path: root/ONAP-PDP-REST/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/pdp/rest/api/services/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ONAP-PDP-REST/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/pdp/rest/api/services/')
1 files changed, 656 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ONAP-PDP-REST/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/pdp/rest/api/services/ b/ONAP-PDP-REST/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/pdp/rest/api/services/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7216e152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONAP-PDP-REST/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/pdp/rest/api/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Base64;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import org.onap.policy.api.PolicyException;
+import org.onap.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.FlexLogger;
+import org.onap.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.Logger;
+import org.onap.policy.xacml.api.XACMLErrorConstants;
+import org.onap.policy.xacml.std.pap.StdPDPPolicy;
+import com.att.research.xacml.util.XACMLProperties;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
+public class PAPServices {
+ private static final String SUCCESS = "success";
+ private static Logger LOGGER = FlexLogger.getLogger(PAPServices.class
+ .getName());
+ private int responseCode = 0;
+ private static String environment = "DEVL";
+ private static Boolean junit = false;
+ private static List<String> paps = null;
+ private static final Object papResourceLock = new Object();
+ private String operation = null;
+ private String requestMethod = null;
+ private String encoding = null;
+ public PAPServices() {
+ environment = PDPApiAuth.getEnvironment();
+ if(paps == null){
+ synchronized (papResourceLock) {
+ String urlList = XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_URLS);
+ if(urlList == null){
+ urlList = XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_URL);
+ }
+ paps = Arrays.asList(urlList.split(","));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private String getPAPEncoding(){
+ if(encoding == null){
+ String userID = XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_USERID);
+ String pass = XACMLProperties.getProperty(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_PASS);
+ Base64.Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder();
+ encoding = encoder.encodeToString((userID+":"+pass).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
+ }
+ return encoding;
+ }
+ private void rotatePAPList(){
+ synchronized (papResourceLock) {
+ Collections.rotate(paps, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ private String getPAP(){
+ String result;
+ synchronized (papResourceLock) {
+ result = paps.get(0);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public int getResponseCode() {
+ return responseCode;
+ }
+ public Object callPAP(Object content, String[] parameters, UUID requestID,
+ String clientScope) throws PolicyException {
+ String response = null;
+ HttpURLConnection connection = null;
+ responseCode = 0;
+ // Checking for the available PAPs is done during the first Request and
+ // the List is going to have the connected PAP as first element.
+ // This makes it Real-Time to change the list depending on their
+ // availability.
+ if (paps == null || paps.isEmpty()) {
+ String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "PAPs List is Empty.";
+ LOGGER.error(message);
+ throw new PolicyException(message);
+ }
+ int papsCount = 0;
+ boolean connected = false;
+ while (papsCount < paps.size()) {
+ try {
+ String fullURL = getPAP();
+ fullURL = checkParameter(parameters, fullURL);
+ URL url = new URL(fullURL);
+ LOGGER.debug("--- Sending Request to PAP : "+ url.toString() + " ---");
+ // Open the connection
+ connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
+ // Setting Content-Type
+ connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type","application/json");
+ // Adding Authorization
+ connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic "+ getPAPEncoding());
+ connection.setRequestProperty("Environment", environment);
+ connection.setRequestProperty("ClientScope", clientScope);
+ // set the method and headers
+ connection.setRequestMethod(requestMethod);
+ connection.setUseCaches(false);
+ connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false);
+ connection.setDoOutput(true);
+ connection.setDoInput(true);
+ // Adding RequestID
+ if (requestID == null) {
+ requestID = UUID.randomUUID();
+"No request ID provided, sending generated ID: "
+ + requestID.toString());
+ } else {
+"Using provided request ID: "
+ + requestID.toString());
+ }
+ connection.setRequestProperty("X-ECOMP-RequestID",
+ requestID.toString());
+ if (content != null && (content instanceof InputStream)) {
+ // send current configuration
+ try (OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream()) {
+ int count = IOUtils.copy((InputStream) content, os);
+ if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ LOGGER.debug("copied to output, bytes=" + count);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(content != null){
+ // the content is an object to be encoded in JSON
+ ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
+ if (!junit) {
+ mapper.writeValue(connection.getOutputStream(),
+ content);
+ }
+ }
+ // DO the connect
+ connection.connect();
+ responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
+ // If Connected to PAP then break from the loop and continue
+ // with the Request
+ if (connection.getResponseCode() > 0 || junit) {
+ connected = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ LOGGER.debug(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS+ "PAP Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
+ rotatePAPList();
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // This means that the PAP is not working
+ if (junit) {
+ connected = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ + "PAP connection Error : " + e);
+ rotatePAPList();
+ }
+ papsCount++;
+ }
+ if (connected) {
+ // Read the Response
+ LOGGER.debug("connected to the PAP : " + getPAP());
+ LOGGER.debug("--- Response: ---");
+ if(connection != null){
+ Map<String, List<String>> headers = connection.getHeaderFields();
+ for (String key : headers.keySet()) {
+ LOGGER.debug("Header :" + key + " Value: " + headers.get(key));
+ }
+ try {
+ response = checkResponse(connection, requestID);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + e);
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + e;
+ throw new PolicyException(
+ + "Decoding the result ", e);
+ }
+ if (junit) {
+ response = SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }else{
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + "connection is null";
+ }
+ return response;
+ } else {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR
+ + "Unable to get valid response from PAP(s) " + paps;
+ return response;
+ }
+ }
+ public String getActiveVersion(String policyScope, String filePrefix, String policyName, String clientScope, UUID requestID) {
+ String version = null;
+ HttpURLConnection connection = null;
+ String [] parameters = {"apiflag=version","policyScope="+policyScope, "filePrefix="+filePrefix, "policyName="+policyName};
+ if (paps == null || paps.isEmpty()) {
+ LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "PAPs List is Empty.");
+ try {
+ throw new Exception(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE +"PAPs List is empty.");
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ LOGGER.error(e.getMessage() + e);
+ }
+ }else {
+ int papsCount = 0;
+ boolean connected = false;
+ while (papsCount < paps.size()) {
+ try {
+ String fullURL = getPAP();
+ if (parameters != null && parameters.length > 0) {
+ String queryString = "";
+ for (String p : parameters) {
+ queryString += "&" + p;
+ }
+ fullURL += "?" + queryString.substring(1);
+ }
+ URL url = new URL (fullURL);
+ //Open the connection
+ connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
+ // Setting Content-Type
+ connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type",
+ "application/json");
+ // Adding Authorization
+ connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic "
+ + getPAPEncoding());
+ connection.setRequestProperty("Environment", environment);
+ connection.setRequestProperty("ClientScope", clientScope);
+ //set the method and headers
+ connection.setRequestMethod("GET");
+ connection.setUseCaches(false);
+ connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false);
+ connection.setDoOutput(true);
+ connection.setDoInput(true);
+ connection.setRequestProperty("X-ECOMP-RequestID", requestID.toString());
+ //DO the connect
+ connection.connect();
+ // If Connected to PAP then break from the loop and continue with the Request
+ if (connection.getResponseCode() > 0) {
+ connected = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ LOGGER.debug(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + "PAP connection Error");
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // This means that the PAP is not working
+ LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + "PAP connection Error : " + e);
+ rotatePAPList();
+ }
+ papsCount++;
+ }
+ if (connected) {
+ //Read the Response
+ LOGGER.debug("connected to the PAP : " + getPAP());
+ LOGGER.debug("--- Response: ---");
+ Map<String, List<String>> headers = connection.getHeaderFields();
+ for (String key : headers.keySet()) {
+ LOGGER.debug("Header :" + key + " Value: " + headers.get(key));
+ }
+ try {
+ if (connection.getResponseCode() == 200) {
+ // Check for successful creation of policy
+ version = connection.getHeaderField("version");
+ LOGGER.debug("ActiveVersion from the Header: " + version);
+ } else if (connection.getResponseCode() == 403) {
+ LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS + "response code of the URL is "
+ + connection.getResponseCode() + ". PEP is not Authorized for making this Request!! \n Contact Administrator for this Scope. ");
+ version = "pe100";
+ } else if (connection.getResponseCode() == 404) {
+ LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "response code of the URL is "
+ + connection.getResponseCode() + ". This indicates a problem with getting the version from the PAP");
+ version = "pe300";
+ } else {
+ LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "BAD REQUEST: Error occured while getting the version from the PAP. The request may be incorrect.");
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + e);
+ try {
+ throw new Exception(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE +"ERROR in connecting to the PAP ", e);
+ } catch (Exception e1) {
+ LOGGER.error(e1.getMessage() + e1);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + "Unable to get valid response from PAP(s) " + paps);
+ try {
+ throw new Exception(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE +"ERROR in connecting to the PAP ");
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ LOGGER.error(e.getMessage() + e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return version;
+ }
+ private String checkResponse(HttpURLConnection connection, UUID requestID) throws IOException {
+ String response = null;
+ if (responseCode == 200 || junit) {
+ // Check for successful creation of policy
+ String isSuccess = null;
+ if (!junit) { // is this a junit test?
+ isSuccess = connection.getHeaderField("successMapKey");
+ operation = connection.getHeaderField("operation");
+ } else {
+ isSuccess = SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (SUCCESS.equals(isSuccess)) {
+ if ("update".equals(operation)) {
+ response = "Transaction ID: " + requestID + " --Policy with the name "+ connection.getHeaderField("policyName")
+ + " was successfully updated. ";
+ if (connection.getHeaderField("safetyChecker")!=null) {
+ response = response
+ + "\n\nPolicy Safety Checker Warning: This closedLoopControlName "
+ + "is potentially in conflict with " + connection.getHeaderField("conflictCLName")
+ + " that already exists." + " See detailed information on ClosedLoop Pairs below: "
+ +"\n\n"+connection.getHeaderField("safetyChecker");
+ }
+ } else if ("create".equals(operation)) {
+ response = "Transaction ID: " + requestID + " --Policy with the name "+ connection.getHeaderField("policyName")
+ + " was successfully created.";
+ if (connection.getHeaderField("safetyChecker")!=null) {
+ response = response
+ + "\n\nPolicy Safety Checker Warning: This closedLoopControlName "
+ + "is potentially in conflict with " + connection.getHeaderField("conflictCLName")
+ + " that already exists. " + "See detailed information on ClosedLoop Pairs below: "
+ +"\n\n"+connection.getHeaderField("safetyChecker");
+ }
+ } else if ("delete".equals(operation)) {
+ response = "Transaction ID: " + requestID + " --The policy was successfully deleted.";
+ } else if ("import".equals(operation)) {
+ response = "Transaction ID: " + requestID + " --The policy engine import for "+ connection.getHeaderField("service")
+ + " was successfull.";
+ } else if ("createDictionary".equals(operation)) {
+ response = "Transaction ID: " + requestID + " --Dictionary Item was added successfully!";
+ } else if ("updateDictionary".equals(operation)) {
+ response = "Transaction ID: " + requestID + " --Dictionary Item was updated successfully!";
+ } else if ("getDictionary".equals(operation)) {
+ String json = null;
+ try {
+ //get the json string from the response
+ InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();
+ // read the inputStream into a buffer (trick found online scans entire input looking for end-of-file)
+ java.util.Scanner scanner = new java.util.Scanner(is);
+ scanner.useDelimiter("\\A");
+ json = scanner.hasNext() ? : "";
+ scanner.close();
+ } catch (IOException e1) {
+ LOGGER.error(e1.getMessage() + e1);
+ }
+ response = "Transaction ID: " + requestID + " --Dictionary Items Retrieved " + json;
+ } else if ("getMetrics".equals(operation)) {
+ response = "Transaction ID: " + requestID + " --Policy Metrics Retrieved " + connection.getHeaderField("metrics");
+ }
+ } else {
+ String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Operation unsuccessful, unable to complete the request!";
+ LOGGER.error(message);
+ response = message;
+ }
+ } else if (connection.getResponseCode() == 202) {
+ if ("delete".equalsIgnoreCase(connection.getHeaderField("operation")) &&
+ "true".equals(connection.getHeaderField("lockdown"))) {
+ response = "Transaction ID: "
+ + requestID
+ + " --Policies are locked down, please try again later.";
+ LOGGER.warn(response);
+ }
+ } else if (connection.getResponseCode() == 204) {
+ if ("push".equals(connection.getHeaderField("operation"))) {
+ response = "Transaction ID: "
+ + requestID
+ + " --Policy '"
+ + connection.getHeaderField("policyId")
+ + "' was successfully pushed to the PDP group '"
+ + connection.getHeaderField("groupId") + "'.";
+ }
+ } else if (connection.getResponseCode() == 400 && connection.getHeaderField("error") != null) {
+ response = connection.getHeaderField("error");
+ LOGGER.error(response);
+ } else if (connection.getResponseCode() == 403) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS
+ + "response code of the URL is "
+ + connection.getResponseCode()
+ + ". PEP is not Authorized for making this Request!! \n Contact Administrator for this Scope. ";
+ LOGGER.error(response);
+ } else if (connection.getResponseCode() == 404 && connection.getHeaderField("error") != null) {
+ if ("unknownGroupId".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + connection.getHeaderField("message")
+ + " Please check the pdpGroup you are requesting to move the policy to.";
+ LOGGER.error(response);
+ }
+ } else if (connection.getResponseCode() == 409 && connection.getHeaderField("error") != null) {
+ if ("modelExistsDB".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Import Value Exist Error: The import value "
+ + connection.getHeaderField("service")
+ + " already exist on the PAP. "
+ + "Please create a new import value.";
+ } else if ("policyExists".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Policy Exist Error: The Policy "
+ + connection.getHeaderField("policyName")
+ + " already exist on the PAP. "
+ + "Please create a new policy or use the update API to modify the existing one.";
+ } else if ("dictionaryItemExists".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Dictionary Item Exist Error: The Dictionary Item already exist in the database. "
+ + "Please create a new Dictionary Item or use the update API to modify the existing one.";
+ } else if ("duplicateGroup".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Group Policy Scope List Exist Error: The Group Policy Scope List for this Dictionary Item already exist in the database. "
+ + "Duplicate Group Policy Scope Lists for multiple groupNames is not allowed. "
+ + "Please review the request and verify that the groupPolicyScopeListData1 is unique compared to existing groups.";
+ } else if("PolicyInPDP".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))){
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Policy Exist Error: The Policy trying to be deleted is active in PDP. "
+ + "Active PDP Polcies are not allowed to be deleted from PAP. "
+ + "Please First remove the policy from PDP in order to successfully delete the Policy from PAP.";
+ }
+ LOGGER.error(response);
+ } else if (connection.getResponseCode() == 500 && connection.getHeaderField("error") != null) {
+ if ("jpautils".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR
+ + "Could not create JPAUtils instance on the PAP";
+ } else if ("deleteDB".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR
+ + "Failed to delete Policy from database.";
+ } else if ("deleteFile".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Cannot delete the policy file";
+ } else if ("groupUpdate".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = connection.getHeaderField("message");
+ } else if ("unknown".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_UNKNOWN
+ + "Failed to delete the policy for an unknown reason. Check the file system and other logs for further information.";
+ } else if ("deleteConfig".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Cannot delete the configuration or action body file in specified location.";
+ } else if ("missing".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Failed to create value in database because service does match a value in file";
+ } else if ("importDB".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Database errors during policy engine import";
+ } else if ("policyCopyError".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PROCESS_FLOW
+ + connection.getHeaderField("message");
+ } else if ("addGroupError".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = connection.getHeaderField("message");
+ } else if ("validation".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))){
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "Validation errors during policy engine " + connection.getHeaderField("operation") +
+ " for " + connection.getHeaderField("service");
+ } else if ("error".equals(connection.getHeaderField("error"))) {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_UNKNOWN
+ + "Could not create or update the policy for and unknown reason";
+ }else{
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "BAD REQUEST: Error occured while attempting perform this operation.. the request may be incorrect. " + connection.getHeaderField("error");
+ }
+ LOGGER.error(response);
+ } else {
+ response = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE
+ + "BAD REQUEST: Error occured while attempting perform this operation.. the request may be incorrect.";
+ LOGGER.error(response);
+ }
+ return response;
+ }
+ private String checkParameter(String[] parameters, String fullURL) {
+ if (parameters != null && parameters.length > 0) {
+ String queryString = "";
+ for (String p : parameters) {
+ queryString += "&" + p;
+ if (p.equalsIgnoreCase("operation=post")) {
+ requestMethod = "POST";
+ } else if (p.equalsIgnoreCase("operation=delete")) {
+ requestMethod = "DELETE";
+ operation = "delete";
+ } else if (p.equalsIgnoreCase("operation=get")) {
+ requestMethod = "GET";
+ operation = "get";
+ } else if (p.equalsIgnoreCase("operation=put")||p.equalsIgnoreCase("operation=create")
+ ||p.equalsIgnoreCase("operation=update")||p.equalsIgnoreCase("operation=createDictionary")){
+ requestMethod = "PUT";
+ if (p.equalsIgnoreCase("operation=create")) {
+ operation = "create";
+ } else if (p.equalsIgnoreCase("operation=update")) {
+ operation = "update";
+ } else if (p.equalsIgnoreCase("operation=createDictionary")){
+ operation = "createDictionary";
+ }
+ }else if (p.equalsIgnoreCase("importService=MICROSERVICE")||p.equalsIgnoreCase("importService=BRMSPARAM")){
+ requestMethod = "PUT";
+ }
+ }
+ fullURL += "?" + queryString.substring(1);
+ }
+ return fullURL;
+ }
+ public StdPDPPolicy pushPolicy(String policyScope, String filePrefix,
+ String policyName, String clientScope, String pdpGroup,
+ UUID requestID) throws PolicyException {
+ String json = "{ "
+ + "\"apiflag\": \"api\","
+ + "\"policyScope\": \""+policyScope+"\","
+ + "\"filePrefix\": \""+filePrefix+"\","
+ + "\"policyName\": \""+policyName+"\","
+ + "\"clientScope\": \""+clientScope+"\","
+ + "\"pdpGroup\": \""+pdpGroup+"\"}";
+ //String response = null;
+ HttpURLConnection connection = null;
+ responseCode = 0;
+ if (paps == null || paps.isEmpty()) {
+ String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "PAPs List is Empty.";
+ LOGGER.error(message);
+ throw new PolicyException(message);
+ }
+ int papsCount = 0;
+ boolean connected = false;
+ while (papsCount < paps.size()) {
+ try {
+ String fullURL = getPAP();
+ fullURL = (fullURL.endsWith("/"))? fullURL+"onap/pushPolicy" : fullURL+"/onap/pushPolicy";
+ URL url = new URL(fullURL);
+ LOGGER.debug("--- Sending Request to PAP : "+ url.toString() + " ---");
+ // Open the connection
+ connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
+ // Setting Content-Type
+ connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type","application/json");
+ // Adding Authorization
+ connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic "+ getPAPEncoding());
+ connection.setRequestProperty("Environment", environment);
+ connection.setRequestProperty("ClientScope", clientScope);
+ // set the method and headers
+ connection.setRequestMethod("POST");
+ connection.setUseCaches(false);
+ connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false);
+ connection.setDoOutput(true);
+ // Adding RequestID
+ if (requestID == null) {
+ requestID = UUID.randomUUID();
+"No request ID provided, sending generated ID: "
+ + requestID.toString());
+ } else {
+"Using provided request ID: "
+ + requestID.toString());
+ }
+ connection.setRequestProperty("X-ECOMP-RequestID",
+ requestID.toString());
+ // DO the connect
+ try (OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream()) {
+ int count = IOUtils.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(json.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), os);
+ if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ LOGGER.debug("copied to output, bytes=" + count);
+ }
+ }
+ connection.connect();
+ responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
+ // If Connected to PAP then break from the loop and continue
+ // with the Request
+ if (connection.getResponseCode() > 0 || junit) {
+ connected = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ LOGGER.debug(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS+ "PAP Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
+ rotatePAPList();
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // This means that the PAP is not working
+ if (junit) {
+ connected = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ + "PAP connection Error : " + e);
+ rotatePAPList();
+ }
+ papsCount++;
+ }
+ if (connected) {
+ // Read the Response
+ LOGGER.debug("connected to the PAP : " + getPAP());
+ LOGGER.debug("--- Response: ---");
+ if(connection != null){
+ Map<String, List<String>> headers = connection.getHeaderFields();
+ for (String key : headers.keySet()) {
+ LOGGER.debug("Header :" + key + " Value: " + headers.get(key));
+ }
+ try {
+ if(responseCode==202){
+ StdPDPPolicy policy = (StdPDPPolicy) new ObjectInputStream(connection.getInputStream()).readObject();
+ return policy;
+ }
+ } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + e);
+ throw new PolicyException(
+ + "Decoding the result ", e);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }