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diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/clamp-csit.rst b/docs/clamp/acm/clamp-csit.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. Copyright (c) Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved.
+.. _acm-clamp-csit-label:
+Clamp ACM Integration Tests
+.. contents::
+ :depth: 4
+The ACM functionalities and workflow are tested as part of the clamp Integration test suite written in Robot framework.
+These tests are available in the policy-docker repository and it can be executed against both docker and kubernetes deployments of clamp.
+ACM-R, kafka, policy-participant, http-participant, k8s-participant are deployed along with a participant simulator.
+In jenkins pipeline, these tests are periodically invoked against a docker deployment of clamp ACM components.
+This test suite should be updated periodically as and when new features and functionalities are added to the clamp ACM.
+The following table describes the various test cases that are being verified and their expected behaviour.
+ACM Integration Tests
+| Test case | Description | Expected behavior |
+| HealthcheckAcm | Verifies the ACM runtime is up and running | Should receive a 200 success response with STATUS:UP |
+| HealthcheckParticipantSim | Verifies the participant simulator is up and running | Should receive a 200 success response with STATUS:UP |
+| RegisterParticipants | Sends a PUT request to ACM-R to request the participants for registration | Should receive a 202 Accepted response from ACM-R |
+| CommissionAutomationComposition | Commissions a Tosca service template to ACM-R | Should receive a 201 created response from ACM_R |
+| CommissionAcDefinitionMigrationFrom | Commissions a service template for testing Migration flow | Should receive a 201 created response from ACM_R |
+| CommissionAcDefinitionMigrationTo | Commissions a target service template for testing Migration flow | Should receive a 201 created response from ACM_R |
+| PrimeACDefinitions | Prime the AC definition that was previously commissioned | Should receive a 202 Accepted response from ACM-R and the state of AC definition should be PRIMED |
+| FailPrimeACDefinitionFrom | Verify the priming failure from participant sim by updating the participant sim behavior | Should receive a 202 Accepted response from ACM-R and the stateChangeResult of AC definition should be FAILED |
+| PrimeACDefinitionFrom | Prime the AC definition for migration test, by updating the participant sim behavior to success | Should receive a 202 Accepted response from ACM-R and the state of AC definition should be PRIMED |
+| PrimeACDefinitionTo | Prime the target AC definition for migration test | Should receive a 202 Accepted response from ACM-R and the state of AC definition should be PRIMED |
+| InstantiateAutomationComposition | Instantiate the Automation Composition from the service template 1 | Should receive a 201 Accepted response from ACM-R |
+| InstantiateAutomationCompositionMigrationFrom | Instantiate the Automation Composition from the service template of migration test | Should receive a 201 Accepted response from ACM-R |
+| FailDeployAutomationCompositionMigration | Verify the deployment failure for migration AC instance by updating the participant sim behavior | Should receive a 202 Accepted response from ACM-R and the stateChangeResult of AC instance should be FAILED |
+| TimeoutDeployAutomationCompositionMigration | Verify the deployment is timing out for migration AC instance by updating the participant sim behavior | Should receive a 202 Accepted response from ACM-R |
+| PrepareAutomationComposition | Send Prepare request to ACM-R for the AC instance before deployment | Should receive a 202 Accepted response from ACM-R |
+| DeployAutomationComposition | Deploy the AC instance | Should receive a 202 Accepted response from ACM-R and the state of AC instance in ACM-R should be changed to DEPLOYED |
+| CheckTraces | Verify the traces are being recorded in Jaeger by fetching Jaeger endpoint | Should receive a 200 response with trace values present |
+| CheckKafkaPresentInTraces | Verify that kafka traces are being recorded in Jaeger | Should receive a 200 response with kafka trace values present |
+| CheckHttpPresentInAcmTraces | Verify that http traces are being recorded in jaeger | Should receive a 200 response with http trace values present |
+| QueryPolicies | verify the new policies are deployed by the Policy-participant in PAP | Should receive a 200 response with Policy name present in the deployed policies |
+| QueryPolicyTypes | Verify the new policy types are created by the Policy-participant in API | Should receive a 200 response with Policy type present in the available policy types |
+| ReviewAutomationComposition | Review the current state of AC instance | Should receive a 202 Accepted response and the substate should be present in the AC instance data |
+| CheckTimeoutAutomationComposition | Verify the migration AC instance deployment is timed out | Should receive a 200 response with stateChangeResult TIMEOUT |
+| DeployAutomationCompositionMigration | Deploy the migration AC instance after updating Participant sim to return success | Should receive a 202 Accepted status and the deploy state should be DEPLOYED in ACM-R |
+| SendOutPropertiesToRuntime | Update participant sim to send outProperties and verify it is updated in ACM-R | Should receive 200 response from ACM-R and the response should contain the outProperties available under AC instance |
+| AutomationCompositionUpdate | Update the AC instance properties in ACM-R | Should receive a 200 response from ACM-R and the AC instance should contain the updated property values |
+| PrecheckAutomationCompositionMigration | Precheck the Migration AC instance | Should receive a 200 response and the AC instance should provide the substate info |
+| AutomationCompositionMigrationTo | Migrate the AC instance | Should receive a 200 response and the AC instance should be migrated to to the target AC definition |
+| UnDeployAutomationComposition | Undeploy the AC instance | Should receive a 202 Accepted response and the AC instance in ACM-R should have the UNDEPLOYED status |
+| FailUnDeployAutomationCompositionMigrationTo | Verify the failure of undeploy in migration AC instance by updating the participant sim to fail | Should receive a 202 Accepted response and the stateChangeResult of the instance in ACM-R should be FAILED |
+| UnDeployAutomationCompositionMigrationTo | Undeploy the migration AC instance by updating the participant sim to success | Should receive a 202 Accepted response and the deploy state of the migration AC instance should be UNDEPLOYED |
+| UnInstantiateAutomationComposition | Uninstantiate the AC instance | Should receive a 202 Accepted response and the AC instance should have been deleted in ACM-R |
+| FailUnInstantiateACMigrationTo | Verify the uninstantiate failure in migration AC instance after updating the participant sim to fail | Should receive a 202 Accepted response, and the AC instance stateChangeResult should be FAILED in ACM-R |
+| UnInstantiateAutomationCompositionMigrationTo | Uninstantiate the migration AC instance | Should receive a 202 Accepted response and the migration AC instance should have been deleted in ACM-R |
+| DePrimeACDefinitions | Deprime the AC definition | Should receive a 202 Accepted response and the the AC definition in ACM-R should be moved to COMMISSIONED state |
+| FailDePrimeACDefinitionsFrom | Verify the failure of deprime in migration AC definition by updating the participant sim to fail | Should receive a 202 Accepted response and the migration AC definition in ACM-R should have stateChangeResult FAILED |
+| DePrimeACDefinitionsFrom | Deprime the migration AC definition from the participants | Should receive a 202 Accepted response and the migration AC definition in ACM-R should be moved to COMMISSIONED state |
+| DePrimeACDefinitionsTo | Deprime the migration target AC definition from the participants | Should receive a 202 Accepted response and the target AC definition in ACM-R should be moved to COMMISSIONED state |
+| DeleteACDefinition | Delete automation composition definition | Should receive a 200 response and the AC definition should be removed in ACM-R db |
+| DeleteACDefinitionFrom | Delete the migration automation composition definition | Should receive a 200 response and the migration AC definition should be removed in ACM-R db |
+| DeleteACDefinitionTo | Delete the target automation composition definition | Should receive a 200 response and the target AC definition should be removed in ACM-R db |
diff --git a/docs/clamp/clamp.rst b/docs/clamp/clamp.rst
index f2010707..2d9bcea1 100644
--- a/docs/clamp/clamp.rst
+++ b/docs/clamp/clamp.rst
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ automation composition elements using Metadata described in TOSCA.
+ acm/clamp-csit
.. note::
Policy/CLAMP was merged into the Policy Framework in the Honolulu release
diff --git a/docs/drools/pdpdEngine.rst b/docs/drools/pdpdEngine.rst
index d943d561..0ee4fc28 100644
--- a/docs/drools/pdpdEngine.rst
+++ b/docs/drools/pdpdEngine.rst
@@ -569,8 +569,8 @@ Using Features and Listeners
Features hook into the interception points provided by the the *PDP-D* main entities.
-*Endpoint Listeners*, see `here <https://git.onap.org/policy/common/tree/policy-endpoints/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/common/endpoints/event/comm/TopicListener.java>`__
-and `here <https://git.onap.org/policy/common/tree/policy-endpoints/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/common/endpoints/listeners>`__, can be used in conjuction with features for additional capabilities.
+*Endpoint Listeners*, see `here <https://git.onap.org/policy/common/tree/message-bus/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/common/message/bus/event/TopicListener.java>`__
+and `here <https://git.onap.org/policy/common/tree/policy-endpoints/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/common/endpoints/listeners>`__, can be used in conjunction with features for additional capabilities.
Using Maven-Drools applications