path: root/integration/src/release_scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'integration/src/release_scripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/integration/src/release_scripts/ b/integration/src/release_scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index ff0df042..00000000
--- a/integration/src/release_scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# ============LICENSE_START================================================
-# =========================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Nordix Foundation.
-# =========================================================================
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ============LICENSE_END==================================================
-set -e
-SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename "$0")
-# Use the bash internal OSTYPE variable to check for MacOS
-if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]
- SED="gsed"
- SED="sed"
-declare -a pf_repos=(
- "policy/parent"
- "policy/docker"
- "policy/common"
- "policy/models"
- "policy/api"
- "policy/pap"
- "policy/apex-pdp"
- "policy/drools-pdp"
- "policy/xacml-pdp"
- "policy/distribution"
- "policy/clamp"
- "policy/gui"
- "policy/drools-applications"
- echo ""
- echo "$SCRIPT_NAME - gets information from the checked out Policy Framework repos for the release process"
- echo ""
- echo " usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [-options]"
- echo ""
- echo " options"
- echo " -h - this help message"
- echo " -b branch - the branch to release on, defaults to '$branch'"
- echo " -d data_file - the policy release data file to create, defaults to '$release_data_file'"
- echo " -l location - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,"
- echo " defaults to '$repo_location'"
- exit 255;
-while getopts "hb:d:l:" opt
- case $opt in
- h)
- usage
- ;;
- b)
- branch=$OPTARG
- ;;
- d)
- release_data_file=$OPTARG
- ;;
- l)
- repo_location=$OPTARG
- ;;
- \?)
- usage
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
-if [[ -z "$repo_location" ]]
- echo "policy repo location not specified on -l flag"
- exit 1
-if [[ -z "$branch" ]]
- echo "policy branch not specified on -b flag"
- exit 1
-if ! [ -d "$repo_location" ]
- echo "policy repo location '$repo_location' not found"
- exit 1
-if [[ -z "$release_data_file" ]]
- echo "policy release data file not specified on -d flag"
- exit 1
-update_repos() {
- echo "updating the policy framework data from '$repo_location' to data file '$release_data_file' . . ."
- for repo in "${pf_repos[@]}"
- do
- echo "updating data from repo $repo branch $branch to data file '$release_data_file' . . ."
- if [ -d "$repo_location/$repo" ]
- then
- echo "updating repository '$repo' . . ."
- git -C "$repo_location/$repo" checkout -- .
- git -C "$repo_location/$repo" checkout "$branch"
- git -C "$repo_location/$repo" pull
- git -C "$repo_location/$repo" rebase
- git -C "$repo_location/$repo" fetch --tags
- else
- echo "repo $repo does not exist"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "data from repo $repo updated to data file '$release_data_file' . . ."
- done
- echo "policy framework data from '$repo_location' updated to data file '$release_data_file' . . ."
-get_tags() {
- echo "Repo, Last Tag Version,Snapshot Version,Changed Files,Docker Images"
- echo "Repo, Last Tag Version,Snapshot Version,Changed Files,Docker Images" > "$release_data_file"
- for repo in "${pf_repos[@]}"
- do
- latest_snapshot_tag=$(mvn -f "$repo_location/$repo" clean | \
- grep "SNAPSHOT" | \
- tail -1 | \
- $SED -r 's/^.* ([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*-SNAPSHOT).*$/\1/')
- if [[ $branch == *master ]]
- then
- latest_released_tag=$(git -C "$repo_location/$repo" tag | \
- grep '^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$' | \
- sort -V | \
- tail -1)
- else
- # shellcheck disable=SC2001
- latest_snapshot_major_minor=$(echo "$latest_snapshot_tag" | sed 's/\.[0-9]*-SNAPSHOT$//')
- latest_released_tag=$(git -C "$repo_location/$repo" tag | \
- grep '^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$' | \
- grep "$latest_snapshot_major_minor" | \
- sort -V | \
- tail -1)
- fi
- changed_files=$(git -C "$repo_location/$repo" diff --name-only "$latest_released_tag" "$branch" | \
- grep -v 'pom.xml$' | \
- grep -v '^$' | \
- grep -v "^releases/$latest_released_tag.yaml$" | \
- grep -cv "^releases/$latest_released_tag-container.yaml$" | \
- $SED 's/^[[:space:]]*//g')
- latest_container_yaml=$(find "$repo_location/$repo/releases" -name "*container.yaml" | sort | tail -1)
- if [ "$latest_container_yaml" != "" ]
- then
- docker_images=$(grep '\- name:' "$latest_container_yaml" | \
- $SED -e 's/\- //g' -e 's/\://g' -e "s/\'//g" -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//g' -e 's/^name //' | \
- tr '\n' ':' | \
- $SED 's/:$//')
- else
- docker_images=""
- fi
- echo "$repo,$latest_released_tag,$latest_snapshot_tag,$changed_files,$docker_images"
- echo "$repo,$latest_released_tag,$latest_snapshot_tag,$changed_files,$docker_images" >> "$release_data_file"
- done