path: root/optimizers
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Diffstat (limited to 'optimizers')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 657 deletions
diff --git a/optimizers/__init__.py b/optimizers/__init__.py
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index e69de29..0000000
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index e69de29..0000000
--- a/optimizers/licenseopt/__init__.py
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diff --git a/optimizers/licenseopt/simple_license_allocation.py b/optimizers/licenseopt/simple_license_allocation.py
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index 1b5b670..0000000
--- a/optimizers/licenseopt/simple_license_allocation.py
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-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import json
-from requests import RequestException
-from osdf.datasources.sdc import sdc, constraint_handler
-from osdf.logging.osdf_logging import audit_log, metrics_log, MH
-from osdf.config.base import osdf_config
-from osdf.utils import data_mapping
-def license_optim(request_json):
- """
- Fetch license artifacts associated with the service model and search licensekey-group-UUID and entitlement-pool-uuid
- associated with the given att part number and nominal throughput in a request
- :param request_json: Request in a JSON format
- :return: A tuple of licensekey-group-uuid-list and entitlement-group-uuid-list
- """
- req_id = request_json["requestInfo"]["requestId"]
- config = osdf_config.deployment
- model_name = request_json['placementInfo']['serviceModelInfo']['modelName']
- service_name = data_mapping.get_service_type(model_name)
- license_info = []
- order_info = json.loads(request_json["placementInfo"]["orderInfo"])
- if service_name == 'VPE':
- data_mapping.normalize_user_params(order_info)
- for licenseDemand in request_json['placementInfo']['demandInfo']['licenseDemand']:
- metrics_log.info(MH.requesting("sdc", req_id))
- license_artifacts = sdc.request(licenseDemand['resourceModelInfo']['modelVersionId'],request_json["requestInfo"]["requestId"], config)
- entitlement_pool_uuids, license_key_group_uuids = constraint_handler.choose_license(license_artifacts,order_info, service_name)
- license_info.append(
- {'serviceResourceId': licenseDemand['serviceResourceId'],
- 'resourceModuleName': licenseDemand['resourceModuleName'],
- 'entitlementPoolList': entitlement_pool_uuids,
- 'licenseKeyGroupList': license_key_group_uuids
- })
- return license_info
diff --git a/optimizers/placementopt/__init__.py b/optimizers/placementopt/__init__.py
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index e69de29..0000000
--- a/optimizers/placementopt/__init__.py
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diff --git a/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/__init__.py b/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/__init__.py
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index e69de29..0000000
--- a/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/__init__.py
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diff --git a/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/api_builder.py b/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/api_builder.py
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index c0281fe..0000000
--- a/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/api_builder.py
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@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import copy
-import json
-from osdf.utils import data_mapping
-from jinja2 import Template
-from osdf.utils.programming_utils import list_flatten, dot_notation
-import osdf.optimizers.placementopt.conductor.translation as tr
-from osdf.adapters.policy.utils import group_policies
-def conductor_api_builder(request_json, flat_policies: list, local_config, prov_status,
- template="templates/conductor_interface.json"):
- """Build a SNIRO southbound API call for Conductor/Placement optimization
- :param request_json: parameter data received from a client
- :param flat_policies: policy data received from the policy platform (flat policies)
- :param template: template to generate southbound API call to conductor
- :param local_config: local configuration file with pointers for the service specific information
- :param prov_status: provStatus retrieved from Subscriber policy
- :return: json to be sent to Conductor/placement optimization
- """
- templ = Template(open(template).read())
- gp = group_policies(flat_policies)
- demand_vnf_name_list = []
- for placementDemand in request_json['placementInfo']['demandInfo']['placementDemand']:
- demand_vnf_name_list.append(placementDemand['resourceModuleName'])
- demand_list = tr.gen_demands(request_json['placementInfo']['demandInfo'], gp['vnfPolicy'])
- attribute_policy_list = tr.gen_attribute_policy(demand_vnf_name_list, gp['attribute'])
- distance_to_location_policy_list = tr.gen_distance_to_location_policy(
- demand_vnf_name_list, gp['distance_to_location'])
- inventory_policy_list = tr.gen_inventory_group_policy(demand_vnf_name_list, gp['inventory_group'])
- resource_instance_policy_list = tr.gen_resource_instance_policy(
- demand_vnf_name_list, gp['instance_fit'])
- resource_region_policy_list = tr.gen_resource_region_policy(demand_vnf_name_list, gp['region_fit'])
- zone_policy_list = tr.gen_zone_policy(demand_vnf_name_list, gp['zone'])
- optimization_policy_list = tr.gen_optimization_policy(demand_vnf_name_list, gp['placementOptimization'])
- reservation_policy_list = tr.gen_reservation_policy(demand_vnf_name_list, gp['instance_reservation'])
- conductor_policies = [attribute_policy_list, distance_to_location_policy_list, inventory_policy_list,
- resource_instance_policy_list, resource_region_policy_list, zone_policy_list]
- filtered_policies = [x for x in conductor_policies if len(x) > 0]
- policy_groups = list_flatten(filtered_policies)
- reservation_policies = [x for x in reservation_policy_list if len(x) > 0]
- reservation_groups = list_flatten(reservation_policies)
- req_info = request_json['requestInfo']
- model_name = request_json['placementInfo']['serviceModelInfo']['modelName']
- service_type = data_mapping.get_service_type(model_name)
- service_info = local_config.get('service_info', {}).get(service_type, {})
- if 'orderInfo' in request_json["placementInfo"]:
- order_info = json.loads(request_json["placementInfo"]["orderInfo"])
- request_type = req_info.get('requestType', None)
- subs_com_site_id = ""
- if 'subscriberInfo' in request_json['placementInfo']:
- subs_com_site_id = request_json['placementInfo']['subscriberInfo'].get('subscriberCommonSiteId', "")
- if service_type == 'vCPE':
- data_mapping.normalize_user_params(order_info)
- rendered_req = templ.render(
- requestType=request_type,
- chosenComplex=subs_com_site_id,
- demand_list=demand_list,
- policy_groups=policy_groups,
- optimization_policies=optimization_policy_list,
- name=req_info['requestId'],
- timeout=req_info['timeout'],
- limit=req_info['numSolutions'],
- serviceType=service_type,
- serviceInstance=request_json['placementInfo']['serviceInstanceId'],
- provStatus = prov_status,
- chosenRegion=order_info['requestParameters']['lcpCloudRegionId'],
- json=json)
- elif service_type == 'UNKNOWN':
- rendered_req = templ.render(
- requestType=request_type,
- chosenComplex=subs_com_site_id,
- demand_list=demand_list,
- policy_groups=policy_groups,
- reservation_groups=reservation_groups,
- optimization_policies=optimization_policy_list,
- name=req_info['requestId'],
- timeout=req_info['timeout'],
- limit=req_info['numSolutions'],
- serviceType=service_type,
- serviceInstance=request_json['placementInfo']['serviceInstanceId'],
- provStatus = prov_status,
- # process order data
- bandwidth=dot_notation(order_info, service_info['bandwidth']),
- bandwidth_unit=dot_notation(order_info, service_info['bandwidth_units']),
- json=json)
- json_payload = json.dumps(json.loads(rendered_req)) # need this because template's JSON is ugly!
- return json_payload
-def retrieve_node(req_json, reference):
- """
- Get the child node(s) from the dot-notation [reference] and parent [req_json].
- For placement and other requests, there are encoded JSONs inside the request or policy,
- so we need to expand it and then do a search over the parent plus expanded JSON.
- """
- req_json_copy = copy.deepcopy(req_json) # since we expand the JSON in place, we work on a copy
- if 'orderInfo' in req_json_copy['placementInfo']:
- req_json_copy['placementInfo']['orderInfo'] = json.loads(req_json_copy['placementInfo']['orderInfo'])
- info = dot_notation(req_json_copy, reference)
- return list_flatten(info) if isinstance(info, list) else info
diff --git a/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/conductor.py b/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/conductor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bdc7f17..0000000
--- a/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/conductor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-This application generates conductor API calls using the information received from SO and Policy platform.
-import json
-import time
-from jinja2 import Template
-from requests import RequestException
-from osdf.logging.osdf_logging import debug_log
-from osdf.optimizers.placementopt.conductor.api_builder import conductor_api_builder
-from osdf.utils.interfaces import RestClient
-from osdf.operation.exceptions import BusinessException
-def request(req_object, osdf_config, grouped_policies, prov_status):
- """
- Process a placement request from a Client (build Conductor API call, make the call, return result)
- :param req_object: Request parameters from the client
- :param osdf_config: Configuration specific to SNIRO application (core + deployment)
- :param grouped_policies: policies related to placement (fetched based on request, and grouped by policy type)
- :param prov_status: provStatus retrieved from Subscriber policy
- :return: response from Conductor (accounting for redirects from Conductor service
- """
- config = osdf_config.deployment
- local_config = osdf_config.core
- uid, passwd = config['conductorUsername'], config['conductorPassword']
- conductor_url = config['conductorUrl']
- req_id = req_object['requestInfo']['requestId']
- transaction_id = req_object['requestInfo']['transactionId']
- headers = dict(transaction_id=transaction_id)
- max_retries = config.get('conductorMaxRetries', 30)
- ping_wait_time = config.get('conductorPingWaitTime', 60)
- rc = RestClient(userid=uid, passwd=passwd, method="GET", log_func=debug_log.debug, headers=headers)
- conductor_req_json_str = conductor_api_builder(req_object, grouped_policies, local_config, prov_status)
- conductor_req_json = json.loads(conductor_req_json_str)
- debug_log.debug("Sending first Conductor request for request_id {}".format(req_id))
- resp, raw_resp = initial_request_to_conductor(rc, conductor_url, conductor_req_json)
- # Very crude way of keeping track of time.
- # We are not counting initial request time, first call back, or time for HTTP request
- total_time, ctr = 0, 2
- client_timeout = req_object['requestInfo']['timeout']
- configured_timeout = max_retries * ping_wait_time
- max_timeout = min(client_timeout, configured_timeout)
- while True: # keep requesting conductor till we get a result or we run out of time
- if resp is not None:
- if resp["plans"][0].get("status") in ["error"]:
- raise RequestException(response=raw_resp, request=raw_resp.request)
- if resp["plans"][0].get("status") in ["done", "not found"]:
- if resp["plans"][0].get("recommendations"):
- return conductor_response_processor(resp, raw_resp, req_id)
- else: # "solved" but no solutions found
- return conductor_no_solution_processor(resp, raw_resp, req_id)
- new_url = resp['plans'][0]['links'][0][0]['href'] # TODO: check why a list of lists
- if total_time >= max_timeout:
- raise BusinessException("Conductor could not provide a solution within {} seconds, this transaction is timing out".format(max_timeout))
- time.sleep(ping_wait_time)
- ctr += 1
- debug_log.debug("Attempt number {} url {}; prior status={}".format(ctr, new_url, resp['plans'][0]['status']))
- total_time += ping_wait_time
- try:
- raw_resp = rc.request(new_url, raw_response=True)
- resp = raw_resp.json()
- except RequestException as e:
- debug_log.debug("Conductor attempt {} for request_id {} has failed because {}".format(ctr, req_id, str(e)))
-def initial_request_to_conductor(rc, conductor_url, conductor_req_json):
- """First steps in the request-redirect chain in making a call to Conductor
- :param rc: REST client object for calling conductor
- :param conductor_url: conductor's base URL to submit a placement request
- :param conductor_req_json: request json object to send to Conductor
- :return: URL to check for follow up (similar to redirects); we keep checking these till we get a result/error
- """
- debug_log.debug("Payload to Conductor: {}".format(json.dumps(conductor_req_json)))
- raw_resp = rc.request(url=conductor_url, raw_response=True, method="POST", json=conductor_req_json)
- resp = raw_resp.json()
- if resp["status"] != "template":
- raise RequestException(response=raw_resp, request=raw_resp.request)
- time.sleep(10) # 10 seconds wait time to avoid being too quick!
- plan_url = resp["links"][0][0]["href"]
- debug_log.debug("Attemping to read the plan from the conductor provided url {}".format(plan_url))
- raw_resp = rc.request(raw_response=True, url=plan_url) # TODO: check why a list of lists for links
- resp = raw_resp.json()
- if resp["plans"][0]["status"] in ["error"]:
- raise RequestException(response=raw_resp, request=raw_resp.request)
- return resp, raw_resp # now the caller of this will handle further follow-ups
-def conductor_response_processor(conductor_response, raw_response, req_id):
- """Build a response object to be sent to client's callback URL from Conductor's response
- This includes Conductor's placement optimization response, and required ASDC license artifacts
- :param conductor_response: JSON response from Conductor
- :param raw_response: Raw HTTP response corresponding to above
- :param req_id: Id of a request
- :return: JSON object that can be sent to the client's callback URL
- """
- composite_solutions = []
- name_map = {"physical-location-id": "cloudClli", "host_id": "vnfHostName",
- "cloud_version": "cloudVersion", "cloud_owner": "cloudOwner"}
- for reco in conductor_response['plans'][0]['recommendations']:
- for resource in reco.keys():
- c = reco[resource]['candidate']
- solution = {
- 'resourceModuleName': resource,
- 'serviceResourceId': reco[resource]['service_resource_id'],
- 'inventoryType': c['inventory_type'],
- 'serviceInstanceId': c['candidate_id'] if c['inventory_type'] == "service" else "",
- 'cloudRegionId': c['location_id'],
- 'assignmentInfo': []
- }
- for key, value in reco[resource]['attributes'].items():
- try:
- solution['assignmentInfo'].append({"variableName": name_map[key], "variableValue": value})
- except KeyError:
- debug_log.debug("The key[{}] is not mapped and will not be returned in assignment info".format(key))
- if c.get('host_id'):
- solution['assignmentInfo'].append({'variableName': name_map['host_id'], 'variableValue': c['host_id']})
- composite_solutions.append(solution)
- request_state = conductor_response['plans'][0]['status']
- transaction_id = raw_response.headers.get('transaction_id', "")
- status_message = conductor_response.get('plans')[0].get('message', "")
- solution_info = {}
- if composite_solutions:
- solution_info['placementInfo'] = composite_solutions
- resp = {
- "transactionId": transaction_id,
- "requestId": req_id,
- "requestState": request_state,
- "statusMessage": status_message,
- "solutionInfo": solution_info
- }
- return resp
-def conductor_no_solution_processor(conductor_response, raw_response, request_id,
- template_placement_response="templates/plc_opt_response.jsont"):
- """Build a response object to be sent to client's callback URL from Conductor's response
- This is for case where no solution is found
- :param conductor_response: JSON response from Conductor
- :param raw_response: Raw HTTP response corresponding to above
- :param request_id: request Id associated with the client request (same as conductor response's "name")
- :param template_placement_response: the template for generating response to client (plc_opt_response.jsont)
- :return: JSON object that can be sent to the client's callback URL
- """
- status_message = conductor_response["plans"][0].get("message")
- templ = Template(open(template_placement_response).read())
- return json.loads(templ.render(composite_solutions=[], requestId=request_id,
- transactionId=raw_response.headers.get('transaction_id', ""),
- statusMessage=status_message, json=json))
diff --git a/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/remote_opt_processor.py b/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/remote_opt_processor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f753a70..0000000
--- a/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/remote_opt_processor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-from requests import RequestException
-import traceback
-from osdf.operation.error_handling import build_json_error_body
-from osdf.logging.osdf_logging import metrics_log, MH, error_log
-from osdf.optimizers.placementopt.conductor import conductor
-from osdf.optimizers.licenseopt.simple_license_allocation import license_optim
-from osdf.utils.interfaces import get_rest_client
-def process_placement_opt(request_json, policies, osdf_config, prov_status):
- """Perform the work for placement optimization (e.g. call SDC artifact and make conductor request)
- NOTE: there is scope to make the requests to policy asynchronous to speed up overall performance
- :param request_json: json content from original request
- :param policies: flattened policies corresponding to this request
- :param osdf_config: configuration specific to OSDF app
- :param prov_status: provStatus retrieved from Subscriber policy
- :return: None, but make a POST to callback URL
- """
- try:
- rc = get_rest_client(request_json, service="so")
- req_id = request_json["requestInfo"]["requestId"]
- transaction_id = request_json['requestInfo']['transactionId']
- metrics_log.info(MH.inside_worker_thread(req_id))
- license_info = None
- if 'licenseDemand' in request_json['placementInfo']['demandInfo']:
- license_info = license_optim(request_json)
- # Conductor only handles placement, only call Conductor if placementDemands exist
- if 'placementDemand' in request_json['placementInfo']['demandInfo']:
- metrics_log.info(MH.requesting("placement/conductor", req_id))
- placement_response = conductor.request(request_json, osdf_config, policies, prov_status)
- if license_info: # Attach license solution if it exists
- placement_response['solutionInfo']['licenseInfo'] = license_info
- else: # License selection only scenario
- placement_response = {
- "transactionId": transaction_id,
- "requestId": req_id,
- "requestState": "complete",
- "statusMessage": "License selection completed successfully",
- "solutionInfo": {"licenseInfo": license_info}
- }
- except Exception as err:
- error_log.error("Error for {} {}".format(req_id, traceback.format_exc()))
- try:
- body = build_json_error_body(err)
- metrics_log.info(MH.sending_response(req_id, "ERROR"))
- rc.request(json=body, noresponse=True)
- except RequestException:
- error_log.error("Error sending asynchronous notification for {} {}".format(req_id, traceback.format_exc()))
- return
- try:
- metrics_log.info(MH.calling_back_with_body(req_id, rc.url,placement_response))
- rc.request(json=placement_response, noresponse=True)
- except RequestException : # can't do much here but log it and move on
- error_log.error("Error sending asynchronous notification for {} {}".format(req_id, traceback.format_exc()))
diff --git a/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/translation.py b/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/translation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 036398a..0000000
--- a/optimizers/placementopt/conductor/translation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import json
-from osdf.utils.data_conversion import text_to_symbol
-from osdf.utils import data_mapping
-def gen_optimization_policy(vnf_list, optimization_policy):
- """Generate optimization policy details to pass to Conductor
- :param vnf_list: List of vnf's to used in placement request
- :param optimization_policy: optimization policy information provided in the incoming request
- :return: List of optimization policies in a format required by Conductor
- """
- optimization_policy_list = []
- for policy in optimization_policy:
- content = policy['content']
- parameter_list = []
- for attr in content['objectiveParameter']['parameterAttributes']:
- parameter = attr['parameter'] if attr['parameter'] == "cloud_version" else attr['parameter']+"_between"
- for res in attr['resource']:
- vnf = get_matching_vnf(res, vnf_list)
- value = [vnf] if attr['parameter'] == "cloud_version" else [attr['customerLocationInfo'], vnf]
- parameter_list.append({
- attr['operator']: [attr['weight'], {parameter: value}]
- })
- optimization_policy_list.append({
- content['objective']: {content['objectiveParameter']['operator']: parameter_list }
- })
- return optimization_policy_list
-def get_matching_vnf(resource, vnf_list):
- for vnf in vnf_list:
- if resource in vnf:
- return vnf
- return resource
-def get_matching_vnfs(resources, vnf_list, match_type="intersection"):
- """Get a list of matching VNFs from the list of resources
- :param resources:
- :param vnf_list: List of vnf's to used in placement request
- :param match_type: "intersection" or "all" or "any" (any => send all_vnfs if there is any intersection)
- :return: List of matching VNFs
- """
- common_vnfs = []
- for vnf in vnf_list:
- for resource in resources:
- if resource in vnf:
- common_vnfs.append(vnf)
- if match_type == "intersection": # specifically requested intersection
- return common_vnfs
- elif common_vnfs or match_type == "all": # ("any" and common) OR "all"
- return resources
- return None
-def gen_policy_instance(vnf_list, resource_policy, match_type="intersection", rtype=None):
- """Generate a list of policies
- :param vnf_list: List of vnf's to used in placement request
- :param resource_policy: policy for this specific resource
- :param match_type: How to match the vnf_names with the vnf_list (intersection or "any")
- intersection => return intersection; "any" implies return all vnf_names if intersection is not null
- :param rtype: resource type (e.g. resourceRegionProperty or resourceInstanceProperty)
- None => no controller information added to the policy specification to Conductor
- :return: resource policy list in a format required by Conductor
- """
- resource_policy_list = []
- related_policies = []
- for policy in resource_policy:
- pc = policy['content']
- demands = get_matching_vnfs(pc['resourceInstanceType'], vnf_list, match_type=match_type)
- resource = {pc['identity']: {'type': pc['type'], 'demands': demands}}
- if rtype:
- resource[pc['identity']]['properties'] = {'controller': pc[rtype]['controller'],
- 'request': json.loads(pc[rtype]['request'])}
- if demands and len(demands) != 0:
- resource_policy_list.append(resource)
- related_policies.append(policy)
- return resource_policy_list, related_policies
-def gen_resource_instance_policy(vnf_list, resource_instance_policy):
- """Get policies governing resource instances in order to populate the Conductor API call"""
- cur_policies, _ = gen_policy_instance(vnf_list, resource_instance_policy, rtype='resourceInstanceProperty')
- return cur_policies
-def gen_resource_region_policy(vnf_list, resource_region_policy):
- """Get policies governing resource region in order to populate the Conductor API call"""
- cur_policies, _ = gen_policy_instance(vnf_list, resource_region_policy, rtype='resourceRegionProperty')
- return cur_policies
-def gen_inventory_group_policy(vnf_list, inventory_group_policy):
- """Get policies governing inventory group in order to populate the Conductor API call"""
- cur_policies, _ = gen_policy_instance(vnf_list, inventory_group_policy, rtype=None)
- return cur_policies
-def gen_reservation_policy(vnf_list, reservation_policy):
- """Get policies governing resource instances in order to populate the Conductor API call"""
- cur_policies, _ = gen_policy_instance(vnf_list, reservation_policy, rtype='instanceReservationProperty')
- return cur_policies
-def gen_distance_to_location_policy(vnf_list, distance_to_location_policy):
- """Get policies governing distance-to-location for VNFs in order to populate the Conductor API call"""
- cur_policies, related_policies = gen_policy_instance(vnf_list, distance_to_location_policy, rtype=None)
- for p_new, p_main in zip(cur_policies, related_policies): # add additional fields to each policy
- properties = p_main['content']['distanceToLocationProperty']
- pcp_d = properties['distanceCondition']
- p_new[p_main['content']['identity']]['properties'] = {
- 'distance': text_to_symbol[pcp_d['operator']] + " " + pcp_d['value'].lower(),
- 'location': properties['locationInfo']
- }
- return cur_policies
-def gen_attribute_policy(vnf_list, attribute_policy):
- """Get policies governing attributes of VNFs in order to populate the Conductor API call"""
- cur_policies, related_policies = gen_policy_instance(vnf_list, attribute_policy, rtype=None)
- for p_new, p_main in zip(cur_policies, related_policies): # add additional fields to each policy
- properties = p_main['content']['cloudAttributeProperty']
- p_new[p_main['content']['identity']]['properties'] = {
- 'evaluate': {
- 'hypervisor': properties.get('hypervisor', ''),
- 'cloud_version': properties.get('cloudVersion', ''),
- 'cloud_type': properties.get('cloudType', ''),
- 'dataplane': properties.get('dataPlane', ''),
- 'network_roles': properties.get('networkRoles', ''),
- 'complex': properties.get('complex', ''),
- 'state': properties.get('state', ''),
- 'country': properties.get('country', ''),
- 'geo_region': properties.get('geoRegion', ''),
- 'exclusivity_groups': properties.get('exclusivityGroups', ''),
- 'replication_role': properties.get('replicationRole', '')
- }
- }
- return cur_policies
-def gen_zone_policy(vnf_list, zone_policy):
- """Get zone policies in order to populate the Conductor API call"""
- cur_policies, related_policies = gen_policy_instance(vnf_list, zone_policy, rtype=None)
- for p_new, p_main in zip(cur_policies, related_policies): # add additional fields to each policy
- pmz = p_main['content']['zoneProperty']
- p_new[p_main['content']['identity']]['properties'] = {'category': pmz['category'], 'qualifier': pmz['qualifier']}
- return cur_policies
-def get_demand_properties(demand, policies):
- """Get list demand properties objects (named tuples) from policy"""
- def _get_candidates(candidate_info):
- return [dict(inventory_type=x['candidateType'], candidate_id=x['candidates']) for x in candidate_info]
- properties = []
- for policy in policies:
- for resourceInstanceType in policy['content']['resourceInstanceType']:
- if resourceInstanceType in demand['resourceModuleName']:
- for x in policy['content']['property']:
- property = dict(inventory_provider=x['inventoryProvider'],
- inventory_type=x['inventoryType'],
- service_resource_id=demand['serviceResourceId'])
- if 'attributes' in x:
- attributes = {}
- for k,v in x['attributes'].items():
- key=data_mapping.convert(k)
- attributes[key] = v
- if(key=="model-invariant-id"):
- attributes[key]=demand['resourceModelInfo']['modelInvariantId']
- elif(key=="model-version-id"):
- attributes[key]=demand['resourceModelInfo']['modelVersionId']
- property.update({"attributes": attributes})
- if x['inventoryType'] == "cloud":
- property['region'] = {'get_param': "CHOSEN_REGION"}
- if 'exclusionCandidateInfo' in demand:
- property['excluded_candidates'] = _get_candidates(demand['exclusionCandidateInfo'])
- if 'requiredCandidateInfo' in demand:
- property['required_candidates'] = _get_candidates(demand['requiredCandidateInfo'])
- properties.append(property)
- if len(properties) == 0:
- properties.append(dict(customer_id="", service_type="", inventory_provider="", inventory_type=""))
- return properties
-def gen_demands(req_json, vnf_policies):
- """Generate list of demands based on request and VNF policies
- :param req_json: Request object from the client (e.g. MSO)
- :param vnf_policies: Policies associated with demand resources (e.g. from grouped_policies['vnfPolicy'])
- :return: list of demand parameters to populate the Conductor API call
- """
- demand_dictionary = {}
- for placementDemand in req_json['placementDemand']:
- demand_dictionary.update({placementDemand['resourceModuleName']: get_demand_properties(placementDemand, vnf_policies)})
- return demand_dictionary