Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
1) Basic health check and stats performance test
2) Analysis script
3) Fixed https protocol in stability test
Change-Id: I78a6daf3cae40daf4779ced515283abb19743e4b
Issue-ID: POLICY-1461
Signed-off-by: Bilal A <>
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# auto generated certificates
# Unit tests
# Application
# AAI Schema
# Eclipse
# IntelliJ
# Mac OS
that is an object in the Application Provider.
Issue-ID: POLICY-1273
Change-Id: I9b48cbcdaf80d6d2ef19ef53e4b7cd4830e7e7b2
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Jackson 2.9.8 databind references annotations 2.9.0.
This seems to break jersey which needs an earlier
annotations version.
I think we can safely exclude Xacml for now.
Issue-ID: POLICY-1609
Change-Id: I60b76e742412ffe36c83e58863902b35b23148fb
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Fixed some small sonar issues. Some of the others will be
taken care of when we implement things.
Issue-ID: POLICY-1602
Change-Id: I745962feaf00904c39b2e80e00bcc565f51dc8fd
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Added new Policy Finder Factory that ONAP will use and
got the code working with new policy/models (see other
review which will have to be merged first).
Added some new conversion methods to convert from a
Xacml request to an Onap request.
Added some property methods for XACML Properties objects
and JUnit tests.
Started filling in some Guard application details and
combining code.
Issue-ID: POLICY-1602
Change-Id: I5235b74f3b036dcf05779b655a03ac290d594354
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Alpine OpenJDK was updated 2 days ago (3/14), this
upgrade seems to break java applications that depend on libnss*.so
OS libraries, which seem are no longer installed with the jdk
Change-Id: Iac67f7ff2e74f36369e8ce7b8ef91a940ae5c4d8
Issue-ID: POLICY-1604
Signed-off-by: Jorge Hernandez <>
Update missing information blocks and
indentation to pass verify job.
Change-Id: I302d33ba73fd583989d6a0f8f0b460329f83537e
Issue-ID: CIMAN-134
Signed-off-by: Jessica Wagantall <>
Upgrde to xacml v2.0.0 release artifact.
Some re-arrangement of classes. New class to support a
common dictionary among the monitoring applications. I
may move it to a common under the main since some of the
values are shareable.
Created application service provider, so the XACML
main knows what policy types are pre-loaded and can
report them back to the PAP.
struggled with cucumber, which does not create
TemporaryFolder although the documentation says its
Added a new Policy Finder specific to ONAP which does
quicker job to load policies.
Issue-ID: POLICY-1273
Change-Id: I4af15a64da3b42d48f29809710421b1649625adc
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
- Yay I found the mysterious https issue that caused the junit to fail.
Please don't laugh, it was a typo :)
- Made changes per review comments
1) Added builder class for RestServer constructor
2) removed some try/catch blocks in junit
3) Other minor changes
- More changes per review comments
- Added changes per Ram's review comments (not lombrok yet)
- Made changes for ONAP API CVS guidelines
Change-Id: Ie1a6225459b3ce235cd73828ccddec04c690f5fd
Issue-ID: POLICY-1436
Signed-off-by: Michael Mokry <>
Issue-ID: POLICY-1554
Change-Id: Ia80f01317f2f224e55ddc18139ac49ca19883cd1
Signed-off-by: shaoqiu <>
1) Basic health check test
2) Statistics API test
Change-Id: I41156007dfb70702822d50f5bb32dbaae36bc610
Issue-ID: POLICY-1461
Signed-off-by: Bilal A <>
This sets the foundation for building the XACML PDP
engine that supports Decisions for onap.Monitoring
policy types.
Mostly stubbed code for now, will most likely get
Put in the cucumber basics, but no implementation yet.
Need policy/parent to be merged before this will pass.
* Fixed checkstyle license date
Issue-ID: POLICY-1273
Change-Id: Ifb455065316fd3ec0a025b5833b334ee72f65adc
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Change package name used in the for
Change-Id: Ibfc68827f8675ae447aa2797c8a0a42fc6c502d5
Issue-ID: POLICY-1436
Signed-off-by: Michael Mokry <>
Change-Id: I4023e4b5474b6ebb712179d134616f723e75432d
Issue-ID: POLICY-1436
Signed-off-by: Jorge Hernandez <>
Issue-ID: POLICY-1556
Change-Id: Ic7098aba510ddb4c0673bc1525710540578b5174
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
1) Decision API endpoint with Swagger annotations
2) Provider class for Decision added to new provider package
3) Moved other provider classes to provider package
4) Decision model class added to new model package
Note: This is just a draft and still needs a lot of work, please do not
merge. Thanks in advance for the review comments.
Issue-ID: POLICY-1516
Change-Id: Id7414b6cb3eee1b877a0c11521babbef4938a68f
Signed-off-by: Michael Mokry <>
- Creates docker image of policy xacml-pdp
- Creates zip package of policy xacml-pdp
- Also committed changes from Healthcheck/Statitics review that were
allowed to be deferred
Change-Id: Ia5fb72be05a30a341692453fe4ff32c7b112e861
Issue-ID: POLICY-1436
Signed-off-by: Michael Mokry <>
- Basic code structure modeled after policy distribution
- Code implementation to support Healthcheck/Statistics RESTful API entry point
- JUnits
- Fixed Checkstyles issues and added some missing statistics classes and
- Made changes per Jim's comments
- Made more changes per Jim's comments
> made gson field static
> using AssertThatThrownBy() mechanic from AssertJ
> added setup and teardown to correctly terminate activator in
- Made corrections to the statitics endpoint and junits
Change-Id: Iad40272beceff8a0f99966440e96a84fc2043b12
Issue-ID: POLICY-1436
Signed-off-by: Michael Mokry <>
Released parent v2.0.0
Issue-ID: POLICY-1213
Change-Id: I196fb14a1371e62cdf3ace7e40efd10a514c539a
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Setting this project up for future work.
Added checkstyle and jacoco coverage declarations.
Removed redundant version.
Added entries to gitignore for idea and checkstyle.
Issue-ID: POLICY-1136
Change-Id: I2068165a66c1dda29c2c4da5cf3c807b866912c2
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
The extra version tag generates an eclipse warning.
Changing the artifactID so that it prepends the policy-
Issue-ID: POLICY-846
Change-Id: Ifa9d71e3b975a5e9790ea8c487b0aa51caf8bd8a
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
The license isn't quite right, fixing it.
Issue-ID: POLICY-846
Change-Id: Ia517804850c359a533abcae131c44ea5fc24707e
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Issue-ID: POLICY-846
Change-Id: I84aaaa0b39da007f36ba56089032555b802b61d4
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Start with .gitreview, .gitignore, README, license
Change-Id: I980ad11811d3c31902e86bcd3adbc2ec5ce47b63
Issue-ID: POLICY-771
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Add INFO.yaml to list:
- Project description
- Properties
- PTL information
- Meeting information
- Committer information
Change-Id: Ifebd3eb6bfe699a1f4e4bdb74c604907f9c6afa9
Issue-ID: CIMAN-134
Signed-off-by: Jessica Wagantall <>