.href, error.lineNo);
- },
- getMessage: function(message)
- {
- var re = /\[Exception... "(.*?)" nsresult:/;
- var m = re.exec(message);
- return m ? m[1] : message;
- },
- getLine: function(error)
- {
- if (error.category == "js")
- {
- if (error.source)
- return cropString(error.source, 80);
- else if (error.href && error.href.indexOf("XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper") == -1)
- return cropString(error.getSourceLine(), 80);
- }
- },
- getSourceLink: function(error)
- {
- var ext = error.category == "css" ? "css" : "js";
- return error.lineNo ? new SourceLink(error.href, error.lineNo, ext) : null;
- },
- getSourceType: function(error)
- {
- // Errors occurring inside of HTML event handlers look like "foo.html (line 1)"
- // so let's try to skip those
- if (error.source)
- return "syntax";
- else if (error.lineNo == 1 && getFileExtension(error.href) != "js")
- return "none";
- else if (error.category == "css")
- return "none";
- else if (!error.href || !error.lineNo)
- return "none";
- else
- return "exec";
- },
- onToggleError: function(event)
- {
- var target = event.currentTarget;
- if (hasClass(, "errorBreak"))
- {
- this.breakOnThisError(target.repObject);
- }
- else if (hasClass(, "errorSource"))
- {
- var panel = Firebug.getElementPanel(;
- this.inspectObject(target.repObject, panel.context);
- }
- else if (hasClass(, "errorTitle"))
- {
- var traceBox = target.childNodes[1];
- toggleClass(target, "opened");
-'aria-checked', hasClass(target, "opened"));
- if (hasClass(target, "opened"))
- {
- if (target.stackTrace)
- var node = FirebugReps.StackTrace.tag.append({object: target.stackTrace}, traceBox);
- if (Firebug.A11yModel.enabled)
- {
- var panel = Firebug.getElementPanel(;
- dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], "onLogRowContentCreated", [panel , traceBox]);
- }
- }
- else
- clearNode(traceBox);
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- copyError: function(error)
- {
- var message = [
- this.getMessage(error.message),
- error.href,
- "Line " + error.lineNo
- ];
- copyToClipboard(message.join("\n"));
- },
- breakOnThisError: function(error)
- {
- if (this.hasErrorBreak(error))
- Firebug.Debugger.clearErrorBreakpoint(error.href, error.lineNo);
- else
- Firebug.Debugger.setErrorBreakpoint(error.href, error.lineNo);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "errorMessage",
- inspectable: false,
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return object instanceof ErrorMessage;
- },
- inspectObject: function(error, context)
- {
- var sourceLink = this.getSourceLink(error);
- FirebugReps.SourceLink.inspectObject(sourceLink, context);
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(error, target, context)
- {
- var breakOnThisError = this.hasErrorBreak(error);
- var items = [
- {label: "CopyError", command: bindFixed(this.copyError, this, error) }
- ];
- if (error.category == "css")
- {
- items.push(
- "-",
- {label: "BreakOnThisError", type: "checkbox", checked: breakOnThisError,
- command: bindFixed(this.breakOnThisError, this, error) },
- optionMenu("BreakOnAllErrors", "breakOnErrors")
- );
- }
- return items;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.Assert = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- DIV(
- DIV({"class": "errorTitle"}),
- DIV({"class": "assertDescription"})
- ),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "assert",
- inspectObject: function(error, context)
- {
- var sourceLink = this.getSourceLink(error);
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(error, target, context)
- {
- var breakOnThisError = this.hasErrorBreak(error);
- return [
- {label: "CopyError", command: bindFixed(this.copyError, this, error) },
- "-",
- {label: "BreakOnThisError", type: "checkbox", checked: breakOnThisError,
- command: bindFixed(this.breakOnThisError, this, error) },
- {label: "BreakOnAllErrors", type: "checkbox", checked: Firebug.breakOnErrors,
- command: bindFixed(this.breakOnAllErrors, this, error) }
- ];
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.SourceText = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- DIV(
- FOR("line", "$object|lineIterator",
- DIV({"class": "sourceRow", role : "presentation"},
- SPAN({"class": "sourceLine", role : "presentation"}, "$line.lineNo"),
- SPAN({"class": "sourceRowText", role : "presentation"}, "$line.text")
- )
- )
- ),
- lineIterator: function(sourceText)
- {
- var maxLineNoChars = (sourceText.lines.length + "").length;
- var list = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < sourceText.lines.length; ++i)
- {
- // Make sure all line numbers are the same width (with a fixed-width font)
- var lineNo = (i+1) + "";
- while (lineNo.length < maxLineNoChars)
- lineNo = " " + lineNo;
- list.push({lineNo: lineNo, text: sourceText.lines[i]});
- }
- return list;
- },
- getHTML: function(sourceText)
- {
- return getSourceLineRange(sourceText, 1, sourceText.lines.length);
- }
-this.nsIDOMHistory = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:OBJECTBOX({onclick: "$showHistory"},
- OBJECTLINK("$object|summarizeHistory")
- ),
- className: "nsIDOMHistory",
- summarizeHistory: function(history)
- {
- try
- {
- var items = history.length;
- return items + " history entries";
- }
- catch(exc)
- {
- return "object does not support history (nsIDOMHistory)";
- }
- },
- showHistory: function(history)
- {
- try
- {
- var items = history.length; // if this throws, then unsupported
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- return (object instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHistory);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-this.ApplicationCache = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:OBJECTBOX({onclick: "$showApplicationCache"},
- OBJECTLINK("$object|summarizeCache")
- ),
- summarizeCache: function(applicationCache)
- {
- try
- {
- return applicationCache.length + " items in offline cache";
- }
- catch(exc)
- {
- return "";
- }
- },
- showApplicationCache: function(event)
- {
- openNewTab("");
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "applicationCache",
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- if (Ci.nsIDOMOfflineResourceList)
- return (object instanceof Ci.nsIDOMOfflineResourceList);
- }
-this.Storage = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag: OBJECTBOX({onclick: "$show"}, OBJECTLINK("$object|summarize")),
- summarize: function(storage)
- {
- return storage.length +" items in Storage";
- },
- show: function(storage)
- {
- openNewTab("");
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- className: "Storage",
- supportsObject: function(object, type)
- {
- return (object instanceof Storage);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
- //this.nsIDOMHistory, // make this early to avoid exceptions
- this.Undefined,
- this.Null,
- this.Number,
- this.String,
- this.Window,
- //this.ApplicationCache, // must come before Arr (array) else exceptions.
- //this.ErrorMessage,
- this.Element,
- //this.TextNode,
- this.Document,
- this.StyleSheet,
- this.Event,
- //this.SourceLink,
- //this.SourceFile,
- //this.StackTrace,
- //this.StackFrame,
- //this.jsdStackFrame,
- //this.jsdScript,
- //this.NetFile,
- this.Property,
- this.Except,
- this.Arr
-Firebug.setDefaultReps(this.Func, this.Obj);
-// ************************************************************************************************
- * The following is and applies to only code labeled "Yahoo BSD Source"
- * in only this file reps.js. John J. Barton June 2007.
- *
-Software License Agreement (BSD License)
-Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc.
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
-permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
- following disclaimer.
-* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
- following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
- materials provided with the distribution.
-* Neither the name of Yahoo! Inc. nor the names of its
- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- derived from this software without specific prior
- written permission of Yahoo! Inc.
- * /
- */
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Constants
-var saveTimeout = 400;
-var pageAmount = 10;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Globals
-var currentTarget = null;
-var currentGroup = null;
-var currentPanel = null;
-var currentEditor = null;
-var defaultEditor = null;
-var originalClassName = null;
-var originalValue = null;
-var defaultValue = null;
-var previousValue = null;
-var invalidEditor = false;
-var ignoreNextInput = false;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.Editor = extend(Firebug.Module,
- supportsStopEvent: true,
- dispatchName: "editor",
- tabCharacter: " ",
- startEditing: function(target, value, editor)
- {
- this.stopEditing();
- if (hasClass(target, "insertBefore") || hasClass(target, "insertAfter"))
- return;
- var panel = Firebug.getElementPanel(target);
- if (!panel.editable)
- return;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_EDITOR)
- FBTrace.sysout("editor.startEditing " + value, target);
- defaultValue = target.getAttribute("defaultValue");
- if (value == undefined)
- {
- var textContent = isIE ? "innerText" : "textContent";
- value = target[textContent];
- if (value == defaultValue)
- value = "";
- }
- originalValue = previousValue = value;
- invalidEditor = false;
- currentTarget = target;
- currentPanel = panel;
- currentGroup = getAncestorByClass(target, "editGroup");
- currentPanel.editing = true;
- var panelEditor = currentPanel.getEditor(target, value);
- currentEditor = editor ? editor : panelEditor;
- if (!currentEditor)
- currentEditor = getDefaultEditor(currentPanel);
- var inlineParent = getInlineParent(target);
- var targetSize = getOffsetSize(inlineParent);
- setClass(panel.panelNode, "editing");
- setClass(target, "editing");
- if (currentGroup)
- setClass(currentGroup, "editing");
-, currentPanel, value, targetSize);
- //dispatch(this.fbListeners, "onBeginEditing", [currentPanel, currentEditor, target, value]);
- currentEditor.beginEditing(target, value);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_EDITOR)
- FBTrace.sysout("Editor start panel ";
- this.attachListeners(currentEditor, panel.context);
- },
- stopEditing: function(cancel)
- {
- if (!currentTarget)
- return;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_EDITOR)
- FBTrace.sysout("editor.stopEditing cancel:" + cancel+" saveTimeout: "+this.saveTimeout);
- clearTimeout(this.saveTimeout);
- delete this.saveTimeout;
- this.detachListeners(currentEditor, currentPanel.context);
- removeClass(currentPanel.panelNode, "editing");
- removeClass(currentTarget, "editing");
- if (currentGroup)
- removeClass(currentGroup, "editing");
- var value = currentEditor.getValue();
- if (value == defaultValue)
- value = "";
- var removeGroup = currentEditor.endEditing(currentTarget, value, cancel);
- try
- {
- if (cancel)
- {
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onInlineEditorClose', [currentPanel, currentTarget, removeGroup && !originalValue]);
- if (value != originalValue)
- this.saveEditAndNotifyListeners(currentTarget, originalValue, previousValue);
- if (removeGroup && !originalValue && currentGroup)
- currentGroup.parentNode.removeChild(currentGroup);
- }
- else if (!value)
- {
- this.saveEditAndNotifyListeners(currentTarget, null, previousValue);
- if (removeGroup && currentGroup)
- currentGroup.parentNode.removeChild(currentGroup);
- }
- else
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- //throw exc.message;
- //ERROR(exc);
- }
- currentEditor.hide();
- currentPanel.editing = false;
- //dispatch(this.fbListeners, "onStopEdit", [currentPanel, currentEditor, currentTarget]);
- //if (FBTrace.DBG_EDITOR)
- // FBTrace.sysout("Editor stop panel ";
- currentTarget = null;
- currentGroup = null;
- currentPanel = null;
- currentEditor = null;
- originalValue = null;
- invalidEditor = false;
- return value;
- },
- cancelEditing: function()
- {
- return this.stopEditing(true);
- },
- update: function(saveNow)
- {
- if (this.saveTimeout)
- clearTimeout(this.saveTimeout);
- invalidEditor = true;
- currentEditor.layout();
- if (saveNow)
- else
- {
- var context = currentPanel.context;
- this.saveTimeout = context.setTimeout(bindFixed(, this), saveTimeout);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_EDITOR)
- FBTrace.sysout("editor.update saveTimeout: "+this.saveTimeout);
- }
- },
- save: function(value)
- {
- if (!invalidEditor)
- return;
- if (value == undefined)
- value = currentEditor.getValue();
- if (FBTrace.DBG_EDITOR)
- FBTrace.sysout(" saveTimeout: "+this.saveTimeout+" currentPanel: "+(currentPanel?"null"));
- try
- {
- this.saveEditAndNotifyListeners(currentTarget, value, previousValue);
- previousValue = value;
- invalidEditor = false;
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout(" FAILS "+exc, exc);
- }
- },
- saveEditAndNotifyListeners: function(currentTarget, value, previousValue)
- {
- currentEditor.saveEdit(currentTarget, value, previousValue);
- //dispatch(this.fbListeners, "onSaveEdit", [currentPanel, currentEditor, currentTarget, value, previousValue]);
- },
- setEditTarget: function(element)
- {
- if (!element)
- {
- dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onInlineEditorClose', [currentPanel, currentTarget, true]);
- this.stopEditing();
- }
- else if (hasClass(element, "insertBefore"))
- this.insertRow(element, "before");
- else if (hasClass(element, "insertAfter"))
- this.insertRow(element, "after");
- else
- this.startEditing(element);
- },
- tabNextEditor: function()
- {
- if (!currentTarget)
- return;
- var value = currentEditor.getValue();
- var nextEditable = currentTarget;
- do
- {
- nextEditable = !value && currentGroup
- ? getNextOutsider(nextEditable, currentGroup)
- : getNextByClass(nextEditable, "editable");
- }
- while (nextEditable && !nextEditable.offsetHeight);
- this.setEditTarget(nextEditable);
- },
- tabPreviousEditor: function()
- {
- if (!currentTarget)
- return;
- var value = currentEditor.getValue();
- var prevEditable = currentTarget;
- do
- {
- prevEditable = !value && currentGroup
- ? getPreviousOutsider(prevEditable, currentGroup)
- : getPreviousByClass(prevEditable, "editable");
- }
- while (prevEditable && !prevEditable.offsetHeight);
- this.setEditTarget(prevEditable);
- },
- insertRow: function(relative, insertWhere)
- {
- var group =
- relative || getAncestorByClass(currentTarget, "editGroup") || currentTarget;
- var value = this.stopEditing();
- currentPanel = Firebug.getElementPanel(group);
- currentEditor = currentPanel.getEditor(group, value);
- if (!currentEditor)
- currentEditor = getDefaultEditor(currentPanel);
- currentGroup = currentEditor.insertNewRow(group, insertWhere);
- if (!currentGroup)
- return;
- var editable = hasClass(currentGroup, "editable")
- ? currentGroup
- : getNextByClass(currentGroup, "editable");
- if (editable)
- this.setEditTarget(editable);
- },
- insertRowForObject: function(relative)
- {
- var container = getAncestorByClass(relative, "insertInto");
- if (container)
- {
- relative = getChildByClass(container, "insertBefore");
- if (relative)
- this.insertRow(relative, "before");
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- attachListeners: function(editor, context)
- {
- var win = isIE ?
- currentTarget.ownerDocument.parentWindow :
- currentTarget.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- addEvent(win, "resize", this.onResize);
- addEvent(win, "blur", this.onBlur);
- var chrome =;
- this.listeners = [
- chrome.keyCodeListen("ESCAPE", null, bind(this.cancelEditing, this))
- ];
- if (editor.arrowCompletion)
- {
- this.listeners.push(
- chrome.keyCodeListen("UP", null, bindFixed(editor.completeValue, editor, -1)),
- chrome.keyCodeListen("DOWN", null, bindFixed(editor.completeValue, editor, 1)),
- chrome.keyCodeListen("PAGE_UP", null, bindFixed(editor.completeValue, editor, -pageAmount)),
- chrome.keyCodeListen("PAGE_DOWN", null, bindFixed(editor.completeValue, editor, pageAmount))
- );
- }
- if (currentEditor.tabNavigation)
- {
- this.listeners.push(
- chrome.keyCodeListen("RETURN", null, bind(this.tabNextEditor, this)),
- chrome.keyCodeListen("RETURN", isControl, bind(this.insertRow, this, null, "after")),
- chrome.keyCodeListen("TAB", null, bind(this.tabNextEditor, this)),
- chrome.keyCodeListen("TAB", isShift, bind(this.tabPreviousEditor, this))
- );
- }
- else if (currentEditor.multiLine)
- {
- this.listeners.push(
- chrome.keyCodeListen("TAB", null, insertTab)
- );
- }
- else
- {
- this.listeners.push(
- chrome.keyCodeListen("RETURN", null, bindFixed(this.stopEditing, this))
- );
- if (currentEditor.tabCompletion)
- {
- this.listeners.push(
- chrome.keyCodeListen("TAB", null, bind(editor.completeValue, editor, 1)),
- chrome.keyCodeListen("TAB", isShift, bind(editor.completeValue, editor, -1))
- );
- }
- }
- },
- detachListeners: function(editor, context)
- {
- if (!this.listeners)
- return;
- var win = isIE ?
- currentTarget.ownerDocument.parentWindow :
- currentTarget.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- removeEvent(win, "resize", this.onResize);
- removeEvent(win, "blur", this.onBlur);
- var chrome =;
- if (chrome)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; ++i)
- chrome.keyIgnore(this.listeners[i]);
- }
- delete this.listeners;
- },
- onResize: function(event)
- {
- currentEditor.layout(true);
- },
- onBlur: function(event)
- {
- if (currentEditor.enterOnBlur && isAncestor(,
- this.stopEditing();
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Module
- initialize: function()
- {
- Firebug.Module.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- this.onResize = bindFixed(this.onResize, this);
- this.onBlur = bind(this.onBlur, this);
- },
- disable: function()
- {
- this.stopEditing();
- },
- showContext: function(browser, context)
- {
- this.stopEditing();
- },
- showPanel: function(browser, panel)
- {
- this.stopEditing();
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// BaseEditor
-Firebug.BaseEditor = extend(Firebug.MeasureBox,
- getValue: function()
- {
- },
- setValue: function(value)
- {
- },
- show: function(target, panel, value, textSize, targetSize)
- {
- },
- hide: function()
- {
- },
- layout: function(forceAll)
- {
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Support for context menus within inline editors.
- getContextMenuItems: function(target)
- {
- var items = [];
- items.push({label: "Cut", commandID: "cmd_cut"});
- items.push({label: "Copy", commandID: "cmd_copy"});
- items.push({label: "Paste", commandID: "cmd_paste"});
- return items;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Editor Module listeners will get "onBeginEditing" just before this call
- beginEditing: function(target, value)
- {
- },
- // Editor Module listeners will get "onSaveEdit" just after this call
- saveEdit: function(target, value, previousValue)
- {
- },
- endEditing: function(target, value, cancel)
- {
- // Remove empty groups by default
- return true;
- },
- insertNewRow: function(target, insertWhere)
- {
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// InlineEditor
-// basic inline editor attributes
-var inlineEditorAttributes = {
- "class": "textEditorInner",
- type: "text",
- spellcheck: "false",
- onkeypress: "$onKeyPress",
- onoverflow: "$onOverflow",
- oncontextmenu: "$onContextMenu"
-// IE does not support the oninput event, so we're using the onkeydown to signalize
-// the relevant keyboard events, and the onpropertychange to actually handle the
-// input event, which should happen after the onkeydown event is fired and after the
-// value of the input is updated, but before the onkeyup and before the input (with the
-// new value) is rendered
-if (isIE)
- inlineEditorAttributes.onpropertychange = "$onInput";
- inlineEditorAttributes.onkeydown = "$onKeyDown";
-// for other browsers we use the oninput event
- inlineEditorAttributes.oninput = "$onInput";
-Firebug.InlineEditor = function(doc)
- this.initializeInline(doc);
-Firebug.InlineEditor.prototype = domplate(Firebug.BaseEditor,
- enterOnBlur: true,
- outerMargin: 8,
- shadowExpand: 7,
- tag:
- DIV({"class": "inlineEditor"},
- DIV({"class": "textEditorTop1"},
- DIV({"class": "textEditorTop2"})
- ),
- DIV({"class": "textEditorInner1"},
- DIV({"class": "textEditorInner2"},
- inlineEditorAttributes
- )
- )
- ),
- DIV({"class": "textEditorBottom1"},
- DIV({"class": "textEditorBottom2"})
- )
- ),
- inputTag :
- INPUT({"class": "textEditorInner", type: "text",
- /*oninput: "$onInput",*/ onkeypress: "$onKeyPress", onoverflow: "$onOverflow"}
- ),
- expanderTag:
- IMG({"class": "inlineExpander", src: "blank.gif"}),
- initialize: function()
- {
- this.fixedWidth = false;
- this.completeAsYouType = true;
- this.tabNavigation = true;
- this.multiLine = false;
- this.tabCompletion = false;
- this.arrowCompletion = true;
- this.noWrap = true;
- this.numeric = false;
- },
- destroy: function()
- {
- this.destroyInput();
- },
- initializeInline: function(doc)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_EDITOR)
- FBTrace.sysout("Firebug.InlineEditor initializeInline()");
- // = this.tag.replace({}, doc, this);
- = this.tag.append({}, doc.body, this);
- //this.input =[1].firstChild.firstChild; // XXXjjb childNode[1] required
- this.input ="input")[0];
- if (isIElt8)
- {
- = "-8px";
- }
- this.expander = this.expanderTag.replace({}, doc, this);
- this.initialize();
- },
- destroyInput: function()
- {
- // XXXjoe Need to remove input/keypress handlers to avoid leaks
- },
- getValue: function()
- {
- return this.input.value;
- },
- setValue: function(value)
- {
- // It's only a one-line editor, so new lines shouldn't be allowed
- return this.input.value = stripNewLines(value);
- },
- show: function(target, panel, value, targetSize)
- {
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], "onInlineEditorShow", [panel, this]);
- = target;
- this.panel = panel;
- this.targetSize = targetSize;
- // TODO: xxxpedro editor
- //this.targetOffset = getClientOffset(target);
- // Some browsers (IE, Google Chrome and Safari) will have problem trying to get the
- // offset values of invisible elements, or empty elements. So, in order to get the
- // correct values, we temporary inject a character in the innerHTML of the empty element,
- // then we get the offset values, and next, we restore the original innerHTML value.
- var innerHTML = target.innerHTML;
- var isEmptyElement = !innerHTML;
- if (isEmptyElement)
- target.innerHTML = ".";
- // Get the position of the target element (that is about to be edited)
- this.targetOffset =
- {
- x: target.offsetLeft,
- y: target.offsetTop
- };
- // Restore the original innerHTML value of the empty element
- if (isEmptyElement)
- target.innerHTML = innerHTML;
- this.originalClassName =;
- var classNames = target.className.split(" ");
- for (var i = 0; i < classNames.length; ++i)
- setClass(, "editor-" + classNames[i]);
- // Make the editor match the target's font style
- copyTextStyles(target,;
- this.setValue(value);
- if (this.fixedWidth)
- this.updateLayout(true);
- else
- {
- this.startMeasuring(target);
- this.textSize = this.measureInputText(value);
- // Correct the height of the box to make the funky CSS drop-shadow line up
- var parent = this.input.parentNode;
- if (hasClass(parent, "textEditorInner2"))
- {
- var yDiff = this.textSize.height - this.shadowExpand;
- // IE6 height offset
- if (isIE6)
- yDiff -= 2;
- = yDiff + "px";
- = yDiff + "px";
- }
- this.updateLayout(true);
- }
- this.getAutoCompleter().reset();
- if (isIElt8)
- panel.panelNode.appendChild(;
- else
- target.offsetParent.appendChild(;
- //console.log(target);
- //; // it's called bellow, with setTimeout
- if (isIE)
- {
- // reset input style
- = "Monospace";
- = "11px";
- }
- // Insert the "expander" to cover the target element with white space
- if (!this.fixedWidth)
- {
- copyBoxStyles(target, this.expander);
- target.parentNode.replaceChild(this.expander, target);
- collapse(target, true);
- this.expander.parentNode.insertBefore(target, this.expander);
- }
- //TODO: xxxpedro
- //scrollIntoCenterView(, null, true);
- // Display the editor after change its size and position to avoid flickering
- = "block";
- // we need to call input.focus() and with a timeout,
- // otherwise it won't work on all browsers due to timing issues
- var self = this;
- setTimeout(function(){
- self.input.focus();
- },0);
- },
- hide: function()
- {
- = this.originalClassName;
- if (!this.fixedWidth)
- {
- this.stopMeasuring();
- collapse(, false);
- if (this.expander.parentNode)
- this.expander.parentNode.removeChild(this.expander);
- }
- if (
- {
- ///setSelectionRange(this.input, 0, 0);
- this.input.blur();
- }
- delete;
- delete this.panel;
- },
- layout: function(forceAll)
- {
- if (!this.fixedWidth)
- this.textSize = this.measureInputText(this.input.value);
- if (forceAll)
- this.targetOffset = getClientOffset(this.expander);
- this.updateLayout(false, forceAll);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- beginEditing: function(target, value)
- {
- },
- saveEdit: function(target, value, previousValue)
- {
- },
- endEditing: function(target, value, cancel)
- {
- // Remove empty groups by default
- return true;
- },
- insertNewRow: function(target, insertWhere)
- {
- },
- advanceToNext: function(target, charCode)
- {
- return false;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- getAutoCompleteRange: function(value, offset)
- {
- },
- getAutoCompleteList: function(preExpr, expr, postExpr)
- {
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- getAutoCompleter: function()
- {
- if (!this.autoCompleter)
- {
- this.autoCompleter = new Firebug.AutoCompleter(null,
- bind(this.getAutoCompleteRange, this), bind(this.getAutoCompleteList, this),
- true, false);
- }
- return this.autoCompleter;
- },
- completeValue: function(amt)
- {
- //console.log("completeValue");
- var selectRangeCallback = this.getAutoCompleter().complete(currentPanel.context, this.input, true, amt < 0);
- if (selectRangeCallback)
- {
- Firebug.Editor.update(true);
- // We need to select the editor text after calling update in Safari/Chrome,
- // otherwise the text won't be selected
- if (isSafari)
- setTimeout(selectRangeCallback,0);
- else
- selectRangeCallback();
- }
- else
- this.incrementValue(amt);
- },
- incrementValue: function(amt)
- {
- var value = this.input.value;
- // TODO: xxxpedro editor
- if (isIE)
- var start = getInputSelectionStart(this.input), end = start;
- else
- var start = this.input.selectionStart, end = this.input.selectionEnd;
- //debugger;
- var range = this.getAutoCompleteRange(value, start);
- if (!range || range.type != "int")
- range = {start: 0, end: value.length-1};
- var expr = value.substr(range.start, range.end-range.start+1);
- preExpr = value.substr(0, range.start);
- postExpr = value.substr(range.end+1);
- // See if the value is an integer, and if so increment it
- var intValue = parseInt(expr);
- if (!!intValue || intValue == 0)
- {
- var m = /\d+/.exec(expr);
- var digitPost = expr.substr(m.index+m[0].length);
- var completion = intValue-amt;
- this.input.value = preExpr + completion + digitPost + postExpr;
- setSelectionRange(this.input, start, end);
- Firebug.Editor.update(true);
- return true;
- }
- else
- return false;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- onKeyPress: function(event)
- {
- //console.log("onKeyPress", event);
- if (event.keyCode == 27 && !this.completeAsYouType)
- {
- var reverted = this.getAutoCompleter().revert(this.input);
- if (reverted)
- cancelEvent(event);
- }
- else if (event.charCode && this.advanceToNext(, event.charCode))
- {
- Firebug.Editor.tabNextEditor();
- cancelEvent(event);
- }
- else
- {
- if (this.numeric && event.charCode && (event.charCode < 48 || event.charCode > 57)
- && event.charCode != 45 && event.charCode != 46)
- FBL.cancelEvent(event);
- else
- {
- // If the user backspaces, don't autocomplete after the upcoming input event
- this.ignoreNextInput = event.keyCode == 8;
- }
- }
- },
- onOverflow: function()
- {
- this.updateLayout(false, false, 3);
- },
- onKeyDown: function(event)
- {
- //console.log("onKeyDown", event.keyCode);
- if (event.keyCode > 46 || event.keyCode == 32 || event.keyCode == 8)
- {
- this.keyDownPressed = true;
- }
- },
- onInput: function(event)
- {
- //debugger;
- // skip not relevant onpropertychange calls on IE
- if (isIE)
- {
- if (event.propertyName != "value" || !isVisible(this.input) || !this.keyDownPressed)
- return;
- this.keyDownPressed = false;
- }
- //console.log("onInput", event);
- //console.trace();
- var selectRangeCallback;
- if (this.ignoreNextInput)
- {
- this.ignoreNextInput = false;
- this.getAutoCompleter().reset();
- }
- else if (this.completeAsYouType)
- selectRangeCallback = this.getAutoCompleter().complete(currentPanel.context, this.input, false);
- else
- this.getAutoCompleter().reset();
- Firebug.Editor.update();
- if (selectRangeCallback)
- {
- // We need to select the editor text after calling update in Safari/Chrome,
- // otherwise the text won't be selected
- if (isSafari)
- setTimeout(selectRangeCallback,0);
- else
- selectRangeCallback();
- }
- },
- onContextMenu: function(event)
- {
- cancelEvent(event);
- var popup = $("fbInlineEditorPopup");
- FBL.eraseNode(popup);
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- var menu = this.getContextMenuItems(target);
- if (menu)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < menu.length; ++i)
- FBL.createMenuItem(popup, menu[i]);
- }
- if (!popup.firstChild)
- return false;
- popup.openPopupAtScreen(event.screenX, event.screenY, true);
- return true;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- updateLayout: function(initial, forceAll, extraWidth)
- {
- if (this.fixedWidth)
- {
- = (this.targetOffset.x) + "px";
- = (this.targetOffset.y) + "px";
- var w =;
- var h =;
- = w + "px";
- = (h-3) + "px";
- }
- else
- {
- if (initial || forceAll)
- {
- = this.targetOffset.x + "px";
- = this.targetOffset.y + "px";
- }
- var approxTextWidth = this.textSize.width;
- var maxWidth = (currentPanel.panelNode.scrollWidth - this.targetOffset.x)
- - this.outerMargin;
- var wrapped = initial
- ? this.noWrap && this.targetSize.height > this.textSize.height+3
- : this.noWrap && approxTextWidth > maxWidth;
- if (wrapped)
- {
- var style = isIE ?
- :
-, "");
- targetMargin = parseInt(style.marginLeft) + parseInt(style.marginRight);
- // Make the width fit the remaining x-space from the offset to the far right
- approxTextWidth = maxWidth - targetMargin;
- = "100%";
- = approxTextWidth + "px";
- }
- else
- {
- // Make the input one character wider than the text value so that
- // typing does not ever cause the textbox to scroll
- var charWidth = this.measureInputText('m').width;
- // Sometimes we need to make the editor a little wider, specifically when
- // an overflow happens, otherwise it will scroll off some text on the left
- if (extraWidth)
- charWidth *= extraWidth;
- var inputWidth = approxTextWidth + charWidth;
- if (initial)
- {
- if (isIE)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro
- var xDiff = 13;
- = (inputWidth + xDiff) + "px";
- }
- else
- = "auto";
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro
- var xDiff = isIE ? 13: - this.input.offsetWidth;
- = (inputWidth + xDiff) + "px";
- }
- = inputWidth + "px";
- }
- = approxTextWidth + "px";
- = Math.max(this.textSize.height-3,0) + "px";
- }
- if (forceAll)
- scrollIntoCenterView(, null, true);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Autocompletion
-Firebug.AutoCompleter = function(getExprOffset, getRange, evaluator, selectMode, caseSensitive)
- var candidates = null;
- var originalValue = null;
- var originalOffset = -1;
- var lastExpr = null;
- var lastOffset = -1;
- var exprOffset = 0;
- var lastIndex = 0;
- var preParsed = null;
- var preExpr = null;
- var postExpr = null;
- this.revert = function(textBox)
- {
- if (originalOffset != -1)
- {
- textBox.value = originalValue;
- setSelectionRange(textBox, originalOffset, originalOffset);
- this.reset();
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- this.reset();
- return false;
- }
- };
- this.reset = function()
- {
- candidates = null;
- originalValue = null;
- originalOffset = -1;
- lastExpr = null;
- lastOffset = 0;
- exprOffset = 0;
- };
- this.complete = function(context, textBox, cycle, reverse)
- {
- //console.log("complete", context, textBox, cycle, reverse);
- // TODO: xxxpedro important port to firebug (variable leak)
- //var value = lastValue = textBox.value;
- var value = textBox.value;
- //var offset = textBox.selectionStart;
- var offset = getInputSelectionStart(textBox);
- // The result of selectionStart() in Safari/Chrome is 1 unit less than the result
- // in Firefox. Therefore, we need to manually adjust the value here.
- if (isSafari && !cycle && offset >= 0) offset++;
- if (!selectMode && originalOffset != -1)
- offset = originalOffset;
- if (!candidates || !cycle || offset != lastOffset)
- {
- originalOffset = offset;
- originalValue = value;
- // Find the part of the string that will be parsed
- var parseStart = getExprOffset ? getExprOffset(value, offset, context) : 0;
- preParsed = value.substr(0, parseStart);
- var parsed = value.substr(parseStart);
- // Find the part of the string that is being completed
- var range = getRange ? getRange(parsed, offset-parseStart, context) : null;
- if (!range)
- range = {start: 0, end: parsed.length-1 };
- var expr = parsed.substr(range.start, range.end-range.start+1);
- preExpr = parsed.substr(0, range.start);
- postExpr = parsed.substr(range.end+1);
- exprOffset = parseStart + range.start;
- if (!cycle)
- {
- if (!expr)
- return;
- else if (lastExpr && lastExpr.indexOf(expr) != 0)
- {
- candidates = null;
- }
- else if (lastExpr && lastExpr.length >= expr.length)
- {
- candidates = null;
- lastExpr = expr;
- return;
- }
- }
- lastExpr = expr;
- lastOffset = offset;
- var searchExpr;
- // Check if the cursor is at the very right edge of the expression, or
- // somewhere in the middle of it
- if (expr && offset != parseStart+range.end+1)
- {
- if (cycle)
- {
- // We are in the middle of the expression, but we can
- // complete by cycling to the next item in the values
- // list after the expression
- offset = range.start;
- searchExpr = expr;
- expr = "";
- }
- else
- {
- // We can't complete unless we are at the ridge edge
- return;
- }
- }
- var values = evaluator(preExpr, expr, postExpr, context);
- if (!values)
- return;
- if (expr)
- {
- // Filter the list of values to those which begin with expr. We
- // will then go on to complete the first value in the resulting list
- candidates = [];
- if (caseSensitive)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i)
- {
- var name = values[i];
- if (name.indexOf && name.indexOf(expr) == 0)
- candidates.push(name);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var lowerExpr = caseSensitive ? expr : expr.toLowerCase();
- for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i)
- {
- var name = values[i];
- if (name.indexOf && name.toLowerCase().indexOf(lowerExpr) == 0)
- candidates.push(name);
- }
- }
- lastIndex = reverse ? candidates.length-1 : 0;
- }
- else if (searchExpr)
- {
- var searchIndex = -1;
- // Find the first instance of searchExpr in the values list. We
- // will then complete the string that is found
- if (caseSensitive)
- {
- searchIndex = values.indexOf(expr);
- }
- else
- {
- var lowerExpr = searchExpr.toLowerCase();
- for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i)
- {
- var name = values[i];
- if (name && name.toLowerCase().indexOf(lowerExpr) == 0)
- {
- searchIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Nothing found, so there's nothing to complete to
- if (searchIndex == -1)
- return this.reset();
- expr = searchExpr;
- candidates = cloneArray(values);
- lastIndex = searchIndex;
- }
- else
- {
- expr = "";
- candidates = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i)
- {
- if (values[i].substr)
- candidates.push(values[i]);
- }
- lastIndex = -1;
- }
- }
- if (cycle)
- {
- expr = lastExpr;
- lastIndex += reverse ? -1 : 1;
- }
- if (!candidates.length)
- return;
- if (lastIndex >= candidates.length)
- lastIndex = 0;
- else if (lastIndex < 0)
- lastIndex = candidates.length-1;
- var completion = candidates[lastIndex];
- var preCompletion = expr.substr(0, offset-exprOffset);
- var postCompletion = completion.substr(offset-exprOffset);
- textBox.value = preParsed + preExpr + preCompletion + postCompletion + postExpr;
- var offsetEnd = preParsed.length + preExpr.length + completion.length;
- // TODO: xxxpedro remove the following commented code, if the lib.setSelectionRange()
- // is working well.
- /*
- if (textBox.setSelectionRange)
- {
- // we must select the range with a timeout, otherwise the text won't
- // be properly selected (because after this function executes, the editor's
- // input will be resized to fit the whole text)
- setTimeout(function(){
- if (selectMode)
- textBox.setSelectionRange(offset, offsetEnd);
- else
- textBox.setSelectionRange(offsetEnd, offsetEnd);
- },0);
- }
- /**/
- // we must select the range with a timeout, otherwise the text won't
- // be properly selected (because after this function executes, the editor's
- // input will be resized to fit the whole text)
- /*
- setTimeout(function(){
- if (selectMode)
- setSelectionRange(textBox, offset, offsetEnd);
- else
- setSelectionRange(textBox, offsetEnd, offsetEnd);
- },0);
- return true;
- /**/
- // The editor text should be selected only after calling the editor.update()
- // in Safari/Chrome, otherwise the text won't be selected. So, we're returning
- // a function to be called later (in the proper time for all browsers).
- //
- // TODO: xxxpedro see if we can move the editor.update() calls to here, and avoid
- // returning a closure. the complete() function seems to be called only twice in
- // editor.js. See if this function is called anywhere else (like css.js for example).
- return function(){
- //console.log("autocomplete ", textBox, offset, offsetEnd);
- if (selectMode)
- setSelectionRange(textBox, offset, offsetEnd);
- else
- setSelectionRange(textBox, offsetEnd, offsetEnd);
- };
- /**/
- };
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Local Helpers
-var getDefaultEditor = function getDefaultEditor(panel)
- if (!defaultEditor)
- {
- var doc = panel.document;
- defaultEditor = new Firebug.InlineEditor(doc);
- }
- return defaultEditor;
- * An outsider is the first element matching the stepper element that
- * is not an child of group. Elements tagged with insertBefore or insertAfter
- * classes are also excluded from these results unless they are the sibling
- * of group, relative to group's parent editGroup. This allows for the proper insertion
- * rows when groups are nested.
- */
-var getOutsider = function getOutsider(element, group, stepper)
- var parentGroup = getAncestorByClass(group.parentNode, "editGroup");
- var next;
- do
- {
- next = stepper(next || element);
- }
- while (isAncestor(next, group) || isGroupInsert(next, parentGroup));
- return next;
-var isGroupInsert = function isGroupInsert(next, group)
- return (!group || isAncestor(next, group))
- && (hasClass(next, "insertBefore") || hasClass(next, "insertAfter"));
-var getNextOutsider = function getNextOutsider(element, group)
- return getOutsider(element, group, bind(getNextByClass, FBL, "editable"));
-var getPreviousOutsider = function getPreviousOutsider(element, group)
- return getOutsider(element, group, bind(getPreviousByClass, FBL, "editable"));
-var getInlineParent = function getInlineParent(element)
- var lastInline = element;
- for (; element; element = element.parentNode)
- {
- //var s = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, "");
- var s = isIE ?
- element.currentStyle :
- element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, "");
- if (s.display != "inline")
- return lastInline;
- else
- lastInline = element;
- }
- return null;
-var insertTab = function insertTab()
- insertTextIntoElement(currentEditor.input, Firebug.Editor.tabCharacter);
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-if (Env.Options.disableXHRListener)
- return;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// XHRSpy
-var XHRSpy = function()
- this.requestHeaders = [];
- this.responseHeaders = [];
-XHRSpy.prototype =
- method: null,
- url: null,
- async: null,
- xhrRequest: null,
- href: null,
- loaded: false,
- logRow: null,
- responseText: null,
- requestHeaders: null,
- responseHeaders: null,
- sourceLink: null, // {href:"file.html", line: 22}
- getURL: function()
- {
- return this.href;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// XMLHttpRequestWrapper
-var XMLHttpRequestWrapper = function(activeXObject)
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // XMLHttpRequestWrapper internal variables
- var xhrRequest = typeof activeXObject != "undefined" ?
- activeXObject :
- new _XMLHttpRequest(),
- spy = new XHRSpy(),
- self = this,
- reqType,
- reqUrl,
- reqStartTS;
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // XMLHttpRequestWrapper internal methods
- var updateSelfPropertiesIgnore = {
- abort: 1,
- channel: 1,
- getAllResponseHeaders: 1,
- getInterface: 1,
- getResponseHeader: 1,
- mozBackgroundRequest: 1,
- multipart: 1,
- onreadystatechange: 1,
- open: 1,
- send: 1,
- setRequestHeader: 1
- };
- var updateSelfProperties = function()
- {
- if (supportsXHRIterator)
- {
- for (var propName in xhrRequest)
- {
- if (propName in updateSelfPropertiesIgnore)
- continue;
- try
- {
- var propValue = xhrRequest[propName];
- if (propValue && !isFunction(propValue))
- self[propName] = propValue;
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- //console.log(propName, E.message);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // will fail to read these xhrRequest properties if the request is not completed
- if (xhrRequest.readyState == 4)
- {
- self.status = xhrRequest.status;
- self.statusText = xhrRequest.statusText;
- self.responseText = xhrRequest.responseText;
- self.responseXML = xhrRequest.responseXML;
- }
- }
- };
- var updateXHRPropertiesIgnore = {
- channel: 1,
- onreadystatechange: 1,
- readyState: 1,
- responseBody: 1,
- responseText: 1,
- responseXML: 1,
- status: 1,
- statusText: 1,
- upload: 1
- };
- var updateXHRProperties = function()
- {
- for (var propName in self)
- {
- if (propName in updateXHRPropertiesIgnore)
- continue;
- try
- {
- var propValue = self[propName];
- if (propValue && !xhrRequest[propName])
- {
- xhrRequest[propName] = propValue;
- }
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- //console.log(propName, E.message);
- }
- }
- };
- var logXHR = function()
- {
- var row = Firebug.Console.log(spy, null, "spy", Firebug.Spy.XHR);
- if (row)
- {
- setClass(row, "loading");
- spy.logRow = row;
- }
- };
- var finishXHR = function()
- {
- var duration = new Date().getTime() - reqStartTS;
- var success = xhrRequest.status == 200;
- var responseHeadersText = xhrRequest.getAllResponseHeaders();
- var responses = responseHeadersText ? responseHeadersText.split(/[\n\r]/) : [];
- var reHeader = /^(\S+):\s*(.*)/;
- for (var i=0, l=responses.length; i<l; i++)
- {
- var text = responses[i];
- var match = text.match(reHeader);
- if (match)
- {
- var name = match[1];
- var value = match[2];
- // update the spy mimeType property so we can detect when to show
- // custom response viewers (such as HTML, XML or JSON viewer)
- if (name == "Content-Type")
- spy.mimeType = value;
- /*
- if (name == "Last Modified")
- {
- if (!spy.cacheEntry)
- spy.cacheEntry = [];
- spy.cacheEntry.push({
- name: [name],
- value: [value]
- });
- }
- /**/
- spy.responseHeaders.push({
- name: [name],
- value: [value]
- });
- }
- }
- with({
- row: spy.logRow,
- status: xhrRequest.status == 0 ?
- // if xhrRequest.status == 0 then accessing xhrRequest.statusText
- // will cause an error, so we must handle this case (Issue 3504)
- "" : xhrRequest.status + " " + xhrRequest.statusText,
- time: duration,
- success: success
- })
- {
- setTimeout(function(){
- spy.responseText = xhrRequest.responseText;
- // update row information to avoid "ethernal spinning gif" bug in IE
- row = row || spy.logRow;
- // if chrome document is not loaded, there will be no row yet, so just ignore
- if (!row) return;
- // update the XHR representation data
- handleRequestStatus(success, status, time);
- },200);
- }
- spy.loaded = true;
- /*
- // commented because they are being updated by the updateSelfProperties() function
- self.status = xhrRequest.status;
- self.statusText = xhrRequest.statusText;
- self.responseText = xhrRequest.responseText;
- self.responseXML = xhrRequest.responseXML;
- /**/
- updateSelfProperties();
- };
- var handleStateChange = function()
- {
- //Firebug.Console.log(["onreadystatechange", xhrRequest.readyState, xhrRequest.readyState == 4 && xhrRequest.status]);
- self.readyState = xhrRequest.readyState;
- if (xhrRequest.readyState == 4)
- {
- finishXHR();
- xhrRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){};
- }
- //Firebug.Console.log(spy.url + ": " + xhrRequest.readyState);
- self.onreadystatechange();
- };
- // update the XHR representation data
- var handleRequestStatus = function(success, status, time)
- {
- var row = spy.logRow;
- FBL.removeClass(row, "loading");
- if (!success)
- FBL.setClass(row, "error");
- var item = FBL.$$(".spyStatus", row)[0];
- item.innerHTML = status;
- if (time)
- {
- var item = FBL.$$(".spyTime", row)[0];
- item.innerHTML = time + "ms";
- }
- };
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // XMLHttpRequestWrapper public properties and handlers
- this.readyState = 0;
- this.onreadystatechange = function(){};
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // XMLHttpRequestWrapper public methods
- = function(method, url, async, user, password)
- {
- //Firebug.Console.log("xhrRequest open");
- updateSelfProperties();
- if (spy.loaded)
- spy = new XHRSpy();
- spy.method = method;
- spy.url = url;
- spy.async = async;
- spy.href = url;
- spy.xhrRequest = xhrRequest;
- spy.urlParams = parseURLParamsArray(url);
- try
- {
- // may not be available in IE
- if (supportsApply)
-, arguments);
- else
-, url, async, user, password);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- }
- xhrRequest.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange;
- };
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- this.send = function(data)
- {
- //Firebug.Console.log("xhrRequest send");
- = data;
- reqStartTS = new Date().getTime();
- updateXHRProperties();
- try
- {
- xhrRequest.send(data);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro XHR throws or not?
- //throw e;
- }
- finally
- {
- logXHR();
- if (!spy.async)
- {
- self.readyState = xhrRequest.readyState;
- // sometimes an error happens when calling finishXHR()
- // Issue 3422: Firebug Lite breaks Google Instant Search
- try
- {
- finishXHR();
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- }
- }
- }
- };
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- this.setRequestHeader = function(header, value)
- {
- spy.requestHeaders.push({name: [header], value: [value]});
- return xhrRequest.setRequestHeader(header, value);
- };
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- this.abort = function()
- {
- xhrRequest.abort();
- updateSelfProperties();
- handleRequestStatus(false, "Aborted");
- };
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- this.getResponseHeader = function(header)
- {
- return xhrRequest.getResponseHeader(header);
- };
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- this.getAllResponseHeaders = function()
- {
- return xhrRequest.getAllResponseHeaders();
- };
- /**/
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Clone XHR object
- // not available in IE and will throw an error in
- // IE6 by simply reading so we must sniff it
- var supportsApply = !isIE6 &&
- xhrRequest &&
- &&
- typeof != "undefined";
- var numberOfXHRProperties = 0;
- for (var propName in xhrRequest)
- {
- numberOfXHRProperties++;
- if (propName in updateSelfPropertiesIgnore)
- continue;
- try
- {
- var propValue = xhrRequest[propName];
- if (isFunction(propValue))
- {
- if (typeof self[propName] == "undefined")
- {
- this[propName] = (function(name, xhr){
- return supportsApply ?
- // if the browser supports apply
- function()
- {
- return xhr[name].apply(xhr, arguments);
- }
- :
- function(a,b,c,d,e)
- {
- return xhr[name](a,b,c,d,e);
- };
- })(propName, xhrRequest);
- }
- }
- else
- this[propName] = propValue;
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- //console.log(propName, E.message);
- }
- }
- // IE6 does not support for (var prop in XHR)
- var supportsXHRIterator = numberOfXHRProperties > 0;
- /**/
- return this;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ActiveXObject Wrapper (IE6 only)
-var _ActiveXObject;
-var isIE6 = /msie 6/i.test(navigator.appVersion);
-if (isIE6)
- _ActiveXObject = window.ActiveXObject;
- window.ActiveXObject = function(name)
- {
- var error = null;
- try
- {
- var activeXObject = new _ActiveXObject(name);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- error = e;
- }
- finally
- {
- if (!error)
- {
- if (xhrObjects.indexOf(" " + name + " ") != -1)
- return new XMLHttpRequestWrapper(activeXObject);
- else
- return activeXObject;
- }
- else
- throw error.message;
- }
- };
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Register the XMLHttpRequestWrapper for non-IE6 browsers
-if (!isIE6)
- var _XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;
- window.XMLHttpRequest = function()
- {
- return new XMLHttpRequestWrapper();
- };
-FBL.getNativeXHRObject = function()
- var xhrObj = false;
- try
- {
- xhrObj = new _XMLHttpRequest();
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- var progid = [
- ];
- for ( var i=0; i < progid.length; ++i ) {
- try
- {
- xhrObj = new _ActiveXObject(progid[i]);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- return xhrObj;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var reIgnore = /about:|javascript:|resource:|chrome:|jar:/;
-var layoutInterval = 300;
-var indentWidth = 18;
-var cacheSession = null;
-var contexts = new Array();
-var panelName = "net";
-var maxQueueRequests = 500;
-//var panelBar1 = $("fbPanelBar1"); // chrome not available at startup
-var activeRequests = [];
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var mimeExtensionMap =
- "txt": "text/plain",
- "html": "text/html",
- "htm": "text/html",
- "xhtml": "text/html",
- "xml": "text/xml",
- "css": "text/css",
- "js": "application/x-javascript",
- "jss": "application/x-javascript",
- "jpg": "image/jpg",
- "jpeg": "image/jpeg",
- "gif": "image/gif",
- "png": "image/png",
- "bmp": "image/bmp",
- "swf": "application/x-shockwave-flash",
- "flv": "video/x-flv"
-var fileCategories =
- "undefined": 1,
- "html": 1,
- "css": 1,
- "js": 1,
- "xhr": 1,
- "image": 1,
- "flash": 1,
- "txt": 1,
- "bin": 1
-var textFileCategories =
- "txt": 1,
- "html": 1,
- "xhr": 1,
- "css": 1,
- "js": 1
-var binaryFileCategories =
- "bin": 1,
- "flash": 1
-var mimeCategoryMap =
- "text/plain": "txt",
- "application/octet-stream": "bin",
- "text/html": "html",
- "text/xml": "html",
- "text/css": "css",
- "application/x-javascript": "js",
- "text/javascript": "js",
- "application/javascript" : "js",
- "image/jpeg": "image",
- "image/jpg": "image",
- "image/gif": "image",
- "image/png": "image",
- "image/bmp": "image",
- "application/x-shockwave-flash": "flash",
- "video/x-flv": "flash"
-var binaryCategoryMap =
- "image": 1,
- "flash" : 1
-// ************************************************************************************************
- * @module Represents a module object for the Net panel. This object is derived
- * from <code>Firebug.ActivableModule</code> in order to support activation (enable/disable).
- * This allows to avoid (performance) expensive features if the functionality is not necessary
- * for the user.
- */
-Firebug.NetMonitor = extend(Firebug.ActivableModule,
- dispatchName: "netMonitor",
- clear: function(context)
- {
- // The user pressed a Clear button so, remove content of the panel...
- var panel = context.getPanel(panelName, true);
- if (panel)
- panel.clear();
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Module
- initialize: function()
- {
- return;
- this.panelName = panelName;
- Firebug.ActivableModule.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- if (Firebug.TraceModule)
- Firebug.TraceModule.addListener(this.TraceListener);
- // HTTP observer must be registered now (and not in monitorContext, since if a
- // page is opened in a new tab the top document request would be missed otherwise.
- NetHttpObserver.registerObserver();
- NetHttpActivityObserver.registerObserver();
- Firebug.Debugger.addListener(this.DebuggerListener);
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- return;
- prefs.removeObserver(Firebug.prefDomain, this, false);
- if (Firebug.TraceModule)
- Firebug.TraceModule.removeListener(this.TraceListener);
- NetHttpObserver.unregisterObserver();
- NetHttpActivityObserver.unregisterObserver();
- Firebug.Debugger.removeListener(this.DebuggerListener);
- }
- * @domplate Represents a template that is used to reneder detailed info about a request.
- * This template is rendered when a request is expanded.
- */
-Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody = domplate(Firebug.Rep, new Firebug.Listener(),
- tag:
- DIV({"class": "netInfoBody", _repObject: "$file"},
- TAG("$infoTabs", {file: "$file"}),
- TAG("$infoBodies", {file: "$file"})
- ),
- infoTabs:
- DIV({"class": "netInfoTabs focusRow subFocusRow", "role": "tablist"},
- A({"class": "netInfoParamsTab netInfoTab a11yFocus", onclick: "$onClickTab", "role": "tab",
- view: "Params",
- $collapsed: "$file|hideParams"},
- $STR("URLParameters")
- ),
- A({"class": "netInfoHeadersTab netInfoTab a11yFocus", onclick: "$onClickTab", "role": "tab",
- view: "Headers"},
- $STR("Headers")
- ),
- A({"class": "netInfoPostTab netInfoTab a11yFocus", onclick: "$onClickTab", "role": "tab",
- view: "Post",
- $collapsed: "$file|hidePost"},
- $STR("Post")
- ),
- A({"class": "netInfoPutTab netInfoTab a11yFocus", onclick: "$onClickTab", "role": "tab",
- view: "Put",
- $collapsed: "$file|hidePut"},
- $STR("Put")
- ),
- A({"class": "netInfoResponseTab netInfoTab a11yFocus", onclick: "$onClickTab", "role": "tab",
- view: "Response",
- $collapsed: "$file|hideResponse"},
- $STR("Response")
- ),
- A({"class": "netInfoCacheTab netInfoTab a11yFocus", onclick: "$onClickTab", "role": "tab",
- view: "Cache",
- $collapsed: "$file|hideCache"},
- $STR("Cache")
- ),
- A({"class": "netInfoHtmlTab netInfoTab a11yFocus", onclick: "$onClickTab", "role": "tab",
- view: "Html",
- $collapsed: "$file|hideHtml"},
- $STR("HTML")
- )
- ),
- infoBodies:
- DIV({"class": "netInfoBodies outerFocusRow"},
- TABLE({"class": "netInfoParamsText netInfoText netInfoParamsTable", "role": "tabpanel",
- cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0}, TBODY()),
- DIV({"class": "netInfoHeadersText netInfoText", "role": "tabpanel"}),
- DIV({"class": "netInfoPostText netInfoText", "role": "tabpanel"}),
- DIV({"class": "netInfoPutText netInfoText", "role": "tabpanel"}),
- PRE({"class": "netInfoResponseText netInfoText", "role": "tabpanel"}),
- DIV({"class": "netInfoCacheText netInfoText", "role": "tabpanel"},
- TABLE({"class": "netInfoCacheTable", cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0, "role": "presentation"},
- TBODY({"role": "list", "aria-label": $STR("Cache")})
- )
- ),
- DIV({"class": "netInfoHtmlText netInfoText", "role": "tabpanel"},
- IFRAME({"class": "netInfoHtmlPreview", "role": "document"})
- )
- ),
- headerDataTag:
- FOR("param", "$headers",
- TR({"role": "listitem"},
- TD({"class": "netInfoParamName", "role": "presentation"},
- TAG("$param|getNameTag", {param: "$param"})
- ),
- TD({"class": "netInfoParamValue", "role": "list", "aria-label": "$"},
- FOR("line", "$param|getParamValueIterator",
- CODE({"class": "focusRow subFocusRow", "role": "listitem"}, "$line")
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- customTab:
- A({"class": "netInfo$tabId\\Tab netInfoTab", onclick: "$onClickTab", view: "$tabId", "role": "tab"},
- "$tabTitle"
- ),
- customBody:
- DIV({"class": "netInfo$tabId\\Text netInfoText", "role": "tabpanel"}),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- nameTag:
- SPAN("$param|getParamName"),
- nameWithTooltipTag:
- SPAN({title: "$"}, "$param|getParamName"),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- getNameTag: function(param)
- {
- return (this.getParamName(param) == ? this.nameTag : this.nameWithTooltipTag;
- },
- getParamName: function(param)
- {
- var limit = 25;
- var name =;
- if (name.length > limit)
- name = name.substr(0, limit) + "...";
- return name;
- },
- getParamTitle: function(param)
- {
- var limit = 25;
- var name =;
- if (name.length > limit)
- return name;
- return "";
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- hideParams: function(file)
- {
- return !file.urlParams || !file.urlParams.length;
- },
- hidePost: function(file)
- {
- return file.method.toUpperCase() != "POST";
- },
- hidePut: function(file)
- {
- return file.method.toUpperCase() != "PUT";
- },
- hideResponse: function(file)
- {
- return false;
- //return file.category in binaryFileCategories;
- },
- hideCache: function(file)
- {
- return true;
- //xxxHonza: I don't see any reason why not to display the cache also info for images.
- return !file.cacheEntry; // || file.category=="image";
- },
- hideHtml: function(file)
- {
- return (file.mimeType != "text/html") && (file.mimeType != "application/xhtml+xml");
- },
- onClickTab: function(event)
- {
- this.selectTab(event.currentTarget || event.srcElement);
- },
- getParamValueIterator: function(param)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro console2
- return param.value;
- // This value is inserted into CODE element and so, make sure the HTML isn't escaped (1210).
- // This is why the second parameter is true.
- // The CODE (with style white-space:pre) element preserves whitespaces so they are
- // displayed the same, as they come from the server (1194).
- // In case of a long header values of post parameters the value must be wrapped (2105).
- return wrapText(param.value, true);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- appendTab: function(netInfoBox, tabId, tabTitle)
- {
- // Create new tab and body.
- var args = {tabId: tabId, tabTitle: tabTitle};
- ///this.customTab.append(args, netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoTabs").item(0));
- ///this.customBody.append(args, netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoBodies").item(0));
- this.customTab.append(args, $$(".netInfoTabs", netInfoBox)[0]);
- this.customBody.append(args, $$(".netInfoBodies", netInfoBox)[0]);
- },
- selectTabByName: function(netInfoBox, tabName)
- {
- var tab = getChildByClass(netInfoBox, "netInfoTabs", "netInfo"+tabName+"Tab");
- if (tab)
- this.selectTab(tab);
- },
- selectTab: function(tab)
- {
- var view = tab.getAttribute("view");
- var netInfoBox = getAncestorByClass(tab, "netInfoBody");
- var selectedTab = netInfoBox.selectedTab;
- if (selectedTab)
- {
- //netInfoBox.selectedText.removeAttribute("selected");
- removeClass(netInfoBox.selectedText, "netInfoTextSelected");
- removeClass(selectedTab, "netInfoTabSelected");
- //selectedTab.removeAttribute("selected");
- selectedTab.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
- }
- var textBodyName = "netInfo" + view + "Text";
- selectedTab = netInfoBox.selectedTab = tab;
- netInfoBox.selectedText = $$("."+textBodyName, netInfoBox)[0];
- //netInfoBox.selectedText = netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName(textBodyName).item(0);
- //netInfoBox.selectedText.setAttribute("selected", "true");
- setClass(netInfoBox.selectedText, "netInfoTextSelected");
- setClass(selectedTab, "netInfoTabSelected");
- selectedTab.setAttribute("selected", "true");
- selectedTab.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
- var file = Firebug.getRepObject(netInfoBox);
- //var context = Firebug.getElementPanel(netInfoBox).context;
- var context =;
- this.updateInfo(netInfoBox, file, context);
- },
- updateInfo: function(netInfoBox, file, context)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_NET)
- FBTrace.sysout("net.updateInfo; file", file);
- if (!netInfoBox)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_NET || FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("net.updateInfo; ERROR netInfo == null " + file.href, file);
- return;
- }
- var tab = netInfoBox.selectedTab;
- if (hasClass(tab, "netInfoParamsTab"))
- {
- if (file.urlParams && !netInfoBox.urlParamsPresented)
- {
- netInfoBox.urlParamsPresented = true;
- this.insertHeaderRows(netInfoBox, file.urlParams, "Params");
- }
- }
- else if (hasClass(tab, "netInfoHeadersTab"))
- {
- var headersText = $$(".netInfoHeadersText", netInfoBox)[0];
- //var headersText = netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoHeadersText").item(0);
- if (file.responseHeaders && !netInfoBox.responseHeadersPresented)
- {
- netInfoBox.responseHeadersPresented = true;
- NetInfoHeaders.renderHeaders(headersText, file.responseHeaders, "ResponseHeaders");
- }
- if (file.requestHeaders && !netInfoBox.requestHeadersPresented)
- {
- netInfoBox.requestHeadersPresented = true;
- NetInfoHeaders.renderHeaders(headersText, file.requestHeaders, "RequestHeaders");
- }
- }
- else if (hasClass(tab, "netInfoPostTab"))
- {
- if (!netInfoBox.postPresented)
- {
- netInfoBox.postPresented = true;
- //var postText = netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoPostText").item(0);
- var postText = $$(".netInfoPostText", netInfoBox)[0];
- NetInfoPostData.render(context, postText, file);
- }
- }
- else if (hasClass(tab, "netInfoPutTab"))
- {
- if (!netInfoBox.putPresented)
- {
- netInfoBox.putPresented = true;
- //var putText = netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoPutText").item(0);
- var putText = $$(".netInfoPutText", netInfoBox)[0];
- NetInfoPostData.render(context, putText, file);
- }
- }
- else if (hasClass(tab, "netInfoResponseTab") && file.loaded && !netInfoBox.responsePresented)
- {
- ///var responseTextBox = netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoResponseText").item(0);
- var responseTextBox = $$(".netInfoResponseText", netInfoBox)[0];
- if (file.category == "image")
- {
- netInfoBox.responsePresented = true;
- var responseImage = netInfoBox.ownerDocument.createElement("img");
- responseImage.src = file.href;
- clearNode(responseTextBox);
- responseTextBox.appendChild(responseImage, responseTextBox);
- }
- else ///if (!(binaryCategoryMap.hasOwnProperty(file.category)))
- {
- this.setResponseText(file, netInfoBox, responseTextBox, context);
- }
- }
- else if (hasClass(tab, "netInfoCacheTab") && file.loaded && !netInfoBox.cachePresented)
- {
- var responseTextBox = netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoCacheText").item(0);
- if (file.cacheEntry) {
- netInfoBox.cachePresented = true;
- this.insertHeaderRows(netInfoBox, file.cacheEntry, "Cache");
- }
- }
- else if (hasClass(tab, "netInfoHtmlTab") && file.loaded && !netInfoBox.htmlPresented)
- {
- netInfoBox.htmlPresented = true;
- var text = Utils.getResponseText(file, context);
- ///var iframe = netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoHtmlPreview").item(0);
- var iframe = $$(".netInfoHtmlPreview", netInfoBox)[0];
- ///iframe.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = text;
- // TODO: xxxpedro net - remove scripts
- var reScript = /<script(.|\s)*?\/script>/gi;
- text = text.replace(reScript, "");
- iframe.contentWindow.document.write(text);
- iframe.contentWindow.document.close();
- }
- // Notify listeners about update so, content of custom tabs can be updated.
- dispatch(NetInfoBody.fbListeners, "updateTabBody", [netInfoBox, file, context]);
- },
- setResponseText: function(file, netInfoBox, responseTextBox, context)
- {
- //**********************************************
- //**********************************************
- //**********************************************
- netInfoBox.responsePresented = true;
- // line breaks somehow are different in IE
- // make this only once in the initialization? we don't have net panels and modules yet.
- if (isIE)
- = "nowrap";
- responseTextBox[
- typeof responseTextBox.textContent != "undefined" ?
- "textContent" :
- "innerText"
- ] = file.responseText;
- return;
- //**********************************************
- //**********************************************
- //**********************************************
- // Get response text and make sure it doesn't exceed the max limit.
- var text = Utils.getResponseText(file, context);
- var limit = Firebug.netDisplayedResponseLimit + 15;
- var limitReached = text ? (text.length > limit) : false;
- if (limitReached)
- text = text.substr(0, limit) + "...";
- // Insert the response into the UI.
- if (text)
- insertWrappedText(text, responseTextBox);
- else
- insertWrappedText("", responseTextBox);
- // Append a message informing the user that the response isn't fully displayed.
- if (limitReached)
- {
- var object = {
- text: $STR("net.responseSizeLimitMessage"),
- onClickLink: function() {
- var panel = context.getPanel("net", true);
- panel.openResponseInTab(file);
- }
- };
- Firebug.NetMonitor.ResponseSizeLimit.append(object, responseTextBox);
- }
- netInfoBox.responsePresented = true;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_NET)
- FBTrace.sysout("net.setResponseText; response text updated");
- },
- insertHeaderRows: function(netInfoBox, headers, tableName, rowName)
- {
- if (!headers.length)
- return;
- var headersTable = $$(".netInfo"+tableName+"Table", netInfoBox)[0];
- //var headersTable = netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfo"+tableName+"Table").item(0);
- var tbody = getChildByClass(headersTable, "netInfo" + rowName + "Body");
- if (!tbody)
- tbody = headersTable.firstChild;
- var titleRow = getChildByClass(tbody, "netInfo" + rowName + "Title");
- this.headerDataTag.insertRows({headers: headers}, titleRow ? titleRow : tbody);
- removeClass(titleRow, "collapsed");
- }
-var NetInfoBody = Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody;
-// ************************************************************************************************
- * @domplate Used within the Net panel to display raw source of request and response headers
- * as well as pretty-formatted summary of these headers.
- */
-Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoHeaders = domplate(Firebug.Rep, //new Firebug.Listener(),
- tag:
- DIV({"class": "netInfoHeadersTable", "role": "tabpanel"},
- DIV({"class": "netInfoHeadersGroup netInfoResponseHeadersTitle"},
- SPAN($STR("ResponseHeaders")),
- SPAN({"class": "netHeadersViewSource response collapsed", onclick: "$onViewSource",
- _sourceDisplayed: false, _rowName: "ResponseHeaders"},
- $STR("net.headers.view source")
- )
- ),
- TABLE({cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0},
- TBODY({"class": "netInfoResponseHeadersBody", "role": "list",
- "aria-label": $STR("ResponseHeaders")})
- ),
- DIV({"class": "netInfoHeadersGroup netInfoRequestHeadersTitle"},
- SPAN($STR("RequestHeaders")),
- SPAN({"class": "netHeadersViewSource request collapsed", onclick: "$onViewSource",
- _sourceDisplayed: false, _rowName: "RequestHeaders"},
- $STR("net.headers.view source")
- )
- ),
- TABLE({cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0},
- TBODY({"class": "netInfoRequestHeadersBody", "role": "list",
- "aria-label": $STR("RequestHeaders")})
- )
- ),
- sourceTag:
- TR({"role": "presentation"},
- TD({colspan: 2, "role": "presentation"},
- PRE({"class": "source"})
- )
- ),
- onViewSource: function(event)
- {
- var target =;
- var requestHeaders = (target.rowName == "RequestHeaders");
- var netInfoBox = getAncestorByClass(target, "netInfoBody");
- var file = netInfoBox.repObject;
- if (target.sourceDisplayed)
- {
- var headers = requestHeaders ? file.requestHeaders : file.responseHeaders;
- this.insertHeaderRows(netInfoBox, headers, target.rowName);
- target.innerHTML = $STR("net.headers.view source");
- }
- else
- {
- var source = requestHeaders ? file.requestHeadersText : file.responseHeadersText;
- this.insertSource(netInfoBox, source, target.rowName);
- target.innerHTML = $STR("net.headers.pretty print");
- }
- target.sourceDisplayed = !target.sourceDisplayed;
- cancelEvent(event);
- },
- insertSource: function(netInfoBox, source, rowName)
- {
- // This breaks copy to clipboard.
- //if (source)
- // source = source.replace(/\r\n/gm, "<span style='color:lightgray'>\\r\\n</span>\r\n");
- ///var tbody = netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfo" + rowName + "Body").item(0);
- var tbody = $$(".netInfo" + rowName + "Body", netInfoBox)[0];
- var node = this.sourceTag.replace({}, tbody);
- ///var sourceNode = node.getElementsByClassName("source").item(0);
- var sourceNode = $$(".source", node)[0];
- sourceNode.innerHTML = source;
- },
- insertHeaderRows: function(netInfoBox, headers, rowName)
- {
- var headersTable = $$(".netInfoHeadersTable", netInfoBox)[0];
- var tbody = $$(".netInfo" + rowName + "Body", headersTable)[0];
- //var headersTable = netInfoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoHeadersTable").item(0);
- //var tbody = headersTable.getElementsByClassName("netInfo" + rowName + "Body").item(0);
- clearNode(tbody);
- if (!headers.length)
- return;
- NetInfoBody.headerDataTag.insertRows({headers: headers}, tbody);
- var titleRow = getChildByClass(headersTable, "netInfo" + rowName + "Title");
- removeClass(titleRow, "collapsed");
- },
- init: function(parent)
- {
- var rootNode = this.tag.append({}, parent);
- var netInfoBox = getAncestorByClass(parent, "netInfoBody");
- var file = netInfoBox.repObject;
- var viewSource;
- viewSource = $$(".request", rootNode)[0];
- //viewSource = rootNode.getElementsByClassName("netHeadersViewSource request").item(0);
- if (file.requestHeadersText)
- removeClass(viewSource, "collapsed");
- viewSource = $$(".response", rootNode)[0];
- //viewSource = rootNode.getElementsByClassName("netHeadersViewSource response").item(0);
- if (file.responseHeadersText)
- removeClass(viewSource, "collapsed");
- },
- renderHeaders: function(parent, headers, rowName)
- {
- if (!parent.firstChild)
- this.init(parent);
- this.insertHeaderRows(parent, headers, rowName);
- }
-var NetInfoHeaders = Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoHeaders;
-// ************************************************************************************************
- * @domplate Represents posted data within request info (the info, which is visible when
- * a request entry is expanded. This template renders content of the Post tab.
- */
-Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoPostData = domplate(Firebug.Rep, /*new Firebug.Listener(),*/
- // application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- paramsTable:
- TABLE({"class": "netInfoPostParamsTable", cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0, "role": "presentation"},
- TBODY({"role": "list", "aria-label": $STR("net.label.Parameters")},
- TR({"class": "netInfoPostParamsTitle", "role": "presentation"},
- TD({colspan: 3, "role": "presentation"},
- DIV({"class": "netInfoPostParams"},
- $STR("net.label.Parameters"),
- SPAN({"class": "netInfoPostContentType"},
- "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- // multipart/form-data
- partsTable:
- TABLE({"class": "netInfoPostPartsTable", cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0, "role": "presentation"},
- TBODY({"role": "list", "aria-label": $STR("net.label.Parts")},
- TR({"class": "netInfoPostPartsTitle", "role": "presentation"},
- TD({colspan: 2, "role":"presentation" },
- DIV({"class": "netInfoPostParams"},
- $STR("net.label.Parts"),
- SPAN({"class": "netInfoPostContentType"},
- "multipart/form-data"
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- // application/json
- jsonTable:
- TABLE({"class": "netInfoPostJSONTable", cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0, "role": "presentation"},
- ///TBODY({"role": "list", "aria-label": $STR("")},
- TBODY({"role": "list", "aria-label": $STR("JSON")},
- TR({"class": "netInfoPostJSONTitle", "role": "presentation"},
- TD({"role": "presentation" },
- DIV({"class": "netInfoPostParams"},
- ///$STR("")
- $STR("JSON")
- )
- )
- ),
- TR(
- TD({"class": "netInfoPostJSONBody"})
- )
- )
- ),
- // application/xml
- xmlTable:
- TABLE({"class": "netInfoPostXMLTable", cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0, "role": "presentation"},
- TBODY({"role": "list", "aria-label": $STR("")},
- TR({"class": "netInfoPostXMLTitle", "role": "presentation"},
- TD({"role": "presentation" },
- DIV({"class": "netInfoPostParams"},
- $STR("")
- )
- )
- ),
- TR(
- TD({"class": "netInfoPostXMLBody"})
- )
- )
- ),
- sourceTable:
- TABLE({"class": "netInfoPostSourceTable", cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0, "role": "presentation"},
- TBODY({"role": "list", "aria-label": $STR("net.label.Source")},
- TR({"class": "netInfoPostSourceTitle", "role": "presentation"},
- TD({colspan: 2, "role": "presentation"},
- DIV({"class": "netInfoPostSource"},
- $STR("net.label.Source")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- sourceBodyTag:
- TR({"role": "presentation"},
- TD({colspan: 2, "role": "presentation"},
- FOR("line", "$param|getParamValueIterator",
- CODE({"class":"focusRow subFocusRow" , "role": "listitem"},"$line")
- )
- )
- ),
- getParamValueIterator: function(param)
- {
- return NetInfoBody.getParamValueIterator(param);
- },
- render: function(context, parentNode, file)
- {
- //debugger;
- var spy = getAncestorByClass(parentNode, "spyHead");
- var spyObject = spy.repObject;
- var data =;
- ///var contentType = Utils.findHeader(file.requestHeaders, "content-type");
- var contentType = file.mimeType;
- ///var text = Utils.getPostText(file, context, true);
- ///if (text == undefined)
- /// return;
- ///if (Utils.isURLEncodedRequest(file, context))
- // fake Utils.isURLEncodedRequest identification
- if (contentType && contentType == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ||
- data && data.indexOf("=") != -1)
- {
- ///var lines = text.split("\n");
- ///var params = parseURLEncodedText(lines[lines.length-1]);
- var params = parseURLEncodedTextArray(data);
- if (params)
- this.insertParameters(parentNode, params);
- }
- ///if (Utils.isMultiPartRequest(file, context))
- ///{
- /// var data = this.parseMultiPartText(file, context);
- /// if (data)
- /// this.insertParts(parentNode, data);
- ///}
- // moved to the top
- ///var contentType = Utils.findHeader(file.requestHeaders, "content-type");
- ///if (Firebug.JSONViewerModel.isJSON(contentType))
- var jsonData = {
- responseText: data
- };
- if (Firebug.JSONViewerModel.isJSON(contentType, data))
- ///this.insertJSON(parentNode, file, context);
- this.insertJSON(parentNode, jsonData, context);
- ///if (Firebug.XMLViewerModel.isXML(contentType))
- /// this.insertXML(parentNode, file, context);
- ///var postText = Utils.getPostText(file, context);
- ///postText = Utils.formatPostText(postText);
- var postText = data;
- if (postText)
- this.insertSource(parentNode, postText);
- },
- insertParameters: function(parentNode, params)
- {
- if (!params || !params.length)
- return;
- var paramTable = this.paramsTable.append({object:{}}, parentNode);
- var row = $$(".netInfoPostParamsTitle", paramTable)[0];
- //var paramTable = this.paramsTable.append(null, parentNode);
- //var row = paramTable.getElementsByClassName("netInfoPostParamsTitle").item(0);
- var tbody = paramTable.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
- NetInfoBody.headerDataTag.insertRows({headers: params}, row);
- },
- insertParts: function(parentNode, data)
- {
- if (!data.params || !data.params.length)
- return;
- var partsTable = this.partsTable.append({object:{}}, parentNode);
- var row = $$(".netInfoPostPartsTitle", paramTable)[0];
- //var partsTable = this.partsTable.append(null, parentNode);
- //var row = partsTable.getElementsByClassName("netInfoPostPartsTitle").item(0);
- NetInfoBody.headerDataTag.insertRows({headers: data.params}, row);
- },
- insertJSON: function(parentNode, file, context)
- {
- ///var text = Utils.getPostText(file, context);
- var text = file.responseText;
- ///var data = parseJSONString(text, "http://" +;
- var data = parseJSONString(text);
- if (!data)
- return;
- ///var jsonTable = this.jsonTable.append(null, parentNode);
- var jsonTable = this.jsonTable.append({}, parentNode);
- ///var jsonBody = jsonTable.getElementsByClassName("netInfoPostJSONBody").item(0);
- var jsonBody = $$(".netInfoPostJSONBody", jsonTable)[0];
- if (!this.toggles)
- this.toggles = {};
- Firebug.DOMPanel.DirTable.tag.replace(
- {object: data, toggles: this.toggles}, jsonBody);
- },
- insertXML: function(parentNode, file, context)
- {
- var text = Utils.getPostText(file, context);
- var jsonTable = this.xmlTable.append(null, parentNode);
- ///var jsonBody = jsonTable.getElementsByClassName("netInfoPostXMLBody").item(0);
- var jsonBody = $$(".netInfoPostXMLBody", jsonTable)[0];
- Firebug.XMLViewerModel.insertXML(jsonBody, text);
- },
- insertSource: function(parentNode, text)
- {
- var sourceTable = this.sourceTable.append({object:{}}, parentNode);
- var row = $$(".netInfoPostSourceTitle", sourceTable)[0];
- //var sourceTable = this.sourceTable.append(null, parentNode);
- //var row = sourceTable.getElementsByClassName("netInfoPostSourceTitle").item(0);
- var param = {value: [text]};
- this.sourceBodyTag.insertRows({param: param}, row);
- },
- parseMultiPartText: function(file, context)
- {
- var text = Utils.getPostText(file, context);
- if (text == undefined)
- return null;
- FBTrace.sysout("net.parseMultiPartText; boundary: ", text);
- var boundary = text.match(/\s*boundary=\s*(.*)/)[1];
- var divider = "\r\n\r\n";
- var bodyStart = text.indexOf(divider);
- var body = text.substr(bodyStart + divider.length);
- var postData = {};
- postData.mimeType = "multipart/form-data";
- postData.params = [];
- var parts = body.split("--" + boundary);
- for (var i=0; i<parts.length; i++)
- {
- var part = parts[i].split(divider);
- if (part.length != 2)
- continue;
- var m = part[0].match(/\s*name=\"(.*)\"(;|$)/);
- postData.params.push({
- name: (m && m.length > 1) ? m[1] : "",
- value: trim(part[1])
- });
- }
- return postData;
- }
-var NetInfoPostData = Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoPostData;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// TODO: xxxpedro net i18n
-var $STRP = function(a){return a;};
-Firebug.NetMonitor.NetLimit = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- collapsed: true,
- tableTag:
- DIV(
- TABLE({width: "100%", cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0},
- )
- ),
- limitTag:
- TR({"class": "netRow netLimitRow", $collapsed: "$isCollapsed"},
- TD({"class": "netCol netLimitCol", colspan: 6},
- TABLE({cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0},
- TR(
- TD(
- SPAN({"class": "netLimitLabel"},
- $STRP("plural.Limit_Exceeded", [0])
- )
- ),
- TD({style: "width:100%"}),
- TD(
- BUTTON({"class": "netLimitButton", title: "$limitPrefsTitle",
- onclick: "$onPreferences"},
- $STR("LimitPrefs")
- )
- ),
- TD("&nbsp;")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- isCollapsed: function()
- {
- return this.collapsed;
- },
- onPreferences: function(event)
- {
- openNewTab("about:config");
- },
- updateCounter: function(row)
- {
- removeClass(row, "collapsed");
- // Update info within the limit row.
- var limitLabel = row.getElementsByClassName("netLimitLabel").item(0);
- limitLabel.firstChild.nodeValue = $STRP("plural.Limit_Exceeded", [row.limitInfo.totalCount]);
- },
- createTable: function(parent, limitInfo)
- {
- var table = this.tableTag.replace({}, parent);
- var row = this.createRow(table.firstChild.firstChild, limitInfo);
- return [table, row];
- },
- createRow: function(parent, limitInfo)
- {
- var row = this.limitTag.insertRows(limitInfo, parent, this)[0];
- row.limitInfo = limitInfo;
- return row;
- },
- // nsIPrefObserver
- observe: function(subject, topic, data)
- {
- // We're observing preferences only.
- if (topic != "nsPref:changed")
- return;
- if (data.indexOf("net.logLimit") != -1)
- this.updateMaxLimit();
- },
- updateMaxLimit: function()
- {
- var value = Firebug.getPref(Firebug.prefDomain, "net.logLimit");
- maxQueueRequests = value ? value : maxQueueRequests;
- }
-var NetLimit = Firebug.NetMonitor.NetLimit;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.NetMonitor.ResponseSizeLimit = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- DIV({"class": "netInfoResponseSizeLimit"},
- SPAN("$object.beforeLink"),
- A({"class": "objectLink", onclick: "$onClickLink"},
- "$object.linkText"
- ),
- SPAN("$object.afterLink")
- ),
- reLink: /^(.*)<a>(.*)<\/a>(.*$)/,
- append: function(obj, parent)
- {
- var m = obj.text.match(this.reLink);
- return this.tag.append({onClickLink: obj.onClickLink,
- object: {
- beforeLink: m[1],
- linkText: m[2],
- afterLink: m[3]
- }}, parent, this);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.NetMonitor.Utils =
- findHeader: function(headers, name)
- {
- if (!headers)
- return null;
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i)
- {
- var headerName = headers[i].name.toLowerCase();
- if (headerName == name)
- return headers[i].value;
- }
- },
- formatPostText: function(text)
- {
- if (text instanceof XMLDocument)
- return getElementXML(text.documentElement);
- else
- return text;
- },
- getPostText: function(file, context, noLimit)
- {
- if (!file.postText)
- {
- file.postText = readPostTextFromRequest(file.request, context);
- if (!file.postText && context)
- file.postText = readPostTextFromPage(file.href, context);
- }
- if (!file.postText)
- return file.postText;
- var limit = Firebug.netDisplayedPostBodyLimit;
- if (file.postText.length > limit && !noLimit)
- {
- return cropString(file.postText, limit,
- "\n\n... " + $STR("net.postDataSizeLimitMessage") + " ...\n\n");
- }
- return file.postText;
- },
- getResponseText: function(file, context)
- {
- // The response can be also empty string so, check agains "undefined".
- return (typeof(file.responseText) != "undefined")? file.responseText :
- context.sourceCache.loadText(file.href, file.method, file);
- },
- isURLEncodedRequest: function(file, context)
- {
- var text = Utils.getPostText(file, context);
- if (text && text.toLowerCase().indexOf("content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded") == 0)
- return true;
- // The header value doesn't have to be always exactly "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
- // there can be even charset specified. So, use indexOf rather than just "==".
- var headerValue = Utils.findHeader(file.requestHeaders, "content-type");
- if (headerValue && headerValue.indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") == 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- isMultiPartRequest: function(file, context)
- {
- var text = Utils.getPostText(file, context);
- if (text && text.toLowerCase().indexOf("content-type: multipart/form-data") == 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- getMimeType: function(mimeType, uri)
- {
- if (!mimeType || !(mimeCategoryMap.hasOwnProperty(mimeType)))
- {
- var ext = getFileExtension(uri);
- if (!ext)
- return mimeType;
- else
- {
- var extMimeType = mimeExtensionMap[ext.toLowerCase()];
- return extMimeType ? extMimeType : mimeType;
- }
- }
- else
- return mimeType;
- },
- getDateFromSeconds: function(s)
- {
- var d = new Date();
- d.setTime(s*1000);
- return d;
- },
- getHttpHeaders: function(request, file)
- {
- try
- {
- var http = QI(request, Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
- file.status = request.responseStatus;
- // xxxHonza: is there any problem to do this in requestedFile method?
- file.method = http.requestMethod;
- file.urlParams = parseURLParams(file.href);
- file.mimeType = Utils.getMimeType(request.contentType,;
- if (!file.responseHeaders && Firebug.collectHttpHeaders)
- {
- var requestHeaders = [], responseHeaders = [];
- http.visitRequestHeaders({
- visitHeader: function(name, value)
- {
- requestHeaders.push({name: name, value: value});
- }
- });
- http.visitResponseHeaders({
- visitHeader: function(name, value)
- {
- responseHeaders.push({name: name, value: value});
- }
- });
- file.requestHeaders = requestHeaders;
- file.responseHeaders = responseHeaders;
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // An exception can be throwed e.g. when the request is aborted and
- // request.responseStatus is accessed.
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("net.getHttpHeaders FAILS " + file.href, exc);
- }
- },
- isXHR: function(request)
- {
- try
- {
- var callbacks = request.notificationCallbacks;
- var xhrRequest = callbacks ? callbacks.getInterface(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest) : null;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_NET)
- FBTrace.sysout("net.isXHR; " + (xhrRequest != null) + ", " + safeGetName(request));
- return (xhrRequest != null);
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- }
- return false;
- },
- getFileCategory: function(file)
- {
- if (file.category)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_NET)
- FBTrace.sysout("net.getFileCategory; current: " + file.category + " for: " + file.href, file);
- return file.category;
- }
- if (file.isXHR)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_NET)
- FBTrace.sysout("net.getFileCategory; XHR for: " + file.href, file);
- return file.category = "xhr";
- }
- if (!file.mimeType)
- {
- var ext = getFileExtension(file.href);
- if (ext)
- file.mimeType = mimeExtensionMap[ext.toLowerCase()];
- }
- /*if (FBTrace.DBG_NET)
- FBTrace.sysout("net.getFileCategory; " + mimeCategoryMap[file.mimeType] +
- ", mimeType: " + file.mimeType + " for: " + file.href, file);*/
- if (!file.mimeType)
- return "";
- // Solve cases when charset is also specified, eg "text/html; charset=UTF-8".
- var mimeType = file.mimeType;
- if (mimeType)
- mimeType = mimeType.split(";")[0];
- return (file.category = mimeCategoryMap[mimeType]);
- }
-var Utils = Firebug.NetMonitor.Utils;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Constants
-//const Cc = Components.classes;
-//const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-// List of contexts with XHR spy attached.
-var contexts = [];
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Spy Module
- * @module Represents a XHR Spy module. The main purpose of the XHR Spy feature is to monitor
- * XHR activity of the current page and create appropriate log into the Console panel.
- * This feature can be controlled by an option <i>Show XMLHttpRequests</i> (from within the
- * console panel).
- *
- * The module is responsible for attaching/detaching a HTTP Observers when Firebug is
- * activated/deactivated for a site.
- */
-Firebug.Spy = extend(Firebug.Module,
-/** @lends Firebug.Spy */
- dispatchName: "spy",
- initialize: function()
- {
- if (Firebug.TraceModule)
- Firebug.TraceModule.addListener(this.TraceListener);
- Firebug.Module.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- Firebug.Module.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- if (Firebug.TraceModule)
- Firebug.TraceModule.removeListener(this.TraceListener);
- },
- initContext: function(context)
- {
- context.spies = [];
- if (Firebug.showXMLHttpRequests && Firebug.Console.isAlwaysEnabled())
- this.attachObserver(context, context.window);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.initContext " + contexts.length + " ", context.getName());
- },
- destroyContext: function(context)
- {
- // For any spies that are in progress, remove our listeners so that they don't leak
- this.detachObserver(context, null);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY && context.spies.length)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.destroyContext; ERROR There are leaking Spies ("
- + context.spies.length + ") " + context.getName());
- delete context.spies;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.destroyContext " + contexts.length + " ", context.getName());
- },
- watchWindow: function(context, win)
- {
- if (Firebug.showXMLHttpRequests && Firebug.Console.isAlwaysEnabled())
- this.attachObserver(context, win);
- },
- unwatchWindow: function(context, win)
- {
- try
- {
- // This make sure that the existing context is properly removed from "contexts" array.
- this.detachObserver(context, win);
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- // Get exceptions here sometimes, so let's just ignore them
- // since the window is going away anyhow
- ERROR(ex);
- }
- },
- updateOption: function(name, value)
- {
- // XXXjjb Honza, if Console.isEnabled(context) false, then this can't be called,
- // but somehow seems not correct
- if (name == "showXMLHttpRequests")
- {
- var tach = value ? this.attachObserver : this.detachObserver;
- for (var i = 0; i < TabWatcher.contexts.length; ++i)
- {
- var context = TabWatcher.contexts[i];
- iterateWindows(context.window, function(win)
- {
- tach.apply(this, [context, win]);
- });
- }
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Attaching Spy to XHR requests.
- /**
- * Returns false if Spy should not be attached to XHRs executed by the specified window.
- */
- skipSpy: function(win)
- {
- if (!win)
- return true;
- // Don't attach spy to chrome.
- var uri = safeGetWindowLocation(win);
- if (uri && (uri.indexOf("about:") == 0 || uri.indexOf("chrome:") == 0))
- return true;
- },
- attachObserver: function(context, win)
- {
- if (Firebug.Spy.skipSpy(win))
- return;
- for (var i=0; i<contexts.length; ++i)
- {
- if ((contexts[i].context == context) && (contexts[i].win == win))
- return;
- }
- // Register HTTP observers only once.
- if (contexts.length == 0)
- {
- httpObserver.addObserver(SpyHttpObserver, "firebug-http-event", false);
- SpyHttpActivityObserver.registerObserver();
- }
- contexts.push({context: context, win: win});
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.attachObserver (HTTP) " + contexts.length + " ", context.getName());
- },
- detachObserver: function(context, win)
- {
- for (var i=0; i<contexts.length; ++i)
- {
- if (contexts[i].context == context)
- {
- if (win && (contexts[i].win != win))
- continue;
- contexts.splice(i, 1);
- // If no context is using spy, remvove the (only one) HTTP observer.
- if (contexts.length == 0)
- {
- httpObserver.removeObserver(SpyHttpObserver, "firebug-http-event");
- SpyHttpActivityObserver.unregisterObserver();
- }
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.detachObserver (HTTP) " + contexts.length + " ",
- context.getName());
- return;
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Return XHR object that is associated with specified request <i>nsIHttpChannel</i>.
- * Returns null if the request doesn't represent XHR.
- */
- getXHR: function(request)
- {
- // Does also query-interface for nsIHttpChannel.
- if (!(request instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel))
- return null;
- try
- {
- var callbacks = request.notificationCallbacks;
- return (callbacks ? callbacks.getInterface(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest) : null);
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- if ( == "NS_NOINTERFACE")
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.getXHR; Request is not nsIXMLHttpRequest: " +
- safeGetRequestName(request));
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-function getSpyForXHR(request, xhrRequest, context, noCreate)
- var spy = null;
- // Iterate all existing spy objects in this context and look for one that is
- // already created for this request.
- var length = context.spies.length;
- for (var i=0; i<length; i++)
- {
- spy = context.spies[i];
- if (spy.request == request)
- return spy;
- }
- if (noCreate)
- return null;
- spy = new Firebug.Spy.XMLHttpRequestSpy(request, xhrRequest, context);
- context.spies.push(spy);
- var name = request.URI.asciiSpec;
- var origName = request.originalURI.asciiSpec;
- // Attach spy only to the original request. Notice that there can be more network requests
- // made by the same XHR if redirects are involved.
- if (name == origName)
- spy.attach();
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.getSpyForXHR; New spy object created (" +
- (name == origName ? "new XHR" : "redirected XHR") + ") for: " + name, spy);
- return spy;
-// ************************************************************************************************
- * @class This class represents a Spy object that is attached to XHR. This object
- * registers various listeners into the XHR in order to monitor various events fired
- * during the request process (onLoad, onAbort, etc.)
- */
-Firebug.Spy.XMLHttpRequestSpy = function(request, xhrRequest, context)
- this.request = request;
- this.xhrRequest = xhrRequest;
- this.context = context;
- this.responseText = "";
- // For compatibility with the Net templates.
- this.isXHR = true;
- // Support for activity-observer
- this.transactionStarted = false;
- this.transactionClosed = false;
-//Firebug.Spy.XMLHttpRequestSpy.prototype =
-/** @lends Firebug.Spy.XMLHttpRequestSpy */
- attach: function()
- {
- var spy = this;
- this.onReadyStateChange = function(event) { onHTTPSpyReadyStateChange(spy, event); };
- this.onLoad = function() { onHTTPSpyLoad(spy); };
- this.onError = function() { onHTTPSpyError(spy); };
- this.onAbort = function() { onHTTPSpyAbort(spy); };
- // xxxHonza: #502959 is still failing on Fx 3.5
- // Use activity distributor to identify 3.6
- if (SpyHttpActivityObserver.getActivityDistributor())
- {
- this.onreadystatechange = this.xhrRequest.onreadystatechange;
- this.xhrRequest.onreadystatechange = this.onReadyStateChange;
- }
- this.xhrRequest.addEventListener("load", this.onLoad, false);
- this.xhrRequest.addEventListener("error", this.onError, false);
- this.xhrRequest.addEventListener("abort", this.onAbort, false);
- // xxxHonza: should be removed from FB 3.6
- if (!SpyHttpActivityObserver.getActivityDistributor())
- this.context.sourceCache.addListener(this);
- },
- detach: function()
- {
- // Bubble out if already detached.
- if (!this.onLoad)
- return;
- // If the activity distributor is available, let's detach it when the XHR
- // transaction is closed. Since, in case of multipart XHRs the onLoad method
- // (readyState == 4) can be called mutliple times.
- // Keep in mind:
- // 1) It can happen that that the TRANSACTION_CLOSE event comes before
- // the onLoad (if the XHR is made as part of the page load) so, detach if
- // it's already closed.
- // 2) In case of immediate cache responses, the transaction doesn't have to
- // be started at all (or the activity observer is no available in Firefox 3.5).
- // So, also detach in this case.
- if (this.transactionStarted && !this.transactionClosed)
- return;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.detach; " + this.href);
- // Remove itself from the list of active spies.
- remove(this.context.spies, this);
- if (this.onreadystatechange)
- this.xhrRequest.onreadystatechange = this.onreadystatechange;
- try { this.xhrRequest.removeEventListener("load", this.onLoad, false); } catch (e) {}
- try { this.xhrRequest.removeEventListener("error", this.onError, false); } catch (e) {}
- try { this.xhrRequest.removeEventListener("abort", this.onAbort, false); } catch (e) {}
- this.onreadystatechange = null;
- this.onLoad = null;
- this.onError = null;
- this.onAbort = null;
- // xxxHonza: shouuld be removed from FB 1.6
- if (!SpyHttpActivityObserver.getActivityDistributor())
- this.context.sourceCache.removeListener(this);
- },
- getURL: function()
- {
- return ? : this.href;
- },
- // Cache listener
- onStopRequest: function(context, request, responseText)
- {
- if (!responseText)
- return;
- if (request == this.request)
- this.responseText = responseText;
- },
-// ************************************************************************************************
-function onHTTPSpyReadyStateChange(spy, event)
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.onHTTPSpyReadyStateChange " + spy.xhrRequest.readyState +
- " (multipart: " + spy.xhrRequest.multipart + ")");
- // Remember just in case spy is detached (readyState == 4).
- var originalHandler = spy.onreadystatechange;
- // Force response text to be updated in the UI (in case the console entry
- // has been already expanded and the response tab selected).
- if (spy.logRow && spy.xhrRequest.readyState >= 3)
- {
- var netInfoBox = getChildByClass(spy.logRow, "spyHead", "netInfoBody");
- if (netInfoBox)
- {
- netInfoBox.htmlPresented = false;
- netInfoBox.responsePresented = false;
- }
- }
- // If the request is loading update the end time.
- if (spy.xhrRequest.readyState == 3)
- {
- spy.responseTime = spy.endTime - spy.sendTime;
- updateTime(spy);
- }
- // Request loaded. Get all the info from the request now, just in case the
- // XHR would be aborted in the original onReadyStateChange handler.
- if (spy.xhrRequest.readyState == 4)
- {
- // Cumulate response so, multipart response content is properly displayed.
- if (SpyHttpActivityObserver.getActivityDistributor())
- spy.responseText += spy.xhrRequest.responseText;
- else
- {
- // xxxHonza: remove from FB 1.6
- if (!spy.responseText)
- spy.responseText = spy.xhrRequest.responseText;
- }
- // The XHR is loaded now (used also by the activity observer).
- spy.loaded = true;
- // Update UI.
- updateHttpSpyInfo(spy);
- // Notify Net pane about a request beeing loaded.
- // xxxHonza: I don't think this is necessary.
- var netProgress = spy.context.netProgress;
- if (netProgress)
-, [spy.request, spy.endTime, spy.postText, spy.responseText]);
- // Notify registered listeners about finish of the XHR.
- dispatch(Firebug.Spy.fbListeners, "onLoad", [spy.context, spy]);
- }
- // Pass the event to the original page handler.
- callPageHandler(spy, event, originalHandler);
-function onHTTPSpyLoad(spy)
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.onHTTPSpyLoad: " + spy.href, spy);
- // Detach must be done in onLoad (not in onreadystatechange) otherwise
- // onAbort would not be handled.
- spy.detach();
- // xxxHonza: Still needed for Fx 3.5 (#502959)
- if (!SpyHttpActivityObserver.getActivityDistributor())
- onHTTPSpyReadyStateChange(spy, null);
-function onHTTPSpyError(spy)
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.onHTTPSpyError; " + spy.href, spy);
- spy.detach();
- spy.loaded = true;
- if (spy.logRow)
- {
- removeClass(spy.logRow, "loading");
- setClass(spy.logRow, "error");
- }
-function onHTTPSpyAbort(spy)
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.onHTTPSpyAbort: " + spy.href, spy);
- spy.detach();
- spy.loaded = true;
- if (spy.logRow)
- {
- removeClass(spy.logRow, "loading");
- setClass(spy.logRow, "error");
- }
- spy.statusText = "Aborted";
- updateLogRow(spy);
- // Notify Net pane about a request beeing aborted.
- // xxxHonza: the net panel shoud find out this itself.
- var netProgress = spy.context.netProgress;
- if (netProgress)
-, [spy.request, spy.endTime, spy.postText, spy.responseText]);
-// ************************************************************************************************
- * @domplate Represents a template for XHRs logged in the Console panel. The body of the
- * log (displayed when expanded) is rendered using {@link Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody}.
- */
-Firebug.Spy.XHR = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
-/** @lends Firebug.Spy.XHR */
- tag:
- DIV({"class": "spyHead", _repObject: "$object"},
- TABLE({"class": "spyHeadTable focusRow outerFocusRow", cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0,
- "role": "listitem", "aria-expanded": "false"},
- TBODY({"role": "presentation"},
- TR({"class": "spyRow"},
- TD({"class": "spyTitleCol spyCol", onclick: "$onToggleBody"},
- DIV({"class": "spyTitle"},
- "$object|getCaption"
- ),
- DIV({"class": "spyFullTitle spyTitle"},
- "$object|getFullUri"
- )
- ),
- TD({"class": "spyCol"},
- DIV({"class": "spyStatus"}, "$object|getStatus")
- ),
- TD({"class": "spyCol"},
- SPAN({"class": "spyIcon"})
- ),
- TD({"class": "spyCol"},
- SPAN({"class": "spyTime"})
- ),
- TD({"class": "spyCol"},
- TAG(FirebugReps.SourceLink.tag, {object: "$object.sourceLink"})
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- getCaption: function(spy)
- {
- return spy.method.toUpperCase() + " " + cropString(spy.getURL(), 100);
- },
- getFullUri: function(spy)
- {
- return spy.method.toUpperCase() + " " + spy.getURL();
- },
- getStatus: function(spy)
- {
- var text = "";
- if (spy.statusCode)
- text += spy.statusCode + " ";
- if (spy.statusText)
- return text += spy.statusText;
- return text;
- },
- onToggleBody: function(event)
- {
- var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement;
- var logRow = getAncestorByClass(target, "logRow-spy");
- if (isLeftClick(event))
- {
- toggleClass(logRow, "opened");
- var spy = getChildByClass(logRow, "spyHead").repObject;
- var spyHeadTable = getAncestorByClass(target, "spyHeadTable");
- if (hasClass(logRow, "opened"))
- {
- updateHttpSpyInfo(spy, logRow);
- if (spyHeadTable)
- spyHeadTable.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true');
- }
- else
- {
- //var netInfoBox = getChildByClass(spy.logRow, "spyHead", "netInfoBody");
- //dispatch(Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody.fbListeners, "destroyTabBody", [netInfoBox, spy]);
- //if (spyHeadTable)
- // spyHeadTable.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
- }
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- copyURL: function(spy)
- {
- copyToClipboard(spy.getURL());
- },
- copyParams: function(spy)
- {
- var text = spy.postText;
- if (!text)
- return;
- var url = reEncodeURL(spy, text, true);
- copyToClipboard(url);
- },
- copyResponse: function(spy)
- {
- copyToClipboard(spy.responseText);
- },
- openInTab: function(spy)
- {
- openNewTab(spy.getURL(), spy.postText);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro spy xhr
- return false;
- return object instanceof Firebug.Spy.XMLHttpRequestSpy;
- },
- browseObject: function(spy, context)
- {
- var url = spy.getURL();
- openNewTab(url);
- return true;
- },
- getRealObject: function(spy, context)
- {
- return spy.xhrRequest;
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(spy)
- {
- var items = [
- {label: "CopyLocation", command: bindFixed(this.copyURL, this, spy) }
- ];
- if (spy.postText)
- {
- items.push(
- {label: "CopyLocationParameters", command: bindFixed(this.copyParams, this, spy) }
- );
- }
- items.push(
- {label: "CopyResponse", command: bindFixed(this.copyResponse, this, spy) },
- "-",
- {label: "OpenInTab", command: bindFixed(this.openInTab, this, spy) }
- );
- return items;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-function updateTime(spy)
- var timeBox = spy.logRow.getElementsByClassName("spyTime").item(0);
- if (spy.responseTime)
- timeBox.textContent = " " + formatTime(spy.responseTime);
-function updateLogRow(spy)
- updateTime(spy);
- var statusBox = spy.logRow.getElementsByClassName("spyStatus").item(0);
- statusBox.textContent = Firebug.Spy.XHR.getStatus(spy);
- removeClass(spy.logRow, "loading");
- setClass(spy.logRow, "loaded");
- try
- {
- var errorRange = Math.floor(spy.xhrRequest.status/100);
- if (errorRange == 4 || errorRange == 5)
- setClass(spy.logRow, "error");
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- }
-var updateHttpSpyInfo = function updateHttpSpyInfo(spy, logRow)
- if (!spy.logRow && logRow)
- spy.logRow = logRow;
- if (!spy.logRow || !hasClass(spy.logRow, "opened"))
- return;
- if (!spy.params)
- //spy.params = parseURLParams(spy.href+"");
- spy.params = parseURLParams(spy.href+"");
- if (!spy.requestHeaders)
- spy.requestHeaders = getRequestHeaders(spy);
- if (!spy.responseHeaders && spy.loaded)
- spy.responseHeaders = getResponseHeaders(spy);
- var template = Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody;
- var netInfoBox = getChildByClass(spy.logRow, "spyHead", "netInfoBody");
- if (!netInfoBox)
- {
- var head = getChildByClass(spy.logRow, "spyHead");
- netInfoBox = template.tag.append({"file": spy}, head);
- dispatch(template.fbListeners, "initTabBody", [netInfoBox, spy]);
- template.selectTabByName(netInfoBox, "Response");
- }
- else
- {
- template.updateInfo(netInfoBox, spy, spy.context);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-function getRequestHeaders(spy)
- var headers = [];
- var channel =;
- if (channel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel)
- {
- channel.visitRequestHeaders({
- visitHeader: function(name, value)
- {
- headers.push({name: name, value: value});
- }
- });
- }
- return headers;
-function getResponseHeaders(spy)
- var headers = [];
- try
- {
- var channel =;
- if (channel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel)
- {
- channel.visitResponseHeaders({
- visitHeader: function(name, value)
- {
- headers.push({name: name, value: value});
- }
- });
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY || FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("spy.getResponseHeaders; EXCEPTION " +
- safeGetRequestName(spy.request), exc);
- }
- return headers;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Registration
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// List of JSON content types.
-var contentTypes =
- // TODO: create issue: jsonViewer will not try to evaluate the contents of the requested file
- // if the content-type is set to "text/plain"
- //"text/plain": 1,
- "text/javascript": 1,
- "text/x-javascript": 1,
- "text/json": 1,
- "text/x-json": 1,
- "application/json": 1,
- "application/x-json": 1,
- "application/javascript": 1,
- "application/x-javascript": 1,
- "application/json-rpc": 1
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Model implementation
-Firebug.JSONViewerModel = extend(Firebug.Module,
- dispatchName: "jsonViewer",
- initialize: function()
- {
- Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody.addListener(this);
- // Used by Firebug.DOMPanel.DirTable domplate.
- this.toggles = {};
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody.removeListener(this);
- },
- initTabBody: function(infoBox, file)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("jsonviewer.initTabBody", infoBox);
- // Let listeners to parse the JSON.
- dispatch(this.fbListeners, "onParseJSON", [file]);
- // The JSON is still no there, try to parse most common cases.
- if (!file.jsonObject)
- {
- ///if (this.isJSON(safeGetContentType(file.request), file.responseText))
- if (this.isJSON(file.mimeType, file.responseText))
- file.jsonObject = this.parseJSON(file);
- }
- // The jsonObject is created so, the JSON tab can be displayed.
- if (file.jsonObject && hasProperties(file.jsonObject))
- {
- Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody.appendTab(infoBox, "JSON",
- ///$STR(""));
- $STR("JSON"));
- FBTrace.sysout("jsonviewer.initTabBody; JSON object available " +
- (typeof(file.jsonObject) != "undefined"), file.jsonObject);
- }
- },
- isJSON: function(contentType, data)
- {
- // Workaround for JSON responses without proper content type
- // Let's consider all responses starting with "{" as JSON. In the worst
- // case there will be an exception when parsing. This means that no-JSON
- // responses (and post data) (with "{") can be parsed unnecessarily,
- // which represents a little overhead, but this happens only if the request
- // is actually expanded by the user in the UI (Net & Console panels).
- ///var responseText = data ? trimLeft(data) : null;
- ///if (responseText && responseText.indexOf("{") == 0)
- /// return true;
- var responseText = data ? trim(data) : null;
- if (responseText && responseText.indexOf("{") == 0)
- return true;
- if (!contentType)
- return false;
- contentType = contentType.split(";")[0];
- contentType = trim(contentType);
- return contentTypes[contentType];
- },
- // Update listener for TabView
- updateTabBody: function(infoBox, file, context)
- {
- var tab = infoBox.selectedTab;
- ///var tabBody = infoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoJSONText").item(0);
- var tabBody = $$(".netInfoJSONText", infoBox)[0];
- if (!hasClass(tab, "netInfoJSONTab") || tabBody.updated)
- return;
- tabBody.updated = true;
- if (file.jsonObject) {
- Firebug.DOMPanel.DirTable.tag.replace(
- {object: file.jsonObject, toggles: this.toggles}, tabBody);
- }
- },
- parseJSON: function(file)
- {
- var jsonString = new String(file.responseText);
- ///return parseJSONString(jsonString, "http://" +;
- return parseJSONString(jsonString);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Registration
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Constants
-// List of XML related content types.
-var xmlContentTypes =
- "text/xml",
- "application/xml",
- "application/xhtml+xml",
- "application/rss+xml",
- "application/atom+xml",,
- "application/vnd.mozilla.maybe.feed",
- "application/rdf+xml",
- "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Model implementation
- * @module Implements viewer for XML based network responses. In order to create a new
- * tab wihin network request detail, a listener is registered into
- * <code>Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody</code> object.
- */
-Firebug.XMLViewerModel = extend(Firebug.Module,
- dispatchName: "xmlViewer",
- initialize: function()
- {
- ///Firebug.ActivableModule.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- Firebug.Module.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody.addListener(this);
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- ///Firebug.ActivableModule.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- Firebug.Module.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody.removeListener(this);
- },
- /**
- * Check response's content-type and if it's a XML, create a new tab with XML preview.
- */
- initTabBody: function(infoBox, file)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("xmlviewer.initTabBody", infoBox);
- // If the response is XML let's display a pretty preview.
- ///if (this.isXML(safeGetContentType(file.request)))
- if (this.isXML(file.mimeType, file.responseText))
- {
- Firebug.NetMonitor.NetInfoBody.appendTab(infoBox, "XML",
- ///$STR(""));
- $STR("XML"));
- FBTrace.sysout("xmlviewer.initTabBody; XML response available");
- }
- },
- isXML: function(contentType)
- {
- if (!contentType)
- return false;
- // Look if the response is XML based.
- for (var i=0; i<xmlContentTypes.length; i++)
- {
- if (contentType.indexOf(xmlContentTypes[i]) == 0)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Parse XML response and render pretty printed preview.
- */
- updateTabBody: function(infoBox, file, context)
- {
- var tab = infoBox.selectedTab;
- ///var tabBody = infoBox.getElementsByClassName("netInfoXMLText").item(0);
- var tabBody = $$(".netInfoXMLText", infoBox)[0];
- if (!hasClass(tab, "netInfoXMLTab") || tabBody.updated)
- return;
- tabBody.updated = true;
- this.insertXML(tabBody, Firebug.NetMonitor.Utils.getResponseText(file, context));
- },
- insertXML: function(parentNode, text)
- {
- var xmlText = text.replace(/^\s*<?.+?>\s*/, "");
- var div = parentNode.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- div.innerHTML = xmlText;
- var root = div.getElementsByTagName("*")[0];
- /***
- var parser = CCIN(";1", "nsIDOMParser");
- var doc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml");
- var root = doc.documentElement;
- // Error handling
- var nsURI = "";
- if (root.namespaceURI == nsURI && root.nodeName == "parsererror")
- {
- this.ParseError.tag.replace({error: {
- message: root.firstChild.nodeValue,
- source: root.lastChild.textContent
- }}, parentNode);
- return;
- }
- /**/
- FBTrace.sysout("xmlviewer.updateTabBody; XML response parsed", doc);
- // Override getHidden in these templates. The parsed XML documen is
- // hidden, but we want to display it using 'visible' styling.
- /*
- var templates = [
- Firebug.HTMLPanel.CompleteElement,
- Firebug.HTMLPanel.Element,
- Firebug.HTMLPanel.TextElement,
- Firebug.HTMLPanel.EmptyElement,
- Firebug.HTMLPanel.XEmptyElement,
- ];
- var originals = [];
- for (var i=0; i<templates.length; i++)
- {
- originals[i] = templates[i].getHidden;
- templates[i].getHidden = function() {
- return "";
- }
- }
- /**/
- // Generate XML preview.
- ///Firebug.HTMLPanel.CompleteElement.tag.replace({object: doc.documentElement}, parentNode);
- // TODO: xxxpedro html3
- ///Firebug.HTMLPanel.CompleteElement.tag.replace({object: root}, parentNode);
- var html = [];
- Firebug.Reps.appendNode(root, html);
- parentNode.innerHTML = html.join("");
- /*
- for (var i=0; i<originals.length; i++)
- templates[i].getHidden = originals[i];/**/
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Domplate
- * @domplate Represents a template for displaying XML parser errors. Used by
- * <code>Firebug.XMLViewerModel</code>.
- */
-Firebug.XMLViewerModel.ParseError = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- DIV({"class": "xmlInfoError"},
- DIV({"class": "xmlInfoErrorMsg"}, "$error.message"),
- PRE({"class": "xmlInfoErrorSource"}, "$error|getSource")
- ),
- getSource: function(error)
- {
- var parts = error.source.split("\n");
- if (parts.length != 2)
- return error.source;
- var limit = 50;
- var column = parts[1].length;
- if (column >= limit) {
- parts[0] = "..." + parts[0].substr(column - limit);
- parts[1] = "..." + parts[1].substr(column - limit);
- }
- if (parts[0].length > 80)
- parts[0] = parts[0].substr(0, 80) + "...";
- return parts.join("\n");
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Registration
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-// next-generation Console Panel (will override consoje.js)
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Constants
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const nsIPrefBranch2 = Ci.nsIPrefBranch2;
-const PrefService = Cc[";1"];
-const prefs = PrefService.getService(nsIPrefBranch2);
-// new offline message handler
-o = {x:1,y:2};
-r = Firebug.getRep(o);
-outputs = [];
-html = r.tag.renderHTML({object:o}, outputs);
-// finish rendering the template (the DOM part)
-target = $("build");
-target.innerHTML = html;
-root = target.firstChild;
-domArgs = [root, r.tag.context, 0];
-domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, r.tag.domArgs);
-domArgs.push.apply(domArgs, outputs);
-r.tag.tag.renderDOM.apply(self ? self : r.tag.subject, domArgs);
- */
-var consoleQueue = [];
-var lastHighlightedObject;
-var FirebugContext = Env.browser;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var maxQueueRequests = 500;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.ConsoleBase =
- log: function(object, context, className, rep, noThrottle, sourceLink)
- {
- //dispatch(this.fbListeners,"log",[context, object, className, sourceLink]);
- return this.logRow(appendObject, object, context, className, rep, sourceLink, noThrottle);
- },
- logFormatted: function(objects, context, className, noThrottle, sourceLink)
- {
- //dispatch(this.fbListeners,"logFormatted",[context, objects, className, sourceLink]);
- return this.logRow(appendFormatted, objects, context, className, null, sourceLink, noThrottle);
- },
- openGroup: function(objects, context, className, rep, noThrottle, sourceLink, noPush)
- {
- return this.logRow(appendOpenGroup, objects, context, className, rep, sourceLink, noThrottle);
- },
- closeGroup: function(context, noThrottle)
- {
- return this.logRow(appendCloseGroup, null, context, null, null, null, noThrottle, true);
- },
- logRow: function(appender, objects, context, className, rep, sourceLink, noThrottle, noRow)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro console console2
- noThrottle = true; // xxxpedro forced because there is no TabContext yet
- if (!context)
- context = FirebugContext;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS && !context)
- FBTrace.sysout("Console.logRow has no context, skipping objects", objects);
- if (!context)
- return;
- if (noThrottle || !context)
- {
- var panel = this.getPanel(context);
- if (panel)
- {
- var row = panel.append(appender, objects, className, rep, sourceLink, noRow);
- var container = panel.panelNode;
- // TODO: xxxpedro what is this? console console2
- /*
- var template = Firebug.NetMonitor.NetLimit;
- while (container.childNodes.length > maxQueueRequests + 1)
- {
- clearDomplate(container.firstChild.nextSibling);
- container.removeChild(container.firstChild.nextSibling);
- panel.limit.limitInfo.totalCount++;
- template.updateCounter(panel.limit);
- }
- dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], "onLogRowCreated", [panel , row]);
- /**/
- return row;
- }
- else
- {
- consoleQueue.push([appender, objects, context, className, rep, sourceLink, noThrottle, noRow]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!context.throttle)
- {
- //FBTrace.sysout("console.logRow has not context.throttle! ");
- return;
- }
- var args = [appender, objects, context, className, rep, sourceLink, true, noRow];
- context.throttle(this.logRow, this, args);
- }
- },
- appendFormatted: function(args, row, context)
- {
- if (!context)
- context = FirebugContext;
- var panel = this.getPanel(context);
- panel.appendFormatted(args, row);
- },
- clear: function(context)
- {
- if (!context)
- //context = FirebugContext;
- context = Firebug.context;
- /*
- if (context)
- Firebug.Errors.clear(context);
- /**/
- var panel = this.getPanel(context, true);
- if (panel)
- {
- panel.clear();
- }
- },
- // Override to direct output to your panel
- getPanel: function(context, noCreate)
- {
- //return context.getPanel("console", noCreate);
- // TODO: xxxpedro console console2
- return ?"Console") : null;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-//TODO: xxxpedro
-//var ActivableConsole = extend(Firebug.ActivableModule, Firebug.ConsoleBase);
-var ActivableConsole = extend(Firebug.ConsoleBase,
- isAlwaysEnabled: function()
- {
- return true;
- }
-Firebug.Console = Firebug.Console = extend(ActivableConsole,
-//Firebug.Console = extend(ActivableConsole,
- dispatchName: "console",
- error: function()
- {
- Firebug.Console.logFormatted(arguments, Firebug.browser, "error");
- },
- flush: function()
- {
- dispatch(this.fbListeners,"flush",[]);
- for (var i=0, length=consoleQueue.length; i<length; i++)
- {
- var args = consoleQueue[i];
- this.logRow.apply(this, args);
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Module
- showPanel: function(browser, panel)
- {
- },
- getFirebugConsoleElement: function(context, win)
- {
- var element = win.document.getElementById("_firebugConsole");
- if (!element)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("getFirebugConsoleElement forcing element");
- var elementForcer = "(function(){var r=null; try { r = window._getFirebugConsoleElement();}catch(exc){r=exc;} return r;})();"; // we could just add the elements here
- if (context.stopped)
- Firebug.Console.injector.evaluateConsoleScript(context); // todo evaluate consoleForcer on stack
- else
- var r = Firebug.CommandLine.evaluateInWebPage(elementForcer, context, win);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("getFirebugConsoleElement forcing element result "+r, r);
- var element = win.document.getElementById("_firebugConsole");
- if (!element) // elementForce fails
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS) FBTrace.sysout("console.getFirebugConsoleElement: no _firebugConsole in win:", win);
- Firebug.Console.logFormatted(["Firebug cannot find _firebugConsole element", r, win], context, "error", true);
- }
- }
- return element;
- },
- isReadyElsePreparing: function(context, win) // this is the only code that should call injector.attachIfNeeded
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.isReadyElsePreparing, win is " +
- (win?"an argument: ":"null, context.window: ") +
- (win?win.location:context.window.location), (win?win:context.window));
- if (win)
- return this.injector.attachIfNeeded(context, win);
- else
- {
- var attached = true;
- for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
- attached = attached && this.injector.attachIfNeeded(context,[i]);
- // already in the list above attached = attached && this.injector.attachIfNeeded(context, context.window);
- if ( == -1)
- FBTrace.sysout("isReadyElsePreparing ***************** context.window not in");
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.isReadyElsePreparing attached to "" and returns "+attached);
- return attached;
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends ActivableModule
- initialize: function()
- {
- this.panelName = "console";
- //TODO: xxxpedro
- //Firebug.ActivableModule.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- //Firebug.Debugger.addListener(this);
- },
- enable: function()
- {
- if (Firebug.Console.isAlwaysEnabled())
- this.watchForErrors();
- },
- disable: function()
- {
- if (Firebug.Console.isAlwaysEnabled())
- this.unwatchForErrors();
- },
- initContext: function(context, persistedState)
- {
- Firebug.ActivableModule.initContext.apply(this, arguments);
- context.consoleReloadWarning = true; // mark as need to warn.
- },
- loadedContext: function(context)
- {
- for (var url in context.sourceFileMap)
- return; // if there are any sourceFiles, then do nothing
- // else we saw no JS, so the reload warning it not needed.
- this.clearReloadWarning(context);
- },
- clearReloadWarning: function(context) // remove the warning about reloading.
- {
- if (context.consoleReloadWarning)
- {
- var panel = context.getPanel(this.panelName);
- panel.clearReloadWarning();
- delete context.consoleReloadWarning;
- }
- },
- togglePersist: function(context)
- {
- var panel = context.getPanel(this.panelName);
- panel.persistContent = panel.persistContent ? false : true;
-"cmd_togglePersistConsole", "checked", panel.persistContent);
- },
- showContext: function(browser, context)
- {
-"cmd_clearConsole", "disabled", !context);
- Firebug.ActivableModule.showContext.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- destroyContext: function(context, persistedState)
- {
- Firebug.Console.injector.detachConsole(context, context.window); // TODO iterate windows?
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- onPanelEnable: function(panelName)
- {
- if (panelName != this.panelName) // we don't care about other panels
- return;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.onPanelEnable**************");
- this.watchForErrors();
- Firebug.Debugger.addDependentModule(this); // we inject the console during JS compiles so we need jsd
- },
- onPanelDisable: function(panelName)
- {
- if (panelName != this.panelName) // we don't care about other panels
- return;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.onPanelDisable**************");
- Firebug.Debugger.removeDependentModule(this); // we inject the console during JS compiles so we need jsd
- this.unwatchForErrors();
- // Make sure possible errors coming from the page and displayed in the Firefox
- // status bar are removed.
- this.clear();
- },
- onSuspendFirebug: function()
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.onSuspendFirebug\n");
- if (Firebug.Console.isAlwaysEnabled())
- this.unwatchForErrors();
- },
- onResumeFirebug: function()
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.onResumeFirebug\n");
- if (Firebug.Console.isAlwaysEnabled())
- this.watchForErrors();
- },
- watchForErrors: function()
- {
- Firebug.Errors.checkEnabled();
- $('fbStatusIcon').setAttribute("console", "on");
- },
- unwatchForErrors: function()
- {
- Firebug.Errors.checkEnabled();
- $('fbStatusIcon').removeAttribute("console");
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Firebug.Debugger listener
- onMonitorScript: function(context, frame)
- {
- Firebug.Console.log(frame, context);
- },
- onFunctionCall: function(context, frame, depth, calling)
- {
- if (calling)
- Firebug.Console.openGroup([frame, "depth:"+depth], context);
- else
- Firebug.Console.closeGroup(context);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- logRow: function(appender, objects, context, className, rep, sourceLink, noThrottle, noRow)
- {
- if (!context)
- context = FirebugContext;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_WINDOWS && !context) FBTrace.sysout("Console.logRow: no context \n");
- if (this.isAlwaysEnabled())
- return Firebug.ConsoleBase.logRow.apply(this, arguments);
- }
-Firebug.ConsoleListener =
- log: function(context, object, className, sourceLink)
- {
- },
- logFormatted: function(context, objects, className, sourceLink)
- {
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.ConsolePanel = function () {} // XXjjb attach Firebug so this panel can be extended.
-//TODO: xxxpedro
-//Firebug.ConsolePanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.ActivablePanel,
-Firebug.ConsolePanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.Panel,
- wasScrolledToBottom: false,
- messageCount: 0,
- lastLogTime: 0,
- groups: null,
- limit: null,
- append: function(appender, objects, className, rep, sourceLink, noRow)
- {
- var container = this.getTopContainer();
- if (noRow)
- {
- appender.apply(this, [objects]);
- }
- else
- {
- // xxxHonza: Don't update the this.wasScrolledToBottom flag now.
- // At the beginning (when the first log is created) the isScrolledToBottom
- // always returns true.
- //if (this.panelNode.offsetHeight)
- // this.wasScrolledToBottom = isScrolledToBottom(this.panelNode);
- var row = this.createRow("logRow", className);
- appender.apply(this, [objects, row, rep]);
- if (sourceLink)
- FirebugReps.SourceLink.tag.append({object: sourceLink}, row);
- container.appendChild(row);
- this.filterLogRow(row, this.wasScrolledToBottom);
- if (this.wasScrolledToBottom)
- scrollToBottom(this.panelNode);
- return row;
- }
- },
- clear: function()
- {
- if (this.panelNode)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("ConsolePanel.clear");
- clearNode(this.panelNode);
- this.insertLogLimit(this.context);
- }
- },
- insertLogLimit: function()
- {
- // Create limit row. This row is the first in the list of entries
- // and initially hidden. It's displayed as soon as the number of
- // entries reaches the limit.
- var row = this.createRow("limitRow");
- var limitInfo = {
- totalCount: 0,
- limitPrefsTitle: $STRF("LimitPrefsTitle", [Firebug.prefDomain+".console.logLimit"])
- };
- //TODO: xxxpedro console net limit!?
- return;
- var netLimitRep = Firebug.NetMonitor.NetLimit;
- var nodes = netLimitRep.createTable(row, limitInfo);
- this.limit = nodes[1];
- var container = this.panelNode;
- container.insertBefore(nodes[0], container.firstChild);
- },
- insertReloadWarning: function()
- {
- // put the message in, we will clear if the window console is injected.
- this.warningRow = this.append(appendObject, $STR("message.Reload to activate window console"), "info");
- },
- clearReloadWarning: function()
- {
- if (this.warningRow)
- {
- this.warningRow.parentNode.removeChild(this.warningRow);
- delete this.warningRow;
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- appendObject: function(object, row, rep)
- {
- if (!rep)
- rep = Firebug.getRep(object);
- return rep.tag.append({object: object}, row);
- },
- appendFormatted: function(objects, row, rep)
- {
- if (!objects || !objects.length)
- return;
- function logText(text, row)
- {
- var node = row.ownerDocument.createTextNode(text);
- row.appendChild(node);
- }
- var format = objects[0];
- var objIndex = 0;
- if (typeof(format) != "string")
- {
- format = "";
- objIndex = -1;
- }
- else // a string
- {
- if (objects.length === 1) // then we have only a string...
- {
- if (format.length < 1) { // ...and it has no characters.
- logText("(an empty string)", row);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- var parts = parseFormat(format);
- var trialIndex = objIndex;
- for (var i= 0; i < parts.length; i++)
- {
- var part = parts[i];
- if (part && typeof(part) == "object")
- {
- if (++trialIndex > objects.length) // then too few parameters for format, assume unformatted.
- {
- format = "";
- objIndex = -1;
- parts.length = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i)
- {
- var part = parts[i];
- if (part && typeof(part) == "object")
- {
- var object = objects[++objIndex];
- if (typeof(object) != "undefined")
- this.appendObject(object, row, part.rep);
- else
- this.appendObject(part.type, row, FirebugReps.Text);
- }
- else
- FirebugReps.Text.tag.append({object: part}, row);
- }
- for (var i = objIndex+1; i < objects.length; ++i)
- {
- logText(" ", row);
- var object = objects[i];
- if (typeof(object) == "string")
- FirebugReps.Text.tag.append({object: object}, row);
- else
- this.appendObject(object, row);
- }
- },
- appendOpenGroup: function(objects, row, rep)
- {
- if (!this.groups)
- this.groups = [];
- setClass(row, "logGroup");
- setClass(row, "opened");
- var innerRow = this.createRow("logRow");
- setClass(innerRow, "logGroupLabel");
- if (rep)
- rep.tag.replace({"objects": objects}, innerRow);
- else
- this.appendFormatted(objects, innerRow, rep);
- row.appendChild(innerRow);
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onLogRowCreated', [this, innerRow]);
- var groupBody = this.createRow("logGroupBody");
- row.appendChild(groupBody);
- groupBody.setAttribute('role', 'group');
- this.groups.push(groupBody);
- addEvent(innerRow, "mousedown", function(event)
- {
- if (isLeftClick(event))
- {
- //console.log(event.currentTarget ==;
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- target = getAncestorByClass(target, "logGroupLabel");
- var groupRow = target.parentNode;
- if (hasClass(groupRow, "opened"))
- {
- removeClass(groupRow, "opened");
- target.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
- }
- else
- {
- setClass(groupRow, "opened");
- target.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true');
- }
- }
- });
- },
- appendCloseGroup: function(object, row, rep)
- {
- if (this.groups)
- this.groups.pop();
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // TODO: xxxpedro console2
- onMouseMove: function(event)
- {
- if (!Firebug.Inspector) return;
- var target = event.srcElement ||;
- var object = getAncestorByClass(target, "objectLink-element");
- object = object ? object.repObject : null;
- if(object && instanceOf(object, "Element") && object.nodeType == 1)
- {
- if(object != lastHighlightedObject)
- {
- Firebug.Inspector.drawBoxModel(object);
- object = lastHighlightedObject;
- }
- }
- else
- Firebug.Inspector.hideBoxModel();
- },
- onMouseDown: function(event)
- {
- var target = event.srcElement ||;
- var object = getAncestorByClass(target, "objectLink");
- var repObject = object ? object.repObject : null;
- if (!repObject)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (hasClass(object, "objectLink-object"))
- {
-"DOM").select(repObject, true);
- }
- else if (hasClass(object, "objectLink-element"))
- {
-"HTML").select(repObject, true);
- }
- /*
- if(object && instanceOf(object, "Element") && object.nodeType == 1)
- {
- if(object != lastHighlightedObject)
- {
- Firebug.Inspector.drawBoxModel(object);
- object = lastHighlightedObject;
- }
- }
- else
- Firebug.Inspector.hideBoxModel();
- /**/
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Panel
- name: "Console",
- title: "Console",
- //searchable: true,
- //breakable: true,
- //editable: false,
- options:
- {
- hasCommandLine: true,
- hasToolButtons: true,
- isPreRendered: true
- },
- create: function()
- {
- Firebug.Panel.create.apply(this, arguments);
- this.context = Firebug.browser.window;
- this.document =;
- this.onMouseMove = bind(this.onMouseMove, this);
- this.onMouseDown = bind(this.onMouseDown, this);
- this.clearButton = new Button({
- element: $("fbConsole_btClear"),
- owner: Firebug.Console,
- onClick: Firebug.Console.clear
- });
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- Firebug.Panel.initialize.apply(this, arguments); // loads persisted content
- //Firebug.ActivablePanel.initialize.apply(this, arguments); // loads persisted content
- if (!this.persistedContent && Firebug.Console.isAlwaysEnabled())
- {
- this.insertLogLimit(this.context);
- // Initialize log limit and listen for changes.
- this.updateMaxLimit();
- if (this.context.consoleReloadWarning) // we have not yet injected the console
- this.insertReloadWarning();
- }
- //Firebug.Console.injector.install(Firebug.browser.window);
- addEvent(this.panelNode, "mouseover", this.onMouseMove);
- addEvent(this.panelNode, "mousedown", this.onMouseDown);
- this.clearButton.initialize();
- //consolex.trace();
- //TODO: xxxpedro remove this
- /*
- Firebug.Console.openGroup(["asd"], null, "group", null, false);
- Firebug.Console.log("asd");
- Firebug.Console.log("asd");
- Firebug.Console.log("asd");
- /**/
- //TODO: xxxpedro preferences prefs
- //prefs.addObserver(Firebug.prefDomain, this, false);
- },
- initializeNode : function()
- {
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onInitializeNode', [this]);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- {
- this.onScroller = bind(this.onScroll, this);
- addEvent(this.panelNode, "scroll", this.onScroller);
- }
- this.onResizer = bind(this.onResize, this);
- this.resizeEventTarget =$('fbContentBox');
- addEvent(this.resizeEventTarget, "resize", this.onResizer);
- },
- destroyNode : function()
- {
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onDestroyNode', [this]);
- if (this.onScroller)
- removeEvent(this.panelNode, "scroll", this.onScroller);
- //removeEvent(this.resizeEventTarget, "resize", this.onResizer);
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- //TODO: xxxpedro console console2
- this.clearButton.shutdown();
- removeEvent(this.panelNode, "mousemove", this.onMouseMove);
- removeEvent(this.panelNode, "mousedown", this.onMouseDown);
- this.destroyNode();
- Firebug.Panel.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- //TODO: xxxpedro preferences prefs
- //prefs.removeObserver(Firebug.prefDomain, this, false);
- },
- ishow: function(state)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("Console.panel show; " + this.context.getName(), state);
- var enabled = Firebug.Console.isAlwaysEnabled();
- if (enabled)
- {
- Firebug.Console.disabledPanelPage.hide(this);
- this.showCommandLine(true);
- this.showToolbarButtons("fbConsoleButtons", true);
-"cmd_togglePersistConsole", "checked", this.persistContent);
- if (state && state.wasScrolledToBottom)
- {
- this.wasScrolledToBottom = state.wasScrolledToBottom;
- delete state.wasScrolledToBottom;
- }
- if (this.wasScrolledToBottom)
- scrollToBottom(this.panelNode);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout(" ------------------ wasScrolledToBottom: " +
- this.wasScrolledToBottom + ", " + this.context.getName());
- }
- else
- {
- this.hide(state);
- }
- },
- ihide: function(state)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("Console.panel hide; " + this.context.getName(), state);
- this.showToolbarButtons("fbConsoleButtons", false);
- this.showCommandLine(false);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.hide ------------------ wasScrolledToBottom: " +
- this.wasScrolledToBottom + ", " + this.context.getName());
- },
- destroy: function(state)
- {
- if (this.panelNode.offsetHeight)
- this.wasScrolledToBottom = isScrolledToBottom(this.panelNode);
- if (state)
- state.wasScrolledToBottom = this.wasScrolledToBottom;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.destroy ------------------ wasScrolledToBottom: " +
- this.wasScrolledToBottom + ", " + this.context.getName());
- },
- shouldBreakOnNext: function()
- {
- // xxxHonza: shouldn't the breakOnErrors be context related?
- // xxxJJB, yes, but we can't support it because we can't yet tell
- // which window the error is on.
- return Firebug.getPref(Firebug.servicePrefDomain, "breakOnErrors");
- },
- getBreakOnNextTooltip: function(enabled)
- {
- return (enabled ? $STR("console.Disable Break On All Errors") :
- $STR("console.Break On All Errors"));
- },
- enablePanel: function(module)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.ConsolePanel.enablePanel; " + this.context.getName());
- Firebug.ActivablePanel.enablePanel.apply(this, arguments);
- this.showCommandLine(true);
- if (this.wasScrolledToBottom)
- scrollToBottom(this.panelNode);
- },
- disablePanel: function(module)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.ConsolePanel.disablePanel; " + this.context.getName());
- Firebug.ActivablePanel.disablePanel.apply(this, arguments);
- this.showCommandLine(false);
- },
- getOptionsMenuItems: function()
- {
- return [
- optionMenu("ShowJavaScriptErrors", "showJSErrors"),
- optionMenu("ShowJavaScriptWarnings", "showJSWarnings"),
- optionMenu("ShowCSSErrors", "showCSSErrors"),
- optionMenu("ShowXMLErrors", "showXMLErrors"),
- optionMenu("ShowXMLHttpRequests", "showXMLHttpRequests"),
- optionMenu("ShowChromeErrors", "showChromeErrors"),
- optionMenu("ShowChromeMessages", "showChromeMessages"),
- optionMenu("ShowExternalErrors", "showExternalErrors"),
- optionMenu("ShowNetworkErrors", "showNetworkErrors"),
- this.getShowStackTraceMenuItem(),
- this.getStrictOptionMenuItem(),
- "-",
- optionMenu("LargeCommandLine", "largeCommandLine")
- ];
- },
- getShowStackTraceMenuItem: function()
- {
- var menuItem = serviceOptionMenu("ShowStackTrace", "showStackTrace");
- if (FirebugContext && !Firebug.Debugger.isAlwaysEnabled())
- menuItem.disabled = true;
- return menuItem;
- },
- getStrictOptionMenuItem: function()
- {
- var strictDomain = "javascript.options";
- var strictName = "strict";
- var strictValue = prefs.getBoolPref(strictDomain+"."+strictName);
- return {label: "JavascriptOptionsStrict", type: "checkbox", checked: strictValue,
- command: bindFixed(Firebug.setPref, Firebug, strictDomain, strictName, !strictValue) };
- },
- getBreakOnMenuItems: function()
- {
- //xxxHonza: no BON options for now.
- /*return [
- optionMenu("console.option.Persist Break On Error", "persistBreakOnError")
- ];*/
- return [];
- },
- search: function(text)
- {
- if (!text)
- return;
- // Make previously visible nodes invisible again
- if (this.matchSet)
- {
- for (var i in this.matchSet)
- removeClass(this.matchSet[i], "matched");
- }
- this.matchSet = [];
- function findRow(node) { return getAncestorByClass(node, "logRow"); }
- var search = new TextSearch(this.panelNode, findRow);
- var logRow = search.find(text);
- if (!logRow)
- {
- dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onConsoleSearchMatchFound', [this, text, []]);
- return false;
- }
- for (; logRow; logRow = search.findNext())
- {
- setClass(logRow, "matched");
- this.matchSet.push(logRow);
- }
- dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onConsoleSearchMatchFound', [this, text, this.matchSet]);
- return true;
- },
- breakOnNext: function(breaking)
- {
- Firebug.setPref(Firebug.servicePrefDomain, "breakOnErrors", breaking);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // private
- createRow: function(rowName, className)
- {
- var elt = this.document.createElement("div");
- elt.className = rowName + (className ? " " + rowName + "-" + className : "");
- return elt;
- },
- getTopContainer: function()
- {
- if (this.groups && this.groups.length)
- return this.groups[this.groups.length-1];
- else
- return this.panelNode;
- },
- filterLogRow: function(logRow, scrolledToBottom)
- {
- if (this.searchText)
- {
- setClass(logRow, "matching");
- setClass(logRow, "matched");
- // Search after a delay because we must wait for a frame to be created for
- // the new logRow so that the finder will be able to locate it
- setTimeout(bindFixed(function()
- {
- if (this.searchFilter(this.searchText, logRow))
- this.matchSet.push(logRow);
- else
- removeClass(logRow, "matched");
- removeClass(logRow, "matching");
- if (scrolledToBottom)
- scrollToBottom(this.panelNode);
- }, this), 100);
- }
- },
- searchFilter: function(text, logRow)
- {
- var count = this.panelNode.childNodes.length;
- var searchRange = this.document.createRange();
- searchRange.setStart(this.panelNode, 0);
- searchRange.setEnd(this.panelNode, count);
- var startPt = this.document.createRange();
- startPt.setStartBefore(logRow);
- var endPt = this.document.createRange();
- endPt.setStartAfter(logRow);
- return finder.Find(text, searchRange, startPt, endPt) != null;
- },
- // nsIPrefObserver
- observe: function(subject, topic, data)
- {
- // We're observing preferences only.
- if (topic != "nsPref:changed")
- return;
- // xxxHonza check this out.
- var prefDomain = "Firebug.extension.";
- var prefName = data.substr(prefDomain.length);
- if (prefName == "console.logLimit")
- this.updateMaxLimit();
- },
- updateMaxLimit: function()
- {
- var value = 1000;
- //TODO: xxxpedro preferences log limit?
- //var value = Firebug.getPref(Firebug.prefDomain, "console.logLimit");
- maxQueueRequests = value ? value : maxQueueRequests;
- },
- showCommandLine: function(shouldShow)
- {
- //TODO: xxxpedro show command line important
- return;
- if (shouldShow)
- {
- collapse($("fbCommandBox"), false);
- Firebug.CommandLine.setMultiLine(Firebug.largeCommandLine,;
- }
- else
- {
- // Make sure that entire content of the Console panel is hidden when
- // the panel is disabled.
- Firebug.CommandLine.setMultiLine(false,, Firebug.largeCommandLine);
- collapse($("fbCommandBox"), true);
- }
- },
- onScroll: function(event)
- {
- // Update the scroll position flag if the position changes.
- this.wasScrolledToBottom = FBL.isScrolledToBottom(this.panelNode);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.onScroll ------------------ wasScrolledToBottom: " +
- this.wasScrolledToBottom + ", wasScrolledToBottom: " +
- this.context.getName(), event);
- },
- onResize: function(event)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("console.onResize ------------------ wasScrolledToBottom: " +
- this.wasScrolledToBottom + ", offsetHeight: " + this.panelNode.offsetHeight +
- ", scrollTop: " + this.panelNode.scrollTop + ", scrollHeight: " +
- this.panelNode.scrollHeight + ", " + this.context.getName(), event);
- if (this.wasScrolledToBottom)
- scrollToBottom(this.panelNode);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-function parseFormat(format)
- var parts = [];
- if (format.length <= 0)
- return parts;
- var reg = /((^%|.%)(\d+)?(\.)([a-zA-Z]))|((^%|.%)([a-zA-Z]))/;
- for (var m = reg.exec(format); m; m = reg.exec(format))
- {
- if (m[0].substr(0, 2) == "%%")
- {
- parts.push(format.substr(0, m.index));
- parts.push(m[0].substr(1));
- }
- else
- {
- var type = m[8] ? m[8] : m[5];
- var precision = m[3] ? parseInt(m[3]) : (m[4] == "." ? -1 : 0);
- var rep = null;
- switch (type)
- {
- case "s":
- rep = FirebugReps.Text;
- break;
- case "f":
- case "i":
- case "d":
- rep = FirebugReps.Number;
- break;
- case "o":
- rep = null;
- break;
- }
- parts.push(format.substr(0, m[0][0] == "%" ? m.index : m.index+1));
- parts.push({rep: rep, precision: precision, type: ("%" + type)});
- }
- format = format.substr(m.index+m[0].length);
- }
- parts.push(format);
- return parts;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var appendObject = Firebug.ConsolePanel.prototype.appendObject;
-var appendFormatted = Firebug.ConsolePanel.prototype.appendFormatted;
-var appendOpenGroup = Firebug.ConsolePanel.prototype.appendOpenGroup;
-var appendCloseGroup = Firebug.ConsolePanel.prototype.appendCloseGroup;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Constants
-//const Cc = Components.classes;
-//const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-var frameCounters = {};
-var traceRecursion = 0;
-Firebug.Console.injector =
- install: function(context)
- {
- var win = context.window;
- var consoleHandler = new FirebugConsoleHandler(context, win);
- var properties =
- [
- "log",
- "debug",
- "info",
- "warn",
- "error",
- "assert",
- "dir",
- "dirxml",
- "group",
- "groupCollapsed",
- "groupEnd",
- "time",
- "timeEnd",
- "count",
- "trace",
- "profile",
- "profileEnd",
- "clear",
- "open",
- "close"
- ];
- var Handler = function(name)
- {
- var c = consoleHandler;
- var f = consoleHandler[name];
- return function(){return f.apply(c,arguments);};
- };
- var installer = function(c)
- {
- for (var i=0, l=properties.length; i<l; i++)
- {
- var name = properties[i];
- c[name] = new Handler(name);
- c.firebuglite = Firebug.version;
- }
- };
- var sandbox;
- if (win.console)
- {
- if (Env.Options.overrideConsole)
- sandbox = new win.Function("arguments.callee.install(window.console={})");
- else
- // if there's a console object and overrideConsole is false we should just quit
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- // try overriding the console object
- sandbox = new win.Function("arguments.callee.install(window.console={})");
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- // if something goes wrong create the firebug object instead
- sandbox = new win.Function("arguments.callee.install(window.firebug={})");
- }
- }
- sandbox.install = installer;
- sandbox();
- },
- isAttached: function(context, win)
- {
- if (win.wrappedJSObject)
- {
- var attached = (win.wrappedJSObject._getFirebugConsoleElement ? true : false);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("Console.isAttached:"+attached+" to win.wrappedJSObject "+safeGetWindowLocation(win.wrappedJSObject));
- return attached;
- }
- else
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("Console.isAttached? to win "+win.location+" fnc:"+win._getFirebugConsoleElement);
- return (win._getFirebugConsoleElement ? true : false);
- }
- },
- attachIfNeeded: function(context, win)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("Console.attachIfNeeded has win "+(win? ((win.wrappedJSObject?"YES":"NO")+" wrappedJSObject"):"null") );
- if (this.isAttached(context, win))
- return true;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("Console.attachIfNeeded found isAttached false ");
- this.attachConsoleInjector(context, win);
- this.addConsoleListener(context, win);
- Firebug.Console.clearReloadWarning(context);
- var attached = this.isAttached(context, win);
- if (attached)
- dispatch(Firebug.Console.fbListeners, "onConsoleInjected", [context, win]);
- return attached;
- },
- attachConsoleInjector: function(context, win)
- {
- var consoleInjection = this.getConsoleInjectionScript(); // Do it all here.
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("attachConsoleInjector evaluating in "+win.location, consoleInjection);
- Firebug.CommandLine.evaluateInWebPage(consoleInjection, context, win);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("attachConsoleInjector evaluation completed for "+win.location);
- },
- getConsoleInjectionScript: function() {
- if (!this.consoleInjectionScript)
- {
- var script = "";
- script += "window.__defineGetter__('console', function() {\n";
- script += " return (window._firebug ? window._firebug : window.loadFirebugConsole()); })\n\n";
- script += "window.loadFirebugConsole = function() {\n";
- script += "window._firebug = new _FirebugConsole();";
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- script += " window.dump('loadFirebugConsole '+window.location+'\\n');\n";
- script += " return window._firebug };\n";
- var theFirebugConsoleScript = getResource("chrome://firebug/content/consoleInjected.js");
- script += theFirebugConsoleScript;
- this.consoleInjectionScript = script;
- }
- return this.consoleInjectionScript;
- },
- forceConsoleCompilationInPage: function(context, win)
- {
- if (!win)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("no win in forceConsoleCompilationInPage!");
- return;
- }
- var consoleForcer = "window.loadFirebugConsole();";
- if (context.stopped)
- Firebug.Console.injector.evaluateConsoleScript(context); // todo evaluate consoleForcer on stack
- else
- Firebug.CommandLine.evaluateInWebPage(consoleForcer, context, win);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("forceConsoleCompilationInPage "+win.location, consoleForcer);
- },
- evaluateConsoleScript: function(context)
- {
- var scriptSource = this.getConsoleInjectionScript(); // TODO XXXjjb this should be getConsoleInjectionScript
- Firebug.Debugger.evaluate(scriptSource, context);
- },
- addConsoleListener: function(context, win)
- {
- if (!context.activeConsoleHandlers) // then we have not been this way before
- context.activeConsoleHandlers = [];
- else
- { // we've been this way before...
- for (var i=0; i<context.activeConsoleHandlers.length; i++)
- {
- if (context.activeConsoleHandlers[i].window == win)
- {
- context.activeConsoleHandlers[i].detach();
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("consoleInjector addConsoleListener removed handler("+context.activeConsoleHandlers[i].handler_name+") from _firebugConsole in : "+win.location+"\n");
- context.activeConsoleHandlers.splice(i,1);
- }
- }
- }
- // We need the element to attach our event listener.
- var element = Firebug.Console.getFirebugConsoleElement(context, win);
- if (element)
- element.setAttribute("FirebugVersion", Firebug.version); // Initialize Firebug version.
- else
- return false;
- var handler = new FirebugConsoleHandler(context, win);
- handler.attachTo(element);
- context.activeConsoleHandlers.push(handler);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("consoleInjector addConsoleListener attached handler("+handler.handler_name+") to _firebugConsole in : "+win.location+"\n");
- return true;
- },
- detachConsole: function(context, win)
- {
- if (win && win.document)
- {
- var element = win.document.getElementById("_firebugConsole");
- if (element)
- element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
- }
- }
-var total_handlers = 0;
-var FirebugConsoleHandler = function FirebugConsoleHandler(context, win)
- this.window = win;
- this.attachTo = function(element)
- {
- this.element = element;
- // When raised on our injected element, callback to Firebug and append to console
- this.boundHandler = bind(this.handleEvent, this);
- this.element.addEventListener('firebugAppendConsole', this.boundHandler, true); // capturing
- };
- this.detach = function()
- {
- this.element.removeEventListener('firebugAppendConsole', this.boundHandler, true);
- };
- this.handler_name = ++total_handlers;
- this.handleEvent = function(event)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("FirebugConsoleHandler("+this.handler_name+") ""methodName")+", event", event);
- if (!Firebug.CommandLine.CommandHandler.handle(event, this, win))
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("FirebugConsoleHandler", this);
- var methodName ="methodName");
- Firebug.Console.log($STRF("console.MethodNotSupported", [methodName]));
- }
- };
- this.firebuglite = Firebug.version;
- this.init = function()
- {
- var consoleElement = win.document.getElementById('_firebugConsole');
- consoleElement.setAttribute("FirebugVersion", Firebug.version);
- };
- this.log = function()
- {
- logFormatted(arguments, "log");
- };
- this.debug = function()
- {
- logFormatted(arguments, "debug", true);
- };
- = function()
- {
- logFormatted(arguments, "info", true);
- };
- this.warn = function()
- {
- logFormatted(arguments, "warn", true);
- };
- this.error = function()
- {
- //TODO: xxxpedro console error
- //if (arguments.length == 1)
- //{
- // logAssert("error", arguments); // add more info based on stack trace
- //}
- //else
- //{
- //Firebug.Errors.increaseCount(context);
- logFormatted(arguments, "error", true); // user already added info
- //}
- };
- this.exception = function()
- {
- logAssert("error", arguments);
- };
- this.assert = function(x)
- {
- if (!x)
- {
- var rest = [];
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
- rest.push(arguments[i]);
- logAssert("assert", rest);
- }
- };
- this.dir = function(o)
- {
- Firebug.Console.log(o, context, "dir", Firebug.DOMPanel.DirTable);
- };
- this.dirxml = function(o)
- {
- ///if (o instanceof Window)
- if (instanceOf(o, "Window"))
- o = o.document.documentElement;
- ///else if (o instanceof Document)
- else if (instanceOf(o, "Document"))
- o = o.documentElement;
- Firebug.Console.log(o, context, "dirxml", Firebug.HTMLPanel.SoloElement);
- };
- = function()
- {
- //TODO: xxxpedro;
- //var sourceLink = getStackLink();
- var sourceLink = null;
- Firebug.Console.openGroup(arguments, null, "group", null, false, sourceLink);
- };
- this.groupEnd = function()
- {
- Firebug.Console.closeGroup(context);
- };
- this.groupCollapsed = function()
- {
- var sourceLink = getStackLink();
- // noThrottle true is probably ok, openGroups will likely be short strings.
- var row = Firebug.Console.openGroup(arguments, null, "group", null, true, sourceLink);
- removeClass(row, "opened");
- };
- this.profile = function(title)
- {
- logFormatted(["console.profile() not supported."], "warn", true);
- //Firebug.Profiler.startProfiling(context, title);
- };
- this.profileEnd = function()
- {
- logFormatted(["console.profile() not supported."], "warn", true);
- //Firebug.Profiler.stopProfiling(context);
- };
- this.count = function(key)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro console2: is there a better way to find a unique ID for the coun() call?
- var frameId = "0";
- //var frameId = FBL.getStackFrameId();
- if (frameId)
- {
- if (!frameCounters)
- frameCounters = {};
- if (key != undefined)
- frameId += key;
- var frameCounter = frameCounters[frameId];
- if (!frameCounter)
- {
- var logRow = logFormatted(["0"], null, true, true);
- frameCounter = {logRow: logRow, count: 1};
- frameCounters[frameId] = frameCounter;
- }
- else
- ++frameCounter.count;
- var label = key == undefined
- ? frameCounter.count
- : key + " " + frameCounter.count;
- frameCounter.logRow.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue = label;
- }
- };
- this.trace = function()
- {
- var getFuncName = function getFuncName (f)
- {
- if (f.getName instanceof Function)
- {
- return f.getName();
- }
- if ( // in FireFox, Function objects have a name property...
- {
- return;
- }
- var name = f.toString().match(/function\s*([_$\w\d]*)/)[1];
- return name || "anonymous";
- };
- var wasVisited = function(fn)
- {
- for (var i=0, l=frames.length; i<l; i++)
- {
- if (frames[i].fn == fn)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- traceRecursion++;
- if (traceRecursion > 1)
- {
- traceRecursion--;
- return;
- }
- var frames = [];
- for (var fn = arguments.callee.caller.caller; fn; fn = fn.caller)
- {
- if (wasVisited(fn)) break;
- var args = [];
- for (var i = 0, l = fn.arguments.length; i < l; ++i)
- {
- args.push({value: fn.arguments[i]});
- }
- frames.push({fn: fn, name: getFuncName(fn), args: args});
- }
- // ****************************************************************************************
- try
- {
- (0)();
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- var result = e;
- var stack =
- result.stack || // Firefox / Google Chrome
- result.stacktrace || // Opera
- "";
- stack = stack.replace(/\n\r|\r\n/g, "\n"); // normalize line breaks
- var items = stack.split(/[\n\r]/);
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Google Chrome
- if (FBL.isSafari)
- {
- //var reChromeStackItem = /^\s+at\s+([^\(]+)\s\((.*)\)$/;
- //var reChromeStackItem = /^\s+at\s+(.*)((?:http|https|ftp|file):\/\/.*)$/;
- var reChromeStackItem = /^\s+at\s+(.*)((?:http|https|ftp|file):\/\/.*)$/;
- var reChromeStackItemName = /\s*\($/;
- var reChromeStackItemValue = /^(.+)\:(\d+\:\d+)\)?$/;
- var framePos = 0;
- for (var i=4, length=items.length; i<length; i++, framePos++)
- {
- var frame = frames[framePos];
- var item = items[i];
- var match = item.match(reChromeStackItem);
- //Firebug.Console.log("["+ framePos +"]--------------------------");
- //Firebug.Console.log(item);
- //Firebug.Console.log("................");
- if (match)
- {
- var name = match[1];
- if (name)
- {
- name = name.replace(reChromeStackItemName, "");
- = name;
- }
- //Firebug.Console.log("name: "+name);
- var value = match[2].match(reChromeStackItemValue);
- if (value)
- {
- frame.href = value[1];
- frame.lineNo = value[2];
- //Firebug.Console.log("url: "+value[1]);
- //Firebug.Console.log("line: "+value[2]);
- }
- //else
- // Firebug.Console.log(match[2]);
- }
- }
- }
- /**/
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- else if (FBL.isFirefox)
- {
- // Firefox
- var reFirefoxStackItem = /^(.*)@(.*)$/;
- var reFirefoxStackItemValue = /^(.+)\:(\d+)$/;
- var framePos = 0;
- for (var i=2, length=items.length; i<length; i++, framePos++)
- {
- var frame = frames[framePos] || {};
- var item = items[i];
- var match = item.match(reFirefoxStackItem);
- if (match)
- {
- var name = match[1];
- //Firebug.Console.logFormatted("name: "+name);
- var value = match[2].match(reFirefoxStackItemValue);
- if (value)
- {
- frame.href = value[1];
- frame.lineNo = value[2];
- //Firebug.Console.log("href: "+ value[1]);
- //Firebug.Console.log("line: " + value[2]);
- }
- //else
- // Firebug.Console.logFormatted([match[2]]);
- }
- }
- }
- /**/
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- /*
- else if (FBL.isOpera)
- {
- // Opera
- var reOperaStackItem = /^\s\s(?:\.\.\.\s\s)?Line\s(\d+)\sof\s(.+)$/;
- var reOperaStackItemValue = /^linked\sscript\s(.+)$/;
- for (var i=0, length=items.length; i<length; i+=2)
- {
- var item = items[i];
- var match = item.match(reOperaStackItem);
- if (match)
- {
- //Firebug.Console.log(match[1]);
- var value = match[2].match(reOperaStackItemValue);
- if (value)
- {
- //Firebug.Console.log(value[1]);
- }
- //else
- // Firebug.Console.log(match[2]);
- //Firebug.Console.log("--------------------------");
- }
- }
- }
- /**/
- }
- //console.log(stack);
- //console.dir(frames);
- Firebug.Console.log({frames: frames}, context, "stackTrace", FirebugReps.StackTrace);
- traceRecursion--;
- };
- this.trace_ok = function()
- {
- var getFuncName = function getFuncName (f)
- {
- if (f.getName instanceof Function)
- return f.getName();
- if ( // in FireFox, Function objects have a name property...
- return;
- var name = f.toString().match(/function\s*([_$\w\d]*)/)[1];
- return name || "anonymous";
- };
- var wasVisited = function(fn)
- {
- for (var i=0, l=frames.length; i<l; i++)
- {
- if (frames[i].fn == fn)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- var frames = [];
- for (var fn = arguments.callee.caller; fn; fn = fn.caller)
- {
- if (wasVisited(fn)) break;
- var args = [];
- for (var i = 0, l = fn.arguments.length; i < l; ++i)
- {
- args.push({value: fn.arguments[i]});
- }
- frames.push({fn: fn, name: getFuncName(fn), args: args});
- }
- Firebug.Console.log({frames: frames}, context, "stackTrace", FirebugReps.StackTrace);
- };
- this.clear = function()
- {
- Firebug.Console.clear(context);
- };
- this.time = function(name, reset)
- {
- if (!name)
- return;
- var time = new Date().getTime();
- if (!this.timeCounters)
- this.timeCounters = {};
- var key = "KEY"+name.toString();
- if (!reset && this.timeCounters[key])
- return;
- this.timeCounters[key] = time;
- };
- this.timeEnd = function(name)
- {
- var time = new Date().getTime();
- if (!this.timeCounters)
- return;
- var key = "KEY"+name.toString();
- var timeCounter = this.timeCounters[key];
- if (timeCounter)
- {
- var diff = time - timeCounter;
- var label = name + ": " + diff + "ms";
- delete this.timeCounters[key];
- }
- return diff;
- };
- // These functions are over-ridden by commandLine
- this.evaluated = function(result, context)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("consoleInjector.FirebugConsoleHandler evalutated default called", result);
- Firebug.Console.log(result, context);
- };
- this.evaluateError = function(result, context)
- {
- Firebug.Console.log(result, context, "errorMessage");
- };
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- function logFormatted(args, className, linkToSource, noThrottle)
- {
- var sourceLink = linkToSource ? getStackLink() : null;
- return Firebug.Console.logFormatted(args, context, className, noThrottle, sourceLink);
- }
- function logAssert(category, args)
- {
- Firebug.Errors.increaseCount(context);
- if (!args || !args.length || args.length == 0)
- var msg = [FBL.$STR("Assertion")];
- else
- var msg = args[0];
- if (Firebug.errorStackTrace)
- {
- var trace = Firebug.errorStackTrace;
- delete Firebug.errorStackTrace;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("logAssert trace from errorStackTrace", trace);
- }
- else if (msg.stack)
- {
- var trace = parseToStackTrace(msg.stack);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("logAssert trace from msg.stack", trace);
- }
- else
- {
- var trace = getJSDUserStack();
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("logAssert trace from getJSDUserStack", trace);
- }
- var errorObject = new FBL.ErrorMessage(msg, (msg.fileName?msg.fileName:win.location), (msg.lineNumber?msg.lineNumber:0), "", category, context, trace);
- if (trace && trace.frames && trace.frames[0])
- errorObject.correctWithStackTrace(trace);
- errorObject.resetSource();
- var objects = errorObject;
- if (args.length > 1)
- {
- objects = [errorObject];
- for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++)
- objects.push(args[i]);
- }
- var row = Firebug.Console.log(objects, context, "errorMessage", null, true); // noThrottle
- row.scrollIntoView();
- }
- function getComponentsStackDump()
- {
- // Starting with our stack, walk back to the user-level code
- var frame = Components.stack;
- var userURL = win.location.href.toString();
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("consoleInjector.getComponentsStackDump initial stack for userURL "+userURL, frame);
- // Drop frames until we get into user code.
- while (frame && FBL.isSystemURL(frame.filename) )
- frame = frame.caller;
- // Drop two more frames, the injected console function and firebugAppendConsole()
- if (frame)
- frame = frame.caller;
- if (frame)
- frame = frame.caller;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CONSOLE)
- FBTrace.sysout("consoleInjector.getComponentsStackDump final stack for userURL "+userURL, frame);
- return frame;
- }
- function getStackLink()
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro console2
- return;
- //return FBL.getFrameSourceLink(getComponentsStackDump());
- }
- function getJSDUserStack()
- {
- var trace = FBL.getCurrentStackTrace(context);
- var frames = trace ? trace.frames : null;
- if (frames && (frames.length > 0) )
- {
- var oldest = frames.length - 1; // 6 - 1 = 5
- for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++)
- {
- if (frames[oldest - i].href.indexOf("chrome:") == 0) break;
- var fn = frames[oldest - i].fn + "";
- if (fn && (fn.indexOf("_firebugEvalEvent") != -1) ) break; // command line
- }
- FBTrace.sysout("consoleInjector getJSDUserStack: "+frames.length+" oldest: "+oldest+" i: "+i+" i - oldest + 2: "+(i - oldest + 2), trace);
- trace.frames = trace.frames.slice(2 - i); // take the oldest frames, leave 2 behind they are injection code
- return trace;
- }
- else
- return "Firebug failed to get stack trace with any frames";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Register console namespace
-FBL.registerConsole = function()
- var win = Env.browser.window;
- Firebug.Console.injector.install(win);
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Globals
-var commandPrefix = ">>>";
-var reOpenBracket = /[\[\(\{]/;
-var reCloseBracket = /[\]\)\}]/;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var commandHistory = [];
-var commandPointer = -1;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var isAutoCompleting = null;
-var autoCompletePrefix = null;
-var autoCompleteExpr = null;
-var autoCompleteBuffer = null;
-var autoCompletePosition = null;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var fbCommandLine = null;
-var fbLargeCommandLine = null;
-var fbLargeCommandButtons = null;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var _completion =
- window:
- [
- "console"
- ],
- document:
- [
- "getElementById",
- "getElementsByTagName"
- ]
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var _stack = function(command)
- Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory.push(command);
- Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer =
- Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory.length;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// CommandLine
-Firebug.CommandLine = extend(Firebug.Module,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- element: null,
- isMultiLine: false,
- isActive: false,
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- initialize: function(doc)
- {
- this.clear = bind(this.clear, this);
- this.enter = bind(this.enter, this);
- this.onError = bind(this.onError, this);
- this.onKeyDown = bind(this.onKeyDown, this);
- this.onMultiLineKeyDown = bind(this.onMultiLineKeyDown, this);
- addEvent(Firebug.browser.window, "error", this.onError);
- addEvent(, "error", this.onError);
- },
- shutdown: function(doc)
- {
- this.deactivate();
- removeEvent(Firebug.browser.window, "error", this.onError);
- removeEvent(, "error", this.onError);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- activate: function(multiLine, hideToggleIcon, onRun)
- {
- defineCommandLineAPI();
- Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory =
- Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory || [];
- Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer =
- Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer || -1;
- if (this.isActive)
- {
- if (this.isMultiLine == multiLine) return;
- this.deactivate();
- }
- fbCommandLine = $("fbCommandLine");
- fbLargeCommandLine = $("fbLargeCommandLine");
- fbLargeCommandButtons = $("fbLargeCommandButtons");
- if (multiLine)
- {
- onRun = onRun || this.enter;
- this.isMultiLine = true;
- this.element = fbLargeCommandLine;
- addEvent(this.element, "keydown", this.onMultiLineKeyDown);
- addEvent($("fbSmallCommandLineIcon"), "click",;
- this.runButton = new Button({
- element: $("fbCommand_btRun"),
- owner: Firebug.CommandLine,
- onClick: onRun
- });
- this.runButton.initialize();
- this.clearButton = new Button({
- element: $("fbCommand_btClear"),
- owner: Firebug.CommandLine,
- onClick: this.clear
- });
- this.clearButton.initialize();
- }
- else
- {
- this.isMultiLine = false;
- this.element = fbCommandLine;
- if (!fbCommandLine)
- return;
- addEvent(this.element, "keydown", this.onKeyDown);
- }
- //Firebug.Console.log("activate", this.element);
- if (isOpera)
- fixOperaTabKey(this.element);
- if(this.lastValue)
- this.element.value = this.lastValue;
- this.isActive = true;
- },
- deactivate: function()
- {
- if (!this.isActive) return;
- //Firebug.Console.log("deactivate", this.element);
- this.isActive = false;
- this.lastValue = this.element.value;
- if (this.isMultiLine)
- {
- removeEvent(this.element, "keydown", this.onMultiLineKeyDown);
- removeEvent($("fbSmallCommandLineIcon"), "click",;
- this.runButton.destroy();
- this.clearButton.destroy();
- }
- else
- {
- removeEvent(this.element, "keydown", this.onKeyDown);
- }
- this.element = null;
- delete this.element;
- fbCommandLine = null;
- fbLargeCommandLine = null;
- fbLargeCommandButtons = null;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- focus: function()
- {
- this.element.focus();
- },
- blur: function()
- {
- this.element.blur();
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- clear: function()
- {
- this.element.value = "";
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- evaluate: function(expr)
- {
- // TODO: need to register the API in console.firebug.commandLineAPI
- var api = "Firebug.CommandLine.API";
- var result = Firebug.context.evaluate(expr, "window", api, Firebug.Console.error);
- return result;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- enter: function()
- {
- var command = this.element.value;
- if (!command) return;
- _stack(command);
- Firebug.Console.log(commandPrefix + " " + stripNewLines(command),
- Firebug.browser, "command", FirebugReps.Text);
- var result = this.evaluate(command);
- Firebug.Console.log(result);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- prevCommand: function()
- {
- if (Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer > 0 &&
- Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory.length > 0)
- {
- this.element.value = Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory
- [--Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer];
- }
- },
- nextCommand: function()
- {
- var element = this.element;
- var limit = Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory.length -1;
- var i = Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer;
- if (i < limit)
- element.value = Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory
- [++Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer];
- else if (i == limit)
- {
- ++Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer;
- element.value = "";
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- autocomplete: function(reverse)
- {
- var element = this.element;
- var command = element.value;
- var offset = getExpressionOffset(command);
- var valBegin = offset ? command.substr(0, offset) : "";
- var val = command.substr(offset);
- var buffer, obj, objName, commandBegin, result, prefix;
- // if it is the beginning of the completion
- if(!isAutoCompleting)
- {
- // group1 - command begin
- // group2 - base object
- // group3 - property prefix
- var reObj = /(.*[^_$\w\d\.])?((?:[_$\w][_$\w\d]*\.)*)([_$\w][_$\w\d]*)?$/;
- var r = reObj.exec(val);
- // parse command
- if (r[1] || r[2] || r[3])
- {
- commandBegin = r[1] || "";
- objName = r[2] || "";
- prefix = r[3] || "";
- }
- else if (val == "")
- {
- commandBegin = objName = prefix = "";
- } else
- return;
- isAutoCompleting = true;
- // find base object
- if(objName == "")
- obj = window;
- else
- {
- objName = objName.replace(/\.$/, "");
- var n = objName.split(".");
- var target = window, o;
- for (var i=0, ni; ni = n[i]; i++)
- {
- if (o = target[ni])
- target = o;
- else
- {
- target = null;
- break;
- }
- }
- obj = target;
- }
- // map base object
- if(obj)
- {
- autoCompletePrefix = prefix;
- autoCompleteExpr = valBegin + commandBegin + (objName ? objName + "." : "");
- autoCompletePosition = -1;
- buffer = autoCompleteBuffer = isIE ?
- _completion[objName || "window"] || [] : [];
- for(var p in obj)
- buffer.push(p);
- }
- // if it is the continuation of the last completion
- } else
- buffer = autoCompleteBuffer;
- if (buffer)
- {
- prefix = autoCompletePrefix;
- var diff = reverse ? -1 : 1;
- for(var i=autoCompletePosition+diff, l=buffer.length, bi; i>=0 && i<l; i+=diff)
- {
- bi = buffer[i];
- if (bi.indexOf(prefix) == 0)
- {
- autoCompletePosition = i;
- result = bi;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (result)
- element.value = autoCompleteExpr + result;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- setMultiLine: function(multiLine)
- {
- if (multiLine == this.isMultiLine) return;
- this.activate(multiLine);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- onError: function(msg, href, lineNo)
- {
- href = href || "";
- var lastSlash = href.lastIndexOf("/");
- var fileName = lastSlash == -1 ? href : href.substr(lastSlash+1);
- var html = [
- '<span class="errorMessage">', msg, '</span>',
- '<div class="objectBox-sourceLink">', fileName, ' (line ', lineNo, ')</div>'
- ];
- // TODO: xxxpedro ajust to Console2
- //Firebug.Console.writeRow(html, "error");
- },
- onKeyDown: function(e)
- {
- e = e || event;
- var code = e.keyCode;
- /*tab, shift, control, alt*/
- if (code != 9 && code != 16 && code != 17 && code != 18)
- {
- isAutoCompleting = false;
- }
- if (code == 13 /* enter */)
- {
- this.enter();
- this.clear();
- }
- else if (code == 27 /* ESC */)
- {
- setTimeout(this.clear, 0);
- }
- else if (code == 38 /* up */)
- {
- this.prevCommand();
- }
- else if (code == 40 /* down */)
- {
- this.nextCommand();
- }
- else if (code == 9 /* tab */)
- {
- this.autocomplete(e.shiftKey);
- }
- else
- return;
- cancelEvent(e, true);
- return false;
- },
- onMultiLineKeyDown: function(e)
- {
- e = e || event;
- var code = e.keyCode;
- if (code == 13 /* enter */ && e.ctrlKey)
- {
- this.enter();
- }
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-function getExpressionOffset(command)
- // XXXjoe This is kind of a poor-man's JavaScript parser - trying
- // to find the start of the expression that the cursor is inside.
- // Not 100% fool proof, but hey...
- var bracketCount = 0;
- var start = command.length-1;
- for (; start >= 0; --start)
- {
- var c = command[start];
- if ((c == "," || c == ";" || c == " ") && !bracketCount)
- break;
- if (reOpenBracket.test(c))
- {
- if (bracketCount)
- --bracketCount;
- else
- break;
- }
- else if (reCloseBracket.test(c))
- ++bracketCount;
- }
- return start + 1;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// CommandLine API
-var CommandLineAPI =
- $: function(id)
- {
- return Firebug.browser.document.getElementById(id);
- },
- $$: function(selector, context)
- {
- context = context || Firebug.browser.document;
- return Firebug.Selector ?
- Firebug.Selector(selector, context) :
- Firebug.Console.error("Firebug.Selector module not loaded.");
- },
- $0: null,
- $1: null,
- dir: function(o)
- {
- Firebug.Console.log(o, Firebug.context, "dir", Firebug.DOMPanel.DirTable);
- },
- dirxml: function(o)
- {
- ///if (o instanceof Window)
- if (instanceOf(o, "Window"))
- o = o.document.documentElement;
- ///else if (o instanceof Document)
- else if (instanceOf(o, "Document"))
- o = o.documentElement;
- Firebug.Console.log(o, Firebug.context, "dirxml", Firebug.HTMLPanel.SoloElement);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var defineCommandLineAPI = function defineCommandLineAPI()
- Firebug.CommandLine.API = {};
- for (var m in CommandLineAPI)
- if (!Env.browser.window[m])
- Firebug.CommandLine.API[m] = CommandLineAPI[m];
- var stack = FirebugChrome.htmlSelectionStack;
- if (stack)
- {
- Firebug.CommandLine.API.$0 = stack[0];
- Firebug.CommandLine.API.$1 = stack[1];
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Globals
-var ElementCache = Firebug.Lite.Cache.Element;
-var cacheID = Firebug.Lite.Cache.ID;
-var ignoreHTMLProps =
- // ignores the attributes injected by Sizzle, otherwise it will
- // be visible on IE (when enumerating element.attributes)
- sizcache: 1,
- sizset: 1
-if (Firebug.ignoreFirebugElements)
- // ignores also the cache property injected by firebug
- ignoreHTMLProps[cacheID] = 1;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// HTML Module
-Firebug.HTML = extend(Firebug.Module,
- appendTreeNode: function(nodeArray, html)
- {
- var reTrim = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
- if (!nodeArray.length) nodeArray = [nodeArray];
- for (var n=0, node; node=nodeArray[n]; n++)
- {
- if (node.nodeType == 1)
- {
- if (Firebug.ignoreFirebugElements && node.firebugIgnore) continue;
- var uid = ElementCache(node);
- var child = node.childNodes;
- var childLength = child.length;
- var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- var nodeVisible = isVisible(node);
- var hasSingleTextChild = childLength == 1 && node.firstChild.nodeType == 3 &&
- nodeName != "script" && nodeName != "style";
- var nodeControl = !hasSingleTextChild && childLength > 0 ?
- ('<div class="nodeControl"></div>') : '';
- // FIXME xxxpedro remove this
- //var isIE = false;
- if(isIE && nodeControl)
- html.push(nodeControl);
- if (typeof uid != 'undefined')
- html.push(
- '<div class="objectBox-element" ',
- 'id="', uid,
- '">',
- !isIE && nodeControl ? nodeControl: "",
- '<span ',
- cacheID,
- '="', uid,
- '" class="nodeBox',
- nodeVisible ? "" : " nodeHidden",
- '">&lt;<span class="nodeTag">', nodeName, '</span>'
- );
- else
- html.push(
- '<div class="objectBox-element"><span class="nodeBox',
- nodeVisible ? "" : " nodeHidden",
- '">&lt;<span class="nodeTag">',
- nodeName, '</span>'
- );
- for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; ++i)
- {
- var attr = node.attributes[i];
- if (!attr.specified ||
- // Issue 4432: Firebug Lite: HTML is mixed-up with functions
- // The problem here is that expando properties added to DOM elements in
- // IE < 9 will behave like DOM attributes and so they'll show up when
- // looking at element.attributes list.
- isIE && (browserVersion-0<9) && typeof attr.nodeValue != "string" ||
- Firebug.ignoreFirebugElements && ignoreHTMLProps.hasOwnProperty(attr.nodeName))
- continue;
- var name = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- var value = name == "style" ? formatStyles( : attr.nodeValue;
- html.push('&nbsp;<span class="nodeName">', name,
- '</span>=&quot;<span class="nodeValue">', escapeHTML(value),
- '</span>&quot;');
- }
- /*
- // source code nodes
- if (nodeName == 'script' || nodeName == 'style')
- {
- if(document.all){
- var src = node.innerHTML+'\n';
- }else {
- var src = '\n'+node.innerHTML+'\n';
- }
- var match = src.match(/\n/g);
- var num = match ? match.length : 0;
- var s = [], sl = 0;
- for(var c=1; c<num; c++){
- s[sl++] = '<div line="'+c+'">' + c + '</div>';
- }
- html.push('&gt;</div><div class="nodeGroup"><div class="nodeChildren"><div class="lineNo">',
- s.join(''),
- '</div><pre class="nodeCode">',
- escapeHTML(src),
- '</pre>',
- '</div><div class="objectBox-element">&lt;/<span class="nodeTag">',
- nodeName,
- '</span>&gt;</div>',
- '</div>'
- );
- }/**/
- // Just a single text node child
- if (hasSingleTextChild)
- {
- var value = child[0].nodeValue.replace(reTrim, '');
- if(value)
- {
- html.push(
- '&gt;<span class="nodeText">',
- escapeHTML(value),
- '</span>&lt;/<span class="nodeTag">',
- nodeName,
- '</span>&gt;</span></div>'
- );
- }
- else
- html.push('/&gt;</span></div>'); // blank text, print as childless node
- }
- else if (childLength > 0)
- {
- html.push('&gt;</span></div>');
- }
- else
- html.push('/&gt;</span></div>');
- }
- else if (node.nodeType == 3)
- {
- if ( node.parentNode && ( node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "script" ||
- node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "style" ) )
- {
- var value = node.nodeValue.replace(reTrim, '');
- if(isIE){
- var src = value+'\n';
- }else {
- var src = '\n'+value+'\n';
- }
- var match = src.match(/\n/g);
- var num = match ? match.length : 0;
- var s = [], sl = 0;
- for(var c=1; c<num; c++){
- s[sl++] = '<div line="'+c+'">' + c + '</div>';
- }
- html.push('<div class="lineNo">',
- s.join(''),
- '</div><pre class="sourceCode">',
- escapeHTML(src),
- '</pre>'
- );
- }
- else
- {
- var value = node.nodeValue.replace(reTrim, '');
- if (value)
- html.push('<div class="nodeText">', escapeHTML(value),'</div>');
- }
- }
- }
- },
- appendTreeChildren: function(treeNode)
- {
- var doc =;
- var uid =;
- var parentNode = ElementCache.get(uid);
- if (parentNode.childNodes.length == 0) return;
- var treeNext = treeNode.nextSibling;
- var treeParent = treeNode.parentNode;
- // FIXME xxxpedro remove this
- //var isIE = false;
- var control = isIE ? treeNode.previousSibling : treeNode.firstChild;
- control.className = 'nodeControl nodeMaximized';
- var html = [];
- var children = doc.createElement("div");
- children.className = "nodeChildren";
- this.appendTreeNode(parentNode.childNodes, html);
- children.innerHTML = html.join("");
- treeParent.insertBefore(children, treeNext);
- var closeElement = doc.createElement("div");
- closeElement.className = "objectBox-element";
- closeElement.innerHTML = '&lt;/<span class="nodeTag">' +
- parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() + '&gt;</span>';
- treeParent.insertBefore(closeElement, treeNext);
- },
- removeTreeChildren: function(treeNode)
- {
- var children = treeNode.nextSibling;
- var closeTag = children.nextSibling;
- // FIXME xxxpedro remove this
- //var isIE = false;
- var control = isIE ? treeNode.previousSibling : treeNode.firstChild;
- control.className = 'nodeControl';
- children.parentNode.removeChild(children);
- closeTag.parentNode.removeChild(closeTag);
- },
- isTreeNodeVisible: function(id)
- {
- return $(id);
- },
- select: function(el)
- {
- var id = el && ElementCache(el);
- if (id)
- this.selectTreeNode(id);
- },
- selectTreeNode: function(id)
- {
- id = ""+id;
- var node, stack = [];
- while(id && !this.isTreeNodeVisible(id))
- {
- stack.push(id);
- var node = ElementCache.get(id).parentNode;
- if (node)
- id = ElementCache(node);
- else
- break;
- }
- stack.push(id);
- while(stack.length > 0)
- {
- id = stack.pop();
- node = $(id);
- if (stack.length > 0 && ElementCache.get(id).childNodes.length > 0)
- this.appendTreeChildren(node);
- }
- selectElement(node);
- // TODO: xxxpedro
- if (fbPanel1)
- fbPanel1.scrollTop = Math.round(node.offsetTop - fbPanel1.clientHeight/2);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// HTML Panel
-function HTMLPanel(){};
-HTMLPanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.Panel,
- name: "HTML",
- title: "HTML",
- options: {
- hasSidePanel: true,
- //hasToolButtons: true,
- isPreRendered: !Firebug.flexChromeEnabled /* FIXME xxxpedro chromenew */,
- innerHTMLSync: true
- },
- create: function(){
- Firebug.Panel.create.apply(this, arguments);
- = "4px 3px 1px 15px";
- = "500px";
- if (Env.Options.enablePersistent || != "popup")
- this.createUI();
- if(this.sidePanelBar && !this.sidePanelBar.selectedPanel)
- {
- this.sidePanelBar.selectPanel("css");
- }
- },
- destroy: function()
- {
- selectedElement = null;
- fbPanel1 = null;
- selectedSidePanelTS = null;
- selectedSidePanelTimer = null;
- Firebug.Panel.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- createUI: function()
- {
- var rootNode = Firebug.browser.document.documentElement;
- var html = [];
- Firebug.HTML.appendTreeNode(rootNode, html);
- this.panelNode.innerHTML = html.join("");
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- Firebug.Panel.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- addEvent(this.panelNode, 'click', Firebug.HTML.onTreeClick);
- fbPanel1 = $("fbPanel1");
- if(!selectedElement)
- {
- Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId =
- Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId &&
- ElementCache.get(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId) ?
- Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId :
- ElementCache(Firebug.browser.document.body);
- Firebug.HTML.selectTreeNode(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId);
- }
- // TODO: xxxpedro
- addEvent(fbPanel1, 'mousemove', Firebug.HTML.onListMouseMove);
- addEvent($("fbContent"), 'mouseout', Firebug.HTML.onListMouseMove);
- addEvent(, 'mouseout', Firebug.HTML.onListMouseMove);
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro
- removeEvent(fbPanel1, 'mousemove', Firebug.HTML.onListMouseMove);
- removeEvent($("fbContent"), 'mouseout', Firebug.HTML.onListMouseMove);
- removeEvent(, 'mouseout', Firebug.HTML.onListMouseMove);
- removeEvent(this.panelNode, 'click', Firebug.HTML.onTreeClick);
- fbPanel1 = null;
- Firebug.Panel.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- reattach: function()
- {
- // TODO: panel reattach
- if(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId)
- Firebug.HTML.selectTreeNode(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId);
- },
- updateSelection: function(object)
- {
- var id = ElementCache(object);
- if (id)
- {
- Firebug.HTML.selectTreeNode(id);
- }
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var formatStyles = function(styles)
- return isIE ?
- // IE return CSS property names in upper case, so we need to convert them
- styles.replace(/([^\s]+)\s*:/g, function(m,g){return g.toLowerCase()+":";}) :
- // other browsers are just fine
- styles;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var selectedElement = null;
-var fbPanel1 = null;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var selectedSidePanelTS, selectedSidePanelTimer;
-var selectElement= function selectElement(e)
- if (e != selectedElement)
- {
- if (selectedElement)
- selectedElement.className = "objectBox-element";
- e.className = e.className + " selectedElement";
- if (FBL.isFirefox)
- = "2px";
- else if (FBL.isSafari)
- = "2px";
- = "2px";
- selectedElement = e;
- Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId =;
- var target = ElementCache.get(;
- var sidePanelBar ="HTML").sidePanelBar;
- var selectedSidePanel = sidePanelBar ? sidePanelBar.selectedPanel : null;
- var stack = FirebugChrome.htmlSelectionStack;
- stack.unshift(target);
- if (stack.length > 2)
- stack.pop();
- var lazySelect = function()
- {
- selectedSidePanelTS = new Date().getTime();
- if (selectedSidePanel)
-, true);
- };
- if (selectedSidePanelTimer)
- {
- clearTimeout(selectedSidePanelTimer);
- selectedSidePanelTimer = null;
- }
- if (new Date().getTime() - selectedSidePanelTS > 100)
- setTimeout(lazySelect, 0);
- else
- selectedSidePanelTimer = setTimeout(lazySelect, 150);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// *** TODO: REFACTOR **************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.HTML.onTreeClick = function (e)
- e = e || event;
- var targ;
- if ( targ =;
- else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement;
- if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
- targ = targ.parentNode;
- if (targ.className.indexOf('nodeControl') != -1 || targ.className == 'nodeTag')
- {
- // FIXME xxxpedro remove this
- //var isIE = false;
- if(targ.className == 'nodeTag')
- {
- var control = isIE ? (targ.parentNode.previousSibling || targ) :
- (targ.parentNode.previousSibling || targ);
- selectElement(targ.parentNode.parentNode);
- if (control.className.indexOf('nodeControl') == -1)
- return;
- } else
- control = targ;
- FBL.cancelEvent(e);
- var treeNode = isIE ? control.nextSibling : control.parentNode;
- //FBL.Firebug.Console.log(treeNode);
- if (control.className.indexOf(' nodeMaximized') != -1) {
- FBL.Firebug.HTML.removeTreeChildren(treeNode);
- } else {
- FBL.Firebug.HTML.appendTreeChildren(treeNode);
- }
- }
- else if (targ.className == 'nodeValue' || targ.className == 'nodeName')
- {
- /*
- var input ='treeInput');
- = "block";
- = targ.offsetLeft + 'px';
- = FBL.topHeight + targ.offsetTop - FBL.fbPanel1.scrollTop + 'px';
- = targ.offsetWidth + 6 + 'px';
- input.value = targ.textContent || targ.innerText;
- input.focus();
- /**/
- }
-function onListMouseOut(e)
- e = e || event || window;
- var targ;
- if ( targ =;
- else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement;
- if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
- targ = targ.parentNode;
- if (hasClass(targ, "fbPanel")) {
- FBL.Firebug.Inspector.hideBoxModel();
- hoverElement = null;
- }
-var hoverElement = null;
-var hoverElementTS = 0;
-Firebug.HTML.onListMouseMove = function onListMouseMove(e)
- try
- {
- e = e || event || window;
- var targ;
- if ( targ =;
- else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement;
- if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
- targ = targ.parentNode;
- var found = false;
- while (targ && !found) {
- if (!/\snodeBox\s|\sobjectBox-selector\s/.test(" " + targ.className + " "))
- targ = targ.parentNode;
- else
- found = true;
- }
- if (!targ)
- {
- FBL.Firebug.Inspector.hideBoxModel();
- hoverElement = null;
- return;
- }
- /*
- if (typeof targ.attributes[cacheID] == 'undefined') return;
- var uid = targ.attributes[cacheID];
- if (!uid) return;
- /**/
- if (typeof targ.attributes[cacheID] == 'undefined') return;
- var uid = targ.attributes[cacheID];
- if (!uid) return;
- var el = ElementCache.get(uid.value);
- var nodeName = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if (FBL.isIE && " meta title script link ".indexOf(" "+nodeName+" ") != -1)
- return;
- if (!/\snodeBox\s|\sobjectBox-selector\s/.test(" " + targ.className + " ")) return;
- if ( == "FirebugUI" || " html head body br script link iframe ".indexOf(" "+nodeName+" ") != -1) {
- FBL.Firebug.Inspector.hideBoxModel();
- hoverElement = null;
- return;
- }
- if ((new Date().getTime() - hoverElementTS > 40) && hoverElement != el) {
- hoverElementTS = new Date().getTime();
- hoverElement = el;
- FBL.Firebug.Inspector.drawBoxModel(el);
- }
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.Reps = {
- appendText: function(object, html)
- {
- html.push(escapeHTML(objectToString(object)));
- },
- appendNull: function(object, html)
- {
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-null">', escapeHTML(objectToString(object)), '</span>');
- },
- appendString: function(object, html)
- {
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-string">&quot;', escapeHTML(objectToString(object)),
- '&quot;</span>');
- },
- appendInteger: function(object, html)
- {
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-number">', escapeHTML(objectToString(object)), '</span>');
- },
- appendFloat: function(object, html)
- {
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-number">', escapeHTML(objectToString(object)), '</span>');
- },
- appendFunction: function(object, html)
- {
- var reName = /function ?(.*?)\(/;
- var m = reName.exec(objectToString(object));
- var name = m && m[1] ? m[1] : "function";
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-function">', escapeHTML(name), '()</span>');
- },
- appendObject: function(object, html)
- {
- /*
- var rep = Firebug.getRep(object);
- var outputs = [];
- rep.tag.tag.compile();
- var str = rep.tag.renderHTML({object: object}, outputs);
- html.push(str);
- /**/
- try
- {
- if (object == undefined)
- this.appendNull("undefined", html);
- else if (object == null)
- this.appendNull("null", html);
- else if (typeof object == "string")
- this.appendString(object, html);
- else if (typeof object == "number")
- this.appendInteger(object, html);
- else if (typeof object == "boolean")
- this.appendInteger(object, html);
- else if (typeof object == "function")
- this.appendFunction(object, html);
- else if (object.nodeType == 1)
- this.appendSelector(object, html);
- else if (typeof object == "object")
- {
- if (typeof object.length != "undefined")
- this.appendArray(object, html);
- else
- this.appendObjectFormatted(object, html);
- }
- else
- this.appendText(object, html);
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- }
- /**/
- },
- appendObjectFormatted: function(object, html)
- {
- var text = objectToString(object);
- var reObject = /\[object (.*?)\]/;
- var m = reObject.exec(text);
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-object">', m ? m[1] : text, '</span>');
- },
- appendSelector: function(object, html)
- {
- var uid = ElementCache(object);
- var uidString = uid ? [cacheID, '="', uid, '"'].join("") : "";
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-selector"', uidString, '>');
- html.push('<span class="selectorTag">', escapeHTML(object.nodeName.toLowerCase()), '</span>');
- if (
- html.push('<span class="selectorId">#', escapeHTML(, '</span>');
- if (object.className)
- html.push('<span class="selectorClass">.', escapeHTML(object.className), '</span>');
- html.push('</span>');
- },
- appendNode: function(node, html)
- {
- if (node.nodeType == 1)
- {
- var uid = ElementCache(node);
- var uidString = uid ? [cacheID, '="', uid, '"'].join("") : "";
- html.push(
- '<div class="objectBox-element"', uidString, '">',
- '<span ', cacheID, '="', uid, '" class="nodeBox">',
- '&lt;<span class="nodeTag">', node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), '</span>');
- for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; ++i)
- {
- var attr = node.attributes[i];
- if (!attr.specified || attr.nodeName == cacheID)
- continue;
- var name = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- var value = name == "style" ? : attr.nodeValue;
- html.push('&nbsp;<span class="nodeName">', name,
- '</span>=&quot;<span class="nodeValue">', escapeHTML(value),
- '</span>&quot;');
- }
- if (node.firstChild)
- {
- html.push('&gt;</div><div class="nodeChildren">');
- for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
- this.appendNode(child, html);
- html.push('</div><div class="objectBox-element">&lt;/<span class="nodeTag">',
- node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), '&gt;</span></span></div>');
- }
- else
- html.push('/&gt;</span></div>');
- }
- else if (node.nodeType == 3)
- {
- var value = trim(node.nodeValue);
- if (value)
- html.push('<div class="nodeText">', escapeHTML(value),'</div>');
- }
- },
- appendArray: function(object, html)
- {
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-array"><b>[</b> ');
- for (var i = 0, l = object.length, obj; i < l; ++i)
- {
- this.appendObject(object[i], html);
- if (i < l-1)
- html.push(', ');
- }
- html.push(' <b>]</b></span>');
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-Hack: =;
-Firebug.showInfoTips = true;
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Constants
-var maxWidth = 100, maxHeight = 80;
-var infoTipMargin = 10;
-var infoTipWindowPadding = 25;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.InfoTip = extend(Firebug.Module,
- dispatchName: "infoTip",
- tags: domplate(
- {
- infoTipTag: DIV({"class": "infoTip"}),
- colorTag:
- DIV({style: "background: $rgbValue; width: 100px; height: 40px"}, "&nbsp;"),
- imgTag:
- DIV({"class": "infoTipImageBox infoTipLoading"},
- IMG({"class": "infoTipImage", src: "$urlValue", repeat: "$repeat",
- onload: "$onLoadImage"}),
- IMG({"class": "infoTipBgImage", collapsed: true, src: "blank.gif"}),
- DIV({"class": "infoTipCaption"})
- ),
- onLoadImage: function(event)
- {
- var img = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement;
- ///var bgImg = img.nextSibling;
- ///if (!bgImg)
- /// return; // Sometimes gets called after element is dead
- ///var caption = bgImg.nextSibling;
- var innerBox = img.parentNode;
- /// TODO: xxxpedro infoTip hack
- var caption = getElementByClass(innerBox, "infoTipCaption");
- var bgImg = getElementByClass(innerBox, "infoTipBgImage");
- if (!bgImg)
- return; // Sometimes gets called after element is dead
- // TODO: xxxpedro infoTip IE and timing issue
- // TODO: use offline document to avoid flickering
- if (isIE)
- removeClass(innerBox, "infoTipLoading");
- var updateInfoTip = function(){
- var w = img.naturalWidth || img.width || 10,
- h = img.naturalHeight || img.height || 10;
- var repeat = img.getAttribute("repeat");
- if (repeat == "repeat-x" || (w == 1 && h > 1))
- {
- collapse(img, true);
- collapse(bgImg, false);
- = "url(" + img.src + ") repeat-x";
- = maxWidth + "px";
- if (h > maxHeight)
- = maxHeight + "px";
- else
- = h + "px";
- }
- else if (repeat == "repeat-y" || (h == 1 && w > 1))
- {
- collapse(img, true);
- collapse(bgImg, false);
- = "url(" + img.src + ") repeat-y";
- = maxHeight + "px";
- if (w > maxWidth)
- = maxWidth + "px";
- else
- = w + "px";
- }
- else if (repeat == "repeat" || (w == 1 && h == 1))
- {
- collapse(img, true);
- collapse(bgImg, false);
- = "url(" + img.src + ") repeat";
- = maxWidth + "px";
- = maxHeight + "px";
- }
- else
- {
- if (w > maxWidth || h > maxHeight)
- {
- if (w > h)
- {
- = maxWidth + "px";
- = Math.round((h / w) * maxWidth) + "px";
- }
- else
- {
- = Math.round((w / h) * maxHeight) + "px";
- = maxHeight + "px";
- }
- }
- }
- //caption.innerHTML = $STRF("Dimensions", [w, h]);
- caption.innerHTML = $STRF(w + " x " + h);
- };
- if (isIE)
- setTimeout(updateInfoTip, 0);
- else
- {
- updateInfoTip();
- removeClass(innerBox, "infoTipLoading");
- }
- ///
- }
- /*
- /// onLoadImage original
- onLoadImage: function(event)
- {
- var img = event.currentTarget;
- var bgImg = img.nextSibling;
- if (!bgImg)
- return; // Sometimes gets called after element is dead
- var caption = bgImg.nextSibling;
- var innerBox = img.parentNode;
- var w = img.naturalWidth, h = img.naturalHeight;
- var repeat = img.getAttribute("repeat");
- if (repeat == "repeat-x" || (w == 1 && h > 1))
- {
- collapse(img, true);
- collapse(bgImg, false);
- = "url(" + img.src + ") repeat-x";
- = maxWidth + "px";
- if (h > maxHeight)
- = maxHeight + "px";
- else
- = h + "px";
- }
- else if (repeat == "repeat-y" || (h == 1 && w > 1))
- {
- collapse(img, true);
- collapse(bgImg, false);
- = "url(" + img.src + ") repeat-y";
- = maxHeight + "px";
- if (w > maxWidth)
- = maxWidth + "px";
- else
- = w + "px";
- }
- else if (repeat == "repeat" || (w == 1 && h == 1))
- {
- collapse(img, true);
- collapse(bgImg, false);
- = "url(" + img.src + ") repeat";
- = maxWidth + "px";
- = maxHeight + "px";
- }
- else
- {
- if (w > maxWidth || h > maxHeight)
- {
- if (w > h)
- {
- = maxWidth + "px";
- = Math.round((h / w) * maxWidth) + "px";
- }
- else
- {
- = Math.round((w / h) * maxHeight) + "px";
- = maxHeight + "px";
- }
- }
- }
- caption.innerHTML = $STRF("Dimensions", [w, h]);
- removeClass(innerBox, "infoTipLoading");
- }
- /**/
- }),
- initializeBrowser: function(browser)
- {
- browser.onInfoTipMouseOut = bind(this.onMouseOut, this, browser);
- browser.onInfoTipMouseMove = bind(this.onMouseMove, this, browser);
- ///var doc = browser.contentDocument;
- var doc = browser.document;
- if (!doc)
- return;
- ///doc.addEventListener("mouseover", browser.onInfoTipMouseMove, true);
- ///doc.addEventListener("mouseout", browser.onInfoTipMouseOut, true);
- ///doc.addEventListener("mousemove", browser.onInfoTipMouseMove, true);
- addEvent(doc, "mouseover", browser.onInfoTipMouseMove);
- addEvent(doc, "mouseout", browser.onInfoTipMouseOut);
- addEvent(doc, "mousemove", browser.onInfoTipMouseMove);
- return browser.infoTip = this.tags.infoTipTag.append({}, getBody(doc));
- },
- uninitializeBrowser: function(browser)
- {
- if (browser.infoTip)
- {
- ///var doc = browser.contentDocument;
- var doc = browser.document;
- ///doc.removeEventListener("mouseover", browser.onInfoTipMouseMove, true);
- ///doc.removeEventListener("mouseout", browser.onInfoTipMouseOut, true);
- ///doc.removeEventListener("mousemove", browser.onInfoTipMouseMove, true);
- removeEvent(doc, "mouseover", browser.onInfoTipMouseMove);
- removeEvent(doc, "mouseout", browser.onInfoTipMouseOut);
- removeEvent(doc, "mousemove", browser.onInfoTipMouseMove);
- browser.infoTip.parentNode.removeChild(browser.infoTip);
- delete browser.infoTip;
- delete browser.onInfoTipMouseMove;
- }
- },
- showInfoTip: function(infoTip, panel, target, x, y, rangeParent, rangeOffset)
- {
- if (!Firebug.showInfoTips)
- return;
- var scrollParent = getOverflowParent(target);
- var scrollX = x + (scrollParent ? scrollParent.scrollLeft : 0);
- if (panel.showInfoTip(infoTip, target, scrollX, y, rangeParent, rangeOffset))
- {
- var htmlElt = infoTip.ownerDocument.documentElement;
- var panelWidth = htmlElt.clientWidth;
- var panelHeight = htmlElt.clientHeight;
- if (x+infoTip.offsetWidth+infoTipMargin > panelWidth)
- {
- = Math.max(0, panelWidth-(infoTip.offsetWidth+infoTipMargin)) + "px";
- = "auto";
- }
- else
- {
- = (x+infoTipMargin) + "px";
- = "auto";
- }
- if (y+infoTip.offsetHeight+infoTipMargin > panelHeight)
- {
- = Math.max(0, panelHeight-(infoTip.offsetHeight+infoTipMargin)) + "px";
- = "auto";
- }
- else
- {
- = (y+infoTipMargin) + "px";
- = "auto";
- }
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INFOTIP)
- FBTrace.sysout("infotip.showInfoTip; top: " + +
- ", left: " + + ", bottom: " + +
- ", right:" + + ", offsetHeight: " + infoTip.offsetHeight +
- ", offsetWidth: " + infoTip.offsetWidth +
- ", x: " + x + ", panelWidth: " + panelWidth +
- ", y: " + y + ", panelHeight: " + panelHeight);
- infoTip.setAttribute("active", "true");
- }
- else
- this.hideInfoTip(infoTip);
- },
- hideInfoTip: function(infoTip)
- {
- if (infoTip)
- infoTip.removeAttribute("active");
- },
- onMouseOut: function(event, browser)
- {
- if (!event.relatedTarget)
- this.hideInfoTip(browser.infoTip);
- },
- onMouseMove: function(event, browser)
- {
- // Ignore if the mouse is moving over the existing info tip.
- if (getAncestorByClass(, "infoTip"))
- return;
- if (browser.currentPanel)
- {
- var x = event.clientX, y = event.clientY, target = || event.srcElement;
- this.showInfoTip(browser.infoTip, browser.currentPanel, target, x, y, event.rangeParent, event.rangeOffset);
- }
- else
- this.hideInfoTip(browser.infoTip);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- populateColorInfoTip: function(infoTip, color)
- {
- this.tags.colorTag.replace({rgbValue: color}, infoTip);
- return true;
- },
- populateImageInfoTip: function(infoTip, url, repeat)
- {
- if (!repeat)
- repeat = "no-repeat";
- this.tags.imgTag.replace({urlValue: url, repeat: repeat}, infoTip);
- return true;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Module
- disable: function()
- {
- // XXXjoe For each browser, call uninitializeBrowser
- },
- showPanel: function(browser, panel)
- {
- if (panel)
- {
- var infoTip = panel.panelBrowser.infoTip;
- if (!infoTip)
- infoTip = this.initializeBrowser(panel.panelBrowser);
- this.hideInfoTip(infoTip);
- }
- },
- showSidePanel: function(browser, panel)
- {
- this.showPanel(browser, panel);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var CssParser = null;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Simple CSS stylesheet parser from:
- * Simple CSS stylesheet parser that remembers rule's lines in file
- * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (
- * @link
- */
-CssParser = (function(){
- /**
- * Returns rule object
- * @param {Number} start Character index where CSS rule definition starts
- * @param {Number} body_start Character index where CSS rule's body starts
- * @param {Number} end Character index where CSS rule definition ends
- */
- function rule(start, body_start, end) {
- return {
- start: start || 0,
- body_start: body_start || 0,
- end: end || 0,
- line: -1,
- selector: null,
- parent: null,
- /** @type {rule[]} */
- children: [],
- addChild: function(start, body_start, end) {
- var r = rule(start, body_start, end);
- r.parent = this;
- this.children.push(r);
- return r;
- },
- /**
- * Returns last child element
- * @return {rule}
- */
- lastChild: function() {
- return this.children[this.children.length - 1];
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Replaces all occurances of substring defined by regexp
- * @param {String} str
- * @return {RegExp} re
- * @return {String}
- */
- function removeAll(str, re) {
- var m;
- while (m = str.match(re)) {
- str = str.substring(m[0].length);
- }
- return str;
- }
- /**
- * Trims whitespace from the beginning and the end of string
- * @param {String} str
- * @return {String}
- */
- function trim(str) {
- return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
- }
- /**
- * Normalizes CSS rules selector
- * @param {String} selector
- */
- function normalizeSelector(selector) {
- // remove newlines
- selector = selector.replace(/[\n\r]/g, ' ');
- selector = trim(selector);
- // remove spaces after commas
- selector = selector.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ',');
- return selector;
- }
- /**
- * Preprocesses parsed rules: adjusts char indexes, skipping whitespace and
- * newlines, saves rule selector, removes comments, etc.
- * @param {String} text CSS stylesheet
- * @param {rule} rule_node CSS rule node
- * @return {rule[]}
- */
- function preprocessRules(text, rule_node) {
- for (var i = 0, il = rule_node.children.length; i < il; i++) {
- var r = rule_node.children[i],
- rule_start = text.substring(r.start, r.body_start),
- cur_len = rule_start.length;
- // remove newlines for better regexp matching
- rule_start = rule_start.replace(/[\n\r]/g, ' ');
- // remove @import rules
-// rule_start = removeAll(rule_start, /^\s*@import\s*url\((['"])?.+?\1?\)\;?/g);
- // remove comments
- rule_start = removeAll(rule_start, /^\s*\/\*.*?\*\/[\s\t]*/);
- // remove whitespace
- rule_start = rule_start.replace(/^[\s\t]+/, '');
- r.start += (cur_len - rule_start.length);
- r.selector = normalizeSelector(rule_start);
- }
- return rule_node;
- }
- /**
- * Saves all lise starting indexes for faster search
- * @param {String} text CSS stylesheet
- * @return {Number[]}
- */
- function saveLineIndexes(text) {
- var result = [0],
- i = 0,
- il = text.length,
- ch, ch2;
- while (i < il) {
- ch = text.charAt(i);
- if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
- if (ch == '\r' && i < il - 1 && text.charAt(i + 1) == '\n') {
- // windows line ending: CRLF. Skip next character
- i++;
- }
- result.push(i + 1);
- }
- i++;
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Saves line number for parsed rules
- * @param {String} text CSS stylesheet
- * @param {rule} rule_node Rule node
- * @return {rule[]}
- */
- function saveLineNumbers(text, rule_node, line_indexes, startLine) {
- preprocessRules(text, rule_node);
- startLine = startLine || 0;
- // remember lines start indexes, preserving line ending characters
- if (!line_indexes)
- var line_indexes = saveLineIndexes(text);
- // now find each rule's line
- for (var i = 0, il = rule_node.children.length; i < il; i++) {
- var r = rule_node.children[i];
- r.line = line_indexes.length + startLine;
- for (var j = 0, jl = line_indexes.length - 1; j < jl; j++) {
- var line_ix = line_indexes[j];
- if (r.start >= line_indexes[j] && r.start < line_indexes[j + 1]) {
- r.line = j + 1 + startLine;
- break;
- }
- }
- saveLineNumbers(text, r, line_indexes);
- }
- return rule_node;
- }
- return {
- /**
- * Parses text as CSS stylesheet, remembring each rule position inside
- * text
- * @param {String} text CSS stylesheet to parse
- */
- read: function(text, startLine) {
- var rule_start = [],
- rule_body_start = [],
- rules = [],
- in_comment = 0,
- root = rule(),
- cur_parent = root,
- last_rule = null,
- stack = [],
- ch, ch2;
- stack.last = function() {
- return this[this.length - 1];
- };
- function hasStr(pos, substr) {
- return text.substr(pos, substr.length) == substr;
- }
- for (var i = 0, il = text.length; i < il; i++) {
- ch = text.charAt(i);
- ch2 = i < il - 1 ? text.charAt(i + 1) : '';
- if (!rule_start.length)
- rule_start.push(i);
- switch (ch) {
- case '@':
- if (!in_comment) {
- if (hasStr(i, '@import')) {
- var m = text.substr(i).match(/^@import\s*url\((['"])?.+?\1?\)\;?/);
- if (m) {
- cur_parent.addChild(i, i + 7, i + m[0].length);
- i += m[0].length;
- rule_start.pop();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- case '/':
- // xxxpedro allowing comment inside comment
- if (!in_comment && ch2 == '*') { // comment start
- in_comment++;
- }
- break;
- case '*':
- if (ch2 == '/') { // comment end
- in_comment--;
- }
- break;
- case '{':
- if (!in_comment) {
- rule_body_start.push(i);
- cur_parent = cur_parent.addChild(rule_start.pop());
- stack.push(cur_parent);
- }
- break;
- case '}':
- // found the end of the rule
- if (!in_comment) {
- /** @type {rule} */
- var last_rule = stack.pop();
- rule_start.pop();
- last_rule.body_start = rule_body_start.pop();
- last_rule.end = i;
- cur_parent = last_rule.parent || root;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return saveLineNumbers(text, root, null, startLine);
- },
- normalizeSelector: normalizeSelector,
- /**
- * Find matched rule by selector.
- * @param {rule} rule_node Parsed rule node
- * @param {String} selector CSS selector
- * @param {String} source CSS stylesheet source code
- *
- * @return {rule[]|null} Array of matched rules, sorted by priority (most
- * recent on top)
- */
- findBySelector: function(rule_node, selector, source) {
- var selector = normalizeSelector(selector),
- result = [];
- if (rule_node) {
- for (var i = 0, il = rule_node.children.length; i < il; i++) {
- /** @type {rule} */
- var r = rule_node.children[i];
- if (r.selector == selector) {
- result.push(r);
- }
- }
- }
- if (result.length) {
- return result;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- };
-// ************************************************************************************************
-FBL.CssParser = CssParser;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// StyleSheet Parser
-var CssAnalyzer = {};
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Locals
-var CSSRuleMap = {};
-var ElementCSSRulesMap = {};
-var internalStyleSheetIndex = -1;
-var reSelectorTag = /(^|\s)(?:\w+)/g;
-var reSelectorClass = /\.[\w\d_-]+/g;
-var reSelectorId = /#[\w\d_-]+/g;
-var globalCSSRuleIndex;
-var processAllStyleSheetsTimeout = null;
-var externalStyleSheetURLs = [];
-var ElementCache = Firebug.Lite.Cache.Element;
-var StyleSheetCache = Firebug.Lite.Cache.StyleSheet;
-// CSS Analyzer templates
-CssAnalyzer.externalStyleSheetWarning = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- DIV({"class": "warning focusRow", style: "font-weight:normal;", role: 'listitem'},
- SPAN("$object|STR"),
- A({"href": "$href", target:"_blank"}, "$link|STR")
- )
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// CSS Analyzer methods
-CssAnalyzer.processAllStyleSheets = function(doc, styleSheetIterator)
- try
- {
- processAllStyleSheets(doc, styleSheetIterator);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- // TODO: FBTrace condition
- FBTrace.sysout("CssAnalyzer.processAllStyleSheets fails: ", e);
- }
- *
- * @param element
- * @returns {String[]} Array of IDs of CSS Rules
- */
-CssAnalyzer.getElementCSSRules = function(element)
- try
- {
- return getElementCSSRules(element);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- // TODO: FBTrace condition
- FBTrace.sysout("CssAnalyzer.getElementCSSRules fails: ", e);
- }
-CssAnalyzer.getRuleData = function(ruleId)
- return CSSRuleMap[ruleId];
-// TODO: do we need this?
-CssAnalyzer.getRuleLine = function()
-CssAnalyzer.hasExternalStyleSheet = function()
- return externalStyleSheetURLs.length > 0;
-CssAnalyzer.parseStyleSheet = function(href)
- var sourceData = extractSourceData(href);
- var parsedObj =, sourceData.startLine);
- var parsedRules = parsedObj.children;
- // See: Issue 4776: [Firebug lite] CSS Media Types
- //
- // Ignore all special selectors like @media and @page
- for(var i=0; i < parsedRules.length; )
- {
- if (parsedRules[i].selector.indexOf("@") != -1)
- {
- parsedRules.splice(i, 1);
- }
- else
- i++;
- }
- return parsedRules;
-// Internals
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// StyleSheet processing
-var processAllStyleSheets = function(doc, styleSheetIterator)
- styleSheetIterator = styleSheetIterator || processStyleSheet;
- globalCSSRuleIndex = -1;
- var styleSheets = doc.styleSheets;
- var importedStyleSheets = [];
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- var start = new Date().getTime();
- for(var i=0, length=styleSheets.length; i<length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- var styleSheet = styleSheets[i];
- if ("firebugIgnore" in styleSheet) continue;
- // we must read the length to make sure we have permission to read
- // the stylesheet's content. If an error occurs here, we cannot
- // read the stylesheet due to access restriction policy
- var rules = isIE ? styleSheet.rules : styleSheet.cssRules;
- rules.length;
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- externalStyleSheetURLs.push(styleSheet.href);
- styleSheet.restricted = true;
- var ssid = StyleSheetCache(styleSheet);
- /// TODO: xxxpedro external css
- //loadExternalStylesheet(doc, styleSheetIterator, styleSheet);
- }
- // process internal and external styleSheets
- styleSheetIterator(doc, styleSheet);
- var importedStyleSheet, importedRules;
- // process imported styleSheets in IE
- if (isIE)
- {
- var imports = styleSheet.imports;
- for(var j=0, importsLength=imports.length; j<importsLength; j++)
- {
- try
- {
- importedStyleSheet = imports[j];
- // we must read the length to make sure we have permission
- // to read the imported stylesheet's content.
- importedRules = importedStyleSheet.rules;
- importedRules.length;
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- externalStyleSheetURLs.push(styleSheet.href);
- importedStyleSheet.restricted = true;
- var ssid = StyleSheetCache(importedStyleSheet);
- }
- styleSheetIterator(doc, importedStyleSheet);
- }
- }
- // process imported styleSheets in other browsers
- else if (rules)
- {
- for(var j=0, rulesLength=rules.length; j<rulesLength; j++)
- {
- try
- {
- var rule = rules[j];
- importedStyleSheet = rule.styleSheet;
- if (importedStyleSheet)
- {
- // we must read the length to make sure we have permission
- // to read the imported stylesheet's content.
- importedRules = importedStyleSheet.cssRules;
- importedRules.length;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- externalStyleSheetURLs.push(styleSheet.href);
- importedStyleSheet.restricted = true;
- var ssid = StyleSheetCache(importedStyleSheet);
- }
- styleSheetIterator(doc, importedStyleSheet);
- }
- }
- };
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("FBL.processAllStyleSheets", "all stylesheet rules processed in " + (new Date().getTime() - start) + "ms");
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var processStyleSheet = function(doc, styleSheet)
- if (styleSheet.restricted)
- return;
- var rules = isIE ? styleSheet.rules : styleSheet.cssRules;
- var ssid = StyleSheetCache(styleSheet);
- var href = styleSheet.href;
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // CSS Parser
- var shouldParseCSS = typeof CssParser != "undefined" && !Firebug.disableResourceFetching;
- if (shouldParseCSS)
- {
- try
- {
- var parsedRules = CssAnalyzer.parseStyleSheet(href);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS) FBTrace.sysout("processStyleSheet FAILS", e.message || e);
- shouldParseCSS = false;
- }
- finally
- {
- var parsedRulesIndex = 0;
- var dontSupportGroupedRules = isIE && browserVersion < 9;
- var group = [];
- var groupItem;
- }
- }
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- for (var i=0, length=rules.length; i<length; i++)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro is there a better way to cache CSS Rules? The problem is that
- // we cannot add expando properties in the rule object in IE
- var rid = ssid + ":" + i;
- var rule = rules[i];
- var selector = rule.selectorText || "";
- var lineNo = null;
- // See: Issue 4776: [Firebug lite] CSS Media Types
- //
- // Ignore all special selectors like @media and @page
- if (!selector || selector.indexOf("@") != -1)
- continue;
- if (isIE)
- selector = selector.replace(reSelectorTag, function(s){return s.toLowerCase();});
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // CSS Parser
- if (shouldParseCSS)
- {
- var parsedRule = parsedRules[parsedRulesIndex];
- var parsedSelector = parsedRule.selector;
- if (dontSupportGroupedRules && parsedSelector.indexOf(",") != -1 && group.length == 0)
- group = parsedSelector.split(",");
- if (dontSupportGroupedRules && group.length > 0)
- {
- groupItem = group.shift();
- if (CssParser.normalizeSelector(selector) == groupItem)
- lineNo = parsedRule.line;
- if (group.length == 0)
- parsedRulesIndex++;
- }
- else if (CssParser.normalizeSelector(selector) == parsedRule.selector)
- {
- lineNo = parsedRule.line;
- parsedRulesIndex++;
- }
- }
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- CSSRuleMap[rid] =
- {
- styleSheetId: ssid,
- styleSheetIndex: i,
- order: ++globalCSSRuleIndex,
- specificity:
- // See: Issue 4777: [Firebug lite] Specificity of CSS Rules
- //
- // if it is a normal selector then calculate the specificity
- selector && selector.indexOf(",") == -1 ?
- getCSSRuleSpecificity(selector) :
- // See: Issue 3262: [Firebug lite] Specificity of grouped CSS Rules
- //
- // if it is a grouped selector, do not calculate the specificity
- // because the correct value will depend of the matched element.
- // The proper specificity value for grouped selectors are calculated
- // via getElementCSSRules(element)
- 0,
- rule: rule,
- lineNo: lineNo,
- selector: selector,
- cssText: ? : rule.cssText ? rule.cssText : ""
- };
- // TODO: what happens with elements added after this? Need to create a test case.
- // Maybe we should place this at getElementCSSRules() but it will make the function
- // a lot more expensive.
- //
- // Maybe add a "refresh" button?
- var elements = Firebug.Selector(selector, doc);
- for (var j=0, elementsLength=elements.length; j<elementsLength; j++)
- {
- var element = elements[j];
- var eid = ElementCache(element);
- if (!ElementCSSRulesMap[eid])
- ElementCSSRulesMap[eid] = [];
- ElementCSSRulesMap[eid].push(rid);
- }
- //console.log(selector, elements);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// External StyleSheet Loader
-var loadExternalStylesheet = function(doc, styleSheetIterator, styleSheet)
- var url = styleSheet.href;
- styleSheet.firebugIgnore = true;
- var source = Firebug.Lite.Proxy.load(url);
- // TODO: check for null and error responses
- // remove comments
- //var reMultiComment = /(\/\*([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*\*\/)/g;
- //source = source.replace(reMultiComment, "");
- // convert relative addresses to absolute ones
- source = source.replace(/url\(([^\)]+)\)/g, function(a,name){
- var hasDomain = /\w+:\/\/./.test(name);
- if (!hasDomain)
- {
- name = name.replace(/^(["'])(.+)\1$/, "$2");
- var first = name.charAt(0);
- // relative path, based on root
- if (first == "/")
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro move to lib or Firebug.Lite.something
- // getURLRoot
- var m = /^([^:]+:\/{1,3}[^\/]+)/.exec(url);
- return m ?
- "url(" + m[1] + name + ")" :
- "url(" + name + ")";
- }
- // relative path, based on current location
- else
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro move to lib or Firebug.Lite.something
- // getURLPath
- var path = url.replace(/[^\/]+\.[\w\d]+(\?.+|#.+)?$/g, "");
- path = path + name;
- var reBack = /[^\/]+\/\.\.\//;
- while(reBack.test(path))
- {
- path = path.replace(reBack, "");
- }
- //console.log("url(" + path + ")");
- return "url(" + path + ")";
- }
- }
- // if it is an absolute path, there is nothing to do
- return a;
- });
- var oldStyle = styleSheet.ownerNode;
- if (!oldStyle) return;
- if (!oldStyle.parentNode) return;
- var style = createGlobalElement("style");
- style.setAttribute("charset","utf-8");
- style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- style.innerHTML = source;
- //debugger;
- oldStyle.parentNode.insertBefore(style, oldStyle.nextSibling);
- oldStyle.parentNode.removeChild(oldStyle);
- doc.styleSheets[doc.styleSheets.length-1].externalURL = url;
- console.log(url, "call " + externalStyleSheetURLs.length, source);
- externalStyleSheetURLs.pop();
- if (processAllStyleSheetsTimeout)
- {
- clearTimeout(processAllStyleSheetsTimeout);
- }
- processAllStyleSheetsTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
- console.log("processing");
- FBL.processAllStyleSheets(doc, styleSheetIterator);
- processAllStyleSheetsTimeout = null;
- },200);
-// getElementCSSRules
-var getElementCSSRules = function(element)
- var eid = ElementCache(element);
- var rules = ElementCSSRulesMap[eid];
- if (!rules) return;
- var arr = [element];
- var Selector = Firebug.Selector;
- var ruleId, rule;
- // for the case of grouped selectors, we need to calculate the highest
- // specificity within the selectors of the group that matches the element,
- // so we can sort the rules properly without over estimating the specificity
- // of grouped selectors
- for (var i = 0, length = rules.length; i < length; i++)
- {
- ruleId = rules[i];
- rule = CSSRuleMap[ruleId];
- // check if it is a grouped selector
- if (rule.selector.indexOf(",") != -1)
- {
- var selectors = rule.selector.split(",");
- var maxSpecificity = -1;
- var sel, spec, mostSpecificSelector;
- // loop over all selectors in the group
- for (var j, len = selectors.length; j < len; j++)
- {
- sel = selectors[j];
- // find if the selector matches the element
- if (Selector.matches(sel, arr).length == 1)
- {
- spec = getCSSRuleSpecificity(sel);
- // find the most specific selector that macthes the element
- if (spec > maxSpecificity)
- {
- maxSpecificity = spec;
- mostSpecificSelector = sel;
- }
- }
- }
- rule.specificity = maxSpecificity;
- }
- }
- rules.sort(sortElementRules);
- //rules.sort(solveRulesTied);
- return rules;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Rule Specificity
-var sortElementRules = function(a, b)
- var ruleA = CSSRuleMap[a];
- var ruleB = CSSRuleMap[b];
- var specificityA = ruleA.specificity;
- var specificityB = ruleB.specificity;
- if (specificityA > specificityB)
- return 1;
- else if (specificityA < specificityB)
- return -1;
- else
- return ruleA.order > ruleB.order ? 1 : -1;
-var solveRulesTied = function(a, b)
- var ruleA = CSSRuleMap[a];
- var ruleB = CSSRuleMap[b];
- if (ruleA.specificity == ruleB.specificity)
- return ruleA.order > ruleB.order ? 1 : -1;
- return null;
-var getCSSRuleSpecificity = function(selector)
- var match = selector.match(reSelectorTag);
- var tagCount = match ? match.length : 0;
- match = selector.match(reSelectorClass);
- var classCount = match ? match.length : 0;
- match = selector.match(reSelectorId);
- var idCount = match ? match.length : 0;
- return tagCount + 10*classCount + 100*idCount;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// StyleSheet data
-var extractSourceData = function(href)
- var sourceData =
- {
- source: null,
- startLine: 0
- };
- if (href)
- {
- sourceData.source = Firebug.Lite.Proxy.load(href);
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: create extractInternalSourceData(index)
- // TODO: pre process the position of the inline styles so this will happen only once
- // in case of having multiple inline styles
- var index = 0;
- var ssIndex = ++internalStyleSheetIndex;
- var reStyleTag = /\<\s*style.*\>/gi;
- var reEndStyleTag = /\<\/\s*style.*\>/gi;
- var source = Firebug.Lite.Proxy.load(Env.browser.location.href);
- source = source.replace(/\n\r|\r\n/g, "\n"); // normalize line breaks
- var startLine = 0;
- do
- {
- var matchStyleTag = source.match(reStyleTag);
- var i0 = source.indexOf(matchStyleTag[0]) + matchStyleTag[0].length;
- for (var i=0; i < i0; i++)
- {
- if (source.charAt(i) == "\n")
- startLine++;
- }
- source = source.substr(i0);
- index++;
- }
- while (index <= ssIndex);
- var matchEndStyleTag = source.match(reEndStyleTag);
- var i1 = source.indexOf(matchEndStyleTag[0]);
- var extractedSource = source.substr(0, i1);
- sourceData.source = extractedSource;
- sourceData.startLine = startLine;
- }
- return sourceData;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Registration
-FBL.CssAnalyzer = CssAnalyzer;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-// move to FBL
-(function() {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// XPath
- * Gets an XPath for an element which describes its hierarchical location.
- */
-this.getElementXPath = function(element)
- try
- {
- if (element &&
- return '//*[@id="' + + '"]';
- else
- return this.getElementTreeXPath(element);
- }
- catch(E)
- {
- // xxxpedro: trying to detect the mysterious error:
- // Security error" code: "1000
- //debugger;
- }
-this.getElementTreeXPath = function(element)
- var paths = [];
- for (; element && element.nodeType == 1; element = element.parentNode)
- {
- var index = 0;
- var nodeName = element.nodeName;
- for (var sibling = element.previousSibling; sibling; sibling = sibling.previousSibling)
- {
- if (sibling.nodeType != 1) continue;
- if (sibling.nodeName == nodeName)
- ++index;
- }
- var tagName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- var pathIndex = (index ? "[" + (index+1) + "]" : "");
- paths.splice(0, 0, tagName + pathIndex);
- }
- return paths.length ? "/" + paths.join("/") : null;
-this.getElementsByXPath = function(doc, xpath)
- var nodes = [];
- try {
- var result = doc.evaluate(xpath, doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
- for (var item = result.iterateNext(); item; item = result.iterateNext())
- nodes.push(item);
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // Invalid xpath expressions make their way here sometimes. If that happens,
- // we still want to return an empty set without an exception.
- }
- return nodes;
-this.getRuleMatchingElements = function(rule, doc)
- var css = rule.selectorText;
- var xpath = this.cssToXPath(css);
- return this.getElementsByXPath(doc, xpath);
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var toCamelCase = function toCamelCase(s)
- return s.replace(reSelectorCase, toCamelCaseReplaceFn);
-var toSelectorCase = function toSelectorCase(s)
- return s.replace(reCamelCase, "-$1").toLowerCase();
-var reCamelCase = /([A-Z])/g;
-var reSelectorCase = /\-(.)/g;
-var toCamelCaseReplaceFn = function toCamelCaseReplaceFn(m,g)
- return g.toUpperCase();
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var ElementCache = Firebug.Lite.Cache.Element;
-var StyleSheetCache = Firebug.Lite.Cache.StyleSheet;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Constants
-//const Cc = Components.classes;
-//const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-//const nsIDOMCSSStyleRule = Ci.nsIDOMCSSStyleRule;
-//const nsIInterfaceRequestor = Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor;
-//const nsISelectionDisplay = Ci.nsISelectionDisplay;
-//const nsISelectionController = Ci.nsISelectionController;
-// See:
-//const STATE_ACTIVE = 0x01;
-//const STATE_FOCUS = 0x02;
-//const STATE_HOVER = 0x04;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-Firebug.SourceBoxPanel = Firebug.Panel;
-var reSelectorTag = /(^|\s)(?:\w+)/g;
-var domUtils = null;
-var textContent = isIE ? "innerText" : "textContent";
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var CSSDomplateBase = {
- isEditable: function(rule)
- {
- return !rule.isSystemSheet;
- },
- isSelectorEditable: function(rule)
- {
- return rule.isSelectorEditable && this.isEditable(rule);
- }
-var CSSPropTag = domplate(CSSDomplateBase, {
- tag: DIV({"class": "cssProp focusRow", $disabledStyle: "$prop.disabled",
- $editGroup: "$rule|isEditable",
- $cssOverridden: "$prop.overridden", role : "option"},
- A({"class": "cssPropDisable"}, "&nbsp;&nbsp;"),
- SPAN({"class": "cssPropName", $editable: "$rule|isEditable"}, "$"),
- SPAN({"class": "cssColon"}, ":"),
- SPAN({"class": "cssPropValue", $editable: "$rule|isEditable"}, "$prop.value$prop.important"),
- SPAN({"class": "cssSemi"}, ";")
- )
-var CSSRuleTag =
- TAG("$rule.tag", {rule: "$rule"});
-var CSSImportRuleTag = domplate({
- tag: DIV({"class": "cssRule insertInto focusRow importRule", _repObject: "$rule.rule"},
- "@import &quot;",
- A({"class": "objectLink", _repObject: "$rule.rule.styleSheet"}, "$rule.rule.href"),
- "&quot;;"
- )
-var CSSStyleRuleTag = domplate(CSSDomplateBase, {
- tag: DIV({"class": "cssRule insertInto",
- $cssEditableRule: "$rule|isEditable",
- $editGroup: "$rule|isSelectorEditable",
- _repObject: "$rule.rule",
- "ruleId": "$", role : 'presentation'},
- DIV({"class": "cssHead focusRow", role : 'listitem'},
- SPAN({"class": "cssSelector", $editable: "$rule|isSelectorEditable"}, "$rule.selector"), " {"
- ),
- DIV({role : 'group'},
- DIV({"class": "cssPropertyListBox", role : 'listbox'},
- FOR("prop", "$rule.props",
- TAG(CSSPropTag.tag, {rule: "$rule", prop: "$prop"})
- )
- )
- ),
- DIV({"class": "editable insertBefore", role:"presentation"}, "}")
- )
-var reSplitCSS = /(url\("?[^"\)]+?"?\))|(rgb\(.*?\))|(#[\dA-Fa-f]+)|(-?\d+(\.\d+)?(%|[a-z]{1,2})?)|([^,\s]+)|"(.*?)"/;
-var reURL = /url\("?([^"\)]+)?"?\)/;
-var reRepeat = /no-repeat|repeat-x|repeat-y|repeat/;
-//const sothinkInstalled = !!$("swfcatcherKey_sidebar");
-var sothinkInstalled = false;
-var styleGroups =
- text: [
- "font-family",
- "font-size",
- "font-weight",
- "font-style",
- "color",
- "text-transform",
- "text-decoration",
- "letter-spacing",
- "word-spacing",
- "line-height",
- "text-align",
- "vertical-align",
- "direction",
- "column-count",
- "column-gap",
- "column-width"
- ],
- background: [
- "background-color",
- "background-image",
- "background-repeat",
- "background-position",
- "background-attachment",
- "opacity"
- ],
- box: [
- "width",
- "height",
- "top",
- "right",
- "bottom",
- "left",
- "margin-top",
- "margin-right",
- "margin-bottom",
- "margin-left",
- "padding-top",
- "padding-right",
- "padding-bottom",
- "padding-left",
- "border-top-width",
- "border-right-width",
- "border-bottom-width",
- "border-left-width",
- "border-top-color",
- "border-right-color",
- "border-bottom-color",
- "border-left-color",
- "border-top-style",
- "border-right-style",
- "border-bottom-style",
- "border-left-style",
- "-moz-border-top-radius",
- "-moz-border-right-radius",
- "-moz-border-bottom-radius",
- "-moz-border-left-radius",
- "outline-top-width",
- "outline-right-width",
- "outline-bottom-width",
- "outline-left-width",
- "outline-top-color",
- "outline-right-color",
- "outline-bottom-color",
- "outline-left-color",
- "outline-top-style",
- "outline-right-style",
- "outline-bottom-style",
- "outline-left-style"
- ],
- layout: [
- "position",
- "display",
- "visibility",
- "z-index",
- "overflow-x", //
- "overflow-y",
- "overflow-clip",
- "white-space",
- "clip",
- "float",
- "clear",
- "-moz-box-sizing"
- ],
- other: [
- "cursor",
- "list-style-image",
- "list-style-position",
- "list-style-type",
- "marker-offset",
- "user-focus",
- "user-select",
- "user-modify",
- "user-input"
- ]
-var styleGroupTitles =
- text: "Text",
- background: "Background",
- box: "Box Model",
- layout: "Layout",
- other: "Other"
-Firebug.CSSModule = extend(Firebug.Module,
- freeEdit: function(styleSheet, value)
- {
- if (!styleSheet.editStyleSheet)
- {
- var ownerNode = getStyleSheetOwnerNode(styleSheet);
- styleSheet.disabled = true;
- var url = CCSV(";1", Components.interfaces.nsIURL);
- url.spec = styleSheet.href;
- var editStyleSheet = ownerNode.ownerDocument.createElementNS(
- "",
- "style");
- unwrapObject(editStyleSheet).firebugIgnore = true;
- editStyleSheet.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- editStyleSheet.setAttributeNS(
- "",
- "base",
- if (ownerNode.hasAttribute("media"))
- {
- editStyleSheet.setAttribute("media", ownerNode.getAttribute("media"));
- }
- // Insert the edited stylesheet directly after the old one to ensure the styles
- // cascade properly.
- ownerNode.parentNode.insertBefore(editStyleSheet, ownerNode.nextSibling);
- styleSheet.editStyleSheet = editStyleSheet;
- }
- styleSheet.editStyleSheet.innerHTML = value;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- FBTrace.sysout("css.saveEdit styleSheet.href:"+styleSheet.href+" got innerHTML:"+value+"\n");
- dispatch(this.fbListeners, "onCSSFreeEdit", [styleSheet, value]);
- },
- insertRule: function(styleSheet, cssText, ruleIndex)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS) FBTrace.sysout("Insert: " + ruleIndex + " " + cssText);
- var insertIndex = styleSheet.insertRule(cssText, ruleIndex);
- dispatch(this.fbListeners, "onCSSInsertRule", [styleSheet, cssText, ruleIndex]);
- return insertIndex;
- },
- deleteRule: function(styleSheet, ruleIndex)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS) FBTrace.sysout("deleteRule: " + ruleIndex + " " + styleSheet.cssRules.length, styleSheet.cssRules);
- dispatch(this.fbListeners, "onCSSDeleteRule", [styleSheet, ruleIndex]);
- styleSheet.deleteRule(ruleIndex);
- },
- setProperty: function(rule, propName, propValue, propPriority)
- {
- var style = || rule;
- // Record the original CSS text for the inline case so we can reconstruct at a later
- // point for diffing purposes
- var baseText = style.cssText;
- // good browsers
- if (style.getPropertyValue)
- {
- var prevValue = style.getPropertyValue(propName);
- var prevPriority = style.getPropertyPriority(propName);
- // XXXjoe Gecko bug workaround: Just changing priority doesn't have any effect
- // unless we remove the property first
- style.removeProperty(propName);
- style.setProperty(propName, propValue, propPriority);
- }
- // sad browsers
- else
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro parse CSS rule to find property priority in IE?
- //console.log(propName, propValue);
- style[toCamelCase(propName)] = propValue;
- }
- if (propName) {
- dispatch(this.fbListeners, "onCSSSetProperty", [style, propName, propValue, propPriority, prevValue, prevPriority, rule, baseText]);
- }
- },
- removeProperty: function(rule, propName, parent)
- {
- var style = || rule;
- // Record the original CSS text for the inline case so we can reconstruct at a later
- // point for diffing purposes
- var baseText = style.cssText;
- if (style.getPropertyValue)
- {
- var prevValue = style.getPropertyValue(propName);
- var prevPriority = style.getPropertyPriority(propName);
- style.removeProperty(propName);
- }
- else
- {
- style[toCamelCase(propName)] = "";
- }
- if (propName) {
- dispatch(this.fbListeners, "onCSSRemoveProperty", [style, propName, prevValue, prevPriority, rule, baseText]);
- }
- }/*,
- cleanupSheets: function(doc, context)
- {
- // Due to the manner in which the layout engine handles multiple
- // references to the same sheet we need to kick it a little bit.
- // The injecting a simple stylesheet then removing it will force
- // Firefox to regenerate it's CSS hierarchy.
- //
- // WARN: This behavior was determined anecdotally.
- // See
- var style = doc.createElementNS("", "style");
- style.setAttribute("charset","utf-8");
- unwrapObject(style).firebugIgnore = true;
- style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- style.innerHTML = "#fbIgnoreStyleDO_NOT_USE {}";
- addStyleSheet(doc, style);
- style.parentNode.removeChild(style);
- //
- // This voodoo touches each style sheet to force some Firefox internal change to allow edits.
- var styleSheets = getAllStyleSheets(context);
- for(var i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- var rules = styleSheets[i].cssRules;
- if (rules.length > 0)
- var touch = rules[0];
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS && touch)
- FBTrace.sysout(" touch "+typeof(touch)+" in "+(styleSheets[i].href?styleSheets[i].href:context.getName()));
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout(" sheet.cssRules FAILS for "+(styleSheets[i]?styleSheets[i].href:"null sheet")+e, e);
- }
- }
- },
- cleanupSheetHandler: function(event, context)
- {
- var target = || event.srcElement,
- tagName = (target.tagName || "").toLowerCase();
- if (tagName == "link")
- {
- this.cleanupSheets(target.ownerDocument, context);
- }
- },
- watchWindow: function(context, win)
- {
- var cleanupSheets = bind(this.cleanupSheets, this),
- cleanupSheetHandler = bind(this.cleanupSheetHandler, this, context),
- doc = win.document;
- //doc.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", cleanupSheetHandler, false);
- //doc.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", cleanupSheetHandler, false);
- },
- loadedContext: function(context)
- {
- var self = this;
- iterateWindows(context.browser.contentWindow, function(subwin)
- {
- self.cleanupSheets(subwin.document, context);
- });
- }
- /**/
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.CSSStyleSheetPanel = function() {};
-Firebug.CSSStyleSheetPanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.SourceBoxPanel,
- template: domplate(
- {
- tag:
- DIV({"class": "cssSheet insertInto a11yCSSView"},
- FOR("rule", "$rules",
- CSSRuleTag
- ),
- DIV({"class": "cssSheet editable insertBefore"}, "")
- )
- }),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- refresh: function()
- {
- if (this.location)
- this.updateLocation(this.location);
- else if (this.selection)
- this.updateSelection(this.selection);
- },
- toggleEditing: function()
- {
- if (!this.stylesheetEditor)
- this.stylesheetEditor = new StyleSheetEditor(this.document);
- if (this.editing)
- Firebug.Editor.stopEditing();
- else
- {
- if (!this.location)
- return;
- var styleSheet = this.location.editStyleSheet
- ? this.location.editStyleSheet.sheet
- : this.location;
- var css = getStyleSheetCSS(styleSheet, this.context);
- //var topmost = getTopmostRuleLine(this.panelNode);
- this.stylesheetEditor.styleSheet = this.location;
- Firebug.Editor.startEditing(this.panelNode, css, this.stylesheetEditor);
- //this.stylesheetEditor.scrollToLine(topmost.line, topmost.offset);
- }
- },
- getStylesheetURL: function(rule)
- {
- if (this.location.href)
- return this.location.href;
- else
- return this.context.window.location.href;
- },
- getRuleByLine: function(styleSheet, line)
- {
- if (!domUtils)
- return null;
- var cssRules = styleSheet.cssRules;
- for (var i = 0; i < cssRules.length; ++i)
- {
- var rule = cssRules[i];
- if (rule instanceof CSSStyleRule)
- {
- var ruleLine = domUtils.getRuleLine(rule);
- if (ruleLine >= line)
- return rule;
- }
- }
- },
- highlightRule: function(rule)
- {
- var ruleElement = Firebug.getElementByRepObject(this.panelNode.firstChild, rule);
- if (ruleElement)
- {
- scrollIntoCenterView(ruleElement, this.panelNode);
- setClassTimed(ruleElement, "jumpHighlight", this.context);
- }
- },
- getStyleSheetRules: function(context, styleSheet)
- {
- var isSystemSheet = isSystemStyleSheet(styleSheet);
- function appendRules(cssRules)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < cssRules.length; ++i)
- {
- var rule = cssRules[i];
- // TODO: xxxpedro opera instanceof stylesheet remove the following comments when
- // the issue with opera and style sheet Classes has been solved.
- //if (rule instanceof CSSStyleRule)
- if (instanceOf(rule, "CSSStyleRule"))
- {
- var props = this.getRuleProperties(context, rule);
- //var line = domUtils.getRuleLine(rule);
- var line = null;
- var selector = rule.selectorText;
- if (isIE)
- {
- selector = selector.replace(reSelectorTag,
- function(s){return s.toLowerCase();});
- }
- var ruleId = rule.selectorText+"/"+line;
- rules.push({tag: CSSStyleRuleTag.tag, rule: rule, id: ruleId,
- selector: selector, props: props,
- isSystemSheet: isSystemSheet,
- isSelectorEditable: true});
- }
- //else if (rule instanceof CSSImportRule)
- else if (instanceOf(rule, "CSSImportRule"))
- rules.push({tag: CSSImportRuleTag.tag, rule: rule});
- //else if (rule instanceof CSSMediaRule)
- else if (instanceOf(rule, "CSSMediaRule"))
- appendRules.apply(this, [rule.cssRules]);
- else
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS || FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- FBTrace.sysout("css getStyleSheetRules failed to classify a rule ", rule);
- }
- }
- }
- var rules = [];
- appendRules.apply(this, [styleSheet.cssRules || styleSheet.rules]);
- return rules;
- },
- parseCSSProps: function(style, inheritMode)
- {
- var props = [];
- if (Firebug.expandShorthandProps)
- {
- var count = style.length-1,
- index = style.length;
- while (index--)
- {
- var propName = style.item(count - index);
- this.addProperty(propName, style.getPropertyValue(propName), !!style.getPropertyPriority(propName), false, inheritMode, props);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var lines = style.cssText.match(/(?:[^;\(]*(?:\([^\)]*?\))?[^;\(]*)*;?/g);
- var propRE = /\s*([^:\s]*)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*(! important)?;?$/;
- var line,i=0;
- // TODO: xxxpedro port to firebug: variable leaked into global namespace
- var m;
- while(line=lines[i++]){
- m = propRE.exec(line);
- if(!m)
- continue;
- //var name = m[1], value = m[2], important = !!m[3];
- if (m[2])
- this.addProperty(m[1], m[2], !!m[3], false, inheritMode, props);
- };
- }
- return props;
- },
- getRuleProperties: function(context, rule, inheritMode)
- {
- var props = this.parseCSSProps(, inheritMode);
- // TODO: xxxpedro port to firebug: variable leaked into global namespace
- //var line = domUtils.getRuleLine(rule);
- var line;
- var ruleId = rule.selectorText+"/"+line;
- this.addOldProperties(context, ruleId, inheritMode, props);
- sortProperties(props);
- return props;
- },
- addOldProperties: function(context, ruleId, inheritMode, props)
- {
- if (context.selectorMap && context.selectorMap.hasOwnProperty(ruleId) )
- {
- var moreProps = context.selectorMap[ruleId];
- for (var i = 0; i < moreProps.length; ++i)
- {
- var prop = moreProps[i];
- this.addProperty(, prop.value, prop.important, true, inheritMode, props);
- }
- }
- },
- addProperty: function(name, value, important, disabled, inheritMode, props)
- {
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- if (inheritMode && !inheritedStyleNames[name])
- return;
- name = this.translateName(name, value);
- if (name)
- {
- value = stripUnits(rgbToHex(value));
- important = important ? " !important" : "";
- var prop = {name: name, value: value, important: important, disabled: disabled};
- props.push(prop);
- }
- },
- translateName: function(name, value)
- {
- // Don't show these proprietary Mozilla properties
- if ((value == "-moz-initial"
- && (name == "-moz-background-clip" || name == "-moz-background-origin"
- || name == "-moz-background-inline-policy"))
- || (value == "physical"
- && (name == "margin-left-ltr-source" || name == "margin-left-rtl-source"
- || name == "margin-right-ltr-source" || name == "margin-right-rtl-source"))
- || (value == "physical"
- && (name == "padding-left-ltr-source" || name == "padding-left-rtl-source"
- || name == "padding-right-ltr-source" || name == "padding-right-rtl-source")))
- return null;
- // Translate these back to the form the user probably expects
- if (name == "margin-left-value")
- return "margin-left";
- else if (name == "margin-right-value")
- return "margin-right";
- else if (name == "margin-top-value")
- return "margin-top";
- else if (name == "margin-bottom-value")
- return "margin-bottom";
- else if (name == "padding-left-value")
- return "padding-left";
- else if (name == "padding-right-value")
- return "padding-right";
- else if (name == "padding-top-value")
- return "padding-top";
- else if (name == "padding-bottom-value")
- return "padding-bottom";
- // XXXjoe What about border!
- else
- return name;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- editElementStyle: function()
- {
- ///var rulesBox = this.panelNode.getElementsByClassName("cssElementRuleContainer")[0];
- var rulesBox = $$(".cssElementRuleContainer", this.panelNode)[0];
- var styleRuleBox = rulesBox && Firebug.getElementByRepObject(rulesBox, this.selection);
- if (!styleRuleBox)
- {
- var rule = {rule: this.selection, inherited: false, selector: "", props: []};
- if (!rulesBox)
- {
- // The element did not have any displayed styles. We need to create the whole tree and remove
- // the no styles message
- styleRuleBox = this.template.cascadedTag.replace({
- rules: [rule], inherited: [], inheritLabel: "Inherited from" // $STR("InheritedFrom")
- }, this.panelNode);
- ///styleRuleBox = styleRuleBox.getElementsByClassName("cssElementRuleContainer")[0];
- styleRuleBox = $$(".cssElementRuleContainer", styleRuleBox)[0];
- }
- else
- styleRuleBox = this.template.ruleTag.insertBefore({rule: rule}, rulesBox);
- ///styleRuleBox = styleRuleBox.getElementsByClassName("insertInto")[0];
- styleRuleBox = $$(".insertInto", styleRuleBox)[0];
- }
- Firebug.Editor.insertRowForObject(styleRuleBox);
- },
- insertPropertyRow: function(row)
- {
- Firebug.Editor.insertRowForObject(row);
- },
- insertRule: function(row)
- {
- var location = getAncestorByClass(row, "cssRule");
- if (!location)
- {
- location = getChildByClass(this.panelNode, "cssSheet");
- Firebug.Editor.insertRowForObject(location);
- }
- else
- {
- Firebug.Editor.insertRow(location, "before");
- }
- },
- editPropertyRow: function(row)
- {
- var propValueBox = getChildByClass(row, "cssPropValue");
- Firebug.Editor.startEditing(propValueBox);
- },
- deletePropertyRow: function(row)
- {
- var rule = Firebug.getRepObject(row);
- var propName = getChildByClass(row, "cssPropName")[textContent];
- Firebug.CSSModule.removeProperty(rule, propName);
- // Remove the property from the selector map, if it was disabled
- var ruleId = Firebug.getRepNode(row).getAttribute("ruleId");
- if ( this.context.selectorMap && this.context.selectorMap.hasOwnProperty(ruleId) )
- {
- var map = this.context.selectorMap[ruleId];
- for (var i = 0; i < map.length; ++i)
- {
- if (map[i].name == propName)
- {
- map.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( == "stylesheet")
- dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onInlineEditorClose', [this, row.firstChild, true]);
- row.parentNode.removeChild(row);
- this.markChange( == "stylesheet");
- },
- disablePropertyRow: function(row)
- {
- toggleClass(row, "disabledStyle");
- var rule = Firebug.getRepObject(row);
- var propName = getChildByClass(row, "cssPropName")[textContent];
- if (!this.context.selectorMap)
- this.context.selectorMap = {};
- // XXXjoe Generate unique key for elements too
- var ruleId = Firebug.getRepNode(row).getAttribute("ruleId");
- if (!(this.context.selectorMap.hasOwnProperty(ruleId)))
- this.context.selectorMap[ruleId] = [];
- var map = this.context.selectorMap[ruleId];
- var propValue = getChildByClass(row, "cssPropValue")[textContent];
- var parsedValue = parsePriority(propValue);
- if (hasClass(row, "disabledStyle"))
- {
- Firebug.CSSModule.removeProperty(rule, propName);
- map.push({"name": propName, "value": parsedValue.value,
- "important": parsedValue.priority});
- }
- else
- {
- Firebug.CSSModule.setProperty(rule, propName, parsedValue.value, parsedValue.priority);
- var index = findPropByName(map, propName);
- map.splice(index, 1);
- }
- this.markChange( == "stylesheet");
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- onMouseDown: function(event)
- {
- //console.log("onMouseDown", || event.srcElement, event);
- // xxxpedro adjusting coordinates because the panel isn't a window yet
- var offset = event.clientX - this.panelNode.parentNode.offsetLeft;
- // XXjoe Hack to only allow clicking on the checkbox
- if (!isLeftClick(event) || offset > 20)
- return;
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- if (hasClass(target, "textEditor"))
- return;
- var row = getAncestorByClass(target, "cssProp");
- if (row && hasClass(row, "editGroup"))
- {
- this.disablePropertyRow(row);
- cancelEvent(event);
- }
- },
- onDoubleClick: function(event)
- {
- //console.log("onDoubleClick", || event.srcElement, event);
- // xxxpedro adjusting coordinates because the panel isn't a window yet
- var offset = event.clientX - this.panelNode.parentNode.offsetLeft;
- if (!isLeftClick(event) || offset <= 20)
- return;
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- //console.log("ok", target, hasClass(target, "textEditorInner"), !isLeftClick(event), offset <= 20);
- // if the inline editor was clicked, don't insert a new rule
- if (hasClass(target, "textEditorInner"))
- return;
- var row = getAncestorByClass(target, "cssRule");
- if (row && !getAncestorByClass(target, "cssPropName")
- && !getAncestorByClass(target, "cssPropValue"))
- {
- this.insertPropertyRow(row);
- cancelEvent(event);
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Panel
- name: "stylesheet",
- title: "CSS",
- parentPanel: null,
- searchable: true,
- dependents: ["css", "stylesheet", "dom", "domSide", "layout"],
- options:
- {
- hasToolButtons: true
- },
- create: function()
- {
- Firebug.Panel.create.apply(this, arguments);
- this.onMouseDown = bind(this.onMouseDown, this);
- this.onDoubleClick = bind(this.onDoubleClick, this);
- if ( == "stylesheet")
- {
- this.onChangeSelect = bind(this.onChangeSelect, this);
- var doc = Firebug.browser.document;
- var selectNode = this.selectNode = createElement("select");
- CssAnalyzer.processAllStyleSheets(doc, function(doc, styleSheet)
- {
- var key = StyleSheetCache.key(styleSheet);
- var fileName = getFileName(styleSheet.href) || getFileName(doc.location.href);
- var option = createElement("option", {value: key});
- option.appendChild(;
- selectNode.appendChild(option);
- });
- this.toolButtonsNode.appendChild(selectNode);
- }
- /**/
- },
- onChangeSelect: function(event)
- {
- event = event || window.event;
- var target = event.srcElement || event.currentTarget;
- var key = target.value;
- var styleSheet = StyleSheetCache.get(key);
- this.updateLocation(styleSheet);
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- Firebug.Panel.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- //if (!domUtils)
- //{
- // try {
- // domUtils = CCSV(";1", "inIDOMUtils");
- // } catch (exc) {
- // if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- // FBTrace.sysout(";1 FAILED to load: "+exc, exc);
- // }
- //}
- //TODO: xxxpedro
- this.context =; // TODO: xxxpedro css2
- this.document =; // TODO: xxxpedro css2
- this.initializeNode();
- if ( == "stylesheet")
- {
- var styleSheets = Firebug.browser.document.styleSheets;
- if (styleSheets.length > 0)
- {
- addEvent(this.selectNode, "change", this.onChangeSelect);
- this.updateLocation(styleSheets[0]);
- }
- }
- //Firebug.SourceBoxPanel.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- // must destroy the editor when we leave the panel to avoid problems (Issue 2981)
- Firebug.Editor.stopEditing();
- if ( == "stylesheet")
- {
- removeEvent(this.selectNode, "change", this.onChangeSelect);
- }
- this.destroyNode();
- Firebug.Panel.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- destroy: function(state)
- {
- //state.scrollTop = this.panelNode.scrollTop ? this.panelNode.scrollTop : this.lastScrollTop;
- //persistObjects(this, state);
- // xxxpedro we are stopping the editor in the shutdown method already
- //Firebug.Editor.stopEditing();
- Firebug.Panel.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- initializeNode: function(oldPanelNode)
- {
- addEvent(this.panelNode, "mousedown", this.onMouseDown);
- addEvent(this.panelNode, "dblclick", this.onDoubleClick);
- //Firebug.SourceBoxPanel.initializeNode.apply(this, arguments);
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onInitializeNode', [this, 'css']);
- },
- destroyNode: function()
- {
- removeEvent(this.panelNode, "mousedown", this.onMouseDown);
- removeEvent(this.panelNode, "dblclick", this.onDoubleClick);
- //Firebug.SourceBoxPanel.destroyNode.apply(this, arguments);
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onDestroyNode', [this, 'css']);
- },
- ishow: function(state)
- {
- Firebug.Inspector.stopInspecting(true);
- this.showToolbarButtons("fbCSSButtons", true);
- if (this.context.loaded && !this.location) // wait for loadedContext to restore the panel
- {
- restoreObjects(this, state);
- if (!this.location)
- this.location = this.getDefaultLocation();
- if (state && state.scrollTop)
- this.panelNode.scrollTop = state.scrollTop;
- }
- },
- ihide: function()
- {
- this.showToolbarButtons("fbCSSButtons", false);
- this.lastScrollTop = this.panelNode.scrollTop;
- },
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- if (object instanceof CSSStyleSheet)
- return 1;
- else if (object instanceof CSSStyleRule)
- return 2;
- else if (object instanceof CSSStyleDeclaration)
- return 2;
- else if (object instanceof SourceLink && object.type == "css" && reCSS.test(object.href))
- return 2;
- else
- return 0;
- },
- updateLocation: function(styleSheet)
- {
- if (!styleSheet)
- return;
- if (styleSheet.editStyleSheet)
- styleSheet = styleSheet.editStyleSheet.sheet;
- // if it is a restricted stylesheet, show the warning message and abort the update process
- if (styleSheet.restricted)
- {
- FirebugReps.Warning.tag.replace({object: "AccessRestricted"}, this.panelNode);
- // TODO: xxxpedro remove when there the external resource problem is fixed
- CssAnalyzer.externalStyleSheetWarning.tag.append({
- object: "The stylesheet could not be loaded due to access restrictions. ",
- link: "more...",
- href: ""
- }, this.panelNode);
- return;
- }
- var rules = this.getStyleSheetRules(this.context, styleSheet);
- var result;
- if (rules.length)
- // FIXME xxxpedro chromenew this is making iPad's Safari to crash
- result = this.template.tag.replace({rules: rules}, this.panelNode);
- else
- result = FirebugReps.Warning.tag.replace({object: "EmptyStyleSheet"}, this.panelNode);
- // TODO: xxxpedro need to fix showToolbarButtons function
- //this.showToolbarButtons("fbCSSButtons", !isSystemStyleSheet(this.location));
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onCSSRulesAdded', [this, this.panelNode]);
- },
- updateSelection: function(object)
- {
- this.selection = null;
- if (object instanceof CSSStyleDeclaration) {
- object = object.parentRule;
- }
- if (object instanceof CSSStyleRule)
- {
- this.navigate(object.parentStyleSheet);
- this.highlightRule(object);
- }
- else if (object instanceof CSSStyleSheet)
- {
- this.navigate(object);
- }
- else if (object instanceof SourceLink)
- {
- try
- {
- var sourceLink = object;
- var sourceFile = getSourceFileByHref(sourceLink.href, this.context);
- if (sourceFile)
- {
- clearNode(this.panelNode); // replace rendered stylesheets
- this.showSourceFile(sourceFile);
- var lineNo = object.line;
- if (lineNo)
- this.scrollToLine(lineNo, this.jumpHighlightFactory(lineNo, this.context));
- }
- else // XXXjjb we should not be taking this path
- {
- var stylesheet = getStyleSheetByHref(sourceLink.href, this.context);
- if (stylesheet)
- this.navigate(stylesheet);
- else
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- FBTrace.sysout("css.updateSelection no sourceFile for "+sourceLink.href, sourceLink);
- }
- }
- }
- catch(exc) {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- FBTrace.sysout("css.upDateSelection FAILS "+exc, exc);
- }
- }
- },
- updateOption: function(name, value)
- {
- if (name == "expandShorthandProps")
- this.refresh();
- },
- getLocationList: function()
- {
- var styleSheets = getAllStyleSheets(this.context);
- return styleSheets;
- },
- getOptionsMenuItems: function()
- {
- return [
- {label: "Expand Shorthand Properties", type: "checkbox", checked: Firebug.expandShorthandProps,
- command: bindFixed(Firebug.togglePref, Firebug, "expandShorthandProps") },
- "-",
- {label: "Refresh", command: bind(this.refresh, this) }
- ];
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(style, target)
- {
- var items = [];
- if (this.infoTipType == "color")
- {
- items.push(
- {label: "CopyColor",
- command: bindFixed(copyToClipboard, FBL, this.infoTipObject) }
- );
- }
- else if (this.infoTipType == "image")
- {
- items.push(
- {label: "CopyImageLocation",
- command: bindFixed(copyToClipboard, FBL, this.infoTipObject) },
- {label: "OpenImageInNewTab",
- command: bindFixed(openNewTab, FBL, this.infoTipObject) }
- );
- }
- ///if (this.selection instanceof Element)
- if (isElement(this.selection))
- {
- items.push(
- //"-",
- {label: "EditStyle",
- command: bindFixed(this.editElementStyle, this) }
- );
- }
- else if (!isSystemStyleSheet(this.selection))
- {
- items.push(
- //"-",
- {label: "NewRule",
- command: bindFixed(this.insertRule, this, target) }
- );
- }
- var cssRule = getAncestorByClass(target, "cssRule");
- if (cssRule && hasClass(cssRule, "cssEditableRule"))
- {
- items.push(
- "-",
- {label: "NewProp",
- command: bindFixed(this.insertPropertyRow, this, target) }
- );
- var propRow = getAncestorByClass(target, "cssProp");
- if (propRow)
- {
- var propName = getChildByClass(propRow, "cssPropName")[textContent];
- var isDisabled = hasClass(propRow, "disabledStyle");
- items.push(
- {label: $STRF("EditProp", [propName]), nol10n: true,
- command: bindFixed(this.editPropertyRow, this, propRow) },
- {label: $STRF("DeleteProp", [propName]), nol10n: true,
- command: bindFixed(this.deletePropertyRow, this, propRow) },
- {label: $STRF("DisableProp", [propName]), nol10n: true,
- type: "checkbox", checked: isDisabled,
- command: bindFixed(this.disablePropertyRow, this, propRow) }
- );
- }
- }
- items.push(
- "-",
- {label: "Refresh", command: bind(this.refresh, this) }
- );
- return items;
- },
- browseObject: function(object)
- {
- if (this.infoTipType == "image")
- {
- openNewTab(this.infoTipObject);
- return true;
- }
- },
- showInfoTip: function(infoTip, target, x, y)
- {
- var propValue = getAncestorByClass(target, "cssPropValue");
- if (propValue)
- {
- var offset = getClientOffset(propValue);
- var offsetX = x-offset.x;
- var text = propValue[textContent];
- var charWidth = propValue.offsetWidth/text.length;
- var charOffset = Math.floor(offsetX/charWidth);
- var cssValue = parseCSSValue(text, charOffset);
- if (cssValue)
- {
- if (cssValue.value == this.infoTipValue)
- return true;
- this.infoTipValue = cssValue.value;
- if (cssValue.type == "rgb" || (!cssValue.type && isColorKeyword(cssValue.value)))
- {
- this.infoTipType = "color";
- this.infoTipObject = cssValue.value;
- return Firebug.InfoTip.populateColorInfoTip(infoTip, cssValue.value);
- }
- else if (cssValue.type == "url")
- {
- ///var propNameNode = target.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("cssPropName").item(0);
- var propNameNode = getElementByClass(target.parentNode, "cssPropName");
- if (propNameNode && isImageRule(propNameNode[textContent]))
- {
- var rule = Firebug.getRepObject(target);
- var baseURL = this.getStylesheetURL(rule);
- var relURL = parseURLValue(cssValue.value);
- var absURL = isDataURL(relURL) ? relURL:absoluteURL(relURL, baseURL);
- var repeat = parseRepeatValue(text);
- this.infoTipType = "image";
- this.infoTipObject = absURL;
- return Firebug.InfoTip.populateImageInfoTip(infoTip, absURL, repeat);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- delete this.infoTipType;
- delete this.infoTipValue;
- delete this.infoTipObject;
- },
- getEditor: function(target, value)
- {
- if (target == this.panelNode
- || hasClass(target, "cssSelector") || hasClass(target, "cssRule")
- || hasClass(target, "cssSheet"))
- {
- if (!this.ruleEditor)
- this.ruleEditor = new CSSRuleEditor(this.document);
- return this.ruleEditor;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!this.editor)
- this.editor = new CSSEditor(this.document);
- return this.editor;
- }
- },
- getDefaultLocation: function()
- {
- try
- {
- var styleSheets = this.context.window.document.styleSheets;
- if (styleSheets.length)
- {
- var sheet = styleSheets[0];
- return (Firebug.filterSystemURLs && isSystemURL(getURLForStyleSheet(sheet))) ? null : sheet;
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("css.getDefaultLocation FAILS "+exc, exc);
- }
- },
- getObjectDescription: function(styleSheet)
- {
- var url = getURLForStyleSheet(styleSheet);
- var instance = getInstanceForStyleSheet(styleSheet);
- var baseDescription = splitURLBase(url);
- if (instance) {
- = + " #" + (instance + 1);
- }
- return baseDescription;
- },
- search: function(text, reverse)
- {
- var curDoc = this.searchCurrentDoc(!Firebug.searchGlobal, text, reverse);
- if (!curDoc && Firebug.searchGlobal)
- {
- return this.searchOtherDocs(text, reverse);
- }
- return curDoc;
- },
- searchOtherDocs: function(text, reverse)
- {
- var scanRE = Firebug.Search.getTestingRegex(text);
- function scanDoc(styleSheet) {
- // we don't care about reverse here as we are just looking for existence,
- // if we do have a result we will handle the reverse logic on display
- for (var i = 0; i < styleSheet.cssRules.length; i++)
- {
- if (scanRE.test(styleSheet.cssRules[i].cssText))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (this.navigateToNextDocument(scanDoc, reverse))
- {
- return this.searchCurrentDoc(true, text, reverse);
- }
- },
- searchCurrentDoc: function(wrapSearch, text, reverse)
- {
- if (!text)
- {
- delete this.currentSearch;
- return false;
- }
- var row;
- if (this.currentSearch && text == this.currentSearch.text)
- {
- row = this.currentSearch.findNext(wrapSearch, false, reverse, Firebug.Search.isCaseSensitive(text));
- }
- else
- {
- if (this.editing)
- {
- this.currentSearch = new TextSearch(;
- row = this.currentSearch.find(text, reverse, Firebug.Search.isCaseSensitive(text));
- if (row)
- {
- var sel = this.document.defaultView.getSelection();
- sel.removeAllRanges();
- sel.addRange(this.currentSearch.range);
- scrollSelectionIntoView(this);
- return true;
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- function findRow(node) { return node.nodeType == 1 ? node : node.parentNode; }
- this.currentSearch = new TextSearch(this.panelNode, findRow);
- row = this.currentSearch.find(text, reverse, Firebug.Search.isCaseSensitive(text));
- }
- }
- if (row)
- {
- this.document.defaultView.getSelection().selectAllChildren(row);
- scrollIntoCenterView(row, this.panelNode);
- dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onCSSSearchMatchFound', [this, text, row]);
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onCSSSearchMatchFound', [this, text, null]);
- return false;
- }
- },
- getSearchOptionsMenuItems: function()
- {
- return [
- Firebug.Search.searchOptionMenu("search.Case_Sensitive", "searchCaseSensitive"),
- Firebug.Search.searchOptionMenu("search.Multiple_Files", "searchGlobal")
- ];
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-function CSSElementPanel() {}
-CSSElementPanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.CSSStyleSheetPanel.prototype,
- template: domplate(
- {
- cascadedTag:
- DIV({"class": "a11yCSSView", role : 'presentation'},
- DIV({role : 'list', 'aria-label' : $STR(' rules') },
- FOR("rule", "$rules",
- TAG("$ruleTag", {rule: "$rule"})
- )
- ),
- DIV({role : "list", 'aria-label' :$STR('aria.labels.inherited style rules')},
- FOR("section", "$inherited",
- H1({"class": "cssInheritHeader groupHeader focusRow", role : 'listitem' },
- SPAN({"class": "cssInheritLabel"}, "$inheritLabel"),
- TAG(FirebugReps.Element.shortTag, {object: "$section.element"})
- ),
- DIV({role : 'group'},
- FOR("rule", "$section.rules",
- TAG("$ruleTag", {rule: "$rule"})
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- ruleTag:
- isIE ?
- // IE needs the sourceLink first, otherwise it will be rendered outside the panel
- DIV({"class": "cssElementRuleContainer"},
- TAG(FirebugReps.SourceLink.tag, {object: "$rule.sourceLink"}),
- TAG(CSSStyleRuleTag.tag, {rule: "$rule"})
- )
- :
- // other browsers need the sourceLink last, otherwise it will cause an extra space
- // before the rule representation
- DIV({"class": "cssElementRuleContainer"},
- TAG(CSSStyleRuleTag.tag, {rule: "$rule"}),
- TAG(FirebugReps.SourceLink.tag, {object: "$rule.sourceLink"})
- )
- }),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- updateCascadeView: function(element)
- {
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onBeforeCSSRulesAdded', [this]);
- var rules = [], sections = [], usedProps = {};
- this.getInheritedRules(element, sections, usedProps);
- this.getElementRules(element, rules, usedProps);
- if (rules.length || sections.length)
- {
- var inheritLabel = "Inherited from"; // $STR("InheritedFrom");
- var result = this.template.cascadedTag.replace({rules: rules, inherited: sections,
- inheritLabel: inheritLabel}, this.panelNode);
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onCSSRulesAdded', [this, result]);
- }
- else
- {
- var result = FirebugReps.Warning.tag.replace({object: "EmptyElementCSS"}, this.panelNode);
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onCSSRulesAdded', [this, result]);
- }
- // TODO: xxxpedro remove when there the external resource problem is fixed
- if (CssAnalyzer.hasExternalStyleSheet())
- CssAnalyzer.externalStyleSheetWarning.tag.append({
- object: "The results here may be inaccurate because some " +
- "stylesheets could not be loaded due to access restrictions. ",
- link: "more...",
- href: ""
- }, this.panelNode);
- },
- getStylesheetURL: function(rule)
- {
- // if the parentStyleSheet.href is null, CSS std says its inline style.
- // TODO: xxxpedro IE doesn't have rule.parentStyleSheet so we must fall back to the doc.location
- if (rule && rule.parentStyleSheet && rule.parentStyleSheet.href)
- return rule.parentStyleSheet.href;
- else
- return this.selection.ownerDocument.location.href;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- getInheritedRules: function(element, sections, usedProps)
- {
- var parent = element.parentNode;
- if (parent && parent.nodeType == 1)
- {
- this.getInheritedRules(parent, sections, usedProps);
- var rules = [];
- this.getElementRules(parent, rules, usedProps, true);
- if (rules.length)
- sections.splice(0, 0, {element: parent, rules: rules});
- }
- },
- getElementRules: function(element, rules, usedProps, inheritMode)
- {
- var inspectedRules, displayedRules = {};
- inspectedRules = CssAnalyzer.getElementCSSRules(element);
- if (inspectedRules)
- {
- for (var i = 0, length=inspectedRules.length; i < length; ++i)
- {
- var ruleId = inspectedRules[i];
- var ruleData = CssAnalyzer.getRuleData(ruleId);
- var rule = ruleData.rule;
- var ssid = ruleData.styleSheetId;
- var parentStyleSheet = StyleSheetCache.get(ssid);
- var href = parentStyleSheet.externalURL ? parentStyleSheet.externalURL : parentStyleSheet.href; // Null means inline
- var instance = null;
- //var instance = getInstanceForStyleSheet(rule.parentStyleSheet, element.ownerDocument);
- var isSystemSheet = false;
- //var isSystemSheet = isSystemStyleSheet(rule.parentStyleSheet);
- if (!Firebug.showUserAgentCSS && isSystemSheet) // This removes user agent rules
- continue;
- if (!href)
- href = element.ownerDocument.location.href; //
- var props = this.getRuleProperties(this.context, rule, inheritMode);
- if (inheritMode && !props.length)
- continue;
- //
- //var line = domUtils.getRuleLine(rule);
- // TODO: xxxpedro CSS line number
- var line = ruleData.lineNo;
- var ruleId = rule.selectorText+"/"+line;
- var sourceLink = new SourceLink(href, line, "css", rule, instance);
- this.markOverridenProps(props, usedProps, inheritMode);
- rules.splice(0, 0, {rule: rule, id: ruleId,
- selector: ruleData.selector, sourceLink: sourceLink,
- props: props, inherited: inheritMode,
- isSystemSheet: isSystemSheet});
- }
- }
- if (
- this.getStyleProperties(element, rules, usedProps, inheritMode);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- FBTrace.sysout("getElementRules "+rules.length+" rules for "+getElementXPath(element), rules);
- },
- /*
- getElementRules: function(element, rules, usedProps, inheritMode)
- {
- var inspectedRules, displayedRules = {};
- try
- {
- inspectedRules = domUtils ? domUtils.getCSSStyleRules(element) : null;
- } catch (exc) {}
- if (inspectedRules)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < inspectedRules.Count(); ++i)
- {
- var rule = QI(inspectedRules.GetElementAt(i), nsIDOMCSSStyleRule);
- var href = rule.parentStyleSheet.href; // Null means inline
- var instance = getInstanceForStyleSheet(rule.parentStyleSheet, element.ownerDocument);
- var isSystemSheet = isSystemStyleSheet(rule.parentStyleSheet);
- if (!Firebug.showUserAgentCSS && isSystemSheet) // This removes user agent rules
- continue;
- if (!href)
- href = element.ownerDocument.location.href; //
- var props = this.getRuleProperties(this.context, rule, inheritMode);
- if (inheritMode && !props.length)
- continue;
- var line = domUtils.getRuleLine(rule);
- var ruleId = rule.selectorText+"/"+line;
- var sourceLink = new SourceLink(href, line, "css", rule, instance);
- this.markOverridenProps(props, usedProps, inheritMode);
- rules.splice(0, 0, {rule: rule, id: ruleId,
- selector: rule.selectorText, sourceLink: sourceLink,
- props: props, inherited: inheritMode,
- isSystemSheet: isSystemSheet});
- }
- }
- if (
- this.getStyleProperties(element, rules, usedProps, inheritMode);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- FBTrace.sysout("getElementRules "+rules.length+" rules for "+getElementXPath(element), rules);
- },
- /**/
- markOverridenProps: function(props, usedProps, inheritMode)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < props.length; ++i)
- {
- var prop = props[i];
- if ( usedProps.hasOwnProperty( )
- {
- var deadProps = usedProps[]; // all previous occurrences of this property
- for (var j = 0; j < deadProps.length; ++j)
- {
- var deadProp = deadProps[j];
- if (!deadProp.disabled && !deadProp.wasInherited && deadProp.important && !prop.important)
- prop.overridden = true; // new occurrence overridden
- else if (!prop.disabled)
- deadProp.overridden = true; // previous occurrences overridden
- }
- }
- else
- usedProps[] = [];
- prop.wasInherited = inheritMode ? true : false;
- usedProps[].push(prop); // all occurrences of a property seen so far, by name
- }
- },
- getStyleProperties: function(element, rules, usedProps, inheritMode)
- {
- var props = this.parseCSSProps(, inheritMode);
- this.addOldProperties(this.context, getElementXPath(element), inheritMode, props);
- sortProperties(props);
- this.markOverridenProps(props, usedProps, inheritMode);
- if (props.length)
- rules.splice(0, 0,
- {rule: element, id: getElementXPath(element),
- selector: "", props: props, inherited: inheritMode});
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Panel
- name: "css",
- title: "Style",
- parentPanel: "HTML",
- order: 0,
- initialize: function()
- {
- this.context =; // TODO: xxxpedro css2
- this.document =; // TODO: xxxpedro css2
- Firebug.CSSStyleSheetPanel.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- // TODO: xxxpedro css2
- var selection = ElementCache.get(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId);
- if (selection)
-, true);
- //this.updateCascadeView(document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0]);
- //this.updateCascadeView(document.getElementById("build"));
- /*
- this.onStateChange = bindFixed(this.contentStateCheck, this);
- this.onHoverChange = bindFixed(this.contentStateCheck, this, STATE_HOVER);
- this.onActiveChange = bindFixed(this.contentStateCheck, this, STATE_ACTIVE);
- /**/
- },
- ishow: function(state)
- {
- },
- watchWindow: function(win)
- {
- if (domUtils)
- {
- // Normally these would not be required, but in order to update after the state is set
- // using the options menu we need to monitor these global events as well
- var doc = win.document;
- ///addEvent(doc, "mouseover", this.onHoverChange);
- ///addEvent(doc, "mousedown", this.onActiveChange);
- }
- },
- unwatchWindow: function(win)
- {
- var doc = win.document;
- ///removeEvent(doc, "mouseover", this.onHoverChange);
- ///removeEvent(doc, "mousedown", this.onActiveChange);
- if (isAncestor(this.stateChangeEl, doc))
- {
- this.removeStateChangeHandlers();
- }
- },
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- return object instanceof Element ? 1 : 0;
- },
- updateView: function(element)
- {
- this.updateCascadeView(element);
- if (domUtils)
- {
- this.contentState = safeGetContentState(element);
- this.addStateChangeHandlers(element);
- }
- },
- updateSelection: function(element)
- {
- if ( !instanceOf(element , "Element") ) // html supports SourceLink
- return;
- if (sothinkInstalled)
- {
- FirebugReps.Warning.tag.replace({object: "SothinkWarning"}, this.panelNode);
- return;
- }
- /*
- if (!domUtils)
- {
- FirebugReps.Warning.tag.replace({object: "DOMInspectorWarning"}, this.panelNode);
- return;
- }
- /**/
- if (!element)
- return;
- this.updateView(element);
- },
- updateOption: function(name, value)
- {
- if (name == "showUserAgentCSS" || name == "expandShorthandProps")
- this.refresh();
- },
- getOptionsMenuItems: function()
- {
- var ret = [
- {label: "Show User Agent CSS", type: "checkbox", checked: Firebug.showUserAgentCSS,
- command: bindFixed(Firebug.togglePref, Firebug, "showUserAgentCSS") },
- {label: "Expand Shorthand Properties", type: "checkbox", checked: Firebug.expandShorthandProps,
- command: bindFixed(Firebug.togglePref, Firebug, "expandShorthandProps") }
- ];
- if (domUtils && this.selection)
- {
- var state = safeGetContentState(this.selection);
- ret.push("-");
- ret.push({label: ":active", type: "checkbox", checked: state & STATE_ACTIVE,
- command: bindFixed(this.updateContentState, this, STATE_ACTIVE, state & STATE_ACTIVE)});
- ret.push({label: ":hover", type: "checkbox", checked: state & STATE_HOVER,
- command: bindFixed(this.updateContentState, this, STATE_HOVER, state & STATE_HOVER)});
- }
- return ret;
- },
- updateContentState: function(state, remove)
- {
- domUtils.setContentState(remove ? this.selection.ownerDocument.documentElement : this.selection, state);
- this.refresh();
- },
- addStateChangeHandlers: function(el)
- {
- this.removeStateChangeHandlers();
- /*
- addEvent(el, "focus", this.onStateChange);
- addEvent(el, "blur", this.onStateChange);
- addEvent(el, "mouseup", this.onStateChange);
- addEvent(el, "mousedown", this.onStateChange);
- addEvent(el, "mouseover", this.onStateChange);
- addEvent(el, "mouseout", this.onStateChange);
- /**/
- this.stateChangeEl = el;
- },
- removeStateChangeHandlers: function()
- {
- var sel = this.stateChangeEl;
- if (sel)
- {
- /*
- removeEvent(sel, "focus", this.onStateChange);
- removeEvent(sel, "blur", this.onStateChange);
- removeEvent(sel, "mouseup", this.onStateChange);
- removeEvent(sel, "mousedown", this.onStateChange);
- removeEvent(sel, "mouseover", this.onStateChange);
- removeEvent(sel, "mouseout", this.onStateChange);
- /**/
- }
- },
- contentStateCheck: function(state)
- {
- if (!state || this.contentState & state)
- {
- var timeoutRunner = bindFixed(function()
- {
- var newState = safeGetContentState(this.selection);
- if (newState != this.contentState)
- {
- this.context.invalidatePanels(;
- }
- }, this);
- // Delay exec until after the event has processed and the state has been updated
- setTimeout(timeoutRunner, 0);
- }
- }
-function safeGetContentState(selection)
- try
- {
- return domUtils.getContentState(selection);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("css.safeGetContentState; EXCEPTION", e);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-function CSSComputedElementPanel() {}
-CSSComputedElementPanel.prototype = extend(CSSElementPanel.prototype,
- template: domplate(
- {
- computedTag:
- DIV({"class": "a11yCSSView", role : "list", "aria-label" : $STR('aria.labels.computed styles')},
- FOR("group", "$groups",
- H1({"class": "cssInheritHeader groupHeader focusRow", role : "listitem"},
- SPAN({"class": "cssInheritLabel"}, "$group.title")
- ),
- TABLE({width: "100%", role : 'group'},
- TBODY({role : 'presentation'},
- FOR("prop", "$group.props",
- TR({"class": 'focusRow computedStyleRow', role : 'listitem'},
- TD({"class": "stylePropName", role : 'presentation'}, "$"),
- TD({"class": "stylePropValue", role : 'presentation'}, "$prop.value")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- }),
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- updateComputedView: function(element)
- {
- var win = isIE ?
- element.ownerDocument.parentWindow :
- element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- var style = isIE ?
- element.currentStyle :
- win.getComputedStyle(element, "");
- var groups = [];
- for (var groupName in styleGroups)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro i18n $STR
- //var title = $STR("StyleGroup-" + groupName);
- var title = styleGroupTitles[groupName];
- var group = {title: title, props: []};
- groups.push(group);
- var props = styleGroups[groupName];
- for (var i = 0; i < props.length; ++i)
- {
- var propName = props[i];
- var propValue = style.getPropertyValue ?
- style.getPropertyValue(propName) :
- ""+style[toCamelCase(propName)];
- if (propValue === undefined || propValue === null)
- continue;
- propValue = stripUnits(rgbToHex(propValue));
- if (propValue)
- group.props.push({name: propName, value: propValue});
- }
- }
- var result = this.template.computedTag.replace({groups: groups}, this.panelNode);
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onCSSRulesAdded', [this, result]);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Panel
- name: "computed",
- title: "Computed",
- parentPanel: "HTML",
- order: 1,
- updateView: function(element)
- {
- this.updateComputedView(element);
- },
- getOptionsMenuItems: function()
- {
- return [
- {label: "Refresh", command: bind(this.refresh, this) }
- ];
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// CSSEditor
-function CSSEditor(doc)
- this.initializeInline(doc);
-CSSEditor.prototype = domplate(Firebug.InlineEditor.prototype,
- insertNewRow: function(target, insertWhere)
- {
- var rule = Firebug.getRepObject(target);
- var emptyProp =
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro - uses charCode(255) to force the element being rendered,
- // allowing webkit to get the correct position of the property name "span",
- // when inserting a new CSS rule?
- name: "",
- value: "",
- important: ""
- };
- if (insertWhere == "before")
- return CSSPropTag.tag.insertBefore({prop: emptyProp, rule: rule}, target);
- else
- return CSSPropTag.tag.insertAfter({prop: emptyProp, rule: rule}, target);
- },
- saveEdit: function(target, value, previousValue)
- {
- // We need to check the value first in order to avoid a problem in IE8
- // See Issue 3038: Empty (null) styles when adding CSS styles in Firebug Lite
- if (!value) return;
- target.innerHTML = escapeForCss(value);
- var row = getAncestorByClass(target, "cssProp");
- if (hasClass(row, "disabledStyle"))
- toggleClass(row, "disabledStyle");
- var rule = Firebug.getRepObject(target);
- if (hasClass(target, "cssPropName"))
- {
- if (value && previousValue != value) // name of property has changed.
- {
- var propValue = getChildByClass(row, "cssPropValue")[textContent];
- var parsedValue = parsePriority(propValue);
- if (propValue && propValue != "undefined") {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- FBTrace.sysout("CSSEditor.saveEdit : "+previousValue+"->"+value+" = "+propValue+"\n");
- if (previousValue)
- Firebug.CSSModule.removeProperty(rule, previousValue);
- Firebug.CSSModule.setProperty(rule, value, parsedValue.value, parsedValue.priority);
- }
- }
- else if (!value) // name of the property has been deleted, so remove the property.
- Firebug.CSSModule.removeProperty(rule, previousValue);
- }
- else if (getAncestorByClass(target, "cssPropValue"))
- {
- var propName = getChildByClass(row, "cssPropName")[textContent];
- var propValue = getChildByClass(row, "cssPropValue")[textContent];
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("CSSEditor.saveEdit propName=propValue: "+propName +" = "+propValue+"\n");
- // FBTrace.sysout("CSSEditor.saveEdit BEFORE style:",style);
- }
- if (value && value != "null")
- {
- var parsedValue = parsePriority(value);
- Firebug.CSSModule.setProperty(rule, propName, parsedValue.value, parsedValue.priority);
- }
- else if (previousValue && previousValue != "null")
- Firebug.CSSModule.removeProperty(rule, propName);
- }
- this.panel.markChange( == "stylesheet");
- },
- advanceToNext: function(target, charCode)
- {
- if (charCode == 58 /*":"*/ && hasClass(target, "cssPropName"))
- return true;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- getAutoCompleteRange: function(value, offset)
- {
- if (hasClass(, "cssPropName"))
- return {start: 0, end: value.length-1};
- else
- return parseCSSValue(value, offset);
- },
- getAutoCompleteList: function(preExpr, expr, postExpr)
- {
- if (hasClass(, "cssPropName"))
- {
- return getCSSPropertyNames();
- }
- else
- {
- var row = getAncestorByClass(, "cssProp");
- var propName = getChildByClass(row, "cssPropName")[textContent];
- return getCSSKeywordsByProperty(propName);
- }
- }
-function CSSRuleEditor(doc)
- this.initializeInline(doc);
- this.completeAsYouType = false;
-CSSRuleEditor.uniquifier = 0;
-CSSRuleEditor.prototype = domplate(Firebug.InlineEditor.prototype,
- insertNewRow: function(target, insertWhere)
- {
- var emptyRule = {
- selector: "",
- id: "",
- props: [],
- isSelectorEditable: true
- };
- if (insertWhere == "before")
- return CSSStyleRuleTag.tag.insertBefore({rule: emptyRule}, target);
- else
- return CSSStyleRuleTag.tag.insertAfter({rule: emptyRule}, target);
- },
- saveEdit: function(target, value, previousValue)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS)
- FBTrace.sysout("CSSRuleEditor.saveEdit: '" + value + "' '" + previousValue + "'", target);
- target.innerHTML = escapeForCss(value);
- if (value === previousValue) return;
- var row = getAncestorByClass(target, "cssRule");
- var styleSheet = this.panel.location;
- styleSheet = styleSheet.editStyleSheet ? styleSheet.editStyleSheet.sheet : styleSheet;
- var cssRules = styleSheet.cssRules;
- var rule = Firebug.getRepObject(target), oldRule = rule;
- var ruleIndex = cssRules.length;
- if (rule || Firebug.getRepObject(row.nextSibling))
- {
- var searchRule = rule || Firebug.getRepObject(row.nextSibling);
- for (ruleIndex=0; ruleIndex<cssRules.length && searchRule!=cssRules[ruleIndex]; ruleIndex++) {}
- }
- // Delete in all cases except for new add
- // We want to do this before the insert to ease change tracking
- if (oldRule)
- {
- Firebug.CSSModule.deleteRule(styleSheet, ruleIndex);
- }
- // Firefox does not follow the spec for the update selector text case.
- // When attempting to update the value, firefox will silently fail.
- // See for the quite
- // old discussion of this bug.
- // As a result we need to recreate the style every time the selector
- // changes.
- if (value)
- {
- var cssText = [ value, "{" ];
- var props = row.getElementsByClassName("cssProp");
- for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
- var propEl = props[i];
- if (!hasClass(propEl, "disabledStyle")) {
- cssText.push(getChildByClass(propEl, "cssPropName")[textContent]);
- cssText.push(":");
- cssText.push(getChildByClass(propEl, "cssPropValue")[textContent]);
- cssText.push(";");
- }
- }
- cssText.push("}");
- cssText = cssText.join("");
- try
- {
- var insertLoc = Firebug.CSSModule.insertRule(styleSheet, cssText, ruleIndex);
- rule = cssRules[insertLoc];
- ruleIndex++;
- }
- catch (err)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_CSS || FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("CSS Insert Error: "+err, err);
- target.innerHTML = escapeForCss(previousValue);
- row.repObject = undefined;
- return;
- }
- } else {
- rule = undefined;
- }
- // Update the rep object
- row.repObject = rule;
- if (!oldRule)
- {
- // Who knows what the domutils will return for rule line
- // for a recently created rule. To be safe we just generate
- // a unique value as this is only used as an internal key.
- var ruleId = "new/"+value+"/"+(++CSSRuleEditor.uniquifier);
- row.setAttribute("ruleId", ruleId);
- }
- this.panel.markChange( == "stylesheet");
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// StyleSheetEditor
-function StyleSheetEditor(doc)
- = this.tag.replace({}, doc, this);
- this.input =;
-StyleSheetEditor.prototype = domplate(Firebug.BaseEditor,
- multiLine: true,
- tag: DIV(
- TEXTAREA({"class": "styleSheetEditor fullPanelEditor", oninput: "$onInput"})
- ),
- getValue: function()
- {
- return this.input.value;
- },
- setValue: function(value)
- {
- return this.input.value = value;
- },
- show: function(target, panel, value, textSize, targetSize)
- {
- = target;
- this.panel = panel;
- this.panel.panelNode.appendChild(;
- this.input.value = value;
- this.input.focus();
- var command =$("cmd_toggleCSSEditing");
- command.setAttribute("checked", true);
- },
- hide: function()
- {
- var command =$("cmd_toggleCSSEditing");
- command.setAttribute("checked", false);
- if ( == this.panel.panelNode)
- this.panel.panelNode.removeChild(;
- delete;
- delete this.panel;
- delete this.styleSheet;
- },
- saveEdit: function(target, value, previousValue)
- {
- Firebug.CSSModule.freeEdit(this.styleSheet, value);
- },
- endEditing: function()
- {
- this.panel.refresh();
- return true;
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- onInput: function()
- {
- Firebug.Editor.update();
- },
- scrollToLine: function(line, offset)
- {
- this.startMeasuring(this.input);
- var lineHeight = this.measureText().height;
- this.stopMeasuring();
- this.input.scrollTop = (line * lineHeight) + offset;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Local Helpers
-var rgbToHex = function rgbToHex(value)
- return value.replace(/\brgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)/gi, rgbToHexReplacer);
-var rgbToHexReplacer = function(_, r, g, b) {
- return '#' + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + (b << 0)).toString(16).substr(-6).toUpperCase();
-var stripUnits = function stripUnits(value)
- // remove units from '0px', '0em' etc. leave non-zero units in-tact.
- return value.replace(/(url\(.*?\)|[^0]\S*\s*)|0(%|em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)(\s|$)/gi, stripUnitsReplacer);
-var stripUnitsReplacer = function(_, skip, remove, whitespace) {
- return skip || ('0' + whitespace);
-function parsePriority(value)
- var rePriority = /(.*?)\s*(!important)?$/;
- var m = rePriority.exec(value);
- var propValue = m ? m[1] : "";
- var priority = m && m[2] ? "important" : "";
- return {value: propValue, priority: priority};
-function parseURLValue(value)
- var m = reURL.exec(value);
- return m ? m[1] : "";
-function parseRepeatValue(value)
- var m = reRepeat.exec(value);
- return m ? m[0] : "";
-function parseCSSValue(value, offset)
- var start = 0;
- var m;
- while (1)
- {
- m = reSplitCSS.exec(value);
- if (m && m.index+m[0].length < offset)
- {
- value = value.substr(m.index+m[0].length);
- start += m.index+m[0].length;
- offset -= m.index+m[0].length;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if (m)
- {
- var type;
- if (m[1])
- type = "url";
- else if (m[2] || m[3])
- type = "rgb";
- else if (m[4])
- type = "int";
- return {value: m[0], start: start+m.index, end: start+m.index+(m[0].length-1), type: type};
- }
-function findPropByName(props, name)
- for (var i = 0; i < props.length; ++i)
- {
- if (props[i].name == name)
- return i;
- }
-function sortProperties(props)
- props.sort(function(a, b)
- {
- return > ? 1 : -1;
- });
-function getTopmostRuleLine(panelNode)
- for (var child = panelNode.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
- {
- if (child.offsetTop+child.offsetHeight > panelNode.scrollTop)
- {
- var rule = child.repObject;
- if (rule)
- return {
- line: domUtils.getRuleLine(rule),
- offset: panelNode.scrollTop-child.offsetTop
- };
- }
- }
- return 0;
-function getStyleSheetCSS(sheet, context)
- if (sheet.ownerNode instanceof HTMLStyleElement)
- return sheet.ownerNode.innerHTML;
- else
- return context.sourceCache.load(sheet.href).join("");
-function getStyleSheetOwnerNode(sheet) {
- for (; sheet && !sheet.ownerNode; sheet = sheet.parentStyleSheet);
- return sheet.ownerNode;
-function scrollSelectionIntoView(panel)
- var selCon = getSelectionController(panel);
- selCon.scrollSelectionIntoView(
- nsISelectionController.SELECTION_NORMAL,
- nsISelectionController.SELECTION_FOCUS_REGION, true);
-function getSelectionController(panel)
- var browser =;
- return browser.docShell.QueryInterface(nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(nsISelectionDisplay)
- .QueryInterface(nsISelectionController);
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Script Module
-Firebug.Script = extend(Firebug.Module,
- getPanel: function()
- {
- return ?"Script") : null;
- },
- selectSourceCode: function(index)
- {
- this.getPanel().selectSourceCode(index);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Script Panel
-function ScriptPanel(){};
-ScriptPanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.Panel,
- name: "Script",
- title: "Script",
- selectIndex: 0, // index of the current selectNode's option
- sourceIndex: -1, // index of the script node, based in doc.getElementsByTagName("script")
- options: {
- hasToolButtons: true
- },
- create: function()
- {
- Firebug.Panel.create.apply(this, arguments);
- this.onChangeSelect = bind(this.onChangeSelect, this);
- var doc = Firebug.browser.document;
- var scripts = doc.getElementsByTagName("script");
- var selectNode = this.selectNode = createElement("select");
- for(var i=0, script; script=scripts[i]; i++)
- {
- // Don't show Firebug Lite source code in the list of options
- if (Firebug.ignoreFirebugElements && script.getAttribute("firebugIgnore"))
- continue;
- var fileName = getFileName(script.src) || getFileName(doc.location.href);
- var option = createElement("option", {value:i});
- option.appendChild(;
- selectNode.appendChild(option);
- };
- this.toolButtonsNode.appendChild(selectNode);
- },
- initialize: function()
- {
- // we must render the code first, so the persistent state can be restore
- this.selectSourceCode(this.selectIndex);
- Firebug.Panel.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- addEvent(this.selectNode, "change", this.onChangeSelect);
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- removeEvent(this.selectNode, "change", this.onChangeSelect);
- Firebug.Panel.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- detach: function(oldChrome, newChrome)
- {
- Firebug.Panel.detach.apply(this, arguments);
- var oldPanel = oldChrome.getPanel("Script");
- var index = oldPanel.selectIndex;
- this.selectNode.selectedIndex = index;
- this.selectIndex = index;
- this.sourceIndex = -1;
- },
- onChangeSelect: function(event)
- {
- var select = this.selectNode;
- this.selectIndex = select.selectedIndex;
- var option = select.options[select.selectedIndex];
- if (!option)
- return;
- var selectedSourceIndex = parseInt(option.value);
- this.renderSourceCode(selectedSourceIndex);
- },
- selectSourceCode: function(index)
- {
- var select = this.selectNode;
- select.selectedIndex = index;
- var option = select.options[index];
- if (!option)
- return;
- var selectedSourceIndex = parseInt(option.value);
- this.renderSourceCode(selectedSourceIndex);
- },
- renderSourceCode: function(index)
- {
- if (this.sourceIndex != index)
- {
- var renderProcess = function renderProcess(src)
- {
- var html = [],
- hl = 0;
- src = isIE && !isExternal ?
- src+'\n' : // IE put an extra line when reading source of local resources
- '\n'+src;
- // find the number of lines of code
- src = src.replace(/\n\r|\r\n/g, "\n");
- var match = src.match(/[\n]/g);
- var lines=match ? match.length : 0;
- // render the full source code + line numbers html
- html[hl++] = '<div><div class="sourceBox" style="left:';
- html[hl++] = 35 + 7*(lines+'').length;
- html[hl++] = 'px;"><pre class="sourceCode">';
- html[hl++] = escapeHTML(src);
- html[hl++] = '</pre></div><div class="lineNo">';
- // render the line number divs
- for(var l=1, lines; l<=lines; l++)
- {
- html[hl++] = '<div line="';
- html[hl++] = l;
- html[hl++] = '">';
- html[hl++] = l;
- html[hl++] = '</div>';
- }
- html[hl++] = '</div></div>';
- updatePanel(html);
- };
- var updatePanel = function(html)
- {
- self.panelNode.innerHTML = html.join("");
- // IE needs this timeout, otherwise the panel won't scroll
- setTimeout(function(){
- self.synchronizeUI();
- },0);
- };
- var onFailure = function()
- {
- FirebugReps.Warning.tag.replace({object: "AccessRestricted"}, self.panelNode);
- };
- var self = this;
- var doc = Firebug.browser.document;
- var script = doc.getElementsByTagName("script")[index];
- var url = getScriptURL(script);
- var isExternal = url && url != doc.location.href;
- try
- {
- if (Firebug.disableResourceFetching)
- {
- renderProcess(Firebug.Lite.Proxy.fetchResourceDisabledMessage);
- }
- else if (isExternal)
- {
- Ajax.request({url: url, onSuccess: renderProcess, onFailure: onFailure});
- }
- else
- {
- var src = script.innerHTML;
- renderProcess(src);
- }
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- onFailure();
- }
- this.sourceIndex = index;
- }
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var getScriptURL = function getScriptURL(script)
- var reFile = /([^\/\?#]+)(#.+)?$/;
- var rePath = /^(.*\/)/;
- var reProtocol = /^\w+:\/\//;
- var path = null;
- var doc = Firebug.browser.document;
- var file = reFile.exec(script.src);
- if (file)
- {
- var fileName = file[1];
- var fileOptions = file[2];
- // absolute path
- if (reProtocol.test(script.src)) {
- path = rePath.exec(script.src)[1];
- }
- // relative path
- else
- {
- var r = rePath.exec(script.src);
- var src = r ? r[1] : script.src;
- var backDir = /^((?:\.\.\/)+)(.*)/.exec(src);
- var reLastDir = /^(.*\/)[^\/]+\/$/;
- path = rePath.exec(doc.location.href)[1];
- // "../some/path"
- if (backDir)
- {
- var j = backDir[1].length/3;
- var p;
- while (j-- > 0)
- path = reLastDir.exec(path)[1];
- path += backDir[2];
- }
- else if(src.indexOf("/") != -1)
- {
- // "./some/path"
- if(/^\.\/./.test(src))
- {
- path += src.substring(2);
- }
- // "/some/path"
- else if(/^\/./.test(src))
- {
- var domain = /^(\w+:\/\/[^\/]+)/.exec(path);
- path = domain[1] + src;
- }
- // "some/path"
- else
- {
- path += src;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var m = path && path.match(/([^\/]+)\/$/) || null;
- if (path && m)
- {
- return path + fileName;
- }
-var getFileName = function getFileName(path)
- if (!path) return "";
- var match = path && path.match(/[^\/]+(\?.*)?(#.*)?$/);
- return match && match[0] || path;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var ElementCache = Firebug.Lite.Cache.Element;
-var insertSliceSize = 18;
-var insertInterval = 40;
-var ignoreVars =
- "__firebug__": 1,
- "eval": 1,
- // We are forced to ignore Java-related variables, because
- // trying to access them causes browser freeze
- "java": 1,
- "sun": 1,
- "Packages": 1,
- "JavaArray": 1,
- "JavaMember": 1,
- "JavaObject": 1,
- "JavaClass": 1,
- "JavaPackage": 1,
- "_firebug": 1,
- "_FirebugConsole": 1,
- "_FirebugCommandLine": 1
-if (Firebug.ignoreFirebugElements)
- ignoreVars[Firebug.Lite.Cache.ID] = 1;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-var memberPanelRep =
- isIE6 ?
- {"class": "memberLabel $member.type\\Label", href: "javacript:void(0)"}
- :
- {"class": "memberLabel $member.type\\Label"};
-var RowTag =
- TR({"class": "memberRow $ $member.type\\Row", $hasChildren: "$member.hasChildren", role : 'presentation',
- level: "$member.level"},
- TD({"class": "memberLabelCell", style: "padding-left: $member.indent\\px", role : 'presentation'},
- A(memberPanelRep,
- SPAN({}, "$")
- )
- ),
- TD({"class": "memberValueCell", role : 'presentation'},
- TAG("$member.tag", {object: "$member.value"})
- )
- );
-var WatchRowTag =
- TR({"class": "watchNewRow", level: 0},
- TD({"class": "watchEditCell", colspan: 2},
- DIV({"class": "watchEditBox a11yFocusNoTab", role: "button", 'tabindex' : '0',
- 'aria-label' : $STR('press enter to add new watch expression')},
- $STR("NewWatch")
- )
- )
- );
-var SizerRow =
- TR({role : 'presentation'},
- TD({width: "30%"}),
- TD({width: "70%"})
- );
-var domTableClass = isIElt8 ? "domTable domTableIE" : "domTable";
-var DirTablePlate = domplate(Firebug.Rep,
- tag:
- TABLE({"class": domTableClass, cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0, onclick: "$onClick", role :"tree"},
- TBODY({role: 'presentation'},
- SizerRow,
- FOR("member", "$object|memberIterator", RowTag)
- )
- ),
- watchTag:
- TABLE({"class": domTableClass, cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0,
- _toggles: "$toggles", _domPanel: "$domPanel", onclick: "$onClick", role : 'tree'},
- TBODY({role : 'presentation'},
- SizerRow,
- WatchRowTag
- )
- ),
- tableTag:
- TABLE({"class": domTableClass, cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0,
- _toggles: "$toggles", _domPanel: "$domPanel", onclick: "$onClick", role : 'tree'},
- TBODY({role : 'presentation'},
- SizerRow
- )
- ),
- rowTag:
- FOR("member", "$members", RowTag),
- memberIterator: function(object, level)
- {
- return getMembers(object, level);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- onClick: function(event)
- {
- if (!isLeftClick(event))
- return;
- var target = || event.srcElement;
- var row = getAncestorByClass(target, "memberRow");
- var label = getAncestorByClass(target, "memberLabel");
- if (label && hasClass(row, "hasChildren"))
- {
- var row = label.parentNode.parentNode;
- this.toggleRow(row);
- }
- else
- {
- var object = Firebug.getRepObject(target);
- if (typeof(object) == "function")
- {
-, "script");
- cancelEvent(event);
- }
- else if (event.detail == 2 && !object)
- {
- var panel = row.parentNode.parentNode.domPanel;
- if (panel)
- {
- var rowValue = panel.getRowPropertyValue(row);
- if (typeof(rowValue) == "boolean")
- panel.setPropertyValue(row, !rowValue);
- else
- panel.editProperty(row);
- cancelEvent(event);
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- toggleRow: function(row)
- {
- var level = parseInt(row.getAttribute("level"));
- var toggles = row.parentNode.parentNode.toggles;
- if (hasClass(row, "opened"))
- {
- removeClass(row, "opened");
- if (toggles)
- {
- var path = getPath(row);
- // Remove the path from the toggle tree
- for (var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i)
- {
- if (i == path.length-1)
- delete toggles[path[i]];
- else
- toggles = toggles[path[i]];
- }
- }
- var rowTag = this.rowTag;
- var tbody = row.parentNode;
- setTimeout(function()
- {
- for (var firstRow = row.nextSibling; firstRow; firstRow = row.nextSibling)
- {
- if (parseInt(firstRow.getAttribute("level")) <= level)
- break;
- tbody.removeChild(firstRow);
- }
- }, row.insertTimeout ? row.insertTimeout : 0);
- }
- else
- {
- setClass(row, "opened");
- if (toggles)
- {
- var path = getPath(row);
- // Mark the path in the toggle tree
- for (var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i)
- {
- var name = path[i];
- if (toggles.hasOwnProperty(name))
- toggles = toggles[name];
- else
- toggles = toggles[name] = {};
- }
- }
- var value = row.lastChild.firstChild.repObject;
- var members = getMembers(value, level+1);
- var rowTag = this.rowTag;
- var lastRow = row;
- var delay = 0;
- //var setSize = members.length;
- //var rowCount = 1;
- while (members.length)
- {
- with({slice: members.splice(0, insertSliceSize), isLast: !members.length})
- {
- setTimeout(function()
- {
- if (lastRow.parentNode)
- {
- var result = rowTag.insertRows({members: slice}, lastRow);
- lastRow = result[1];
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onMemberRowSliceAdded', [null, result, rowCount, setSize]);
- //rowCount += insertSliceSize;
- }
- if (isLast)
- row.removeAttribute("insertTimeout");
- }, delay);
- }
- delay += insertInterval;
- }
- row.insertTimeout = delay;
- }
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-Firebug.DOMBasePanel = function() {};
-Firebug.DOMBasePanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.Panel,
- tag: DirTablePlate.tableTag,
- getRealObject: function(object)
- {
- // TODO: Move this to some global location
- // TODO: Unwrapping should be centralized rather than sprinkling it around ad hoc.
- // TODO: We might be able to make this check more authoritative with QueryInterface.
- if (!object) return object;
- if (object.wrappedJSObject) return object.wrappedJSObject;
- return object;
- },
- rebuild: function(update, scrollTop)
- {
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onBeforeDomUpdateSelection', [this]);
- var members = getMembers(this.selection);
- expandMembers(members, this.toggles, 0, 0);
- this.showMembers(members, update, scrollTop);
- //TODO: xxxpedro statusbar
- if (!this.parentPanel)
- updateStatusBar(this);
- },
- showMembers: function(members, update, scrollTop)
- {
- // If we are still in the midst of inserting rows, cancel all pending
- // insertions here - this is a big speedup when stepping in the debugger
- if (this.timeouts)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.timeouts.length; ++i)
- this.context.clearTimeout(this.timeouts[i]);
- delete this.timeouts;
- }
- if (!members.length)
- return this.showEmptyMembers();
- var panelNode = this.panelNode;
- var priorScrollTop = scrollTop == undefined ? panelNode.scrollTop : scrollTop;
- // If we are asked to "update" the current view, then build the new table
- // offscreen and swap it in when it's done
- var offscreen = update && panelNode.firstChild;
- var dest = offscreen ? panelNode.ownerDocument : panelNode;
- var table = this.tag.replace({domPanel: this, toggles: this.toggles}, dest);
- var tbody = table.lastChild;
- var rowTag = DirTablePlate.rowTag;
- // Insert the first slice immediately
- //var slice = members.splice(0, insertSliceSize);
- //var result = rowTag.insertRows({members: slice}, tbody.lastChild);
- //var setSize = members.length;
- //var rowCount = 1;
- var panel = this;
- var result;
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onMemberRowSliceAdded', [panel, result, rowCount, setSize]);
- var timeouts = [];
- var delay = 0;
- // enable to measure rendering performance
- var renderStart = new Date().getTime();
- while (members.length)
- {
- with({slice: members.splice(0, insertSliceSize), isLast: !members.length})
- {
- timeouts.push(this.context.setTimeout(function()
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro can this be a timing error related to the
- // "iteration number" approach insted of "duration time"?
- // avoid error in IE8
- if (!tbody.lastChild) return;
- result = rowTag.insertRows({members: slice}, tbody.lastChild);
- //rowCount += insertSliceSize;
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onMemberRowSliceAdded', [panel, result, rowCount, setSize]);
- if ((panelNode.scrollHeight+panelNode.offsetHeight) >= priorScrollTop)
- panelNode.scrollTop = priorScrollTop;
- // enable to measure rendering performance
- //if (isLast) alert(new Date().getTime() - renderStart + "ms");
- }, delay));
- delay += insertInterval;
- }
- }
- if (offscreen)
- {
- timeouts.push(this.context.setTimeout(function()
- {
- if (panelNode.firstChild)
- panelNode.replaceChild(table, panelNode.firstChild);
- else
- panelNode.appendChild(table);
- // Scroll back to where we were before
- panelNode.scrollTop = priorScrollTop;
- }, delay));
- }
- else
- {
- timeouts.push(this.context.setTimeout(function()
- {
- panelNode.scrollTop = scrollTop == undefined ? 0 : scrollTop;
- }, delay));
- }
- this.timeouts = timeouts;
- },
- /*
- // new
- showMembers: function(members, update, scrollTop)
- {
- // If we are still in the midst of inserting rows, cancel all pending
- // insertions here - this is a big speedup when stepping in the debugger
- if (this.timeouts)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.timeouts.length; ++i)
- this.context.clearTimeout(this.timeouts[i]);
- delete this.timeouts;
- }
- if (!members.length)
- return this.showEmptyMembers();
- var panelNode = this.panelNode;
- var priorScrollTop = scrollTop == undefined ? panelNode.scrollTop : scrollTop;
- // If we are asked to "update" the current view, then build the new table
- // offscreen and swap it in when it's done
- var offscreen = update && panelNode.firstChild;
- var dest = offscreen ? panelNode.ownerDocument : panelNode;
- var table = this.tag.replace({domPanel: this, toggles: this.toggles}, dest);
- var tbody = table.lastChild;
- var rowTag = DirTablePlate.rowTag;
- // Insert the first slice immediately
- //var slice = members.splice(0, insertSliceSize);
- //var result = rowTag.insertRows({members: slice}, tbody.lastChild);
- //var setSize = members.length;
- //var rowCount = 1;
- var panel = this;
- var result;
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onMemberRowSliceAdded', [panel, result, rowCount, setSize]);
- var timeouts = [];
- var delay = 0;
- var _insertSliceSize = insertSliceSize;
- var _insertInterval = insertInterval;
- // enable to measure rendering performance
- var renderStart = new Date().getTime();
- var lastSkip = renderStart, now;
- while (members.length)
- {
- with({slice: members.splice(0, _insertSliceSize), isLast: !members.length})
- {
- var _tbody = tbody;
- var _rowTag = rowTag;
- var _panelNode = panelNode;
- var _priorScrollTop = priorScrollTop;
- timeouts.push(this.context.setTimeout(function()
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro can this be a timing error related to the
- // "iteration number" approach insted of "duration time"?
- // avoid error in IE8
- if (!_tbody.lastChild) return;
- result = _rowTag.insertRows({members: slice}, _tbody.lastChild);
- //rowCount += _insertSliceSize;
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onMemberRowSliceAdded', [panel, result, rowCount, setSize]);
- if ((_panelNode.scrollHeight + _panelNode.offsetHeight) >= _priorScrollTop)
- _panelNode.scrollTop = _priorScrollTop;
- // enable to measure rendering performance
- //alert("gap: " + (new Date().getTime() - lastSkip));
- //lastSkip = new Date().getTime();
- //if (isLast) alert("new: " + (new Date().getTime() - renderStart) + "ms");
- }, delay));
- delay += _insertInterval;
- }
- }
- if (offscreen)
- {
- timeouts.push(this.context.setTimeout(function()
- {
- if (panelNode.firstChild)
- panelNode.replaceChild(table, panelNode.firstChild);
- else
- panelNode.appendChild(table);
- // Scroll back to where we were before
- panelNode.scrollTop = priorScrollTop;
- }, delay));
- }
- else
- {
- timeouts.push(this.context.setTimeout(function()
- {
- panelNode.scrollTop = scrollTop == undefined ? 0 : scrollTop;
- }, delay));
- }
- this.timeouts = timeouts;
- },
- /**/
- showEmptyMembers: function()
- {
- FirebugReps.Warning.tag.replace({object: "NoMembersWarning"}, this.panelNode);
- },
- findPathObject: function(object)
- {
- var pathIndex = -1;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.objectPath.length; ++i)
- {
- // IE needs === instead of == or otherwise some objects will
- // be considered equal to different objects, returning the
- // wrong index of the objectPath array
- if (this.getPathObject(i) === object)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- },
- getPathObject: function(index)
- {
- var object = this.objectPath[index];
- if (object instanceof Property)
- return object.getObject();
- else
- return object;
- },
- getRowObject: function(row)
- {
- var object = getRowOwnerObject(row);
- return object ? object : this.selection;
- },
- getRowPropertyValue: function(row)
- {
- var object = this.getRowObject(row);
- object = this.getRealObject(object);
- if (object)
- {
- var propName = getRowName(row);
- if (object instanceof jsdIStackFrame)
- return Firebug.Debugger.evaluate(propName, this.context);
- else
- return object[propName];
- }
- },
- /*
- copyProperty: function(row)
- {
- var value = this.getRowPropertyValue(row);
- copyToClipboard(value);
- },
- editProperty: function(row, editValue)
- {
- if (hasClass(row, "watchNewRow"))
- {
- if (this.context.stopped)
- Firebug.Editor.startEditing(row, "");
- else if (Firebug.Console.isAlwaysEnabled()) // not stopped in debugger, need command line
- {
- if (Firebug.CommandLine.onCommandLineFocus())
- Firebug.Editor.startEditing(row, "");
- else
- row.innerHTML = $STR("warning.Command line blocked?");
- }
- else
- row.innerHTML = $STR("warning.Console must be enabled");
- }
- else if (hasClass(row, "watchRow"))
- Firebug.Editor.startEditing(row, getRowName(row));
- else
- {
- var object = this.getRowObject(row);
- this.context.thisValue = object;
- if (!editValue)
- {
- var propValue = this.getRowPropertyValue(row);
- var type = typeof(propValue);
- if (type == "undefined" || type == "number" || type == "boolean")
- editValue = propValue;
- else if (type == "string")
- editValue = "\"" + escapeJS(propValue) + "\"";
- else if (propValue == null)
- editValue = "null";
- else if (object instanceof Window || object instanceof jsdIStackFrame)
- editValue = getRowName(row);
- else
- editValue = "this." + getRowName(row);
- }
- Firebug.Editor.startEditing(row, editValue);
- }
- },
- deleteProperty: function(row)
- {
- if (hasClass(row, "watchRow"))
- this.deleteWatch(row);
- else
- {
- var object = getRowOwnerObject(row);
- if (!object)
- object = this.selection;
- object = this.getRealObject(object);
- if (object)
- {
- var name = getRowName(row);
- try
- {
- delete object[name];
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- return;
- }
- this.rebuild(true);
- this.markChange();
- }
- }
- },
- setPropertyValue: function(row, value) // value must be string
- {
- if(FBTrace.DBG_DOM)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("row: "+row);
- FBTrace.sysout("value: "+value+" type "+typeof(value), value);
- }
- var name = getRowName(row);
- if (name == "this")
- return;
- var object = this.getRowObject(row);
- object = this.getRealObject(object);
- if (object && !(object instanceof jsdIStackFrame))
- {
- // = unwrappedJSObject
- Firebug.CommandLine.evaluate(value, this.context, object, this.context.getGlobalScope(),
- function success(result, context)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM)
- FBTrace.sysout("setPropertyValue evaluate success object["+name+"]="+result+" type "+typeof(result), result);
- object[name] = result;
- },
- function failed(exc, context)
- {
- try
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM)
- FBTrace.sysout("setPropertyValue evaluate failed with exc:"+exc+" object["+name+"]="+value+" type "+typeof(value), exc);
- // If the value doesn't parse, then just store it as a string. Some users will
- // not realize they're supposed to enter a JavaScript expression and just type
- // literal text
- object[name] = String(value); // = string
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- );
- }
- else if (this.context.stopped)
- {
- try
- {
- Firebug.CommandLine.evaluate(name+"="+value, this.context);
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- try
- {
- // See catch block above...
- object[name] = String(value); // = string
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- this.rebuild(true);
- this.markChange();
- },
- highlightRow: function(row)
- {
- if (this.highlightedRow)
- cancelClassTimed(this.highlightedRow, "jumpHighlight", this.context);
- this.highlightedRow = row;
- if (row)
- setClassTimed(row, "jumpHighlight", this.context);
- },/**/
- onMouseMove: function(event)
- {
- var target = event.srcElement ||;
- var object = getAncestorByClass(target, "objectLink-element");
- object = object ? object.repObject : null;
- if(object && instanceOf(object, "Element") && object.nodeType == 1)
- {
- if(object != lastHighlightedObject)
- {
- Firebug.Inspector.drawBoxModel(object);
- object = lastHighlightedObject;
- }
- }
- else
- Firebug.Inspector.hideBoxModel();
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Panel
- create: function()
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro
- this.context = Firebug.browser;
- this.objectPath = [];
- this.propertyPath = [];
- this.viewPath = [];
- this.pathIndex = -1;
- this.toggles = {};
- Firebug.Panel.create.apply(this, arguments);
- = "0 1px";
- },
- initialize: function(){
- Firebug.Panel.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- addEvent(this.panelNode, "mousemove", this.onMouseMove);
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- removeEvent(this.panelNode, "mousemove", this.onMouseMove);
- Firebug.Panel.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- /*
- destroy: function(state)
- {
- var view = this.viewPath[this.pathIndex];
- if (view && this.panelNode.scrollTop)
- view.scrollTop = this.panelNode.scrollTop;
- if (this.pathIndex)
- state.pathIndex = this.pathIndex;
- if (this.viewPath)
- state.viewPath = this.viewPath;
- if (this.propertyPath)
- state.propertyPath = this.propertyPath;
- if (this.propertyPath.length > 0 && !this.propertyPath[1])
- state.firstSelection = persistObject(this.getPathObject(1), this.context);
- Firebug.Panel.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- /**/
- ishow: function(state)
- {
- if (this.context.loaded && !this.selection)
- {
- if (!state)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (state.viewPath)
- this.viewPath = state.viewPath;
- if (state.propertyPath)
- this.propertyPath = state.propertyPath;
- var defaultObject = this.getDefaultSelection(this.context);
- var selectObject = defaultObject;
- if (state.firstSelection)
- {
- var restored = state.firstSelection(this.context);
- if (restored)
- {
- selectObject = restored;
- this.objectPath = [defaultObject, restored];
- }
- else
- this.objectPath = [defaultObject];
- }
- else
- this.objectPath = [defaultObject];
- if (this.propertyPath.length > 1)
- {
- for (var i = 1; i < this.propertyPath.length; ++i)
- {
- var name = this.propertyPath[i];
- if (!name)
- continue;
- var object = selectObject;
- try
- {
- selectObject = object[name];
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- selectObject = null;
- }
- if (selectObject)
- {
- this.objectPath.push(new Property(object, name));
- }
- else
- {
- // If we can't access a property, just stop
- this.viewPath.splice(i);
- this.propertyPath.splice(i);
- this.objectPath.splice(i);
- selectObject = this.getPathObject(this.objectPath.length-1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- var selection = state.pathIndex <= this.objectPath.length-1
- ? this.getPathObject(state.pathIndex)
- : this.getPathObject(this.objectPath.length-1);
- }
- },
- /*
- hide: function()
- {
- var view = this.viewPath[this.pathIndex];
- if (view && this.panelNode.scrollTop)
- view.scrollTop = this.panelNode.scrollTop;
- },
- /**/
- supportsObject: function(object)
- {
- if (object == null)
- return 1000;
- if (typeof(object) == "undefined")
- return 1000;
- else if (object instanceof SourceLink)
- return 0;
- else
- return 1; // just agree to support everything but not agressively.
- },
- refresh: function()
- {
- this.rebuild(true);
- },
- updateSelection: function(object)
- {
- var previousIndex = this.pathIndex;
- var previousView = previousIndex == -1 ? null : this.viewPath[previousIndex];
- var newPath = this.pathToAppend;
- delete this.pathToAppend;
- var pathIndex = this.findPathObject(object);
- if (newPath || pathIndex == -1)
- {
- this.toggles = {};
- if (newPath)
- {
- // Remove everything after the point where we are inserting, so we
- // essentially replace it with the new path
- if (previousView)
- {
- if (this.panelNode.scrollTop)
- previousView.scrollTop = this.panelNode.scrollTop;
- var start = previousIndex + 1,
- // Opera needs the length argument in splice(), otherwise
- // it will consider that only one element should be removed
- length = this.objectPath.length - start;
- this.objectPath.splice(start, length);
- this.propertyPath.splice(start, length);
- this.viewPath.splice(start, length);
- }
- var value = this.getPathObject(previousIndex);
- if (!value)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("dom.updateSelection no pathObject for "+previousIndex+"\n");
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 0, length = newPath.length; i < length; ++i)
- {
- var name = newPath[i];
- var object = value;
- try
- {
- value = value[name];
- }
- catch(exc)
- {
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS)
- FBTrace.sysout("dom.updateSelection FAILS at path_i="+i+" for name:"+name+"\n");
- return;
- }
- ++this.pathIndex;
- this.objectPath.push(new Property(object, name));
- this.propertyPath.push(name);
- this.viewPath.push({toggles: this.toggles, scrollTop: 0});
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.toggles = {};
- var win = Firebug.browser.window;
- //var win = this.context.getGlobalScope();
- if (object === win)
- {
- this.pathIndex = 0;
- this.objectPath = [win];
- this.propertyPath = [null];
- this.viewPath = [{toggles: this.toggles, scrollTop: 0}];
- }
- else
- {
- this.pathIndex = 1;
- this.objectPath = [win, object];
- this.propertyPath = [null, null];
- this.viewPath = [
- {toggles: {}, scrollTop: 0},
- {toggles: this.toggles, scrollTop: 0}
- ];
- }
- }
- this.panelNode.scrollTop = 0;
- this.rebuild();
- }
- else
- {
- this.pathIndex = pathIndex;
- var view = this.viewPath[pathIndex];
- this.toggles = view.toggles;
- // Persist the current scroll location
- if (previousView && this.panelNode.scrollTop)
- previousView.scrollTop = this.panelNode.scrollTop;
- this.rebuild(false, view.scrollTop);
- }
- },
- getObjectPath: function(object)
- {
- return this.objectPath;
- },
- getDefaultSelection: function()
- {
- return Firebug.browser.window;
- //return this.context.getGlobalScope();
- }/*,
- updateOption: function(name, value)
- {
- const optionMap = {showUserProps: 1, showUserFuncs: 1, showDOMProps: 1,
- showDOMFuncs: 1, showDOMConstants: 1};
- if ( optionMap.hasOwnProperty(name) )
- this.rebuild(true);
- },
- getOptionsMenuItems: function()
- {
- return [
- optionMenu("ShowUserProps", "showUserProps"),
- optionMenu("ShowUserFuncs", "showUserFuncs"),
- optionMenu("ShowDOMProps", "showDOMProps"),
- optionMenu("ShowDOMFuncs", "showDOMFuncs"),
- optionMenu("ShowDOMConstants", "showDOMConstants"),
- "-",
- {label: "Refresh", command: bindFixed(this.rebuild, this, true) }
- ];
- },
- getContextMenuItems: function(object, target)
- {
- var row = getAncestorByClass(target, "memberRow");
- var items = [];
- if (row)
- {
- var rowName = getRowName(row);
- var rowObject = this.getRowObject(row);
- var rowValue = this.getRowPropertyValue(row);
- var isWatch = hasClass(row, "watchRow");
- var isStackFrame = rowObject instanceof jsdIStackFrame;
- if (typeof(rowValue) == "string" || typeof(rowValue) == "number")
- {
- // Functions already have a copy item in their context menu
- items.push(
- "-",
- {label: "CopyValue",
- command: bindFixed(this.copyProperty, this, row) }
- );
- }
- items.push(
- "-",
- {label: isWatch ? "EditWatch" : (isStackFrame ? "EditVariable" : "EditProperty"),
- command: bindFixed(this.editProperty, this, row) }
- );
- if (isWatch || (!isStackFrame && !isDOMMember(rowObject, rowName)))
- {
- items.push(
- {label: isWatch ? "DeleteWatch" : "DeleteProperty",
- command: bindFixed(this.deleteProperty, this, row) }
- );
- }
- }
- items.push(
- "-",
- {label: "Refresh", command: bindFixed(this.rebuild, this, true) }
- );
- return items;
- },
- getEditor: function(target, value)
- {
- if (!this.editor)
- this.editor = new DOMEditor(this.document);
- return this.editor;
- }/**/
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// TODO: xxxpedro statusbar
-var updateStatusBar = function(panel)
- var path = panel.propertyPath;
- var index = panel.pathIndex;
- var r = [];
- for (var i=0, l=path.length; i<l; i++)
- {
- r.push(i==index ? '<a class="fbHover fbButton fbBtnSelected" ' : '<a class="fbHover fbButton" ');
- r.push('pathIndex=');
- r.push(i);
- if(isIE6)
- r.push(' href="javascript:void(0)"');
- r.push('>');
- r.push(i==0 ? "window" : path[i] || "Object");
- r.push('</a>');
- if(i < l-1)
- r.push('<span class="fbStatusSeparator">&gt;</span>');
- }
- panel.statusBarNode.innerHTML = r.join("");
-var DOMMainPanel = Firebug.DOMPanel = function () {};
-Firebug.DOMPanel.DirTable = DirTablePlate;
-DOMMainPanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.DOMBasePanel.prototype,
- onClickStatusBar: function(event)
- {
- var target = event.srcElement ||;
- var element = getAncestorByClass(target, "fbHover");
- if(element)
- {
- var pathIndex = element.getAttribute("pathIndex");
- if(pathIndex)
- {
- }
- }
- },
- selectRow: function(row, target)
- {
- if (!target)
- target = row.lastChild.firstChild;
- if (!target || !target.repObject)
- return;
- this.pathToAppend = getPath(row);
- // If the object is inside an array, look up its index
- var valueBox = row.lastChild.firstChild;
- if (hasClass(valueBox, "objectBox-array"))
- {
- var arrayIndex = FirebugReps.Arr.getItemIndex(target);
- this.pathToAppend.push(arrayIndex);
- }
- // Make sure we get a fresh status path for the object, since otherwise
- // it might find the object in the existing path and not refresh it
- //;
-, true);
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- onClick: function(event)
- {
- var target = event.srcElement ||;
- var repNode = Firebug.getRepNode(target);
- if (repNode)
- {
- var row = getAncestorByClass(target, "memberRow");
- if (row)
- {
- this.selectRow(row, repNode);
- cancelEvent(event);
- }
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Panel
- name: "DOM",
- title: "DOM",
- searchable: true,
- statusSeparator: ">",
- options: {
- hasToolButtons: true,
- hasStatusBar: true
- },
- create: function()
- {
- Firebug.DOMBasePanel.prototype.create.apply(this, arguments);
- this.onClick = bind(this.onClick, this);
- //TODO: xxxpedro
- this.onClickStatusBar = bind(this.onClickStatusBar, this);
- = "0 1px";
- },
- initialize: function(oldPanelNode)
- {
- //this.panelNode.addEventListener("click", this.onClick, false);
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onInitializeNode', [this, 'console']);
- Firebug.DOMBasePanel.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- addEvent(this.panelNode, "click", this.onClick);
- // TODO: xxxpedro dom
- this.ishow();
- //TODO: xxxpedro
- addEvent(this.statusBarNode, "click", this.onClickStatusBar);
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- //this.panelNode.removeEventListener("click", this.onClick, false);
- //dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onDestroyNode', [this, 'console']);
- removeEvent(this.panelNode, "click", this.onClick);
- Firebug.DOMBasePanel.prototype.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- }/*,
- search: function(text, reverse)
- {
- if (!text)
- {
- delete this.currentSearch;
- this.highlightRow(null);
- return false;
- }
- var row;
- if (this.currentSearch && text == this.currentSearch.text)
- row = this.currentSearch.findNext(true, undefined, reverse, Firebug.searchCaseSensitive);
- else
- {
- function findRow(node) { return getAncestorByClass(node, "memberRow"); }
- this.currentSearch = new TextSearch(this.panelNode, findRow);
- row = this.currentSearch.find(text, reverse, Firebug.searchCaseSensitive);
- }
- if (row)
- {
- var sel = this.document.defaultView.getSelection();
- sel.removeAllRanges();
- sel.addRange(this.currentSearch.range);
- scrollIntoCenterView(row, this.panelNode);
- this.highlightRow(row);
- dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onDomSearchMatchFound', [this, text, row]);
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- dispatch([Firebug.A11yModel], 'onDomSearchMatchFound', [this, text, null]);
- return false;
- }
- }/**/
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Local Helpers
-var getMembers = function getMembers(object, level) // we expect object to be user-level object wrapped in security blanket
- if (!level)
- level = 0;
- var ordinals = [], userProps = [], userClasses = [], userFuncs = [],
- domProps = [], domFuncs = [], domConstants = [];
- try
- {
- var domMembers = getDOMMembers(object);
- //var domMembers = {}; // TODO: xxxpedro
- //var domConstantMap = {}; // TODO: xxxpedro
- if (object.wrappedJSObject)
- var insecureObject = object.wrappedJSObject;
- else
- var insecureObject = object;
- // IE function prototype is not listed in (
- if (isIE && isFunction(object))
- addMember("user", userProps, "prototype", object.prototype, level);
- for (var name in insecureObject) // enumeration is safe
- {
- if (ignoreVars[name] == 1) // javascript.options.strict says ignoreVars is undefined.
- continue;
- var val;
- try
- {
- val = insecureObject[name]; // getter is safe
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // Sometimes we get exceptions trying to access certain members
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS && FBTrace.DBG_DOM)
- FBTrace.sysout("dom.getMembers cannot access "+name, exc);
- }
- var ordinal = parseInt(name);
- if (ordinal || ordinal == 0)
- {
- addMember("ordinal", ordinals, name, val, level);
- }
- else if (isFunction(val))
- {
- if (isClassFunction(val) && !(name in domMembers))
- addMember("userClass", userClasses, name, val, level);
- else if (name in domMembers)
- addMember("domFunction", domFuncs, name, val, level, domMembers[name]);
- else
- addMember("userFunction", userFuncs, name, val, level);
- }
- else
- {
- //TODO: xxxpedro
- /*
- var getterFunction = insecureObject.__lookupGetter__(name),
- setterFunction = insecureObject.__lookupSetter__(name),
- prefix = "";
- if(getterFunction && !setterFunction)
- prefix = "get ";
- /**/
- var prefix = "";
- if (name in domMembers && !(name in domConstantMap))
- addMember("dom", domProps, (prefix+name), val, level, domMembers[name]);
- else if (name in domConstantMap)
- addMember("dom", domConstants, (prefix+name), val, level);
- else
- addMember("user", userProps, (prefix+name), val, level);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- // Sometimes we get exceptions just from trying to iterate the members
- // of certain objects, like StorageList, but don't let that gum up the works
- throw exc;
- if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS && FBTrace.DBG_DOM)
- FBTrace.sysout("dom.getMembers FAILS: ", exc);
- //throw exc;
- }
- function sortName(a, b) { return > ? 1 : -1; }
- function sortOrder(a, b) { return a.order > b.order ? 1 : -1; }
- var members = [];
- members.push.apply(members, ordinals);
- Firebug.showUserProps = true; // TODO: xxxpedro
- Firebug.showUserFuncs = true; // TODO: xxxpedro
- Firebug.showDOMProps = true;
- Firebug.showDOMFuncs = true;
- Firebug.showDOMConstants = true;
- if (Firebug.showUserProps)
- {
- userProps.sort(sortName);
- members.push.apply(members, userProps);
- }
- if (Firebug.showUserFuncs)
- {
- userClasses.sort(sortName);
- members.push.apply(members, userClasses);
- userFuncs.sort(sortName);
- members.push.apply(members, userFuncs);
- }
- if (Firebug.showDOMProps)
- {
- domProps.sort(sortName);
- members.push.apply(members, domProps);
- }
- if (Firebug.showDOMFuncs)
- {
- domFuncs.sort(sortName);
- members.push.apply(members, domFuncs);
- }
- if (Firebug.showDOMConstants)
- members.push.apply(members, domConstants);
- return members;
-function expandMembers(members, toggles, offset, level) // recursion starts with offset=0, level=0
- var expanded = 0;
- for (var i = offset; i < members.length; ++i)
- {
- var member = members[i];
- if (member.level > level)
- break;
- if ( toggles.hasOwnProperty( )
- {
- = "opened"; // member.level <= level && in toggles.
- var newMembers = getMembers(member.value, level+1); // sets newMembers.level to level+1
- var args = [i+1, 0];
- args.push.apply(args, newMembers);
- members.splice.apply(members, args);
- /*
- if (FBTrace.DBG_DOM)
- {
- FBTrace.sysout("expandMembers",;
- FBTrace.sysout("expandMembers toggles", toggles);
- FBTrace.sysout("expandMembers toggles[]", toggles[]);
- FBTrace.sysout("dom.expandedMembers level: "+level+" member", member);
- }
- /**/
- expanded += newMembers.length;
- i += newMembers.length + expandMembers(members, toggles[], i+1, level+1);
- }
- }
- return expanded;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-function isClassFunction(fn)
- try
- {
- for (var name in fn.prototype)
- return true;
- } catch (exc) {}
- return false;
-// FIXME: xxxpedro This function is already defined in Lib. If we keep this definition here, it
-// will crash IE9 when not running the IE Developer Tool with JavaScript Debugging enabled!!!
-// Check if this function is in fact defined in Firebug for Firefox. If so, we should remove
-// this from here. The only difference of this function is the IE hack to show up the prototype
-// of functions, but Firebug no longer shows the prototype for simple functions.
-//var hasProperties = function hasProperties(ob)
-// try
-// {
-// for (var name in ob)
-// return true;
-// } catch (exc) {}
-// // IE function prototype is not listed in (
-// if (isFunction(ob)) return true;
-// return false;
-FBL.ErrorCopy = function(message)
- this.message = message;
-var addMember = function addMember(type, props, name, value, level, order)
- var rep = Firebug.getRep(value); // do this first in case a call to instanceof reveals contents
- var tag = rep.shortTag ? rep.shortTag : rep.tag;
- var ErrorCopy = function(){}; //TODO: xxxpedro
- var valueType = typeof(value);
- var hasChildren = hasProperties(value) && !(value instanceof ErrorCopy) &&
- (isFunction(value) || (valueType == "object" && value != null)
- || (valueType == "string" && value.length > Firebug.stringCropLength));
- props.push({
- name: name,
- value: value,
- type: type,
- rowClass: "memberRow-"+type,
- open: "",
- order: order,
- level: level,
- indent: level*16,
- hasChildren: hasChildren,
- tag: tag
- });
-var getWatchRowIndex = function getWatchRowIndex(row)
- var index = -1;
- for (; row && hasClass(row, "watchRow"); row = row.previousSibling)
- ++index;
- return index;
-var getRowName = function getRowName(row)
- var node = row.firstChild;
- return node.textContent ? node.textContent : node.innerText;
-var getRowValue = function getRowValue(row)
- return row.lastChild.firstChild.repObject;
-var getRowOwnerObject = function getRowOwnerObject(row)
- var parentRow = getParentRow(row);
- if (parentRow)
- return getRowValue(parentRow);
-var getParentRow = function getParentRow(row)
- var level = parseInt(row.getAttribute("level"))-1;
- for (row = row.previousSibling; row; row = row.previousSibling)
- {
- if (parseInt(row.getAttribute("level")) == level)
- return row;
- }
-var getPath = function getPath(row)
- var name = getRowName(row);
- var path = [name];
- var level = parseInt(row.getAttribute("level"))-1;
- for (row = row.previousSibling; row; row = row.previousSibling)
- {
- if (parseInt(row.getAttribute("level")) == level)
- {
- var name = getRowName(row);
- path.splice(0, 0, name);
- --level;
- }
- }
- return path;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// DOM Module
-Firebug.DOM = extend(Firebug.Module,
- getPanel: function()
- {
- return ?"DOM") : null;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// DOM Panel
-var lastHighlightedObject;
-function DOMSidePanel(){};
-DOMSidePanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.DOMBasePanel.prototype,
- selectRow: function(row, target)
- {
- if (!target)
- target = row.lastChild.firstChild;
- if (!target || !target.repObject)
- return;
- this.pathToAppend = getPath(row);
- // If the object is inside an array, look up its index
- var valueBox = row.lastChild.firstChild;
- if (hasClass(valueBox, "objectBox-array"))
- {
- var arrayIndex = FirebugReps.Arr.getItemIndex(target);
- this.pathToAppend.push(arrayIndex);
- }
- // Make sure we get a fresh status path for the object, since otherwise
- // it might find the object in the existing path and not refresh it
- //;
- var object = target.repObject;
- if (instanceOf(object, "Element"))
- {
- Firebug.HTML.selectTreeNode(ElementCache(object));
- }
- else
- {
-"DOM").select(object, true);
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- onClick: function(event)
- {
- /*
- var target = event.srcElement ||;
- var object = getAncestorByClass(target, "objectLink");
- object = object ? object.repObject : null;
- if(!object) return;
- if (instanceOf(object, "Element"))
- {
- Firebug.HTML.selectTreeNode(ElementCache(object));
- }
- else
- {
-"DOM").select(object, true);
- }
- /**/
- var target = event.srcElement ||;
- var repNode = Firebug.getRepNode(target);
- if (repNode)
- {
- var row = getAncestorByClass(target, "memberRow");
- if (row)
- {
- this.selectRow(row, repNode);
- cancelEvent(event);
- }
- }
- /**/
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // extends Panel
- name: "DOMSidePanel",
- parentPanel: "HTML",
- title: "DOM",
- options: {
- hasToolButtons: true
- },
- isInitialized: false,
- create: function()
- {
- Firebug.DOMBasePanel.prototype.create.apply(this, arguments);
- this.onClick = bind(this.onClick, this);
- },
- initialize: function(){
- Firebug.DOMBasePanel.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- addEvent(this.panelNode, "click", this.onClick);
- // TODO: xxxpedro css2
- var selection = ElementCache.get(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId);
- if (selection)
-, true);
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- removeEvent(this.panelNode, "click", this.onClick);
- Firebug.DOMBasePanel.prototype.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- reattach: function(oldChrome)
- {
- //this.isInitialized = oldChrome.getPanel("DOM").isInitialized;
- this.toggles = oldChrome.getPanel("DOMSidePanel").toggles;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.FBTrace = {};
-(function() {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-var traceOptions = {
- DBG_CSS: 1
-this.module = null;
-this.initialize = function()
- if (!this.messageQueue)
- this.messageQueue = [];
- for (var name in traceOptions)
- this[name] = traceOptions[name];
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// FBTrace API
-this.sysout = function()
- return this.logFormatted(arguments, "");
-this.dumpProperties = function(title, object)
- return this.logFormatted("dumpProperties() not supported.", "warning");
-this.dumpStack = function()
- return this.logFormatted("dumpStack() not supported.", "warning");
-this.flush = function(module)
- this.module = module;
- var queue = this.messageQueue;
- this.messageQueue = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; ++i)
- this.writeMessage(queue[i][0], queue[i][1], queue[i][2]);
-this.getPanel = function()
- return this.module ? this.module.getPanel() : null;
-this.logFormatted = function(objects, className)
- var html = this.DBG_TIMESTAMP ? [getTimestamp(), " | "] : [];
- var length = objects.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- {
- appendText(" ", html);
- var object = objects[i];
- if (i == 0)
- {
- html.push("<b>");
- appendText(object, html);
- html.push("</b>");
- }
- else
- appendText(object, html);
- }
- return this.logRow(html, className);
-this.logRow = function(message, className)
- var panel = this.getPanel();
- if (panel && panel.panelNode)
- this.writeMessage(message, className);
- else
- {
- this.messageQueue.push([message, className]);
- }
- return this.LOG_COMMAND;
-this.writeMessage = function(message, className)
- var container = this.getPanel().containerNode;
- var isScrolledToBottom =
- container.scrollTop + container.offsetHeight >= container.scrollHeight;
-, message, className);
- if (isScrolledToBottom)
- container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight - container.offsetHeight;
-this.appendRow = function(row)
- var container = this.getPanel().panelNode;
- container.appendChild(row);
-this.writeRow = function(message, className)
- var row = this.getPanel().panelNode.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- row.className = "logRow" + (className ? " logRow-"+className : "");
- row.innerHTML = message.join("");
- this.appendRow(row);
-function appendText(object, html)
- html.push(escapeHTML(objectToString(object)));
-function getTimestamp()
- var now = new Date();
- var ms = "" + (now.getMilliseconds() / 1000).toFixed(3);
- ms = ms.substr(2);
- return now.toLocaleTimeString() + "." + ms;
-var HTMLtoEntity =
- "<": "&lt;",
- ">": "&gt;",
- "&": "&amp;",
- "'": "&#39;",
- '"': "&quot;"
-function replaceChars(ch)
- return HTMLtoEntity[ch];
-function escapeHTML(value)
- return (value+"").replace(/[<>&"']/g, replaceChars);
-function objectToString(object)
- try
- {
- return object+"";
- }
- catch (exc)
- {
- return null;
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// If application isn't in trace mode, the FBTrace panel won't be loaded
-if (!Env.Options.enableTrace) return;
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// FBTrace Module
-Firebug.Trace = extend(Firebug.Module,
- getPanel: function()
- {
- return ?"Trace") : null;
- },
- clear: function()
- {
- this.getPanel().panelNode.innerHTML = "";
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// FBTrace Panel
-function TracePanel(){};
-TracePanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.Panel,
- name: "Trace",
- title: "Trace",
- options: {
- hasToolButtons: true,
- innerHTMLSync: true
- },
- create: function(){
- Firebug.Panel.create.apply(this, arguments);
- this.clearButton = new Button({
- caption: "Clear",
- title: "Clear FBTrace logs",
- owner: Firebug.Trace,
- onClick: Firebug.Trace.clear
- });
- },
- initialize: function(){
- Firebug.Panel.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- this.clearButton.initialize();
- },
- shutdown: function()
- {
- this.clearButton.shutdown();
- Firebug.Panel.shutdown.apply(this, arguments);
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-/* See license.txt for terms of usage */
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// ************************************************************************************************
-// Globals
-var modules = [];
-var panelTypes = [];
-var panelTypeMap = {};
-var parentPanelMap = {};
-var registerModule = Firebug.registerModule;
-var registerPanel = Firebug.registerPanel;
-// ************************************************************************************************
- extend: function(fn)
- {
- if ( &&
- {
- var namespace = ns(fn);
-, FBL);
- }
- else
- {
- setTimeout(function(){Firebug.extend(fn);},100);
- }
- },
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- // Registration
- registerModule: function()
- {
- registerModule.apply(Firebug, arguments);
- modules.push.apply(modules, arguments);
- dispatch(modules, "initialize", []);
- if (FBTrace.DBG_INITIALIZE) FBTrace.sysout("Firebug.registerModule");
- },
- registerPanel: function()
- {
- registerPanel.apply(Firebug, arguments);
- panelTypes.push.apply(panelTypes, arguments);
- for (var i = 0, panelType; panelType = arguments[i]; ++i)
- {
- // TODO: xxxpedro investigate why Dev Panel throws an error
- if ( == "Dev") continue;
- panelTypeMap[] = arguments[i];
- var parentPanelName = panelType.prototype.parentPanel;
- if (parentPanelName)
- {
- parentPanelMap[parentPanelName] = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- var panelName =;
- var chrome =;
- chrome.addPanel(panelName);
- // tab click handler
- var onTabClick = function onTabClick()
- {
- chrome.selectPanel(panelName);
- return false;
- };
- chrome.addController([chrome.panelMap[panelName].tabNode, "mousedown", onTabClick]);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
- FBTrace.sysout("Firebug.registerPanel", arguments[i];
- }
-// ************************************************************************************************
-FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) {
-// ************************************************************************************************
-FirebugChrome.Skin =
- CSS: '.obscured{left:-999999px !important;}.collapsed{display:none;}[collapsed="true"]{display:none;}#fbCSS{padding:0 !important;}.cssPropDisable{float:left;display:block;width:2em;cursor:default;}.infoTip{z-index:2147483647;position:fixed;padding:2px 3px;border:1px solid #CBE087;background:LightYellow;font-family:Monaco,monospace;color:#000000;display:none;white-space:nowrap;pointer-events:none;}.infoTip[active="true"]{display:block;}.infoTipLoading{width:16px;height:16px;background:url( no-repeat;}.infoTipImageBox{font-size:11px;min-width:100px;text-align:center;}.infoTipCaption{font-size:11px;font:Monaco,monospace;}.infoTipLoading > .infoTipImage,.infoTipLoading > .infoTipCaption{display:none;}h1.groupHeader{padding:2px 4px;margin:0 0 4px 0;border-top:1px solid #CCCCCC;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;background:#eee url( repeat-x;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;_position:relative;}.inlineEditor,.fixedWidthEditor{z-index:2147483647;position:absolute;display:none;}.inlineEditor{margin-left:-6px;margin-top:-3px;}.textEditorInner,.fixedWidthEditor{margin:0 0 0 0 !important;padding:0;border:none !important;font:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;background-color:#FFFFFF;}.fixedWidthEditor{border-top:1px solid #888888 !important;border-bottom:1px solid #888888 !important;}.textEditorInner{position:relative;top:-7px;left:-5px;outline:none;resize:none;}.textEditorInner1{padding-left:11px;background:url( repeat-y;_background:url( repeat-y;_overflow:hidden;}.textEditorInner2{position:relative;padding-right:2px;background:url( repeat-y 100% 0;_background:url( repeat-y 100% 0;_position:fixed;}.textEditorTop1{background:url( no-repeat 100% 0;margin-left:11px;height:10px;_background:url( no-repeat 100% 0;_overflow:hidden;}.textEditorTop2{position:relative;left:-11px;width:11px;height:10px;background:url( no-repeat;_background:url( no-repeat;}.textEditorBottom1{position:relative;background:url( no-repeat 100% 100%;margin-left:11px;height:12px;_background:url( no-repeat 100% 100%;}.textEditorBottom2{position:relative;left:-11px;width:11px;height:12px;background:url( no-repeat 0 100%;_background:url( no-repeat 0 100%;}.panelNode-css{overflow-x:hidden;}.cssSheet > .insertBefore{height:1.5em;}.cssRule{position:relative;margin:0;padding:1em 0 0 6px;font-family:Monaco,monospace;color:#000000;}.cssRule:first-child{padding-top:6px;}.cssElementRuleContainer{position:relative;}.cssHead{padding-right:150px;}.cssProp{}.cssPropName{color:DarkGreen;}.cssPropValue{margin-left:8px;color:DarkBlue;}.cssOverridden span{text-decoration:line-through;}.cssInheritedRule{}.cssInheritLabel{margin-right:0.5em;font-weight:bold;}.cssRule .objectLink-sourceLink{top:0;}.cssProp.editGroup:hover{background:url( no-repeat 2px 1px;_background:url( no-repeat 2px 1px;}.cssProp.editGroup.editing{background:none;}.cssProp.disabledStyle{background:url( no-repeat 2px 1px;_background:url( no-repeat 2px 1px;opacity:1;color:#CCCCCC;}.disabledStyle .cssPropName,.disabledStyle .cssPropValue{color:#CCCCCC;}.cssPropValue.editing + .cssSemi,.inlineExpander + .cssSemi{display:none;}.cssPropValue.editing{white-space:nowrap;}.stylePropName{font-weight:bold;padding:0 4px 4px 4px;width:50%;}.stylePropValue{width:50%;}.panelNode-net{overflow-x:hidden;}.netTable{width:100%;}.hideCategory-undefined .category-undefined,.hideCategory-html .category-html,.hideCategory-css .category-css,.hideCategory-js .category-js,.hideCategory-image .category-image,.hideCategory-xhr .category-xhr,.hideCategory-flash .category-flash,.hideCategory-txt .category-txt,.hideCategory-bin .category-bin{display:none;}.netHeadRow{background:url( repeat-x #FFFFFF;}.netHeadCol{border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;padding:2px 4px 2px 18px;font-weight:bold;}.netHeadLabel{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;}.netHeaderRow{height:16px;}.netHeaderCell{cursor:pointer;-moz-user-select:none;border-bottom:1px solid #9C9C9C;padding:0 !important;font-weight:bold;background:#BBBBBB url( repeat-x;white-space:nowrap;}.netHeaderRow > .netHeaderCell:first-child > .netHeaderCellBox{padding:2px 14px 2px 18px;}.netHeaderCellBox{padding:2px 14px 2px 10px;border-left:1px solid #D9D9D9;border-right:1px solid #9C9C9C;}.netHeaderCell:hover:active{background:#959595 url( repeat-x;}.netHeaderSorted{background:#7D93B2 url( repeat-x;}.netHeaderSorted > .netHeaderCellBox{border-right-color:#6B7C93;background:url( no-repeat right;}.netHeaderSorted.sortedAscending > .netHeaderCellBox{background-image:url(;}.netHeaderSorted:hover:active{background:#536B90 url( repeat-x;}.panelNode-net .netRowHeader{display:block;}.netRowHeader{cursor:pointer;display:none;height:15px;margin-right:0 !important;}.netRow .netRowHeader{background-position:5px 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