path: root/server/resty/openssl/param.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/resty/openssl/param.lua')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/resty/openssl/param.lua b/server/resty/openssl/param.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c8dcea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/resty/openssl/param.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+local ffi = require "ffi"
+local C = ffi.C
+local ffi_new =
+local ffi_str = ffi.string
+local ffi_cast = ffi.cast
+require "resty.openssl.include.param"
+local format_error = require("resty.openssl.err").format_error
+local bn_lib = require("")
+local null = require("resty.openssl.auxiliary.ctypes").null
+local OSSL_PARAM_REAL = 3
+local OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_PTR = 6
+local alter_type_key = {}
+local buf_param_key = {}
+local function construct(buf_t, length, types_map, types_size)
+ if not length then
+ length = 0
+ for k, v in pairs(buf_t) do length = length + 1 end
+ end
+ local params = ffi_new("OSSL_PARAM[?]", length + 1)
+ local i = 0
+ local buf_param
+ for key, value in pairs(buf_t) do
+ local typ = types_map[key]
+ if not typ then
+ return nil, "param:construct: unknown key \"" .. key .. "\""
+ end
+ local param, buf, size
+ if value == null then -- out
+ value = nil
+ size = types_size and types_size[key] or 100
+ buf = ffi_new("char[?]", size)
+ end
+ else
+ local numeric = type(value) == "number"
+ if (numeric and typ >= OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_STRING) or
+ (not numeric and typ <= OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) then
+ local alter_typ = types_map[alter_type_key] and types_map[alter_type_key][key]
+ if alter_typ and ((numeric and alter_typ <= OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) or
+ (not numeric and alter_typ >= OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_STRING)) then
+ typ = alter_typ
+ else
+ return nil, "param:construct: key \"" .. key .. "\" can't be a " .. type(value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if typ == "bn" then -- out only
+ buf = ffi_new("char[?]", size)
+ param = C.OSSL_PARAM_construct_BN(key, buf, size)
+ buf_param = buf_param or {}
+ buf_param[key] = param
+ elseif typ == OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER then
+ buf = value and ffi_new("int[1]", value) or ffi_new("int[1]")
+ param = C.OSSL_PARAM_construct_int(key, buf)
+ elseif typ == OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER then
+ buf = value and ffi_new("unsigned int[1]", value) or
+ ffi_new("unsigned int[1]")
+ param = C.OSSL_PARAM_construct_uint(key, buf)
+ elseif typ == OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_STRING then
+ buf = value and ffi_cast("char *", value) or buf
+ param = C.OSSL_PARAM_construct_utf8_string(key, buf, value and #value or size)
+ elseif typ == OSSL_PARAM_OCTET_STRING then
+ buf = value and ffi_cast("char *", value) or buf
+ param = C.OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(key, ffi_cast("void*", buf),
+ value and #value or size)
+ elseif typ == OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_PTR then
+ buf = ffi_new("char*[1]")
+ param = C.OSSL_PARAM_construct_utf8_ptr(key, buf, 0)
+ elseif typ == OSSL_PARAM_OCTET_PTR then
+ buf = ffi_new("char*[1]")
+ param = C.OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_ptr(key, ffi_cast("void**", buf), 0)
+ else
+ error("type " .. typ .. " is not yet implemented")
+ end
+ if not value then -- out
+ buf_t[key] = buf
+ end
+ params[i] = param
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ buf_t[buf_param_key] = buf_param
+ params[length] = C.OSSL_PARAM_construct_end()
+ return params
+local function parse(buf_t, length, types_map, types_size)
+ for key, buf in pairs(buf_t) do
+ local typ = types_map[key]
+ local sz = types_size and types_size[key]
+ if key == buf_param_key then -- luacheck: ignore
+ -- ignore
+ elseif buf == nil or buf[0] == nil then
+ buf_t[key] = nil
+ elseif typ == "bn" then
+ local bn_t = ffi_new("BIGNUM*[1]")
+ local param = buf_t[buf_param_key][key]
+ if C.OSSL_PARAM_get_BN(param, bn_t) ~= 1 then
+ return nil, format_error("param:parse: OSSL_PARAM_get_BN")
+ end
+ buf_t[key] = bn_lib.dup(bn_t[0])
+ elseif typ == OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER or
+ buf_t[key] = tonumber(buf[0])
+ elseif typ == OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_STRING or
+ buf_t[key] = sz and ffi_str(buf, sz) or ffi_str(buf)
+ elseif typ == OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_PTR or
+ typ == OSSL_PARAM_OCTET_PTR then
+ buf_t[key] = sz and ffi_str(buf[0], sz) or ffi_str(buf[0])
+ elseif not typ then
+ return nil, "param:parse: unknown key type \"" .. key .. "\""
+ else
+ error("type " .. typ .. " is not yet implemented")
+ end
+ end
+ -- for GC
+ buf_t[buf_param_key] = nil
+ return buf_t
+local param_type_readable = {
+ [OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER] = "unsigned integer",
+ [OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER] = "integer",
+ [OSSL_PARAM_REAL] = "real number",
+ [OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_PTR] = "pointer to a UTF8 encoded string",
+ [OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_STRING] = "UTF8 encoded string",
+ [OSSL_PARAM_OCTET_PTR] = "pointer to an octet string",
+ [OSSL_PARAM_OCTET_STRING] = "octet string",
+local function readable_data_type(p)
+ local typ = p.data_type
+ local literal = param_type_readable[typ]
+ if not literal then
+ literal = string.format("unknown type [%d]", typ)
+ end
+ local sz = tonumber(p.data_size)
+ if sz == 0 then
+ literal = literal .. " (arbitrary size)"
+ else
+ literal = literal .. string.format(" (max %d bytes large)", sz)
+ end
+ return literal
+local function parse_params_schema(params, schema, schema_readable)
+ if params == nil then
+ return nil, format_error("parse_params_schema")
+ end
+ local i = 0
+ while true do
+ local p = params[i]
+ if p.key == nil then
+ break
+ end
+ local key = ffi_str(p.key)
+ if schema then
+ -- TODO: don't support same key with different types for now
+ -- prefer string type over integer types
+ local typ = tonumber(p.data_type)
+ if schema[key] then
+ schema[alter_type_key] = schema[alter_type_key] or {}
+ schema[alter_type_key][key] = typ
+ else
+ schema[key] = typ
+ end
+ end
+ -- if schema_return_size then -- only non-ptr string types are needed actually
+ -- schema_return_size[key] = tonumber(p.return_size)
+ -- end
+ if schema_readable then
+ table.insert(schema_readable, { key, readable_data_type(p) })
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return schema
+local param_maps_set, param_maps_get = {}, {}
+local function get_params_func(typ, field)
+ local typ_lower = typ:sub(5):lower()
+ if typ_lower:sub(-4) == "_ctx" then
+ typ_lower = typ_lower:sub(0, -5)
+ end
+ -- field name for indexing schema, usually the (const) one created by
+ -- EVP_TYP_fetch or EVP_get_typebynam,e
+ field = field or "algo"
+ local cf_settable = C[typ .. "_settable_params"]
+ local settable = function(self, raw)
+ local k = self[field]
+ if raw and param_maps_set[k] then
+ return param_maps_set[k]
+ end
+ local param = cf_settable(self.ctx)
+ -- no params, this is fine, shouldn't be regarded as an error
+ if param == nil then
+ param_maps_set[k] = {}
+ return {}
+ end
+ local schema, schema_reabale = {}, raw and nil or {}
+ parse_params_schema(param, schema, schema_reabale)
+ param_maps_set[k] = schema
+ return raw and schema or schema_reabale
+ end
+ local cf_set = C[typ .. "_set_params"]
+ local set = function(self, params)
+ if not param_maps_set[self[field]] then
+ local ok, err = self:settable_params()
+ if not ok then
+ return false, typ_lower .. ":set_params: " .. err
+ end
+ end
+ local oparams, err = construct(params, nil, param_maps_set[self[field]])
+ if err then
+ return false, typ_lower .. ":set_params: " .. err
+ end
+ if cf_set(self.ctx, oparams) ~= 1 then
+ return false, format_error(typ_lower .. ":set_params: " .. typ .. "_set_params")
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ local cf_gettable = C[typ .. "_gettable_params"]
+ local gettable = function(self, raw)
+ local k = self[field]
+ if raw and param_maps_set[k] then
+ return param_maps_set[k]
+ end
+ local param = cf_gettable(self.ctx)
+ -- no params, this is fine, shouldn't be regarded as an error
+ if param == nil then
+ param_maps_get[k] = {}
+ return {}
+ end
+ local schema, schema_reabale = {}, raw and nil or {}
+ parse_params_schema(param, schema, schema_reabale)
+ param_maps_set[k] = schema
+ return raw and schema or schema_reabale
+ end
+ local cf_get = C[typ .. "_get_params"]
+ local get_buffer, get_size_map = {}, {}
+ local get = function(self, key, want_size, want_type)
+ if not param_maps_get[self[field]] then
+ local ok, err = self:gettable_params()
+ if not ok then
+ return false, typ_lower .. ":set_params: " .. err
+ end
+ end
+ local schema = param_maps_set[self[field]]
+ if schema == nil or not schema[key] then -- nil or null
+ return nil, typ_lower .. ":get_param: unknown key \"" .. key .. "\""
+ end
+ table.clear(get_buffer)
+ table.clear(get_size_map)
+ get_buffer[key] = null
+ get_size_map[key] = want_size
+ schema = want_type and { [key] = want_type } or schema
+ local req, err = construct(get_buffer, 1, schema, get_size_map)
+ if not req then
+ return nil, typ_lower .. ":get_param: failed to construct params: " .. err
+ end
+ if cf_get(self.ctx, req) ~= 1 then
+ return nil, format_error(typ_lower .. ":get_param:get")
+ end
+ get_buffer, err = parse(get_buffer, 1, schema, get_size_map)
+ if err then
+ return nil, typ_lower .. ":get_param: failed to parse params: " .. err
+ end
+ return get_buffer[key]
+ end
+ return settable, set, gettable, get
+return {
+ construct = construct,
+ parse = parse,
+ parse_params_schema = parse_params_schema,
+ get_params_func = get_params_func,
+} \ No newline at end of file