path: root/helm/tests/common-library.robot
diff options
authorrameshiyer27 <ramesh.murugan.iyer@est.tech>2023-01-23 11:50:01 +0000
committerRamesh Murugan Iyer <ramesh.murugan.iyer@est.tech>2023-01-25 14:32:51 +0000
commit0700486a08b2bc08589f7e6b0be8338d6bbb4efa (patch)
tree01672a1fb035e629f1723b6b7de6f8a28218bfdb /helm/tests/common-library.robot
parent0132d7a9ea3ad03ed0350a7d89694420a4d8221c (diff)
Add robot framework helm chart for CSIT
Steps to run policy csit in kubernetes is updated in the README.md Issue-ID: POLICY-4532 Signed-off-by: zrrmmua <ramesh.murugan.iyer@est.tech> Change-Id: I116658dfafd4e70bd256173f046da72af6803eaa
Diffstat (limited to 'helm/tests/common-library.robot')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/helm/tests/common-library.robot b/helm/tests/common-library.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42d3ed12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helm/tests/common-library.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library Collections
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library json
+*** Keywords ***
+ ${policyadmin}= Create list policyadmin zb!XztG34
+ [return] ${policyadmin}
+ ${healthcheck}= Create list policyadmin zb!XztG34
+ [return] ${healthcheck}
+ [Arguments] ${hostname} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postjson} ${params} ${auth}
+ Log Creating session http://${hostname}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy http://${hostname}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= POST On Session policy ${url} data=${postjson} params=${params} headers=${headers} expected_status=${expectedstatus}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ [return] ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${hostname} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${params} ${auth}
+ Log Creating session http://${hostname}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy http://${hostname}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= PUT On Session policy ${url} params=${params} headers=${headers} expected_status=${expectedstatus}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ [return] ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${hostname} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${params} ${auth}
+ Log Creating session http://${hostname}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy http://${hostname}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= GET On Session policy ${url} params=${params} headers=${headers} expected_status=${expectedstatus}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ [return] ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${hostname} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${auth}
+ Log Creating session http://${hostname}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy http://${hostname}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= DELETE On Session policy ${url} headers=${headers} expected_status=${expectedstatus}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postjson} ${policyname} ${policyversion}
+ [Documentation] Create the specific policy
+ ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_API_IP} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postjson} null ${policyadmin}
+ Run Keyword If ${expectedstatus}==200 Dictionary Should Contain Key ${resp.json()['topology_template']['policies'][0]} ${policyname}
+ Run Keyword If ${expectedstatus}==200 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['topology_template']['policies'][0]['${policyname}']['version']} ${policyversion}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postjson} ${nodeTemplateListLength}
+ [Documentation] Create the node templates
+ ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_API_IP} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postjson} \ ${policyadmin}
+ Run Keyword If ${expectedstatus}==200 Length Should Be ${resp.json()['topology_template']['node_templates']} ${nodeTemplateListLength}
+ [Documentation] Verify pdp group query - supports upto 2 groups
+ [Arguments] ${groupsLength} ${group1Name} ${group1State} ${policiesLengthInGroup1} ${group2Name} ${group2State} ${policiesLengthInGroup2}
+ ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps 200 null ${policyadmin}
+ Length Should Be ${resp.json()['groups']} ${groupsLength}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['groups'][0]['name']} ${group1Name}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['groups'][0]['pdpGroupState']} ${group1State}
+ Length Should Be ${resp.json()['groups'][0]['pdpSubgroups'][0]['policies']} ${policiesLengthInGroup1}
+ Run Keyword If ${groupsLength}>1 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['groups'][1]['name']} ${group2Name}
+ Run Keyword If ${groupsLength}>1 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['groups'][1]['pdpGroupState']} ${group2State}
+ Run Keyword If ${groupsLength}>1 Length Should Be ${resp.json()['groups'][1]['pdpSubgroups'][0]['policies']} ${policiesLengthInGroup2}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${pdpGroup} ${pdpType} ${policyName} ${expectedAction}
+ ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} ${url} ${expectedstatus} recordCount=2 ${policyadmin}
+ Log Received response from queryPolicyAudit ${resp.text}
+ FOR ${responseEntry} IN @{resp.json()}
+ Exit For Loop IF '${responseEntry['policy']['name']}'=='${policyName}'
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['pdpGroup']} ${pdpGroup}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['pdpType']} ${pdpType}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['policy']['name']} ${policyName}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['policy']['version']} 1.0.0
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['action']} ${expectedAction}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['user']} policyadmin
+ [Documentation] Verify policy deployment status
+ [Arguments] ${policyName} ${pdpGroup} ${pdpType} ${pdpName} ${policyTypeName}
+ ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/policies/status 200 null ${policyadmin}
+ FOR ${responseEntry} IN @{resp.json()}
+ Exit For Loop IF '${responseEntry['policy']['name']}'=='${policyName}'
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['pdpGroup']} ${pdpGroup}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['pdpType']} ${pdpType}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['pdpId']} ${pdpName}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['policy']['name']} ${policyName}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['policy']['version']} 1.0.0
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['policyType']['name']} ${policyTypeName}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['policyType']['version']} 1.0.0
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['deploy']} True
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${responseEntry['state']} SUCCESS
+ [Arguments] ${hostname} ${auth}
+ Log Creating session http://${hostname}:6969
+ ${session}= Create Session policy http://${hostname}:6969 auth=${auth}
+ ${resp}= GET On Session policy /metrics expected_status=200
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ [return] ${resp}