path: root/docs/clamp/acm/acm-participant-guide.rst
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diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/acm-participant-guide.rst b/docs/clamp/acm/acm-participant-guide.rst
index dfd81778..4ce979e0 100644
--- a/docs/clamp/acm/acm-participant-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/acm-participant-guide.rst
@@ -30,9 +30,11 @@ which is added as a maven dependency to the participants has the default impleme
events coming in from the ACM-runtime, process them and delegate them to the appropriate handler class. Similarly the
Intermediary module also has the publisher class implementations for publishing events back from the participants to the ACM-runtime.
-Hence the new participants has to have this Participant Intermediary module as a dependency and should implement the following
-interfaces from the Participant Intermediary. It should also be provided with the following mandatory properties in order to make the participant
-work in synchronisation with ACM-runtime.
+Hence the new participants has to have this Participant Intermediary module as a dependency and should:
+* Configure SpringBoot to scan the components located into the package "org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.participant.intermediary".
+* Implement the following interfaces from the Participant Intermediary.
+* Provide the following mandatory properties in order to make the participant work in synchronisation with ACM-runtime.
The participant application should be provided with the following Intermediary parameter values in the application properties
and the same is configured for the 'ParticipantIntermediaryParameters' object in the code.
@@ -75,53 +77,283 @@ AutomationCompositionElementListener:
Every participant should implement a handler class that implements the AutomationCompositionElementListener interface
from the Participant Intermediary. The intermediary listener class listens for the incoming events from the ACM-runtime
and invoke the handler class implementations for various operations. This class implements the methods for deploying,
- undeploying, locking, unlocking , updating, getting UseState, getting OperationalState requests that are coming from the ACM-runtime.
+ undeploying, locking, unlocking , deleting, updating, priming, depriming requests that are coming from the ACM-runtime.
The methods are as follows.
-.. code-block:: bash
+.. code-block:: java
1. void undeploy(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID automationCompositionElementId) throws PfModelException;
- 2. void deploy(UUID automationCompositionId, AcElementDeploy element, Map<String, Object> properties) throws PfModelException;
- 3. default void lock(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID automationCompositionElementId) throws PfModelException;
- 4. default void unlock(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID automationCompositionElementId) throws PfModelException;
- 5. default void update(UUID automationCompositionId, AcElementDeploy element, Map<String, Object> properties) throws PfModelException;
+ 2. void deploy(UUID automationCompositionId, AcElementDeploy element, Map<String, Object> inProperties) throws PfModelException;
+ 3. void lock(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID automationCompositionElementId) throws PfModelException;
+ 4. void unlock(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID automationCompositionElementId) throws PfModelException;
+ 5. void delete(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID automationCompositionElementId) throws PfModelException;
+ 6. void update(UUID automationCompositionId, AcElementDeploy element, Map<String, Object> inProperties) throws PfModelException;
+ 7. void prime(UUID compositionId, List<AutomationCompositionElementDefinition> elementDefinitionList) throws PfModelException;
+ 8. void deprime(UUID compositionId) throws PfModelException;
These method from the interface are implemented independently as per the user requirement. These methods after handling the
appropriate requests should also invoke the intermediary's publisher apis to notify the ACM-runtime with the acknowledgement events.
+ Every participant should implement a properties class that contains the values of all Intermediary parameter properties.
+ This class implements the method getIntermediaryParameters that returns 'ParticipantIntermediaryParameters' object. The method is as follows.
+.. code-block:: java
+ ParticipantIntermediaryParameters getIntermediaryParameters()
APIs to invoke
The participant intermediary api has the following methods that can be invoked from the participant for the following purposes.
- 1. The requested operations are completed in the handler class and the ACM-runtime needs to be notified.
- 2. To register the participant with the ACM-runtime during the startup.
+ #. The requested operations are completed in the handler class and the ACM-runtime needs to be notified.
+ #. Collect all instances data.
+ #. Send out Properties to ACM-runtime.
The methods are as follows:
- This following method is invoked to register the handler class that is implemented specific to the participant.
+This following method is invoked to update the AC element state after each operation is completed in the participant.
-.. code-block:: bash
+.. code-block:: java
- void registerAutomationCompositionElementListener(AutomationCompositionElementListener automationCompositionElementListener);
+ 1. void updateAutomationCompositionElementState(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID elementId, DeployState deployState, LockState lockState, StateChangeResult stateChangeResult, String message);
+ 2. Map<UUID, AutomationComposition> getAutomationCompositions();
+ 3. void sendAcElementInfo(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID elementId, String useState, String operationalState, Map<String, Object> outProperties);
+ 4. void updateCompositionState(UUID compositionId, AcTypeState state, StateChangeResult stateChangeResult, String message);
-This following method is invoked to update the AC element state after each operation is completed in the participant.
+In/Out Properties
+ The 'In Properties' could be created or updated by ACM-runtime. Participants will receive that Properties during deploy and update events.
-.. code-block:: bash
+ The 'Out Properties' could be created or updated by participants. ACM-runtime will receive that Properties during ParticipantStatus event.
+ The participant can trigger this event using the method sendAcElementInfo.
+ The 'useState' and 'operationalState' can be used as well.
+ Is allowed to the participant to read all In/Out Properties and state of all instances handled by the participant using the method getAutomationCompositions.
+ The following code is an example how to update the property 'myProperty' and send to ACM-runtime:
+.. code-block:: java
+ var automationCompositions = intermediaryApi.getAutomationCompositions();
+ var automationComposition = automationCompositions.get(automationCompositionId);
+ var acElement = automationComposition.getElements().get(elementId);
+ var outProperties = acElement.getOutProperties();
+ outProperties.put("myProperty", myProperty);
+ intermediaryApi.sendAcElementInfo(automationCompositionId, elementId, acElement.getUseState(), acElement.getOperationalState(), outProperties);
- void updateAutomationCompositionElementState(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID id, DeployState newState,LockState lockState);
In ONAP, the following participants are already implemented in java spring boot for various requirements. The maven modules
-can be referred here
+can be referred here:
+ * `HTTP participant <>`_.
+ * `Kubernetes participant <>`_.
+ * `Policy participant <>`_.
+ * `A1PMS participant <>`_.
+ * `Kserve participant <>`_.
+Example of Implementation
+This following code is an example of My First Participant:
+ * Application
+ * Parameters
+ * Handler
+The Application class is configured to add the "org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.participant.intermediary" package in SpringBoot component scanning.
+.. code-block:: java
+ @SpringBootApplication
+ @ComponentScan({
+ "org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.participant.myfirstparticipant",
+ "org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.participant.intermediary"
+ })
+ @ConfigurationPropertiesScan("org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.participant.myfirstparticipant.parameters")
+ public class MyFirstParticipantApplication {
- `HTTP participant <>`_.
- `Kubernetes participant <>`_.
- `Policy participant <>`_.
- `A1PMS participant <>`_.
- `Kserve participant <>`_.
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+, args);
+ }
+ }
+The Participant Parameters class implements the mandatory interface ParticipantParameters.
+It could contains additional parameters.
+.. code-block:: java
+ @Validated
+ @Getter
+ @Setter
+ @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "participant")
+ public class ParticipantSimParameters implements ParticipantParameters {
+ @NotBlank
+ private String myparameter;
+ @NotNull
+ @Valid
+ private ParticipantIntermediaryParameters intermediaryParameters;
+ }
+The following example shows the topic parameters and the additional 'myparameter'.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ participant:
+ myparameter: my parameter
+ intermediaryParameters:
+ reportingTimeIntervalMs: 120000
+ description: Participant Description
+ participantId: 101c62b3-8918-41b9-a747-d21eb79c6c90
+ clampAutomationCompositionTopics:
+ topicSources:
+ servers:
+ - ${topicServer:localhost}
+ topicCommInfrastructure: dmaap
+ fetchTimeout: 15000
+ topicSinks:
+ servers:
+ - ${topicServer:localhost}
+ topicCommInfrastructure: dmaap
+ participantSupportedElementTypes:
+ -
+ typeName: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.MyFirstAutomationCompositionElement
+ typeVersion: 1.0.0
+The following example shows the Handler implementation and how could be the implemented the mandatory notifications.
+.. code-block:: java
+ @Component
+ @RequiredArgsConstructor
+ public class MyFirstAcElementHandler implements AutomationCompositionElementListener {
+ private final ParticipantIntermediaryApi intermediaryApi;
+ @Override
+ public void deploy(UUID automationCompositionId, AcElementDeploy element, Map<String, Object> properties)
+ throws PfModelException {
+ // TODO deploy process
+ if (isDeploySuccess()) {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId, element.getId(),
+ DeployState.DEPLOYED, null, StateChangeResult.NO_ERROR, "Deployed");
+ } else {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId, element.getId(),
+ DeployState.UNDEPLOYED, null, StateChangeResult.FAILED, "Deploy failed!");
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void undeploy(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID automationCompositionElementId) throws PfModelException {
+ LOGGER.debug("undeploy call");
+ // TODO undeploy process
+ if (isUndeploySuccess()) {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId,
+ automationCompositionElementId, DeployState.UNDEPLOYED, null, StateChangeResult.NO_ERROR,
+ "Undeployed");
+ } else {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId,
+ automationCompositionElementId, DeployState.DEPLOYED, null, StateChangeResult.FAILED,
+ "Undeploy failed!");
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void lock(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID automationCompositionElementId) throws PfModelException {
+ // TODO lock process
+ if (isLockSuccess()) {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId,
+ automationCompositionElementId, null, LockState.LOCKED, StateChangeResult.NO_ERROR, "Locked");
+ } else {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId,
+ automationCompositionElementId, null, LockState.UNLOCKED, StateChangeResult.FAILED, "Lock failed!");
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void unlock(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID automationCompositionElementId) throws PfModelException {
+ // TODO unlock process
+ if (isUnlockSuccess()) {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId,
+ automationCompositionElementId, null, LockState.UNLOCKED, StateChangeResult.NO_ERROR, "Unlocked");
+ } else {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId,
+ automationCompositionElementId, null, LockState.LOCKED, StateChangeResult.FAILED, "Unlock failed!");
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void delete(UUID automationCompositionId, UUID automationCompositionElementId) throws PfModelException {
+ // TODO delete process
+ if (isDeleteSuccess()) {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId,
+ automationCompositionElementId, DeployState.DELETED, null, StateChangeResult.NO_ERROR, "Deleted");
+ } else {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId,
+ automationCompositionElementId, DeployState.UNDEPLOYED, null, StateChangeResult.FAILED,
+ "Delete failed!");
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void update(UUID automationCompositionId, AcElementDeploy element, Map<String, Object> properties)
+ throws PfModelException {
+ // TODO update process
+ if (isUpdateSuccess()) {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId, element.getId(),
+ DeployState.DEPLOYED, null, StateChangeResult.NO_ERROR, "Updated");
+ } else {
+ intermediaryApi.updateAutomationCompositionElementState(automationCompositionId, element.getId(),
+ DeployState.DEPLOYED, null, StateChangeResult.FAILED, "Update failed!");
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void prime(UUID compositionId, List<AutomationCompositionElementDefinition> elementDefinitionList)
+ throws PfModelException {
+ // TODO prime process
+ if (isPrimeSuccess()) {
+ intermediaryApi.updateCompositionState(compositionId, AcTypeState.PRIMED, StateChangeResult.NO_ERROR,
+ "Primed");
+ } else {
+ intermediaryApi.updateCompositionState(compositionId, AcTypeState.COMMISSIONED, StateChangeResult.FAILED,
+ "Prime failed!");
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void deprime(UUID compositionId) throws PfModelException {
+ // TODO deprime process
+ if (isDeprimeSuccess()) {
+ intermediaryApi.updateCompositionState(compositionId, AcTypeState.COMMISSIONED, StateChangeResult.NO_ERROR,
+ "Deprimed");
+ } else {
+ intermediaryApi.updateCompositionState(compositionId, AcTypeState.PRIMED, StateChangeResult.FAILED,
+ "Deprime failed!");
+ }
+ }