path: root/ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/views/home/widgets-home/widgets-home.controller.js
diff options
authortalasila <>2017-02-07 15:03:57 -0500
committertalasila <>2017-02-07 15:05:15 -0500
commit4ad39a5c96dd99acf819ce189b13fec946d7506b (patch)
treea1449286441947cc3d07a45227fa0d6f978e1a7d /ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/views/home/widgets-home/widgets-home.controller.js
parent5500448cbd1f374d0ac743ee2fd636fe2d3c0027 (diff)
Initial OpenECOMP Portal commit
Change-Id: I804b80e0830c092e307da1599bd9fbb5c3e2da77 Signed-off-by: talasila <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/views/home/widgets-home/widgets-home.controller.js')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/views/home/widgets-home/widgets-home.controller.js b/ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/views/home/widgets-home/widgets-home.controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f624117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ecomp-portal-FE/client/app/views/home/widgets-home/widgets-home.controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+'use strict';
+(function () {
+ class WidgetsHomeCtrl {
+ constructor(widgetsService, $log, $cookies, $scope, userProfileService,dashboardService) {
+ this.userProfileService = userProfileService;
+ this.isLoading = true;
+ userProfileService.getUserProfile()
+ .then(profile=> {
+ $'WidgetsHomeCtrl::getUserProfile: ', profile);
+ $scope.attuid = profile.attuid;
+ $'WidgetsHomeCtrl::getUserProfile: user has the following attuid: ' + profile.attuid);
+ $scope.widgetsViewData = [];
+ $scope.widgetsView = [];
+ widgetsService.getUserWidgets()
+ .then(widgets => {
+ $'WidgetsHomeCtrl::getUserWidgets', widgets);
+ this.widgets = widgets;
+ this.enlargeURL = "";
+ this.isEnlarged = false;
+ let rowNo = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.widgets.length; i++) {
+ $scope.widgetsView[i] = {
+ sizeX: 2,
+ sizeY: 2,
+ headerText: '',
+ width: '',
+ height: '',
+ url: '',
+ selected:false
+ };
+ $scope.widgetsView[i].headerText = this.widgets[i].name;
+ $scope.widgetsView[i].url = this.widgets[i].url;
+ //$scope.widgetsView[i].width = this.widgets[i].width;
+ //$scope.widgetsView[i].height = this.widgets[i].height;
+ //$scope.widgetsView[i].sizeX = this.widgets[i].width/180;
+ //$scope.widgetsView[i].sizeY = this.widgets[i].height/150;
+ }
+ /*News Events Resources*/
+ $scope.widgetsView[this.widgets.length] = {
+ sizeX: 2,
+ sizeY: 2,
+ headerText: 'News',
+ width: '',
+ height: '',
+ url: '',
+ selected:true
+ };
+ $scope.widgetsView[this.widgets.length+1] = {
+ sizeX: 2,
+ sizeY: 2,
+ headerText: 'Events',
+ width: '',
+ height: '',
+ url: '',
+ selected:true
+ };
+ $scope.widgetsView[this.widgets.length+2] = {
+ sizeX: 2,
+ sizeY: 2,
+ headerText: 'Resources',
+ width: '',
+ height: '',
+ url: '',
+ selected:true
+ };
+ /*Setting News data*/
+ $scope.newsData = [];
+ $scope.updateNews = function() {
+ $scope.newsData.length=0;
+ dashboardService.getCommonWidgetData('NEWS').then(function(res) {
+ // $;
+ var newsDataJsonArray = res.response.items;
+ for (var i = 0; i < newsDataJsonArray.length; i++) {
+ $scope.newsData.push(newsDataJsonArray[i]);
+ }
+ })['catch'](function(err) {
+ $log.error('dashboard controller: failed to get news list', err);
+ _this.isLoading = false;
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.updateNews();
+ /*Setting Events data*/
+ $scope.eventData = [];
+ $scope.updateEvents = function() {
+ $scope.eventData.length=0;
+ dashboardService.getCommonWidgetData('EVENTS').then(function(res) {
+ var eventDataJsonArray = res.response.items;
+ for (var i = 0; i < eventDataJsonArray.length; i++) {
+ if(eventDataJsonArray[i].eventDate !=null) {
+ // yyyy-mm-dd
+ eventDataJsonArray[i].year = eventDataJsonArray[i].eventDate.substring(2,4);
+ eventDataJsonArray[i].mon = eventDataJsonArray[i].eventDate.substring(5,7);
+ eventDataJsonArray[i].day = eventDataJsonArray[i].eventDate.substring(8,10);
+ }
+ $scope.eventData.push(eventDataJsonArray[i]);
+ }
+ })['catch'](function(err) {
+ $log.error('dashboard controller: failed to get Events list', err);
+ _this.isLoading = false;
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.updateEvents();
+ /*Setting Important Resources data*/
+ $scope.importResData = [];
+ $scope.updateImportRes = function() {
+ $scope.importResData.length=0;
+ dashboardService.getCommonWidgetData('IMPORTANTRESOURCES').then(
+ function(res) {
+ // $log.error('couldnt get important list...', res.response.dataBlob);
+ $;
+ var importResDataJSONArray = res.response.items;
+ for (var i = 0; i < importResDataJSONArray.length; i++) {
+ $scope.importResData.push(importResDataJSONArray[i]);
+ }
+ })['catch'](function(err) {
+ $log.error('dashboard controller: failed to get resources list...', err);
+ _this.isLoading = false;
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.updateImportRes();
+ /********End hardcoded news events and resources****************/
+ $'WidgetsHomeCtrl::getUserWidgets count : ' + $scope.widgetsView.length);
+ if ($cookies.getObject($scope.attuid + '_widget') == undefined || $cookies.getObject($scope.attuid + '_widget') == null || $cookies.getObject($scope.attuid + '_widget').length == 0) {
+ if (($scope.widgetsView != undefined) && ($scope.widgetsView != null) && ($scope.widgetsView.length > 0)) {
+ $scope.widgetsViewData = $scope.widgetsView;
+ //$cookies.putObject($scope.attuid + '_widget', $scope.widgetsView);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ this.listChanged = false;
+ this.listFromCookie = $cookies.getObject($scope.attuid + '_widget');
+ this.finalList = [];
+ //
+ // If a widget is still valid for this user from backend and
+ // it was in the cookie already, put it in the list in the same order
+ // it was in within the cookie.
+ //
+ let finalCount = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.listFromCookie.length; i++) {
+ this.foundInListFromBackend = false;
+ for (let j = 0; j < $scope.widgetsView.length; j++) {
+ if ((this.listFromCookie[i].url == $scope.widgetsView[j].url) &&
+ (this.listFromCookie[i].headerText == $scope.widgetsView[j].headerText)) {
+ this.finalList[finalCount] = {
+ sizeX: 2,
+ sizeY: 2,
+ headerText: '',
+ width: '',
+ height: '',
+ url: '',
+ selected:false
+ };
+ this.finalList[finalCount].headerText = this.listFromCookie[i].headerText;
+ //this.finalList[finalCount].width = this.listFromCookie[i].width;
+ //this.finalList[finalCount].height = this.listFromCookie[i].height;
+ this.finalList[finalCount].url = this.listFromCookie[i].url;
+ //this.finalList[finalCount].sizeX = this.listFromCookie[i].width/180;
+ //this.finalList[finalCount].sizeY = this.listFromCookie[i].height/150;
+ finalCount++;
+ this.foundInListFromBackend = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.foundInListFromBackend == false) {
+ this.listChanged = true;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Fill in the rest of the list with the widgets retrieved from the backend that we did
+ // not already add. There could have been
+ // new widgets configured for the user that are not in the cookie.
+ //
+ for (let i = 0; i < $scope.widgetsView.length; i++) {
+ this.found = false;
+ for (let j = 0; j < this.finalList.length; j++) {
+ if (($scope.widgetsView[i].url == this.finalList[j].url) &&
+ ($scope.widgetsView[i].headerText == this.finalList[j].headerText)){
+ // already present
+ this.found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.found == false) {
+ this.finalList[finalCount] = {
+ sizeX: 2,
+ sizeY: 2,
+ headerText: '',
+ width: '',
+ height: '',
+ url: '',
+ selected:false
+ };
+ this.finalList[finalCount].headerText = $scope.widgetsView[i].headerText;
+ //this.finalList[finalCount].width = $scope.widgetsView[i].width;
+ //this.finalList[finalCount].height = $scope.widgetsView[i].height;
+ this.finalList[finalCount].url = $scope.widgetsView[i].url;
+ //this.finalList[finalCount].sizeX = $scope.widgetsView[i].width/180;
+ //this.finalList[finalCount].sizeY = $scope.widgetsView[i].height/150;
+ finalCount++;
+ this.listChanged = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((this.finalList != undefined) && (this.finalList != null) && (this.finalList.length > 0)) {
+ if (this.listChanged) {
+ $scope.widgetsViewData = this.finalList;
+ $cookies.putObject($scope.attuid + '_widget', this.finalList);
+ } else {
+ $scope.widgetsViewData = $cookies.getObject($scope.attuid + '_widget');
+ }
+ }
+ this.isLoading = false;
+ }
+ }).catch(err => {
+ $log.error('WidgetsHomeCtrl::getUserWidgets: oh no! couldnt get widgets list...', err);
+ this.isLoading = false;
+ });
+ });
+ this.gridsterOpts = {
+ columns: 6,
+ colWidth: 190,
+ rowHeight: 190,
+ margins: [20, 20],
+ outerMargin: true,
+ pushing: true,
+ floating: true,
+ swapping: true,
+ draggable: {
+ handle: 'img',
+ stop: function () {
+ $cookies.putObject($scope.attuid + '_widget', $scope.widgetsViewData);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ WidgetsHomeCtrl.$inject = ['widgetsService', '$log', '$cookies', '$scope', 'userProfileService','dashboardService'];
+ angular.module('ecompApp').controller('WidgetsHomeCtrl', WidgetsHomeCtrl);
+ angular.module('ecompApp').constant('refreshInterval', '30000');
+ angular.module('ecompApp').directive('refreshIframe', ['$interval', 'refreshInterval', function ($interval, refreshInterval) {
+ function link(scope, element, attrs) {
+ var timeoutId;
+ function updateIframe() {
+ if(attrs.isEnlarged == "false")
+ {
+ element.attr('src', element.attr('src'));
+ }
+ }
+ element.on('$destroy', function () {
+ $interval.cancel(timeoutId);
+ });
+ // start the UI update process; save the timeoutId for cancelling
+ /*timeoutId = $interval(function () {
+ updateIframe(); // update DOM
+ }, refreshInterval);*/
+ }
+ return {
+ link: link
+ };
+ } ]);