path: root/server/resty/http.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/resty/http.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1178 deletions
diff --git a/server/resty/http.lua b/server/resty/http.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 70c3bee..0000000
--- a/server/resty/http.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1178 +0,0 @@
-local http_headers = require "resty.http_headers"
-local ngx = ngx
-local ngx_socket_tcp = ngx.socket.tcp
-local ngx_req = ngx.req
-local ngx_req_socket = ngx_req.socket
-local ngx_req_get_headers = ngx_req.get_headers
-local ngx_req_get_method = ngx_req.get_method
-local str_lower = string.lower
-local str_upper = string.upper
-local str_find = string.find
-local str_sub = string.sub
-local tbl_concat = table.concat
-local tbl_insert = table.insert
-local ngx_encode_args = ngx.encode_args
-local ngx_re_match = ngx.re.match
-local ngx_re_gmatch = ngx.re.gmatch
-local ngx_re_sub = ngx.re.sub
-local ngx_re_gsub = ngx.re.gsub
-local ngx_re_find = ngx.re.find
-local ngx_log = ngx.log
-local ngx_DEBUG = ngx.DEBUG
-local ngx_ERR = ngx.ERR
-local ngx_var = ngx.var
-local ngx_print = ngx.print
-local ngx_header = ngx.header
-local co_yield = coroutine.yield
-local co_create = coroutine.create
-local co_status = coroutine.status
-local co_resume = coroutine.resume
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local tonumber = tonumber
-local tostring = tostring
-local unpack = unpack
-local rawget = rawget
-local select = select
-local ipairs = ipairs
-local pairs = pairs
-local pcall = pcall
-local type = type
--- http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec13.html#sec13.5.1
- ["connection"] = true,
- ["keep-alive"] = true,
- ["proxy-authenticate"] = true,
- ["proxy-authorization"] = true,
- ["te"] = true,
- ["trailers"] = true,
- ["transfer-encoding"] = true,
- ["upgrade"] = true,
- ["content-length"] = true, -- Not strictly hop-by-hop, but Nginx will deal
- -- with this (may send chunked for example).
- POST = true,
- PUT = true,
- PATCH = true,
--- Reimplemented coroutine.wrap, returning "nil, err" if the coroutine cannot
--- be resumed. This protects user code from infinite loops when doing things like
--- repeat
--- local chunk, err = res.body_reader()
--- if chunk then -- <-- This could be a string msg in the core wrap function.
--- ...
--- end
--- until not chunk
-local co_wrap = function(func)
- local co = co_create(func)
- if not co then
- return nil, "could not create coroutine"
- else
- return function(...)
- if co_status(co) == "suspended" then
- return select(2, co_resume(co, ...))
- else
- return nil, "can't resume a " .. co_status(co) .. " coroutine"
- end
- end
- end
--- Returns a new table, recursively copied from the one given.
--- @param table table to be copied
--- @return table
-local function tbl_copy(orig)
- local orig_type = type(orig)
- local copy
- if orig_type == "table" then
- copy = {}
- for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do
- copy[tbl_copy(orig_key)] = tbl_copy(orig_value)
- end
- else -- number, string, boolean, etc
- copy = orig
- end
- return copy
-local _M = {
- _VERSION = '0.17.0-beta.1',
-_M._USER_AGENT = "lua-resty-http/" .. _M._VERSION .. " (Lua) ngx_lua/" .. ngx.config.ngx_lua_version
-local mt = { __index = _M }
-local HTTP = {
- [1.0] = " HTTP/1.0\r\n",
- [1.1] = " HTTP/1.1\r\n",
- method = "GET",
- path = "/",
- version = 1.1,
-local DEBUG = false
-function _M.new(_)
- local sock, err = ngx_socket_tcp()
- if not sock then
- return nil, err
- end
- return setmetatable({ sock = sock, keepalive = true }, mt)
-function _M.debug(d)
- DEBUG = (d == true)
-function _M.set_timeout(self, timeout)
- local sock = self.sock
- if not sock then
- return nil, "not initialized"
- end
- return sock:settimeout(timeout)
-function _M.set_timeouts(self, connect_timeout, send_timeout, read_timeout)
- local sock = self.sock
- if not sock then
- return nil, "not initialized"
- end
- return sock:settimeouts(connect_timeout, send_timeout, read_timeout)
- local aio_connect = require "resty.http_connect"
- -- Function signatures to support:
- -- ok, err, ssl_session = httpc:connect(options_table)
- -- ok, err = httpc:connect(host, port, options_table?)
- -- ok, err = httpc:connect("unix:/path/to/unix.sock", options_table?)
- function _M.connect(self, options, ...)
- if type(options) == "table" then
- -- all-in-one interface
- return aio_connect(self, options)
- else
- -- backward compatible
- return self:tcp_only_connect(options, ...)
- end
- end
-function _M.tcp_only_connect(self, ...)
- ngx_log(ngx_DEBUG, "Use of deprecated `connect` method signature")
- local sock = self.sock
- if not sock then
- return nil, "not initialized"
- end
- self.host = select(1, ...)
- self.port = select(2, ...)
- -- If port is not a number, this is likely a unix domain socket connection.
- if type(self.port) ~= "number" then
- self.port = nil
- end
- self.keepalive = true
- self.ssl = false
- return sock:connect(...)
-function _M.set_keepalive(self, ...)
- local sock = self.sock
- if not sock then
- return nil, "not initialized"
- end
- if self.keepalive == true then
- return sock:setkeepalive(...)
- else
- -- The server said we must close the connection, so we cannot setkeepalive.
- -- If close() succeeds we return 2 instead of 1, to differentiate between
- -- a normal setkeepalive() failure and an intentional close().
- local res, err = sock:close()
- if res then
- return 2, "connection must be closed"
- else
- return res, err
- end
- end
-function _M.get_reused_times(self)
- local sock = self.sock
- if not sock then
- return nil, "not initialized"
- end
- return sock:getreusedtimes()
-function _M.close(self)
- local sock = self.sock
- if not sock then
- return nil, "not initialized"
- end
- return sock:close()
-local function _should_receive_body(method, code)
- if method == "HEAD" then return nil end
- if code == 204 or code == 304 then return nil end
- if code >= 100 and code < 200 then return nil end
- return true
-function _M.parse_uri(_, uri, query_in_path)
- if query_in_path == nil then query_in_path = true end
- local m, err = ngx_re_match(
- uri,
- [[^(?:(http[s]?):)?//((?:[^\[\]:/\?]+)|(?:\[.+\]))(?::(\d+))?([^\?]*)\??(.*)]],
- "jo"
- )
- if not m then
- if err then
- return nil, "failed to match the uri: " .. uri .. ", " .. err
- end
- return nil, "bad uri: " .. uri
- else
- -- If the URI is schemaless (i.e. //example.com) try to use our current
- -- request scheme.
- if not m[1] then
- -- Schema-less URIs can occur in client side code, implying "inherit
- -- the schema from the current request". We support it for a fairly
- -- specific case; if for example you are using the ESI parser in
- -- ledge (https://github.com/ledgetech/ledge) to perform in-flight
- -- sub requests on the edge based on instructions found in markup,
- -- those URIs may also be schemaless with the intention that the
- -- subrequest would inherit the schema just like JavaScript would.
- local scheme = ngx_var.scheme
- if scheme == "http" or scheme == "https" then
- m[1] = scheme
- else
- return nil, "schemaless URIs require a request context: " .. uri
- end
- end
- if m[3] then
- m[3] = tonumber(m[3])
- else
- if m[1] == "https" then
- m[3] = 443
- else
- m[3] = 80
- end
- end
- if not m[4] or "" == m[4] then m[4] = "/" end
- if query_in_path and m[5] and m[5] ~= "" then
- m[4] = m[4] .. "?" .. m[5]
- m[5] = nil
- end
- return m, nil
- end
-local function _format_request(self, params)
- local version = params.version
- local headers = params.headers or {}
- local query = params.query or ""
- if type(query) == "table" then
- query = "?" .. ngx_encode_args(query)
- elseif query ~= "" and str_sub(query, 1, 1) ~= "?" then
- query = "?" .. query
- end
- -- Initialize request
- local req = {
- str_upper(params.method),
- " ",
- self.path_prefix or "",
- params.path,
- query,
- HTTP[version],
- -- Pre-allocate slots for minimum headers and carriage return.
- true,
- true,
- true,
- }
- local c = 7 -- req table index it's faster to do this inline vs table.insert
- -- Append headers
- for key, values in pairs(headers) do
- key = tostring(key)
- if type(values) == "table" then
- for _, value in pairs(values) do
- req[c] = key .. ": " .. tostring(value) .. "\r\n"
- c = c + 1
- end
- else
- req[c] = key .. ": " .. tostring(values) .. "\r\n"
- c = c + 1
- end
- end
- -- Close headers
- req[c] = "\r\n"
- return tbl_concat(req)
-local function _receive_status(sock)
- local line, err = sock:receive("*l")
- if not line then
- return nil, nil, nil, err
- end
- local version = tonumber(str_sub(line, 6, 8))
- if not version then
- return nil, nil, nil,
- "couldn't parse HTTP version from response status line: " .. line
- end
- local status = tonumber(str_sub(line, 10, 12))
- if not status then
- return nil, nil, nil,
- "couldn't parse status code from response status line: " .. line
- end
- local reason = str_sub(line, 14)
- return status, version, reason
-local function _receive_headers(sock)
- local headers = http_headers.new()
- repeat
- local line, err = sock:receive("*l")
- if not line then
- return nil, err
- end
- local m, err = ngx_re_match(line, "([^:\\s]+):\\s*(.*)", "jo")
- if err then ngx_log(ngx_ERR, err) end
- if not m then
- break
- end
- local key = m[1]
- local val = m[2]
- if headers[key] then
- if type(headers[key]) ~= "table" then
- headers[key] = { headers[key] }
- end
- tbl_insert(headers[key], tostring(val))
- else
- headers[key] = tostring(val)
- end
- until ngx_re_find(line, "^\\s*$", "jo")
- return headers, nil
-local function transfer_encoding_is_chunked(headers)
- local te = headers["Transfer-Encoding"]
- if not te then
- return false
- end
- -- Handle duplicate headers
- -- This shouldn't happen but can in the real world
- if type(te) ~= "string" then
- te = tbl_concat(te, ",")
- end
- return str_find(str_lower(te), "chunked", 1, true) ~= nil
-_M.transfer_encoding_is_chunked = transfer_encoding_is_chunked
-local function _chunked_body_reader(sock, default_chunk_size)
- return co_wrap(function(max_chunk_size)
- local remaining = 0
- local length
- max_chunk_size = max_chunk_size or default_chunk_size
- repeat
- -- If we still have data on this chunk
- if max_chunk_size and remaining > 0 then
- if remaining > max_chunk_size then
- -- Consume up to max_chunk_size
- length = max_chunk_size
- remaining = remaining - max_chunk_size
- else
- -- Consume all remaining
- length = remaining
- remaining = 0
- end
- else -- This is a fresh chunk
- -- Receive the chunk size
- local str, err = sock:receive("*l")
- if not str then
- co_yield(nil, err)
- end
- length = tonumber(str, 16)
- if not length then
- co_yield(nil, "unable to read chunksize")
- end
- if max_chunk_size and length > max_chunk_size then
- -- Consume up to max_chunk_size
- remaining = length - max_chunk_size
- length = max_chunk_size
- end
- end
- if length > 0 then
- local str, err = sock:receive(length)
- if not str then
- co_yield(nil, err)
- end
- max_chunk_size = co_yield(str) or default_chunk_size
- -- If we're finished with this chunk, read the carriage return.
- if remaining == 0 then
- sock:receive(2) -- read \r\n
- end
- else
- -- Read the last (zero length) chunk's carriage return
- sock:receive(2) -- read \r\n
- end
- until length == 0
- end)
-local function _body_reader(sock, content_length, default_chunk_size)
- return co_wrap(function(max_chunk_size)
- max_chunk_size = max_chunk_size or default_chunk_size
- if not content_length and max_chunk_size then
- -- We have no length, but wish to stream.
- -- HTTP 1.0 with no length will close connection, so read chunks to the end.
- repeat
- local str, err, partial = sock:receive(max_chunk_size)
- if not str and err == "closed" then
- co_yield(partial, err)
- end
- max_chunk_size = tonumber(co_yield(str) or default_chunk_size)
- if max_chunk_size and max_chunk_size < 0 then max_chunk_size = nil end
- if not max_chunk_size then
- ngx_log(ngx_ERR, "Buffer size not specified, bailing")
- break
- end
- until not str
- elseif not content_length then
- -- We have no length but don't wish to stream.
- -- HTTP 1.0 with no length will close connection, so read to the end.
- co_yield(sock:receive("*a"))
- elseif not max_chunk_size then
- -- We have a length and potentially keep-alive, but want everything.
- co_yield(sock:receive(content_length))
- else
- -- We have a length and potentially a keep-alive, and wish to stream
- -- the response.
- local received = 0
- repeat
- local length = max_chunk_size
- if received + length > content_length then
- length = content_length - received
- end
- if length > 0 then
- local str, err = sock:receive(length)
- if not str then
- co_yield(nil, err)
- end
- received = received + length
- max_chunk_size = tonumber(co_yield(str) or default_chunk_size)
- if max_chunk_size and max_chunk_size < 0 then max_chunk_size = nil end
- if not max_chunk_size then
- ngx_log(ngx_ERR, "Buffer size not specified, bailing")
- break
- end
- end
- until length == 0
- end
- end)
-local function _no_body_reader()
- return nil
-local function _read_body(res)
- local reader = res.body_reader
- if not reader then
- -- Most likely HEAD or 304 etc.
- return nil, "no body to be read"
- end
- local chunks = {}
- local c = 1
- local chunk, err
- repeat
- chunk, err = reader()
- if err then
- return nil, err, tbl_concat(chunks) -- Return any data so far.
- end
- if chunk then
- chunks[c] = chunk
- c = c + 1
- end
- until not chunk
- return tbl_concat(chunks)
-local function _trailer_reader(sock)
- return co_wrap(function()
- co_yield(_receive_headers(sock))
- end)
-local function _read_trailers(res)
- local reader = res.trailer_reader
- if not reader then
- return nil, "no trailers"
- end
- local trailers = reader()
- setmetatable(res.headers, { __index = trailers })
-local function _send_body(sock, body)
- if type(body) == "function" then
- repeat
- local chunk, err, partial = body()
- if chunk then
- local ok, err = sock:send(chunk)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- elseif err ~= nil then
- return nil, err, partial
- end
- until chunk == nil
- elseif body ~= nil then
- local bytes, err = sock:send(body)
- if not bytes then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- return true, nil
-local function _handle_continue(sock, body)
- local status, version, reason, err = _receive_status(sock) --luacheck: no unused
- if not status then
- return nil, nil, err
- end
- -- Only send body if we receive a 100 Continue
- if status == 100 then
- local ok, err = sock:receive("*l") -- Read carriage return
- if not ok then
- return nil, nil, err
- end
- _send_body(sock, body)
- end
- return status, version, err
-function _M.send_request(self, params)
- -- Apply defaults
- setmetatable(params, { __index = DEFAULT_PARAMS })
- local sock = self.sock
- local body = params.body
- local headers = http_headers.new()
- -- We assign one-by-one so that the metatable can handle case insensitivity
- -- for us. You can blame the spec for this inefficiency.
- local params_headers = params.headers or {}
- for k, v in pairs(params_headers) do
- headers[k] = v
- end
- if not headers["Proxy-Authorization"] then
- -- TODO: next major, change this to always override the provided
- -- header. Can't do that yet because it would be breaking.
- -- The connect method uses self.http_proxy_auth in the poolname so
- -- that should be leading.
- headers["Proxy-Authorization"] = self.http_proxy_auth
- end
- -- Ensure we have appropriate message length or encoding.
- do
- local is_chunked = transfer_encoding_is_chunked(headers)
- if is_chunked then
- -- If we have both Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length we MUST
- -- drop the Content-Length, to help prevent request smuggling.
- -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.3
- headers["Content-Length"] = nil
- elseif not headers["Content-Length"] then
- -- A length was not given, try to calculate one.
- local body_type = type(body)
- if body_type == "function" then
- return nil, "Request body is a function but a length or chunked encoding is not specified"
- elseif body_type == "table" then
- local length = 0
- for _, v in ipairs(body) do
- length = length + #tostring(v)
- end
- headers["Content-Length"] = length
- elseif body == nil and EXPECTING_BODY[str_upper(params.method)] then
- headers["Content-Length"] = 0
- elseif body ~= nil then
- headers["Content-Length"] = #tostring(body)
- end
- end
- end
- if not headers["Host"] then
- if (str_sub(self.host, 1, 5) == "unix:") then
- return nil, "Unable to generate a useful Host header for a unix domain socket. Please provide one."
- end
- -- If we have a port (i.e. not connected to a unix domain socket), and this
- -- port is non-standard, append it to the Host header.
- if self.port then
- if self.ssl and self.port ~= 443 then
- headers["Host"] = self.host .. ":" .. self.port
- elseif not self.ssl and self.port ~= 80 then
- headers["Host"] = self.host .. ":" .. self.port
- else
- headers["Host"] = self.host
- end
- else
- headers["Host"] = self.host
- end
- end
- if not headers["User-Agent"] then
- headers["User-Agent"] = _M._USER_AGENT
- end
- if params.version == 1.0 and not headers["Connection"] then
- headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"
- end
- params.headers = headers
- -- Format and send request
- local req = _format_request(self, params)
- if DEBUG then ngx_log(ngx_DEBUG, "\n", req) end
- local bytes, err = sock:send(req)
- if not bytes then
- return nil, err
- end
- -- Send the request body, unless we expect: continue, in which case
- -- we handle this as part of reading the response.
- if headers["Expect"] ~= "100-continue" then
- local ok, err, partial = _send_body(sock, body)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err, partial
- end
- end
- return true
-function _M.read_response(self, params)
- local sock = self.sock
- local status, version, reason, err
- -- If we expect: continue, we need to handle this, sending the body if allowed.
- -- If we don't get 100 back, then status is the actual status.
- if params.headers["Expect"] == "100-continue" then
- local _status, _version, _err = _handle_continue(sock, params.body)
- if not _status then
- return nil, _err
- elseif _status ~= 100 then
- status, version, err = _status, _version, _err -- luacheck: no unused
- end
- end
- -- Just read the status as normal.
- if not status then
- status, version, reason, err = _receive_status(sock)
- if not status then
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- local res_headers, err = _receive_headers(sock)
- if not res_headers then
- return nil, err
- end
- -- keepalive is true by default. Determine if this is correct or not.
- local ok, connection = pcall(str_lower, res_headers["Connection"])
- if ok then
- if (version == 1.1 and str_find(connection, "close", 1, true)) or
- (version == 1.0 and not str_find(connection, "keep-alive", 1, true)) then
- self.keepalive = false
- end
- else
- -- no connection header
- if version == 1.0 then
- self.keepalive = false
- end
- end
- local body_reader = _no_body_reader
- local trailer_reader, err
- local has_body = false
- -- Receive the body_reader
- if _should_receive_body(params.method, status) then
- has_body = true
- if version == 1.1 and transfer_encoding_is_chunked(res_headers) then
- body_reader, err = _chunked_body_reader(sock)
- else
- local ok, length = pcall(tonumber, res_headers["Content-Length"])
- if not ok then
- -- No content-length header, read until connection is closed by server
- length = nil
- end
- body_reader, err = _body_reader(sock, length)
- end
- end
- if res_headers["Trailer"] then
- trailer_reader, err = _trailer_reader(sock)
- end
- if err then
- return nil, err
- else
- return {
- status = status,
- reason = reason,
- headers = res_headers,
- has_body = has_body,
- body_reader = body_reader,
- read_body = _read_body,
- trailer_reader = trailer_reader,
- read_trailers = _read_trailers,
- }
- end
-function _M.request(self, params)
- params = tbl_copy(params) -- Take by value
- local res, err = self:send_request(params)
- if not res then
- return res, err
- else
- return self:read_response(params)
- end
-function _M.request_pipeline(self, requests)
- requests = tbl_copy(requests) -- Take by value
- for _, params in ipairs(requests) do
- if params.headers and params.headers["Expect"] == "100-continue" then
- return nil, "Cannot pipeline request specifying Expect: 100-continue"
- end
- local res, err = self:send_request(params)
- if not res then
- return res, err
- end
- end
- local responses = {}
- for i, params in ipairs(requests) do
- responses[i] = setmetatable({
- params = params,
- response_read = false,
- }, {
- -- Read each actual response lazily, at the point the user tries
- -- to access any of the fields.
- __index = function(t, k)
- local res, err
- if t.response_read == false then
- res, err = _M.read_response(self, t.params)
- t.response_read = true
- if not res then
- ngx_log(ngx_ERR, err)
- else
- for rk, rv in pairs(res) do
- t[rk] = rv
- end
- end
- end
- return rawget(t, k)
- end,
- })
- end
- return responses
-function _M.request_uri(self, uri, params)
- params = tbl_copy(params or {}) -- Take by value
- if self.proxy_opts then
- params.proxy_opts = tbl_copy(self.proxy_opts or {})
- end
- do
- local parsed_uri, err = self:parse_uri(uri, false)
- if not parsed_uri then
- return nil, err
- end
- local path, query
- params.scheme, params.host, params.port, path, query = unpack(parsed_uri)
- params.path = params.path or path
- params.query = params.query or query
- params.ssl_server_name = params.ssl_server_name or params.host
- end
- do
- local proxy_auth = (params.headers or {})["Proxy-Authorization"]
- if proxy_auth and params.proxy_opts then
- params.proxy_opts.https_proxy_authorization = proxy_auth
- params.proxy_opts.http_proxy_authorization = proxy_auth
- end
- end
- local ok, err = self:connect(params)
- if not ok then
- return nil, err
- end
- local res, err = self:request(params)
- if not res then
- self:close()
- return nil, err
- end
- local body, err = res:read_body()
- if not body then
- self:close()
- return nil, err
- end
- res.body = body
- if params.keepalive == false then
- local ok, err = self:close()
- if not ok then
- ngx_log(ngx_ERR, err)
- end
- else
- local ok, err = self:set_keepalive(params.keepalive_timeout, params.keepalive_pool)
- if not ok then
- ngx_log(ngx_ERR, err)
- end
- end
- return res, nil
-function _M.get_client_body_reader(_, chunksize, sock)
- chunksize = chunksize or 65536
- if not sock then
- local ok, err
- ok, sock, err = pcall(ngx_req_socket)
- if not ok then
- return nil, sock -- pcall err
- end
- if not sock then
- if err == "no body" then
- return nil
- else
- return nil, err
- end
- end
- end
- local headers = ngx_req_get_headers()
- local length = headers.content_length
- if length then
- return _body_reader(sock, tonumber(length), chunksize)
- elseif transfer_encoding_is_chunked(headers) then
- -- Not yet supported by ngx_lua but should just work...
- return _chunked_body_reader(sock, chunksize)
- else
- return nil
- end
-function _M.set_proxy_options(self, opts)
- -- TODO: parse and cache these options, instead of parsing them
- -- on each request over and over again (lru-cache on module level)
- self.proxy_opts = tbl_copy(opts) -- Take by value
-function _M.get_proxy_uri(self, scheme, host)
- if not self.proxy_opts then
- return nil
- end
- -- Check if the no_proxy option matches this host. Implementation adapted
- -- from lua-http library (https://github.com/daurnimator/lua-http)
- if self.proxy_opts.no_proxy then
- if self.proxy_opts.no_proxy == "*" then
- -- all hosts are excluded
- return nil
- end
- local no_proxy_set = {}
- -- wget allows domains in no_proxy list to be prefixed by "."
- -- e.g. no_proxy=.mit.edu
- for host_suffix in ngx_re_gmatch(self.proxy_opts.no_proxy, "\\.?([^,]+)", "jo") do
- no_proxy_set[host_suffix[1]] = true
- end
- -- From curl docs:
- -- matched as either a domain which contains the hostname, or the
- -- hostname itself. For example local.com would match local.com,
- -- local.com:80, and www.local.com, but not www.notlocal.com.
- --
- -- Therefore, we keep stripping subdomains from the host, compare
- -- them to the ones in the no_proxy list and continue until we find
- -- a match or until there's only the TLD left
- repeat
- if no_proxy_set[host] then
- return nil
- end
- -- Strip the next level from the domain and check if that one
- -- is on the list
- host = ngx_re_sub(host, "^[^.]+\\.", "", "jo")
- until not ngx_re_find(host, "\\.", "jo")
- end
- if scheme == "http" and self.proxy_opts.http_proxy then
- return self.proxy_opts.http_proxy
- end
- if scheme == "https" and self.proxy_opts.https_proxy then
- return self.proxy_opts.https_proxy
- end
- return nil
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- The following functions are considered DEPRECATED and may be REMOVED in
--- future releases. Please see the notes in `README.md`.
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function _M.ssl_handshake(self, ...)
- ngx_log(ngx_DEBUG, "Use of deprecated function `ssl_handshake`")
- local sock = self.sock
- if not sock then
- return nil, "not initialized"
- end
- self.ssl = true
- return sock:sslhandshake(...)
-function _M.connect_proxy(self, proxy_uri, scheme, host, port, proxy_authorization)
- ngx_log(ngx_DEBUG, "Use of deprecated function `connect_proxy`")
- -- Parse the provided proxy URI
- local parsed_proxy_uri, err = self:parse_uri(proxy_uri, false)
- if not parsed_proxy_uri then
- return nil, err
- end
- -- Check that the scheme is http (https is not supported for
- -- connections between the client and the proxy)
- local proxy_scheme = parsed_proxy_uri[1]
- if proxy_scheme ~= "http" then
- return nil, "protocol " .. proxy_scheme .. " not supported for proxy connections"
- end
- -- Make the connection to the given proxy
- local proxy_host, proxy_port = parsed_proxy_uri[2], parsed_proxy_uri[3]
- local c, err = self:tcp_only_connect(proxy_host, proxy_port)
- if not c then
- return nil, err
- end
- if scheme == "https" then
- -- Make a CONNECT request to create a tunnel to the destination through
- -- the proxy. The request-target and the Host header must be in the
- -- authority-form of RFC 7230 Section 5.3.3. See also RFC 7231 Section
- -- 4.3.6 for more details about the CONNECT request
- local destination = host .. ":" .. port
- local res, err = self:request({
- method = "CONNECT",
- path = destination,
- headers = {
- ["Host"] = destination,
- ["Proxy-Authorization"] = proxy_authorization,
- }
- })
- if not res then
- return nil, err
- end
- if res.status < 200 or res.status > 299 then
- return nil, "failed to establish a tunnel through a proxy: " .. res.status
- end
- end
- return c, nil
-function _M.proxy_request(self, chunksize)
- ngx_log(ngx_DEBUG, "Use of deprecated function `proxy_request`")
- return self:request({
- method = ngx_req_get_method(),
- path = ngx_re_gsub(ngx_var.uri, "\\s", "%20", "jo") .. ngx_var.is_args .. (ngx_var.query_string or ""),
- body = self:get_client_body_reader(chunksize),
- headers = ngx_req_get_headers(),
- })
-function _M.proxy_response(_, response, chunksize)
- ngx_log(ngx_DEBUG, "Use of deprecated function `proxy_response`")
- if not response then
- ngx_log(ngx_ERR, "no response provided")
- return
- end
- ngx.status = response.status
- -- Filter out hop-by-hop headeres
- for k, v in pairs(response.headers) do
- if not HOP_BY_HOP_HEADERS[str_lower(k)] then
- ngx_header[k] = v
- end
- end
- local reader = response.body_reader
- repeat
- local chunk, ok, read_err, print_err
- chunk, read_err = reader(chunksize)
- if read_err then
- ngx_log(ngx_ERR, read_err)
- end
- if chunk then
- ok, print_err = ngx_print(chunk)
- if not ok then
- ngx_log(ngx_ERR, print_err)
- end
- end
- if read_err or print_err then
- break
- end
- until not chunk
-return _M