BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUplift of spring framework dependenciesadheli.tavares8 months
newdelhiupdate references for newdelhi branchadheli.tavares10 months
montrealSet Montreal default branchliamfallon16 months
java-17Bump snapshots for Java 17liamfallon19 months
londonSet references for london releaseliamfallon22 months
jakartaUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/gui to latest snapshotsliamfallon2 years
kohnUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/gui to latest snapshotsliamfallon2 years
istanbulUpdate PF base imageliamfallon3 years
frankfurtPoint to latest SNAPSHOTsPamela Dragosh5 years
guilinPoint to latest SNAPSHOTsPamela Dragosh5 years
honoluluPoint to latest SNAPSHOTsPamela Dragosh5 years