path: root/csit/compose-grafana.yml
diff options
authoradheli.tavares <adheli.tavares@est.tech>2023-02-02 08:44:51 +0000
committeradheli.tavares <adheli.tavares@est.tech>2023-02-02 10:11:29 +0000
commitc6eb02ae0f1b9b69a248621e68dbc7a481ce95b7 (patch)
tree070fbbc0685ff2d9dab5a94c9c5bf11d272ca721 /csit/compose-grafana.yml
parent0700486a08b2bc08589f7e6b0be8338d6bbb4efa (diff)
Add configurations to run SLAs validations on CSITs
Issue-ID: POLICY-4531 Change-Id: Idf69fe888828fabd4ec0cd3c18fea7aff96caac8 Signed-off-by: adheli.tavares <adheli.tavares@est.tech>
Diffstat (limited to 'csit/compose-grafana.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/csit/compose-grafana.yml b/csit/compose-grafana.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 65106b18..00000000
--- a/csit/compose-grafana.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-# ===========LICENSE_START====================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation.
-# ============================================================================
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ============LICENSE_END=====================================================
-version: '2'
- mariadb:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/mariadb:${POLICY_MARIADB_VER}
- container_name: mariadb
- hostname: mariadb
- command: ['--lower-case-table-names=1', '--wait_timeout=28800']
- env_file: config/db/db.conf
- volumes:
- - ./config/db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:ro
- - ./config/clamp/policy-clamp-create-tables.sql:/tmp/policy-clamp-create-tables.sql
- expose:
- - 3306
- policy-db-migrator:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-db-migrator:${POLICY_DOCKER_VERSION}
- container_name: policy-db-migrator
- hostname: policy-db-migrator
- depends_on:
- - mariadb
- expose:
- - 6824
- env_file: config/db/db.conf
- environment:
- SQL_DB: policyadmin
- SQL_HOST: mariadb
- volumes:
- - ./db_migrator_policy_init.sh:/opt/app/policy/bin/db_migrator_policy_init.sh:ro
- - ./wait_for_port.sh:/opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh:ro
- entrypoint: /opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh
- command: [
- '-c',
- '/opt/app/policy/bin/db_migrator_policy_init.sh',
- 'mariadb', '3306'
- ]
- simulator:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-models-simulator:${POLICY_MODELS_VERSION}
- container_name: simulator
- hostname: simulator
- networks:
- default:
- aliases:
- - message-router
- - aai-sim
- - grpc-sim
- - sdnc-sim
- - so-sim
- - vfc-sim
- volumes:
- - ./config/sim-all:/opt/app/policy/simulators/etc/mounted:ro
- expose:
- - 6666
- - 6668
- - 6669
- - 6670
- - 3904
- - 6680
- ports:
- - 30227:3904
- api:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-api:${POLICY_API_VERSION}
- container_name: policy-api
- depends_on:
- - policy-db-migrator
- hostname: policy-api
- ports:
- - 30440:6969
- volumes:
- - ./config/api/apiParameters.yaml:/opt/app/policy/api/etc/apiParameters.yaml:ro
- - ./wait_for_port.sh:/opt/app/policy/api/bin/wait_for_port.sh:ro
- entrypoint: ./wait_for_port.sh
- command: [
- '-c', './policy-api.sh',
- 'mariadb', '3306',
- 'policy-db-migrator', '6824'
- ]
- pap:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-pap:${POLICY_PAP_VERSION}
- container_name: policy-pap
- depends_on:
- - mariadb
- - simulator
- - api
- hostname: policy-pap
- ports:
- - 30442:6969
- volumes:
- - ./config/pap/papParameters.yaml:/opt/app/policy/pap/etc/papParameters.yaml:ro
- - ./config/pap/groups.json:/opt/app/policy/pap/etc/mounted/groups.json:ro
- - ./wait_for_port.sh:/opt/app/policy/pap/bin/wait_for_port.sh:ro
- entrypoint: ./wait_for_port.sh
- command: [
- '-c', './policy-pap.sh',
- 'mariadb', '3306',
- 'message-router', '3904',
- 'api', '6969'
- ]
- xacml-pdp:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-xacml-pdp:${POLICY_XACML_PDP_VERSION}
- container_name: policy-xacml-pdp
- depends_on:
- - mariadb
- - simulator
- - pap
- hostname: policy-xacml-pdp
- ports:
- - 30441:6969
- - 30999:3904
- volumes:
- - ./config/xacml-pdp/defaultConfig.json:/opt/app/policy/pdpx/etc/defaultConfig.json:ro
- - ./wait_for_port.sh:/opt/app/policy/pdpx/bin/wait_for_port.sh:ro
- entrypoint: ./wait_for_port.sh
- command: [
- '-c', './policy-pdpx.sh',
- 'mariadb', '3306',
- 'message-router', '3904',
- 'pap', '6969'
- ]
- drools:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-drools:${POLICY_DROOLS_PDP_VERSION}
- container_name: drools
- depends_on:
- - mariadb
- - simulator
- - pap
- hostname: drools
- ports:
- - 30217:6969
- - 30216:9696
- volumes:
- - ./config/drools-pdp/custom:/tmp/policy-install/config:ro
- - ./wait_for_port.sh:/opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh:ro
- env_file:
- - config/drools-pdp/env/base.conf
- entrypoint: /opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh
- command: [
- '-c', '/opt/app/policy/bin/pdpd-entrypoint.sh boot',
- 'mariadb', '3306',
- 'message-router', '3904'
- ]
- drools-apps:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-pdpd-cl:${POLICY_DROOLS_APPS_VERSION}
- container_name: drools-apps
- depends_on:
- - mariadb
- - simulator
- - pap
- - xacml-pdp
- hostname: drools-apps
- ports:
- - 30221:6969
- - 30219:9696
- volumes:
- - ./config/drools-applications/custom:/tmp/policy-install/config:ro
- - ./wait_for_port.sh:/opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh:ro
- env_file:
- - config/drools-applications/env/base.conf
- - config/drools-applications/env/feature-healthcheck.conf
- - config/drools-applications/env/feature-pooling-dmaap.conf
- entrypoint: /opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh
- command: [
- '-c', '/opt/app/policy/bin/pdpd-cl-entrypoint.sh boot',
- 'mariadb', '3306',
- 'message-router', '3904',
- 'pap', '6969',
- 'aai-sim', '6666',
- 'sdnc-sim', '6668',
- 'so-sim', '6669',
- 'vfc-sim', '6670'
- ]
- apex-pdp:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-apex-pdp:${POLICY_APEX_PDP_VERSION}
- container_name: policy-apex-pdp
- depends_on:
- - mariadb
- - simulator
- - pap
- hostname: policy-apex-pdp
- ports:
- - 30237:6969
- expose:
- - 23324
- volumes:
- - ./config/apex-pdp/OnapPfConfig.json:/opt/app/policy/apex-pdp/etc/onappf/config/OnapPfConfig.json:ro
- - ./wait_for_port.sh:/opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh:ro
- entrypoint: /opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh
- command: [
- '-c', '/opt/app/policy/apex-pdp/bin/apexOnapPf.sh -c /opt/app/policy/apex-pdp/etc/onappf/config/OnapPfConfig.json',
- 'mariadb', '3306',
- 'message-router', '3904',
- 'pap', '6969'
- ]
- distribution:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-distribution:${POLICY_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION}
- container_name: policy-distribution
- depends_on:
- - mariadb
- - api
- - pap
- - apex-pdp
- hostname: policy-distribution
- ports:
- - 30238:6969
- volumes:
- - ./config/distribution/defaultConfig.json:/opt/app/policy/distribution/etc/defaultConfig.json:ro
- - ./distribution/config/temp/:/opt/app/policy/distribution/etc/temp/:ro
- - ./wait_for_port.sh:/opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh:ro
- entrypoint: /opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh
- command: [
- '-c', './policy-dist.sh',
- 'mariadb', '3306',
- 'message-router', '3904',
- 'pap', '6969',
- 'apex-pdp', '6969'
- ]
- policy-clamp-runtime-acm:
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/policy-clamp-runtime-acm:${POLICY_CLAMP_VERSION}
- container_name: policy-clamp-runtime-acm
- depends_on:
- - mariadb
- - simulator
- hostname: policy-clamp-runtime-acm
- ports:
- - 30258:6969
- volumes:
- - ./wait_for_port.sh:/opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh:ro
- - ./config/clamp/AcRuntimeParameters.yaml:/opt/app/policy/clamp/etc/AcRuntimeParameters.yaml:ro
- entrypoint: /opt/app/policy/bin/wait_for_port.sh
- command: [
- '-c', './acm-runtime.sh',
- 'message-router', '3904'
- ]
- prometheus:
- image: prom/prometheus:v2.32.1
- container_name: prometheus
- hostname: prometheus
- ports:
- - 30259:9090
- volumes:
- - ./metrics/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
- grafana:
- image: grafana/grafana-oss:8.3.4
- container_name: grafana
- depends_on:
- - prometheus
- hostname: grafana
- ports:
- - 30269:3000
- volumes:
- - ./metrics/dashboard.yaml:/etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/dashboard.yaml
- - ./metrics/datasource.yaml:/etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources/datasource.yaml
- - ./metrics/dashboards:/var/lib/grafana/dashboards
- node-exporter:
- image: prom/node-exporter:latest
- container_name: node-exporter
- restart: unless-stopped
- volumes:
- - /proc:/host/proc:ro
- - /sys:/host/sys:ro
- - /:/rootfs:ro
- command:
- - '--path.procfs=/host/proc'
- - '--path.rootfs=/rootfs'
- - '--path.sysfs=/host/sys'
- - '--collector.filesystem.mount-points-exclude=^/(sys|proc|dev|host|etc)($$|/)'
- expose:
- - 9100