Made the following changes to remove usescase and legacy actor
- deleted the usecases controller and feature
- deleted code associated with legacy actors, with the exception
of AaiManager, which is needed by RestControlLoopManager
- moved the contents of the "guard" project into the m2/guard project,
as that is the only thing that still needs it
- modified the m2/GuardContext to get the name of its persistence unit
from the properties so it could be overridden by junit tests
- used eclipselink constants
Also fixed a bug in the properties for the VFC actor.
Addressed review comment:
- removed usecases from Dockerfile
Issue-ID: POLICY-2558
Change-Id: I677d68c9efed9247c3d55773abdcc736b577a6b4
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>