path: root/feature-active-standby-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/activestandby/DroolsPdpsElectionHandler.java
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 973 deletions
diff --git a/feature-active-standby-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/activestandby/DroolsPdpsElectionHandler.java b/feature-active-standby-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/activestandby/DroolsPdpsElectionHandler.java
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--- a/feature-active-standby-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/activestandby/DroolsPdpsElectionHandler.java
+++ /dev/null
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- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * feature-active-standby-management
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright (C) 2017-2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.onap.policy.drools.activestandby;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Objects;
-import java.util.TimerTask;
-import lombok.Getter;
-import lombok.Setter;
-import org.onap.policy.common.im.MonitorTime;
-import org.onap.policy.common.im.StateManagement;
-import org.onap.policy.common.utils.time.CurrentTime;
-import org.onap.policy.drools.statemanagement.StateManagementFeatureApi;
-import org.onap.policy.drools.statemanagement.StateManagementFeatureApiConstants;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-public class DroolsPdpsElectionHandler implements ThreadRunningChecker {
- private static final String RUN_PRIMARY_MSG = "DesignatedWaiter.run mostRecentPrimary = {}";
- // get an instance of logger
- private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DroolsPdpsElectionHandler.class);
- /*
- * Must be static, so it can be referenced by JpaDroolsPdpsConnector,
- * without requiring a reference to the election handler instantiation.
- */
- private static DroolsPdp myPdp;
- @Setter
- private static boolean unitTesting = false;
- @Setter
- private static boolean stalled = false;
- private DroolsPdpsConnector pdpsConnector;
- private Object checkWaitTimerLock = new Object();
- private Object designationWaiterLock = new Object();
- private Date waitTimerLastRunDate;
- // The interval between runs of the DesignationWaiter
- private int pdpUpdateInterval;
- private volatile boolean isDesignated;
- @Getter
- private String pdpdNowActive;
- @Getter
- private String pdpdLastActive;
- /*
- * Start allSeemsWell with a value of null so that, on the first run
- * of the checkWaitTimer it will set the value in IntegrityMonitor
- * regardless of whether it needs to be set to true or false.
- */
- private Boolean allSeemsWell = null;
- private StateManagementFeatureApi stateManagementFeature;
- private final CurrentTime currentTime = MonitorTime.getInstance();
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param pdps connectors
- * @param myPdp pdp
- */
- public DroolsPdpsElectionHandler(DroolsPdpsConnector pdps, DroolsPdp myPdp) {
- if (pdps == null) {
- logger.error("DroolsPdpsElectinHandler(): pdpsConnector==null");
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("DroolsPdpsElectinHandler(): pdpsConnector==null");
- }
- if (myPdp == null) {
- logger.error("DroolsPdpsElectinHandler(): droolsPdp==null");
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("DroolsPdpsElectinHandler(): DroolsPdp==null");
- }
- pdpdNowActive = null;
- pdpdLastActive = null;
- this.pdpsConnector = pdps;
- setMyPdp(myPdp);
- this.isDesignated = false;
- // The interval between checks of the DesignationWaiter to be sure it is running.
- var pdpCheckInterval = 3000;
- try {
- pdpCheckInterval = Integer.parseInt(ActiveStandbyProperties.getProperty(
- ActiveStandbyProperties.PDP_CHECK_INVERVAL));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("Could not get pdpCheckInterval property. Using default {}", pdpCheckInterval, e);
- }
- pdpUpdateInterval = 2000;
- try {
- pdpUpdateInterval = Integer.parseInt(ActiveStandbyProperties.getProperty(
- ActiveStandbyProperties.PDP_UPDATE_INTERVAL));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("Could not get pdpUpdateInterval property. Using default {} ", pdpUpdateInterval, e);
- }
- var now = currentTime.getDate();
- // Retrieve the ms since the epoch
- final long nowMs = now.getTime();
- // Create the timer which will update the updateDate in DroolsPdpEntity table.
- // This is the heartbeat
- var updateWorker = Factory.getInstance().makeTimer();
- // Schedule the TimerUpdateClass to run at 100 ms and run at pdpCheckInterval ms thereafter
- // NOTE: The first run of the TimerUpdateClass results in myPdp being added to the
- // drools droolsPdpEntity table.
- updateWorker.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerUpdateClass(), 100, pdpCheckInterval);
- // Create the timer which will run the election algorithm
- var waitTimer = Factory.getInstance().makeTimer();
- // Schedule it to start in startMs ms
- // (so it will run after the updateWorker and run at pdpUpdateInterval ms thereafter
- long startMs = getDWaiterStartMs();
- var designationWaiter = new DesignationWaiter();
- waitTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(designationWaiter, startMs, pdpUpdateInterval);
- waitTimerLastRunDate = new Date(nowMs + startMs);
- //Get the StateManagementFeature instance
- for (StateManagementFeatureApi feature : StateManagementFeatureApiConstants.getImpl().getList()) {
- if (feature.getResourceName().equals(myPdp.getPdpId())) {
- logger.debug("DroolsPdpsElectionHandler: Found StateManagementFeature"
- + " with resourceName: {}", myPdp.getPdpId());
- stateManagementFeature = feature;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (stateManagementFeature == null) {
- logger.error("DroolsPdpsElectionHandler failed to initialize. "
- + "Unable to get instance of StateManagementFeatureApi "
- + "with resourceID: {}", myPdp.getPdpId());
- }
- }
- private static void setMyPdp(DroolsPdp myPdp) {
- DroolsPdpsElectionHandler.myPdp = myPdp;
- }
- /**
- * When the JpaDroolsPdpsConnector.standDown() method is invoked, it needs
- * access to myPdp, so it can keep its designation status in sync with the
- * DB.
- *
- * @param designated is designated value
- */
- public static void setMyPdpDesignated(boolean designated) {
- logger.debug("setMyPdpDesignated: designated= {}", designated);
- myPdp.setDesignated(designated);
- }
- private class DesignationWaiter extends TimerTask {
- // get an instance of logger
- private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DesignationWaiter.class);
- @Override
- public void run() {
- try {
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: Entering");
- //This is for testing the checkWaitTimer
- if (unitTesting && stalled) {
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: isUnitTesting = {} isStalled = {}",
- unitTesting, stalled);
- return;
- }
- synchronized (designationWaiterLock) {
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: Entering synchronized block");
- //It is possible that multiple PDPs are designated lead. So, we will make a list of all designated
- //PDPs and then decide which one really should be designated at the end.
- List<DroolsPdp> listOfDesignated = new ArrayList<>();
- Collection<DroolsPdp> pdps = pdpsConnector.getDroolsPdps();
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: pdps.size= {}", pdps.size());
- //This is only true if all designated PDPs have failed
- allPdpsFailed(pdps, listOfDesignated);
- /*
- * We have checked the four combinations of isDesignated and isCurrent. Where appropriate,
- * we added the PDPs to the potential list of designated pdps
- *
- * We need to give priority to pdps on the same site that is currently being used
- * First, however, we must sanitize the list of designated to make sure their are
- * only designated members or non-designated members. There should not be both in
- * the list. Because there are real time delays, it is possible that both types could
- * be on the list.
- */
- listOfDesignated = santizeDesignatedList(listOfDesignated);
- /*
- * We need to figure out the last pdp that was the primary so we can get the last site
- * name and the last session numbers. We need to create a "dummy" droolspdp since
- * it will be used in later comparisons and cannot be null.
- */
- DroolsPdp mostRecentPrimary = computeMostRecentPrimary(pdps, listOfDesignated);
- if (mostRecentPrimary != null) {
- pdpdLastActive = mostRecentPrimary.getPdpId();
- }
- /*
- * It is possible to get here with more than one pdp designated and providing service. This normally
- * occurs when there is a race condition with multiple nodes coming up at the same time. If that is
- * the case we must determine which one is the one that should be designated and which one should
- * be demoted.
- *
- * It is possible to have 0, 1, 2 or more but not all, or all designated.
- * If we have one designated and current, we chose it and are done
- * If we have 2 or more, but not all, we must determine which one is in the same site as
- * the previously designated pdp.
- */
- DroolsPdp designatedPdp = computeDesignatedPdp(listOfDesignated, mostRecentPrimary);
- if (designatedPdp == null) {
- logger.warn("WARNING: DesignatedWaiter.run: No viable PDP found to be Designated. "
- + "designatedPdp still null.");
- designateNoPdp();
- return;
- }
- pdpdNowActive = designatedPdp.getPdpId();
- if (pdpdNowActive.equals(myPdp.getPdpId())) {
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: designatedPdp is PDP={}", myPdp.getPdpId());
- designateMyPdp();
- return;
- }
- isDesignated = false;
- } // end synchronized
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {}; Returning, isDesignated= {}",
- isDesignated, myPdp.getPdpId());
- var tmpDate = currentTime.getDate();
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run (end of run) waitTimerLastRunDate = {}", tmpDate);
- waitTimerLastRunDate = tmpDate;
- myPdp.setUpdatedDate(waitTimerLastRunDate);
- pdpsConnector.update(myPdp);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("DesignatedWaiter.run caught an unexpected exception: ", e);
- }
- } // end run
- private void allPdpsFailed(Collection<DroolsPdp> pdps, List<DroolsPdp> listOfDesignated) {
- boolean designatedPdpHasFailed = pdpsConnector.hasDesignatedPdpFailed(pdps);
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: designatedPdpHasFailed= {}", designatedPdpHasFailed);
- for (DroolsPdp pdp : pdps) {
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: evaluating pdp ID: {}", pdp.getPdpId());
- /*
- * Note: side effect of isPdpCurrent is that any stale but
- * designated PDPs will be marked as un-designated.
- */
- boolean isCurrent = pdpsConnector.isPdpCurrent(pdp);
- /*
- * We can't use stateManagement.getStandbyStatus() here, because
- * we need the standbyStatus, not for this PDP, but for the PDP
- * being processed by this loop iteration.
- */
- String standbyStatus = stateManagementFeature.getStandbyStatus(pdp.getPdpId());
- if (standbyStatus == null) {
- // Treat this case as a cold standby -- if we
- // abort here, no sessions will be created in a
- // single-node test environment.
- standbyStatus = StateManagement.COLD_STANDBY;
- }
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: PDP= {}, isCurrent= {}", pdp.getPdpId(), isCurrent);
- adjustPdp(pdp, isCurrent, designatedPdpHasFailed, standbyStatus, listOfDesignated);
- } // end pdps loop
- }
- private void adjustPdp(DroolsPdp pdp, boolean isCurrent, boolean designatedPdpHasFailed, String standbyStatus,
- List<DroolsPdp> listOfDesignated) {
- /*
- * There are 4 combinations of isDesignated and isCurrent. We will examine each one in-turn
- * and evaluate the each pdp in the list of pdps against each combination.
- */
- if (pdp.isDesignated()) {
- /*
- * This is the first combination of isDesignated and isCurrent
- */
- if (isCurrent) {
- pdpDesignatedCurrent(pdp, standbyStatus, listOfDesignated);
- /*
- * The second combination of isDesignated and isCurrent
- *
- * PDP is designated but not current; it has failed.
- * So we stand it down (it doesn't matter what
- * its standbyStatus is). None of these go on the list.
- */
- } else {
- logger.debug("INFO: DesignatedWaiter.run: PDP= {} is currently "
- + "designated but is not current; "
- + "it has failed. Standing down. standbyStatus= {}",
- pdp.getPdpId(), standbyStatus);
- pdpDesignatedNotCurrent(pdp);
- }
- } else {
- // NOT designated
- /*
- * The third combination of isDesignated and isCurrent
- * /*
- * If a PDP is not currently designated but is providing service
- * (erroneous, but recoverable) or hot standby
- * we can add it to the list of possible designated if all the designated have failed
- */
- if (isCurrent) {
- pdpNotDesignatedCurrent(pdp, designatedPdpHasFailed, standbyStatus,
- listOfDesignated);
- /*
- * The fourth combination of isDesignated and isCurrent
- *
- * We are not going to put any of these on the list since it appears they have failed.
- *
- */
- } else {
- logger.debug("INFO: DesignatedWaiter.run: PDP= {} "
- + "designated= {}, current= {}, "
- + "designatedPdpHasFailed= {}, "
- + "standbyStatus= {}", pdp.getPdpId(),
- pdp.isDesignated(), false, designatedPdpHasFailed, standbyStatus);
- pdpNotDesignatedNotCurrent(pdp, standbyStatus);
- }
- }
- }
- private void pdpDesignatedCurrent(DroolsPdp pdp, String standbyStatus, List<DroolsPdp> listOfDesignated) {
- //It is current, but it could have a standbystatus=coldstandby / hotstandby
- //If so, we need to stand it down and demote it
- if (!standbyStatus.equals(StateManagement.PROVIDING_SERVICE)) {
- if (pdp.getPdpId().equals(myPdp.getPdpId())) {
- logger.debug("\n\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp {} is current and designated, "
- + "butstandbystatus is not providingservice. "
- + " Executing stateManagement.demote()" + "\n\n", myPdp.getPdpId());
- // So, we must demote it
- try {
- demoteMyPdp(pdp, standbyStatus);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("DesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {} "
- + "Caught Exception attempting to demote myPdp,"
- + "message= {}", myPdp.getPdpId(), e);
- }
- } else {
- // Don't demote a remote PDP that is current. It should catch itself
- logger.debug("\n\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp {} is current and designated, "
- + "but standbystatus is not providingservice. "
- + " Cannot execute stateManagement.demote() "
- + "since it it is not myPdp\n\n",
- myPdp.getPdpId());
- }
- } else {
- // If we get here, it is ok to be on the list
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: PDP= {} is designated, "
- + "current and {} Noting PDP as "
- + "designated, standbyStatus= {}",
- pdp.getPdpId(), standbyStatus, standbyStatus);
- listOfDesignated.add(pdp);
- }
- }
- private void demoteMyPdp(DroolsPdp pdp, String standbyStatus) throws Exception {
- /*
- * Keep the order like this. StateManagement is last since it triggers
- * controller shutdown. This will change isDesignated and it can enter another
- * if-combination below
- */
- pdpsConnector.standDownPdp(pdp.getPdpId());
- myPdp.setDesignated(false);
- isDesignated = false;
- if (!(standbyStatus.equals(StateManagement.HOT_STANDBY)
- || standbyStatus.equals(StateManagement.COLD_STANDBY))) {
- /*
- * Only demote it if it appears it has not already been demoted. Don't worry
- * about synching with the topic endpoint states. That is done by the
- * refreshStateAudit
- */
- stateManagementFeature.demote();
- }
- }
- private void pdpDesignatedNotCurrent(DroolsPdp pdp) {
- /*
- * Changes designated to 0 but it is still potentially providing service.
- * Will affect isDesignated, so, it can enter an if-combination below
- */
- pdpsConnector.standDownPdp(pdp.getPdpId());
- //need to change standbystatus to coldstandby
- if (pdp.getPdpId().equals(myPdp.getPdpId())) {
- logger.debug("\n\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp {} is not Current. "
- + " Executing stateManagement.disableFailed()\n\n", myPdp.getPdpId());
- // We found that myPdp is designated but not current
- // So, we must cause it to disableFail
- try {
- myPdp.setDesignated(false);
- pdpsConnector.setDesignated(myPdp, false);
- isDesignated = false;
- stateManagementFeature.disableFailed();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("DesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {} Caught Exception "
- + "attempting to disableFail myPdp {}, message= {}",
- myPdp.getPdpId(), myPdp.getPdpId(), e);
- }
- } else { //it is a remote PDP that is failed
- logger.debug("\n\nDesignatedWaiter.run: PDP {} is not Current. "
- + " Executing stateManagement.disableFailed(otherResourceName)\n\n",
- pdp.getPdpId());
- // We found a PDP is designated but not current
- // We already called standdown(pdp) which will change designated to false
- // Now we need to disableFail it to get its states in synch. The standbyStatus
- // should equal coldstandby
- try {
- stateManagementFeature.disableFailed(pdp.getPdpId());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("DesignatedWaiter.run: for PDP {} Caught Exception attempting to "
- + "disableFail({}), message= {}",
- pdp.getPdpId(), pdp.getPdpId(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- private void pdpNotDesignatedCurrent(DroolsPdp pdp, boolean designatedPdpHasFailed, String standbyStatus,
- List<DroolsPdp> listOfDesignated) {
- if (!(StateManagement.HOT_STANDBY.equals(standbyStatus)
- || StateManagement.COLD_STANDBY.equals(standbyStatus))) {
- logger.debug("\n\nDesignatedWaiter.run: PDP {}"
- + " is NOT designated but IS current and"
- + " has a standbystatus= {}", pdp.getPdpId(), standbyStatus);
- // Since it is current, we assume it can adjust its own state.
- // We will demote if it is myPdp
- if (pdp.getPdpId().equals(myPdp.getPdpId())) {
- //demote it
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: PDP {} going to "
- + "setDesignated = false and calling stateManagement.demote",
- pdp.getPdpId());
- try {
- //Keep the order like this.
- //StateManagement is last since it triggers controller shutdown
- pdpsConnector.setDesignated(myPdp, false);
- myPdp.setDesignated(false);
- isDesignated = false;
- //This is definitely not a redundant call.
- //It is attempting to correct a problem
- stateManagementFeature.demote();
- //recheck the standbystatus
- standbyStatus = stateManagementFeature.getStandbyStatus(pdp.getPdpId());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("DesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {} Caught Exception "
- + "attempting to demote myPdp {}, message = {}", myPdp.getPdpId(),
- myPdp.getPdpId(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- if (StateManagement.HOT_STANDBY.equals(standbyStatus) && designatedPdpHasFailed) {
- //add it to the list
- logger.debug("INFO: DesignatedWaiter.run: PDP= {}"
- + " is not designated but is {} and designated PDP "
- + "has failed. standbyStatus= {}", pdp.getPdpId(),
- standbyStatus, standbyStatus);
- listOfDesignated.add(pdp);
- }
- }
- private void pdpNotDesignatedNotCurrent(DroolsPdp pdp, String standbyStatus) {
- if (StateManagement.COLD_STANDBY.equals(standbyStatus)) {
- return;
- }
- //stand it down
- //disableFail it
- pdpsConnector.standDownPdp(pdp.getPdpId());
- if (pdp.getPdpId().equals(myPdp.getPdpId())) {
- /*
- * I don't actually know how this condition could
- * happen, but if it did, we would want to declare it
- * failed.
- */
- logger.debug("\n\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp {} is !current and !designated, "
- + " Executing stateManagement.disableFailed()\n\n",
- myPdp.getPdpId());
- // So, we must disableFail it
- try {
- //Keep the order like this.
- //StateManagement is last since it triggers controller shutdown
- pdpsConnector.setDesignated(myPdp, false);
- myPdp.setDesignated(false);
- isDesignated = false;
- stateManagementFeature.disableFailed();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("DesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {} Caught Exception attempting to "
- + "disableFail myPdp {}, message= {}",
- myPdp.getPdpId(), myPdp.getPdpId(), e);
- }
- } else { //it is remote
- logger.debug("\n\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp {} is !current and !designated, "
- + " Executing stateManagement.disableFailed({})\n\n",
- myPdp.getPdpId(), pdp.getPdpId());
- // We already called standdown(pdp) which will change designated to false
- // Now we need to disableFail it to get its states in sync.
- // StandbyStatus = coldstandby
- try {
- stateManagementFeature.disableFailed(pdp.getPdpId());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("DesignatedWaiter.run: for PDP {}"
- + " Caught Exception attempting to disableFail({})"
- + ", message=", pdp.getPdpId(), pdp.getPdpId(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- private void designateNoPdp() {
- // Just to be sure the parameters are correctly set
- myPdp.setDesignated(false);
- pdpsConnector.setDesignated(myPdp, false);
- isDesignated = false;
- waitTimerLastRunDate = currentTime.getDate();
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run (designatedPdp == null) waitTimerLastRunDate = {}",
- waitTimerLastRunDate);
- myPdp.setUpdatedDate(waitTimerLastRunDate);
- pdpsConnector.update(myPdp);
- }
- private void designateMyPdp() {
- /*
- * update function expects myPdp.isDesignated to be true.
- */
- try {
- //Keep the order like this. StateManagement is last since it triggers controller init
- myPdp.setDesignated(true);
- myPdp.setDesignatedDate(currentTime.getDate());
- pdpsConnector.setDesignated(myPdp, true);
- isDesignated = true;
- String standbyStatus = stateManagementFeature.getStandbyStatus();
- if (!standbyStatus.equals(StateManagement.PROVIDING_SERVICE)) {
- /*
- * Only call promote if it is not already in the right state. Don't worry about
- * synching the lower level topic endpoint states. That is done by the
- * refreshStateAudit.
- */
- stateManagementFeature.promote();
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("ERROR: DesignatedWaiter.run: Caught Exception attempting to promote PDP={}"
- + ", message=", myPdp.getPdpId(), e);
- myPdp.setDesignated(false);
- pdpsConnector.setDesignated(myPdp, false);
- isDesignated = false;
- //If you can't promote it, demote it
- try {
- String standbyStatus = stateManagementFeature.getStandbyStatus();
- if (!(standbyStatus.equals(StateManagement.HOT_STANDBY)
- || standbyStatus.equals(StateManagement.COLD_STANDBY))) {
- /*
- * Only call demote if it is not already in the right state. Don't worry about
- * synching the lower level topic endpoint states. That is done by the
- * refreshStateAudit.
- */
- stateManagementFeature.demote();
- }
- } catch (Exception e1) {
- logger.error("ERROR: DesignatedWaiter.run: Caught StandbyStatusException "
- + "attempting to promote then demote PDP={}, message=",
- myPdp.getPdpId(), e1);
- }
- }
- waitTimerLastRunDate = currentTime.getDate();
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run (designatedPdp.getPdpId().equals(myPdp.getPdpId())) "
- + "waitTimerLastRunDate = {}", waitTimerLastRunDate);
- myPdp.setUpdatedDate(waitTimerLastRunDate);
- pdpsConnector.update(myPdp);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sanitize designated list.
- *
- * @param listOfDesignated list of designated pdps
- * @return list of drools pdps
- */
- public List<DroolsPdp> santizeDesignatedList(List<DroolsPdp> listOfDesignated) {
- var containsDesignated = false;
- var containsHotStandby = false;
- List<DroolsPdp> listForRemoval = new ArrayList<>();
- for (DroolsPdp pdp : listOfDesignated) {
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run sanitizing: pdp = {}"
- + " isDesignated = {}", pdp.getPdpId(), pdp.isDesignated());
- if (pdp.isDesignated()) {
- containsDesignated = true;
- } else {
- containsHotStandby = true;
- listForRemoval.add(pdp);
- }
- }
- if (containsDesignated && containsHotStandby) {
- //remove the hot standby from the list
- listOfDesignated.removeAll(listForRemoval);
- }
- return listOfDesignated;
- }
- /**
- * Compute most recent primary.
- *
- * @param pdps collection of pdps
- * @param listOfDesignated list of designated pdps
- * @return drools pdp object
- */
- public DroolsPdp computeMostRecentPrimary(Collection<DroolsPdp> pdps, List<DroolsPdp> listOfDesignated) {
- boolean containsDesignated = listOfDesignated.stream().anyMatch(DroolsPdp::isDesignated);
- DroolsPdp mostRecentPrimary = new DroolsPdpImpl(null, true, 1, new Date(0));
- mostRecentPrimary.setSite(null);
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run listOfDesignated.size() = {}", listOfDesignated.size());
- if (listOfDesignated.size() <= 1) {
- logger.debug("DesignatedWainter.run: listOfDesignated.size <=1");
- //Only one or none is designated or hot standby. Choose the latest designated date
- mostRecentPrimary = getLatestDesignated(pdps, mostRecentPrimary);
- } else if (listOfDesignated.size() == pdps.size()) {
- logger.debug("DesignatedWainter.run: listOfDesignated.size = pdps.size() which is {}", pdps.size());
- //They are all designated or all hot standby.
- mostRecentPrimary = getBestDesignated(pdps, containsDesignated);
- } else {
- logger.debug("DesignatedWainter.run: Some but not all are designated or hot standby. ");
- logger.debug("DesignatedWainter.run: containsDesignated = {}", containsDesignated);
- //Some but not all are designated or hot standby.
- if (containsDesignated) {
- /*
- * The list only contains designated. This is a problem. It is most likely a race
- * condition that resulted in two thinking they should be designated. Choose the
- * site with the latest designated date for the pdp not included on the designated list.
- * This should be the site that had the last designation before this race condition
- * occurred.
- */
- mostRecentPrimary = getLatestUndesignated(pdps, mostRecentPrimary, listOfDesignated);
- } else {
- //The list only contains hot standby. Choose the site of the latest designated date
- mostRecentPrimary = getLatestDesignated(pdps, mostRecentPrimary);
- }
- }
- return mostRecentPrimary;
- }
- private DroolsPdp getBestDesignated(Collection<DroolsPdp> pdps, boolean containsDesignated) {
- DroolsPdp mostRecentPrimary;
- mostRecentPrimary = null;
- for (DroolsPdp pdp : pdps) {
- if (mostRecentPrimary == null) {
- mostRecentPrimary = pdp;
- continue;
- }
- if (containsDesignated) { //Choose the site of the first designated date
- if (pdp.getDesignatedDate().compareTo(mostRecentPrimary.getDesignatedDate()) < 0) {
- mostRecentPrimary = pdp;
- logger.debug(RUN_PRIMARY_MSG, mostRecentPrimary.getPdpId());
- }
- } else { //Choose the site with the latest designated date
- if (pdp.getDesignatedDate().compareTo(mostRecentPrimary.getDesignatedDate()) > 0) {
- mostRecentPrimary = pdp;
- logger.debug(RUN_PRIMARY_MSG, mostRecentPrimary.getPdpId());
- }
- }
- }
- return mostRecentPrimary;
- }
- private DroolsPdp getLatestUndesignated(Collection<DroolsPdp> pdps, DroolsPdp mostRecentPrimary,
- List<DroolsPdp> listOfDesignated) {
- for (DroolsPdp pdp : pdps) {
- if (listOfDesignated.contains(pdp)) {
- continue; //Don't consider this entry
- }
- if (pdp.getDesignatedDate().compareTo(mostRecentPrimary.getDesignatedDate()) > 0) {
- mostRecentPrimary = pdp;
- logger.debug(RUN_PRIMARY_MSG, mostRecentPrimary.getPdpId());
- }
- }
- return mostRecentPrimary;
- }
- private DroolsPdp getLatestDesignated(Collection<DroolsPdp> pdps, DroolsPdp mostRecentPrimary) {
- for (DroolsPdp pdp : pdps) {
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run pdp = {}"
- + " pdp.getDesignatedDate() = {}",
- pdp.getPdpId(), pdp.getDesignatedDate());
- if (pdp.getDesignatedDate().compareTo(mostRecentPrimary.getDesignatedDate()) > 0) {
- mostRecentPrimary = pdp;
- logger.debug(RUN_PRIMARY_MSG, mostRecentPrimary.getPdpId());
- }
- }
- return mostRecentPrimary;
- }
- /**
- * Compue designated pdp.
- *
- * @param listOfDesignated list of designated pdps
- * @param mostRecentPrimary most recent primary pdpd
- * @return drools pdp object
- */
- public DroolsPdp computeDesignatedPdp(List<DroolsPdp> listOfDesignated, DroolsPdp mostRecentPrimary) {
- if (listOfDesignated.isEmpty()) {
- logger.debug("\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {} listOfDesignated is: EMPTY.", myPdp.getPdpId());
- return null;
- }
- if (listOfDesignated.size() == 1) {
- logger.debug("\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {} listOfDesignated "
- + "has ONE entry. PDP ID: {}", myPdp.getPdpId(), listOfDesignated.get(0).getPdpId());
- return listOfDesignated.get(0);
- }
- logger.debug("DesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {} listOfDesignated.size(): {}", myPdp.getPdpId(),
- listOfDesignated.size());
- var data = new DesignatedData();
- for (DroolsPdp pdp : listOfDesignated) {
- DroolsPdp rejectedPdp;
- // We need to determine if another PDP is the lowest priority
- if (Objects.equals(pdp.getSite(), mostRecentPrimary.getSite())) {
- rejectedPdp = data.compareSameSite(pdp);
- } else {
- rejectedPdp = data.compareDifferentSite(pdp);
- }
- // If the rejectedPdp is myPdp, we need to stand it down and demote it. Each pdp is responsible
- // for demoting itself
- if (rejectedPdp != null && Objects.equals(rejectedPdp.getPdpId(), myPdp.getPdpId())) {
- logger.debug("\n\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {} listOfDesignated myPdp ID: {}"
- + " is NOT the lowest priority. Executing stateManagement.demote()\n\n",
- myPdp.getPdpId(),
- myPdp.getPdpId());
- // We found that myPdp is on the listOfDesignated and it is not the lowest priority
- // So, we must demote it
- demoteMyPdp();
- }
- }
- DroolsPdp lowestPriorityPdp = data.getLowestPriority();
- //now we have a valid value for lowestPriorityPdp
- logger.debug("\n\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {} listOfDesignated "
- + "found the LOWEST priority pdp ID: {} "
- + " It is now the designatedPpd from the perspective of myPdp ID: {} \n\n",
- myPdp.getPdpId(), lowestPriorityPdp.getPdpId(), myPdp);
- return lowestPriorityPdp;
- }
- private class DesignatedData {
- private DroolsPdp lowestPrioritySameSite = null;
- private DroolsPdp lowestPriorityDifferentSite = null;
- private DroolsPdp compareSameSite(DroolsPdp pdp) {
- if (lowestPrioritySameSite == null) {
- if (lowestPriorityDifferentSite != null) {
- //we need to reject lowestPriorityDifferentSite
- DroolsPdp rejectedPdp = lowestPriorityDifferentSite;
- lowestPriorityDifferentSite = pdp;
- return rejectedPdp;
- }
- lowestPrioritySameSite = pdp;
- return null;
- } else {
- if (pdp.getPdpId().equals((lowestPrioritySameSite.getPdpId()))) {
- return null; //nothing to compare
- }
- if (pdp.comparePriority(lowestPrioritySameSite) < 0) {
- logger.debug("\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp {} listOfDesignated pdp ID: {}"
- + " has lower priority than pdp ID: {}", myPdp.getPdpId(), pdp.getPdpId(),
- lowestPrioritySameSite.getPdpId());
- //we need to reject lowestPrioritySameSite
- DroolsPdp rejectedPdp = lowestPrioritySameSite;
- lowestPrioritySameSite = pdp;
- return rejectedPdp;
- } else {
- //we need to reject pdp and keep lowestPrioritySameSite
- logger.debug("\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp {} listOfDesignated pdp ID: {} "
- + " has higher priority than pdp ID: {}", myPdp.getPdpId(), pdp.getPdpId(),
- lowestPrioritySameSite.getPdpId());
- return pdp;
- }
- }
- }
- private DroolsPdp compareDifferentSite(DroolsPdp pdp) {
- if (lowestPrioritySameSite != null) {
- //if we already have a candidate for same site, we don't want to bother with different sites
- return pdp;
- } else {
- if (lowestPriorityDifferentSite == null) {
- lowestPriorityDifferentSite = pdp;
- return null;
- }
- if (pdp.getPdpId().equals((lowestPriorityDifferentSite.getPdpId()))) {
- return null; //nothing to compare
- }
- if (pdp.comparePriority(lowestPriorityDifferentSite) < 0) {
- logger.debug("\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp {} listOfDesignated pdp ID: {}"
- + " has lower priority than pdp ID: {}", myPdp.getPdpId(), pdp.getPdpId(),
- lowestPriorityDifferentSite.getPdpId());
- //we need to reject lowestPriorityDifferentSite
- DroolsPdp rejectedPdp = lowestPriorityDifferentSite;
- lowestPriorityDifferentSite = pdp;
- return rejectedPdp;
- } else {
- //we need to reject pdp and keep lowestPriorityDifferentSite
- logger.debug("\nDesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp {} listOfDesignated pdp ID: {}"
- + " has higher priority than pdp ID: {}", myPdp.getPdpId(), pdp.getPdpId(),
- lowestPriorityDifferentSite.getPdpId());
- return pdp;
- }
- }
- }
- private DroolsPdp getLowestPriority() {
- return (lowestPrioritySameSite != null ? lowestPrioritySameSite : lowestPriorityDifferentSite);
- }
- }
- private void demoteMyPdp() {
- try {
- //Keep the order like this. StateManagement is last since it triggers controller shutdown
- myPdp.setDesignated(false);
- pdpsConnector.setDesignated(myPdp, false);
- isDesignated = false;
- String standbyStatus = stateManagementFeature.getStandbyStatus();
- if (!(standbyStatus.equals(StateManagement.HOT_STANDBY)
- || standbyStatus.equals(StateManagement.COLD_STANDBY))) {
- /*
- * Only call demote if it is not already in the right state. Don't worry about
- * synching the lower level topic endpoint states. That is done by the
- * refreshStateAudit.
- */
- stateManagementFeature.demote();
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- myPdp.setDesignated(false);
- pdpsConnector.setDesignated(myPdp, false);
- isDesignated = false;
- logger.error("DesignatedWaiter.run: myPdp: {} Caught Exception attempting to "
- + "demote myPdp {} myPdp.getPdpId(), message= {}", myPdp.getPdpId(),
- e);
- }
- }
- private class TimerUpdateClass extends TimerTask {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- try {
- logger.debug("TimerUpdateClass.run: entry");
- checkWaitTimer();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("TimerUpdateClass.run caught an unexpected exception: ", e);
- }
- logger.debug("TimerUpdateClass.run.exit");
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void checkThreadStatus() {
- checkWaitTimer();
- }
- private void checkWaitTimer() {
- synchronized (checkWaitTimerLock) {
- try {
- logger.debug("checkWaitTimer: entry");
- var now = currentTime.getDate();
- long nowMs = now.getTime();
- long waitTimerMs = waitTimerLastRunDate.getTime();
- //give it 10 times leeway
- if ((nowMs - waitTimerMs) > 10 * pdpUpdateInterval) {
- if (allSeemsWell == null || allSeemsWell) {
- allSeemsWell = false;
- logger.debug("checkWaitTimer: calling allSeemsWell with ALLNOTWELL param");
- stateManagementFeature.allSeemsWell(this.getClass().getName(),
- StateManagementFeatureApiConstants.ALLNOTWELL_STATE,
- "DesignationWaiter/ElectionHandler has STALLED");
- }
- logger.error("checkWaitTimer: nowMs - waitTimerMs = {}"
- + ", exceeds 10* pdpUpdateInterval = {}"
- + " DesignationWaiter is STALLED!", (nowMs - waitTimerMs), (10 * pdpUpdateInterval));
- } else if (allSeemsWell == null || !allSeemsWell) {
- allSeemsWell = true;
- stateManagementFeature.allSeemsWell(this.getClass().getName(),
- StateManagementFeatureApiConstants.ALLSEEMSWELL_STATE,
- "DesignationWaiter/ElectionHandler has RESUMED");
- logger.info("DesignationWaiter/ElectionHandler has RESUMED");
- }
- logger.debug("checkWaitTimer: exit");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("checkWaitTimer: caught unexpected exception: ", e);
- }
- }
- }
- private long getDWaiterStartMs() {
- var now = currentTime.getDate();
- // Retrieve the ms since the epoch
- long nowMs = now.getTime();
- // Time since the end of the last pdpUpdateInterval multiple
- long nowModMs = nowMs % pdpUpdateInterval;
- // Time to the start of the next pdpUpdateInterval multiple
- long startMs = 2 * pdpUpdateInterval - nowModMs;
- // Give the start time a minimum of a 5 second cushion
- if (startMs < 5000) {
- // Start at the beginning of following interval
- startMs = pdpUpdateInterval + startMs;
- }
- return startMs;
- }