path: root/server/resty/openssl/asn1.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/resty/openssl/asn1.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/server/resty/openssl/asn1.lua b/server/resty/openssl/asn1.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa0605..0000000
--- a/server/resty/openssl/asn1.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-local ffi = require "ffi"
-local C = ffi.C
-local ffi_str = ffi.string
-local floor = math.floor
-local asn1_macro = require("resty.openssl.include.asn1")
--- https://github.com/wahern/luaossl/blob/master/src/openssl.c
-local function isleap(year)
- return (year % 4) == 0 and ((year % 100) > 0 or (year % 400) == 0)
-local past = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 }
-local function yday(year, mon, mday)
- local d = past[mon] + mday - 1
- if mon > 2 and isleap(year) then
- d = d + 1
- end
- return d
-local function leaps(year)
- return floor(year / 400) + floor(year / 4) - floor(year / 100)
-local function asn1_to_unix(asn1)
- if asn1 == nil then
- return nil, "except an ASN1 instance at #1, got nil"
- end
- local s = asn1_macro.ASN1_STRING_get0_data(asn1)
- s = ffi_str(s)
- -- V_ASN1_UTCTIME 190303223958Z
- -- V_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME 21190822162753Z
- local yyoffset = 2
- local year
- -- # define V_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME 24
- if C.ASN1_STRING_type(asn1) == 24 then
- yyoffset = 4
- year = tonumber(s:sub(1, yyoffset))
- else
- year = tonumber(s:sub(1, yyoffset))
- year = year + (year < 50 and 2000 or 1900)
- end
- local month = tonumber(s:sub(yyoffset+1, yyoffset+2))
- if month > 12 or month < 1 then
- return nil, "asn1.asn1_to_unix: bad format " .. s
- end
- local day = tonumber(s:sub(yyoffset+3, yyoffset+4))
- if day > 31 or day < 1 then
- return nil, "asn1.asn1_to_unix: bad format " .. s
- end
- local hour = tonumber(s:sub(yyoffset+5, yyoffset+6))
- if hour > 23 or hour < 0 then
- return nil, "asn1.asn1_to_unix: bad format " .. s
- end
- local minute = tonumber(s:sub(yyoffset+7, yyoffset+8))
- if minute > 59 or hour < 0 then
- return nil, "asn1.asn1_to_unix: bad format " .. s
- end
- local second = tonumber(s:sub(yyoffset+9, yyoffset+10))
- if second > 59 or second < 0 then
- return nil, "asn1.asn1_to_unix: bad format " .. s
- end
- local tm
- tm = (year - 1970) * 365
- tm = tm + leaps(year - 1) - leaps(1969)
- tm = (tm + yday(year, month, day)) * 24
- tm = (tm + hour) * 60
- tm = (tm + minute) * 60
- tm = tm + second
- -- offset?
- local sign = s:sub(yyoffset+11, yyoffset+11)
- if sign == "+" or sign == "-" then
- local sgn = sign == "+" and 1 or -1
- local hh = tonumber(s:sub(yyoffset+12, yyoffset+13) or 'no')
- local mm = tonumber(s:sub(yyoffset+14, yyoffset+15) or 'no')
- if not hh or not mm then
- return nil, "asn1.asn1_to_unix: bad format " .. s
- end
- tm = tm + sgn * (hh * 3600 + mm * 60)
- end
- return tm
-return {
- asn1_to_unix = asn1_to_unix,