path: root/csit/resources/tests/pap-test.robot
diff options
authoradheli.tavares <>2023-02-17 15:14:07 +0000
committerAdheli Tavares <>2023-02-22 13:22:48 +0000
commit1f339f886d01c6d6ac5cfd6467850c61fee4f675 (patch)
tree9c59715170d07c951421f5cf8f4d7d939e289c8b /csit/resources/tests/pap-test.robot
parenta6664dc5c767210a78f140b9fa149c2a8261b428 (diff)
Restructure of csit files to be used both by docker and k8s config
Issue-ID: POLICY-4125 Change-Id: Id63b3badb1b451b36e3226970dcafaa5a62d860f Signed-off-by: adheli.tavares <>
Diffstat (limited to 'csit/resources/tests/pap-test.robot')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/pap-test.robot b/csit/resources/tests/pap-test.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccc16a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/pap-test.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library Collections
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library json
+Resource ${CURDIR}/common-library.robot
+*** Keywords ***
+ [Arguments] ${url}
+ ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} ${url} 200 null ${auth}
+ [return] ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${uri} ${method}
+ [Documentation] Check if uri response is under the required time for pap metrics
+ ValidateResponseTime pap-metrics ${uri} ${method} 500
+ [Documentation] Check if deployment of policy is under 2000ms
+ ${resp}= QueryPrometheus pap_policy_deployments_seconds_sum{operation="deploy",status="SUCCESS"}/pap_policy_deployments_seconds_count{operation="deploy",status="SUCCESS"}
+ ${rawNumber}= Evaluate ${resp['data']['result'][0]['value'][1]}
+ ${actualTime}= Set Variable ${rawNumber * ${1000}}
+ Should Be True ${actualTime} <= ${2000}
+*** Test Cases ***
+ [Documentation] Create a policy named 'onap.restart.tca' and version '1.0.0' using specific api
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${DATA}/vCPE.policy.monitoring.input.tosca.json
+ CreatePolicy /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.monitoring.tcagen2/versions/1.0.0/policies 200 ${postjson} onap.restart.tca 1.0.0
+ [Documentation] Create a policy named 'operational.apex.decisionMaker' and version '1.0.0' using specific api
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/apex.policy.decisionmaker.input.tosca.json
+ CreatePolicy /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies 200 ${postjson} operational.apex.decisionMaker 1.0.0
+ [Documentation] Create node templates in database using specific api
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${NODETEMPLATES}/nodetemplates.metadatasets.input.tosca.json
+ CreateNodeTemplate /policy/api/v1/nodetemplates 200 ${postjson} 3
+ [Documentation] Verify policy pap health check
+ ${resp}= GetReq /policy/pap/v1/healthcheck
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['code']} 200
+Consolidated Healthcheck
+ [Documentation] Verify policy consolidated health check
+ ${resp}= GetReq /policy/pap/v1/components/healthcheck
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['healthy']} True
+ [Documentation] Verify policy pap is exporting prometheus metrics
+ ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= GetMetrics ${POLICY_PAP_IP} ${auth} /policy/pap/v1/
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} http_server_requests_seconds_count{exception="None",method="GET",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",uri="/healthcheck",} 1.0
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} http_server_requests_seconds_count{exception="None",method="GET",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",uri="/components/healthcheck",} 1.0
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} spring_data_repository_invocations_seconds_count{exception="None",method="save",repository="PdpGroupRepository",state="SUCCESS",} 1.0
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} spring_data_repository_invocations_seconds_count{exception="None",method="findByKeyName",repository="PdpGroupRepository",state="SUCCESS",} 1.0
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} spring_data_repository_invocations_seconds_count{exception="None",method="findAll",repository="PolicyStatusRepository",state="SUCCESS",} 1.0
+ [Documentation] Verify policy pap statistics
+ ${resp}= GetReq /policy/pap/v1/statistics
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['code']} 200
+ [Documentation] Add a new PdpGroup named 'testGroup' in the policy database
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/
+ ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/batch 200 ${postjson} null ${auth}
+ [Documentation] Verify PdpGroups before activation
+ QueryPdpGroups 2 defaultGroup ACTIVE 0 testGroup PASSIVE 0
+ [Documentation] Change the state of PdpGroup named 'testGroup' to ACTIVE
+ ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ PerformPutRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/testGroup 200 state=ACTIVE ${auth}
+ [Documentation] Verify PdpGroups after activation
+ QueryPdpGroups 2 defaultGroup ACTIVE 0 testGroup ACTIVE 0
+ [Documentation] Deploy policies in PdpGroups
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/
+ ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/deployments/batch 202 ${postjson} null ${auth}
+ [Documentation] Verify PdpGroups after undeploy
+ QueryPdpGroups 2 defaultGroup ACTIVE 0 testGroup ACTIVE 1
+ [Documentation] Verify policy audit record after deploy
+ QueryPolicyAudit /policy/pap/v1/policies/audit 200 testGroup pdpTypeA onap.restart.tca DEPLOYMENT
+ [Documentation] Verify policy audit record after deploy
+ QueryPolicyAudit /policy/pap/v1/policies/audit 200 testGroup pdpTypeC operational.apex.decisionMaker DEPLOYMENT
+ [Documentation] Undeploy a policy named 'onap.restart.tca' from PdpGroups
+ ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ PerformDeleteRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/onap.restart.tca 202 ${auth}
+ [Documentation] Undeploy a policy named 'operational.apex.decisionMaker' from PdpGroups
+ ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ PerformDeleteRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/operational.apex.decisionMaker 202 ${auth}
+ [Documentation] Verify PdpGroups after undeploy
+ QueryPdpGroups 2 defaultGroup ACTIVE 0 testGroup ACTIVE 0
+ [Documentation] Verify policy audit record after undeploy
+ Sleep 20 seconds
+ QueryPolicyAudit /policy/pap/v1/policies/audit 200 testGroup pdpTypeA onap.restart.tca UNDEPLOYMENT
+ [Documentation] Verify policy audit record after undeploy
+ QueryPolicyAudit /policy/pap/v1/policies/audit 200 testGroup pdpTypeC operational.apex.decisionMaker UNDEPLOYMENT
+ [Documentation] Change the state of PdpGroup named 'testGroup' to PASSIVE
+ ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ PerformPutRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/testGroup 200 state=PASSIVE ${auth}
+ [Documentation] Delete the PdpGroup named 'testGroup' from policy database
+ ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ PerformDeleteRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/testGroup 200 ${auth}
+ [Documentation] Verify PdpGroups after delete
+ QueryPdpGroups 1 defaultGroup ACTIVE 0 null null null
+# ValidateSlaForPap
+# [Documentation] Run checks against Prometheus server to check response time
+# Sleep 30s
+# ValidateDeploymentTime
+# ValidateResponseTime pap-metrics /components/healthcheck GET 10000
+# ValidateResponseTimeForPap /healthcheck GET
+# ValidateResponseTimeForPap /statistics GET
+# ValidateResponseTimeForPap /policies/audit GET
+# ValidateResponseTimeForPap /pdps/groups/{name} PUT
+# ValidateResponseTimeForPap /pdps/policies/{name} DELETE
+# ValidateResponseTimeForPap /pdps/groups/{name} DELETE
+# ValidateResponseTimeForPap /pdps/groups/batch POST