BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterupdate link to upper-constraints.txtthmsdt11 months
montrealfix docs config filesthmsdt14 months
londonSet Python and Ubuntu versions in .readthedocs.yamlCédric Ollivier20 months
kohnfix doc config filesthmsdt2 years
jakartaUpdate release notesmalar3 years
istanbulUpdate release noteskrishnaa963 years
honolulu[DOC] Correct requirements for doc chain buildingEric Debeau3 years
guilinFix Release noteshariharan974 years
frankfurtMerge "Add upgrade strategy to docs" into frankfurtShankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan5 years
elalto[OPTFRA-585] Update release notesShankar Narayanan5 years
dublinDocument OJSI-122 vulnerabilityKrzysztof Opasiak6 years
casablancaUpdate the Casablanca Maintenance release notesShankar Narayanan6 years
beijingFixing functional test casesVarma, Vikas (vv8305)7 years
2.0.0-ONAPFixed the config dir and default policy scopePatel, Ankitkumar7 years