BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/drools-applications to latest sna...waynedunican5 weeks
osloUpdate gitreview for oslo in drools-appsrameshiyer273 months
newdelhiupdate references for newdelhi branchadheli.tavares9 months
montrealSet Montreal default branchliamfallon16 months
java-17Upgrade drools-applications to JUnit 5FrancescoFioraEst18 months
londonSet references for london releaseliamfallon21 months
kohnUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/drools-applications to latest sna...liamfallon2 years
honoluluMake HTTPS configurable on drools featuresliamfallon2 years
jakartaFix typo in DCAE CL config fileliamfallon2 years
istanbulMake HTTPS configurable on drools featuresliamfallon2 years
frankfurtBump drools-applications to 1.6.6-SNAPSHOTRam Krishna Verma4 years
guilinBump drools-apps to 1.7.6 SNAPSHOTJim Hahn4 years
elaltobump poms to 1.5.5-SNAPSHOTjhh5 years
dublinBump drools-applications 1.4.3Pamela Dragosh6 years
casablancaUpgrade drools-apps to 1.3.7Pamela Dragosh6 years
2.0.0-ONAPDon't build credentials if user name is emptyJim Hahn7 years
beijingDon't build credentials if user name is emptyJim Hahn7 years
amsterdamBump up artifacts version to 1.1.3-SNAPSHOTMarco Platania7 years
release-1.0.0adding JavadocPamela Dragosh8 years