path: root/docs/pap/pap.rst
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diff --git a/docs/pap/pap.rst b/docs/pap/pap.rst
index bca9334f..21b5b42b 100644
--- a/docs/pap/pap.rst
+++ b/docs/pap/pap.rst
@@ -9,29 +9,78 @@ Policy Administration Point (PAP) Architecture
.. contents::
:depth: 3
-The PAP keeps track of PDPs, supporting the deployment of PDP groups and the deployment of a *policy set* across those
-PDP groups. Policies are created using the Policy API, but are deployed via the PAP.
+.. toctree::
+ InternalPapPdp.rst
-A PAP is stateless in a RESTful sense, using the database (persistent storage) to track PDPs and the deployment of
-policies to those PDPs. In short, policy management on PDPs is the responsibility of PAPs; management of policy sets or
-policies by any other manner is not permitted.
+The Policy Administration Point (PAP) keeps track of PDPs, supporting the deployment of PDP groups and the deployment
+of policies across those PDP groups. Policies are created using the Policy API, but are deployed via the PAP.
+The PAP is stateless in a RESTful sense, using the database (persistent storage) to track PDPs and the deployment of
+policies to those PDPs. In short, policy management on PDPs is the responsibility of PAP; management of policies by
+any other manner is not permitted.
Because the PDP is the main unit of scalability in the Policy Framework, the framework is designed to allow PDPs in a
PDP group to arbitrarily appear and disappear and for policy consistency across all PDPs in a PDP group to be easily
maintained. The PAP is responsible for controlling the state across the PDPs in a PDP group. The PAP interacts with the
-Policy database and transfers policy sets to PDPs.
-There are a number of rules for PDP group and PDP state management:
-1. Only one version of a PDP group may be ACTIVE at any time
-2. If a PDP group with a certain version is ACTIVE and a later version of the same PDP group is activated, then the
- system upgrades the PDP group
-3. If a PDP group with a certain version is ACTIVE and an earlier version of the same PDP group is activated, then the
- system downgrades the PDP group
-4. There is no restriction on the number of PASSIVE versions of a PDP group that can exist in the system
+policy database and transfers policies to PDPs.
+The unit of execution and scaling in the Policy Framework is a *PolicyImpl* entity. A *PolicyImpl* entity runs on a PDP.
+As is explained above, a *PolicyImpl* entity is a *PolicyTypeImpl* implementation parameterized with a TOSCA *Policy*.
+.. image:: images/PolicyImplPDPSubGroup.svg
+In order to achieve horizontal scalability, we group the PDPs running instances of a given *PolicyImpl* entity logically
+together into a *PDPSubGroup*. The number of PDPs in a *PDPSubGroup* can then be scaled up and down using Kubernetes. In
+other words, all PDPs in a subgroup run the same *PolicyImpl*, that is the same policy template implementation (in
+XACML, Drools, or APEX) with the same parameters.
+The figure above shows the layout of *PDPGroup* and *PDPSubGroup* entities. The figure shows examples of PDP groups for
+Control Loop and Monitoring policies on the right.
+The health of PDPs is monitored by the PAP in order to alert operations teams managing policies. The PAP manages the life
+cycle of policies running on PDPs.
+The table below shows the deployment methods in which *PolicyImpl* entities can be deployed to PDP Subgroups.
+========== =========================================== ============================== ==================================
+**Method** **Description** **Advantages** **Disadvantages**
+========== =========================================== ============================== ==================================
+Cold The *PolicyImpl* (*PolicyTypeImpl* and No run time configuration Very restrictive, no run time
+ TOSCA *Policy*) are predeployed on the PDP. required and run time configuration of PDPs is possible.
+ PDP is fully configured and ready to administration is simple.
+ execute when started.
+ PDPs register with the PAP when they
+ start, providing the *pdpGroup* they
+ have been preconfigured with.
+Warm The *PolicyTypeImpl* entity is predeployed The configuration, parameters, Administration and management is
+ on the PDP. A TOSCA *Policy* may be loaded and PDP group of PDPs may be required. The configuration and
+ at startup. The PDP may be configured or changed at run time by loading life cycle of the TOSCA policies
+ reconfigured with a new or updated TOSCA or updating a TOSCA *Policy* can change at run time and must be
+ *Policy* at run time. into the PDP. administered and managed.
+ PDPs register with the PAP when they start, Support TOSCA *Policy* entity
+ providing the *pdpGroup* they have been life cycle managgement is
+ predeployed with if any. The PAP may update supported, allowing features
+ the TOSCA *Policy* on a PDP at any time such as *PolicyImpl* Safe Mode
+ after registration. and *PolicyImpl* retirement.
+Hot The *PolicyImpl* (*PolicyTypeImpl* and The policy logic, rules, Administration and management is
+ TOSCA *Policy*) are deployed at run time. configuration, parameters, and more complex. The *PolicyImpl*
+ The *PolicyImpl* (*PolicyTypeImpl* and PDP group of PDPs may be itself and its configuration and
+ TOSCA *Policy*) may be loaded at startup. changed at run time by loading life cycle as well as the life
+ The PDP may be configured or reconfigured or updating a TOSCA *Policy* cycle of the TOSCA policies can
+ with a new or updated *PolicyTypeImpl* and *PolicyTypeImpl* into the change at run time and must be
+ and/or TOSCA *Policy* at run time. PDP. administered and managed.
+ PDPs register with the PAP when they Lifecycle management of TOSCA
+ start, providing the *pdpGroup* they have *Policy* entities and
+ been preconfigured with if any. The PAP may *PolicyTypeImpl* entites is
+ update the TOSCA *Policy* and supported, allowing features
+ *PolicyTypeImpl* on a PDP at any time after such as *PolicyImpl* Safe Mode
+ registration and *PolicyImpl* retirement.
+========== =========================================== ============================== ==================================
1 APIs
@@ -59,13 +108,17 @@ PAP supports the operations listed in the following table, via its REST API:
:widths: 25,70
"Health check", "Queries the health of the PAP"
+ "Consolidated healthcheck", "Queries the health of all policy components"
"Statistics", "Queries various statistics"
"PDP state change", "Changes the state of all PDPs in a PDP Group"
"PDP Group create/update", "Creates/updates PDP Groups"
"PDP Group delete", "Deletes a PDP Group"
"PDP Group query", "Queries all PDP Groups"
+ "Deployment update", "Deploy/undeploy one or more policies in specified PdpGroups"
"Deploy policy", "Deploys one or more policies to the PDPs"
"Undeploy policy", "Undeploys a policy from the PDPs"
+ "Policy deployment status", "Queries the status of all deployed policies"
+ "PDP statistics", "Queries the statistics of PDPs"
1.2 DMaaP API
@@ -124,6 +177,18 @@ Here is a sample response:
.. literalinclude:: response/health-check-pap-resp.json
:language: json
+.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/consolidated-healthcheck-pap.json
+This operation performs a health check of all policy components. The response
+contains the health check result of each component. The consolidated health check
+is reported as healthy only if all the components are healthy, otherwise the
+"healthy" flag is marked as false.
+Here is a sample response:
+.. literalinclude:: response/consolidated-healthcheck-pap-resp.json
+ :language: json
.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/statistics-pap.json
This operation allows statistics for PDP groups, PDP subgroups, and individual PDPs to be retrieved.
@@ -223,20 +288,36 @@ This operation allows policies to be undeployed from PDP groups.
.. note::
Due to current limitations, a fully qualified policy version must always be specified.
-3 Future Features
-3.1 Order Health Check on PDPs
+.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/deployed-policy-pap.json
-This operation will allow a PDP group health check to be ordered on PDP groups and on individual PDPs. The operation
-will return a HTTP status code of *202: Accepted* if the health check request has been accepted by the PAP. The PAP will
-then order execution of the health check on the PDPs.
+This operation allows the deployed policies to be listed together with their respective deployment status.
+The result can be filtered based on policy name & version.
+Here is a sample response:
+.. literalinclude:: response/deployed-policy-pap-resp.json
+ :language: json
+.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/pdp-statistics-pap.json
+This operation allows the PDP statistics to be retrieved for all registered PDPs.
+The result can be filtered based on PDP group, PDP subgroup & PDP instance.
+Here is a sample response:
+.. literalinclude:: response/pdp-statistics-pap-resp.json
+ :language: json
+3 Future Features
-As health checks may be long lived operations, Health checks will be scheduled for execution by this operation. Users
-will check the result of a health check test by issuing a PDP Group Query operation and checking the *healthy* field of
+3.1 Disable policies in PDP
+This operation will allow disabling individual policies running in PDP engine. It is mainly beneficial
+in scenarios where network operators/administrators want to disable a particular policy in PDP engine
+for a period of time due to a failure in the system or for scheduled maintenance.
End of Document