BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUplift jetty to version 12.x.yadheli.tavares5 days
osloUpdate gitreview for olso in apex-pdprameshiyer273 months
newdelhiupdate references for newdelhi branchadheli.tavares9 months
montrealSet Montreal default branchliamfallon16 months
java-17Bump snapshots for Java 17liamfallon18 months
londonAdd AVRO example for MyFirstPolicywaynedunican21 months
jakartaUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/apex-pdp to latest snapshotsliamfallon2 years
kohnUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/apex-pdp to latest snapshotsliamfallon2 years
honoluluUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/apex-pdp to latest snapshotsliamfallon2 years
istanbulAdd support for KafkaAvroSerializer in apex-pdpRam Krishna Verma2 years
guilinUpdate policy-keystore with newer certificatesjhh4 years
elaltobump poms to 2.2.4-SNAPSHOTjhh5 years
frankfurtPointing .gitreview to frankfurt branchRossC5 years
dublinBBS APEX policy not updating PNF attachment point after relocations003703466 years
casablancaUpgrade apex-pdp 2.0.5 versionPamela Dragosh6 years