path: root/policy-management/src/main
diff options
authoradheli.tavares <adheli.tavares@est.tech>2024-08-15 11:08:57 +0100
committeradheli.tavares <adheli.tavares@est.tech>2024-08-15 11:10:39 +0100
commit88744c04a7cfed3a4227bc2137102ff5fe69895f (patch)
tree5865844183729aed07f06dd2f94e4940e7ff80f1 /policy-management/src/main
parentf6d8e60eb75733cf9996bffb3c6ecb586f377da6 (diff)
PostgreSQL support for Drools
- moved all sql related management to db-migrator - any hardcoded variable related to database is configurable Issue-ID: POLICY-5107 Change-Id: I789895773ba8737651f68a0b494f72f947a147d1 Signed-off-by: adheli.tavares <adheli.tavares@est.tech>
Diffstat (limited to 'policy-management/src/main')
4 files changed, 17 insertions, 951 deletions
diff --git a/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/features/PolicyEngineFeatureApi.java b/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/features/PolicyEngineFeatureApi.java
index 8edf394e..27b96999 100644
--- a/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/features/PolicyEngineFeatureApi.java
+++ b/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/features/PolicyEngineFeatureApi.java
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ public interface PolicyEngineFeatureApi extends OrderedService {
* @return true if this feature intercepts and takes ownership
* of the operation preventing the invocation of
- * lower priority features. False, otherwise..
+ * lower priority features. False, otherwise.
default boolean afterLock(PolicyEngine engine) {
return false;
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ public interface PolicyEngineFeatureApi extends OrderedService {
* operation preventing the invocation of lower priority features. Null,
* otherwise
- default PolicyResourceLockManager beforeCreateLockManager(PolicyEngine engine, Properties properties) {
+ default PolicyResourceLockManager beforeCreateLockManager() {
return null;
diff --git a/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/system/PolicyEngineManager.java b/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/system/PolicyEngineManager.java
index 0bc2318b..203d6bf2 100644
--- a/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/system/PolicyEngineManager.java
+++ b/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/system/PolicyEngineManager.java
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ class PolicyEngineManager implements PolicyEngine {
private void createLockManager(Properties properties) {
for (PolicyEngineFeatureApi feature : getEngineProviders()) {
try {
- this.lockManager = feature.beforeCreateLockManager(this, properties);
+ this.lockManager = feature.beforeCreateLockManager();
if (this.lockManager != null) {
logger.info("overridden lock manager is {}", this.lockManager);
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ class PolicyEngineManager implements PolicyEngine {
public void run() {
try {
+ doSleep();
logger.warn("{}: abnormal termination - shutdown graceful time period expiration",
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
@@ -960,18 +960,18 @@ class PolicyEngineManager implements PolicyEngine {
ex.getMessage(), ex));
logger.info("{}: exit", PolicyEngineManager.this);
- doExit(0);
+ doExit();
// these may be overridden by junit tests
- protected void doSleep(long sleepMs) throws InterruptedException {
- Thread.sleep(sleepMs);
+ protected void doSleep() throws InterruptedException {
+ Thread.sleep(ShutdownThread.SHUTDOWN_MAX_GRACE_TIME);
- protected void doExit(int code) {
- System.exit(code);
+ protected void doExit() {
+ System.exit(0);
diff --git a/policy-management/src/main/server-gen/bin/db-migrator b/policy-management/src/main/server-gen/bin/db-migrator
deleted file mode 100644
index 64d0fcf1..00000000
--- a/policy-management/src/main/server-gen/bin/db-migrator
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
-# ================================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# ================================================================================
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
-# #####################################################################
-# Upgrade/Downgrade SQL File Name Format:
-# <VERSION>-<pdp|feature-name>[-description](.upgrade|.downgrade).sql
-# This tool operates on a migration working directory at
-# $POLICY_HOME/etc/db/migration
-# Upgrade/Downgrade files for each schema (aka database) names to be maintained
-# by this tool are located at
-# $POLICY_HOME/etc/db/migration/<schema-name>/sql
-# The nature of the migration directories is dynamic.
-# Other tooling aware of when migrations are needed are in charge to populate
-# the migrations directory accordingly.
-# One of these tools is the 'features' when a feature with DB requirements
-# is 'enabled', the upgrade scripts will be made present in the migration directory.
-# When a features is 'disabled' downgrade scripts will be made available in the
-# migration directory.
-# The 'policy' tool via its operations 'status' or 'start' will signal the
-# need to perform upgrade or downgrade for a given schema.
-# At any given time the following invariant must be preserved in any given
-# $POLICY_HOME/etc/db/migration/<schema-name>/sql directory
-# There is only upgrade scripts, or only downgrade scripts, or none.
-# #####################################################################
-source ${POLICY_HOME}/etc/profile.d/env.sh
-# usage
-function usage() {
- echo
- echo -e "syntax: $(basename "$0") "
- echo -e "\t -s <schema-name> "
- echo -e "\t [-b <migration-dir>] "
- echo -e "\t [-f <from-version>]"
- echo -e "\t [-t <target-version>]"
- echo -e "\t -o <operations> "
- echo
- echo -e "\t where <operations>=upgrade|downgrade|auto|version|erase|report"
- echo
- echo
- echo -e "Configuration Options:"
- echo -e "\t -s|--schema|--database: schema to operate on ('ALL' to apply on all)"
- echo -e "\t -b|--basedir: overrides base DB migration directory"
- echo -e "\t -f|--from: overrides current release version for operations"
- echo -e "\t -t|--target: overrides target release to upgrade/downgrade"
- echo
- echo -e "Operations:"
- echo -e "\t upgrade: upgrade operation"
- echo -e "\t downgrade: performs a downgrade operation"
- echo -e "\t auto: autonomous operation, determines upgrade or downgrade"
- echo -e "\t version: returns current version, and in conjunction if '-f' sets the current version"
- echo -e "\t erase: erase all data related <schema> (use with care)"
- echo -e "\t report: migration detailed report on an schema"
- echo -e "\t ok: is the migration status valid"
- echo
- echo
-# ensure global metadata
-function ensure_metadata
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- ensure_metadata --"
- set -x
- fi
- local sql rc
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${sql}"
- rc=$?
- if [ ${rc} -ne 0 ]; then
- return ${rc}
- fi
- sql=${sql}"(name VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, version VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY(name));"
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${sql}"
- return $?
-# ensure metadata on a per schema basis
-function ensure_metadata_schema
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- ensure_metadata_schema --"
- set -x
- fi
- local sql rc
- sql=${sql}"(script VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, operation VARCHAR(10), success VARCHAR(1), "
- sql=${sql}"PRIMARY KEY(script));"
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${sql}"
- rc=$?
- if [ ${rc} -ne 0 ]; then
- return ${rc}
- fi
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${sql}"
- return $?
-# target_release
-function target_release
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- target_release --"
- set -x
- fi
- local sql sqlName upgradeSqls downgradeSqls
- upgradeSqls=$(ls -v -r "${UPGRADE_DIR}"/*"${UPGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX}" 2> /dev/null)
- for sql in ${upgradeSqls}; do
- sqlName=$(basename "${sql}")
- break
- done
- # default unless overriden
-# is_upgrade
-function is_upgrade
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- is_upgrade --"
- set -x
- fi
- local upgradeSqls
- upgradeSqls=$(ls "${UPGRADE_DIR}"/*"${UPGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX}" 2> /dev/null)
- if [ -z "${upgradeSqls}" ]; then
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- fi
-# is_downgrade
-function is_downgrade
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- is_downgrade --"
- set -x
- fi
- local downgradeSqls
- downgradeSqls=$(ls "${DOWNGRADE_DIR}"/*"${DOWNGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX}" 2> /dev/null)
- if [ -z "${downgradeSqls}" ]; then
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- fi
-# set_current_release
-function set_current_release
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- set_current_release --"
- set -x
- fi
- local sql
- sql="INSERT INTO ${METADATA_TABLE} (name, version) "
- sql=${sql}"VALUES('${SCHEMA}', '${CURRENT_RELEASE}') "
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${sql}"
- return $?
-# current_release
-function current_release
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- current_release --"
- set -x
- fi
- local rc
- local query="SELECT version FROM ${METADATA_TABLE} WHERE name='${SCHEMA}'"
- CURRENT_RELEASE=$(${MYSQL} --skip-column-names --silent --execute "${query}")
- if [ -z "${CURRENT_RELEASE}" ]; then
- set_current_release "${ZERO_VERSION}"
- return $?
- fi
- return 0
-# execute sql script history
-function track_script
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- track_script $* --"
- set -x
- fi
- local script="${1}" operation="${2}" success="${3}"
- local sql="INSERT INTO ${METADATA_HISTORY}(script,operation,success,atTime) "
- sql=${sql}"VALUES ('${script}','${operation}','${success}',now()) "
- sql=${sql}"ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE operation=values(operation), success=values(success), atTime=values(atTime);"
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${sql}"
- return $?
-# execute sql script
-function run_script
- if [ "${DEBUG}" == "y" ]; then
- echo "-- run_script $* --"
- set -x
- fi
- local operation="${1}" script="${2}" scriptPath="${3}"
- echo
- echo "> ${operation} ${script}"
- ${MYSQL} --verbose < "${scriptPath}"
- local rc=$?
- if [ ${rc} -ne 0 ]; then
- success="0"
- else
- success="1"
- fi
- track_script "${script}" "${operation}" "${success}"
- return ${rc}
-# upgrade
-function upgrade
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- upgrade --"
- set -x
- fi
- local sqlName sqlFile schemaVersion upgradeSqls rc
- ${MYSQL} --execute "USE ${SCHEMA_DB}"
- upgradeSqls=$(ls -v "${UPGRADE_DIR}"/*"${UPGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX}" 2> /dev/null)
- for sqlFile in ${upgradeSqls}; do
- sqlName=$(basename "${sqlFile}")
- schemaVersion="${sqlName%-*}"
- if [ "${schemaVersion}" -gt "${CURRENT_RELEASE}" ] && \
- [ "${schemaVersion}" -le "${TARGET_UPGRADE_RELEASE}" ]; then
- run_script "upgrade" "${sqlName}" "${sqlFile}"
- rc=$?
- if [ ${rc} -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "${SCHEMA}: upgrade aborted at ${schemaVersion} by script ${sqlName}"
- set_current_release "${schemaVersion}"
- return ${rc}
- fi
- fi
- done
- set_current_release "${TARGET_UPGRADE_RELEASE}"
- fi
- return 0
-# downgrade
-function downgrade
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- downgrade --"
- set -x
- fi
- local sqlName sqlFile schemaVersion downgradeSqls rc
- ${MYSQL} --execute "USE ${SCHEMA_DB}"
- downgradeSqls=$(ls -v -r "${DOWNGRADE_DIR}"/*"${DOWNGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX}" 2> /dev/null)
- for sqlFile in ${downgradeSqls}; do
- sqlName=$(basename "${sqlFile}")
- schemaVersion="${sqlName%-*}"
- if [ "${schemaVersion}" -le "${CURRENT_RELEASE}" ] && \
- [ "${schemaVersion}" -gt "${TARGET_DOWNGRADE_RELEASE}" ]; then
- run_script "downgrade" "${sqlName}" "${sqlFile}"
- rc=$?
- if [ ${rc} -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "${SCHEMA}: downgrade aborted at ${schemaVersion} by script ${sqlName}"
- set_current_release "${schemaVersion}"
- return ${rc}
- fi
- fi
- done
- set_current_release "${TARGET_DOWNGRADE_RELEASE}"
- fi
- return 0
-# erase
-function erase
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- erase --"
- set -x
- fi
- local updateMetadata="UPDATE ${METADATA_TABLE} SET version='${ZERO_VERSION}';"
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${updateMetadata}"
- local deleteHistory="DELETE FROM ${METADATA_HISTORY};"
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${deleteHistory}"
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${dropDB}"
-# report
-function report
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- report --"
- set -x
- fi
- local versionSql="SELECT * FROM ${METADATA_TABLE} WHERE name='${SCHEMA}';"
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${versionSql}"
- local historySql="SELECT * FROM ${METADATA_HISTORY} ORDER BY atTime ASC;"
- ${MYSQL} --execute "${historySql}"
- okay
-function okay
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- okay --"
- set -x
- fi
- local rc=0
- if is_upgrade; then
- else
- echo "${SCHEMA}: upgrade available: ${CURRENT_RELEASE} -> ${TARGET_UPGRADE_RELEASE}"
- rc=1
- fi
- else
- else
- echo "${SCHEMA}: downgrade available: ${CURRENT_RELEASE} -> ${TARGET_DOWNGRADE_RELEASE}"
- rc=1
- fi
- fi
- return ${rc}
-if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- $0 $* --"
- set -x
-until [ -z "$1" ]; do
- case $1 in
- -s|--schema|--database) shift
- ;;
- -b|--basedir) shift
- ;;
- -t|--target) shift
- ;;
- -f|--from) shift
- ;;
- -o|--operation) shift
- ;;
- *) usage
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-case ${OPERATION} in
- upgrade) ;;
- downgrade) ;;
- auto) ;;
- version) ;;
- erase) ;;
- report) ;;
- ok) ;;
- *) echo "error: invalid operation provided"
- usage
- exit 1
- ;;
-if [ -z "${SCHEMA}" ]; then
- echo "error: a database name must be provided"
- usage
- exit 2
-source "${POLICY_HOME}"/etc/profile.d/env.sh
-if [ -z "${SQL_HOST}" ] || [ -z "${SQL_USER}" ] || [ -z "${SQL_PASSWORD}" ]; then
- echo "error: no database has been set up"
- exit 4
-if [ -z "${SQL_PORT}" ]; then
- export SQL_PORT=3306
-if [ -z "$MYSQL_CMD" ]; then
- MYSQL_CMD="mysql"
-if ! ${MYSQL} --execute "show databases;" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "error: No DB connectivity to ${SQL_HOST} for ${SQL_USER}"
- exit 5
-if [ "${SCHEMA}" = "ALL" ]; then
- SCHEMA="*"
-SCHEMA_S=$(ls -d "${MIGRATION_DIR}"/${SCHEMA}/ 2> /dev/null)
-if [ -z "${SCHEMA_S}" ]; then
- echo "error: no databases available"
- exit 0
-if ! ensure_metadata; then
- echo "error: migration metadata not accessible"
- exit 7
-for dbPath in ${SCHEMA_S}; do
- SCHEMA=$(basename "${dbPath}")
- if is_upgrade && is_downgrade; then
- echo "${SCHEMA}: failure: invalid configuration: ${UPGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX} and "\
- rc=1
- continue
- fi
- if [ "${operation}" = "auto" ]; then
- if is_upgrade; then
- operation=upgrade
- else
- operation=downgrade
- fi
- fi
- if ! ensure_metadata_schema; then
- echo "${SCHEMA}: failure: metadata not accessible for this schema"
- continue
- fi
- if [ -z "${TARGET_RELEASE}" ]; then
- target_release
- else
- # user asked to override
- fi
- if [ -z "${CURRENT_RELEASE}" ]; then
- if ! current_release; then
- echo "${SCHEMA}: failure: cannot obtain current release"
- continue
- fi
- else
- if ! set_current_release "${CURRENT_RELEASE}"; then
- echo "${SCHEMA}: failure: cannot set current release"
- continue
- fi
- fi
- case ${OPERATION} in
- upgrade) if upgrade; then
- echo "${SCHEMA}: OK: upgrade (${CURRENT_RELEASE})"
- else
- rc=1
- echo "${SCHEMA}: failure: upgrade to release ${TARGET_UPGRADE_RELEASE} (${CURRENT_RELEASE})"
- fi
- ;;
- downgrade) if downgrade; then
- echo "${SCHEMA}: OK: downgrade (${CURRENT_RELEASE})"
- else
- rc=1
- echo "${SCHEMA}: failure: downgrade to release ${TARGET_DOWNGRADE_RELEASE} (${CURRENT_RELEASE})"
- fi
- ;;
- version) echo "${SCHEMA}: ${CURRENT_RELEASE}"
- ;;
- erase) erase
- ;;
- report) report
- ;;
- ok) okay
- ;;
- esac
-exit $rc
diff --git a/policy-management/src/main/server-gen/bin/features b/policy-management/src/main/server-gen/bin/features
index 3343ffc4..01b77b1c 100644
--- a/policy-management/src/main/server-gen/bin/features
+++ b/policy-management/src/main/server-gen/bin/features
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# ================================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Modifications Copyright (C) 2024 Nordix Foundation.
# ================================================================================
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -35,10 +36,6 @@
#     |  | L─ <dependent-jar>+
#     │  L─ feature/
#     │  L─ <feature-jar>
-#     L─ [db]/
-#     │   L─ <db-name>/+
-#     │  L─ sql/
-#     │ L─ <sql-scripts>*
#     L─ [artifacts]/
#      L─ <artifact>+
#     L─ [install]
@@ -60,16 +57,6 @@
# of pdp-d that are necessary for <feature-name> to operate
# correctly.
# lib/feature the single feature jar that implements the feature.
-# [db] database directory, if the feature contains sql.
-# [db]/<db-name> database to which underlying sql scripts should be applied against.
-# ideally, <db-name> = <feature-name> so it is easily to associate
-# the db data with a feature itself. Ideally, since a feature is
-# a somewhat independent isolated unit of functionality,the <db-name>
-# database ideally isolates all its data.
-# [db]/<db-name>/sql directory with all the sql scripts.
-# [db]/<db-name>/sql/<sql-scripts> for this feature sql scripts
-# upgrade scripts should be suffixed with ".upgrade.sql"
-# downgrade scripts should be suffixed with ".downgrade.sql"
# [artifacts] maven artifacts to be deployed in a maven repository.
# [artifacts]/<artifact> maven artifact with identifiable maven coordinates embedded
# in the artifact.
@@ -87,10 +74,10 @@
# Operations:
# install: installs a feature
# uninstall: uninstalls a feature
-# enable : enables 1) dependencies, 2) configuration, 3) binaries 4) database, 5) artifacts,
-# 6) feature, 7) customization.
-# disable: disables 1) dependencies, 2) configuration, 3) binaries, 4) database, 5) feature,
-# 6) customization
+# enable : enables 1) dependencies, 2) configuration, 3) binaries 4) artifacts,
+# 5) feature, 6) customization.
+# disable: disables 1) dependencies, 2) configuration, 3) binaries, 4) feature,
+# 5) customization
# status : status of a feature
# 'enable' operation details:
@@ -99,10 +86,8 @@
# 2. sets symbolic links to feature dependencies in pdp-d classpath ($POLICY_HOME/lib)
# 3. sets symbolic links to feature configuration in pdp-d configuration directory ($POLICY_HOME/config)
# 4. sets symbolic links to feature executables in pdp-d bin directory ($POLICY_HOME/bin)
-# 5. sets symbolic links to feature upgrade scripts and removes links to downgrade scripts (if any)
-# in the pdp-d migration directory ($POLICY_HOME/etc/db/migration).
-# 6. deploys any maven artifacts in the maven repositories in use (if any)
-# 7. cd to the feature 'install' directory an executes (if exists) the 'enable' script to allow for specific
+# 5. deploys any maven artifacts in the maven repositories in use (if any)
+# 6. cd to the feature 'install' directory an executes (if exists) the 'enable' script to allow for specific
# customizations for this feature.
# 'disable' operation details:
@@ -111,16 +96,9 @@
# 2. removes symbolic links to feature dependencies in pdp-d classpath ($POLICY_HOME/lib)
# 3. removes symbolic links to feature configuration in pdp-d configuration directory ($POLICY_HOME/config)
# 4. removes symbolic links to feature executables in pdp-d bin directory ($POLICY_HOME/bin)
-# 5. removes symbolic links to feature upgrade scripts and sets links to downgrade scripts (if any)
-# in the pdp-d migration directory ($POLICY_HOME/etc/db/migration).
-# 6. cd to the feature 'install' directory an executes (if exists) the 'disable' script to allow for specific
+# 5. cd to the feature 'install' directory an executes (if exists) the 'disable' script to allow for specific
# customizations for this feature.
-# Notes for DB enabled features:
-# A. Upgrade/Downgrade SQL File Name Format:
-# <VERSION>-<pdp|feature-name>[-description](.upgrade|.downgrade).sql
-# B. See related tooling: db-migrator, deploy-artifact, and policy
# Example:
@@ -155,7 +133,6 @@ fi
if [ ! -d "${LIB}" ]; then
@@ -171,10 +148,6 @@ fi
# ensure that the directory exists
mkdir -p "${FEATURES}" 2> /dev/null
-if [ ! -d "${DB}" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${DB}"
# relative per Feature Directory Paths
@@ -183,11 +156,6 @@ FEATURE_CONFIG="config"
featureJars=$(find "${FEATURES}" -name "feature-*.jar" -type f -exec basename {} \; 2> /dev/null)
@@ -386,39 +354,6 @@ function enableBinAnalysis ()
# ##########################################################
-# enableDbAnalysis (featureName):
-# reports on potential db access problems
-# featureName: name of the feature
-# ##########################################################
-function enableDbAnalysis()
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- enableDbAnalysis $* --"
- set -x
- fi
- local featureName="$1"
- local featureSqls
- if [ -z "${featureName}" ]; then
- echo "warning: no feature name"
- return 1
- fi
- featureSqls=$(ls "${FEATURES}"/"${featureName}"/"${FEATURE_DB}"/*/${FEATURE_SQL}/*${UPGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX} 2> /dev/null)
- if [ -z "${featureSqls}" ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- source "${POLICY_HOME}"/etc/profile.d/env.sh
- if [ -z "${SQL_HOST}" ] || [ -z "${SQL_USER}" ] || [ -z "${SQL_PASSWORD}" ]; then
- echo "warning: DB server is not configured"
- fi
- return 0
-# ##########################################################
# enableFeatureDeps(featureName):
# enables feature dependencies
# featureName: name of the feature
@@ -500,95 +435,6 @@ function enableFeatureBin()
# ##########################################################
-# enableFeatureDbSchema(featureName):
-# enables feature DB Schema configuration
-# featureName: name of the feature
-# ##########################################################
-function enableFeatureDbSchema()
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- enableFeatureDbSchema $* --"
- set -x
- fi
- local featureName="$1"
- local featureDbPath="$2"
- local schemaName="$3"
- if [ -z "${featureName}" ]; then
- echo "warning: no feature name"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ -z "${featureDbPath}" ]; then
- echo "warning: ${featureName} contains no DB path"
- return 2
- fi
- if [ -z "${schemaName}" ]; then
- echo "warning: feature ${featureName} contains no schema name"
- return 3
- fi
- rc=0
- sqlUpgradeScripts=$(ls "${featureDbPath%/}"/${FEATURE_SQL}/*${UPGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX} 2> /dev/null)
- for sqlUpgradeScript in ${sqlUpgradeScripts}; do
- if [ ! -d "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/${FEATURE_SQL} ]; then
- mkdir -p "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/${FEATURE_SQL} 2> /dev/null
- fi
- ln -s -f "${sqlUpgradeScript}" "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/${FEATURE_SQL}/
- done
- sqlDowngradeScripts=$(ls "${featureDbPath%/}"/${FEATURE_SQL}/*${DOWNGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX} 2> /dev/null)
- for sqlDowngradeScript in ${sqlDowngradeScripts}; do
- if [ -d "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/${FEATURE_SQL} ]; then
- sqlName=$(basename "${sqlDowngradeScript}")
- rm -f "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/"${FEATURE_SQL}"/"${sqlName}" 2> /dev/null
- else
- echo "warning: feature ${featureName} only contains downgrade scripts"
- rc=4
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ -n "${sqlUpgradeScripts}" ] || [ -n "${sqlDowngradeScripts}" ]; then
- DEBUG=${DEBUG} db-migrator -s "${schemaName}" -o ok
- fi
- return ${rc}
-# ##########################################################
-# enableFeatureDb(featureName):
-# enables DB feature configuration
-# featureName: name of the feature
-# ##########################################################
-function enableFeatureDb()
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- enableFeatureDb $* --"
- set -x
- fi
- local featureName="$1"
- local featureDbs featureDbPath schemaName sqls
- if [ -z "${featureName}" ]; then
- echo "warning: no feature name"
- return 1
- fi
- featureDbs=$(ls -d "${FEATURES}"/"${featureName}"/"${FEATURE_DB}"/*/ 2> /dev/null)
- for featureDbPath in ${featureDbs}; do
- sqls=$(ls "${featureDbPath%/}"/"${FEATURE_SQL}"/*.sql 2> /dev/null)
- if [ -z "${sqls}" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- schemaName=$(basename "${featureDbPath%/}")
- enableFeatureDbSchema "${featureName}" "${featureDbPath%/}" "${schemaName}"
- done
-# ##########################################################
# enableFeatureArtifacts(featureName):
# deploys maven artifacts
# featureName: name of the feature
@@ -686,10 +532,6 @@ function enableFeature()
if ! enableBinAnalysis "${featureName}"; then
return "$?"
- if ! enableDbAnalysis "${featureName}"; then
- return "$?"
- fi
# enable feature itself
@@ -707,10 +549,6 @@ function enableFeature()
enableFeatureBin "${featureName}"
- # enable db
- enableFeatureDb "${featureName}"
# enable feature artifacts
enableFeatureArtifacts "${featureName}"
@@ -839,97 +677,6 @@ function disableFeatureBin()
# ##########################################################
-# disableFeatureDbSchema(featureName, featureDbPath, schemaName):
-# disables feature db configuration for a schema
-# featureName: name of the feature
-# ##########################################################
-function disableFeatureDbSchema()
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- disableFeatureDbSchema $* --"
- set -x
- fi
- local featureName="$1" featureDbPath="$2" schemaName="$3"
- local upgradeFeatureSqls downgradeFeatureSqls featureSql sqlDir sqlName schemaDir schemaName
- if [ -z "${featureName}" ]; then
- echo "warning: no feature name"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ -z "${featureDbPath}" ]; then
- echo "warning: ${featureName} contains no DB path"
- return 2
- fi
- if [ -z "${schemaName}" ]; then
- echo "warning: feature ${featureName} contains no schema name"
- return 3
- fi
- if [ -z "${featureName}" ]; then
- echo "warning: no feature name"
- return 1
- fi
- upgradeFeatureSqls=$(find "${FEATURES}"/"${featureName}"/"${FEATURE_DB}"/"${schemaName}"/"${FEATURE_SQL}"/*"${UPGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX}" -type f -maxdepth 1 2> /dev/null)
- for featureSql in ${upgradeFeatureSqls}; do
- sqlName=$(basename "${featureSql}")
- sqlDir=$(dirname "${featureSql}")
- schemaDir=$(dirname "${sqlDir}")
- schemaName=$(basename "${schemaDir}")
- rm -f "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/"${FEATURE_SQL}"/"${sqlName}" 2> /dev/null
- done
- downgradeFeatureSqls=$(find "${FEATURES}"/"${featureName}"/"${FEATURE_DB}"/"${schemaName}"/"${FEATURE_SQL}"/*"${DOWNGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX}" -type f -maxdepth 1 2> /dev/null)
- for featureSql in ${downgradeFeatureSqls}; do
- sqlName=$(basename "${featureSql}")
- sqlDir=$(dirname "${featureSql}")
- schemaDir=$(dirname "${sqlDir}")
- schemaName=$(basename "${schemaDir}")
- if [ ! -d "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/${FEATURE_SQL} ]; then
- mkdir -p "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/${FEATURE_SQL} 2> /dev/null
- fi
- ln -s -f "${featureSql}" "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/${FEATURE_SQL}/
- done
- if [ -n "${sqlUpgradeScripts}" ] || [ -n "${sqlDowngradeScripts}" ]; then
- DEBUG=${DEBUG} db-migrator -s "${schemaName}" -o ok
- fi
-# ##########################################################
-# disableFeatureDb(featureName):
-# disables feature db configuration
-# featureName: name of the feature
-# ##########################################################
-function disableFeatureDb()
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- disableFeatureDb $* --"
- set -x
- fi
- local featureName="$1"
- local featureDbPath featureDbs schemaName
- if [ -z "${featureName}" ]; then
- echo "warning: no feature name"
- return 1
- fi
- featureDbs=$(ls -d "${FEATURES}"/"${featureName}"/"${FEATURE_DB}"/*/ 2> /dev/null)
- for featureDbPath in ${featureDbs}; do
- if [ -z "$(ls "${featureDbPath%/}"/"${FEATURE_SQL}"/*${UPGRADE_SQL_SUFFIX} 2> /dev/null)" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- schemaName=$(basename "${featureDbPath%/}")
- disableFeatureDbSchema "${featureName}" "${featureDbPath%/}" "${schemaName}"
- done
-# ##########################################################
# disableFeature(featureName): disables a feature
# featureName: name of the feature
# ##########################################################
@@ -966,10 +713,6 @@ function disableFeature()
disableFeatureBin "${featureName}"
- # disable DB SQL scripts if any
- disableFeatureDb "${featureName}"
# run custom disable if any
customOpScript "${featureName}" "disable"
@@ -1080,47 +823,6 @@ function installFeatures
-# ##########################################################
-# uninstallFeatureDb(featureName):
-# uninstalls the feature db configuration
-# featureName: name of the feature
-# ##########################################################
-function uninstallFeatureDb()
- if [ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "-- uninstallFeatureDb $* --"
- set -x
- fi
- local featureName="$1"
- local featureSqls sqlDir sqlName schemaDir schemaName schemaNames leftSqls
- if [ -z "${featureName}" ]; then
- echo "warning: no feature name"
- return 1
- fi
- featureSqls=$(find "${FEATURES}"/"${featureName}"/"${FEATURE_DB}"/*/${FEATURE_SQL}/*.sql -type f -maxdepth 1 2> /dev/null)
- for featureSql in ${featureSqls}; do
- sqlName=$(basename "${featureSql}")
- sqlDir=$(dirname "${featureSql}")
- schemaDir=$(dirname "${sqlDir}")
- schemaName=$(basename "${schemaDir}")
- schemaNames="${schemaNames} ${schemaName}"
- rm -f "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/"${FEATURE_SQL}"/"${sqlName}" 2> /dev/null
- done
- for schemaName in ${schemaNames};
- do
- leftSqls=$(ls "${DB}"/"${schemaName}"/"${FEATURE_SQL}"/*.sql 2> /dev/null)
- if [ -n "${leftSqls}" ]; then
- if ! DEBUG=${DEBUG} db-migrator -s "${schemaName}" -o ok; then
- echo -n "warning: ${featureName}: ${schemaName}: database data is leftover. "
- echo -n "Consider cleaning left over data with 'db-migrator'."
- fi
- fi
- done
# uninstallFeature <feature-name> ...
@@ -1138,7 +840,6 @@ function uninstallFeature
disableFeature "${featureName}"
- uninstallFeatureDb "${featureName}"
customOpScript "${featureName}" "uninstall"
if [ -n "${FEATURES}" ] && [ -n "${featureName}" ]; then