path: root/ECOMP-PAP-REST/src/test/java/org/openecomp/policy/pap/xacml/rest/jpa/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ECOMP-PAP-REST/src/test/java/org/openecomp/policy/pap/xacml/rest/jpa/')
1 files changed, 802 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ECOMP-PAP-REST/src/test/java/org/openecomp/policy/pap/xacml/rest/jpa/ b/ECOMP-PAP-REST/src/test/java/org/openecomp/policy/pap/xacml/rest/jpa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f71026c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ECOMP-PAP-REST/src/test/java/org/openecomp/policy/pap/xacml/rest/jpa/
@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+//import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+//import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.junit.*;
+import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
+import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
+import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction;
+import javax.persistence.Persistence;
+import javax.persistence.Query;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.openecomp.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.FlexLogger;
+import org.openecomp.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.Logger;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class PolicyEntityTest {
+ private static Logger logger = FlexLogger.getLogger(PolicyEntityTest.class);
+// @Ignore
+ @Test
+ public void testAllOps(){
+ Properties properties = new Properties();
+ properties.put(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_DB_DRIVER,"org.h2.Driver");
+ properties.put(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_DB_URL, "jdbc:h2:file:./sql/xacmlTest");
+ properties.put(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_DB_USER, "sa");
+ properties.put(XACMLRestProperties.PROP_PAP_DB_PASSWORD, "");
+ EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("testPapPU", properties);
+ EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
+ // Start a transaction
+ EntityTransaction et = em.getTransaction();
+ et.begin();
+ //Make sure the DB is clean
+ em.createQuery("DELETE FROM PolicyDBDaoEntity").executeUpdate();
+ em.createQuery("DELETE FROM PolicyEntity").executeUpdate();
+ em.createQuery("DELETE FROM ConfigurationDataEntity").executeUpdate();
+ em.createQuery("DELETE FROM ActionBodyEntity").executeUpdate();
+ //Create a policy object
+ PolicyEntity p1 = new PolicyEntity();
+ //persist the policy
+ em.persist(p1);
+ long policyId1 = p1.getPolicyId();
+ String policyName1 = p1.getPolicyName();
+ int version1 = p1.getVersion();
+ String policyData1 = p1.getPolicyData();
+ ConfigurationDataEntity configData1 = p1.getConfigurationData();
+ String configDataStr1 = (configData1!=null ? "configurationDataId = " + configData1.getConfigurationDataId() : "configurationData is null");
+ ActionBodyEntity actionBody1 = p1.getActionBodyEntity();
+ String actionBodyStr1 = (actionBody1!=null ? "actionBodyId = " + actionBody1.getActionBodyId() : "actionBody is null");
+ String createdBy1 = p1.getCreatedBy();
+ Date createdDate1 = p1.getCreatedDate();
+ String createdDateStr1 = (createdDate1 != null ? createdDate1.toString() : "createdDate is null");
+ String description = p1.getDescription();
+ String modifiedBy1 = p1.getModifiedBy();
+ Date modifiedDate1 = p1.getModifiedDate();
+ String modifiedDateStr1 = (modifiedDate1 != null ? modifiedDate1.toString() : "modifiedDate is null");
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: Local PolicyEntity and Configuration objects before persist*********"
+ + "\npolicyId1 = " + policyId1
+ + "\npolicyName1 = " + policyName1
+ + "\nversion1 = " + version1
+ + "\npolicyData1 = " + policyData1
+ + "\nconfigDataStr1 = " + configDataStr1
+ + "\nactionBodyStr1 = " + actionBodyStr1
+ + "\nscope = " + p1.getScope()
+ + "\ncreatedBy1 = " + createdBy1
+ + "\ncreatedDateStr1 = " + createdDateStr1
+ + "\ndescription = " + description
+ + "\nmodifiedBy1 = " + modifiedBy1
+ + "\nmodifiedDateStr1 = " + modifiedDateStr1
+ + "\ndeleted = " + p1.isDeleted());
+ //Set policyID
+ p1.setPolicyName("testPID2");
+ //Set policyData
+ p1.setPolicyData("<policy>PolicyData</policy>");
+ //We will NOT set the ConfigurationDataEntity or ActionBodyEntity object just to test that it is optional
+ //set createdBy
+ p1.setCreatedBy("super-admin");
+ //createdDate will be set when it is persisted
+ //set scope
+ p1.setScope("com.test");
+ //set description
+ p1.setDescription("PolicyEntity Description");
+ //set modifiedBy
+ p1.setModifiedBy("super-admin");
+ //modifiedDate will be set when it is persisted
+ //Flush to the DB
+ em.flush();
+ //Now lets get some attribute values
+ policyId1 = p1.getPolicyId();
+ policyName1 = p1.getPolicyName();
+ version1 = p1.getVersion();
+ policyData1 = p1.getPolicyData();
+ configData1 = p1.getConfigurationData();
+ configDataStr1 = (configData1!=null ? "configurationDataId = " + configData1.getConfigurationDataId() : "configurationData is null");
+ actionBody1 = p1.getActionBodyEntity();
+ actionBodyStr1 = (actionBody1!=null ? "actionBodyId = " + actionBody1.getActionBodyId() : "actionBody is null");
+ createdBy1 = p1.getCreatedBy();
+ createdDate1 = p1.getCreatedDate();
+ createdDateStr1 = (createdDate1 != null ? createdDate1.toString() : "createdDate is null");
+ description = p1.getDescription();
+ modifiedBy1 = p1.getModifiedBy();
+ modifiedDate1 = p1.getModifiedDate();
+ modifiedDateStr1 = (modifiedDate1 != null ? modifiedDate1.toString() : "modifiedDate is null");
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: Local PolicyEntity and Configuration objects after persist*********"
+ + "\npolicyId1 = " + policyId1
+ + "\npolicyName1 = " + policyName1
+ + "\nversion1 = " + version1
+ + "\npolicyData1 = " + policyData1
+ + "\nconfigDataStr1 = " + configDataStr1
+ + "\nactionBodyStr1 = " + actionBodyStr1
+ + "\nscopeId = " + p1.getScope()
+ + "\ncreatedBy1 = " + createdBy1
+ + "\ncreatedDateStr1 = " + createdDateStr1
+ + "\ndescription = " + description
+ + "\nmodifiedBy1 = " + modifiedBy1
+ + "\nmodifiedDateStr1 = " + modifiedDateStr1
+ + "\ndeleted = " + p1.isDeleted());
+ //Now lets fully configure the configurationData and actionBody
+ //Create a ConfigurationDataEntity object and set ID
+ ConfigurationDataEntity c1 = new ConfigurationDataEntity();
+ ActionBodyEntity a1 = new ActionBodyEntity();
+ //persist the configuration Data
+ em.persist(c1);
+ c1.setConfigType("OTHER");
+ c1.setConfigBody("ABC");
+ c1.setDescription("ConfigurationDataEntity Description");
+ c1.setCreatedBy("super-admin");
+ c1.setDeleted(true);
+ //persist the action Body
+ em.persist(a1);
+ a1.setActionBody("myActionBody");
+ a1.setActionBodyName("myActionBodyName");
+ a1.setCreatedBy("super-admin");
+ a1.setModifiedBy("super-admin");
+ a1.setDeleted(false);
+ long configurationDataId = c1.getConfigurationDataId();
+ int cdVersion = c1.getVersion();
+ String cdConfigType = c1.getConfigType();
+ String cdConfigBody = c1.getConfigBody();
+ String cdCreatedBy = c1.getCreatedBy();
+ Date cdCreatedDate = c1.getCreatedDate();
+ String cdDescription = c1.getDescription();
+ String cdModifiedBy = c1.getModifiedBy();
+ Date cdModifiedDate = c1.getModifiedDate();
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: Local Configuration object after setting values *********"
+ + "\nconfigurationDataId = " + configurationDataId
+ + "\ncdVersion = " + cdVersion
+ + "\ncdConfigType = " + cdConfigType
+ + "\ncdConfigBody = " + cdConfigBody
+ + "\ncdCreatedBy = " + cdCreatedBy
+ + "\ncdCreatedDate = " + cdCreatedDate
+ + "\ncdDescription = " + cdDescription
+ + "\ncdModifiedBy = " + cdModifiedBy
+ + "\ncdModifiedDate = " + cdModifiedDate
+ + "\ndeleted = " + c1.isDeleted());
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: Local Action Body object after setting values *********"
+ + "\nactionBodyId = " + a1.getActionBodyId()
+ + "\nactionBodyVersion = " + a1.getVersion()
+ + "\nactionBody = " + a1.getActionBody()
+ + "\nactionBodyCeatedBy = " + a1.getCreatedBy()
+ + "\nactionBodyCreatedDate = " + a1.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\nactionBodyModifiedBy = " + a1.getModifiedBy()
+ + "\nactionBodyModifiedDate = " + a1.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\nactionBodyDeleted = " + a1.isDeleted());
+ p1.setScope("");
+ //flush to the db
+ em.flush();
+ //Perform policy selects
+ Query query = em.createQuery("Select p from PolicyEntity p where p.policyId=:pid");
+ Query queryscope = em.createQuery("Select p from PolicyEntity p where p.scope=:s");
+ query.setParameter("pid", p1.getPolicyId());
+ queryscope.setParameter("s", "com.user");
+ //Just test that we are retrieving the right object
+ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
+ List psList = queryscope.getResultList();
+ PolicyEntity px = null;
+ if(!psList.isEmpty()){
+ //ignores multiple results
+ px = (PolicyEntity) psList.get(0);
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: No PolicyEntity using scope DB entry found");
+ }
+ //The scope object on the retrieved policy object should be same as the one we used to find it
+ assertSame(p1,px);
+ //Because getSingleResult() throws an unchecked exception which is an indication of a
+ //programming error, we are not going to use it.
+ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
+ List resultList = query.getResultList();
+ PolicyEntity p2 = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ // ignores multiple results
+ p2 = (PolicyEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: No PolicyEntity DB entry found");
+ }
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: PolicyEntity object after retrieving from DB BEFORE assigning configurationData*********"
+ + "\npolicyId2 = " + p2.getPolicyId()
+ + "\npolicyName2 = " + p2.getPolicyName()
+ + "\nversion2 = " + p2.getVersion()
+ + "\npolicyData2 = " + p2.getPolicyData()
+ + "\nconfigurationData2 = " + (p2.getConfigurationData()!=null ? "configurationDataId = " + p2.getConfigurationData().getConfigurationDataId() : "configurationData is null")
+ + "\nactionBody2 = " + (p2.getActionBodyEntity()!=null ? "actionBodyId = " + p2.getActionBodyEntity().getActionBodyId() : "actionBody is null")
+ + "\nscope2 = " + p2.getScope()
+ + "\ncreatedBy2 = " + p2.getCreatedBy()
+ + "\ncreatedDate2 = " + p2.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\ndescription2 = " + p2.getDescription()
+ + "\nmodifiedBy2 = " + p2.getModifiedBy()
+ + "\nmodifiedDate2 = " + p2.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\ndeleted2 = " + p2.isDeleted());
+ //Confirm that the retrieved policy object is the same as the persisted object
+ assertSame(p1,p2);
+ //Perform configurationData selects
+ Query query2 = em.createQuery("Select c from ConfigurationDataEntity c where c.configurationDataId=:cid");
+ query2.setParameter("cid", c1.getConfigurationDataId());
+ //Get the database version of the Configuration Data
+ resultList = query2.getResultList();
+ ConfigurationDataEntity c2 = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ // ignores multiple results
+ c2 = (ConfigurationDataEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: No ConfigurationDataEntity DB entry found");
+ }
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: Configuration object after retrieving from DB BEFORE assigning to policy*********"
+ + "\nconfigurationDataId2 = " + c2.getConfigurationDataId()
+ + "\nversion2 = " + c2.getVersion()
+ + "\nconfigType2 = " + c2.getConfigType()
+ + "\nconfigBody2 = " + c2.getConfigBody()
+ + "\ncreatedBy2 = " + c2.getCreatedBy()
+ + "\ncreatedDate2 = " + c2.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\ndescription2 = " + c2.getDescription()
+ + "\nmodifiedBy2 = " + c2.getModifiedBy()
+ + "\nmodifiedDate2 = " + c2.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\ndeleted2 = " + c2.isDeleted());
+ //Confirm the retrieved ConfigurationDataEntity object is the same as the persisted
+ assertSame(c1,c2);
+ //Now assign the configurationData to the policy
+ p1.setConfigurationData(c1);
+ //Perform actionBody selects
+ Query querya2 = em.createQuery("Select a from ActionBodyEntity a where a.actionBodyId=:aid");
+ querya2.setParameter("aid", a1.getActionBodyId());
+ //Get the database version of the Action Body
+ resultList = querya2.getResultList();
+ ActionBodyEntity a2 = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ // ignores multiple results
+ a2 = (ActionBodyEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: No ActionBodyEntity DB entry found");
+ }
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: Local Action Body object after retrieving from DB BEFORE assigning to policy *********"
+ + "\nactionBodyId2 = " + a2.getActionBodyId()
+ + "\nactionBodyVersion2 = " + a2.getVersion()
+ + "\nactionBody2 = " + a2.getActionBody()
+ + "\nactionBodyCeatedBy2 = " + a2.getCreatedBy()
+ + "\nactionBodyCreatedDate2 = " + a2.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\nactionBodyModifiedBy2 = " + a2.getModifiedBy()
+ + "\nactionBodyModifiedDate2 = " + a2.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\nactionBodyDeleted2 = " + a2.isDeleted());
+ //Confirm the retrieved ActionBodyEntity object is the same as the persisted
+ assertSame(a1,a2);
+ //Now assign the ActionBodyEntity to the policy
+ p1.setActionBodyEntity(a1);
+ em.flush();
+ //Let's retrieve the policy, configurationData and actionBody from the DB and look at them
+ //Here is the policy object
+ resultList = query.getResultList();
+ p2 = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ // ignores multiple results
+ p2 = (PolicyEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ }else{
+ fail("PolicyEntityTest: No PolicyEntity DB entry found");
+ }
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: PolicyEntity object after retrieving from DB AFTER assigning configurationData*********"
+ + "\npolicyId2 = " + p2.getPolicyId()
+ + "\npolicyName2 = " + p2.getPolicyName()
+ + "\nversion2 = " + p2.getVersion()
+ + "\npolicyData2 = " + p2.getPolicyData()
+ + "\nconfigurationData2 = " + (p2.getConfigurationData()!=null ? "configurationDataId = " + p2.getConfigurationData().getConfigurationDataId() : "configurationData is null")
+ + "\nactionBody2 = " + (p2.getActionBodyEntity()!=null ? "actionBodyId = " + p2.getActionBodyEntity().getActionBodyId() : "actionBody is null")
+ + "\nscope2 = " + p2.getScope()
+ + "\ncreatedBy2 = " + p2.getCreatedBy()
+ + "\ncreatedDate2 = " + p2.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\ndescription2 = " + p2.getDescription()
+ + "\nmodifiedBy2 = " + p2.getModifiedBy()
+ + "\nmodifiedDate2 = " + p2.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\ndeleted2 = " + p2.isDeleted());
+ //And now the ConfigurationDataEntity object
+ resultList = query2.getResultList();
+ c2 = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ // ignores multiple results
+ c2 = (ConfigurationDataEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: No ConfigurationDataEntity DB entry found");
+ }
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: Configuration object after retrieving from DB AFTER assigning to policy*********"
+ + "\nconfigurationDataId2 = " + c2.getConfigurationDataId()
+ + "\nversion2 = " + c2.getVersion()
+ + "\nconfigType2 = " + c2.getConfigType()
+ + "\nconfigBody2 = " + c2.getConfigBody()
+ + "\ncreatedBy2 = " + c2.getCreatedBy()
+ + "\ncreatedDate2 = " + c2.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\ndescription2 = " + c2.getDescription()
+ + "\nmodifiedBy = " + c2.getModifiedBy()
+ + "\nmodifiedDate = " + c2.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\ndeleted2 = " + c2.isDeleted());
+ //Get the database version of the Action Body
+ resultList = querya2.getResultList();
+ a2 = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ // ignores multiple results
+ a2 = (ActionBodyEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: No ActionBodyEntity DB entry found");
+ }
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: Local Action Body object after retrieving from DB AFTER assigning to policy *********"
+ + "\nactionBodyId2 = " + a2.getActionBodyId()
+ + "\nactionBodyVersion2 = " + a2.getVersion()
+ + "\nactionBody2 = " + a2.getActionBody()
+ + "\nactionBodyCeatedBy2 = " + a2.getCreatedBy()
+ + "\nactionBodyCreatedDate2 = " + a2.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\nactionBodyModifiedBy2 = " + a2.getModifiedBy()
+ + "\nactionBodyModifiedDate2 = " + a2.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\nactionBodyDeleted2 = " + a2.isDeleted());
+ //****Now lets see if the orphanRemoval=true does anything useful***
+ //Remove the configurationData from the policy relationship
+ p1.setConfigurationData(null);
+ p1.setActionBodyEntity(null);
+ //flush the update to the DB
+ em.flush();
+ //Attempt to retrieve the configuration data object from the db. It should not be there
+ //Reusing the previous query
+ resultList = query2.getResultList();
+ c2 = null;
+ if(resultList.isEmpty()){
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: orphanRemoval=true******"
+ + "\n Success!! No ConfigurationDataEntity DB entry found");
+ }else{
+ c2 = (ConfigurationDataEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: ConfigurationDataEntity DB entry found - and none should exist"
+ + "\nconfigurationDataId = " + c2.getConfigurationDataId());
+ }
+ //Attempt to retrieve the actionBody data object from the db. It should not be there
+ //Reusing the previous query
+ resultList = querya2.getResultList();
+ a2 = null;
+ if(resultList.isEmpty()){
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: orphanRemoval=true******"
+ + "\n Success!! No ActionBodyEntity DB entry found");
+ }else{
+ a2 = (ActionBodyEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: ActionBodyEntity DB entry found - and none should exist"
+ + "\nactionBodyId = " + a2.getActionBodyId());
+ }
+ //Now lets put the configurationData and actionBody back into the policy object and see what appears
+ //in the DB after a flush
+ //put c1 back into the persistence context since the orphanRemoval removed it.
+ em.persist(c1);
+ p1.setConfigurationData(c1);
+ em.persist(a1);
+ p1.setActionBodyEntity(a1);
+ em.flush();
+ //retrieve the policy object
+ resultList = query.getResultList();
+ p2 = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ // ignores multiple results
+ p2 = (PolicyEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: No PolicyEntity DB entry found");
+ }
+ //output what we policy object found
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: PolicyEntity object after again adding ConfigurationDataEntity and retrieving from DB*********"
+ + "\npolicyId2 = " + p2.getPolicyId()
+ + "\npolicyName2 = " + p2.getPolicyName()
+ + "\nversion2 = " + p2.getVersion()
+ + "\npolicyData2 = " + p2.getPolicyData()
+ + "\nconfigurationData2 = " + (p2.getConfigurationData()!=null ? "configurationDataId = " + p2.getConfigurationData().getConfigurationDataId() : "configurationData is null")
+ + "\nactionBody2 = " + (p2.getActionBodyEntity()!=null ? "actionBodyId = " + p2.getActionBodyEntity().getActionBodyId() : "actionBody is null")
+ + "\nscope2 = " + p2.getScope()
+ + "\ncreatedBy2 = " + p2.getCreatedBy()
+ + "\ncreatedDate2 = " + p2.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\ndescription2 = " + p2.getDescription()
+ + "\nmodifiedBy2 = " + p2.getModifiedBy()
+ + "\nmodifiedDate2 = " + p2.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\ndeleted2 = " + p2.isDeleted());
+ //now lets see if it put the configurationData c1 back into the table
+ resultList = query2.getResultList();
+ c2 = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ // ignores multiple results
+ c2 = (ConfigurationDataEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest - Check re-entry of configurationData into DB"
+ + "No ConfigurationDataEntity DB entry found");
+ }
+ //output what configurationData object we found
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: Configuration object after re-enter into policy object and retrieving from DB *********"
+ + "\nconfigurationDataId2 = " + c2.getConfigurationDataId()
+ + "\nversion2 = " + c2.getVersion()
+ + "\nconfigType2 = " + c2.getConfigType()
+ + "\nconfigBody2 = " + c2.getConfigBody()
+ + "\ncreatedBy2 = " + c2.getCreatedBy()
+ + "\ncreatedDate2 = " + c2.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\ndescription2 = " + c2.getDescription()
+ + "\nmodifiedBy = " + c2.getModifiedBy()
+ + "\nmodifiedDate = " + c2.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\ndeleted2 = " + c2.isDeleted());
+ //now lets see if it put the actionBody a1 back into the table
+ //Get the database version of the Action Body
+ resultList = querya2.getResultList();
+ a2 = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ // ignores multiple results
+ a2 = (ActionBodyEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest - Check re-entry of actionBody into DB"
+ + "No ActionBodyEntity DB entry found");
+ }
+ logger.debug("\n\n********PolicyEntityTest: Local Action Body object after re-enter into policy object and retrieving from DB *********"
+ + "\nactionBodyId2 = " + a2.getActionBodyId()
+ + "\nactionBodyVersion2 = " + a2.getVersion()
+ + "\nactionBody2 = " + a2.getActionBody()
+ + "\nactionBodyCeatedBy2 = " + a2.getCreatedBy()
+ + "\nactionBodyCreatedDate2 = " + a2.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\nactionBodyModifiedBy2 = " + a2.getModifiedBy()
+ + "\nactionBodyModifiedDate2 = " + a2.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\nactionBodyDeleted2 = " + a2.isDeleted());
+ //I want to save all the above in the DB
+ try{
+ et.commit();
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: et.commit Succeeded********");
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: et.commit Failed********"
+ + "\n with exception: " + e);
+ }
+ // Start a new transaction
+ EntityTransaction et2 = em.getTransaction();
+ et2.begin();
+ //Let's test if the PolicyEntity uniqueConstraint for policyName and scopeId hold
+ PolicyEntity p3 = new PolicyEntity();
+ em.persist(p3);
+ //first let's assure that you can save with the same name but a different scope
+ p3.setPolicyName(p1.getPolicyName());
+ p3.setScope("mckiou.kevin.kory");
+ em.flush();
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: PolicyEntity Unique test for policyName and scope********"
+ + "\nSuccess! PolicyEntity uniqueness constraint allowed "
+ + "\n policyId1 " + p1.getPolicyId()
+ + "\n policyName1 " + p1.getPolicyName()
+ + "\n scope1 = " + p1.getScope()
+ + "\n policyId3 " + p3.getPolicyId()
+ + "\n policyName3 " + p3.getPolicyName()
+ + "\n scope3 = " + p3.getScope());
+ //Assert that the policyIds are NOT the same to show that the automatic sequencing is working
+ assert(p1.getPolicyId() != p3.getPolicyId());
+ try{
+ //Now set the scope the same to verify the uniqueness constraint will be enforced
+ p3.setScope(p1.getScope());
+ em.flush();
+ fail("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: PolicyEntity Unique test for policyName and scope********"
+ + "\nFailed! PolicyEntity Uniqueness constraint FAILED and DID allow "
+ + "\n policyId1 " + p1.getPolicyId()
+ + "\n policyName1 " + p1.getPolicyName()
+ + "\n scope1 = " + p1.getScope()
+ + "\n policyId3 " + p3.getPolicyId()
+ + "\n policyName3 " + p3.getPolicyName()
+ + "\n scope3 = " + p3.getScope());;
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ //Success
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: PolicyEntity Unique test for policyName and scope********"
+ + "\nSuccess! PolicyEntity Uniqueness constraint SUCCEEDED and did NOT allow "
+ + "\n policyId1 " + p1.getPolicyId()
+ + "\n policyName1 " + p1.getPolicyName()
+ + "\n scope1 = " + p1.getScope()
+ + "\n policyId3 " + p3.getPolicyId()
+ + "\n policyName3 " + p3.getPolicyName()
+ + "\n scope3 = " + p3.getScope()
+ + "\n with excpetion: " + e);
+ }
+ try{
+ et2.commit();
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: et2.commit Succeeded********");
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: et2.commit Failed********"
+ + "\n with exception: " + e);
+ }
+ //****************Test the PolicyDBDaoEntity************************
+ //Create a transaction
+ EntityTransaction et3 = em.getTransaction();
+ et3.begin();
+ //create one
+ PolicyDBDaoEntity pe1 = new PolicyDBDaoEntity();
+ em.persist(pe1);
+ pe1.setDescription("This is pe1");
+ pe1.setPolicyDBDaoUrl("");
+ //push it to the DB
+ em.flush();
+ //create another
+ PolicyDBDaoEntity pe2 = new PolicyDBDaoEntity();
+ em.persist(pe2);
+ pe2.setDescription("This is pe2");
+ pe2.setPolicyDBDaoUrl("");
+ //Print them to the log before flushing
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: PolicyDBDaoEntity objects before flush********"
+ + "\n policyDBDaoUrl-1 = " + pe1.getPolicyDBDaoUrl()
+ + "\n description-1 = " + pe1.getDescription()
+ + "\n createdDate-1 = " + pe1.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\n modifiedDate-1 " + pe1.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\n*****************************************"
+ + "\n policyDBDaoUrl-2 = " + pe2.getPolicyDBDaoUrl()
+ + "\n description-2 = " + pe2.getDescription()
+ + "\n createdDate-2 = " + pe2.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\n modifiedDate-2 " + pe2.getModifiedDate()
+ );
+ //push it to the DB
+ em.flush();
+ //Now let's retrieve them from the DB using the named query
+ resultList = em.createNamedQuery("PolicyDBDaoEntity.findAll").getResultList();
+ PolicyDBDaoEntity pex = null;
+ PolicyDBDaoEntity pey = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ if (resultList.size() != 2){
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: Number of PolicyDBDaoEntity entries = " + resultList.size() + " instead of 2");
+ }
+ for(Object policyDBDaoEntity: resultList){
+ PolicyDBDaoEntity pdbdao = (PolicyDBDaoEntity)policyDBDaoEntity;
+ if(pdbdao.getPolicyDBDaoUrl().equals("")){
+ pex = pdbdao;
+ }else if(pdbdao.getPolicyDBDaoUrl().equals("")){
+ pey = pdbdao;
+ }
+ }
+ //Print them to the log before flushing
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: PolicyDBDaoEntity objects retrieved from DB********"
+ + "\n policyDBDaoUrl-x = " + pex.getPolicyDBDaoUrl()
+ + "\n description-x = " + pex.getDescription()
+ + "\n createdDate-x = " + pex.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\n modifiedDate-x " + pex.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\n*****************************************"
+ + "\n policyDBDaoUrl-y = " + pey.getPolicyDBDaoUrl()
+ + "\n description-y = " + pey.getDescription()
+ + "\n createdDate-y = " + pey.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\n modifiedDate-y " + pey.getModifiedDate()
+ );
+ //Verify the retrieved objects are the same as the ones we stored in the DB
+ if(pex.getPolicyDBDaoUrl().equals("")){
+ assertSame(pe1,pex);
+ assertSame(pe2,pey);
+ }else{
+ assertSame(pe2,pex);
+ assertSame(pe1,pey);
+ }
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: No PolicyDBDaoEntity DB entry found");
+ }
+ //Now let's see if we can do an update on the PolicyDBDaoEntity which we retrieved.
+ //em.persist(pex);
+ pex.setDescription("This is pex");
+ em.flush();
+ //retrieve it
+ Query createPolicyQuery = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM PolicyDBDaoEntity p WHERE p.description=:desc");
+ resultList = createPolicyQuery.setParameter("desc", "This is pex").getResultList();
+ PolicyDBDaoEntity pez = null;
+ if(!resultList.isEmpty()){
+ if (resultList.size() != 1){
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: Update Test - Number of PolicyDBDaoEntity entries = " + resultList.size() + " instead of 1");
+ }
+ pez = (PolicyDBDaoEntity) resultList.get(0);
+ //Print them to the log before flushing
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: Update Test - PolicyDBDaoEntity objects retrieved from DB********"
+ + "\n policyDBDaoUrl-x = " + pex.getPolicyDBDaoUrl()
+ + "\n description-x = " + pex.getDescription()
+ + "\n createdDate-x = " + pex.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\n modifiedDate-x " + pex.getModifiedDate()
+ + "\n*****************************************"
+ + "\n policyDBDaoUrl-z = " + pez.getPolicyDBDaoUrl()
+ + "\n description-z = " + pez.getDescription()
+ + "\n createdDate-z = " + pez.getCreatedDate()
+ + "\n modifiedDate-z " + pez.getModifiedDate()
+ );
+ //Verify the retrieved objects are the same as the ones we stored in the DB
+ assertSame(pex,pez);
+ }else{
+ fail("\nPolicyEntityTest: Update Test - No PolicyDBDaoEntity DB updated entry found");
+ }
+ //Clean up the DB
+ em.createQuery("DELETE FROM PolicyDBDaoEntity").executeUpdate();
+ em.createQuery("DELETE FROM PolicyEntity").executeUpdate();
+ em.createQuery("DELETE FROM ConfigurationDataEntity").executeUpdate();
+ em.createQuery("DELETE FROM ActionBodyEntity").executeUpdate();
+ //Wrap up the transaction
+ try{
+ et3.commit();
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: et3.commit Succeeded********");
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ logger.debug("\n\n***********PolicyEntityTest: et3.commit Failed********"
+ + "\n with exception: " + e);
+ }
+ //Tidy up
+ em.close();
+ }