path: root/csit/pap/tests/pap-slas.robot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'csit/pap/tests/pap-slas.robot')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/csit/pap/tests/pap-slas.robot b/csit/pap/tests/pap-slas.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index 045530ae..00000000
--- a/csit/pap/tests/pap-slas.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Library Collections
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Library OperatingSystem
-Library json
-Resource ${CURDIR}/../../common-library.robot
-*** Keywords ***
- [Arguments] ${uri} ${method}
- [Documentation] Check if uri response is under the 500ms required time for pap metrics
- ValidateResponseTime pap-metrics ${uri} ${method} 500
-*** Test Cases ***
- [Documentation] Sleep time to wait for Prometheus server to gather all metrics
- Sleep 1 minute
- [Documentation] Validate component healthcheck response time
- ValidateResponseTimeForPap /healthcheck GET
- [Documentation] Validate if system healthcheck response time is under 1000ms
- ValidateResponseTime pap-metrics /components/healthcheck GET 10000
- [Documentation] Validate statistics response time
- ValidateResponseTimeForPap /statistics GET
-# TODO: includes notification, so always over 500ms
-# ValidateResponseTimeCreateGroup
-# [Documentation] Validate create group response time
-# ValidateResponseTimeForPap /pdps/groups/batch POST
- [Documentation] Validate query audits response time
- ValidateResponseTimeForPap /policies/audit GET
- [Documentation] Validate pdps/group response time
- ValidateResponseTimeForPap /pdps/groups/{name} PUT
- [Documentation] Check if deployment of policy is under 2000ms
- ${resp}= QueryPrometheus pap_policy_deployments_seconds_sum{operation="deploy",status="SUCCESS"}/pap_policy_deployments_seconds_count{operation="deploy",status="SUCCESS"}
- ${rawNumber}= Evaluate ${resp['data']['result'][0]['value'][1]}
- ${actualTime}= Set Variable ${rawNumber * ${1000}}
- Should Be True ${actualTime} <= ${2000}
- [Documentation] Check if undeployment of policy is under 2000ms
- ${resp}= QueryPrometheus pap_policy_deployments_seconds_sum{operation="undeploy",status="SUCCESS"}/pap_policy_deployments_seconds_count{operation="undeploy",status="SUCCESS"}
- ${rawNumber}= Evaluate ${resp['data']['result'][0]['value'][1]}
- ${actualTime}= Set Variable ${rawNumber * ${1000}}
- Should Be True ${actualTime} <= ${2000}
- [Documentation] Validate delete group response time
- ValidateResponseTimeForPap /pdps/groups/{name} DELETE