const SDC_CONFIG = {
	"environment": "prod",
	"api": {
		"GET_component": "/v1/catalog/:type/:id",
		"PUT_component": "/v1/catalog/:type/:id/metadata",
		"GET_component_validate_name": "/v1/catalog/:type/validate-name/:name",
		"POST_changeLifecycleState": "/v1/catalog/",
		"component_api_root": "/v1/catalog/",
		"GET_user": "/v1/user/:id",
		"GET_user_authorize": "/v1/user/authorize",
		"GET_all_users": "/v1/user/users",
		"POST_create_user": "/v1/user",
		"DELETE_delete_user": "/v1/user/:id",
		"POST_edit_user_role": "/v1/user/:id/role",
		"GET_resource": "/v1/catalog/resources/:id",
		"GET_resources_certified_not_abstract": "/v1/catalog/resources/certified/notabstract/:id",
		"GET_resources_certified_abstract": "/v1/catalog/resources/certified/abstract/:id",
		"GET_resource_property": "/v1/catalog/:type/:entityId/properties/:id",
		"PUT_resource": "/v1/catalog/resources/:id/metadata",
		"GET_resource_artifact": "/v1/catalog/:type/:entityId/artifacts/:id",
		"GET_download_instance_artifact": "/v1/catalog/:type/:entityId/resourceInstances/:instanceId/artifacts/:id",
		"POST_instance_artifact": "/v1/catalog/:type/:entityId/resourceInstance/:instanceId/artifacts/:id",
		"GET_resource_additional_information": "/v1/catalog/:type/:entityId/additionalinfo/:id",
		"GET_service_artifact": "/v1/catalog/services/:serviceId/artifacts/:id",
		"GET_resource_interface_artifact": "/v1/catalog/:type/:entityId/standard/:operation/artifacts/:id",
		"GET_resource_api_artifact": "/v1/catalog/:type/:entityId/artifacts/api/:id",
		"GET_configuration_ui": "/v1/configuration/ui",
        "GET_plugins_configuration": "/config/ui/plugins",
		"GET_resource_validate_name": "/v1/catalog/resources/validate-name/:name",
		"GET_activity_log": "/v1/catalog/audit-records/:type/:id",
		"GET_service": "/v1/catalog/services/:id",
		"GET_service_validate_name": "/v1/catalog/services/validate-name/:name",
		"POST_service_distribution_deploy" : "/v1/catalog/services/:serviceId/distribution/:distributionId/markDeployed",
		"GET_element": "/v1/followed",
		"GET_catalog": "/v1/screen",
		"GET_ecomp_menu_items": "/v1/user/:userId/functionalmenu",
		"GET_resource_category": "/v1/resourceCategories",
		"GET_service_category": "/v1/serviceCategories",
		"resource_instance": "/v1/catalog/:entityType/:entityId/resourceInstance/:id",
		"GET_resource_instance_property": "/v1/catalog/:type/:entityId/resourceInstance/:componentInstanceId/property/:propertyValueId",
		"GET_relationship": "/v1/catalog/:entityType/:entityId/resourceInstance/:action",
		"GET_lifecycle_state_resource": "/v1/catalog/:type/:id/lifecycleState/:action",
		"root": "/sdc1/feProxy/rest",
        "no_proxy_root": "/sdc1/rest",
		"workflow_root": "/sdc1/feProxy/wf",
		"POST_workflow_artifact": "sdc/v1/catalog",
		"PUT_service": "/v1/catalog/services/:id/metadata",
		"GET_download_artifact": "/v1/catalog/",
        "GET_SDC_Version": "/version",
		"GET_categories": "/v1/categories/:types",
		"POST_category": "/v1/category/:types/:categoryId",
		"POST_subcategory": "/v1/category/:types/:categoryId/subCategory/:subCategoryId",
		"POST_change_instance_version": "/v1/catalog/:entityType/:entityId/resourceInstance/:id/changeVersion",
		"GET_requirements_capabilities": "/v1/catalog/requirmentsCapabilities/:type/:id",
		"GET_resource_artifact_types": "/v1/artifactTypes",
		"GET_onboarding": "/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-software-products/packages",
		"GET_component_from_csar_uuid": "/v1/catalog/resources/csar/:csar_uuid",
		"kibana": "/sdc1/kibanaProxy/",
		"services_api_root": "/v1/catalog/services/",
        "service":["CP","VF","VL", "PNF","CR","CVFC","SERVICE","Configuration","GROUP","POLICY"]
	"logConfig": {
		"minLogLevel": "debug",
		"prefix": "sdcApp"
	"cookie": {
		"junctionName": "IV_JCT",
		"prefix": "AMWEBJCT!",
		"userIdSuffix": "USER_ID",
		"userFirstName": "HTTP_CSP_FIRSTNAME",
		"userLastName": "HTTP_CSP_LASTNAME",
		"userEmail": "HTTP_CSP_EMAIL",
		"xEcompRequestId": " X-ECOMP-RequestID"
	"imagesPath": "/sdc1",
	"enableWorkflowAssociation": "true",
	"cpEndPointInstances" : ["cloudep","ossep","personep","premisesep"],
    "showOutlook": false,
	"categories": {},
	"testers": {
			"Network L2-3": "DL-ASDCL1-3ResourceCertificationTeam",
			"Network L4+": "DL-ASDCL4-7ResourceCertificationTeam",
			"Application L4+": "DL-ASDCL4-7ResourceCertificationTeam",
			"default": "DL-ASDCL1-3ResourceCertificationTeam;DL-ASDCL4-7ResourceCertificationTeam"
		"SERVICE": {
			"Network L1-3": "DL-ASDCL1-4ServiceCertificationTeam",
			"Network L4+": "DL-ASDCL4-7ServiceCertificationTeam",
			"default": "DL-ASDCL1-4ServiceCertificationTeam;DL-ASDCL4-7ServiceCertificationTeam"
	"roles": ["ADMIN", "TESTER", "GOVERNOR", "OPS", "DESIGNER"],
	"tutorial": {
		"tabs": [
				"name":"TUTRIAL_GENERA<style>.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
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<span class="c">  ============LICENSE_START=======================================================</span>
<span class="c">   Copyright (C) 2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved.</span>
<span class="c">  ================================================================================</span>
<span class="c">  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);</span>
<span class="c">  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.</span>
<span class="c">  You may obtain a copy of the License at</span>

<span class="c"></span>

<span class="c">  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software</span>
<span class="c">  distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,</span>
<span class="c">  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.</span>
<span class="c">  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and</span>
<span class="c">  limitations under the License.</span>

<span class="c">  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0</span>
<span class="c">  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================</span>
<span class="c">--&gt;</span>
<span class="nt">&lt;project</span> <span class="na">xmlns=</span><span class="s">&quot;;</span> <span class="na">xmlns:xsi=</span><span class="s">&quot;;</span> <span class="na">xsi:schemaLocation=</span><span class="s">&quot;;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
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