path: root/ONAP-REST
diff options
authorTej, Tarun <tt3868@att.com>2017-08-09 13:50:38 -0400
committerTarun Tej Velaga <tt3868@att.com>2017-08-10 01:13:27 +0000
commitb51d8192e662e3ee8775235500cabb875f480e2b (patch)
tree470b8bbee4e2130898fc0cc2f524352c05bc0bbd /ONAP-REST
parente938284cec3b06a7f6587b7439eb378b69c3adf1 (diff)
Fix console issues
Reverted package names to org.openecomp to fix portal issues Issue-ID: POLICY-144 Change-Id: Ie108db431b9d211b15c59a29e564517c785e0da5 Signed-off-by: Tarun Tej Velaga <tt3868@att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'ONAP-REST')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/ONAP-REST/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/rest/jpa/PolicyEntity.java b/ONAP-REST/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/rest/jpa/PolicyEntity.java
index 4cb4440c1..265d2f65b 100644
--- a/ONAP-REST/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/rest/jpa/PolicyEntity.java
+++ b/ONAP-REST/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/rest/jpa/PolicyEntity.java
@@ -136,21 +136,6 @@ public class PolicyEntity implements Serializable {
public void preUpdate() {
this.modifiedDate = new Date();
- /*
- public void resetPolicyVersion(){
- this.policyVersion = 1;
- }
- public void advancePolicyVersion(){
- this.policyVersion++;
- }
- public int getPolicyVersion(){
- return this.policyVersion;
- }
- public void setPolicyVersion(int polVer){
- this.policyVersion = polVer;
- }
- */
* @return the policyId
'>171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   Copyright (c) 2015-2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

This application generates conductor API calls using the information received from SO and Policy platform.

import json
import time

from jinja2 import Template
from requests import RequestException

from osdf.logging.osdf_logging import debug_log
from osdf.optimizers.placementopt.conductor.api_builder import conductor_api_builder
from osdf.utils.interfaces import RestClient
from osdf.operation.exceptions import BusinessException

def request(req_object, osdf_config, flat_policies):
    Process a placement request from a Client (build Conductor API call, make the call, return result)
    :param req_object: Request parameters from the client
    :param osdf_config: Configuration specific to SNIRO application (core + deployment)
    :param flat_policies: policies related to placement (fetched based on request)
    :param prov_status: provStatus retrieved from Subscriber policy
    :return: response from Conductor (accounting for redirects from Conductor service
    config = osdf_config.deployment
    local_config = osdf_config.core
    uid, passwd = config['conductorUsername'], config['conductorPassword']
    conductor_url = config['conductorUrl']
    req_id = req_object['requestInfo']['requestId']
    transaction_id = req_object['requestInfo']['transactionId']
    headers = dict(transaction_id=transaction_id)
    placement_ver_enabled = config.get('placementVersioningEnabled', False)
    if placement_ver_enabled:
        cond_minor_version = config.get('conductorMinorVersion', None) 
        if cond_minor_version is not None:
            x_minor_version = str(cond_minor_version)
            headers.update({'X-MinorVersion': x_minor_version})
        debug_log.debug("Versions set in HTTP header to conductor: X-MinorVersion: {} ".format(x_minor_version))

    max_retries = config.get('conductorMaxRetries', 30)
    ping_wait_time = config.get('conductorPingWaitTime', 60)

    rc = RestClient(userid=uid, passwd=passwd, method="GET", log_func=debug_log.debug, headers=headers)
    conductor_req_json_str = conductor_api_builder(req_object, flat_policies, local_config)
    conductor_req_json = json.loads(conductor_req_json_str)

    debug_log.debug("Sending first Conductor request for request_id {}".format(req_id))
    resp, raw_resp = initial_request_to_conductor(rc, conductor_url, conductor_req_json)
    # Very crude way of keeping track of time.
    # We are not counting initial request time, first call back, or time for HTTP request
    total_time, ctr = 0, 2
    client_timeout = req_object['requestInfo']['timeout']
    configured_timeout = max_retries * ping_wait_time
    max_timeout = min(client_timeout, configured_timeout)

    while True:  # keep requesting conductor till we get a result or we run out of time
        if resp is not None:
            if resp["plans"][0].get("status") in ["error"]:
                raise RequestException(response=raw_resp, request=raw_resp.request)

            if resp["plans"][0].get("status") in ["done", "not found"]:
                if resp["plans"][0].get("recommendations"):
                    return conductor_response_processor(resp, raw_resp, req_id)
                else:  # "solved" but no solutions found
                    return conductor_no_solution_processor(resp, raw_resp, req_id)
            new_url = resp['plans'][0]['links'][0][0]['href']  # TODO: check why a list of lists

        if total_time >= max_timeout:
            raise BusinessException("Conductor could not provide a solution within {} seconds,"
                                    "this transaction is timing out".format(max_timeout))
        ctr += 1
        debug_log.debug("Attempt number {} url {}; prior status={}".format(ctr, new_url, resp['plans'][0]['status']))
        total_time += ping_wait_time

            raw_resp = rc.request(new_url, raw_response=True)
            resp = raw_resp.json()
        except RequestException as e:
            debug_log.debug("Conductor attempt {} for request_id {} has failed because {}".format(ctr, req_id, str(e)))

def initial_request_to_conductor(rc, conductor_url, conductor_req_json):
    """First steps in the request-redirect chain in making a call to Conductor
    :param rc: REST client object for calling conductor
    :param conductor_url: conductor's base URL to submit a placement request
    :param conductor_req_json: request json object to send to Conductor
    :return: URL to check for follow up (similar to redirects); we keep checking these till we get a result/error
    debug_log.debug("Payload to Conductor: {}".format(json.dumps(conductor_req_json)))
    raw_resp = rc.request(url=conductor_url, raw_response=True, method="POST", json=conductor_req_json)
    resp = raw_resp.json()
    if resp["status"] != "template":
        raise RequestException(response=raw_resp, request=raw_resp.request)
    time.sleep(10)  # 10 seconds wait time to avoid being too quick!
    plan_url = resp["links"][0][0]["href"]
    debug_log.debug("Attempting to read the plan from the conductor provided url {}".format(plan_url))
    raw_resp = rc.request(raw_response=True, url=plan_url)  # TODO: check why a list of lists for links
    resp = raw_resp.json()

    if resp["plans"][0]["status"] in ["error"]:
        raise RequestException(response=raw_resp, request=raw_resp.request)
    return resp, raw_resp  # now the caller of this will handle further follow-ups

def conductor_response_processor(conductor_response, raw_response, req_id):
    """Build a response object to be sent to client's callback URL from Conductor's response
    This includes Conductor's placement optimization response, and required ASDC license artifacts

    :param conductor_response: JSON response from Conductor
    :param raw_response: Raw HTTP response corresponding to above
    :param req_id: Id of a request
    :return: JSON object that can be sent to the client's callback URL
    composite_solutions = []
    name_map = {"physical-location-id": "cloudClli", "host_id": "vnfHostName",
                "cloud_version": "cloudVersion", "cloud_owner": "cloudOwner",
                "cloud": "cloudRegionId", "service": "serviceInstanceId", "is_rehome": "isRehome",
                "location_id": "locationId", "location_type": "locationType", "directives": "oof_directives"}
    for reco in conductor_response['plans'][0]['recommendations']:
        for resource in reco.keys():
            c = reco[resource]['candidate']
            solution = {
                'resourceModuleName': resource,
                'serviceResourceId': reco[resource].get('service_resource_id', ""),
                'solution': {"identifierType": name_map.get(c['inventory_type'], c['inventory_type']),
                             'identifiers': [c['candidate_id']],
                             'cloudOwner': c.get('cloud_owner', "")},
                'assignmentInfo': []
            for key, value in c.items():
                if key in ["location_id", "location_type", "is_rehome", "host_id"]:
                        solution['assignmentInfo'].append({"key": name_map.get(key, key), "value": value})
                    except KeyError:
                        debug_log.debug("The key[{}] is not mapped and will not be returned in assignment info".format(key))

            for key, value in reco[resource]['attributes'].items():
                    solution['assignmentInfo'].append({"key": name_map.get(key, key), "value": value})
                except KeyError:
                    debug_log.debug("The key[{}] is not mapped and will not be returned in assignment info".format(key))

    request_status = "completed" if conductor_response['plans'][0]['status'] == "done" \
        else conductor_response['plans'][0]['status']
    transaction_id = raw_response.headers.get('transaction_id', "")
    status_message = conductor_response.get('plans')[0].get('message', "")

    solution_info = {}
    if composite_solutions:
        solution_info.setdefault('placementSolutions', [])

    resp = {
        "transactionId": transaction_id,
        "requestId": req_id,
        "requestStatus": request_status,
        "statusMessage": status_message,
        "solutions": solution_info
    return resp

def conductor_no_solution_processor(conductor_response, raw_response, request_id,
    """Build a response object to be sent to client's callback URL from Conductor's response
    This is for case where no solution is found

    :param conductor_response: JSON response from Conductor
    :param raw_response: Raw HTTP response corresponding to above
    :param request_id: request Id associated with the client request (same as conductor response's "name")
    :param template_placement_response: the template for generating response to client (plc_opt_response.jsont)
    :return: JSON object that can be sent to the client's callback URL
    status_message = conductor_response["plans"][0].get("message")
    templ = Template(open(template_placement_response).read())
    return json.loads(templ.render(composite_solutions=[], requestId=request_id, license_solutions=[],
                                   transactionId=raw_response.headers.get('transaction_id', ""),
                                   requestStatus="completed", statusMessage=status_message, json=json))