Added debian-slim images based off of jre-slim.
Removed alpine images from the build.
If it's determined that we need a jdk instead of a jre, then
"jre" can be changed to "jdk" in the policy-base Dockerfile.
As an alternative, a new policy-docker-jdk image could be created,
based off of "jdk" and all of the apt packages added to it. In that
case, it would probably be appropriate to removed maven from the
packages that are loaded into the policy-common image.
Addressed first round of review comments:
- use specific version of java 11
- removed docker-maven-plugin version
- replaced the images with policy-jre-debian and policy-jdk-debian
- added a policy-jdk-alpine image, which includes the jdk & maven, but
is significantly smaller than the debian-slim version
- added a policy-jre-alpine image
Addressed additional review comments:
- installed maven packages instead of downloading via curl
- added link to /usr/lib/jvm
Issue-ID: POLICY-1586
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>
Change-Id: I43fd6a5c5ff9c4a0b537d3f297fdf2ad8248ba75