BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/models to latest snapshotswaynedunican3 weeks
osloUpdate gitreview for oslo in modelsrameshiyer273 months
newdelhiupdate references for newdelhi branchadheli.tavares9 months
montrealSet Montreal default branchliamfallon15 months
java-17Fix Simulator BuildersFrancescoFioraEst18 months
londonSet references for london releaseliamfallon21 months
kohnUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/models to latest snapshotsliamfallon2 years
istanbulUpdate PF base imageliamfallon2 years
honoluluupdate docker base image to snapshotliamfallon2 years
jakartaUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/models to latest snapshotsliamfallon2 years
guilinUpdate policy-keystore with newer certificatesjhh4 years
frankfurtWork around docker rate limit in CSITsJim Hahn4 years
elaltoMerge "Bump models to a released version 2.1.5-SNAPSHOT" into elaltoPamela Dragosh5 years
dublinFix copyrightPamela Dragosh6 years