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--- a/docs/clamp/controlloop/controlloop.rst
+++ b/docs/clamp/controlloop/controlloop.rst
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.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. _clamp-builtin-label:
+.. _clamp-controlloop-label:
CLAMP Metadata Control Loop Automation Management using TOSCA
+CLAMP supports the definition, deployment, and life cycle management of control loops using Metadata described in TOSCA.
-.. contents::
- :depth: 4
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
-The idea of using control loops to automatically (or autonomously) perform network management
-has been the subject of much research in the Network Management research community, see
-:download:`this paper <files/ControlLoops.pdf>` for some background. However, it is only with
-the advent of ONAP that we have a platform that supports control loops for network management.
-Before ONAP, Control Loops have been implemented by hard-coding components together and hard
-coding logic into components. ONAP has taken a step forward towards automatic implementation
-of Control Loops by allowing parameterization of Control Loops that work on the premise that
-the Control Loops use a set of analytic, policy, and control components connected together in
-set ways.
-The goal of the work is to extend and enhance the current ONAP Control Loop support to provide
-a complete open-source framework for Control Loops. This will enhance the current support to
-provide TOSCA based Control Loop definition and development, commissioning and run-time management.
-The participants that comprise a Control Loop and the metadata needed to link the participants
-together to create a Control Loop are specified in a standardized way using the `OASIS TOSCA
-modelling language <>`_. The TOSCA
-description is then used to commission, instantiate, and manage the Control Loops in the run
-time system.
-.. image:: images/01-controlloop-overview.png
-1 Terminology
-This section describes the terminology used in the system.
-1.1 Control Loop Terminology
-**Control Loop Type:** A definition of a Control Loop in the TOSCA language. This definition describes
-a certain type of a control loop. The life cycle of instances of a Control Loop Type are managed
-by CLAMP.
-**Control Loop Instance:** An instance of a Control Loop Type. The life cycle of a Control Loop
-Instance is managed by CLAMP. A Control Loop Instance is a set of executing elements on which
-Life Cycle Management (LCM) is executed collectively. For example, a set of microservices may be
-spawned and executed together to deliver a service. This collection of services is a control loop.
-**Control Loop Element Type:** A definition of a Control Loop Element in the TOSCA language. This
-definition describes a certain type of Control Loop Element for a control loop in a Control
-Loop Type.
-**Control Loop Element Instance:** A single entity executing on a participant, with its Life Cycle
-being managed as part of the overall control loop. For example, a single microservice that is
-executing as one microservice in a service.
-**CLAMP Control Loop Runtime:** The CLAMP server that holds Control Loop Type definitions and manages
-the life cycle of Control Loop Instances and their Control Loop Elements in cooperation with
-1.2 Participant Terminology
-**Participant Type:** Definition of a type of system or framework that can take part in control
-loops and a definition of the capabilities of that participant type. A participant advertises
-its type to the CLAMP Control Loop Runtime.
-**Participant:** A system or framework that takes part in control loops by executing Control Loop
-Elements in cooperation with the CLAMP Control Loop Runtime. A participant chooses to partake
-in control loops, to manage Control Loop Elements for CLAMP, and to receive, send and act on
-LCM messages for the CLAMP runtime.
-1.3 Terminology for Properties
-**Common Properties:** Properties that apply to all Control Loop Instances of a certain Control
-Loop Type and are specified when a Control Loop Type is commissioned.
-**Instance Specific Properties:** Properties that must be specified for each Control Loop Instance
-and are specified when a Control Loop Instance is Initialized.
-1.4 Concepts and their relationships
-The UML diagram below shows the concepts described in the terminology sections above and how
-they are interrelated.
-.. image:: images/02-controlloop-concepts.png
-The Control Loop Definition concepts describe the types of things that are in the system. These
-concepts are defined at design time and are passed to the runtime in a TOSCA document. The
-concepts in the Control Loop Runtime are created by the runtime part of the system using the
-definitions created at design time.
-.. _controlloop-capabilities:
-2 Capabilities
-We consider the capabilities of Control Loops at Design Time and Run Time.
-At Design Time, three capabilities are supported:
-#. **Control Loop Element Definition Specification.** This capability allows users to define Control
- Loop Element Types and the metadata that can be used on and configured on a Control Loop Element
- Type. Users also define the Participant Type that will run the Control Loop Element when it is
- taking part in in a control loop. The post condition of an execution of this capability is that
- metadata for a Control Loop Element Type is defined in the Control Loop Design Time Catalogue.
-#. **Control Loop Element Definition Onboarding.** This capability allows external users and systems
- (such as SDC or DCAE-MOD) to define the metadata that can be used on and configured on a Control
- Loop Element Type and to define the Participant Type that will run the Control Loop Element when
- it is taking part in in a control loop. The post condition of an execution of this capability
- is that metadata for a Control Loop Element Type is defined in the Control Loop Design Time
- Catalogue.
-#. **Control Loop Type Definition.** This capability allows users and other systems to create Control
- Loop Type definitions by specifying a set of Control Loop Element Definitions from those that
- are available in the Control Loop Design Time Catalogue. These Control Loop Elements will
- work together to form Control Loops. In an execution of this capability, a user specifies the
- metadata for the Control Loop and specifies the set of Control Loop Elements and their Participant
- Types. The user also selects the correct metadata sets for each participant in the Control Loop
- Type and defines the overall Control Loop Type metadata. The user also specifies the Common
- Property Types that apply to all instances of a control loop type and the Instance Specific
- Property Types that apply to individual instances of a Control Loop Type. The post condition for
- an execution of this capability is a Control Loop definition in TOSCA stored in the Control Loop
- Design Time Catalogue.
-.. note::
- Once a Control Loop Definition is commissioned to the Control Loop Runtime and has been
- stored in the Run Time Inventory, it cannot be further edited unless it is decommissioned.
-At Run Time, the following participant related capabilities are supported:
-#. **System Pre-Configuration.** This capability allows participants to register and deregister
- with CLAMP. Participants explicitly register with CLAMP when they start. Control Loop Priming
- is performed on each participant once it registers. The post condition for an execution of this
- capability is that a participant becomes available (registration) or is no longer available
- (deregistration) for participation in a control loop.
-#. **Control Loop Priming on Participants.** A participant is primed to support a Control Loop Type.
- Priming a participant means that the definition of a control loop and the values of Common
- Property Types that apply to all instances of a control loop type on a participant are sent
- to a participant. The participant can then take whatever actions it need to do to support
- the control loop type in question. Control Loop Priming takes place at participant
- registration and at Control Loop Commissioning. The post condition for an execution of this
- capability is that all participants in this control loop type are commissioned, that is they
- are prepared to run instances of their Control Loop Element types.
-At Run Time, the following Control Loop Life Cycle management capabilities are supported:
-#. **Control Loop Commissioning:** This capability allows version controlled Control Loop Type
- definitions to be taken from the Control Loop Design Time Catalogue and be placed in the
- Commissioned Control Loop Inventory. It also allows the values of Common Property Types
- that apply to all instances of a Control Loop Type to be set. Further, the Control Loop
- Type is primed on all concerned participants. The post condition for an execution of this
- capability is that the Control Loop Type definition is in the Commissioned Control Loop
- Inventory and the Control Loop Type is primed on concerned participants.
-#. **Control Loop Instance Life Cycle Management:** This capability allows a Control Loop
- Instance to have its life cycle managed.
- #. **Control Loop Instance Creation:** This capability allows a Control Loop Instance to be
- created. The Control Loop Type definition is read from the Commissioned Control Loop
- Inventory and values are assigned to the Instance Specific Property Types defined for
- instances of the Control Loop Type in the same manner as the existing CLAMP client does.
- A Control Loop Instance that has been created but has not yet been instantiated on
- participants is in state UNINITIALIZED. In this state, the Instance Specific Property Type
- values can be revised and updated as often as the user requires. The post condition for an
- execution of this capability is that the Control Loop instance is created in the
- Instantiated Control Loop Inventory but has not been instantiated on Participants.
- #. **Control Loop Instance Update on Participants:** Once the user is happy with the property
- values, the Control Loop Instance is updated on participants and the Control Loop Elements
- for this Control Loop Instance are initialized or updated by participants using the control
- loop metadata. The post condition for an execution of this capability is that the Control
- Loop instance is updated on Participants.
- #. **Control Loop State Change:** The user can now order the participants to change the state
- of the Control Loop Instance. If the Control Loop is set to state RUNNING, each participant
- begins accepting and processing control loop events and the Control Loop Instance is set
- to state RUNNING in the Instantiated Control Loop inventory. The post condition for an
- execution of this capability is that the Control Loop instance state is changed on
- participants.
- #. **Control Loop Instance Monitoring:** This capability allows Control Loop Instances to be
- monitored. Users can check the status of Participants, Control Loop Instances, and Control
- Loop Elements. Participants report their overall status and the status of Control Loop
- Elements they are running periodically to CLAMP. Clamp aggregates these status reports
- into an aggregated Control Loop Instance status record, which is available for monitoring.
- The post condition for an execution of this capability is that Control Loop Instances are
- being monitored.
- #. **Control Loop Instance Supervision:** This capability allows Control Loop Instances to be
- supervised. The CLAMP runtime expects participants to report on Control Loop Elements
- periodically. The CLAMP runtime checks that periodic reports are received and that each
- Control Loop Element is in the state it should be in. If reports are missed or if a
- Control Loop Element is in an incorrect state, remedial action is taken and notifications
- are issued. The post condition for an execution of this capability is that Control Loop
- Instances are being supervised by the CLAMP runtime.
- #. **Control Loop Instance Removal from Participants:** A user can order the removal of a Control
- Loop Instance from participants. The post condition for an execution of this capability is
- that the Control Loop instance is removed from Participants.
- #. **Control Loop Instance Deletion:** A user can order the removal of a Control Loop Instance
- from the CLAMP runtime. Control Loop Instances that are instantiated on participants cannot
- be removed from the CLAMP runtime. The post condition for an execution of this capability
- is that the Control Loop instance is removed from Instantiated Control Loop Inventory.
-#. **Control Loop Decommissioning:** This capability allows version controlled Control Loop Type
- definitions to be removed from the Commissioned Control Loop Inventory. A Control Loop
- Definition that has instances in the Instantiated Control Loop Inventory cannot be removed.
- The post condition for an execution of this capability is that the Control Loop Type
- definition removed from the Commissioned Control Loop Inventory.
-.. note::
- The system dialogues for run time capabilities are described in detail on the
- :ref:`System Level Dialogues <system-level-label>` page.
-.. _controlloop-instance-states:
-2.1 Control Loop Instance States
-When a control loop definition has been commissioned, instances of the control loop can be
-created, updated, and deleted. The system manages the lifecycle of control loops and control
-loop elements following the state transition diagram below.
-.. image:: images/03-controlloop-instance-states.png
-3 Overall Target Architecture
-The diagram below shows an overview of the architecture of TOSCA based Control Loop
-Management in CLAMP.
-.. image:: images/04-overview.png
-Following the ONAP Reference Architecture, the architecture has a Design Time part and
-a Runtime part.
-The Design Time part of the architecture allows a user to specify metadata for participants.
-It also allows users to compose control loops. The Design Time Catalogue contains the metadata
-primitives and control loop definition primitives for composition of control loops. As shown
-in the figure above, the Design Time component provides a system where Control Loops can be
-designed and defined in metadata. This means that a Control Loop can have any arbitrary
-structure and the Control Loop developers can use whatever analytic, policy, or control
-participants they like to implement their Control Loop. At composition time, the user
-parameterises the Control Loop and stores it in the design time catalogue. This catalogue
-contains the primitive metadata for any participants that can be used to compose a Control
-Loop. A Control Loop SDK is used to compose a Control Loop by aggregating the metadata for
-the participants chosen to be used in a Control Loop and by constructing the references between
-the participants. The architecture of the Control Loop Design Time part will be elaborated in
-future releases.
-Composed Control Loops are commissioned on the run time part of the system, where they are
-stored in the Commissioned Control Loop inventory and are available for instantiation. The
-Commissioning component provides a CRUD REST interface for Control Loop Types, and implements
-CRUD of Control Loop Types. Commissioning also implements validation and persistence of incoming
-Control Loop Types. It also guarantees the integrity of updates and deletions of Control Loop
-Types, such as performing updates in accordance with semantic versioning rules and ensuring that
-deletions are not allowed on Control Loop Types that have instances defined.
-The Instantiation component manages the Life Cycle Management of Control Loop Instances and
-their Control Loop Elements. It publishes a REST interface that is used to create Control Loop
-Instances and set values for Common and Instance Specific properties. This REST interface is
-public and is used by the CLAMP GUI. It may also be used by any other client via the public
-REST interface. the REST interface also allows the state of Control Loop Instances to be changed.
-A user can change the state of Control Loop Instances as described in the state transition
-diagram shown in section 2 above. The Instantiation component issues update and state change
-messages via DMaaP to participants so that they can update and manage the state of the Control
-Loop Elements they are responsible for. The Instantiation component also implements persistence
-of Control Loop Instances, control loop elements, and their state changes.
-The Monitoring component reads updates sent by participants. Participants report on the
-state of their Control Loop Elements periodically and in response to a message they have
-received from the Instantiation component. The Monitoring component reads the contents of
-the participant messages and persists their state updates and statistics records. It also
-publishes a REST interface that publishes the current state of all Participants, Control
-Loop Instances and their Control Loop Elements, as well as publishing Participant and
-Control Loop statistics.
-The Supervision component is responsible for checking that Control Loop Instances are correctly
-instantiated and are in the correct state (UNINITIALIZED/READY/RUNNING). It also handles
-timeouts and on state changes to Control Loop Instances, and retries and rolls back state
-changes where state changes failed.
-A Participant is an executing component that partakes in control loops. More explicitly, a
-Participant is something that implements the Participant Instantiation and Participant
-Monitoring messaging protocol over DMaaP for Life Cycle management of Control Loop Elements.
-A Participant runs Control Loop Elements and manages and reports on their life cycle
-following the instructions it gets from the CLAMP runtime in messages delivered over DMaaP.
-In the figure above, five participants are shown. A Configuration Persistence Participant
-manages Control Loop Elements that interact with the `ONAP Configuration Persistence Service
-to store common data. The DCAE Participant runs Control Loop Elements that manage DCAE
-microservices. The Kubernetes Participant hosts the Control Loop Elements that are managing
-the life cycle of microservices in control loops that are in a Kubernetes ecosystem. The
-Policy Participant handles the Control Loop Elements that interact with the Policy Framework
-to manage policies for control loops. A Controller Participant such as the CDS Participant
-runs Control Loop Elements that load metadata and configure controllers so that they can
-partake in control loops. Any third party Existing System Participant can be developed to
-run Control Loop Elements that interact with any existing system (such as an operator's
-analytic, machine learning, or artificial intelligence system) so that those systems can
-partake in control loops.
-4. Other Considerations
-.. _management-cl-instance-configs:
-4.1 Management of Control Loop Instance Configurations
-In order to keep management of versions of the configuration of control loop instances
-straightforward and easy to implement, the following version management scheme using
-semantic versioning is implemented. Each configuration of a Control Loop Instance and
-configuration of a Control Loop Element has a semantic version with 3 digits indicating
-the **major.minor.patch** number of the version.
-.. note::
- A **configuration** means a full set of parameter values for a Control Loop Instance.
-.. image:: images/05-upgrade-states.png
-Change constraints:
-#. A Control Loop or Control Loop Element in state **RUNNING** can be changed to a higher patch
- level or rolled back to a lower patch level. This means that hot changes that do not
- impact the structure of a Control Loop or its elements can be executed.
-#. A Control Loop or Control Loop Element in state **PASSIVE** can be changed to a higher
- minor/patch level or rolled back to a lower minor/patch level. This means that structural
- changes to Control Loop Elements that do not impact the Control Loop as a whole can be
- executed by taking the control loop to state **PASSIVE**.
-#. A Control Loop or Control Loop Element in state **UNINITIALIZED** can be changed to a higher
- major/minor/patch level or rolled back to a lower major/minor/patch level. This means
- that where the structure of the entire control loop is changed, the control loop must
- be uninitialized and reinitialized.
-#. If a Control Loop Element has a **minor** version change, then its Control Loop Instance
- must have at least a **minor** version change.
-#. If a Control Loop Element has a **major** version change, then its Control Loop Instance
- must have a **major** version change.
-4.2 Scalability
-The system is designed to be inherently scalable. The CLAMP runtime is stateless, all state
-is preserved in the Instantiated Control Loop inventory in the database. When the user
-requests an operation such as an instantiation, activation, passivation, or an uninitialization
-on a Control Loop Instance, the CLAMP runtime broadcasts the request to participants over
-DMaaP and saves details of the request to the database. The CLAMP runtime does not directly
-wait for responses to requests.
-When a request is broadcast on DMaaP, the request is asynchronously picked up by participants
-of the types required for the Control Loop Instance and those participants manage the life
-cycle of its control loop elements. Periodically, each participant reports back on the status
-of operations it has picked up for the Control Loop Elements it controls, together with
-statistics on the Control Loop Elements over DMaaP. On reception of these participant messages,
-the CLAMP runtime stores this information to its database.
-The participant to use on a control loop can be selected from the registered participants
-in either of two ways:
-**Runtime-side Selection:** The CLAMP runtime selects a suitable participant from the list of
-participants and sends the participant ID that should be used in the Participant Update message.
-In this case, the CLAMP runtime decides on which participant will run the Control Loop Element
-based on a suitable algorithm. Algorithms could be round robin based or load based.
-**Participant-side Selection:** The CLAMP runtime sends a list of Participant IDs that may be used
-in the Participant Update message. In this case, the candidate participants decide among
-themselves which participant should host the Control Loop Element.
-This approach makes it easy to scale Control Loop life cycle management. As Control Loop
-Instance counts increase, more than one CLAMP runtime can be deployed and REST/supervision
-operations on Control Loop Instances can run in parallel. The number of participants can
-scale because an asynchronous broadcast mechanism is used for runtime-participant communication
-and there is no direct connection or communication channel between participants and CLAMP
-runtime servers. Participant state, Control Loop Instance state, and Control Loop Element
-state is held in the database, so any CLAMP runtime server can handle operations for any
-participant. Because many participants of a particular type can be deployed and participant
-instances can load balance control loop element instances for different Control Loop Instances
-of many types across themselves using a mechanism such as a Kubernetes cluster.
-4.3 Sandboxing and API Gateway Support
-At runtime, interaction between ONAP platform services and application microservices are
-relatively unconstrained, so interactions between Control Loop Elements for a given Control
-Loop Instance remain relatively unconstrained. A
-`proposal to support access-controlled access to and between ONAP services
-will improve this. This can be complemented by intercepting and controlling services
-accesses between Control Loop Elements for Control Loop Instances for some/all Control
-Loop types.
-API gateways such as `Kong <>`_ have emerged as a useful technology
-for exposing and controlling service endpoint access for applications and services. When a
-Control Loop Type is onboarded, or when Control Loop Instances are created in the Participants,
-CLAMP can configure service endpoints between Control Loop Elements to redirect through an
-API Gateway.
-Authentication and access-control rules can then be dynamically configured at the API gateway
-to support constrained access between Control Loop Elements and Control Loop Instances.
-The diagram below shows the approach for configuring API Gateway access at Control Loop
-Instance and Control Loop Element level.
-.. image:: images/06-api-gateway-sandbox.png
-At design time, the Control Loop type definition specifies the type of API gateway configuration
-that should be supported at Control Loop and Control Loop Element levels.
-At runtime, the CLAMP can configure the API gateway to enable (or deny) interactions between
-Control Loop Instances and individually for each Control Loop Element. All service-level
-interactions in/out of a Control Loop Element, except that to/from the API Gateway, can be
-blocked by networking policies, thus sandboxing a Control Loop Element and an entire Control
-Loop Instance if desired. Therefore, a Control Loop Element will only have access to the APIs
-that are configured and enabled for the Control Loop Element/Instance in the API gateway.
-For some Control Loop Element Types the Participant can assist with service endpoint
-reconfiguration, service request/response redirection to/from the API Gateway, or
-annotation of requests/responses.
-Once the Control Loop instance is instantiated on participants, the participants configure
-the API gateway with the Control Loop Instance level configuration and with the specific
-configuration for their Control Loop Element.
-Monitoring and logging of the use of the API gateway may also be provided. Information and
-statistics on API gateway use can be read from the API gateway and passed back in monitoring
-messages to the CLAMP runtime.
-Additional isolation and execution-environment sandboxing can be supported depending on the
-Control Loop Element Type. For example: ONAP policies for given Control Loop Instances/Types
-can be executed in a dedicated PDP engine instances; DCAE or K8S-hosted services can executed
-in isolated namespaces or in dedicated workers/clusters; etc..
-5 APIs and Protocols
-The APIs and Protocols used by CLAMP for Control Loops are described on the pages below:
-#. :ref:`System Level Dialogues <system-level-label>`
-#. :ref:`Defining Control Loops in TOSCA for CLAMP <defining-controlloops-label>`
-#. :ref:`The CLAMP Control Loop Participant Protocol <controlloop-participant-protocol-label>`
-#. :ref:`REST APIs for CLAMP Control Loops <controlloop-rest-apis-label>`
-6 Design and Implementation
-The design and implementation of TOSCA Control Loops in CLAMP is described for each executable entity on the pages below:
-#. The CLAMP Runtime Server
-#. CLAMP Participants
-#. Building and running CLAMP
-#. Testing CLAMP
-End of Document
+ controlloop-architecture
+ defining-controlloops
+ api-protocol/api-protocol
+ design-impl/design-impl