path: root/docs/gui/Monitoring-GUI-Demo-Guide.rst
diff options
authorHenry.Sun <henry.a.sun@est.tech>2020-04-28 15:52:20 +0800
committerHenry.Sun <henry.a.sun@est.tech>2020-05-25 16:14:14 +0800
commita87af3fd96ec73b9716770f86f250aba79aa4884 (patch)
tree0400b5f7506ab2d16d578d863b3a1877137140fe /docs/gui/Monitoring-GUI-Demo-Guide.rst
parentafa8f83e956647dff10134cc3575e8e8173061c9 (diff)
user guide demo for monitoring gui
Issue-ID: POLICY-2515 Change-Id: Ifca7e44cb9ba54cd3b867d1795108546b36d9d45 Signed-off-by: Henry.Sun <henry.a.sun@est.tech>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/gui/Monitoring-GUI-Demo-Guide.rst')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/gui/Monitoring-GUI-Demo-Guide.rst b/docs/gui/Monitoring-GUI-Demo-Guide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64f29158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/gui/Monitoring-GUI-Demo-Guide.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
+.. 4.0 International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+Using Monitoring Gui
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ Here is an example running Monitoring Gui on a Native Windows Computer.
+Environment setup
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ create and run docker images about the following tar packages
+ .. container:: listingblock
+ .. container:: content
+ .. code::
+ :number-lines:
+ docker load-i pdp.tar
+ docker load-i mariadb.tar
+ docker load-i api.tar
+ docker load-i apex.tar
+ docker load-i pap.tar
+ docker load-i xacml.tar
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ download latest source from gerrit and create tar by command
+ .. code::
+ :number-lines:
+ tar example example.tar
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ download drools-pdp latest source from gerrit
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ prepare eclipse for starting drools-pdp
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ config drools-pdp dependency in eclipse
+ .. container:: ulist
+ - create config folder inside drools-pdp\policy-management, copy feature-lifecycle.properties into this folder
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ .. container:: content
+ |Create the Folder Arc|
+ .. container:: content
+ .. code::
+ :number-lines:
+ lifecycle.pdp.group=${envd:POLICY_PDP_PAP_GROUP:defaultGroup}
+ dmaap.source.topics=POLICY-PDP-PAP
+ dmaap.sink.topics=POLICY-PDP-PAP
+ dmaap.source.topics.POLICY-PDP-PAP.servers=localhost:3904
+ dmaap.source.topics.POLICY-PDP-PAP.managed=false
+ dmaap.sink.topics.POLICY-PDP-PAP.servers=localhost:3904
+ dmaap.sink.topics.POLICY-PDP-PAP.managed=false
+ - update run property "classpath" of "drools.system.Main" in Eclipse
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ .. container:: content
+ |Update run Property|
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ .. container:: content
+ |Lifecycle classpath setting|
+Prepare Postman for sending REST request to components during demo
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ import "demo.postman_collection.json" into PostMan
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ .. container:: content
+ |Import JSON in PostMan|
+ .. container:: content
+ "demo.postman_collection.json", ":download:`link <demo.postman_collection.json>`"
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ clean docker environment
+ .. code::
+ :number-lines:
+ # docker rm $(docker ps-aq)
+Demo steps
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ docker compose start mariadb and message-router. Mariadb must be started in a seperate console because it needs several seconds to finish startup, and other docker startups depends on this
+ .. container::
+ .. container:: content
+ .. code::
+ :number-lines:
+ # docker-compose up -d mariadb message-router
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ docker compose start other components API, PAP, APEX-PDP, XACML-PDP
+ .. container::
+ .. container:: content
+ .. code::
+ :number-lines:
+ # docker-compose up -d pdp xacml pap api
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ start "drools.system.Main" in eclipse
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ verify PDPs are registered into the database
+ .. container:: ulist
+ - get pdp lists in database
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:7979/policy/pap/v1/pdps' --user 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' | json_pp
+ - get statistics
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:7979/policy/pap/v1/pdps/statistics/' --user 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' | json_pp
+ .. container:: ulist
+ - start PAP statistics monitoring GUI
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ java -jar client/client-monitoring/target/client-monitoring-uber 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
+ - open monitor in browser
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ curl localhost:18999
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ set up pap parameter
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ .. container:: content
+ |Pap parameter|
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ input parameters
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ .. container:: content
+ |Set up pap parameter|
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ Fetch PdpLists
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ .. container:: content
+ |Fetch Pdp Lists|
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ no Engine Worker started, we can only see healthcheck result when we click on the instance APEX statistics
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ |No engine worker started|
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ XACML statistics
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ |XACML statistics|
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ use PostMan to send request to API to create policy type/create policy/ deploy policy
+ .. container:: content
+ .. code::
+ :number-lines:
+ API_Create Policy Type
+ API_Create Policy
+ Simple Deploy Policy
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ now APEX PDP statistics data includes engine worker statistics, and shows the monitoring GUI updating automatically (every 2 minutes)
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ |Engine worker started|
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ use PostMan to send a request to DMAAP, add one xacml-pdp statistics message manually, show that the monitoring GUI updates the PostMan API
+ .. container::
+ .. container ::content
+ .. code::
+ :number-lines:
+ Update Xacml Stats
+ .. container:: paragraph
+ xacml-pdp statistics update
+ .. container:: imageblock
+ |Update XACML statistics|
+.. |Create the Folder Arc| image:: ./images/CreateFolder.png
+.. |Update run Property| image:: ./images/ClassPathRunProperty.png
+.. |Lifecycle classpath setting| image:: ./images/ClassPathSetting.png
+.. |Import JSON in PostMan| image:: ./images/ImportPostmanJson.png
+.. |Pap parameter| image:: ./images/PapParameter.png
+.. |Set up pap parameter| image:: ./images/PapInputParameter.png
+.. |Fetch Pdp Lists| image:: ./images/FetchPdpLists.png
+.. |No engine worker started| image:: ./images/NoEngineWorker.png
+.. |XACML statistics| image:: ./images/XACMLstatistics.png
+.. |Engine worker started| image:: ./images/PDPstatistics.png
+.. |Update XACML statistics| image:: ./images/UpdateStatistics.png \ No newline at end of file