path: root/BRMSGateway
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-12-05Fix Sonar Issues for BRMSGWDaniel Cruz1-13/+10
2017-12-04Fix BRMSGW Sonar IssuesDaniel Cruz3-50/+62
2017-11-29Merge "Modified dmaapClient dependency GroupId/Version"Jorge Hernandez1-2/+2
2017-11-29Modified dmaapClient dependency GroupId/VersionMagnusen, Drew (dm741q)1-2/+2
2017-11-21Bump minor versionJessica Wagantall5-27/+27
2017-11-15Update to v1.1.2-SNAPSHOTPamela Dragosh5-27/+27
2017-11-08Update SNAPSHOT versionPamela Dragosh5-29/+29
2017-11-02Updated the External Dependencies Versionrb71471-1/+1
2017-09-27New controller support from BRMSGWTej, Tarun4-38/+108
2017-09-21Merge "Added Junits for POLICY-SDK-APP"Pamela Dragosh1-2/+2
2017-09-21Added Junits for POLICY-SDK-APPrb71471-2/+2
2017-09-21Used entrySet instead of keySetrama-huawei2-18/+19
2017-09-18Adding JUnits for additional coverageTej, Tarun6-1/+382
2017-09-08Sonar FixesTej, Tarun1-0/+3
2017-08-23Fixes for sonar critical issuesTej, Tarun3-968/+1004
2017-07-31[POLICY-73] replace openecomp for policy-engineGuo Ruijing15-69/+69
2017-07-25[Policy-52, Policy-92, Policy-93] Policy Enhancements and bugfixesTarun Tej Velaga2-5/+12
2017-07-11[POLICY-22] Changes to Policy Rule PackagesTarun Tej Velaga2-14/+14
2017-06-15[Policy-8 ,Policy-23] Updated Matchid for policiesrb71471-1/+1
2017-05-23Commit includes ControlLoopPolicy API and bugfixesRavindra Bakkamanthala3-20/+19
2017-05-09Policy 1707 Second commitITSERVICES\rb71473-60/+188
2017-05-03Policy 1707 commit to LFITSERVICES\rb714712-332/+1024
2017-03-14cherry-pick release-1.0.0 changesPamela Dragosh1-1/+1
2017-03-10v1.1.0-SNAPSHOTPamela Dragosh1-1/+1
2017-03-10release-1.0.0 changesPamela Dragosh1-1/+1
2017-02-23fix pom.xml warning duplicate groupId versionIdPamela Dragosh1-1/+1
2017-02-14Initial OpenECOMP policy/engine commitPamela Dragosh10-0/+1493
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        "version": "${project.version}",
        "comments": "",
        "xml": "<service-logic xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' version='${project.version}'>",
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        "comments": "",
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        "comments": "",
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        "z": "5d6511ad.296e1",
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        "name": "return failure",
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        "name": "return failure",
        "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n    <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Unknown capability-type [' + $ss.capability-type + '], valid value are: vnf, pnf, vf-module'`\" />\n",
        "comments": "",
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        "wires": []
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        "type": "call",
        "name": "call self-serve-vnf-generate-name-changeassign",
        "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='self-serve-vnf-generate-name-changeassign' mode='sync' >\n",
        "comments": "",
        "outputs": 1,
        "x": 1154.2858581542969,
        "y": 558.1428499221802,
        "z": "5d6511ad.296e1",
        "wires": [
        "id": "79055137.e90c6",
        "type": "call",
        "name": "call self-serve-vf-module-generate-name-changeassign",
        "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='self-serve-vf-module-generate-name-changeassign' mode='sync' >\n",
        "comments": "",
        "outputs": 1,
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        "y": 615.9285726547241,
        "z": "5d6511ad.296e1",
        "wires": [
        "id": "5357c55f.7049cc",
        "type": "call",
        "name": "call self-serve-pnf-generate-name-changeassign",
        "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='self-serve-pnf-generate-name-changeassign' mode='sync' >\n",
        "comments": "",
        "outputs": 1,
        "x": 1155.0001258850098,
        "y": 673.7143020629883,
        "z": "5d6511ad.296e1",
        "wires": [
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        "type": "call",
        "name": "call capability-param-resolution",
        "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='self-serve-capability-param-resolution' mode='sync' >\n",
        "comments": "",
        "outputs": 1,
        "x": 651.4284973144531,
        "y": 320.00001335144043,
        "z": "5d6511ad.296e1",
        "wires": [
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        "type": "execute",
        "name": "execute PropertiesNode",
        "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n    <parameter name='fileName' value='%SDNC_CONFIG_DIR%/' />\n    <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
        "comments": "",
        "outputs": 1,
        "x": 1042.1070763724192,
        "y": 250.28571564810636,
        "z": "5d6511ad.296e1",
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        "xml": "<switch test='`$prop.controller.user`'>\n",
        "comments": "",
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        "x": 630.8213119506836,
        "y": 250.71433639526367,
        "z": "5d6511ad.296e1",
        "wires": [
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